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Thread: The Rules of Enmity: NC17

  1. #511
    Hopelessly Addicted georgee5's Avatar
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    Hudson Bay, SK, CANADA!!!

    The Rules of Enmity

    "Its all noise, Luthor." The elevator doors opened. "I love her, it’s something she knows and can relate to. You’ll need to make an extra effort if you want her ever to associate you with that emotion."

    "She knows the difference," Lex said, softly. He didn’t usually explain himself, but this man had been the one thing standing between Chloe and probable death.

    "Sex between strangers can play tricks when there’s chemistry, but make sure you’re capable of giving her what she needs before she starts to need it from you."
    OK, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "Can I have Charlie?" He is the most sensitive, strong, 'bad boy', OC I have ever read. Please, pretty please?

  2. #512
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    That was a great update and I enjoyed the pissing contest. But Charlie should know Lex always wins it in the end.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #513
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    I just love reading stories where two guys are arguing over who loves Chloe more fantastic reading Charlie is so sweet and very protective of Chloe I just hope Lex treats Chloe right or else Lex will have to deal with him. Right now I can hardly wait to see if Lex and Chloe get to have a naked nap!!!

  4. #514
    NS Full Member katieandjason's Avatar
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    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    This is an excellent update. The pissing contest was absolutely hilarious, but not only that it had some really good stuff in it.

    "Its all noise, Luthor." The elevator doors opened. "I love her, it’s something she knows and can relate to. You’ll need to make an extra effort if you want her ever to associate you with that emotion."

    That's so awesome, and a hint of what's to come.

    "Sex between strangers can play tricks when there’s chemistry, but make sure you’re capable of giving her what she needs before she starts to need it from you."

    That touched my heart, it really did, and I'm not quite sure why. But I loved that line. I guess it shows how much Charlie knows and cares about Chloe, he wants Lex to know her well enough that Lex will be able to be emotionally available and dependable for her before she even realizes she needs to count on him. I think. I'm not sure, all I know is that I love that line.

  5. #515
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    Fantastic update !
    Loved Charlie being all protective over Chloe, he is so sweet !

  6. #516
    NS Full Member
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    13 May 2003

    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    Great chapter. }The pissing contest was fn and I likes Chalie telling Lex all he knows about Lex.

    Could you do something in an upcoming chapter with Chloe, lex, and the tatoos? I'll let you think of what as i'm open to anything, i just love how unique they are and how they have gotten our two fav peeps togethert.

    sorry for the typing i olny have one hand to type`ttoday.

  7. #517
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    sorry for the typing i olny have one hand to type`ttoday
    Tee Hee, what are you doing with the other one?

  8. #518
    NS Full Member
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    29 Sep 2005

    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    Awesome!!!!!!!!! I love the whole connection that Charlie has with Chloe; they would actually make a good couple..............Please update soon; I can not wait to see what happens next...............I love it...........

  9. #519
    NS Junior Member
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    04 Feb 2005

    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    Yay for the update.

    I can't tell if you are wrapping up the before or after the charity ball. I really like this incanation of chloe and Lex so I wouldn't mind after.

    The pissing contest was really cute...but I firmly on Lex's side.

  10. #520
    NS Full Member zelda's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003

    Re: The Rules of Enmity: NC17*chp 28... 12.11.05*!!!!

    Lex walked back to the room and loosened his tie. He didn’t see Chloe in the living room so he kicked off his shoes and picked up the phone, requesting that the suite not be disturbed. Then he walked into the bedroom.

    Chloe was putting her shoes on and looked up quickly when he walked in.

    “I thought you wanted a nap,” he said, hiding his disappointment.

    “I do, but I haven’t let housekeeping into my suite for a while and thought it might be nice to have the, uh, linens changed.”

    “Right, my place, then?” Lex had the urge to hold out his hand to her but placed his hands in his pockets. He felt funny about walking down the hallway holding her hand. He shouldn’t, he thought to himself as Chloe tied her shoes and got up, going to the bureau and pulling out some clean clothes. Lex called the front desk to request housekeeping service and told them they would return within a few hours. They walked to Lex’s suite without saying anything and he opened the door for her.

    “Wow, I should’ve held out for a better room.” Chloe’s eyes widened as she walked in the door. If she was in a luxury suite, she didn’t know what the name for his was. “Is this the best room they’ve got here?”

    “Yes, it’s the Presidential suite.” Lex looked around him, curiously. “It’s pretty nice, I like feeling like I’m in an apartment.”

    Chloe tried not to stare at the light, oriental wooden paneling on the walls and marble floor. There were a lot of doors and she wasn’t certain where to go first. Lex made the first move. He placed a hand at her back and ushered her into the sunken living room. Picking up a remote control from the coffee table, he began pressing buttons. The first pulled back the drapes from the window and Chloe immediately went to look at the view.

    The window faced a different direction and was curved to show a panoramic view of the city. Chloe felt like her eyes weren’t big enough to take it in. A bench upholstered in white silk looked too pretty to sit on. She ran her fingers over it and spied a couple of magazines fanned out on a glass table beside the bench. The hotels where Chloe usually stayed had travel magazines with stuff like towel warmers, luggage and travel translators. Lex’s suite featured magazines advertising Harry Winston Diamonds and the finest in private aircraft. She didn’t want to look at the plane ads, she remembered being impressed by the price of a forty-foot barter yacht in her dad’s old boating magazine. Here, there was no comparison.

    Lex came up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist. She leaned back against his shoulder and rested her temple beside his chin.

    “You get this place for the view?” she asked, staring out at the city. Standing so close to the window, it was the only thing she could see.

    “Of course,” he replied, sliding his hands down her arms and moving them away from her sides. “It makes me feel like…” he paused before flinging both of their arms wide, “I’m the King of the World!”

    Chloe laughed, feeling herself relax. “Do you trust me?” he asked, swaying as if on the bow of the Titanic. She swayed with him.

    “I trust you,” she replied in a breathless, Kate Winslet imitation. Lex swung her up into his arms dramatically and placed a foot on the bench.

    “You jump, I jump, okay?”

    “Not till I’ve had a chance to see the rest of this ship, Jack.”
    “Do I get to draw you naked later?”

    “Bring the candlelight, the sketchpad, and the gigantic blue diamond and I’ll let you airbrush classic cartoons on my butt if you want.”


    “Hey, I’m easy to please.” She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Want to take a shower before we…take a nap?”

    “We can do better than that,” Lex answered, walking through the living room, still carrying Chloe, and headed for one of the doors across the room. When he opened the door with the hand that was under her knees, he pretended to be tired. “When they said it was 2,200 square feet, I thought it was great. Now I’m not so sure.” Chloe kicked the door with a free foot and it swung open to reveal a huge marble bathroom.

    A pedestal with a whirlpool bath stood in the center. Tucked in the corner was a glass-walled shower.

    “Oh, His and Hers.”

    “That’s where we’re both headed,” Lex said, crossing the floor and placing her feet on the lowest step to the bathtub. “It’s big enough for two.”

    “More like four, but lets take things slow,” Chloe joked. “You grab the towels, I’ll run the bath.”

    Lex went to the linen closet just outside the bathroom door and collected a pile of soft, fluffy towels and a pair of robes. He heard the water turn on and kicked off his shoes next to the sofa. Then he undressed in the living room and placed his clothes in the hamper. Then he donned one of the robes and went back into the bathroom.

    Chloe was leaning over the edge of the tub, adjusting the temperature of the water. Lex leaned his back against the door and watched as Chloe bent over to untie her sneakers. She was enjoyable to watch, not just because she was attractive; but because he no longer had to hide his fascination with her. “Are you just gonna watch from there?” She asked, not turning around.

    “For a bit,” he replied. Chloe shrugged and continued to undress.

    “Suit yourself.” Her words had a slightly defensive quality to them and her movements were suddenly awkward as she pulled her jersey over her head. Lex stood upright at the sight of her back. He realized he hadn’t seen her injuries in the light. He moved to her automatically and reached out for her shoulder, only to draw back when he noticed that the spot he’d been about to touch was purplish black.

    “What happened here?” he asked, moving gentle fingers around the bruise. “And here?” He touched a shallow gouge in the back of Chloe’s neck.

    “The shoulder was from when I was on the floor with Jake. Not sure exactly how. The neck injury was courtesy of Officer Tan.”

    “Did you have it covered with make-up earlier?”

    “At the press conference, yeah. But I’ve just been wearing more clothes than usual.” She shrugged and gingerly removed one sock, then the other. “My feet are about to declare mutiny if I keep walking on broken glass.” The tone of her voice fell short of being light. She still wore a tank top that he helped her remove. Lex noted that she was hiding her discomfort.

    “Pulled muscles?”

    “All of them.”

    “Want me to get a masseusse?” The offer fell short when he saw her bare back. She was speckled with large and small bruises. “Guess that wouldn’t be a good idea.”

    “Uh, no. But soaking in the tub and resting have done wonders for me.” Chloe smiled over her shoulder. Before she could unbutton her jeans, Lex turned her towards him and looked at her. Really looked at her. She didn’t try to smile any more and Lex examined her injuries. He started with her hands. There were bruised and skinned knuckles, broken nails, and a couple of scratches. Then her moved his fingertips along her wrists where the skin was a fresher, reddish-purple.

    “What about here?”

    “Jake held my arms down. The twisting rubbed them against each other.” Her elbows were red and roughened with carpet burn, and he didn’t need to ask about that. He moved his hands up her arms and over the matching thumb prints left by the A.D.A’s attack. The smaller finger prints around her throat were from Katie. The cut on her eyebrow was a thin, red scab. She’d taken off the bandage.

    Lex turned her back around and slipped the straps of her bra down her shoulders and gently removed it. He smoothed a palm down her back and felt her tense slightly when he touched an abrasion on her right hip. It began right at the waistband of her jeans.

    “You hide pain all the time.”

    “So do you.”

    Lex helped her to remove her jeans and managed not to grimace when he saw the claw marks that barely looked more like they’d been left by an animal than a human. They were along the side of her hip and the side of her panties.

    “Is this where he-”

    “He tried,” Chloe said, You came in just afterward.” Her voice cracked slightly. “I’m sorry I wiped blood on you. It was a stupid gesture and I was angry.”
    “You were right, something bad always happens when people make deals with men like Jake. And me.”

    Chloe opened her mouth to say something but he shook his head. “The fact that you’ve decided, for whatever reason, to forgive me for what I’ve been doing to you, and for what I almost did in the Alley behind Doc Proper’s, doesn’t detract from who I am.”

    “Are you trying to frighten me away?”

    “I’m not that noble,” he replied and placed a kiss on Chloe neck; in the one spot that was unmarred. Standing in just her panties, Chloe felt vulnerable. She moved up the step of the tub and turned off the water. Balancing on her good hip, she folded a towel along the edge and leaned against it, cushioning the cold marble. Then she slid off the one remaining garment and sat, with her back to him and let him look.

    “I don’t like to play show and tell, but if you want to ask, I’ll do it today.”

    “It isn’t necessary,” Lex said, dropping his robe and kneeling behind her. “I was just surprised because you didn’t say anything the other night. I wasn’t exactly making the best effort to be gentle.”

    “You didn’t hurt me.”

    “I did here.” He trailed his fingers down her spine and gently paused, tracing each letter of his name. “Did this hurt as much?”

    “It was white-hot agony to have the ink put on, but the pain was pretty much gone as soon as the needle was. So better and worse, I guess.” Chloe looked back at him and ran a finger around his nipple before tracing her own name. “How bad was this?”

    “I wished I was fatter,” he said with a small smile. “Having your skin stretched across your ribs doesn’t help when it’s time to put the needle to it.”

    “Mine’s bigger.”

    “No contest.” Lex looked at her hotly.

    Chloe noted the fine sheen of sweat and her eyes traveled south to where she found him looking so hard she wondered if he would burst out of his skin. She reached out and touched the velvet tip, trailing the tiny bead of moisture down under the crown to the sensitive spot underneath.

    “Do the bruises turn you on?”

    “No, but whenever you touch…your name, the reaction is always the same. Though not always as quickly as when you’re naked while you’re doing it.” He was trying to keep his voice sounding normal. But he was starting to sweat, and his eyes were fastened to her chest.

    Lex moved forward and kissed her, hard. He kept his hands on either side of her but their closeness had him pressing his swollen penis against her side. He moved his lips to the back of her neck and peppered her with kisses. She ran a hand up his scalp and wrapped her fingers around his neck to pull him closer. “Tell me if you want me to slow down, ‘kay?” The words barely made it out of his mouth before he was sliding a hand between her legs and stroking her silky-wet skin. Chloe’s only answer was a soft moan. She gripped the side of the tub when Lex turned her over, kissing down her spine to the cleft of her bottom. He spread her folds and plunged two fingers inside her, rubbing hard and fast, surprised at her strong reaction to him, but too aroused to think.

    “Hurry,” Chloe panted. “Want you now.” The words were a welcome relieft. The urge to get inside her was too strong. He pushed her legs apart and knelt behind her, wrapping one arm around her breasts for her to rest against instead of the tub and positioned himself at her entrance. He glanced down and saw that their names were touching. Barely touching but he was sure he felt a burn from the letters on her skin.

    Lex held Choe’s waist and thrust upward, hard and fast. She let out a cry and he stopped, fully embedded.

    “You okay?”

    “God, don’t stop.” She arched her back and tried to push him in deeper. Lex steadied himself and began to pump, deep and smoothly, inside her; his hands fondled her breasts and he bit down on her earlobe.

    “Talk to me, tell me if it’s too rough.” He prayed that it wasn’t because he wanted to do it harder and faster.

    “Keep going.” Chloe tightened her internal muscles and reached back, grabbing for his back or buttocks to try and push him deeper.

    Lex started to loose his balance and moved his grip to the rim of the tub. He kneed her legs farther apart till she was almost sitting on his lap. He squeezed her sides with his forearms and thrust harder, picking up his tempo till her could hear their sweaty bodies slapping together. “Fuck,” Chloe managed to say, grinding her pelvis back into him. He felt her start to contract and grabbed her shoulders, slamming her down onto his rigid cock as hard as he could. She came with a scream and he barely lasted a second after she clamped down her inner muscles on him.

    After the spasms slowed, Lex moved his hips in a circle, grinding slowly till he felt her relax around him. He was sitting fully on his lap with her legs spread wide on either side of him. He caught his breath and started to untangle their limbs.

    “For the record,” he panted. “It’s never that quick.”

    “No complaints today.” Chloe’s old tone was back. “Now seems like the perfect time for a bath, though.”

    Lex slid out of her and they both froze.


    “No protection!” Chloe turned quickly and faced him. “I didn’t even think about it.”

    “I’ll call someone about…it.”

    “Alright,” Chloe nodded, allowing him to take control of the situation. “I’m going to rinse off in the shower, then I’ll join you in the bath.”

    “How very Turkish of you,” Lex said over his shoulder, knotting a towel around his hips and walking out of the bathroom to the nearest phone.

    Once he'd made his calls, he could hear the shower running. The bath really looked inviting so he climbed in, willing himself to not look at the glass walls of the shower.

    Next: Tubtime fun with rubber duckies!

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