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Thread: Weakness (PG)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines

    Weakness (PG)

    I believed myself to be a strong, modern woman. Sure, I cried. I only did it when I was emotionally exhausted though. Other than that, I was invincible. At least I was until tonight.

    Silent tears trickled down her cheeks. I closed my eyes to the physical agony tearing through my body as I suppressed the groan of pain. I do not remember any great big wrong I did to deserve this much suffering. Why did it always have to be me? I have never seen Lana Lang like this. She’s the one who has had adoration all her life. Maybe she should be brought low once in a while.

    I heard the door open. I should not be here lying on an office couch like this. The pain is ripping inside me though and I cannot pretend to be in the best condition if I am not. I turned around and instead of my father, I saw Lex Luthor pad wards me. I hastily brushed away my tears. “What are you doing here?” I demanded. I was in no mood to spar with him. My father did not know that I had only just broken up with his superior. My father never even found out about the five months I had spent dating his boss. “I don’t need this today, Lex!”

    “I remember,” he responded in that same quite smoothness he had always possessed. “I’ve been looking for you. I know you need me.” I shook my head and turned my face away. I did not need him or anybody for that matter. Pain like this I can handle alone. I was about to tell him off when he continued, “Please let me help.” I knew that he had always hated seeing me suffer. I saw him pale when I groaned loudly in pain. I bit my lips until they’re bloodless. “Chloe, come on. If you let me, this will be so much easier for you.”

    “You can’t. It’s not always that easy, Lex,” I choked on my tears.

    He ran his hand over his scalp, telling me at once by that action how bothered he was by what was happening. “I can’t take this, Chloe! I won’t just stand by and watch you suffer.”

    “This is destiny,” I informed him. He appeared so helpless and desperate as he stood there looking down at me. If his competition could see him now. “You should get used to it because this is my fate.”

    “I won’t,” he told me, his eyes blazing with determination. “I will never get used to seeing you in pain when I know deep inside me I have the power to take away that pain. No!” He sat down on the couch right beside me. His weight dipped it and made my pain even worse. He stood up, sending the leather seat to its original position, jarring me again. “Shit. Sorry. Sorry. Let me help, Chloe.”

    “You’ll make it worse.” I sobbed.

    Lex took a deep breath. If will power alone can heal people, I would have been dancing within seconds. “Let me try, Chloe? For old time’s sake.”

    I nodded and waited for the contact. The warm skin of his palm rested on my belly, where he had drawn up my blouse to reveal the skin. His hand rested there before moving in a slow, circular motion. I sighed in pleasure and rested my eyes. With each of his movements, the clots of blood that made this time in every month that much harder eased.

    “Better?” he whispered into my ear.

    I smiled softly, feeling my heart spinning wilder and wilder until I knew it would never stop again. It might be a good idea to reconsider separations. “Much,” I answered.

    The end
    (at least until after 28 days)

  2. #2
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    lol that was good. i'm a bit slow so i didn't get it at first... but that was funny. nice twist!

  3. #3
    Banned roslyn's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 Mar 2003
    New jersey
    :huh: i was a bit confused at first, but now that i get it i need you to sit back down and write some more to this fic.

    You are writing more to it, right? :biggrin:

    Well i should hope so, i look forward to seeing it posted in less then 28 days!


    P.s. i mean it!

  4. #4
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    LOL, now that was funny... :

    What a great twist at the end....I love it, and Lex is so sensitive to her needs too...awwww

  5. #5
    Angel undercover!
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    You know you'll have to post another chapter in like *2 weeks*, right?!!! *glares* I'll check.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    I could not stop laughing after I realized what "it" was about :hehe:

    You are but I luv you for it!!!! Another well done story.

    :chlexsign4: now more than ever (if that's even possible).

  7. #7
    Just a Guest!
    oh my god at first I thought she is dying of an uncurable (is this a word) disease but hey it was only this time of the month :biggrin:

  8. #8
    Ummm.. .Chlex jaded-swan's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Jun 2003
    This is SO funny... I thought Lex did something unpardonable to Chloe! I think it's so sweet that he cares and that he can take away her pain... aawww... *going into swooning mode*

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    08 Jun 2003
    North Carolina
    Well, that was unexpected, I thought Lex broke her heart or something. It was super cute & funny to boot! :biggrin:

  10. #10
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Dec 2004

    Re: Weakness (PG)

    aww...that was sweet. Gotta love the cotton candy fics.

    (Cotton candy fics are sweet and fluffy, like cotton candy)

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