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Thread: Ecstasy (PG 13)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Ecstasy (PG 13) Chapter 5 is up! [Complete]

    Title: Ecstasy
    Summary: Chloe meets Lex Luthor in Metropolis in an unexpected way. How will he get her, to see him?
    Disclaimers: I do not own Smallville
    Feedback: I love feedback, so reviews please?

    *Chapter One*

    He didn't know what he was doing, when he walked into Atlantis. He hasn't been there in years it seems. The city of Metropolis brought back memories of bliss. He liked the city all too much. It was his home. When his father shipped him back to Smallville, he was torn. He missed his city life. He walked in the bar, and the smoke filled the atmosphere. The darkness of the night club carassed his skin. The flashing lights glowed on his face. He was taking in its smells, and intoxications. He saw the lingering people drinking amiabley. He got to a sudden spot, and then he stopped. He stopped when he saw her. That young blonde girl, sitting in a lounge chair with a martini in her hand and a ciggeret in the other. She was leaning over for a laugh with her friends. She wore a red dress, and lipstic. A smile crept on his face. He decided that he would have a chat with this younge blonde, who has captivated him. When she saw the tall dark handsome man, she gave a glare of hate when he sat down.

    "Mr. Luthor." She said coldly.
    "They say smoking can cause death." He said almost sounding threatening, and a smile crept on his features. He sat down on the black leather lounge chair.
    "I prefer to live life on the edge." She took a puff, and blew the smoke in his face. He didn't flinch at all. He took the ciggeret out of her hand, and took a puff himself.
    "As do I." He eyed her, and put the ciggeret out.
    "You know me, but I don't know you?" He said coolly as he laid back in his black leather lounge chair getting comfortably.
    "It's kind of hard not to know a former play boy, who's made the cover of every zine in Metropolis, wouldn't you say?." Lex just nodded his head to that statement. His reputation was decieving. It haunted him nintey percent of the time.
    "Touche; miss?" He was asking for a name.
    "Chloe." Chloe. The name echoed in his ears. It was music to him. He looked at her beautiful face, and took it all in.
    "Well, Mr. Luthor I have to get going." She smiled on her way out. She loved to play hard to get with guys. That was one of her favorite past times. Chloe's two friends left him a lone in a cloud of smoke. He saw the ciggeret pack laying there on the table. There was one in the pack, and a liter lay next to it. He put the ciggeret in his mouth, and lit it. The smoke filled his lunges, and he blew out the air.
    "Smoking is not all what it's cracked up to be." He says to himself.
    "Maybe it's because she likes to smoke when she drinks?" Said a young man in his 20's, as he sat down in the chair where Chloe once sat. He looked to be 21.
    "Mr. Luthor, that is one of the hardest girls to get in this city." He warned her.
    "I'm pretty aware of the women world." He says and takes another puff, then puts the ciggeret out. He knew he had to have her.

    So what did you think? I hope it wasn't too long.


  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    Good start. More please....

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Nov 2004

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    I want more!

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Feb 2005

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    it was good. update soon

  5. #5
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    Forgot to mention that this is set durring the summer of season 3. Just a warning for all, I almost ALWAYS change the summary, so look out for that. Hopefully this will make more sense. Ok for those that may ask me "But Chloe met Lex in season one." Well this is my take on Lex meeting Chloe in season three. Ok?

    Continued from Chapter One
    The next day Chloe and her best friend Jake went to the Metropolis Orchestra Centre. Jake had loved classical music, and Chloe didn't really care for the music. She went because her friend asked her to. Chloe stared at the orchestra playing. The auditorium was dark, and only the stage was lit. The violins were singing beautifully, and she wondered if it was hard to play a stringed instrument. The violin players were in fifth position. Not really hard if you're an advanced violinist, hard if you're an armature. Take it from me, I play the violin and I find it difficult, your fingers are way up on the strings, and it's just difficult, but I am still learning. Chloe did her best to hold back a yawn. She didn't want to look bored, and like she wasn't having a good time. Her face looked focused on the orchestra playing. The melody was beautiful beyond compare. It was minor, but still beautiful at the same time. She came to like the piece, and that surprised her. When the song ended, she dreaded it because she knew her friend would ask her 'Did you like it?'. Would she have to lie, or tell him the truth? No, she was always be truthful with Jake. She found that she could tell him anything, even in her lowest moment. The concert had ended, and Chloe and Jake got up, and left the building.

    "What did you think?" She knew that Jake would ask that.
    "It was just ok."
    "Not on your favorites category right?" His expression was honest. He didn't mind constructive criticism on his favorite types of music.
    "Yeah. Jake you always know what I'm thinking." He smirked at her remark, and they continued to walk the cold night of Metropolis, back to Chloe's apartment. Even though it was summer, it was a bit chilly at night. Jake knew a lot about Chloe. They shared many nights talking into the wee hours of the morning. They chatted about anything and everything, until their conversation lead to a certain Luthor.
    "I saw Lex Luthor at Atlantis last night. Don't you think you're playing hard to get?" Chloe's temper boiled in her veins like a coffee pot ready to explode. The last thing she needed was a boyfriend, to get in her way of her busy schedule. She swore off men her freshmen year in High School, ever since the incident where Sean tried to steal her heat. Relationships just never seemed to work for her. They always dumped her for another prettier girl.
    "I don't have time for a relationship Jake." She said bitterly and the truth was, she did want someone to rescue her.
    "You said that two years ago. I'm surprised that we're even friends." He turned to face her and grabbed her two hands and held them, staring at her beautiful hazel green eyes. Her face was full of mixed emotions, that she didn't know which one to choose from. She cringed when he held her hands, she only liked Jake as a friend, and nothing more.
    "Ever since my dad lost his job, I couldn't stand him." She glanced at the ground, and Jake held up her chin. That was one reason she started smoking.
    "I understand your feelings Chlo. I would hate my boss too, if I got fired." Chloe looked deep in his brown eyes. This was a moment filled with ecstasy. Jake looked like he wanted to go in ninety percent for the kiss they were that close, but Chloe was just sad because Lex Luthor had fired her father. The tension broke as a certain bald billionaire stepped in the scene.
    "Good evening Chloe." He interrupted Chloe's thought line, and she looked at him with no expression, and then soon after her expression of hate entered her mind. She cleared her throat.
    "Jake, I have to get going." She let go of Jake's hand, and didn't even seem to pay attention to Lex. She left not even looking at Lex. Lex remembered that boy who he met the previous night.
    "You're from the club." He said in a remembering tone.
    "Are you her boyfriend?" He questioned.
    "No, just a close friend. Mr. Luthor, she wouldn't date me. I know her all too well." He said with a laugh, and Lex's mind began churning its wheels. He thought about how he could get Jake to get Chloe, to open up to him. If that didn't work, then he would use his other source.

    End Chapter One

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    Interesting I can't wait to see how Lex gets Chloe to open up to him.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    11 Nov 2004

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    Can't wait to see what Lex does next. Loved it!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
    Join Date
    16 May 2005

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    Update again soon please!!!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Ecstasy (PG 13)

    Here's chapter two! Thanks for replying! Hope you like this chapter.

    Before Jake left, Lex decided to have a chat with him.

    "Do you think you could get Chloe to go on a date with me?" Jake gave him a face of no promise.
    "You got to be kidding right?" He asked like Chloe wouldn't give him the time of day.
    "Does she go to Atlantis often?" Lex asked changing the subject.
    "Almost every weekend." Lex wondered how she could get alcohol, when she was underage.
    "How can she drink, when she's underage?" Jake smirked to that.
    "She knows the owner." That was all Jake said. He wouldn't dare say how else she got alcohol.
    "You know she could get arrested for that." Lex's mind began churning its wheels.
    "She never once has gotten arrested for under age drinking Mr. Luthor." Lex gave an evil smile. He knew how he could get her.
    "Have a nice night Jake." Lex said as he patted his back, and took off for home. Jake was confused, and he thought he should warn Chloe about his little chat with Lex Luthor. He phoned her on his cell. It rang once, twice, three times, and Chloe picked up the phone.

    "Hello?" She said kind of tired like.
    "Chloe, I think Mr. Luthor knows something. Please be careful while you're drinking at Atlantis."
    "What do you mean be careful? What did you tell him Jake?" She was angry now, at her best friend.
    "I told him that you knew the owner." Chloe's mouth hung wide open. She was very angry now.
    "How could you!?" Chloe yelled in the phone, and hurt Jakes ears. He pulled the phone back from her screaming.
    "What was I suppose to say? He asked, I couldn't lie." Jake said as pleading as possible. Jake heard the dial tone. That was not a good sign.
    "Chloe?" He asked in the reciever.
    "Great just great." Jake went home.

    The next night Chloe was at Atlantis. She was very angry at Jake, and Lex. When Jake saw her sitting alone, he thought he would apologize, if he could. He sat down across from her in the black leather seat, and she got up and started walking off.
    "Chloe please!" He begged and grabbed her arm. She had a bottle of beer in one hand. Before she could say anything, the police caught her.
    "Ms. Sullivan? Your under arrest for underage drinking. You have the right to remain silent." Chloe looked at Jake in a panic. She was brought out to the police car, and the police put her in, in hand cuffs. What she didn't see was Lex Luthor standing at the front of the door of the club.

    So what did you think? Continuing chapter two later.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    15 Feb 2005

    Smile Re: Ecstasy (PG 13) Part of chapter two is up!

    This is very interesting. I wonder what Lex has up his sleeves.
    Can't wait for the next update.


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