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Thread: Beloved - NC-17 - Complete

  1. #61
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    I lurv this fic. Though not so much the Chloe hugging Lucas. What's wrong with the girl, sexyLexy's sitting right there jealous n everythin! hmmm if Chloe keeps with the Lucas hugging, can I have Lex for myself? Pwetty please?

    Poor Gabe. Gotta luv him!

  2. #62
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Well that certainly was an interesting conversation. And I could almost see Lex pout when Chloe hugged Lucas instead of him *snickers* Anyway, love how Gabe reacted. He took it fairly well, tho I think the full extend of Chloe's implications didn't hit him yet. Lucas is of course still being his psycho self, *shakes head* and I hope Chloe and Lex will get to talk alone sometime soon, it doesn't do at all like that. Love the story, work over your rotation cycle and update soon


  3. #63
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
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    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...

    yAY!! u updated! happy happy joy joy!!!

    and now lex knows they were married....

    poor gabe, feel very bad for him...

    ooh update soon pls?
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  4. #64
    NS Full Member flower's Avatar
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    :biggrin: Jumping up and down she screams;


  5. #65
    Just a Guest!
    Having to fit the huge dress she was wearing into her dad’s small car had been quite an ordeal, but once they were on the road, Chloe inwardly mused about how nice it was to be back home. Different, but nice.

    “You know, Lana and the rest of your friends are going to be so happy to see you,” Gabe said, snapping Chloe out of her reverie. “Surprised, but happy.”

    Chloe’s gave him an uneasy grin.

    “Yeah, it’ll be great,” she replied with false enthusiasm.

    The truth was, as much as she was glad to be home, it just didn’t feel the same. She supposed she had probably gotten used to things in the other world and that there would understandably be a period of adjustment, but she hadn’t expected to feel so blasé toward the fact that she was going to see her friends again.

    Gabe twisted his head slightly to glance at Chloe. She may not have been around for a while, but he was still able to discern the tone of his daughter’s voice.

    “What’s wrong?”

    Chloe kept looking out her side window as she shifted slightly in her seat. Not only was the car difficult to get into, but it was also uncomfortable to be squished while riding in.

    “Nothing,” she lied, allowing a small pause before she spoke again. “It’s just…I don’t feel right just leaving him there. I mean, this world is going to be a complete switch for him. I should have made him come home with us, or I should have stayed there – just…something.”

    “Chloe ---” Gabe trailed off as he realized he had nothing to say, at least not any collected thoughts that could be construed as a coherent train of thought.

    “Dad, he’s my best friend,” Chloe said almost tearfully as she tried to explain. “He’s the only one who was completely there for me the entire time and quite frankly, I don’t know if I would have been able to make it through without him. He’s got to be freaking out here and I just want to make sure that I return the favor.”

    “I thought Clark was your best friend,” Gabe said carefully.

    Chloe sighed and then sucked in a breath to replace the one she lost.

    “Lucas has been a better friend to me in this last what…month, month and a half…than Clark has ever been,” she said almost ruefully. “Than any of my ‘friends’ here have ever been.” Gabe frowned.

    “Do you like him?”

    “Of course I like him, weren’t you just lis--- oh. You mean *like* him,” Chloe said. Gabe caught her eye through the corner of his and then he gave a single nod of his head in affirmation. “I don’t know. When I first got there I thought I did. What’s not to like? He’s handsome, he’s smart, he’s…” ‘…a sociopath,’ she silently added. ‘Yeah, better not tell him that. And he probably won’t be like that here anyway since he doesn’t have to deal with his family.’

    “He’s?” Gabe asked after Chloe drifted off into her thoughts. He grimaced and then glanced at her again, this time unable to catch her gaze. “What about your --- what about ‘Alexander’?” Chloe turned to look at him accusingly, projecting the bad feelings she had toward herself for leaving her husband there onto her father.

    “What about him?”

    “Chloe, I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it, but ---”

    “Dad ---”

    “No,” Gabe said, cutting off whatever objection she had been about to speak. “Let me say this.” Chloe’s lips thinned as she gave him a cross between a pouty face and a grumble. “I know you said he had your contraception removed against your will, but from the little I’ve been able to gather, that seems perfectly acceptable for the time period…er…world. And you did *marry* him, Chloe. Marriage is ---”

    Chloe cringed. She should have known that the abandonment issue would hit too close to home for her father. Essentially, she had just done what her mother had done, only sooner – before they had kids to screw up because of it. Her face relaxed into a sympathetic expression and she reached out her hand to touch his arm.

    “Dad, it just wasn’t like that,” she said. “Yes, we were married, but it was an *arranged marriage*.”


    “*And* it was performed against my will, *and* it was only for like a day before the portal opened,” she continued.

    “But you ---” Gabe stopped talking and made a discomforted face. “You know.”

    Chloe waited a beat before answering.


    Another second passed.

    “He removed your birth control,” Gabe said in an observational tone. Chloe couldn’t help rolling her eyes and giving him the smallest grin.

    “Dad, I’m not pregnant.”

    “It only takes once,” he said, reminding Chloe of all the sex-ed stuff she had been forced to sit through in her health class.

    “I know,” she returned, “but the hormones that the implant gave out, they stay in you for a while, like a month or something after you have it removed. So, don’t worry, okay?”

    Gabe seemed visibly relieved, but only for a moment. Then, his fingers gripped tighter around the steering wheel and he shifted in his seat.

    “Lex found a way back for you.”

    “He did,” Chloe agreed with a nod.

    “What if ---?”

    “What if ‘what’?” she asked with suspicion, not liking where she thought he might be going with his new line of questioning.

    “What if the other Lex finds a way to come here to? To take you back with him?”

    “Dad ---”

    “Chloe, they did it once before. Hell, they did it *twice* before,” he said. “And a man who has your contraceptive device forcefully removed and marries you against your will --- I just have a feeling that he’s not going to give up that easy.”

    “If he’s still alive,” Chloe mumbled under her breath.


    Chloe sighed.

    “Before we left, there was a huge reception to greet you and…mom. Anyway, a big fight broke out – and when I say a ‘fight’, I don’t mean an angry exchange of words.”


    “Yeah. More like an action movie, only with real and more gruesome deaths.”

    “Oh, God, Chloe,” Gabe said. “You were there?”


    “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry.”

    “It’s okay,” Chloe said with a light shake of her head. “I’m pretty sure that years of therapy can help me purge the memory from my mind.”

    Gabe gave her a wry grin, one which quickly fell when he thought about what she had said.

    “So --- he died? Alexander?”

    “I don’t know,” Chloe said quietly. “He’s an amazing warrior, so I want to believe that he’s still alive, but…” Chloe paused and drew in a deep breath to steady herself. “But the odds weren’t exactly in his favor,” she finished in almost a whisper.

    “And Lucas? Why wasn’t he helping?”

    “He *was* helping,” Chloe said. “He was helping to get me the hell out of there.”

    “That’s not what I meant – but of course I’m glad he got you out of there.”

    “He showed up late,” Chloe said, finally answering her dad’s question. “By the time he got there, the fight had already broken out. I was in shock on the sidelines and he picked me up and carried me out of there.”

    “I see,” Gabe said stoically. After a minute, he decided to voice what he had witnessed that evening at Lex’s house. “He likes you.”

    “What?” Chloe asked, her mind back on the horror she had seen in the main hall of the castle, how despite their volatile chemistry that she hoped Alexander was alright and not completely pissed at her for going home.

    “Lucas,” Gabe repeated, thinking that Chloe needed clarification. “He likes you – and not just as a friend.”

    “I know.”

    “You know,” said in a monotone voice of disbelief.


    “And you still brought him here instead of ---”

    “Dad, I didn’t bring him, he brought me,” Chloe said. “The portal opened in *his* room. When he saw it, he came to get me out of the reception.” She shook her head and looked down at her dress. “I practically pleaded with him to come with me. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had.”

    “But he likes you more than a friend,” Gabe pointed out. “And you ---”

    “Like him enough to give him a chance,” Chloe finished for him. “Alexander and I had chemistry, but a real relationship, a *lasting* relationship, is based on more than that.”

    “O-kay,” Gabe strung out.


    “Nothing,” Gabe said. “I just didn’t think I would have to hear my daughter talking about long term relationships until she got finished with a couple of years of college is all.”

    “Oh. Sorry.”

    “It’s okay, sweetheart,” Gabe said. “Look, I’m sorry if I’m having a hard time with all of this. You’ve obviously changed some since you were there and I’ll just have to take the time to get to know you again.” Chloe couldn’t help but give him a hopeful smile along with rapidly watering eyes.



    Her dad was actually going to set aside time for her, to finally get to know her better, and not just concentrate on work. It was what she had wanted to hear for so long and Chloe wished they were home already so she could give him a hug.



    “I love you.”


  6. #66
    NS Full Member
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    YES! I'm sooooo happy about this update :yay: I luved the scene with Chloe and her dad- the poor guy. I wonder what's going on with Lucas and Lex? Oh, and what's going to happen when Chloe sees Clark and Lana *eep* I love this fic way too much for my own mental health. :lol:

  7. #67
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    I'm glad Chloe is working things out with her dad. It was really sweet! I feel so bad for Alexander though, poor thing! Great chapter!

    Tandy :yay:

  8. #68
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Aw that was sweet.

    Hope :
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #69
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Yay, I'm so glad you updated this.

    Is it bad that I'm routing for Chlex? Or is this an UST also?


  10. #70
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Blaire023@Jul 20 2003, 02:53 PM

    Is it bad that I'm routing for Chlex? Or is this an UST also?
    Hey B,

    they did have sex together, albeit it was with Alexander rather than Lex. Lol.

    And I really do not know how this story will end too. I mean Lucas is a pyscho here, so if Chloe rejects him, we don't know what he'll do.

    So there's a lot of unanswered questions here, and Kris, you have to supply the answers, ya hear?

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