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Thread: Ends and Means - R *Now Complete* w/ PDF Posted

  1. #41

    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    Emnorth20002: The story won’t be exactly the same because I’ve got two billionaires and not just one but I hope you catch the parallels.
    Two billionaires for the price of one? Even better! *wink* Believe me, I have *no* complaints with that scenario, especially after such a terrific chapter laying it all out! Loved the contrast between Chloe's nervousness at the prospect of facing Lex again and her absolutely brilliant aplomb when the moment actually came. That's our girl! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. I'm eagerly awaiting more!

  2. #42
    NS Full Member
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    06 Mar 2003

    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    I love this story. The interaction between Bruce and Lex was great. They were bickering! I loved that they weren't having a big knock down drag out type fight, but bickering. Chloe is wonderfully done. I love the mix of toughness and slight insecurity when it came to her looks. I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Who wants to bet that some lawyers get fired for not reading all the "fine print"?

    Susan S

  3. #43
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    Loved this chapter. Chloe rules! Can't wait to see why Lex just left her hanging.

  4. #44
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    Great update! Absolutely adored 'take no prisoners Chloe'. I particularly loved the way she just completely bowled them over, forcing her way into Bruce's office and laying down the law while they basically stand there slack-jawed. Priceless! I think what made this even more fun though was the fact that we got to see Chloe all nervous beforehand and pissed off that she was so worried about what she wore. I love that you show us what she's feeling inside and then the complete authority and confidence she has externally.

    I can just see Bruce fully jumping on Lex as soon as Chloe leaves to find out everything he can about how Lex knows her and everything that was between them in the past! I can't wait to see what's gonna happen!

  5. #45
    NS Full Member arkakitty's Avatar
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    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    DUN DUN DUN Chloe enters. Brilliant. Please update soon

  6. #46
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    I like this story and espescially strong, independent and snarky Chloe. Very much looking forward to see what you have in store for us next!!!!

  7. #47
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    Wow, "smartmouth goddess" is right-- I love your slightly-embittered-but-still-snarky, more confident and mature version of Chloe. And your narrative style is wonderful, as always, with the way you're building up the mystery and giving us these tantalising little hints and details. And of course it couldn't have happened to a better pair of billionnaires. *grin*

    Do update soon!

  8. #48
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    Really loving this so far it's got Lex and Bruce in it a good combo of course and loving the way Chloe is handling them go girl please update soon

  9. #49
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 1 - 6/29

    Chapter 2

    It had been Lana who told Lex that Chloe had left town to start college early. And she had done it days after she left. Lex was momentarily angry to be so far disconnected from Chloe that it would take so long for him to find out but he realized quickly that it could not be helped. Gabe rarely discussed her with him even though he was back working at the plant. His relationship with Clark was non-existent. That left only Lana to tell him, who mentioned it in passing as she talked about something else. When he stopped her, Lana seemed startled, as if she was surprised that Lex would be concerned with what Chloe was doing while she was in the middle of a story.

    Unfortunately Lana did not know much, all she seemed to know was that Chloe had requested her diploma from Smallville High and that she had left town to start college early. Lana presumed that she was staying in Metropolis, either at the University or with her aunt and cousins.

    Two days later, Lex climbed the stone steps of Metropolis U’s main administration building with an inexplicable sense of giddiness. He didn’t try to plan what he would say to Chloe when he found her, he knew he just wanted to explain his behavior, to make sure that she had come to the right conclusion about his aloofness. He had faith in her intelligence but he also knew that sometimes her self-esteem issues got the better of her. Away from Smallville, away from the prying eyes, he could smooth things over, if need be, Lex was sure of it.

    It took several minutes for Lex to convince the registrar to give him information about Chloe. Some nonsense about privacy laws. When the man finally acquiesced, Lex wasn’t prepared for the answer. He expected to find Chloe halfway across campus, already plotting her way onto the executive staff of the school paper. He didn’t expect that she wouldn’t be there at all. Not on campus, not in Metropolis at all.

    It didn’t take long to find out where she was, but the message was clear, Chloe had moved on and she wanted to be left alone.


    Wayne Enterprises Headquarters…executive conference room…later that day

    “…and I’ll need copies of all financial transactions made by the in the name of LW Technologies, your joint venture, as well as transactions made by each of your corporations into the venture and from any the each corporation' SPE’s,” said Chloe, checking off another item on the list in her hand.

    She was pacing the length of the table, she always thought better on her feet, while Lex, Bruce, Lucius, Bruce’s assistant and one of Wayne Enterprises’ attorneys were seated at the table.

    Bruce narrowed his eyes at Chloe from his seat at the conference table.

    “You seem to know a quite a bit about corporate accounting. However, our financial statements are quite complex. Are you sure that you won’t need one of our accountants to walk you through those documents, Miss Sullivan?”

    Chloe knew thinly veiled condescension when she heard it but she kept her cool. She turned and smiled at Bruce.

    “I do know quite a bit, Mr. Wayne. And anything I don’t know, I’ll be going over with my own forensic accountant, if it’s all the same to you. In these matters I find it’s always better to BYO.”

    Bruce’s face returned to the stony visage he had been showing ever since Chloe appeared in his office and if he wasn’t upset in his own right, Lex would have found it pretty funny. The idea of Chloe Sullivan walking all over Bruce Wayne would have typically been priceless to Lex had she not been walking all over him for the last hour as well.

    True, she had not spoken directly to him since she shook his hand, but her general comments, demeanor, and even the way she kept raising her eyebrows whenever he or Bruce made a objection seemed explicitly designed to tell them, specifically him, that she was in charge.

    Or maybe he was just projecting.

    As she spoke, Lex tried to recall how their relationship, such that it was, had left off ten years earlier. They hadn’t fought or had a falling out after she left his protective custody. The deep friendship they had developed over that infamous summer just seemed to dissolve, wither away from inattention. Though Lex knew the reasons why he had let it happen, he could never be sure that Chloe did. Lex had briefly considered contacting her in Gotham but had been filled with the unfamiliar feeling of foolish uncertainty at the thought. What would he say to her after not speaking to her for six months in Smallville. ‘How’ve you been?’ ‘Sorry about the cold shoulder routine, is that a new haircut?’ Yeah, right.

    The months turned into years and urge to hire someone to find her faded as well, though, truth be told, he had often wondered where she was. Every once in a while when he opened a newspaper, Lex half expected to see her name in a byline. He never did, and now he knew why. Chloe Sullivan, investigative journalist, had found a different calling.

    She was talking to him now.

    “Mr. Luthor? Did you hear what I said?”

    “No, can you repeat that?” he said, feeling somewhat embarrassed at being caught unaware.

    “I said, you should call your Gotham office of Luthor Corp. and tell them to expect one of our accountants first thing tomorrow morning. And one of our computer specialists, as well.

    Chloe checked another item off her list and Lex was alternately aggravated at the way she spoke to him and somewhat hurt by her distant behavior. And the fact that it hurt him was aggravating him all the more.

    “Will that be all, Miss Sullivan?” asked Lucius, when neither Lex nor Bruce made any attempt to speak.

    “I think so, no wait…there is one thing I have to say. Kind of a standard caveat. As I said my computer specialists and assistants are on their way but it will certainly take us the rest of the day to get ourselves up and running. In the meantime, and through the course of the investigation, I’ll warn you not to destroy any paper or digital documents, transfer files, or otherwise attempt to remove materials from the various premises that might be probative.” One corner of her mouth curled up. “We can always tell when you do that, and aside from being a felony, it really pisses us off.”

    Bruce’s assistant snickered into her hand and tried to cover it up with cough.

    Bruce looked like he was at the end of his rope, at least to Lex, who was the only one in the room who knew the signs.

    “Miss Sullivan, I assure you, we intend to cooperate fully with this investigation. No one here intends to destroy evidence,” Bruce said icily.

    Chloe’s eyes went wide. “Oh, of course you wouldn’t, but I have to say it. Kind of like when they ask you if you want fries with that. Part of the routine, you know? That’s all I have. For now. I’m sure we’ll all be talking again very soon.”

    Lucius rubbed at his temples, apparently weary of trying to keep up with Chloe Sullivan’s turns of phrase.

    “Miss Sullivan, if you’ll excuse us, I’ll go make sure that the temporary offices you requested are ready,” he said, rising from the table. Lucius, the assistant and the lawyer soon exited.

    Bruce rose from the table as well and waited as Lex did the same. “Miss Sullivan, my apologies for the earlier comment about ‘stalling you.’ I had clearly underestimated you. I trust you won’t hold a thoughtless comment like that against the company during your investigation.”

    “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

    “Lex and I have some things to discuss, if you’ll excuse us. I’m sure Lucius will be back soon to show you to your office so you should probably stay here until then.” Bruce’s less-than-subtle emphasis on the word ‘here’ was almost enough to make Lex laugh. The man didn’t really think he could stop Chloe Sullivan from snooping around if she really wanted to, did he? Of course, Bruce really didn’t know who he was dealing with.

    “Perhaps you’d like something while you wait?” interjected Lex. “Coffee, maybe?”

    When Chloe shifted her vaguely amused gaze from Bruce to him, Lex felt uncharacteristically foolish, as if she were laughing at him for some reason.

    “Coffee? Now there’s an idea. Never could turn down a good cup of coffee. Thank you. I’ll just be checking in with my office in the meantime; there’s no need to babysit me.”

    They watched as she sank into one of the chairs and pulled her cell phone out of bag.

    Both men got the distinct feeling that they had been dismissed and they eventually backed out of the room into the hallway.

    For the second time in as many hours, Bruce exhaled heavily. “Well, that was…I don’t know what that was, actually.”

    “I hear you. That was certainly unexpected,” replied Lex, still looking at Chloe through the open door as she punched numbers on her telephone.

    Lex felt Bruce’s eyes on him and he knew that Bruce wanted to ask him something, probably something about his reaction to Chloe’s appearance. He was going to have to explain that sooner or later.

    “Well, what do you suggest we do?” Bruce asked finally.

    “To start? Get her a cup of coffee. I’m not sure we want to see what happens if we don’t.”

    A short while later…

    Chloe looked out the window of the conference room with her back to the door as she waited for her call to connect.

    “Ted? It’s CJ. Got your message. Everything’s going as expected. Some of the usual bull to start but I think they know the deal now….uh-huh…yeah, it was…. Anyway, I just left a message for IT to send me two bodies, one for here and one for the Luthor Corp. building. I’m also going to need FA to send me some number crunchers. Again, one for here to work with me and one for Luthor Corp…. Yeah, they know they’re coming….For me? Send me Peña, only don’t tell him I asked for him. You got that?” she laughed into the phone. “I’m serious, I’ll never hear the end of it…OK, thanks…you too. Bye.” Chloe snapped her phone shut and turned from the window only to come face to face, or rather, face to chest with Lex.

    “Christ!” she exclaimed, taking a step back and grabbing the window frame to steady herself. “Don’t do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

    A grin spread slowly across Lex’s face. He had finally caught her off guard.

    “Did I frighten you?” he asked silkily.

    “No…more like surprised. I wasn’t expecting to see you there,” countered Chloe.

    “Well then we’re even. This is the last place I expected to see you.”

    “Really? Where was the first place?” she asked, dropping her hand from the window frame and stepping a little closer.

    It was the closest she had been to him all day and he realized she was wearing some kind of scent; not perfume. Body wash? Lotion maybe? The scent hit him and he was confused again.


    “You said that this was the last place you expected to see me. What was the first place? After ten years, Lex, where would you expect to see me?”

    “In my morning paper actually,” Lex answered honestly.

    Chloe gave a little eye roll and stepped around him. “I left that dream behind a long time ago.”


    “I had my reasons.”

    It was clear that he wasn’t going to get anything else out of her on that score so Lex tried another tack.

    “CJ?” he asked.

    Chloe rolled her eyes as she tossed her phone in her bag. “Listening in on my call? Why I am not surprised? It’s a nickname, for friends and colleagues, at least.”

    “Interesting. What should I call you?”

    “Miss Sullivan still works. That was always a favorite of yours.”

    Lex grinned faintly, despite the dig. “Your sense of humor hasn’t changed. You look great, by the way; those ten years have been very kind to you.”

    “I could say the same to you, except now that you’ve said it, it would seem insincere, don’t you think?”

    “No one could ever accuse you of being insincere, Chloe. You always say exactly what’s on your mind.”

    “I can’t argue with you on that. In fact, I’ll tell you what’s on my mind right now. If you’re trying to figure out if I have some angle, some sort of ulterior motive in being here, you’re wrong. This case came up and my boss gave it to me. End of story.”

    Lex pressed his lips together. She was keeping her distance, emotionally at least. Her tone was like ice.

    “What makes you think I was thinking that?”

    “Why else would you be in here? What else do we have to say to each other?”

    Before Lex could answer, Lucius retuned to the room.

    “Miss Sullivan, we have an office ready for…Oh, Lex, I didn’t realize you were in here. I’m not interrupting?”

    “No, you’re not,” Chloe replied quickly, picking up her purse and briefcase. “I’d like to see that office, please.”

    Lucius’ eyes flicked from Chloe to Lex for a beat before he gestured for Chloe to follow him.

    “Of course, right this way.” Lucius led Chloe out the room and down the hallway to the left.

    Lex let out a frustrated breath and turned to face the window. He didn’t notice Bruce enter the doorway from the right. He watched Lex at the window for a minute before continuing down the hall.

    Text of email…

    We have a problem. Allied Insurance investigating the explosion. The investigation cannot be allowed to proceed.

    Advise ASAP.

    End Chapter.

    A/N: Some more answers to direct FB inquiries…

    Louie: This fic will be a mixture of business and pleasure. Some more familiar Batman players will show up (see first author’s note). However, in all likelihood, Dick Grayson will not make an appearance. I see this fic occurring during one of Batman’s solo periods. Adding Dick (or any of the other costumed allies) would make things a little too complicated for me. If you absolutely need to know where Dick is during this, we can just assume that he’s away on a Titans mission.

    Pufkinz: Are you sure that it’s only Lex and Bruce that are hiding something?

    June: The insurance jargon is a mix of reality and dramatic license. I have read some books on insurance fraud and culled some facts from them but some of the other stuff is just twisted to fit my insane plot. As for Lucius, I see Lucius as a tad younger than Freeman actually (although Freeman kicked ass!!!), I’ve had this fic in my head for some months before I saw the movie. When I picture my Lucius in my head, he’s a cross between actors Isaiah Washington and the late Richard Biggs. You can probably google them both.

    Everyone: the POV alternates a bit in each scene, as I am trying to get into the mind of each of the characters. Sorry for any confusion that may have caused.

  10. #50
    Just a Guest!

    Re: Ends and Means - R - Chapter 2 - 7/8

    I'm loving this fic, especially Chloe's interaction with Lex. Can't wait to see what she does next, and how he's going to react. Update again soon please!

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