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Thread: [Updated 7-12!] Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

  1. #1
    seeking a happy ending. meeaz's Avatar
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    Cool [Updated 7-12!] Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    Disclaimer: I own nothing except some of the plot!

    Summary: Lex and Chloe’s life together in the future. Engaged and already in love. Features articles on the couple as seen through the eyes of Adam Fienne, a Daily Planet reporter. Will showcase the lives of Chloe and Lex, as they plan their wedding and get married. Chlex all the way. Minor Clois and Plana.

    Author’s note: Everyone in this world is happy-there aren’t issues with Clark or Lionel, those will be saved for other stories. Adam Fienne is a gay Daily Planet columnist for the society pages and will be reporting on the Luthor family and extensions thereof-not Lois because she’s family and she just can’t. Clark isn't Superman yet-I feel that Clark becomes Superman when he gets his Daily Planet gig and right now they are only sophomores in college.

    Chapter One:

    Billionaire Playboy No Longer: Luthor Heir Engaged

    Grab those Kleenexes ladies-it looks like the heir to the Luthor fortune, Lex Luthor, 25, has proposed to long time girlfriend, Chloe Sullivan, 20, leaving those gals out there super depressed. The two have been romantically involved since the beginning of her senior year of high school, keeping it a secret until she graduated top of her class. To the non-believers out there, the future Mr. and Mrs. Lex Luthor are very much in love, as their close friends were able to spare a few words:

    “As a witness of all of Lex’s doomed marriages and relationships, if you can even call them that, I can honestly say that this time, it’s the real thing-no big conspiracies or forced marriages induced by crazy women, just pure, unadulterated love,” Clark Kent.

    “Do you think this will truly last, or is this another one of Mr. Luthor’s attempts at happiness?”
    “Honestly, there isn’t anything as a ‘sure thing’ but if anyone’s going to find it, Chloe and Lex will in each other, so yea, I do think they have a great shot at happiness,” Bruce Wayne.

    “The two of them are crazy in love-always have been, possibly even from the time they first met in Smallville all those years ago,” Lana Lang-Ross.

    Not much is known about the blonde reporter or her relationship with the billionaire, as the young heir to LuthorCorp has made sure to keep his lady-love out of the prying eyes of the media, but from what we can gather, the two are very much in love and Chloe Sullivan is a woman loved by many, even our very own editor, Perry White.

    “She takes everything in stride and never once lets things get to her-maybe because she knows what it’s like to be on both sides of the tape recorder. It’s hard not to love her. All I have to say is that Luthor better take care of her, ” Perry White, talking about Ms. Sullivan’s response to the media limelight she occasionally receives.

    Rumors have been circulating regarding the size and make of the ring and how Mr. Luthor proposed, but nothing has been confirmed yet. All we know is that there are thousands upon thousands of women that are extremely sad at losing the playboy billionaire, who as shown in the picture below is very much in love with his fiancée. (Picture: Lex and Chloe holding hands while shopping in Metropolis.)

    Stay tuned for more coverage on the upcoming nuptials of the two lovers.

    Adam Fienne.

    ~The Penthouse-breakfast time around 7:30 a.m.~

    “Lex,” groaned Chloe as she placed the article down on the island in the kitchen of the Metropolis penthouse shared by the two lovers.

    “Yea? What’s the matter sweetie,” asked Lex coming into the luxurious kitchen and placing a loving kiss on Chloe’s lips.

    “What’s the matter? What’s the matter?!?!?! Can you please explain to me why the whole world now knows that we’re now engaged, even though you only proposed to me last night,” exclaimed an exasperated Chloe, shoving the Daily Planet article in his hands.

    Lex scanned the article quickly and then, much to the dismay of his fiancée, chuckled.

    “This isn’t funny Lex. Everyone knows now. Didn’t you want to tell them ourselves? Oh God. My dad, I’ve gotta tell him before he reads this. Argh,” sighed a frustrated Chloe, as she began pacing the room, looking for the phone.

    “Will you relax,” Lex asked taking her in his arms and enveloping her in a hug. “Besides, he already knows.”

    And with the confused look on her face he continued, “I had to ask him for his permission, so last weekend when you couldn’t come with me to Smallville because of your paper, I took the opportunity to go ask Gabe for your hand in marriage.”

    “You asked? And he gave it to you, I’m assuming,” Chloe questioned Lex with her hazel eyes.

    “Of course I asked. I know he likes me and he has gotten used to us being together, but I didn’t want to be a dead man, so I asked. And of course he gave it to me-no one can resist the Luthor charm,” said a smirking Lex.

    “You’re lucky I love you.”

    “I love you too.”

    She loved this. Having him tell her that he loved her and being the man that no one got to see, not even Clark. He was so caring and loving and most of all, he was hers. She loved this man with all her heart and could not wait to marry him. Picturing their life together, she fantasized the two of them entwined in silk sheets, making love; she could also picture beautiful babies with her eyes and the gingery red curls he had before the meteors fell. She couldn’t wait to be a mother, to give Lex one of the things he wanted most in life. He would a great father, she knew it. He would give his kids whatever they wanted and because of his own relationship with Lionel, he would make sure that they felt loved and that he was there for them no matter what. There would be no European boarding schools or non-affectionate responses-she would make sure of that.

    “What are you thinking about,” asked an amused Lex, as he sat there watching her with hooded eyes.

    “You,” she responded, biting her lip, knowing it drove him wild, or so he claimed.

    “Oh yea, what about me,” he asked getting of the barstool on the island table and stalking his way toward her, eyes hooded with desire.

    “Hmm, just that you’d be a great husband and father.”

    “Yea? Why don’t I show you how great a husband I can be? Let’s go practice making those babies,” suggested Lex, as he wiggled his eyebrows at her.

    “God. You’re impossible...mmm...Lex, stop, I have to run some errands,” she responded unenthusiastically as Lex began to graze her collar bone with his lips, slowly making his way up to her neck and eventually her lips, where she was pulled into a passionate kiss, in which her and Lex’s tongues fought for control.

    “I’m...not...stopping...you...go...ahead...leave,” Lex responded placing a kiss on various parts of her face and neck with each word.

    She finally gave up, as she felt the unmistakable hardness of his desire and led him into the bedroom, where she would be ravished well into the afternoon.

    ~The Penthouse-Later in the afternoon around 3:00~

    Chloe moaned softly as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and turned to see the love of her life, lying contently beside her, wrapped up in the black sheets.

    Placing a soft kiss on his pale shoulder, she moved to get out of bed, but found she couldn’t, as strong arms placed a tighter hold around her waist, pulling her closer.

    “I know you’re awake now,” chuckled an amused Chloe.

    “Yea, but I’m still tired,” groaned Lex, as he moved to tighten his hold on Chloe and place her in his arms, so that he lay on his back, while she rested her head on his chest. “Although, I can’t blame you, we’ve had a few long nights,” drawled Lex, insinuating exactly what naughty things they just took part in this morning and most of last week.

    He looked down to see her blush a nice red color and failed to hold back a chuckle.

    “You’re so cute when you blush.”

    “Thanks,” responded Chloe sarcastically.

    Whatever Lex was going to say or do next was cut of by the shrill sounds of his cell phone.

    “Luthor,” he answered in his customary way.

    “Ah, Lex, I guess congratulations are in due my boy. You’ve done good Lex. She’s a keeper that one. Now, where is my beautiful future daughter in law? I want to congratulate her as well,” spoke the voice of Lionel Luthor.

    After he began dating Chloe, things with his father got better. They were in no way, shape or form like the Kent men, but now, they weren’t trying to kill each other or outdo each other. They worked past their problems and although it seemed too good too be true, Lionel had let Lex have his own space, allowing him to do the work he wanted to. And all that was due to the petite blonde cuddled up to his side. God, how he loved this woman.

    “For you.”

    “Hello,” asked Chloe into the phone.

    “Chloe, darling, how are you? Lex been treating you good? Oh, and congratulations by the way. Welcome to the family,” Lionel’s voice came all too rushed from the other end.

    “Whoa, slow down Lionel. And thank you.”

    “So how did he propose? Was it any good? Did he do it in private like I told him too,” Lionel began firing questions at her yet again.

    “Lionel, you sound way too much like a giddy school girl, asking her best friend about a date. Please, stop. Besides, I thought I was the only reporter in the family. Oh and I think Lex is about to die laughing from the image I created with the giddy school girl and then where would I be?”

    “Sorry, my dear, it’s just that you are so much better than the filth he used to date and I am so happy he finally proposed. It’s been long overdue. Well, I have to run, why don’t you come over for dinner sometime? And bring that son of mine too.”

    “I will. Bye,” responded Chloe, hanging up with her future father in law. “So, what do you wanna do now,” Chloe asked Lex, as she placed the cell phone on her side of the bed. “And no repeats of this morning. I love you and more than anything love making love to you, but if we keep going at it like bunnies, I’ll be dead from being too tired and then where would you be?”

    “Fine, have it your way you vixen. How about we go tell our news to everyone back home?”

    “Mmm…that sounds good. Let me go get in a quick shower and then we’ll leave.”

    “I could join you in there. Ya know, I wash your back, you wash mine-we’ll save time and water,” Lex said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

    “Argh, you are impossible,” Chloe exclaimed stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her.

    He chuckled as he heard the shower turn on and went to make a few calls.

    “Alonzo, hey it’s Lex. How are things outside the building?”

    “Oh man there are about a billion reporters here, camped out waiting for you and Chloe to make some sort of an appearance.”

    “Crap, I was hoping they’d not be here-you know give us some privacy.”

    “Dude, they’re reporters and you are Lex Luthor and that means anything or anyone near you is subject to all this media and spotlight. Although, I must commend you in keeping Chloe out of the media.”

    “Yea, you’d be surprised at what I’d do for her. I just don’t want them to make her out to be something she’s not. We’re happy and I don’t want anything to ruin that.”

    “Yea, I hear you man. So what are we gonna do? You are leaving right? Isn’t that why you called and asked for the security detail?”

    “Chloe wants to go to Smallville for the weekend so I thought we’d leave now, but I guess we’re gonna have to chill here till things cool down.”

    “Maybe not,” replied Alonzo slyly.

    “Well, whatever you do to get rid of them make sure it’s legal and binding. I need to get my girl out of here before she drives me insane,” Lex said laughing good-humouredly.

    “No problem and it is legal, don’t worry. I’ll just let it slip that a recently engaged billionaire was spotted in town with his fiancée shopping for the wedding.”

    “Thanks a lot Alonzo, I owe you. Those reporters can be so pesky.”

    “I don’t think Chloe would appreciate that-I mean, she’s probably been aspiring to be a reporter since she could talk.”

    Lex chuckled at the man’s response before letting him go to ensure that Chloe and he would be met with a quick getaway that didn’t involve any reporters. On the other hand, he wasn’t averse to just staying home with a certain blonde reporter that just finished her shower. Lex sat there, thinking about the blonde spitfire and just how the two came to be.

    There she was, happily lying there on one of the comfy couches of the Talon, her head in the lap of her best friend-a best friend that happened to also be his younger half-brother, Lucas. The two friends met in some club in metropolis and hit it off immediately, but unfortunately for them, they never made plans to keep in touch, so imagine both their surprises when Lucas rolled into the small town where Chloe resided. She immediately jumped into Lucas’ arms telling him all about fate and karma and grilling him about how long he was going to be staying in the cow town. The rest is history, as Lucas ended up staying indefinitely with Lex in the Castle and thus, was able to stay in constant contact with Chloe. Jealousy would run rampant in Lex at the thoughts of his brother and the blonde reporter, but then he would remember he shouldn’t be having those thoughts of her in the first place. But then why couldn’t he get the picture of the two of them spooned up in his bed, tangled in the sheets out of his mind? There was no use, he was besotted with the high school senior and determined to make her his.

    He thought he might find competition in Lucas for Chloe’s affections and was planning on confronting his brother about his intentions towards Chloe, but unfortunately for him, Lucas had the same ideas.

    [Flashback of Lucas confronting Lex]

    “Lex, there’s no really easy way to say this, so I’m just going to. Do you like Chloe, you know more than a friend?”

    “Why would you say that Lucas,” asked Lex suddenly interested in the papers he was looking at when Lucas barged into the study.

    “Cut the bullshit Lex. I’ve seen the way you look at her when you think no one else is, but guess what? I do. You get this stupid ass grin on your face every single time she enters and you pretend not to care, but I know you do. You go through great lengths to make sure she gets home safely or has a fresh cup or two of her almond mocha, a flavor which I might add, you only starting serving once you realized it was her favorite. She’s my best friend Lex and you may be my brother, but you can’t hurt her. I’d never forgive you. So once again, what are your intentions with Chloe?”

    “You’re right Lucas, I’m completely enamored with the girl. I tried to tell myself that she was too young or that I was her father’s boss, her best friend’s brother or other best friend’s best friend, but I just can’t anymore. I want her to be mine and I am willing to fight with even you for her,” Lex spoke in a passionate, yet dangerous tone.

    “Whoa, no need to bite my head off. I love Chloe Lex, but only as a friend. Besides she has her sights set on a certain person I know and let me tell you, it isn’t the local farm boy Clark, Pete, any other jock or me. So who does that leave” Lucas asked Lex, not caring if he was being a taunting younger brother.

    [End flashback-back to the Talon flashback]

    ‘So predictable,’ thought Lucas, as he spied Chloe and Lex taking small glances at each other.

    “You two are so obvious,” Lucas chastised Chloe.

    “What are you talking about,” asked Chloe sitting up and then groaning at the loss of comfort.

    “You and Lex. It’s obvious you two like each other. Why don’t you go for it and just ask him out?”

    “I can’t Lucas.”

    “Why not? He likes you I promise.”

    “He told you that?”

    “I just know,” replied Lucas. He couldn’t just tell Chloe about his brother’s affections, that’d be like breaking some from of trust between the two of them.

    “Okay, let’s say he does like me. We can’t go out. I’m just a fregin’ high schooler and he’s this big famous billionaire business tycoon and Lucas…I just…argh, he doesn’t like me okay.”

    “Fine, so do you give up on him yet?”

    “No, but I need to get my mind off him, maybe find some meteor freak to date and then spend a few days in the hospital. How ‘bout that,” replied Chloe sardonically.

    “Umm, or you could let me set you up on a blind date with one of my friends.”

    “Ugh fine, I’ll go. He better not try to kill me or anything. Call me with the time and place. I gotta go finish Torch stuff. See ya,” replied Chloe heading out of the Talon.

    This was an age-old argument between the two of them, so it was a complete shock to Lucas that she allowed him to set this up. There wasn’t really friend he had in mind, just a certain half-brother of his. It wouldn’t really be a lie. After all, Lex was his friend.

    “What are you doing tomorrow night,” asked Lucas to Lex, while sliding into the booth of the local coffee shop.

    “Tomorrow,” questioned Lex and at Lucas’ nod replied “Nothing, why?”

    “Wrong, you’ve got a date with a certain blonde reporter we all know and love-just set up the time and place,” Lucas replied, sounding confident and yet, on the inside, feeling like he was about to be verbally attacked by his older brother.

    “What mean I have a date? What have you done?”

    “Look, you two are the most oblivious people in the world and that’s saying something considering the prom queen and the farm boy usually win that one, but I am sick and tired of you two skating around each other. Now, Chloe, for whatever reason and let thank that reason, has allowed me to find her a suitable blind date and I promised her one that wouldn’t want to kill her. So, knowing how enamored you are with her, I volunteer you. Plus, I don’t think you’d harm her in any way. And you better not.”

    “You do realize that she can take care of herself? I mean with you, Clark, Pete, her father, Lana and me on occasion all watching her and taking care of her, you’d think she’d be sick of it all.”

    “Stop avoiding Lex and yea, she is sick of it all. Why do you think she comes to the Castle all the time? So, will you? I haven’t told her who I was gonna get so you could surprise her. You like her, she likes you. Please, she needs this.”

    On Lex’s part, he sat there acting as if this was no big deal, but in truth, this was all he could ever want. All he needed was one chance, just one, to show her that he did care about her and that he wanted her. Not wanting to be eager, he agreed to Lucas’ blind date on the premise that Lucas get her to Metropolis and set the dinner reservations under Lucas Luthor, so that she would be surprised. Well, maybe surprised was too less of an expression-possibly shocked would work well.

    “What are you thinking about,” asked Chloe towel drying her longer than shoulder hair.

    “Lucas and how he set us up.”

    “Yea, pain in the ass Luc, who tells everyone we know that he was responsible for us two getting together. I mean, it’s was just luck he happened to be your brother and my best friend. But still, I owe him one, I think for a really long time.”

    “Well, it wouldn’t be Lucas if he didn’t tell anyone. He’ll tell our kids for sure.”

    “Kids,” questioned an amused Chloe.

    “Umm, well I assumed that you would want kids and well, I thought…”
    “Luthor, you are too cute sometimes,” chuckled Chloe.

    She loved catching him at odd moments and busting his chops. Of course she wanted to have his kids-she’d do anything for him and having children was only a small something.

    “Luthors aren’t cute-we’re debonair.”

    “Yea, you go practice being debonair while I get my bag and then we can leave.”

    And as she left the room to grab her bag, Lex patiently stood there waiting for her return, when the two of them would leave for their trip to Smallville.

  2. #2
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    WOO HOO, I am so glad that you are posting this fabulous story here

    I look forward to more--SOON!!

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  3. #3
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    This is a really interesting plot idea, I like the idea of getting to read the reporter's take on things and then flipping to what's really going on with Lex and Chloe. Very cool! I can't wait to read more!


  4. #4
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    I'm reading this over at ff.net, and I'm really glad you moved it over here!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member Louie's Avatar
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    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    This first part was really great. Hope you update soon.

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    Yeah you brought this over here. I can't wait for more.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    seeking a happy ending. meeaz's Avatar
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    Cool Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish): Chapter Two

    Disclaimer: I own nothing except some of the plot!

    Summary: Lex and Chloe’s life together in the future. Engaged and already in love. Features articles on the couple as seen through the eyes of Adam Fienne, a Daily Planet reporter. Will showcase the lives of Chloe and Lex, as they plan their wedding and get married. Chlex all the way. Minor Clois and Plana. Everyone in this world is happy-there aren’t issues with Clark or Lionel, those will be saved for other stories. Adam Fienne is a gay Daily Planet columnist for the society pages and will be reporting on the Luthor family and extensions thereof-not Lois because she’s family and she just can’t. And Clark isn’t Superman in this yet, but everyone but Lois and Lionel know his secret and that doesn’t even matter though because this story is strictly Chlex-nothing else!!!

    Author’s Notes: Thanks for the reviews guys!

    Chapter Two:

    Sitting there in the silver Mercedes convertible, Chloe sat there, hand held in Lex’s, thinking about the blind date that eventually led them here.

    “Lana, can you please help me,” cried a frustrated Chloe to her roommate and surprisingly, best friend. Despite her pink fluff of goodness, Lana really was a great person, you just had to get to know her. And for that chance Chloe was grateful because there were times, like these, when a girl needed another girl’s opinion.

    “What’s wrong and what the heck happened here,” motioning to the array of clothes that now littered the obsessively clean room.

    “Lucas got me a blind date in Metropolis and I promised I’d go and it’s tonight. I leave for the helicopter in like an hour and I have nothing to wear. Well I do, but I don’t know what to wear,” Chloe explained in one big breath.

    “Ooh, so who’s the lucky guy,” asked Lana while maybe some semblance of the mess on the floor.

    “I don’t know anything except that he’s from metropolis and his name is Alex.”

    “Where are you headed to? Maybe than I can help you out with the clothes.”

    “We have reservations for this French restaurant called Désespoir de L'espoir and then I think we’re supposed to go to a club if things go good, but I don’t want to go clubbing.”

    “Egh, lucky. I want to go there-it’s supposed to be really good. How’s this one,” asked Lana picking up a red spaghetti strapped dress.

    “I’ll get Lucas to take us out sometime. He loves me-he’d do anything for me. And no, I don’t feel like red tonight. Maybe something less colorful? Black?”

    “I have no doubts about Lucas taking you-he’d do anything for you. Hmm, okay how about this one,” questioned Lana as she pulled out a modestly low black halter dress that reached a bit over the knee.

    “Oh man. I didn’t even know I still had that. I think one of my old Metropolis friends sent it to me. But yeah, let me go see if it fits or not and then we can wig out about my hair.”

    Chloe emerged from the bathroom in her room and stood there waiting for Lana’s opinion on the matter.

    “Wow, Chloe you look awesome. Definitely wear that tonight. And, I have the perfect shoes and bag to match. Now, what to do with your hair?”

    By the time Lana was done styling and primping Chloe for the big blind date, Lucas had arrived to take her to the Castle so that they could leave via helicopter. Lana had chosen to put Chloe’s now shoulder length hair into subtle curls and only a touch of makeup that consisted of some blush, eyeliner and a golden hued eye-shadow topped of with nude lip-gloss. She also insisted that Chloe wait in her room while she got Lucas ready for her big entrance-despite the fact that Lucas wasn’t her date-some guy named Alex was. Nonetheless, here she was, waiting for Lana to call her downstairs.

    “Wow, Alex is a really lucky guy,” exclaimed Lucas, as Chloe came down the stairs.

    “Shut up. But thanks for the compliment. Is it too much, or is this how you rich and famous dine and wine,” asked Chloe as she finally came to the landing of the stairs.

    “No, you look great. Kudos to Lana I’m guessing for the hair and make-up and possibly the choice in dress.”

    “Hey, I can too get dolled up. I just don’t have much practice. So, ready to blow this Popsicle joint?”

    “After you Gizmo. Lana,” nodded Lucas, as he bid goodnight to the high school princess.

    “Argh, how many times have I told you not to call me that,” asked an exasperated Chloe.

    “Too many to count and don’t frown, you’ll get wrinkles.”

    The ride to the castle was filled with the usual Chloe-Lucas banter that was further propelled by Chloe’s habit to change the radio station Lucas preferred, but other than that, the two just sat in a comfortable silence. Once they got into the helicopter though, Chloe’s intuitive side kicked in, as her patience ran out, and began questioning Lucas about who this Alex person really was and what he looked like and all other things of that nature.

    Thanking every deity in heaven, Lucas helped Chloe out of the helicopter and escorted her into the awaiting limousine that would take her to her date. He loved Chloe, he did, but he couldn’t let the surprise be ruined-not after all his hard work to actually make this happen. So, when they pulled up to Désespoir de L'espoir, he just took her hands in his and promised that everything would be okay.

    Leading her inside, he told her to wait while he talked to the garcon and see if her date had arrived.

    “Okay he’s here, but you have to promise me you’ll go through with this,” Lucas told her as he came back.

    “Why? Lucas, what have you done? Who is it,” asked Chloe, now getting extremely nervous-not just nervous like she was before.

    “Everything will be okay, just please, promise me.”

    “Fine,” agreed Chloe.

    He then proceeded to take her by the hand, telling her to keep her eyes closed, and guided her into her seat.

    “I’m going to leave now, but you can only open your eyes when Alex here tells you to. Okay? And remember, I did this for your sake.”

    “Fine, bye and thanks, I guess.”

    “You can open your eyes now Chlo,” said Lex, as Chloe’s face changed from nervousness to complete shock. There was only one person who called her Chlo.

    “Well, I can’t really hurt Lucas for telling me that I was here for some guy named Alex-I mean Lex is just an abbreviation of Alex which is an abbreviation of Alexander and that is your name and…” rambled Chloe, before Lex placed his hand on top of her mouth, cutting of any other response she would have had.

    “Chlo, stop. I get that Lucas ambushed you and I guess I did too because I knew exactly who was gonna show up here tonight, but we’re not trying to gang up on you, I promise. It’s just that when Lucas came to me with this, I thought I could show you how I felt.”

    “And how do you feel?”

    “Look this isn’t easy for me, so just bear with me okay,” and with Chloe’s nod he continued, “I don’t know when it happened or how, but somehow I found myself thinking about you more and more and not just as that high school reporter or Clark’s best friend or that girl that drinks all of my coffee, but you. Chlo, somehow, somewhere, I just…I care about you and I want you to know that and maybe we can try the whole relationship thing. I’m certainly not the best at it, but I willing to give it a shot if you say so,” finished Lex, looking more uncertain as each second passed by.

    “I’m going to have to hurt Lucas now. Lex, I want this, I want an us. Lucas has been trying to convince me to just tell you that I liked you too and now that I have, he’s not here,” joked Chloe, trying to ease some of Lex’s uncertainty.

    “Excuse me, but if I recall correctly you never told me you liked me,” Lex exclaimed, with a hint of humor in both his eyes and voice.

    “Well I do. I like you Lex. A lot,” Said Chloe, straight away blushing at her confession.

    “Well I like you too. And by the way you looked absolutely stunning,” Lex said, watching Chloe get redder and redder.

    Dinner was a pleasant affair filled with gourmet French meals and stolen sips of wine, on Chloe’s part anyway. The two sat there amicably talking about anything and everything, when Lex suddenly stood up and asked her to dance. They danced to the slow music being played by the musicians in the corner and totally got lost in the ambiance.

    “Let’s go get some ice-cream,” suggested Lex.

    “Sure,” replied Chloe, getting her bag and taking Lex’s hand.

    The two walked out of the restaurant holding hands and chatting about Lex when he was younger.

    “You did not,” exclaimed Chloe, as Lex led her down a Metropolis street.

    “I did too. It was this horrendous shade of red and it was curly. I remember Chlo,” Lex told her, as they talked about his hair before the meteor shower.

    “Aw, you were probably so cute. I wish I could have seen that,” Chloe laughed, as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, trying to bring herself some warmth.

    Noticing her shivers, Lex took off his suit jacket and placed it around her shoulders. “And don’t worry I’ll be fine without it, besides, we’re almost at the shop,” said Lex, as she opened her mouth to protest.

    The shop, surprisingly, was of an old fashioned style with the original red bar stools and counters, not to mention the ice cream soda floats. It was in a secluded part of downtown Metropolis, so when she questioned Lex about how he knew of this place he told her about how his nanny Pamela used to bring him here in the attempts to cheer him up or reward him for doing something extraordinary.

    Chloe was in heaven, not because of the soda float she was currently devouring, but because she was here with Lex-in a place he obviously considered special- and to her, that was more than words could say.

    ‘I’ll have to do something nice for Lucas one of these days,’ thought Lex as he sat across from the blonde spitfire, watching her sip happily at her float. He wanted to share everything with her, take her places that were special to him, make love to her and just love her. There would be no twisted version of happiness like with Desiree or Helen, just hanging out with her, talking, actually building a relationship from scratch.

    “You ready to go,” Lex asked, as he watched Chloe try to hide a yawn.

    “Mmm, yeah, sorry I didn’t get much sleep last nigh-I was kinda freaking out about this,” replied Chloe, referring to the blind date.

    “No problem, let me take you to Lucas’? I assume that’s where you’re going,” Lex asked as he held out his hand.

    “Yeah, I mean tonight was great, but I really don’t feel comfortable going home with you after the first date ya know?”

    “It’s not problem, I get it, we’ll take it slow. I promise,” Lex said seriously.

    “I know.”

    Once he pulled up to Lucas’ Metropolis building, he went to Chloe’s side of the car and held the door open for her.

    “Why, thank you kind knight,” Chloe said with humor in her voice.

    “My pleasure fair maiden,” Lex stated before the two of them started laughing.

    Getting their laughter under control Lex led Chloe to Lucas’ door and turned around so that Chloe was slightly pressed against the wall. He leaned into Chloe and brought his hand to gently cup her chin.

    “I want to kiss you,” Lex said almost whispering.

    “Why don’t you,” asked Chloe in response.

    And before she knew it, Lex leaned down and captured her lips with his own, starting out chastely, but as soon as she began mewling, he traced his tongue on the bottom of her lip, begging for entrance into her mouth and Chloe was more than willing. The two broke off as air became an issue and Lex placed his forehead upon hers and told her he’d call her tomorrow before giving her another chaste kiss and watching her walk through the door.

    “I love you,” she said to Lucas, as she spotted him watching some guy thing on ESPN.

    “Great night I take it,” Lucas asked, a smirk gracing his features.

    “Oh shut up, I’m going to bed,” Chloe told him before walking into the guest room, which doubled as her room whenever she came to Metropolis.

    “Goodnight Chloe,” replied Lucas cheekily.

    Lucas’ Apartment-Breakfast time

    “Ahh, I can’t believe this,” Chloe all but yelled, running into Lucas’ room.

    “Woman, it’s super early in the morning, shouldn’t you be getting your beauty sleep? And what are you yelling about,” asked a groggy Lex.

    “This,” exclaimed Chloe thrusting a newspaper into his hands.

    Moonlit Stroll: Luthor Heir and Latest Girlfriend

    The people of Metropolis haven’t seen much of the Luthor heir in the sense of the social scene after his departure to the small town Smallville and failed marriage to Dr. Helen Bryce, so it may come to be a shock that the Luthor heir is indeed back and by the looks of it dating, yet again. Walking through a disclosed part of downtown Metropolis, I was extremely surprised to see the familiar baldhead, but what was even more surprising was the woman holding his hand. As can be seen, she isn’t the typical brunette Mr. Luthor tends to, but rather a saucy blonde. All that we know about the blonde is that she is a blonde. Due to the lack of light and the covering of her face by Mr. Luthor’s turned body, the pictures aren’t clear, but nonetheless, we know two things: 1) she is a blonde and on a happier note 2) the Luthor heir is back. (Picture: Lex and Chloe holding hands, with Lex’s head turned around, as if he is looking over his shoulder and thus, Chloe’s face being covered and only locks of her curly blonde hair being shown).

    Stay tuned for more.

    Adam Fienne.

    “It’s not so bad Chloe. They don’t know who you are and why do you care anyway. I thought you and Lex hit it off last night,” Lucas said rubbing his eyes and placing the paper back into the hands of Chloe.

    “We did hit it off last night-it’s not that. Lucas, I’m still in high school-it really won’t look good that Lex is dating a high schooler and yeah, I’m eighteen but still.”

    “Don’t worry Lex will take care of it.”

    “What do you mean by that?”

    “Chloe, he likes you a lot. He’d go to any length to protect you and this is just only a small measure. He’ll probably pay off the newspapers to leave you alone or give them interviews in exchange for the protection of your identity,” Lucas explained.

    “Hey no fair. I always ask him for interviews-he never gives them to me.”

    “Maybe because he doesn’t want you falling out of anymore windows.”

    “Yeah, but anyways, he shouldn’t have to go through all that trouble for me. We should just go to the Castle for all our dates and keep everything a secret.”

    She didn’t have to wait long to divulge her plans to Lex because he called her soon after her tirade to Lucas, having seen the paper himself.

    “Am I really selfish in wanting to keep this between us Lex, well and Lucas and anyone else you tell. And before you say anything, let me explain. I’m not embarrassed to be with you or frustrated at all that negative attention, it’s just that Lex, I’m still in high school and even though I’m eighteen, a twenty-three year old billionaire going out with a regular high school girl from a cow town named Smallville doesn’t really look good.”

    “You’re amazing, you know that right? I was going to ask you if we could keep this between just our friends and family too, so now that we’re both on the same page, yes, I think it’d be a great idea. We can tell whomever we want, so long as they don’t go running to the papers and I’m accused of being a child molester and you’re called a paramour. Sound good,” questioned Lex into the phone.

    “Yep and now that we’ve got that settled, what are you doing for breakfast because I cold set another plate for you here.”

    “See ya in a few,” and with that he hung up.

    “Sleepyhead, we’re here,” Lex said gently shaking his fiancée.

    “Mmm, tired.”

    “I know, I’m sorry, but we’re here and your dad expects us at seven over at his place so I’d thought you’d like to change into something else-some of your clothes are still here at the Castle.”

    “Mmm, yea. I’ll get to that.”

    Being somewhat awake now, Chloe walked into the walk in closet of the Lex’s old bedroom and picked out something to wear, all the while noticing that neither Lionel nor Lucas were home.

    Lex had moved back into his Metropolis penthouse, as soon as Chloe got accepted into Met U. She ended up moving in with Lex and Lionel took up residence in the Castle, as did Lucas, so he could remain in constant contact with his girlfriend, Summer, a local of Smallville.

    Finally deciding on a brown tunic, white mini skirt and thong flip flops, Chloe changed with super speed and now stood waiting for Lex, who happened to enter the foyer, keys in hand.

    The ride to the her childhood home wasn’t that long-maybe a matter of ten or fifteen minutes, but in those minutes she just sat there listening to music and holding the hand Lex wasn’t using to drive. Taking his hand, she brought it to her lips and placed a kiss on it because she felt like it and not for any other reason. Lex learned from experience that it was just better never to question Chloe. He was used to these random moments, but he didn’t really mind-after all, it just meant more time spent with Chloe.

    Knocking on the door now, Lex and Chloe were both surprised to see Lionel open the door for them and usher them in.

    “What are you doing here,” asked Chloe, giving him a hug.

    “Well, hello to you too. Actually, your dad called everyone over for an extended family dinner-you know the Ross’, Kent and would be Kent if he proposed, Lucas and Summer and then me.”

    “Hey dad, nice to see you,” Lex said giving his father a hug.

    “I thought I heard your voice,” said Gabe, walking into the room.

    “Daddy,” exclaimed Chloe running into his arms.

    “I missed you Pumpkin. Lex,” he acknowledged giving his future son in law a pat on the back.

    “So where is everyone? We haven’t been together like this in such a long time,” questioned Chloe.

    “Well, we would all be together if some hotshot reporter didn’t move away and her billionaire boyfriend-or should I say fiancée-didn’t hole her up in his penthouse,” said an all too familiar voice.

    “Pete, it’s so good to see you. You have no idea how much I miss you guys. Where’s Lana,” asked Chloe giving her childhood friend a hug.

    “Hey Lex. She’s in the bathroom, ya know bladder can’t really hold much these days.”

    And long ago came the time where Lex Luthor and Pete Ross became friends.

    “Chloe, Lex, it’s so good to see you again,” said Lana as she walked, more like waddled, into the room carrying the 13 month old Brooke Evangeline Ross with her. Handing the baby over to her husband, she was able to hug Chloe and Lex, as best as she could-being six months pregnant kind of hinders the space.

    “Wow, look at you. Glowing with pride. Both of you,” Chloe exclaimed to both Pete and Lana, as she walked over to take Brooke. “And you miss, are getting bigger and more beautiful each time I see you,” Chloe said to the giggling baby in her arms.

    “Chloe, sweetheart, can you get everyone into the dining room, dinner is about done,” yelled Gabe from the kitchen.

    “Come on you lot, you heard the man,” said Chloe ushering everyone out of the living room, placing Brooke back into the arms of her mother.

    Lex took hold of her from the back by wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck and just holding her.

    “I love you Chlo.”

    Giving him one of her super watt smiles, she responded, “I love you too Lex. And I’ll love you even more if you lead me into the kitchen where I can eat.”

    Thank Yous:

    Kit Merlot: Thanks for your review-I can always count on you for those! And yeah, I finally figured out how to work this site because I’ve like been a member but last night I was bored and decided to read some rules and figured out that the reason I couldn’t find any fics was because I was a retard and had to put up a post. Well, I like this site so much better than ff.net, but I’ll still post at both. Anyways, I’m diligently working on chapter six and should have it up by Sunday on ff.net. Enjoy! xoxo, meeaz.

    star del mar: Thanks so much for your review! And I’m really glad to hear that you’re enjoying this and like my idea of Adam-I too am proud of my baby lol! Anyways, thanks again and enjoy!!! xoxo, meeaz.

    bluengreenswmer: Thanks for the review! Yea I figured out how to work this site after like months of frustration so I thought I’d actually post here-here, there’s a wider Chlex base so that makes me happy . Anyways, enjoy and thanks again! xoxo, meeaz.

    Louie: Thanks for your review!!! I’m really glad to hear that you like this. Enjoy and thanks again!!! xoxo, meeaz.

    hfce: Thanks for your review!!! Yeah, I figured out to work this whole forum concept last night and thought I’d bring my story with me! Anyways, glad to hear you like and thanks for the review. Enjoy!!! xoxo, meeaz.
    <3 yams.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    NY, NY

    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    Great update!! Reading about the first date is always fun...especially their's, it was suprisingly sweet. They're too cute together, I can't wait to read more!


  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003

    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    This is such a fun story!! I love that Lex and Chloe are so happy together!! Thank you so much for bringing this story here from ff.net!!

  10. #10
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Daily Planet Musings (rated pg-13ish)

    More please

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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