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Thread: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

  1. #1
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    Title: Shoot low, They’re Riding the Shetlands
    Author: Kathy
    Ratings: R for violence
    Pairings: Implied Chlex
    Category: Mystery
    Spoilers: Somewhere in Season 4, no specific episode is mentioned.
    Summary: Chloe makes a discovery.
    Disclaimer: This story is purely for fun and no profit. I don’t own any of the characters. The WB has that privilege. THOSE JERKS!
    A/N: I ‘m not sure where the idea for this short story came from, but here it is. I’m trying to get back into writing fanfiction, so please tell me know what you think.

    Shoot Low: They’re Riding the Shetlands

    The gun felt oddly light in his hand when he wrapped his fingers around the cold steel. He smiled grimly when he saw the flash of fear in the other man’s eyes.

    Many people would see this as an act of desperation from a man over the edge. He didn’t even pause to wonder if his actions were right or wrong.

    He was only certain of one fact, and that was that the man in front of him had to die.

    He glanced over at the other people cowering in fear before him, and he knew what he had to do. He took careful aim and fired

    Chloe held the sheaf of papers in her hands, and the only thing she was aware of was that her hand was shaking. She couldn't be sure if it was in fear or shock, but she couldn’t keep her hand straight if her life depended on it.

    She took several deep breaths and turned back to the papers in front of her. The words on the page stopped making sense after she read the first couple of paragraphs. It was too unbelievable to be true, but Chloe knew better than anyone that what at first seemed too farfetched, eventually made a certain weird sense.

    Chloe walked back to the kitchen table, and reluctantly picked up the papers and resumed reading. It didn't take long before a look of shocked disbelief was etched clearly on her face.

    He dimly heard the body hit the floor, and he knew without looking that the person was dead.

    He then turned to the two other people in the room and said, “Remember what you’ve seen here, because if I hear a word of this on the streets, I’ll know who to go after.”

    The other men nodded their heads, and they walked out of the warehouse, scattering into two different directions.

    The police siren cold be heard blaring, and he smiled when he watched his minions run, confident that neither of them was going to sing.

    After an hour, Chloe had to again stop reading. She kept shaking her head at different parts, and at one point, she snorted disbelievingly. How could he keep something this important from her? She realized that everyone had a part of themselves that they kept hidden from others, but this was too monumental, too important, to be kept as a secret.

    “Kitten, don’t leave!” The young blonde woman struggled to get away from the embrace of the man before her, hut he proved to be too strong.

    He held her close to him, and buried his face in her hair, muttering, “Baby, I love you. I promise that this was the last time.”

    She looked up into his face, and tried to read his expression, but the tears that filled her eyes blinded her.

    She loved him, but would she be able to stay with him, knowing the darkness he was capable of?

    He was a complicated man with a past, just like everyone else, but Chloe always felt as though she knew him better than the average person. But after what she just read, that was far from the truth.

    He glowered at the two men in front of him, his bald head shining as he carefully polished his brass knuckles. "What did I tell you two the other night?"

    He looked expectantly at his henchmen and tried not to sigh to loudly at their confused facial expressions. Finally, one of the men spoke up. "You told us to keep our mouths shut, Boss."

    He smiled grimly in satisfaction at the answer, and paused a moment before he asked his second question. "Where's your heater?"

    The second minion, who hadn't spoken the first time, squeaked out, "WHAT?"

    Suddenly, their boss viscously backhanded the second henchmen with the brass knuckles, and calmly answered, "Where's your gun, Einstein?"

    Before either man could answer, the blonde rushed into the room. "Scram! It's the coppers!"

    Chloe rolled her eyes and shook her head, stunned that anyone would utter a line like that.

    Just then Chloe heard the lock turn in the door to their apartment and the front door open.

    "Dad, do you want to tell me why you're writing dime store detective novels?"

    Death in an Alleyway

    by Gabe Sullivan

    Summary: Cub reporter, Vera Miller investigates the brutal shooting of Private Eye, Thomas Kent . Along the way, she meets Joseph Alexander, a notorious gangster. The two soon fall in love, but can she trust him or will it be, Death in an Alleyway?

    Check out the sequels to this fic:

    Violet Noir

    The Butcher's Boy
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 22nd March 2014 at 03:00.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

    My Fanfic Master List

    My livejournal: An Accused Heretic

  2. #2
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    that was great and i realy liked it it was great that it was all a story that gabe wrote.

  3. #3
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    Hee. This was so fun. I loved how you kept stringing us along with clues as to what this may be about until the reveal at the very end. Good for Gabe. I bet he would write great dime store novels.

    Great little story, with good expression of Chloe's progress of emotions. I hope you get back into writing more.

    (p.s.: I'd noticed you posted this yesterday but didn't have time to read it. Then I came back this morning and almost freaked out because I couldn't find it. The short story forum has been very active. Hopefully, my bumping this up will let more people see it.)

  4. #4
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    You know I totally love this but I have to say it again. The payoff was brilliant.

    I made the mistake of reading this on my break at work and ended up making a scene by hooting as soon as I got to the end!

    Now my coworkers have even more reason to think I am insane.

    Anyways, I LOVE me some Gabe and anytime someone uses him creatively in a fic, it makes my day. You, dear, made my weekend!

  5. #5
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    I like that it was Gabe who wrote the story. too cute. and the fact that the two leads were lex and chloe. even Gabe recognizes the Chlex.

  6. #6
    NS Junior Member cwong's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    Haha. That was pretty cool. Very surprising ending.

  7. #7

    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    Hee!! Great story. You had me fooled the entire time.

  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    That was great. LOL!

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    Gabe is such a cool dad!! I love Chloe's reactions to his story!! Such a great fanfic, and I love the ending!!

  10. #10

    Re: Shoot Low, They’re Riding the Shetlands "R"

    pleasantly different......

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