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Thread: Broken Sonnet Series - Part 3 - Debris - PG - 04/03/07

  1. #11
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)


    ---sorry for the Lexana. Really, I am! But I needed some plot points from the TV series itself. I'm disgusted with Lexana as much as you are. But I swear by all my reputation points [which i treasure, btw, so keep on adding to them, kay? ] that it'll be a CHLEX ending. Chloe's true worth to Lex will come out, and Lana would be left eating dust.

    ---Um. Well. You just have to see. So watch out for Part2.

    ---yes!. CHLEX ending all the way baby!

    ---thanks! there will be more, but i'll try to cut down on the Lexana.

    suspension of disbelief:
    ---just have to make sure you guys are into it.

    ---i hope your stomach's okay now. and yes, they will be back together.

    ---you saw the movie too?! yey! you think i did a good job of explaining and intertwining? aw, shucks. thanks!

    ---I'll try to cut down on the Lexana.

    ---oh, Chloe will have her anti-hero in the end...I just hope I do them and the movie some justice.

    ---more to come this week! i just hope my beta would be merciful. *paging Peggy* hee!

  2. #12
    NS Junior Member
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)

    That was great- more soon please.

  3. #13
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)

    ---will be sending Part2 to my beta today. just watch out next week for the new thread.

    ---oh, wow. you're the first one to quote me!

    and you also gave me rep points?!

    thank you thank you thank you!!!

    ---thank you! part2 will be up this week.

  4. #14
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)


    Sweetie. OMG---yeah, Chlex will be alive and well later on---if the two stubbornest people allow it to be---I have faith in you and Chlex. Lexana? Oh yeah, that bit---I think I blanked it out---as I used to on the show, even if it was friendship---ewwwww.

    Continue, sweetie. Oh man, the descriptions alone brought tears to my eyes. If I had to figure out quotes, I'd be quoting the whole thing. And awwww----I'm glad I could inspire you, sweetie. You're making me very happy tonight---now, off to write VM and get my sequel up for A Queen without her King.

  5. #15
    The Masked Phantomess Senior Member Augustine86's Avatar
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)

    If Feedback = Life then teejei = immortal.

    I can't believe you are not up to the roof with reviews. It was fantastic, I loved it. And the part I love the most is that it has a sequel quarantee. What could be more appealing than that?

  6. #16
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)

    ---omg! you really stopped by my fic. *hee* again, sorry for the Lexana. i promise it's only for the plot. i haven't gone split personality and suddenly adore the Pink-Princess-turned-Gothic-Primadonna. and, really now..your happy Chlex fics brought out the happy muse in me. i always went for dark, angsty fics..but you got me craving some happy, romantic fics, too! watch out for Part2 in your email, kay?

    ---let's just say i'm straining to contain my excitement here. sequel will probably posted on monday or tuesday night. now, there's your guarantee!

  7. #17
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    Re: Broken Sonnet Series – Part 1 – Reality Bites (PG13)


    Oh, sweetie, if I could write like you and some of the others on this site, well, I think we should all get a bus and go to Vancouver, don't you. Seriously though, I think the Lexana (or Peepex as some call it) is just a plot point for the show too. Which makes it a little easier to handle---that and not watching them on the screen together.

    Wow, long name for her there. You guys, so inventive for names. <g>

  8. #18
    NS Full Member teejei's Avatar
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    Broken Sonnet Series - I Bruise Easily - PG13 *Complete*

    Broken Sonnet Series - Part 2 - I Bruise Easily

    Rating: PG13---just to be safe

    Pairing: Chlex, Chlark friendship

    Spoilers: Season4 - a bit of Pariah, but mostly Onyx

    Disclaimer: The title of this series came from Hale's first single of the same title. The title of this part came from Natasha Bedingfield's song of the same title. None of the characters are mine, though to have Lex on eternal loan would be truly appreciated. *grin*

    A/N: flashbacks, 'thoughts'

    First off, a huge 'Thank you!' to my beta, PMD. I had no idea how this part turned out, and I was relieved that you found my concept novel.

    And thanks too to becky for introducing I Bruise Easily through her Chlex video. If I haven't given any FB on it yet, I'm on my way.

    This'll be slightly AU with angst [coz I'm in such a rut], but I promise a v. good ending at the last part of the series.

    This is my version of Season 4; the way certain events SHOULD have transpired---and because I'm absolutely revolted by the way the DOMOS used my favorite Maroon 5 song to allude to the Pink Princess-turned-Gothic Primadonna in "Gone".


    Lex. Lionel. And now, Alexander.

    'What is it with me and these Luthors?' thought Chloe, as she pulled herself closer to the Kent's kitchen counter and held the ice pack to her cheek.

    After yet another attempt on her life, this time in the LuthorCorp lab, Chloe wondered what she must've done to deserve her twisted kind of fate. 'I am so out of here after graduation. I'd rather hunt down Metropolis crime lords than deal with meteor freaks.'

    "You ok down there, Chloe?" asked Clark, as he bounded down the stairs.

    "I've had worse," she quipped.

    "Well, we always bounce back, right?" chuckled Clark, as he lightly stroked Chloe's un-bruised cheek.

    "Yep. Coming back better than before," said Chloe, as she smiled as much as her cheeks would let her.

    Clark pulled off his farmboy grin as he settled on a barstool across from Chloe.

    Given any other day, Chloe would've been swooning. But things were different now. Instead, the warmth of friendship was what she felt emanate from Clark's actions.

    She had accepted the fact that Clark would only be her best friend, and so, moved on to greener pastures. Unfortunately, greener didn't necessarily mean better. Her heart was still with that someone who hadn't had the decency to return it. But she was already getting ahead of herself.

    Chloe tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

    "By the way---" she caught Clark's eye, "---thanks for saving me. I never knew you'd also be strong enough to break through concrete," she added nonchalantly and gauged Clark's reaction.

    Clark's eyes widened comically. "Well, you see…the thing is---hey, I thought you were unconscious!" he stammered.

    Chloe patted Clark's hand on the counter. "It's ok, Clark."

    "But, how? And what do you mean 'also'? You've seen me before?" he basically panicked.

    "Whoa, ease up on the inquisition! Alicia and I were hidden among some barrels and equipment, and we saw you stop her car," Chloe explained calmly.

    Clark gaped at her. "She never mentioned that. And neither did you."

    "I was waiting for you to tell me yourself."

    Clark sighed. "Mom and Dad were afraid that if I got caught, I'd be sent to a lab to be poked and prodded."

    "Well, count me in on the secret, Clark. I've never told anybody about what I saw. I didn't even write about it. And I promise I never will. Unless you permit me to."

    Clark let out the breath he didn't know he'd been holding. It blew directly into Chloe and whipped her hair around.

    "Geez, Clark! I know you use mint toothpaste, but the Arctic winds?!" she said, combing her hands through her hair.

    "Sorry," he said sheepishly.

    "Brush more often, Kent. With breath like yours, we'd have a summer breeze!" she said delightedly.

    Chloe hopped off her barstool and put on her jacket. "Well, I'm just gonna stop by the Talon before heading home. Attempts on my life significantly decrease my body's caffeine levels."

    Clark rolled his eyes and ruffled her hair as they walked towards the door. "You sure you'll be ok?"

    "Is Lex back in one piece?" she bantered.

    "Chloe," growled Clark.

    Chloe can't help but laugh at his face. "See you around school, Clark."

    She waved back at him as she ambled over to her car.



    He looked up from the astronomy book he'd been reading. "Lex."

    "I thought I'd find you up here."

    Lex climbed the remaining steps to Clark's loft and headed for the barn window. He leaned on the sill and shoved his hands into his pants' pockets.

    Clark patiently waited on his couch for Lex to speak up again.

    Lex cleared his throat.

    "I just came over to apologize for---" he trailed off.

    He ran a hand over his head and let it rest on his nape. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

    "For everything. Everything that Alexander said and did. I really am willing to deal with the repercussions, and I hope that our friendship wasn't affected negatively."

    Clark sighed and set his book aside. He rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands.

    "Honestly, Lex, I don't know what to say."

    "Say whatever is on your mind, Clark. Really, it's all right. I find his actions inexcusable myself!"

    Clark got up from the couch and joined Lex at the window.

    "I understand how it is to have a part of you that you always have to control. You've seen me at my worst; every action influenced by that part, justified or not, will still remain inexcusable."

    Lex nodded for Clark to go on. He didn't exactly know what his evil half had done, but judging from Clark's stern glare, he knew he deserved this chastisement.

    "You speak of Alexander like he's a separate being with a mind and personality of his own. Lex, he's a part of you. You can hide him, suppress him, but he'll always be there."

    Clark took a deep breath. "Though it has given me a preview of what you're capable of when he is in control---" he exhaled, "---I haven't given up on you. Our friendship still stands. But---"

    Lex closed his eyes and bowed his head like a condemned man at the guillotine.

    "---I don't know how this affected your father, Lana, and especially Chloe. They're the ones you should be apologizing to," Clark continued.

    Lex pushed off from the sill and held out his hand. "Thank you, Clark."

    Clark shook his hand and turned to look at the constellation he'd been reading about through his telescope.

    As he sensed that Lex had just stepped down to the second landing, he blurted out, "Chloe's at the Talon."

    Lex's footsteps abruptly stopped.

    He looked back up at Clark. "What?"

    "Chloe's at the Talon."

    Clark finally abandoned the telescope and walked over to the stairs' banister.

    "She told me she'd stop there for coffee before heading back to her apartment."

    Lex narrowed his eyes. "Why are you telling me this, Clark?"

    Clark shrugged. "I just thought you'd want to catch up with her before it's too late."

    Lex tilted his head and contemplated what Clark had just implied.

    "Any more last-minute pointers for me?"

    "Talk to her."


    Chloe took a deep breath as she stepped into the Talon. She headed straight for the counter and ordered.

    "Hey, Peggy. Just the house blend for tonight, black."

    "Oooh, pretty hard-core, even for you Chloe," Peggy smiled as she poured the coffee.

    Chloe managed a weak smile and thanked her as she cradled the hot cup in her hands and walked over to her usual corner booth. It was a pretty quiet night in the Talon with only 3 other customers hunched over their books.

    "Hey, Peggy," Chloe called out and motioned for her to come over.

    "Yeah?" Peggy asked as she drew nearer.

    "Pretty quiet in here, don't you think?"

    Peggy just smirked. "Got a request from the play list?"

    "Whatever you got for a lonely, broken girl."

    "Hmm---I think we have just the one for you," Peggy replied. "Pete just sent in his acoustic mix CD for the Talon."

    She walked over to the booth and pressed the number of the song she wanted.

    Chloe settled back against the plush cushions of her booth as the opening chords of the song filled the Talon. 'Gotta hand it to Pete. That boy sure knows how to mix.' She soon found herself bobbing her head to the beat.

    "Beauty queen of only 18

    She had some trouble with herself

    He was always there to help her

    She always belonged to someone else"

    Chloe raised an eyebrow and gave Peggy a look that said, 'You have got to be kidding me.'

    Peggy simply waved off Chloe's reaction and pointed to her ear as if to say, 'Just listen to it.'

    "It will get better," she mouthed to the glowering blond.

    Chloe sipped her coffee without removing her glare from Peggy. 'I'm no beauty queen, and I certainly haven't been with anybody worth being jealous of. Maybe I should go over there and smack that grin off Peggy's face,' she thought.

    And as the song proceeded to its second stanza, the Talon's chimes sounded and announced its new customer. Its only bald customer.

    "I drove for miles and miles

    And wound up at your door

    I've had you so many times

    But somehow I want more"

    "Ladies, Lex Luthor has entered the building."

    Chloe jumped in her seat and turned towards the voice. She narrowed her eyes at the girl that now hovered over her, looking so mesmerized that Chloe worried for the coffee pot almost dangling in the girl's hand.

    "Peggy!" she whispered sharply.

    "What?" said Peggy innocently, reinforcing her grip on the pot's handle. "God, he is gorgeous, don't you think?" her eyes twinkled mischievously.

    Chloe rolled her eyes and held up her cup for another refill. "Better get back to your station before he starts wondering why he hired you."

    'What is he doing here?' Chloe wondered. ' Besides checking on his establishment, of course.'


    Lex tapped his fingers to the beat as he waited for a waitress to approach the counter. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he slightly flinched at the sound of a voice.

    "Your usual, Mr. Luthor?" Peggy greeted.

    "Um, no thanks---Peggy," he paused as he peered at her nametag. "Is Lana upstairs?"

    "Yes, sir. She just came back from the grocery," she replied.

    "Thank you."

    Lex then made his way around the counter and towards the stairs that led to the apartment above the Talon. As he rounded the counter, he caught a glimpse of blond hair poking through intertwined fingers. 'So Clark was right. She did stop by.'

    Lex was already on the first step when he stopped and looked over his shoulder to Chloe's booth. 'She's here---but why does she look so defeated?'

    He furrowed his eyebrows, bothered as to why he suddenly cared to know. He huffed, turned back, and made it to the top of the stairs. As he raised his fist to knock on the door, he got this sinking feeling in his stomach.

    'What am I going to say to Lana? I don't even know what Alexander did to her.'

    He unclenched and clenched his fist, confused as to why he can't make his knuckles come in contact with the door. He glanced back down to Chloe.

    'Talk to her,' Clark's words echoed in his mind.

    He turned around, called out, "I'll have my usual, Peggy," and marched down the stairs.

    "Here you go, Mr. Luthor," Peggy immediately handed him a steaming cup.

    "Thank you," said Lex with a puzzled look. 'That was fast. How---perceptive of her.'

    "I don't mind spending everyday

    Out on your corner in the pouring rain

    Look for the girl with the broken smile

    Ask her if she wants to stay a while"

    Lex took the cup and strode over to Chloe's booth, surprised at his own urgency to get there. There was something about Chloe's pose that tightened his chest, quickened his heartbeat, and pulled him faster in her direction all at the same time.

    'Heart attack. Going to. Faint. Must. Not. Faint!' his mind raced.

    When he got to the table, he cleared his throat and set his cup down audibly. Chloe jerked her head up; weary green eyes stared back into stormy blue ones.

    'Yes. Faint. Now!' his mind compelled.

    "Miss Sullivan," he breathed out.

    "And she will be loved
    And she will be loved"


    A/N2: Ok, people. This part is going to be the longest in the whole series. The second installment’s coming soon…maybe in a couple of hours? Or tomorrow? *hee*

    Feedback = Life
    Last edited by teejei; 6th March 2007 at 02:41. Reason: fixing typos

  9. #19

    Re: Broken Sonnet Series - Part 2 - I Bruise Easily

    i'll be waiting.......

  10. #20

    Re: Broken Sonnet Series - Part 2 - I Bruise Easily

    holding my breath for the update...you said couple of hours right?

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