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Thread: Angels Fear To Tread (NC-17)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Angels Fear To Tread (NC-17)

    Hey guys, Hope gave me the great idea to post the NC-17 version here and an R version at fanfiction.net, so please enjoy!

    Angels Fear to Tread

    Rush - spun the only way it should be, the Chlex way.

    Pairing: Chloe/Lex, er, Chloe and almost everyone else to some extent!

    Rating:NC-17 for language and smut. This one is getting dirty, people!

    Summary: We all know that this is what should really happen in ‘Rush’. I mean, really, is the woman blind? Perhaps they mixed hers and Lionel’s test results up? Anyway, rant over. This takes a wee while to get going with the good Chlex, so be patient! Smut coming soon. The chapters are pretty short, so I’ll be updating fairly quickly. This isn’t beta-ed, so there’s no-one to blame except me. Please R&R, this is my first Chlex, and only my second ever fanfic. I need direction and encouragement. Please nurture me!

    Disclaimer: Yes, indeed I am the owner of WB, but despite my massive power and influence I can’t make the writers get Chloe and Lex together. Damn those artists! Damn them!
    Really, not mine, just for fun, please don’t sue.

    Archiving: Please ask first. All reviews gratefully received at skeptik@lycos.co.uk

    Chapter 1

    Chloe Sullivan sighed in disbelief as she approached the counter at her favourite coffee house. She’d been hoping for tea and sympathy from the girl who was rapidly becoming her best friend; after all, it never got any easier seeing boys you’d just kissed die horribly. Even though she lived in Wierdsville, USA, she never quite got used to the fact that the only boys that liked her turned out to be freaks of the week.

    Despite her recent trauma, Chloe was surprised to see her usually over-sensitive roommate looking perkier than the best coffee in the Talon.

    “Hey Chloe!” her brunette friend practically sang.

    “Clearly oblivious to the possible emotional scars already forming on my psyche!” thought Chloe, slightly bitterly.

    “Hey yourself! Did you hear about Travis...?” she asked with some hesitation. Perhaps Lana just didn’t know about the rave; after all, she’d been working so hard at the Talon recently Chloe hardly ever saw her at home any more.

    A small ripple of disquiet passed over Lana’s otherwise cheerful countenance, reminding Chloe once more how perfectly expressive in their flawlessness Lana’s features were. Dammit, no matter how much she liked the girl, she’d never get over that slight jealousy. “Right, Chloe, “slight”. Don’t you think “enormous” would be more like it?” she inwardly shook herself and concentrated on her friend’s voice.

    “Yeah, I heard about that. It was so sad! Totally out of character - he was always so quiet at school” Lana said, as she continued clearing tables.

    “I know, the police think he might have been on something.” Chloe looked hopefully at her friend. “So I was thinking, that since I’ve just witnessed yet another untimely demise of a peer, maybe we could head up to Metropolis this afternoon on a cheer-me-up shopping mission. My dad’s even agreed to get us out of school early for the occasion!” she smiled, knowing that it was just about too good an opportunity to miss. Her Dad rarely allowed her to skip school, he was usually pretty strict in that way, but he’d been so upset when she told him about Travis that he’d relented this once and actually suggested she take a break. He hadn’t even mentioned the fact that she shouldn’t have been at the rave in the first place, especially on a school night.

    That Helen of Troy smile lit up Lana’s features once more, much as she was trying to fight it.

    “I’m sorry Chloe, but I already have plans... with Clark.” She was evidently delighted, despite her concern for Chloe’s feelings.

    Chloe felt her heart drop into her stomach as she saw her best friend’s joy. Sick with jealousy she hit out with: “Oh, I thought you two had stopped playing the mating game.”

    Lana looked troubled, although she still couldn’t entirely cover her happiness. “Oh, Chloe, he just marched in here and asked me. If you really don’t want me to...?”

    “No, its fine. I’d do the same thing in your place. Really, go for it” Chloe gave her a small smile and headed for the door as quickly as she could. She could feel hot tears pricking her eyes and she didn’t want Lana to see them. On the way out she brushed past Lex Luthor, catching a scent of heated sandalwood and lemon cologne on the way past. Even in her haste to get outside she couldn’t help but notice that he smelt damn fine, “so much better than the yokels round here” she thought angrily, wiping away the wetness on her cheek.

    “Miss Sullivan..?” she heard Lex call after her, but she wasn’t really in the mood to explain herself to someone she barely knew, and hurried on. Once she got safely round the corner out of sight she allowed herself a moments indulgence and cried salt tears of self-pity. It wasn’t so much that she still loved Clark, because she had truly started to get over her infatuation. It was more that she wasn't ready to see him with
    Lana, didn’t want to face up to the green-eyed monster inside herself. Seeing Clark in the arms of the girl she most envied in the whole town, who also happened to be her best friend and roommate, was something she really wasn’t ready for yet. She groaned inwardly at the realisation that there would be no escape from lovesick Lana and her best boy because she and Chloe lived together.

    It took her a couple of minutes to realise that she was already running late for school. Wiping her face and hoping she didn’t look entirely like a puffy eyed tomato, Chloe shook herself and managed to get a grip. After all, it wasn’t the biggest disaster in the world and on top of that, this was Smallville. Something would most likely screw things up. Heading back to her car, she was even able to muster up an evil little smile at that thought.

  2. #2
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    Chapter 2

    The Torch wouldn’t edit itself, and Chloe had found that throwing herself into work was often the best way to forget about her problems. So that lunchtime she found herself as usual, up to her elbows in records and files. After all, she had plenty to do, what with research into Travis’ death, as well as the deaths of two other students immediately following the rave. Unfortunately, though, Chloe’s problems usually turned up and bit her on the ass, or in this case sidled into the office, looking nonetheless like a teen wet dream.

    “Clark.” Chloe didn’t do much to hide her anger and discomfort at his sudden appearance, although he seemed fairly oblivious. “Isn’t that always the way!” she though venomously, engaging herself in an I’m-much-to-busy-to-talk whirl of activity. Uncomprehendingly as ever, he started into the topic of the rave, and despite herself Chloe found herself caught up in the discussion. Her concern for Pete did away with her final reserves of anger, and before she knew it she’d agreed to go to the caves with Clark.

    “I’m an idiot.” she thought to herself as she ducked into the cool darkness. “I don’t even feel the same way about him as I used to.” She looked up at her erstwhile object of desire a little wistfully. “Here I am getting all worked up about him and Lana being happy when there are so much more important things happening all around me.” She started snapping pictures of the paintings, trying to find some evidence of what had caused the teenagers to go off the rails. Noticing a promising crevice, and ever the intrepid reporter, she stuck her hand in and came away with fingers covered in sticky goo for her trouble. She was just peering in, trying to get a good look at whatever was inside, when she was shocked by a shout behind her. Whirling around, she found herself face to face with an extremely angry and unpleasant little man that she’d never seen before. Behind him was Lex Luthor, his expression unreadable.

    Just as the stranger was launching into a rant about the paintings, Chloe felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck, like a bee sting. Suddenly everything went blurry round the edges, and she felt woozy like she’d had one too many glasses of wine. Clutching her neck and looking at the man shouting at her, she suddenly found that she really didn’t give much of a fuck about him or his shitty cave paintings. Luckily for him, he had turned his attention to Lex, and was ranting at him instead. Chloe slipped off her coat to reveal her slinky red top and climbed further up her ledge to get away from all the noise. The higher she climbed, the better she felt, so she got as high as she could.

    “I have had a shitty day until now,” she thought, revelling in her own good mood. Looking down, she realised everyone was shouting at her to get down. “Yeah, they all want me to be down like them. Well I’m getting out of here before this little shindig gets any more tedious.” Smiling, she climbed down and grabbed Clark, who she realised, in a sudden flash of inspiration, was an extremely hot boy.

    Just as she was about to follow that lovely toned butt in tight blue jeans out of the cave, the obnoxious bad breath dwarf had the temerity to try to take her camera. Not that she gave a good damn about the dull pictures of the dull cave, but she definitely thought a camera might come in useful for some of the nasty little schemes already forming in her head. Particularly if Clark helped her out with a definite itch she could feel needed scratched and soon.

    “You can kiss my ass.” she said, all sweetness and light, to the stranger. As she said it, though, she found her eyes locked onto Lex’s. She couldn’t read the expression there, couldn’t tell if he approved or disapproved, and quite frankly she didn’t care. Nevertheless, she couldn’t stop herself brushing against him more than was strictly necessary, keeping her eyes locked to his, and enjoying the softness of his coat against her bare cleavage. At the last moment she closed her eyes and breathed in the scent of his cologne, hot from his skin and reminding her of exotic countries and rain in the spring. Opening her eyes she found him still staring after her.

    “I wonder what you taste like?” She whispered to him as Clark pulled her behind him, lips curled in a smirk at the shock on Lex’s face as she turned to follow her friend out into the sunlight.

    “Let’s go find Pete, Clark!” she announced, thinking that at least Pete would be up for a good time. Much as she wanted to do some serious journalistic investigation into the finer points of Clark’s physique, she could tell that he wasn’t in the mood, for some unknown reason. And she couldn’t for the life of her remember why. “Poor boy,” she thought, grabbing his arm. “He never seems to relax. I’ll have to find some way to help him unwind.” Licking her lips at the prospect, she followed him to his truck.

    “OK, Chloe, we can try his house first, maybe someone will have some idea where he is. Then we’d better head back to school.” Clark smiled down at his golden haired friend, glad that she was helping him. “Good old Chloe,” he thought, “its great that things are finally getting back to normal between us.”

  3. #3
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    Chapter 3

    Chloe felt like she was walking on air as she prowled the halls of Smallville High. “Why does this place normally intimidate me so much? Its so ridiculously cow town!” She smiled and blew a kiss at a group of cheerleaders gathered round the lockers. The look on their faces was priceless, and she snapped a picture and laughed out loud.

    “Now what am I supposed to be wasting my time on at this particular moment?” she thought, dropping the camera on her office desk. “God, yeah! Its English next. On a beautiful day like today, though, I think I’d rather be dead than deciphering Shakespeare in some stuffy classroom.” Throwing open the window of the Torch office, she saw an officially cute guy passing by outside, and suddenly thought of a far more entertaining use of her time.

    “Hey baby,” she called out to him, bracing her arms above her head on the window frame, and adopting her most seductive Lex-like smirk, “you think you could pop in here... for a minute?” The hottie nodded vigorously and jogged round the corner into school, fair hair gleaming in the sunlight. Chloe grinned to herself as she dropped into her desk chair and pulled her cherry lip-gloss out of her bag. “How very appropriate,” she thought as she coated her lips with the sweet salve, “but not for long...”

    Just as she was getting thoroughly overheated by the long steamy make out session against the layout desk “Snicker, very appropriate!” she and her brand new beau were rudely interrupted by her own personal fantasy boy barging into the office.

    “Chloe!” The shock on Clark’s face was obvious, and she was beginning to wonder if he would ever get down off his high horse to roll in the hay with her. Only if she lost about two inches in height, and developed shit-brown hair and cow eyes overnight, she thought nastily.

    “Clark, this is Dave. We met in the hall.”

    “Its Steve, actually.” The poor schmuck still looked hopeful, bless him.

    “Whatever, you can go.” He was getting boring, anyway. Besides, Clark definitely had the edge as far as foxiness was concerned.

    “Can I get your number?” he said, following her to her desk. She almost felt sorry for him.

    “Dave, its no good. The thrill has gone.” *Almost* felt sorry for him. God, it was pathetic how easy it was to lead men around by their dicks. Why had she never realised this before? She waved him away and turned her attention to the next boy seeking her attention, i.e. Clark.

    As Clark filled her in on the latest details of Pete’s mysterious malady, Chloe just couldn’t be bothered paying attention. Instead, she pulled a big strawberry lollipop out of her desk and started sucking it just the way she would have liked to suck on Clark. “Just how much of a man of steel are you, Mr Kent?” she thought lasciviously, swirling the candy around her tongue and licking the end with relish.

    “Um, Chloe?” Clark looked decidedly uncomfortable, and Chloe realised with some amusement that she hadn’t heard a word he’d said, she’d been far too busy watching his mouth and imagining all the filthy uses she could put it to. Still, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out what he would have been asking her. Such a shame, really.

    “So, you want me to do a little research, dig about, get some information?” Her tone was laden with venom, but still poor Clark blundered on regardless.

    “Yeah, that’s the general idea Chloe. Pete’s in danger and things could get a lot worse.” Like a lamb to the slaughter.

    “Hmmm. Just when were you going to tell me about your date with Lana?” She kept her voice low, using the lollipop as a prop to keep from looking at him.

    “What?” Oh yes, he was uncomfortable now, eyes fixed on the big red candy sliding in and out of her lips and totally disconcerted by the sudden change of tack.

    Eyes like green shards of glass flicked up to bore into his, like a mugger pinning their victim against a wall.

    “So now you want me to be your own personal search engine, “Good little Chloe, she knows how to find things out”. God, I am so fucking tired of your shit, Clark.” Voice still dangerously low, she leant forward to emphasise her point, giving him an eyeful of her cleavage. “Maybe Pete’s got the right idea, at least he’s having some fun. What normal teenager would choose your frigid existence waiting for the thawing of the ice princess, when they could be having the time of their life with a very willing partner?” Point made, she modulated her tone to one of bored disdain. “Come back and see me when you’ve learnt how to use a computer.”

    Sitting back in her chair and resuming the loving of her lollipop, she watched as a shocked and bemused Clark backed out of the room. “That was entirely amusing,” she thought with a giggle. “Poor lamb, maybe lil’ Lana will lick it better.” Somehow she doubted it.

  4. #4
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    Chapter 4

    After such a fabulous triumph over the tedious, Chloe decided to reward herself with a pampering session. “There’s never been a better time to give the old ‘emergency’ credit card a good hammering,” she thought blissfully as she drove away from school, “I don’t know why I never did this before.” She chortled to herself, thinking of all the poor schmos stuck behind desks on a perfect day like today. After all, her Dad was expecting her to go shopping and stay at Lois’ tonight in Metropolis with ditchwater Lana, so she might as well take advantage of the opportunity to do something entirely more fun.

    Pumping up the volume on her radio, she headed for the few expensive boutiques that Smallville could offer; “although most of the women round here seem to get their fashions from the flannel section of the farmer’s market!”

    She thought about Martha Kent with some derision. “You can take the girl out of the big city... and apparently you can take the big city out of the girl. Well, not this girl, not anymore!” She allowed her mind to drift to Jonathan Kent. “Whew, there sure are good reasons why blue jeans built America. Oldie but goldie, beyond a doubt! I wonder whether him and Martha still fuck?” Finding it hilarious that she was getting turned on by her surrogate parents, she screeched to a halt in front of the priciest store on main street and hopped out.

    “Let battle commence,” she muttered, “the winner is the one with the most stuff when they die. That’s the American dream.” Pushing through the fancy gold etched glass doors and ignoring the stares of the rather disdainful looking woman behind the counter, she began riffling through the rails.

    “Can I help you at all.. miss?” The snooty woman sniffed, looking like a bulldog chewing a thistle.

    “Yes... Julia, you can,” said Chloe, reading the woman’s nametag. “I’d suggest that you begin by picking up your attitude some,” she began sweetly, “that is, if you are planning on getting the hefty commission heading your way if I enjoy this little...” she gestured vaguely around the room with a pair of red lacy panties, “experience.” Seeing the woman bristle even more, she added, “And also if you don’t want the
    Smallville Ledger to print the little article I happen to have in my possession. The one regarding the late night arrivals of factory seconds which mysteriously turn into designer label must-haves by the following day? Of course, you value your job... Julia?”

    Later that same afternoon, enjoying the almost indecently excellent full body massage she was receiving at the only beauty parlour in town, she reflected happily on her handiwork. Stacked in the corner were the expensively bagged, pink-tissue wrapped spoils of her visit to the pretentiously named Chez Michel. It was amazing how reasonable designer goods became once the woman had given her an unsurprisingly hefty discount and told her to pop in again whenever she liked. She’d even thrown in a bottle of ridiculously over-priced French perfume free of charge, and Chloe intended to make full use of its musky, mysterious fragrance later that evening. Just as soon as she was oiled, exfoliated, buffed and waxed to perfection.

    Two hours later, and she was smooth and silky from head to toe. “Lana, eat your heart out!” she said to her naked reflection, running her hands down her woefully overlooked curves. “What exactly is wrong with this town?” she asked herself, but the only answer she got was a naughty smile as her hand paused at her hardening nipple. The masseuse had left her to get dressed, but she could come back in at any moment. Chloe considered the situation, toying with the stiffened flesh. The thought of getting caught was such a turn on.

    She could feel herself getting wet as she backed up and sat on the end of the bed, staring at herself in the full-length mirror. Spreading her legs she watched her own fingers tracing their way down her skin to tangle in the strip of golden hair between them. Still rubbing and squeezing the tip of her full breast with one hand, she began to trace the delicate inner lips. Fascinated and gasping at how erotic she looked doing something that she had always done furtively with the lights out, she began to tease her clit with trembling fingers, liking the way her own eyes narrowed with pleasure.

    “Mmmm!” she moaned, deep in her throat, sliding her other hand down and slipping a finger inside herself. Slowly at first, she began to move her hips in circles against her hands, groaning louder as her orgasm began to build inside her.

    “Miss Sullivan? Are you ok?” Chloe’s eyes flew open as a nervous female voice accompanied a gentle knock on the door.

    “Yeah, I’m fine. No thanks to you.”

    “What?” the voice sounded genuinely confused.

    “I’ll be out in a minute!” Turning back to the mirror, she couldn’t help but find the situation funny. Laughing to herself, she filed it as something to attend to later, and started to pull new clothes out of her bags. Before she dressed, she dabbed some of her own juices, mixed with her new perfume, behind her knees, between her breasts, at the pulse points in her neck and finally in the palms of her hands. Humming happily, she took her time dressing, luxuriating in the fit and feel of each item of clothing, watching herself in the mirror. Finally, she kissed her reflection, leaving a smear of deep red lipstick, and waved at herself as she breezed out of the salon.

  5. #5
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    Chapter 5

    Pulling the car up quietly, Chloe checked her hair and make-up in the wing mirror and stepped out. The ride over had been exhilarating; it was such a rush to drive in the high heels she was wearing. The possibility of death round every corner was exciting, and she’d driven fast all the way. Except, of course, for the last mile or so. After all, she wanted to arrive unexpectedly and lay her trap before a certain someone knew she was here. Ringing the bell, Chloe stepped back as the heavy wooden front door as it swung open.

    “Hi, could I please see Mr Luthor? Junior, that is.”

    Lex was not feeling great. His father had just handed him a load of extra paperwork, reinforcing the fact that Lex was now just another employee at LuthorCorp. On top of that there had been all the fuss at the caves over the last couple of days; the anthropologist he had employed had turned out to be a fussy prima donna, and he had fallen out with Clark again. Earlier, when he’d arrived to apologise to the boy, Clark had been thoroughly hostile, and even accused Lex of being a traitor. Things were not good with the only person he actually felt he could call a friend.

    Stalking around his office, he collected all the necessary files for the long night’s work ahead of him. And then there was Chloe Sullivan, of course. Much as he didn’t want to admit it, Clark’s friend’s words had been distinctly arousing. The look in her eyes was something he’d never seen in her before, and it was true that the mixture of innocence and... what was the right word... wantonness was very erotic. His jaded palette for woman rarely saw anything new, anything as unsullied and yet lustful as she had been in that cave. Sighing, he marshalled his thoughts to his work.

    A genteelly cleared throat asked for his attention, and in well modulated English tones his butler said,

    “Excuse me, sir, but you have a visitor.”

    “Wilson, I gave explicit instructions that I was not to be disturbed.”

    “Yes sir, I know, and under normal circumstances... but sir, the young lady was very insistent. She said that it was on a personal matter.”

    “Very well, Wilson, who is it.” Lex sighed in resignation, picturing some hapless ex of his, seeking money or affection.

    “Its a Miss Chloe Sullivan, sir. I asked her to wait in the drawing room.”

    Lex’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as his butler withdrew from the office. His swift business mind began to run over possible scenarios, discarding the least likely possibilities. He never went into a meeting without first being prepared for all eventualities. The most likely situation was that she was hopelessly embarrassed about what she had said to him earlier on, possibly still on some drug from the rave, and hadn’t meant to say what she did. He’d done the same himself a few times, when he was younger and wilder. She would apologise and he could get on with his work. “And yet...” Lex’s lips curled in a half-smile. Collecting himself, he sauntered out of the office.

    Upon arriving in the drawing room, he was surprised to find no Chloe. Her soft black leather blazer was thrown over the arm of a chaise longe that matched it in material and color. Her bag was dumped on the white sheepskin rug in front of the comfortable log fire. But unless she had taken to hiding under furniture, she was not present. Not putting anything past her, he almost started to gingerly bend down to look under the coffee table, when he heard the familiar click of billiard balls in the adjoining room. “She’s not entirely contrite, then.” With a characteristic smirk, he opened the door, but was brought up short by what he saw.

    Chloe had her back to him, leaning at full stretch to take a difficult shot. One foot was raised slightly, showing off the high black heels with their delicate ankle strap. Her long tight black skirt was slit to thigh level, showing just a trace of stocking top. The soft jersey material of the skirt clung in all the right places, framing the curves of her butt to perfection and giving a hint of garter belt underneath. Lex had to resist the primitive and unheard of urge to whistle. Perhaps he had misread the situation after all. Outwardly, of course, the famous Luthor reserve stood him in good stead, and he was able to say, with perfect calm,

    “Miss Sullivan. I believe you were asked to wait in the drawing room.”

    Not bothering to look round, Chloe lined up her shot.

    “I got bored. There weren’t any crayons.”

    “Well, I am sorry. I’ll have someone to look into buying out the nearest toy store should you visit again.” The voice was calm, unyielding, velvet. Executing her shot perfectly, Chloe straightened and turned to face him.

    “One of these days, Mr Luthor, you will most assuredly win your coveted Best Hostess category in The Lady magazine.” Her tone matched his perfectly, smooth and unruffled.

    “Pleasant as it always is to spend time sparring with you, Miss Sullivan, I am rather busy. Was there anything in particular you wanted,” he let his eyes take her in, head to toe, noticing that the sheer black blouse she wore revealed a short basque underneath, lifting up her breasts into perfect semi circular supplication, “perhaps to apologise for your comment earlier?” Probably best if he dealt with this as efficiently as possible, before he forgot that she was only seventeen.

    “My comment... earlier... Oh, yes, Mr Luthor, that’s it exactly!” She adopted the attitude of a small child waiting to be chastised, feigning embarrassment. Her voice dripping with honey, she continued, “I’m so sorry for saying that I wondered what you taste like. I just thought it and it kind of popped out without me realising.” Resting her head on one side and glancing up at him from beneath lowered lashes, inching forward to just a few steps away from him, she asked, “Can you ever forgive me for being so forward and unladylike?”

    “Now I know you’re joking Miss Sullivan. I don’t believe for a second that you have ever worried about being ladylike in your life. Nonetheless, apology accepted.” Lex found that he was smiling as he looked down at her. She was obviously trying to turn the whole thing into some kind of comic situation and so diffuse any tension between them. She probably had a date later, hence the sexy outfit. Relieved, he waited for her to make a move to leave, and was surprised when she pouted, lifting her head to meet his eyes.

    “Mr Luthor, you misjudge me. I’m not joking about anything.” There was the fire and wantonness in her eyes again, and Lex suddenly became aware of just how near to each other they were standing.

    “Chloe, perhaps...” He was surprised when she lifted her finger to his lips, stopping his words. Her eyes were also focussed on his lips, and he caught a scent of something, familiar yet elusive, under the sophisticated perfume she was wearing. Brushing past him, she left the room.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    31 May 2003
    Woot! This is fun and frisky, I really like it! Well written, and getting reeeeeeeeaaaallly good! You did a very good job of capturing Chloe's parasite-induced thought process... it seems very realistic and true-to-character to me, and you didn't shy away from the dark, nasty parts of the character....

    ...and she was beginning to wonder if he would ever get down off his high horse to roll in the hay with her. Only if she lost about two inches in height, and developed shit-brown hair and cow eyes overnight, she thought nastily.
    <snork> I loved this line. Kudos. It&#39;s getting really really good and I can&#39;t wait for more&#33;

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Yeah you brought it over here. I love it. I can&#39;t wait to see the next chapter. Quickly post it. :biggrin:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    So glad you brought this here. If only &#39;Rush&#39; had of been like this.....Can&#39;t wait for more.


  9. #9
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    wow&#33; wow&#33; wow&#33;

    I&#39;m loving it.... a lot.
    But unless she had taken to hiding under furniture, she was not present. Not putting anything past her, he almost started to gingerly bend down to look under the coffee table, when he heard the familiar click of billiard balls in the adjoining room
    brilliant...funny...loved it&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

    I&#39;m dying for chapter 6...

  10. #10
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 May 2003
    Imperial Palace
    This is the way Rush should have been. Good job. Looking forward to the next part.

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