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Thread: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

  1. #61
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    A/N: Sabby: So here be the next chapter with extensive appearance of the significant others. Be warned *G* Enjoy!
    A/N: Blue: Another update for you utterly demanding addicts...but you know we love the begging so keep it coming. Some new characters for you...I'm sure you'll *love* them. *G*

    Still frustrated from his little 'chat' with Lionel, Lex made his way through the morning traffic and towards the outskirts of the city. Every time he got stuck waiting in front of a red traffic light, he wondered why he'd chosen to move into a house on the outskirts of town instead of living in the city center. At night, when the silence fell over said house and he actually found a good five hours of undisturbed sleep, he'd usually remember.

    About an hour after leaving, he finally pulled into the driveway of his simple two-storey home, leaving the Aston in front of the garage. Barely inside the front door, he was greeted by a yapping, slobbering bundle of nerves, jumping up and down in front of him, happy to see her new master.

    Skylar must be still in bed. Narrowing his eyes he shook the small oversized rat that claimed to be a dog from his ankle and made his way through to the kitchen, intent on a cup of coffee, the little pest fast on his heels until he kicked her out into the back yard. He hated that creature. If Skylar insisted on keeping it, Lex would make sure to accidentally leave the front door open one evening.

    Stuffing the powder into the filter, adding just enough water to make the outcome liquid, he flipped on the switch of the coffee maker and sat down on the counter, flipping through mail and the business section of the newspaper. Checking his watch, he surmised he had about twenty minutes, or well as long as the coffee aroma took to permeate the air before his fiancée got up.

    His assumptions were proven correct. He'd barely gotten to poor the first cup of coffee when her voice drifted over to him from the open doorway leading into the kitchen.

    Skylar had distantly heard Lex come in. She had just woken up but wasn’t ready to actually get up. She didn’t mind that he had to leave at the god awful hour of eight in the morning as long as he didn’t disturb her.

    When she smelled the coffee her stomach rumbled and she begrudgingly kicked the blankets off of the bed. The maid would take care of that later. She walked over to the chair that held some of Lex’s clothes from the day before and slipped one of his shirts on.

    In their first month together he had been practically insatiable but now she felt that he had lost interest. That was fine by her, she already had the rock, but she thought that she should at least make an attempt to get him back into bed. For appearance’s sake.

    Also, it might help her to convince Lex that they should move out of this house, if one could even call it that, and back to the city. She was used to the night life and society parties and was beginning to become bored with the domesticity that she felt creeping up on her.

    The suffocating feeling had deepened last night when Lex mentioned that he needed to have children sooner rather than later. Children were a lot of work, even with the team of nannies that she assumed that they would have, and would severely put a crimp in the way that she led her life. While she was pleased that she wouldn’t have to be step mother to any little brats from Lex’s first few marriages it would have taken the pressure off of her.

    But, she wouldn’t think about that now. There was another art opening this evening, the artist was an old fling of hers, and she had to persuade Lex to take her.

    She made sure the first few buttons of the shirt were undone and then leaned against the kitchen doorway. She didn’t clear her throat before speaking, she thought it sounded sexier when it was deeper like it usually was first thing in the morning.

    “Morning, honey. How’s your father?” She knew that it was a sore subject but she didn’t really know what else to say to him. She rarely did now that she stopped to think about it.

    Before he could answer, she looked around the kitchen and then asked, “Where’s Shim Shim?” The puppy loved Lex and Skylar found it odd that she was nowhere to be seen.

    Lex suppressed the sneer of disgust at the endearment, and even ignored the lack of tact when she once again asked him the one thing he did not want to talk about. But when she mentioned that damn annoying creature, he couldn't help the sneer and a low growl. “Good morning. Your dog,” and he was using that term very widely, “Is in the backyard doing her business.” 'And hopefully getting maimed by the neighbors cat,' he didn't add. “Sleep well?”

    Casting a quick glance at her, he noted that she was wearing his discarded shirt from the day before. He'd been sure all her clothes had been moved here already, considering they'd been living together for over a month, or was it? However, he thought it wise not to comment.

    Taking another sip of coffee, he waited for her to join him at the counter, going back to perusing the morning paper.

    Skylar made a noncommittal noise and wrapped her arms around Lex’s waist. She pressed a kiss to his neck before resting her forehead against his back. “Yes, but I missed you this morning.” She ran her hands along his sides.

    She hoped that this wasn’t the wrong move. Lex’s moods were difficult, if not impossible, to read and she always found herself apologizing for what she had said or done. But, she would put up with his eccentricities.

    This relationship was the best that she had ever had. Her parents were over the moon that she had landed Lex. Being born Penelope Skylar Schultz meant that she had a certain pressure placed upon her as to whom she could and could not marry.

    Lex was mostly good to her and wasn’t into the hardcore drugs that her last few boyfriends had inhaled almost daily. She attributed it to the fact that Lex was almost a decade older than she was. They made good companions and were a good match, in her opinion.

    Lex tolerated the clinging and incessant nuzzling while still going through the finances section, his mind only half listening to whatever Skylar was saying. When her fingers started to unbutton his shirt, however, he covered her hands with one of his, halting the motion.

    “You know how it is, Skylar. When business calls, you can't just say 'excuse me, but my fiancée requires my presence',” he soothed his words with a quick peck to her temple, then went back to reading the newspaper.

    It wasn't like she wasn’t attractive, or that she didn't know exactly what to do with her mouth and hands, but somehow Lex had lost interest somewhere around the moment she'd made the mistake to call him Lexie-pooh. A one time slip that would not occur again. He'd made sure of that.

    It also irked him that she was still not agreeing on the subject of children, even though he had been sure she would be amenable to the idea when she'd told him all he never wanted to know about her little cousin Jim, or was it Jackie? Something that was the name brand of a whiskey.

    It was not like he was gagging at the thought of having to take the responsibility for an offspring, but he had to face facts. He was 32, his father had expectations and while he usually did pretty much anything to antagonize Lionel Luthor, he did see the sense in continuing the Luthor line, with his very own twist to it, of course.

    “So, have you decided yet what to do with your day? I'm only stopping by for a while, since I've got business in town in about 2 hours and probably won't be back before tonight.”

    Skylar could feel the pout form on her face out of habit. It had worked with every other man in her life, but Lex seemed to be immune to it. Plus, he hated it when she tried to manipulate him. She thought it was a holdover from his other wives.

    Quickly, she wiped the look off of her face. “Well, I’m going to Yoga and Pilates as usual. My mother also wants me to stop by so we can go over what flowers I want for the big day.” She smiled up at Lex as she stole his cup of coffee and took a sip from it.

    “Though, knowing my mother, it will turn into a whole day argument.” Felicity Schultz was almost as scary as Lex’s dad was. Almost. “But, after that I was hoping that you’d go with me to an art opening.” She started to rush her words.

    “It starts at nine and we’d only have to make a quick appearance. The artist is an old friend of mine.” Neither of them discussed it, but both she and Lex knew what ‘old friend’ was code for.

    The way that their social circle worked both she and Lex had run into more than their fair share of old friends that they each had.

    Lex's eyes narrowed as he took the cup back from Skylar. “Haven't we talked about that?” He slammed the newspaper shut and got up, finishing the cup in one long pull before getting himself a new cup.

    Another opening, this time the 'old friend' was hers. Lex didn't particularly care for the incommodity of yet another jealous ex making thinly veiled threats and throwing around ill-advised barbs lacking in creativity and effect. It was quite bothersome. Not to mention the fact that he'd seen just enough 'art' to last him for a life time. One more yogurt cup plastered against a canvas with finger paint and he'd lose all interest in the entire subject permanently.

    “I told you I'd be working late today. I'm afraid you'll have to go on your own. You can invite your mother on a shopping trip, distract her from the flower arrangements and I'll make sure my limousine will get you there and pick you up whenever you want.”

    And that was his final opinion on the matter. If she had one smart bone in her body, she'd accept it and move on. Maybe they should have a talk about this, figure out an arrangement or something, but at the moment, Lex wasn't interested in compromises, he simply wanted to be left in peace after dealing with his father yet again. Shouldn't the bastard be happy Lex was actively trying to fulfill his wishes and settle down? Instead he got harped on for his choices in women.

    Dammit, it wasn't easy to find a woman that was smart, ambitious, attractive, had a sense of humor and on top of all that wasn't actively going for his money or trying to kill him. Lex had to make concessions, so he did.

    The tone of Lex’s voice told Skylar more than his words did. He was in no mood to argue or even discuss the matter any further. She would be attending the art opening alone or with her mother.

    Sighing and not bothering to hide it she sat down at the kitchen table. This was one of the times that she almost felt compelled to ask Lex if he actually even liked her all that much. It wasn’t a subject that would get them anywhere so she retasked her mind to something else.

    “You don’t need to bother,” she said, sure to smile at Lex so he didn’t think she was cross with him, “I’m sure that my mother’s driver will be able to take me and pick me up. It makes more sense that way.”

    Besides, she was certain that once her mother caught wind of the fact that Lex had refused to come with her, she would get an earful. And, even though Lex assured her to the contrary, she wasn’t positive that Lex’s limos weren’t bugged. It was just better to use a family car.

    “Hmm, alright,” Lex was inhaling his coffee deeply, glad that he didn't have to bother with Skylar more than necessary.

    A scowl flickered over his face at the thought, but he quickly suppressed it. This was not how he had imagined his life turning out when he was younger and still holding a glimmer of hope that maybe he didn't have to become a carbon copy of his father. Alas, it seemed it wasn't meant to be, so he'd have to deal. Judging for himself, he didn't do too badly. Skylar had no reason to complain and he treated her with as much respect and politeness as possible at any given time.

    Putting his empty mug aside, he crossed the kitchen, briefly pulling his fiancée in with his hands around her waist and catching her lips in a kiss, his exploration of her mouth thorough, if devoid of any further intentions.

    Pulling back, he gave her a small smirk when she looked up at him with slightly glazed eyes. “I have to go now. I'll see you later tonight, have a good day and give your mother my regards.”

    With another peck to her forehead, he made his way out of the kitchen, mentally getting ready for another hour of traffic, back into the heart of the city to play the scion of LuthorCorp.

    After fighting briefly with her door, Chloe threw her keys into a ceramic bowl on the coffee table as she slouched into the couch. The phone call with her father was still on her mind. She had slammed down the phone a few times for good measure after hanging up on him. The ruckus didn’t seem to bother Teddy, he was still passed out in her bedroom. They’d had another one of their all night marathon fuckfests so she really couldn’t blame him.

    Still needing to work out some of her violent energy, Chloe had gone to the gym. She had been taking kickboxing for the past year and she found that it calmed her down. Usually.

    She was just so sick of her father trying to control who she went out with. Yes, he was allowed to have an opinion. Yes, he was allowed to express it to her. But, who was he to judge who she dated? His track record wasn’t the best.

    Shoving down the guilt that the thought brought up Chloe went into the kitchen and pulled the door to the fridge open. She grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it down.

    Her father just didn’t understand that when you were the way that she was and a woman that the right kind of men didn’t exactly come flocking to you. There were the arrogant asses that wanted to ‘tame’ someone like her. The ones that were scared off by her. The ones that thought that they could fix her and make her more docile. It drove her insane.

    So Teddy wasn’t exactly Forbes’ man of the year. He had other attributes. But, it wasn’t as if she was going to discuss them with her father. She didn’t want to give the man a heart attack.

    Chloe could take care of herself. Sure, she missed having an actual conversation or debate with someone, but that’s what her work colleagues were for. Some part of her knew that her choices in men was an overcompensation for not getting the hot guys when she was in high school, but it was her own life dammit and she would do what, and who, she pleased.

    Tossing the bottle of water in the recycling bin, she caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. It was Teddy, finally awake at noon. Sure, he was slothful but his abs more than made up for it. “Good morning.”

    Teddy ambled into the kitchen, stretching his well worked muscles and scratching his belly before he spotted Chloe at the fridge. “Hey babe, had a nice work out?”

    He sauntered over and pressed a kiss to her cheek then immersed himself with the contents of the fridge, looking for some OJ. He wasn't sure why Chloe insisted on doing this fancy kick boxing thing, instead of just going to some aerobics, but since it gave her buns of steel, he really couldn't complain. And damn she was extremely limber and bendy.

    Finally finding what he was looking for, he poured himself a glass before leaning back against the fridge, ignoring the chill of the cold metal on his bare skin.

    See, this was what her dad didn’t get. The men that actually had a brain often didn’t care what was up with her. And, while Teddy wasn’t the most eloquent of men, he did listen to her when she spoke.

    The fact that you could bounce all sorts of change off of his body was a definite bonus. “Yeah,” she said, hopping up onto the counter. “I needed to get some of my aggression out some way. You were still asleep.” She shot him a devious grin.

    The joke of who had more stamina was a running thing with them and they both enjoyed ribbing each other. “I think that pretty soon I’ll be able to move up to the next class. Ben was very impressed with my performance.” She smiled remembering the look that was akin to fear that had crossed his face with her last roundhouse.

    Teddy grinned as he made his way over to the counter and positioned himself between Chloe's bouncing legs, placing his hands on either side of her butt on the surface. “Really? What'd you do to him, break a rib? Knock him out,” he teased as he leaned closer to her lips.

    The guy had to be a wimp if it was either of the two. He could admit that Chloe definitely had some muscle strength going, but the idea that she'd hold up in a serious fight was still a tad ridiculous in his opinion. The five foot two power bundle might get a good punch in, but a Stallone, she was not.

    Still, it definitely was a turn on to watch her get down and dirty with the sandbag she kept in the bedroom. Her breasts bouncing with every move, a trail of sweat slowly running down the center of her spine, eyes glowing with malice. Teddy was already feeling his cock sit up and take notice, so he brought his lips down to Chloe's at the same time as his hands closed on her ass and pulled her closer to the edge of the counter.

    When his erection was pressed tight against her lap, he groaned and eased out of the kiss long enough to murmur suggestively, “Wanna take a shower?”

    Chloe hummed as she guided Teddy’s head to her neck. She gasped when he started to nip at her neck. “I think that I can be persuaded to join you, yes.” She closed her eyes and moved closer so she could feel him better.

    She never got sick of feeling how aroused she could make him within a matter of minutes. Chloe ran her hands up and down his back and then let out a rather undignified squeak as she felt herself being dragged off of the counter. She wrapped her legs around Teddy as he carried her. Not to the bathroom, but to the bedroom.

    He laid her down on the bed and, as Chloe pulled off her shirt she asked, “Did you get lost?”

    Teddy grinned as he shoved his hands under her rear and hooked them into the waistband of her sweat pants, pulling them down. “Not bloody likely,” he muttered as his eyes fixated on a tasty inch of smooth, tanned belly peeked out from under the shirt. Diving down, he nipped at the soft flesh, teasing the little belly button with his tongue before blowing a raspberry straight into the sensitive skin.

    After Chloe had calmed down from her squeeing giggle fit, he grinned sharply up at her, “Just a change of plans. Fuck first, shower, later.”

    With that he hooked his teeth into the waistline of her panties, tugging harshly. When the stubborn material wouldn't budge, he decided to cheat and engaged his hands to help.

    Chloe leaned back and let Teddy take charge. Sex with him was always a good time and he attended very well to her needs. As soon as she was ready, he plunged into her and Chloe clutched onto his shoulders. They moved against each other gasping and teasing until they each found their release.

    Teddy’s plan of a shower was thwarted when he fell asleep soon after they were done. Chloe turned on her side and looked at him. He made her happy for now and she wasn’t about to let anyone’s opinion of him sidetrack her.

    She got up out of the bed and went to the shower. At least this way she’d actually get clean instead of having awkward sex against the tiles. The bed was much better, in her opinion.

    Grabbing the shampoo she thought about her last few boyfriends. In college, she had actually tried dating men that were up to her level. But it never worked out once they realized that she was smarter than they were and not afraid to show it. None of them could take up the gauntlet that she had thrown down.

    After a few relationships like that, she had had a fling with a rugby player. Chloe had found it very enjoyable and not taxing at all. She thought that she would grow out of it after college, but it hadn’t happened. Much to her father’s displeasure.

    Putting the argument with her dad out of her mind, Chloe instead focused on what she had to do today. She had a freelance project that she had to bang out and then she’d go into the office and see what new asinine assignment had been thrown on her desk. She knew that she had to pay her dues but if she had to go to one more mindless charity event, she couldn’t be held accountable for her actions.

    She’d leave a note for Teddy and call him later at the gym to see what his schedule for the day was like.

    Her life may not be turning out the way that she had imagined it but she was content for now. And, it was enough.

  2. #62
    Bruce's Favorite Stalker
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    15 Nov 2004
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    It wasn't like she wasn’t attractive, or that she didn't know exactly what to do with her mouth and hands, but somehow Lex had lost interest somewhere around the moment she'd made the mistake to call him Lexie-pooh. A one time slip that would not occur again. He'd made sure of that.
    That was just hilarious... Lexie-pooh. Oh my god. Just... too funny.

    Loved the looks into Lex and Chloe's lives with their significant others. How they're happy, but the could be happier... and in enter Gabe and Lionel (my two favorite men right now) to make it better.

    Ah, this just keeps getting better and better.

    Love it.

  3. #63
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    I didnt care for the other two people. But I did enjoy why Chloe and Lex are so called content with their lives. I can't wait to see what the father's have up their sleeves.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #64
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    Some part of her knew that her choices in men was an overcompensation for not getting the hot guys when she was in high school, but it was her own life dammit and she would do what, and who, she pleased.
    This bit strikes me as so real.

    I really like how this story is progressing, and you all did a great job setting the situations up with Chloe's and Lex's significant others. Great update.

  5. #65
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    Not loving the significant other's much expecially Skylar. Can't wait for Gabe and Lionel to work their magic.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  6. #66
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    Geez, they're with some real winners aren't they? So glad you updated but what a mess!! Lionel and Gabe's plan needs to go into action NOW Can't wait to read more!


  7. #67
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    I definitely think it's time for Lionel and Gabe to step in and work their magic!! At least Chloe realizes her relationship isn't serious, but Lex needs to stop giving his airhead bimbos rocks!! Thanks so much for the excellent update!! Can't wait til you wonders post more!!

  8. #68
    NS Full Member
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    29 Mar 2004

    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    oh yeah baby

    lexie-pooh? i think not my friend/fuck buddy/fiancee...whatever

    love lea

  9. #69
    NS Junior Member
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    11 Jun 2003

    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    Oh whats that I see flying there - are there goes Lex's image of a tough business man.

    I introduce to you the son of the Devil himself - Lexie-pooh. I quiver with fear lol

    Just brilliant.

    So Teddy wasn’t exactly Forbes’ man of the year. He had other attributes. But, it wasn’t as if she was going to discuss them with her father. She didn’t want to give the man a heart attack.
    I don't see any daughter having that convesation with a father.

    He could admit that Chloe definitely had some muscle strength going, but the idea that she'd hold up in a serious fight was still a tad ridiculous in his opinion. The five foot two power bundle might get a good punch in, but a Stallone, she was not
    I think Teddy need's to feel how much Chloe's punch can pack.

    I can't wait to see the impact on their lives when Gabe and Lionel get started. Excellent chapter. Can't wait for more.

  10. #70
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Re: Buyouts, Hostile Takeovers & Matchmaking (PG-13/R)

    you know, I like the fact that at least somewhere they acknowledge they are missing something. and while the Chlexer in me shudders at the thought of them with other people, I enjoyed the glimpse into their respective lives. Great work my dears. More soon.

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