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Thread: Lost (PG-13) *complete*

  1. #1
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Lost (PG-13) *complete*

    Title: Lost
    Summary: Lex and Chloe go away on their honeymoon. Their plane crashes in the Polar Ice Caps. It’s a strive for survival as they use anyway to keep themselves warm, and to find shelter. Will they make it home?
    Rating: PG-13
    Genre: Action, adventure, suspense, romance
    Disclaimers: Not mine

    Chapter One:

    Chloe and Lex boarded their jet, and took off for their honeymoon. They were going up north. Chloe wanted to see what it was like on the other side. She smiled at Lex as she sat beside him. He smiled back.

    “I love you.” She said.
    “I love you too.” They had just gotten married the day before, and were headed off for an adventure they would never forget. Chloe leaned her head on Lex’s chest and listen to his heart beat. The sound was soothing, and it was relaxing her. Lex wrapped his arms around her comforting her. He was listening to her breathing. She didn’t know it but it relaxed him. A few hours later they fell asleep that way.

    The plane jerked around waking them up. The pilot in the cock pit was frantically trying to sustain the level of turbulence, but it was no use. They were being jerked around so much by the wind, and snow, that they had to land. Their landing wouldn’t be gentle. A light blinked on, on the board of buttons.


    They were loosing fuel and altitude. Lex came into the cock pit to check things out. He was concerned and a little angry.

    “What’s happening?” He said sternly.
    “We’re loosing fuel and altitude Mr. Luthor.” The pilot said.
    “Is there anyway around it?” Lex asked.
    “No sir. We have to land.”

    The plane flew by a mountain. Chloe looked out the window and saw a blur of white. She swear she thought she saw snow tumbling from the mountain. She squinted and did her best to see. The snow was tumbling right for them. Her eyes widen with fear, and panic. She rushed into the cock pit as fast as she could.

    “Get away from the mountain!” She screamed. “Avalanche!” She shouted. The pilot did his best to swerve away from the mountain. The snow tumbled down, down, down, and the plane crashed into the snow. The snow that rumbled down and landed on half of the plane. The pilot flew forward, cracked his head, and died. Chloe was shuddering, and there was silence. Lex held her close.
    Then Lex went into the bigger room, and looked for a survival bag. He found one. It had everything they would need to survive. There was another rumble and Chloe and Lex both looked up and kept silent. Snow was dangerous. Especially if you made any loud noises. Lex went into the closet to get a jacket. He put it on and Chloe looked at him in panic.

    “Lex, where are you going?” She asked frantically.
    “I’m going to get help. Maybe there’s a service area.”
    “I’m not letting you go out there! I’m going with you!” Chloe said seriously as she grabbed the other coat that was available. Lex grabbed her arm sternly and looked her in the eye.
    “It’s too dangerous Chloe.”
    “Well I’m not staying here wondering if you’re dead or not.” She looked at him with angry eyes.
    “You always were stubborn.” He huffed as he zipped up his jacket.
    “I get it from you.” She joked and the two chuckled. That’s one thing Lex liked about their relationship. They knew how to keep the mood light in times of trouble.
    “Let’s go.” Lex said and they headed out into the deep, deep snow.

    They were only walking a few minutes, and Chloe was cold. Freezing. Her teeth chattered, and she was leaning on Lex for warmth.

    “So, c-cold.” Chloe said. ‘This is worse then when I was in Clark’s fortress.’ She thought. Lex was cold too, but not as cold as Chloe.
    “Don’t worry Chlo.” He shouted because of the strong wind, and blowing snow. It was kind of hard to hear.
    “Will make it. I promise.” Chloe kept chattering. There was another rumble and the two stopped dead in their tracks.
    “I think you caused an avalanche!” Chloe shouted and the snow tumbled down the mountain and it was headed straight for them.
    “RUN!” Lex shouted.

    The two ran as fast as they could. It was hard to run in the snow. The snow was right behind them. Chloe tripped and Lex helped her up quickly. There was no where to go. No where to escape the tumbling snow. Chloe and Lex ran and before you knew it, they broke through the snow, and ice, and landed in a cave. It was hollow. There was no water in it, but there was water under the ice. Lex looked up and before the snow plummeted on them, he shoved Chloe and himself out of the way. They kept silent as the looked up at the ceiling. There forms of ice cycles on the ceiling. It was beautiful, and there were stalagmites on the ground around them. Chloe and Lex were on top of each other looking at each other.

    “Lex.” Chloe said whimpering.
    “It’s going to be alright Chloe. We’re safe now.” He said with a smile while brushing her hair aside. The two set up camp and sat on an ice log. They sat on the blanket that was in Lex’s back pack. They hugged each other to stay warm. Then it hit Lex. He knew how to keep warmer.

    “Chloe, I know a way to keep warm.” He said.
    “Dare I ask?”
    “You know when we have sex, our body heats up?” Chloe didn’t feel like having sex. Not now. She didn’t want to take her clothes off, because she would be freezing.
    “It’s too cold to have sex.” She complained and Lex chuckled slightly.
    “That’s not what you say at night Chlo.”
    “That’s because it’s warm in the mansion.” Chloe leaned on Lex’s chest.
    “Chloe.” He said and kissed her hair. “Don’t make me tempt you.”
    “In every situation, you find a way to have sex. Fine.” Chloe said stubbornly and took off her jacket, and proceeded to take off her clothes. Lex did the same. They moved the blanket on the ice, and Chloe laid down. Lex got on top of her.
    “This is the most ridiculous idea you’ve had all year Lex Luthor.” Chloe said baffled.
    “You’ll thank me in the end.”

    After they were done having sex they were indeed warm. But how long will it last? Chloe laughed.

    “That was pitiful. Even when you don’t have a desire, you do it anyway.”
    “You don’t sound pleased.” Lex said as he got off of her. “You’re warm aren’t you?” He asked.
    “Well then.” Lex smiled. Chloe rolled her eyes. She couldn’t believe her husband would go to such lengths, to have sex. On the ice for the matter!
    “When we get home, I’m going to kill you.” Chloe teased as she put her clothes back on. Lex did the same.
    “You’re just mad cause we made out in the Polar ice caps.” Lex said as he zipped up his jacket. Chloe rolled her eyes.
    “Whatever Luthor.”
    “You know, I can say the same out you.” He smiled at her. Chloe was a few feet away from Lex. Before she could take a step further, the ice cracked. She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at Lex. He looked down at her feet and saw the cracked lines.
    “Lex.” Chloe whispered so as not to cause another avalanche.
    “Chloe, don’t move.” Lex said.

    Chloe slid her foot on the ice, and she broke through and fell in the water. Lex knew not to say anything so he didn’t. He was scared that she might die. In the water Chloe was being dragged down by her jacket. She took it off and she was still being dragged down, so she took off her pants. Then she swam up to the top, but it was iced over. She banged on the ice and Lex looked at her.

    “Chloe!” He whispered frantically.

    To be continued
    Please leave lots of reviews! Thanks!

  2. #2
    Ash's Love Slave
    Join Date
    10 Dec 2005

    Re: Lost (PG-13)

    Ouch! Poor Chloe and Lex. They really should find another way to travel. Great start!! PPMS????

  3. #3
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Lost (PG-13)

    Oh NO!!! Please save Chloe... Please....
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    15 Feb 2005

    Re: Lost (PG-13)

    Come back. That was so good.

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    05 Aug 2005

    Re: Lost (PG-13)

    Interesting and certainly adventurous idea.

    Ha. Sex at the north pole. *Snickers*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Lost (PG-13)

    Chapter Two:

    Lex didn’t have time to run to his backpack for something sharp. So he jammed his fist into the ice as hard as he could. He didn’t care about the pain that surrounded his hand, or the bleeding. He wanted his wife, and he wanted her now. He wasn’t going to let her die. He loved her too much for that. Chloe was still a live but barely. She blinked in the water and saw a fuzzy version of Lex reaching in the water. She tried to reach her hand up but she fainted from loss of air. Lex grabbed her and pulled her up with all his might. Lex noticed that her jacket and pants were off. All she had on was a sweater that was soaked to the bone. Lex carried her away from the ice, and the ice iced over again. One wrong move and they would all be dead.

    Lex shook Chloe’s face to wake her up but it was no use.

    “Chloe.” He started crying. “Chloe please. Don’t do this. Wake up.” He then gave her mouth to mouth. “I’m not going to loose you.” After a few mouth breaths Chloe coughed and woke up. She fluttered her eyes open and saw Lex. She smiled.

    “H-hi.” Her teeth were chattering, and her face was a light blue from being in the water too long. Lex choked because he was so overwhelmed that she was alive.
    “My survivor.” He whispered as he brushed his finger down her cheek. Chloe was shivering and she looked around at the ice surrounding them.

    Chloe woke up in a cold sweat. She was dreaming of their honey moon adventure. She had been dreaming about it ever since they got back. It was a miracle. If it wasn’t for Clark they would’ve died. Lex had managed to create a radio using his cell phone. Chloe looked at the clock. It was only 1:15am. Lex was sound asleep. He always was a sound sleeper. She looked at him and smiled. ‘At least you don’t have nightmares.’ She thought as she laid down close to him and put her hand on his shoulder, listening to his breathing. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

    The next morning Chloe woke up freezing. She thought she was back in the polar ice caps, but she was safe in her bed. Lex wasn’t there. He was already up. Chloe sat up in bed while resting her elbows on the bed. She gave a disappointed frown. She thought that Lex would be by her side when she woke up. What kind of husband was he, to not stay with her until she awoke? Chloe wrapped herself in the blanket to keep warm. She made her way to the study and saw him at work, with a cup of coffee. She smiled. Lex looked at her warmly.

    “You never could stay away from work Lex.” Chloe said as she approached her.
    “Chloe, are you ok? You look freezing.” Lex asked as he went to give her a kiss.
    “I’m just a little cold.” She said so she wouldn’t make it into a big deal. Lex always made the small things, into big deals. Chloe knew him so well. He checked her fore head. It wasn’t at its usual temperature. Then he kissed it to make sure it was right. It was not right. It was cold. Then he went to get a thermometer. Chloe sighed annoyingly as he left, then she sat on the couch by the warm fire. Lex came back with the thermometer, and stuck it in her mouth.

    “Lex, I’m fine.” Chloe said while the thermometer was in her mouth.
    “No you’re not. You’re forehead is freezing.”
    “Why do you always take the little things, and make them huge?” Chloe asked stubbornly. Lex scoffed and looked away. After a few minutes of looking at each other, Lex took out the thermometer. It read 75 degrees.
    “Chloe, you’re temperature is 75 degrees. You’re supposed to be 98.6.” Lex was worried and so was Chloe.
    “I’m taking you to the hospital.”
    “Luthor.” Chloe grumbled under her breath. Lex smirked.
    “Luthor.” Lex said and went to get her some suitable clothes.

    When they got home from the hospital they were more worried. They had to get Chloe’s temperature up to 98.6. She was fine, but was cold. She cuddled into Lex as they walked into the study. Lex wrapped his arm around her keeping her warm, and rubbing her shoulder.

    “I’ll light the fire, and get you a cup of hot chocolate.” Lex said but before he could go, Chloe stopped him.
    “Coffee.” She smiled at him and he turned to smile back.
    “Coffee it is.” He then left to go get the coffee.

    Chloe put the throw blanket on her and sat on the couch. She put her feet up on the coffee table. She was shivering but managed to drift off into a light sleep.

    “I love you Lex Luthor.” Chloe said to Lex. They were in the ice cave. Chloe was still soak and wet and could barely get warm. Lex had her as close to him as possible.
    “Don’t say that. You’re going to make it! I won’t give you up with out a fight.” He said seriously and kissed her cold head.
    “I can’t feel my body.” Chloe’s teeth began to chatter.

    Lex came in the study and heard something chattering. He looked over and saw Chloe sleeping. He smiled and thought nothing of it and continued to light the fire.

    “I l-love you L-Lex.” Chloe said in her dream.
    “I love you too.” Lex said back and thought that everything was fine, but it wasn’t. Chloe was reliving their terrible honeymoon adventure. When Chloe began to shiver more rapidly Lex knew that something was up. He went over to wake her up. She was shaking.

    “Chloe, Chloe wake up!” Lex demanded and shook her awake. Chloe’s eyes popped open and she saw him starring back.
    “I had a bad dream.” Lex sat next to her and put her feet on top of his lap, and cradled her in his arm.
    “Chloe, it’s over now. You’re safe.” He kissed her forehead. It was still cold. Chloe smiled faintly.
    “How about a bath?” Lex suggested.
    “You just wanna see me naked again.” Chloe said. Lex laughed.
    “Well….I wanna see you warm again that’s what. Now come on. I’ll start the hot tub.”

    The water was hot enough to warm anyone up. Chloe hesitated for a moment and the flashback of her falling into the death trap of water, she buried her face in his naked chest. He was wearing trunks of course. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her safe.

    “Chloe, we’re home now. You have nothing to be afraid of.” Chloe looked at the water and tried to get in again but couldn’t.
    “Do you want me to go in first?” He offered. She looked at him.
    “Yes.” Lex stepped in the water and got all the way in.
    “See? It’s safe here Chlo. Come on.” Lex reached out his hand to take hers. Chloe took his hand and stepped in the water. She saw herself in the cold water in the north and she hesitated.
    “Come on Chlo. It’s just a flashback.” Lex encouraged her. She stepped forward and managed to get in the warm water. It was definitely better then freezing water. They sat in the hot tub close to each other. Chloe was a little afraid but not so much.

    “See? It’s nice isn’t it?” Lex asked as he put his arm around her.
    “Yeah.” She looked at him. “Kiss me.” She said. He did kiss her, over and over. They ended up making out in the hot tub.

    When they were done Chloe felt a little warmer, but not enough for her temp to go up. Chloe got dressed and laid in bed. Lex went to go work on his papers, but Chloe wanted him to stay with her. Chloe decided to call him on her cell. It was better then getting up and walking to the study all the time, although she did enjoy looking at him. Ring.

    “Hey.” Lex said.
    “Please come to bed. It’s lonely with out you.”
    “Chloe,” Lex sounded annoyed.
    “Please Lex. I’m freezing and all you can do is work on your papers. Give them a rest. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get them done on time.” She was right. All she wanted to do was to be with him. Lex sighed. Chloe knew that she won and she smiled.
    “I’ll be there in a few.” Chloe frowned at the tone of his voice.
    “No Lex. Now.” She demanded. Lex smiled to himself.
    “Alright. I’ll be there.”

    They both hung up and Chloe waited anxiously for his return. She rolled over facing away from the door, and felt him slide in bed. His body touched hers. He wrapped his arms around her, and cuddled with her. She turned her head to look at him.

    “Thank you.” She said and kissed him.
    “You know I was working on a new project.” He said sounding disappointed.
    “Oh I’m sorry to pull you away from it Mr. Luthor. But you’ll thank me in the end. Besides, you’re the boss remember?” She winked at him and he kissed her again.
    “I know what can make warm.” Lex said changing the subject. Chloe laughed.
    “That’s what I like to see Chlo. You haven’t smiled since we gotten back. I’m worried about you.” Chloe sighed and turned to face him directly.
    “It’s just. I’ve been having flashbacks, and I don’t know how to stop them.” Chloe said a bit afraid.
    “Maybe you should see someone.”
    “I don’t need a shrink Lex.”
    “It’ll help you Chlo.” Lex was persistent.
    “Lex. Can we just forget about this, and make out?” Lex nodded his head. It was like Chloe wanted the make out session to be over. It was like she didn’t even want to make out, but he did. Lex started kissing her up her neck. Chloe didn’t feel like making out. So she stopped him.

    “On second thought, I’d like to go to bed.” Lex was disappointed but accepted her request.
    “Ok Chloe. Whatever you say.” He said in the nicest tone possible.

    Chloe shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

    She was back in the ice cave. Next to Lex. She looked around. She had to sneeze. Really badly. She did her best to hold it in. But it was no use.

    “Achoo!” Chloe said kind of loudly and gasped. She and Lex both were silent and looked up at the ceiling. A low rumble was heard. Chloe and Lex looked at each other in a panic.

    “Lex.” Chloe gulped softly.
    “Chloe.” Lex looked up at the ice crystals. They began to crack like they were going to fall.

    “Chloe, on my count run.” Lex kept looking at them.
    “One,…two…three…run!” He said softly and the two took off following a winding trail. The ice crystals on the ceiling of the cave came crashing down. They were following them. It was hard running on the ice. Lex slipped and the cave was collapsing.

    “Lex!” Chloe said a bit loudly.
    “Go! Save yourself.” He demanded.
    “No! I’m not leaving you!” Chloe shouted back as she helped him up and held on to his hand tightly. They ran together and there was another opening to another wide room. They dove for it and the ice barely missed them.

    Chloe woke up in a cold sweat. Lex wasn’t a sleep. He stayed a wake just in case this type of thing happen.

    “Did it happen again?” He asked. Chloe nodded her head.
    “I’m scared Lex. I’m scared to go to sleep. All I do is dream about our honeymoon.” She got close to him for safety. Chloe felt safe around Lex. She knew that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.
    “Don’t worry Chloe. Everything will be alright.” He said and kissed her hair. Chloe began to cry silently.
    A/n: I'm not sure how fast I'll be with updates, cause I hurt my wrist at work. It hurts to type, and to do anything with it. It's making me mad. I can't even play my instruments! Anyways, just giving you all a warning. I didn't want to leave you with a killer cliffie.

  7. #7
    Ash's Love Slave
    Join Date
    10 Dec 2005

    Re: Lost ch2*A/N* 1/22(PG-13)

    Poor Chloe.. I am glad that they made back safe from their honeymoon. Hope Lex can help Chloe through her nightmares.

    Sorry about your wrist. Don't worry about the story. We'll be here awaiting patiently for your return. Take care.

  8. #8
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Lost ch2*A/N* 1/22(PG-13)

    I feel so bad for Chloe. I hope Lex can help her through this.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #9
    Join Date
    10 Jul 2005

    Re: Lost ch2*A/N* 1/22(PG-13)

    Chapter Three:

    Chloe and Lex ended up staying up the whole night. Chloe lay her head on his chest and fought her tired eyes. They kept blinking and slowly shutting.

    “No don’t sleep.” She said quietly to herself. Lex held onto her to keep her safe.

    “Chloe, it’s ok. They’re just flashbacks.” He assured her. Chloe shook her head.

    “No Lex. They’re worse then flashbacks. They’re torment and sorrow. I feel the winter cold in the air as I dream about them. It makes me colder.” Lex wanted to fix this, but he knew he couldn’t. It would take lots of time for her to get over this. He would give her all the time she needed. He would cancel work for her.

    “Chloe, I’m here.” Lex’s voice became distant and it started to echoe.

    “No.” Chloe whimpered and she was no longer in the bedroom anymore.

    There was a rumble of noise above the cave they were in. They were on the ice and did their best to keep warm. In the present time Lex could feel Chloe grow colder.

    “Lex, Lex I’m scared.” Lex heard her say. Lex wondered where she was.

    “Chloe, where are you?” He asked seriously. Chloe looked around in her flashback.

    “I’m in the ice cave. It’s cold, and I’m scared.” Lex held onto her tightly. He felt her forehead. It was freezing.

    “This can’t be right. You’re not a Popsicle! I’m taking you to the hospital!”

    Lex carried her and in her flash back Lex was carrying her too. They were running away from a cave in.

    “Lex!” She screamed.


    Chloe fluttered her eyes open and saw Lex in a room. She wasn’t in the cave anymore. She was hooked up to all this hospital equipment. Her heart monitor was beeping at a steady pace.

    “Chloe, it’s alright.” Lex said as he held her hand. They had the temperature turned all the way up to get her temperature to normal.

    “Lex, you’re sweating.” She said and a small smile formed on her face.

    “I had them turn up the heat. I can’t loose you Chloe.” Chloe held onto his hand for dear life.

    “Lex, you will never leave me. I’ll be by your side for always.” She said and rolled her head back. Her monitor made that low beep sound.

    “Chloe! Chloe! No! Chloe! NURSE! SOMEONE! HELP!” Lex yelled as he ran out in the hall way like a maniac.


    “Chloe Luthor was an extraordinary young girl.” Gabe said to the crowd of people. Lex had a tear in his eye.

    “Her love for writing will always amaze me. Chloe you will be missed.” Gabe said as he looked at her casket. You would think it would be rainy at a funeral, but this one was sunny. Chloe loved the sun.

    Even though Chloe was dead a ghostly figure appeared by Lex’s side. She looked at him.

    “I will always be there for you Lex.” She said to him even though he couldn’t hear her.


    Alternate ending number 2

    After what seemed like endless hours Chloe finally became stable. What was strange was her temperature was normal. The nurse had to feel it twice to make sure. She looked at Lex oddly.

    “She’s a live.” The nurse said. Lex couldn’t believe it. He thought he lost her for good. He buried his head in her bed sheets.



    “Hey.” Chloe said as she came into his office wrapped in a blanket. She was much better but still liked being warm.

    “Hey.” Lex said as he came to her and gave her a peck on her forehead. It was still at 98.6.

    “I told you I’d always be by your side Lex.” Chloe said as she grasped his hand. He smiled and looked at her.

    “Don’t ever leave me again Chloe Luthor.” Chloe smiled.


    The End!
    I couldn't stand to have Chloe die, so I made an alternate ending. I hope ya like it! Thanks for reading, and reviewing!

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Lost ch2*A/N* 1/22(PG-13)

    I like the second ending better lol! Great fic!
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