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Thread: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    Here's the piece I promised last night. Enjoy.

    Title: For My Friends At N.S. - "My Best Friend"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13/T

    Category: Friendship, Chlex, Clana, futurefic, Chloe's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Anything is fair game in Smallville.

    Summary: Lex has a surprise for Chloe.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, Monty Hall, and Bruce Wayne, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

    Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and WBFFZ for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: This is dedicated first and foremost to my friends over at N.S. For your constant support and love you have given me and so many writers here. You honor us with your praise and your patience---at getting stories out. Thank you. I also dedicate this to Charlie, who got a sneak peek at certain parts. Thanks, dude. Oh, one small thing---Lana is mentioned a little unflattering at first but then is flattered very well. Just fair warning. Enjoy.

    For My Friends At N.S. - "My Best Friend" - by PMD

    Prologue: It's a tradition and this year, it's gone by the wayside, because of the weather.


    Chloe and Lana's Apartment

    I stare out at the snow, cursing it for spoiling my fun this time of the year.

    "Chloe, are you okay?"

    I look over at Lana, all decked out in finery.

    "No, I'm not," I grip. Then I sigh when I see her look. "I'm sorry---I just wish---"

    "---Lex were here?" she asks, walking over to me.

    "No, my dad."

    "Oh, I forgot. I'm sorry, Chloe."

    "Thanks, Lana."

    She sits on the window box and pulls me in. I let out a sigh and let the tears come.

    Not that I don't like Lex---he is my best friend, but my father and I have this tradition.

    On the day of my mother leaving us, he always gives me a yellow rose, her favorite. To remind me that even when she's not here, she's always in my heart.

    I know why she left now---not because she didn't love me but because she didn't want to burden me with her sickness. So, although at first the roses were thrown into the garbage can, now they are cherished.

    I cry even more and feel her patting my back. I'm amazed at the change in her---she used to be so self-centered and obnoxious about herself and her pain at times. Always saying, my parents died---pity me. But since being her friend and now us being roommates, she's changed. She sees she's not the only one in pain about parents and she uses what happened to her to help others feel better---to sooth them. Course, loving Clark helped a lot. And being friends with Lex and seeing what he was left with, helped too. But I think I helped a lot too.

    She backs away, giving me a wane smile. "I know how you feel, Chloe. My parents were killed remember. I remember them every day of my life---like you do your mom."

    I laugh.


    "Just remembering a self-centered girl I knew once and she came back for a slight visit."

    She laughs. "I guess I was pretty obnoxious back then with that. But I've changed, right."

    "As different as night and day, sweetie."

    "Good, cause I wouldn't like you not liking me again."

    "Hey, I always liked you. Just never liked you as much as I do right now. Thanks for the hug."

    "You're welcome," she states, getting up. "I could stay," she adds.

    "No, no, you go have fun with Clark. At least he can speed through the snow with ease."

    "Yes, he can. Chloe---why don't you come with us? He can carry two light women like us."

    "Thanks for the invite but I think I'll stay here, Lana. Go on---I'll be fine. Have fun."

    "You sure?"

    Before I can answer, there's a knock at the door. She walks over and opens it to a very dashing man, in a long coat and tux.

    "Yes, I'm sure," I quip.

    Like she can hear me now---only Clark is on her radar.

    "Hey, Chloe."

    "Oh, am I here, Clark?" I laugh.

    "What?" they both state, walking over to me, holding hands.

    "Nothing---go have fun, kiddies."


    "Lana, go before I decide to take him away from you---again."

    "You never took him away before---why would you think you could now?" she snarks.

    "I'm older and wiser?"

    "Older being the operative word," she quips.

    Clark just stares at the both of us and sighs. "No fighting, please. I've had enough of it today with the real bad guys out there."

    We laugh at him.


    "This isn't fighting, hon. This is verbal judo. Now, come on---before she tries to kiss you."

    He smiles at her. "Rather have you kiss me instead."

    "Outside the door. We don't want to have her blushing," she says.

    She turns her attention to me. "Chloe---bring you back a sweet."

    "Coffee, please. With some Irish liquor added to it."

    "Okay---Clark, shall we?"

    "The door or the window?" he quips.

    "Maybe you do know about verbal judo, Clark. I'm impressed," I state.

    "Learned it from Lex."

    I let out a sigh at my friend’s name. Then I turn my attention to the window again, feeling him behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder.


    "I'll be fine."


    I nod.

    "Okay, I won't have her back late, Mom."

    I laugh. "Make sure you don't---she has to be up early, young man."

    He moves and leans over, to kiss my cheek. "It'll be okay, Chlo. He'll see you soon," he whispers to me.

    "Yes it will," I say, as I hear him walk away and they leave the room, closing the door quietly behind them. "Yes he will."


    Half An Hour Later

    Now I'm staring at my computer screen, trying to figure out if the world wants to know about another halted takeover by a big conglomerate or not. Why'd I get picked for this assignment again? Oh right---because I know Lex but then this isn't about him---it's about his father.

    I hear a knock at the door and I grimace. Back to bug me again, Lana.

    I get up and walk towards the door. "Lana, I said I'm okay."

    I open it to---yellow roses.

    "Excuse, Miss, can I come in?" I hear a deep voice ask.

    I move aside to allow the person in. Then I turn to stare at the flowers until they part and:


    He places the flowers down on the front table and I launch myself into his arms. "How?"

    "Ask the man behind you," he says, hugging me.

    I back away and turn to see a smiling man in the doorway, his hand behind his back. "Lex?"

    "Wow---she still recognizes me."

    I snort. Then:

    "What's behind your back?"

    "Aren't you more interested in how your father got here?"

    "Let's see---he came in probably a couple of days ago and stayed at your condo. Then you brought him over to see me, with a dozen yellow roses. And now---what's behind your back?"

    "Ah---why don't I allow you two some time alone. I have to go get the food from Mr. Wongs anyways."

    He kisses me softly and then walks out the open door, closing it behind him.

    "Mr Wongs?" I ask.

    "Well, it's not the greatest weather out there. And I know you love Mr. Wongs."

    I smile and then:

    "So, what's behind door number one, Monty?"

    He gives me his subtle grin. "Wouldn't you like to know."

    I decide to act uninterested and walk away.


    I turn. "What?"

    "Don't you want to know?"

    "Nawww---I got work to do."

    I sit at my desk and type away. "How many T's in Gotham?"

    I sense him behind me a few seconds later. "Bruce Wayne again?"

    "Actually---can you keep a secret?"


    "Brucey is being a really big friend to you---he's taking away a company your father wants and you too, for that matter."

    "And how does that make him my friend?"

    "He wanted to take me instead."

    I feel him lean in and whisper, "Okay---I'll give up the company for you and our friendship if you ask me what's behind my back."

    He backs away and I look at him, standing by the desk now. "Okay, I'll bite---what's behind your back?"

    "Close your eyes."

    "Lexxxxx----the last time I did that, you put a slimy frog in my hands."

    "Close your eyes."

    I snort. "Okay---but if it's a frog, you so owe me."

    I close my eyes.

    "You can open them now."

    I do and gasp. He's holding in his hand a single red rose---perfection personified.

    "Oh my."

    "I did it, Chloe."

    "Did what?" I ask as I get up and touch one of the petals.

    "I perfected the hybrid."

    My eyes widen. "This is the hybrid----it's so beautiful, Lex."

    "Not as beautiful as the person it's named after."

    Lillian, I think, until:

    "I named it The Chloe."

    I sob and then turn away, feeling a tear roll down my cheek. In mere seconds he's in front of me and pulling me into his arms.

    "Are you okay?"

    "Yes," I sob out.


    I nod.


    I nod again.


    I nod.


    My eyes widen and I pull back slightly. "Love---you?"

    "There's a reason I brought you a red rose and not the white one."

    "You---love---me?" I squeak out.

    "I have no idea why or when but it happened. Maybe it was the snark?"

    I pull back further and hit his arm. "Don't joke about this."

    His eyes widen and he smiles. "So, when did it happen to you?"

    "I don't know---it just happened, I guess. Maybe it was the snark?"

    He gives me a seductive look that makes me feel like he's undressing me. I blush, showing a shy smile.

    He touches my cheek now and grins. "No deeper red is there than the blush of a young woman in love."

    "Oh God, you silver tongued devil you. Why didn't somebody catch you before now?"

    "Because you were too stubborn, Sweetheart."

    I lean up and whisper. "You're mine and don't you forget it."

    I back away and he captures my lips like he's captured my heart. We both sigh into the kiss and then---there's a knock at the door.

    We back away, sighing.


    "Yep, that's my father for you---bad timing," I say.

    "Well, we can finish this later, after your father heads back to the condo. I think I'll stay the night, if that's okay."

    "Lana will be out all night probably."

    "Oh, she will be. Clark said he has something planned for her."

    "Oh---he's going to run her to New York or Los Angeles?" I ask, as we both walk over to the door, his hand around my waist.

    "Don't know---just know he's got plans that will take all night."

    Before I open the door, I look at him. "Where's the rose?"

    "The desk."

    I move away from his grasp and stare at the beautiful flower, gleaming in the light---thinking such a piece of nature has allowed us to move from best friends to something else. Then I look back at him and see the love in his eyes---blue azure and strong---and know that not only the creation of this rose has done it. Years of friendship and trusting in each other has done it. And they do say that friendship is a solid foundation for love.

    Why can't we pinpoint the moment that we loved each other---because it crept up on us and that's the way love is supposed to be sometimes. Will it ever leave us---not if we work at keeping it alive for the years---and other lifetimes to come. For I am in love with my best friend---and always will be.

    The End.

  2. #2
    NS Junior Member petoonya's Avatar
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    Awwwww...that was so sweet. I am a firm believer that friendship leads to love, and I really hope that is true for my own personal life. Anywho...I really thought it was cute how Lex used the symbolism of the red rose for love, instead of the white rose for friendship. Very cute fic :-P

  3. #3
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    Hey Petoonya:

    Awww---so glad you enjoyed it, sweetie. I am too, sweetie. And I wish that for you, if you don't have it. And oh boy, is my muse into symbolism or what. She tends to be that about songs too. <g> Why it takes me so long to find the perfect one. <bg>

  4. #4
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    Love this story. It's sweet, I love the part about the rose being red for love.

  5. #5
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    That was so touching...the red rose, the declaration of love...this made me go into a sappy mood....I'm going to cry now..

  6. #6
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    i love this story and i am glad that it ended happly.

  7. #7
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    Hey Guys:

    Tiger: Awww---I'm glad you loved it, hon. I really wanted to use a red carnation (since that is my favorite flower) but then I thought, roses are more romantic and I don't see Lex trying to create a hybrid carnation as much as a rose.

    Gaia: Awww---sweetie. :: sending Gaia a virtual Kleenex :: I'm glad you enjoyed it, hon. Seriously, this was done to help all who watched Thursdays eppy and yet remember that amazing hug too. Hope I accomplished it cause I know of a few who pinged me upset, even before it was aired---I'd hate to think how they felt afterwards. :: sigh :: Now I'm going to cry---why did the show jump the shark. :: grrrrr ::

    Starmoon: Awww---glad you loved the story, sweetie. Now off to write some Christmas/New Years fun.

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: For My Friends At N.S. - My Best Friend (PG-13/T)

    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

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