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Thread: On The Trail Of A Thief (NC-17)

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    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland

    On The Trail Of A Thief (NC-17)

    This one is for you Jules...Fiona


    On The Trail Of A Thief

    Author: RuaFair (AKA Fiona)
    Email: redwitchire@yahoo.co.uk
    Rating: R/NC17
    Spoilers: None – This is totally AU.
    Disclaimer: Smallville and its characters belong to someone else. (Sigh) I’m just borrowing them.
    Dedication: To Hope, thanks for the great idea.
    Feedback: Please, let me know what you think, the muse craves it.

    Summery: Chloe is a cat burglar and a very good one at that. It had made her very rich, she can be hired to carry out jobs if the price is right. Pete works for her. Lana and Clark are investigators. Lex is as well; he gets brought in when the others can’t solve the crimes. He is still very rich, having inherited a fortune from his parents, both of whom are dead.

    Chapter One – The Prey

    “Easy does it Sullivan,” she whispered as she tugged on the straps of her harness, checking their tension, before lowering herself down until she was hanging over the glass case. She put on her infrared goggles and the criss-cross of the alarmed red laser beams were made visible to her.

    ‘Good ole reliable laser alarm systems,’ she thought, ‘piece of cake.’

    “Pete,” she said into her radio, “time to work your magic.”

    A few moments passed before his voice came over the radio again.

    “Ok my dear, you’ll have 30 seconds to get the piece and be out of the way of the beams before the alarm comes back online,” came the reply, “and your time starts… now.”

    ‘30, 29, 28,’ Chloe began counting in her head as she did a flip in her harness and lowered further down so that she was face to face with the casing. ’21, 19’ she continued to count. Using a laser glasscutter she made a hole big enough for her hand. ’12, 11, 10’, reaching in she grabbed the small solid gold statue, put it in the pocket of her cat suit and began pulling herself up. ‘3, 2, 1’ Just as she was out of the way the red laser beams came on again.

    In the van parked outside Pete Ross breathed a sigh of relief. “Cut that a little fine Chloe.” Even through her earpiece she could hear the very evident relief in his voice

    “It adds to the excitement, you know a job isn’t complete for you if I haven’t nearly given you a heart attack.”

    “Ha. Ha.”

    “You love it Pete. See you in five.”

    She pulled herself up through the hole in the ceiling and put the tile back in place. She made her way through the lattice of tunnels till she got to the service elevator and travelled in that to the top and crawled through the air vent onto the roof of the museum.

    After packing up all her gear, and putting it in a backpack she checked and secured the statue in her pocket. Moving over to the side of the building, she abseiled down the side using the rope she’d left there from earlier. Reaching the bottom she tugged on the rope till it came down; gathered it in her arms and ran across the street to the waiting van, as soon as she was in; the van sped off.

    Settling in the back of the van, she made herself comfortable, and then Chloe took the small gold statue from her pocket and held it up, admiring it.

    “All that for a statue of a cat,” said Pete over his shoulder.

    “It’s Bast,” said Chloe, “she was the goddess of family and life and took the form of a cat. That is why cats were revered in Ancient Egypt; they believed they were incarnations of Bast.

    Beautiful isn’t it.”

    The statue stood 6 inches high, pure gold, the eyes were sapphires and around its neck was a collar of diamonds.

    “It’s just a *cat* Chloe and if some collector wants to pay you *$750,000* for it then they are the bigger fool.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes, “it’s a work of art Pete, that’s worth about $2m and you’re just a cultural retard.” She laughed at her best friend, they had been working together for five years, she loved him like a brother but he didn’t have any appreciation for art, just the money.

    For her the thrill of the robbery made it all worth the while. The money was good, it had made her a millionaire in the process, but nothing could beat the adrenalin rush she felt when she was breaking in. Even the planning had a rush of it’s own, and her line of *work* had made her famous. Every paper carried stories about the cat burglar who couldn’t be caught. Added to the fact she was an art lover, this was the *perfect* job for her.

    “When do you get the money?”

    “Desperate for your cut Pete?” He just made a face at her in the mirror.

    “The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow evening 8.30pm, the exchange will be made then.”

    “Chloe, I don’t think you should take on anymore jobs for awhile.”

    “Why not?”

    “Well you have been pretty busy lately, in fact all the newspapers are about your *exploits*. It might be worthwhile laying low for a bit. The police haven’t been able to come with anything on you, so it’s only a matter of time before they bring the specialist investigators in.”

    “Pete, don’t worry I’m not going to get caught. They haven’t been able to catch me yet,” she said with a grin. “And I fully intend to keep it that way.”

    “Very true. But you might be pushing your luck and…”

    “Ok, ok I have a meeting in a couple of days about one more job and if the price is right I’ll do that one and then lay low for a while. How does that sound?”

    “That will do I suppose,” he replied with a smile.

    Chloe just rolled her eyes at him again and settled back in her seat, as the van got closer to their apartments.

    They lived in an apartment block up town, and although she was richer than anyone around her, they didn’t live in a place too upmarket as to draw attention to themselves. She had the penthouse apartment and Pete the one below her.

    Parking the van in their private car park they made their way to Chloe’s apartment.

    “Get the drinks Pete, I wanna get changed.”

    Pete made his way over to the fridge for the customary bottle of expensive champagne they always shared after a robbery.

    He was just pouring Chloe’s glass when she re-entered the room, looking so much different in a pair of baggy sweats and a t-shirt.

    She put the statue in her safe for settling down on the couch beside Pete. They clinked their glasses together in a toast and spent the night in reminiscence mode.

    Chapter Two - The Predator

    “KENT, LANG, GET IN HERE.” The voice boomed around the office.

    Clark Kent and Lana Lang both jumped up from their seats almost ran to their captain’s office.

    “Sir,” they both said, a little out of breath.

    “Close the door and sit down.” He held up a copy of the local newspaper, and began reading from the story on the front page:

    {Cat burglar strikes again at Metropolis museum:

    Another work of art was stolen from the museum last night. A 6-inch solid gold statue of the Egyptian goddess Bast was the item in question. It’s reputedly worth in the region of $2 million.

    This is the fourth such robbery in as many weeks and as yet our local police department are to find a single lead. The burglar leaves no clues, and Captain Steven Hamilton of the ‘special unit’; supposedly the ‘experts’ in robberies such as this, has been left to try and explain their lack of progress in these cases, which they believe is the work of one person. As a result of their ineptitude many art galleries and museums are reluctant to put on new displays for fear of being robbed, which is causing embarrassment for the city, and this isn’t looking good for Mayor Kwan’s re-election campaign…

    Story by Whitney Fordman, continued on page 2...}

    “He continues on about how this thief is giving us the run around, and to top my bad morning, I’ve just had my ass chewed off by the mayor’s office. So you know what this means?”

    “It means we’re in for it,” said Lana.

    “Very good Lang, that’s exactly what it means. You two have been on this case since the very first robbery and so far, nothing, not a goddamn thing. You are my best investigators, what the hell has happened on this case?”

    “Sir, we have absolutely nothing to go on. There are no clues, the items that are stolen haven’t appeared anywhere- so we don’t know if he keeps them or is selling them on the black market. None of our usual informants know anything or if they do our threats aren’t working on them. There is no pattern other than every art gallery, jewellery shop and museum isn’t safe, and all the items stolen are very rare and worth an absolute fortune.” Clark finished by throwing his hands up in the air in exasperation.

    “This thief is different from any other we’ve dealt with, this one is very intelligent and everything is planned to perfection. And it’s only ever one item at a time, I mean they can break in anywhere, disable every alarm system, so pretty much everything is there for the taking, but nothing else is touched. Whatever they are breaking in for is all that is taken,” added Lana.

    “This is making us look very, very bad,” said Hamilton, “and the word from up on high is that we need help.”

    “What does that mean?” asked Clark. “Are we been taken of the case?” asked Lana.

    “No, you’re both staying on the case, but there is another coming in to head up the investigation.”

    “Who? Someone else from the department?”

    “No. Any of you heard of Lex Luthor?”

    Both Lana and Clark shook their heads.

    Hamilton sat down behind his desk, “Lex Luthor,” he began, “is a specialist, he usually works for the FBI but has been known to help out the police every now and then. He has *no* unsolved cases to his name.”

    “What’s he like?” asked Lana.

    “I personally have never met the man, but from what I’ve heard he’s exceedingly intelligent, can be quite arrogant, does not like to proven wrong, and is always in control. Nobody quite knows why he has a job considering he’s a millionaire; apparently he inherited a fortune from his parents when they died. So instead of living the playboy lifestyle most people expected him to do, he decided to become an investigator, and a damn good one at that.”

    “So Lana and I are going to be working with him?”

    “No Kent, you and Lang are going to be working *for* him.”

    “But sir…” began Clark.

    “But nothing, this has come directly from the chief and the mayor’s office, Luthor is actually upstairs in the chief’s office and will be on his way down as soon as possible, and the two of you will start working for him immediately. He’s taking over the office beside your desks, it has already been set up for him.”

    Hamilton’s phone rang and he answered it immediately, “yes sir, they have, he is, ok.” He hung up the phone and looked at Clark and Lana again. “He’s on his way down, you two are dismissed.”

    Both detectives knew better than to question their captain about this anymore, well not until he had calmed down a bit, and left the office and went over to their own desks.

    “Wow, did that just happen?” asked Lana, taking her seat.

    “I think it did,” replied an equally confused Clark, “wonder what this Luthor guy will be like.”

    “I guess we’re going to find out, right?”

    Just then the elevator doors opened and out stepped a very handsome man, completely bald and dressed in a very expensive black Armani suit with a grey silk shirt underneath. He strode across the office like he already *owned* it, completely ignoring the stares from everyone.

    “Clark Kent and Lana Lang I presume,” his carefully modulated voice spoke, “Lex Luthor,” holding out his hand.

    First Lana then Clark shook it, “Mr. Luthor…” Clark started.

    “Call me *Lex*.”

    “Lex, is there anything we can get for you?”

    “I want everything you have on the cat burglar, the crime scenes, what was stolen, witness statements, forensic data, every microscopic detail the two of you have gathered, and I want it all in my office as soon as it’s humanly possible.”

    He turned and went into his office, but before closing the door he spoke again, “Oh and one more thing, cancel any plans the two of you might have had for this evening, this will more than likely be an all-nighter.” He smirked at them briefly before closing the door.

    Lana and Clark stared open-mouthed at the closed door for a minute, before turning to stare at each other, both wearing a look of shock on their faces. They stood like that for a moment till the office door opened and Lex stuck his head out, “Miss Lang, Mr. Clark do you need me to explain my request to you again?”

    “No, no, not at all,” stammered Clark.

    Lex said nothing and closed the door again.

    Lang sighed deeply and took Clark’s arm dragging him over to where the files were kept.

    Chapter Three – First Contact

    “That better not be someone banging on my door at,” muttered a very sleepy Chloe as she turned to look at the clock, “10.00am. Maybe if I ignore them they will go away.” She buried deeper under the covers and pulled a pillow over her head to try and muffle out the noise. But still the banging continued. She crawled out of her bed and dragged herself out to open the door, “this better be the end of the world,” she said as she pulled the door open to find Pete standing there.

    “Did I get you out of bed Chloe?” a big grin on his face.

    “Pete, how long have we known each other?”

    “Almost 6 years now,” he replied, wondering where she was going with this.

    “And *when* in all that time have you known me to get up this early, I’m not a morning person, you know that, it’s the vampire blood in me. So whatever news you have had better be earth-shattering.”

    “Well can I at least come in first?”

    Chloe stood back and let Pete in before closing the door behind him, they made their way to the kitchen. “So spill it.”

    “They’ve hired an expert investigator.”

    “Who, the police?”

    “Yes Chloe, they’ve brought in some hotshot FBI guy to head up the investigation into all the robberies, which in turn means you. Apparently they’re holding a press conference today to introduce this guy.”

    “And this is why you woke me at 10.00am.”

    “Chloe this is serious. I think you should cancel this latest job and lay really low for the next while.”

    “No Pete. So they’ve brought in an *expert*. So what? All the experts so far haven’t caught me, what’s so special about this one?”

    “I just have a bad feeling about it.”

    Chloe sighed, “Pete, you’re my best friend and I love you, but you have got to lay off all the worrying it’s making you old before your time. I told you after the last job that I’d lay low after this one and I intend to stick to that.”

    Pete still didn’t look too happy.

    “It’s $2million for this job. Think about it, $2million think of all you could do with your cut of that.”

    Pete sat silent for a moment, it was a lot of money, and in fact it was their biggest pay out yet. Some South American billionaire wanted Chloe to steal the breastplate of some general; the thing was probably priceless.

    He looked at Chloe and saw her grinning at him, and he couldn’t help but grin back.

    “Ok,” he conceded, “after this one.”

    “So where’s this press conference being held?” asked Chloe as she set about making coffee.

    “Oh you’re not going to believe this, but they’re holding it in the museum right in front of the display where what-his-name’s thingy is.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed, “It’s a breastplate Pete, and it belonged to Alexander the Great, it’s priceless and I’m just wasting my time trying to explain this to you aren’t I? I think we should go and check this new guy out.”

    “Oh no, I don’t think so Chloe.”

    “Oh yes I think so Pete,” she mimicked. “We’ll go along, hear what they have to say find out who this guy is and then you can work the great Ross magic and get all the information you can on him. What time does it start at?”

    Pete skimmed through the article in the paper, “It starts at 1.00pm.”

    “Ok you go and get ready and meet me here at 12.30pm and we’ll make our way.”

    ‘This is not good,’ thought Pete as he made his way out of Chloe’s apartment and down to his own, ‘not good at all.’


    Clark Kent yawned as he stood outside the Metropolis Museum, since Lex had arrived three days ago he had got about 5 hours sleep. They had gone through every piece of evidence they had with a fine toothcomb, and then went through it all again. He had to admit Lex was very good, he had given all the evidence a different perspective and at the end they felt like they had achieved something.

    “Hey Clark.”

    “Hi Lana, all ready for this?”

    Lana smiled at him, “as ready as I’m going to be. We’d better head on in.”


    Lex stood to the side watching as the press, people from the mayor’s office, police department, museum officials as well as people just in from the street sat in the room waiting for the press conference to begin. ‘Waste of time,’ he thought.

    He looked around the room and suddenly locked eyes with a very attractive blonde woman, ‘wow,’ he thought as she smiled at him and he found himself returning her smile.

    ‘Oh hell-o,’ thought Chloe as the bald man she’d been checking out smiled back at her, ‘he is *hot*. Wonder who he is?’

    “Chloe,” whispered Pete beside her, “stop making goo-goo eyes.”

    She reluctantly turned away from Lex and glared at her friend. “Peter Ross, I do not, nor have I *ever* made goo-goo eyes at anyone,” she hissed at him.

    Pete just started laughing, “Chloe you were checking that guy out.”

    “Yes Pete, I was *checking* him out, I was *not* making goo-goo eyes at him.”

    “What-ever,” said Pete.

    She was about to answer him back when the mayor stepped up to the podium and began to speak.

    “I want to thank everyone for coming here today. As you are all aware there have been a number of robberies in the recent weeks of precious works of art from this very museum. And as a result of this art galleries and museums are reluctant to have any new exhibitions. Well we are delighted to announce that this museum is not going to let this thief win. They are going to have on display for the next month the breastplate of Alexander the Great. This work of art is priceless and we are very lucky to have it here…”

    ‘Well for the time being,’ thought Chloe with a smile, as she listened to the mayor drone on and on.

    Lex had switched off to what the mayor was saying from the minute he opened his mouth and he had been watching the blonde who had smiled at him. She sat looking at the mayor with a look of boredom on her face and every now and then would make a comment to the man sitting beside her; which would cause her to laugh, lighting up her face.

    ‘And I thought my stay here would be all work and no play,’ he thought as she caught his eye again.

    He was about to quietly make his way over too her when the mayor’s speech turned to the investigation.

    “…And so to help us catch this thief we have appointed a specialist investigator to head up the task force, so ladies and gentlemen let me introduce Mr. Lex Luthor…”

    Lex stepped up the podium and thought he saw a strange look grace the blonde’s face before it disappeared. He winked at her briefly and began to speak.

    “Thank you Mayor Kwan. My appointment here is not a reflection on the police department, I am just here to offer another perspective and to help them catch this thief. And I want to say now that there will be no more robberies, this thief will be caught, and soon…”

    A number of reporters started firing questions at him after his statement and he handled every one of them without losing his composure.

    “Let’s get out of here,” whispered Chloe to Pete, after listening to Lex for a while, and they made their way outside.

    “That’s the guy,” said Pete, “and you, Chloe Sullivan, were giving him the come on.”

    “Shut up Pete,” said Chloe, ‘great,’ she thought, ‘first guy in ages that did anything for me and he’s the guy who has been assigned to try and catch me.’

    “Let’s get back Pete, I want you to find out everything you can about *Lex Luthor*.”


    After Lex had fielded all the questions he vainly tried to find the mystery woman, ‘oh well, maybe some other time,’ and headed over to Clark and Lana to head back to the station.

    Chapter Four – An Auspicious Meeting

    “Here you go Pete,” said Chloe, handing him a coffee.

    “Thanks.” It had been three days since the press conference, and despite Pete’s objections, the plan to steal the breastplate was still very much on.

    “Ok Chloe, here’s what I found out about Lex Luthor,” Pete settled himself before continuing.

    “Alexander Joseph Luthor, age 27, born in Metropolis, parents Lionel and Lillian, both deceased. His father was a big shot in the business world, and Lex had a rather tumultuous relationship with him. His mother died when he was quite young, the father passed away 3 years ago, the family were multi-millionaires, and Lex inherited everything. He has a genius IQ and has degrees in science, chemistry and forensic science. The FBI have been using him for the last 4 years, and in the last 18 months police departments have been availing of his services. He always gives the impression of being in total control and I’ve heard he can come across quite arrogant, likes giving orders, although he’s not very good at taking them. His baldness was caused by some childhood accident, which I couldn’t get more information on, but I’m working on it. He is single; never been married, but has been spotted in various society pages always with some beautiful woman on his arm, but doesn’t seem to have had a serious girlfriend.

    Oh and the one other very important thing I discovered about him is that he has no unsolved cases to his name, every one that he has worked on he has solved, and he won’t quit the case until it has.”

    Pete took a large gulp of coffee after speaking and looked at Chloe.

    “We are *not* cancelling the job Pete,” she said when she noticed the look on his face, “I don’t care if this guy is Batman it’s about time he had a case he couldn’t solve and *I* intend to be that case.”

    “But Chloe…” began Pete.

    “No Pete, no buts, this job is going ahead and if you don’t want to be part of it then tell me now, but if you are part of it stop all this talking about quitting. So what’s it going to be?”

    Pete sighed, “of course I want to be part of it, it’s just that I think this Lex guy is going to cause us problems.”

    “You just leave Mr. Lex Luthor to me,” she said, ‘I’ll take care of him,’ she added silently to herself.

    “Ok Chloe, you’re the boss,” he smiled.

    “Right, I’m going to the museum now, I want to take a quick look around, and yes I know the place is crawling with police but I’m just going as a museum visitor to look at the new exhibition.”

    “So what cover are you going to use if you run into Luthor?”

    “I’ll be Chloe Sullivan, photographer extraordinaire, we haven’t used that one in a while.”

    Pete laughed, “Ok, I’ll put the necessary information up should anyone decide to do a check on you.”

    “Oh Pete, the museum will have, of course, completely changed their entire security system and have probably installed one recommended by the lovely Mr. Luthor.”

    “Way ahead of you Chloe, I’ve already started looking into what they have and how to get around it.”

    Chloe smiled, delighted that Pete was in research mode for the new job, she grabbed her coat and bag, dropped a quick kiss on Pete’s forehead, “see you later.”

    Pete just grinned back at her, “have fun Chloe.”

    ‘Oh I will if Lex Luthor is there,’ she thought as she made her way down to the car park and got into her Ferrari and headed for the museum.


    Lex had spotted her the minute she had walked into the museum. He was in the security office when she appeared on the security camera. He watched as she walked around, sometimes on her own, sometimes with the various groups of visitors.

    He continued watching her on the monitor till she stopped in front of the display case hosting the breastplate of Alexander; then he left the security office and made his way over to her.


    Chloe stood admiring the item. ‘Incredible,’ she thought, ‘I could retire after stealing this. Granted I could of retired a long time ago, but stealing this would be the crowning glory.’

    “Magnificent isn’t it?”

    Chloe didn’t need to turn around to see who it was, she recognised the voice immediately. “It’s an amazing piece,” she replied, “it seems to have a power all it’s own.”

    Lex moved from behind to stand beside her, and studied her profile.

    “To think something this beautiful was used for leading men into battle,” she continued and Lex’s eyes were focused on her mouth. “But still you could stare at its beauty for hours.”

    “Definitely,” replied Lex still staring at her.

    Chloe turned from the case to stare at him, “Lex Luthor, taking to staying at the museum on a permanent basis to catch your thief.”

    Lex just smirked at her. ‘Boy he looks sexy when he does that,’ she thought.

    “No I’m just here, like yourself, on a visit.”

    “So Lex, do really think the thief will try and steal this,” indicating to the breastplate with her head, “after your little press conference.”

    “Of course they will, how could they resist it now?”

    “Oh silly me,” said Chloe, “I thought it was a press conference to introduce you and to try and make the mayor look less of an idiot than normal. Not a publicity stunt for you to lay down a challenge to the thief.”

    “Is that what you really thought?”

    Chloe just smiled.

    “So why were you at the press conference Miss…”

    “Plain old curiosity,” she replied, still not telling him her name.

    Lex smirked at her aversion to giving him her name. “Curious about the breastplate, curious about what the mayor was going to say, or was it something else?”

    “I was curious to see the guy they were *hiring* to catch the thief, that’s what really *peaked* my curiosity.”

    Lex moved slightly closer to her, “I see, and did I suitably *peak* that curiosity for you?”

    “Well I came close to complete peak-ness.” Each was affected by the nearness of the other.

    “Oh I don’t like to see a woman left *unsatisfied*, how about you let me buy you dinner to make up for it.”

    “Let me check my schedule and get back to you,” replied a coy Chloe as she turned to leave.

    He had to ask, “I didn’t get you name.”

    “I didn’t give it,” she smirked, then after a moment, “it’s Chloe.”

    “Chloe what?” he asked.

    “Just Chloe,” and with that she left the room.

    Chapter Five – Dilemmas

    Chloe stood looking over Pete’s shoulder as he explained the Metropolis Museum’s new alarm system.

    She tried to pay attention to what he was saying, she knew it was important, but her mind kept drifting back to her meeting with Lex. ‘Damn infuriatingly sexy man,’ she thought. Since meeting him two days ago she had picked up the phone at least fifty times to ring him and take him up on his offer of dinner but always backed out at the last minute.

    Pete looked at Chloe and knew she wasn’t listening to him. “And then Chloe all you have to do is dance a little jig across the room and the alarm will be disabled.”

    “Cool Pete, that sounds fine,” she replied.

    “Did you even *hear* a word I said?”

    “Of course I did, you said something about the…alarm,” she offered hopefully. Pete rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air. “Christ Chlo what is with you? I’ve never seen you like this where a job was concerned. And might I add you’re the one who insisted that we go ahead with it.”

    “I’m sorry Pete it’s just that, and I know I’ve only met him, but this Lex Luthor, he’s gotten under my skin, and I’m not quite sure what to do about it.”

    “Chloe, whatever you do, *don’t* get involved with him. Jesus of all the people to go and fall for.”

    “*I* have not fallen for him, for your information, he just…intrigues me.”

    “Whatever, just forget about him and concentrate on the job. This alarm system is incredible.”

    “I was thinking about it last night,” said Chloe, glad Pete had dropped the subject of Lex for the moment.

    “Wow actually *thinking* about the job in hand, will wonders never cease.”

    “Ha. Bloody. Ha Pete. Remember that art forger guy we worked with a couple of years ago in Chicago, what was his name again?”

    “Justin,” said Pete, “Justin Gaines, what about him?”

    “See if you can track him down. And when you do ask him if he wants in on the job.”

    “What are you up too?”

    “I’m still working on it, just see if you can get him, oh and try to track down Kyle Tippet as well.”

    “That old safecracker, Chloe what’s going on?”

    “I told you, it’s still just the semblance of an idea, but I’ll let you know soon, I just need to get a few things straight in my head.”

    “Ok you’re the boss. I’ll make a few calls,” said Pete, slightly baffled at her requests, but she’d never come up with a bad plan yet.

    “Just trust me Pete,” she said, noticing the look on his face. He just shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

    “Right let’s go through the timers on this alarm system one more time, you have my undivided attention,” she grinned.


    Lex was in his office, the blue prints of the museum tacked to the wall, and he was trying to concentrate on them.

    ‘Just Chloe,’ kept running through his head. He smirked to himself at the coyness of some of her answers.

    She was a distraction he kept telling himself, he was here to catch a thief, not to flirt with the locals. Well at least he thought she was a local, actually when he dwelled on it he really knew nothing about her other than her first name.

    “Get a grip Luthor,” he murmured to himself, “you’d swear you’d never seen a beautiful woman before.” But it wasn’t just that she was beautiful, it was everything else about her. She was alluring, mysterious, intelligent and as sexy as sin and he was intrigued.

    Needing to clear his head of all things Chloe he decided to go for a walk. He left his office and got the elevator to the ground floor.

    When the doors opened he was shocked to see Chloe standing there. People filed into the elevator and Lex hadn’t a chance to get out. The next thing he knew the doors had closed, the elevator was packed and Chloe was pressed up against him.

    “Mr. Luthor, fancy meeting you here,” she said softly, a smile on her face as she looked up at him. Chloe had told Pete she was going for a walk, and suddenly found herself at the police station and before she chickened out again, decided to see if Lex was around and now here they were, thanks to the amount of people around them, pressed very close together.

    “Chloe,” Lex said, not bothering to hide the surprise in his voice or on his face, “what are you doing here?”

    Somebody behind Chloe pushed against her and she placed her hands on Lex’s silk covered chest to steady herself, while he placed his hands on her hips to stop her from falling.

    “I came to see if your offer of dinner was still open,” she said. Lex could feel her breath on his face, her warm hands through his shirt. And even though during the elevator’s journey to the top the number of people in it had dwindled they still remained in the same position.

    He contemplated teasing her but decided against it, there were plenty of other ways to *tease* her. “Oh the offer is still there. Did you managed to work me into your schedule?”

    “Yes,” she replied with a smirk of her own, enjoying the feeling of his body against hers, ‘damn clothes in the way,’ she thought. “I managed to find an opening for this evening. Does that suit you?”

    “Shall we say 8.00pm at La Finesse,” he said, knowing that if he had other plans, they would of been cancelled.

    “Perfect, I’ll meeting you there.”

    The elevator had reached the top floor again. “Well I’d better head back to the ground floor again,” she sighed and stepped away from him, removing her hands from his chest.

    Let me go *down* o…with you,” he smirked and leaned over the push the ground floor button, letting his body brush hers again. The trip back down was a nightmare for both. The air around them felt charged in the confined space. It took every ounce of Lex’s control to keep himself from taking her then and there. Chloe was battling with similar ideas herself.

    Both breathed a sigh of relief when the doors opened once again, this time on the ground floor. Chloe stepped out and turned to face Lex again. “See you tonight Lex.”

    “Looking forward to it Chloe,” he replied and he watched her hips sway as she walked away.

    “Definitely looking forward to it,” he said to himself as his took out his cell-phone to make the reservations.

    Chapter Six – Dessert

    Chloe stood in front of her mirror. “Ok,” she said to her reflection, “this is *not* a date. Its just dinner, that’s all.”

    ‘So your rule about not sleeping with a guy on a first date doesn’t really count in this case,’ the voice in her head said.

    “No, it doesn’t,” she replied absently. “Oh God, what am I doing?” She sat on the edge of her bed; she had said nothing to Pete about the dinner. She really hated keeping things from him, but the way he’d been acting lately about Lex, telling him about dinner wouldn’t of been such a good idea. As fate would have it, Pete had gotten on lead on Kyle Tippet and had gone to check it out.

    Chloe stood up again and checked her outfit. She was wearing a deep-red silk dress that fell mid-thigh. It had spaghetti straps and was low-cut enough to give a hint of her cleavage, which had been enhanced from the half-cut bra she was wearing. Barely black sheer stockings and black heels completed the ensemble. Her make-up was subtle and her hair was wispy around her face.

    ‘I see, if this is the outfit you wear to go out with a guy you have no intention of sleeping with, I’d hate to see what you wear when you do,’ her inner voice piped up again.

    “Shut-up,” Chloe said at her reflection. Her phone rang, informing her that the cab was downstairs waiting for her. She grabbed her wrap and purse and headed down to the waiting cab.

    “La Finesse,” she told the driver as she settled back in the seat.


    Lex sat the table and ordered a scotch from the maitre d that had appeared the minute he sat down. He glanced at his watch, 8.00pm. Lex couldn’t believe he was actually a little nervous about this dinner date. ‘It’s not a date,’ he thought, ‘its just dinner with a women that I am incredibly attracted too.’ A waitress placing his drink on the table interrupted Lex’s musings; Lex waved her away with his hand.

    A minute later, Lex’s breath caught as Chloe was led to the table, the red silk clung to her in all the right places. He stood up, “wow, you look beautiful,” as his eyes travelled the length of her body before resting on her eyes.

    “Thanks,” she replied a faint blush on her cheeks, “you look pretty good yourself.” He was dressed in a black suit that fit just perfecting, a pale purple silk shirt, opened at the neck, completed the outfit. ‘Down girl,’ ran through her head as she took her seat.

    “Can I get you a drink?” the waitress asked. “I’ll have a scotch and water, thank you,” said Chloe.

    “Very well madam,” she said before handing both of them a menu.

    Chloe turned back to face Lex and he smiled at him, ‘God he looks even better smiling.’

    “Glad you’d made it,” he said as her drink appeared. Chloe picked it up and held it out. “So am I,” she replied. They clinked glasses and their eyes remained locked as they took a sip of their drinks.

    They chatted over the menus before a dark-haired waitress came over. “Hi, my name is Victoria and I’ll be your waitress this evening,” she said in a clipped British accent. “Are you ready to order, or do you need a few more minutes?”

    “I’m ready,” said Lex. “So am I,” said Chloe. And they gave the waitress their order.


    They made small talk over their starters. Halfway through their main course, Lex asked the question Chloe knew was coming.

    “Chloe what do you do?”

    She groaned inwardly. “I’m a photographer,” she said, “I’ve done some work for various newspapers, but mostly I work free-lance.” It was a story she’d used before. “So, how’s the investigation going Lex? Or are you not allowed to talk about it?” she asked, steering the conversation away from herself.

    Lex was a little confused at her change in the conversation. “It’s progressing along nicely,” he smirked, “it’s just a matter of time before the thief makes a move.”

    The waitress came over and took away their empty plates. “Thank you,” said Chloe to her. “You seem very *sure* about that,” directing the conversation back to Lex.

    “This thief is very good and they know that. And as you said in the museum this is a challenge to some degree that I’ve laid down and they won’t be able to resist it.”

    “I’ve noticed when you talk about the thief Lex you never assign a gender.”

    “That’s because I don’t know yet whether it’s a man or woman and to make that assumption now would be, well, unprofessional.”

    “Not to mention sexist,” added Chloe. Lex raised an eyebrow at her comment. “The papers seem to think the thief is a man,” she clarified.

    Before Lex could respond the waitress brought over Chloe her dessert and he watched as her eyes grew wide as the plump strawberries and cream were placed in front of her. Chloe caught him looking at her, “hey, I enjoy the *sinful* pleasures of life,” she said with a grin.


    ‘She’s trying to kill me,’ he thought as he watched her stretch her lips over the cream covered fruit. As he watched her tongue lick the remnants of the cream from her lips he felt himself get hard.

    Chloe knew she was treading on dangerous ground as she watched him lick his lips as she ate the dessert.

    She picked up another large strawberry, dipped it in the cream and held it out towards Lex. “Want a taste?” she asked in a low voice.

    ‘No,’ his mind screamed, unfortunately the rest of his body was screaming, ‘YES.’ He leaned forward almost involuntary.


    The waitress, Victoria, stood at the bar watching the two of them. “They are going to need a fire extinguisher soon,” her colleague said.

    “Bet you fifty bucks they kiss before getting up from the table Carrie,” she said turning to her workmate.

    Carrie looked over at them, “you’re on Vicky, and I’d say they wait till they get outside.”

    Both girls shook hands and watched Lex and Chloe intently.


    Chloe’s mouth became dry as Lex bit into the fruit. He pulled back a little to chew and swallow the piece.

    “Aren’t you going to finish it,” she asked, her voice husky.

    He closed the short distance again and took the rest of the berry and in turn began licking the cream from her fingers. He sucked her finger into his mouth, his eyes locked on hers as his tongue ran over her fingers.

    Chloe was breathing heavily and she felt herself lean forward. She pulled her hand away and pressed her lips to his. He ran his tongue over her bottom lip and Lex groaned softly when they parted for him. He slipped his tongue inside as hers found it’s way into his mouth. Both shuddered as the kiss intensified.


    Victoria turned smugly to her friend and held out her hand. Carrie muttered to herself as she handed over the fifty dollars. “Better get their bill ready,” said Vicky, “I think they’ll be needing it *very* soon.”


    Their tongues duelled for a moment before Chloe pulled back. Her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath. Lex shifted in his seat as his pants became far too tight.

    “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered. Chloe nodded. Lex looked away from Chloe and caught the waitress’ eye; she was over immediately with the bill. Lex glanced at it before pulling a wad of notes from his wallet and throwing them on the table. He stood up and took Chloe’s hand and both almost ran out of the restaurant.

    The moment they got outside Lex covered her mouth with his own again, his hands slid down her back and Chloe wrapped hers around his waist. He could feel her lips swell from the kiss and he moaned softly.

    He released her mouth when he heard his limo pull up behind them. “Your place or mine?” he whispered.

    “Yours,” she breathed.

    Chapter Seven – Never Mix Pleasure With Business

    During the short drive from the restaurant to his apartment Lex just couldn’t keep his hands off Chloe. Granted her curling up beside him the minute they got into the limo didn’t help matters. No sooner had the car taken off than Lex’s lips were on hers again. Chloe’s hands worked his shirt out of his pants and they were now gently skimming up and down his back. Chloe moaned into his mouth when his hand rested on her thigh, and he began rubbing it gently.

    Lex was about to move his hand higher when the car stopped. ‘About time,’ he thought, even though the entire journey only took about five minutes.

    They managed to make it from the car to his apartment without giving anyone else a show, although it had been a close call in the elevator. They were only in the door of his apartment when Chloe found herself pressed up against it by Lex’s body. She couldn’t believe what was happening, she had *never* wanted someone as much as she wanted Lex.

    She pulled his mouth down to hers again and as they kissed she unbuttoned his shirt. Lex helped her and within seconds his jacket and shirt were on the ground. Chloe began placing wet kisses on his neck and chest, while he found the zipper to her dress. He took a step back from her and hooked his hands under the straps of her dress and slowly pulled the dress down. “God you’re beautiful,” he murmured as her skin was revealed. The dress ended up in a pool on the floor and Chloe stood in just her lacy bra, matching panties and stockings.

    Lex placed kisses on her stomach as he knelt, his eyes looking up at her. She looked down at him through half closed eyes

    He lifted one of her legs up a little and took of her shoe, and then slowly slid his hand up her leg and on it’s journey back down he pulled off her stocking. He repeated the process with the other leg. Lex had never been so hard in his life and the thought of being inside her was driving him crazy.

    He lifted one leg over his shoulder and licked and kissed her inner thigh, causing her to moan his name. ‘I’m going to explode,’ she thought. As she felt his tongue get closer to her centre, she grabbed his head, directing him where she most wanted him to go. When he kissed her through her panties, Chloe’s legs almost gave out.

    “Bedroom,” whispered Lex as he stood up and they managed to make it to his room still wrapped around each other.

    Chloe moved back from him once they were in his room and slowly unhooked her bra and let it drop to the ground. Lex groaned and reached his hands out to cup her breasts, running his thumb over her nipples.

    He kissed her hard, his tongue laving the inside of her mouth and pushed her back gently against the bed. When Chloe felt the back of her knees against the bed she sat down on the edge and Lex reached for her.

    “Not yet,” she said with a wicked grin and Lex stood back, a confused look on his face.

    “Chloe…” he began.

    “Shush,” she said and began opening his pants, and then pushed them down, Lex stepped out of them and kicked of his shoes and socks. She began stroking him hard through his boxers.

    “Chloe,” he moaned, “not like that, not just now, I *need* to be inside you.”

    She moved up on the bed, slipped her underwear off and laid back, her legs slightly spread. Lex’s boxers fell to the floor and he crawled onto the bed, settling between her legs.

    He shifted against her and slowly pressed forward, both groaned at the sensation of their bodies joining. Chloe adjusted her legs and wrapped them loosely around Lex’s hips and he began to move.

    At this moment Chloe didn’t care what Pete thought, she didn’t care what Lex was or what she was and that tomorrow morning reality would raise its head again. All that mattered was how he was making her feel, nothing else.

    For the next few hours the only sounds in the room were from the two lovers until they both collapsed exhausted and fell asleep in each other’s arms.


    Chloe woke up and it took her a moment to realise where she was. She turned slightly and looked up into Lex’s sleeping face. ‘Oh crap,’ she thought. She extracted herself from him and padded naked out of his room, found his shirt on the floor outside and put it on. Roaming around for a few minutes she eventually found the bathroom. She turned on the light and locked the door behind her.

    She stood looking at herself in the mirror; her hair was all mussed, her lips still slightly swollen. “Oh you’ve done it this time Sullivan,” she whispered, “Dinner wasn’t enough for you, oh no you had to have dessert, strawberries should be made illegal.”

    She splashed some water on her face and headed back to the bedroom. She stopped to pick up her clothes along the way. On a table there were a number of files, and the top one read, ‘Codes for Museum Alarm System’. Chloe stopped in her tracks and stared at the file, she glanced towards the bedroom and then turned her attention back to the file.

    ‘It would be so easy,’ she thought and began to reach out her hand.

    “Chloe,” Lex’s voice rang out from the bedroom. She turned away from the files and picked up the rest of her clothes and made her way back into the bedroom.

    “Hey,” she said as she walked in. Lex smirked when he saw her wearing his shirt.

    Pushing all thoughts of the file out of her mind, Chloe dropped her clothes on a chair and crawled onto the bed and kissed him. Lex deepened the kiss and slipped his hands under the shirt. “Lex,” she groaned, “I really have to go.”

    Lex said nothing and just pulled her on top of him. “I really, really have to go.”

    Lex sighed and looked like a kid who had his favourite toy taken away from him. Chloe slid off the bed. “Don’t sulk Lex,” she said with a smile.

    “*I* do not sulk,” he replied.

    Chloe began dressing, Lex got out of the bed and pulled a pair of boxers on. He moved behind Chloe and drew the zipper of her dress up, kissing her neck. He turned her around in his arms, “you do realise that this is *not* a one-night stand?”

    Chloe looked at him slightly confused. “Do you honestly think I’m going to let you walk out of here and never see you again after last night?” he clarified, “I never planned for it to end up the way it did, I’m not complaining mind you, it was *incredible* but there’s no way I’m letting you go.”

    She didn’t know what to say in answer to that so she just kissed him hard and pulled away when he tried to deepen it.

    “My limo is downstairs, it will take you home.”

    “There’s no need for that Lex, I’ll just get a cab.”

    “Chloe…” “Fine, fine,” she said, “I’ll take the limo.”

    Twenty minutes later they managed to prise their mouths apart for Chloe to get into the limo. “I’ll call you later,” she said.

    Lex stood at the main door watching the limo pull off before heading back upstairs to get ready for work.

    “Montrose apartments,” she told the driver, and leaned back in the seat trying to banish all thoughts of the file out of her mind, and also try to come up with a story for Pete.

    Chapter Eight – To Steal or not To Steal, That is the Question

    “Lana,” whispered Clark, trying not to raise his voice too high. She didn’t acknowledge him. “Lana,” he said a little louder. She raised her head, “what?”

    “Is it my imagination or is that a *smile* on Lex’s face as opposed to the usual smirk?” he asked.

    Lana glanced over at her boss, who was looking through some files in his office, and Clark was right he was smiling. “Wonder what’s going on?” she said.

    Clark just shrugged his shoulders.


    Try as he might Lex just couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off his face. Any time he let his mind wander from the job in hand he saw Chloe, or more specifically he saw how she looked under him and over him, how she felt around him. His back and shoulders still bore the marks of her nails and there were bite marks on his chest. ‘No more thoughts like that,’ he said to himself. Picking up his phone he rang his chauffeur, after a couple of rings the phone was answered. “Andrew, where did you drop the young woman off this morning?”

    “Montrose apartments Mr. Luthor.”

    “Ok thank you Andrew,” and Lex hung up the phone. ‘Montrose,’ he thought, ‘very *nice* neighbourhood.’ He reached for his phone again and began making a few calls.


    Chloe felt much better after her relaxing bath, it had done wonders for her aching muscles. ‘What a night,’ she thought. She glanced down her body, as she got dressed, there were faint bite marks and bruises on her breasts and thighs, her hips bore fingertip shaped bruises from Lex. She shivered as she remembered the events of the night before.

    She had just finished dressing when she heard Pete at the door. “Where were you last night?” he said, just as she had gotten the door opened.

    “Oh and good morning to you Pete.” She closed the door.


    “Well what?” she said, knowing where this conversation was going.

    “Chloe, I left about 10 messages, where did you get too?”

    Chloe sighed and sat down, “I went out for dinner…with Lex Luthor.”

    “Oh I see,” said Pete, “Chloe I don’t know how to ask you this but did you…did you sleep with him?”

    “I don’t see how that is any of your business Pete. Do I ask you questions like that?”

    “No, but I’m not jeopardising a job by getting involved with the person who has been hired by the mayor to catch me. Did you Chloe?”

    “There wasn’t much *sleeping* involved,” she said, a faint blush on her cheeks.

    “Ok, slightly more information than I needed,” said Pete, trying to lighten the mood, he hated arguing with her. He sat down beside her, sighed and put an arm around her. Chloe rested her head on his shoulder. “What am I going to do with you? You’re my best friend Chloe and I love you, but this *thing* or whatever you call it with Lex Luthor is only going to cause trouble, especially for you and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

    “I know it will Pete, but there’s just something about him, I’ve never felt this way before. I didn’t plan to sleep with him but it’s happened. We have a robbery to plan, and I’ll take care of Lex, ok?”

    Knowing he wasn’t going to get anymore out of her on the subject of Lex, Pete decided to drop it for the time being. “I got a call back from Justin this morning, he sounds very interested and will be in Metropolis in a couple of days. Kyle Tippet wants in as well, he’ll be in town tomorrow.”

    Chloe smiled at him. “Ok set up a meeting with the two of them for Saturday morning, we’ll use the apartment on the other side of town for it.”

    “Will your *great* and so far extremely secretive plan be revealed?” asked Pete.

    “I don’t know about great plan, but a plan will be revealed. Oh how are you getting on with the alarm system?”

    “It’s a bitch Chloe, the codes seem to change every 6 hours, and they also have added an extra alarm that gets triggered if the temperature drops. That’s some system your *boyfriend* has recommended.”

    “He is not my *boyfriend*,” she glared. “Pete, if you had master codes would that help?”

    “Would it ever, I could overwrite all others with a set of master codes. Why do you ask?”

    Chloe bit her lip for a moment, “when I was at Lex’s place I saw a bunch of files and the top one said something about alarm codes, I didn’t get a chance to look at it.”

    “Think you could get a look at it if you went back?”

    “Well there are two ways I could do this, break in and steal them or see Lex again, go back to his place, have sex and then steal them. I don’t know about you, but option number two sounds *way* better,” she grinned.

    Pete just rolled his eyes, “you really like this guy don’t you?”

    Chloe just nodded, “but don’t worry *mother Ross* it’s not like I’m going to fall in love with him or anything.”

    Just then there was a knock on her door, she got up to answer it.

    “Miss Sullivan?” the deliveryman said. “Yes that’s me,” she replied.

    “Can you sign here?”

    Chloe signed the board and he handed her over a huge bouquet of orchids and a white box with a ribbon around it. She shut the door and headed back over to Pete. “Wow they are amazing,” he said, pointing at the flowers, “What’s in the box?”

    She opened the box and burst out laughing when she saw the basket of strawberries inside. “It’s a private joke,” she told a bewildered Pete. She pulled out the small white card:

    {Dinner at my place, tonight at 7.30pm. I’ll cook and you bring the *dessert*.


    She smiled as she read it; underneath his name was a number.

    “Perfect,” said Pete, “you can get a look at the codes tonight.”

    “Excuse me Mr Ross I am not *prostituting* myself to get codes, that ok I did tell you about originally, because *you* can’t break the system by yourself.”

    Both of them started laughing. “See what you can find out, ok?” He said.

    “I will Pete. Now you go ahead and organise the meeting with the others. And also get all the information you can on the breastplate, things like weight, height, exact colour, how many of each jewel etc is on it. I want pictures from every angle and a detailed breakdown of what exactly makes up the breastplate of Alexander the Great.”

    “You’re the boss,” he said. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow and you can tell me how your night went and no I don’t want all the gory details.” He managed to get out the door before the pillow she had thrown reached him.

    As soon as he was gone Chloe picked up the phone and rang Lex’s number.

    “Lex Luthor.” He answered in a very business-like manner.

    Chloe suppressed a shiver at the sound of his voice. “Hi, it’s Chloe.”

    “Hi,” his voice softening immediately, “I take it you got my invite.”

    “I did and I was wondering if this was going to be a formal dinner, I need to know how to dress.”

    “Doesn’t matter, it’s not like your clothes will be staying on for long,” his voice getting husky.

    “Is that a promise Lex?” she replied, her own voice now betraying her desire.

    “Most definitely.”

    She closed her eyes briefly and tried to get her body under control, “I’ll let you get back to work, I need to get a dessert for later.”

    ‘You are the dessert,’ he thought, “Ok bye Chloe I’ll see you later.”

    After hanging up the phone, Chloe leaned back on the couch, “I need a cold shower,” she murmured.



    Lex opened the door of his apartment to find Chloe standing there. She was wearing a dark green wrap-around skirt, that gave a hint of her thigh when she moved and a silk shirt of the same colour, she carried a large white box in her hand.

    She stepped inside, “I brought dessert,” she said. Lex leaned forward and kissed her, which soon became passionate.

    “I’ve been thinking about you all day,” he said, when they broke for air. He led her into the sitting room and both sat down on the couch.

    “You should put that in a cool place,” she said handing him the box, “the frosting will melt.”

    Lex opened the box and saw a chocolate cake covered in frosting, and strawberries around the edge. He smirked at her, “you really are a dessert girl aren’t you?”

    He ran his finger through the frosting, reached out and ran it along her lips then leaned forward and licked it off. Chloe moaned. He got more of the frosting and rubbed on her neck then licked and sucked it off. “Lex, I thought I came here for dinner.”

    “I thought we’d skip dinner and head straight for dessert,” he said before kissing her and pushing her back on the couch. He started unbuttoning her blouse, “got to love those sinfully pleasurable desserts,” she said before pulling his mouth back down to hers.



    Chloe lay with her head on Lex’s chest; the remnants of the chocolate cake were on the floor of his bedroom.

    She sighed, her body completely sated from their lovemaking, she could hear Lex’s steady breathing indicating he was asleep. ‘The codes,’ she thought, ‘it’s now or never.’ Taking a deep breath Chloe got up carefully and went out to the front room, she grabbed her digital camera from her bag and found the file in question still in it’s spot on the table. Opening it she took pictures of the first few pages before returning it to its original position and putting her camera back in her back. She tiptoed back into the bedroom, climbed in beside Lex wrapping her arms around him and tried ignore the slight ache in her heart over what she had just done.

    Chapter Nine – Letting Down Her Guard

    Chloe woke up alone. She sat up in the bed, “Lex,” she called. Wrapping a sheet around her she got up only to be greeted by Lex walking back into the room. “That’s a good look for you,” he said with a smirk, looking her up and down as he handed her a coffee.

    “Well I had to improvise, I’m not sure where my *clothes* are,” she replied, sitting back down on the bed. Lex sat down beside her and they kissed gently. “I’ll never be able to look at chocolate or strawberries in the same way again,” he said with a laugh. “You should see what I can do with a tub of ice cream and some hot chocolate sauce,” she replied with a grin.

    Lex almost choked on his coffee at the thoughts of what they could get up to with those desserts. “Evil woman,” he whispered, kissing her bare shoulders.

    Setting his coffee on the table Lex lay back on the bed, Chloe did the same and lay back beside him, propping herself up on one hand she turned to her side to look down at him. She placed her hand on his chest, stroking it gently. “Lex?”

    “MMMMM,” he replied absently. “Don’t you think it’s a little weird, this, well, *thing* between us?”

    “We have a *thing*,” he said with a smile. Chloe slapped his chest gently, “you know what I mean.”

    Lex slipped an arm around her waist pulling her closer, “you mean how fast things have moved considering we know nothing about each other.”

    “Exactly,” she said, “I know a bit about you from your bio in the paper. And I also know that if I kiss you here,” she bent down and kissed the hollow of his throat, causing him to groan, “you groan,” she pulled back, a smug look on her face.

    “And I know,” he said, slipping his hand under the sheet she was wearing and stroking her gently between the legs causing her to shudder, “how to make you shudder and that your surname is Sullivan.”

    Chloe pulled his hand away, “I can’t think straight when you do that,” she said, “and how did you find out my surname?”

    “I asked my chauffeur where he dropped you off yesterday, and then I managed to get a list of residents, where I noticed one *C. Sullivan*, and seeing there were no other names beginning with a C; I concurred that your name was Chloe Sullivan”

    “I can see why the FBI want to hold onto you, quite the little detective aren’t we?”

    “Well I try to be,” he said with false modesty. “But that’s all I know.”

    “And what else do you want to know?” She asked.

    “Ok, a question that’s guaranteed to earn me a slap first. How old are you?” Chloe slapped him and grinned, “24, and I know you’re 27 Lex.”

    “Any brothers and sisters?”

    “No,” she said, “just me. And both my parents are dead,” pre-empting his next question. She took a deep breath and continued, “my mom died when I was 7, cancer, my dad had a massive heart attack and died when I was 19.”

    Lex noticed the sadness in her voice, particularly when she spoke of her father. “Where you and your dad close?”

    “Yes, it had just been the two of us for so long.”

    Lex pulled her close, “sorry for bringing up painful memories.” “It’s ok,” she said, kissing him. “What about you Lex, did you get on with your parents?”

    “My mother died when I was young but we did get on, she was an incredible woman. My father and I clashed a lot while I was growing up and my decision not to follow him into the family business didn’t help, but towards the end we had started getting on, he died three years ago. Luthor-Corp is mine and while all business decisions have to be agreed by me, there are others who actually run the company, I’ve no interest in the day-to-day business what I do now I enjoy. “Was your dad a photographer? Is that why you went into it?”

    “Oh no, I originally wanted to be a reporter but things didn’t work out. I just sort of…fell into photography. My dad, my dad was a… cop.”

    “Didn’t you want to follow in his footsteps and join the force?”

    “No, it was never something that interested me,” she said vaguely. “Don’t you have work to go too today?” She asked lightly, changing the subject.

    “Clark and Lana, two colleagues, are coming over here, we have a few things to go through,” he said as he began pulling the sheet from her, “they are due in a few hours.” He started kissing his way down her body.

    “However will we *pass* the time,” she moaned as his mouth worked it’s magic.



    Clark and Lana stood outside the apartment block where Lex lived. “Wow,” said Clark, “very nice.”

    “It sure is,” agreed Lana. “Now that is what I want,” she said, pointing at the red Ferrari parked outside, as she pictured herself driving around in one.

    “Oh to be rich,” sighed Clark as they went inside and got the elevator to the top floor.

    “What do you think of him Clark?”

    “I suppose he’s ok, but then again we haven’t done anything to piss him off. He can be a bit condescending and arrogant at times, but boy does he know his stuff and if anyone can catch this thief it’s him. Why do you ask?”

    “No real reason, I was just curious. I’m, personally, a little scared of him. I’d say he could ruin your career if you gave him a reason too.”

    Clark put his arm around her shoulders, “let’s make sure we never give him a reason too Lana.”

    The elevator doors opened and both stepped out. They made their way to the door of Lex’s apartment and rang the doorbell.

    Lex opened the door almost immediately; Lana and Clark were slightly surprised to see him dressed more casual than usual, they were use to seeing him in a suit.

    “Miss Lang, Mr Kent please, come in.”


  2. #2
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland

    Chloe was rummaging around Lex’s bedroom trying to find her shoes. It had taken them a while to get out of bed, and move to the shower. But eventually they had managed to keep their hands off each other long enough to get dressed. But Chloe still couldn’t find her shoes.

    She walked out of the room, “Lex, do you know where my…” she trailed off when she saw two other people in the room talking to Lex. “Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise you had company.”

    “Chloe, this is Clark Kent and Lana Lang,” he said, introducing them.

    “Hi, nice to meet you,” said Lana, shaking her hand. “Likewise,” said Clark. ‘So here’s the reason Lex has had a smile of his face,’ thought Clark, as he looked Chloe up and down. Lex glared at Clark when he saw the look he was giving Chloe.

    “Where you looking for something?” Lex asked her. “My shoes,” she replied, “I can’t find them.”

    Lex smirked and pulled them out from behind the couch. “There they are,” she exclaimed and took them from him and put them on.

    “Well I’ll leave the three of you to discuss whatever it is you’re here to discuss,” she said gathering up her bag. ‘Wow Chloe Sullivan master-thief in the same room as three investigators,’ she thought.

    “Want me to call you a cab, or the limo?”

    “No thanks, my car is parked outside.”

    “Oh,” said Lana, “is that your Ferrari downstairs? It’s a beautiful car.”

    “Yes that’s my baby,” said Chloe, “I love that car.”

    Lex walked her to the front door, “nice to meet the two of you,” she said to Lana and Clark. Turning to Lex she kissed him long and passionate, which had the other two blushing. “Don’t work too hard Lex I’ll talk to you later.”

    Lex just smiled at her. When she had left he turned to face the others, his smile gone, “well Miss Lang, Mr Kent let’s get down to work.” He said a tone that meant any mention of Chloe wouldn’t be entertained with an answer.


    Chloe got into her car and checked her digital camera before starting the car; there were the images of the files, complete with codes. ‘Well at least Pete will be happy,’ she thought as she started the engine and took off. ‘It’s all for the job,’ running like a mantra through her mind all the way back to her own apartment.

    Chapter Ten – Thieves and Investigators

    When Chloe got back to her place she found Pete standing outside her door waiting for her. “Two nights in a row Chloe, it *must* be love,” he teased.

    She just rolled her eyes and opened the door letting them both in, “make yourself useful,” she said, “put some coffee on while I get changed.” And with that disappeared into her bedroom.

    Ten minutes later she appeared, dressed more casually in dark jeans and multi-coloured shirt and took a seat at the table beside Pete.

    “Thanks,” she said as he handed her a coffee, “oh are those Danish in that bag?” He handed the bag over to her, “thanks hun, I’m starving.”

    “I thought you were having dinner last night.”

    “Well, we sort of skipped dinner and, well, went straight for dessert.”

    Pete just snorted, “and did you not get breakfast before you left?” The look on Chloe’s face told him all he needed to know about what kind of *breakfast* she and Lex had.

    “Peter my dear, do not ask questions that you know you’re not going to like the answers too. Here is the short, short version of the night. I went to Lex’s, dinner was abandoned, chocolate cake was involved, frosting as well as strawberries should be listed as a dangerous food type, *lots* of hot sex followed, sleep, coffee, brief chat about my life, more sex, shower, more sex, this time *in* the shower, got dressed and then I came home.”

    Pete couldn’t help but laugh at her babble, “so I take it there was sex,” he said, a grin on his face. “Wait,” the grin disappearing, “what do you mean, chat about your life?”

    “Oh nothing too heavy, he just asked if I had any brothers or sisters, did I always want to be a photographer, then he asked about my parents.”

    “What did you say about your parents?”

    Chloe sighed, “I told him the truth as much as I could, about my mom dying when I was 7 and my dad dying when I was 19.”

    “Did you tell what your dad did for a living?”

    “Yes, I said dad was a cop and that he died of a massive heart attack.”

    Pete shook his head, “you shouldn’t have said that he was a cop. Lex could check into that, and find out the truth.”

    “Not fucking likely,” spat out Chloe, “*if*, and it’s a very big if, Lex decided to find out about dad, the *official* cause of death is listed as an accident. And we all know how easy it is to *accidentally* shoot yourself *twice*. I know it was a cover-up, you know it was a cover-up, the bastards that murdered my father know it was a cover-up, so if Lex finds out the truth I’ll just say heart attack is easier for me to accept than the truth. But *when* I find who was really behind it, they might have an *accident*.”

    Pete cursed himself for bringing it up; he remembered all too well what Chloe went through when her father died. Gabe was like a father to him too, getting the courts to release him into his custody instead of letting him go to prison and the year he had spent living with Chloe and her dad was the best of his life, and he wanted to find out what really happened as well. “I’m sorry Chloe,” he said, giving her a hug.

    “Ok,” she said, attempting a smile and hugging him back, “moment of drama is over. So did you get the meeting set up?”

    Pete smiled at her knack of changing of the subject. “Yes I did, it’s set for tomorrow at 11.00am, both Kyle and Justin will be there. I also have all the information on the breastplate that you wanted.”

    “*What* would I do without you?” she said with a dramatic sigh.

    “Probably spend all day in bed with Lex Luthor.”

    “Hey while that sounds like a *great* idea, you won’t get your present if continue to tease me about Lex.”

    “A present. What present?”

    Chloe took out her digital camera and handed it to Pete, “codes as requested.”

    Pete’s eyes widened, “I knew you’d get them, I’m going to get working on these immediately. Thanks Chlo. So what *are* you going to do today?”

    “I’m going to take a trip to the Metropolis Art Gallery, just for a browse around.”

    “You are up to something Chloe Sullivan I know you are. So come on tell your best friend, you know I can’t wait till tomorrow for you to reveal your plan.”

    “Bye Pete, go have fun with your codes,” she said, an evil grin on her face. With that Pete left muttering under his breath at Chloe, while she just laughed at him.


    “Clark did you bring the forensics file from the last robbery? I can’t seem to find it,” asked Lex, rummaging through a stack of files.

    “It should be there, I brought over everything you asked for,” he replied, looking through the same pile. “Maybe I left it in the car, I’ll go down and check.”

    As soon as he left, Lex noticed that Lana looked like she wanted to say something, but for some reason was holding back. “Something on your mind Miss Lang?”

    “What? Oh no,” she stammered. Then after a moment, “she seems nice.”

    Lex smirked to himself, “whom?”

    “Chloe,” said Lana, “she seems nice. Have you…have you know her long?”

    “Yes Miss Lang, she is *very* nice and I’ve known her for a couple of days now.”

    “A couple of days,” she said quite loud, “oh I just thought, well, that, well that you’d had known her longer than just a couple of days…” Lana started blushing slightly as she remembered the scene from earlier, she had been under the impression that Lex and Chloe had known each other a while. She was saved from further embarrassment by Clark coming back into the room, “I found it,” he said, waving the file in his hand.

    “Saved by Clark, Miss Lang,” said Lex with a smile. He took the file from Clark. “Would either of you like a coffee?” He got up to make some when both replied yes.

    “What was that about?” Clark asked Lana.

    “Oh I was asking Lex about that girl we met this morning, Chloe, and if he had known her long, because they seemed to get on *very well*. And he said he’d only known her a couple of days. I was just a little surprised I guess and your timing was perfect before I put my foot in it,” she finished with a grateful smile.

    Clark leaned forward and kissed her gently, “Any time Lana.”

    Lex came back with the coffee, “a couple more hours of this and we can call it a day,” he said. Both Lana and Clark smiled and tackled the files again.


    Chloe strolled around the gallery, just glancing at the various paintings and sculptures. “This is new,” she whispered, spotting the painting, “and it will do perfectly.” With that she left the gallery and headed to her car. For the last hour she’d been fighting the urge to call Lex. ‘God I’ve turned into sex maniac,’ she thought, but it wasn’t just the sex, she loved being around him, the way he looked at her and the way he made her feel. ‘This cannot be happening, I am not falling for him, and I will not fall for him.’

    Her cell phone rang, “Chloe.”

    “Hey Chlo it’s me, those codes are perfect, a little fine tuning is still needed but we are on our way.”

    Chloe could hear the excitement in Pete’s voice, and practically feel him smile down the phone. “I aim to please,” she said. She glanced at her watch 6.00pm. “Hey Pete wanna grab some take-out there’s a few things I want to discuss with you before tomorrow’s meeting.”

    “Oh, no Mr Luthor tonight,” he teased, “don’t I feel *special*.”

    “I’ll take that as a yes. You grab the food and I’ll see you at my place in an hour. Bye.” She drove for a while before dialling Lex’s number.

    “Lex Luthor.”

    “Hi Lex.”

    “Chloe, so glad you called, do you want to do something this evening.”

    “I can’t Lex I have other plans, I’m sorry.”

    “No problem,” he tried to mask the disappointment in his voice, “well tomorrow’s Saturday maybe we can spend the day together.”

    Chloe bit her lip, thinking about the meeting, and how quickly she could get through it because she really *wanted* to see him. “Ok, I’m yours from 1.00pm, how is that?”

    “Perfect,” he said, “I’ll plan something, leave it with me, you won’t even need to bring dessert.”

    Chloe laughed. “I’ll look forward to it.” She gave him her number. “Call me tomorrow,” she said.

    “Count on it,” he said, “bye Chloe.”

    “Bye Lex.”

    Lex hung up his phone and sighed deeply. Across town Chloe did the same.

    Chapter Eleven – Plans and Picnics

    For the first time in a couple of days, Chloe woke up in her own bed and alone. She sighed deeply and reached over to turn off her alarm. Lying back on the pillows she stared up at the ceiling.

    Last night had been fun, eating take-out and watching movies with Pete. They had discussed the robbery and chatted about old times, but it wasn’t *Lex*. When she finally gone to bed around 2.30am the temptation to call him had almost been too much to bear. To just hear his voice would have been enough. It wasn’t just physical, the attraction, it was something more, something Chloe didn’t want to admit to herself.

    Sighing again she got out of bed. There was a lot to do. First, there was the meeting with the others to discuss the robbery of the breastplate. And then, then she was going to spend the day with Lex. Chloe smiled to herself as she headed to the shower.


    Lex was browsing through the morning paper as he sipped his coffee. He had missed having Chloe’s soft, warm body pressed up against as him slept. ‘What was it about her?’ he thought. Sure he was attracted to her physically but there was something else. The air of mystery she gave off intrigued him. The slight aloofness she carried around others and then the total abandonment she gave when she was with him. He had never met anyone as passionate as Chloe Sullivan.

    Finishing his coffee he put down the paper, he had a few calls to the office to make as well as some Luthor-Corp business to take care of. And then he could devote his time to spending the remainder of the day with Chloe.


    Pete and Chloe headed to the other side of Metropolis to a small but modest apartment block. She had an apartment there that they usually used as a meeting place if they were involving some else in a job. When they arrived Justin was waiting for them. “Chloe,” he began as she got out of her car, “looking as beautiful as ever.” He took her hand and kissed it. “Justin as *charming* as ever I see.”

    Pete and Justin nodded at each other in way of a greeting. Moments later Kyle arrived. “Kyle, good to see you again,” said Chloe a she gave the older man a hug. He hugged her back, “glad to have gotten the call Chlo.” He stood and looked her over, “you look good.” He turned to Pete and shook his hand.

    “Justin Gaines, this is Kyle Tippet,” said Pete as he introduced the two men.

    “Well gentlemen now that the introductions are over we should head inside,” Chloe said and entered the building, closely followed by the other three.


    Lex hung up his phone and stretched, he had just finished a ninety-minute call with Earl Jenkins who oversaw the running of Luthor-Corp. He was a good man and took his job seriously but felt like he had to run absolutely everything by him. Lex just wished he’d use his own initiative once in a while.

    With the Luthor-Corp business finished, he checked in with Lana and Clark who were at the museum. ‘They are a cute couple,’ he thought, ‘a little boring but cute. Chloe should tell Lana about the wonders of chocolate frosting. That would liven things up for them.’ He glanced at the clock, 11.30am, “I’d better hurry,” he murmured, grabbing his jacket and keys and leaving his apartment.


    Pete was explaining the new security system to Kyle and Justin. They had decided last night, or rather Chloe had decided that her *relationship* with Lex Luthor would, under no circumstance, be mentioned. “It’s none of their business,” she had told Pete.

    “That sounds like a bitch of a system,” said Kyle, “temperature control, ever changing codes, they’ve thought of everything.” “Yes,” agreed Pete, “and it would be almost impossible to crack if I didn’t have the master codes, courtesy of Chloe.”

    “If the police know the museum is going to be hit,” spoke up Justin, “why are you still planning it, they seem to be pulling out all the stops to catch you, by really locking down the museum.”

    “Exactly,” said Chloe, “they also think it won’t be hit for awhile. That the *thief* will wait until things calm down. Ok, while I’m not suggesting we go after it in the next day or so, I don’t want it dragging out for months. Our *client* is willing to wait, but not forever.”

    She paused for a moment and then continued, “Justin how long do you think it would take you to make an exact replica of the breastplate?”

    “I’ve had a look at the information Pete gave me. How exact do you want it to be?”

    “It has to be a perfect match Justin, so don’t bullshit me, give me an exact time.”

    “At least two weeks Chloe, maybe three at the most.”

    “Fine, get everything you need and start immediately. Pete will help you. Where are you staying presently?”

    “Metropolis Hotel,” he replied. “You can stay here if you want, might be better for you to work.”

    “Thanks Chloe I will,” and she handed him a set of keys.

    She turned her attention to Kyle. “The art gallery got a new Monet yesterday. Not one of his better-known works but it’s still worth a small fortune. Kyle I want you to steal it tonight. All the details for breaking in are there,” and she handed him a file, “Pete will be your back up.”

    “Tonight, what the fuck are you up too Chloe? That’s not enough time.”

    “Bull, it’s plenty of time for you. You’ll be in and out in twenty minutes, I’d recommend hitting it at midnight, but that’s just my professional opinion. All the police energy is focused on the museum and the breastplate. I’ve just decided to throw a cat among the pigeons.”

    Kyle just looked dumbstruck at Chloe, while Pete laughed. She had told him all this last night and he had to admit the plan was brilliant.

    “So Kyle, any questions?” She glanced at her watch, 12.45pm. Kyle just shook his head. “Fine,” she said. “Pete you know what to do, Kyle happy stealing tonight and only take the painting. Well gentlemen I will talk to you all tomorrow.” And with that she left the three of them.

    “Pete, Kyle, I’m gonna get my stuff, move in and start shopping for supplies. I’ll see you later,” said Justin.

    “Come on Kyle,” said Pete, “we have work to do,” and he dragged the man out.


    When Chloe reached her building, Lex was outside waiting for her. “I thought you were going to call first,” she said as she walked up to him. “I decided to visit instead,” he replied before kissing her. ‘I missed this,’ she thought, kissing him back.

    “So what’s the plan for the day?” she asked when they parted. “Picnic,” was all he said, taking her hand and leading her to his Porsche. “A little more information wouldn’t go amiss Lex, so feel free to elaborate any time soon,” she urged.

    Lex just smirked as he held the car door open for her. “Tell me so I know whether or not to change.” She was wearing a long floral skirt, sandals, and a tight cream tank top with a cream sweater over her shoulders. He looked her up and down, “you look perfect,” he said, “now please get in.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes and slid into the car. Lex closed the door and got in the drivers side. “So where are we going?” she asked when they’d been driving for a while.

    “You’ll see when we get there,” was all he said. “Infuriating man,” she muttered under her breath. Lex laughed and entwined his hand in hers. They chatted as he drove and after over an hour on the road Lex announced, ‘we’re here,” as he parked his car.

    Chloe got out and looked around, they had driven just outside the city limits to a hill overlooking Metropolis but it might as well of been another world. “This is beautiful,” she said as she took in the view. The area was secluded. When she turned back to Lex he had laid a blanket on the grass under a tree, a picnic basket lay beside him as he sat with his back leaning against the tree. Holding out his hand, “would you care to join me Miss Sullivan?” Smiling, she took his hand and sat down beside him.

    Two hours later Chloe sat with her back to the tree and Lex lay on his back, his head in her lap. It had been wonderful; they talked about everything and nothing as they ate. “I see you didn’t bring any dessert,” she said her voice teasing. “Well I thought about it, but knowing out track record with desserts I decided *not* to give any of the local wildlife a show.”

    Chloe laughed and ran her hand over his smooth head, feeling him shiver slightly. Bending down towards him, Lex lifted his to meet her mouth. “Thank you for a perfect day Lex,” she whispered before their mouths met.

    Lex bought his arms up and put them either side of her head as the kiss deepened, their tongues tangled slowly and languid, both where panting heavily when they parted.

    “Chloe I think we should head back now before we give the wildlife that show I was talking about.”

    “You’re right,” she sighed.

    Reluctantly they packed up and headed back to Metropolis. When they arrived at Chloe’s place she turned to him, “do you want to come up?” her voice betraying a hint of desperation.

    “I’d love too,” he said softly, and they made their way to her apartment in comparable silence. “Do you want a drink Lex?” she asked when they got inside. “Scotch if you have it, please.”

    As Chloe got the drinks Lex looked at the few framed photographs on the table. “Is this your father?” he asked when she came back with his drink. “Yes, it was taken the Christmas before he died.”

    “Who’s this?” Lex held up a picture of her and Pete. “That’s my best friend Pete, we’ve known each other years.” She took the picture from him and placed it back on the table. Lex set his drink down and wrapped his arms around her. “Stay the night,” she whispered. “As if I as going anywhere else,” he said before kissing her passionately.

    Moments later they were undressing each other and tumbling onto Chloe’s bed in a tangled mass of limbs and their moans and gasps of pleasure echoed around the room for most of the night.

    Chapter Twelve – Not Meant To Happen

    Lex awoke to be greeted by Chloe walking back into the bedroom clad in just a towel, her hair still wet from the shower. “You should have woken me,” he said. “I would of loved to have joined you.”

    “And as much fun as that would have been Lex, I didn’t want to spend the *entire* day in the shower with you.”

    Lex laughed loudly. “Why don’t you jump in the shower and I’ll make some coffee,” she said, “there are towels in the bathroom.”

    Minutes later when she heard the sound of the shower Chloe rang Pete. “Hey it’s me,” she said when he answered, “How did it go?”

    “Like clockwork,” replied Pete, “I’ve stashed the painting with Justin at the apartment. You were right Chlo; Kyle was in and out in twenty minutes. One thing though, what are you going to do with the painting now?”

    “I’ll tell you later. Can you make sure Justin has everything he needs to get going on making the replica?”

    “Already on it. Chloe, is Lex still there?” She grew silent for a minute. “Chloe?”

    “Yes he is and no I don’t want to hear whatever you have to say on the matter. Please Pete, don’t.”

    She heard him sigh. “Ok Chlo, you’re a big girl. I can’t tell you what to do.”

    “That doesn’t stop you trying though, does it?” she teased. Pete laughed. “I’ll call you later Pete, bye,” and she hung up.

    “Now *that’s* a good look for you,” she said appreciatively as Lex appeared with a towel around his hips and one swung around his neck.

    He stalked over to her and kissed her. Chloe felt the counter behind her as Lex pushed her against it while they kissed. He released her mouth and began kissing her neck and shoulders. She pulled the towel from around his neck and, dropped it to the floor and began running her hands up and down his back. “Don’t you want your coffee Lex?” she breathed as she felt him loosen her towel. “You *taste* much better,” he said, pulling her against him as the towel fell. He groaned at the feeling of her breasts against his bare chest and rocked his hips, causing her to gasp.

    Chloe moved her hands top his waist as she licked and kissed his neck. Just as she was about to remove his towel, a phone rang.

    “Ignore it,” he murmured. “It’s your cell-phone,” she whispered. “Then we will *definitely* be ignoring it.”

    He sealed her mouth with his and sucked her tongue into his mouth. She moaned softly and removed his towel. He lifted her onto the counter and she wrapped her legs around his waist. But the phone continued to ring.

    “This better be fucking important,” he growled as he grabbed is phone from the counter-top. “What,” he all but barked. Chloe bit back a laugh at his tone.

    “You’ve got to be kidding me? How the hell did that happen? Right I want you and Lang at the gallery now, no one else but my team is to touch a thing. I’m on my way.”

    The sinking feeling in Chloe’s stomach told her that Lex had found out about the robbery of the painting. Lex released Chloe, grabbed his towel from the floor and stormed towards the bedroom. Picking up her own towel and wrapping it around herself, Chloe followed him.

    “I’m sorry Chloe,” he said as he dressed quickly. “Something has come up, I have to leave.” He kissed her quickly, “I’ll call you later.” And he left the apartment.

    Chloe sighed and sat on her bed.


    Lex drove like a madman to the gallery. “Shit, shit, shit,” he muttered, “this was not part of the plan.” He stopped with screech of tyres in front of the gallery. There were a number of police cars already there and a line of police officers cordoned off the entrance. Member of the public and the press made up the crowd around. He flashed his badge at the officer on the door and strode in; he spotted Lana and Clark immediately and made his way over to them.

    “Jeez, he looks really pissed,” said Lana, as they watched him approach. “This is not going to be pleasant,” added a slightly nervous Clark.

    Lex ran a hand over his head, “tell me.”

    “Around midnight, last night, someone broke in and stole a Monet painting worth about $3million. Nothing else was taken. Your forensic guys are going over the crime scene as we speak. The alarm sees to have been disabled for approximately twenty-two minutes. The security guards heard and saw nothing,” Clark finished giving his report and sighed. “Oh and Lex, he mayor’s office has been on, looking for you,” added Lana.

    Lex turned to Clark, “when the forensics’ team have finished, tell them to go over *everything* again.” Clark nodded and headed off to relay Lex’s order. “What about the mayor’s office?” asked Lana.

    He turned and pinned her with a glare that would of frozen water. “Right, I’ll tell them you are busy and can’t be disturbed at the moment,” she said, nervously moving away from him to make the call.

    Lex closed his eyes and sighed. His cell-phone rang. “Lex Luthor,” he answered angrily.

    “Oh it’s you sir,” his tone changing the moment he heard who the caller was. “Yes I’m at the gallery now. Yes sir I know this wasn’t…” he trailed off as the voice on the other end interrupted him. “Yes I do understand that this could jeopardise things but…yes sir I’ll be over as soon as I’m finished with things here.” The voice at the other end hung up. “That’s all I fucking need,” he muttered and went to talk with the forensic team.


    “I thought you’d be otherwise *occupied* for the day,” said Pete as Chloe let him in. “So did I,” Chloe replied, “but that was until Lex got a call about the theft.”

    “I’m guessing he didn’t take it too well.”

    “Hell no, boy was he pissed, and you can stop grinning over there. Yes I know that was the plan but let’s just say the call came at a *really* bad moment.”

    “Thanks Chloe,” said Pete dryly, “you *so* do not want to know the scary visual that just popped in my head.” He knew exactly what kind of moment was interrupted between her and Lex.

    She just grinned at him. “So Chlo, gonna tell me what you’re gonna do with the painting?”

    “Well I thought I’d send it to the mayor as a present.”

    Pete burst out laughing, “that’s just evil Chloe, evil and I love it. Can you imagine his face when he sees what it is?”

    Chloe joined in the laughter, “I’ve also decided to attach a card to it saying, [Catch Me!!!]”

    “Priceless. So what else have you got planned?”

    “I want one more robbery before the museum. That jewellery shop on the main street has a rare roman coin in its possession. I want to hit that next, we’ll do it in the next few days and then as soon as Justin is done we’ll go for the jackpot.”

    “Are you going to do the jewellery store heist or is Kyle going too again?”

    “Haven’t quite decided that yet Pete. Ok let’s organise the delivery of our little present for the mayor.”



    A weary Lex Luthor entered the FBI office. “The assistant-director will see you,” the secretary behind the desk said to him.

    Lex took a deep breath before going in. “Take a seat Lex,” the man behind the desk said. He took his seat. “Lex, you said the breastplate would be stolen.”

    “And it will sir.”

    “Oh and what was last night’s little stunt then?”

    “That was a diversionary tactic, and a good one too.”

    “Lex, you said Chloe Sullivan would steal the breastplate, and that’s how we would catch her. But instead she steals a painting from a gallery we weren’t watching.”

    “Sir, she was behind the theft, but Chloe didn’t steal that painting last night…because…because *I* was with her all night.”

    The other man sighed, “and that’s another thing that worries me, this *relationship* with her.”

    “It’s nothing sir,” lied Lex, “it’s all part of the job.”

    “I see, well you’re our best agent and you’ve never let me down, so we’ll continue with your plan, but I don’t want anymore *diversionary* tactics. Is that clear?”

    “Crystal clear sir, crystal clear.”

    “Very well you may leave.”


    “Jesus, keep your hair on,” said Chloe as she wrapped her robe around her and answered the door, “no need to break the door d…Lex what are you doing here?”

    “I’m sorry Chloe, I should of called first. Can I come in?”

    “Of course,” she stepped back and let him in, closing the door behind him.

    “Are you ok?”

    “Let’s just say it’s been a really shitty day and I…I needed to see you.” ‘More than you realise,’ he thought.

    Chloe felt her heart lurch at what he said, ‘not meant to feel like this,’ she thought. She put her arms around him and felt his snake around her waist. He kissed her, and tried to convince himself that it was just part of the job, as he felt her kiss him back, and felt his body respond as it always did around her.

    Chapter Thirteen – Shot In The Dark


    “SON OF A *BITCH*.”

    Aides and security guards went running to the mayor’s office when the heard the shouting. “Sir, is everything ok?” one of the security guards braved to ask.

    “No it is not ok,” mayor Kwan shouted, “that son of a bitch is laughing at me. Get Lex Luthor here NOW.” Aides scuttled away, eager to escape an extremely angry mayor.

    Twenty minutes later, Lex accompanied by Clark and Lana walked into the mayor’s building. “I wonder what’s going on?” Lana whispered to Clark. “Shit. Hitting. Fan. Springs to mind,” he whispered back.

    Lex heard the pair of the whispering but said nothing. He knew the mayor was pissed over the stealing of the painting, a fact that he had made very clearly and loudly. Since the painting heist last week Lex had been taking a lot of flak from his bosses. Deep down he admired Chloe for what she was doing, organising the other robbery was an excellent plan and it had pissed off a lot of people, which was probably the idea of it. Also he was a little angry with himself for not seeing it coming. He hadn’t factored it into the plan and as a result he was made to look wrong and he hated being wrong.

    He had thought she would of gone straight for the breastplate, especially after taking a copy of the master codes from his apartment. But it seemed he had underestimated her slightly, a mistake he wasn’t going to make again.

    The other thing that played on his mind was what where her reasons behind their *relationship*. For him it was following orders. “Get close to her,” he was told, “instil yourself in her life.” And *close* he had got, but things seemed to have shifted. He could actually pinpoint the exact moment it changed from them having sex to making love. It was the night he had stopped by her apartment after meeting with his superiors about the painting. That night had been intense, and he knew Chloe had felt it as well.

    He stopped his mental road trip when they reached the mayor’s office and they where shown in immediately. Mayor Kwan stood in front of his desk. “Mr Luthor, do you know what this is?” he said, holding up a painting. “It looks like the Monet stolen last week.”

    “It *is* the Monet stolen last week. It arrived this morning with a note attached to it saying, CATCH ME.”

    It took every bit of Lex’s control not to laugh. ‘She sent him the painting,’ he thought, ‘brilliant.’ He caught the small smiles on Clark and Lana’s faces.

    “Well, what do you have to say about it?” demanded the mayor. “What do you want me to say?” retorted Lex, “if you make a big deal of this it’s playing into the thief’s hands.”

    “They have made me look like a fool,” shouted the mayor. ‘Like you need any help in that department,’ thought Lex. “And you letting everyone know about receiving the painting only confirms that,” he replied in an even voice, refusing to be baited by Kwan.

    The mayor ranted and raved for a few more minutes. “Sir,” interrupted Lex, “just keep this quiet we can hide the painting and *when* we catch the thief we can say the found was recovered.” Personally Lex would of preferred if it had got out to the press, he disliked the mayor immensely and wished he could call Chloe and thank her for the little stunt.

    The mayor thought about what Lex had suggested for a moment. “Very well,” he said, “it will remain secret. I suppose you should get back to *work* Mr Luthor, there is a thief to be caught after all.”

    ‘Condescending bastard,’ thought Lex as he turned and left the office, a relieved Clark and Lana right behind him. When they were out of earshot of the mayor’s office, Clark let out a little laugh. “Something amusing Mr Kent?”

    “I’m sorry Lex. It’s just…it’s just. I know we’re here to catch the thief, but that was a brilliant idea sending the painting to the mayor,” Clark voice held a hint of admiration. Lex smirked, “yes it was Clark, yes it was.”

    All three got into Lex’s car. “Hey isn’t that Chloe?” said Lana. He turned to look at where Lana was pointing. There was Chloe coming out of a jewellery shop and getting into her car. ‘’What are you up too?’ he thought. “So it is,” he said to Lana and started the car.

    When they got back to the office, Lex got all the information he could on the jewellery shop he had seen Chloe exiting. The only real thing of value it had was a rare roman coin. “That’s what she’s going for, the coin,” he said to himself. “Kent,” he shouted and the young man appeared immediately. “Cancel any plans you have for tonight, I need you to come somewhere with me.”

    “But…” began Clark, but stopped when he saw the glare Lex was directing at him. “Yes Lex,” he said with a sigh, “what time and where?”



    Pete parked the van in the alley at the back of the store. “Ok Chloe,” turning to her, “easy job for you, fifteen minutes tops.” He checked his laptop, “alarm will be disabled in twenty seconds from my mark and it will be down for *eighteen* minutes, so no dallying.”

    Chloe grinned at him and kissed his cheek. She got out of the van and checked her watch. 11.52pm. She looked back at Pete. “Ok, alarm will be down in twenty seconds from…now.”

    ’19, 18, 17, 16,’ she counted in her mind as she made her way to the back door. ’10, 9, 8.’ She held her hand poised over the lock on the door. ‘3, 2, 1.’ Dropping to one knee she began working on the lock, two minutes later the door swung open and she slipped silently inside.


    Across the street, parked in the shadows Lex and Clark sat in a car. Lex hadn’t told Clark much other than he had a feeling about another robbery and this place seemed like an easy target and the two of them would be sufficient for it. “How much longer?” asked Clark for about the fiftieth time in the last twenty minutes.

    “Clark, if you ask me that question *one* more time, I will shoot you,” snapped Lex, his patience with the other man wearing very thin. “Just be quiet.” ‘It’s like dealing with a child sometimes,’ he thought. He glanced at his watch, 00.01am, before turning his attention back to the shop. A huge part of him hoped it wasn’t Chloe carrying out the robbery herself.


    Chloe put the small coin into her pocket, 00.05am. ‘Two minutes to spare,’ she thought. Suddenly she heard a noise and saw the outline of a figure coming from the back door. She ducked down, ‘who the fuck is that?’ Creeping slowly and silently she made her way towards the front door. She had to get out before the alarm was activated again. Looking towards the front door she saw a figure standing outside it.

    ‘Shit,’ she thought as she began making her way towards the back door again, weighing up her options. All of a sudden the noise of a car horn sounded over and over. ‘Good old Pete,’ she thought, the person in her way was startled momentarily giving Chloe her chance. She ran towards them and charged as hard as she could, knocking the person to the ground, thief head slamming of the ground, and her fist connecting with their stomach as she fell on top of them. She glanced down and gasped when she saw it was Lex, glad the mask she was wearing covered all but her eyes. She recovered quickly, got up and ran. Lex rolled onto his knees, winded, disorientated and struggled to his feet. Clutching his stomach he tried to catch his breath, and clear his blurry vision.

    Chloe ran out the door and saw the van gone, running around the corner she followed the noise of the horn and saw it on the street. Picking up speed she hurried towards it, out of the corner of her eye she saw Clark, gun in hand coming at her from the other direction. He fired a warning shot and shouted at her to stop.

    Pete saw the two of them and opened the door for her, “come on Chloe,” he urged to himself. She was almost at the door when Clark fired again; the bullet grazed her shoulder causing her to stumble. Crying in pain she picked herself up and made it to the van. She was no sooner in when Pete took off, his tyres screeching as he sped away.

    Clark saw a groggy looking Lex stumble onto the street and went over to help him. “They got away, the van headed south. But I think I managed to hit the thief, or at least graze them with a bullet.”

    Lex groaned as visions of a shot and bleeding Chloe filled his mind. Clark thought it was because he was in pain, “we should get you checked out Lex.”

    “I’m *fine* Clark. Ring the station give a description of the van and get a team here.” “NOW,” he shouted when he saw Clark hesitate, causing his head to hurt even more. The younger man moved away to make the calls. “Chloe,” whispered Lex as he looked in the direction the van went.

    Chapter Fourteen – The Aftermath

    “Stop banging,” shouted Toby, “I am not DEAF.” He opened the door; ready to kill whomever it was banging on his door at 2.00am. “Jesus Ross, what the hell happened?” he exclaimed as he saw a dishevelled and very worried looking Pete Ross standing there, holding Chloe in his arms.

    “Toby man, I’m sorry but I didn’t know anywhere else to go.”

    “Come in, come in.” He took the unconscious woman from Pete’s arms and he carried her into the house to a bedroom and laid her on the bed.

    “What happened Pete?” Toby asked.

    “Short, short version, because I need to ditch the van quickly. Easy job or so we thought, went wrong, cops waiting; very close escape, but a bullet grazed her shoulder. She was crying in pain in the van, it then started to bleed a little heavier and she passed out about fifteen minutes ago.”

    “Ok, leave her with me I’ll take a look,” he said as he began to examine her.

    “Thanks Toby. I’m going to to get rid of the van; I’ll be back in about an hour. Call me with an update if you have one before I get back.” Pete leaned forward, kissed Chloe’s forehead and left.


    Lex swallowed down the two painkillers given to him by the doctor. He grimaced at the taste. According to the doctor he had a slight concussion from banging his head on the ground, it didn’t feel *slight* to him, his head hurt like hell. But he didn’t care about that; he was more worried about Chloe. He had rung her apartment at least twenty times but all he kept getting was the answering machine, and her cell phone didn’t seem to be working at all.

    Lex wanted to strangle Clark when he told him what happened. He knew the younger man was only doing his job and if the thief had have been anyone else Lex would have done the exact same thing. But it wasn’t just anyone, it was *Chloe* and he didn’t think the ache in his heart would go away until he knew she was ok.

    He sighed deeply as the throbbing in his subsided thanks to the painkillers. He really needed to get some sleep, but he didn’t think he would be able too until he heard from Chloe. Sighing again he picked up his phone to call the assistant director to give him an update of the night’s activities.


    Toby was finishing dressing the wound on Chloe’s shoulder when Pete came back in. “How is she?” he asked, sitting on the bed beside her.

    “She’s fine. It was just a graze and she won’t even have a scar. But it will be very painful for a few days and she shouldn’t really use it. I’ve given her something for the pain, and she will sleep for the next few hours. And of course you are both welcome to stay here tonight.”

    “Thanks Toby. Did she regain conscious at all?”

    “She was in and out for a while. She was mumbling and I didn’t quite pick up on what she was saying, the only thing I could make out was *Lex*. She said that a few times. Who’s he, a boyfriend?”

    “I don’t know what he is,” said Pete, “it’s a long and complicated story, and I’ll be glad to tell you it all over a drink.”

    “I think that can be arranged,” smiled Toby, “let’s move out to the kitchen and we can talk there.” Pete took one last look at Chloe and followed Toby out.


    “Lex,” Clark shook the other man’s shoulder as he called him. “LEX,” he said a little louder.

    “Who…What?” Lex’s head shot up, he had fallen asleep on his desk. “Oh Clark it’s you, is everything ok?”

    “Well there has still been no trace of the van, but on the plus side, the coin was found. It actually never left the store, when the thief tangled with you it must have fallen out of their pocket. One of the forensic guys found it on the floor. We’ve also managed to cover up all that happened from the press, since nothing was actually taken, there’s no need for a press conference, which should keep the mayor happy for a little while.” He paused for a moment as he took in Lex’s appearance, the normally immaculately turned out man looked like hell.

    “Are you ok Lex, you don’t look so good? Actually you look like shit.”

    “Thank you Mr Kent, I feel like shit as well,” his head had started to pain him again, and his restless sleep on the desk had been filled with images of Chloe. “You aren’t looking too hot yourself Clark.”

    “I’m just waiting for Lana to pick me up. Maybe you should go home yourself, it’s late and I don’t think we’re going to hear anymore tonight. She’ll be here in a few minutes and we’ll give you a ride home. I don’t think you should be driving just yet.”

    “I suppose you’re right Clark. I just need to make a call, give me a shout when Lana arrives.”

    “Sure thing,” said Clark and left the office. As soon as he was gone Lex picked up his phone and dialled Chloe’s number again. He slammed the phone down when he heard the answering machine. “Where are you Chloe?” he whispered.


    “Wow, that’s some story Pete,” Toby said, after Pete had explained everything to him. “Only Chloe Sullivan could go and fall for the very guy hired to catch her.”

    “I think it’s more than just fallen for him. Although she’ll deny it, not only to everyone else but also to herself, I really think she’s in love with him.”

    “And so the plot thickens,” Toby mused, “you look like you could do with some rest. Grab a couple of hours sleep, I’ll keep an eye on her.”

    Pete finished off his drink and stood up, “come and get me if she wakes.” Toby nodded and Pete then headed off to bed.


    Chloe woke up and whimpered in pain as she tried to move. ‘Where am I?’ she thought as she tried to sit up; the pain in her shoulder made her cry out.

    “Don’t move Chloe,” Toby came running into the room when he heard her cry.

    “Toby, what are you doing here?” she asked, very confused.

    “I live here sweetie,” he said with smile, “do you remember what happened?”

    Chloe lay back onto the pillows and closed her eyes, “jewellery shop job, going ok, police turn up, things go bad, running to get away, shot.” She paused for a minute, “the son of a bitch shot me.”

    “Well you weren’t as such, the bullet grazed your shoulder. Pete brought you here, as hospitals would ask *way* too many questions. And it’s great to see you although I would of rather it of been in better circumstances.”

    Chloe smiled at him, “good to see you too Toby.”

    “You should get some sleep Chloe, you need to get your strength up.”

    “I know, I know, I just need to talk to Pete for a minute. Please?”

    “One minute sweetie and that’s it, I’ll go get him for you.” Two minutes later both appeared. Pete had to hold himself back for running to hug her. “Jesus Chloe you had me scared there.”

    “One minute you two and no longer,” said Toby before leaving the room.

    When he left Pete sat on the bed beside Chloe, “don’t ever do that again Chloe, I don’t think my heart could stand it. For a moment I thought I’d lost you.”

    “Don’t worry, I *have* no intentions of ever getting shot again.”

    “One thing that been puzzling me Chloe, why was Lex there?”

    “I don’t know, but the even bigger question is, how the *hell* did he know to be there?”

    Chapter Fifteen – Two + Two = Five

    The following day and after a few arguments, Toby finally let Chloe get out of bed. He had gone out for a while and Pete was letting Kyle and Justin know what had happened.

    Settling herself down on the couch she rang her apartment to check her messages. There were three messages from Lex. The last one was left about an hour ago and the first one around 12.30am the night before. ‘That was just after the botched robbery,’ she thought, ‘he would have been still at the scene. Why was he ringing then?’

    Chloe listened to the messages again and picked up on the panic he could hear in his voice, especially on the first message. “What is going on?” she whispered when she put down the phone.

    She closed her eyes for a minute, trying to decide whether or not to call him. She went over every meeting and conversation she had with Lex Luthor, trying to look for something specific.

    Why had he rang her, minutes *after* the robbery? This question kept going through her mind. “He couldn’t of?” she suddenly said, “He couldn’t of *known*.”

    Taking a deep breath she got her *story* straight in her head, picked up the phone and dialled Lex’s number.

    After two rings it was answered. “Lex Luthor.”

    “Lex, hi it’s Chloe,” she said, her tone light.

    “Chloe,” he said, and she could hear the very obvious relief in his voice, “I rang looking for you a few times,” he said.

    “Yeah I’m sorry, and friend of mine was sick and I had to go see them, it was quite sudden,” not the best lie she ever came up with but it would have to do.

    “Oh,” he said, “but *you* are ok, aren’t you?”

    ‘Strange question,’ she thought. “Me, oh I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

    “I just hadn’t heard from you…” he trailed off.

    “It has only been day since we last spoke, did you miss me that much?” she teased. ‘Prove me wrong Lex,’ she thought, ‘Please.’

    Lex paused for a moment, wondering how to answer that. He didn’t think he could say, ‘I was so worried that Clark had hurt you that I couldn’t eat, sleep or function properly and I just needed to hear that you were ok,’ even though it was the truth.

    “Well yes I did miss you and when I couldn’t reach you I just thought something might have happened,” he said carefully.

    Even though a stomach-churning realisation hit her, Chloe couldn’t help but smile at his sentiment. “Well it’s nice to know that Lex, but as I said I’m fine.”

    “I’m glad. So, do you want to get together for dinner tonight?”

    Chloe sighed, as much as she did want to see him, she really needed to talk to Pete about things first. “I can’t tonight Lex, I’m sorry. Can I take a rain check?”

    “Sure that’s fine,” and he couldn’t keep the disappointment out of his voice.

    “I’ll call you later and maybe we could arrange lunch tomorrow?” She asked.

    “I’ll look forward to it. I hope your friend gets better soon.”

    “Thanks Lex. I’ll call you later. Bye.”

    “Bye Chloe.” And both hung up the phone.

    Chloe sighed deeply, “I have to talk to Pete,” she whispered.


    Lex hung up and breathed a huge sigh of relief. “She’s ok,” he said. A part of him was disappointed that he couldn’t get to see her yet, but that was overshadowed by the knowledge that she was ok. She sounded a little weird on the phone but he put it down to her injury. He didn’t think she say ‘Lex I’m fine apart from almost being shot by your partner while trying to escape from a committing a robbery that you foiled on me. By the way sorry for punching you in the stomach and causing you to bang your head, resulting in a *mild* concussion.’

    Feeling happier that he had heard from Chloe, Lex got ready to head to the office.


    When Pete got back he found Chloe asleep on the couch. He called her name softly a couple of times until she woke up. “You should be in bed,” he said. “I know, but I need to talk to you. Is Toby still out?” She replied sitting up.

    Pete nodded and sat down beside her. “What’s so important?”

    “First,” said Chloe, “did you talk to Justin and Kyle?”

    “I did, and both send their love. Justin also asked if the museum job as still going ahead.” “And what did you say?” asked Chloe.

    Pete sighed, “I told them if I had my way it would be cancelled, but that you would never go for that and unless you said any different the job was still on.”

    “I know you have major reservations about going ahead Pete, hell you’ve been against it from the start, but I have *never* backed out of a job before and I don’t intend to make this the first time.”

    Pete took her hand, “Chloe I don’t think I could bear it if anything happened to you. You are the only family I’ve got, if it hadn’t of been for you and your dad I would of ended up in jail and God knows how my life would of turned out.”

    Chloe squeezed his hand gently, “everything will be fine Pete, trust me.” Pete smiled at her, “Ok. Now tell me what you wanted to talk about.”

    She took a deep breath, “I think Lex knows I’m the thief.”

    Pete’s mouth dropped, “W-What? How?” he stammered.

    “Think about it Pete. He leaves a message on my answering machine thirty minutes after the jewellery shop fiasco and two others after that, you should of heard his voice in the first one Pete, he was panicking. I rang him earlier and the relief in his voice was very evident. And he kept asking if I was ok. Then there are the codes, I never really thought about until now, here’s one of the best investigators the FBI has to offer and yet he leaves the master codes to a high-tech security system of a museum that’s been targeted for a robbery, just lying around his apartment. The morning after Kyle stole the Monet he was at my place and he got a call about it, he sort of looked at me funny. I didn’t pay too much attention to it cause we were in the middle…well doesn’t matter what we were in the middle of, but you see what I’m getting at.”

    Pete stared at her while he tried to process everything she had just said. “But what about the two of you?”

    Chloe sighed, “I don’t know about that.” She couldn’t shake the feeling that what was happening between her and Lex wasn’t just about him doing his job, well at least she hoped it wasn’t. The intense way he looked at her when they made love, the relief in his voice when she talked to him earlier, they had to mean something more. Because she had done something stupid, she had fallen for him, hard, and if she were completely honest with herself she’d say she was in love with him. ‘How clichéd is that?’ she thought, ‘the thief and the cop.’ And why did she get involved with him in the first place, when she first saw him she didn’t know he was the investigator all she saw was a very sexy man smiling at her. Granted when she found out who he was it didn’t stop her seeing him again or sleeping with him or stealing the codes from his apartment.

    “Well what are you going to do about it? I mean obviously you can’t see him again.”

    “I *have* to see him again Pete, he’s only going to get suspicious if I don’t. Also get onto Justin and see how much longer he’s going to be.”

    “But Chloe…”

    “Pete we can use this to our advantage.”

    “How the hell can we do that?”

    “Well we know that he knows, but he doesn’t *know* that we know he knows,” she said, a confused look on her face that was mirrored by Pete. “Ok and that made a lot more sense in my head,” she laughed.

    “I suppose you’re right, and I’ll see if I can find out who in the FBI is his boss and any other information I can get on them. And yes I’ll check with Justin on how much longer he’s going to be.”

    “Good, we’ll go on as normal and as soon as Justin is ready we’ll hit the museum, and stop looking so worried Pete.”

    “It’s as you said Chlo, I’m not completely happy with a job if I’m not worrying,” Pete said with a grin. “Now you better get back to bed before Toby gets here and gives out to the two of us.”

    Chloe got up from the couch, “I’m going to grab a couple of hours sleep and then we’ll see about heading back to my place.” Pete nodded.

    ‘And then I can call Lex and arrange to meet him,’ she thought as she made her way back to bed.

  3. #3
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Chapter Sixteen – Changing The Rules

    Chloe sighed contently and relaxed on the couch. As much as she loved Toby and the way he looked after her and let her stay, there was nothing like being back in your own place.

    ‘Things are looking up,’ she thought. Kyle was getting the equipment needed and Justin was almost complete in his replica of the breastplate for the museum heist. Pete was doing what he did best, digging for information and worrying about her. Her shoulder felt much better, all that was left was some slight bruising. The only black spot on the horizon was Lex. Well not that Lex himself was a black spot but the realisation of him knowing who she was gave cause for concern.

    She couldn’t just ignore him, as she told Pete that would only make him suspicious and if the truth be known she *really* wanted to see him again. Despite what they were and the chances of any real lasting relationship between them being very, very slim Chloe just couldn’t ignore how he made her feel. When they were together it was like there was only the two of them. She was by no means a hopeless romantic, what had happened to her father and the *career* she had chosen for herself forced her to give up on the ‘knight in shining armour’ saving her. But Lex Luthor made her feel special and she adamantly refused to believe he was only seeing her because it was his job.

    The sound of her phone ringing jolted her from her thoughts, “Chloe,” she said answering it.

    “I see you’re back from your sick friend,” a familiar voice said.

    “Lex,” she smiled, “I was just thinking about you,” she said truthfully.

    “All good things I hope.”

    “Of course. Why, are the bad things I should know about,” she teased.

    ‘If you only knew,’ he thought. “Bad things. ME. Never,” he laughed.

    Chloe laughed as well, “So Lex to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”

    “I was wondering if you wanted to meet up for lunch today. Say 1.00pm at Casa Nova?”

    “I’d love too,” she said, “Shall I meet you there.”

    “Perfect, I’ll see you later then Chloe.”

    “See you then,” just then Pete walked into the apartment, “I gotta go now Lex, see you at 1.00pm.”

    “See you at 1.00pm, bye Chloe.” “Bye Lex.”

    Lex put down his phone and smiled. He had a meeting with the assistant director first and then he planned on spending the rest of the afternoon with Chloe.


    “So what did he want?” asked Pete. “He was inviting me to lunch today, I’m meeting him at 1.00pm. So what did you find out?” she asked, indicating she didn’t want any comment from him on her lunch date.

    Pete sat down beside her, “not a lot really. The FBI files aren’t very forthcoming for some reason,” he said with a grin. “I just need a little more time to dig deeper, the only real thing of notice that I found was that Lex reports directly to assistant director Rickman. I haven’t managed to find out just yet if there is a specific case they are working on, because personally I don’t think the FBI would have sent Lex here for only a robbery.”

    “Interesting, but what does that have to do with me?”

    “I don’t know Chloe, maybe its nothing. But I’ll keep looking. Oh did you see how far Justin has got? It looks amazing.”

    “I did,” she nodded, “and he said he should be finished in a few days.” Chloe had called on Justin to see how he was progressing and his replica looked perfect, he had it the same height and weight as the original all that was left was to colour it.

    “So we’ll be ready to go soon,” Pete said wistfully.

    “Peter my dear, you’re getting those worried lines again.” Pete just grinned at her.

    “Look Pete maybe I can wear him out with sex this afternoon,” she said with a grin, “so he won’t be to move around when we rob the museum.”

    “That’s just gross Chloe,” Pete replied with a mock grimace, and both started laughing.

    But all that was on Chloe’s mind was that she was seeing Lex later.


    Lex sat in a chair in assistant director Rickman’s office waiting for the man himself to arrive. “Lex, sorry to have kept you waiting,” he said a moment later as he walked in and took his seat. “I believe you have heard from Miss Sullivan.”

    “Yes,” said Lex, “so she doesn’t seem to have been injured too badly from the other day.”

    “Do you think she will go ahead with the museum job? Especially after what has happened,” Rickman said, studying Lex carefully.

    “I believe she will. Chloe Sullivan doesn’t strike me as a quitter and I think she has already invested a lot of time and effort in planning this to quit now.”

    “You had better be right Lex. Being caught stealing the breastplate will give us a very heavy jail sentence to use in forcing her to make a deal with us. I want *Sam Phelan* behind bars, we have spent too much time on building the case against him and even though she doesn’t know it; Chloe Sullivan is the last piece of the puzzle, she has the information to bury him and I don’t want to lose this chance.”

    “I know sir but she will go ahead with the robbery and I’d say she’ll do it soon.”

    “When are you seeing her again?”

    “I’m actually meeting her for lunch this afternoon.”

    “I see, very well Lex that’s all for now until your next update.”

    “Thank you sir,” and with that Lex got up and left, heading towards the restaurant. A smile on his face because he was seeing Chloe.


    It was just a few minutes past one when Chloe arrived at the restaurant. Lex was already there. “Hi,” she said as she reached the table, and Lex stood and kissed her gently. And as always when she was near him, Chloe felt her body respond immediately and kissed him back. When they parted he smiled at her as they sat down.

    “You look great,” he said as he took in her colourful, sleeveless sundress, he noticed the slight bruise on her shoulder but decided to say nothing about it.

    Before she could answer their waiter arrived. “I’m Sean your waiter, are you ready to order?”

    “I am,” said Chloe and Lex nodded yes as well.

    “I’ll have the Caesar salad,” said Chloe, “and just a water with lemon to drink. Thanks.”

    The waiter turned his attention to Lex, “I’ll have the same,” he said, “with just plain water.”

    “Very good sir, madam,” the waiter said before leaving.


    Four hours later after a very enjoyable lunch and chat they were in Lex’s apartment. They were sitting on the couch and Chloe had her legs in his lap. “MMMM that feels good,” she said, as he rubbed her calves.

    Lex just smirked and moved his hand higher to her knee; Chloe closed her eyes and spread her legs slightly. He moved his hand slowly over her inner thigh, causing her to gasp. She stared at him through half-closed eyes. Her heart and mind at war over what she was fighting to say. “Lex,” she moaned as his hand stroked her gently. He leaned forward and kissed her, his tongue teasing her until she couldn’t stand it anymore and grabbed his head and kissed him hard.

    As they kissed Lex’s hand moved quicker and he moaned into her mouth as her felt her get wetter.

    Chloe pulled her mouth away and put her hand on his stopping him. He looked at her with a confused face. ‘Don’t say it,’ her inner voice screamed. “Lex, this isn’t just about sex is it?” she asked, her voice hesitant.

    Lex took a deep breath, “it was *never* just about sex Chloe,” and he kissed her, his mouth completely dominating her. Chloe could feel herself get light-headed from the intensity of the kiss.

    When he pulled back, both were breathing heavily. Things had changed, both were fully aware of it. She took his face in her hands, “make love to me Lex,” she whispered.

    Lex groaned and kissed her again, he managed to get them of the couch without releasing her mouth and move them to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and covered her body with his. “Never just about sex,” he repeated as they undressed each other.

    He settled himself over her again, relishing in the feel of her naked body against his. Eyes locked he entered her slowly, both groaning the other’s name. The air around them was charged and the moment became more intense.

    They made love well into the night and slept contently in each other’s arms.

    Chapter Seventeen – Second Thoughts and Final Plans

    Lex woke up alone. He looked around his room and saw Chloe’s clothes still on the floor. He got up, threw on a pair of sweats and left the bedroom. He saw her standing in front of the window in the front room, clad in just a sheet looking out.

    He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, she sighed and leaned back against him. He kissed her shoulder, “are you awake long?” he asked.

    “About an hour,” she replied, “I didn’t want to wake you so I came out here.”

    They stood there like that for a moment. Lex tightened his arms around her and took a deep breath, “Chloe, let’s get away for awhile.”

    She turned slightly so she could look at him, “away. As in a holiday?”

    “Yes,” nodded Lex, kissing her nose softly, “a holiday. Let’s get out of Metropolis for a few weeks, we could go to Paris or Milan or even both.”

    Chloe smiled at him, her eyes sparkling, “that would be nice. And when would you want to go?”

    “*Today*,” he said.

    Chloe laughed, thinking he was joking. “Oh yeah Lex, no problem let’s go now.”

    “I’m serious Chloe, let’s just go.”

    “Don’t be silly Lex, we can’t just go now,” she said.

    “Why can’t we?” ‘Please Chloe let’s forget about the robbery and my job, let’s leave,’ he thought.

    “Because we can’t,” she said, extracting herself from his arms. “I would love to go away with you Lex, but not right now. I mean I can’t just drop everything and go. And what about you? Aren’t you here for a job?”

    “I’d leave it for you,” he whispered. Chloe felt her eyes tear up at his response and wrapped her arms around him. ‘Do it Chloe, leave with him,’ her heart was saying. She was afraid to speak and so just hugged him tighter and his arms went around her.

    “It’s a very nice thought Lex,” she said, “but do you *really* think we could just get up and go?”

    He buried his face in her neck, “no, not really,” he sighed. Chloe lifted his head and kissed him softly, “rain check on the holiday?” She said with a sad smile.

    He gave her the same smile back, “definitely.”

    They kissed tenderly, until Lex’s doorbell rang. “I’ll be back in a minute,” he said moving towards the door.

    He opened the door to see Clark and Lana standing there. “Is there something wrong?” he asked.

    Both were a little surprised at his lack of clothes, “you told us to call by at 10.00am Lex,” said Lana, “you wanted to go over some thing with us.”

    “Shit,” swore Lex, “I forgot about it. Sorry, come in the two of you.” He stood aside and let both in. “We can come back later if it’s more convenient,” said Clark.

    “No, no it’s fine Clark,” said Lex, deciding that he needed to get his mind off running away with Chloe and discussing work with Lana and Clark would be perfect.

    He led them into the front room, and noticed Chloe was gone. “Have a seat,” he said to them, “and I’ll throw on some *more* clothes.” And left them.

    When he entered his room, Chloe was dressing herself. “I heard your conversation,” she said. “I’m sorry Chloe I forgot.”

    “Hey it’s ok, I need to do a few things myself.”

    She finished dressing and Lex threw on a sweater, both left the bedroom. “Hi Chloe,” said Lana, “nice to see you again.”

    “Hi Lana,” replied Chloe, “Hi Clark.” Clark just smiled at her.

    “I’ll call you later,” she said to Lex before kissing him gently. “Bye everyone.”

    And with that she left.

    “I hope we didn’t interrupt anything,” said Clark with grin.

    “No Clark, not at all,” he replied, ‘except I was planning on leaving my job and running off with the woman I was hired to capture, because I’ve done something stupid, I’ve fallen in love with her,’ he thought.

    “Let me put on some coffee and we’ll get down to work.”


    Chloe checked her messages as she made her way to her car. There was only one. {Chlo, it’s Pete. When you can manage to drag yourself away from Lex, drop by the apartment. Justin has finished the replica, you must see this. Later. Bye.}

    She got into her car and started the engine; she glanced up at Lex’s apartment before putting the car in drive and heading off.

    Twenty minutes later she stood in the front room of the apartment looking at an exact replica of Alexander’s Breastplate. “Oh wow Justin, this is…this is absolutely amazing.” Justin just smiled a smug smile. “I take it you’re impressed Chloe?”

    “I am very impressed, you are a genius.” She gave him a hug.

    “So Kyle have you got everything on the shopping list?” Kyle nodded. “Pete, are you ready to go?” “I am,” he said.

    “Ok gentlemen,” began Chloe, “everything is in place. Today is Friday; tomorrow evening at 11.30pm we hit the museum. It’s not going to be easy and we’ll have to take our time. As you have probably all guessed we are going to switch the real breastplate with the lovely Justin’s replica. Now the thing is quite heavy, also the way the codes work means we’ll be moving slowly. Pete will be outside in the van monitoring everything, and the three of us will be inside. I’ll be the only one communicating with Pete; it’s easier that way. Now I trust you’ve all looked over the plans and committed them to memory?” All three men nodded yes. “Good. So if there are no more questions.”

    “Not from me,” said Justin, “nor me,” said Kyle.

    “Perfect. We’ll meet here at 10.30pm tomorrow evening. As you are all aware the fee for this job is $2million, so it’s $500,000 each when we pull it off.”

    “I can’t wait for tomorrow evening,” said Justin with a smile.

    “Neither can I,” said Chloe.

    “Well I’m gonna go, I’ve a few things to do before tomorrow,” said Kyle, “so I’ll see you all at 10.30pm.”

    “Sure Kyle,” said Pete and all said their goodbyes.


    When he was out of sight of the apartment, Kyle took out his phone and dialled a familiar number. After two rings it was answered, “Lex Luthor.”

    “Mr Luthor it’s Kyle…Kyle Tippet.”

    “Ah Mr Tippet, I take it you have some information for me?”

    “Yes I do, and the deal was that I walk away from this with no changes.”

    “Yes, that’s what was agreed, now the information please.”

    Kyle took a deep breath, ‘forgive me Chlo,’ he thought. “The job on the museum will take place tomorrow evening at 11.30pm.”

    “Very good, thank you Mr Tippet.” And with that Lex hung up.

    Sighing deeply Kyle headed off to his hotel room.


    Chloe was just about to run herself a bath when there was a knock at the door. “Damn,” she said as she threw on a robe and headed out to answer it.

    She opened the door to find Lex standing there, a bottle of champagne in his hand. “Have I caught you at a bad time,” he said, as he looked her up and down.

    “Well that depends on what you’re planning on doing with that,” she said pointing at the bottle. She stood out of the way to let him in, closing the door behind him.

    As soon as the door was closed, Lex pushed her up against it and kissed her. Chloe wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back; Lex’s hand found it’s way inside her robe and caressed her breast.

    “You didn’t answer my question Lex,” she said when they parted.

    “I thought I’d pour it over you and then lick it off.”

    “I think we’ll save that for later,” she said with a smile, taking the bottle from him and putting it in the fridge. She took his hand and led him to the couch, when he sat down she curled up beside him. They sat like that for a while. ‘This is probably the last time,’ Chloe thought. She sat up, took his face in her hands and kissed him, slow and passionate, which he returned with just as much passion.

    “Wow,” he whispered when they parted. Chloe smiled at him. She stood up and held her hand out to him, standing he took it. “I meant what I said, it was never just about sex.”

    “I know,” said Chloe as she led him to her bedroom. She took a deep breath, “Lex, I…I…” she looked down, ‘I can’t do this,’ she thought, ‘I’m never going to see him again after tomorrow, I have too,’ her heart spoke up.

    Lex put his hand under her chin and lifted her face till she looked at him again. “I love you Lex,” she whispered, tears in her eyes. “I love you too Chloe,” he whispered back.

    He kissed her and slowly lowered her back onto the bed and they made love as if they both knew this would be the last time.

    Chapter Eighteen – Unmasked

    Lex had been awake for an hour just staring at Chloe. He brushed her hair from her face causing her to move, snuggling closer to him. He wished they could just disappear, take that vacation to Europe and forget about everything. After tonight if would be all-different, she would *hate* him by tomorrow morning. Lex tightened his arms around her and sighed deeply.

    He had made a real mess of things, he’d fallen in love with her and she’d fallen in love with him. Last night when they had admitted as much to each other, it should have been a happy moment for them but instead it turned out to be more of a goodbye.

    He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again, he found Chloe looking up at him. “Morning,” she smiled, Lex smiled back. She kissed his chest softly before laying her head on it and sighing contently. “I wish we could stay like this forever Lex,” she whispered. “So do I Chloe, so do I,” he replied. There was a hint of sadness in the air around them.

    “Chloe, I just want you to know that no matter, no matter what happens, everything between us was, I mean is real and…” he was cut off by Chloe kissing him. “Shush,” she said when they parted, “it’s ok Lex,” and kissed him again. Their lips still locked; Lex rolled them on the bed till he was settled over her. Bracing himself on his arms he looked down into her eyes. ‘I’m sorry,’ he thought, ‘sorry for what’s going to happen Chloe.’ And then gathered her in his arms and held her tight.


    A few hours later Pete watched as Chloe and Lex passionately kissed goodbye. When Lex’s car had disappeared out of sight he made his way over to her. “You ok Chlo?” he asked.

    “I will be Pete, I will be. Come on let’s go over the plans again.” Pete threw his arm around her shoulders and kissed her forehead and they headed back to her apartment to go over things.


    Seated at his desk, Lex called assistant director Rickman. “Mr Luthor I take it we have good news.”

    “Yes sir, my informant confirmed yesterday that the break-in at the museum will take place this evening, starting at 11.30pm”

    “Excellent work Lex, do you have everything you need?”

    “I do sir and I’m just making the final arrangements, I’ll be using my usual Bureau team, plus the two detectives that have been working with me in the Metropolis police department.”

    “Very well, I’ll leave everything in your more than capable hands. This is it Lex, I want no fuck ups, I want Chloe Sullivan in a holding cell tonight.”

    “Yes sir,” sighed Lex, “what about the rest of her team?”

    “Personally I don’t care, they are a matter for the local police, you just worry about Miss Sullivan.”

    “Understood sir.”

    “I’ll look forward to hearing from you later with the *good* news. Goodbye Lex.”

    “Goodbye sir,” and Lex hung up the phone, and resisted for about the twentieth time the urge to call Chloe.


    “He’s in a weird mood today,” whispered Lana to Clark. “I know,” he replied, “wonder what’s going on.”

    Lana shrugged her shoulders, “maybe he had a falling out with Chloe.” “Could be,” said Clark, “But whatever it is I hope he snaps out of it soon.”

    As if on cue Lex appeared before them. “Miss Lana, Mr Clark I will need the two of you with me this evening. Midnight at the museum.”

    “Do you think something is going to happen tonight?” asked Lana.

    “I don’t think Lana, I *know*. Just be ready both of you,” he finished and headed back to his office slamming the door behind him.

    Lana and Clark exchanged identical baffled expressions before staring at the closed door of Lex’s office.


    At 9.00pm Chloe and Pete arrived at the apartment where Justin was staying. “Hey, you guys are early,” he said as he let them in.

    “Slight change of plan,” said Pete, “Chloe and I were going over everything this morning and we decided to start at 10.30pm instead of 11.30pm. The extra hour will suit us with the changeover.”

    “Hey makes no difference to me,” said Justin, “I’ve been raring to go since I got up this morning.”

    “Ok Kyle’s on his way over,” said Chloe, hanging up the phone. “What did he say about going in earlier?” asked Pete. “I didn’t tell him,” said Chloe, “he’ll find out when he gets her. Don’t worry he’ll be ready.”

    Between the three of them, they managed to get the replica breastplate into the specially designed backpack, and Justin was practising walking around with it on his back. “I’m going to change,” said Chloe, “let Kyle know what’s going on if he gets here before I’m done.”

    Twenty minutes later Chloe emerged wearing her black cat suit and boots. Her hair was pulled back and she held her mask in her hand. Justin was explaining the time change to Kyle. “Why the change?” asked Kyle when he saw Chloe. “It will work better this way. Things will be fine and you should get ready.”

    “I don’t know Chloe, I mean I have a couple of things to do…” started Kyle. “And they can wait,” interrupted Chloe, “now go get ready you have ten minutes, and then we are leaving.”

    Kyle suddenly found himself being hurried into a room to change. Pete was in the already. “Come on gents, chop, chop,” laughed Chloe as she closed the door.

    “How’s the backpack Justin?” she asked as she adjusted the earpiece, connected the wire to the microphone and clipped it to her collar.

    “Heavy Chlo,” he smiled, “but I’ll be ok. And when it’s the real one in there the weight won’t matter. Because all I’ll be thinking about it the $500,000.”

    Chloe laughed at him. “Jeez Justin, anyone would think you were just in this for the money.” “God forbid Chloe.” They were still laughing when Pete and Kyle joined them. Chloe checked her watch, 10.15pm. “Let’s go,” she said. “Kyle you drive so Pete can set his laptop up.”

    “I need to make a quick call,” said Kyle. “No time,” said Chloe, “you can make it later when you’re $500,000 richer.” The others laughed. Kyle followed them out to the van, a nervous expression on his face.



    “Ok Pete we’re on the roof,” said Chloe. Back in the van Pete was typing furiously on his keyboard. “Thank God and Chloe for master codes,” he muttered.

    “There you go Chlo, all safe to move.” “Thanks Pete. I’ll let you know when we are over the case.”

    “Let’s go,” she whispered to the others. “You first Justin, then me and you take the back Kyle.”


    The three made their way thought the air vents until eventually they were over the case that held the breastplate. “Pete, work your magic hun.”

    Five minutes later he got back to her. “All alarms down, you have 45 minutes Chloe.”

    Kyle lifted the vent up and they lowered the backpack down and then themselves. Once they were on the ground Chloe started working on the case.


    “Evans is your team in place on the roof?” Said Lex into his radio.

    “Yes sir, all in place,” came the reply.

    “Clark, you and Lana with me, we’ll take the front door.”


    The three thieves were making their way back through the vents. “Chlo, it’s Pete, the fucking cops are outside.”


    “Cops, they are on the roof and some went in the front way.”

    “Shit. Shit. Shit,” she said. “Ok hang on, give me a minute.” She turned to the other, “the cops are outside.”

    “What? How?” Came the reply.

    “We’ll worry later. There is a service elevator down here,” she said pointing to the vent, “You two take that and the breastplate to the basement.”

    “What about you Chlo?” asked Justin. “I’m gonna draw the cops away from you.”

    “But…” “But nothing Justin, do it.”



    “Take the van to the basement, we’re using the service elevator, be there in about 6 minutes.” She turned to Justin and Kyle, “go, we’ll meet back at the apartment, Pete knows what to do. GO.”

    Both men headed in the other direction and Chloe headed back through the vents towards the front door.


    “Where’s Chloe?” said Pete as he helped to two men out. “She’s gone the other way to take the heat off us,” said Kyle.

    “I’ll kill her,” said Pete. “Chloe, Chloe. There’s no answer.”

    “Pete man, chill, she’ll be fine,” said Justin, “this is Chloe we’re talking about.”

    “But we can’t leave her.” Suddenly, “Pete can you hear me?”

    “Chloe, where the fuck are you?”

    “Doesn’t matter, just go to the meeting place. I’ll be fine and see you there later. And no arguments Pete. Just GO.”

    Pete sighed as the radio was cut off; reluctantly he put the van in drive and headed to the apartment.


    Chloe moved silently through the ground floor, she could make out the shadows of the cops. She took off her earpiece and microphone and threw it; it hit off a display case. Two of the shadows moved in the direction of the noise. She made her move. “Hold it.” She turned and saw Lana pointing a gun at her. “Over here,” shouted Lana. Bracing herself Chloe kicked the gun from Lana’s hands and knocked the girl to the ground. She began running and suddenly the lights came on and she found herself surrounded by cops, all with guns.

    Clark helped Lana up and both turned their attention to Chloe. Sighing, Chloe held her hands up. Then, almost in slow motion she saw Lex approach her.

    When he stood in front of her, she kept her eyes on his. Lex reached out and pulled the mask off her. Chloe barely registered the gasps from Lana and Clark; her attention was focused on Lex.

    With a hint of sadness in his voice he spoke. “Miss Sullivan you are under arrest.

    Chapter Nineteen – Questions and Answers

    Chloe sat in the back of the police car, handcuffed and staring out the window. Clark sat beside her in the back, Lana was driving and Lex sat up front beside her. The whole car was silent. Both Clark and Lana knew better than to say anything, and even if they didn’t the look on both Chloe and Lex’s faces was enough to put them off.

    As they drove along Chloe noticed they has passed the police station, “we are heading to the FBI office,” said Lex, his voice sounding unnaturally loud in the silent car, he had been watching her the whole time and saw the confusion on her face.

    ‘Strange,’ thought Chloe. She sighed and turned her attention back to the window. Lex watched her in the mirror. She had said absolutely nothing since being arrested other than to apologise to Lana. He had at least expected her to say something or even shout at him, but she had seemed unsurprised when he had arrested her at the museum.

    “We’re here,” said Lana, as she parked the car. Lex turned to Lana, “if anyone is on about what happened tell them the official statement is; a robbery at the museum was foiled and an arrest has been made, but no further details are available.”

    “Sure thing,” said Lana.

    “Good. Let’s go then.”

    Lex and Lana got out. Lex opened the door for her and put his hand out to help her, she ignored it and got out herself. He sighed and shut the door, Clark came around, took her arm and they all headed into the building. “Take her to the interrogation room,” Lex said to Clark, “you go as well Lana, and I’ll be along shortly.”

    He turned his attention to the guard, “please escort them to Level Two.”

    “Yes sir,” he said, and then “this way,” to the others. As they walked to the elevator Chloe looked back at Lex for a second before turning away again.

    Lex made his way to the assistant director’s office. “Very good work Lex,” he said when he walked in, “where is she now?”

    “Being taken to the interrogation room. Sir we might have a *slight* problem.”

    “Not what I want to hear. And what is this problem?”

    “The breastplate wasn’t taken. It’s still at the museum.”

    “Well we have to work around that. I will be sitting in on the questioning with you. And we might as well start now.”

    “Yes sir.”


    Chloe sat in the chair at the table and looked around the small room. She rubbed her wrists absently; glad they had taken off the handcuffs. Looking at the mirror on one of the walls, Chloe suspected it was two-way and that Lana and Clark were probably on the other side. ‘I hope Pete and the others are ok,’ she thought.

    She was startled slightly when the door opened and in stepped Lex and another man. They took the seats opposite Chloe.

    “Miss Sullivan, I’m assistant director Rickman, and of course you *know* Mr Luthor. I suppose you’re wondering why you are here and not at the local police station.”

    “The thought had crossed my mind Mr Rickman,” she said, “I mean it’s not like you have anything on me really other than breaking and entering, and I’m kind of surprised that the *F.B.I* are interested in a petty crime like that.”

    Lex smirked slightly. “Miss Sullivan, you were caught in the museum,” said Rickman.

    “I know Mr Rickman I was there, *but* was there anything actually stolen?”

    Behind the two-way mirror both Lana and Clark were smiling. “She’s got him there,” said Clark.

    “You are *still* looking at the jail sentence,” said a now slightly irritated assistant director.

    “Not really. It’s just a breaking and entering, also a first offence, a *good* lawyer will get me a suspended sentence, probably with a fine,” retorted a bored-sounding Chloe. “Actually now that I think of it, I haven’t been given my phone call.”

    Lex had to put his hand over his mouth to cover the smile that now graced it. ‘Very good Chloe,’ he thought.

    “Miss Sullivan you would be wise not to try my patience.”

    “And you’d be wise not to fuck me about Mr Rickman. I was arrested, yes, but I haven’t actually been charged with anything. So either charge me, give me my phone call and a lawyer, or let me go. Because until then I’m not answering any more of your questions.” ‘Take that you patronising bastard,’ she thought.

    Seeing that his boss was about to explode Lex decided to try and diffuse the situation. “Ch…Miss Sullivan,” he began.

    Chloe turned her attention to Lex, “and are you going to play the *good cop* Lex in this little scenario,” she said with a smile.

    Lex couldn’t help but smile back. But before he could reply, his attention was drawn to something Rickman had written on a piece of paper, ‘her father’ was all it said.

    “Chloe you told me your father died of a heart attack.”

    “What does that have to do with anything?” she asked, sounding confused.

    “But in fact the official line was accidental shooting, wasn’t it?”

    “It wasn’t accidental, he was murdered and it was covered up,” she said, her voice rising. “There were a bunch of corrupt cops on the force and he…he wouldn’t follow them, so they murdered him and made it…made it look like an accident, the coroner was even on their payroll.” There were tears in her eyes when she had finished, and Lex felt terrible for bringing up the painful subject. All he wanted to do was hold her.

    “Do you know a Sam Phelan?” asked Rickman.

    Chloe blinked the tears away, “no,” she answered, “should I?”

    “Sam Phelan was a cop on the force with your father, he sort of headed up the corrupt element if you like. In fact he’s still at it, we just haven’t been able to pin any evidence on him.”

    “You seem to have a little trouble with that Mr Rickman; me, this Phelan guy,” said Chloe sarcastically. At that statement both Lana and Clark laughed, even Lex had to smother a laugh.

    “And what would you say Miss Sullivan if I told you that Sam Phelan was the man who murdered your father?”

    Chloe was clearly taken aback; she opened her mouth to speak and closed it again almost immediately.

    “No *smart* answers Miss Sullivan,” said a smug Rickman.

    “Bastard,” hissed Chloe.

    “Let’s cut to the chase, *we* want you to help us catch Sam Phelan, and in return the incident in the museum will be forgotten.”

    “Well Mr Rickman we don’t always get what we want. Why should I help you? I mean you’ve told me this guy killed my dad, so what’s to stop me going after him myself. Remember, nothing stolen, first offence, stop me if you’ve heard this before.”

    “Miss Sullivan, I will fabricate a story to keep you here indefinitely if you do not help us and there isn’t a damn thing you could do about it. So I suggest you think very carefully about my *offer* before making any rash decisions.”

    “I want my phone call before I agree to anything. My *private* phone call and I want to be able to make it now.”

    “Very well,” said Rickman, he then turned to Lex, “take her to make her call and then take her to one of the secure rooms for the night.”

    “I’d like to use a pubic phone,” she said, as she stood. “No problem,” said Lex, “this way.”

    They left the room and walked in silence to a public payphone at the end of the corridor. “You wouldn’t have a couple of quarters would you?” she asked, a grin on her face.

    Lex reached into his pocket and handed her a few quarters and moved to the side so she could make her call. She dialled Pete’s number. “Hello.”

    “Pete, it’s me.”

    “Chloe where the hell are you? What happened?”

    “Pete, just listen and give minimal answers. I was arrested; I’m at the FBI office. Weird things happening they want me to help catch some guy called Sam Phelan, a corrupt cop they say murdered dad.”

    “Jesus Chloe,” gasped Pete.

    “I know. Are the others with you and where is the *item*?”

    “Yes they are and it’s with T.”

    “Good, don’t tell them anything. I’m going to see what else I can find out and I’ll try and swing another call tomorrow.”

    She heard Pete sigh deeply. “Take care Chlo.”

    “I will. Bye.” And she hung up the phone, went over to Lex and handed him back two quarters, “thanks.”

    Lex just smiled at her, “you have to stay here tonight in one of the secure rooms we have.”

    Chloe said nothing and let him lead the way. When they reached the room, Lex followed her in and closed the door behind them. It was a small room with a table, chair and mid-size bed.

    “You weren’t surprised to see me at the museum. Why?” he asked.

    Chloe sighed and stood with her back to him, “when I heard the cops where there I knew you would be too. What I want to know is how you knew we were there?”

    “Kyle Tippet,” was all Lex said.

    “I knew it had to be one of them,” said Chloe, “I just never thought it was him. What did you promise him, immunity from this job or you’d clear a previous one.”

    “Something like that.” They were silent again for a moment until Lex spoke up. “How long have you known that I knew?”

    Chloe smiled to herself, “since the jewellery shop. I sort of put two and two together and got five.”

    “And why continue to see me after you found out?”

    “Didn’t want to make you suspicious. And…and I was already in love with you,” she finished with a whisper.

    Lex moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her waist; Chloe leaned into him for a moment before moving away. “Please Lex, don’t,” she said.

    “I’ll leave you to get some sleep, it’s late. Also think about Rickman’s offer, please,” said Lex. He left the room, and the guard posted outside locked it. He took one last look at the door, ‘I love you Chloe,’ he thought and headed back to the others.

    Chapter Twenty – Cutting a Deal

    After a bad night’s sleep Lex met Lana as they headed into the FBI offices. “Morning,” she said. Lex forced himself to reply.

    After a few minutes of silence Lana couldn’t help herself. “Are you ok?” she asked, then paused before adding, “because you look like crap.”

    Lex sighed, “I didn’t sleep to well last night, it was rather a restless night.”

    Lana thought for a moment before asking the next question, “Where you thinking about Chloe?” She took a slight step back when Lex whipped round to face her. He could see she was bracing herself for the worst. “Yes I was,” he whispered. He had spent the entire night either tossing or turning in his bed thinking about her, and then when he had finally fallen asleep she filled his dreams.

    He looked at the other woman and saw nothing but compassion on her face. Lana placed her hand on his, “things will work out,” she said with a smile.

    “I hope they do,” he replied, “and thank you Lana.”

    “No problem,” she smiled.

    They stepped out of the lift, “I need to see AD Rickman,” said Lex, “will you bring Chloe to the interrogation room please?”

    “Sure thing,” said Lana and headed in the direction of the holding rooms.

    Lex took a deep breath before knocking on the office door of Rickman. “Come in.”

    “Ah Lex,” he said when he walked into the room. “I trust you are ready for this morning’s chat with Miss Sullivan. I’m expecting her to agree to helping us.”

    “Yes sir. Miss Lang has gone to escort to the interrogation room again. Are you sitting in again today?”

    “I will be, yes.”

    “Very well, shall we head down?”


    Chloe sat in the interrogation room again, alone. She had been surprised to see Lana there to bring her. The other girl had said nothing, just offered a sympathetic smile when she left the room. ‘Probably to watch all the goings on,’ she thought.

    She yawned and stretched; she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep. What Rickman had said, and this Sam Phelan guy consumed all her thoughts. And if that wasn’t enough Lex had featured as well. Chloe really wished she had taken him up on his offer of vacation that morning in his apartment. How different things would have been then?

    And after thinking over Rickman’s *offer* she had decided to go for it, but only on her terms. She wanted to get the guy who killed her father but she wasn’t giving that smug bastard the satisfaction of knowing that. Also it might be better for her and Lex if she was to take the deal.

    Lex and Rickman entering the room disturbed her thoughts; straightening herself in the seat she mentally got herself ready.

    “Good morning Miss Sullivan,” Rickman said as he sat down.

    “Mr Rickman,” she said, “Lex.”

    “Have you made a decision on what we spoke about yesterday?” asked Rickman.

    Chloe leaned back in her chair, “I want to know exactly what is it you want me to do? Yes, I’ve thought about it, but you can hardly expect me to just say *yes* without knowing exactly what I’m getting into. For all I know going to prison might be the better alternative.”

    Rickman looked at Lex and nodded slightly. “Did your father ever talk about what was going on?” asked Lex. Chloe shook her head.

    “He kept a file of everything, names, dates, taped conversations etc, enough information to bury Phelan and a couple of other guys as well. We believe there’s at least one judge and the *mayor* involved,” continued Lex.

    “The mayor,” gasped Chloe.

    “Mayor Kwan and Sam Phelan are friends; they go way back, started in the academy together before Kwan decided being a cop wasn’t what he wanted and became a lawyer and then a politician.”

    “I don’t have this file,” said Chloe, “I went through everything belonging to my dad when he died and there were no files or anything to do with work among them.”

    “The file is in a vault at Phelan’s place. He doesn’t even know he has it, as he moved up the ranks he would take certain files with him and the one your father had built up got tangled up with them along the way.”

    A knowing look entered Chloe’s eyes, “I see where this is going,” she began, “you want me to *steal* the file.”

    “In a nutshell, yes,” said Rickman.

    “Can’t you guys just get a search warrant or something? I mean isn’t this a little extreme,” she said. “You are the FBI, surely you can bend a few rules.”

    “Easier said than done,” replied Lex. “With the mayor backing Phelan, it’s almost impossible for us to get any sign off on making a case against him.”

    Chloe fell silent as she thought about going to break in into Phelan’s place, what she would need, etc. Lex watched her, ‘say yes Chloe,’ he thought.

    “Well Miss Sullivan,” asked Rickman.

    “A few things first,” she began. “One-I want to make another call. Two-I want out of here, I’m not staying here until the job is done. Three-I need plans of Phelan’s place, detailed plans, what security system he has, are there any guards etc.”

    “The call can be organised. Unfortunately we are not letting you go, especially on your own. I will release you into Lex’s custody; we will move you to a FBI safe house along with detectives Lang and Kent. The three of them *should* be able to keep an eye on you. We will get you all the information you need, that’s not a problem.”

    “Ok,” she said, “but I want to go by my place and pick up some clothes.”

    “Again that’s fine. One other thing, I know you usually have someone help you on your jobs but not in this case. This time it’s only you.”

    “Whatever,” said Chloe, “can I make my call now?”

    There was a knock at the door and Clark and Lana stepped in. “Miss Lang, take Miss Sullivan to make her call, and you and Mr Kent take her to her place to get some clothes, and then onto the safe house where Lex will meet you.”

    Chloe stood up and headed towards the door, she was stopped by Lex who with a smirk on his face handed her a few quarters. She took them with a smile and followed Lana to the phone.

    When she got there, she rang Pete.

    “Hi it’s me,” she said when he answered.

    “Oh Chloe, so glad to hear from you. How are things? What’s happening?”

    “Same ole, same ole. Listen up hun I don’t have much time. They want me to do a job on this Phelan guy and steal some files he has. I’m being moved to a safe house, under supervision, until the job is done. Also Kyle was the informant.”

    “Son of a bitch,” said Pete.

    “Yeah, I know.

    “What I want you to do is pay Justin his $500,000 and tell him to take a holiday. Make sure Toby is still ok with the other. Put the apartment Justin was staying in on the market and clear it out. As for Kyle, I don’t know what to do with him. He doesn’t deserve any money but, well, I’ll leave it up to you Pete. I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to call you again, so take care.”

    “I will and Chloe, come back safe.”

    “No problem. Bye Pete.”


    She hung up the phone and turned to Lana, “ok I’m done.”


    Later that evening Chloe found herself showered and changed, sitting on a bed in the room assigned to her in the safe house. Lex was in the room across the hall, and Lana and Clark in the one further down.

    Sighing loudly she lay back on the bed. ‘What have I gotten myself into?’ she thought as she stared up at the ceiling. And on top of that, Lex had hardly said anything since they got here. “When this job is finished I am *so* taking a vacation,” she whispered.

    She was drifting off to sleep when there was a knock on her bedroom door. “Come in,” she said, sitting up on the bed. The door open and Lex stepped in; he closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

    “Hi,” she said. “Have you settled in alright?” he asked.

    “Yes fine,” she replied as she stood, “well under the circumstances anyway.”

    Lex smiled softy. He fought an internal battle with himself before holding out his hand to her. Chloe took a deep breath and took it. He tugged gently and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. Lex wrapped his arms around her and sighed.

    “I am so sorry about everything Chloe,” he whispered. She looked up at him and cupped his cheek gently, “it’s ok,” she whispered back.

    He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes for a moment. “What happens now?” she asked, “what happens with us when this is over?” Lex said nothing; he just lowered his head and kissed her. It started out gently at first but soon became passionate.

    “We will worry about that when the time comes,” said Lex in answer to her question when they parted. He pressed his lips to hers again. “I want you so badly,” he whispered against her lips, expecting her to refuse him after all that had gone by.

    Chloe leaned past him and locked the door; she took his hand and led him towards the bed. She reached up and kissed him as both fell onto the bed.

    Outside Clark and Lana shared a knowing look when they heard the door being locked.

  4. #4
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Chapter Twenty-One – Phelan’s

    Lex woke up with Chloe still wrapped around him. ‘Now this is how I *always* to wake up,’ he thought with a smirk. Last night had been incredible, he had thought for sure that she wouldn’t of let him make love to her again, especially after all that had happened.

    He looked down at her smiling sleeping face. She murmured his name and moved even closer to him. He was going to make this work, he decided. When everything was over and Phelan had been taken care of, they were going to take their vacation in Europe, even if he had to drag her there kicking and screaming.

    There was a soft knock on the bedroom door. Lex extracted himself, reluctantly, from Chloe, pulled on his pants and went over to open it. A rather nervous looking Clark stood on the other side.

    “Sorry to disturb you Lex,” he sad, a slight blush on his cheek as he looked past him to the obviously naked Chloe sleeping in the bed. “But AD Rickman is on the phone for you.”

    “Thanks Clark,” smirked Lex, “I’ll be out shortly,” and he closed the door over again.

    “Hey who was that?” asked Chloe as she sat up in the bed, rubbing her eyes. The movement caused the sheet to gather around her waist, and Lex groaned at the sight of her naked breasts. He crossed the room quickly and kissed her, his hands cupping her breasts.

    “Morning,” she gasped, when they parted. “That was Clark,” he said, “Rickman’s on the phone for me.”

    “Well you’d better go talk to him,” she said with a smile, as she pushed his hands away. Lex sighed, got up and put on his shirt. “I’ll be back soon, stay *exactly* where you are.” He left the room to the sound of Chloe’s laughter.

    Lex passed by Lana and Clark on his way to the phone. They both tried to pretend that they weren’t listening to Lex’s side of the phone conversation. After five minutes Lex hung up the phone.

    “Is everything ok?” asked Clark.

    Lex sighed. “Lana, can you get Chloe out here please.”

    Lana said nothing and made her way to Chloe’s bedroom. After a few minutes, Lana appeared with a dressed Chloe. When everyone had taken a seat Lex spoke. “That was AD Rickman, the mayor’s office has been ringing him constantly about the *incident* at the museum. Kwan is demanding that our suspect,” he looked at Chloe, “be named for the press.”

    “What did Rickman tell him?” asked Chloe.

    “He’s told him nothing. As far as the mayor knows, he’s been out of the office at a few important meeting. Kwan has also been looking for you two,” nodding and Lana and Clark, “and myself.”

    “Conveniently out of town at a meeting as well,” finished Chloe.

    “Precisely,” said Lex with a smirk.

    Chloe took a deep breath, “I take it Rickman wants the hit on Phelan’s place to happen quickly, like, now.”

    Lex nodded. Chloe glanced at the clock, 9.00am. “How quick can you get me all the information on Phelan’s place?”

    “An hour, 90 minutes at the most,” said Clark. She turned her attention to him, “can you get it for me?” Clark threw a quick glance at Lex who nodded. “Sure I’ll get on it now.”


    Hours Later – 3.00pm

    Chloe stood back from the table where she had been studying the plans to Sam Phelan’s house. She started moving her head from side to side, trying to work the stiffness out of her neck and shoulders. ‘This would be the first job I’ve ever done without Pete,’ she thought. She jumped a little when a pair of hands landed on her shoulders. But she soon relaxed when the hands started gently massaging her shoulders.

    “You don’t have to do this tonight,” whispered Lex, “we could wait a couple more days.”

    “No, this has to be done now. I want all of this over. I want my father vindicated, and that bastard Rickman off my back.”

    “This guy is very dangerous Chloe,” he began nuzzling her neck, “I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.”

    “Nothing is going to happen to me Lex. Especially since you and the others are there to watch out for me this time not to try and catch me,” she said. Lex slid his hands down her arms and wrapped them around her waist. Chloe leaned back against him and turned her head to accept his kiss.

    “We had better stop this now or we’ll never get anything done,” she said with a smile when they parted. Lex sighed and released her. “Ok, so what else do you need?”

    Chloe thought for a moment. “A tranquilliser gun with 4, no say 5 darts. I see from the information Clark got there are a couple of guards dogs patrolling around so I’ll need the gun for that, also you never know when it might come in handy.”

    “What about the vault where the files are being kept?” asked Lana, as she brought them both a cup of coffee.

    “Thanks,” said Chloe as she took it and look back down at the plans in front of her. “It’s a standard vault, nothing fancy, I can break into it in 5 maybe 10 minutes tops. I’ve seen that kind before they are fairly sturdy but aren’t terribly difficult to get into.”

    When she finished speaking she looked up again to see Lex and Lana staring at her, an odd look on their faces.

    “What?” she said at their expressions, “did you think I only started on the path to the dark side of being a thief recently? Hell I’ve been doing this for five years.”

    “Five years,” gasped Lana. Chloe just grinned at her. Lex took this moment to ask the question he had always wanted to ask Chloe since he had met her. “What made you decide to, well, become a thief?”

    Chloe sighed, debating with herself on what to say. “When my father died, there was a lot of messing around with the police force. They were reluctant to release his pension. Even though the cause of death was listed as *accidental*, there were whispers that it had been suicide because how do you accidentally shoot yourself twice. And as most of the cops handling the inquiry where corrupt they were able to cover it up. So as a result I was left with pretty much nothing. Through a friend of a friend I was offered $1000 to help take part in a robbery of a jewellery store. Hey I was broke; my dad wasn’t long dead so I took it. It was a pure adrenaline rush and I was hooked, also I discovered I was quite good at it. And it sort of took of from there. That’s kind of the short, short version.”

    “Sam Phelan really has a lot to answer for, doesn’t he?” said Lex.

    Chloe said nothing, and just turned her attention back to the plans. “I’ll go in via the basement,” she said, changing the subject. “The vault is located on the ground floor, there is a standard alarm system. I’ve shown Clark how to disable it for the length of time that I need. The dogs will be taken care of with the darts. It looks like a couple of guards patrol the perimeter but there doesn’t seem to be any inside, so I’ll be able to dodge them.”

    “What about the security cameras?”

    “When Clark disables the alarm system the cameras will stop recording, it will continue showing the same scenes over and over *but* the timer on them will continue to move.”

    “Who designed that hacking system?” said Lex; “it’s very impressive.”

    “I’ll be sure to tell him that the FBI think he skills are impressive,” said Chloe with a laugh, as she pictured Pete’s face.

    “So what time is the show going to start at?” asked Clark, who had just arrived at the table. “Oh and here’s your tranquilliser gun and darts.” Handing them over to Chloe.

    “We hit it at midnight,” she said. Then after a moment she started laughing. “What’s so funny?” asked a confused Lana.

    “Here I am, under arrest for robbery. Planning to steal files from a corrupt cop’s house and my accomplices are two detectives and a FBI agent. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.”

    The others joined her in laughter.



    Chloe stood just out of the security camera’s range outside the back gate of Sam Phelan’s house. She was waiting for the go ahead from Clark. ‘This is so weird,’ she thought to herself. Lex’s voice came over the radio, “Chloe, alarm is down now for 40 minutes. Be careful.”

    She said nothing and made her way over the gate. She padded silently across the garden to the window leading to the basement. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the two German Shepherds coming towards, quickly she fired the first dart and then the second knocking both dogs out.

    ‘First hurdle cleared,’ she thought. Ten minutes later she had gotten in the window. Thinking back to the plans of the house she made her way down the corridor to the vault room.


    “Do you think she’ll be ok?” asked Lana as she watched a myriad of emotions flicker across Lex’s face. “She will be fine,” he said. ‘Please be fine,’ he added silently to himself.


    ‘Man this is *old*,’ Chloe thought as she worked on the door of the vault. Six minutes later the door swung open. She rummaged through the files and found one with her father’s writing on it. Memories of her dad flooded her mind and a slight ache filled her heart. ‘This is not the time Chlo.’ She stuffed the file into her bag, followed by a couple of computers discs and videotape.

    After securing the door again she checked her watch. ‘Might be a new record,’ she thought with a smile. As she was about to open the door to the corridor she heard voices outside.


    Voice number 1: “What time is he due here at?”

    Voice number 2: “Within the next five minutes. He’ll be coming in the back way as usual.”

    Voice number 1: “Wow a mayor being inconspicuous.”

    Both men laughed as they passed the room. Chloe waited till she couldn’t hear anything and slipped out, heading as quickly as she could without making any noise back to the window.

    “Hey you stop,” a voice shouted at Chloe as she was getting out the window. ‘So much for being quiet,’ she thought. She kicked the window and jumped through, running across the garden.

    Two armed men quickly pursued her. In the van outside the gates, the three inside heard shouting and gunshots. The gates opened for the car carrying the mayor. Lex, Clark and Lana jumped out of the van each brandishing a gun.

    And then all hell broke loose, Lex was shouting at the goons chasing Chloe to drop their weapons. Lana was stopping the car with the mayor, and Clark was backing Lex up. And in the middle of all this was Chloe.

    Clark shot one of guards in the leg.

    Lex saw the other guard aim his gun in Chloe’s direction. Lex fired as he did and he saw him fall to the ground. He turned around to see where Chloe was and saw her slumped on the ground.

    “NO,” shouted Lex. “CHLOE.”

    Chapter Twenty-Two – Loose Ends

    “CHLOE,” Lex screamed again as he ran over to her. She was lying face down on the ground. Lana stood over with the mayor’s car, not letting it go anywhere but her eyes were on Lex. Clark had ran over to the man he had injured. Police sirens sounded as a number of squad cars appeared. Lana had called for backup.

    Lex stood over Chloe’s body. His mind was trying to process what had just happened. He tried to force his arms and legs to move but they wouldn’t. “Chloe,” he whispered, tears in his eyes.

    He was totally oblivious top the drama going on around him. By now AD Rickman had arrived and a patrol car had caught the man himself, Sam Phelan trying to make a getaway.

    Finally getting control over his limbs, Lex sank to his knees. He reached out a trembling hand towards her but it hovered in mid-air over her prone form.

    A couple of minutes passed but to Lex it seemed like hours, time seemed to have stopped for him. Then all of a sudden a groan came from the figure on the ground. She groaned again, louder this time, and sluggishly rolled onto her back. Her face grimaced in pain. Lex just stared at her. She opened her eyes and fixed them on his.

    “What? How? Why aren’t you dead?” stuttered Lex.

    “Nice to see you too,” she joked weakly.

    “B…But you were shot in the back, I saw it.” He now let his hands touch her.

    She smiled a little, “help me unzip my top,” she said. When he did he saw the bulletproof vest she was wearing underneath. He looked at it and then moved his eyes back to her face, a look of confusion and relief in his eyes.

    “After nearly getting shot at the jewellery store heist, I decided to take some extra precautions,” she explained.

    Lex took her into her arms and held her close. “Jesus Chloe, don’t ever do that again. I was so scared, I thought I had *lost* you,” he said, his voice raw with emotion. He squeezed her tighter to him. “Oxygen Lex, please.” He loosened his arms a little and smiled down at her, tears of a different kind shone in his eyes.

    “Miss Sullivan, you do like to make a scene. Don’t you?”

    They both looked up to see Rickman standing over them. Lex stood up and helped Chloe to her feet. He placed an arm around her waist and she held onto him. “Well, Mr Rickman, it wouldn’t be *fun* if everything went according to plan.”

    Rickman smiled. “In my bag,” she said, “All the information that you need is there.”

    He bent down and picked up the bag. “We really need to go through this Lex,” he said as he looked at the two of them, “but it will do tomorrow. Why don’t you take Miss Sullivan home and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Miss Lang and Mr Kent can take care of things here.”

    Lex shot him a grateful look and with his arm still wrapped around her waist, he led Chloe too his car. “I’m not an invalid Lex, I can walk by myself you know.”

    Lex just smirked. “So your place or mine?” he asked when they were in the car. “Mine please,” she said, “I really want to go home and have a long hot shower.”

    “Your place it is then,” he said as he started the engine.


    “Why am I still being held?” shouted a very angry mayor. “Mayor Kwan, I am Assistant Director Rickman and *you* are under arrest.

    “Arrest. Arrest for what? I was visiting a friend. I have done nothing wrong.”

    “Well, there’s the corrupt campaigns, the backhanders from the mob, the drug dealers you got off, the murders you helped cover up, etc. Should I continue?”

    “You have no proof.”

    “You would really like to think that, wouldn’t you?” smiled Rickman, “Miss Lang, would you be so kind as to escort our soon to be ex-mayor to the station?”

    “I’d be delighted too sir,” she said with a smile. “This way Mr Kwan.” And she led away a still ranting mayor.

    “Mr Rickman, what will I do with this guy?” asked Clark, as he approached with a handcuffed Sam Phelan.

    “Sam Phelan. I have waited for this moment for *so* long.”

    “I’ll be out in an hour and suing your and the police department’s ass off,” sneered Phelan.

    Rickman dipped his hand into the bag Chloe gave him and pulled out the file. “This,” waving it at Phelan, “is going to *bury* you. Do you know who that blonde woman was?”

    “Who fucking cares?” retorted Phelan.

    “She is Gabe Sullivan’s daughter,” continued Rickman, “you *do* remember who Gabe Sullivan is?”

    Phelan blanched and suddenly didn’t look as confident as before.

    “Gabe Sullivan knew you where nothing but a corrupt piece of shit and gathered as much information as he could but you murdered him before he had the chance to go public with it. But you never knew about the files and it was just gathering dust in your vault. You had it all the time right under your nose and you never knew. And thanks to his daughter it’s going to destroy you, Kwan and everyone else involved in your operation.”

    Sam Phelan now looked very scared. “Maybe we can make a deal,” he offered.

    “NOT. A. CHANCE,” said Rickman. “Mr Kent, please take this garbage away.”

    “Yes sir,” said Clark, dragging Phelan away.


    Lex parked his car in front of Chloe’s building. He turned to her and shook her shoulder gently. “Hey,” he said when she opened her eyes, “you’re home.”

    Chloe smiled at him and stretched gently. “Bad idea,” she murmured, when her back protested. She got out of the car and made her way to the main door, but turned when she realised Lex wasn’t following her. “Aren’t you coming?” she asked.

    “Well I thought you’d want to be alone for awhile after everything that’s gone on,” said Lex.

    Chloe sighed and made her way back to the car. “Please Lex, I want you to stay. Please come up with me.” Lex smiled and shut off the engine, got out, and took her hand.


    “Man, what a night,” sighed Clark as he sat down beside Lana. She just nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m so glad Chloe was ok,” she said after a moment.

    “Me too,” agreed Clark. “Did you see the look on Lex’s face when he thought she was dead?”

    “I know; it was so intense. He really loves her and I hope things work out for them.”

    “So do I Lana.”


    “Bliss,” said Chloe as she stood under the shower. Hot water cascaded down her body. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the tiles as the water pounded her aching body. She felt the sudden draft as Lex opened the shower door and joined her.

    Lex felt himself harden as he looked over her body. He frowned slightly at the large bruise forming on her lower back from the impact of the bullet. He dropped to one knee and kissed it gently, and then slowly kissed his way up her back. Chloe moaned his name.

    Lex stood up again and rested his hands briefly on her waist before letting them travel up her side and coming to rest on her breasts. He cupped them and kneaded gently, teasing her nipples into hard points.

    “Lex,” she gasped and arched into his hands. One hand travelled past her stomach and cupped her groin. She whimpered as he slipped a finger inside her. She took his other hand and licked and sucked the water from his fingers as he softly stroked her. She protested when he removed his hands and turned her to face him. She pulled his head down and kissed him, her tongue plunging into his mouth.

    “I love you,” he whispered when they parted. He hands cupped her ass and lifted her.
    Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist, her back pressed against the shower wall. “I love you too,” she said.

    She clutched his shoulders as he thrusted into her. He began a slow rhythm, which didn’t last long. He began to move faster, pushing her harder against the wall. Her back was beginning to hurt her again, but her desire was even greater and she pushed against him, taking him deeper. He kissed her again, swallowing her moans, his tongue mimicking the actions of his lower body. Finally it became too much and she pulled her head back and screamed his name as she came. Lex joined her moments later, moaning her name as he climaxed.

    He rested his hands against the wall to hold himself up as he regained his breath and strength. Chloe wrapped her arms around him. Lex pushed her wet hair from her face and kissed her gently. “I think I still have that bottle of champagne,” she said with a smirk. Lex smirked back and turned off the water.


    The knocking on the door woke Chloe. She looked quickly at Lex but he was still asleep. She got up, threw on a robe and went to open the front door.

    “Pete,” she gasped when she saw him. He said nothing, just wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. Chloe hugged him back. After a few minutes he released her. “I could kill you Chloe Sullivan, have you any idea how worried I’ve been about you?”

    Chloe sighed and shut the door; she took Pete’s hand and led him to the couch. “Sit,” she said, she went over and closed her bedroom door before joining him on the couch. She took his hands in hers. “I am so, so sorry Pete, everything had just been crazy and I wanted to call you but…”

    “I’m not mad at you sweetie, I was just worried,” he said as he squeezed her hands. “But I can see you’re ok. You are ok, aren’t you?”

    She laughed, “I’m fine, a little bruised but fine. So, tell me about the others.”

    Pete smiled. “I paid Justin and as usual he asked no questions, but just said that you were to call him and let him you’re ok.”

    “I will,” she said, “and what about…Kyle?”

    “I told him that we knew he was a informant and he started apologising. He was going on and on about his gambling debts and how the FBI set him up and he had no choice, blah, blah, blah. I gave him enough money to disappear and told him we never wanted to see him again. I really wanted to hurt him Chloe, but I couldn’t.”

    Chloe glanced back at the bedroom door when she thought she heard a noise. “Lex is here, isn’t he?” asked Pete.

    “Yes,” said Chloe, “I love him Pete, I love him more than anything.”

    Pete just gave her a small smile, “I’m not going to say a word, and I only want you to be happy. So, on a completely different subject, our South American friend has been on looking for you.”

    “I’ll call him later and make the arrangements Pete.”

    They chatted for about five more minutes when they were interrupted by a fully dressed Lex coming out of the bedroom, and hanging up his phone.

    “Chloe, I’m sorry I have to go meet Rick…” he trailed off when he saw Pete.

    “Pete Ross. Lex Luthor,” she said as way of an introduction. The two men just nodded at each other. “Anyway I have to go, I’ll call you later.”

    “Ok,” said Chloe and she kissed him.

    “Bye sweetheart. Bye Mr Ross,” and with that he was gone.

    “So Peter, how about you whip up those great omelettes of yours and I’ll tell you everything that happened in the last few days.”

    “Excellent idea Chlo,” laughed Pete.

    Chapter Twenty-Three – So What Now?

    Lex and Rickman sat in his office going over the information that Chloe had stolen from Sam Phelan. What they found was a gold mine. Gabe Sullivan had managed to gather information on everything Phelan and his gang were involved in.

    “If Phelan had of known about all this information I think he would have killed Chloe back then as well,” said Lex.

    “I’d say you’re right,” replied Rickman, “as it was he killed Gabe off because he wouldn’t join up with them and was starting to ask awkward questions.”

    “How has our benevolent Mayor Kwan been?” asked Lex with a smile. Rickman started laughing, “he’s singing like a canary, thinks if he gives us information we’ll cut him a deal. He’s been spouting out names of the others involved, there are a couple of judges, a lawyer, a few doctors and the usual sprinkling of politicians.”

    “Like we need anymore information,” added Lex, “Gabe Sullivan gave us everything. So how many charges is Phelan looking at.”

    “I’m not sure of the exact figure, but so far we’ve got, murder, drug dealing, corruption, fraud and I’d say the prosecutors office will find a few more. We’ve got Kwan on fraud, corruption, and accessory to murder.”

    “A job well done then,” said Lex. “A job *very* well done Lex,” countered Rickman, “and I think you should be the one who tells detectives Lang and Kent about our offer.”

    “I’d be delighted too, and they both thoroughly deserve it. I’m seeing them after this meeting, I’ll let them know then.”

    “So we managed to get the bad guy, and no art was actually stolen while you were here. Miss Sullivan sent in the painting to the mayor, therefore recovered. The coin was dropped during the jewellery store heist and we managed to apprehend her before she could steal the breastplate. They have been singing your praises again upstairs Lex.”

    “Yeah, well that will only last until the next case comes up,” said Lex with a smirk.

    “So what are you plans until that happens?” asked Rickman.

    Lex sighed and ran a hand over his head. “I don’t quite know yet,” he said, “I mean when I finish talking with Clark and Lana later, I’m not sure what I’ll be doing.”

    “I see,” said Rickman, adding nothing else.


    Chloe put down the phone and gave a sigh of relief.

    “Is he ok?” asked Pete.

    “Well he was ranting and raving at first, but when I managed to get a word in and tell him that I actually had the breastplate he calmed down significantly.”

    “What is he actually going to do with the breastplate, its not like he can have it on show or anything?”

    “I have no idea, maybe wear it at night to spice up his love life,” said Chloe with a laugh.

    “Ew. Thanks Chloe for that really gross and quite scary thought,” grimaced Pete.

    “I try Pete, I try,” said Chloe with a smile.

    The pair of them sat down on her couch. “Ok,” she said, “I’ve called Justin and told him everything is ok. De Silva is as happy as he’s going to be until he gets his hands on the breastplate. And as soon as it’s delivered to him, the money will be despotised in the usual account. How much did you actually give Kyle?”

    “I gave him $75,000, he didn’t deserve 75 cents but because he knows about the switch with the breastplates I thought it safer to pay him something to keep him quiet. And as you said I gave Justin $500,000.”

    “Good. I’ll give you your share when it’s in the account.”

    “So, what are you going to do now Chlo?”

    ‘The dreaded question,’ she thought. “I don’t know Pete. We need to lay low on the robberies for awhile, but after that I’m not sure.”

    “Would this indecision have anything to do with Lex Luthor?”

    Chloe sighed, “it has *everything* to do with Lex. I love what we do Pete, but it’s not like either of us needs the money anymore. Then again what kind of a long-term relationship could Lex and I have considering was he does. Also maybe now that the *case* is over and Phelan is behind bars, Lex might be just moving onto the next case and we’ll be finished.”

    “I don’t think that Chlo. Lex…loves you and I think you were more than just an order for him to follow. But, long-term I don’t know.”

    Chloe shrugged her shoulders. “Ok this is the perfect moment for me to change the subject.” Both laughed. “Take a long holiday Pete, go somewhere nice, somewhere you don’t have to do any worrying; I think both of us need to re-evaluate our lives.”

    “You trying to get rid of me Chlo,” he said with a grin.

    “I’ve been trying for years Pete, but you just won’t take the hint,” she teased.

    Pete just rolled his eyes. “I’ve always wanted to see Australia,” he said after a moment, “the Great Barrier Reef etc. Maybe I’ll start there. But if you get the itch to pull off a job again…”

    “You will be the first person I’ll call,” she finished for him. “Anyway there are these great inventions called phones and email, you might have heard of them, we can keep in touch over them.”

    “You are *so* not funny,” he said with a grin.


    Lex stood in front of the window in his office just looking out over Metropolis. When he had left Rickman’s office, the assistant director was on his way upstairs to see the main boss to give his report on the events that led to Phelan’s capture.

    Lex sighed; his time in Metropolis was nearly over. A knock on the door jolted him from his thoughts.

    “Come in,” he said as he turned to face the door.

    “Hi Lex,” you were looking for us,” said Clark and he and Lana entered the office.

    “Yes, have a seat please.”

    Clark and Lana took their seats, and Lex sat in his own. He smirked slightly at the look on their faces. “No need to look scared,” he said. “The reason I wanted to see both of you was to first thank you for all your help during the investigation, and although it wasn’t said at the time, it was greatly appreciated. You both made yourselves available for whenever you were needed and acted with complete professionalism during the entire case. AD Rickman sends his thanks as well. And I personally wanted to offer mine.”

    “You’re welcome Lex,” said Lana with a shy smile, “we enjoyed working with you.”

    “Good,” said Lex, “because that brings me to the second reason. We, as in the FBI, and this has been cleared with Captain Hamilton, would like to offer the both of you a position within the Bureau.”

    Lex couldn’t help be laugh at the shocked and surprised look on their faces.

    “What…Wow…Oh my God…” stuttered Clark, while Lana was speechless.

    “Well, would the pair of you be interested?” asked Lex with a smile.

    “Of course yes,” exclaimed Lana. “We’d love too,” added an equally excited Clark. “Wow, thanks Lex,” said Lana sincerely.

    “Hey it was completely earned and deserved. You both worked very hard and the FBI will be delighted to have you.”

    “Thanks Lex,” said Clark, shaking his hand, “yes thanks again,” said Lana.

    “Well let’s not get all mushy,” teased Lex.

    “So does this mean we could be working with you again?” asked Lana.

    “Probably,” he replied. “Again congratulations to the two of you, someone from the Bureau will be in touch regarding what needs to be done etc.”

    “What are your plans for the time being?” asked Clark.

    “I’m still undecided,” he said.


    Chloe sank down onto the couch; she had just dropped Pete at the airport, for his trip to Australia. ‘I going to miss him,’ she thought, thinking back to their tearful goodbye at the airport. It was time to call Lex and see if he was interested in her idea. She was jarred from her thoughts by the phone ringing. “Chloe,” she said answering it.

    “Hi Chloe it’s me.”

    “Lex, I was just about to call you. I’ve been thinking about your offer.”

    “What offer is that?”

    “The offer of a vacation in Europe, does it still stand?”

    Lex smirked to himself at the other end of the phone. “Oh it most certainly does. Why, do you feel like a holiday?”

    Chloe laughed, “I think I deserve one.”

    “When do you want to go?”

    Chloe took a deep breath before answering, “how about now?”

    “NOW,” said a surprised Lex.

    “Well yes. Why not? There’s nothing keeping me in Metropolis at the moment. Except you,” she said.

    “What time?” He said.

    “I’ll be over in an hour, just bring your passport, we can buy what we need.”

    ‘God I love this woman,’ he thought. “See you in an hour.”

    “An hour.” And both hung up.


    Lex heard the car horn and practically ran to the elevator. Minutes later he was outside. Chloe stood leaning against the door of her Ferrari. He walked up to her and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back.

    “This is crazy,” he said when they parted. “You’re FBI agent, I’m a thief, I think our lives are crazy.”

    Lex laughed as they got into her car. “Got your passport,” she said.

    “Yes,” he said patting the pocket of his jacket. “So where to first, Paris or Milan,” he asked.

    Chloe’s mind drifted to Alexander’s Breastplate sitting in the boot of her car. “Neither, I have to make a quick stop in Brazil first, there is a chartered plane waiting for us.”

    “Should I even *ask* what it is about?”

    Chloe leaned over and kissed him gently, “probably not. You’re not an agent and I’m not a thief from this moment.”

    “I love you,” he said. “I love you too,” she replied. Chloe put the car in drive.

    “Just promise me one thing Chloe,” he said. “Anything,” she said.

    “Just stay away from the Louvre when we get to Paris,” he said with a smile, although he was half-serious.

    Chloe laughed as she put the car in drive and took off, Lex joining her in laughter.

    The End

  5. #5
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
    Join Date
    11 Nov 2002
    :yay3: :yay3: summs it up really....
    Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for latest updates and news!

  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    OMG!! What going on? I've been away for a few hours and both you and Carmen have been posting fics like two maniacs!!!

    I'm so happy! :yay: :yay: :yay:

    I love this fic. One of my all time favorites!

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    Finished reading this last night. I don't know if you've seen the movie, Thomas Crowne Affair but it kinda reminds me of that ! Very !!!

    Also, cat woman also came to mind :worship2: ! This is really a wonderful fic and the smut, it was !!!

    Keep writing


  8. #8
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    this is one of my very fave AU's because well, come ON PEOPLE!!!!

    I loved it when i first read it and i still do.


  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    great story and I liked the Dark Angel cat statue Bast piece :biggrin:

  10. #10
    mina murray
    Just a Guest!
    Great story! I read it a while ago, can't remember where, and went through it again just for the pleasure of it.
    I was reminded too a little bit of The Thomas Crown Affair.

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