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Thread: Role Reversal (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland

    Role Reversal (NC-17)

    Role Reversal
    Author: RuaFair (AKA Fiona)
    Email: redwitchire@yahoo.co.uk
    Rating: R-NC17
    Spoilers: Everything to date to be safe, but I will be twisting them
    Disclaimer: Smallville, its characters, all belong to someone else. (Sigh) I’m just borrowing them.
    Feedback: Please, let me know what you think, the muse craves it.

    Summery: A good deed performed by Lex and Chloe at the same time in different cities leads to some very unexpected results. While Lex and Chloe both know something is wrong, everyone else is oblivious. For this Lex is 22, Chloe is 17. Everyone else is present. Lucas will probably make an appearance. Lionel can see, Martha is still working for him and there is no Helen.

    Chapter One – The Good Deeds


    ‘Could this day be anymore boring?’ thought Lex. He hated these board meetings, especially when his father chaired them. Since the *miraculous* return of his sight, Lionel had made sure that everyone in the business world knew he was back. And so for his trouble Lex was dragged along to the Luthor-Corp general meeting. For the last three hours he had sat there while his father prattled on and on about how great he was and how he was going to make Luthor-Corp even bigger and better.

    ‘Dad’s really going off the wall with his God-complex,’ he thought. ‘This is almost as boring as listening to Clark whine on and on about Lana or Lana just whining full stop.’ He liked Clark; they were friends but sometimes he was convinced the boy had hay for brains. Yes Lana was attractive, but that was pretty much it, she had no substance, not like Chloe.

    A small grin appeared on Lex’s face, which he soon covered with his hand lest his father caught sight of it. Now Chloe Sullivan was a lot of things all wrapped up in a very sexy bundle. And the most incredible thing about her was that she had no idea of the effect she had on men. Oh the jock brigade in her school had no idea what to look for in a woman, which is why she probably felt like the preverbal ugly duckling. But Lex had seen enough women to know that Chloe Sullivan was one of those rare women, she was one that had everything. Brains, looks, intelligence and not afraid to speak her mind. ‘Except where her beloved farm boy is concerned,’ he thought.

    Lionel was talking about profit margins and glanced briefly at his son. Although Lex gave all the outward appearance that he was listening, Lionel knew quite well he wasn’t. His son’s mind was as far away from the business as it could be. While Lionel continued with his speech, inside he was fuming. Lex needed to take the business more seriously. There was no one else to take the reins from him; Lucas was too wild. No Lex had to be the one to continue on the Luthor name. But unfortunately his eldest son seemed to have more important things on his mind.

    Lex could feel his father’s eyes on him, and it snapped him out of his mental wanderings. He looked at his father and smirked. The only indication of any displeasure from him was the slight change in the tone of Lionel’s voice as he finished his speech.

    With an internal sigh Lex forced himself to pay attention and mentally prepared himself for the lecture he was sure to get from his father later. Sometimes Lex longed for a simpler life, one where Lionel Luthor wasn’t related to him.



    Chloe sat in a corner of the Talon. She watched as Pete tried to chat up some girl at another table. She watched as Lana served the customers. She watched as Clark leaned on the counter and watched Lana. ‘And people watching use to be so much more exciting,’ she thought. ‘Now it’s just the usual crap day in day out.’ The only time it got any way exciting was when Lex would make an appearance.

    He would stroll in, all arrogance and swagger. Even though he wasn’t really like that, he still gave off that air of superiority. All eyes would look at him, if only for a second. Unless Clark was there, he tended to sit on his own. H would sip his coffee, read the paper and act like nothing was going on around him. But Chloe knew better, she knew he was very aware of what was going on around him.

    ‘Lex Luthor is a puzzle,’ she thought. ‘One I would not mind solving.’ She continued drinking her coffee, wishing he’d walk through the doors. At least it would give her something interesting to look at. But he was in Metropolis, according to Clark, who managed to drag his eyes away from Lana for ten seconds to acknowledge her presence.

    She was sick and tired of how Clark was treating her. Unless he needed something he tended to stay away. His time was spent Lana-gazing, helping out his folks, or doing things with Pete. There was some secret between them and Chloe was pissed off that they didn’t deem it necessary to include their other best friend in whatever it was.

    And then there was the most tiring thing of all, pretending to be all friendly and nice to Lana Lang. Everyone thought how nice it was of Chloe to ask Smallville’s resident princess to move in with her and dad when Nell decided to move away. What they didn’t know was that it was mostly Clark’s idea, and foolishly Chloe did it because Clark was her best friend. And that act was pretty much the final nail in the coffin of her crush on him.

    But instead of being the usual straightforward Chloe who spoke her mind, she bit her tongue and pretended to worship Lana like everyone else. It’s not that she disliked the girl; she was ok in very small doses. But there was only so much of the whining about how everyone left her she could take. Hey maybe if she didn’t whine so much and turn every conversation so that it was about her then people wouldn’t leave her.

    Sometimes Chloe longed to be someone who people listened to and were slightly afraid off.



    Lex and Lionel were walking across the main hall of the Luthor-Corp building towards the exit. For the last hour Lionel had been berating Lex about his lack of professionalism during the meeting. And how on earth was he going to learn how to run a multi-million dollar corporation if he didn’t take it seriously.

    ‘I’ll take it seriously,’ thought Lex, ‘when you are six-feet under.’

    “Are you listening to me Alexander?” Lionel’s voice sounded.

    “Yes I am,” replied Lex. “I couldn’t ignore you if I tried.”

    “Have a good evening Mr Luthor, Mr Luthor,” said the security guard as he held open the door for them. Lionel just walked out. “Thank you Robert,” said Lex, “you have a good evening too.”

    Lex caught up with his father and they made their way to the waiting limo.

    “Any spare change,” a very old and dishevelled man asked, holding his hand out. “Get out of my way,” said Lionel pushing the man.

    He fell to the ground. Lex shook his head at his father and helped the old man up. “Thank you son,” he said, smiling at Lex. Lex reached into his pocket and drew out the only cash he had, a hundred dollar bill. “Here you go,” he said, putting it in the old man’s hand, “get yourself something to eat.” With that he walked off to the limo.

    The old man smiled and put the money in his pocket. “You have a good soul Lex Luthor,” he whispered as the car drove off. “A good soul.”



    “See you guys later,” said Chloe as headed towards the exit. Neither Pete nor Clark said anything. “See you at home later Lana,” she added. But she didn’t hear Chloe or she was ignoring her. “Whatever,” muttered Chloe, and left the Talon.

    As she headed to her car she saw a group of kids teasing an old woman who was begging. “Hey,” she shouted out to them, “leave her alone.”

    The kids ignore her. “NOW,” she said, “or I’ll call the police.” They all ran away and Chloe made her way over to the woman. “Are you ok?” she asked, helping her to her feet.

    “Oh thank you dear,” she said. “I was looking for food,” indicating to the trashcans.

    Chloe reached into her pocket and pulled out the only cash she had, a twenty-dollar bill. “Here,” she said, handing it to her, “buy yourself something to eat.”

    “You’re a good girl," said the old woman, “thank you.”

    Chloe waved at her and headed back to her car. The old woman smiled and put the money into her pocket. “You have a good soul Chloe Sullivan,” she whispered as the car drove off. “A good soul.”

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    Way intresting! cant wait to see what happens. update soon please.


  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Oooohhh... I see another intriguing plot in the making I'd also like to add (yet again) that Clark's an idiot.

  4. #4
    Must have more!!!!

    Please? Pretty please? Pleeeeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee!

  5. #5
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh I'm gonna love this fic, I just know it!

    Go on and update ASAP, can't wait to find out what the gist about these old people is, cause I just know there's more to it then you let on.

    Update, please like NOW


  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    01 Jan 2003
    Oooohhh!!! I can tell this is going to be interesting - more, more!!!


  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Ok, I KNOW that you didn't just stop there. Cause, um, that's all LEVELS of wrong. Yeah, I'm gonna be needed the next chapter NOW!


  8. #8
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Chapter Two – Wishes


    When Chloe got home her dad was asleep on the couch in front of the TV. She knelt down beside him and shook his shoulder gently. “Dad.” There was no movement so she shook him again, harder this time. “DAD.” After a moment Gabe opened his eyes, “Chloe,” he said as he yawned, “what…what time is it?”

    “It’s 9.45pm,” she replied after glancing at her watch. “Busy day I take it?” She looked at his tired face.

    Gabe sat up and rubbed his eyes, “yeah,” he yawned again. “I think Lionel had been coming down hard on Lex, and as a result we are trying to increase productivity.”

    “Well don’t work to hard,” she said, “you’ll get sick. Anyway, we all can’t have a dad as great as you,” she added with a grin, kissing his cheek.

    “Ok Chlo, what has happened?” he asked warily.

    “Dad,” she said with mock hurt, “what makes you think something has happened? Can’t I pay my dad a compliment? Obviously not if you automatically assume I want something or I’ve done something.”

    Gabe cocked an eyebrow at his daughter when she finished her babbling. “Well, which is it?”

    She grinned at him, “it’s a little of both actually. I need twenty dollars because I gave my last twenty to this old woman who was looking for something to eat. She was rummaging in trashcans, and these kids were hassling her and I chased them off and gave her some money. But I didn’t know it was my last twenty and that it was the only cash I had. I’ve no money now.”

    “You gave a twenty to a homeless person,” he said.

    “Dad she was really, really old and did I mention she was looking in the trashcans for food,” she said.

    Gabe smiled as he shook his head. “You’re a good girl sweetie, a little generous but good none the less.” He took out his wallet and gave her twenty-dollars.

    “Thanks dad,” she said, hugging him. “Do you want a coffee or something?”

    “No thanks I’m good.”

    “Ok, don’t fall asleep on the couch again,”

    “Yes mother,” said Gabe with a grin. Chloe laughed and went upstairs to her room. She sat on her bed and kicked off her shoes. “It’s 10.00pm on a Friday night, I’m a seventeen year old girl and I’m sitting at home alone. There isn’t even a meteor freak running around the place to investigate.” She let out a deep sigh and lay back on the bed.

    “My life is so crappy,” she muttered, staring up at the ceiling. “Why can’t something exciting and weird and wonderful and totally unbelievable happen to me?”

    And then her rational side, the side that stopped her telling Lana what she really thought of her and stopped her from making a move on Lex Luthor spoke up. “Because you are Chloe Sullivan, budding reporter and general search engine for Smallville, they come to you for information and then they take all the credit. Exciting things happen to other people, and you stand by and watch.”

    She sat up again and ran a hand through her hair. “I think a long hot bath and an early night is in order.” With that she stood up and headed to the bathroom.


    Outside the Sullivan house, looking up at the window of Chloe’s room stood the old woman she had helped out earlier. “A good soul,” she whispered and then disappeared.



    Lex lay back on the large leather couch in the library, and sighed. He could hear his father barking at some poor unfortunate on the phone. “Why doesn’t he go back to Metropolis?” he muttered. But no there was no way that Lionel would do that. Because Lionel knew that staying here in Smallville pissed Lex off. “And that’s what his life’s work is,” said Lex, “pissing me off. Making me feel inferior and worthless. Butting in on my running of the plant. Pointing out all my flaws, berating my friendship with Clark, etc, etc.” He sighed deeply and rubbed his temples feeling a headache building.

    “LEX,” his father voice called out.

    ‘Lex is not here he’s left the country,’ he thought. He sat up, “I’m in the library dad.”

    “What are you doing in here?” asked Lionel as he entered the room.

    “Reading,” smirked Lex.

    “Very amusing Lex,” retorted Lionel. “Now I’ve been looking over your production figures for the plant, they aren’t big enough. That plant is more than capable of producing better than this.”

    “Of course it is,” replied Lex. “If we had an additional hundred workers, if our premises and storage capacity where at least three times better and everyone worked 24 hours a day. Then it would be no problem to produce the kind of volumes you are talking about.”

    “Lex, sarcasm is not a good business weapon.”

    “Ok then, can I expect you to approve all the modifications to the Smallville that I need to make these figures a reality?”

    “Lex I know your sarcasm skills are excellent," said Lionel with a smirk and turned to leave room. “It’s your business skills that need the improvement,” he added as he left.

    “Fuck you,” muttered Lex, flopping back on the couch again. He closed his eyes and grimaced slightly at the increased pain in his head.

    “Mr Luthor, I am turning in now, is there anything I can get you before I do?” a voice from the door sounded.

    Lex sat up and saw the housekeeper standing there. “No thank you Sarah, I’m fine. Goodnight.”

    “Goodnight Mr Luthor,” and she turned and walked away. Lex glanced down at his watch, 11.30pm. He got up off the couch, stretched and headed upstairs to his own room.

    He sat on the edge of his bed and kicked his shoes off. “This is ridiculous,” he said, “I am Lex Luthor, scourge of many a nightclub in Metropolis, and here I am on a Friday night, home, at 11.30pm. And even worse I’m in my bedroom, alone.”

    He lay back on the bed and sighed. “I think Clark Kent has a better social life than I do at the moment. Even if it’s only hanging around the Talon staring at Lana Lang. Hey maybe I could do that, well not stare at Lana, but stare at Chloe. And I’m talking to the ceiling. Well done Lionel you’ve finally driven me insane.”

    He closed his eyes, and Chloe’s face appeared. Lex felt a smile tug at his lips. Yes he could sit in the Talon all day and stare at her, and he’d enjoy every minute of it. Because there was no way there could ever be anything between them. They came from two different worlds. “Anyway,” he muttered opening his eyes again, “she’s not interested in me. We barely talk let alone do anything else.”

    He got up and undressed, pulled on a pair of silk pyjama bottoms, brushed his teeth and got into bed. He lay on his back, his hands behind his head, once again staring up at the ceiling. “Why can’t my life be more simple,” he mused, “no board meetings, no photographers waiting for you to do something newsworthy, or making it up if you don’t?” He turned off the light and turned over in the bed closing his eyes.


    Outside the Luthor mansion, looking up at the window of Lex’s room stood the old man he had helped out earlier. “A good soul,” he whispered and then disappeared.

    Chapter Three – What the F***?

    “Shut up,” muttered Chloe from beneath the covers. The beeping from her alarm clock continued. “Shut UP,” her hand shot out to turn it off. But all she felt was empty space. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, glancing to her left to see why her alarm clock wasn’t there.

    “Odd,” she murmured. She rubbed her eyes again and looked around her room. “What the fuck?” she gasped, jumping out of the bed. “This is not my room.”

    Her *bedroom* was at least three times bigger than it usually was. Her bed was a beautiful four- poster, with silk sheets. A very large entertainment system complete with wide screen TV, VCR and DVD player was set up in the corner, with a rather large and very comfortable looking armchair in front of it. “Oh god what is going on?” She ran into the bathroom, and couldn’t prevent the gasp that escaped her lips. There was a shower unit that was the size of her entire bathroom at home, and a huge sunken bath in the spacious room. She ran out again and threw open the closet doors; there were literally racks and racks of designer clothes and shoes. Chloe stumbled back away from the closet and sat on the bed. She pinched herself hard on the arm, hard enough to bring tears to her eyes and yelped out in pain.

    “Ok,” she murmured, “not a dream. And not another kidnapping, or if it is, they are very generous with where they keep their captives.”

    She literally jumped when there was a knock on the bedroom door. “Come in,” she said warily.

    The door opened and a woman she had never seen before entered. “Sorry to disturb you, but your father is expecting you for breakfast. Shall I tell him that you are on the way Miss Luthor?”


    Lex buried deeper into the covers as the alarm beeped, willing it stop. But he couldn’t handle it’s incessant beeping anymore and an arm shout out from under the covers. “Ouch,” he cried as he hit a dresser. He sat up and stretched, yawning as he did.

    His eyes opened briefly and then closed again. But almost immediately they opened again. “What the fuck?” he muttered. He looked around the modest bedroom, “this isn’t my room.”

    He sat up and ran a hand over his face. “Did I go out last night, get drunk, pick up some woman and spend the night?”

    He got out of bed and noticed he was wearing cotton pyjama bottoms as opposed to silk ones. “This room is tiny,” he muttered. He opened the closet doors; there were none of his suits or designer clothes. Just a couple of dress pants and shirts, but mainly jeans and…flannel. “Ok, I morphed into Clark during the night.”

    Although he knew that was ridiculous, this was Smallville and he ran over to what he assumed was a bathroom and checked his reflection in the mirror. “This is a *tiny* bathroom,” he observed when he was satisfied that he was still Lex Luthor.

    He padded back out and sat on the bed. “Ok Lex, think. This might be a kidnapping, although when that usually happens to me I tend to find myself bruised and tied up. So let’s scratch that one out.”

    His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Yes,” he said. The door opened and Lana’s head popped in.

    “Lana,” he gasped, not bothering to cover his surprise, “what are you doing here?”

    “Are you ok Lex?” she replied, “Why wouldn’t I be here? I live here.”


    “Excuse me,” said a very baffled Chloe, “what…what did you just say?”

    The housekeeper looked at Chloe and repeated what she had said.

    “Ok,” said Chloe, “and then what did you call me?”

    “I’m sorry,” replied the woman, “I know you have told me time and time again to call you Chloe, but I keep slipping. I’ll remember in future, I’ll leave you the get dressed.” With that she left, closing the door behind her.

    “She did,” exclaimed Chloe, “she called me Miss Luthor. Why did she call me that?” Realisation dawned on Chloe, “I’m in the Luthor mansion. Oh god what is happening?”

    She took a very quick shower and got dressed. Before leaving the room she looked down at what she was wearing. She had on a pair of black leather pants, and a cream peasant blouse, finished off with a pair of black boots. She had to admit she loved the clothes in the closet.

    She cautiously headed down the stairs and heard a voice coming from one of the rooms. Quietly she made her way over to it and opened the door slowly. Taking a deep breath she walked in.

    “Ah Chloe, how nice of you to join us.”

    “Mr Luthor,” she gasped when she saw Lionel sitting there.


    “You live here,” repeated Lex.

    “Lex did you bang your head or something,” smiled Lana. “Yes I live here, I live here with you and your dad.” She couldn’t stop the blush flooding her face and she took in Lex’s bare torso. She had such a huge crush on him, and since moving in with him and his dad, that crush had only intensified. And seeing him every day, catching him regularly walking around with no top on just drove her crazy.

    “And he wants to know if you want breakfast?”

    Lex nodded and sat back down again on the bed. “Ok,” said Lana with a smile, “I’ll tell him you are up and on the way down.” She left the room.

    Still in a bit of a daze and with the tune to the Twilight Zone playing in his head, Lex went into the bathroom to take a shower. Fifteen minutes later he stood looking at the surreal picture in the mirror of him wearing black jeans and a flannel shirt. “What is going on here?” he murmured to his reflection. “If I go downstairs and see my father dressed the same I’m going to have a heart attack, ok I’ll laugh first and then a heart attack.”

    He left his *room* and walked down the stairs. The house looked like any other normal residence in Smallville. He heard voices in what he assumed was the kitchen and headed towards it.

    “Oh it’s up.”

    “Gabe,” gasped Lex.


    “Mr Luthor,” smirked Lionel. “Now I know when you are angry with me Chloe you tend to get formal, but it’s usually Lionel that you call me, or father with that pissed off voice of yours. But Mr Luthor is taking it just a little too far. Don’t you think?”

    Chloe just stood there, her mouth opening and closing but no words would come out. Probably because her brain just couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on.

    “Chloe stop standing there gaping like a fish and sit down and have your breakfast,” said Lionel. As if sleepwalking Chloe walked over and took her seat at the table. Suddenly a maid appeared and poured her out a cup of coffee. “Thank you,” she muttered.

    “So what have I done now?”

    “Sorry…done…what are you talking about?” she stammered.

    “What have I done to warrant your anger this time,” said Lionel, “is it because I told you to stay away for that young man?”

    Chloe said nothing, hoping Lionel might give something away to help her figure out what was going on. “I’m sure he is very nice,” said Lionel, “but not good enough for you. So I’ll reiterate what I said yesterday, stay away from Lex Sullivan.”

    The cup fell from Chloe’s hands, smashing on the floor. “What?” she gasped.

    “Lex I know you are over twenty-one,” said Gabe with a smile, “but I don’t care if you are forty-one, I’ll still be ‘dad’. Now sit down and eat your breakfast.”

    Lex almost stumbled to the table and sat down. Lana placed a plate of waffles in front of him and poured him a cup of coffee.

    “You’re still mad, aren’t you son?” said Gabe.

    ‘Son,’ thought Lex, ‘oh God this is too fucking weird.’

    “But I just don’t think it’s a good idea you hanging around with the boss’ daughter,” continued Gabe. “I know she is a nice girl but this Chloe Luthor we are talking about.”

    Lex almost choked on his coffee when he heard what Gabe said about Chloe. “What?” he gasped.

  9. #9
    "Ok, I morphed into Clark during the night."


    Still in a bit of a daze and with the tune to the Twilight Zone playing in his head


    Oh I just love it. Really I do.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    I think i just fell in love, yep, fell in love with this fic !! i could have done without the Lana crush on Lex though, but it's good to know that Lex and Chloe at least remember their real life. Their next meeting should be.... interesting.
    I hope you plan on updating soon and frequentely, this fic is really good, and fun and i can't wait to see how Chloe and Lex will get out of this situation.

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