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Thread: The Beginning And The End (completed) PG-R

  1. #1
    NS Senior Member Senior Member TheConfusingWorldOfJustin's Avatar
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    Shelton, Washington, USA

    The Beginning And The End (completed) PG-R

    Rating: PG

    Author's Note: Smallville and its characters are not mine. They are owned by The WB and Alfred Gough/Miles Millar.

    Spoilers: Tempest/Vortex, Heat.

    This is my first Chlex Fic, let alone my first Fan Fic. I'd like your honesty about the story, but please be kind , thanks.

    ************************************************** ***********************

    Chapter I : The Investor Party

    “Clark,” Lex drops some folders on the floor. “Hi, sorry I forgot to call. I don’t have time for a game of pool.” Clark picks up the folders Lex dropped. “That’s ok, what’s all this?” Clark points to all the folders Lex was holding. “Just some profiles,” Lex placed the folders on his desk. “I’m trying to find some more LexCorp Investors.” Lex jesters Clark to sit, and then sits behind his desk. “I thought I’d get some background info on the people that are interested.” “Why don’t you ask your father,” Clark sits down with a grin. “Funny, I’m having a party tomorrow. I thought I’d meet them all at once. Care to come? A few are bringing their lovely daughters along. What am I saying; your eye is only for Lana.” “Well, I guess I could come. You could use a friend among those wolves. I’d better get going; you have work to do.” Clark gets up, and heads for the door. “Clark, why don’t you invite Chloe Sullivan? I could use some print on this. Let people know I’m trying my best to keep the plant open.” “Why Chloe? Why not get someone from the Ledger,” Clark turned around. “Because, in my opinion, she’s better than any of those reporters at the Ledger.” “Ok, I’ll ask her. See you later,” Clark leaves the library. “Bye,” Lex starts going through the folders.

    Clark gets into the family pick-up, and goes to the high school. Clark finds Chloe were she usually was, in front of her computer. “Clark, not that I don’t mind, but what are you doing here? You already turned in your story, ‘The Men’s Bathroom, An Insider Scoop By Clark Kent’,” Chloe lets out a smile. “I can’t believe you had me write that Chloe. I think that’s the worst story I’ve done so far.” Clark sits down next to her. “Well Clark, it’s called filler. It’s what you do when there’s nothing interesting going on.” Chloe goes back editing the front page of the Torch. “What do you think, which should be on the cover, your story or Pete’s story?” “Pete’s, anyways, I came here to ask you something.” Chloe turned her head to look at him. “What?” Chloe was all ears. “Lex was wondering if you’d do a story about his party tomorrow. He’s trying to get more LexCorp Investors.” “Why me? Why not get someone from the Ledger?” Chloe gave Clark a puzzled look. “I asked the same question. He feels you’re a better reporter.” Chloe’s look got a little happier. “What about you?” “What,” now Clark was the puzzled one. “Do you think I’m a better reporter?” Chloe’s eyes were pinned on Clarks. Clark thought, then answered, “Yes, yes of course.” Chloe turned back to the computer. She looked a little mad and sad, at the same time. “You can tell Lex yes. Now if you don’t mind, I need to get back to work.” Clark took that as, ‘I’m mad, LEAVE’, so Clark said bye and went home.

    When he arrived, Martha and Jonathan were gone. They left a note saying they went out for dinner. Martha left a Meat Loaf for him, in the oven. Clark never cared when his parents did this. They’re always stressed with the farm, so it was good for them to have a time out together. After dinner, Clark called Lex to tell him Chloe would come. Lex said the party was at Eight. He’d have to let Chloe know tomorrow. It was better if he didn’t today. Clark finished the day with some TV. He was still up when Martha and Jonathan came home, it was after Midnight. Martha told Clark to go to bed. Clark rarely argued with his mother, so he said goodnight, and went upstairs to his room. ‘I hope I don’t wake-up hovering again’, Clark thought.

    Clark decided to go to the party with Chloe. He met her at the school. She was in a lovely, blue evening gown. “Chloe, you look great.” Clark was in his church suit. By looking at him, you could tell he was from the country. “You look as lovely as you did at the Formal.” ‘Why did I say that’, Clark thought. He didn’t want to open an old wound. “Thank you Clark and you look…” “Like a farm boy.” Clark finished her sentence. They both smiled. “Well,” Chloe picked up here purse. It had here digital camera, tape recorder, and notepad in it. “we should probably get a move on.” They exited the Torch Office, and headed for Chloe’s Bug. They both figured it would fit more in, then the Kent Pick-Up.

    When they arrived at the mansion, there was a row of limos ahead of them. “Either the plant needs more money then we think, or Lex isn’t taking any chances,” Chloe nearly bumped the limo in front of them. “That was close.” When they got to the gate, a security guard approached their car. “I’m sorry, you can’t come in.” Chloe and Clark gave him a puzzled look. “I think there’s a mistake, Lex invited us. Ask him yourself, he’ll tell you. We’re Chloe Sullivan and Clark Kent.” “Wait here,” the guard approached an intercom. When he returned, he said he was sorry, and he let Chloe and Clark through.

    When they got inside the mansion, Chloe and Clark searched for Lex. Men in nice suits, and women in beautiful dresses, were everywhere. To their surprise, they were offered some champagne. They had an urge to take a glass, but they declined the offer. Ten minutes later, they found Lex in the mansion’s luxurious ballroom. He was talking with a baldish man by the bar. When he walked away from the bar, Chloe and Clark approached him. “Clark, Miss Sullivan, glad you guys made it. It may not look it, but this is a tough room. I haven’t made any progress yet.” “So, who are all these people anyways,” Chloe asked. “Well, some are reps from my Father’s competitors, and others are heads of small corporations, like LexCorp. So Miss Sullivan, I’d assume you’d like a one on one interview with me.” “Yes, after the party, so I can get your opinion of the whole night.” “Well, if you’d excuse me, I have more sucking up to do,” Lex let out a smile. “Help yourself to the food. There’s punch to drink, or the bar has other non-alcoholic beverages as well.” Lex begins roaming through the guests. “Chloe, want some punch?” “Sure.” Clark goes over to the punch bowel; meanwhile, Chloe took some photos of the guests.

    Two hours into the party, Clark was getting bored. Chloe was roaming around, getting a few quotes from the future investors, and Clark was just sitting at the bar, eating some of the expensive finger foods. Clark made himself try some caviar, and it didn’t agree with his taste buds one bit. Seeing Clark’s grotesque look, Lex approached him. “What’s wrong,” Lex sat down next to him. Clark drank some punch, “Caviar. What’s so enjoyable about it?” “I don’t know, it just is,” Lex laughed. “So, have you danced yet with Chloe, or with anyone for that matter?” “No,” Clark got up to get some more punch. “I don’t want to embarrass myself by asking someone to dance.” Lex followed him to the punch bowel. “So, what about Chloe? You’ve danced with her before.” Clark grabbed the punch ladle, and poured punch into his cup. “I don’t want to bring up what happened at the Formal. I already did at the Torch, and I don’t want to do it again.” Clark and Lex went back over to the bar. “Ok, that’s fine. Do you mind if I?” “Um, no, why would I?” “Ok, well I’ll come back afterwards, maybe,” a smile erupted on his face. “If you want, you can go play pool,” Lex offered Clark a key. “I didn’t want anyone nosing around in there.” Clark took the key, “Ok.” Clark put his plate and cup on the dirty dishes table. “Thanks.” “Ya, no problem.” Lex started to look for Chloe, and Clark headed for the library.

    Clark squeezed through the guests and waiters. When he got into the library, Clark locked it behind him. The pool balls were ready for him, like they always were. When Clark broke, he used more strength then normal. He always wanted to look like an average person, especially in front of Lex. Jonathan always wanted him to be careful around people, particularly someone like a Luthor. Because of what Lionel Luthor had done to Smallville, Jonathan was always skeptic about Lex and his father.

    “Miss Sullivan,” Lex found Chloe in one of the ballroom corners. “Would you care to dance?” “Um, sure.” They started to dance to something played by a small orchestra that Lex got for the party, which wasn’t cheap. “Lex, you know you can call me Chloe. You don’t have to be formal.” “You mean like you used to be,” Lex gave Chloe a twirl. Chloe’s million dollar smile slowly appeared across her face. “How’s the Torch coming along,” Lex’s eyes were glued to Chloe’s. He never realized how beautiful she was before that night. “A bit boring actually. There isn’t anything interesting going on, like there has been in the past.” They stopped dancing and sat down. “Well, you have this to write about, but I guess this is pretty boring as well huh?” Chloe pulled a mint from her purse. “Want one?” “No thanks,” Lex watched Chloe unwrap the mint, and put it in her mouth. He just couldn’t stop looking at her. “To answer your question, somewhat, but at least I’m getting out of the office or home.” Chloe put the mint wrapper in her purse. Lex smiled at her remark. “So, do you have any plans this Saturday?” “Um no,” Chloe’s puzzled look flashed over her face once again. “why?” “Well I’m going rock climbing, and I was just wondering if you’d care to join me?” Chloe was about to say yes, when Lex included, “I was going to invite Clark as well.” “Well I’d love to, but I’m not much of a woodland person.” Lex felt she was lying. “I don’t believe you. Is it because of Clark?” “No, why would you say that? He’s my friend. It’s just, like I said; I’m not much of an outdoor person.” Lex ended the accusation.

    When the party ended, Chloe and Lex went to the library, to do the interview. Clark stopped playing pool, and unlocked to door for them. “Clark,” Chloe sat down in front of Lex’s desk. “How long have you been in here?” “I don’t know, maybe two hours.” “Didn’t it get boring playing pool by your self in here, for two hours?” Lex sat at his desk. “That’s nothing, once he did it for four hours.” “Why,” Chloe got out her tape recorder and camera. “He was waiting for me, and I got stuck in a LexCorp Board Meeting. So, how should we start?” “Just tell me your expectations for the party, and tell me the result. Everything else I can do with the guest quotes and my experience, and Clark, can you take Lex’s picture at his desk?” Clark grabbed the camera from Chloe. “Sure,” Clark stood back a little. Lex faced himself to Clark, in an unrelaxed posture. After Clark took the photo, Chloe turned on the tape recorder, and Lex began answering her question. “Well, I had hoped to get more LexCorp Investors, to help expand the corporation, but after tonight, we’re back were we started. Except for one thing, with less money then when I started looking,” Lex laughed. Chloe laughed too, but Clark just gave a little smirk. “Why didn’t any of them want to invest in LexCorp?” “Well, the smaller corporations didn’t want to threaten my father, and the larger ones didn’t think it would have been worth wild to invest in us.” Chloe stopped the recorder. “Well Lex, I’ll try to get a start on this tonight, but I might not until tomorrow.” “That’s fine,” Lex moved his attention to Clark. “Clark, I’m going rock climbing this Saturday, and I was wondering if you’d like to join me?” “I wish I could, but my dad and I are going to spend some time together.” “O’Well, maybe next time.” Lex followed Chloe and Clark out to the car. “Thank you guys for coming,” Lex opened the door for Chloe. “No problem,” Chloe got in. “What are friends for,” Clark said, before he got in the car himself. “Bye,” Lex got back from the car. “Bye,” Chloe gave Lex a smile, and headed back to the high school. Lex watched the Bug disappear in the distance. He headed back inside the mansion.

    After dropping off Clark at the school, Chloe headed for home. Gabe was waiting up for her. “You didn’t have to wait up for me.” Chloe walked over, and stood next to Gabe. “To be honest, I wanted to know how the party went.” “It wasn’t a success sadly. Why weren’t you or the other board members there?” “Well Lex felt it would have been better if it was just him, since we’re sorta new to this game.” “Well,” Chloe gave Gabe a kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight dad,” Chloe headed for her room. “Goodnight.” When she entered her somewhat clean room, Chloe started the beginning to the party article. While Chloe typed, she thought about Lex. ‘Well, maybe I could go now,’ Chloe thought. ‘Since Clark isn’t going.’ She stopped typing, and took her cell out her purse. Lex had given her his number at the party, incase she changed her mind. “Hello,” Lex was at his desk. “Lex, this is Chloe.” “Chloe, hi,” Lex sat up in his chair. “About that rock climbing.” “What about it?” ‘Yes, she’s going to say she’ll come,’ Lex thought to himself. “I’ve changed my mind, I’ll come with you.” “Great, I’ll pick you up at 7:00 am, unless that’s a little early. ‘YES THAT’S EARLY,’ Chloe thought. “That’s fine, 7:00 am, see you then.” “Ya see ya, bye.” “Bye,” Chloe turned her cell off. Chloe continued to type the article. ‘Why did I do that,’ she thought. She didn’t know, but she couldn’t what till Saturday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    : Great job! I can't wait for when they go rock climbing! I love the story, although i think it'll be easier to read if you skipped lines everytime someone speaks. Overall it's a great begining! :biggrin:


  3. #3
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    I really like where this is going. Now I wonder who will be staring at who's butt while they're climbing. I have an idea of whose butt my eyes would be following.


  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    02 May 2003
    It's a great start. I would like to know what's gonna happen next. I do agree with Tandy, though. I think it would definitely help if you skip a lline when someone speaks. Just a thought : !

  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member TheConfusingWorldOfJustin's Avatar
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    Ok I will. Thanks for your thoughts. :biggrin: I'm still working on chapter two. :chlexsign1:

  6. #6
    Just a Guest!
    Really interesting beginning. Looking forward to chapter 2.

  7. #7
    Just a Guest!
    fine start can't wait to read about Chloe and a hard rock

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member TheConfusingWorldOfJustin's Avatar
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    It shouldn't be long until I post Chapter 2.

  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    : cool start, wheres this new chappy then?? Please!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Promising start. Especially with all the touching that will have to occur for Chloe to get her rock climbing gear on properly in the next chapter. More soon


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