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Thread: All That Jazz (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland

    All That Jazz (NC-17)

    This is all Kris' fault for having so many good stories on the go at the same time. My muse and the hybrid smut/plot bunny have ganged up on me and made me write....Fiona


    All That Jazz
    Author: RuaFair (AKA Fiona)
    Email: redwitchire@yahoo.co.uk
    Rating: R-NC17
    Spoilers: None really, this is AU, and yes the characters will be OOC, think Bad Clark.
    Disclaimer: Smallville, its characters, all belong to someone else. (Sigh) I’m just borrowing them.
    All Lyrics are the property of the owners and the writers. (Another thing I don’t own.)
    Feedback: Please, let me know what you think, the muse craves it.

    Summery: This was inspired by the movie ‘Chicago’, and it’s set in the 1920’s. Lex and Lucas are private detectives, and still have their money, Lionel is dead. Clark owns a club, which is where most of the action takes place. Pete works in the club as a pianist. Lana is a dancer. Chloe is the club’s main attraction. She is involved with Whitney who is Clark’s partner in the club. Lex is 25. Chloe and Lucas are 21. Clark, Lana Pete etc are around the same age as well.

    Chapter One – Meet the Detectives

    “Explain to me again why we do this?” asked Lucas Luthor as he rubbed his hands together, trying to get some heat into them. They had been sitting in their car for the last hour watching a non-descriptive warehouse. Since a man entered the building an hour ago, nothing else had happened and Lucas was getting bored.

    His older brother rolled his eyes, “what’s the point?” replied Lex. “I’ve only told you about a hundred times and for some reason it refuses to stay in that thick but surprisingly empty head of yours.”

    “Ha. Ha. Aren’t you the comedian? You should be on the stage with an act like that.”

    Lex was about to reply but was stopped by the appearance of the man they had been trailing. “Looks like our friend has conducted his business,” he commented.

    “At last,” muttered Lucas, “let’s get this over with so we can get home.” They watched as the man hurried out of the building. He kept glancing around him as he made his way to his car. He tightened his grip on the package under his arm.

    “He’s not doing a very good job of acting inconspicuous,” commented Lex. “He’s drawing attention to himself by acting so nervous.”

    “So how much this time?” asked Lucas with a grin on his face. “The usual?”

    “No,” said Lex, sounding very confident, “let’s make it double.”

    “Oh and big brother takes a risk,” said Lucas, “is the world about to end?”

    “Lucas if you are too scared to take the bet I’ll understand and we can stake the usual amount,” replied Lex in the patronizing voice he knew pissed his brother off.

    “Double it is,” said a defiant Lucas, holding out his hand. Lex took it and the two men shook on the bet.

    The man got into his car and began driving off, Lex followed at a safe distance.

    “Do you think I have a chance with this guy’s wife when we bust him?” asked Lucas. “I have to admit she is quite the looker.”

    “Don’t even try Lucas,” warned Lex. “What have I told you about getting involved with clients? The last time you did you almost got yourself killed." Lex managed to suppress a shudder as the vision of his brother lying on the ground shot flooded his mind.

    “I have needs bro,” smirked Lucas, “we all can’t be the ice-king like you. The celibate life is not for me.”

    “Stop making me sound like a monk,” said Lex, “I am not celibate. Just because I don’t *brag* about my conquests like you do, doesn’t mean I’m not getting any.”

    “Whoa my influence must be rubbing off on you,” commented Lucas.

    “What are you talking about now?”

    “I never thought I’d see the day where Lex Luthor used the words ‘getting any’ in a sexual context.” He let out a dramatic sigh and rested his hand on Lex’s shoulder, “They grow up so fast. I’m proud of you bro.” While Lex was contemplating on shooting his brother himself the man’s car stopped. Lex brought his to a halt at a safe distance.

    They watched as he knocked on the door of the small building. Two minutes later the door opened and he was let in. “Ok, let’s go Lucas.” The two men jumped out of the car. As the neared the building they drew their guns.

    They snuck around the back and Lex peered in a small window. There were two men in the room talking. “On three,” mouthed Lucas to his brother. Lex nodded and they positioned themselves either side of the back door.

    {One. Two. THREE}

    On three Lex kicked the door open and they ran in, pointing their guns at two very frightened men. “Hands in the air please gentlemen,” said Lucas, waving his gun at them. Both men raised their hands up.

    “I love it when they co-operate,” he grinned.

    “Mr Kwan, my name is Lex Luthor, they is my brother Lucas, and we are private detectives. Your wife hired us to follow you and find out if her suspicions where correct.”

    “What suspicions?” stammered Kwan, “what are you talking about? My wife is crazy.”

    Lucas reached over and grabbed the package wrapped in brown paper off the table.

    “Hey, that is mine,” protested Kwan, reaching out. “Don’t move,” said Lex.

    Lucas grinned at him and untied the package. Half a dozen magazines fell out. Lucas glanced quickly over at his brother, who was now sporting a very smug look on his face.

    “Yeah, yeah,” muttered Lucas, “so you won…*again*.”

    “You know Mr Kwan,” said Lucas, “magazines of this…nature are illegal.” He held up one of them with a naked woman on the cover. Lucas tutted and shook his head, “naughty, naughty Mr Kwan.”

    ‘This is where they start denying and pleading,’ thought Lex.

    “I…I didn’t know they were in there,” began Kwan, “I was buying baseball magazines.”

    ‘Pathetic,’ thought Lex. “Mr Kwan, let’s not make this more difficult than it already is. My brother and I are not cops, although they are on the way. All we are here to do is confirm what your wife hired us to do.”

    The sound of police sirens sounded, and Kwan jumped.

    “Hey guys,” spoke up the other man for the first time, “I’ve done my bit, and can I go now?”

    “Sure Kyle,” said Lucas, “we’ll settle up later.”

    Kyle tipped his hat at them and left the room. “You bastard,” screamed Kwan, “you set me up.” The front door burst open and three cops ran in.

    “What have we here?” said captain Rickman, as he sauntered in. “Oh illegal nudie magazines,” he said seeing them on the table. “And surprise, surprise the Luthor brothers.”

    “Rickman,” growled Lucas. He really hated that man. Both he and Lex knew the police captain was corrupt they just hadn’t been able to prove it…yet.

    “We are done here,” said Lex, brushing past Rickman. “Come on Lucas.”

    “You two have fun playing detective,” laughed Rickman as they walked out.

    “Please Lex let me hit him just once,” said Lucas as they made their way back to the car. Lex grinned, “We’ll get the chance. Let’s go tell Mrs Kwan the good news and then I need a drink.”


    “Well Mrs Kwan was pissed,” said Lucas as he and Lex got back to their office. “You’d think that she’d be happy after we proved what she suspected.”

    Lex handed him a drink and took his seat. “I believe you owe me something Lucas.”

    Lucas reached into his pocket and took out two fifty-dollar bills, he reluctantly handed them over to his brother. “Thank you,” said Lex. He deposited the two bills in a box marked ‘Lex’ on the desk. “I told you the package was too big to contain pictures, it had to be magazines.”

    “Oh hail Lex the genius,” retorted Lucas. “I’ll win the next one.”

    “You can hope,” grinned Lex, and the two clinked glasses. He took a long sip and looked around their office. They set up three years ago after the death of their father. Although they didn’t need the money, they were among the richest young men around, but this was something Lex had always wanted to do. They never took payment for their cases, but used them to call in favours when they were needed. What they really wanted was Rickman, and someday they would get him. Lex was convinced he had something to do with their father’s murder.

    “We just need that one case Lex, that one break and we’ll nail him,” said Lucas, knowing what his brother was thinking about.

    “I know Lucas, I know,” he replied.

  2. #2
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    That was SO cool! Love the 20's theme, it's a great idea... and of course there's the wonderful Lucas I can't wait to see how you write Chloe! Mmmm... Lexwithagun....

  3. #3
    Yay! You are totally spoiling us Fi! Not that I'm complaining... Just all happy and such. Great part.

  4. #4
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    mhmmmm good start! Can't wait for the next part. Gotta love my two favorite men working together for the good thing.

    Update asap

    Sabby :yay:

  5. #5
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Chapter Two – Welcome to Babylon

    “You’re late,” said Clark.

    “Bite me,” snapped Chloe. She brushed past him and headed towards her dressing room. “Well seeing as you asked me so nicely,” he replied with a grin, grabbing her arm.

    “Back off Clark,” pulling her arm back.

    “You are on in twenty minutes,” he said with a grin and then walked off.

    “Asshole,” muttered Chloe and walked into her dressing room.

    “You are…” began Lana when Chloe stormed.

    “Yes Lana, I know I’m late, and the last time I checked it was not a crime,” replied a now very irritable Chloe. “Now get out and let me get dressed.”

    The brunette hurried past Chloe and ran out of the room. Chloe locked the door and sat down. “I’m ten minutes late and they are all having heart attacks,” she said to her reflection in the mirror. “Like the show could start with out me,” she added with a smug grin.


    “She here?” asked Whitney as Clark walked into the office. “Yeah just arrived,” he replied. “She does it on purpose, she knows quite well we can’t start without her.”

    “That’s my girl,” laughed Whitney.

    “Will our friend be in tonight for his…present?”

    “Yeah,” replied Whitney. “You know I’m getting pissed off with him.”

    “Me too,” agreed Clark. “I think we should send a couple of guys to pay him a visit. You know, give him a *friendly* warning that he’s getting a little big for his boots.”

    “Now that sounds like a very good idea my friend,” Whitney laughed.

    “This club is the hottest in town, everyone who is anyone wants to be seen here. It appears in all papers, the famous get photographed here,” said Clark. “And no two-bit excuse of a corrupt police captain is going to ruin that.”

    “Hey calm down man, he may be corrupt but he’s still a cop,” said Whitney, not liking where Clark was going with this. “Just get the guys to give him a few slaps not kill him.”

    “Yeah, yeah whatever,” muttered Clark. Whitney was becoming a bit of a wimp; he wasn’t seeing the bigger picture. ‘Babylon’ was the hottest club in town; it could be the hottest in the country, it just needed the right man in charge of it.

    Whitney stood up; “I’m going to check on Chloe before she goes on,” and he left the room.

    “You do that,” said Clark when he had gone. “It might be the last chance you get.”


    “I’m not one for another five minutes,” shouted Chloe when she heard the knock on her door. She turned back to the mirror and finished putting on her lipstick. The door opened and Whitney stepped in.

    “MMM you look hot baby,” he said, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

    “Don’t crease my dress,” she protested, “I have a show.”

    “Guess I’ll just have to rip it off you later,” he murmured as he nuzzled her neck. The short black sleeveless silk dress hung just right around her curves. The ends were trimmed with beads that made a noise when she moved. Her short blonde hair was framed around her face; her hazel eyes sparkled.

    Chloe rolled her eyes and let him continue kissing her neck. She liked Whitney he was cute and fun, but she wasn’t interested in the whole long-term thing that he seemed to want. Chloe always believed she would know the true man for her the moment she met him, and Whitney Fordman was so not that man.

    “Baby,” she purred, “I need to get on stage.” Whitney released her, “knock them dead Chlo.”

    “Don’t I always,” she replied, kissing his cheek and then walking out of the dressing room, her hips swaying.

    “Yes you do,” he muttered after her, as he adjusted his pants, “yes you do.”


    “Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Pete Ross, welcome to Babylon.” He sat down at his piano and began playing the first few chords, the lights dimmed.

    Chloe appeared in the centre of the stage, surrounded by male dancers, she began to sing:

    {Come on babe
    Why don't we paint the town?
    And all that Jazz

    I'm gonna rouge my knees
    And roll my stockings down
    And all that jazz}

    The lights went up and the crowd roared. From their seats in the balcony, Whitney and Clark watched as they went wild.

    {Start the car
    I know a whoopee spot
    Where the gin is cold
    But the piano's hot

    It's just a noisy hall
    Where there's a nightly brawl
    And all

    Slick your hair
    And wear your buckle shoes
    And all that Jazz

    I hear that Father Dip
    Is gonna blow the blues
    And all that Jazz}

    Chloe bumped and grinded her way around the stage as she sang, driving the men wild. She loved this, being here, doing this.

    In their balcony, Rickman joined Clark and Whitney. “Now she is hot,” he commented pointing at the stage, where Chloe was currently sandwiched between four male dancers.

    {Hold on, hon
    We're gonna bunny hug
    I bought some aspirin
    Down at United Drug
    I case you shake apart
    And want a brand new start
    To do that-



    ”What do you want Rickman?” asked Clark.

    “I suppose a piece of that is out of the question?” he joked, his gaze still on Chloe.

    “No chance,” laughed Whitney, and then groaned, as Chloe lay spread-eagled across a chair. He reluctantly dragged his gaze from her and faced Rickman again. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out an envelope filled with money and handed it to Rickman.

    Clark just about managed to keep the look of disgust off his face as Rickman greedily took the cash. He hated having to give anything to the snake. ‘Whitney’s too soft,’ he thought.


    By now Chloe had the entire crowd in the palm of her hand. She jumped onto Pete’s piano and continued singing:

    {Come on, babe
    We're gonna brush the sky
    I bet you luck Lindy
    Never flew so high
    'Cause in the stratosphere
    How could he lend an ear
    to all that Jazz?}

    Pete smiled up at her; she winked at him and jumped back onto the stage.

    {No, I'm no one's wife
    But, Oh, I love my life
    And all that Jazz!}

    She finished with splits. The crowd where on their feet, clapping, shouting, whistling for more. ‘This is where I belong,’ she thought. ‘Right here.’


    “You were amazing,” gushed Lana, as Chloe made her way back to her dressing room. “There are a number of bouquets in there for you.”

    “Yeah, yeah,” said Chloe. “Is Whitney in there?”

    “No, he’s still with Clark, they’re discussing business,” replied the other girl.

    “Good,” muttered Chloe. “Hey Lana can you get me a drink, scotch please, large one.”

    “No problem,” grinned Lana, and headed off to get it. ‘Nice girl,’ thought Chloe, ‘a little dim but a nice girl.’


    “That was a huge crowd in tonight,” said Whitney.

    “Yeah the biggest yet,” said Clark. “We made a fucking fortune.”

    “Better not tell Rickman that,” joked Whitney, “he’ll look for a bigger cut if we do.”

    “Why do we pay him at all? We have enough information on him to keep him quiet, or we could just keep him quiet, permanently.”

    “He’s a cop Clark,” said Whitney.

    “So fucking what? The only person he helps is himself. And I’m sick of him making money off us. This is our club, not Rickman’s.”

    “I’m discussing this with you now, I’m going to meet Chloe. We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” Whitney began to walk out of the room. Clark grabbed him by the arm, “no we are finished with discussing it.” He brought his other hand up and hit Whitney hard across the back of his head with the handle of his gun. The other man fell to the floor. Two other men came into the room. “You know what to do with him?” said Clark.

    The two men nodded and dragged Whitney’s body out of the room. Clark watched, a smile on his face. ‘Babylon is all mine’ he thought.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    This is amazing! This concept totally rocks I love the way you write Chloe.

  7. #7
    Just a Guest!
    Love it. Love diva chloe about time she gets all the action! lol. Also i really like evil clark. Have evil clark and Lex fight over the gorgeous chloe. So go and write the next part cause this story is so yummy!


  8. #8
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Hey guys...glad you're liking this. ...Fiona


    Chapter Three – Missing

    A very happy and satisfied Clark Kent entered the office at the club the following morning. He sat down at the desk and started thinking about how he was going to enjoy tell captain Rickman that he wasn’t getting as much money from him and that things were going to change dramatically in their little arrangement. His gaze fell on the photograph on the desk of himself of Whitney. It was taken the day they opened ‘Babylon’ for business. He liked Whitney, they were best friends, but he was too soft when it came to running the club. Hell he let Chloe walk all over him. No, this was the way to go; the club would do much, much better with him in charge, alone.

    “Fordman, where the…” Chloe trailed as she stormed into the office and saw Clark alone. “Ok, where is he?”

    “He’s not in yet,” replied Clark,

    “And what happened to him last night then?” she demanded. “He was suppose to meet me, I waited in my dressing room for a fucking hour. How dare he do that to me.”

    “I haven’t seen him Chlo,” replied Clark, “not since he left here to go see you last night.”

    “Ok, who is she Clark?”

    “What are you talking about?”

    “Who is the slut he sneaked off to see last night?” Chloe was really mad. She didn’t love Whitney, but she expected him to be faithful. Ok she wasn’t exactly Miss Innocent but that was beside the point.

    “Chloe, Chloe,” said Clark as he stood up and rounded the desk to her. “How could he want any other woman, when he’s got you?”

    “Don’t patronize me Clark,” she snapped back.

    “I’m sure everything is ok Chloe, and he’ll have a perfectly good explanation for you when he shows up,” said Clark with a small smile on his face.

    “He fucking better have,” she said and stormed out.

    Clark let out a small laugh as the door slammed behind her. “Such a spitfire,” he said. “Way too spirited for Whitney.” He laughed again and picked up the phone to call Rickman.


    “So where did you get too last night?” asked Lex as his obviously very hung over brother entered their office.

    Despite the pounding pain in his head, Lucas managed to grin at Lex.

    “You didn’t?” asked Lex.

    “She needed comfort after what happened with her husband,” replied Lucas innocently. “It wasn’t my fault she couldn’t resist me.”

    Lex rolled his eyes at his brother, “you are a dog Lucas.”

    “It is a burden Lex, being this irresistible to women,” sighed Lucas.

    “My heart bleeds for you Lucas, it really, really does,” replied Lex sarcastically.

    Lucas left out a small laugh, “well on that note I’m going to lie down for awhile let me know if we get any clients.” And with that he left the office.


    Chloe let herself into Whitney’s apartment. Since she had left the club she had been thinking about what Clark had said. Whitney wasn’t the type to *stray*, in fact in the time they had been together she had never once got the impression that he had been with other women.

    “So where is he?” she muttered as she looked around. She checked his drawers and closets and found nothing out of the ordinary. “Ok so he’s either taken a vacation and packed absolutely nothing, or he hasn’t taken a vacation. And how stupid is that statement. Come on Chloe, think!”

    After looking around for about twenty minutes Chloe decided to head back to the club. Clark would be out so she could take a better look around the office. For some reason she had this strange feeling that Whitney was in trouble.


    “You can’t do this,” said Rickman. “We have a deal.”

    “No you and Fordman had a deal,” replied Clark, “and he’s taking a little…vacation for an unspecified length of time. I am now solely in charge and I don’t want to deal with a worm like you any more.”

    “I can shut you down,” snarled Rickman.

    “And I’ve got pictures and taped conversations of you,” retorted Clark. “But I’m willing to make a small deal with you.”

    “I’m listening.”

    “I will pay you a small…wage…to make sure your friends in blue turn a blind eye to anything that maybe construed as illegal that happens in the club.”

    “How small a wage as we talking about?” asked Rickman.

    “I wouldn’t give up the police work if I were you,” said Clark with a grin. “So, do we have a grin?”

    ‘For now,’ thought Rickman. “Yes Clark we do,” holding out his hand for the other man to shake.


    Chloe searched the office at the club thoroughly, but as with Whitney’s apartment she found nothing. “What is going on?” she murmured and flopped down on the couch. “Ok Chloe, let’s look at this. He could be away on business, he could be with another woman, and he could be kidnapped, or murdered.” She stopped her sometimes-overactive imagination from running riot.

    She glanced at the clock on the wall. It was hours before she had to go on stage. “I think a little shopping is in order,” she muttered as she stood up. As she did something on the floor caught her eye, she bent down and picked up the chain from the floor.

    “This is Whitney’s,” she whispered, turning it over in her hand. “It’s blood,” she gasped, as she saw the marks on her skin from the chain. She wrapped it in a handkerchief and ran out of the office.


    “Welcome back to the land of the living,” grinned Lex as his brother finally got out of bed.

    “Any calls,” he asked, taking his seat.

    “Nothing of importance,” replied Lex, “although Mrs Kwan rang looking for you. She was wondering when she would see you again.”

    Lucas’ face paled, “what…what did you tell her?”

    “I told her that you wouldn’t be calling again, that you realised your mistake and had gone back to your wife and four children. My, my that woman could swear.”

    “You did what? You told her what?” demanded Lucas, jumping up, and grabbing his head as the room spun.

    Lex couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing. “I’m teasing Lucas, she never rang.”

    “Thank you for the heart attack Lex.”

    Before Lex could answer him, there was a knock on the door. Pamela, their secretary stuck her head in to the office. “Lex, Lucas, there is a young woman here to see you.”

    “Thanks Pam,” said Lucas, “show her in. Hey a client,” he said to Lucas when she was gone.

    “That or one of your ex-conquests looking for revenge,” retorted Lex.

    “There you go again with your comedian act.”

    The door opened again and Pamela escorted the young woman in.

    “Hello,” muttered Lucas. ‘Oh wow,’ thought Lex.

    Chloe glanced at the two men, but her eyes locked on Lex’s. ‘Whoa,’ she thought. She cleared her throat. “Gentlemen my name is Chloe Sullivan, and I need your help in finding someone.”

  9. #9
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
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    Reminds me of the old detective tv shows, the one where a mysterious woman, usually veiled, walks into the office and wants to employ the detective.

    can't wait to see how this will develop. :chlexsign4:

  10. #10
    Members gravelgerdie's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    great job.. love this.. can't wait to see what happens next :chlexsign1:


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