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Thread: A Valentine's Story (PG)

  1. #1
    Duchess Gonzo
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Over there, no there

    A Valentine's Story (PG)

    Title: A Valentine’s Day Story or The Fluffiest Story Ever

    Author: peepsRfun2eat

    Disclaimer: Don’t own and I think I should be kicked in the shin for taking such liberties with the characters but if were going that route then so should the creators for destroying the show.

    Plot: There really is none all you need to know is that it’s Valentine’s Day. Someone forgot it, that’s it that’s all folks. The characters are a bit OOC and PG for some swearing.


    Stupid, idiotic, jackass, punk, bastard, damn him!

    Those were the gist of the thoughts that were currently going through Chloe Sullivan’s head one chilly February 14 morning.

    Sitting in the chic upscale cafe still wearing her armadillo pajamas and her hair in a state that would be comparable to how a bird’s nest looks. She sat there fuming while all the other patrons of the business stared at the woman openly.

    She however did not notice that anyone was staring at her looking at her like the armadillos on her pj’s would jump off and attack them while the other half were expecting birds to swoop into the business and lay an egg in her hair.

    The patrons of this establishment if they had not been frightened by her appearance would have noticed that she was seething with something akin to unadulterated, passionate, anger.

    The only people who seemed to have noticed were the people serving in the café. They then decided that she actually looked like a rabid animal that was ready to attack. The three after coming to that conclusion, drew straws to see who had to go over and talk to the clearly agitated costumer.

    The loser was a short barista with purple hair and brown eyes. She walked over slowly and tried to remember how Animal Planet explained how to approach enraged animals.

    Lucky for her she had the one thing that could calm this particular enraged person.

    “Coffee?” asked the barista.

    Chloe looked up.

    The barista hoped she didn’t see fear, isn’t that what Animal Planet said don’t show fear, right? Show your neck in a sign of submission. The girl slowly lifted her chin and showed her jugular.

    Chloe watched as the twitchy waitress walked up to her fidgeted and then lifted her chin for some strange reason.

    Chloe nodded and the girl sat down with a pot of coffee. She took it and poured a third cup of coffee.

    “Everything ok?” asked the girl.

    “Did you draw the short straw?” Chloe asked the clearly frightened girl.

    “Hmm…no I mean we just saw that you looked upset and we decided…yeah. I think they cheated.”

    Chloe laughed at how nervous the girl was.

    “Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you it’s this stupid day.”

    “Yeah Valentine’s Day can suck. Single?”

    “No, I’m seeing someone.”

    “Let me guess he screwed up.


    "Do you mind if I ask what happened?”

    “Nope I woke up this morning and so I am eating my breakfast when my roommate flounces in the room with two big bouquets of roses. My other roommate comes in and is carrying some daises and a card.”

    “He forgot to give you something.”

    “No it would be better then. I would think he would have something else to give me later in the day. The card was for me.”

    “A card?”

    “Yeah and only a card.”

    “So what did it say?”

    “It was a heart that had ‘Would you be my Valentine?’ on the inside and his name. A coupon to get the movie ‘10 Things I Hate About You’ for $15 and sixteen dollars, to buy the movie.”

    “So what did you do?”

    “Left my place as you can tell my clothes and hair. Went to the store and got that damn movie.”

    “Where is it?”

    “It’s acting as my coaster but it will soon be up my boyfriend’s ass.”

    “Ouch. Well maybe he didn’t have a lot of money.”

    Chloe responded with an ungraceful snort.

    “Wait he’s got money.”

    “Trust me he has money to buy a better card, or at least get his damn personal assistant to get me something more personal.”

    “Wait I could have sworn I knew you. You’re Lex Luthor’s girlfriend?!” interrupted the waitress.

    “In the flesh.”

    “So you think he doesn’t care?”

    “Yes. I mean I don’t care if you sell this story to the tabloids I’m so pissed at him. I don’t even know why! I mean I hate Valentine’s Day! It was created by Hallmark and all those people just so they would sell cards and to make single people feel like shit. But yeah I care that he didn’t do anything! I don’t even know why.”

    The waitress watched as conflicting emotions crossed the woman’s face. Then she buried her head in her arms and for a second there thought the lady was crying.

    Turned out she must of tried giving herself a pep talk. Since when she raised up she saw a determined look cross the girls face.

    “Do you know what? I don’t give a shit. Screw this day; so what if he doesn’t care.”

    “Are you positive that he doesn’t care?”


    “Well I’m not to sure.”

    “What do you mean?”

    “Turn around you’ll see.”

    Chloe slowly but surely noticed everyone else in the restaurant had their eyes focused on something outside. She turned around to see Lex standing there with a handful of flowers.

    He had something hidden behind his back and brought his hand forward to reveal…


    A/N: There is fluff to come.

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member carebear72884's Avatar
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    13 Nov 2003
    what!? reveal what?!? argh, stupid valintines day, with it's stupid fluffy fics...*stamps foot* I can't even stand fluff and now I am drawen into all these fluffy stories, and then what do you do? you put in a cliff hanger...argh!!

    LOL, I do like your story by the way, it is really cute so far, I love upset!Chloe. you really need to update soon, l only like fluff one day out of the year...so bring it on. :chlexsign2:

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    24 Oct 2003
    Cliffhangers are bad! BAD! Get back here and update right now!

  4. #4
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Fluff is really bad, makes you all... fluffy... and... stuff...

    But, nice written
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  5. #5
    NS Full Member krahmogh's Avatar
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    to reveal what????? get back here and tell us quick!!!!


  6. #6
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Oh that was just bad to leave it like that... I mean what an evil thing to do : , but u can make it up by posting more very very soon...

    Great job.

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    Please come back and update!! I can't handle the suspense!! What is Lex holding? Great Valentine's story!! Can't wait for the fluff!! :chlexsign4:

  8. #8
    Imperial Dragon Senior Member Impress's Avatar
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    Imperial Palace
    Originally posted by Queen Of Tact@Feb 14 2005, 10:24 AM
    Oh that was just bad to leave it like that... I mean what an evil thing to do : , but u can make it up by posting more very very soon...

    Great job.

    yeah..and evil is just wrong on Valentines.

  9. #9
    Everyday Super Goddess AgentChase's Avatar
    Join Date
    20 Jul 2004
    West Kingston, RI
    Wow, and here I thought there would be another update when I came back, but alas I am here, waiting..
    Sad and without chocolatey goodness on Valentines Day..

  10. #10
    Is Lex bald everywhere ? zabu's Avatar
    Join Date
    20 May 2004
    Where is the rest?!!! What did Lex has behind his back? Come on it's a day where you can't tease too much. So get back here and give us the end. PLEASE!!

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