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Thread: A Change of Face (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Lex's Harem Girl Charmeye's Avatar
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    02 Jul 2003

    A Change of Face (NC-17) Complete

    Title: A Change of Face
    Author: Charmeye (aka Steph)
    Rating: NC-17 eventually (there is a plot here)
    Spoilers: Nothing further then season 1 actually.

    Disclaimer: Not mine, never were, never will be. Sigh.

    AN: Hello everyone! :wave: I’m back with a new story. You will notice, I love playing around with psychic/metaphysically/wacky sort of plots. I think it’s because I read too much of the Anita Blake series.

    This is yet another oldie, goldie, I pulled out from storage. I just felt like revisiting first year Smallville (since this years is blagh) I wrote this one around the time when Victoria was around in Smallville. It is a body switching story, which I know the show has done with Lionel and Clark…but come on, Chloe and Victoria, just so much more to do there. Hope you enjoy the start!

    Summary: Takes place during season 1. Victoria and Lex and playing their little game and surprise surprise, something wacky happens and POP Chloe goes into Victoria Hardwick’s body and vice versa…and so of course craziness happens.

    Chapters One: Introductions

    Chloe glanced up from her coffee mug at the sound of the tell tale engine purr.

    Clark saw her look and peered over his shoulder.

    Lex Luthor pulled up in his Mercedes convertible with a beautiful looking brunette beside him.

    “Ohhh.” Chloe sarcastically gasped. “I see that for the price of one billionaire’s son, Smallville also gets his bimbos too.”

    “Chloe.” Clark warned. “You don’t know that she’s a bimbo.”

    “Riiiight. She just spends hours to get her hair looking like that because it’s a form of meditation for her.”

    Clark shrugged his shoulders, as he always did when he lost against her rapier wit. “Lex likes her.”

    “I wonder why?” Chloe said with fake innocence.

    “Clark. Miss Sullivan. Afternoon.”

    “Hey Lex.” Clark greeted looking up.

    Chloe eyed the two styrofoam cups. “Too good for small town company today Mr. Luthor?”

    Clark whipped his head around. “Chloe!”

    “It’s alright Clark. Miss Sullivan is right. Victoria still has the metropolis bug in her system. You know, the one that makes people rude and snarky.”

    Chloe pursed her lips together. She saw Clark’s look of relief that she hadn’t picked up the metaphysical gauntlet Lex had thrown down.

    “I’ll catch up with you later Clark,” He simply said and left.


    Lex handed Victoria the cup as he got back into the car.

    “Hang out with High Schoolers Lex?” The British brunette asked.

    “Clark happens to be the kid who saved my life from that car crash. Chloe Sullivan is the daughter of my plant manager. I stopped to say hello.”

    Victoria laughed at him. “Making excuses Lex? Perhaps you’re just getting softer in your old age.”

    Lex smirked at her. “Last night I wasn’t soft at all.”

    Victoria eyes lit up, she licked her lips. “Tell me about it Lex.”

    Lex put the car in gear and drove off. Damn! No one else he’d met had such a sexual appetite that matched his own like Victoria Hardwick’s did. Too bad he was determined to bring her and her father down.


    Chloe put two more candles into her shopping basket as she moved around one of her favorite stores in Smallville. She tried to calculate how much she could spend.

    It was the annual October 30th sale at the one and only New Age shop in Smallville. It was time to stock up on candles, incense and jewelry.

    She was reaching out to pick up an interesting stone sculpture when someone reached for it at the same time and between the two of them, knocked it to the floor.

    “Crap!” She looked up into the cat like eyes of Lex’s latest bimbo.

    “You broke it.” Were the first words out of the British woman’s mouth.

    “I...” Chloe stared at her. “You made me drop it!”

    Victoria waved at hand at her, as if dismissing her. “No I didn’t.”

    The store owner, Sunshine Zeeter (aka, still living in the 60s) came over when she heard the little kafuffle. When she saw the smashed statue she gasped.

    “I’m sorry Sunshine, we knocked it off the shelf.” Chloe explained.

    “We?” Victoria snarled. “You knocked it. Why would I pick up any junk from this place?”

    Chloe could only stare at this woman. Okay, she wasn’t a bimbo, she was just a selfish bitch!

    Then before anyone could say anything, the ‘bitch’ stormed out of the shop.

    Sunshine sighed. “I’m sorry Chloe. You know the rules.”

    “You break it, you buy it.” Chloe sighed. “How much?”

    “Thirty five dollars.”

    Chloe whimpered. “Well, here Sunshine, you might as well takes all these back. I won’t be buying those today. I’ll help you clear this mess up.”


    Chloe was in a rotten mood for the rest of the evening. She’d had to blow thirty five dollars on a statue of some freaking gargoyle. After that wonderful start to the afternoon she had to come home, make dinner, and clean her room.

    “ARGH!!” She screamed as she fell on her bed. Why was life so unfair? Why did some people have all the luck in the world…and then there were people like her.

    She buried her face in her pillow.

    She was still muttering to herself about the ‘selfish bitch’ when she finally drifted off to sleep.

    Sometime later, she was woken up by the feeling of something tickling the back of her legs. Still half asleep and in dream land, she tried to move away from the itchy…whatever it was.

    Unfortunately, as she tried to move two things penetrated her brain, there was a guys arm around her waist…and a pointing something at her back.

    Chloe screamed.

    The arm quickly let her go.

    She jumped out of her bed.

    “Who the fuck are you! What the hell are you doing in my room?” She screamed into the darkness. “DAD!! DAD!!”

    “Fuck!” She heard the man curse. “What the hell is the matter with you?”

    Lights blinked on and Chloe gasped. Across from her, on the other side of a huge, silk covered bed, stood a naked Lex Luthor.

    “Victoria?” Lex asked her. “What’s wrong?”


    Chloe reached up and sure enough, she had a handful of dark rich brown waves. Then she noticed that she didn’t have any clothes on either…or Victoria didn’t have any clothes on.

    She started to feel light headed.

    “Victoria?” Lex asked again, more concern in his voice this time.

    “Shit.” Chloe managed a second before she passed out.

    Lex blinked as he watched Victoria fall to the ground. He jumped on the bed, over
    the other side and quickly checked her pulse. Steady. She was breathing as well, but she looked pale and felt clammy, like she was in shock.

    What the hell had just happened?

    He leaned down, picked her up and put her under the bed covers.

    He found his pajama bottoms and went to the bathroom to find a wet cloth.

    He was thinking about calling a doctor when he heard her moan.

    Lex returned to the bed and sat beside her. He put the cool towel down on her flushed forehead.

    “Victoria?” He asked carefully. “Do you feel better?”

    Victoria winced, but opened her eyes.

    “Fuck.” She swore when she saw his face, closing her eyes again.

    Lex frowned. He’d never heard her swear this much in all the time he’d known her. Something was up.

    “Did you take something?” Lex asked, the censure clear in his voice. He never approved of her drug habits, but she had said she’d kicked them years ago.

    “Yeah. Must have been a drug…” Victoria mused, her eyes fluttering open and closed. “I’ll just go back to sleep and when I wake up again, everything will be back to normal.”

    Lex shook his head and took the towel off her forehead.

    “No drug ever puts anything back to normal.”

    Victoria suddenly reached down and pincher her arms, then his arm.

    “What was that?” Lex snapped, grabbing his arm back.

    “Just checking.” Victoria said. “Maybe this is a dream. A really weird dream.”

    Lex frowned. Whatever she had taken had obviously thrown her system for a loop.

    “You are not dreaming Victoria.” He told her firmly.

    She didn’t bother to respond.

    Lex reached out and with a twist of the bed spread, he bundled her up in his arms.

    “Hmm. This is nice.” She muzzled his neck. “I should write this dream down in my
    Dream Diary when I wake up.”

    “You ARE awake. And knowing you, when you wake up in the morning, you’ll up-chuck your drug cocktail all over my bed. I’m not going to let you do that. I’m putting you in one of the guest suits.”

    “Okay.” Victoria said, her eyes drifting closed again.

    Lex kicked the door to the guest bedroom open. Then careful not to trip on the long bed sheets wrapped around her body, he none too gently dumped her on the spare bed.

    Lex stared down at her for a minuet in disgust. What had made her take a hit tonight?

    She hadn’t talked with her father. All she’d done today was make a trip to town that had lasted less than an hour.

    Lex frowned.

    She’d fallen back to sleep already…but there was something different about her.
    She never slept curled up with a hand under her cheek. It made her look…younger.

    Lex crossed his arms and stared down at her. As he watched, she suddenly moved, as if caught up in a dream.

    “Clark.” Her voice whispered.

    Lex’s eyes narrowed. Why was Victoria saying Clark’s name in her sleep…wait, maybe it was some other Clark, not Kent.

    “Hmm…Lex.” Victoria continued.

    Lex shook his head. What was up with her?He waited to see if she said anything else, but that was it. He walked over, shut the door and went back to his room.

    Victoria never talked in her sleep.

    Lex turned his bedroom lights off. Victoria had some explanations to give him in the morning.

    TBC...of course.
    Hope it was a good start.


  2. #2
    Maybe not so done? Reese's Avatar
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    06 Jan 2005
    Coast to Coast, USA
    A good start? Yeah, I'd say so!

    I've never really liked any of Lex's bimbos, but Victoria was the worst for some reason. So I'm interested to see what happens at her end? Does she wake up as Chloe?

    And Chloe saying both Clark and Lex's names in her sleep? Hmm...I wonder what kind of dream she was having? :eyebrows:

    So many questions...will Lex figure it out? Will Victoria wake up as Chloe and try to tell him? Will he believe her? Will he want Chloe back in her own body? Would he rather have her in Victoria's? Will she be able to switch back? If so, what will happen? Will she hit on Clark while in Victoria's body?

    Heh. Sorry, couldn't resist


  3. #3
    NS Full Member Sidhe's Avatar
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    "Argg! You can't stop. you must write more, NOW.", takes a deep breath. "I really liked the start of this fic. Hopefully you'll be able to write more in the next few MINUTES... I mean days. "

    Sorry, sometimes my Chlex cravings get a little out of control, but only when I read a really good fic. I look forward to reading more.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    *whimpers* More?

  5. #5
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Palm Desert, CA
    Oh, WOW it is a GREAT start, wonderfull, terrific! Please you have to write more. How will Chloe react when she realizes this isn't a dream, and Lex, and I'm even wondering about Victoria

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
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    It was a very good start. More please....

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    NY, NY
    great start! I'm already intrigued. I can only imagine the hijinks that will ensue :biggrin: hopefully most of it will be chlex...with a twist. update soon


  8. #8
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    CA, USA
    I am so excited for this story. Love the idea. I hope that you will comeback with another wonderful update.

    AT :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Why do I get the feeling that Lex is going to have a hard time believing Chloe's story? I can't wait for Victoria's reaction to being Chloe!! Post again soon please!! Great story idea!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  10. #10
    NS Full Member BellaMR's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 Sep 2004
    Excellent start. Based on your summary, I thought it was going to be Lex and Chloe switching places, but this was unexpected. Can't wait to read more.

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