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Thread: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

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    NS Full Member
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    In Fanfic land

    Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    Okay, one of my older pieces but I hope it makes you feel better, considering what's coming up. Enjoy one of my earlier looks into Chlex---and one of my favorite villains and heros from Lois and Clark.

    Title: "Fork In The Road"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13/T (very slight use of language and situations)

    Category: Chlex, friendship, angst, action, Lex’s POV, Clark/Lois, futurefic, AU, Lois and Clark Crossover

    Spoilers: One slight mention of one from Smallville. One for Lois and Clark---the last episode.

    Summary: A hero doesn’t always wear red and blue. This one wears black.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, Lois and Clark and the characters, I’m just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don’t sue me. As to the use of The Shadow in the story, I’m just borrowing, will give it back, not making any money with its use in this story, so don’t sue me. As to the use of H.G. Wells and his time machine, just borrowing, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this story, so don’t sue me.

    Archive: To SFF, N.S. Forums, and The_BaldTruth. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: I’ve always been fascinated by the Lois and Clark villain Tempus. So I decided to create a story surrounding him. Now who to be the hero? Clark----well, I'm Chlex so I thought, why not use Lex instead and change his history with Clark at the same time? So, Fork In The Road was born. And I got my other favorite recurring character in there, H.G. Wells. I want to thank my beta Cal and my sneak a peekers David, Sully, Sienna and Neeka for checking this puppy over. I dedicate this piece to them and all who love Smallville and who love Lois and Clark. And a special thank you for David and the wonderful title he came up with. Everybody enjoy.

    "Fork In The Road" – by PMD

    I walk into the abandoned building, wondering who the hell would ask to see me here. It’s not anybody’s style that I know of, not even Dad’s. He would want to meet in Metropolis---not Smallville. And it specifically asked me to come alone---no Clark Kent. Has to be somebody I know. But who?

    "Good to see you came alone, Lex."

    I turn around and see a man with dark hair wearing a strange costume.

    "Little early for Halloween isn’t it?"

    "Ah that verbal judo I’ve heard so much about."

    "Who the hell are you? And why didn’t you want me to tell Clark about this meeting?"

    "Oh, I see he hasn’t told you his little secret yet?"

    Oh My God---he knows Clark’s secret. Only the Kents, Chloe, Pete and I know it. "How the hell do you know about Clark’s secret?"

    "Ah---so he has told you. Well---it’s all history where I come from. Oh, forgive me, you asked for my name. It’s Tempus."

    "So, are you going to tell me why I’m here?"

    "Not till the other party arrives, Lex."

    "What other party?"

    The door opens at that moment and my heart sinks---it’s Chloe.

    "Hey, Lex. Why did you want to speak to me?"

    "Chloe, get out of here," I answer, knowing that this man is up to no good. I can sense these things---like The Shadow could. Must be because I used to be semi-evil and have turned to good, the same way he did.

    But she didn’t listen. She walks up to us.

    "Who’s your friend, Lex?" Chloe asks me.

    "He's not---"

    "Hello. My name is Tempus. You must be Chloe----the problem," he replies, with a raised eyebrow.

    "Problem? Lex what's he talking about? What are you talking about?"

    "You're the reason he doesn't turn bad."

    "What the---hey, let go of me!"

    I’m in shock as I watch Tempus grab her and start to drag her towards one end of the building; Chloe fighting and struggling all the way. She gets in a slap or two which leaves a redness on his cheek and he hisses at her.

    Then he yells to me, "I'm doing this for your own good, Lex. Now you'll be who you were meant to be---Clark’s enemy."

    "No! Lex!"

    "Chloe!" I yell, as the shock wears off and I run towards them. I arrive just in time to see a contraption near the far end---what the---it looks like H.G. Wells’ time machine. The one on the front of his book I just read. My thoughts are interrupted by Chloe's voice. She’s sitting in the machine, with Tempus holding tight to her. And she’s still struggling to get free, a fighter to the end.


    I run towards her, yelling her name again. As it starts to vanish, I hear her yell over the noise, "I love you. Be strong."

    "I love you too," I whisper as she vanishes from sight. And I'll find you somehow, Chloe. And I swear that man will pay.


    I’m stunned---I can’t believe that time machine actually exists. And yet, I just saw it whisk away the woman I love---one of my brightest lights in the darkness. I sit on the floor. A few minutes later, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up. "Clark, what are you doing here?"

    "I saw you come in and wanted to see if you needed my help."

    "Oh God, if you only could. Chloe’s gone."

    "What---what do you mean, she’s gone?"

    I get up and he waits for my answer, patiently. "You won’t believe this but she was taken away by a man named Tempus. He figures without her around, I’ll turn bad and become your enemy. Clark—--there’s got to be---"

    I’m stopped by a whosh of air and I look heavenward. Please let this be Tempus coming back. But it’s not as I watch another machine appear and the man sitting in the driver’s seat is much older and wearing something that---Oh My God---the picture in the book---it’s H.G. Wells, himself.

    He gets out and walks over to us, adjusting his glasses, his brow furrowing, in worry. "I’m too late, aren’t I?"

    "Not if we can find out where he took her, Mr. Wells," I answer him. Clark just looks at the both of us, like we’re candidates for the funny farm.

    "How can he help you find Chloe? And where is she? What’s happened to her? You’re not making any sense, Lex."

    "Yes he is, young man. And you’re right, Lex. Maybe I’m not too late. I can help you find her. Or more to the point---my machine can help you find her. We can follow the time trail he leaves. So, let’s get going, shall we."

    As we walk towards the machine, Clark insists, "Wait---let me come with you."

    H.G. Wells walks back to him. "Young man, I can only accommodate three people. And as much as I would love to have your help on this trip, considering who you are, it’s Lex’s turn to play hero and save the woman he loves. He needs to do this; he’s come to his own personal fork in the road. You can wish him the best of luck but he has to do this on his own. You understand, right?"

    Clark nods his head and walks over to me. "Good luck. Wish I were there to watch your back but---"

    "Knowing Chloe, she’ll probably save me instead. Clark, don’t worry. We’ll be back soon, safe and sound."


    I pat his shoulder. "Promise." Then I join H.G. Wells on the machine and he starts it up. I watch Clark wave and then I’m caught up in a vortex so mind numbing that I have to close my eyes to create some stability in my conscious.


    "We’re here," he says.

    I open my eyes and see I’m in a building. The other time machine is only about a hundred yards from us.

    After we get out of it, he goes over to the other machine and does something to it.

    "What did you do?"

    "I made it impossible for him to leave this time frame he chose."

    "Which is?"

    Before he can answer I hear her voice and then a slap. Oh My God---Chloe. I run towards the noise. Before my eyes I see her, tied up and fuming mad. Tempus is just smiling at her.

    "Now be a good girl and give Uncle Tempus a kiss." He leans over and kisses her. "Ouch, why you little---"

    "Get away from her!"

    He turns to see me. "Well, if it isn’t the hero come to save the damsel in distress. I see that I’m too late now. Your friend Clark has rubbed off on you a little too much. Well, I guess I’ll just have to kill you, the girl, and Herbert. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Herbert."

    "You can try," I reply, watching H.G. join me.

    "Is that a challenge I hear?"

    "I believe it is," H.G. answers for me.

    "I would slap you with a glove but I seem to have left mine at home," I say to the villain before us.

    "Oh, a duel to the death. Or is it for the damsel herself. Maybe I won’t kill her after all. She is pretty feisty but I bet I can tame her."

    "Excuse me! I am no damsel in distress," she spits at him, anger in her voice.

    "I beg to differ, my dear, considering the position you are in right now," he replies.

    "You caught us off guard," she retorts, looking at me for affirmation.

    I give it to her with a nod.

    "Oh, I just hate the way you two rely on each other, even non-verbally."

    "That’s one of our strengths---something that you will never enjoy with me, or any other self-respecting woman, you---scum."

    "Scum! Is that the best you can do, Chloe?"

    "Untie me and I’ll show you some non-verbal communication that will cause you major pain."

    "Ahhhh----the feisty Chloe again. As much as I would love to wrestle with you, my dear, I’ve got some mayhem to perform---starting with taking care of your boyfriend and Herbert over there."

    "Ha! That’ll be the day."

    I stand here, watching the verbal judo going between them and smiling. He picked the wrong person to kidnap. I wonder what went on before we had arrived. The wit dealing with the half-wit. That’s my girl.

    "What are you smiling about, Lex? You’re about to meet your maker," Tempus says, bringing me out of my thoughts.

    "Just thinking about how outgunned you are when it comes to dealing with my girlfriend."

    She smiles at that.

    He lets out a hmmmmmph. "That’ll be the day."

    "Well the day has arrived," I reply.

    "Enough! So, how do you want to die, Lex? Fisticuffs or fencing?"


    "All right----I’ll just go get what we need. I’ll be back in a few minutes. Don’t go anywhere, my dear. I’ve got plans for you later."

    "The man is a glutton for punishment," she says as he walks away.

    "Are you okay?" I ask her as I walk over, with H.G. following close.

    "I am now that you’re here. What took you so long?"

    "I’m sorry, my dear. That’s my fault. I didn’t get there in time to save you from Tempus because I got caught in a time rift."

    "And who are you?" she asks, her reporter’s instincts at the ready at all times.

    "H.G. Wells, at your service, young lady," he answers. "Wish we could have met under more pleasant circumstances but---"

    "It’ll be pleasant enough if you could untie me so we can get out of here."


    We stare at the man. "No?"

    "In every man’s life, there’s a time to fight---a time to choose a side to fight on. The road of life for you, Lex, has come to a fork---do you go down the light or the dark side? This is your moment. You can’t run away from it. You have to run to it---and trust in yourself and the people who care about you. And this young lady is a big part of it."

    "I always knew she was," I answer, lightly touching her cheek. She smiles at me and I lean in to kiss her gently.

    We back away and look back at his smiling face. "You’ll conquer your demons because of her love. And you’ll conquer Tempus for the same reason. My dear, don’t you have something to tell him?"

    "What? Oh, the plan of Tempus’. Why is it that the bad guys always let the cat out of the bag before the big confrontation?"

    "Because they think they’ll win, Chloe," I answer.

    "But not this time. Lex---he had a contingency plan---in case you followed. If you didn’t, he knew that you would turn eventually because Clark would blame you for losing me, and so would the others. However, if you did come after me, if he killed you, that would be the end of you as a villain but he—--he could take over the role and be number one enemy of Clark Kent. However, if you won, you killed him, it would be the start of your spiral down to evil."

    "Damned if I do; damned if I don’t?" I ask her.

    "You have to fight, Lex. I can see that now. But you don’t have to kill him. Maim him; yes, kill no. What you have to do is just defeat him. Just be calm about the fight and you’ll survive to fight another day. Keep your cool when he baits you, especially when it comes to your friends and me. I’ll be right beside you---helping you to defeat him and anyone else, Lex. I promise you this."

    I stroke her cheek again.

    "God, I wish I could hug you right now, Lex."

    "You can, my dear." We turn to look at H.G. Then she pulls her hands from behind her.

    "Wow---are you any good at picking pockets?"

    He chuckles at that. "I believe I am. So---what are you waiting for?"

    She looks back at me. The love within those hazel eyes overwhelms me and I gasp. As we hug, it’s more than a simple touch between two human beings---it’s a joining of two halves---two people who have found their soulmates. We pull back and she smiles. Then she gestures for me to lean down.

    "Lex, I am the earth and you are the sky. Always touching, never alone---no matter what happens. Now go kick some Tempus’ scummy butt and make us all proud."

    I back away, chuckling at the last part. I’m about to kiss her again when we hear. "Oh, how touching---a final farewell to the love of your life, my dear. Well, I’ll make you forget him soon enough. We are going to have many a day and night to do that."

    I feel my anger boil within me at the innuendo before a voice in my mind whispers softly—‘Calm, be calm. And remember---I love you.’ I look at her, noticing she has placed her freed hands behind her again. I guess Tempus didn’t notice she was free or he might have mentioned it. He doesn’t stand on ceremony. She nods to me. We can read each other now---somehow letting our guards down has helped us achieve this wonderful thing. I nod at her and turn around.

    "I’m ready."


    He throws me the fencing sword. I test its strength and touch the tip of it. It pierces my thumb----this is the real thing----no dull fencing sword this time. I suck my thumb for a minute and look over at Chloe, before I take my stance. Her smile gives me strength and confidence I never knew I had. Then I look at him.

    "En garde!"

    "Let the games begin. And may the villain always win."

    "Not today, Tempus. Right is might."

    He smirks at me and makes the first move. I dodge it deftly and return the move. We go like this until he draws first blood----he scratches my shoulder and I return the favor, scratching his. We are so close, I see where Chloe has drawn first blood herself---she bit his lip. I also get a closer look at the redness and scratches on his cheek too. I smile at that.

    "What are you grinning about, you fool?"

    "I see milady drew first blood today."

    "And she will pay for it dearly tonight, when I’m finished with you."

    I fume inside and sense her voice in my mind once again; ‘Remember---calm and cool. Don’t let him get to you.’ I smile at that.

    "What are you smiling about now?"

    I don’t speak and he becomes a bit unbalanced. He strikes again and misses. I don’t miss---a direct hit on his other arm. "Really, Tempus----you must concentrate more. I’ve had a better fencing lesson from my father. Who taught you?"

    "I’m self-taught."

    "That explains it."

    He lets out a roar, and I sidestep his strike again. Hmmmm---maybe he’s the one who should calm down. Course, I better not get too cocky---remembering that lesson from my dad reminded me: I didn’t win. And it was with dull fencing swords.

    He’s back on track again and takes a piece of me, with a swipe at my other arm. Then he goes for the jugular.

    "I can hardly wait to get rid of you and have my way with your lady. So, Lex---is she a wildcat in all things?"

    I stop, breathing heavily and give him a death stare. "Don’t you dare talk about her that way."

    "Ahhhh---methinks the gentleman has never tasted her charms beyond kisses."

    "Or maybe the gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell anybody about what he does with me in bed, you cretin," we hear Chloe yell.

    "Well I’m not a gentleman. I’m very much into kissing----and telling. And the world will get an earful tomorrow, after tonight."

    I can’t hold back the feelings of fury within me. I run towards him and make a mistake. He knocks the sword out of my hand and I fall. He’s above me before I know it, the sword at my throat. "Say goodbye to your knight, milady."

    He looks away from me and has a confused look on his face. "Where are you?"

    Then I see a hand tap on his shoulder. He pulls the sword back and turns around. "Oh there you are. How did you get free? Oh, Herbert, have you been a bad boy?"

    This is the distraction I need. While he’s talking to her, I get up and tap him on the shoulder. He turns and before he can say a word, he’s on his back, out cold, from a right hook.

    "Thanks," I say to Chloe.

    "You’re welcome," she replies as she walks towards me. "Does your head hurt?"

    "Only my pride hurts. Chloe, I---"

    "I know. Lex, nobody is perfect---we’re all human. And you did do what you set out to do---defeat the man---with a little help from me."

    "No, with a lot of help from the woman I love," I reply, pulling her into my arms.

    "I think we should get out of here before he wakes up," we hear H.G. say.


    We rush towards the time machine. He takes his seat and I sit beside him. "Where do I sit?" she asks.

    I pat my lap and she sits, placing her arm around my shoulder, hanging on for dear life.

    "Close your eyes. Trust me on this one," I tell Chloe, as the machine starts up. She kisses me and does that. And we’re on our way, back to the present.

    "We’re here."

    We open our eyes and watch as Clark runs towards us. "Chloe, Lex, you’re all right."

    "Was there any doubt?" Chloe asks.



    A Few Years Into The Future

    "I’ll get it." I walk towards Clark and Lois’ front door of their condo in Metropolis.

    "No, I’ll get it."

    I turn around to see Clark exit the kitchen. "Clark I’m capable of answering the door. Go back and keep your eyes on the steaks. Remember the last time you didn’t---we had to order in and fumigate the kitchen."


    "Clark, contrary to having servants, I have answered the door once or twice in my lifetime. Now go---watch the steaks."

    "All right," he answers as he goes back in.

    I look out the peephole in the Kent’s condo and then look away. Then I look again. What is he doing here? I open the door and H.G. Wells walks in.

    "Hello, Lex."

    "What are you doing here, Herbert? Please don’t tell me there’s another time crisis that we have to help you with today? Just once I want to spend a quiet Sunday with my family."

    "Oh no----nothing like that. I just felt the need to spend time with some friends."

    "Oh. I’m so sorry, Herbert. You must be as lonely as I was at times."

    "It’s okay, my boy. So, where is everybody?"

    I close the door and we walk into the living room. "Clark’s in the kitchen---hopefully not burning dinner. The girls are upstairs---"

    "---taking care of motherly things."

    "How did you know about---"

    "---the babies? You forget, son, I’ve been to the future. And the future looks bright for all in this home."


    "Most certainly. Ahhhh---here come the ladies and the apples of their eyes."

    "Herbert!" I hear my wife state, gleefully.

    She comes towards me and I take our son, Brian from her. Brian Alexander Luthor---his smile lights up a room. He inherited that from his mother along with, thankfully, her blonde hair. From me, he has his nose and blue eyes.

    "Herbert? There’s no time crisis that we have to fix today, is there?" Chloe asks.

    "No, no crisis. Just wanted to visit my family today."

    "Oh, that’s good to hear." She gives him a hug and then backs away. "Lois----this is---"

    "---H.G. Wells. I’ve heard so much about you, sir. I’m glad to finally meet you."

    "Pleased to meet you too, my dear. So I hear you and Clark are finally true family, Lex."

    "Yes we are, Herbert," I reply. We truly were. Lois was Chloe’s cousin and since getting married to Clark---well, we always felt like family but now it’s official---we’re cousins-in-law.

    "And who is this cherub?"

    "Oh, this little angel is David Jonathan," Lois answers, cradling her young son in her arms.

    "Well hello there, young man. And hello there, young Brian," he answers as he takes their hands. "My, you certainly take after your fathers."

    Lois looks sad for a minute and then tries to cover it by saying, "Yes he does."

    But Herbert catches her. "Oh, how stupid of me. Of course---you can’t have children with Clark. This child is---carrying on a grand tradition of the Kent’s adopting children left in the lurch."

    She smiles at that. "Yeah---I guess we are. Clark---somebody’s here to see us."

    "All right, Honey. I’ll be there in a sec."

    "Maybe I should go check on how he’s doing in there?" I query.

    "Maybe you should, Lex," Chloe answers.

    I place the baby in her hands and give her a kiss before I go to the kitchen. "Clark, need any help?"

    "Contrary to having a mother, I do know how to cook. I have too---Lois is lousy at it."

    "Well, you married a writer not a cook!"

    "Yeah but you married a writer too and she can cook."

    "Just blind luck with that," I answer, with a chuckle.

    "No---you were destined to be together."

    "From what Tempus said, we were destined to be enemies, Clark. But I’m glad we changed that destiny."

    "So am I. I just can’t picture us as enemies---you’ve been my friend for too long," he replies as he takes the steaks off the stove and turns it off. "Lex---what do you suppose would have caused us to be enemies?"

    "Losing Chloe, I guess. Or maybe both of us fighting over Lois."

    "That’ll be the day. She only has eyes for me."

    "Good to see that your self-respect is still intact----considering what you went through the last time we fought together as crime fighters."

    "Hey, can I help it if that woman wasn’t into hair."

    We laugh. "Well, let’s get dinner on the table before it gets cold."

    "All right. Oh, you heard that---"

    "---Herbert is here for dinner too. Yes. So, let’s go say hello to our ‘uncle’ shall we?"

    We walk out and to say we’re stunned is the understatement of the year. We place the food on the table and walk over to the cribs in the living room. The others are in animated conversation but stop when they see us.

    "Hey----guys. What’s wrong?" Chloe asks.

    I point to where the boys are. The cribs are close enough to almost touch each other. And they are close enough for the boys to be holding hands now.

    "Looks like the friendship legacy is going to be carried on with your fine lads, boys," we hear Herbert say.

    "Yes it does," I answer, patting Clark’s shoulder.

    The ladies and Herbert join us in the dining room. I pull out the chair for Chloe and then am lost in thought. To think that Clark and I could have been mortal enemies if it wasn’t for Tempus kidnapping Chloe.

    "Lex, are you okay?"

    I notice the chair is still out and push it in gently. Then I sit down beside her, placing a hand over hers. "Yes, Chloe, I’m okay. I was just thinking about how this could have turned out so much differently. That Clark and I might have been enemies and that I wouldn’t have had you in my life or our son."

    "Lex----don’t think about things that might have been---it’s too scary a thought. Think about the future----fighting evil with Herbert. Seeing our son grow up and---


    "And welcoming our new addition in a few months," she answers with. "My God, Lex. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a look from you. Or maybe I have---once."

    "A baby---we’re going to have another baby." She nods her head.

    "Congratulations," they reply.

    We smile just before I pull her into a kiss and find myself, again, thanking H.G. Wells, and Tempus for bringing us together. For if I hadn’t gone up against Tempus, we wouldn’t be celebrating family, the continuing legacy of friendship, with our sons, and a new baby, on the way.

    The End.

  2. #2
    Hopelessly Addicted georgee5's Avatar
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    PMD you do it again by showing love conquers all! Let's hear it for the happy ending.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    Hey georgee:

    Awwww---shucks, I'm blushing here. I thank you and my romantic muse thanks you too, sweetie. And we're so glad you enjoyed this piece.

  4. #4
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    i love this story it is so sweet and cute it was also funny at time and i enjoyed reading it.

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    Hey Starmoon:

    I'm so glad you enjoyed it, sweetie.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member spaceboi's pixie's Avatar
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    great fic

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    hey Spaceboi's:

    Glad you enjoyed it, hon.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member spaceboi's pixie's Avatar
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    your welcome PMD thanks for making my life a little interesting

  9. #9
    NS Full Member chloedreamer's Avatar
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    I thought I left FB for this story I guess I didn't though. It was really cute at the end. I liked how you took Tempus for Lois and Clark and added him into Smallville.
    I'm a Dreamer and hoping one day Chloe and Lex will be together.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member ~*~Tasha~*~'s Avatar
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    Re: Fork In The Road (PG-13/T)

    Awwww ... so sweet. Although the new Superman movie kind of throws out the Lois and Clark show thing about having babies though. {winks} I know this was written long before that. {Grins}

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