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Thread: Smut And (almost) Nothing But NC-17 complete

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003

    Smut And (almost) Nothing But NC-17 complete

    Hey, all. The board ate the story, but have no fear, I have resurrected it! Blue

    Disclaimer: We don't own Smallville, if we did...let's not go down that road *G*
    Spoilers: Not really
    Rating: NC-17
    Category: PWP
    Summary: Well it all starts when Chloe and Lex get trapped in a store over night.....
    Feedback: We crave it almost as much as the smut *g

    A/N: Sabby: You know what happens when Blue and I think about doing a "short" PWP? It ends up being the smuttiest Tolstoy-length porn on earth *rolls eyes*. So as we move on, hopefully posting daily, we will dedicate this to several people, for their B.days and other important stuff, cuz I think that this one won't end so soon. Damn us for being addicted to smut *shaked head*

    A/N: Blue: Ok, so we were going to write a tiny, little PWP for y'all to tide you over before Teen Spirit heats up. And look what happened *sighs* .

    Day One, Part One: Trapped

    Lex hurried past the glass doors, entering Fordman's sports store in a frenzy. 'How the fuck could I forget something like that?' He had a pressing business meeting the next day and the European investor insisted on playing golf while talking business.

    That wouldn't have been the problem; the problem was that Lex had just brilliantly smashed his 9 iron in an attempt to shut up one of his dad's lackeys the other day and totally forgotten to replace it. So now he found himself in Fordman's store at 8:45 with fifteen minutes to find a half decent replacement for his 1200$ iron.

    Lex briskly made his way through the aisles in search of the golf section. When he had found it, he began ruffling through the irons, most of them not half as good in quality as he was used to. "God dammit," he cursed under his breath.

    Chloe rushed into Fordman's, almost knocking over one of the jocks from her high school. Not that she cared, she was on a mission and had only ten minutes to find the perfect pair of tennis shoes and then get the hell out of dodge.

    She made her way to the back of the store and once more cursed the fact that after taking over the business, the new owners had yet to put the shoe department in order. It was one, long, continuous aisle that was very narrow. If you happened to meet another customer, one of you would have to back up in order to pass.

    She said a silent prayer that she wouldn't meet anyone in the aisle, she was in a rush. 'Of course,' she thought, grumpily, 'the tennis shoes would have to be all the way in the back.' Her father had just called from Burma to remind her that he had promised Mrs. Ross that she would be her doubles partner in a charity event the next day. And had failed to tell Chloe that.

    So, now, instead of being curled up at home she was in a cramped aisle that smelled vaguely of leather, searching desperately for a size six shoe.

    Lex rooted on through the shelves, finding a stack load of putters but not one single nine iron. 'Who the hell do I have to kill to get that fucking iron? Note to self, next time, throw vase.' He grumbled as he shifted aside yet another bundle of 6 irons and sandwich putters.

    When he finally picked up a 9 he let out a short triumphant holler. At that moment the lights went out. "What the fuck?" Lex looked around himself, noting that the store was empty as far as he could see. "Oh this is fucking priceless!" He stamped down the urge to smash his new iron before he even had legally acquired it.

    Chloe was squatting on the floor, trying to see if the shoe box indeed held a six or if some idiot stock boy had just put the box upside down when she was plunged into darkness. She stood up and turned her head in the direction of where she had thought she heard someone yell.

    She quickly began to make her way out of the aisle, but it was made difficult by the total darkness. She remained calm. That is, until she heard the distinct *snick* of a lock falling into place.

    Lex made his way back to the front of the store, hoping that there still would be someone to take the money and let him out. When his ears picked up the sound of a door being locked he stopped dead in his tracks for a second. His brain kicking back into gear, he called out a loud "Hey" and rushed towards the glass doors. Only to see a teen walking away on the other side, huge headphones over the ears that probably blasted loud enough to render anyone deaf. "Well FUCK!" Lex threw away the iron and ran a hand over his head. This was just the perfect end to a perfect night.

    Chloe heard the yelling and followed the sound of the voice. She found, much to her amusement, a very disgruntled Lex Luthor staring out at the deserted street. "I'll see your fuck and raise you a damn," she said, coolly.

    He whipped his head around at the familiar snarky voice coming from behind him. "Miss Sullivan." The smirk fell back in place. ‘At least I'll have company' "You wouldn't at any chance have a key or a lock pick at hand?" Lex said, only half in jest.

    Chloe began patting at her pockets, amused when a hopeful look ever so briefly flashed over Lex's face. "Nope," she said, "they must be in my other jeans." She cocked her head and smiled at him.

    Lex shook his head ever so slightly at her antics. "Well great." He expelled a long breath. "Ok then I assume I'll just have to break the window and deal with the police.”

    Chloe raised one of her eyebrows. "I'm surprised that you don't know how to pick a lock. Don't they teach that in those reform schools disguised as prep schools that they sent you to?" Lex just shrugged and picked up his 9 iron again.

    She opened her mouth to tell him that after all of the weird occurrences on Main Street this particular store had unbreakable glass installed, but decided against it. 'This is too good,' she thought as she gracefully hopped up onto the counter where the knives were displayed. "By all means Mr. Luthor, break away."

    Lex hefted the iron and stepped close to the large store window next to the entrance. He swung out and back. The iron collided hard with the surface, the impact running all the way up his arm and making him shout out a curse in pain. When he looked at the window again, the glass was flawless. "What the bloody hell?" he muttered, dropping the putter and rubbing his arm.

    Chloe began to laugh. It was just too good. "I guess they also didn't teach you about the magical phenomenon of unbreakable glass at those expensive schools you attended." She hopped off of the counter, and took the golf iron out of his hand. "This won't do you any good, trust me."

    Lex closed his eyes and took a deep breath before locking his eyes with Chloe in a scathing gaze. "And you couldn't have told me that *before* I almost disjointed my shoulder?" His voice was eerily calm.

    "Well," she said, leaning up against the impervious glass, "I technically *could* have but then I would have missed that display of unadulterated manhood that you just put on. It was rather impressive." She tried to contain herself, she really did, but she felt a huge grin overtake her face.

    Lex had to hold back a smirk of his own. *Technically* she was right. He ran a hand over his head and his look softened a little as he expelled a sigh. "Then what do you suggest we do, seeing as 'unadulterated manhood' as you call it won't do us any good in this case?"

    Chloe's eyebrows knit together. "That, Lex, is an excellent question." She sighed. "Ok, breaking the glass won't work. And, being that we've been moving around and no alarm has gone off, I assume that the idiot that locked us in here also forgot to turn the alarm on. So..." she trailed off. Then she slapped her hand to her forehead. "What am I? An idiot?" she muttered to herself as she rummaged through her bag. "Don't answer that," she said, sharply, never looking up at Lex.

    Chloe began to get more and more agitated as she searched her bag for her cell phone. She could feel Lex's gaze on her and her heart sank when she realized that in her mad dash for the store before it closed, she had forgotten it at home. She sighed and looked up at Lex. "Come on," she said, wearily, "give me the best you've got."

    Lex’s smirk widened immensely despite of the situation. "I would, but the look on your face is good enough for me, Miss Sullivan." Then he reached into the pocket of his pants, whipping out his cell and switching it on...to find an empty screen. His face fell abruptly and a groan escaped his throat. "This can't be true." He shook his head in denial, putting the cell back into his pocket.

    The look of utter disbelief on Lex's face and the absurdity of the situation was all it took for Chloe to burst out laughing. "*You* of all people forgot to charge your cell phone? That's priceless, it's like a fifth limb to you."

    Lex looked at her dumbfounded for a second, then started to chuckle. Her laughter was contagious and he soon found himself laughing along, helpless to do anything but.
    Once Chloe was able to get control of herself again she said, "Ok, now that we're done with the hysterical madness portion of the evening, I'm open to any suggestion that pseudo-criminal mind of yours can come up with to get us out of here."

  2. #2
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Blue: So, sabby had this whole witty A/N, which I then promptly erased, cause I'm a moron. I do, however, remember her mentioning that you guys will only have to wait until tomorrow for the real smut to show up.

    Day One, Part Two: Wet

    Lex sobered up immediately. "I beg you pardon?" His expression turned blank at that moment and he crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe someone with real criminal experience at breaking and entering should get us out of here." He shot her a pointed look. Lex still got miffed when somebody stamped him as anything but a good citizen. True he had done some shady things in the past but he was *not* a criminal, not even a pseudo-criminal.

    "I hope that you're not implying that *I* have either broken or entered before, Lex. I'm shocked and, of course, appalled at the accusation. Ok, so we've established that both of us are totally useless in this situation. Good to know." She pushed away from the glass wall and began scanning the walls of the store. "Maybe if we can find the alarm, we can set it off? Does that sound like it might be possible? You know, if we just start putting in random numbers, you'd think it would set it off. How about we try that?"

    Lex thought about that for a second, then nodded. "First we have to find it though and I don't think that the whole store being pitch black will be any help." He walked towards and past her in the direction of the nearest wall.

    Chloe walked in the opposite direction and proceeded to trip over the club that they had left lying on the floor. "Ow. Fuck me hard," she yelled as she began to get up off of the floor.

    Lex whipped around, one eyebrow arched high at her rather unusual outburst. "Miss Sullivan, I hardly think this is the time or place, but I am sure we can arrange that as soon as we find ourselves in a less irritating situation." His tone held more then a tint of amusement.

    She glared up at him, angered at the feeling that spread throughout her body as an image of them entangled in each other flickered through her mind. She held up her hand, "Lex, where are your manners? Aren't you even going to help a lady to her feet?"

    Lex came over and held his hand out to her. "I apologize for my being so inconsiderate." He grabbed her small hand in his and pulled her up with a little too much force, causing her upper body to crash into his chest.

    Chloe instinctively grabbed for his shoulders in order to steady her body and she felt as Lex's arms grabbed onto her waist. Her heart hammered furiously in her chest and she looked up at Lex. "Sorry," she said, quickly, "trying not to land on my ass again." But, she noticed, she made no move to let go of Lex.

    He smirked down at her, holding her steady with his hands now on her hips. "It's all right. Shall we go and find that alarm system now? I suggest we go together, though. It would take me hours to find you if you happened to get lost in one of these aisles."

    "Sure," she said, smiling up at him. Chloe reluctantly stepped away from Lex's body. "Though, I doubt it would take you hours, I'd just set something on fire and send you some smoke signals." Her eyes lit up. "Do you have any matches or a lighter?" Chloe looked towards the ceiling. "If we could get high enough, we could try and set off the sprinkler system. The firemen would come then and we'd be rescued. Plus," she said, waggling her eyebrows, "then there'd be firemen here."

    Lex shook his head. "Always an ulterior motive Miss Sullivan, terrible trait to have.“

    "Oh, *you’re* one to talk, Lex," Chloe huffed. "Are you telling me that if you could get us out of this situation and be saved by some brunette bimbos that you wouldn't jump at the chance? Please."

    "I wouldn't call Clark a brunette bimbo, since he is the one doing the rescue nine out of ten times, but if you insist." Lex grinned.

    "Lex," Chloe said in exasperation, "firemen aside, what do you think of plan B? Of course," she said, thoughtfully, "perhaps we should try plan A before we move on to plan B."

    Lex smirked at her rambling before he cut in "I think plan B ought to work faster. If it works, so let's cut plan A and move straight to B." He pulled a silver lighter out of his pants pocket. He still kept it for practical purpose. Hanging out with women, who smoked like chimneys to stay a size two, made you think in those tracks.

    Chloe looked towards the ceiling. "Ok, so what now? I mean, I thought of the plan, it's your turn to be productive and helpful."

    Lex glanced at the high ceiling and the metal sprinklers placed there, then back at Chloe. "Well I think it should work if I lift you up. This way you should be tall enough to reach the ceiling, or close to it anyway." He handed her the lighter.

    Chloe looked from the lighter, to the sprinkler and then back to Lex a few times. She took off her jacket and threw it on the counter. "So, Lex, how do you want to do it?"

    Lex smirked at her choice of words. 'Oh with you any place and in various positions' he thought, then immediately pulled his mind out of the gutter. 'Hell she's barely more than a kid' he berated himself 'She's eighteen' A singsong voice in his head answered. Lex cleared his throat.

    "Ok, hold on to my shoulders," he said, crouching down.

    Chloe stepped towards Lex and placed her hands on his shoulders. "You wish is my command, master," she said. She meant it as a joke but her voice was too low for her liking.

    Lex looked up at her a broad grin taking over his face. "Don't I wish," he whispered and said aloud: "I'll hold you to that later." He intertwined his fingers and held his hands out in front of him, palms up. "I hope you didn't step into anything before you came here."

    Chloe avoided looking at his heated gaze. Instead, she placed her foot in the cradle of Lex's hands that he had made by interlocking his fingers. "Too late now," she said as she boosted herself up.

    The upswing caused her crotch to press rather intimately against his face and Chloe found herself gasping at the contact, as a muffled 'humpf' escaped Lex. He switched her position lightly so that his head was now pressed to the outside of her thigh. "A little less enthusiasm the next time please. You almost broke my nose there," he commented dryly.

    Chloe held onto the sprinkler with her left hand while she used her right to flick the lighter to life. She held it under the sprinkler and waited, and waited. "Lex, I don't think...." she was cut off when a jet of freezing water began to rain down on her. Luckily, she didn't lose her balance. She climbed down Lex, glad to be back on the ground. She looked over at him and was surprised that he didn't look pleased.

    Lex took a deep breath. His clothes were soaked and he felt like a drowned rat. He contemplated strangling the girl in front of him for a second, before he took in her appearance.

    Her t-shirt was clinging to her curves and her nipples had already hardened from the cold shower they had received. The sprinklers were still spraying down on them and the whole store would be ruined if the fireman didn't show up soon. "Tell me again why this was a good idea?" He tried to sound annoyed, but his voice betrayed him as his eyes swept over her body.

    Chloe couldn't come up with a witty retort. Mostly due to the way that Lex was looking at her. His eyes raked over her body hungrily and rested not so briefly on her chest and she felt a familiar throb start between her legs. She licked her lips, "Because," she said, slowly, amazed at the low timbre of her voice, "because of the firemen, remember?"

    Lex nodded mutely, still not able to take his eyes of her luscious curves. "Yeah, let's hope they show up soon." 'Before I do something we might regret.' he added silently.

    A thick silence descended upon them. 'Say something, anything,' Chloe's mind screamed at her. In the silence, she heard something, or rather, nothing. She closed her eyes, and groaned, arching her neck slightly before running her hand over her face. "Lex, there isn't any alarm ringing. No one's going to come." She opened her eyes to see how Lex was taking the bad news.

    Lex looked at her, a blank expression on his face. "You mean you drenched the both of us in ice cold water for nothing?" he asked too calmly.

    "May I remind you that you were the one that wanted us to skip directly to Plan B? So, I'm not taking *all* of the blame for this little fiasco," Chloe's rant was cut off as the water stopped. "And we're not getting drenched anymore so you can stop your whining."

    "I wasn't whining," Lex snapped. He had reached the end of his rope. "Anyway, let's find the damn alarm and then try and get the hell out of here." He turned around and stalked off, promptly hitting something with his knee. "God Dammit!" He shouted, kicking the unknown object hard.

    "Lex," Chloe said, walking after him. "I hate to bring up this point, but this amount of water," she said, gesturing all around them, "may have shorted out the alarm system so I wouldn't get your hopes up." She stopped short when something caught her attention.

    Lex's shoulders slumped and he groaned. "Got a plan C Sullivan?" he remarked sarcastically.

    "No," she said, shortly, walking back towards him. "But, if you continue to piss me off, I won't give you one of these," she said, showing him the high powered flashlights she had found, "which may make it more difficult to find what you're looking for. Now, apologize for being a dolt."

    Lex just snatched one of the flashlights from her hands, emitting a sound that sounded suspiciously like a growl. "Let's find the damn alarm." he gritted the words through his teeth.

    "Oh no you don't," Chloe said, lunging for the flashlight in his hand. She dropped her own as she tried to pull the other one away from Lex. She knew that she was acting infantile but she didn't care, she was trying to make a point here, dammit. "Apologize," she gritted out as she tugged on the slippery flashlight.

    Lex looked at her incredulously. "Could you behave any more like a child? I didn't do anything I would have to apologize for anyway." He yanked his arm up and to the side, making it impossible for the small girl to reach the flashlight. "Dammit Chloe, let's just get out of here and forget that this damn night ever happened, ok?" He didn't even realize his using her first name at that moment as their heated gazed locked.

    "*I'm* behaving like a child," she said, incredulously. "*I'm* not a 23 year old cut throat business man who can't muster a simple apology for snapping at someone who's just as pissed off at the situation as he is. And, trust me, I have no problem with forgetting that this night ever happened." Chloe thought her speech was well put, however, its merit may have been higher had she not been jumping to try and reach the flashlight the whole time.

    Lex had to hold back a chuckle at her continued efforts to reach the flashlight. It also had the added bonus that her breasts were bouncing up with every jump, drawing his attention. Lex forced his eyes to return to Chloe's flushed face. "I apologize for snapping, ok? Now can we stop this and just go find that damn alarm set?"

    Chloe stopped jumping. "Yes, yes we can. Now, was that so hard?" When Lex lowered his arm, Chloe snatched the flashlight out of his hand. "I'll lead." She turned on her heel and walked towards the back of the store, which she thought would be the most likely place for an alarm to be.

    Lex shook her head and picked up the second flashlight from the floor. "Women." he muttered under his breath as he switched it on and shook it lightly. The ray of light gave him a clear view of his surroundings now, and at Chloe's retreating rear, clearly pronounced by her still soaked jeans. "Gotta love them." He grinned.

    Chloe could hear Lex muttering to himself but chose to ignore it. "Here alarm, alarm," she called out and then laughed at herself. 'You're losing it, Sullivan,' she thought to herself. Chloe's passed her flashlight over the walls and stopped when she found what she was looking for, a keypad. "Lex," she yelled, spinning around.....and then she found herself crashing into Lex's body yet again.

    Lex drew in a sharp breath as her full breasts were pressed against his chest, her nose almost bumping into his shoulder. He looked down at her at the same moment as she looked up, their faces only inches apart.

    Chloe gulped. "I found it," she said weakly as her eyes were drawn to his lips as she licked her own. He watched in apt fascination as her tongue darted out and slowly wet her lips. Neither of them moved an inch.

    "Yeah, seems so" He tried to put a smirk on his face but to him it felt more like a shaky smile.

    Chloe continued to stare up at him, waiting for him to do something. He just stood there. She turned away, quickly, and stomped over to the keypad. Chloe flicked her hair out of her eyes and inspected it. It was not lit up. "Fuck, either it’s busted, or it never worked or they forgot to pay the bill. Whatever happened, we can't arm it, hence we can't set it off." She leaned forward and started to lightly bang her head against the wall out of sheer frustration.

    After the third bang, a hand moved between her forehead and the wall. "I don't think permanent brain damage will improve this situation," Lex quipped.

    Chloe took the opportunity to lean back into his body. "Actually," she said, "I was going for unconsciousness. That way, when I wake up, this whole mess would be over with."

    Lex chuckled lightly. "So you trust me with your unconscious body for the whole night?" he whispered seductively into her ear, enjoying the feel of her body leaned against his.

    "Depends what you were planning on doing with it," Chloe responded before thinking. She blamed it on the way that his body felt against hers; it was driving all rational thought from her mind.

    "Oh I'd rather prefer you alert and conscious for the things I have in mind." he let his hands roam down her sides to her hips.

    Chloe pressed herself more fully against Lex, her hands finding their way to his ass pressing his semi hard erection against her. She groaned as she felt him harden even more against her ass, "Tell me what you have in mind," she whispered, "in great detail."

    "Well first off," he husked into her ear, letting his breath graze over the sensitive shell. "We have to get out of these clothes. Then," he continued, letting his fingers trail under the hem of her shirt and lightly tracing her sensitive skin with his fingertips. "We will find some dry ones and get us some sleeping bags since it seems like we'll have to spend the night here." He finished his sentence, smirking as she didn't seem to catch his words for a few seconds before they penetrated her brain.

    Chloe had to concentrate greatly on what Lex was saying. Normally, she was an excellent listener. Of course, normally, the person who she was engaged in conversation with wasn't grinding his erection against her willing body while skimming his hands over stomach. That made comprehension slightly more difficult.

    When Chloe was able to find her voice, she said, "I think that there's a problem with your plan, Lex." Chloe took her left hand off of Lex's body, placing it over Lex's left hand and guiding it to the apex of her thighs. "Everything in this store is *wet*" With the last word, she thrust her hips forward.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Sabby: SO here it is, the first smut scene, from
    here the plot will be pretty much not there, well
    maybe a little here and there but lets say it is
    barely there. Anyway I'm rambling, shutting up now.
    Read and Review !

    A/N: Blue: Here's the first bit of smut, plenty more
    where this one came from. Oh, bad pun

    Day One, Part Three: The Tent 1

    Lex groaned as he felt her center press against his
    hand through the wet fabric of her jeans. "Are you
    sure you want to start this game with me Chloe?" He
    whispered into her ear. "Because I do *nothing* half
    way." He let his tongue flick out and pulled her
    earlobe into his mouth, sucking gently on the
    sensitive flesh.

    Chloe groaned helplessly when Lex's tongue hit a
    particularly sensitive spot right behind her ear. Her
    jeans began even more uncomfortable and she pressed
    Lex's hand more urgently against her body. "I'm sure,
    Lex. I just hope that you can keep up." She thrust
    back against him and was rewarded when the action
    ripped a moan from his throat.

    He couldn't help but tighten his grip on her, his
    right hands possessively around her waist as his left
    started rubbing over the seam of her jeans. His mouth
    trailed a path down to the juncture of her neck and
    shoulder, where he bit down sharply, before soothing
    the sting of his bite with a long stroke of his

    He felt Chloe shudder in his arms and smiled against
    her skin. "Where do you want me to take you, Chloe?"
    He husked, moving his right hand up to her breast,
    massaging the supple flesh with his palm.

    Chloe was writhing against Lex. She had been with men
    before but none had brought her to this level of want.
    Chloe could barely form coherent thoughts, let alone
    words to answer Lex. But, her stubborn side still
    wouldn't let him think that he had won. "Lex, the
    better question is, where *don't* I want you to take
    me. Right now, I can't think of a place where I
    wouldn't gladly wrap my legs around you as you pound
    into me. Or, for that matter, a place where I wouldn't
    get down on my hands and knees for you to take me from

    Lex gulped. The visuals flooding his mind shot a hot
    streak of desire down his spine and straight to his
    cock. He whirled Chloe around to face him and seized
    her lips with his in a breathtaking kiss. Running his
    tongue over them her mouth opened willingly to him,
    her tongue immediately answering his explorations.

    A small noise broke from Chloe's throat when their
    tongues met. Her left hand grasped at the nape of
    Lex's neck, pulling him closer. She ran her tongue
    over his as her right hand began to stroke his cock
    through his pants. Chloe started to pull away, but
    Lex's hand had found its way into her hair and angled
    her head so he could deepen the kiss. Chloe ran the
    tip of her tongue over the roof of Lex's mouth and he
    groaned. She was able to pull away this time and
    whispered in his ear, "You mentioned something about
    getting out of these clothes?"

    Without answering her, Lex took a step back and yanked
    her clinging t-shirt over her head, her arms moving
    willingly to accommodate his action. His eyes fell on
    the scanty black bra covering her lush breasts.

    Chloe smiled and stepped back towards the warmth of
    Lex's body. "I meant you, not me," she said before she
    grabbed the hem of Lex's shirt and yanked upwards.

    Lex let her manhandle him, but his arms were back
    around her waist, pulling her flush against him as
    soon as they were freed from the shirt again.

    Chloe's hands found their way to Lex's shoulders and
    her nails dug into his skin when she felt her nipples
    come into contact with Lex's chest, the only barrier
    between their flesh was the lacy material of her bra.
    She began to rub her breasts against Lex's chest,
    teasing both herself and the man before her. The
    friction she created sent a jolt of desire straight to
    her pussy and her head fell against Lex's bare chest
    from the sensation.

    His hands roamed over her back, reveling in the
    feeling of her soft skin under his palms. When he
    reached the clasp of her bra, he opened it with a
    flick of his wrist. Letting his fingers wander up her
    shoulders he slowly pulled down the straps and exposed
    her breasts to his view.

    Lex let his fingers trail down over the soft flesh,
    grazing his short trimmed nails over her nipples
    before tweaking them into tight buds between his index
    and middle fingers.

    Chloe gasped at the sensation and elicited a high
    keening sound when Lex pulled her close and caught one
    of her nipples between his lips clamping tightly
    around the small bud.

    Chloe desperately held Lex's head to her body. She
    looked down and she watched as Lex worshipped her
    breasts. She raked her nails over his scalp and then
    moved then down to his back, feeling the powerful
    muscles moving under the skin. When Lex bit down on
    her nipple, Chloe's nails dug into skin. 'Enough
    foreplay,' she thought, hazily

    "Lex," she said. Well, at least she tried to say it,
    it came out as more of a moan. "Lex," she tried again,
    "stand up."

    Lex complied, standing back up, sliding his body along
    hers, not leaving an inch between them. He pressed her
    harder into the wall behind her.

    Chloe found it hard to focus on what she was trying to
    convey to Lex. Mostly due to the fact that he was
    pressed fully against her. The feeling of being
    trapped between a hard wall and a hard Lex was a most
    pleasant one.

    Her eyes flickered briefly over his shoulder and found
    just what they were looking for. She placed her hands
    on his shoulders and gently pushed his body away from

    Lex took only one step back, allowing her the minimum
    amount of space to pass by him. She took his hand and
    pulled him after her. Chloe turned around, walking
    backwards now so she could look at Lex and said, "I
    believe you also said something about sleeping bags?"
    Chloe motioned to the sodden material on the ground.

    "However," she said, "I think I'm wet enough for both
    of us, so what do you say about taking this, and me,
    inside of a tent?"

    Lex looked past her at the rather large bungalow tent
    and a wide smile overtook his features. "Never figured
    you for the camping type, but what the lady wants, the
    lady gets." He pushed Chloe to her knees when she was
    close enough to the low entrance and waited for her to
    slither backwards into the tent. He hummed in
    satisfaction as she did so, spreading her legs as she
    shifted away, shooting a coy look up at him.

    As Chloe scooted back into the tent, her butt hit
    something that stopped her progress. She turned around
    and smiled as she climbed on top of her discovery. She
    couldn't take her eyes off of Lex as he crawled into
    the tent. "Looks like it's our lucky day, Lex," she
    said as she bounced slightly on the air mattress that
    was covered with a warm, thick camping blanket. She
    chuckled as Lex's eyes were instantly drawn to her
    swaying breasts. "Care to join me," she asked as she
    held out her hand. "Though," she said, looking at the
    air mattress, "it may be a *tight* squeeze." Triumph
    flowed through her body when she saw that Lex's
    breathing became increasing more labored with her

    "I don't mind at all. I rather enjoy the prospect."
    Lex purred as he settled between her legs, his face
    right above her belly button.

    His hands trailed over her stomach and up to her
    breasts, cupping them and rolling them under his
    palms, while his mouth lowered to the contracting
    muscles of her stomach. His lips hovered a mere inch
    above her skin and his tongue flicked out and into her
    navel before swirling around the small indention.

    Chloe felt her stomach tighten when she felt Lex's
    breath on her stomach.

    Lex couldn't suppress a smile of pure male pride as he
    watched Chloe start to writhe helplessly under his

    Chloe was propped up on her elbows, her eyes shut and
    her hands digging into the blanket. She arched her
    hips upwards, silently hoping that Lex wouldn't make
    her beg. Mostly because, for the first time in her
    life, she would. Loudly.

    Lex entertained the thought of making her beg him, but
    decided against it as his confined arousal was already
    beginning to throb in painful anticipation.

    He skimmed his fingers over the waistband of her
    jeans, letting his fingers reach an inch or two
    between fabric and skin. Taking in Chloe's heated
    gaze, he unbuttoned the garment and deftly yanked the
    zipper down. Then he slowed his pace again, peeling
    the wet fabric from her legs inch by agonizing inch.
    When he reached her feet he pulled her shoes off and
    threw them behind him.

    Chloe's nipples tightened even more from the dual
    sensation of arousal and the cold air hitting her damp
    body. She shifted uncomfortably, knowing that, at this
    point, Lex was the only one who would be able to
    release her from the torment of unfulfilled desire she
    felt in her body. Chloe opened her eyes, locking them
    with Lex's and spread her legs wider.

    His eyes were rooted to the darkened patch of hair he
    could see under the soaked material of her panties.
    Lex's hands slowly crept up her legs as his mouth drew
    closer to her crotch, when his fingers closed around
    her hips, his thumbs lightly pressing into the hollows
    where her legs met her torso, he buried his nose in
    the wet fabric and stabbed his tongue into her
    entrance through the material.

    "Fuck, Lex," Chloe moaned. She started grinding her
    hips into his face, trying to increase the contact
    between his tongue and her pussy through the lace.
    What he was doing to her was wonderful, but it wasn't
    enough. She lowered her upper body down to the
    mattress and her hands joined his on her hips.
    However, she then frantically began to push and pull
    at her panties. "Off. Now," she commanded.

    Lex stilled her hands on her hips, interlacing their
    fingers. "Patience, baby." He murmured, The vibrations
    of his voice hitting her oversensitive pussy.

    "Patience is a virtue, Lex, and I think that we'd both
    agree that I'm anything but virtuous right now," she
    breathed out. She was now trying to rip her panties
    off, abandoning the idea of sliding them off.

    Lex let her do as she pleased, pulling slightly back
    to enjoy the view of an overeager Chloe Sullivan.
    Flushed and panting, her eyes dark and pupils dilated
    with desire. He couldn't keep his hands off her any
    longer and pounced on her as soon as she had thrown
    away the shredded remains of her panties.

    Chloe knew that she was losing any semblance of
    dignity that she may have left, but she didn't give a
    fuck. She wanted Lex inside of her, and she wanted it
    now. She realized, however, that it would be made
    slightly more difficult by the fact that he was still
    wearing his pants

    She groaned, this time out of frustration instead of
    desire and pulled herself up to a sitting position and
    then to her knees. Lex's eyebrows knit together,
    confused as to what she was doing. His eyes closed
    when she firmly grasped the bulge in his pants.

    An animalistic growl ripped from his throat as she
    started to massage his rock hard cock through the
    constricting material.

    Her nimble fingers found the button and zipper and
    made short work of both, her hand snaking into his
    boxers and circling his length tightly. Chloe slowly
    started to stroke from base to tip and back down, her
    hand twisting lightly on every upstroke. Lex's eyes
    opened slowly and he fixed his gaze on her face. She
    was looking at her movements, unconsciously licking
    her lips as she ran her thumb over the tip of his
    dick, spreading the precum that had gathered there
    over the whole head.

    Her thumb moved on to the particularly sensitive spot
    on the underside of his length, right where the head
    ended and pressed her nail lightly into the skin. Lex
    saw stars behind his eyes and it took all of his
    control to not come at the spot from the sensation
    shooting down his spine. "Chloe" he rasped.

    "Hmmm," Chloe hummed. She liked exploring Lex's body
    and hoped that he wasn't going to make her stop,
    especially if she was able to make him say her name
    like that again. But, in order to do it properly, she
    wanted him fully naked. Chloe slid his boxers and
    pants down as far as she could. "Help me Lex," she
    said. Lex moved into a sitting position and removed
    the rest of his clothing and kicked off his shoes. Lex
    looked at her. "Back on your knees," she commanded.

    He acquiescest, running his hands slowly up and down
    her arms as he caught her in a languorous kiss. As
    soon as Lex was back on his knees she immediately
    reached for his cock and swirled her thumb around the
    head once more, then brought it to her lips. Chloe
    waited until Lex's eyes opened before snaking her
    tongue out, and flicking it over her thumb, tasting
    him. His eyes darkened when she drew her thumb into
    her mouth, moaning at the taste of Lex.

    "Taste so good," she whispered before her hand was
    once again on his cock. Her left hand was massaging
    his balls as her right continued stroking his dick.
    Lex's body was taunt and Chloe knew that he needed
    release, but she wanted to see how long she could keep
    him on the edge. And, what exactly, would drive him

    Her right hand was, by now, covered with his precum,
    when she released his cock, his eyes fluttered open
    again. Chloe, ever so slowly, began to rub the liquid
    over her erect nipples. His eyes widened. Her hand
    traveled lower under it was nestled between her
    thighs. She placed her left hand on Lex's shoulder for
    support and then thrust three of her fingers into her
    core. She began rocking on her knees, her head resting
    against Lex's chest as she moaned his name.

    He couldn't hold back anymore. His arms reached out
    and drew her flush against him, her hard nipples
    pressing against his chest as Lex claimed Chloe's lips
    in a searing kiss. His hands roamed over her back
    kneading her flesh where he could reach and traveled
    down to her ass, massaging her cheeks. His fingers dug
    into the soft curves as he pulled her closer, trapping
    the hand she used to please herself between her wet
    curls and his throbbing erection. While she was
    pumping her fingers in and out of her core the back of
    her hand now stroked over his hard length.

    Chloe's left hand was clawing at Lex's shoulder as she
    rode her fingers. They moved in and out of her cunt
    easily. She was dripping at the thought of Lex
    watching her fuck herself while she grunted his name.
    Chloe whimpered when Lex's mouth captured hers. Her
    cry turned into a groan when she felt her other hand
    traveling over Lex's cock while she fucked herself.

    Chloe moved her left arm from his shoulder to the back
    of his neck and pulled herself closing, never stopping
    her hips from their rhythm. She placed her lips next
    to his ear and whispered, "So close, Lex. Help me."

    His right hand wove into her hair and he pulled her
    head back looking into her flushed face, her eyes
    screwed shut tightly with her effort.

    "Look at me." he growled waiting for her to open her
    eyes and focus on him before he let his left hand
    wander down her sides and to her center. He brushed
    over the coarse curls and found her clit with his
    fingers, rubbing hard over the tight bundle of nerves
    and farther down. Lex's thrust two of his long fingers
    far into her dripping pussy, sliding over her shorter

    Chloe eyes widened and she had to fight the urge to
    close them. She breathed deeply before she thrust her
    hips down, hard, taking Lex's fingers, and her own,
    roughly into her body as far as she could. She held
    his eyes as she began to fuck them both, chanting his

    Lex watched her face in avid fascination, the color of
    her eyes had become even darker and Chloe obviously
    had to fight to keep them open. She looked up at him,
    her lashes on halfmast as they both kept pumping into
    her wet core. Lex tightened his hold on her hair and
    drew her in for another passionate kiss. As he pressed
    the nail of his thumb into her clit at the same time,
    she screamed into his mouth.

    The dual sensation of Lex's tongue possessing her
    mouth and his thumb pressing on her clit sent Chloe's
    body spiraling out of control. She slammed herself
    down once more on their fingers before her brain lost
    control over her body and instinct took over. She
    heard a scream ripped from her throat, but it was
    swallowed by Lex's mouth, which was covering her own.
    Chloe felt her inner muscles clench around their
    fingers and she slumped against Lex's body, panting.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Here we go again *g* Have Fun, Sabby

    A/N: Blue: Have we mentioned that this is NC-17?

    Day One, Part Four: The Tent 2

    Lex slowly slipped his fingers out of her core and brought them up to his mouth, licking them meticulously clean. He would have to delay the real taste to another time, though. His raging hard on was demanding immediate attention. He gently eased Chloe back onto the air mattress, letting his hands roam all over the front of her pliant body.

    Chloe's body felt very relaxed after her unbelievable orgasm. The feeling didn't last, however. The moment that Lex began running his hands over her body, the restless feeling of want quickly returned.

    Lex's fingers wrapped around her ankles and pushed her legs up to her chest. He entered her in one swift stroke, both of them gasping at the feelings the action evoked. Lex found himself encased in a sheath of liquid heat and her internal muscles gripped his cock like a vice seeming to draw him in even deeper.

    He took a moment to collect himself, then started to slowly withdraw until just the tip of him was still inside her. Her muscles sucking him deeper made this action a sweet torture. Lex halted for a moment, waiting for Chloe to look at him. When she looked back up at him he slammed home hard, burying his cock to the hilt in her quivering cunt.

    Chloe pulled Lex closer to her body; she wanted as much contact as possible. She also wanted to surrender herself to the moment, and to the man that was fucking her. She rolled her hips as she groaned, "Fuck me, Lex. Don’t hold back."

    The words had no sooner left her mouth before Lex began to thrust harder into her. Chloe could hear him grunting her name every time his cock slid deeper into her body. She grabbed his tight ass and thrust forward as she pulled him closer.

    "Fuck so tight, you're perfect" he groaned as he felt her muscles clamp down even harder on his cock. He leaned back on his heels, stroking up Chloe's legs as he continued to pound mercilessly into her from the different angle.

    Lex was penetrating her in a way that she had never felt. She wasn't a virgin, but none of her lovers had made her lose such control. Chloe could feel that her whole body was beginning to seize up. 'Not, yet,' she thought. "No one's ever fucked me so good, Lex. Only you. Don't stop," she panted out. Her hands found their way to the mattress and she clutched at it frantically, willing herself not to come yet. By now, their movement had ripped the blankets from where they had been secured and her nails dug into the air mattress itself, puncturing it.

    As Lex continued to plunge into her, the mattress quickly deflated. Chloe was now being slammed against the floor with the force of Lex's cock. She couldn't have cared less.

    He changed the angle again and knew he had found that sweet spot when Chloe's back arched high, only her shoulders keeping in contact with the hard surface beneath her. Reaching with his left hand to where their bodies where joined, Lex started to rub her clit in rhythm with his hard strokes. "Come for me Chloe," he croaked out,"I want you to let go."

    Chloe gladly obeyed Lex's words. She let herself go completely. "Lex," she wailed, "come inside of me." She violently pulled Lex to her body, his left hand continuing it's assault on her clit as his cock hit her in just the right spot incredibly hard. In the next moment, Chloe began to scream unintelligible words as her orgasm overtook her body. Even as she came, she still kept up the movement of her hips.

    Lex felt a surge of pure electricity shoot down his spine and straight to his cock as he watched and felt Chloe explode into her climax around him. He had never felt his own climax come on so hard as he crashed into oblivion spilling his seed deep into her with a few last hard thrusts.

    Chloe felt Lex swell in her and then explode, groaning her name as he came. She gasped his name once more as his cock continued to move in her. Lex's body stilled and he gently placed her legs back on the ground. She heard him say, "Don't want to crush you," and he began to pull out of her. "No," she said, quickly, as she placed her hands on his shoulders. "Stay. I like the feel of you inside of me, Lex."

    Lex looked at her stunned for a second. He'd never met a woman that wanted to keep him inside her after the sex. He should have known that Chloe was a completely different kind of woman. He nodded shortly and turned over, staying inside of her, so that she was lying on top of him now. His arms went around her waist to keep her in place and Chloe snuggled into his chest. The feeling was actually comforting, in a scary way.

    Chloe ran her hand over his chest. "So, what," she said, breaking the silence, "was that plan C? Make me scream so loud that someone would come to investigate?" She smiled softly up at him.

    He smiled back at her, running a hand through her ruffled hair. "Seeing as no one came rushing in here yet, maybe I'll have to repeat plan C until they do." He smirked.

    Chloe smiled in earnest this time. "Or, we could move onto plan D," she said, her voice low and husky, "which entails me making *you* scream till someone comes to rescue us."

    "Hmmm." Lex pretended to ponder that option for a moment. "Think you can make me scream that loud, do you?"

    Chloe purred, "Not sure, but I'd sure as hell like to give it a try, wouldn't you." She wiggled against him.

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Sabby: Well no special occasion yet, so this one
    is just for the hell of it *evil grin*

    A/N: Blue: Not much to say, just some nice smut for

    Day One; Part Five: The Tent 3

    Lex moaned as she shifted on his cock that was showing
    more than a little interest in her actions. He felt
    himself harden inside her again as Chloe drew her
    nails over his chest. "Oh, I would, definitely." He
    murmured against her lips, before their tongues
    engaged in a languid kiss.

    Chloe could feel the effect that she was having on Lex
    and she loved it. She broke away from the kiss and
    placed her hands on his shoulders. "Good," she said,
    "just lay back and enjoy then." Chloe lifted up her
    hips and began to ride Lex's now fully erect cock. She
    rose up until just his tip was inside of her and then
    gracefully sunk down.

    Lex moaned as his head dropped back to the ground. His
    eyes half lidded, he watched Chloe move gracefully
    above him. She looked radiant as she rode him slowly,
    drawing out every movement seemingly forever. His
    hands stroked up and down over the soft skin of her
    thighs while he enjoyed her wet heat around him. Her
    body seemed to have been made for him, Chloe
    accommodated his entire length and with every slow
    down stroke he was buried all the way inside her.

    Chloe kept up her slow rhythm, even though she was
    sure it was tormenting her more than Lex. She wanted
    him to scream like she had before; she wanted him to
    feel as incredible as she had. Chloe placed one of her
    hands in the center of his chest as the other began to
    massage his balls in the same rhythm of her hips.

    Lex moaned loudly as she started to roll his balls in
    the palm of her hand, digging the nails of her other
    hand into his chest all the while still slowly riding
    him. "God, Chloe," he panted out, his breathing
    becoming more labored by the minute.

    Chloe began to rake her nails over Lex's chest. His
    hips bucked up and she repeated the action, this time
    scraping her nails over his nipple. She quickly bent
    her head and took the nipple in her mouth, running her
    tongue over it to sooth the skin.

    Lex couldn't prevent the full body shudder that ran
    through him when Chloe's mouth latched onto him. He
    arched into her touch his grip on her thighs
    tightening. "Fuck yeah."

    Chloe continued to run her tongue over his nipple as
    her grip on his balls tightened. She found it hard to
    ride him properly in this position, so with one last
    pass, her mouth left his nipple.

    Lex moaned her name again as she sat back up and
    picked up her pace. Her nails were still trying to
    find purchase on his chest and the mixture of pleasure
    and pain was an incredible turn on for him. His
    fingers dug into her hips, urging her to speed up her
    pace. Lex's eyes fell shut as she complied, riding him
    harder with every downstroke.

    Chloe saw Lex's eyes fall shut and saw it as a
    victory. She moved her hips faster and faster as she
    felt Lex meeting her thrusts. His hands were sure to
    leave bruises on her fair skin, and she became more
    aroused at the thought that he was marking her as his
    own. She felt the need to repay the favor. She dug her
    nails in more firmly and ran them from the center of
    his chest, all the way down to where his auburn curls
    were. She felt immense pleasure at seeing the red
    welts rise up on his skin.

    Lex arched up from the floor, a hoarse scream drawn
    from deep in his throat as he felt his skin being
    marred by her nails. His eyes snapped open and he
    swung his torso up, flinging his arms around Chloe,
    catching her by surprise. He bit roughly into her
    shoulder, delighted when she cried out against him
    impaling herself even harder on his cock.

    The pain of Lex's teeth almost piercing her skin and
    the feeling of his cock plunging deeper into her body
    brought Chloe to the edge once more. She continued to
    ride Lex at the frantic pace that he had set up. She
    opened her eyes and saw Lex's body was covered in a
    light sheen of sweat. She flicked her tongue in the
    hollow of his throat where a bead had collected before
    plundering his mouth with her tongue.

    Lex surrendered to her onslaught, her enthusiasm
    taking him yet closer to the edge, he loved nothing
    more than a passionate woman and Chloe Sullivan was as
    passionate as it could get right now. His arms
    tightened around her, pressing their bodies together
    as he delved into her mouth, feeling completely
    consumed by the woman riding him mindlessly.

    Chloe grabbed the back of Lex's head, angling it to
    deepen the kiss as she explored his mouth. Running her
    tongue over his teeth and flicking the tip of it over
    the roof of his mouth. She moaned, "mine," into his
    mouth between her assaults.

    His blood began to roar in his ears at her
    possessiveness and he couldn't hold back any longer.
    He thrust into her hard one more time and came hard,
    her name ripping from his throat in a hoarse scream.
    It felt like his climax drew on forever, nothing
    registering inside him but the stars exploding behind
    his closed lids and waves of heat crashing over him.

    She held onto his body for dear life, clawing at his
    shoulders. With his final thrust he hit the place
    inside of her that made her whole body quake. The
    sound of desperation in his voice as he screamed her
    name sent another streak of pleasure through her body
    and her cunt clamped down on his cock. Her inner
    muscles working almost painfully to keep him trapped
    inside of her body. Her back arched as she howled his
    name, feeling his come filling her once more.

    Lex collapsed back onto the deflated mattress, taking
    Chloe with him. Their skin was sticky and her hair a
    ruffled mess. She looked thoroughly debauched and
    spent and Lex found he could get used to that sight.
    'Wouldn't mind to see this every night in my bed.' he
    mused as his hands roamed over her back in idle
    patterns. He smiled lazily as he heard a contented
    humming come from the woman lying sprawled on top of

    Chloe tried to get closer to the warmth of Lex's body,
    she found that he made an excellent pillow and she
    thoroughly enjoyed his warm hands trailing over her
    back. She sighed and raised her head, the action
    taking almost all of the strength she had left in her
    body, 'Lex takes a lot out of a girl,' she thought.
    She smiled up at him, "Guess that plan didn't work
    either, eh?"

    Lex craned his head to the side, pretending to listen
    into the stillness of the store for a minute then
    looked back into her warm hazel eyes. “No, don’t think
    so, but I wouldn't mind trying this again”; when he
    realized he wouldn't be able to move a single muscle
    for a while, he amended, “later”

    Chloe's eyes sparkled mischievously, "Oh, did I wear
    you out? I'd bet the Inquisitor would love to hear
    what, exactly, it takes to incapacitate Lex Luthor."
    She leaned up and kissed his lips, chastely. "Then,
    again, I don't think I want to share that knowledge
    with the masses." She ran her hands over his muscular
    chest. "Wouldn't want anyone else trying it out, now
    would we? There could be injuries, and then the
    inevitable lawsuits."

    Lex chuckled. “What, you would sue me? That takes the
    possessiveness a little far.” He hid his amusement
    when her face started to fall. “At least until I give
    you the go to have me for sure.”

    Chloe was trying to keep the situation light. She
    didn't want to ruin the feeling she had now by having
    a long conversation about what this all meant. She
    didn't want to be the typical female, demanding things
    that she had no right to. "I don't know, Lex. Seems to
    me that I've already had you twice."

    “And will that be enough for you? Cause actually I had
    planned to keep you a little longer.” He didn't dare
    admit something beyond the physical level. Her mixed
    signals kept him guessing as to what her intentions
    really were.

    She blinked, rapidly, truly thrown by what Lex had
    just said. 'What does he mean by longer, till morning?
    Another week before we've exhausted all the possible
    sexual positions?' Chloe decided to bite the bullet,
    "How much longer?"

    The alertness in her voice and the apprehension and
    fear shining through in her hazel orbs gave him a
    nudge to take the leap. “That depends solely on how
    long you'll be able to put up with me.” Lex's eyes
    stayed rooted to hers, waiting for the other shoe to

    Chloe could see that Lex was serious about what he was
    saying and smiled at him. "Oh, didn't you know? I have
    an extraordinarily high tolerance for putting up with
    dead sexy, witty billionaires that are phenomenal in
    bed. So, I'm thinking," she continued as she crawled
    up his body until their eyes were even, "that I could
    put up with you for a damn long time.”

    “Miss Sullivan, you got yourself a deal.” He grinned,
    pressing a chaste kiss to her lips that soon became
    deeper. There wasn't any real intention behind it,
    however, since both of them couldn't even contemplate
    the thought of moving too much at the moment.

    Chloe's tongue tangled with Lex's but she pulled back.
    Looking into his confused blue eyes she said, "Unless
    you want to do all the work, we shouldn't continue
    down this path.”

    Lex nodded and pulled her back onto his chest. Her
    head fit perfectly into the crook of his neck and he
    found himself idly contemplating that their bodies has
    indeed been made for each other as his eyes drooped
    shut and a slow yawn escaped him.

    Chloe chuckled as Lex yawned. She felt a strange sense
    of pride that she had worn him out. Then, again, she
    felt herself yawning, too, so she couldn't be too smug
    about the whole thing. "Night, Lex," she muttered. She
    reached around for the blanket and pulled it over both
    of their forms before snuggling closer to him.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Sabby: This is a long one, cuz we didn't want to
    break it anywhere in between. And this is NOT the end,
    they are only at the beginning of their relationship,
    so there is a lot more to come. Enjoy *G*

    A/N: Blue: Hope you're eyes are strong, this one make
    take awhile to read. Not that we expect

    Day Two: Part One: Getting Off and Getting Gone

    When Chloe woke up, she stretched her body, as usual.
    However, unlike every other usual morning, her motion
    was restricted by a pair of strong arms wrapped around
    her body. She smiled; remembering her wild and
    wonderful night. She took in Lex's appearance, liking
    what she saw.

    His whole body was relaxed, and his face looked
    younger. She trailed her fingers across his soft lips,
    remembering what they had done to her body the night
    before. She shifted uncomfortably. "Jesus, feeling
    horny already, Chloe," she said, aloud, shaking her

    But, she couldn't deny it; having a naked Lex Luthor
    totally at her disposal was causing her own body to
    react in certain ways. Her eyes trailed lower on his
    body, taking in the angry red marks she had made the
    night before. She was able to free herself from his
    grip and began to kiss her way down his body until she
    reached his cock.

    It was already semi-erect and Chloe realized that in
    the many heated of the moments of last night, she
    hadn't been able to show Lex one of her many hidden
    talents. Chloe got even more turned on by the fact
    that his cock was still covered with their combined
    juices of last night. "Just helping him to clean up,"
    she whispered before she ran her tongue along its

    Chloe brought her right hand to the base of his cock
    so it could follow the path that her tongue was
    making. She repeatedly licked the underside of his
    cock, trailing her tongue along a prominent vein. In a
    few moments, Lex's shaft was fully erect.

    Chloe licked her lips before she took the length of
    him in her mouth. It had been awhile since she had
    done this so she started slowly. Taking first just his
    head in her mouth, swirling her tongue around the
    slit, all the while her hand pumping him. Chloe could
    feel herself becoming wet again and groaned as she
    rubbed her thighs together.

    Lex had a particularly pleasant dream of Chloe, down
    on her knees before him and greedily sucking on his
    hard cock. He moaned loudly, because he swore he could
    actually feel her hot mouth around his length,
    swirling her tongue over his head and sucking lightly.

    His eyes slowly opened when he felt small fingers dig
    into his thighs and found that his dream had become
    reality. At that moment Chloe looked up at him from
    under her lashes, taking him deeper. His hips thrust
    up on their own volition, forcing his cock deeper into
    her mouth, the tip bumping against the back of her

    Chloe was glad that Lex had awoken, and the look on
    his face when he realized what was going on had been
    priceless. She tried to hold his hips down, but
    realized it was of no use, Lex continued to buck up,
    forcing his cock deep into her throat. Chloe massaged
    his balls with her left hand as her right worked on
    his shaft. She continued to slide the tip of her
    tongue over the vein on Lex's cock as she felt his
    cock begin to swell. She increased the pace of her
    mouth and her grip on his balls tightened.

    Lex felt the impending climax coil like a snake in his
    balls and his hands found their way into Chloe's hair,
    massaging the back of her head her name fell like a
    chant from his lips over and over again. He wasn't
    aware of anything around him as his world narrowed
    down to the feeling of his cock being sucked into
    Chloe's skillful mouth.

    Chloe felt Lex's hands tangled in her hair and his
    whole body was tensing, she knew he was close and
    decided to have mercy on his already exhausted body.
    She hummed deeply in the back of her throat while she
    stroked his balls and the vibration was enough to send
    him over the edge.

    Lex felt his balls draw tight to his body and he came
    into her mouth rasping out a strained “Fuck, Chloe.”
    When the strain of orgasm subsided his body seemed to
    turn into jello and he sprawled on the mattress, his
    fingers still woven into her hair. Taking a few
    steadying breaths he spoke up once more. “Would you do
    that every morning if I bought you your own
    newspaper,” he croaked out.

    Chloe busied herself with cleaning up the remnants of
    Lex's orgasm and chuckled at his offer. She crawled
    back up his body after he had released his hold of her
    hair and said, "How about I do that every morning as
    you read the paper?" Before he could respond, Chloe
    kissed Lex, quickly sliding her tongue into his mouth.

    Lex entertained that fantasy for a second, deciding he
    had to find a way to convince her to move in with him.
    He pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss and
    tasting himself on her tongue. When they pulled apart
    he looked her square in the eyes. “And how am I
    supposed to get up and get dressed now?” His voice was
    laced with amusement.

    He knew they'd have to get dressed, the store would
    open eventually, but he sure as hell would buy that
    tent and invite the woman on top of him on a camping
    trip for the next weekend. Lex was sure Enrique could
    set up the tent in the master bedroom or the study for
    that matter.

    "You're not," she said, matter-of-factly. "That was
    part of my devious plan to keep you here so we could
    have our wicked ways with each other again. Besides,
    the store doesn't open for at least another hour." She
    ran her hands over his body. "Plenty of time for me to
    make you scream my name again. I rather enjoy that,
    you know."

    “Oh, not as much as I enjoy making you scream mine, I
    bet.” He growled into her ear, pulling himself up and
    flipping them over, so that she was laying beneath him
    now. He held her wrists above her head, stroking his
    hands slowly down her arms. “Don't move,” he
    commanded, his voice deep and husky while his eyes
    kept her paralyzed in her position.

    Chloe wanted to nod, but she took Lex's instructions
    to heart. 'Of course, it might be interesting to see
    how he'd punish me for that transgression,’ she
    thought. She had to fight the urge to move her lower
    body in order to relieve some of the tension that had
    begun to steadily build. Chloe could hear that she had
    begun to pant and watched as Lex's eyes moved from her
    own and fixed first on her breasts and then on the
    juncture of her thighs.

    His hands followed the path his eyes had wandered and
    he languidly drew them over her full breasts and her
    soft stomach, down to her hips. His fingers dipped
    between her legs and stroked her inner thighs as he
    spread them wider apart. Kissing her full mouth
    softly, his tongue sliding over her parted lips, he
    worked his way down. Chloe fought the urge to squirm
    as Lex trailed open-mouthed kisses down her throat and
    the valley between her breasts further south to her
    belly, dipping his tongue into her navel then
    breathing on the wet skin.

    Chloe felt a sense of deja-vu as she struggled not to
    plead with Lex. Her whole body was on fire, yet the
    places where his lips had not touched felt cold. She
    tried her best not to move but was losing that battle,
    as well.

    Lex stilled Chloe's writhing, laying his hands on her
    hips and grazing over her hipbones with his thumbs.
    His tongue swirled around her belly button one more
    time before he drew just the tip of it lower. He
    sidetracked at her curls, guiding his tongue to the
    hollows where her torso met her legs, biting gently
    into the soft skin. When he repeated the action on her
    other side, Chloe's hips bucked up almost hitting his

    “So beautifully responsive,” he purred, directing his
    attention to the inside of her left thigh, nipping and
    kissing the subtle flesh before he gave her right
    thigh the same treatment. His tongue laved a path up
    until it reached her pussy. Chloe's hips thrashed
    violently once more, as the tip of his tongue touched
    her outer lips.

    Chloe tried to respond to his comment with witty
    banter but the only thought that was going through her
    head was, 'Lex good,' and she didn't think that that
    would get her any points in their verbal battles.
    Instead, she moaned his name and the word please while
    she spread her legs wantonly.

    Lex smirked against her hot, wet flesh before drawing
    his head back and looking up at her with a smile
    practically oozing male pride.

    Seeing the look on Lex's face, Chloe quickly muttered,
    "Shut up," and placed her foot on his back, drawing
    him back to where she wanted him.

    He went back to his ministrations on her sweet cunt,
    trailing his tongue up and down again over her
    dripping wet lips.

    When she least expected it, he thrust his tongue into
    her hot sheath, reveling in the full body shudder that
    this action evoked from her and the way she hissed out
    his name, drawing it out seemingly endless on a sharp
    breath. He removed his tongue and swirled it around
    her clit before he brought it back to her entrance and
    thrust into her once more. Lex curled his tongue
    inside of her, sucking gently. Chloe almost crushed
    him as her thighs clamped shut, around his head,
    trapping him in place. He hummed against her clit,
    sending another bout of shivers through her body.

    Chloe tried to fight it, but her body and Lex's
    incredible skills betrayed her will. Lex seemed to
    know, instinctively, which spots to hit and how to
    coax her body into wild spasms of pleasure. Like the
    one that was rolling over her body right now.

    Chloe's hands were once again clawing at the useless
    air mattress so she wouldn't beg Lex. However, when he
    hummed, sending a vibration throughout her body, she
    couldn't control herself any longer.

    “Lex, make me come, baby.” Then, she drew out her last
    word “Please.”

    Lex drew his tongue out of her sheath and laved a path
    up to her clit. He bit down on it gently, flicking his
    tongue over the tight bud trapped between his teeth.

    Chloe howled his name, hearing her voice break from
    the strain of her scream. She continued to pump her
    hips into his face as her world shattered, her muscles
    tensing up, bordering on pain, before she felt the
    sweet release. "Sweet Jesus," she whispered as she
    felt the aftershocks of her orgasm still sweeping
    through every part of her body.

    Lex languidly lapped up her juices, suppressing a
    biting response to the Jesus comment she had made. He
    grinned, biting once again into her oversensitized
    clit sending another tremor through the woman beneath
    him and eliciting a pained yelp from her. “No, Lex,”
    he growled.

    Chloe shuddered once more and managed to breath out
    "Lex," , this time before she fully relaxed. She
    closed her eyes and said, "Come here," in a deep,
    husky voice. "Kiss me."

    Lex complied, sliding up her body and pressing his
    moistened lips to hers.

    Chloe groaned as his tongue slid into her mouth and
    the sound deepened when she tasted herself. She gently
    ran her fingertips over his back as she spread her
    legs, gasping when she felt Lex's hardened cock graze
    against her thigh. She pulled away from their kiss and
    looked into his now darkened eyes. "I guess the phrase
    refractory period doesn't mean anything to you."

    "Hmm not with you," he mumbled against her lips,
    positioning himself between her legs.

    Lex ran his cock over her wet folds, watching, and
    loving, her reaction. She wriggled under him and spat
    out the word, "Tease."

    He bit into her earlobe, pulling on the skin with his
    teeth. With one swift thrust he was buried inside her
    wet heat to the hilt. He admitted to himself he had
    become addicted to the feeling of her enveloping him.
    The sweet suction of her internal muscles forcing him
    deeper into her.

    Chloe eagerly wrapped her legs around his body and met
    every thrust of Lex's cock. "Oh god, Lex," she moaned
    as he slid furiously in and out of her cunt. Chloe
    could already feel her orgasm beginning to build.
    Lex's cock was made to fuck her, she now knew that for

    He groaned as her legs clamped around his waist,
    urging him on. Her pussy gripping him like a vice he
    thrust harder into her, feeling sweat break out on his
    forehead. Chloe was meeting every thrust of him
    enthusiastically and her nails started to claw into
    his back. He would carry the marks of their coupling
    for days, he was sure.

    Lex suddenly slowed down and Chloe made a confused
    grunt. She looked at him and when their eyes locked,
    he slowly slid his cock all the way inside of her. A
    long, low groan escaped her throat and just as she was
    about to close her eyes, Lex whispered, "Keep them
    open." She nodded and watched his face as he continued
    his slow torture of her pussy.

    It took all of his control to keep the slow rhythm but
    it was worth the effort. His eyes stayed locked on
    hers as he watched the emotions flicker past in the
    expressive hazel orbs. Lex gasped as her muscles
    started to flutter around him, gripping his cock
    tight, then releasing it before tightening again. He
    gasped as she drew her nails slowly down his back all
    the way from his shoulder blades to his ass.

    Her mouth was slightly open and she panted with the
    effort of keeping still beneath him. Chloe brought her
    right hand to his face, stroking her thumb over his
    cheekbone. She guided his face down to hers to share
    an openmouthed kiss with him, her eyes seemed to gaze
    right through him into his soul.

    He moaned deep from his chest as she slowly pushed her
    tongue into his mouth, exploring him thoroughly. His
    eyes closed for a second as the sensations threatened
    to overwhelm him.

    Chloe allowed his eyes to slip shut, but only for a
    moment. She pulled away from him. "Keep them open,"
    she panted, using his own words against him. Lex
    opened his eyes and Chloe squeezed her cunt around him
    once more. His eyes rolled back, but remained opened.
    She did it again, harder this time and she felt his
    hips speed up. By now, the sound of their lower bodies
    meeting filled the tent, as did the scent of their
    coupling. Both of which was turning Chloe on all the

    Lex rolled his hips and thrust into her from a
    slightly different angle now. When he heard Chloe gasp
    out a drawn out “God,” he drew back until just the tip
    was still inside her. “What's my name?” he growled.

    When she looked at him and started to answer, he
    slammed home hard hitting the same spot again and his
    name was ripped from her throat in a scream.

    Her muscles clamped down on him hard and as he swelled
    inside her, the feeling that ran through his body
    teetered hard on the edge between pleasure and pain.
    His climax ripped through him and he barely heard his
    name slipping past her lips once again, this time on a
    low moan. When he finally came down from his high, he
    slumped on top of her, mumbling a hardly audible
    “Mine” into her ear.

    Chloe knew that this time, she had drawn blood with
    her nails. As she screamed his name while he rammed
    into her she let herself go completely, knowing that
    the man above her now possessed her fully. She felt
    Lex empty himself into her and whimpered at the
    feeling of fullness that it gave her. When he
    whispered into her ear what had become obvious to her
    over the past ten or so hours, her inner muscles
    twitched again.

    Chloe sighed, contentedly. "Sorry about your back. I
    guess I got a little carried away," she said, softly
    as she ran her hands over the wounds she had made.

    Lex hummed from deep in his throat when her hands
    soothed over the angry scratches on his back. He
    nestled his head on her chest, breathing in her scent.
    She smelled like clean sweat and sex and somewhere
    underneath like something he could only describe as
    distinctively Chloe.

    "That's your only response to me tearing your flesh, a
    hmmm," she asked, highly amused that the hyperverbal
    Lex had failed to use words.

    “Nothing to apologize for,” he whispered, pressing a
    kiss high on her right breast. “I lost control there
    once or twice myself.” His finger trailed over the
    bite mark he had left on her shoulder

    Chloe shivered under his touch. "Yeah, I think I got
    that with the whole, say my name thing. I think that
    you've been watching too many movies."

    “Oh, and what would you happen to know about *that*
    kind of movies?” He teased sending her a mischievous

    Chloe smirked at Lex. "Quite a lot, actually," she
    said, earning a raised eyebrow from Lex. She licked
    her lips, his eyes instantly flickering to follow the
    movement of her tongue. "I find them highly
    informative and *stimulating*. Not to mention

    "And," she continued, running her thumb over his
    bottom lip, "if that's what you've picked up from
    those movies, we are going to have to watch a whole
    lot more of them." She blushed slightly, not meeting
    his eyes. "I....I liked that a lot. You know, when
    you, when you told me to...." she trailed off.

    Lex raised both eyebrows now. “When I told you to keep
    your eyes open,” he hazarded a guess.

    Chloe nibbled on her lower lip. She spoke, her voice
    barely above a whisper. "Yeah, that, too. But, um, I
    was talking about when you told me to say your name."
    She pulled her eyes to his. "I liked it when you were
    in control."

    “I'll be sure to remember that for the next time, and
    the one after that and the one after that..” he
    trailed off in a chuckle as Chloe playfully poked his

    “You know you are fucking perfect, don't you?” He
    growled when they had calmed down.

    Chloe felt herself going red and shook her head. "I
    have to disagree with you on that one, Mr. Luthor. I
    can't parallel park worth a damn." There was an
    uncomfortable silence when her bad attempt at a joke
    fell flat. She looked back at Lex.

    Lex shook his head. “Chloe, you can crash any car you
    want, I think I can handle the costs, but you are
    perfect for me.” He shrugged closing his arms around

    Chloe blinked rapidly. 'Don't cry, don't cry,'
    "Thanks, Lex," she said, her voice rough. "You're not
    so bad, yourself." She beamed at him and kissed him.
    This time, taking it slow and easy, a new one for

    Lex sunk into the kiss, letting the lazy and contented
    feeling sweep through him. He actually not only felt
    well fucked but also very at ease with himself in
    general for the first time in...well forever actually.
    A smile came to his features as he pulled Chloe
    closer, letting his hands stroke up and down her back.

    Chloe wrapped her arms around Lex, content to just let
    him hold her. She pressed her body flush against him
    as his hands traveled slowly over her back. Her
    fingertips gently stroked the back of his neck.
    Chloe's whole body felt as relaxed as it could get
    while nestled up to a naked Lex Luthor. The moment was
    broken when she heard the distinct sound of keys being
    fitted into a lock.

    Chloe's body instantly tensed and she pulled away from
    Lex, quickly peeking out of the tent. "Oh, FUCK," she
    declared, loudly. She looked back at Lex, panic
    stricken. She noticed that the teenager seemed to be
    engrossed in the task of figuring out which keys when
    in which locks. She turned back to Lex, "Do *you*
    happen to remember where my clothes are? Cause, if
    not, in about a minute the idiot that locked us in
    here is going to get quite a show." She opened the
    flap of the tent slightly so Lex could clearly see the
    front door.

    Lex's eyes widened as he saw the teen fiddle with the
    keys all the way in the front outside of the glass
    doors. He threw on his boxers and pants. Pulling Chloe
    back into the tent on her arm, he went around her.
    "Wait in here and don't move," he hissed as he left
    the tent.

    A moment later he was back, a heap of clothes in hand.
    "Here." Lex handed her her crumpled jeans and t-shirt
    and then her bra. The clothes looked horrible but
    better than a free peep show for the nerd out front.

    Chloe snatched her clothes and muttered a thank you to
    Lex. She looked around for her panties. Upon finding
    them, she blushed, remembering that she had shredded
    them in her haste to have Lex inside of her. She
    quickly stuffed them in her pocket and then looked out
    of the tent to see what Lex was doing.

    He seemed to be having a rather heated discussion with
    the teenager, who had the distinct deer in headlights
    look on his face. Chloe looked at her watch and
    muttered another curse. She was going to be late for
    her tennis match. Seeing that Lex was still engrossed
    in his 'conversation' with the inept employee, Chloe
    proceeded to the back of the store to look for a
    tennis outfit. And some underwear.

    Lex was not really angry at the stupid jerk, well not
    for locking them in anymore, at least. "Have you ever
    considered using that head of yours for something
    other then a rest for these earphones? Like for
    example *thinking*." With almost no pause he
    continued, "Didn't think so."

    The boy looked visibly scared, and his complexion
    turned paler by the minute "Now what am I supposed to
    do about this mess that you made? You do realize I
    could sue this entire establishment for your mistake
    and have it closed within a week." The boy opened his
    mouth to speak, but Lex bet him to it.

    "Well if I did it would only make things uncomfortable
    for all of us *especially* you." Lex continued his
    voice still having an angry growl to it. "So I think
    in a common interest, we should forget that this whole
    disaster ever happened. Me and my companion will pay
    for the things we originally came to buy and there
    will NEVER be ONE WORD on this again. This will stay
    between you, me and my companion. Understood?" Lex
    fixed the boy in a glare that could have turned the
    Vesuv into ice. The teen nodded mutely and Lex was
    sure the kid was about two seconds away from peeing in
    his pants. He had to suppress a grin 'Ah I still have
    it' "Good."

    Chloe caught the end tail of Lex's rant and shook her
    head. She was amazed how he could turn that glare of
    his on and off. She was also amazed at the way so same
    eyes could turn predatory when he looked at her body,
    the way that they.....she shook her head harder this
    time. 'Must not wander down that path,' she thought to
    herself. "When you're done tearing him a new one, let
    me know." She looked at her watch. "Cause I need to
    get out of here, pronto." Chloe walked over to where
    Lex and the poor soul that had locked them in were
    standing, moving her hips a little more than was
    absolutely necessary.

    She had thankfully found exactly what she needed. As
    she had put on the all white outfit of a crisp tennis
    shirt and little skirt, she had laughed to herself,
    'shouldn't be allowed to wear white after last night.'
    When Chloe reached the two males, she could see that
    she had gotten the effect she was hoping for.

    Lex's eyes took in her once more clothed appearance
    and had to restrain himself from pouncing on her. He
    settled for shooting her a look that conveyed his
    thoughts at that moment and a purred "Beautiful." When
    he heard the boy next to him whistle out a "niiice"
    his head whipped around instantly and a lethal glare
    was aimed at his target. The boy shut up at once,
    unconsciously raising his hands 'Jeez, one more fuck
    up and he'll have me disappear.' The boy gulped
    stepping away and making his way to the counter.

    Lex scanned the room for the 9 iron he knew he had
    left there somewhere and found it a little off from
    where they where standing on the floor. He went over
    picked it up and went back to the counter, slamming
    the metal rod a little too hard on the wooden surface,
    for emphasize. Locking his emotionless blue eyes with
    the boy he said smoothly. "I'll be paying for this and
    her out fit. He didn't move an inch and his gaze held
    the boy's daring him to even look in Chloe's

    Chloe rolled her eyes at Lex's possessive streak.
    'Like you don't love it,' her mind shot back. She
    walked over to Lex, his back to her, and laid her hand
    on his shoulder. "Would me telling you that I can pay
    for my own outfit do any good at this point," she

    His eyes went to her and softened immediately, a smirk
    coming onto his features. "Would you let me pay this
    once without giving me the 'archaic rites' speech?" he
    shot back.

    She smirked back at him and then lowered her voice,
    "Agreed. But, just remember, just because you paid for
    the clothes doesn't mean you own the woman in them."
    She looked pointedly at him.

    "But of course not." He smiled. 'yet' he added
    silently. "So lets get this over with and get the hell
    out of here. I have a game to play." He handed a
    credit card to the boy, his eyes still locked with
    Chloe's. He found he enjoyed bantering with her almost
    as much as the sex.

    Chloe's eyes narrowed at the look that Lex had given
    her. Sure, he had *said* that he didn't own her, but
    she would have loved to known what he was thinking as
    the words were coming out of his mouth. "As do I,"
    Chloe said, evenly, never breaking eye contact with

    She walked over to her bag and stuffed her clothes
    into it. She threw the bag over her shoulder and
    faltered slighty. In the clear light of day, outside
    of that not so little tent, everything that they had
    done and said seemed like another life. She checked
    her watch as she walked back over to Lex, "I really do
    have to go now." Seeing that the boy was busy trying
    to figure out the credit card machine, Chloe quickly
    kissed the corner of Lex's mouth. "Bye," she said as
    she turned away from him.

    Chloe looked down at where Lex was grasping her arm
    and then back up to the man himself. "Lex, I can't be
    sure, but I don't think that having you attached to my
    arm will help my tennis game."

    Lex smirked and let his hand slowly wander down her
    arm. "I just wanted to know if you would come to the
    mansion this afternoon. When we both survived our
    games." He tried for nonchalant, hoping like hell he'd
    get a chance to see her again. Oddly enough he found
    he would like to know her better and the thought that
    there was a chance she could decide to avoid him from
    now on gave him a queasy feeling in his gut that he
    really didn't want to dwell on.

    As Lex released Chloe's arm from his grasp, she
    quickly took his hand in hers. "I'm sure that can be
    arranged," she said, before giving his hand a brief

    Lex squeezed back and shot her a smile. "I'll be
    seeing you then. Now go, and be good."

    “Same goes for you," she said, smirking. "Remember,
    you hit the little white balls, not the parking

    Lex chuckled, remembering that incident. "I'll try to
    keep that in mind."

    "You do that," she said, walking away. She turned and
    leaned against the door, opening it with her backside,
    "Cause, it'd be too bad if I turned up at your place,
    all sweaty, triumphant and ready to celebrate and you
    were in jail. Such a waste."

    Lex shook his head, grinning as she made her way out,
    a vindictive little sway to her hips pulling his
    attention to her sexy rear.

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    Day Two; Part Two: Same Tent, Different Day

    A/N: Blue: Well, we liked the tent so much, we brought it back. Hope
    you likes...

    A/N: Sabby: Well here's the next part. Some of you might be offended
    by this, but we are not and well if you can't take this sort of stuff
    WE MADE IT NC-17 FOR A REASON!!!! Have Fun.

    Chloe walked to her car, a huge grin on her face. "Dear," Mrs. Ross said as she caught up with her, "you were amazing today. Such energy. Too be young again." The handsome black woman got a far off look on her face.

    Chloe chuckled. If Mrs. Ross knew what had given her such energy in her game, she doubted that the older woman would be pleased.

    "Well, what can I say, I'm an aggressive girl. And you're welcome. It was actually a lot of fun to see that other Judge's face when we pummeled him and his partner." Chloe smirked at the memory of the old man's face, unbelieving when he realized that he and his partner were going to be beaten by two women.

    Mrs. Ross unlocked her silver BMW and threw her tennis gear in the back seat. "Would you like to come back over to the house? I'm sure Pete would love to see you. Plus," the woman heaved with a sigh, "it would keep him off of the road. I swear, every time we give him a new car, he seems to wreck it."

    Chloe shook her head. "Sorry, Mrs. Ross, I'd love to. But, I have a prior engagement that can't be broken. Tell Pete that I'll call him later. And be sure to mention how brilliant I was on the tennis court."

    The older woman embraced Chloe and looked her up and down. “I must say, winning agrees with you, you're practically glowing." Mrs. Ross patted her on the shoulder, got into her car and then drove off.

    Chloe smiled after the car, and when it was far enough away, she broke into a fit of laughter. She knew that Mrs. Ross wouldn't approve of the real reason for the 'glow' that she had. Chloe walked briskly to her car, anxious to get to her secret rendezvous.

    She opened the driver's side door and inspiration struck. Chloe quickly looked around, seeing if anyone was looking in her direction. Seeing that the proverbial coast was clear, she quickly undid the front clasp of her bra and took it off, throwing it in the back seat. With another quick glance around, she removed her panties as well.

    Her heart was thumping in her chest as she climbed behind the wheel, imagining the reaction that she would get from Lex. She groaned as the hot leather hit the sensitive skin of her pussy, which had already become wet. She gripped the wheel tightly and quickly turned the car on. She pulled out onto the road and sped as quickly as she dared to Luthor Manor.

    When Chloe reached the stone castle, she quickly exited her car and strutted to the front door, her tennis skirt swaying. She knocked twice and the door quickly opened, revealing one of Chloe's favorite minions, Enrique.

    "How ya doing, Ricky," Chloe asked brightly. The man gave a dignified nod and a "Fine, Miss."

    "Glad to hear it," she said as she leaned against the doorframe. "Is the lord of the manor in?"

    "Yes, Miss," the man replied. "I believe that he's waiting for you on the third floor. Fourth door on your left, miss."

    "Thanks Ricky," she said. She brushed past him and quickly strode up the steps. She was slightly out of breath when she reached the third floor, but Lex had seen her panting before so she wasn't really concerned. "One, two, three, bingo," she counted to herself.

    She had a witty opening all prepared, but when she entered the room, she didn't see Lex. However, she saw a rather familiar looking tent set up in the room. Smiling, convinced that her prize lay within, she quickly walked over to the tent. Chloe got on her hands and knees and began to crawl inside. She stopped, however, when she noticed that the tent was empty.

    Lex watched Chloe from not far away. He had stood behind the door when she had entered and was now hovering over her, looking at the sway of her ass as she started to crawl back out of the tent backwards. 'Time to surprise her'. An evil grin grew on his face as he silently went to his knees behind her and gripped her hips tightly. “Don't move,” he commanded.

    Chloe moaned when she felt Lex's fingers dig into her flesh. It turned into a full out groan when she felt his hard cock, still confined in the material of his expensive slacks, pressed against her ass. She meant to listen to him, she really did, but her body took over and she thrust back into him.

    “Nah ah ah,” he scolded her. “Haven't I told you to not move?” His voice a deep growl in her ear as he was leaning over her and gently pulling the short tennis skirt up and over her hips. When his hands traveled back down, he found she wasn't wearing panties. “Hmmm.” He licked that particular spot behind her ear, making Chloe shudder. “I think I'll let it pass this time, since you are so obviously eager to have me inside of you,” he purred before he gently bit into her earlobe.

    Chloe was silently damning Lex's wonderful memory. It wasn't at all fair that he could reduce her to this so quickly with a few quick flicks of his tongue around the sensitive shell of her ear. She was also silently celebrating the very same thing. "It seems," she breathed out, again wiggling against his erection, "that I'm not the only one who’s eager."

    Lex moaned as the heat of her pussy seemed to burn through his slacks. His hands smoothed around her hips to her lower belly, and his fingers slipped under the loose tennis t-shirt skimming over her flesh onwards to the swell of her breasts that fell full into his hands. He gently massaged them, pressing his chest flush against Chloe's back. His lips sealed over the juncture of her neck and shoulder; he captured the smooth skin between his teeth, letting his tongue dart over it.

    He let go of the spot and soothed his tongue over it one more time. When he tweaked her nipples with his fingers, he growled into her ear. “I never denied I was eager to be inside of you. In fact, I would love to take you right now, just as you are.”

    Chloe took her left hand off of the floor and snaked it inside of her shirt. She placed it over Lex's hand and guided it past her stomach, over her curls and to her clit. She heard Lex's groan in her ear and then whispered, "What's stopping you? Shut up and fuck me." She viciously thrust her hips backwards into his cock.

    Lex rubbed his index finger over her folds, feeling the wetness coat it. With the next stroke, he thrust into her and felt her muscles clamp around the digit immediately. Chloe moaned loudly beneath him, her head falling forward and to her chest Lex removed his index finger and quickly used his hands to get rid of the button and zipper of his slacks. 'Glad that I decided on commando' He smirked as his cock sprang free from its woolen confines and stood hard against his belly.

    He took it in his left hand, giving two relieving strokes before he positioned the head at Chloe's opening. With one swift thrust he buried himself inside her. Lex's eyes fell shut and he went completely still as he felt her muscles clamp down on him, pulling him even deeper. A groan of her name ripped from his throat as she seemed to purposely clamp down even harder. “So fucking tight,” he husked in awe, marveling at the way her sheath was encasing him. “Perfect.”

    Chloe let out a sigh when Lex finally plunged inside of her. She tightened her internal muscles and was rewarded when Lex groaned behind her. Her body reacted by itself, pulling him deeper inside, when he spoke. Chloe took full advantage of Lex's stillness and began moving her hips, first taking him deeper and then moving until just the tip of his cock was enveloped by her pussy.

    Once again, she clamped her internal muscles down and she heard a sound almost like a yelp ripped from Lex's throat. She rammed back into him and panted, "Looks as if I'm fucking you, Lex."

    The smugness in her voice shook him out of his haze. Lex's hands went to her hips again, gripping her hard, fully intending to leave bruises. “Really,” he asked before he rammed into her hard.

    There was no doubt about it, Chloe screamed. Her back arched as Lex's name was torn from her lips. She tried to rock her hips against Lex, but the grip his hands had on her flesh made it nearly impossible.

    It was Lex's time to look smug as he kept Chloe from doing anything but taking him on his terms. He pulled his cock out of her slowly, her vaginal muscles closing around him once more, until just the tip was barely inside her. “What did you say Chloe?” He rolled his hips, then slammed home once more this time on a slightly different angle.

    Chloe continued to struggle against Lex's hold on her. But, it was a losing battle. Not that she cared when he was fucking her so good. She realized that he had asked her a question. She fully intended to answer it properly, but, when she opened her mouth, he rammed back into her. "Oh fuck, oh god, Lex," she whimpered as he hit her sweet spot.

    It was torturous, not being able to move against him. Chloe knew what she had to do, she swallowed her pride and whispered, "Please, Lex, let me fuck you."

    Lex smiled and leaned down, placing a chaste kiss on the nape of her neck. “I love the way you say my name when you beg.” His grip on her hips loosened and he thrust into her as she impaled herself onto his cock

    Chloe's body shuddered when Lex's lips touched her neck. Sweet relief flooded through her when his hands let up on her hips. She grunted as she thrust back into him, taking him deeper into her tight cunt. With every push, she moaned his name. She moved her right hand, placing all of her weight on it and her left found it's way to her hips. Once more, she guided Lex's left hand to the bundle of nerves between her thighs. "Do you like the way I say your name when I come, Lex," she asked between ragged breaths. She entwined her fingers with Lex's and slid them over her clit, her hips bucking erratically from the contact.

    Lex's eyes rolled back in his head as he felt their intertwined hands touch where their bodies were joined. He slowly started to massage her clit, loving the way she moaned out his name, rocking harder between his fingers and his cock.

    Chloe splayed her finger out. She could feel both Lex's fingers move over her clit and his cock ramming into her at the same time. Her body was covered in sweat and her right hand slipped slightly on the floor of the tent, causing her hips to rise up. She yelped at the new angle and then moaned deep in her throat. She jerked her hips up again thrust against Lex, grunting, "So fucking good."

    Lex groaned as she kept grinding harder and harder into him, picking up speed with every thrust, urging him on. His blood roared in his ears and breathing was not something that came natural anymore. His left hand kept rubbing and pinching her clit, while his right moved to her breast, pinching her nipple hard.

    "Harder, harder, harder," Chloe chanted. She wasn't sure if she was talking to Lex, herself or both. She followed Lex's lead and assaulted her clit. She felt a familiar tension in her lower belly and spread her legs wider, trying to draw more of Lex's cock into her body with her inner muscles. She thrust her hips along with the rhythm that Lex had set up as he pinched her nipple. She continued to lower her upper body to the floor, causing Lex to penetrate her impossibly deeper.

    Lex felt the familiar feeling rush down his spine centering in his balls. He pounded mindlessly into her, hitting her womb with every thrust. Sweat broke out on his forehead and he scraped his short trimmed nails over the flesh he had in his hands.

    Lex's body was out of control and Chloe loved it. She could hear his harsh pants and the sound of their flesh slapping together. With every thrust of his cock, her name spilled over his lips. Chloe knew she was close and when Lex's nails brushed against her nipple and clit at the same time, *her* body spun out of control.

    Chloe let out a high, keening shriek of Lex's name and brushed her hand over her clit once before returning it to the ground. As her cunt clamped down on Lex's cock, she used her hands to push back into him repeatedly. "Do whatever you want," she whimpered as her orgasm rolled over her, causing her whole body to seize up.

    A devious thought ran through his mind. He had to gather every inch of control inside of him as he pressed his chest flush to her back and bit down hard on her shoulder, knowing what was to come.

    For a split second, Chloe's body was still. Then, a primal scream tore from her throat as all the muscles in her body tensed at once. Her cunt tightened viciously and she felt Lex pump into her over and over. She pressed up into him and screamed again, as she closed her eyes. Behind her lids, she could she dots forming. Chloe let out one more grunt and then her body relaxed.

    It had taken all of his will power not to come inside her as her orgasm caused her muscles to milk his cock for all he was worth.

    He pulled out of her, causing both of them to moan in disappointment. Flipping Chloe over onto her back, Lex ripped her shirt over her head, leaving Chloe's heaving chest exposed to his hungry eyes. He pinned her down with his right hand on her shoulder. “Anything,” he queried his voice dark and husky.

    Chloe's eyes snapped up to meet his. "Anything, Lex," she said. "Anything you want."

    His eyes gleamed with triumph as he started to jerk his cock hastily. After the first few strokes, he felt her hand join his as she eagerly looked up at him. Her mouth was slightly parted, her eyes wide. When she husked his name while running her finger over the vein on the underside of his cock, Lex exploded.

    His come spurted over their hands, and onto her belly and chest, Chloe's back arching and a tiny gasp coming from her throat. His eyes fell shut as she continued pumping him until he was completely spent.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    20 Apr 2003
    Day Two: Part Three: Manual Labor

    A/N: Sabby: I'm running out of witty comments and no b-days again, so
    I will just dedicate this to my Baby. This is all for you, pet.

    A/N: Blue: More smut, differently...we hope

    Lex's hot come felt amazing on her body. She ran her hands from belly, up to her chest. Her nipples were erect and she cupped her breasts, coating them with Lex's come. She heard Lex groan, and opened her eyes to find him watching her.

    She looked into his dark orbs and felt her cunt begin to throb again. She groaned, realizing that she needed to come. Never breaking eye contact, she slowly circled the nipples on both of her breasts. A cry breaking from her lips when she finally pinched them.

    Lex moaned her name and Chloe restless shifted her lower body. Her left hand lazily continued to pinch and flick at her painfully erect nipple as her right traveled lower.

    Chloe slid her hand down, past her belly button, past the material of her skirt, which was now bunched up around her waist. Her hand continued past her dripping curls, for now. She began to stroke the wet flesh of her inner thighs. Her body shuddered and she closed her eyes as she moaned Lex's name.

    Lex groaned as he watched her pleasing herself. His hands involuntarily reached out and started to stroke up her smooth legs.

    Chloe immediately stopped what she was doing. He had been in charge before, it was her turn now. She looked up at him. "No touching till I say," she said.

    Lex quirked an eyebrow at her, but removed his hands none the less. He sat back and watched her, his eyes fixed on her hands and where they were touching her body.

    Once Lex's hand left her body, Chloe's began to move once more. The left continued to tug and flick her nipple while the right edged closer to where Chloe really wanted to be. She could hear Lex's breathing become more erratic.

    She spread her legs wide, being sure to give Lex a good view. She lightly traced her pointer finger from her slit up to her clit.

    "Your hand feels so good on me, Lex," she whispered, her voice husky and deep. As her finger repeated its earlier action, her hips bucked up and she groaned. "I love it when you tease me."

    "Lex, put your hands on my knees and spread them wider," she commanded. "Keep them there as long as I tell you."

    Lex obeyed, his eyes transfixed by her fingers teasing her clit. They flicked up to Chloe's face when she gasped as he palmed her kneecaps and pulled her legs as far apart as they would go. His thumbs stroked over her skin as he held her in place. He watched her face contort in pleasure as she picked up the ministrations on her pussy and Lex felt himself getting hard again way too soon, “So hot,” he whispered.

    "No talking," Chloe said, her voice harsh. She breathed deeply and then plunged two fingers deep inside of her body. "This is what I used to do, Lex. After that first time we met, I fucked myself for the first time that night. It was your face that made me come."

    Lex gaped at her admission, resisting the urge to haul her up to him and kiss her, hard.

    Chloe thrust her hips up, forcing her fingers further into her body. She groaned and then continued, "Soon, I needed more, realizing that you had to be bigger." When she saw that his eyes were on her cunt, she slid a third finger inside of her.

    "It was a tight fit, but I soon became accustomed to it," she grunted as she moved her hips quicker.

    Lex panted harshly by now. The sight of Chloe fucking herself in abandon was overwhelming his senses.

    "But, I still needed more," she said. She slowly extracted her fingers and then ran them over her belly, collecting more of Lex's come on her fingers. "I somehow knew that you'd be thick," she said, her eyes briefly coming to rest on Lex's cock, which was becoming hard.

    Her fingers returned to her cunt and they hovered above her opening. "The first time," she said, "well, the first time, it was almost painful. Wider, Lex." She looked up at him and waited.

    Lex gulped, spreading her knees wider apart. They both touched the floor now. He was rapt by Chloe's words and actions.

    Chloe relaxed and then jammed four of her fingers into her body, her back arched and she cried out.

    Lex watched in awe as Chloe's face flushed brightly, her back arching, thrusting her voluptuous breasts up. Her scream pierced the charged air around him. His cock was hard as marble now.

    Chloe's hips and hand were moving furiously now and she was lost in the moment. "So big, Lex. Fuck me. Yes! Right there, Lex," she grunted. Her left hand flew to her clit and she rolled it between her fingers. Her hips jerked once more, "Coming Lex," she screamed.

    Her body seized up and her fingers continued to move within her. She felt Lex keep the pressure on her legs and she opened her eyes.

    “Chloe,” he groaned, captured by her screaming of his name over and over while she fucked herself mercilessly on her small fingers.

    "Watch," she barked out and his eyes flew once more to her cunt.

    Chloe took a deep breath and then wiggled her last finger into her tight, quivering cunt. She screamed his name once more and her fingers squeezed her clit, sending her over the edge. "Oh, fuuuck, yeah," she moaned, rolling the words on her tongue.

    Her cunt clamped down on her fingers and she whimpered as her hips continued to thrust. She breathed deeply and willed her body to relax. She groaned as she took her fingers out of her cunt. Her eyes opened and she stared up at Lex. His chest was rising and falling and his eyes were wide and black.

    Chloe slowly trailed her right hand over her belly, and back up to her breasts, coating her already wet hand with the white, sticky fluid. She brought her hand up to her mouth. When her eyes locked with Lex's, she pulled her fingers into her mouth.

    Chloe's eyes rolled back and she moaned, "We taste so good, Lex." She slowly cleaned off her hand until there was only a little left on her pointer finger. She held it out to Lex, "Wanna try?"

    Lex took her hand into his, pulling it to his mouth. He slowly sucked her finger past his lips, grazing the skin with his teeth. His tongue coiled around the digit and he groaned as their juices hit his taste buds. He slowly released her finger and fixed her in what he knew must be a scarily intense look. He couldn't help it; Chloe drove him crazy with desire.

    “Shower, now,” he growled the words and pulled her up by the hand he was still holding.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    20 Apr 2003
    Day Two: Part Four: Blowing Bubbles

    Before she could answer, Lex changed his mind.
    Grinning deviously, he moved closer to her, kissing
    her passionately, before he moved back. He picked her
    up and hauled her over his shoulder, walking towards
    the bathroom.

    When Chloe started to protest he gave a quick slap to
    her ass.

    “You can't walk on your own after that performance
    anyway.” It did shut her up, but she returned the
    favor right away, making him jump a little, causing
    Chloe to be bumped up and down on his shoulder.

    Chloe didn't want to admit that he was right, her legs
    were still shaking from the force of her orgasms, but
    it still made her angry. As did the fact that her skin
    was tingling pleasantly where he slapped her.

    Lex strode into the bathroom, placing her back on her
    feet on the cold tile, then stepping back from her,
    admiring her from a little distance, "You look
    thoroughly debauched." He grinned. "I love it, we
    should make you look like that more often." Before
    Chloe could retort, he had sunk to his knees, his
    hands running up the backside of her legs until they
    cupped her plump ass, squeezing the cheeks.

    His hands slid around to her front, slowly and down
    her thighs. Lex leaned forward, placing a kiss on her
    belly button, his hands coming to the waistband of her
    skirt. He slid it down slowly, his mouth following a
    path from her navel downward to her wet curls that
    were still sticky with their combined juices. Chloe's
    legs spread on their own volition and Lex's tongue
    flicked out and against her sensitive clit as the
    skirt fell and pooled around her ankles.

    Chloe clutched at Lex's head, pulling him closer to
    her cunt. She moaned his name as his tongue continued
    to rub and circle her clit. Her hips soon began to
    move, bucking against Lex's mouth. "I like the sight
    of you on your knees," she said, her voice husky and
    barely recognizable to her own ears. "We should make
    you look like that more often, too." Lex's response
    was to bite down on her clit, causing Chloe to yelp.
    She moved her hands from Lex's head to his shoulders,
    clamping down on them forcefully. Without him
    supporting her, Chloe was certain that she would fall.

    Lex tightened his grip on her ass and continued to
    lick her from bottom to top, occasionally flicking the
    tip of his tongue over her clit. He pushed the muscle
    as far into her as he could reach, curling it inside
    Chloe, knowing it would drive her insane.

    Most to all conscious thought left Chloe as she felt
    Lex's hard, hot tongue running over her cunt. Chloe
    leaned back and hissed when her overheated skin made
    contact with the cool glass of the shower door. She
    draped one of her legs over Lex's shoulder and slammed
    her hips forward, groaning his name.

    Lex smirked against her pussy before his tongue pushed
    back in, continuing it's relentless assault, he lapped
    up her juices his fingers digging into her ass, when
    he pulled her still closer to his mouth

    His teeth scraped over her heated flesh as he pulled
    his tongue out of her cunt once again to replace it
    with two of his fingers, thrusting them into her as
    far as they would go.

    Chloe arched her back, her head banging against the
    glass door. She didn't even register it. The only
    thing she could feel were Lex's fingers moving inside
    of her body. "Fuck," she groaned, as one of her hands
    left his shoulders and traveled to his lips. She
    pushed her fingers past his lips, and he eagerly began
    to suck on them. Chloe removed them and brought them
    to her own lips, her eyes rolling back into her head
    when she tasted herself.

    Lex closed his lips around her clit, moaning as he
    looked up at her. She was sucking on her fingers
    greedily her eyes closed and head thrown back against
    the glass door of the shower.

    Chloe felt the vibration of Lex's moan travel
    throughout every nerve ending in her body. She
    continued to thrust against him and the glass door.
    After she had cleaned off her fingers, they traveled
    to her breasts and she circled one nipple, then the

    Lex's hand left her ass and wandered up to her
    breasts. His fingers entwining with Chloe's he kneaded
    the supple flesh, then pinched her nipple hard between
    his thumb and index finger. A third finger joined the
    others in her pussy and her internal muscles started
    to flutter around the digits.

    With every thrust of her hips, Chloe grunted "yes" as
    she could feel her belly tightening. She steeled
    herself for the inevitable crash and closed her eyes.
    They fluttered open once more when she felt Lex link
    his hand with hers. She looked down and took in the
    sight before her. She could see her own juices coating
    his hand up to his wrist, his left fingers thrusting
    into her at a furious pace. His eyes were dark and
    feral, his lips were open and he panted her name every
    time his fingers disappeared in her body.

    Chloe delicately ran her finger over his cheekbone,
    "So beautiful," she moaned.

    Lex shivered at the tenderness in her voice and the
    intense look beneath her half closed lids. Her name
    fell from his lips in a barely audible whisper, before
    he lowered his face to her crotch once more, his eyes
    remaining locked with hers. His tongue joined his
    fingers inside her and he sucked on the sensitive
    flesh moaning against her skin.

    Chloe pulled Lex closer to her body with her leg, all
    the while grunting his name. She rolled her hips,
    causing his fingers to slip deeper into his body. Lex
    curled his longest finger, lightly tapping on Chloe's
    sweet spot.

    Chloe's eyes snapped shut and she hissed, "harder,"
    between her teeth. Lex quickly did as told and her
    orgasm overtook her body. Her head thumped against the
    glass wall, and a high pitched yelp of Lex's name was
    torn from her throat as her inner muscles clenched
    onto Lex's fingers and tongue.

    Her whole body arched one last time and then relaxed.
    "Amazing," she murmured before she once again felt
    Lex's hands on her hips, holding her up.

    Lex slowly stood up from the ground, thankful that his
    knees didn't crack to loud from the endurance on the
    hard marble floor. Talking about marble, his cock was
    by now weeping for attention, hard as granite and the
    state of his arousal bordering on painful. He leaned
    Chloe against the shower door and pressed a kiss to
    her lips, his hands still supporting her at her hips.
    “How about that shower now?” He murmured against her
    parted lips.

    Chloe regained some of her composure when Lex rose up
    from his knees. She grabbed the back of his head and
    pressed her lips to his, causing Lex to emit a
    surprised moan. Chloe took the opportunity to push her
    tongue past his lips and claimed his mouth. She moved
    her hips against Lex's, and noticed that he was still
    clothed. She broke the kiss, pleased that Lex had to
    blink a few times before his eyes focused on her.
    "Sounds like a plan," she said, breathlessly. "But one
    of us is overdressed for the occasion." Chloe noted
    that she still lacked some of her composure, however,
    when she started to unbutton his shirt. Her hands
    trembled slightly, causing her to have some trouble
    with the buttons.

    Lex closed his hands over her shaking ones, noting how
    small her hands actually were. He unbuttoned his
    shirt, taking her hands with his as he went along.
    Since his pants where still open from their first
    passionate coupling, he just toed of his shoes and let
    the slacks fall to the ground.

    Chloe's eyes were instantly drawn to Lex's cock.
    Without thinking, she ran her right hand over it, from
    base to tip, flicking her thumb over the slit. Lex
    groaned and Chloe followed suit. She repeated her
    motion and more fluid dripped over her hand as Lex's
    cock swelled. Her eyes never leaving his cock, Chloe
    said, "Get in the shower, Lex."

    Lex picked her up wordlessly with one arm around her
    waist and opened the shower door with his free hand.
    Kissing her passionately he stepped inside the shower
    and put her feet back on solid ground.

    He turned one of the gold handles attached to the wall
    and water began to spray down on them. Chloe yelped
    when the hot water initially hit her body. He quickly
    adjusted the temperature with the other handle, until
    the water was lukewarm. When Lex turned back to Chloe,
    she smiled at him through her damp hair and purred,
    "Much better."

    He smiled back, pulling her flush against him and
    catching her lips in a drawn out languorous kiss, his
    needs once again forgotten for the moment. But only
    until a gasp flew from both their mouths as his cock
    came in contact with her oversenstive pussy.

    Lex grabbed the bar of soap from the tray and began to
    work up a lather in his hands. When he reached for
    Chloe, she stopped him. "I think," she said, smiling
    enigmatically, "I may get a little more *dirty* so you
    had best hold off on that." Lex's brows knit together
    and Chloe took the bar of soap from Lex's hand.

    Chloe reached around Lex, brushing her nipples against
    his chest, so she could moisten the soap once more.
    Once she had enough suds in her hand, she placed the
    bar back on its tray. By now, Lex's eyes were
    following her every move.

    Chloe placed both of her hands on Lex's cock, which
    thrust forward when she touched it. She briefly tore
    her eyes from Lex's lower body and met his eyes,
    smiling triumphantly. Chloe began to coat Lex's cock
    with the bubbles from the soap. Her left hand reached
    lower to cup his balls and she rolled them in her
    hands, seeing that the action made Lex's eyes close.
    She ran her finger between his balls and he thrust
    into her hand. Chloe held her breath and tried
    something new, she reached further back and let her
    pointer finger trace circles on the sensitive flesh
    between his balls and his anus.

    Lex eyes snapped open and his gaze fixed on Chloe's
    face. She was looking at her hand around his cock, her
    eyes wide as she unconsciously licked her bottom lip.
    Her finger pressing into his perineum sent him into a
    whole body shiver and his head fell to her shoulder as
    both his arms closed around her. “God, Chloe,” he
    rasped out, then bit into the skin beneath his mouth.

    Chloe's right hand tightened around Lex's cock when he
    bit into her soft flesh. She continued moving her hand
    up and down on his shaft, his hips had sped up now and
    she could tell that he was close. She moved her left
    hand back to his balls and he groaned in
    disappointment. She smiled against his neck and gave
    them a final squeeze before she returned her hand to
    the more sensitive spot behind his balls.

    Chloe's hips were also moving now, and every now and
    again, Lex' cock would slide over her cunt, causing
    her to moan. Her hand worked at his cock, which was
    now also coated with his precum and some of her juices
    as well as the soap. As Chloe rubbed her thumb against
    the slit in Lex's cock, she also increased the
    pressure of her left pointer finger. Lex bucked
    against her and she bit down on his neck.

    The mixture of pleasure and pain sent him crashing
    over the edge. “Chloe,” her name left his throat in a
    strangled shout. Lex jerked into her small fist, his
    cum shooting onto her lower belly and dripping over
    the back of her hand. His climax seemed to draw out
    forever as Chloe continued to pump his cock, only
    gradually slowing her pace. When the waves of ecstasy
    subsided, he slumped against her, his arms tightening
    around her back.

    "Feel better," Chloe asked, lazily letting her hands
    wander up and down Lex's back.

    “Incredible,” he whispered, lifting his head and
    pressing a lazy kiss to her mouth.

    Chloe snuggled closer to Lex's body, her hands
    cradling his head as she returned his kiss. She pulled
    away and breathlessly said, "I’m turning into a prune,
    we should get out. But first," she picked up the soap
    and began to run it over her body, "I think we should
    get cleaned up."

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
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    20 Apr 2003
    A/N: Blue: Ok, we said almost nothing else, this is a non smut chapter. I know, I know, be quiet and deal with it.

    A/N: Sabby: Well yeah we might go a bit on the fluffy side here, pun intended *winks*

    “Mhmm good thought,” Lex practically purred, carefully taking the soap from her hands and starting to work up a lather in his hands. He placed the bar back on the tray behind him and brought his hands up to Chloe's shoulders, gently working the soap into her skin as his fingers moved down her arms and up again, then around her neck and down her back in slow, circular motions. When he reached her ass, Lex gently massaged the luscious curves, pulling her closer against him.

    Chloe was pliant in his arms as he lead her under the spray, washing the soap of her body. He made her take a step back and turn around while he gathered up the soap once again to continue his work. Her back now pressed against his chest, Lex started to gently spread the suds over her chest, kneading the supple flesh of her breasts longer than needed for washing, relishing in the pleased little mewling sounds coming from Chloe's throat and her hands stroking up and down his thighs.

    His hands traveled lower, to her belly. He gathered up the bar once more and started to rub it in a circle around her navel. Slowly drawing the motion out, the bar circled around her belly until it was wide enough to brush against the underside of her breasts and the seam of her curls with every turn.

    Chloe sighed, her head lolling back onto Lex's shoulder, her hands stilling on his thighs as she relished in the attention he was giving the cleaning of her body. Both hands left her body, his forearms tightening around her. Chloe looked down at her body a little confused, until she saw that Lex was working up another lather of what was sure to become her favorite brand of soap, the scent of lavender and something more fruity hitting her senses. His left hand put the soap back in place and she felt him press a gentle kiss on her shoulder.

    When Lex's hand returned and went down to her curls, Chloe involuntarily tensed up. She couldn't take one more round or she wouldn't be able to walk for the next three days. “Shhh, relax,” he murmured against her shoulder and gently started to wash her. Chloe sank back against his chest, her body turning to jello under his soothing touch. When he was done with her, he carefully placed her back under the spray, washing the soap of her body, his eyes entirely focused on where he touched her. For a brief moment she wondered what he was seeing that made his eyes take this almost crystal blue shade. Chloe brushed the thought away, closing her eyes and enjoying the pleasure of being worshipped like this.

    Lex watched as she closed her eyes and slumped against the wall of the shower. He made quick work of cleaning himself up and after a few minutes turned of the spray. Chloe was still sagging against the wall, an angelic and satisfied smile on her features. Lex found himself involuntarily smiling back. 'She looks so innocent; nobody would believe what's behind that mask.' He gently scooped her up again and this time, Chloe made no move to protest, instead closing her arms around his neck as his hands picked her up under her knees and shoulders.

    He sat her down on the closed toilet seat on the far wall of the bathroom and snatched a towel out of the huge drawer under the double sink. Chloe sighed as Lex slowly started to rub her dry with the white fluffy goodness that was large enough to cover almost her whole body if wrapped around her. Lex worked silently and steadily, his eyes focused on his task, drinking in every curve and hollow of her body.

    Chloe hummed deep in the back of her throat as Lex dried her body reverently. She was pleasantly surprised to discover that Lex's hands could not only work her into a frenzy but could cause her whole body to relax. His hands were triggering a warm, contented feeling from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She sighed when he finally wrapped the towel around her body. Chloe leaned forward, resting her head in the crook of his neck, and placed a kiss on his neck.

    Chloe's lips were damp and she realized that Lex was still dripping wet. "Won't do at all," she murmured lazily against his skin. She slowly stood up, linking her hands with Lex's and pulling him with her.

    Chloe picked up a small hand towel, earning a quirk from one of Lex's eyebrows. She raised herself up on her toes, feeling Lex's hands encircle her waist, helping her to balance. She slowly ran the plush towel over Lex's scalp and down to the base of his neck. A contented sigh broke from his lips and his eyes closed.

    Chloe gently ran the towel over his face, carefully removing the beads of moisture from his long lashes. Once his face was dry, Chloe ran her fingertips over the same path the towel had made. She lingered on the scar on his top lip, making a mental note to ask him about it later.

    She placed the small towel on the center of his chest and stared moving it in circles, repeating his earlier action.
    Chloe could feel his hands tightening and relaxing on her hips, he was unconsciously pulling her closer to his body. A gasp escaped his lips as her fingers brushed against his auburn curls. She ran her hands back up his body and dried his shoulders, one at a time, massaging the powerful muscles beneath his skin.

    Chloe ran the towel down Lex's right arm and gently took his hand off of her hip, in order to dry his hand. She did the same for his left arm. But, after drying his left hand, she placed a kiss in the palm.

    Lex's eyes were fixed intently on her face and he smiled at her tender action when she looked back up at him from under her wet bangs. He pulled her closer to him, catching her lips in a languorous kiss, that held no tension. Lex briefly wondered where the warm feeling that was spreading through his whole body at the contact rooted, but pushed the thought to the far recesses of his mind instantly.

    As Chloe relaxed into the kiss, her fingers tracing small circles over the back of Lex's neck. She sighed his name into his mouth and he pulled her closer, as he angled her head to deepen the kiss. Chloe, not one to be thrown off task for long, placed one last kiss on Lex's lips and then turned away, grabbing a towel out of the open draw. She wrapped it snugly around Lex's waist and then smiled at him.

    Lex shook his head and refixed the towel around his waist. “Tease,” he muttered under his breath.

    Chloe burst out laughing, then fixed Lex with a wicked gaze, "You know you love it," she said, briefly leaning against his body as she whispered the words in his ear. She quickly turned on her heel and walked back into the bedroom.

    Lex grinned at her, “grand exit,” and turned back to the shower, picking up her skirt that she had totally forgotten during her little show. 'One of the things that make her that much more fun to play with. She's doing it for the fun, not to get something out of me.' He threw the skirt up and caught it in his hand again, following her back into his bedroom.

    When he entered the room, he was greeted by a nice visual of Chloe's rear as she bent over to lift her discarded shirt from the floor. “You forgot something,” he mentioned casually, the skirt hanging from his left index finger.

    Chloe smirked at him, "Maybe I didn't, maybe I was just going to drive home like this," she said as she pulled the shirt over her body. “You know, leave you a little token of my affection," she said as she walked over to where Lex was standing.

    Lex swept his eyes over her body, lingering on her lower half that was exposed fully. “You must be completely insane if you think I would let anyone see you like that.” His voice was a low growl as his eyes traveled back up and locked with hers.

    'Oh my,' Chloe thought when she saw the heat in his eyes. Their eyes still locked, he took a step forward and placed his left hand on the small of her back, drawing her to him once more.

    When she was pressed flush against him, their faces mere inches apart, he whispered, “I won't share you, understood?”

    Of its own volition her head nodded as her breathing increased. The look in his eyes was so intense; she found it hard to break away from it. Seeing that Lex needed more she whispered, "Understood." However, she wasn't walking away from here without some reassurances of her own. "But, it goes both ways, understood?"

    The right corner of his mouth quirked up at her breathed demand. “Perfectly,” he assured her, giving a quick affirmative nod.

    "Good," Chloe said, more to herself than Lex. "Now, would you mind giving me back my skirt, you dirty old man?" Chloe held out her right hand.

    Lex gave a quick snort of laughter and took a step back, holding the skirt out for her to take. “You didn't seem to mind my age up until now,” he smirked.

    Chloe quickly snatched her skirt back and put it back on her body. "I didn't say I minded your age, Lex. I was just pointing out the obvious, that's all. Doesn't matter to me that you're older," she muttered the last part to herself as she scanned the room, looking for her socks.

    A small smile spread over his face as he caught her last comment, while she rooted around the room to find her stuff. “Need help?”

    "I'm quite capable of finding clothing that's been strewn about the room." Chloe began to wander about the room, her eyes peeled for her shoes and shoes. "Been doing it for years," she muttered

    Lex smile fell from his face immediately. “Really,” his voice betrayed his mixed emotions and he was about ready to kick himself for it. He quickly turned around and stalked to his closet, yanking the doors open almost violently.

    He walked in and started to pull out the next best outfit to hit his hands as they ripped through the hangers. Lex shoved his legs into the closest pair of black slacks. “How come nobody picked up on that little habit of yours?” His voice was back in control now and devoid of any emotion as he buckled his pants and threw the towel into the nearest comer.

    'Mood swing, much?' Chloe thought to herself, confused. She ran over their conversation and burst out laughing, doubling over.

    Lex whipped around, 'Is she laughing at me?'. His gaze burned with ire and his body went rigid.

    Chloe stood up again, and when she saw the look on Lex's face, her laughter quickly stopped. "Lex, plenty of people have picked up on my little habit, as you call it. My father, Lana, anyone that's stayed at my place, my roommate in college," she said, ticking off the people on her fingers. "My wardrobe is spread all over the house and I had stuff all over my dorm room. Besides," she said, crossing her arms over her chest, "even if what *you* were thinking was true, would it matter? It's my history, Lex, it comes along with me."

    Lex breathed out and the tension seemed to leap out of him at once. The only thing left nagging at him was her last sentence. She was right there, but how could he possibly explain that one of the things that had drawn him to her had been the thought of her being different from his other lovers. He would never have fooled himself into thinking that she was still a virgin, but the thought of her being as jaded as the other women he had been with had turned his stomach in a Gordic knot.

    He sighed and looked her dead in the eye. “I apologize.”

    Chloe sighed, she saw, and recognized the look on his face. He was thinking that this was all just fun and games. And while couldn't deny that what they were doing was fun, she needed him to know that she wasn't just playing with him.

    She walked over to her thick headed lover and placed her hands on his face, forcing him to look at her. "I don't just hop into bed with men, Lex. It's not my style. If I'm with you, it's because I want to be with *you*. Not your reputation, not your money, not your name....*you*."

    Lex flinched at her touch and the urgent tone in her little speech. He realized that they were both getting deeper into this than they had initially thought. The suave Lex Luthor found himself at a loss for words, so he cleared his throat, stalling before he answered. “Good,” was all he could bring forth.

    Chloe snatched her hands back. "Good? All I get is a good," she asked. She shook her head, realizing that the fact she got an answer was most likely a miracle. She turned away from him and spied one of her socks. It was somehow on a dresser, hanging over the clock.

    She quickly retrieved it and then let out a gasp. "Is that the real time," she practically screamed. She didn't wait for Lex to answer. "Shit! Ok, I give, help me find the rest of my clothes. I am *so* dead! Lana's probably called the cops, Clark, Pete *and* the FBI by now."

    Lex blinked twice a little perplexed at how Chloe managed to go through three different moods in less than a minute. He kicked into action and retrieved her other sock and her shoes from the places where they had landed and held them out to her. “Hey, don't worry it'll be ok. Maybe Clark kept her occupied.” She snatched them from his hands, shooting him a scathing look and shoved her feet into the shoes in record time, stuffing her socks in the waistband of her skirt. He chuckled at her behavior.

    "This is not funny, Lex," she said, poking him in the chest. "I didn't go home last night, remember? Then, I went directly to the tennis match, then here. I can only hope that Lana found out from Mrs. Ross, via Pete, that I'm alive. However, when I go home, there will be a barrage of questions. From both Lana and Clark. All in all, I'm not seeing the humor." She became more vexed when she saw that her little rant was causing Lex to smile.

    “It's ok Chloe, if necessary I will call of the FBI, and I think you can come up with a good enough explanation to shut up the farmboy and the fairyprincess. I trust your abilities.” He ran his arms soothingly up her arms, hoping it would help to calm her down a little.

    Chloe took a deep breath and lowered her head to his chest, her forehead resting between his pectoral muscles. When she spoke, her voice was muffled, "It's not *my* abilities that I'm worried about. Being around me has rubbed off on Lana, I'm sure she'll accept whatever I say when Clark is there. When he leaves, well, that's a different story. I think that I now understand what it's like to be given the third degree." She looked up, and once again, saw an amused look on Lex's face. "Oh, I guess you wouldn't commiserate with me, now would you?"

    “Welcome to the other side of the interview Chloe.” Lex chuckled, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. “Speaking of business, I have to go to Metropolis for the next few days, so we won't be seeing each other for a while.” He frowned as he realized that his voice had taken an involuntarily apologetic tone.

    Chloe smirked at him, or more specifically, the frown that was etched on his face. She had to bite back the urge to tell him that Luthors don't apologize, even indirectly. Instead, she said, "Ok, have a good trip. Let me know when you get back. And speaking of getting back...." she pulled out of his arms, which had, at some point, come around her back. "I really do have to go now."

    Lex nodded shortly and his arms loosened around her, then fell to his sides. “Ok, I'll see you when you get back then, and good luck.”

    "Thanks. I'll need it," Chloe said, pausing by the door. For some reason, she felt almost shy, "Well, bye," she said, quickly and then walked out of the bedroom.

    Lex ran a hand over the back of his head expelling a long breath. He kicked back into gear and made his way back to the closet to put on the shirt he hadn't thought of pulling on earlier, then prepared himself mentally for another long business battle in Metropolis.

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