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Thread: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    This is for you guys who need a little Chlex right about now. Enjoy.

    Title: For All The Chlexers Out There - "Doggedly Handsome"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13/T - R/M (For Language)

    Category: Friendship, Chlex, slight angst, futurefic, Chloe's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Anything’s fair game up to season 4.

    Summary: Lex helps Chloe through a trying time.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville and its characters, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use, so don't sue me.

    Archive: To BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and WBFFZ for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: Oooookayyyy---here it comes. : ) This is dedicated to all my Chlexer friends out there and also to my best friend, Jay, and his menagerie of dogs (Frog in particular). Hope you guys like it. Enjoy.

    For All The Chlexers Out There - "Doggedly Handsome" - by PMD

    Prologue: I love her to bits; she's there when I'm sad and lonely, to kiss away the tears. And her name; Brandy.


    Chloe's Bedroom

    I'm sleeping when I feel this tongue on my face. I squint, a little miffed at the pooch who's waking me up. She backs away at my look.

    "Brandy! You just woke me up from an incredible dream."

    She tilts her head, and I swear there's a smirk on her face. Then she starts towards me, stopping halfway.

    "It's okay---I forgive you," I reply, with a smile.

    She jumps me again and licks my face. I start laughing, thankful that my father thought to get me a dog---to be a companion when I have no boyfriends and just to be a joy to be with.

    We had found her at a pound---most people don't want puppies---all the training you have to do---and they're not purebred sometimes. Me, I love mutts---a mixture of the best of both worlds for me.

    She made me love her, right from the start. Puppy dog eyes that could rival Clark's. A strength within her puppy dog stance and a smirk that could rival Lex's. See, best of both worlds. Now if I could only get her to find me a guy with the best of both of those guys.

    I had let that dream go and yet, didn't let one of the guys go. Unfortunately, he looked on me as a friend at best; a source of information at worst. But still I held on---and I did name her after one of his favorite drinks. Like I was going to call her Scotch---yeah, that would get strange looks.

    Besides, she was the color of brandy. A mixture of Lab and something we still needed to find out about. She was a puppy but just dropped out of the car, because of her big feet. Hence we didn't know her other Heinz quality.

    "Brandy, sit!"

    She backs away and sits down. Thankfully, Lex had helped me train her. She was a handful but then, I loved her.


    She hopes off the bed and runs out the door. I get up and grab my dressing gown when she doesn't come back. I walk downstairs and she's looking up, a smirk in her eyes now.

    "Oh right---only humans can open a door. I thought Daddy brought the paper in already."

    She thumps her tail in response and waits patiently.

    I open the door and she runs out to the end of the driveway. I notice that the paper is in the road. I'm about to call her back but she's faster---she grabs it and turns back. Then I watch in horror as a car comes around and corner and hits her---speeding off, after the deed.

    "BRANDY!" I scream, as I run towards her fallen body.

    I kneel by her, noticing her labored breathe but thankful she's still breathing.

    She opens her eyes, pain evident in them and I touch her, gingerly. Blood comes back and I sob.

    I hear a whimper as she tries to lift her head.

    "Quiet, girl. Don't move. I'll get help."

    I'm about to get up when I feel somebody behind me. The person kneels, touching my arm and I turn to look into his blue eyes, pain there too.

    "Lex, she's hurting so badly. The bastard just took off."

    "I know who it is and he'll pay, Chloe. But for now, we have to get her to the vet."

    He reaches out to touch her gently. Brandy whimpers but licks his fingers before he takes them back.

    "It'll be okay, girl. I promise."

    He picks her up, as gently as possible. The thought of blood on his clothes or in his car has no affect on him. He wants to save a life, like his was saved, years ago. He loves this dog as much as I love her; as much as I love him, at this very moment.

    I open the back door, thankful he's driving a car with it today. I get in and he places the dog beside me, her head in my lap. He gives me a quiet look and then closes the door, running over to his side and getting in. Then we're off---him taking it as slow as possible so no jolts or surprises.

    Even with that, she moans a bit and I look at his eyes, through the mirror. He knows I'm dying inside---he's seen that look before. When he revealed the truth about his father, I had that look. I knew at that moment, he was as wounded as Brandy is right now. And I gave him a hug---although it was stilted, for him. But then he let go and I never told anybody about it, to this day.

    I look down and stroke her head. Her eyes open and she tries to smile through them but all I see is pain.

    "Hurry, Lex."

    "It'll be okay," he whispers, as he drives into the Vets parking lot.

    He gets out and opens the back door. He leans in and gently picks her up. He hears a whimper and soothes her with calming words. She quiets and I swear leans into him, as he carries her to the door.

    I jump out, run to the door, and open it for him.

    "Emergency here!" he yells out.

    The vet comes running out and takes them in, me following close behind.

    The dog is taken to the examining room and then we're thrown out, watching through the window, as the doctor does his thing.

    He pulls me close and I lean into him.

    "It's going to be okay."

    "I hope so. I love her so much."

    "So do I, so do I."


    Waiting For A Miracle

    It's been a couple of hours since we arrived. Brandy was in surgery for a while and Lex left---had some business to attend too.

    I sit in the waiting room, anxious about my dog. The door opens and the doctor walks out.

    "How is she?"

    "She came through the surgery but she lost some blood. It'll be touch and go for a while."

    "Can I stay with her?"

    She nods her head and leads me to the room. Before she leaves I touch her arm.

    "Thank you, Doctor. And---"

    "---could I tell you when your friend comes back? Sure."

    "Just tell him I'm back here."

    She nods her understanding and leaves me with Brandy.


    An Hour Later

    I'm stroking her head when I hear the door open behind me. I turn to see my father in the doorway, Lex behind him.


    He opens his arms and I fly into them, sobbing. I feel like a teenager again; needing his love and understanding to get through a really rough time.

    Finally I back away and see Lex is leaving. "Stay."

    He turns around. "Are you sure?"

    "You're family---I'm sure."

    My father looks from his face and then to mine. I see a smile there.

    "What?" I ask him.

    "Nothing---I think I'll go get some coffee and leave you three alone."


    We've been sitting here for a half an hour, two coffees miraculously appearing at our sides, thanks to my Dad, when it hits me.

    "You want to save her, like you couldn't save your mother."

    Lex lifts his head out of his hands and looks at me.

    "You're just too perceptive for your own good, Sullivan."

    I give him a small smile. "Yeah, I've been told that. Good thing I'm a friend, eh?"

    A sad lilt to his facial expressions is quickly replaced by a sigh and small smile too.

    "What?" I ask him.

    "I think not as perceptive as you think, Chlo. You missed one element."

    I sit there and it hits me again:

    "You wanted to help me save my mother?"


    "Me, you wanted to save me?"

    "Well, yes, I guess."


    "By helping you not to have the heartache you had, when you found out about your mother."


    "You sound disappointed," he states, touching my arm.

    I look at him. "No---you helped find a cure for me and made my mother comfortable. I'm grateful for that."

    "But you expected me to say something else?"


    He lifts a finger and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, lightly caressing my earlobe as he backs away again.

    "Tell the truth, please."

    "I---" I don't know what to say.

    Instead, I look at Brandy and gain the courage I lack, before I look back at him. Instead of talking, I lean forward and kiss him gently on the lips. I back away and look at her once more.

    "Thank you."

    I look at him. "For what?"

    "For telling me the truth---and for liking me?"

    I give him a full-blown smile. "Liking you? Who said I liked you?"

    He raises an eyebrow and gives me rare Lex smile that always causes my heart to beat faster.

    Then he leans in and kisses me, deepening it until the only thing bringing us out of it is a whimper.

    "Was that you?" we both ask.

    Then another one.

    We look down and Brandy is looking at us.

    "She's okay! Lex, she's going to be all right."

    "Like there was any doubt," he says, as he pulls me into a hug.


    A Month Later

    "Brandy---you have to go for a walk. We don't have a big enough cat litter box for you and the back yard is potted with dog poop."

    She pulls back on the leash and I groan. "Damn---where's Clark Kent when you need him?"

    "Saving the world, one person at a time?" I hear from behind me.

    I turn around and smirk. "That was a rhetorical question, Luthor."

    He moves off his car, opening the gate and walking in. "And here I thought that was a plea for help."

    "Help? With what?"

    "Taking your dog for a walk. Hey, Brandy---want to come for a ride?"

    She literally pulls me to Lex and I fall into his arms. The momentum throws us to the ground and has us laughing until the mood gets serious.

    She lets out a bark and we look at her.

    "Get your own boyfriend!" I state, with a smile.

    "Now who said I wanted to be your boyfriend?"

    "Your kisses did?" I ask.

    He has this evil grin on his face and leans towards me, about to kiss me once more---when he's stopped by Brandy and her doggie kisses.

    I start to laugh at her, understanding this strange allure that Lex has for all God's creatures---hey, maybe it's meteor related. Then she backs away and gives him a lopsided grin.

    "What is it with her and this need to lick me?" he asks, as he sits up and I join him.

    "You just have to face it, Lex. You're doggedly handsome."

    He looks to the heavens and I hear him whisper, "What have I gotten myself into?"

    I laugh at that and get up, offering my hand to him. We both brush ourselves off and he takes the leash.

    "Hey, wait! Can I come too?"

    "Should we let her, girl?"

    Brandy yelps and he looks at me. "She says yes."

    He offers his free hand to me and I yelp when I'm pulled in close for a quick kiss.

    "So, I'm doggedly handsome?" he asks, as he backs away

    I nod my head.

    "Am I humanly handsome too?"

    I nod my head as we go through the gate and to the car.

    "So, where are we going?" I ask, after we entice Brandy to the back seat with some doggy goodies.

    "To a nice big field where there's no cars to hit her."

    I give him a small smile and then a frown. "What about the snakes?"

    "I'll use my animal magnetism to make them go away."

    I smile at that and lean over, about to give him a kiss when guess who gets in the way again.


    She does, looking at me. "And another thing, we're getting you a boyfriend so you don't keep interrupting us---you're getting too much to be too much of a pest, girl."

    She just gives me a smirk and a yip.

    "She says move it buddy---and don't hurt my owner."

    He gives me a similar smirk and then pulls me close, whispering, "Tell her, I never will and hold on tight."

    He backs away, starts the car, and we're on our way. With me, knowing in my heart, as long as my very precious Brandy and doggedly handsome boyfriend, Lex Luthor are here, I'll never live a dull life and ever be lonely again.

    The End.

  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Aww that was so cute.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    I love the days when I click on 'New Posts' and there is a nice new, shiny PMD fic. It's like a way way early (or way way late, which every way you wanna look at it) birthday present.

    So, I think this is in order.

    Happy birthday to me,
    happy birthday to me,
    happy birthday dear me,
    happy birthday to me.

    *blows out candles*
    *wishes for another PMD fic*

    Anyway, this was great! I really, really loved it.

  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Thank you for the great new story!! Thank you so much for having Lex be there for Chloe!!

  5. #5
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Hey guys:

    Hope: So glad you enjoyed it, sweetie.

    Blue: Awwww---so did I miss your birthday or has it come yet? You know, I think this is the first feedback that I've ever gotten with the happy birthday in it. That's so sweet. Glad you enjoyed the piece, sweetie. I promise---the mother's day piece I did for this year will arrive, before father's day.

    Autumn: Awww---you are so welcome, hon. Glad you enjoyed it.

  6. #6
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Na, by b-day's on Sept. 3. Almost eight months ago and four months away.

  7. #7
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Well, Blue---then---happy early birthday. Four months away---think my muse can come up with something then? <g>

  8. #8
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    I really, really hope so.

    I like fics like cake...

    fluffy like icing,
    romantic like......um....the cake part
    fiery like candles...

    yeah...i think that makes sense

  9. #9
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Hey Blue:

    Ooo, Candles be Chloe (fire) and icing be Lex (like cool as a cucumber). Nice say of looking at it, eh? Makes a lot of sense, sweetie.

  10. #10
    Addicted to Baby Luthors bluengreenswmer's Avatar
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    Re: Doggedly Handsome (PG-13/T - R/M)

    Why thank you...

    I'm glad to know I make sense...sometimes after reading a lot of fluff and my brain turns to mush, I speak chlexish without realizing it...

    then again...sometimes that happens without any fiction influence...

    I need help...

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