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Thread: Never Have I Ever... (PG 13)

  1. #1
    this side of crazy S.Ann Smith's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Apr 2003
    British Columbia, Canada
    Disclaimer: Can't I just play with them a little bit longer??? Pwease.. *makes big pouty Clark eyes* ... damn.. then I don't own them... *grumbles* Oh, and I definitely don't own Captain Morgan's
    Rating: PG-13-ish ( I suck at ratings )
    Specs: will be found at the end of the story
    Genre: General/Crossover
    Summary: answer to a fic challenge by Rachael (Ellidyay)
    Timeline: we'll say mid to late S2
    Pairing: Chlex, Lucas/Other, Clark/other, Pete/Lana
    Last episode seen before writing: Jinx
    Spoilers: None that I can think of... pretty much AU
    A/N since neither Rachael or I could find "I Never" She challenged me to take a spin at it... We're convinced that it was just too good to be true, that we imagined it altogether and that it doesn't exist in the real world.... even so, if anybody can find it... a link would be muchly appreciated :binkkiss: *waves cake in front of people*

    Never Have I Ever
    by S.Ann Smith

    "Aww, c'mon guys. What do you say?" Lucas Luthor asked the group around him. "I mean it is just a game. Unless you're chicken." He said before sticking his thumbs under his armpits and wagging his arms like a bird.

    Lex rolled his eyes at his squawking brother. "Lucas, stop that, it's embarrassing." Lex swatted his hand in Lucas's direction. They were all sitting around a coffee table in the mansion's library. Lana was sitting on the floor, Indian style beside Pete, who refused to sit on the expensive Italian leather furniture. Lana was silently supporting him by holding his hand. Kennedy and Clark, were sitting on the couch. Lana had set them up, on a blind date, to soften the blow of her and Pete being together. Kennedy was a waitress at the Talon.

    "So that means that you're game bro'?" Lex rolled his eyes before mumbling an affirmative response. "What's that Lex. I'm not sure I heard you right?" Lucas teased.

    "Lucas, leave him alone." Lucas's current girlfriend, Kasey chided, before softly hitting his leg. Her hand stayed there.

    "There's nothing like a little shameless underage drinking to make the Luthor reputation stick in this town." Chloe snarked from her position in the large overstuffed chair that lived at the fireplace. It was moved to complete the circle.

    "See, *Chloe's* game." Lucas grinned at his brother. His eyes dancing with delight. 'Now that Chloe's kind of agreed, Lex will *have* to agree.'

    "Anybody here a virgin?" Lucas asked the group. A few eyebrows quirked, and a few people blushed. "Not that kind of virgin, I meant who hasn't played before." A couple of heads nodded in the group. "Now that we're clear," Lucas rolled his eyes, "anybody?"

    Several hands went up.

    "I think that you should give them the rules hon'." Kasey spoke softly to Lucas.

    "Yeah, I'd kinda like to know what Chloe's gotten us into." Pete said from his position on the floor.

    "Alright." Lucas pulled the bar cart over to the group. He dutifully placed shot glasses on the glass coffee table. "The rules are as follows." He poured Captain Morgan's into each glass. "One person says, 'Never have I ever...' and then says something that they've never done before. If you have done it, you take a shot. *All* of the shot." He eyed Lana pointedly. "Then the person to your left goes. It goes around the circle. No lying. Since some people have to drive, we'll say maximum of five shots, two rounds of "Never have I ever"s. And everything revealed stays here, between the people around you." Lex relaxed slightly. "Now," Lucas grinned. "On with the game. I'll start. Something minor to ease us into it I guess." He smiled broadly. "Never have I ever been to a boy band concert."

    Lana took a shot, making a face as the alcohol hit her taste buds. Kasey took a shot. Kennedy took a shot. Chloe took a shot.

    "Chloe... *you've* been to a boy-band concert?" Lex asked her incredulously from his spot across from her, in her chair's mate.

    Chloe rolled her eyes, before quickly changing the subject. "Pete," she looked down at her friend, an evil grin growing on her face. "Why didn't you take a shot? You went *with* me remember?" Pete, glared at Chloe, before reluctantly taking a shot.

    "Dude," Lucas laughed, "you were conned into going to a boy band concert?"

    "Dude," Pete imitated, "we were fourteen."

    "Can we please quit with the uber testosterone battle, and keep going?" Chloe asked.

    "Then that would mean it's your turn, Sullivan." Lucas said before filling the empty shot glasses.

    "What's with Luthors and using my last name?" She asked aloud to nobody in particular, before continuing. "Never have I ever had sex in a public place."

    "Right into the major leagues, Sullivan." The remark came from Lucas.

    Lex took a shot. Lucas took a shot. Kasey took a shot. Pete took a shot.

    "Can we not get into a heated discussion about this one? Please?" Pete asked. "Lana go."

    "Never have I ever smoked... pot." She whispered the last word.

    Lex took a shot. Chloe took a shot. Kennedy took a shot.

    "Lex, maybe you should take two." Chloe teased.

    "I'm still curious as to *how* you got a hold of a joint Miss Sullivan."

    "Back to last names already Luthor, that's a record even for you."

    "You didn't answer my question."

    "I don't feel that I have to."

    "I think that you should."

    "Okay guys, enough of the foreplay, Pete, it's your turn." Kasey said before filling the shot glasses.

    "That is *so* not foreplay." Lana said loudly.

    "You sure?" Lex asked before raising his eyebrow. Chloe mumbled "Touche"

    "So does that count as sex in a public place? Cuz if so, Chloe's going to have to go again." Kennedy asked before silently taking Clark's hand and placing it on her own. Clark was frozen in place.

    "No, that's foreplay in public. Doesn't count." Kasey clarified.

    "You guys, that's just wrong." Lana said from her position on the floor. "Besides, It's Pete's turn."

    "Right," He said sitting up, "Never have I ever given another man a hand job."

    Chloe almost choked. "Here I thought that was given, Pete." He shrugged.

    "Take your shots ladies."

    Chloe took a shot. Kennedy took a shot. Kasey took a shot.

    "Oh come on Lana. Never?" Lucas teased.

    "What about that time with Whitney behind the bleachers?" Chloe asked quickly, before quickly covering up her mouth.

    Heads spun towards the pink princess. Several people were talking at once. Clark looked like he was in shock. Pete had a very different look in his eyes. Chloe recognized it as the look Lex had been giving her for a while now. She looked up at Lex, a sudden understanding in her eyes.

    He refused to meet her eyes, and cleared his throat. "Shouldn't we be moving along?"

    "Kennedy's turn." Lana said with a smile.

    "Never have I ever baled hay." she looked at Clark with a smile. "Take a shot farm-boy."

    Chloe and Lex laughed. "That's a way to get him drunk." Chloe said with a smile.

    Clark took a shot. Pete took a shot. Lex took a shot.

    "Whoa. Wait a second. Lex. *You've* baled hay?" Kasey asked.

    "Yeah. Your love muffin kicked me out of my own home.

    "He is a little sneak isn't he?" She smiled before taking Lucas's hand.

    Lex smirked. "I'd say he takes after our father more than he thinks."

    "Moving on." Lucas said loudly. "Kent, it's your turn."

    "Never have I ever flown in an airplane."

    "You poor deprived child." Kennedy said before running her fingers through his hair. Lex watched Chloe roll her eyes.

    Chloe took a shot. Lex took a shot. Lana took a shot. Pete took a shot. Kennedy took a shot. Kasey took a shot.

    "Go Lex go." Kasey giggled.

    "Never have I ever been tied up during sex or foreplay."

    Several jaws dropped.

    "Seriously?' Came Chloe's response.

    "I've never felt entirely comfortable around people to let them do that to me. Never felt that I could trust them."

    "Damn that's intense. But, I'm out." Kasey said before taking her last shot.

    "Then I guess it's my turn." said Lucas. "Never have I ever been to a professional dance class."

    "Thanks Lucas. I'm out." Lex said sarcastically before taking his last shot.

    "Me too." Said Kennedy. She took her last shot.

    Lana took a shot.

    "My turn." Said Chloe. "Never have I ever been kissed outside in the dark."

    "Wow, so specific." Kasey marvelled.

    "Well she is a reporter." Pete said with pride.

    "Lex. You let a reporter into the house?" Lucas asked his jaw dropping slightly.

    "I trust Chloe will make the right call when it comes to snooping in the mansion." Lex said fixing his eyes on Chloe.

    "You *trust* me?" Chloe asked lacing her words with innuendo, her eyebrow raised high.

    Lex chuckled in response. "I believe we have some shots to be taken." He said with his smirk.

    "Right. Way to segue Luthor." Chloe said returning the smirk before curling her legs underneath her on her chair.

    Clark took a shot. Lana took a shot.

    "I'm out." Lana said, her words slurring slightly into a blur of loudness.

    Kennedy giggled.

    "Pete, your turn." Lucas said.

    "Right. Never have I ever worn high heels."

    Lana giggled.

    "Pete is there something you're not telling us?" Clark asked leaning towards his friend.

    "Yeah Pete." Chloe said.

    "Pete. Are you a cross-dresser?" Lana asked loudly. Her words still slurred into a jumble of nothing. The only words that could be deciphered were "Pete ... you ... cross-dresser".

    Kennedy giggled.

    Chloe took her shot. "I'm like so out." She leaned back into the chair. "Go Clark go."

    "Never have I ever been outside of Kansas,"

    "Dude. That's sad." Said Lucas before he took a shot.

    Pete took a shot. "Dude, I'm out." He giggled.


    After everybody had left, Clark and Lucas were driving everybody home, Lex and Chloe sat in silence. Her dad was out of town, and she was staying with the Luthor boys. She was staring mystifyed at the dancing fire. It was licking the sides of the fireplace.

    "So I've decided something Sullivan."

    "What's that?" Chloe turned to him. "You brought me coffee?" She smiled up at him.

    "No, I brought me coffee, but you can have some if you want." He smirked down at her. "But I do have a surprise for you."

    Chloe's eyebrow rose slightly. "And what would that be?"

    "Let me show you." He offered his hand to her. Taking it, she used it to get herself out of the overstuffed chair. Lex led her out of to the library's balcony. "Look up."

    Doing what she was told, she looked up. "What am I looking at? All I see are stars."

    "Exactly." Lex murmured into her hair.

    Chloe spun around to meet him. "What do you mean?"

    "I thought we could cross your 'Never have I ever's off of your list." he said with a smirk. Chloe pulled him towards her. Or did she pull herself to him. She wasn't sure. She just knew that she was now close enough to feel his body heat radiating off of him.

    "It could be the alcohol talking, but that's sounding like a very good idea."

    "I think that you've sobered up enough to be making your own decisions." He said softly down to her.

    "Thanks for the vote of confidence." She said before pulling him down to her for a kiss. "But that means we have to get rid of your 'Never have I ever' too." She said after their kiss ended She smirked at him.

    "I don't know." He said unsure

    "Well you did say that you trusted me."

    "Entirely different context."

    "But you did say it."

    "Fine, but on one condition."

    "What would that be?"

    Lex murmured something into her ear.

    "No way."

    "Then I'm not getting tied up." Lex said.

    "What are you three?"

    "Far from it."

    "I'm not doing that." She said indignantly. "But if it means I can have my dastardly way with you, I guess I'll have to."

    Chloe undid his tie.

    "See, I can be very convincing."

    Chloe tied his hands together with his tie behind his back.

    "What are you doing?"

    "Having my dastardly way with you." She said with a smirk. "Now march up those stairs Mister Luthor. Or I'm going to be very angry with you." She giggled.

    "And the giggle is so convincing."

    "It has to be, you *are* walking towards the stairs now." She smiled.


    Lucas Luthor has horrible timing.

    He walked into the mansion. There was a cold cup of coffee sitting beside the fireplace. And there were very sexual noises coming from upstairs.

    Lucas turned on his heel and marched out the door of the mansion. If he spent the night here, he wouldn't have a hope in hell of actually having a good night's sleep.

    He hopped into his car, and skidded out of the driveway.



    * the bondage thing with Lex has to be in there, cause its just so great.
    ----it has to be later carried out (lite bondage is all thats necessary if you're not up to much that's fine)

    * Chloe's has to be sex related

    * Lana's has to be.... drug related

    * drinking, not stripping.

    * Lucas need to be in there sober as a judge (only one or two drinks)

    * and Pete's*has to be gay oriented no drinking for Clark on that one

    * and its "Never Have I Ever" before every statement

    * (and it has to go around everyone at LEAST twice

  2. #2
    Sexified ChLex Addict Senior Member Blackberry's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Oct 2003
    mehehe how cute!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Tee hee. I knew it . . . if they ever get the chance on screen, Chloe and Lex will just be getting snarky and naked.

    Very intelligent of you to see it all so clearly. Wonderful.

    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    snarky and naked ... Chloe and Lex. Now there's a show I'd watch.

    Loved this!


  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    30 Jan 2004
    United States
    Funny stuff!

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was great. :clap:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    Just a Guest!
    That was so great. You should do a whole series of them. That would be so cool. :yay:

  8. #8
    NS Full Member campbti's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Feb 2004
    So funny, I nearly choked. I really think you should do a series. There are SOOO many more funny, Never Evers....


  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Great story!! Lucky, lucky Chloe!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  10. #10
    hide the rum randa's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    the last time i played that game...*shudders*...lets not go there.

    this was so funny!! i really enjoyed it


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