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Thread: Magnetic Force - PG

  1. #1
    Join Date
    11 Oct 2003

    Magnetic Force - PG

    Title: Magnetic Force
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: I’m broke, really, I own nothing. You’ll only waste money on legal fees if you sue me.
    Summery: Fluff and nothing but.
    A/N: I was feeling sentimental and kinda sappy today. Hence this fic. It’s a one shot, Hope ya like it, reviews are worshiped.


    If someone told me I’d be standing here a year ago, hell even a month ago I’d have had them committed. But here I am, battling with my hair and handing Lana a box of tissues. She’s already sniffling and the damn wedding hasn’t even started yet.

    Yep, that’s right, a wedding. Who would’ve thunk it. We aren’t exactly the poster couple for wedded bliss, at least not yet. We’ve fought and made up so many times I’ve lost count, his arrogance and my stubbornness clash together like oil and water, us having little in common save for the ever present verbal snark, but for one reason or another we keep drifting back together. It happens subconsciously I think and we‘ve both given up trying to fight it. And maybe that’s how it’s supposed to be. Maybe.

    I don’t know when I started picturing my future with him or when I couldn’t envision it without him. It’s one of those things that just snuck up on me without notice. Random encounters turned acquaintances into friends who then evolved into something more, but how it happened I haven’t a clue, I don’t think he does either and he’s not one to miss a beat.

    The day he proposed he looked as shocked as I did when the words left his mouth, like they just spilled out without consulting him first. We were arguing about a story, another meteor freak had tried to kill him and he didn’t like my slant on the details, wanting to be left out of the article all together. Yeah, like I could just substitute a random person in his place for the sake of the story, but I digress. Mid rant I here something similar to the words “Dammit Chloe, marry me!” come from him. And with that he had succeeded in doing what no other man has accomplished. He shut me up.

    Not the most eloquent proposal, but it was fitting considering our whole relationship was explosive in one way or another.

    This is right. It has to be.

    Although you’d never know it judging by how things refuse to fall into place. On this day of all days. The dress has yet to arrive despite numerous bribes and then threats to the tailor, my hair is doing weird frizzy things, and our backyard wedding has practically turned into a moat around the castle due to the torrential rains. All we’re missing is some coy fish.

    But this has to be right. I refuse to take any of it as a sign, if The Powers That Be want to stop this wedding they’re going to have to be a hell of a lot more obvious. At this point nothing short of a lightening strike would get me to call it off. And even then it would be open to interpretation.

    I’m still fighting with my hair, and I’ve decided that bobby pins are evil. I might just buy the company and redesign them to actually work. Lana grabs them from me trying to make herself useful but only succeeding in tying my hair up in knots. The poor girl can’t create an up-do to save her life. I pull them out, shaking my hair out and letting it fall around my shoulders. This’ll have to do otherwise I’ll end up with a migraine.
    Somehow the frizz seems to tame and the soft curls from my previous style leave it looking pretty good.

    I’m just about to pull out my cell phone and make another Tailor Threat when he pops through the door, holding the dress out to me as a sort of peace offering, or as protection. Lana grabs it, pushing the poor guy back out and shutting the door before stripping it of it’s plastic and practically drooling as she stares at it.

    “Chloe, it’s beautiful”

    Yes. It is, and it damn well should be. He spent a small fortune on it even though I insisted that I didn’t need anything fancy. But even I couldn’t talk him out of this, and negotiating is my specialty.

    As I pull on the white satin I can’t help but think that he was right. It was worth the money. I may never take it off.

    One final look in the mirror and Lana hands me the bouquet as we leave, headed out into the rain of the century. Good thing it’s not windy and we had the forethought to use tents.

    The courtyard is filled but only with close friends, that’s one thing I was able to win in my favor. Lex had wanted the entire town there, and then half the city of Metropolis, but the last thing I wanted was for our paparazzi photos to end up in the Daily Planet. I’d never hear the end of it at work. The reporter is not supposed to end up in her own newspaper. Clark is standing next to Lex, the obvious choice for best man and I’m surprisingly happy he’s there. I’m no longer in his shadow and I know now that he his place in my wedding was always destined to be next to the groom.

    I almost do a double take when I see Lionel in the back row. Not so much the fact that he’s there, although that was certainly a hot topic of conversation between Lex and I, but the fact that he’s in the back row makes me want to break out in a fit of laughter. Lex had said that was the only way he’d have him there, but I didn’t think he’d actually follow through on it. I should have known better, Lex rarely says anything he doesn‘t mean.

    When I reach the end of the isle it strikes me again how absolutely unexpected this is. I’m almost waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out of the shrubs in a rain coat and tell me I’ve been punked.

    The pastor begins his speech and I look up at Lex who's starring intently at me with his deep blue eyes and I suddenly realize that I missed a whole sentence. He smiles at me, knowing that I was lost in my own head for moment, lost in him.

    “I think you’re supposed to say something here.”

    I stare back at him, noticing that for second he looks almost frightened. Then I realize that the sentence I missed was the most important one.

    “I do”

    The relief in his face is evident and his smile is contagious. How could he have any doubt, we’ve come this far against all odds, wild meteor freaks could keep me away from him now.

    I see my father handing Lana another box of tissues out of the corner of my eye and fight the urge to cry myself. I swore I wasn’t going to.

    The pastor says the routine ‘you may kiss the bride’ line and Lex leans forward pausing only for second to let me meet him the rest of the way. Because that’s how it should be, we’re always meeting in the middle and our wedding kiss is no different. The rain has stopped and that I will take as a sign. A tear slips down my cheek as we part.

    Damn, I was doing so good too, luckily Lana has plenty of Kleenex to share with me.

    I’ve never believed in destiny, choosing instead to make my own future. But as the sun starts shining for the first time all day I’m willing to believe in fate just this once. There can be no other explanation for how Lex and I ended up at this moment. Complete opposites can’t come together without some sort of magnetic force.

  2. #2
    Insane Troll logic girl lexchloe's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Dec 2003

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    Loved that so very much. Great job.
    I tried to drown my sorrows, but the little buggers learned how to swim.


  3. #3
    Queen of Lurkdom Sezza's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    That was really cute and I loved Lex's proposal and how the words hadn't consulted with him before he blurted it out. It was sweet, cute and oh so like Lex.


  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    Loved your story!! Honestly a cute, sweet, fluffy story like this totally makes my day!! Thanks so much for writing it!!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    the story was too cute! the fluffiness is always welcome...especially after a long day


  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    That was so cute.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    Wish Chloe left w/GA&guys LEXNCHLOEROCK's Avatar
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    29 Mar 2004

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    Clark is standing next to Lex, the obvious choice for best man and I’m surprisingly happy he’s there. I’m no longer in his shadow and I know now that he his place in my wedding was always destined to be next to the groom.

    This was a nice touch.

    When I reach the end of the isle it strikes me again how absolutely unexpected this is. I’m almost waiting for Ashton Kutcher to pop out of the shrubs in a rain coat and tell me I’ve been punked.

    LOL loved this bit of humor.

    Very good fic. Loved Chloe's thoughts on the whole thing.

  8. #8
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    A, A

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    i loved it that was so sweet and perfect but i just can't see chloe acting like lana but it is possible chlex forever!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    NS Full Member Nonhalema's Avatar
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    Austria, Vienna

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    beautiful...and really good characterising.

  10. #10
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
    Join Date
    27 Apr 2006

    Re: Magnetic Force - PG

    This was beautifully written. It was a lovely little glimpse into a sweet Chlex relatiosnhip. I thought it was amazing that you managed to capture and convey the whole gist of their relationship and interactions in this very short fic. I loved how Lex actually 'accidentally' proposed in the middle of a ridiculous (but heated) argument... that was surprising, but so apt to character. I can imagine the horror on Lex's face when he realized what he had just blurted out... followed very quickly by delight when Chloe said 'yes'.

    LOL! I also enjoyed the part where Chloe spaced out on the middle of the wedding ceremony and almost missed out her cue to say 'I do'... And Lex was so scared for that brief moment when Chloe seemed to hesitate. ROTFLMAO!

    And the whole part where Chloe was ranting about the 'useless evil' that is a bobby pin... LOVE it! It's just so typical of her to channel her 'wedding-panic' into anger over... everything... heh, which seemed to include rage towards the tailor who was late with the wedding dress.

    This was a delightful fic, filled with all kinds of funny, insightful moments. It was a treat to read, and I'd love to see more of your work in the future.

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