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Thread: The Lesser of Two Evils - NC-17, Chapter 56 (May 27, 2016)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    The Lesser of Two Evils - NC-17, Chapter 56 (May 27, 2016)

    The Lesser of Two Evils
    NC-17/ Angst

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    Distribution: I have posted these stories and have control of them on this site. I don't want them to be posted anywhere else unless I'm the one posting them. Please take down my stories if you have them posted on another archive site. I understand I can't stop you from doing this but I hope by asking politely you'll respect my work and my wishes. If anyone has more comfort and convenience saving the text of a story to their own computer, I have no problem with that.

    Spoilers: All up to Season 4, except things will be twisted to the tune of Lex having never moved to Cowtown, U.S.A.

    A/N: What would Chloe Sullivan have had to do to get from under Lionel Luthor’s thumb if Lex had never moved to Smallville? What would she have had to sacrifice to earn the son’s help against the father?

    AU for Season 3 and 4, and strongly rated for a good reason:

    I’m posting in very short chapters so readers can choose when enough is enough for them.

    Chapter One

    She sipped the drink and forced a smile at the man sitting across from her in a chair that cost more than her father had in the bank. The whiskey burned down her throat and she calculated how long it would be before it hit her empty stomach and was pushed back up again. She always threw up afterwards, but not just because of the liquor.

    “I thought your son’s preference for brunettes was well documented in the gossip pages,” she said, allowing a tint of joking derision in her voice.

    When Lionel was laughing it was permissible to laugh a little as well. Actually it was expected, even when you were fighting terror and disgust.

    “He does have a tendency toward a certain physical type, but primarily he is a bored young man with passing fancies,” Lionel said, swirling his drink gracefully. His eyes were crinkled with enjoyment, probably at her expense. “You are a lovely young woman and a very different experience from the usual for him. Which is what I have offered him as a token of appreciation for his work on our takeover of Augustine-Jellinek Incorporated.”

    Pillaging and burning down villages sure pays well, she thought, even in the modern era. Free virgins for all good corporate raiders.

    This man, her patron, was evil incarnate. He hated everything except the things that made his life more pleasant. He tolerated those things that might one day be useful to him.

    Chloe Sullivan had just become useful.


    She had been frightened of Lionel Luthor from the beginning, very frightened when he showed enough interest not only to hit on her at the LuthorCorp Christmas Party two years ago but look her up months later. He had walked into her life with what was literally an offer she couldn’t refuse. Someone had destroyed The Torch, her newspaper, and the office would require at least $20,000 worth of repairs the school wasn’t willing to pay for. She had still been grieving over the initial shock when Lionel had strolled in and patted her on the shoulder.

    ‘Chin up, Miss Sullivan, I think we both know when one door closes another one opens.’

    She was standing there wondering how a seventeen year old girl from Smallville had become the subject of a Luthor’s interest, when he had delivered the edict that had ruled her life ever since.

    ‘You’re going to find out why Clark Kent is involved in so many strange happenings in this little town,’ he had said, ‘And in return I will provide the school with funds to rebuild your office and make sure you are the only candidate for a new position as a junior columnist at The Daily Planet.’

    The tears had dried immediately, burned away by rage and suspicion. She had known there was something odd about the convenient timing of the targeting of her relatively unimportant newspaper. Lionel’s smug grin had told her that it was no coincidence he was visiting just hours after she was discovering her journalism career was spiraling out of her grasp.

    ‘Fuck off, Mr. Luthor, I’m not dumb enough-’

    ‘I don’t think it would be dumb to accept my offer, Miss Sullivan, in fact I think it’s your only alternative. I can always ask a . . . professional to look into Mr. Kent, but I doubt you’ll find it so easy to come up with such a considerable sum of money and a plumb job offer. I also wonder how much more of a hindrance a professional investigator would be in your friend’s life.’

    Her uncontrolled knee-jerk rejection of his offer had angered him, and she had been careful never to show her emotions like that again. The threat was clear and she couldn’t do anything but accept. She had to protect the man she loved.

    Clark Kent was her first love, the third most important thing in her life after her father and her passion for journalism. They had been friends since she moved to Smallville from Metropolis for her father’s promotion to plant manager of the local LuthorCorp fertilizer plant.

    She had kissed him only hours after her first day of eighth grade in Smallville Junior High, Clark’s first kiss and her second. Every bit of the initiation she had received from a boy on a sofa years earlier had served her well, but it was so much more with the quiet farm boy. She had fallen in love with him on the spot. His bright blue eyes and shiny black waves of hair always brought a smile to her face. His strong body was the stuff of her unfulfilled dreams.

    The sad facts of the matter were shamefully typical: They had become friends, peas in a pod with Pete Ross, another classmate. Chloe fell deeper and deeper in love with Clark as time went on, and as time went on Clark fell deeper into love with Lana Lang. He had a telescope to watch her and a fumbling response when she deigned to show him a tiny amount of attention. As Chloe became more a part of Clark’s life she was forced to acknowledge by painful steps that he was in love with someone else and likely would never return her feelings.

    The love had cooled but not extinguished itself, was even now burning gently only to flare hotter with a simple hug or an idle comment. The only reason he wasn’t overtaking her future ambitions in her priorities was because he wasn’t really giving her the time of day since Lana had become single.

    But Chloe wasn’t naturally a bitter, brooding person, and she was trying to find the bright side. Her time could be spent on getting into a good college and making a name for herself in a combative industry. Eventually, maybe, Clark would turn his eyes to her and see that she had just been waiting for him to realize she was the woman who would love him more than anyone else could.

    Her father had once consoled her by telling her there were two types of high school girls; the ones you grow out of and the ones you grow into. He had pronounced her the kind of girl Clark would have to grow into, and Chloe had resolved to wait for as long as it took.

    She knew the Kent family had a lot of secrets, most of them somehow related to Clark’s adoption as a baby. He was always a bit odd, though she had never minded. He often darted off without explanation and returned without offering one. Chloe had once bothered to ask about those oddities but now she knew better.

    Now her life was about making newspaper deadlines joylessly in between meetings to feed tiny bits of information to Lionel Luthor. She knew he was going to hurt Clark and his family and she couldn’t let that happen, but she also had no way to change it yet. All she could do was string him along with what she thought was harmless information until she could come up with a plan.

    Or an ally equal to the task of going against him.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th May 2016 at 19:11. Reason: To add update timestamp

  2. #2
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Lesser of Two Evils
    NC-17/ Angst

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    Spoilers: All up to Season 4, except things will be twisted to the tune of Lex having never moved to Cowtown, U.S.A.

    A/N: What would Chloe Sullivan have had to do to get from under Lionel Luthor’s thumb if Lex had never moved to Smallville? What would she have had to sacrifice to earn the son’s help against the father?

    AU for Season 3 and 4, and strongly rated for a good reason:

    I’m posting in very short chapters so readers can choose when enough is enough for them.

    Chapter Two

    “How do you know Lex will accept?”

    She hated him, hated him for all of this but especially for making her refer to herself as an inanimate object with no feelings about being handed around like a common whore.

    In addition to the well publicized womanizing of both Luthor men, there was also a well publicized feud between father and son. They butted heads on company policy, which contracts they would accept and where to base their operations. The Smallville plant was Lionel’s choice and Lex would happily close it down if he had the power to do so. At the moment he was only the second in command. Father and son were only seen together at company functions to preserve the image of corporate unity.

    But Lionel knew his son had a soft underbelly of sentiment for his sire and that he craved approval even more than he had once craved the drugs that had obliterated his late teenage years. Crumbs thrown down from above were received with sneering contempt but never outright rejection. Lex Luthor was a needy, sniveling brat and he was lucky to have a father to teach him how to be a man strong enough to head LuthorCorp.

    “He always does, Miss Sullivan,” he said, leaning forward and extending his glass in a toast. “Here’s to your introduction to my son.”

    The blond woman leaned forward as well and clinked their glasses together, downing the hard liquor as Lionel did. She was learning to be quite a drinker during their meetings.

    “I have some instructions for you, wardrobe and a few things you’ll need. He’ll be expecting you two nights from now, in the Metropolis penthouse.”

    Two days isn’t long enough to get used to sleeping with a man you don’t know on the say-so of his father, Chloe thought. Two days isn’t long enough to go from a virgin to a whore.


    Two nights later she was standing outside the doors of an apartment and fighting tears. They would smear the careful makeup and probably be off-putting for a twenty-four year old man who thought she was his quarterly bonus. Although Chloe thought the reactions of a man who would accept a hooker from his father for a job well done might be a bit harder to judge than the average person.

    She had spent her small amount of free time studying the instructions Lionel had provided, awed at the amount of intimate knowledge he had of his son’s life. It was truly disturbing how much detail had been put into the file, marked ‘sexual practices’. Everything from positions to preferred length of fellatio had been included, and she had read every word despite the nausea they inspired. She knew far more about sex than she had ever been curious to know, and was sincerely frightened of it in a way that she hadn’t been since childish misconceptions had been put to rest with sex ed class.

    Chloe had always expected losing her virginity to hurt, especially considering the body proportions of her five-five frame against Clark’s six-two, but it seemed like Lex Luthor would make sure it hurt a lot. He almost never had sex with the same woman for more than a month, and his tastes veered toward BDSM.

    The few things she would need had turned out to be a corset that would cut off her breathing, a black leather riding crop, and a pair of handcuffs with an extra long chain. She didn’t want to be cuffed on top of everything else, but this was the only way she would ever get anywhere near the younger Luthor.

    The only way to escape was to take another step deeper into the morass of intrigues that had become her life. Chloe wished she could be surprised but it was beyond her.

    My life is like quicksand.

    She looked down at the red silk dress and marveled at how her perceptions were colouring everything so darkly. Under other circumstances she would love it, would feel proud and attractive and powerful. Tonight the draped silk across her breasts just reminded her that there hadn’t been a bra included in her wardrobe, to match the lack of panties. Her stockings were old-fashioned thigh highs with a garter belt. The red shoes were both sexy and comfortable and she despaired of ever being able to wear another stitch of red clothing again.

    Chloe had lied to her father and said she was visiting her cousin Lois for the night, but she didn’t want to leave it to chance that he would call her cellphone looking for her. She had left it in the car, and it was only another minute before she would be officially late for her first appointment as a call girl, so she pushed the doorbell and swallowed hard, wishing for a last minute reprieve. Surely a call girl could leave work on a family emergency, it was some kind of rule, wasn’t it?

    Lex Luthor opened the door himself and he was more striking in person. Six feet tall and completely bald due to an accident in childhood, his body was both muscular and lithely graceful. His eyes were a clear blue, but Chloe thought they should be green or yellow to match his catlike motions.


    She couldn’t summon the confident greeting she had been practicing in her head and just nodded, clenching her hands around the small overnight bag she had packed.

    He smiled politely and it was attractive, and his hands were rather unexpectedly gentle despite the hard look in his eyes. There was no overt use of strength when he put a hand at the small of her back and pulled her into the apartment.

    “Please come in. Would you like a drink?”

    Lex wondered how old this girl was, wondered if she was even legal. Her face was pale and soft with a lack of experience in life. He would bet that she wasn’t yet 20, probably had never had a job, or even lived on her own. Her hand in his was soft but strong, shaking and a little sweaty. Maybe she was very new at her profession, which would explain the nervous looks she kept darting around the room.

    I hope she’s not a lousy lay, he thought. It would be just like dad to disguise a burden as a gift.

    “No thank you,” Chloe said, and it came out low and nervous. Apparently no amount of practice was going to help her regain the fake confidence she used in front of Lionel.

    She looked for the father in his son and found very little there. He was dressed more casually than Lionel would ever consider dressing, in a black sweater and gray slacks. His shoes were black loafers and his watch was his only adornment.

    Lex was regarding her as well, wondering if she was yet another one of his father’s petty slights. Every hooker who had ever displeased Lionel with her lack of skill or finesse had coincidentally been ‘given’ to him as a token. Not all of the girls were bad but most lacked the experience he liked in a woman, not to mention the taint of his father’s recent possession. If not for the little mystery associated with her, this one would have been an automatic reject. He wasn’t in any mood to tutor lost little whores.

    The red dress was well-suited to her, and it brought off the short blond curls beautifully. Chloe, whore or not, looked wonderful. If not for the awkward behaviour he might have considered putting her on the list of girls to order again.

    Except she didn’t work for any agency he’d heard of, and it was one piece of information his father had not offered. Asking him would have been a folly, but there was probably no harm in asking her directly. Caveat Emptor and all that.

    “Which agency do you work for,” he asked, pouring himself another brandy. He glanced over his shoulder and made an offering gesture to the bottle, but she shook her head with wide eyes.


    Christ, a stupid one.

    “Yes, you’re a call girl, correct? Most call girls work out of an agency.”

    Chloe searched her memory for the name of an agency but she was sure it hadn’t been in the information Lionel had given her. She didn’t know enough to make one up and she needed not to get kicked out before Lex Luthor even let her speak.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    09 Mar 2009
    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN
    The Lesser of Two Evils
    NC-17/ Angst

    Disclaimer: Smallville, the characters therein, and all affiliated copyrighted materials are owned by the WB. This is a work of fanfiction not intended for profit or infringement, only for the pleasure of fans of the series.

    Spoilers: All up to Season 4, except things will be twisted to the tune of Lex having never moved to Cowtown, U.S.A.

    A/N: What would Chloe Sullivan have had to do to get from under Lionel Luthor’s thumb if Lex had never moved to Smallville? What would she have had to sacrifice to earn the son’s help against the father?

    AU for Season 3 and 4, and strongly rated for a good reason:

    I’m posting in very short chapters so readers can choose when enough is enough for them.

    Chapter Three

    “Uh, I don’t actually,” she guessed, then fought the urge to cringe as his eyes narrowed.

    “You’re a little new to be freelance, aren’t you?”

    Lex strolled over to a plain sofa and sat gracefully. He didn’t wave her to sit so she didn’t, just turned to face him as he moved. He sipped the drink and looked her up and down, and Chloe nearly let out a sigh of relief. She recognized his facial expression now - it was a leer of increased interest. She had risen in his esteem as a free agent, and she struggled for an answer.

    “I have a . . . family connection who lets me work occasionally when I can get away from school,” she said, and watched as his nod indicated he bought it.

    He wondered what kind of family connection would set such an innocent girl up in the call girl business.

    “Which university,” he asked idly, thinking he might as well try to get her to loosen up a bit while he was finishing his drink.

    Chloe kept her eyes carefully on him as she answered. “Columbia.”


    “Medicine,” she said, musing on how much easier the latter lies became once you had the first out of the way.

    That makes sense, Lex thought, expensive education and time-consuming classes. This is probably her only real chance at funding her living expenses.

    He made a mental note to pay her well no matter how unskilled she was. It was shortsighted to insult anyone who might eventually be of use, and it was always good to know a doctor. The idea of this girl as a sheltered, childish young woman made more sense thinking about how little time she must have to date and party. She most likely spent all her time in class or studying in her dorm room.

    “Good luck with that,” he said, finishing his drink and opening his belt buckle.

    Her eyes flew down to his hands and she choked out the words, “Thank you,” then fell silent.

    Lex pulled the belt free and laid it to one side, opening the fly of his pants and folding the two sides back.

    “Put your bag down out of the way and suck me off.”

    Chloe could feel the wild flush roll up her chest and into her face, but the young billionaire didn’t seem to care. She bent on unsteady feet and put the overnight bag down by the bar, then trembled her way over to the sofa. Lex was sitting with his knees splayed apart and she stood between them. Her hands shook as she pushed the skirt back around her hips and knelt down.

    “Is there anything in particular you’d like,” she asked, stalling frantically. His pants were open and black silk underwear was visible in the gap, and she had never touched a penis before. She wasn’t even sure how to get it out of his clothes.

    “Just the usual,” he said in a bored tone.

    She inched forward and put her hands experimentally on his knees. When he didn’t correct her she slid them up his thighs to the parted zipper and delicately pulled the elastic of the boxer shorts away from his skin. His skin was hotter than she expected, much hotter in that way that men seem to be more than women.

    Lex had closed his eyes and let his head fall back, sensing that his inexperienced companion would not be any great shakes by her hesitant manner. Times like these he was inclined to participate as little as possible. When her cold fingers finally inched their way under his underwear he lifted his hips enough to let her pull them down.

    Chloe was reviewing Pretty Woman in her head and cursing her lack of knowledge. What good was a movie about a hooker if it didn’t teach her anything? She didn’t even know how to get him out of his clothes, how was she supposed to convince Lex Luthor she was a hooker?

    His hips twitched and she almost jumped, but he wasn’t looking at her and seemed calm. If he got angry she just wouldn’t be able to do anything except cry, and it was touch and go that she wouldn’t even if he was nothing but pleasant. Her eyes went to the discarded belt and she remembered the riding crop. It wasn’t likely that he was going to be this quiet the rest of the night.

    She put her right hand into his boxers and used her left to tug the pants down. By concentrating on it objectively she managed to get both garments down enough to free his erection.

    Lex dropped his hips back down as air hit his cock and he waited for her mouth to touch him. It was actually a nice little mouth, with red lips that seemed energetic. If they lived up to appearances she might be worth a return visit, but only on a weekend. She moved too slowly for a weeknight fuck.

    “Okay,” Chloe whispered to herself as she leaned down. Her nose twitched with the scent of the fluid that was leaking out of the curious little slit at the head, but his penis seemed like it might fit in her mouth if she was careful. She opened her lips and shuffled in closer, her left arm resting on his thigh. She snuck a glance up at his blank face and sucked it up - literally.

    Her breath was barely grazing him one second and the next one of her hands was around his base as she took more than half of him into her mouth. Lex stifled a moan and relaxed into the light pumps of her fingers, reflecting that her hands were quite soft and pleasing.

    Oh this is so weird, Chloe thought, taking in as much of him as she could. He was hard but not as hard as she had expected, and it was easy to take quick breaths around him if she timed them right. Her hand around his cock covered the rest of his seven inches, the part that she couldn’t possibly fit into her mouth. It tasted funny but at least it didn’t hurt and he wasn’t yelling at her for doing anything horribly wrong yet.

    His thigh under her palm was moving slightly and his chest was moving a little faster than before. She tried moving her tongue faster than she was moving her hand and he let out a sharp exhale. Intuitively she knew it wasn’t a bad sound and tried the tongue trick again. She was just getting slightly confident when one of his hands came down hard on her shoulder and she flinched.

    Lex lifted his hand off of Chloe’s shoulder and instead laced his fingers into her hair. He wouldn’t touch her there if it interrupted her, and he liked hair better anyway. His hand curved around her skull as she rose and fell around his cock. She was finally moving faster and he felt himself become fully erect in her mouth.

    Chloe’s eyes went to Lex’s face again but he was still impassive with his eyes closed. He could be asleep if not for the hand pushing lightly against her head. When he suddenly got harder and longer she stopped for a second before his hand urged her on. Now there was a smaller window of time to gasp between swallows and she found herself sucking in her cheeks in an effort to make it work. Her hand was moving more smoothly and she squeezed experimentally, startled when the hand on her head pushed her down with more force than before.

    She shifted her shoulders and the hand lifted away for a minute, then resettled as she put most of her upper body into his lap. Both elbows were thrown over his thighs and she began moving her mouth and her hand as fast as she could to the rhythm he was keeping her to. Her mouth was filling constantly with saliva and that strange fluid from him, but she closed her eyes and ignored it as she swallowed. Lex’s file had also included a recent battery of tests for STDs, all of which had come back indicating his extreme good health.

    Lex let his hips gyrate slightly as his orgasm got closer, looking down at the young woman in his lap. She might start out slow but she was working him quickly now, and he was happy with her technique. Not perfect, but she was putting plenty of effort into it and he was close.

    Chloe inched her jaw a tiny bit wider and managed to get another inch of him inside her mouth, although now he came dangerously close to the back of her throat. She tried to figure out how soon she could expect him to come so she didn’t choke on even more fluid, but just as she was trying to figure out if the throbs up and down his shaft were getting more frequent he did. The hand on her head kept her down and sealed around him as her mouth filled up, and she swallowed repeatedly. The taste was slightly bitter and the texture was strange, but if she imagined it was just coffee she could get it down and keep it in her stomach.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  4. #4
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Oh wow.....now this is differnet.... Very interesting and very good so far.


  5. #5
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
    Join Date
    16 Oct 2004
    Originally posted by nonky@Dec 19 2004, 02:42 PM
    Two days isn’t long enough to go from a virgin to a whore.
    . . . wow.

    Very compelling beginning--kind of raw and disturbing, of course, but brutally real and heart-wrenching. That last scene was so precise and realistic (both physically and psychologically) that I felt like I was actually there, which is a little weird considering the circumstances.

    I'm fascinated about where you're planning to go with this.

  6. #6
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
    Join Date
    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    ohhhh, like the change of pace! great story so far, and it really grabs at you!

    Fantastic! :worship2:

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Wow that is heart wrenching. I feel bad for both of them. More please...

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    ~Hell On Wheels~ buddyfozzy's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jun 2003
    Wow, this is certainly a different kind of Chlex. I'm intrigued. Great start. :worship2: :worship2:

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Oh please, please you have to continue this!! I want Lex to realize how old Chloe is and what he has done!! I really, really want him to get her away from his father before Lionel tries to use her himself!! Great beginning to your story!! Please update again soon!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    Disturbing and dark, but I am intrigued as to how this will play out. You handle writing this with such sensitivity, yet rawness that is real, something tough to do with this type of material.

    I'm in it for the long haul, so please, continue soon!


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