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Thread: Our Song (G) (completed)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Title: Our Song
    Author: Drina
    E-mail: feisty_drina@yahoo.com
    Rating: G
    Distribution: Just tell me about it
    Pairing: Chlex
    Genre: Songfic, romance
    Disclaimer: I SO do not own any of these characters at all. If I do, Lex and Clark would be at my beck and call I also do not own any rights to the song “My Best Friend” that is sung by Tim McGraw. I transcribe the lyrics myself, so any mistakes in the lyrics is due to me.
    Spoilers: None
    Summary: Lex sings a song for his best friend. (Can be read as a standalone or be loosely treated as a sequel to “Speed Limits” and “Before Your Love”)
    AN: Funny how a beautiful song can lure the muse back…lol, I was complaining about my writer’s block just yesterday, and now here I am with this. Hope you all enjoy it. And of course, the best way to enjoy this ficlet is to listen to the song as well.
    Feedback: Hmmmm, is that a trick question?

    Our Song

    I stand on stage, gazing intently at her. She sits there, wondering what is going to happen. I am going to do something that I have never done before; I am going to expose my heart and soul to the world, because of her. I want to do it for her; I need to do it for her. My emotions for her are so overwhelming at times that I need to let some time to time. The familiar music of our song strikes up at the wave of the conductor, and I keep staring at her. Her eyes light up at the familiar tune and she looks at me in perfect concentration. With my voice, I convey to her all the emotions that I have for her, and hope that she understands how much she really means to me: she’s my life and my everything.

    I never had no one
    I could count on
    I’ve been let down so many times
    I was tired of hurting
    So tired of searching
    Till you walked into my life
    It was a feeling I’ve never known
    For the first time I didn’t feel alone

    Growing up, it was hard: with a father who expected the absolute from me, and a mother who ineffectively tried to protect me. I never begrudged her though, because I know she has done her best. Yet time and time again, I’ve been let down by people around, because they want something from me, or they have been promised something by my father. It pains the most, of course, to know that my own father would plot against me. And it terrifies me now, to realize that over time, I accepted it as a fact of life: that I could trust no one but myself.

    Then she came along, all five feet four of snarky goodness, and things definitely change for the better.

    You’re more than a lover
    There could never be another
    Make me feel the way you do
    Oh… we just get closer
    I’d fall in love all over
    Every time I look at you
    I don’t know where I’d be
    Without you here with me
    Life with you makes perfect sense
    You’re my best friend
    You’re my best friend

    It was not love at first sight; no, it would be too much of a cliché. Instead our relationship is built on the best thing: friendship. Brick by brick, we lay down the foundation, one that will withstand the knocks of temptation and the passing of time. I did not feel the need to rush things with her at all, because I knew that she would be the last for me, and I would be the last for her; we have forever to look forward to. And so finally, when we consummated our relationship, it was so much the sweeter for it.

    She’s more than a lover; she’s my best friend.

    You stand by me
    You believe in me
    Like nobody ever has
    When my world goes crazy
    You’re right there to save me
    You make me see how much I have
    And I still tremble when we touch
    Oh the look in your eyes when we make love

    I walk down the stage towards her. Thousands of eyes are looking at every move I make, but I do not see them at all. I only have one thing in my eyes now: she who is my best friend. The lyrics that I know by heart, keep resonating in my mind; every word sang is every bit the heartfelt truth.

    She is the one who sides with me, shields me, and supports me.

    And she is the one I go to shed my tears to, because I know she will understand and accept me: flaws, scars and all.

    I am at her side now, and I can see the emotions on her face, and the tears that fall down heedlessly. She knows what it costs me to do this: me who always hides behind a façade of invincibility.

    I kneel down at her feet, and with all the love I have for her, I sing…

    You’re more than a lover
    There could never be another
    Make me feel the way you do
    Oh… we just get closer
    I’d fall in love all over
    Every time I look at you
    I don’t know where I’d be
    Without you here with me
    Life with you makes perfect sense
    You’re my best friend
    You’re my best friend

    As the last line is sang, she draws me to her, and holds me like she will never let me go. I put my arms around her, and ignore the thundering applause of the audience. I whisper into her ears, “You’re more than my lover, Chloe, you’re my best friend.”

    “I know,” she whispers back. “You’re my best friend too, Lex.”

    “Will you marry me?”

    Then the chorus in the background swells up.

    You’re my best friend
    You’re my best friend

  2. #2
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    Oh that was so beautiful! Can you imagine how much that would mean, for someone so reserved and private to bare his soul to the world?

    OOhhhh!!! I'm gonna cry! :crygreen: I wanna take him home!

  3. #3
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    *packs up Lex in some shiny paper and plops a bow on top*

    there ya go, varda.

    about this fic, god, i am such a mush hound...i loved it.


    and glory glory your muse is back....good to know

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Drina, I really liked that, it was so pretty it made me want to cry happy tears

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    sooo beautiful and heartmelting you made my day I read too much angst and my soal was darkening and aching but now it's wide and bright again
    thanks :worship2:

  6. #6
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    awwww....that was soooo cute. I absolutely loved it!! It was exactly what I needed to make me feel better after the crappy couple of days I've had. Thanks, keep writing! So glad your muse is back, I don't know what I'd do without stories like yours. :yay:

  7. #7
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    france paris
    She's SO lucky!!! I would love that someone sings that way for me. That would be so intense!

  8. #8
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Our Song (G) (completed)

    that was so wonderful and chloe should say YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
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    Re: Our Song (G) (completed)

    Very sweet
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

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