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Thread: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Fourteen - August 31, 2009

  1. #101
    NS Full Member jedi's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Three - 3/21/07

    Yeah, an update would be fabulous..

  2. #102
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Three - 3/21/07

    Is there ANY-thing I can do to encourage and coax an update out of this thread? Sacrifice a bull at the altar I've built up in my room? Perhaps perform a traditional rain-dance, only I can modify the steps to make it into a fic tap-dance... I'm sure it would be VERY effective.

    Just tell me WHAT would do the trick, and it Will. Be. Done!

    (preferably something that requires violence and mayhem)

  3. #103
    NS Full Member biscuits's Avatar
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    A gleeful resident of my own dirty mind

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Three - 3/21/07

    I too am at your mercy for the next update. I have nothing to offer except my own humble services, but say the word and they're at your disposal.

    I hope real life is treating you well and that thsi delay is due to an abundance of happy occasions or good old fashioned wriiter's block as opposed to something more nefarious in nature. I hope to read more of the glorious misadventures of the happy couple

  4. #104
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    I am here --> X

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    A/N – Well, this is a remarkably late update. I want to sincerely thank everyone who left little reminders about the story and thanks for hoping that I was away because life was overwhelming me with sweetness and light. Unfortunately, although I have many wonderful things in my life, I haven't updated because I've been really sick. But I stopped eating sugar, tapered off caffeine, and started taken iron supplements and I'm feeling much better and actually able to focus again.

    I mention this for a reason (other than my inherently whiny nature ). The following chapters kind of suck. The majority of it was written while I was sick and I'm just too tired (re: lazy) to change it right now. I'd like to believe that, eventually, I'll go back and fix the myriad of problems; but I probably won't. Sorry, but consider this an opportunity to be creative and adjust the plot and grammar in your head until it makes sense.

    Part Four

    Chapter Eight

    Pulling a file out of his briefcase, Lex allowed himself to relax against the supple leather seat in the spacious interior of the LuthorCorp helicopter. But it wasn’t business that held his attention. No; for once he'd left business at the office. This was personal.

    Shuffling through the various pages, both of gathered facts and speculative conclusions, he reviewed the comprehensive report he’d received that afternoon on the progress with Chloe. After nearly a month he felt confident that he had been correct in his original assessment of the benefits of his stratagem. Although he hadn't uncovered Clark’s secret, the information he had gathered had assured him that there was a cover-up in play and that the memories that were fighting through to Chloe’s consciousness were well on their way to revealing all to him.

    Most of those memories had taken the form of dreams that left her confused and shaken. While Lex didn’t enjoy the sight of her distress, it did make it much easier to subtly imbue her with a growing fear of her best friend. Faint winces, quiet gasps, and tender embraces that tightened ever so slightly in regards to Chloe’s recollections were all creating an unspoken picture that she was too bright not to piece together – Clark Kent was dangerous.

    And the doctors had been dead on in their prediction that engendering a fear of the young man in Chloe, crafting an image of him as abnormal, would lead to her recalling memories that supported that belief first. And while, thus far, the memories had only served to confirm facts he had already suspected, that confirmation had given him a direction in which to focus his efforts.

    Probably the greatest revelation was the dream she’d had almost a week before in which she and Clark were surrounded by fields of ice. She had talked about feeling the cold tear through her and fearing that she might die. He had affected the appropriate tone of concern, but inside he’d been elated at the corroboration that Clark had, indeed, been with Chloe in the Yukon on the day of the second meteor shower. And although that told him nothing specific, it was significant in that not only was Clark once again at the epicenter of the impossible, but that the very event itself was crucial to his secret, otherwise Chloe wouldn’t have gone to such lengths to deny Clark’s presence there.

    Yes, Lex was quite satisfied with the progress he’d made. In fact, he felt so convinced that he was close to a breakthrough that he had arranged for Chloe’s “absence” to be extended for approximately another month. It wasn’t difficult. With Lois’ journalistic delusions and frequent tendency to wander, she was relatively easy to convince of the importance of Chloe’s story and, subsequently, her abrupt disappearing act. Lex was aware of any number of illicit deals in the business world, and small hints and allusions as to some of his competitors misdeeds had Lois not only accepting everything she was told as gospel, but begging to be let in on the investigation. Deciding to kill an entire flock of birds with one stone, he had his men send her leads on various transgressions in the corporate world of Metropolis under the guise of assisting her cousin. This served the purpose of buying more time with Chloe, occupying Lois, creating a champion of Chloe’s cause to Clark, and disrupting his rivals’ business dealings. All in all, a very satisfying return on so minimal an investment.

    Although he had no illusions that Clark would really be completely content with the situation. Despite the constant written reassurances that he received from “Chloe”, he seemed in a perpetual state of worry. Lex wasn’t sure if that was indicative of Clark’s penchant for ongoing angst or a sign of rousing suspicions. Either way Lex found it irritating and excessive. He resented having to constantly soothe Clark’s feathers, both on his own behalf and on Chloe’s, and it grated to know that, after all this time, the boy still couldn’t find satisfaction in just one woman. Not that Lex had discovered much to be satisfied with in his dealings with Lana, but after weeks with Chloe he found the fact that Clark required more than Chloe mind-boggling. And Luthor minds did not easily boggle.

    Still, as annoying as he considered it to be, he couldn’t just ignore Clark’s concerns. He had too long standing a habit of appearing when his friends needed help for Lex not to perceive him as a serious threat to his plans. And so he’d gone on the defensive, providing apologies in the fabricated emails for not calling before Clark even had a chance to complain. By citing late nights, the time difference, and utter exhaustion from Chloe’s investigation, it made further demands on her time seem petty and unbecoming of her best friend. Of course, Lex truly believed that it was the seemingly casual statement that she had been hesitant to call knowing that once they began talking she wouldn’t want to let him go for hours that had done the trick. He knew never to underestimate the power of the ego, and Clark had, indeed, been somewhat placated by the clear admission that he was still needed by Chloe. And for reasons less clear to Lex, the fact that the younger man was necessary to her was also becoming aggravating.

    With a quiet sigh Lex realized that it was for the best that the plan was gaining momentum. Even though he preferred to disavow any weakness within him, he was far too realistic to do so. And Lex knew that his longing for a true home was the greatest of his vulnerabilities. Even the craving of his father’s approval had simply been an extension of his desire to create a family that was based on more than merely shared genetics. That home would be far too easy to find in Chloe. And just as pointless.

    Chloe’s caring and affection was genuine, but only within the context of the reality he had constructed. With her memories intact, any true relationship between them would be impossible for reasons too vast and varied to bother reciting. And, although given his recently acquired knowledge of her he found that fact deeply regretful, the circumstances of his life had engendered too much pragmatism in him to devote an overabundance of time to things that would never come to pass.

    And so, as the helicopter touched down, Lex once again donned the mantle of loving husband, not for emotional gain or physical fulfillment, but simply for intellectual satisfaction.

    Chapter Nine

    Striding into the office, Lex set down his briefcase and removed his jacket and tie. He had discovered it was best to shed his business persona as soon as possible on arriving home. No matter how much information Chloe had lost she was still essentially Chloe, and the few times that her attention had been drawn specifically to his work had resulted in a myriad of questions he’d had to go to great lengths to avoid answering directly. After all, there was only so far that he could push the “doctor’s orders” excuse before Chloe would simply begin to search for answers on her own. That, too, had remained with her. Like him, she derived little joy in preserving the mysteries in life.

    A movement in the open doorway caught his eye and, turning, he encountered a member of the imminently discreet staff he had hand picked for the duration of his time there.

    “Yes?” Lex prompted the man.

    “Pardon, Mr. Luthor, but your wife requests your presence in the library.”

    He acknowledged the man’s words with a dismissive nod, any surprise at the request characteristically concealed. And Lex was surprised. Not that Chloe wanted to see him; she always wanted to see him. Indeed, he often arrived home to find her happily waiting to drag him off for a walk, escort him to dinner, or convince him to settle in and watch an old movie together. No, what had surprised him was that Chloe had communicated her request via the staff.

    Although Chloe had nothing but the warmest regard for the various servants, she had the mentality of one unused to domestic help, and it rarely occurred to her to use their services for things that she could easily do herself. And though he’d planned on spending the evening engaging in carefully designed activities that he hoped would pull more of Chloe’s memories to the surface, he had to admit that he was undeniably curious about what the vivacious and unpredictable blonde was up to now.

    Entering the library, he found her in front of the fireplace, seated on a large woolen blanket. Beside her sat a tray crowded with various fruits, cheeses, crackers, two glasses, and a bottle of wine. Although the evening was mild, the warmth of the fire allowed Chloe the luxury of a thin summer dress in a flattering soft mossy green.

    Lex liked seeing her in green. The various shades were a perfect compliment to the swirling hazel hues in her eyes. Not that Chloe needed any external trappings; the myriad of emotions, determined set, and mischievous glint all guaranteed to draw one’s attention to her expressive face. Of course that hadn’t stopped him from ensuring that a large part of the wardrobe he’d provided her was in those natural, verdant shades.

    Smiling at both the picture she made and the obvious effort she had put into pleasing him, he crossed the room to join her.

    “This is a pleasant surprise. May I ask what the occasion is?”

    A pretty pout curled Chloe’s lips as she gazed at him accusingly.

    “Lex, how can you not recognize this? Don’t you remember our first date?”

    Whatever Lex had been expecting it had definitely not been that. Hesitantly, almost unsure if he had heard correctly, he questioned, “Do you remember our first date?”

    He silently cursed and resolved to fire each and every useless medical professional that he had on this project. He couldn’t fathom how they could have remotely believed that the possibility of Chloe spontaneously generating false memories wouldn’t be worth mentioning. Lex knew that this would change everything and he seethed at the sense of powerlessness that he always experienced when faced a situation for which he felt completely unprepared. If he could just –

    Just as his internal ranting was picking up steam, Lex was distracted by the bright flash of white that caught the corner of his eye. Turning towards Chloe he saw that a wide smile had taken the place of her previous sulk.

    “Of course I don’t remember our first date,” she teasingly chided. “Haven’t you heard, I have amnesia.”

    Although the confirmation of her continuing unawareness of her past was reassuring, it did little to alleviate his still growing confusion.

    “I don’t suppose tonight’s repast comes with an explanation?”

    “Certainly. Would I be so cruel as to deny my beloved the answers he seeks?”

    Though the statement was made completely without malice, it was a clear reference to her growing dissatisfaction at not being allowed more exposure to things relating to her past. Knowing that he couldn’t compromise on that decision, he pointedly ignored the reference and raised an eyebrow in expectation.

    “When you called earlier you sounded as if your day was going as fantastically frustratingly as mine. Of course, I know why mine was so perfectly crappy.”

    Visibly softening, Chloe shifted so that she was sitting closer to Lex. Her hand on his arm a silent declaration of sympathy and understanding.

    Lex had, in the previous weeks, grown accustomed to the casual touches and spontaneous gestures of affection that seemed to be a part of Chloe’s nature. It was one of the few luxuries that had long been lacking in the Luthor household, and, because of its absence, he hadn’t really known how much he had desired it. So, when Chloe sighed a little and pulled her hand back to run it through her hair in exasperation, Lex immediately missed the soothing pressure; although he refused to acknowledge even to himself, that he had to fight, if only for an instant, the urge to recapture hand and return it to its previous position.

    “I know that I haven’t made a secret of my frustration with how slowly my memories are returning.” Chloe’s soft words pulled Lex out of his thoughts. “But it wasn’t until I heard how tired you sounded today that I began to understand how difficult this must be for you, too.”

    His immediate words of protest were waved away as she continued.

    “Lex, we’re newlyweds. This is supposed to be the beginning of our life together, and instead of a blissful honeymoon period with your loving wife you’re stuck caring for a mental invalid.”

    Finding himself at a rare loss for words, Lex was unsure of what to do; and for the first time since everything had been set in motion, he felt genuinely bad for what was happening. True, he'd had his moments of regret at Chloe’s distress throughout this process; he wasn’t a monster. But he’d never doubted his ultimate purpose or that his means would ultimately be justified. Until now.

    Seeing her before him, the flickering flames causing light and shadow to dance across her face, both illuminating and deepening her heartfelt concern, he wondered just how much damage he might be causing to a woman who'd been nothing but brave and generous and so concerned for him. Lex had long grown used to finding the ulterior motivations in even the most genuine of women. It had only taken two or three attempts on his life for him to realize that it was simply safer to doubt the nature of those around him. And so many people in his life had confirmed that decision; his father, Helen, Clark. They had showed him, quite clearly, that no matter how one may initially appear, when you stripped a person down to the core, they were all basically self-serving.

    Only they weren’t. Chloe wasn’t. She had been deprived of, not just the ability, but the desire to deceive; to hide behind carefully crafted façades. Chloe Sullivan was, at that moment, as devoid of subterfuge as was possible. That fact gave him not just access to the secrets she harbored, but a window into the undeniable truth of who she was. And that person was decent and kind; able to suffer the pain of her own recent loss and still find it in herself to worry about his.

    In fact, in the past week Lex had come to acknowledge that Chloe was exactly the kind of woman that he had long ago despaired of finding. The realization had blindsided him during one of their more innocuous interactions, and Lex had found himself hurriedly making an excuse to leave Chloe’s engaging presence to examine the implications of his new insight. In the end he had decided that feeling close to Chloe was normal given the necessity of their current intimacy, and that he was fortunate to have discovered the potential for a dangerous level of attraction before it had a chance to develop. Had those feelings gone unchecked, had that attraction snuck up on him, Lex knew that he would have been in considerable trouble.

    “Hey,” the warm touch once again capturing his attention. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

    “You didn’t; you’re not.” He placed his hand over hers. “I just don’t want you to ever feel that you’re a burden to me. You’re my wife, Chloe; and every moment with you is precious no matter the circumstances.”

    The words carried a bit more passion than Lex would have liked, but he let that thought pass as the blinding smile Chloe sent his way convinced him that he’d played the situation correctly.

    “With lines like that I must’ve been a pathetically easy conquest.”

    Turning her hand and entwining their fingers, Lex shot Chloe a smile of his own.

    “I’ve never found anything pathetic about you. But as to my ease of wooing, why don’t you tell me, oh keeper of the first date.”

    And so she did. In humorous and romantic monologues, in turn, Chloe related a night where two friends, sequestered in the library of a mansion, trapped by a terrible storm, found something in each other for which they hadn’t even known they’d been searching – love.

    As the time passed and the food and wine consumed, Lex’s appreciation for Chloe’s ability to weave a spell with her words grew and he wondered if she’d perhaps ever considered fiction as an alternative to journalism. He was lulled by both her peaceful voice and the startlingly clear picture his mind was constructing of the two of them in the manor in Smallville. In fact, he’d grown so calm that it took him a minute to process her latest vignette.

    “Excuse me,” indignation colored his tone. “I’ll have you know that I have never stuttered, bumped foreheads while making a romantic overture, or spilled wine on a potential paramour at a pivotal moment in my life.”

    Falling against him in a fit of giggles, Chloe struggled to retain the collapsing integrity of her story.

    “Don’t worry, as your wife it’s my duty to protect our family name, so your secret won’t pass my lips. Besides, I’m sure that you’ve gotten better over time or why would I have married you?”

    Lex’s smile dimmed as the word secret lodged in his head and he realized that, once again, he was loosing his focus.

    Noticing his sudden stillness, Chloe’s laughter subsided.

    “Lex,” she murmured gently, “what happened today that has you so glum?”

    Not that it was just today. Chloe might have lost her memory, but neither her powers of observation nor her intuition had vanished. While Lex had done everything possible to provide a safe and happy atmosphere, to be a warm and loving husband, Chloe knew that there was a darkness in his life that haunted him.

    Although he hid it well, Chloe could see, in their quieter times, moments when he was unaware of her eyes upon him, that there was a pain deep inside of him that drove him, that shaped him in ways she knew she hadn’t begun to understand.

    She had a strong suspicion that he was actively working to conceal this part of his nature from her. Whether his actions were motivated by shame or a desire to protect her she couldn’t tell, and honestly it didn’t matter. Whatever his reasons, Chloe would unearth this intently guarded side of her husband. Not because of idle curiosity or a need to relearn her past, but because, far from being repelled, she found his complexity mesmerizing. The fact that he could house such tightly leashed emotions, radiate so much power and, occasionally, danger in the same soul that gave her such tenderness and security made her feel special; loved.

    Lex didn’t know why he bothered being surprised any longer by Chloe’s amazing perceptiveness. It was a widely held perception that he was a man possessed of an unnatural level of control, and yet, over and over in the past weeks she’d shown a sensitivity to his moods that belied that hard won reputation. And it was because of that very discernment that Lex stayed as closed to the truth as possible when answering her.

    “I’ve been working on a rather delicate project and getting results has been more difficult than initially expected.”

    Chloe knew that whatever it was that Lex did it was a large part of his identity; understood that he knew that too. But sometimes she wondered if he understood just how profound the impact of both his success and failure in those endeavors seemed to have on him. He was obsessive by nature, and that wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as he made it work for him. Being driven wasn’t the worst thing in the world, as long as you were driving yourself somewhere other than crazy.

    “But the results will make you happy, right?”

    Happy? Lex gave a small start at the question. Happiness wasn’t a part of the Luthor vernacular, and he couldn’t remember the last time that he’d thought in those terms, that he’d envisioned an undertaking with that end as a primary concern.

    “I’m not sure that happy is the term I’d choose. I’d say that this particular enterprise is more about satisfaction.”

    Chloe pushed down a sigh that was equal parts fondness and frustration. Talking with Lex was an advanced course in the intricacies of semantics, and because the exhilarating sense of challenge generally compensated for the excess effort, she found it was usually just simpler to reword her meaning as opposed to getting bogged down defending her phrasing.

    “But being satisfied…that’ll make you happy, right?”

    Not only did Lex not have an answer for the question, he also couldn’t define the increasingly heavy feeling in his chest at the direction their conversation had taken. For a fleeting moment he almost wished that she had retained some of her memories about her interactions with the Luthors. If she had she certainly would have known better than to expect any of their ventures, be they business or personal, to be brimming with joy.

    “Lex,” Chloe had taken his silence as her answer, “if, when all’s said and done, this doesn’t bring some kind of personal happiness, then why do you bother?”

    If anyone else had asked him such a thing, Lex would have dismissed the thought outright. Of course people had broached the subject with him before. Not because they wanted him to be happy with himself, with his life, but because they wanted him to be different. They tried endlessly to craft him into what they saw as a better person, a more effective businessman, a more faithful lover. They wanted him to change so they could be happy.

    But Chloe simply wanted him to have some kind of contentment in his life – wanted to help him find that. Although he’d been shocked when he’d initially recognized that Chloe was subconsciously patterning their marriage after that of the Kents, as time passed he’d come to appreciate that, to her, that couple personified a deep sharing and intimate partnership as opposed to the self-righteous posturing that the name Kent often conjured in his mind. If Chloe was asking him to examine his decisions, it wasn’t because she was angling for any personal gain, she was just trying to be the best wife that she could be

    “Earth to Lex,” she laughed. “Sorry; I didn’t mean to spoil the mood.”

    Though careful not to show it, Lex was cringing inside at his uncharacteristic lack of focus. Unused to losing himself so often to his thoughts, he was disturbed by the number of times the evening had seen his iron control slip. It was absolutely unacceptable, and although he planned to pursue the cause of this behavior at the soonest possible opportunity, he settled for diverting Chloe's attention from his lapse.

    “You mean there were no perspicacious philosophical discussions concerning the elusive nature of self-fulfillment on our first date?”

    “No,” she said with seeming deep thoughtfulness, “but there was a small yet sagacious debate during dessert about whether the normal puddings shunned tapioca in their superiority.”

    “And what was the verdict?”

    “Sadly we never did answer that age old question. But because I loved you even then I overlooked your elitist championing of flan. As if custard was even invited to the party!”

    And Lex was struck by a dizzying truth. He’d long ago stopped pursuing happiness, because he believed himself incapable of experiencing it. Doubted that any Luthor ever truly could. But in that instant, staring down into Chloe’s face alight with humor, he realized that it wasn’t just possible for him to feel it, he actually was.

    So for once in his life Lex decided to set aside his distrust of all things new, his need to dissect and analyze anything for which he’d been unprepared, and simply enjoy the moment, however fleeting. And even though he was giving himself over to Chloe’s night of make believe, he wasn’t any less of a Luthor than he had been the night before. He was still a realist, still understood that this was an anomaly in his life and not the beginning of some Hollywood happy ending. Even if that had been his destiny, it would never include Chloe. For every new memory that brought him closer to the truths he so desperately sought pushed him an equal distance from this extraordinary woman who was so quickly carving a place for herself in his life.

    That, more than anything, was why he chose to grasp this one night; to hold these small hours for himself – outside of calculating plans and safe from old animosities – because he knew that he’d never know their like again. And although he’d already resigned himself to the necessity of that fact, it still made something deep inside him, something buried for so many years, ache in a manner he was certain would be slow to fade.

    But that wasn’t for immediate dwelling. Lex had allowed himself this small pleasure and he’d be damned if he ruined it by worrying about things that he would have years to brood over. So with a warm and sincere smile, he let Chloe’s husky tones wash over him as he fell back under the spell that she was so artlessly weaving.

    Chapter Ten

    Despite a creeping exhaustion that was causing her to sway slightly on her feet, Chloe was loathe to see the door to her room come into view.

    The evening had gone better than she had dared to hoped. Lex had graciously obliged her exercise in whimsy and the hours were filled with laughter, companionship, and a distinct sense of lightness, as if a heavy emotional weight had been slowly eased from her heart. While she hadn’t belabored the point with Lex when she’d seen how uncomfortable he was, she had been serious when she had told him that she worried about how her condition was affecting him.

    Over the past week or so she’d noticed a growing tension in him at the onset of each new memory’s return. She had thought at first that the stress was due to the pointed reminder that she, and by extension their life, wasn’t normal. But, honestly, her illness affected so many aspects of their lives that she dismissed that idea almost immediately.

    Next she considered that maybe Lex was upset that her memories were coming back to her so slowly. And that seemed like a reasonable answer except that she was remembering things more and more frequently as time went by. Which kind of blew that theory for her, too.

    Then, earlier that day as she’d been tormenting herself over her lack of progress and its effect on both of their lives, it hit her. That maybe Lex’s discontentment had little to do with the inconvenience of her condition and was instead about the fact that the majority of her recollections revolved around her supposed best friend and not her wonderfully supportive husband.

    And that thought broke her heart. Since her accident so many things seemed confusing; overwhelming. Her family, career, education – everything. Except Lex. Lex was the only thing about her life the she understood.

    At first, despite his warmth towards her, Chloe had been taken slightly aback by the almost ruthless intensity she had sensed deep within him. But as each day passed she was learning that there was so much more to him then she ever could have imagined. And the more time she spent with him, be it at the heights of his adoration and concern or in the depths of his driven darkness, Chloe found that the one absolute truth to which she could cling was that she had loved Lex Luthor. Undeniable, not for crystalline memories, not because of romantic photographs or passionate letters. No; it was indisputable because Chloe had no knowledge of this man past a small handful of weeks and already her heart was so precariously balanced, so eager to fall, that she couldn’t conceive of years with him without drowning in devotion.

    “So, here we are.”

    Reaching the door, she turned to face Lex and her eyes widened in surprise to feel the hand that had been holding hers reach up to caress her cheek. Although they often shared soft, affectionate touches between them, there was an unspoken agreement that they not traverse any bridges that couldn't be uncrossed until things had become more stable with her memory. But she had to admit that that particular plan was getting harder for both of them to carry out. She couldn’t say if it was their natural attraction, the result of their time apart, or a byproduct of the nights that Chloe needed the warmth of Lex’s embrace to wash away the fear of her nightmares, but whatever the cause, their casual and easy physical contact was slowly being overrun with an ever growing sensual urgency and tension.

    “I don’t suppose I got lucky?”

    And as quickly as that monster awoke, it was slain by Lex’s words.

    “You wish.” She chuckled as she nudged him playfully with her elbow.

    “You can’t imagine.”

    Chloe felt Lex’s hand fall away and realized that he hadn’t meant for his last statement to emerge with quite so much yearning. Since they seemed to be sharing the same boat she decided to help bail him out.

    “Believe me,” her wry gaze caught his, “I can. Apparently, as tonight has shown, amnesia only inhibits my memories, not my imagination.”

    Lex was grateful for to see that he wasn’t the only one who’d been affected by the illusory intimacy of the night. He was almost sad to see it come to an end, but knew that it was for the best. He’d had his respite from reality - and he’d enjoyed it - but it was time for him to return to pursuits that mattered, that were sustainable, not romantic clichés that rarely survived the harsh light of the morning after.

    “So, how did it end?”

    “You were a perfect gentleman. You kissed me and left me at my door.”

    The next morning he’d blame her smile. Too sleepy to be anything other than adorable, it pulled at him in a way that the endless sultry, come hither looks he received from a multitude of women never had.

    “Well, I’d hate to ruin your faithful recreation.”

    And then his lips were on hers. Warm and yielding, they parted beneath his on a soft whimper that burned through last frayed thread of his control. His tongue swept in to the warmth beyond and, with an answering groan, the hand cupping her cheek slid through the silk of her hair to pull her closer into him. The feel of her, taste of her filled him and Lex shuddered as the need to fall into her and the need to breathe fought within him.

    Breathing won and they slowly parted. Looking down into turbulent storm of emotions in Chloe’s eyes, Lex sincerely hoped that his were nowhere near as revealing. But even if his inner upheaval went somehow unnoticed by the woman before him, he knew that he had to get away, escape the onslaught of feelings before Chloe could see that something was definitely wrong. Or worse, before he swept her up and didn’t stop with just a kiss.

    With a reluctance he refused to indulge, Lex reached behind Chloe and opened the door. He knew that, despite her confusion and exhaustion, she was smart enough to see that this wasn’t an act of rejection, but merely a way for them both to have time to regroup. Untangling his hand from her hair, he brought it back to her face, unable to resist the temptation to lightly brush the lips he had just tasted.

    “Goodnight, Chloe.”

    Her whispered reply was lost as she turned and stepped into her room, but he took comfort in the small, hesitant smile he caught before the door closed. Hearing her move deeper into the room, he let his head rest against the door and released a quiet sigh.

    Lex now found himself in a position ludicrous for any Luthor to admit – hating the fact that he’d been right. He’d kissed Chloe. It had been spectacular. And he was in an astronomical amount of trouble.


    A/N #2 – I don't want to give anything away here, but because this is in the general section I did promise a great deal of warning about NC-17 material. So I'm giving some now because I don't want to blindside anyone.

    The next chapter will be rated NC-17

    I'll warn everyone at the beginning of the next part, also. And don't worry; if NC-17 material is not for you I'll also be writing a milder (although shorter) R rated version for another site that I'm willing to send to whoever prefers it.


  5. #105
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    Sarah, sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well. Glad that you're better. How can you say these chapters suck? I thought they were perfect. LOVED THEM!!!!!! I really like how Lex is thinking about what damage he could be doing to Chloe & that they feel a lot more for each other. Loved Chloe's story of her & Lex's first date. My favorite part was their kiss @her door.

    BRING ON THE NC-17!!!!!!!!!

  6. #106
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Matthew Perry's attic

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    I don't understand how cutting back sugar and caffeine can help cure a sickness, but considering that I'm sick and I'm not giving up either of those things, I guess it's possible. It's just not going to happen for me. Glad you feel better and this was a wonderful update, no clue you were sick while writing it if you hadn't said anything.

    I like that this is getting more difficult for Lex to deal with as it means he's becoming more caring of Chloe and her feelings. I think it's sad that Lex doesn't think about having happiness. Even more sad is the fact that being with Chloe can make him happy, but he can't really have it by keeping this secret nor can he have it once he tells her the truth.

    I love how much Chloe can sense about Lex and that she's falling for him. I hope that stays with her through the fallout. I loved the idea of her remaking a fake first date. And that whole scene with the kiss was cute and passionate and perfect.

    NC-17 hmm? Looks like something is about to happen that can't be taken back and I can't wait.

  7. #107
    NS Full Member zho9's Avatar
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    01 Dec 2005

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    He’d kissed Chloe. It had been spectacular. And he was in an astronomical amount of trouble.
    That was a perfect last sentence for these chapters.

    Glad to hear you're feeling better!

  8. #108
    NS Full Member jedi's Avatar
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    20 Sep 2005

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    Thanks to all goodness, evilness, YOU came back.
    We missed you here.
    I'm sorry to hear that your life wasn't so dandy recently but hope that it will be soon.

    What an amazing chap.

    Lex now found himself in a position ludicrous for any Luthor to admit – hating the fact that he’d been right. He’d kissed Chloe. It had been spectacular. And he was in an astronomical amount of trouble.

    Killer last lines.
    Please, hurry up and bring NC-17..

  9. #109
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
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    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...

    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    i honestly cant believe ive never replied to this story before,

    in fact, i think i may have had this story and another story
    (theres one out here where chloe and lex ARE married and
    shes just lost her memories and is reading her diary to
    relearn everything)....

    but WOW>>

    lex, you idiot... its gonna blow up spectacularly in your

    chloe, poor thing, i hope she kicks his ass hard for the lying
    and the scheming lex has put her through

    but please bring on the nc17!!!!

    amazing stuff! please continue!
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  10. #110
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: What You Don't Know... (R) - Part Four - 5/15/07

    I'm sorry to hear that you were sick Sarah, but I'm glad that you are feeling better

    I truly enjoyed these chapters, especially Lex's thoughts on Chloe. He is very torn because he knows that what he's doing is wrong, yet he is still drawn to Chloe and wants her for himself.

    Can't wait for the next update.

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