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Thread: The Wills of Desire (R/NC-17)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    18 Nov 2003
    MODERATOR'S NOTE: Several pages and posts of this thread were compromised or deleted by a hacker's attack, so here's a link to read the full story on a different server


    The Wills of Desire

    Disclaimer: I'm pretty sure you can all figure out yourselves that I don’t own Smallville or its characters. If I did I would be writing storylines for the show not fanfiction inspired by it.

    Author's Note: This little story was inspired by my hatred for the redundancy of the personality of Chloe's character. They make her seem like this fragile girl who always needs to run to Clark for help. After getting booted more times than I could count one would think she would have got the hint and moved on by now. That’s basically what this story is about, Chloe growing up and moving on, in more ways than one. It also deals with such unknown subjects as Chloe's mothers' whereabouts which have never been discussed, but will play a pivotal role in this story. Did I forget to mention that this is also a Chloe/Lex pairing? Also note that The rating is 'R' so be fore warned because there will be some good lovin' eventually between these two characters. Also post Calling season two, Clark didn't go to Metropolis and Lex did marry Helen thus the whole island story line ensues. So, without further ado…

    Fleeing the Scene

    Clark had betrayed her. That's right, good old, super farm boy wonder Clark Kent mister "do the right thing" had betrayed who once was his best friend. Chloe wasn't sure what hurt her the most, seeing him kiss Lana or him lying. She had gone to the barn earlier that day to make sure that everything was right between the two of them. She valued their friendship above most things in this world. Yet, if she would have known that Clark was openly lying to her with that classic smile and reassurance that everything would be okay, she would have never went. Honesty, that was what she said they needed. He smiled in agreement, only to find that behind that bright smile, there was a darkening web of lies.

    It wasn't that Chloe still loved him they way she used, desperately maybe even obsessively, it was the fact that he lied, he betrayed her trust. And once trust is lost, it’s the hardest thing to get back. Looking toward the loft as he kissed Lana sweetly, she felt the intense desire to run. So she did. It had been a long time since she felt at home in Smallville and she wasn't quite sure if she could handle calling this place home anymore.

    As she opened the key to her house, she instinctively looked on the counter where the evening mail sat. And there it was, sitting there like it always was: that big, fat letter that contained her passport and a first class airline ticket to Spain, and a letter always scrawled in the same elegant cursive that always began: A mi hija Chloe, de tu mama….

    She read the letter and nothing about it surprised her. It was her mother, requesting as she did every year, that Chloe spend summer with her in Madrid. She always declined. It was difficult if not impossible to spend three months with someone who walked out on you when you were seven, who changed your life and left it never feeling quite like home.

    Unlike before when she would hastily scrawl a letter to her mother: Hola, Veronica, como esta? Lo siento pero no puedo visitarle este verano…, she couldn't quite bring herself to say no. There was nothing to keep her in Smallville, there was know one who couldn't be left behind and throughout her mind she searched for no reason to stay. She grabbed the letter and read it thoroughly.

    As she dropped the note, she sat on the bench beneath the countertop. Sitting surveying the room, memories of the most unforgetful night of her life flashed before her.

    "Gabe, honey you and Chloe both make me happy, you know that- I just- this isn't the life that I had pictured for myself. Metropolis isn't my home-"

    "If this is about going back Spain, Veronica-" Gabe said.

    "This has nothing to do with Spain. Of course I miss it, it's my home, but I never wanted to be a wife and mother, you know that. And as much as it hurts to say it here I felled smothered, Gabe. I feel trapped!"

    "How can you feel trapped by your husband and daughter. Leaving me is one thing, Veronica, but Chloe, she's seven! She needs her mother."

    "I can't be her mother! I can’t take care of her that's what I'm saying, Gabe! I love her she's my little girl, but if I stay here, I'll slowly die," she said staring at him, hot tears falling down her eyes. "Please tell me you understand. I'll write Gabe and I'll call her but there are other things I wanted to do, other things you wanted to do and getting pregnant and having Chloe at seventeen wasn't part of the plan. I can't handle being a mother. Please, Gabe, please."

    "What the hell are you asking me? To tell you it's okay to leave your daughter in the middle of the night! I'm sorry Veronica but I can't give you that satisfaction. I'm not going to make running away from your responsibilities any easier."

    "Then there is no other way to do this," she said her voice breaking. "I'm going, but not before I say good-bye to my little girl."

    A young child watched at the edge of the stairs as her mother picked up her suitcases and placed them next to the front door of their home, their home that was being slowly shattered into smaller pieces. So small, so frail and sharp that the pieces would never again be fused together. She ran upstairs and snuggled herself between the sheets and stuffed animals in her bedroom as she heard soft footsteps approach her door.

    "Angelita?" she asked quietly. She faced her daughter, her little blonde curls hiding her face, what she would give to see those big, emerald eyes once more. " You know that I love you. But there are some things that I have to do before I can be a good mother to you," Chloe heard her mother say as she feigned sleep. "But I will always love you, no matter where I am, nothing will ever change that, and we'll be together again I promise, angelita, I promise."

    She bent down as Chloe felt her mother's soft, wavy blonde locks brush against her, she felt a hot kiss against her cheek and something watery and wet. The last tear that her mother would ever drop on a resting Chloe's face.

    "Angelita," Chloe said somberly to herself, "I had forgotten she called me that. Her little angel." She smirked. "Just one more bad thing in my life that outshines the good," she said as she carried her things and drifted to bed.

    Two weeks late she found herself, putting her suit cases by the door just as her mother did, ready to leave this life behind for another. She grabbed two letters from the counter, one addressed to Pete telling him where she would be going and why. Pete deserved that much; after all, she had distanced herself from him the night she saw Clark and Lana sucking face. The other was addressed to none other than the devil himself, a certain Lionel Luthor. She decided that if Clark could betray her so easily, turnabout would only be fair play. Inside the letter was her written acceptance of his proposal and a disk with the information on Clark's shady adoption to show her dedication to Mr. Luthor. If Clark wanted to play, than she decided that it was time to break out the big guns.

    Four weeks later she was adjusting quickly to life in Madrid, it was, after all, a very beautiful city. Life with her mother wasn't as easy. There were a lot of things they had to overcome, many lost memories and painful ones to start. Many a night in the house of Veronica Cruz and Chloe Sullivan, were there tears shared between a mother and her daughter.

    She had to admit her mother did bring out a side in Chloe she never knew. Chloe had tried to be so different from the inhabitants of her small town that she changed herself into someone she really wasn't. Funky hair and clothes did help her stick out from the farmers of Smallville but it also made her stick out to herself. By the fifth week of summer, she had cut her chunky hair straight and left it revert to the way it was before she went for the bleached, out there look. Now she shone with the honey dipped, shoulder length loose curls she sported now.

    Her mother, also aware of her problem with running into troublesome guys and "meteor freaks" made it a priority to teach Chloe self defense. So along with yoga, they vigorously learned the art of Aikido, Jujitsu, Kempo, and even a little Kung fu, together.

    Around the eighth week of summer her and her mother relocated to the hustle and bustle of London for her mother to do some business with her fashion line, Vogue. Chloe now partly understood what her mother meant about having dreams. Her company was amazing and not to mention highly lucrative. Vogue was everywhere in London, and the perks to having a mother in the fashion business meant free benefits, essentially clothes, and all the accessories, given to a very exuberant Chloe.

    Her mother also bestowed on Chloe something she felt everyone woman needed: a gun. A sterling silver 4.5-pound, seven round Desert Eagle and with that an eight-inch blade set atop a pearlized handle that read in gold "angelita." She said a woman, as strong and learned as she was in the arts could always use a back up weapon. Her mother strong, and fearless, she didn’t take any shit from anyone and always stood her ground. Every time she looked into the eyes of her mother, she would see an older version of herself, an image that always made her proud.

    In the middle of August as Chloe turned on the plasma TV in the living room of their London penthouse, she caught something that disturbed her more than she had been in a while.

    "Since when has Lex Luthor been missing?" she asked in disbelief. "Mother!" she shrieked! Chloe wasn't sure why this news was upsetting her so. She barely knew Lex. Sure they had there very seldom bouts of verbal judo but the apparent disappearance and possible death of this man should not have Chloe's eyes prickling painfully with the threat of unfallen tears.

    "Que paso, angelita? Why are you so upset?" her mother asked running into the room from her office.

    "What happened to Lex?"

    "Lex, mija?"

    "Lex Luthor, of Luthorcorp," she said distractedly staring at the screen.

    "His plane crashed on some remote island. He's been assumed dead. They already had his funeral. Chloe, honey, porque lloras?" she asked surveying the tears running down her daughter's face. "Were you friends?"

    "I wouldn't say friends," she said wiping away her tears with the backs of her hands, "It's just he- um, he was a friend of someone I once knew, we were more like acquaintances. How did this happen?"

    "Well his plane crashed on the way to his honeymoon, strangely enough his wife survived, Helen something. There were no other bodies found, not even, Lex's."

    "So he could be alive then." hope shining alive in her eyes.

    "I doubt it, Chloe," she said taking her daughters hand.

    "How could his wife survive a plane crash and Lex not? That doesn't make any sense. What did Helen Bryce say?"

    "Nothing. She did not want to disclose any information."

    "Probably on the grounds that it would incriminate her," Chloe mumbled.

    "What was that dear," her mother asked walking back to her study.

    "Nothing, mama," she said secretly vowing to find out what really happened to Lex Luthor.

    She had little correspondence with Luthor Senior since her departure. A letter or two thanking her for the information stating that he found it "stimulating," and awaiting her return to "consummate the bonds of their partnership." Interesting choice of words on his part. But he was right they had much to consummate.

    Her resources were limited in both London and Spain and Chloe was not able to find out much about Lex, Helen, or Clark and figured her investigation would have to wait for her impending destination back to the states.

    Her mother had left to Australia on a two week business trip those last couple weeks in August and Chloe found herself in London, with a credit card with unlimited funds given to her by her mother, and free reign of the city with some of the best clubs. So she did what any self-respecting well-behaved teenager would do: she partied like it was 1999. She shopped and to her surprise a few of the friends she had made in London convinced her to get her belly button pierced. She figured since the karate had toned her rather flabby parts, she should show it off. And even more surprisingly, she got a tattoo. A friend of her mother's son, Phillipe that she'd met a few weeks ago, had the habit of calling her the name of some French wine she was unaware of. She figured since it was her name sake she some grapes and its vine on the small of her back just blow the beginning curves of backside.

    As September quickly approached, she dreaded each day her journey back to Smallville. She missed her father and the torch a little and of course Pete, but there were to many unsettled problems in Smallville that she didn’t look forward to returning to and confronting just yet. But as she suspected, time did pass, and September 1st came, and she found herself sadly saying goodbye to her mother at the airport, promising her that she would visit the next three day weekend and thoroughly looking forward to coming back. She checked her baggage, all thirteen bags full of new clothes, and said that final good bye to her mother, and boarded the plane to go back to the place the she hadn't thought of as home in a very long time.
    Last edited by lexie; 7th June 2015 at 21:39.

  2. #2
    Members Lel's Avatar
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    29 Jul 2003
    A little pink and white polka dot beanbag chair in the middle of the atlantic
    Woo Hoo I am first :biggrin:

    I really like this....

    Please write more

    Lel xx :yay2:

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    Good beginning! :biggrin:
    Please update soon! :chlexsign1:

  4. #4
    Silly Sphinx
    Just a Guest!
    Her mother also bestowed on Chloe something she felt everyone woman needed: a gun. A sterling silver 4.5-pound, seven round Desert Eagle."
    That ain't a gun, that's a freakin' cannon!

    WTG CHLOE!! Who-hoo! Good girl gone wild, always a nice thing to see. Ever teenage girl who gets a tattoo and a piercing draws a joyous tear from my eye. I wann a see more! Write more! More! More! More!


  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    Wow! Really liking the beginning of this. More soon please.

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002
    Oh wow great start more please... :huh:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    Sydney, Australia.
    *rubs hands together in anticipation* Whoo-hoo we've got ourselves a kick-arse Chloe!!! This is a wonderful beginning, I can't wait for more!!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    Incredible beginning. :biggrin: I like Chloe being strong and can't wait to read how is she going to rescue Lex. :chlexsign1: She's going to help him, right?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Very interesting beginning. Can't wait to see how it ends up. Update soon Please.


  10. #10
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    ummm good start update more

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