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Thread: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

  1. #1
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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    Disclaimer: I do not own the show or characters and make no money writing them.
    Spoilers: None, really, it's pretty plotless.
    Rating: PG-13, for some random Lex getting himself battered by a whoopie cushion.
    A/N: I've been reworking my files and I found a few short pieces that could be forgiven as short stories. I haven't done much to extend the plot, so they are best taken as light Chlexy tableaus.

    “This is a bad idea,” Lex Luthor predicted.

    He held the door open graciously for Chloe, but she saw his nose wrinkle in distaste. Reaching back for his hand, she smiled at their first gawker and said, "I know, doesn't he look JUST like him? Weird, huh?"

    The woman in her late thirties blushed and stared at Lex more. He squirmed and Chloe held his hand tighter. He was going for the door and she wasn't going to let him.

    "Sorry, but he really does," the woman said.

    Chloe nodded. "With hair it's totally different, but he shaved it for summer and here we are. I think it's sexy, right?"

    Lex dragged her rudely away, but not before the woman nodded certainly. The reporter threw her a wave and followed behind. "You didn't die just from walking into a store where you can get twelve of something for a dollar," she comforted him. "Look at you growing as a person." He grumbled something and sneered at a display of gardening tools.

    He loved her, very much. He knew the mockery was based in Chloe’s love for him. She let him take her in his private jet to Paris for a weekend, and he let her take him bargain hunting. They were sharing parts of their lives that rarely came up in conversation. They were the very picture of compromise and acceptance.

    Except his example of compromise was far better, and he had made a point not to push her into something uncomfortable, whereas Chloe took joy in making him suffer.

    "I'm going to get a cart," she told him excitedly. "I haven't been here in months!"

    Lex slumped down and actually looked like he might tantrum out and sit on the floor. He picked himself up and looked down at her with an arch expression. "I understand your point. There are many people from many walks of life who use a dollar store and there is no shame in it. Can we go now?"

    She looked him over, decided he was going to recover from the experience without a horrible rash of economy literally striking him, and smiled. “No, you haven't taken in the experience. Everything here is a dollar.” Lex looked at her blankly. “Everything! A dollar! One U.S. Dollar!”

    He sighed. “People will dump stock if they find out I'm bargain shopping.”

    Humming happily, she led him to the carts and rolled one out to lean on it. She pulled out a list he was horrified to see was two pages long.


    She gave him a dry look and was about to yell his name before she remembered he was frantic to remain anonymous.

    “YOU! Behave yourself and this won't take long. Push me and I'll lock myself in the car with a dollar store crossword book and leave you in the parking lot for hours.”

    He fell in sullenly behind her as she started on the very first aisle. The cart's squeaky front wheel annoyed him every ten seconds. Her note rustling reminded him he was going to be spending too much time with cheap products resplendent with kitschy appeal. He wasn't the common man, and while he relished the moments of feeling normal with Chloe, he didn't want to be common. She picked up a package of sponges and waved it at him. “Twelve for a dollar,” she crowed.

    “That's good,” he muttered. She had mentioned books. If there were books maybe he could hide there and read.

    “I'm going to go look at the books,” he ventured, and she waved him to the right.

    “Okay, but if you start crying I'm not going to stop shopping until I'm done, so don't even have me paged. I am a ninja. I am lethal grace and thrift combined!”

    Lex kissed the top of her head and escaped gratefully. He turned into the next aisle and stopped with alarm. There were children; hundreds and hundreds of children. He'd never seen so many. And they were all unattended. He backed away slowly.

    A sullen employee nodded at his horrified expression. “Spring break,” he said. “The parents come to the mall and drop off their kids. I’m supposed to be cleaning that.”

    Toys were piled on the floor, and children were plunked down playing with them. Open packages hung empty from pegs. Lex shook his head in astonishment. This was no way to run a business.

    “How,” he asked.

    “Dunno, man, that’s why I’m over here.” The younger man had made a bower of relative safety in a boxed display of bathroom cleaner sprays. He continued tapping at his cellphone buttons.

    Lex had a horrible suspicion. He just knew the gathering of children wasn’t going to spare him any difficulty. He knew they were all brats, replete with sugary foods and destruction. He knew he’d have to go in there.

    “The books are there, aren’t they,” he said dully.

    “I haven’t been able to get to that end of the aisle in a couple days,” the guy said slowly. “It might be easier if you hit the next lane and slip around the corner that way.”

    Nodding his thanks, the billionaire backed away from the prepubescent barbarian hordes. He moved into the next section and found it was almost entirely composed of shampoos and conditioners. Rubbing his head, Lex snarled inwardly how every turn of his dollar store experience was an intricate humiliation. The next time someone accused him of being merciless, he was going to introduce them to Chloe so they could learn the difference between pragmatism without sentiment and sadistic enthusiasm for non-traditional torments.

    He found the corner easily, and steadied himself with a slow inhale. He would keep his distance from the children and browse the books. No one would have any motive to hurt him here, and he was blending fairly well. The disdain he felt in his face was echoed by most of the adults who passed along the makeshift childcare aisle.

    He was a Luthor. Nothing stopped him from travelling anywhere and doing anything. He could climb mountains or swim through underwater caves. He could plunge into the wilderness in a crashing jet and survive unscathed. He had tempted fate with drugs, drinking, assignations with wives of politicians, his own wives and a political bid. He was dating a woman whose uncle had promised satellite surveillance would track him down and target him for a patriot missile should Chloe voice the mildest complaint about her relationship. He had Lionel Luthor as a single parent for the latter part of his childhood and all through a troubled adolescence.

    Ready, Lex swung around the corner with a no-nonsense posture. He squared his shoulders and moved gracefully between other shoppers. He saw the book section, and approached it with confidence. His hands uncurled from the instinctive fists he had made, and his back loosened from the defensive hunch.

    That was when his foot hit a soft, rubbery item – sending him pinwheeling his arms into a fall. There was a tiny girl under his feet – complete with a tousled blonde mop almost the shade of Chloe's hair - and he struggled to avoid crushing her. He lost his balance with a sickening jolt. There was nothing in the aisle to grab and hold himself up. With the accompanying sound of fake flatulence, Lex Luthor came to his end – at least of dollar store shopping.

    He focused on the yellowed ceiling tiles, and sighed loudly as the entire field of view filled with young, curious faces. A thousand children observed his beleaguered state, not one of them in the presence of a responsible adult.

    “Are you hurt, mister,” one of them asked. His small mouth was fixed in a serious pout. “I learned first aid in scouts.”

    A little girl with a Spiderman t-shirt dug in a furry purse and came up with a colourful bandage. She peeled back the paper and stuck it to his uninjured hand. A feverish throb in his ankle told Lex he was going to have to get some help beyond a group of concerned young citizens. He scooted back and sat up, his head surrounded by finger puppets and tubs of what he had to assume were fake toxic waste.

    “I will give five dollars to the first one to find this lady in the store and bring her here,” he said, giving it his best ‘final offer’ tone.

    A wallet photo of Chloe was studied and passed around. Having effectively set a bounty on his girlfriend’s head, he stretched his legs out and poked at the whoopee cushion that had nearly killed him. He could just imagine those headlines.

    The flurry of children stomped away, leaving only a few little ones behind. The girl who had bandaged him placed the end of a plastic stethoscope over his leg, regarding him seriously as she listened to his fake heartbeat. By the time Chloe was hauled to his side, Lex had allowed a toy blood pressure cuff to be fastened over his watch.

    Shaking off the frankly frightening energy of the children, Chloe stared as Lex nodded thanks at the little ringleader. He handed over a five dollar bill and there was a group cheer. Their mission was completed, and they wandered back to being a living analog of entropy.

    “Lex, I hesitate to ask, but what happened,” she muttered. Despite her attitude, Chloe knelt down next to him and divested him of the cheap plastic medical apparatus.

    “I wasn’t meant to be here,” he intoned with severity. “I told you this felt like a bad idea.”

    His small, serious ‘doctor’ patted his hand and turned to Chloe. “He’s embarrassed because he fell down,” the little girl said. She pointed to the whoopee cushion. “He should have an x-ray. I had to have an x-ray when I fell on my skates.”

    Chloe picked up the fart toy, and grinned at the little girl who was trying to help. She had to work hard to keep her tone appropriately sympathetic. “That’s too bad. Did you have to wear a cast?”

    Lex cleared his throat and twitched his injured leg. “Not to interrupt, but I’m pretty sure I really do need an x-ray,” he said dourly. “Otherwise I would not be lying on this floor. I never want to come here again.”

    His girlfriend pushed his pant leg up and frowned at the swelling ankle. “Oh, Lex, I don’t know how you did it, but I wouldn’t even let you come here again. The dollar store tried to finish your off, and I kind of like you.”

    She kind of liked him, he thought. Kind of. Great. He risked his neck discount shopping and Chloe had yet to be completely sold.

    Then Chloe kissed him quickly, as she leaned over to clear some of the toys away from his feet, and Lex felt his ankle get a little better. She smiled at him, humour tamped down in her sparkling eyes.

    “You’re a nice boyfriend,” she told him. “Don’t be grumpy. You never have to come here again.”

    His entirely-deserved satisfaction was deflated when she tucked her two page list into her pocket, and said blithely, “I'll come back another day without you.”

    Her tone was simply informative, perhaps a little conciliatory – Chloe really did mean to return to the den of unsafe walking conditions and preteen hooligan gangs. She obviously thought Lex's accident was a simple miscalculated step, which could have happened anywhere. He knew himself to be uncommonly graceful and capable of avoiding most falls. The dollar store was a dangerous, hazardous place and he couldn't let her go there without anyone to watch over her.

    “Or I could bring Lois,” she said, seemingly reading his wordless snarl. “If you're trying to talk your way out of coming with me to protect me, she's the best solution. Otherwise I'll have to take my chances all alone in this thrifty purgatory.”

    The leading sparkle in her gaze told him she thought he'd accompany her before he let that happen. Lex thought she was giving herself too much credit to even have him considering another day like he was having, but then Chloe’s hair flicked across his cheek softly. He was a fool, but he’d get her to go to Brazil for Carnival in exchange.

    Besides, his ankle was less painful and he was nearly certain it was just a sprain.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    Lex in a dollar store is comedy gold and you hit on everything that would terrify him. With the power Chloe has over him, she could rule the world.

  3. #3
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    This was just fabulous!

    Dollar stores can be rather scary especially if there are a lot of children and/or senior citizens in them--great work

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  4. #4
    NS Full Member Fouzia's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    OMG that so funny^^ thank you!!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member MASCH's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    Funny! You managed to make a thrift store sound like a battlefield for Lex

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    That was hysterical. LOL!!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    NS Full Member Rachet's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    Quote Originally Posted by kitten View Post
    The next time someone accused him of being merciless, he was going to introduce them to Chloe so they could learn the difference between pragmatism without sentiment and sadistic enthusiasm for non-traditional torments.
    This was such a great line.

  8. #8
    walking with cavemen Senior Member Zannie's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    Such a funny, cute story! I love seeing Lex in incongruous situations - especially when he tries so hard to keep him dignity.

    Quote Originally Posted by kitten View Post
    I wasn’t meant to be here,” he intoned with severity. “I told you this felt like a bad idea.”

    His small, serious ‘doctor’ patted his hand and turned to Chloe. “He’s embarrassed because he fell down,” the little girl said.
    I laughed hystericaly at the bit quoted above.

    This story reminds me that, years ago, I had an entire scene fleshed out of Lex having to run into the drug store to buy feminine hygiene products for Chloe. At first, I had planned it for Road Tripping, but it didn't ever work out in that story, so I was going to write a separate short story for it. I have no idea why I never wrote it.

    Thanks for the story - it was so much fun!

  9. #9
    NS Member techwriter2's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    "Look at you growing as a person."
    Best line EVER! HA! I love it!

  10. #10
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Hidden Costs, PG-13, October 17, 2010

    “This is a bad idea,” Lex Luthor predicted.
    LOL! I enjoyed the way the ficlet started, right off, by illustrating Lex’s sunny, optimistic, wide-eyed personality. Perfect note for this fic. And Lex’s delight must have been complete when he was nearly recognized by that nosey woman who stared at his beautiful bald head.

    ROTFL! Poor Lex. From the very beginning, it was made clear how much he hated, loathed the very idea and concept of the dollar store. I could see that he actually felt soiled walking in through the door, lol!

    Lex dragged her rudely away, but not before the woman nodded certainly. The reporter threw her a wave and followed behind. "You didn't die just from walking into a store where you can get twelve of something for a dollar," she comforted him. "Look at you growing as a person." He grumbled something and sneered at a display of gardening tools.
    ROTFL! I think I’m going to be laughing throughout this ficlet, aren’t I? I just love the skilful way that Chloe can deliver comfort in such a patronizing and condescending tone of voice. Just the perfect combination to provide Lex with support and encouragement, as well as goad him into continuing with an uncomfortable situation.

    He loved her, very much. He knew the mockery was based in Chloe’s love for him. She let him take her in his private jet to Paris for a weekend, and he let her take him bargain hunting. They were sharing parts of their lives that rarely came up in conversation. They were the very picture of compromise and acceptance.

    Except his example of compromise was far better, and he had made a point not to push her into something uncomfortable, whereas Chloe took joy in making him suffer.
    Even I had to laugh at Lex’s ideas of the ‘compromise’ in their relationship. Oh, poor Chloe, Lex ‘forces’ her to take all these trips to exotic, wonderful vacation spots… so she HAS to retaliate by forcing him into a dollar store. ROTFL! The ridiculousness of Lex’s perception of the situation is so much damned FUN!

    I have to admit, that Chloe does seem to be taking some sadistic glee in shoving Lex waaay out of his comfort zone. BUT I’m sure most of her motivation for bringing Lex to the dollar store was to help him realize the joy and satisfaction from finding great bargains and deals. The problem is that Lex’s idea of ‘a great bargain’ is buying a strong, reliable multi-corporate company whose stock has been temporarily depressed. He’s not going to get too excited over buying twelve sponges for a dollar. Still, it was good of Chloe to try, and it was good of Lex to accommodate her wishes.

    He sighed. “People will dump stock if they find out I'm bargain shopping.”
    LOL! Sad thing is that this statement might actually be true, lol!

    “YOU! Behave yourself and this won't take long. Push me and I'll lock myself in the car with a dollar store crossword book and leave you in the parking lot for hours.”
    And she’d do it too! And Lex would spend several hours in the parking lot before finally having the sense of calling up one of his chauffeurs on his phone and calling for another ride to pick him up. Lex can be dreadfully slow sometimes, especially when dealing with Chloe’s temper displays, lol!

    Lex kissed the top of her head and escaped gratefully. He turned into the next aisle and stopped with alarm. There were children; hundreds and hundreds of children. He'd never seen so many. And they were all unattended. He backed away slowly.
    LOL! Hilarious! First of all, I loved Lex’s horrified reaction to the gang of kids roaming the aisle. I think his reaction was comparable to the reaction small villages experienced when seeing Viking ships bearing down on their sea coast. It was the terror of complete attack and annihilation, with no hope of defence. Lex’s only hope was to avoid the raging horde, and try not to draw attention towards himself. I think I even sensed an admiring tone from him when he noted the ‘barricade’ that the dollar store employee had created for himself from cleaner spray boxes.

    Toys were piled on the floor, and children were plunked down playing with them. Open packages hung empty from pegs. Lex shook his head in astonishment. This was no way to run a business.
    LOL! Even in a state of unnerved terror, Lex is still a business man first. Trust him to start critiquing the way that the dollar store runs it’s merchandise and display, LOL!

    The next time someone accused him of being merciless, he was going to introduce them to Chloe so they could learn the difference between pragmatism without sentiment and sadistic enthusiasm for non-traditional torments.
    ROTFL! I loved it! And I loved it even more because I could sense the admiring, awed tone in Lex’s inner comment while musing over Chloe’s finely tuned sense of sadism. Even when that sadism is turned against Lex himself, Lex can’t help but be enthralled and mesmerized by it… because it’s Chloe’s brand of applied ‘non-traditional torture’, lol!

    He was a Luthor. Nothing stopped him from travelling anywhere and doing anything. He could climb mountains or swim through underwater caves. He could plunge into the wilderness in a crashing jet and survive unscathed. He had tempted fate with drugs, drinking, assignations with wives of politicians, his own wives and a political bid. He was dating a woman whose uncle had promised satellite surveillance would track him down and target him for a patriot missile should Chloe voice the mildest complaint about her relationship. He had Lionel Luthor as a single parent for the latter part of his childhood and all through a troubled adolescence.
    LOL! That’s it, Lex. Build yourself up! Reassure yourself that you can handle this. Tell yourself that you’ve handled worse that this. I’m sure if you repeat such reassurances to yourself a couple of thousand times, you might actually start to believe it, LOL!

    By the way, Nonky. An extra special thanks for the note about Chloe’s Uncle Sam Lane, and the ‘subtle’ threat that he made to Lex about treating Chloe right… or else, LOL! It’s good to know that Chloe has some version of a scary protective father figure. Gabe was a good dad, but far too easygoing and nice to be taken too seriously as a threat by Lex Luthor.

    hmmm, it would be interesting to see, however, whether Gabe Sullivan CAN be a threat to Lex, in the interest of avenging/protecting his daughter? I don’t think I’ve ever read a story about Gabe being a scary, mean and semi-evil bastard in the name of protecting his baby. It’s always Chloe who has been the scary one for the Luthors to deal with, not her father, but surely she gets those qualties from somewhere?

    aaargh! I went off on a tangent, and begged for a fic, didn’t I? No obligation at all, Nonky. If you like the premise then I would be ecstatic if you could pick it up, but if not, then feel free to let it drop.

    That was when his foot hit a soft, rubbery item – sending him pinwheeling his arms into a fall. There was a tiny girl under his feet – complete with a tousled blonde mop almost the shade of Chloe's hair - and he struggled to avoid crushing her. He lost his balance with a sickening jolt. There was nothing in the aisle to grab and hold himself up. With the accompanying sound of fake flatulence, Lex Luthor came to his end – at least of dollar store shopping.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh my heavens! ROTFLMAO! Oh, you’re evil, Nonky. Evil, Evil, EVIL!!! ROTFL! I especially loved the additional touch that Lex could NOT redirect and reposition his unbalanced feet into a more stable position because he was nearly standing right on top of a kid, and shifting his feet abruptly would have meant hurting the child.

    Even better, Lex immediately knew that he would sooner break his bones rather than hurt this miniature replica of his beautiful blonde beloved girlfriend. LOL! I always knew that Lex was a sucker for kids and women… which means that any (blonde) girl-child would have him in doormat status with a tiny disappointed sniffle if she was so inclined.

    And then, Nonky, you had to add insult to injury by making Lex trip over a whoopee cushion of all things… that made an embarrassing noise to herald his fall. ROTFL! Eeeeevil, Nonky! I loved it!

    “Are you hurt, mister,” one of them asked. His small mouth was fixed in a serious pout. “I learned first aid in scouts.”

    A little girl with a Spiderman t-shirt dug in a furry purse and came up with a colourful bandage. She peeled back the paper and stuck it to his uninjured hand. A feverish throb in his ankle told Lex he was going to have to get some help beyond a group of concerned young citizens. He scooted back and sat up, his head surrounded by finger puppets and tubs of what he had to assume were fake toxic waste.
    squeee! What a sweet, adorable child! I just loved her earnestness in trying to make Lex better. That was probably a highly prized cartoon bandage that she stuck on the strange man who fell down in front of her. Seriously, this is one VERY sweet, generous kid… even if she’s completely incompetent as a medical practitioner. hmph, I felt a little indignant about Lex NOT taking a moment to note the sweetness of this kid actually.

    “I will give five dollars to the first one to find this lady in the store and bring her here,” he said, giving it his best ‘final offer’ tone.

    A wallet photo of Chloe was studied and passed around. Having effectively set a bounty on his girlfriend’s head, he stretched his legs out and poked at the whoopee cushion that had nearly killed him. He could just imagine those headlines.
    ROTFL! That was… pretty brilliant actually! LOL! Even in a situation like this, Lex knows how to use his amazing human resources management skills to get the results he wants. And I can just imagine Chloe’s terrified and bemused expression when she’s waylaid by a bunch of kids who tell her that she’s worth five bucks to them, LOL! oooh, five bucks in a dollar store can go an exceedingly long way now that I think about it… no wonder the kids were so enthusiastic about their assignment. The reward was quite a little fortune to them.

    The flurry of children stomped away, leaving only a few little ones behind. The girl who had bandaged him placed the end of a plastic stethoscope over his leg, regarding him seriously as she listened to his fake heartbeat. By the time Chloe was hauled to his side, Lex had allowed a toy blood pressure cuff to be fastened over his watch.
    LOL! Lex might not be making any conscious note of this very sweet child who started treating his injuries… but I was pleased to see that he patiently tolerated her earnest role of playing doctor. I think he WAS actually quite taken with the little girl, even if he didn’t admit it to himself. Was she the same blonde that he almost fell over, per chance?

    “I wasn’t meant to be here,” he intoned with severity. “I told you this felt like a bad idea.”
    LOL! Trust Lex to add on a special melodramatic tone to his I told you so whining. He probably would have arranged for thunder and lightening too, if only he had been able to move.

    His small, serious ‘doctor’ patted his hand and turned to Chloe. “He’s embarrassed because he fell down,” the little girl said. She pointed to the whoopee cushion. “He should have an x-ray. I had to have an x-ray when I fell on my skates.”
    ROTFL! Oh this little child is just adorable! I seriously wanted MORE of her in some long-length fic. Can we get her name and back-story, Nonky? Pretty please?!?

    His entirely-deserved satisfaction was deflated when she tucked her two page list into her pocket, and said blithely, “I'll come back another day without you.”

    Her tone was simply informative, perhaps a little conciliatory – Chloe really did mean to return to the den of unsafe walking conditions and preteen hooligan gangs. She obviously thought Lex's accident was a simple miscalculated step, which could have happened anywhere. He knew himself to be uncommonly graceful and capable of avoiding most falls. The dollar store was a dangerous, hazardous place and he couldn't let her go there without anyone to watch over her.
    ROTFL! Oh dear me, that poor paranoid freak! I really thought that Lex would be ecstatic that he was off the hook, and Chloe was going to be doing all future bargain shopping (dollar stores, flea markets, wholesale supermarkets) all on her own. Instead the paranoid elitist snob panics, and starts thinking that ‘common’ and plebeian places like these are on par with low-income, gang-territory districts.

    And I just the way that the arrogant snob assumed that if HE can’t go through a day in this kind of ‘atmosphere’ without having an accident, then no one can, ROTFL! He really believes it too, doesn’t he? No wonder Chloe finds it so easy to torture the poor guy. Lex seems to delight in creating torment, torture and doom and gloom predictions all by himself, for himself.

    The leading sparkle in her gaze told him she thought he'd accompany her before he let that happen. Lex thought she was giving herself too much credit to even have him considering another day like he was having, but then Chloe’s hair flicked across his cheek softly. He was a fool, but he’d get her to go to Brazil for Carnival in exchange.
    LOL! I loved the idea that Lex thought that imposing revenge and ‘comeuppance’ on Chloe for this dollar store shopping outing was taking her to Brazil. ROTFLMAO! Oh yeah, Lex, that’ll teach her! ROTFL!

    *sigh* but more than anything, I loved the goofy, besotted and sluggish state of mind that Lex tuned into, merely from the soft feel of Chloe’s hair against his cheek. He’s a complete and utter FOOL for her… and he knows it too. I love it!

    Besides, his ankle was less painful and he was nearly certain it was just a sprain.
    LOL! Oh quite whining, you silly baby! Fanon proclaims Lex’s healing abilities to be on par with Marvel’s Wolverine character. By that logic, Lex’s ankle was probably fractured when he first fell, then it turned into a mere sprain by the time Chloe was brought over… and it will fade away to nothing by the time he gets into the car.

    This was a great ficlet, Nonky. Thanks for posting. And if you have any other fics lying around in your hard-drive, languishing away for a reading audience… please post the poor things up too. And feel free to post up new chapters for your on-going fics too… whenever appropriate and/or convenient

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