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Thread: Time Warp (R-NC17)

  1. #1
    Crazy Jew Ellidyay's Avatar
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    20 May 2003
    Sunny Florida

    Time Warp (R-NC17)

    Hey all!I've decided to post my fic here at N-S.net from the very begining. It may not be done all at once because I'm making changes and fixing things I dislike about the FanFiction.Net version. Not many major changes but....I'm SO obsessive about my stuff. Its kinda embarrassing.

    Also...Ch 25 is on the way. Zoe (for those of you who are new to me and my work may not know about Zoe, she's my pink with green polka-dots skinned muse and everything written is HER fault) is being difficult *grumbles* But the newest chapter will be along soon.

    Also, remember this was written before we knew Chloe's mom left and didn't die.

    Disclaimer:I own nothing but the original characters not already dreamed up by DC, or Joss Whedon (passing references mostly) or Kevin Smith or Dante or whoever.

    Chapter 1 - Welcome to Hampton, Miss Sullivan

    "You ever wonder if what we do matters? Like, the little things, opening a door for an old lady or giving someone a hug when they've had a bad day? I mean on the grand scale. Because sometimes it’s kind of hard to believe. You know?" Chloe asked as she and Clark walked towards the Kent farm from the Talon. The summer sun was setting and the road was deserted.

    "Of course it matters. And wasn't there like an Outer Limits on this? You've been watching those Twilight Zone chain reaction things on Sci-Fi Channel, haven't you?" Clark asked, looking down at her.

    "No. Why do you assume that because I have a major theological question, I had to have been watching a 50's TV show?" she asked, poking him in the ribs and pushing him into the street.

    "Well, why the sudden concern with the 'ripple in the pond' effect?"

    "Just one of those everyday 'we are small and insignificant' epiphanies," Chloe said, kicking at a leaf that blew in front of her. It had just sorta come to her during an episode of Buffy, completely ruining the fantasy effect of the show, and distracting her from Spike with no shirt on. And anything that took her attention away from James Marsters was a bad thing.

    "Don't you just hate those?"

    "They do get annoying after awhile. But that's the great thing about having a best friend: you can share your revelations with them, and they don't weigh you down."

    "So are you feeling worthless, Chloe Sullivan?" Clark asked seriously.

    "Kinda. Like, if I disappeared people would notice, but it wouldn't make that much of an impact on the rest of the world," Chloe said, a little sadly. She didn’t mention that the little “what’s the point” epiphany had been bothering her more now that she felt like the third wheel of the Lana-Clark mobile.

    "Don't say that Sullivan. You change the world with every step you take and every word you say." Clark said shooting her a million watt smile.

    Chloe smiled back, relieved that that smile had finally stopped giving her butterflies. He had left her for Lana during that tornado a couple weeks ago and she had decided to get it all out there. Told him everything she had been keeping inside since middle school. And in the end, they had been able to joke about it. Chloe still wished there had been more she but was grateful she hadn't lost or damaged what they had.

    "It just doesn't feel like it you know?"

    "Yeah, but just know that you make a difference to a lot of people in this town."

    Chloe nodded absently and looked at the yellow broken line in the street or at something near the line. There was something out there, a watch it looked like. It had probably been run over and crushed but for some reason, Chloe felt compelled to go pick it up.

    She looked both ways and walked to the middle of the road, set down her bag and kneeled down to pick up the timepiece. It looked relatively new and seemed to be working. She knelt there looking at the watch, transfixed by it for some reason.

    Chloe barely heard Clark shouting at her. She barely looked up in time to see the bright lights of a eighteen wheeler. She barely felt the impact as the truck slammed into her small body. And she barely noticed when the world faded away.


    It got bright very fast; too fast for Chloe eyes to handle. And she was lying on something hard, and there was wet stuff above eye.

    "Are you all right, dear?"


    "You were hit by that car. It just sped up and slammed into you. I'm surprised you're even alive, let alone conscious," an older woman said. She was in her late forties, with pale blonde hair tucked into a neat, tight bun. Her face was wrinkled with sun and age, and wire frame glasses sat perched on the bridge of her nose. Her brow creased with worry as she reached a hand down to help her up.

    "Who are you?"

    "I'm Ms. Veronica Trendle. I'm the assistant principal at Hampton Preparatory Boarding School," Ms. Trendle said, handing Chloe her bag.

    "I got hit in the head, right? So I could have died?" Chloe asked as her knees wobbled a little.

    "Yes, dear. But aside from a that little cut above your eye, you're fine," the woman said gently, putting an arm around her to hold her up.

    "Ok, just checking to see if I really had been thrown to the pavement." She paused, "On your property?"

    "On the school's property."

    "I'm at a school? God, I've died and gone to hell," Chloe muttered.

    "I promise you dear, you aren't dead," Veronica said reassuringly.

    "You know I could sue this place. You know that, right?" She wasn't in Kansas anymore. There were trees that didn't grow in the Midwest, that were there and in full bloom. She guessed from the temperature and the plants she was in New England; New Jersey or something like that. And if she was stranded miles from home, she would need any extra leverage she could get.

    "I would appreciate it if you didn't," Ms. Trendle said calmly. She really didn't want to deal with another lawsuit aimed at the school; not so soon after the last one the Luthor boy and his little "friends" had caused.

    "I'll think about it," Chloe said seriously.

    "Come inside, dear. We'll contact your parents," Ms. Trendle said, leading her inside a large, three story brick building.

    It was your average school, and the vice principal had an average office. But if Chloe really was dead, she hoped this wasn't where she was going to spend the rest of eternity in high school.

    "What is your name, and where you do live?" the assistant principal asked as she sat behind her desk. Chloe was crouched on the ground looking through her bag. Her laptop, Advil, CD case and player, and wallet were still there and intact, and the watch she had picked up had somehow gotten in her bag. She shrugged as she slipped it on her wrist.

    "Chloe Sullivan from Smallville, Kansas."

    "What are you doing in Boston, Chloe?"

    "I have no idea. I don't even know what the date is," Chloe said, fiddling with the watch as she spoke. It was digital and the year was stuck on '97. She was usually good with machines but she couldn't fix it.

    "It's Saturday, September 4th, 1997. Now, dear, what are you doing so far from home?"

    "1997! Are you shitting me? How the fuck did that happen!" Chloe shrieked. It was 2002 not 1997! She was in a coma; that was all there was to it. She was hooked up to a respirator in a hospital in Smallville with her friends and father gathered around her bed. And she was off in a la-la land delusion of five years ago in Boston, Massa-fuckin-chusetts. That's what it had to be. It was the only thing that made sense.

    "Ms. Sullivan, I know you've been through a trauma, but this is a school and you are not to use such language," Ms. Trendle said sharply. "Now, I'll ask you again, what are you doing in Boston?"

    "I ran away from home. I was walking around the city and I decided to check out your campus."

    "Then I must contact your parents," Ms. Trendle said.

    "NO!" Chloe exclaimed, her head jerking. If she was in a coma, it would be pointless to call her dad, and if she really WAS in 1997, then her father would be in Smallville taking care of an eleven year old Chloe and his dying wife Meredith. She had to think of something. Her eyes shot to the school crest. That was it.

    "Wait, this is a boarding school, right? How about, you let me attend school here, live in the dorms, and I won't sue the school for the accident. Then I don't have to go home, and you're helping a young person get an education," Chloe said quickly. “Isn’t that what schools are supposed to do?”

    "I suppose that could be arranged. But you'll have to contact your parent and let him know where you are," Ms. Trendle said, nodding slightly. She was the head of the admission's board. She could make it work. Besides, what with Mr. Luthor's recent donations to cover up his son's latest destructive escapade left more than enough for this girl's admission.

    "We'll need your past transcripts by next Monday. And you'll have to get the uniform requirements from the main office. But we shouldn't have any trouble getting you assimilated since its still the beginning of the term," Veronica said, as she scribbled.

    "You sound like the Borg. And I can get you the transcripts. Don't worry. I'll have to send them to you via email though. Is that all right?" Chloe asked, looking nervous. Things were a little too real for her to be in a coma. And if she was really five years in the past, she would have to do some serious hacking.

    "Of course, that will be fine. Your class options will be sent to your dorm room later tonight. You're in- " She leaned over to the bottom of the desk and pulled out a large black binder and flipped through it. "-Winchester Hall. Room F15. You have one roommate, a Miss Wendy Miller. Also, you might want to bring your luggage relatively soon," she said, pulling a key out of a pocket in the binder and handing it to Chloe. "It's the fifth building in the south cluster of dorms. And this," Veronica said, pulling a booklet out of a desk drawer, "is the code of conduct. The basic rules: no drinking, no smoking, and no drugs. No sex. NO going over to the boys’ dormitory with out permission and check in when you get there. The others are rather minor."

    "There's a boy's dorm? I thought since it since it was a boarding school.."

    Ms. Trendle rolled her eyes at the other blonde, "That it wasn't co-ed? I'm pleased to say we have eh…a few outstanding male students," she said, her voice dropping.

    "Only a few?" Chloe asked interestedly. If she was going to get stuck in the past at least there would be some bad boys around for entertainment. Bad boys may not have really been her type but they were more interesting to watch than the scholarly people.

    "Er...yes. Ms. Sullivan, you should be heading to your dorm. You want to be getting settled in, don't you?"

    "I um..."

    "Of course you do. See the school nurse, third door to the right towards the exit on your way out and then go to your dorm. Wendy will help you get settled and take you to the common room to meet some of the other students. Now shoo." Ms. Trendle said, utilizing the skills that made her a vice principal. Chloe nodded, grabbed her bag and hurried out of the office.


    Winchester Hall was an ancient brick building. It had been built nearly a hundred years ago, and was older than the school itself. It was six stories tall and only recently had been equipped with central air and heating. She, of course, had a room on the top floor. The trip to the school laundry, the walk across the grounds of school, to the girls dorm cluster, the search for her building, and the trek up the stairs had given her time to digest what was going on.

    The cut above her eye was reallystinging and reallybleeding. Her head was reallythrobbing and she was reallystarting to smell from the sweat of the day. And Chloe was seriously starting to accept the fact that she reallywas in 1997. She'd seen enough crazy things in Smallville to make her believe just about anything. She'd seen mind-altering flowers, bug people, boys who could fly, why should being five years in the past really be that inconceivable?

    She was going to have to work some major computer mojo to fake her transcripts, but she was up to it. And clothes, she didn't know how she was going handle that one, seeing as she had no money, at all.

    Chloe walked slowly down the carpeted hallway of the sixth floor. There were doors on both sides of the wall and a community bathroom exactly in the middle of hall. Her room was past that practically at the end of the hall.

    Chloe knocked on the door before slowly opening it. It was pulled out of her hand and jerked open from a force on the other side.

    "Hi, you must be Zoë. Nice to meet you. I'm Wendy," the girl on the other side of the doorway said before pulling her in.

    "It's Chloe actually," Chloe said

    "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! But I get the worst static on phone calls from the main office. I could have sworn that Trendle said your name was Zoë. Oh, well. Come on. You need to get used to the cell, I mean the room. Be glad we're not like some of the other girls on this floor who have three to a room," Wendy said, grinning.

    It was average size for a dorm room with plenty of space for two people, but Chloe couldn't imagine cramming three teenage girls into a room this size. There was nothing distinguishing about the room itself. There were two small desks, two twin beds, a few large windows that overlooked the grounds, two bedside tables, a few lamps, and a closet.

    However, Wendy had books of every genre piled haphazardly around the room. Clothing hung off the window frame and lamps and her computer, textbooks and supplies were coving the small desk and stereo surrounded by a mass of CDs some how gave the room personality.

    Chloe sat down on the bed and took a minute to study Wendy. She was probably a couple of inches short of five and a half feet tall and of average build. Her hair was dark brown, thick and very curly. She had black plastic glasses that for some reason worked on her face. Behind the lenses, her eyes were bright blue and intelligent. Her nose was prominent and her mouth was large and smiling. The over all look was quirky and friendly.

    "So how'd you manage to worm your way into Hampton in less than a day? Your folks rolling in it?" Wendy asked, plopping down.

    "No, I just got hit by a car in front of the school," Chloe said wryly.

    Wendy blinked at her "What?"

    "I was walking and *BAM* I'm making friendly with the asphalt. Ms. Trendle helped me up and, to avoid a lawsuit, said I could stay here and attend school," Chloe explained, leaving out the whole future bit. She may have been a believer of the supernatural but she didn't think her roommate would buy it.

    "And your parents don't care?"

    "Its just my dad, and no, he doesn't. Besides, this is a good school, right?"

    "The teachers try. But Lex and his so-called friends make it very difficult for them," Wendy said smiling a little.

    "Lex? Lex Luthor? He goes to this school?" Chloe asked, shocked. Her father's boss was here. Only he wouldn't be here father's boss in this time. He'd just be another teenager. A rebellious, influential teenager from what she'd heard. But still, just a fellow adolescent.

    "Yeah. He makes a point of making the administrators miserable. It's pretty funny most of the time. Lex can be a nice guy, he just rarely lets that guy out," Wendy answered, moving her nose and making her glasses bob up and down. "So where are your clothes, luggage that kind of stuff?" she asked, glancing at Chloe's backpack.

    "I…um…I don't have any. All I have are the clothes on my back, and my bag. I kinda… ran away from home," Chloe said. She really wasn't comfortable telling her new friend an outright lie.


    "It's no big deal. I just don't know what I'm going do about clothes and supplies or you know, everything," Chloe muttered.

    "I could ask Lex to spot me the cash and we could head into town this weekend. I'd lend you the money myself but while Lex's resources are unlimited, I get about a hundred bucks a month spending money, which isn't enough to buy much of anything," Wendy said, rolling her eyes. "My parents are all about brining me up normal. You know, not letting the money go to my head. Which I understand, but sometimes it can be SUCH a drag, especially in this crowd."

    "What makes you think Lex freaking Luthor would do anything for me?" Chloe asked.

    "Cause he and I are like this," Wendy answered, crossing her fingers. "He and I dated a little in freshman year; it really didn't work out between us, but we stayed close. I'm one of the few people in the school, ok I'm like the only person in the school who doesn't care he practically oozes money. I try to be there for him but that boy is just lonely," she said, staring off into space.

    "And he won't mind?"

    "No. I seriously doubt he'd miss it if there were a couple million dollars missing from his bank account let alone a few hundred lent to a good cause. Don't worry about it. It'll be fine. And I think you'll like him."


    Eternal thanks to Becky for manipulating the pic!

    Willy Wonka: Everything here is eatable. I'm eatable, but that my children is called cannibalism and it is frowned upon in most societies.

  2. #2
    Crazy Jew Ellidyay's Avatar
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    20 May 2003
    Sunny Florida
    Disclaimer: Not mine, ever were, never will be. I own Donovan Sanders, and Wendy Miller. If anyone wants to give him to me I will also willingly except Michael Rosenbaum. ^_~

    Chapter 2 - "Meet" Lex Luthor

    Lex lay on his bed bouncing a palm sized rubber ball against the wall. He was bored, but then he was usually bored.

    He didn't want to do anything with those stoners he called friends because he wanted to be occupied with something that didn't involve a chemical let down, and at one in the afternoon on a Saturday that's what all the his friends would be doing. Maybe he'd call Wendy. She was usually good for at least a decent conversation.

    He was punching in the numbers into his cordless when there was a knock on the door. And it was a loud insistent knock.

    "Alex, if you want to keep that shiny head clean, you're going to let me in." A familiar voice called through the door.

    "You know the door's unlocked, Wen." He said, shaking his head. He sighed softly and resumed his game.

    The door flew open and Wendy waltzed in. A blonde about two inches taller followed her.

    "Fresh meat?"

    "Har har, Lex. No, this is Chloe Sullivan. She's my new roommate, and we need your help." Wendy said leaning over him. He had yet to sit up.

    "With what Wendy, my love?"

    "Chloe here, is broke and without any luggage. We need to get her some supplies. Like clothes and toiletries. And I need you to spot us the change. You know my monthly allowance won't cover it." She said over the thudding. He nodded in acquiescence.

    "And lingerie. I don't even have a bra on. Plus, if I don't get some new panties I'm going to have to go commando starting tomorrow. And I'm not sure that will go over what with the plaid skirt." Chloe added with a shrug.

    The ball Lex had been throwing flew over his head and hit the ground. Chloe walked over and picked it up.

    Wendy just chuckled. Things like that usually didn't shock Lex, he had more experience than the rest of the school combined. Maybe it was just Chloe. She had seen something in his eyes when he'd looked at the blonde. Perhaps she could help him get over his obsession with brunettes. The latest one, Victoria, had not only been shallow, vapid, and slutty, she'd been a conniving British bitch on top of it all.

    "Are you going to come with us? Because from what I can see you don't have any pressing engagements." Chloe asked as she gave Lex back the ball.

    "Yeah, come on Lexy. Its been ages since you took me out. I'm starting to think you don't love me any more." Wendy joked.

    "Of course I love you, Wen, I've just been busy."

    "Mm- hm." Wendy said in a tone Chloe had only ever heard Martha Kent use on Jonathon when she was pissed.

    "Lover's quarrel?" Chloe asked, jokingly.

    "Wendy and I were never lovers Ms. Sullivan. Not that I didn't try. Care to see how you hold up against me? I can guarantee it won't be as well."

    Chloe felt like she was back in Smallville when he called her Ms. Sullivan. The only difference was that this Lex was hitting on her. That and the fact that he was wearing old faded blue jeans and a Metallica t-shirt and no shoes instead of a tailored suit. For some reason, the power of he exuded in Armani translated through to the Levi's, just not the intimidation, at least not here in his room with Wendy present.

    "My name is Chloe. Try using it. And I don't really find an over inflated ego sexy, not even on you. Besides, god only knows where you've been." Chloe said sharply as she shot him a million dollar smile.

    "Ouch. Thata girl." Wendy said.

    "You're taking her side after everything we've been through?" Lex asked, feigning hurt. He sat up and began to pull on a pair of sneakers.

    "Girl power baby. You gotta love it. Besides, it's a rare treat for me to watch a woman under the age of 80 turn you down."

    "You're lucky I put up with your shit." Lex muttered.

    "You're the one who was ogling her."

    "You were ogling me?" Chloe turned to Wendy. "He was ogling me? How come I didn't catch that?"

    "I don't ever ogle, Wendy." Lex snapped.

    "Mm-hm. Sure. That's why you're eyes were glued to dear little Chloe's breasts when she mentioned shopping."

    "Shopping makes you horny? Are you sure you're not gay?" Chloe asked Lex.

    "I'm not sure. I mean, I did go out with Wendy." Lex said shooting the two girls a smirk.

    "I'm gonna get you for that." Wendy growled.

    "Wanna bet?" Lex asked coolly.

    "You know I will."

    "I'll take that as a yes." Wendy glared at him.

    "All right children, if you're going to fight, I'll put you both in time out." Chloe said in a kindergarten teacher voice.

    "I seriously doubt you could put me anywhere, Chloe." Lex said as he grabbed his wallet and shoved it in his back pocket.

    "I'm a woman of many skills, Lex. You'd be surprised at what I can do."

    "I don't doubt that for a minute. And it probably has something to do with why I already get the feeling that I'm going to regret this little outing." Lex sighed, sounding resigned. "Now, let's go before I change my mind."


    "You're kidding. It looks ridiculous on you," Lex said, waving a hand at Chloe's outfit. He and Wendy sat on the plastic sofa watching Chloe model the clothes she'd picked. They'd been through the same process at half a dozen other stores except for the uniform store where there had been no choices involved and the lingerie store, where neither Lex nor Wendy had seen her purchases.

    "It's pants and a shirt, Lex. I don't see the problem," Chloe said, putting her hands on her hips defiantly. She was in gold pants and a little rhinestone studded, see-through belly shirt.

    "It makes you look like a two dollar hooker."

    "Which is something you know ALL about I'm sure," Chloe said, rolling her eyes at him.

    "I am not buying it, period. I can't believe I let you two drag me into this store."

    "Fine, chrome dome. Also please remember you're the one wearing the Metallica shirt that was new in the eighties," Chloe muttered, pulling off the shirt as she walked into the changing room.

    "I thought it looked good on her. What's your problem, Lex?" Wendy asked, looking over at him.

    "In an outfit like that, Donavon and his little band will be all over her. You know how they can be. I refuse to pay for something that will get her victimized," Lex answered. Donavon Sanders was one of the most obnoxious, popular, nasty boys in the school. He rivaled Lex in his exploits, except that his encounters had a way of turning violent.

    "Aw! Little Lexy has a heart."

    "Shut the fuck up, Wendy. I'm going to pick the next store. You know that, don't you?"

    "Mm-hm. Sure ya are."

    They'd been shopping for hours and Lex was starting to go crazy. A man could only take so much estrogen at a time. And the girls had been all about the bonding, walking a few yards ahead of him, no doubt sharing all their secrets and had quickly become bosom buddies. Women had a tendency to do that. Personally he didn't mind all that much; it gave him a great view. Though if either girl knew what he was thinking, he would have to face a woman's wrath times two.

    Sometimes he wondered why he tolerated it. Anyone else and he would have had them out of his company or under his thumb. But then, Wendy had a way of wrapping him around her little finger and she seemed to be teaching their new companion the skill as well.

    But he really was getting sick of all these clothing stores. He wanted to get out of there. And Luthors got what they wanted.

    "That's it. I'm not buying anything from this store. Chloe, put on your clothes, we're leaving," Lex called, standing up.

    "What?" Chloe asked.

    "I'm hungry, and I am done shopping. You've got enough stuff to last you the whole damn semester. I'm going to get some pizza." Lex said. And with that he turned and walked out of the store.

    In the dressing room, Chloe let her shock show. Pizza? Lex Luthor wanted pizza? Could cows suddenly fly? From what her father had told her, Lex was more of a four star restaurant type of guy.

    "Come on Chloe. He'll leave us if you don't hurry. I know, he's done it before." Wendy called.

    Chloe immerged and walked out of the store with Wendy.

    "He do this often?"

    "Yup. If he doesn't like the situation, he'll change it. Now hurry or we'll miss out on free pizza."


    "Cheese? Oh come on, I expected so much from you, Chloe!" Wendy cried as the pizzas were set on the table.

    "My mom used to make cheese pizza for me on weekends, from scratch. Then when she died, it was just one of those things that reminds me of her. Every time I eat it, I can see her face." Chloe said, leaning over to grab a slice.

    "How old were you when she died?" Lex asked coolly.

    "About twelve. So I have pretty good memories of her, but I miss her. Mind if we move out of the morbid thoughts? "

    "You brought it up Chloe." Lex pointed out and reached for a piece of pepperoni.

    "And you continued it, Shiny Skull." Chloe snapped back.

    "Would you stop? Jesus, I got enough of that shit in junior high."

    "Look Lex, I'm sorry. I know it must have been scary to be caught out there during a meteor storm. Its not like you could help it." Chloe said sympathetically.

    Lex gaped at her. "How the hell could you possibly."

    Wendy sat back watching. It was more fun and cheaper than a movie. She figured if she kept these two together, she'd have hours of entertainment.

    "Former Smallville resident speaking. I know someone who is in management at the crap factory and he told me about what happened to you. The way you look really doesn't matter you know. And besides your head, its totally sexy." Chloe replied through a mouthful of pizza.

    "Who do you know?" Lex asked, ignore the comment about his head completely.

    "Just some guy." Chloe said with a shrug.

    "Some guy who just happened to know what happened to me in cornfield in 1989." Lex shot back skeptically.

    "Yep. Just some guy." Her father had told her what had happened when Lex had arrived in Smallville. And she had pumped Clark for extra details.

    "Hot guy?" Wendy asked.

    "No. Old guy." Chloe replied wrinkling her nose at the thought of her father being hot in any way.

    "How old is old?"

    "Old enough to be my father."

    "Well that's not to bad. Harrison Ford is old enough to be our father and he's still razor fine." Wendy argued her eyes glazing over slightly

    "Good point. Same goes for David Bowie. Chasing fifty and still looking fine."

    "I don't think Lex is enjoying the direction this conversation is going, are you Lex?"

    Lex shrugged slightly. He could tune them out and focus on the pizza, he was a man after all.

    "That's because women who are famous don't stay pretty once the hit forty."

    "Bullshit. Susan Sarandon is still an incredibly attractive woman and she's hit forty and kept right on going. And Ann Bancroft was still beyond sexy in her forties."

    "Coo coo cachoo Mrs. Robinson. Graduate fan?" She grinned wickedly "Tell me Lex, exactly how many members of the female faculty have you slept with?" Chloe shot out.

    "At this school? None, poor selection."

    "I hear the new math teacher Miss Dolan is pretty attractive. All the guys seem to think she's a dish. You haven't made the conquest yet? Are you getting to old to play the game anymore Lex?" Wendy asked.

    "Jenny's an attractive woman, she just doesn't pique my interest."

    "Cause she's doesn't fulfill your brunette fetish? Picky much."

    "He has a fetish?" Chloe asked interested.

    "It is not a fetish."

    "Almost every woman he's ever slept with has had hair that's a shade of brown or black. Its almost disturbing, especially since his dad has brown hair." Wendy told Chloe in a conspiratorial whisper.

    "Its not a fetish, Wendy, it's a preference."

    "I always thought most gentlemen preferred blondes. You know there was a whole movie about it. Marilyn Monroe starred in it, maybe you've heard of it." Wendy said.

    "You're a brunette, Wendy, please don't forget that."

    "So you only dated me cause you liked my hair?" Wendy said in a voice filled with mock distress.

    "You're right Wen, he does have a fetish." Chloe declared with a laugh.

    "Of course I'm right. I always am." Wendy replied laughing with Chloe.

    Her laughter stopped as piece of pizza flew across the table directly into her face. She blinked and wiped cheese and tomato sauce off her face.

    "It is not a fetish. And you," Lex said coolly, light dancing behind his eyes as he looked at Chloe. "you don't even know me."

    "I'll give you some thing to fetish over." Wendy snarled hurling a hunk of pizza in his general direction. She missed and it hit Chloe in the side of the head.

    "You are both so dead."

    Food flew across the table in a flurry. Some of it landed on skin, some on clothes, some missed a member of the trio completely and hit some of the patrons, who joined in hurling their food with much more violent intent.

    "You know, my father is going to be royally pissed." Lex announced, before mashing a slice of vegetarian pizza into Chloe's face.

    "I'm sure he is." Wendy said before pouring a glass of Coke over his head.


  3. #3
    Crazy Jew Ellidyay's Avatar
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    Sunny Florida
    New N-S specific note! I changed dialogue and stuff in this chapter. Why? Cause it is better this way. So, if you notice a discrepency between this version and the Fanfiction.Net version...its not a mistake. Enjoy the adjustment!

    Old A/N: Lex and Chloe seem to become friends rather quickly. There is a reason for this. Lex may have a problem trusting women in a romantic situation, but he trusts Wendy as a friend, and he trusts her judgment in personalities. Since Wendy is so willing to let Chloe into their circle, Lex tries to also. Plus, please keep in mind that this is 17 year old Lex not 22 year old Lex. He's not totally emotionally jaded yet.

    I know how she got there is far fetched but so is a boy from a dead planet who can fly, see through walls, leap tall buildings in a single bound, and is faster than a speeding bullet.

    Chapter 3

    "You have any idea how lucky we are that Hampton didn't kick us out?" Chloe asked as she followed Wendy through the hall. She felt very silly in her white collared shirt, blue and green plaid skirt and knee-high socks. It was all too early Brittany Spears/Catholic school girl for her.

    "No, we're not. This actually the most innocent stunt Lex has pulled. He didn't destroy any property, no drugs were involved, no lives were destroyed and the damages cost less than a million dollars. That's pretty damn good all things considered." Wendy said with a shrug.

    "That's minor?"

    "Last time he pulled something, a corridor went up in flames, and two male students had 2nd degree burns. Not that he cared. They run with Sanders." Wendy said as if that explained everything.


    "Donavon Sanders. He and Lex are basically enemies. They fought over a something during freshman year, and have been at odds ever since. Don't know exactly what happened, but I think a woman was involved. All I know is, they hate each other, and Sanders hates anyone Lex is directly affiliated with. Which means me, and since you are with me and through me Lex, he's going to hate you too." Wendy explained.

    "Fabulous. An enemy. Just what I need on my first day of school," Chloe muttered.

    "Don't worry. You'll be fine. Just don't let anything he says get you down, " Wendy finished before they entered the class room.

    "Ms. Sullivan, if you would mind remaining by the door. I'll introduce you to the class." A male teacher in his early sixty's told her.

    "Sure thing Mr. Mills. It is Mr. Mills, right? I'm not in the wrong class, am I?" Chloe asked.

    "Yes, I'm Mr. Mills, and you are in the right class, I assure you."

    "Ok. Then I'll just stand here."

    "Order class. Lets bring it down to a dull roar," He said sternly.

    Chloe watched as an attractive young man with long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail moved into a seat an aisle away from Lex and Wendy. He said something to a friend, and shot Lex a death glare. She realized he must be Donavon. He and Lex looked completely different physically, and they seemed to behave in completely opposite manners. Donavon appeared to wear his anger and distaste for Lex on his sleeve while Lex had that stony expression on his face.

    "Now, class, we have a new student with us. This is Chloe Sullivan. Where did you say you were from, Ms. Sullivan?"

    "I don't think I did say. I'm from Smallville, Kansas, which is a small town a few hours away from Metropolis."

    "Welcome, Ms. Sullivan, to AP Literature. Please take that empty seat between Mr. Sanders and Mr. Reynolds for now, and we'll get started."

    Chloe seated herself between Donavon and a dark haired, heavyset teen with nasty gleam in his eyes. She was feeling incredibly uncomfortable. They were looking at her funny.

    "Hey, little girl, want to have some fun after this class?" Donavon asked with a leer in low enough voice the Mr. Mills couldn't hear him.

    "It’s school. Fun and school are like oil and water, and I intend to keep it that way for the time being, thanks."

    "What's wrong, Kitten, scared? I'm not the big, bad wolf you know." The toothy grin he shot her argued that statement.

    "More like the big, dumb jock. Now, would you please shut the hell up? I kinda need to catch up in this subject." Chloe said looking straight ahead.

    "Little kitty’s got fangs, Donavon. I like that. A challenge." The dark haired teen whispered to his friend.

    "Challenge this: if you keep bothering me I'll sue your ass for sexual harassment."

    The two boys ignored her. "Vaughn, it’s not a challenge unless I have to pull her out from Luthor's grip, and she's not exactly his type. Blonde without enough curves."

    "Her curves are fine, Sanders, and if you don't stop, I'll tell Trendle about that little stunt you pulled with Ramona last week." Lex said quietly, not taking his eyes away from Mr. Mills.

    "She's not yours, Luthor."

    "Really? Who told you that, Sanders?" Lex asked in a lethal voice.

    "I don't belong to anyone." Chloe shot in. Wendy just caught her eyes, and motioned for her to stay out of it.

    "Oh, now that is a challenge, Kitten."


    "How was you day after English?" Wendy asked as she toyed with the meatloaf on her plate.

    "It was all right, I guess, nothing monumental. New classes, new teachers. Have physics with that guy Donavon. He is really disgusting." Chloe said, taking bite of an apple. Most of the food in the cafeteria was repellent. So she figured she'd stick to the fruits and vegetables.

    "Speaking of disgusting, here comes the one of the many thorns on my pretty rose of existence. Hi Vicky." Wendy said to the brunette walking towards them. Wendy wondered why the bitchy Brit always insisted on stopping and bickering with her before making her way to her table. It wasn't as if she ever won any of their verbal battles.

    "My name is not Vicky, you miserable serf. It’s Victoria. Vicky is a name for a rank, stupid peasant. Victoria is a name for a queen." The tall, slender, graceful, British girl spat at Wendy. Her tone was haughty and controlling.

    "It’s still not a great name. Too many syllables. A man won't be able to get your name out in bed. Although, I'm sure he wouldn't know your name, anyway. You tend to skip the pleasantries." Wendy replied in a cold voice.

    "As if you would know anything about being a woman, Wendy. You're still trapped in the body of a 10 year old." Victoria said waving a hand dismissively at Wendy's thin frame.

    "At least I was still a virgin when I was ten, Victoria."

    Chloe could have sworn she saw the British girl's eyes glow red and jets of smoke shoot out her nostrils.

    "Actually, you saved yourself till you were twelve. Didn't you, Victoria?" Lex asked as he sat down next Chloe, at an angle to better enjoy the cat fight.

    "As though you would know anything about it, Luthor." Victoria snapped.

    "I know that for you to have those types of moves, you must have started early." He said raising one eyebrow.

    "You weren't complaining."

    "Have you ever known a man to complain during sex?" Lex asked her seriously.

    "Hey, Victoria, if you find one, you make sure to tell the Guinness Book of World Records people what you did wrong." Wendy said.

    "You'll pay for that, Miller. That I promise you. And Lex, if you're interested, I'm still free." Victoria said as turned on her heel and stalked off.

    "I'm sure she will be. She always was." Wendy muttered.

    "What the hell was that?" Chloe asked, looking at her two friends.

    "Victoria Hardwick. Her father and mine are competitors. So naturally, I took advantage of the situation." Lex shrugged. “One of the school bicycles.”

    "Meaning he fucked her nine ways from Sunday." Wendy said, stabbing her fork into the meatloaf as if it was trying to attack her. “But she’s not as decent as that other girl, the one with all the peircings and even broader reputation.”

    “Corinne Delaney.” Lex supplied

    “Right, Delaney. Anyway, they’re in the same gossip group and completely different social groups. Corinne is a ‘damned if I give a shit’ and bitch Vicky is a ‘frigid evil whore from hell’.”

    "Thank you for the clarification, Wendy, but not necessary." Chloe laughed. It was almost comforting to see high school cliquing in action in a new environment.

    "She hates Wendy because of our friendship. I think she's a little jealous."

    "Plus she's still a little touchy about the time I came across her fucking a lacrosse player in a hallway. Not too thrilled about having an audience during that performance I'm sure," Wendy added, a small smirk on her lips

    "And being the callous bitch that she is, Victoria isn't that fond of me either."

    "But she just propositioned you, didn't she?" Chloe asked confused. She could have sworn that Victoria had offered herself to him before she had stalked away. But why would she have done that if she didn't even like him?

    "Yes and I'll probably take her up on it if I can't find anything better to do." Lex answered. The ice she was familiar with seeing from afar in Smallville appeared in his eyes.

    "So you two just use each other to get off?" She asked, slightly dismayed.

    Lex nodded. "Basically."

    "You rich people are beyond weird. How can you care so little about another human being?" Chloe asked in a troubled voice. She'd noticed it more than once during the school day. The students here didn't seem to care about anything or anyone but themselves.

    "It’s hard to care about others when no one cares about you," Lex answered, adding steel to the ice in his voice.

    "Then you have no excuse," Wendy said leaning over the cafeteria to poke him in the chest. "Cause you've got me and I think Chloe might care about you too."

    Lex shot the blonde a piercing gaze.

    "We're friends right?" Chloe asked.

    Lex nodded.

    "Then I have to care about you, don't I? Lets just see how things go on your side of the friendship."


  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    he thanks for posting it here I love your story :yay: :yay:

  5. #5
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    *SCREAMS* Oh My God! I love this STORY! You will never understand how HAPPY I am to see it here. THANK you!

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    I am so glad you brought this over here. I like how you revamped it. Nice job. :biggrin:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Paris, FRANCE
    Oh I 've already read this fic. I loved it !!! :biggrin:

  8. #8
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
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    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    I've been following this religously on fnafiction.net...I'm so glad you are posting it here.

    This fic is amazing...Your writing is incredible and I love how you portray a 17year old Lex....


  9. #9
    is pushing daisies Senior Member
    Join Date
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    between heaven and hell
    I'm just loving this story.

  10. #10
    Angel undercover!
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    I think it's great that you posted the story here too, and I can't wait for you to add another part. *hint hint* :biggrin:

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