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View Full Version : [Completed] Bring Me To Life (NC-17) - Part 2, 'Always With You' series

Not An Addict
10th November 2003, 21:44
Title: Bring Me To Life
Author: Not An Addict
Rating: NC-17 (for smut)
Category: Songfic, Romance/Angst
Pairing: Chloe/Lex
Spoilers: none
Summary: Part Two of the ‘Always With You’ songfic series. Their relationship is something more.
Disclaimer: I still don’t own anything, including the song ‘Bring Me To Life’ or the band Evanescence. But really, how cool would it be if I did??? They would live in my closet and play their songs for me whenever I wanted them to. Leave me my delusions—they make me happy.
Author’s Note: This first chapter takes place about a year after 'Sympathy, Tenderness'. If I’ve done my job right, this should work as a stand-alone piece. However, if it seems like there’s a part that makes you go, “When did that happen?” it’s probably from that first piece. Starting here all the songs in this series will be from Evanescence's album 'Fallen'. That being the case, they all contain a certain level of angst. If that's not your thing, you probably shouldn't read them. Mad thanks to Sabby for being such an awesome beta and slave driver. ^_~ Hope you enjoy this, kiddos, and please review! So here we are, part 2 of 6.

Chapter One

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core
Where I’ve become so numb
Without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

The mansion loomed out of the dark Kansas night, the thick slabs of stone appearing cold despite the heat. One lone, solitary light was burning in a window and, in the confines of her car, Chloe couldn’t help but find it strange that the warmth she sought was housed in such a dark, cold place.

But there was only one thing that could make her feel warm again. Now she had to decide if it was worth the price of being burned.


The air conditioning was broken in the Sullivan house yet again. Gabe had promised that he would get it fixed, but as usual he had gotten caught up with work at the plant, leaving it to Chloe to get hold of the repairman. Unfortunately, the first heat wave of the summer had hit Smallville hard, and the Sullivans were not the first family to call for repairs. Assured that it would be at least three days before a man could come out to take a look, Chloe had spent her time unearthing every fan she could find and fervently hoping that running every single one at full power wouldn’t blow a circuit. However, sprawled on the couch in front of one of the larger fans, her energy almost completely drained by the heat, Chloe wasn’t sure that she could bring herself to care even if she blew the power for the entire block.

The sound of the doorbell brought her partially out of her lethargic state, and with a heavy sigh she rose from the couch. On her way to the door she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror; the light cotton camisole and shorts she wore were clinging to her body, adhered by the light sheen of sweat she could see on her exposed skin. Her hair was being held up by a variety of mismatched clips and an old bandana she had found tucked away in the back of a kitchen drawer. She considered for a moment making herself more presentable, only to realize she didn’t particularly care. With any luck it was only the air conditioner repairman getting to them early. Instead, she opened the door to see Lex Luthor waiting on her porch.

“Lex!” A wide smile overtook Chloe’s face, quickly replaced by a faint blush as Lex openly looked her up and down, taking in her minimal clothing and bound-back hair. She returned the favor, shaking her head at his habitual suit that he wore despite the heat. “I don’t see how you can wear that suit. I’m practically naked and I’m still incredibly hot.” A wicked and fairly uncharacteristic smile crept across Lex’s face.

“You certainly are.” Chloe managed to roll her eyes even as she blushed again at his words, and Lex’s smile grew wider. “So are you going to invite me in, or am I going to be staying out here the rest of the day?”

“I don’t know. There’s a nice little breeze standing here with the door open,” Chloe teased, stepping aside to let him in as she spoke. She closed the door and the breeze was lost; despite the hot, still air, a shiver ran through her when she felt Lex’s arm brush hers as he passed. “So why are you here, Lex?”

“Papers.” Chloe raised an eyebrow at the hasty answer but chose not to comment. “I needed some papers your dad had, and he said I could drop by to get them.” A stab of disappointment shot through Chloe at his words, but she covered it with her usual sunny smile.

“Sure. His office is back here.” Lex followed her to a small room at the back of the house, mostly filled with a large desk and two metal filing cabinets, every available surface covered with stacks of paper. Chloe leaned against the doorframe, watching as Lex began to sift through the papers on the desk. “So why not just come back here with my dad when he comes home tonight?”

“He’s going to be working late tonight,” Lex answered without looking up.

“Oh.” Chloe shook off the slight hurt that her father was working late on one of her last days in Smallville and plastered a fake smirk on her face. “Taking off early while your employees burn the midnight oil, Lex?”

“It wasn’t my choice, believe me.” Finally finding the papers he needed, Lex straightened and walked towards her with a smirk of his own. “Your father can be very stubborn when he wants to be, and he seems to think I’ve been working myself too hard.”

“Still trying to prove yourself, are you, Lex?” Satisfied by the glimmer of shock in his eyes, Chloe offered a small smile and changed the subject. “So I guess you have to be going now?”

“Actually I was hoping I could talk to you while I was here.” It was Chloe’s turn to be surprised, and with a barely perceptible nod she turned and headed towards the kitchen.

“I’m going to have some iced tea. Do you want anything?”

“Iced tea sounds perfect,” Lex’s voice responded.

Still not looking at him, Chloe set about filling two large glasses with ice, pouring the golden-brown tea from a pitcher she took from the refrigerator. She handed one off to Lex and took a deep drink from her own before running the cool glass over the exposed skin at her neck and chest. When she looked back, Lex was watching her with a strange look in his eyes; he downed the contents of his glass in one long pull and glanced around the kitchen, noticing the roaring fans for seemingly the first time. His brow furrowed slightly.

“Is your air conditioner broken?”

“Well you’re certainly observant today,” Chloe teased as she settled herself at the scarred, round kitchen table. “It’s been broken for a couple of days now, and it’s not getting fixed for at least another three days. Until then, we sweat.” Lex took the chair next to her, and the smile faded a bit from Chloe’s face. “So you said you wanted to talk to me. What do you need, Lex?” Lex shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers.

“It’s not what I need, Chloe.” Chloe’s brow furrowed in confusion and she began to fidget with her glass, growing unnerved under his steady gaze. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

“Wrong? What makes you think something’s wrong?” She winced internally at the weakness in her voice.

“I was willing to let it go in Metropolis,” Lex continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “But it’s worse now. You may be able to fool everyone else with this front you put up, but you’re not fooling me. So I’ll ask you again: what’s wrong?”

The thought that Lex Luthor could read her so easily was both thrilling and frightening. Unsure of what to do, Choe’s defensive streak took over.

“We see each other a few times in Metropolis, and suddenly you’re an expert on my emotions? Christ that’s arrogant, even for you, Lex.”

“I never claimed to be an expert, Chloe,” Lex countered smoothly. “And I’d say that seeing each other several times a week qualifies as more than a few times.”

Chloe glanced down at her hands again, no longer fooling herself that she could hide from him, and not wanting Lex to see the truth in her eyes. She didn’t know how to tell him that after the first few times they had bumped into each other, she had started purposely going places she thought she might see him. There was something about being with Lex, calming and invigorating at the same time. The emptiness had been noticeable long ago, and Lex was the first thing that seemed to make her feel whole. The thought terrified her even as it drew her in, the confusion it caused never lessening the need she felt to feel anything rather than empty.

“Chloe.” Her eyes returned to his, and the concern she saw there nearly broke her. “Let me help.”

“It’s nothing. It’s just . . .” She trailed off, trying to find the words she needed. “Nothing’s changed.” At Lex’s confused look, she continued. “My dad still pays more attention to the plant than he ever does to me. Lana still gets everything she wants without even realizing it. Clark still sees me as more of a walking search engine than a friend. I thought that things would be different when I left Smallville, but instead everything’s just the same.”

“It’s perfectly understandable that you would be upset about that—” Chloe shook her head, cutting him off.

“That’s just it. I’m not upset. I’m not angry, or disappointed, or . . . anything. I just feel blank.” A single blink was the only indication that Lex was surprised by her confession, and she could tell the exact moment he saw the truth in her statement.

“I remember the first time I felt that way.” Chloe was taken aback at his response—that was one of the last things she would have expected Lex to say. “It was after my father sent me away to my first boarding school after my mother died, and I felt like everything inside had been replaced with empty space.” Chloe listened, fascinated at this side of himself that Lex was letting her see. “I started trying things. Alcohol, drugs, women; anything that I thought would make me feel anything.” He smirked at her. “None of those worked by the way, in case you were thinking of trying them.”

“Damn, there goes my plan to drown my sorrows in booze and bimbos,” Chloe grinned. Lex just smirked again.

“You have to find the thing that makes you feel. It won’t be easy, but you’ll know it when you find it.”

They stayed there at the kitchen table for several hours, talking about everything and nothing while they drank cold tea and listened to the whir of the fans. To Chloe’s surprise, their friendship in Metropolis had transferred effortlessly to the battered kitchen table in Smallville. Lex’s presence still caused that familiar flutter of emotion in the pit of her stomach, and she was still filled with a strange sense of disappointment when it was time for him to leave.

The air was heavier by the time she walked him to the door, the humidity so high that it was difficult to even breathe. The setting sun had the temperature lowering a few degrees, but the air was still stagnant and hot, and Chloe knew it would remain that way throughout the night.

“It feels like a storm,” she commented absently, her eyes scanning the horizon in a vain search for rain clouds. Lex nodded.

“Anything to break this heat. But it’s still a ways off yet.” Chloe glanced at him and smiled.

“Thanks for stopping by, Lex.”

“It was my pleasure. How much longer are you in town?” Chloe shrugged.

“A couple of days, I guess. My schedule’s pretty flexible right now.”

“Well then, I’ll see you back in Metropolis, if not before.” He gave her a small grin. “You can tell me if you’ve found what you need.”

Chloe smiled as she watched Lex walk to his car, watched until the silver Jaguar disappeared down the street. She stepped back inside and sought out a fan, parking herself in front of it and enjoying the rare contentment she found herself filled with.

She didn’t even pretend to be surprised when an air conditioner repairman showed up the very next day.

Over the next couple of days, however, Chloe found her sense of peace deteriorating bit by bit. She no longer felt completely blank; rather, it was the sudden realization of what had restored her life that had her on edge. And so here she sat in her car, parked outside of the Luthor mansion and trying to drum up the courage to go inside. But eventually her desperate fear of rejection was overpowered by another, stronger pull—the need to see Lex. Before she knew it she was opening the surprisingly unlocked front door and stepping into the blessed coolness of the mansion.

Fighting against the urge to jump at every shadow, Chloe made her way through the darkened corridors that led to Lex’s study. Calling on memories she had thought were long gone, she made her way—stairs on the left, up one floor, down the long hallway to the left, the arched double doors on the right. The right-hand door swung silently open, and in one far corner of her brain Chloe thought that if she had as many people trying to kill her as Lex did, she would make sure to leave hinges unoiled.

“You never told me what you found, Lex.”

His head shot up from the papers he was reading, the surprise on his face quickly replaced with confused concern as he rose and rounded the desk.

“Chloe? What are you doing here?”

“You said that you used to feel blank inside.” Chloe began moving closer as she spoke, her eyes locked on his stormy blue ones, gauging his reaction. “What was it you found that made you feel alive again?”

“Does your dad know you’re here, Chloe?” She shook her head.

“I told him I was staying with a friend from Metropolis. I had to come see you, Lex, because I figured out what I needed. You did say I should tell you when I found it.” Lex nodded, his eyes wary but still locked on hers.

“So what did you find?”

“Something I already had.” She was still moving closer, determined not to back down. “I always felt whole, warm when it was nearby. And so I started to seek it out so that I could stop feeling empty. Tell me, Lex.” She was inches away from him when she stopped, her head tilted up to look him in the eyes. “Tell me what you found.”

Chloe could see the internal battle Lex was waging with himself. She held her breath, her heart stilled in her chest as she waited for his answer.

“You, Chloe. I found you.”

Her eyes closed in relief at his whispered answer. She drew in a shaky breath and opened her eyes again. She paid little attention to the roll of thunder in the distance, all of her attention focused on Lex.

“I think we can help each other,” she told him. “You’re the only one that really understands me, even if I can’t figure out how you do. When I’m with you I feel wanted, accepted. I feel . . . alive.” Her gaze dropped to Lex’s lips as she leaned closer, her voice lowered to a whisper before she sealed her lips to his. “Make me feel alive, Lex.”

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside

Electricity raced up her spine when their lips met and fire raced under her skin, bringing every nerve ending to screaming attention. Lex’s arms wrapped around her immediately, crushing her body to his as he devoured her mouth. Chloe wrapped her own arms around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer, her tongue slipping out to lick at his bottom lip. His mouth opened with a groan and she slipped her tongue inside to tangle with his. Strong hands slipped beneath her shirt, stroking over the smooth skin of her back, and Chloe moaned into his mouth. She moved her lower body into his, and felt more than heard his loud groan as she pressed herself into his erection. Seconds later his hands were gripping her upper arms, pulling her away and breaking the kiss.

“Chloe, stop.” Both of them were breathing heavily; Chloe licked her swollen lips, tasting Lex on them. She watched Lex follow the movement of her tongue before drawing in an unsteady breath. “This isn’t . . . we can’t do this.”

“Why? Goddamn it, Lex, why not? I don’t know how you feel when we’re not together, but if it’s anything like what I’m feeling . . . God, why would you want us to feel that way?” She moved closer to him again, closing in until her breasts were pressed against his chest. Both sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation. “Please, Lex. You’re not going to break me.”

In an instant Lex’s mouth was back on hers, his arms pulling her as close as physically possible. With a low moan Chloe abandoned herself to the sensations Lex’s mouth was evoking, wantonly rubbing herself against him. Her hips ground into his; the feeling elicited a keening sound of pleasure from her and she did it again and again, feeling herself grow wetter each time. Lex ripped his mouth from hers with a low growl and moved his lips to her neck to rain hot kisses over her skin. He reached the vein throbbing in her neck and, encouraged by her whimpered gasp, began to lavish the spot with lips, teeth and tongue. Chloe clutched at his shoulders in response and ground herself harder against him, her head tilting back to give him better access.

Her hand snaked up to the back of his head in an effort to hold him in place, and almost of their own volition her nails began to rake over the smooth skin of his scalp from his forehead to the nape of his neck. Lex’s hips jerked forward at the feeling and his hands moved down to cup her ass, squeezing the soft flesh as he helped her grind her hips into his. Chloe repeated the motion and Lex thrust into her again, this time with his hands holding her in place, and the pleasure was almost too much for her. Her nails dug into his scalp, and the combination of pleasure and pain had Lex biting down hard on her neck. His head lifted and he slammed his mouth into hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth and letting it sweep through her like fire. Before she knew it Lex had swept her into his arms, striding rapidly from the room even as his mouth continued to ravish hers. Chloe found herself drowning in a dizzying array of feelings, not surfacing until the sound of a slamming door managed to penetrate the fog that had wrapped itself around her brain.

Lex laid her down on his bed and quickly covered her body with his own, his mouth never leaving hers. Chloe couldn’t believe how good it felt to have the weight of Lex’s body settled over her, pressing her down into the mattress. Her legs parted to let him settle between them, and the increased pressure there had her moaning into the kiss. One of Lex’s large hands moved to knead her breast and Chloe arched into his touch, unprepared for the burning bolts of desire shooting through her. She began to claw at the buttons of his shirt, raw need making her fumble.

“Off.” She broke the kiss, moving her lips to his ear. She nipped him sharply before sucking his earlobe into her mouth. “Now.”

Lex’s hands joined hers and made short work of his shirt, and no sooner had the offending garment been removed than his lips were back on Chloe’s. He nibbled gently on her lower lip, drawing a whimper from her throat that was quickly swallowed in his kiss. Suddenly, he found Chloe rolling them over until she was poised on top him, straddling his hips. Her mouth left his once more, blazing a trail down his neck to his chest. She sucked and nibbled at his skin as her hands roamed over him as if to memorize him by touch alone. Her tongue flicked out to rasp over one flat nipple, and Lex’s hips thrust up into her at the sensation.

Chloe threw back her head, her back arched. Her wetness had seeped through her panties, pressed against the thin material of Lex’s pants. Her eyes locked on his, now the same dark, dangerous gray as the storm clouds outside lashing rain against the windows and rattling the glass with sharp claps of thunder. Half-lidded, her gaze stayed on his as she began to rock, moaning louder each time she ground her clit against Lex’s rock hard cock.

As her hips sped up slightly, she reached up and in one swift move pulled off her thin shirt. She saw Lex’s eyes darken further when he saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra; his hands raised from the bed to fondle her bare breasts, and Chloe braced her hands behind her, gripping his legs as she arched into his hands. He began to pinch and pull at her hardened nipples, rolling them between thumb and forefinger until Chloe was gasping for breath, still moaning as her hips ground against his. Suddenly she stopped, removing his hands and leaning down to plant a hot, hard kiss on his eagerly open mouth.

Quick as lightning her hands unbuckled his belt and opened the front of his pants, and then one hot hand slipped inside, stroking him firmly until it was his turn to gasp for breath. She broke the kiss and moved swiftly down his body, removing their shoes and socks before tugging on his pants. His hips lifted to help her, and in one smooth motion she removed his pants and boxers, throwing them to the floor and exposing him to her questing fingers. Her hand quickly wrapped around his cock again, squeezing and stroking until he was moaning under her touch. He felt her breath on him and tensed in anticipation; what he hadn’t expected, however, was to feel her hot mouth closing around his balls. She licked and sucked for what seemed like an eternity before she released him, one hand moving to replace her mouth as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. That hand massaged his balls as the other stroked his base, joined by her mouth taking him deeper and deeper. He didn’t know how much more he could take; just then Chloe removed her hand and took him all the way in, her lips brushing his base with his tip buried in her throat.

(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark

“Chloe,” Lex cried out, his hands weaving into her hair to pull her off of him. The feel of her mouth was incredible, but he wanted to be buried deep inside her, wanted to feel her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer when he came. His hands were rough as he yanked her up and smashed her lips against his, quickly rolling them over until he was once again settled over her.

Her breasts were the first to receive his attention, and Chloe let out a harsh cry when Lex’s mouth sucked one peak into his mouth. Her chest was heaving with the effort it took to keep breathing; she stopped altogether, back arching almost painfully when Lex bit down, not so gently, on one tight bud. She was dimly aware of his hands slipping off her skirt, but her awareness came crashing back when she felt his fingers skim over the soaked satin of her panties. The air rang with a whimpered cry, and it took Chloe several seconds to realize that it had come from her.

“So wet,” Lex murmured against her stomach. His tongue dipped into her navel, and then suddenly his mouth was lower, placing a hot openmouthed kiss over the soaked material. Chloe began to squirm beneath him and Lex moved back up her body, kissing her before leaning down, his voice rasping in her ear. “You have more underwear in your luggage?” Breathless, Chloe nodded. “Good.”

The sound of the ripping fabric mixed with the rattling windows from another roll of thunder, and then Lex was slipping one long finger into her. Chloe’s hips automatically began to move, taking him as deep as she could in an effort to fill the ache that was building inside of her.

“Christ, that’s tight.” Lex’s low voice in her ear had Chloe shivering, and a new flood of juices began to cover Lex’s hand. He leaned up to look into her eyes, his finger still moving in and out of her. “Chloe, have you . . .” He trailed off, but Chloe understood and shook her head. “Fuck,” he muttered, before returning his mouth to hers. Her mouth opened for him immediately, and Lex added another finger to the one already stroking her as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the movements of his hand.

Chloe’s moans, muffled by Lex’s mouth on hers, grew louder still when his other hand returned to her breast, kneading and toying with her nipple in the same rhythm of his other hand. A third finger slipped inside her then, and after a brief pause to let her adjust, Lex began to pump all three in and out, Chloe’s juices coating his hand almost to the wrist. Her hips were moving again, riding his fingers. His mouth replaced his hand on her breast and his thumb found her clit, rubbing in hard, fast circles. Panting now, Chloe rode his hand faster and harder as her climax built. Then suddenly, Lex crooked his fingers, and as he hit her sweet spot Chloe’s internal muscles clamped around his fingers and she came with a loud, keening moan.

She lay limp on the bed, her muscles drained from the power of her climax. The sound of a drawer opening and shutting, followed by the sound of ripping, had her opening her eyes to see Lex staring down at her, eyes nearly black with desire. Chloe’s breathing grew heavier as she watched him roll the condom onto his cock, and despite her recent satisfaction she felt a fresh wave of lust sweep through her when she felt him position himself at her entrance. He leaned down to capture her mouth in a kiss and began to press forward. Her channel was still soaked from the last time she came and Lex slipped in easily, trying desperately to retain control as he felt her wet heat grip him more tightly than anything he had ever felt. He leaned up again and Chloe opened her eyes to see him looking at her, the question clear in his eyes. She nodded, and he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss before he thrust forward, burying himself completely in her.

The brief pain was quickly eclipsed by an overwhelming feeling of fullness, and Chloe heard Lex groan as she tightened herself around him. She moved her hips experimentally, and she and Lex both gasped at the intense pleasure it produced. He began to move in her, slowly thrusting in and out. Soon Chloe’s hips were moving in counterpoint, speeding up the rhythm and wrapping her legs around his waist. Lex readjusted, and the new angle soon had Chloe moaning constantly as his cock hit her sweet spot with every thrust.

“Oh, God. Oh fuck. Please.” The words spilled unchecked from her mouth as the pressure built inside of her, quickly rising to fever pitch. “Please, Lex. God,” she sobbed, unsure of what it was she was begging for.

(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)

“That’s it,” Lex moaned out. “Chloe, look at me.” Her eyes met his, saw the ferocity there as he drove harder and deeper into her. “Come for me, Chloe.”

Those words were all it took to send Chloe spiraling over the edge. Her vision went hazy at the edges until all she could see was Lex above her, pounding into her as she pulsed uncontrollably around him. Another thrust, and then the feel of him swelling inside of her brought a whole new wave of pleasure crashing over her body. A few more short jerks and Lex collapsed on top of her, his face buried in the crook of her neck as they both panted, struggling for breath.

Chloe’s hands stroked over Lex’s back and she placed a soft kiss to his shoulder. Lex raised his head and sealed her lips with an equally soft kiss, both of them groaning when he slipped from her. He quickly removed and discarded the condom before drawing down the comforter and helping Chloe slip underneath, pulling her against his side. He held her securely there, her head nestled against his chest, and quickly followed her into sleep.

And together, both of them finally found peace.

Save me from the nothing I’ve become

TBC . . .

10th November 2003, 22:42
*fans self* that was hot!!

“Off.” She broke the kiss, moving her lips to his ear. She nipped him sharply before sucking his earlobe into her mouth. “Now.”

I loves me a strong woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it.

happy bunny
10th November 2003, 23:07
Oooohh... I love it! It's so hot. And cute, too.

10th November 2003, 23:09
:drool: :worship2: :drool: :worship2:

10th November 2003, 23:56
:biggrin: :drool: Drool...........GAHHHHHHHH!!!! Wow! that was fantastic, loved every minuet!! but now I will have to invest in an indutral streght mop to get rid of the copias amount of drool! :worship2:

Susie Q
11th November 2003, 01:51
http://www.emotipad.com/newemoticons/Sex.gif Now that was hot ! :drool:

11th November 2003, 02:40
That was :smoker: :smoker: :smoker:

Hope :worship2:

11th November 2003, 04:12
Oh my !!! That was just ....excellent and hot and so many other adjectives for really good things. I would be more descriptive but my vocabulary is broken right now . Wow. Gonna go take a cold shower now.

11th November 2003, 06:14
I must agree, HOT, HOT, HOT!

The perfect images to send me off to sleep with... and I love the Evanescense songs as well. Love the CD and most fit Chlex very nicely!

Wonderfully done, can't wait to read more!


11th November 2003, 20:09
Off to find a cold shower now....damn you (in a good way of course).

Not An Addict
11th November 2003, 21:02
A/N: Just to clear up any confusion about the timeline—this is taking place about a year after the time of the first chapter. Other than that . . . don't say I didn't warn you.

Chapter Two

Now that I know what I’m without
You can't just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

“Well now, you’re all gussied up. Hey, don’t look at me like that,” Liz protested, flopping down onto Chloe’s bed. “I can say ‘gussied up’ if I want to. So where are you off to? Ooh!” she squealed, bouncing on the bed as a possibility occurred to her. “Did you finally agree to go out with that cute guy from your Western Civ class?” Chloe chuckled at her roommate’s enthusiasm and adjusted the halter-top of her dress.

“No, I didn’t.” She grabbed a pair of strappy black shoes from her closet and tugged them on, pausing to pick a piece of lint off of the skirt’s slanted hem. “Lex called today. He’s back in town and wanted to take me out to dinner,” she grinned.

“Ah, so the prodigal boyfriend returns.”

“Liz, for the last time he’s not my boyfriend, and if you call him that one more time I’m going to chop off all your hair in your sleep.” Liz just rolled her eyes at the empty threat.

“Are we at least calling it a date this time?” Seeing that Chloe was about to protest, Liz cut her off with a disbelieving look. “Oh, come on! One,” she started, counting off her points on her fingers, “you’re wearing the sexiest little black dress in your closet.”

“We’re not exactly going to McDonald’s, Liz—I have to look nice.”

“Two,” she continued as if she hadn’t heard Chloe’s objection, “you’re not wearing pantyhose, yet there is nary a panty line in sight, which leads me to the very understandable conclusion that you’re not wearing any underwear.” She smirked when Chloe blushed and picked up a bottle of perfume, spraying a light mist on herself. “And three,” Liz concluded triumphantly, “you just put on that perfume he loves. The last time you wore that around him you came back with a hickey the size of Texas on your neck.”

“I’m just a little excited, ok? We’ve both been really busy, and we haven’t seen each other in over a month. But for the last time, we’re not dating.” Liz sighed.

“Fine, fine.” She shot Chloe a sly glance. “Then you shouldn’t have any problems going out with hot Western Civ guy.”

Chloe was saved from answering by the sound of the doorbell. Catching the mischief in her roommate’s eyes, Chloe scrambled into motion and just barely managed to make it to the door first. She flung it open and was met with the sight of Lex, waiting with a smirk on his face, wearing a finely-tailored suit and looking good enough to eat. Without a second thought her arms flew around him and she found herself pulled close, her feet lifting off of the ground as Lex wrapped her in his embrace. Her feet touched down again and she watched Lex’s eyes sweep appreciatively over her body; when his eyes returned to hers the heat in them belied the casual smirk he gave her.

“Miss me?”

Chloe shrugged and offered a cheeky grin. “Nah. Just didn’t want you to change your mind about feeding me.”

Lex let out a chuckle and nodded towards the hallway. “Well we certainly can’t let your appetite go unappeased. Shall we go?” Chloe turned to Liz, now leaning against the doorframe at the entrance to the hall.

“I’ll see you—”

“When I see you,” Liz finished with a knowing grin before making shooing motions with her hands. “Go. Have fun.”

Chloe flashed a grin of her own and closed the door behind her, letting Lex lead her by the hand to the sleek black limousine parked outside. The driver was waiting to open the door for them and Chloe slipped inside, followed quickly by Lex. As soon as the door was closed, Chloe found herself hauled up against Lex as his mouth plundered hers, and she threw herself into the kiss with all of the pent-up need from this past month without him. They broke apart when air became a necessity, staring into each other’s eyes as they struggled to catch their breath.

“Where to, Mr. Luthor?” The chauffeur’s voice echoed through the car, accentuating the silence that had come before.

“Just drive around for a while, Thomas,” Lex replied, his eyes never leaving Chloe’s. His hand reached out and hit a small button, closing the solid partition between the front and back of the limo. When it was in place, his hand moved to caress Chloe’s thigh through the thin material of her dress. Hot kisses covered her jawline to her ear where he nibbled and sucked until Chloe’s breathing grew ragged. “You’re wearing that perfume again.” His voice was low and husky in her ear before he licked sensually over her jugular, rewarded with Chloe’s gasp of pleasure.

“Yeah, well,” Chloe panted. In one quick move she was straddling him where he sat, her skirt riding up to her thighs as she wiggled slightly, drawing a sharp hiss from the man beneath her. She grinned down at him. “You were gone too long.”

Her lips descended on his and swiftly took him under in a hot, needy kiss. Their tongues wove together, stroking and retreating until Chloe was nearly crazed with want. Lex’s hands moved from stroking over the bare skin at her back to the nape of her neck. The cool, conditioned air had Chloe’s nipples tightening as Lex unhooked the straps at her neck, letting the top of the dress fall down. Her head fell back when Lex’s fingers began to dance over her swollen breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples. She let out a whimper and Lex repeated the action, causing Chloe’s hips to move against his hardened cock, rocking hard against him. The shocking heat of Lex’s mouth closing over one breast had her moaning loudly, long past the point of caring if the driver heard or not.

“Oh, God, that feels so good.” Chloe almost didn’t recognize her own voice, breathless and husky with desire. She felt a hand on her inner thigh, pushing up her skirt as it stroked higher and higher. The area between her thighs was soaked and throbbing, aching for his touch. Fingers brushed against her bare folds, and Lex groaned against her breast when he discovered her lack of underwear. One of Chloe’s hands moved to open his pants, and he moaned in relief when his cock was freed from its confines. As Chloe stroked him he began to reach for his wallet, only to find his hand stilled when she grabbed his wrist. She leaned down to speak in his ear and a bolt of pleasure shot through him at the rasp of her voice.

“I went to see my doctor after you left.” She drew his earlobe into her mouth and sucked gently before she continued. “And she gave me some wonderful little pills to take.” Her mouth moved to his, licking and nibbling at his lips. “I want to feel you, Lex. I want to feel all of you.”

With that she slipped her tongue between Lex’s parted lips, stroking over the roof of his mouth before letting her tongue intertwine with his. She felt Lex’s hands gripping her hips, lifting her up until she was poised over his erection, the tip of it pressing against her. Leaning back, she forced her eyes to remain open as she slid down onto him, watching him close his own eyes, his head pressed back into the seat behind him. Soon he was completely buried in her, and Chloe moved her hands to his shoulders, using them for leverage as she began to ride him. A loud moan escaped her at the exquisite friction of having Lex bare inside of her. His hands were squeezing her hips, helping her move, and his eyes finally opened to meet hers. Their movements became faster, harder, as their breathing grew rougher. Chloe’s orgasm hit her like a truck and her back arched, her loud cry mingling with the sound of her name tumbling from Lex’s lips as he followed her over the edge. He emptied himself into her, and Chloe felt herself tingling as the heat poured through her.

When her limbs regained some of their strength, Chloe lifted her head from where she had collapsed against Lex and slowly, reluctantly, climbed off of him. She drew her dress back up, and Lex closed his pants again and tucked her against his side, brushing a soft kiss to the top of her head before grinning down at her.

“Dinner?” At Chloe’s languorous nod, Lex reached over and activated the intercom. “Thomas, you can head to the restaurant now.” When he received an affirmative answer he returned his attention to Chloe, pulling her closer against him and resting his head on top of hers. They stayed that way for the rest of the short ride to the restaurant, content to simply rest in the afterglow of their passion. The limo finally slowed, and Chloe drew a small mirror from her purse, making sure that the evidence of their activities was unnoticeable. The door opened and Lex climbed out, offering her a hand. Standing next to him a moment later, Chloe brushed her hands over her dress and grinned up at him.

“Come on, Lex. I’m famished.” Lex’s sharp bark of laughter drew startled looks from the valets, but Lex and Chloe both ignored them as they made their way into the restaurant.

An hour later they sat in a small corner booth covered in a crisp white tablecloth, their entrees steadily disappearing along with the full red wine that Lex had ordered. Every so often Chloe’s fork would reach out to steal a bite of Lex’s food, and each time it did he sent her a half-exasperated, half-amused glance.

“You know, Chloe, if you wanted the chicken, all you had to do was order it.” Chloe slipped the bite she had taken into her mouth, closing her eyes and savoring the rich sauce with a tiny hum. When she opened her eyes again she saw that her actions had had the desired effect—Lex was now watching her with darkened eyes, staring at her lips as if entranced. She grinned at his response and picked up her wineglass.

“But I didn’t want the chicken—I wanted the ravioli. I just like stealing your food.” Her eyes sparkled at him over the edge of her glass as she drank, and Lex couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Tell me what you’ve been doing this past month, Chloe.”

“You mean besides pining hopelessly over your absence?” Lex smirked at her response.

“Well of course, besides that.”

“Not too much, actually. At least, not much that’s interesting. My schedule’s still pretty full with all of my classes; but it’s looking like I’ll get to graduate a semester early after all. That and avoiding Liz’s attempts at matchmaking is pretty much my full-time job.” Lex’s eyebrow arched.

“Matchmaking?” Chloe rolled her eyes and set her glass back down.

“She’s convinced that I should go out with this guy in my Western Civilization class.”

“Why’s that?”

She shrugged. “Probably because he keeps asking me out. And I’m sure the fact that he’s really hot has something to do with it.” Lex nodded and picked up his own glass to take a drink of wine. His eyes met hers when he set the glass back down.

“So why aren’t you going out with him?” When Chloe simply blinked at him, unable to provide an answer, Lex smirked. “Come on, Chloe. There must be some reason you keep turning the poor guy down.” Chloe just shook her head.

“I don’t . . . I guess I just . . .” She trailed off, and Lex smirked again.

“Maybe you should give him a shot. You might end up really liking him. But you’ll never really know unless you try.”

“I guess not.” Chloe tried to shake off the strange feeling that was trying to take a hold of her, forcing a smile onto her face. “So tell me what you’ve been up to this past month. Did the business deal go well?”

They stayed at the restaurant for a couple more hours, filling each other in on the month they had been apart. Back in the limo they continued to talk, but Chloe’s mind was only partially on their conversation, unable to completely shake the feeling still creeping over her. The sudden apologetic tone in Lex’s voice had her coming back to herself, tuning in on what he was saying.

“I wish I didn’t have to go, but I have to get those papers finalized. I should have done them as soon as I got back, but I wanted to spend some time with you tonight.”

“Don’t worry about it. I think I’ll be able to hold myself together through the long, cold night without you,” she teased. Lex grinned as the limousine pulled to a stop outside of Chloe’s apartment building. Chloe climbed out and leaned down in the door when Lex tried to follow. “You don’t need to walk me up, Lex; I’ll be fine. You have paperwork to get finished, and we both know you’d end up staying too long if I let you come up.”


“I mean it, Lex!” she grinned at him. “I’m doing this for your own good.” Lex sighed and nodded.

“All right. Call me up when you get a free moment.” He lifted her hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles; she smiled and closed the limo door, turning to walk up to her apartment. With each step she took, the feeling she had been suppressing grew, and this time Chloe recognized it. The hollow feeling in the pit of her stomach began to grow, slowly but surely spreading to encompass her entire being. She slipped the key into the lock and pushed her front door open to enter the apartment, barely noticing Liz sitting on the couch or the startled look she gave her.

“You’re back awfully early.” Liz frowned when Chloe didn’t answer, only walked to her room with an almost trance-like expression. “Chloe?” The door to Chloe’s room shut, and Liz sat, unsure of what to do. After a few minutes Chloe reemerged, her sleek black dress traded for her pajamas. “Chloe?” Liz called again, and this time her friend turned towards her. “Is everything alright?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything’s fine.”

“Uh huh,” Liz said disbelievingly, unconvinced by Chloe’s fake smile. “Did you and Lex have a fight?” Chloe shook her head, walking over to sit at the other end of the couch.

“No, we didn’t have a fight. We had a really nice time.”

“Ok . . . so what’s got you all dazed, then?” Chloe shook her head again, trying to clear it.

“We were talking, and I mentioned that I kept getting asked out by that guy from Western Civ. And he said . . . he said that maybe I should give him a chance. I don’t know why I . . . but I started wondering if he was dating other women, and I . . .” The space that had felt empty before was suddenly filled with a blinding pain, so intense that Chloe grabbed at her chest, almost doubled over on the couch as she pictured Lex with another, faceless woman. Her eyes flew up to stare into space, and Liz felt her heart breaking at the sight of Chloe’s wide, frightened eyes filled with tears. “Oh fuck,” Chloe whispered, shaking her head in denial. The motion had the tears slipping down her face, but she hardly seemed aware of them. “No, no, no.”

“Chloe, what is it?” Liz was becoming genuinely concerned about her friend; she reached out a hand and held on to Chloe’s shoulder. Chloe turned her eyes towards Liz, the hazel orbs now filled with a kind of distraught realization. “Chloe?”

“I love him.” She shook her head once more, but the feeling wouldn’t go away. “It wasn’t supposed to be this way. We were just helping each other; just two friends helping each other. But I . . .” She clutched her stomach as a fresh wave of pain swept through her. “Oh, God, I love him so much. But he doesn’t . . .” The sobs that had been building finally broke free, and she found herself being held as she let them wrack her body, unable to stop them if she tried.

She didn’t know how long she stayed there, curled up on the couch and crying until there were no tears left. Eventually, exhausted, she let Liz lead her to bed, tucking her in and turning out the light. She slept in spurts that night, unable to keep her eyes closed for very long. The darkness of her room seemed to be mocking her, magnifying the empty space she felt inside. Eventually the darkness fled in place of dawn and Chloe rose, unwilling to stay in bed any longer. The apartment seemed surreal in the pale, early light, and she found herself half-wondering if it had all been some kind of dream. She dressed quietly and slipped out, her footsteps on the pavement the only sound in the crisp morning air.

She made her way to Metropolis’ main park, wandering the footpaths as the day grew brighter. The early-morning joggers soon gave way to deserted paths, then to wandering crowds of children visiting the park on a daycare field trip. The business crowd was next, sitting on benches and loitering around hot dog vendors, enjoying the beautiful spring weather for the forty minutes they were allowed for lunch. More young children then, this time with young, energetic mothers pushing their children’s strollers as they gossiped about the latest neighborhood scandal. Finally she settled on a bench beside the small pond where families had gathered, tossing bread to the ducks that floated on the water. As the sun began to set she headed back home, a young woman’s fear of the park at night driving her back to safer ground. Liz ambushed her as soon as she walked in the door, leaping up off of the couch and walking towards her with frightened, angry steps.

“Where the hell have you been?” she demanded, worry clear in her eyes. “I got up this morning and you were gone, and you don’t come back until now? I was scared out of my mind! And I was about five seconds away from calling Lex.” At Chloe’s horrorstruck expression Liz relented slightly. “Don’t worry, I didn’t call him.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry I worried you, and I wouldn’t want him freaking out, too. I went for a walk; I had to think about things.” Liz raised an eyebrow and followed Chloe into her room.

“You’ve been on a walk all this time?”

“I went to the park and wandered around, people-watched.” She began to gather some things into a small bag, and Liz furrowed her brow.

“What are you doing?” Chloe glanced up and walked out of the room, leaving Liz to trail after her again.

“I’m going to see Lex.”

“You’re what? Chloe . . .” Liz let out a sigh. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.”

“To be fair, it’s probably not,” Chloe answered. She paused in the middle of the living room, turning to face her friend. She saw the lines of worry creasing Liz’s face and hated that she had put them there. “Don’t worry, Liz. I’ll be ok.” And with that Chloe left the apartment again, leaving her friend to hope that she was right.

As she drove to Lex’s apartment Chloe continued to question her decision. In any other situation, Lex would be the first person she would go to when she was feeling this way. But this time was different. This time, he was the reason she was feeling so empty. Even so, every fiber of her being was crying out for Lex, sure that he would be able to fix things, to fill the empty space inside of her. And so she found herself exiting the elevator in front of his penthouse, her knuckles rapping on the door before she could have any more second thoughts. Seconds later the door opened and Lex was there in front of her, looking surprised but pleased to see her.

“Chloe. I wasn’t expecting to see you. Come on in.” He stepped aside to let her in, and Chloe dropped her bag on the floor near Lex’s bare feet before she turned again to face him.

“Are you busy, Lex?”

“No,” he grinned. “I would have to describe myself as blissfully free at the moment.” Chloe nodded.

“Good.” She stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him down to claim his mouth. Lex’s arms, in turn, wove around her back to pull her closer, responding wholeheartedly to the frantic heat Chloe was pouring into the kiss. Tongues met and dueled, weaving together and apart until they parted, gasping for breath.

“Bad day?” Lex teased breathlessly, his hands stroking over Chloe’s back. Chloe shook her head at the question.

“Shut up and kiss me.” He smirked at her demand even as his mouth moved closer.

“If you insist . . .”

His lips were back on hers then, moving in all the ways he knew would heat her blood to boiling. With a low moan Chloe grabbed hold of the tie Lex had yet to take off, pulling him back with her towards his bedroom. They stumbled inside and Chloe’s hands immediately began yanking at his tie, unknotting it quickly and throwing it to the floor. Lex’s mouth moved to her ear, then her neck, as if he were trying to devour her an inch at a time. Small hands worked at the buttons of his shirt, popping off several in their haste. Lex shrugged out of the shirt and Chloe’s hands were immediately on his skin, pulling him closer as they skimmed over every inch of him that she could reach.

She toed off her tennis shoes and socks and wrapped one leg around Lex’s in an effort to get closer. His mouth left her neck and her shirt was pulled over her head, following Lex’s clothes to the floor. Then heat on her breasts, Lex’s hot breath before his mouth closed over her through her bra. One hand moved to unclasp the lace and satin barrier; letting it slip to the floor, he soon replaced it with the hot velvet of his tongue. Her hands held his head in place as he lifted her and laid her on the bed, long fingers working at the button and zipper of her jeans. He rained kisses over her stomach, drawing down the denim along with her panties until she was bare under his gaze. She reached a hand out to him, need radiating from her eyes.

“Fuck me, Lex.”

His own pants were soon gone, and Chloe’s longing look was answered with his body returning to hers. Smooth legs wrapped around his waist and before he had a chance to realize it, he was inside of her. They moved together, strong, sure movements so perfectly balanced that it was difficult to tell where he ended and she began. Chloe arched towards him, sharp teeth biting into her lip to prevent her cries. Lex felt her pulsing around him and followed her, pouring into her as he came.

Chloe felt Lex collapse on top of her and roll to the side, careful not to crush her. He pulled her back against him, his body spooning hers as his hand gently stroked her arm. The more care he showed her the more hollow she felt inside, knowing that it was only a reflection of friendship, that he wanted to make his friend feel better as he had so many times before. But she had had to bite her lip to keep from crying out how much she loved him.

His face nuzzled against the back of her neck, and Chloe waited until she felt his body relax into sleep before she let herself go, knowing that her tears would dry from the pillow by morning.


“Are you sure about this?” Liz’s face was a study in concern as she watched Chloe shrug on a jacket, car keys in hand.

“I have to. After last night . . .” Chloe took a deep breath, willing herself to be strong. “I know now. I have to do this.”

“Well, good luck.” Liz crossed the room and wrapped her friend in a tight hug. “You’ll be fine,” she whispered in her ear, and Chloe squeezed her eyes closed against the tears that wanted to form. She pulled back and gave a small wave before she opened the door and walked out, chin set in determination.

The drive to the coffee shop was a short one, and Chloe arrived with fifteen minutes to spare before she was due to meet Lex. It was all a part of her plan—show up early and have time to collect herself before Lex arrived. Standing at the counter about to pay for the largest coffee her imagination could handle, the last thing Chloe expected was the elegant hand that reached around her, handing several bills to the cashier before she got the chance to. Her eyes flew up to see Lex smirking down at her.

“You always show up early, Chloe,” he explained once he had ordered his coffee. “I didn’t have anything pressing keeping me at the office, so I thought I’d join you.”

Chloe gave what she hoped was a not-too-nervous smile and made her way to a small booth, isolated from the rest of the customers. Lex slid into the seat across from her, watched as she sipped at her coffee and avoided eye contact. They usually called each other when they had some kind of problem; but this seemed different somehow, and Lex was beginning to worry.

“Chloe, whatever it is, you know you can tell me, right? You’ve helped me so many times; let me help you now.” She finally let her eyes meet his and saw the genuine concern there. She let herself get lost for a moment in his eyes, basking in the warmth she saw there.

“You’re my best friend, Lex. Have I ever told you that?” Lex looked startled at her soft words, but a smile soon overtook his face.

“Lucky me.” He grinned. “You don’t think Clark will be too upset that his place has been usurped, do you?” Chloe shook her head, unable to help a small grin.

“Clark hasn’t really been my best friend for a while.”

“No.” Lex’s eyes held hers in place as he spoke. “But he’s been mine.”

Another stab of pain shot through her at the truth behind his words. She was his friend . . . and that was all. With a deep breath she strengthened her resolve again. There was no way she could let herself back down now, no way the could let herself give in and soak in the balm of his eyes on hers.

“And that’s why . . .” Chloe swallowed, fighting back the tears that threatened to surface at what she was about to say.

“I can’t do this anymore.”

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside

“Can’t do . . . what do you mean?” Lex was staring at her, realization dawning over his face, though he tried to fight it off. “Can’t do what anymore?”

“Be with you as anything other than just friends. I know that’s how it started out—a way for two friends to find some comfort when they needed it. And we made it work for almost a year. But now . . .” She trailed off, shaking her head. “Everything’s different now. It wouldn’t be fair to you, Lex. And I care about you too much to do that to you.” She began to rise when Lex’s voice stopped her.

(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark

“Chloe.” She chanced a glance back at him, her heart tearing at the confusion written so clearly on his face.

“Lex, please—” Her voice cut off when she felt Lex’s hand close over hers.

(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)

Her blood still raced at his touch, no matter how much she tried to quell her reaction. She could feel the tears gathering in her throat, and she knew it wouldn’t be much longer before she lost all control.

“Lex, I have to go. Do you really want to risk a public scene that’ll end up in all the papers by the evening edition?”

When Lex only sat there, shocked, Chloe gently extricated her hand from his and stood. She walked from the building to her car, never looking back, and hoping that the pain inside wouldn’t last too long.

Save me from the nothing I’ve become

TBC . . .

11th November 2003, 21:41
*sigh* can I just say they are both idiots?

Lex was probably thinking that he shouldn't be overly jealous and rip the guy's heart out so he said to go ahead, hoping she wouldn't. Idioit men. Chloe's reaction is very typicall and I would be really hurt too. They are committed to each other but not. Am I making sense? *shakes head* I'm anxiously awaiting another update to see how you fix this mess that they've gotten themselves into.

11th November 2003, 21:46
GAH! Okay....deep breaths....I can handle this. Really I can. No - no I can't. More soon please.

11th November 2003, 22:48
LEX! What are you doing sitting there? Go after her!!!!!!!!
Agh! Ok, you HAVE TO update soon! Please? Please? Please???

12th November 2003, 00:55
keep it coming please

12th November 2003, 01:32
:huh: what!!!! :crygreen: nooooooooo! great chappy! get going wtith the happy soon though kay!

12th November 2003, 03:33
:huh: That ain't funny. That's just not right....
Wonderful update....i'm truly digging this fic...

please....you know the drill...


12th November 2003, 04:35
NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Lex and Chloe !!!!!!!! :crygreen:

Hope :crygreen:

12th November 2003, 04:56
:crygreen: :crygreen: :crygreen: so sad.....please let them sort this out....*sniffle* *sniffle*

12th November 2003, 09:06
This is just too, too sad!! Please let Lex and Chloe realize that they love each other and that their relationship is worth the risk!! Please, this story is so good that there has to be a happily ever after!! Please! (As you can tell, I'm a total Chlex fluff fan, and I'm not above begging! :biggrin: ) Update soon, ok! :biggrin: :chlexsign4:

12th November 2003, 11:38
Sigh. Why are people in love so retarded ? Why are men in general so retarded ? Why isnt Lex chasing after Chloe declaring his love and offering to make babies with her ?

Not An Addict
12th November 2003, 22:20
Chapter Three

Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling
Only you are the life among the dead

“Come on, Chloe, come out with us.” Liz plopped herself down on the couch next to her roommate, a hopeful expression on her face. “Please? You have to get out of the house, and it’ll be fun.”

“Liz, I’ve told you, I really don’t feel like going anywhere.” Sighing heavily at Chloe refusal, Liz switched tactics.

“It’s been two weeks since you broke things off with Lex, and for all your insistence that it wasn’t a real relationship, you’ve been acting awfully morose about it. You’re not going out, you’re barely making it to your classes. I’m starting to get worried about you.” Sure enough, Chloe’s face softened at Liz’s concern.

“I know, and I’m sorry.” Liz let her hope rise, only to have it fall again at Chloe’s next words. “But I’m still not going out.” Liz heaved another, melodramatic sigh.

“Fine, fine.” She stood and walked to the door. “You’re going to have to leave the house eventually, you know.” Chloe nodded.

“I know.” She watched her friend leave and remained curled up on the couch, lost in her own thoughts.

Two weeks ago she had walked out of that coffee shop, convinced that she had made the right decision. She had ended things with Lex, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to take the pain of sleeping with him and pretending to simply be his friend. As painful as it was to let him go, she had felt that it was the only thing that she could do. But every day since then her doubts had grown stronger and stronger, and the emptiness inside was as black and cold as ever. Like a junkie going through withdrawal, Chloe knew that Lex was the only thing that could make the feeling go away, if only for a short time. And so for two weeks she had wrestled with the decision, though she knew what the final result would be.

She glanced at her watch—five-thirty. She had no doubt that Lex would still be at the office; safer to approach him there, where she had a slightly better chance of retaining control. Jotting a quick note to tell Liz where she had gone, Chloe grabbed her purse and headed out the door to see Lex. He at least deserved to know why she had done what she did. And maybe, just maybe, she could convince him to forgive her. To go back to the way things were before. Because in the midst of all her doubts, there was one thing she was sure of—no matter how much it hurt to be with him, it was still better than trying to live without him.


“Mr. Luthor, Miss Sullivan is here to see you.” Lex’s secretary smiled uneasily and Chloe shifted uncomfortably, the silence from Lex’s end of the intercom deafening in the still air. Finally there was a click, and both women glanced up to see Lex opening his office door.

“Thank you, Hannah. I think we’re done here for the day, if you want to go ahead and go home.” He turned his attention to Chloe then, offering her a small smile. “Chloe. Come on in.”

Chloe followed Lex back into his office, seating herself in one of the chairs in front of Lex’s desk as he stood, shuffling through papers and choosing some to slip into his briefcase. She grew increasingly uneasy at Lex’s silence, and when he moved to the small wet bar to pour himself a drink her stomach began to tie itself in knots, part of her mind screaming that it had been a mistake to come here.

“Would you like anything?” Almost jumping at the sound of his voice, Chloe shook her head when Lex glanced at her over his shoulder. Lex nodded and moved to the large glass windows at one side of the office, gazing out as the sun set over the Metropolis skyline. “So what can I do for you, Chloe?”

“I thought that we should talk. About what I said.” Lex took a drink and nodded, glancing in her general direction before turning back to the windows.

“Go ahead.” Chloe took a deep breath at his casual tone, reminding herself that she really couldn’t expect any better.

“I just . . .” She had thought this would be difficult to do while facing Lex, having him look into her eyes as she spoke. Now that she was here, however, she realized that it was ten times worse to have to pour her heart out to Lex’s cold, impassive back. “Everything changed, Lex. And I couldn’t keep sleeping with you when there was no real emotion involved.” Lex nodded again.


Chloe closed her eyes, doing her best to marshal her strength. It was time now, time to tell him how she felt. Though she doubted he would be pleased with her declaration, she simply couldn’t move on until Lex knew the whole truth. Before she could speak again, however, Lex’s sharp voice cut through the air.

“No.” He finally turned towards her and Chloe saw that, far from being impassive, his eyes were blazing with a million different emotions. “No, it’s not fucking understandable.”

Chloe’s mouth opened to speak, but no words came out. In the silence of her response Lex took the opportunity to come closer to her; he set his half-empty drink on the desk and stared down at her, anger and hurt clear in his eyes.

(All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me)

“I wasn’t lying when I said I was empty without you, Chloe. Before I met you I tried everything I could to fill the blank spot inside of me, and by the time we finally met, I thought that I was doomed to be that way forever. Everything was dark and cold and barren. But then there you were.

“At first I ignored the way I felt around you, how I felt whole every time we spoke. You were right there the whole time, but I refused to see it because I was sure that you would push me away. The first night that you came to the manor was the happiest night of my life. And every night after that that we were together, it got harder and harder to pretend that I was just your friend. Since you finally broke things off I suppose I didn’t do as good of a job at pretending as I thought. So end things if you want. But don’t you dare say that there was no real emotion involved when all I’ve wanted to do for the last year was tell you how much I love you.”

I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything

Chloe simply sat there, wide-eyed, unable to say a word. She watched Lex kneel in front of her, the anger in his eyes gone in place of pleading. Her mind kept repeating his last three words, over and over in an endless loop. How was it possible that he had loved her all this time without her seeing it? How much time had been wasted because both of them had been too scared to see the truth in front of them? She was broken from her thoughts by the sound of Lex’s voice at her feet; her eyes met his and saw the need he made no effort to conceal.

(Without a thought without a voice without a soul
Don’t let me die here
There must be something more)
Bring me to life

“You’re everything to me, Chloe. I’ve wanted so much more with you than just sex; but as long as that was all you were willing to offer, I could content myself with that. And when you asked me to let you go, I thought that I could. I convinced myself that I would back off because you couldn’t love me back.” His jaw clenched briefly, trying to suppress his growing tide of emotion. “But it turns out I’m more selfish than I thought. Please, Chloe, there must be a chance. Just a chance that you could love me back someday.”

The tears in Chloe’s eyes finally spilled over, running unchecked down her cheeks. She drew in a shaky breath, afraid to ask because she feared the answer.

“You love me?”

Lex heard the disbelief in Chloe’s whispered voice and tried to ignore his disappointment. She might not love him back, but now that he had told her how he felt he’d be damned if he’d back down. He nodded.

“I love you.”

Her hand reached up to his face and she cupped his cheek in her palm. He leaned into her touch and her eyes traced his features, determined to memorize every detail of this moment. She smiled at his look of confusion and stroked her fingers over his skin.

“I never thought I’d get to hear you say it.”

For the first time since he led her into the office, Lex let himself truly look into Chloe’s eyes. What he saw there floored him for a moment; his mouth gaped and his eyes remained locked with hers, as though he was afraid that what he saw would disappear if he looked away. Chloe offered him a small, trembling smile, and suddenly Lex’s hands were cupping her face, bringing her lips crashing into his.

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside

Chloe’s hand moved from his cheek to the back of his neck, pulling him as close as she could. Lex held her face in place as his tongue swept through her mouth, exploring her thoroughly, marking her as his. Her eager response spurring him on, he let his hands travel down to her hips; a quick tug had her sliding off of the chair and into his lap, her legs settled on either side of him. Chloe moaned into his mouth and her arms wrapped around his neck when she felt his hands on her back, pushing her chest into his. She didn’t even realize how much she needed air until Lex released her mouth and she was suddenly gasping, her lungs straining for breath. Lex rested his forehead against hers, letting their breath mingle in the few inches between them.

(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark

“Chloe.” Her only response was her arms tightening around his neck. “Tell me.”

“I love you, Lex.”

He kissed her again, this time scorching her with his intensity. His arms crushed her against him, hands reaching beneath her shirt to feed on her flesh. Her moan echoed with disappointment when he removed his mouth from hers, only to have it change to keening pleasure when his lips found her ear.

“Again.” His breath was hot in her ear and his low, desperate voice had her bucking against him.

“I love you.”

One of her hands slipped up to press against the back of his head, holding him in place as he began to nibble and suck at her neck. She felt his hands beneath her hips, and in a flash he was standing with Chloe still wrapped around him. One hand left her and she heard the clatter of objects being swept from the desk before Lex laid her down on the smooth glass surface. While his lips continued to do mind-numbing things to her neck he reached down to fill his hands with her breasts, kneading them gently through the thin material of her shirt, then harder as she arched into his touch.

Broken whimpers spilled from her throat as she fought with Lex's shirt; his tongue began to trace a swirling pattern over her neck and Chloe, taking the risk that he’d have other shirts stored in his office, simply ripped his shirt open, sending buttons flying through the air. Lex let out a chuckle that soon changed to a groan when Chloe’s hands found his bare skin, raking her nails across his chest and abdomen and making the muscles twitch in anticipation. Impatient now, Lex quickly discarded their shirts and with one quick flick unhooked the front clasp of Chloe’s bra, drawing a sharp gasp from her.

“I love it when you do that,” she grinned as she shrugged the material off, her final words dying out on a breathless moan when Lex’s mouth found her breasts. Her skirt was quickly removed, along with her underwear; the clatter of her sandals hitting the floor was lost in the rushing in her ears when Lex moved lower. Seconds later his head dipped between her open thighs, and Chloe arched off of the desk when she felt his tongue lapping at her, running over her folds from top to bottom in long, lazy strokes. When the tip of his tongue began to circle her clit, she found herself calling out his name. It soon became a chant echoing in the still air of the office as Lex started pushing his tongue in and out of her, pausing every now and then to lick and suck at her clit. Her juices coated Lex’s lips; when his mouth returned to hers Chloe tasted herself on him, and Lex let out a loud groan as she sucked the moisture from his tongue.

The rest of Lex’s clothes were quickly removed and he positioned himself at her entrance. His eyes locked on Chloe’s, and he brushed the hair from her forehead before he began to press forward, sliding into her inch by agonizing inch. They both let out a groan when he was fully inside her; Lex leaned down to brush a soft kiss over her mouth, withdrawing before she had a chance to respond.

(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)

“I love you, Chloe.”

With those words he began to move, slowly at first and then with increasing speed. Chloe’s nails raked down his back and dug into his shoulders, driving him higher. He moved his hands down her thighs and lifted them towards her chest, groaning as he slipped deeper still. He was pounding into her almost ferociously now, spurred on by Chloe’s loud, constant moaning beneath him. Pleasure built more quickly than ever before; he could feel himself edging closer to climax, and he wanted Chloe there with him. One hand slipped down to where they were joined and roughly pinched her clit. That was all it took to send Chloe over the edge, and right before he joined her Lex found himself hoping that she hadn’t alerted Security with her scream.

They collapsed there on his desk, panting for breath and letting the air conditioning soothe their fevered bodies. When his energy had slightly returned Lex lifted his face from where he had buried it in Chloe’s neck, gently nuzzling the skin over her racing heart.


Rather than the slap he had been half-expecting, Chloe’s soft chuckle had him lifting his head once more to gaze down at her. Her lips curled up in a seductive smile and she shifted, drawing a harsh groan from the back of his throat as she moved against him.

“Take me back to your place and I’ll show you what else is yours,” she purred, her voice slightly raspy from the strain of screaming. Lex felt himself grow hard again, and if Chloe’s suddenly widening eyes were any indication, she felt it as well.

“My place sounds like a plan. There’s a certain fantasy I’d like to try out involving the balcony and some pillows. But first . . .” He thrust into her, and Chloe’s moans filled the office once more.

All things told, it was several hours before they made it anywhere.

Save me from the nothing I’ve become


“You do realize he’s going to know something’s up as soon as he sees me in this dress.”

Lex chuckled as Chloe tugged at the soft material of her pale blue summer dress. He leaned down, pressing a seductive kiss to the pulse fluttering in her neck and smirking against her skin.

“If you’re that worried about it we could always take it off,” he whispered suggestively, fingers toying with the thin straps at her shoulders. Chloe’s elbow jabbed back into his stomach and he chuckled again when she turned in his arms.

“It’s not funny, Lex. My dad’s going to know something’s up, and that’s only if Clark doesn’t kill us first. How long are we going to tell him we’ve been together, anyway? A week? Are we going to tell him about the year before that? And how exactly do you propose telling my dad that we’ve been sleeping together all this time without being in an official relationship? Not to mention—mmph! Mpfh . . . mmm.” Her protests were cut off by Lex’s lips quickly sealing over hers, sweeping her up in his kiss until her mind was effectively cleared of anything else. He drew back and pressed another soft, fleeting kiss to her lips before gazing down into her slightly glazed eyes.

“We’ve been together for a year. What we did during that year is nobody’s business but ours. And no matter what Clark or your father say, it’s not going to change the fact that we love each other and we’re together now.” Chloe pressed her hands to his chest and fixed him with an anxious look.

“You promise?”

“I promise.” He brushed his lips over her forehead and felt her relax against him. With a wicked grin he let his fingers move from her waist, dancing over the flimsy material at her back. “Now about this dress problem . . .”

Lex laughed as Chloe stepped back, swatting at his hands, and she couldn’t help but answer with a grin. When she started to lift her wrist to check her watch yet again, Lex grabbed her hand and tugged her forwards. A sigh escaped Chloe’s lips, and she glanced at the grill across the street from the park where they were waiting.

“We’re supposed to be meeting my dad in fifteen minutes. If Clark doesn’t show up soon—”

“Clark.” Chloe turned to where Lex was looking and saw Clark striding up, grinning widely at Lex’s greeting.

“Hey guys. Sorry I’m late.” Clark shoved his large hands into the pockets of his jeans and shot them his patented Clark Kent sheepish look from behind his brand new glasses. “So, what did you two want to talk to me about?”

“Well, Clark . . . um . . .” Chloe turned her apprehensive gaze to Lex and he squeezed her hand, offering her silent support. Clark, for his part, was noticing for the first time how closely his two friends were standing together, their hands clasped in a disturbingly familiar way. He glanced from their intertwined hands back to their faces, his brow furrowing slightly.

“Guys?” Chloe winced at the wariness she heard in Clark’s voice. She took a deep breath and gathered her courage; her chin raised and she stared at Clark, determination etching her features.

“Lex and I wanted to tell you that . . . we’re dating.”

“You . . . you two . . . what?” At any other time Chloe would have been amused by the look of complete and total shock that was currently gracing Clark’s face. As it was, however, she found herself gripping Lex’s hand more tightly, relieved when he spoke up, saving her from having to explain.

“Chloe and I have been seeing each other for about a year now.” Clark blinked for a moment, and shock slowly gave way to confusion.

“But . . . I thought you two were just friends.”

“We were, at first. But then . . .” Chloe gazed at him, pleading for understanding. “I love him, Clark. We’re on our way to tell my dad, but you’re one of our best friends, and you’re the reason we met in the first place. We wanted you to know first.”

Clark’s eyes managed to lock on Chloe’s through his daze, looking deeper, past the anxiety about his reaction, past the nervousness she felt at the thought of telling her father. His face softened when he saw the love embedded there, and the sweeping happiness that Lex had given her. In seconds his arms were wrapped around her, lifting her off of the ground as she clung to his neck.

“It fits,” he whispered in her ear. Chloe’s arms tightened around his neck and he felt her tears brush against his skin. He set her down and faced Lex, whose smirk didn’t quite cover the look of relief on his face.

“I’ll have to ask you to stop making my girlfriend cry, Kent.” When he held out his hand, Clark rolled his eyes and pulled him into a hug, as well. Chloe snorted when they did the quick, manly pat on the back thing, but couldn’t help grinning as she wiped away her tears. Her boys stepped apart and Lex wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her close to him, and Clark nudged his shoulder.

“Now go, you two. Don’t want to be late.”

“Thank you, Clark.” Chloe’s eyes sparkled at him and Clark watched, grinning, as his two friends walked away, Lex’s arm still holding Chloe close. He shook his head and headed off himself. It looked like he owed Lana ten bucks.

Inside the restaurant Lex and Chloe found Gabe already waiting for them, munching on complimentary breadsticks. He half-stood when they approached the table and leaned over to give Chloe a quick kiss on the cheek. When they were all settled he let loose a grin that rivaled his daughter’s as he took in Chloe’s appearance.

“Wow, you must have big news to warrant you actually wearing a dress, sweetie.” Lex did his best not to laugh at the look Chloe shot him, choosing instead to glance over his menu. A waitress came to take their orders and the three of them made small talk as they sipped at their drinks, for all intents and purposes starting out like one of the usual dinners the three of them engaged in from time to time. When the waitress had walked away again after serving them their entrees, Chloe took a deep breath and prepared to break their news to her father. Clark’s favorable reaction had given her a great deal more confidence, but her hand still sought out Lex’s under the cover of the table.

“Actually, Dad, about what you said earlier. I do have some pretty big news.” She took another deep breath and felt Lex squeeze her hand beneath the table. “Lex and I are together.” Gabe looked up from the bite of lamb he had just taken, an expectant look on his face.

“All right . . . and?” Chloe’s mouth opened and closed twice before she found herself able to reply.

“No, Dad . . . we’re together. As in we’re dating. Lex and I are dating.” Gabe nodded, an amused look on his face as he glanced at the nervous young couple across from him.

“I know.” Lex blinked once, his only sign of the shock that was gripping him. Chloe, on the other hand, was openly gaping at him, and Gabe had to restrain the urge to reach over and close her jaw. Instead he sighed and took a sip of wine. “What am I, stupid? I know I’m not around much, sweetie, but a blind man could see that the two of you are in love.” Chloe covered her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle her laugh, and glanced over at Lex.

“I guess Clark really does need those glasses after all.” She turned back to her father, hope and fear warring in her eyes. “So . . . you’re ok with this?” Gabe smiled.

“Hey, who am I to stand in the way of perfection?”

He watched his daughter’s eyes fill with joyful tears, and his hand reached out to squeeze hers where it now sat on the table. She grinned at him, and he nodded his head towards their plates as he grinned back. “You two just going to let that food get cold?”

Gabe sat back and watched as his daughter and her boyfriend released the hands they thought he didn’t know they were holding and dug into their meals. He sipped his wine and couldn’t help but smile at the thought that now, at last, they had a real family again.


“I can’t believe that went so well.” Lex smirked and pulled Chloe into him, her hands coming up to rest against his chest as his arms locked around her waist.

“You’ve been saying that since we left the restaurant.”

“Yeah, well, that’s probably because I really can’t believe that went so well.” She grinned at Lex’s laugh, and Lex leaned down to taste her smile. An appreciative hum started in Chloe’s blood and echoed in her throat when Lex slipped his tongue out to dart along her lips. When he started backing through the apartment she followed without resistance, unwilling to remove her mouth from where it was fused to his. She barely noticed when he led them to the balcony instead of the bedroom, but when Lex finally released her mouth, she found herself gaping at the sight before her.

“Lex . . .” He let her go and she took a few, dazed steps onto the balcony. The flickering light from dozens of candles danced over her, making her seem to glow from within. She turned back to him and saw him holding up a bottle of champagne, a cocky smile on his face.

“I thought we should celebrate.” Chloe raised a single eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, but the look was ruined by the grin she couldn’t seem to keep off of her face.

“You’re telling me you had no doubts about my father’s reaction?” Lex smirked and popped open the bottle.

“Not really. I called from the restaurant and had this set up.”

He turned to pour the champagne and Chloe walked to the high stone railing, gazing out over the glittering Metropolis skyline, so at odds with the soft, warm glow of the balcony around her. She turned when Lex’s arm reached around her, champagne glass in hand. Without a word he lifted his glass to his lips, prompting her to do the same. Keeping their eyes locked the entire time, Lex slowly took their glasses and set them on the railing beside them and leaned down, letting his lips brush softly against hers. Chloe gave a soft moan and parted her lips in invitation; Lex slipped his tongue into her mouth, and Chloe pulled back, shocked, when she felt a piece of hard metal slide from his tongue to rest on hers. Her wide eyes stayed fixed on Lex as she reached up and slowly drew the object from her mouth. When she finally released his gaze, her eyes flickered down to rest on the ring she now held in her hand. A wave of dizziness came over her as she forgot to breathe, overwhelmed when Lex took the ring and knelt before her.

“I know this probably seems incredibly sudden. You’ve only had about a week to get used to the fact that I love you—it’s been a year since I’ve known, and I don’t think I’ll ever quite get used to it. But I know I want to spend the rest of my life working on it. So I’m asking you, Chloe Elizabeth Sullivan . . . will you marry me?” He struggled to keep the disappointment from his face when she merely stood there, shocked. “Chloe, if this seems too sudden, if you’re not ready, then—”

“Yes!!” Chloe’s cry cut him off, and Lex finally noticed the tears in her eyes, joined by a nearly blinding smile. She nodded vigorously, the tears shaking loose and her smile never fading. “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you.” Her hand reached out and she wiggled her fingers impatiently. “Now give me my ring back.”

Lex’s face threatened to split in two with his smile; he stilled Chloe’s waving hand and watched, fascinated, as he slipped the simple diamond ring onto her finger. He looked up to see Chloe’s beaming face, and within seconds he had her in his arms, his mouth attacking hers and her body plastered against his. They stumbled from the balcony to the bedroom and collapsed on the bed in a tangle of clothing and frantic limbs. As breathless laughter turned to moans they lost themselves in each other, their world shrunk down to that one night, held in each other’s arms and finding paradise.

Bring me to life
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside)
Bring me to life

The images on the black and white TV were grainy but decipherable, silent but for the faint crackle of static. He watched the blonde woman arch her back from the bed, Lex’s mouth latching onto her breast. Though the tangle of sheets covered them in places, it was clear by the motion of their lower bodies that Lex was pounding into her now, drawing soundless moans from her mouth as the man watched him fuck her on the cheap surveillance screen. His fingers steepled when he caught the bright flash on the woman’s left hand as she clawed at Lex’s back, and a cold, malicious smirk curled up his lips. This could be a very interesting development, indeed.


12th November 2003, 22:44
Again - kudos for making Clark likeable. It's something very few authors can do. Lionel - BASTARD! Needs to be shot. *thinks* Pretty sure that's it. :)

12th November 2003, 22:55
:biggrin: wonderful chapter, but the ending, oh damn, that was marterful, and so ominous!!!!

12th November 2003, 23:28
uh-oh. i'm not sure about that ending...so when will you have part 3 up? ;)
Let me guess, Lionel's the one watching them (which by the way could i just add, eewwww, dirty old man that he is)
:biggrin: Loved this!!!!! Can't wait for part 3

Susie Q
13th November 2003, 10:26
His fingers steepled when he caught the bright flash on the woman’s left hand as she clawed at Lex’s back, and a cold, malicious smirk curled up his lips. This could be a very interesting development, indeed.

Oh boy, and the other shoe drops! Wonder what the old perverted MB has up his sleeve now http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/smilie_confused1.gif

13th November 2003, 11:36
Of course Lionel would have to try and screw it all up . Ha !!! Thier love is true and strong . Lionel will fail . Lionel must die. Lex is best. *ahem* Sorry . I watched a kung fu movie marathon and I am still recovering. Seriously though this story has me hooked and I cant wait to see what happens next !

14th November 2003, 09:24
Wow! And I must repeat again, Wow!! Thank you so much for letting Chloe and Lex share their love for each other! I love this story!! :wub: I can't wait for part 3!! Who is that creepy pervert who's watching them? Is it Lionel or one of Lex's enemies? Please don't let him break them up!! I just love the way they are now!! :biggrin: I'm a big happily ever after fan!! Thank you so much for writing these stories!! You rock!! :biggrin: :chlexsign4:

14th November 2003, 15:43
it really does sound omnious at the end...at dear...just when they get together, now someone have to spoil it...

14th November 2003, 18:24

14th November 2003, 20:37
Oh wow :ohmy: that was so romantic. But lionel :die:

Hope :chlexsign2:

happy bunny
15th November 2003, 03:11
I know I've said this a million times, but I love Gabe, he's such a sweetie. :wub:

And I loved Lex's proposal, it was so perfect and so Lex. But *arches brow* what happened to the whole balcony & pillow fantasy? *g*

And Lionel... Can I just say eww? What a dirty old man. Can't wait for the next part of this!

15th November 2003, 07:56
I don't know how I managed to make it through all those chapters in one sweep.

I cried, and cried and cried, and then just as I'd stop crying, I'd ende up right back on the verge of crying and then he confessed his love for her. Which had me crying but with good tears.

i swear, it must be that time of the mo...yes, well i'm sure we all get the picture.

so emotional

it's incredible.


now is the MB playing I spy with my little eye a naked ass peeking out from under the sheets?

i bet it is....bad lionel, send him my way for a spankin.

15th November 2003, 21:48
OH MY that's a wonderfull fic whe have here
and the smut is very good
more please

Lady Candy
31st March 2004, 21:43
This could be a very interesting development, indeed.
Yes, it could be. And I want to read this interesting development.

9th April 2004, 18:23
I love it! And the proposal was just slurpily romantic :wub:

1st March 2005, 18:19
:wub: mooooore please! :wub:

7th March 2005, 03:16
It was so wonderful, sweet, romantic and hot until the end. It turned a little creepy with thr peeping tom. Ewwww!

It was nicely written and very enterteining. Great job!!!

Shy Butterfly
8th March 2005, 14:25
That was really hot. I hope the next part comes soon!

17th March 2005, 23:10
I like this story it is interesting.

4th August 2005, 03:25
wow. i really loved this.

6th November 2005, 21:18
And here we have the sexual tension along with a heat wave. What more could a girl ask for? Oh yeah. Lex to empathize with. And look at this, you’ve provided everything here.

The fact that Lex was a little bit slow on the uptake with the air-conditioner being broken made me laugh. Especially the fact that it took a half naked sweaty girl running a glass of iced tea over her. It seems to me that he was slightly distracted.

I loved the build up between the two characters and of course the explosive ending.

And I don’t think I mentioned it before but your song choices are really appropriate.

Overall I really liked this one and thank you so much for writing it.


27th January 2015, 10:28
Wow. Just wow. I love how this came together. Sexy and angsty and gripping. Great story!

Ami Rose
4th February 2021, 10:23
Great fic