View Full Version : Not technically a "newbie"

8th December 2011, 22:20
Popping in to say hello again. I have been seriously inactive for a very very long time. Part is laziness all on me and part is when I got my computer back from my brother(after he "fixed it") and had it for what seemed liked an eternity I had lost my favorites list and for the life of me could not remember half of the places I use to go. I still don't remember some of them. Then life seemed to steam roll itself all over mine and my families lives. But now things are slowly getting back to what I hope might be normal again and I can try to come back here more often. I always liked it here. Loved all the fan fiction found some of my favorite chlex stuff here. Really do miss Smallville and Allison Mack she is one of my favorite actress' out there. So 'hi' to everyone again. Debbie