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View Full Version : [Completed] Stolen - PG-13 - Completed One Shot - 7/20/2010

20th July 2011, 21:32
Title: Stolen
Author: CLL (ChloeLovesLex)
Rating: Pg-13 (just cause I mention sex)
Disclaimer: I own nothing Smallville related. I just own my wandering mind.
Synopsis: Things don't always turn out the way you want them to. Where does that leave you?
Spoilers: None, this is just AU

AN: Sometimes I just write a long drabble to get me going to larger projects I'm working on. Usually they are Chlex oriented. I hate that they just sit on my computer when the Chlex writing is dwindling out in cyber-land. So, here's the latest.


Somewhere in her mind she knew it'd all been a mistake. That he couldn't continue to give her his all. Wouldn't continue to dote upon her forever, but she wanted to believe. He'd made it believable and been the man that no one had ever seen, but her.

They'd had three years of marriage without issue. Enjoying each other. Loving each other. Finding happiness together before it was taken from them.

It almost seemed long ago. It certainly felt that way. She longed for him. Longed for the two of them to be what they once were.

She wanted to feel his hand on hers. She loved the way his strong, yet elegant fingers curled around hers possessively. Lovingly. That a man that powerful could be so gentle and knew the strength in a subtlety like that.

She missed their conversations. Their judo. Their connection.

And she missed his body. How he knew how to please her with it. Knew how to love her so completely with it.

But it was gone now. All of it. Stolen away.

Fatherhood. She knew he wanted it more than anything. They'd talked about it a lot. Threw caution to the wind from the moment they said "I do". Deciding to let fate play its hand. And it did, only not how either of them had expected.

There were a few times that they thought it had come to pass. Those moments were fleeting and few, but she saw very quickly how he reacted. It ignited a spark inside him. An excitement. He tried to hide his disappointment when it turned out to be nothing more than a few days late, but she'd seen it.

So he became obsessed with it. Kept track of it. Tried to make it happen, but it didn't, and it frustrated him beyond anything she'd seen. He couldn't control it and he didn't like it.

He asked her to quit work because it could be the stress. She didn't really want to, but figured she likely would when the baby was born anyway, at least for a little while; so she did.

Months went by and sex became a chore that was put on a schedule. It changed things dramatically for them. Gone was the passion and the closeness that they had shared. Replaced by an act without much feeling; just a means to get the desired result.

Then he made an appointment. He was gentle in his request for her to go with him, but she knew the brooding she'd face if she didn't. Besides she was a little curious too.

Lex didn't like the first answer they got, so he found another expert. Then another. And another, before he resigned to the fact that it wasn't going to happen. That he wasn't going to be a father to his own flesh and blood. That he couldn't...because Chloe couldn't. There were no treatments, no drugs that would help.

She remembers the look on his face each time they were told.

The first time it was determination to prove the doctor wrong. To strip him of his title of expert, because clearly the man didn't know what he was talking about.

The next time it was part disappointment and part optimism that the possibility still may exist, that maybe he just hadn't found the right physician.

The last time it was defeat and she watched the wall go up. Felt him close himself off to her. She'd expected him to open back up eventually, when he had time to process it. Time to adjust to the facts. When he was ready to not blame her.

But he didn't.

And now it was a year later and he still hadn't come back to her.

He poured himself into his work and never let up. Rarely coming to bed with her anymore, until he rarely came home from business trips at all.

She hurt as much as he did and he never acknowledged it. Never acknowledged the possibility that she was just as leveled as he was.

Somehow he didn't see it. He'd wrapped himself up so tightly in his own cocoon of hurt and pain.

She'd tried many times to get to him. She made appointments for lunch that he would break. She made appointments with counselors that he was too busy to visit with her. She'd bought fancy lingerie, but he no longer seemed to be able to stomach making love to her. He didn't want her to give him her body.

Sure, he'd given what would seem to be good excuses at first, but it became clear he didn't want to cope with it.

And now she was desperate. She'd given him a chance to meet up with her here today and he'd canceled again at the last minute. She was left to pick out a gown for another event that he'd escort her to, to go through the motions for the public, then take her home and go back to the same routine.

It was sad and pathetic that it had come to this. She stood amongst the handbags and shoes; glancing about, making certain that a pair of eyes landed on her. After all, she would surely draw attention. People knew who she was and that was important to her quickly formed plot.

She walked up to the display in the large high-end department store. Picked up a pair of Dolce & Gabanna Sunglasses, that retailed to the tune of $1,800, put them on and started to walk out.

Waiting for it. Hoping it would happen. Needing it to happen. Notice me somebody, please!!!

Somebody did notice.

"Mrs. Luthor?" Their attempt to get her attention was a gentle urgency at first. Perhaps she had forgotten to pay.

Chloe kept walking.

Finally they were heading her way in pursuit. "Mrs. Luthor!"

Chloe closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Come on, somebody catch me. She opened the door to walk outside. The sunlight was filtered by the stolen merchandise.

A hand grabbed her. She made certain to resist. "Mrs. Luthor? Did you forget to pay for those?"

Chloe shook herself from the security guard's grasp. "No, I didn't."

The gentleman looked stunned, like he didn't really know what to do. "Ma'am we have you on camera taking them."

She scoffed at him, "I know, have me arrested."

It seemed the guy didn't want to arrest her, like he feared for his job, something she actually hadn't thought about in her calculation of the day. He turned pale. "You...you want me to have you arrested for shoplifting?"

This wasn't going right, she didn't want a story in the papers. She hadn't thought any of it through, just acted on the impulse. Anything to get Lex's attention and to get him to come home to her. After something like this, he'd have to talk with her, but she didn't want other peoples lives to be turned upside down. And the guy was right, Lex would obliterate the mans life for doing it, especially right now.

A black town car pulled up to the curb where she and the guard stood. Lex stepped out looking sleek and confident, then strode over to them. "Something wrong?"

Chloe's heart hammered in her chest. He was there. Incredibly late, but there.

The guard shifted uncomfortably on his feet in Lex's presence, then cleared his throat. "She's wearing sunglasses that she's stolen and is asking me to arrest her."

Lex's eyes widened, "Chloe?"

She looked away from him. He knew it was true. He didn't understand it, but he wasn't going to question her right there.

"We'll take them, please have the manager call my office for my personal apology, my wife isn't feeling well."

The guard nodded and hurried off.

"How could you?" he hissed at her, shock still evident in his tone.

"How could you?" she retorted.

He studied her quietly for a moment, then raised the sunglasses from her shielded eyes revealing tears welling up. He watched them start to fall with an awareness this time.

"This is what it's come to?" he thought out loud. "I've failed you Chloe," his palm rested on her cheek.

She knew it was coming. He was going to say it. Finally, he'd tell her what he'd wanted to the day the wall went up. She wouldn't take his money, or his cars, or his possessions for it. After all, he'd gone into all of it with certain expectations and she hadn't lived up to them. If anyone had failed anyone, she had failed him. Staying with her would continue to rob him of one of his greatest desires, it would make sense that he would want out. This is just what it took to push him to finally cut her loose without guilt.

He reached his other hand out for hers, covered it with his long elegant fingers and closed them around it possessively. Lovingly. "I'm sorry," he whispered, looking down at their hands joined and rubbing his thumb back and forth across the wedding bands that she wore.

She fell against him. Her free arm wrapping around his waist while she cried into his shirt.

20th July 2011, 21:48
Oh, this was so heartbreaking! And yet I couldn't help but feel at the end that maybe, maybe, there's still hope for them as a couple, despite their impossibility to get pregnant. At least, they have both "said" there's something wrong with their marriage and that is certainly a start. It's going to be painful to overcome but, in my mind, I see them taking the path of picking up the pieces and building something new and stronger , instead of going their separate ways.

Thanks for sharing, Adele.

20th July 2011, 22:01
Thank you for this amazing story but Bouuhh because I cry^^

20th July 2011, 23:19
That was sad but beautiful CLL. Hey now that you're in that angsty kind of mood, let's write!

21st July 2011, 00:58
You had me balling.

21st July 2011, 01:55
That was sad but beautiful CLL. Hey now that you're in that angsty kind of mood, let's write!

It's why I wrote it. I've been in fluffy and smutty mode...I had to get my mood back to write HTC with ya ;)

21st July 2011, 12:42
Very sad and very real - but, like Lexie, I saw hope at the end too. This is a great little sketch of a possible marriage for them. Thanks for posting it!

23rd July 2011, 20:01
aww! it made me sad... :( but i love it as well! good thing lex came for her. this made my day. :)

10th August 2011, 23:26
I really liked it.
That's was sad but realistic.
And I agree with Lexie, there is hope for them.

12th August 2011, 18:39
This was a great way to suck me back into the fandom! Thanks!

Ami Rose
14th April 2014, 12:35
That was heartbreaking sad! Nicely written!

14th April 2014, 16:05
That was so heart-breaking but fantastically well written, I can only hope that one day I have a thousandth of that ability. Taking a step back from the fact that I already know these character if you just changed the names then it would still work and could easily be in one of those short story anthologies that you have to read in High School and be better than the vast majority (if not all) of them. Are you a professional writer?

As for the ending, I'm feeling hopeful about it as well! I think that they will find a way to be together and that Lex Luthor the genius will finally remember that adoption does exist. He could probably get one within a week he is so rich.

To sum up, brilliant drabble I only wish that I could give a better review.