View Full Version : Cupid's Bet (R)

3rd October 2003, 17:34
TITLE: Cupid’s Bet

SUMMARY: Cupid and Psyche have a bet involving Chloe and Lex. CHLEX.
RATING: R for Language and Sexual Content
DISCLAIMER: I own none of these people. I just like to borrow.
AUTHOR’S NOTES: This is an A/U piece before Exodus.


“Bloody wanker!” Psyche screamed at her husband as he entered their chateau.

The blonde man just looked at his mate with confusion. “What the hell is wrong now?”

“Do you even remember what day it is?” she demanded, tears streaming down her eyes. “You stupid, stupid imbecile.”

“Ain’t that statement a bit redundant?” Cupid replied, dumbfounded. He tried racking his brain for what he had forgotten that would cause such an alarm from his wife. He looked at the calendar and paled upon the realization.

“Oh, love,” he said with concern. “I am so, so sorry.”

“Save it,” she snapped. “You have been going on and about with your stupid midlife crisis, always fussing about your job.”

“I can’t believe you bleeding forgot about our anniversary,” she added with spite. “You’re the love god, for Zeus’ sakes!”

“I’m really sorry,” he mumbled. “It’s just the pressure of the job, you know. Being this old and all..”

“Cupid, you’re 5 thousand years old. That’s a touch past old.”

He rolled his eyes. “Logistics.” Psyche resigned herself to plopping down on the couch and crossing her arms, avoiding him by turning her face away from his direction. “Love, will you ever forgive me?” he continued.


“That’s a long time now, isn’t it?” was his attempt at a joke. When his wife barely moved, he threw his hands in the air with surrender and inched closer to her. “What can I do to make this up?”

Silence was his answer.

“Come on, Psyche,” he begged. “You can’t stay mad forever.”

“Try me.”

“Psyche!” he whined. “I’ll do anything to make this up, I swear!”

She looked at him, one eyebrow raised. “Anything?”

“Anything,” he confirmed.

A grin began to grow on Psyche’s face, causing an alarming concern for Cupid. “Perfect,” she said, smugly. She stood up and walked to their viewing mirror. A wave of her hand and a scene magically appeared in the looking glass before her.

Cupid followed after her and looked at the vision she conjured. “Uh, honey? What is this?” he asked, confused.

“This is your retribution,” she answered. “I’m sick and tired of your complaints about your supposed incompetence, so I’m going to proposition a solution to this problem, once and for all.”

Her husband’s face scrounged up. “In a rural town in Kansas?”

“Exactly,” she said matter-of-factly. “Call it a bet, if you will. But largely on my terms.”

“O-kay,” he responded hesitantly. “And what are these so-called terms?”

“Shh!” she cut him off. “There!” A bald man entered the view of the looking glass.

“Him?” Cupid’s face darkened with doubt again. “What about him?”

“That’s Alexander Luthor, heir to the LuthorCorp throne,” Psyche briefed her spouse. “And I want you to make him fall in love.”

Cupid thought for a second about the said LuthorCorp heir until he recalled something. “But isn’t he engaged?”

Psyche rolled her eyes. “Oh, darling, you are so naïve,” she sighed. “It’s the twenty-second century, sweetheart. There is barely a correlation between matrimony and love.”

“Well, duh,” Cupid retorted. “I just thought that someone as pessimistic as he is..”

“Yeah, yeah,” she interjected. “Well, he’s slightly misinformed, shall we say. But you’re going to fix that.”


She smirked as a perky petite blonde entered the picture. “With her.”

“The reporter?” Cupid said with disbelief. “But she’s practically all over the farmboy. I can just take her love vibes, squeeze a potion out of it and start a whole new business, quitting my day job in the process.”

Psyche shook her head. “Yes, but you, of all people, should know that they’re barely a love match. Look at Lex, honey. And then at Chloe. I think they’re perfect.”

By the looks of it, Cupid had yet to be convinced. “Besides,” she continued. “If you can put them together, you’ll prove to me, and most importantly to yourself, that you still have the touch.”

“And what if you’re wrong?”

Psyche didn’t think of that. “Well,” she began. “We can send you off to Gods Anonymous, and I’ll play Goddess of Love in the meantime.”

“Ha!” guffawed Cupid, earning him a glare from his wife.

“You implying that I can’t do it?” she warned. “I hardly think that you are in a position to do so.”

The smile was immediately erased from Cupid’s face. “Fine,” he finally surrendered. “If you’re right, I’ll quit my whining, but if I’m right, I’ll go to therapy.”

“Perfect!” cheered his spouse. Cupid looked at the mirror once more as Chloe Sullivan and Lex Luthor’s reflections stared back at him. ‘You poor, poor souls,’ he thought to himself. ‘You’ll never know what hit you.’

3rd October 2003, 17:45
Ooh, I'm loving this story already. More soon please.

3rd October 2003, 18:02
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I really needed a lift and you've provided one. Bless you *tackle hug*

3rd October 2003, 18:21
Wonderful start!!! THis looks like it's gona be a great story!

...now if only we could get Psyche to go manipulate some Smallville writers...

3rd October 2003, 20:29
This is wonderful I love it. :clap:

Hope ;)

4th October 2003, 01:32
cool new story. looking forward to the next bit :biggrin:

4th October 2003, 03:04
heehee. good start. more soon.

4th October 2003, 03:34
Gods are such fun people!

Never knew they needed therapy :biggrin:

More soon!!

happy bunny
4th October 2003, 04:33
Nice beginning. Interesting premise. Can't wait for more. :biggrin:

4th October 2003, 06:04
A/N: Alrighty, here's the next installment. And don't fret about the ending to this chappy; this isn't If I Could Live my Life (plug!). :biggrin: And zeppo2, of course gods need therapy. With all that stress about ruling the world and all, who wouldn't? And tigerbaby, big hugs back.

Thanks to everyone who's given feedback so far; you guys are amazing inspiration to myself and my self-centered muse.

Disclaimers in Chapter One

“Lex, darling, could you please hold these for me? I’m dying to get those bangles I saw on the window at Tiffany’s earlier,” Helen Bryce drawled, handing over a platoon of shopping bags to her fiancée.

Lex looked at her incredulously, but he eventually resigned to grab the bags and place it on the bench next to him.

Shopping wasn’t exactly his thing, but this morning, Helen was insistent that he came along. “Couple bonding exercise” was how she referred to it. Yet, Lex felt no bonding from this experience at all.

Worse, he actually felt relief as he watched his fiancée walk away to another store. Honestly, Lex could not figure out why he was still in this relationship. If it were any other of his relationships before, he would hardly hesitate to break the wedding off. Perhaps, the fact that the doctor had managed to finagle herself this far made things harder for him to call the whole thing off.

“A penny for your thoughts,” a voice behind him said teasingly.

With a deer in the headlight look on his face, Lex immediately turned around and shook the expression off. “Miss Sullivan,” he replied. “Fancy meeting you here.”

“Well, if I guess correctly, looks like we share a similar fate,” she smiled as she walked around to face him. “Lana dragged me here for a shopping-slash-bonding experience. Funny how little bonding this activity actually provides.”

Lex grinned, moving some of Helen’s bags to make room. “Agreed,” he told her. “I prefer a nice conversation over a cup of java.”

“Absolutely,” Chloe beamed as she sat down next to him. “Nothing like caffeine to bring folks closer together. So I take that Dr. Bryce is somewhere around here, making use of the Luthor fortune?”

“One could put it that way,” Lex rolled his eyes. “Let’s just say that nothing shuts her up faster than free rein on my credit cards.”

Chloe frowned at the thought. “That hardly sounds romantic,” she protested. “You sure you know what you’re getting into, Lex?”

The billionaire was surprised at her sincere concern. “I don’t know,” he honestly replied.

“Well, just be careful, okay?” she added. “You don’t exactly have the best record with women.”

Lex mock-glared at her. “I should take offense to that,” he joked. “Though I know that you’re in the same boat when it comes to men!”

“Hey!” Chloe exclaimed. “Okay, okay, how about we call it a truce?” She held her hand out to him.

Lex was about to take it when a wave of nausea came over him. In a fast second, everything turned black, and Lex crumbled to the floor.

“Ohmigod,” Chloe screamed. “Lex!”

4th October 2003, 06:21
For such a newbie, you are just plain evil. How could you *glares*. *sighs and patiently explains to D* Cliffies are a no no. Repeat after me: Cliffies bad.

Now go and update. I need closure

4th October 2003, 06:28
Also needing closure!!!

Totally cute though :chlexsign2:

4th October 2003, 07:29
:biggrin: AHHH... I love it, it's so original!!! Chlex are already so cute together! I wonder what's happening to Lex. Whatever it is I'm sure Chloe will be happy to play nurse ;) !!

4th October 2003, 09:39
AAHHHHH!! HOW COULD YOU END IT THERE!!!? Evil doesn't even begin to describe you!!!

...Need. More. NOW!!!!

4th October 2003, 10:55
yeah like vardaquareien HOW COULD YOU HOW DARE YOU END LIKE THAT

4th October 2003, 13:43
A/N: Ack! Alright, alright. Before I create a mob, I might as well feed y'all with this installment. Then I have to go to the real world for a couple of hours before going back to the drawing board again. :biggrin: It's amazing what you can do when you're sick for a couple of days.

Disclaimers in Chapter One

Disoriented was the first sensation that came to him when he finally gained consciousness. Attempting to open his eyes, the glare of the mall’s fluorescent lights was blinding.

The only thing that he could truly sense was the sound of an angelic voice. “Lex, are you alright?” it said. He tried to open his eyes again, and this time, he was successful as he immediately saw a concerned Chloe holding him. “Lex?” she asked one more time.

“I’m fine,” he muttered, struggling to regain control of all his senses. Yet, while they had surrender control to Lex, they seemed to be flooded with everything that was Chloe: smell, sight, everything.

And Lex became intoxicated. “Chloe?” he said dreamily.

“Yeah?” she responded as she softly stroked his cheek. “Lex, are you okay?”

He nodded, speechless from his mixed-up feelings. “Need to stand up,” he mustered, prompting the blonde to help prop himself up. Still unable to stand completely on his own, Chloe held on to him as he used her shoulders for leverage.

“Lex?” she asked again. “Should I call for Helen or something?”

“No,” he immediately refused. “I’m fine.” He shook his head in an effort to clear it up and looked up. Her eyes met his gaze, and a strong wave of emotions came rushing into him.

Not being able to fight it, Lex cupped both sides of Chloe’s face gently, much to her surprise, and descended his lips to hers in a soft kiss.

Chloe’s eyes grew bigger in complete amazement as his soft lips began to caress hers. When she finally felt his tongue trying to pry in, she was snapped back to reality and forced herself to push him away.

Breathless, she managed to say “what in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Kissing you,” he pointed out as he became less frazzled and more resolute at his attraction for the young reporter.

“Um, okay,” Chloe responded sarcastically. “Hello? Do the words ‘engaged to Helen’ ring a bell?”

Lex shrugged. “I don’t love her,” he uttered without hesitation, amazed that he could admit to it without any doubt.

Chloe looked at him with disbelief. “And you figured this out after a blackout?”

“Call it an epiphany if you will,” he told her. A look into his eyes indicated nothing but sincerity. When he tried to inch closer to her, she immediately reacted by stepping away.

“No, Lex,” she said firmly. “You must have hit your head or something. You’re not thinking clearly.”

He shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve thought any clearer than I have now,” he disagreed. “Chloe Sullivan, I’m in love with you.”

4th October 2003, 14:23


4th October 2003, 14:29
wooo hooo, way to go Lex. :yay: Just plant one on her.

Now for Chloe...

4th October 2003, 14:38

Love this fic. Though, I'd adore you if you posted longer chapters - or more updates - either way.

4th October 2003, 15:54
I just love greek mythologies, and i love how you have involved cupid and psyche in this story :>

this is great! :chlexsign2:

4th October 2003, 18:42
:biggrin: hey this storys great!! loved lexes blackout epiphiny, and lets get rid of helen as soon as poss!!!!!!!!! hope you can post more sooon!!!

4th October 2003, 19:01
:yay: wow, interesting beginning!

keep it coming!!!!!!!!!!! need more

4th October 2003, 19:07
heh cool :biggrin:

4th October 2003, 21:53
:lol: Lex :lol: Chloe :lol:

Hope :blinkkiss:

4th October 2003, 22:05
It's absolutely vital to have an update!!! :yay2: :yay2:

happy bunny
4th October 2003, 22:36
Hee! That was just too good! :biggrin: Can't wait to see what happens next!

4th October 2003, 22:53
please oh please
i beg you
please comme back and update more it's so nice and cute
please please an update

4th October 2003, 23:54
This is so awesome! What a great idea for a fic! :wub: More soon please!


5th October 2003, 03:15
Oh that is so cute!! I love it, update! :blinkkiss:

5th October 2003, 03:31
Too cute! I like the part where Chloe is stroking Lex's cheek asking him if he was all right...

5th October 2003, 03:48
Aww that was cute :wub:

Is Chloe going to get an epiphany too?

5th October 2003, 04:03
Oh, this is adorable. Loved Cupid and Psyche; even the Gods recognize the perfection of Chlex. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. :biggrin:

5th October 2003, 07:21
:wub: *gives deessedelune a great big hug* Lex had an epiphany 'bout Chloe! How could I not absolutely adore that!!! :biggrin:

5th October 2003, 18:20
update update update its too good to be true

6th October 2003, 02:41
A/N: My apologies for the delay. Soccer wiped me out today (and taught me the valuable lesson of the importance of your toes). But here's the next installment. Hope y'all enjoy.

Disclaimers in Chapter One

“Why, oh, why in Zeus’ name was I cursed with an imbecile for a husband?” Psyche implored the heavens for an answer as Cupid sheepishly looked at her.

“I tried, I swear,” he replied, pacing back and forth. Yet, he made sure that he was a good distance away from his wife for fear of her rather unpredictable temper.

“Well, good job,” she said sarcastically, trying not to throw anything at him. “You hit only one of our targets! You were supposed to hit her, too.”

“I might as well try hitting the Road Runner,” he defended himself. “That girl went all ninja on me when Luthor’s ass fell. All stealthy and shit.” He emphasized on Chloe’s speed by waving his hands around frantically.

Psyche glared at him. “Will you watch your mouth? It’s bad enough that you’re proving yourself to be incompetent; I don’t need to be given proof that you’re uncouth, too.”

“Sorry,” Cupid mumbled, tucking his hands behind him. “Look, I’m sorry that our plan didn’t go as expected. I’ll figure out a way to hit her when she crosses paths with the billionaire again. Which I don’t doubt given his new found obsession with her.” He grinned in an effort to alleviate Psyche’s anger.

Psyche rolled her eyes. “Besides,” he continued slowly. “What are we going to do with his gold-digging fiancée?”

“I didn’t think of that,” she grumbled, frustrated that she did not have all grounds covered. “Well, we can always set up her up with someone else?”

Cupid stuck his tongue out. “Honey, the only way that woman is going to be happy is money,” he informed his wife. “Who else in this little circle could possibly have as much money as Lex Luthor?”

Psyche looked at his husband as if he was born yesterday. “Cupid, three words: You are slow.”

“What do you mean I’m slow?” he demanded with his hands on his hips.

His wife only smiled evilly. “Well, you are,” she declared once again. “Look, forget about it for now. I’ll tell you later. Right now, we ought to concentrate more on Chloe.”

“Fine,” Cupid mumbled. “But you’ll tell me later, right?”

“Yeah, sure.”

With that, she waved her hand and looked at the viewing glass again.

“Wait, wait,” Lana Lang interjected her best friend’s story as she handed her a cup of steaming coffee. “Did you just say that Lex Luthor, as in co-manager of the Talon Lex Luthor, admitted to falling in love with you?”

Chloe half-smirked, taking the serving of caffeine. “Yep.”

“As in LuthorCorp scion Lex Luthor?”

The reporter responded with an exasperated sigh. “Lana, how many other Lex Luthors are there in Smallville?”

“Sorry,” the brunette mumbled as she leaned on her elbows over the counter. “I’m just finding it hard to believe. No offense.”

“None taken,” Chloe responded. “I can’t believe it, either. One minute, he’s talking to me casually. Then he passes out, and then bam! He wakes up in love with me. How Wall of Weird is that?”

Lana shrugged. “Very,” she said hesitantly. “Though I’m not that surprised really. Well, surprised at the delivery, but not at the message.”

Chloe stopped in mid-sip. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is,” the Talon owner explained. “That I’ve always sensed some UST between you and Lex.”


“Unresolved sexual tension,” Lana grinned.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Chloe mock-gagged, pushing the cup away in a dramatic show of appetite loss. “The only tension between that man and me is his fear of reporters.”

“Yeah, that’s why he was so eager to let you interview him.”

“As a favor to Clark,” the blonde pointed out.

“Doubt it,” Lana shook her head. “Lex has a strict policy against reporters. Even the Talon contracts contain clauses about those things. I don’t think that little interview was a favor to Clark at all.”

“You are delusional,” Chloe argued.

Her friend shrugged. “Hey, just calling it as I see it.”

“Well, I better see you later before you spout out any more of your crazy theories,” Chloe half-joked. She stepped off the counter stool and walked away.

Lana stared at her friend as she left the Talon. In her mind was only one thing: playing matchmaker for Chloe and Lex.

6th October 2003, 03:15
I just loved the bickering between Psyche and Cupid. They are definitely married.

And as for Lana, she'd better not get in the way, or else....

6th October 2003, 04:32
so much fun!!
and can you i get cupid's number from you cause you see, i have this thing for...*stops to breathe* sorry :blush:

i love UST!! its my fave so keep it coming, i want more!!


6th October 2003, 04:38
Hee :biggrin: Lana sees things!!!

Now what are we going to do about Helen?

6th October 2003, 04:59
I am loving this everytime :clap:

Hope ;)

6th October 2003, 05:55
:biggrin: That was great! I can't wait for the next chapter, hope there's some Chlex interaction in it! Please hurry!!!

6th October 2003, 11:16
for the firts time i like lana
yes i say this
i like lana lang
please an update

6th October 2003, 14:58
Hee hee. Well good. Can't wait to see Lana trying to play matchmaker.

6th October 2003, 15:01
very good. And I'm kinda liking this Lana too. Now that I see Lana is indeed a chlexer.


6th October 2003, 18:03
Psyche looked at his husband as if he was born yesterday. “Cupid, three words: You are slow.”
Is it me or does Cupid acts a little like Clark? *EG*

Love it so far and seems like one of those rare occasions wher I happen to like Lana, of course the only possible reason is because its a fic, not an actual ep... ;)

8th October 2003, 11:00
Ahh I like the story so far. Can't wait to see how Psyche and Cupid will take care of things, eventhough Lana will try to help. And I have a feeling I know who the dear doctor will end up with. Update as soon as you can, please.

Oh, one question, waay back then I read a story in the Spuffy fandom, involving Psyche and Cupid exactly like they are in your story now. Got the idea from there or do you actually happen to be the same writer?


8th October 2003, 19:18
:tongue: :wave: :tongue:
I Like
Please update soon


9th October 2003, 13:20

anybody here
i want an update
woohoo update soon

happy bunny
10th October 2003, 01:42
Ewww! They're gonna set Helen up with Lionel, aren't they? :puke: Just yuck.

Why couldn't they just kill her? *pleading look* puh-puh-puh-please?

Anyway, loving the story. I like that Lana actually realized how perfect Lex and Chloe are for each other and is going to try to get them together. That's just so cute.

Loving it, can't wait for more.

10th October 2003, 13:30
A/N: Wow, thanks for everyone's reviews! I'm really excited that I've found the time to work on this again. Seems like my muse went on vacation without telling me, but have no fear; she's back and ready to go.

There's no Chlex in this chappy, but it segways to plenty of Chlex action in the next chapter. I know, I know, but the chapter's funny? Does that help?

To Sabby: Never written any Spuffy fic nor have I seen this fic before. If you have a link to it, I'd love to read it (I'm a Spuffy fan myself). The Cupid and Psyche idea came to me when I saw a painting of Psyche in Cupid's garden.

Well, thanks again for your reviews..now on with the show!

Disclaimers in Chapter One

“Harumph,” scoffed Cupid after watching the conversation between the two girls. “Everyone wants to be a bleeding matchmaker.”

Psyche looked at her husband in amusement. “Maybe because you suck at your job,” she jokingly suggested. “So everyone else tries to step in and fix your mess-ups.”

“Har, har,” he replied with sarcasm.

“Besides, I think it’s rather sweet that Lana would go the lengths for Chloe. A mark of a true friendship.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Cupid sighed. “I just think that in cases when mortals try to meddle with other mortals’ business, they always mess up somehow.”

“Hey,” his wife protested. “Last time I check, you aren’t so perfect, either.”

Cupid crossed his arms across his chest. “I told you that I was having problems,” grumbled the love god.

“Oh please!” she snapped. “It’s all in your head, Cupid. If you only believed in yourself a little more, you wouldn’t be having these problems.”

Cupid continued to pout, much to Psyche’s frustration. “Fine,” she gave up. “Maybe you just need more practice.”

“What do you mean more practice?” he inquired, curious as to what his wife had in store for him.

She inched closer, a flirty smile on her face, as she fluttered her eyelashes at him. This caused some suspicion in Cupid, though he cannot help but be turned on, either.

“Honey,” Psyche drawled in a low, seductive tone. She had now reached Cupid’s side and began to stroke his blonde locks. “Wouldn’t it be great if Lana found love in the arms of a certain Kent farmboy?”

“Oh, no,” Cupid shook his head vehemently. “I know where you’re going with this.”

His wife feigned an innocent look. “Whatever could you mean?”

“Don’t do that ‘whatever could you mean’ stint with me,” he warned, wagging his pointing finger at her. “You said that we’re only going to work on Chloe and Lex.”

“Well, things changed,” she defended. “Besides, it’ll get Clark and Lana off their backs..and yours for that matter.”

“Ha!” he guffawed. “You really believe that? Those two are as nosy as my mother.”

“Better not say that too loud,” Psyche warned. “Aphrodite can kick your ass anyday.”

“Yeah, but she’s still nosy. And the answer is still no.”

Psyche pouted. “Please, pooh bear.” She added some fluttering of her eyebrows for good measure.

As Cupid’s stubborn resolve evidently began to crumble, she threw in the clincher. Weaving her hand through his blond locks, she whispered huskily into his ear, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

“Okay,” the god of love croaked out immediately. Psyche leaned back, smug with victory, much to her husband’s dismay. ‘But whatever makes her happy,’ he thought, trying to convince himself.

“Alright, so where are they?” he asked his wife, who happily waved over the mirror to show the Talon owner and her beloved farmboy.

Clark, Lana and Pete were huddled together in the loft above the Kents’ barn. Pete was upset. Lana just broke the news that she wanted Lex and Chloe to get together.

“Are you nuts!” he exclaimed.

Lana rolled her eyes. “Stop being so petty,” she scolded. “You have seen the kind of chemistry those two have whenever they’re around each other. It would be a sin against nature to let that go.”

The judge’s son glared at her and at Clark for support. The farmboy could only shrug in response, however. “So they have chemistry together,” Pete admitted. “But that doesn’t mean that we ought to feed the lamb to the lion.”

“Good Lord!” Lana muttered. “Will you stop being so stubborn and quit holding a grudge against the Luthors? Or at least Lex? This whole family feud thing is pretty archaic.”

“Fine,” Pete conceded. “But I’m only doing it for Chloe’s sake..and to stop you from whining any more.”

“Perfect!” Lana cheered. Pete threw an angry look at his friend for his lack of support, and Clark only shrugged once more.

“Okay, let’s see,” Lana started. The room started spinning around her, and in a heartbeat, she passed out.

Pete and Clark rushed toward her as Pete started to shake her shoulder. “Lana, are you alright?” Clark finally spoke.

“She can’t answer you, Clark,” Pete mocked. “She’s slightly passed-out right now.”

A sheepish look crept into Clark’s face as he thought of something to redeem his stupidity. “I’ll go get my parents,” he suggested as he ran down and out of the barn.

Pete tried shaking Lana gently again, and this time, it worked. The brunette slowly opened her eyes. “Pete?” she asked.


“I love you,” she weakly said to him.

10th October 2003, 14:01
Let me just say that Cupid is a moron. :hehe: This is going to be so fun and I can't wait to see Psyche's reaction to this little mishap.

P.s. I know about the muse taking a vacation. Sara seems to have abandoned me cause she didn't tell me where she went. *sigh* the life of a fic writer

10th October 2003, 14:50
ROTFLMAO!!! Thank you soooo much for not putting Clana in there. You've made my day.

10th October 2003, 14:51
I think the funniest part of that chapter was me imagining Lana actually using the word archaic. But beleive me, whatever suits your muse. I like writing Lana because I like making her likeable. She's the only one i don't follow to closely in writing. Other than that, brilliant. And as we all know. Pete and Lana belong together.


10th October 2003, 16:26
Pete and Lana :lol: that is great no Clana woo hooo :yay:

Hope :cool:

10th October 2003, 17:47
Originally posted by scifichick774@Oct 10 2003, 07:50 AM
ROTFLMAO!!! Thank you soooo much for not putting Clana in there. You've made my day.
yes, thank you. more soon.

10th October 2003, 18:36
:biggrin: heheheh!! how goood is that!! cupid cant seem to get anything right!

10th October 2003, 23:21
LMAO that was great! :biggrin:
I loved how you made us believe in Clana and added the Plana instead! Go you! ;)

11th October 2003, 00:46
:lol: That was so good! Love the cupid psyche scene! Wonderful job!


11th October 2003, 01:14
Cupid rocks!!! :yay2: *does the happy dance for cupid*

11th October 2003, 10:50
:biggrin: I knew you were going to do that! Great chapter, looking to Chlex in the next one!

12th October 2003, 02:55
A/N: Wow. Thank you so much for the enthusiastic reviews. I've been working non-stop on the three fics, and I wanted to take a break and post something up to show my appreciation for your support. As a Chlex fan, this chapter was a bit hard to write, but my muse assured me that this is the way to Chlex enlightenment (and trust me, it is).

Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimers in Chapter One

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Psyche as she pointed at the situation in the Kent’s barn loft in disbelief. “What the hell was that?!”

Sheepish, Cupid said nothing, resulting in a glare from his wife. “I cannot believe that you just did that. I told you to get Lana and Clark together, NOT Lana and Pete!”

“Well,” the love god started slowly as he inched away from her. “I didn’t expect that, either. I would have thought that Clark would rush to her rescue and Pete would go call the medics or something.”

“That did not happen now, did it?” she mocked. After a sigh of frustration, she shook her head. “This just got more complicated that I thought. I expect that you’ll fix this?”

“Of course,” he nodded without hesitation. “I mean, the arrows I have been using are the temporary love arrows, so the effect should wear off in a day or two.”

“Do you really expect these rural folks to be able to ride this craziness out in two days?” she asked incredulously.


“Cupid, you can be endearing when you’re stupidly slow.”

“Is that a good thing?” he inquired, optimistic. That elicited a small guffaw from Psyche as her anger was gradually pacified. “Sometimes,” she answered. “But we have to focus here. Why don’t you check on Lex and Chloe while I try to find a solution to our Pete and Lana problem?”

“Okay,” Cupid easily conceded as he walked back to the looking glass and eavesdropped on the billionaire and the reporter.

“Argh!” Chloe growled in frustration. Lex had been driving her mad since their little incident at the mall. Now there they were at the Talon with Chloe trying not to kill the billionaire and Lex doting on her every move. She was given a break as he rushed to the counter to get her some coffee.

‘What is wrong with him?’ she thought to herself as she glanced in his direction. Just then, he turned to look at her. Happy that he had her attention, he cheerfully waved at her like an excited schoolgirl. ‘That’s something you don’t see everyday,’ Chloe snorted to herself.

As she continued to contemplate every possible cause that could attribute to Lex’s madness, he came back, excited and happy to be at her service. Too enthusiastic it seemed as he tripped and spilt the java all over Chloe’s chest.

“Crap,” he cursed as he fumbled to grab the few napkins they had on their table. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine,” grumbled a growingly impatient Chloe. “Just go away.”

“No,” he refused. “I’ll go get more napkins.” With that, he ran off to the counter.

Frustrated, Chloe took advantage of the opportunity and made her escape. It wasn’t a few steps from the Talon entrance when she ran into someone she’d rather avoid more than Lex if it were possible. Lionel Luthor.

“Miss Sullivan,” he coldly sneered, eyeing her messy shirt as if it were radioactive. “Just the person I wanted to talk to.”

“And why is that, Lionel?” she retorted with spite.

“I am concerned for my son, Miss Sullivan,” he told her, eliticing a resounding “ha!” from the reporter. “It seems as if he has taken a liking to you, and I don’t like it one bit.”

“Why? Because we peasants shouldn’t mix with royalty?” she mocked.

“Something like that,” he replied. “Lex has a bright future ahead of him, Miss Sullivan. A future with Dr. Helen Bryce. A future with Luthorcorp.”

“You’ll have to forgive me, Lionel, as I may sound unimpressed,” she said, not knowing that Lex had caught up with her and was now at the Talon’s door. “While Lex’s business is none of yours, I want to have you know that there is no interference from my behalf on whatever dim future you have in store for your son. Or should I say whatever he has in store for himself.”

“I do not like your son,” she added. “Not in the capacity that he may seemed to expect from me. And I hope that will suffice for you, because that is all I will offer you. Goodbye, Mr. Luthor.” She moved past the older Luthor and ran to her car.

In her wake, she left a rather smug Lionel silently mocking the patheticness of his son’s futile attempts to win over a girl that was clearly not attracted to him. Lex, on the other hand, was heartbroken.

Chloe looked over to where the Luthor patriarch stood, and she saw Lex standing by his father. Realizing that he might have heard her rather harsh words, Chloe found herself unable to suppress the overwhelming guilt.

happy bunny
12th October 2003, 03:22
Aww, poor Lex. Now Chloe, kiss him and make it better. ;)

12th October 2003, 03:29
:ohmy: What is she going to do now?

Poor Lex, he can come on over here and I'll make him feel better :eyebrows:

Now go write and fix this. Please?

12th October 2003, 04:50
Poor poor poor Lex!
Chloe better fix it soon!

12th October 2003, 06:12
Horrible horrible Chloe. Jeesh. He's all bumbly and stuff. Doesn't mean you gotta go break his poor wittle heart.


12th October 2003, 07:56
Chloe :hammer:

Hope :tease:

12th October 2003, 09:08
aw.. doting lex is cute!!! i don't like him being heartbroken.. i hope this is fixed soon!

12th October 2003, 09:33
LMAO @ Psyche and Cupid's interaction, and at Lana being in love with Pete (better than the Clana any day, though, so thank you!)

... esp. love the way you've drawn Chloe in this story... her dialogue is funny, sharp, and captures the essence of the character perfectly!

Favorite line for the Chloe characterization:
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Chloe mock-gagged, pushing the cup away in a dramatic show of appetite loss. “The only tension between that man and me is his fear of reporters.”

... can't wait to read more!

12th October 2003, 11:09
Aww poor Lex bad Chloe! :nono:

I hope she makes it all better soon! :eyebrows:

12th October 2003, 16:27

12th October 2003, 18:22
poor sexy lexy! i volunteer to kiss it and make lex better. also the whole waving like a school girl had me choking on my orange juice. great chapter now update!!!!

13th October 2003, 00:03
Oh, poor Lex. :crygreen: Make Chloe fall in love with him.. Please!

13th October 2003, 01:19
Poor Lex. But you know, it's actually good that Chloe said what she did. Maybe it will help Lex pull his head out of his ass once the temporary arrow wears off and he'll see that she's not someone who's after him for his money.

13th October 2003, 07:10
:wub: Poor Lex, that cupid really is stupid! Chloe better get hit by an arrow soon! Please update soon, loved the chapter! :biggrin:

13th October 2003, 08:33
I just found this fic, and wow, this is very good.

Chloe needs to go make poor Lex feel better.

Can't wait for the next chapter. :biggrin:

13th October 2003, 11:17
*sight* love it yay just love it

13th October 2003, 15:11
God, I love that fic! It's so funny! Please, write more sooooonnnnnnn!!!! :wub:

14th October 2003, 12:29
what do you want?
do you want me to beg you?
ok i beg you
please please pretty please update :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

14th October 2003, 13:14
Joining the begging. Please update. ;)

14th October 2003, 13:44
A/N: So there's no Chlex in the next couple of chappies, but it segways to some really good Chlex action later. I promise. Hopefully, maybe the fact that Lana is acting like a loon in this one will suffice :wacko: . Thanks for the wonderful reviews. I've been too hung up on Cinderchloe that I've forgotten that there are two other stories I'm neglecting. Oops?

Disclaimers in Chapter One

Cupid was saddened at the turn of the events. Could Psyche be wrong in that Chloe just wasn’t attracted to Lex Luthor? The guilty look on her face as she drove away nagged at him, however. If she truly could care less about the scion, she would have been indifferent.

Thinking that he will find his answers later, he turned to Psyche. “Should we check on Lana and Pete to see if they haven’t killed each other or something?”

His question interrupted her brainstorm of possible solutions for the Talon owner and the judge’s son. “What about Lex and Chloe?”

Cupid tried his best to look innocent and shrugged. “They parted for the day,” he lied.

Psyche accepted it rather easily as she was still preoccupied with Pete and Lana. “Alright,” she nodded. “Where’s Lana and Pete?”

Cupid waved his hand over the looking glass, and it changed scenes. This time, it was at the Sullivan home. Pete had offered to take Lana home, and the enamored girl could not help but take advantage.

“Come on, Pete,” she goaded as she walked swiftly around the dining table. Pete walked as fast, trying to increase the distance between them.

“I don’t think so, Lana.”

“Please, Pete,” she begged. “Just one kiss.”

“Oh, no,” he shook his head. “No way. Clark would kill me if he found out.” He ran out of the dining room into the living room with hopes of complete evasion.

“Clark, Schmark,” Lana shrugged as she followed him into the next room, gaining more speed by the second. “Who cares if he found out? What matters is that you and I are together.”

Pete tried to be as equally fast, but somehow, Lana’s determination was surprisingly overpowering him. “Clark has been in love with you since forever, Lana. He’d be devastated if he sees you fawning all over me.”

“But what about your feelings, Pete?” Lana inquired as she cunningly maneuvered herself around the love seat to trick Pete. Luckily for the young man, he outsmarted her by running toward the other side of the room.

“I don’t mind the attention at all,” he admitted. “I just don’t think that you’re thinking straight.” He ducked once again as Lana dared to jump over the big sofa.

“I’ve never thought so clearly before in my whole entire life,” she breathlessly declared as she chased him around the coffee table.

Their runaround distracted them from noticing Chloe’s arrival. Seeing her housemate hungrily chasing her best friend around her own living room immediately caught the reporter’s attention.

“What is going on?” she demanded loudly. Completely shocked by her presence, Pete stopped in mid-run, and Lana took the opportunity to tackle him to the ground.

“Chloe,” she said, not taking her eyes off her prey. “Would you mind giving us a second?”

“Uh,” Chloe hesitated as Pete widened his eyes at her in desperation. “Lana, I’ll need to talk to Pete for a second” was her petty attempt at rescuing her friend.

“No!” Lana resoundingly responded. “I mean, we’re busy right now.” She firmly glared at Chloe as she managed to compose herself after that outburst.

“O-kay,” the blonde conceded as she stared back helplessly at Pete, shrugging that there was nothing else she could do.

Just when things couldn’t get any worse, the half-open door swung open and in stepped Clark.

14th October 2003, 14:46
:lol: that was too funny. I just loved the visual of Lana stalking Pete. hee hee.

14th October 2003, 14:54
:lol: :lol:

That was too funny. Loved Lana chasing Pete around and Chloe just shrugging when her lame attempt to save him didn't work out.

14th October 2003, 15:23
:lol: that was funny. I like how now Lana is the stalker instead of being stalked.

Hope :lol:

14th October 2003, 16:31
:lol: Lana as a stalker. That is just fanastastic. wondering how Clark will react. :hehe:

14th October 2003, 17:04
that's too funny
but i want chlex

14th October 2003, 19:52
Poor Pete!!! It must be really horrible for him to be chased by lana. However it was so funny.

14th October 2003, 20:51
Oh please please please update! Clark comes in when Lana's chasing Pete? LOL... I can just imagine farmboy's face to seeing his pink princess all over his friend... priceless! Is it just me or does it suddenly remind you of shakespeare's midsummer's night dream's scene where the faries were playing around with the love potion? Gotta love it! :biggrin:

14th October 2003, 21:23
:lol: that was great!

15th October 2003, 03:04
lol. can't wait to see Clark's reaction. and wanting more of the Chlex.

15th October 2003, 19:08


18th October 2003, 11:46
:lol: I love this fic!

26th October 2003, 19:59
I need more :chlexsign1: ...how could you...all the fun has been sucked out of my day.

Ok...going to read more Chlexy goodness. All is well again :biggrin: :biggrin:

Please hurry...


"A day without an autopsy is like a day without sunshine."

-Buffy in the "Bad Eggs" episode

26th October 2003, 20:28
Hahaha. Lana just doesn't seem to take a hint. Maybe Pete needs to be a little more blunt, like knock her unconscious and then run and hide. :hammer: :lol:

Can't wait to see Clark's reaction to current events. Most likey farmboy confusion. :huh:

27th October 2003, 02:06
A/N: Finally, you say, another chapter! It was really hard to extract this from the muse this week as she's a big ol' baseball fan and HAD to watch the World Series. I had to clamp her down during the travel days to spit it out.

So here goes..hopefully, we can get more from her. Just don't mention the "Y" word along with "losing"; it makes her cry and stutter, and I end up crying and stuttering..and where will this fic be? Oh, and the end part..She got a little mean. Totally attributed to the Y losing part. Sorry, I'll get her to fix it..I promise.

Hope you enjoy this.

Disclaimers in Chapter One

“What is going on?” Clark demanded as he finally saw Lana straddling Pete on the Sullivans’ living room floor.

“Clark,” Pete weakly replied. “I can explain.” With his strength, he toppled Lana over and stood up immediately. Lana, still reeling from her newfound feelings for Pete, followed suit and hung herself all over him, despite Pete’s futile attempts to evade her.

“I’m waiting,” Clark interjected their little dance, looking at Chloe pleadingly for an explanation. The blonde shrugged in confusion.

“I don’t know, Clark,” Pete said in desperation. “She has been like this since she passed out at your house.”

“Wait,” Chloe interrupted. “She passed out?”

Both men nodded. “So did Lex before he started acting weird,” she pointed out. “It could be a meteor rock thing that’s affecting them.”

“Hardly, Miss Sullivan,” a voice said from the doorway.

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Last time I checked, we weren’t having an open house today,” she grumbled to Lex.

The billionaire walked over to her until he was practically an inch from her face. “While you think that all of these mind games would test me from betraying my affections for you..you’re dead wrong.”

The blonde shook her head. “Look, I’m sorry for being so harsh, but you have to understand that you’re freaking me out.”

“Listen to what the girl is saying, Lex,” Helen said as she and Lionel entered the house. Everyone groaned.

“This house is getting way too crowded,” Pete complained.

Lana nodded her head. “I agree,” she said to him huskily. “You and I should just go get some alone time.”

“That is not what I meant,” he gritted at her.

Clark stepped closer to the both of them. “Will you two stop it? You’re confusing me!”

“You’re always confused,” the two retorted in unison.

Meanwhile, the other group had their own problems to worry about. “We are engaged, Alexander!” Helen pointed out.

“I’ve told you many times,” Lex said to her. “I don’t love you.”

Lionel held his hand up. “Son, you’re making a grave mistake here,” he started.

And Chloe interrupted. “Oh, Lionel, put a sock in it.” That earned her a grateful look from Lex.

All the chaos within the home continued as a cacophony of petty arguments rang from within and into Mount Olympus, where Psyche and Cupid bore witness to all of it.

“This is a disaster,” mumbled Psyche. And it’s all your fault.” She threw a dirty look at her husband.

“Me?” Cupid protested. “You’re the one who was so adamant about getting Lex and Chloe together.”

“Yes, but you’ve made such a mess out of it, didn’t you?”

Bitter at his wife’s accusation, the love god had determined that he had enough. “Fine,” he spat out in spite. “I’ll fix this.”

The group went about their petty arguments, and in an instant, all fell in a heap.

The following night, Chloe was nervous as she separated her hands once again to keep herself from wringing them in anxiety. It was the thirty-fifth time she glanced at the door of the restaurant.

And she only had been there for fifteen minutes.

“Are you scared?” Lana whispered to hear from across the table. The blonde nodded a yes, resulting in a sigh from her friend. “So am I,” she confessed.

They barely got a deep breath in before their dates walked into the door. Clark and Lex made their way to the girls and sat next to their respective dates.

“Hi,” Lex greeted his date as he handed her a bouquet of lilies. Clark did the same on his end but with a set of white roses.

Chloe smiled. “Thanks, Clark,” she said with much appreciation as Lana looked happily at her date, Lex.

27th October 2003, 02:15
I'm not even going to say anything as I've got Lexana planned too. I'll just say this tho', Cupid is an idiot. Someone definitely needs a good smack upside the head!

27th October 2003, 02:19

:nono: not that, please not that, say it aint so, SAY IT AINT SO!!!!!!! please fix the travesty that is lex/lana!!!!

After thats been said, highly entertaining chappy, I hope theres more to come, and that the chlex will be forthcomeing!!! :biggrin:

27th October 2003, 03:30
All I have to say is that was mean and I am originally from Florida. And I have to say it was a good game. :devil:

Hope :tease:

27th October 2003, 03:38
WHAT?????? What are you doing????? FARMBOY SUCKS!!!!! GET LEXY!

happy bunny
27th October 2003, 04:32
*growls* Okay, I can understand that you're upset about Y's loss, as am I, but that's just plain cruel. Lexana??! :puke: Do I have to explain to you how very wrong that is??

27th October 2003, 06:02

27th October 2003, 06:20
Um....NO! :huh: I can only hope Psyche will smack some sense into Cupid. He's so going to have to call in his mom, Aphrodite to fix this mess.

27th October 2003, 06:36
:devil: Dammit, Why!!??!! How could you do this! If you have any C/C or L/L kissing in the next chapter I'll stop reading it! Your being so mean to all of us, what did we ever do to you, other than giving you rave reviews!!! Please update soon!

P.S. L/L and C/C = :puke:

27th October 2003, 06:41
Oh, God. I think I need to throw up. Please, please - for my sanity - and your health (thinly veiled threat) - no L/L.

27th October 2003, 06:43
I'm sorry, but I just hate Lex and Lana together! Of course I hate Clark and Lana together too! I think I'd be happy if Lana moved away and joined a convent!! :biggrin: Please have Cupid fix this mess fast!! :chlexsign3:

27th October 2003, 07:02
Originally posted by autumngold@Oct 26 2003, 10:43 PM
I think I'd be happy if Lana moved away and joined a convent!!
Well - she can't, can she? I mean, she was with Whitney for how long? Yeah. Don't think she's as virginal as they're trying to portray her. Anyway, maybe they could just bring in one of the meteor freaks for her to fall in love with. Then they could move away and he could kill her. Because, really, deep down, that's what all the meteor freaks want to do. Good for them.

And again, *please* no Lexana.

27th October 2003, 11:13
Nice chapter, although I can't say I'm pleased with how it ended. Chloe/Clark and Lex/Lana? :huh: I wonder what Cupid did for this to happen. They so need to swap dates. :biggrin:

Update soon please! :)

27th October 2003, 12:09
BAM! *gurgle, gurgle*

beginning of transmission

~ We interupt this post to inform you that as Renée has feinted and is currently slowly drowning in a pool of her own vomit, she will be unable to continue this review. On Renée's behalf we suggest that you murder your muse in the most painful way possibe ~

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>transmission ended</span>

27th October 2003, 17:16
you are so wrong for that. you&#39;re going to fix it SOON....right?&#33;

oh yeah, good chap.

27th October 2003, 21:21

What did this stupid Cupid do? :huh:
Lana can&#39;t date Lex and Chloe can&#39;t date Clark.

Update and please make this situation better.

27th October 2003, 21:38
OH HELL NO&#33; well at least it wasn&#39;t something worse like having lionel and helen in the mix.. that would have been horrendous&#33;

happy bunny
27th October 2003, 23:08
Originally posted by scifichick774@Oct 27 2003, 01:02 AM
Anyway, maybe they could just bring in one of the meteor freaks for her to fall in love with. Then they could move away and he could kill her. Because, really, deep down, that&#39;s what all the meteor freaks want to do. Good for them.

And again, *please* no Lexana.
:pclol: Hee hee&#33;&#33; *sigh* If only...

27th October 2003, 23:18
:huh: :ohmy: :puke: :die: :hammer:
Need i say more?

28th October 2003, 19:08
you are evil :devil:
now you need to go and get chloe and lex back together so shoo, that means i would appreciate and update...


28th October 2003, 19:21
ok i&#39;m sure Chlark and Lexana is there for a purpose... or maybe not... but still can you please update quick and get on with chlex before i scream at the wrongness of it all... oh thanks :)

29th October 2003, 07:55
NOOOOOOO&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; *babbling can be heard*

-- A few hours later--

* A note from the doctor at Arkham Asylum, who is observing her patient Lou

* she is sitting in cornor of room rocking back and forth singing in strange voice*

wrong very wrong all is wrong. lex and lana? ha ha look at the pretty stars... they talk to me of lex... and lana?.... lexana anti-christ...twirling and we all fall down...stupid doe eyes make all go to sleep forever...forever...forever...doe eyes must go bye-bye

* It is believed by this institution that this thing known as "Lexana" has resulted in her insanity and can only be cured if it never happens, is never mentioned agian, or if there is an UPDATE to show that it can be stopped.

* end note

Kit Merlot
29th October 2003, 19:41
I would like to join in the general discussion with a great big "HELL NO" to a potential Lex and Lana type situation. I can handle Chlark because of the possibility of Lex stealing Chloe from Clark and Clark left all alone, DENIED&#33;&#33;
But Lex and Lana? NO FREAKIN&#39; WAY&#33;

By the way, I love this story--Please update :biggrin:

29th October 2003, 23:15
Well on the bright side Lex and Chloe are cheating on Dim and Dimmer with eachother. Right.Right?........(crickets).........RIGHT?&#33;

Oh lord please be right :crygreen:


30th October 2003, 21:21
If I see Cupid somewhere around here, he will definetly get a punch. How can he do that??
Did he fail the school of love?

Anyway still love the story. :wub:

3rd November 2003, 01:49
NO&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Please fix this&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; PLease&#33; :crygreen:

4th November 2003, 14:13

15th November 2003, 04:52
YOU ARE EVIL&#33;&#33;
Cupid is so stupid&#33;
Please fix this-- NOW&#33;


15th November 2003, 08:55
LMAO, that was hilarious. Okay, okay, I know you&#39;re thinking, God B tell me it isn&#39;t true, you like the dreaded L/L?

No, I don&#39;t. I can&#39;t stand it actually..


Know that common thing that happens when a man tried to fix something and it ends up even more fucked up than before? That&#39;s totally this situation. I would say leave it to the pro&#39;s. But I thought Cupid was supposed to be the pro.

Dumbass Cupid. But I gotta admit, as soon as he was like, "Fine, I&#39;ll fix it" you just knew he was conjuring a huge disaster.

Love it.


17th November 2003, 02:02
GAH&#33; :huh: WHAT?&#33; :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:

I think Psyche needs to BEAT DOWN her pathetic excuse for a husband, Cupid&#33; Ugh, Why why why why why?&#33;

Anyhoo, I just found this story and I LOVE it&#33; It&#39;s hilarious&#33; I&#39;m reading a book right now by C.S. Lewis that&#39;s about Psyche and Cupid. Awesome concept for a story&#33;&#33;&#33; Update soon&#33;


17th November 2003, 03:32
ARGHHHH&#33; Cupid is so STUPID&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; How can he get a simple matter wrong? How come he keeps missing his targets? i think someone need to get glasses&#33;

17th November 2003, 21:31
oh please c&#39;mon and fix it

18th November 2003, 06:20
I&#39;m going to pretend like I didn&#39;t read that one last part. :goof: Lexana, big no no. But I really can not WAIT to see where this is going. How are we going to get Lex away from the pink puff and back with the spunky reporter? I think this is one instance when yes, Clana is a VERY. GOOD. IDEA. Update soon. :chlexsign1:

22nd November 2003, 17:50
A/N: Whew&#33; And you thought I fell off the face of the planet, didn&#39;t you? Well, at least pretend that you miss me. :blinkkiss: So here&#39;s another chapter..and I swear that once I get LSATs, GMATs and applications out of the way, updates will be mroe frequent.

Thanks to all of you for the reviews. They&#39;ve been an inspiration for me to come back and try to finish this.

Disclaimers in Chapter One

It took every bit of self-control on Psyche’s behalf to stop her from wringing her husband’s neck. Cupid just fouled up big time.

And he knew it. “Hi,” he sheepishly greeted his spouse as he came into the house.

She gave him no answer.

He proceeded with caution, but as he drew too close, she threw him a glare that made him jump back in a heartbeat.

“I take it that you’re still mad?” he whispered, earning him a dirtier look.

“What do you think?” she hissed. When he didn’t say a word, she continued. “This is a disaster, Cupid. I’ve asked a simple task out of you: get Lex and Chloe together. Instead, you’ve done everything else but that&#33;”

“I know, I know&#33;” he admitted, shaking his head at his own wrongdoings. “I’ll take care of it, I promise.”

“Well, you better,” she threatened. “Or else.”

Cupid raised an eyebrow in suspicion. “Or else what?”

“You’ll be living with your mother.”

He shuddered at the thought. Living with Psyche was a bed of roses compared to living with Aphrodite. “Alright, alright,” he surrendered. “I’ll handle this.”

“Good,” Psyche huffed. “I’m going to Hera’s tea party. Fix this before I come back.” Another pointed look was thrown in Cupid’s way before she left.

A sigh of relief escaped the love god as he waved over the looking glass, which showed the date. “Now, how am I going to fix this?” he grumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, the foursome was having an animated conversation at their table. Lana and Clark would crack farm jokes, and Lex and Chloe would shake their heads at them as they engaged themselves in playful banter.

Suddenly, a new waiter appeared at their table, silencing the group. “Mr. Kent?” he inquired blindly, looking at either Lex or Clark for any indication as to which one is the right person.

“Yeah?” Clark finally replied.

“There’s a phone call for you. And another for a Miss Lang.”

Lana smiled at him. “That would be me,” she said.

Clark stood up and helped Lana out of her seat, and they both followed the waiter to the lobby. Left alone, Chloe and Lex could barely handle themselves. Chloe was fidgeting with her napkin, and Lex was tapping his fingertips on the table.

“So,” Lex finally spoke, which startled his table companion.

He smiled. “Sorry,” he muttered. “I just wanted to apologize for my recent behavior.”

“Don’t worry about it, Lex,” Chloe shook her head. “It’s just probably some Wall of Weird phenomenon that’s affecting all of us. In fact, I almost believe that this date could an aftermath effect.”

“Why would you think that, Miss Sullivan?” he said teasingly, hopeful for what she was implying. “I thought that you wanted to be at this level with Clark.”

“Please,” Chloe snickered. “Clark is a good friend, but have you seen our interaction?”

Lex made no intention to respond to her question directly. “Well, then what do you think of my date here with Lana?”

She furrowed her brows. She really did not want to say it, but she thought that he deserved better. “She’s not your type, Lex.”

“And who is, Chloe?” he challenged as every bone in his body prayed for one response.

“I don’t know” was not the answer he was hoping for. A frustrated sigh escaped his lips.

Chloe looked down at her plate, thinking that her statement was rather rude, and was about to apologize when Lex took hold of her hand and tugged at her.

“Come with me,” he said coolly, but she knew by just one look into his eyes that he meant business. She gathered her coat and purse as he left a few generous bills on the table, and she willingly followed him as he led her to the lobby and out of the restaurant where the valet was quick to bring his car.

In a matter of minutes, Lex and Chloe were speeding away from the restaurant and their dates.

The waiter hurriedly came back to the table, only to find it empty. “Now where in the hell did they go?” Cupid, still in disguise, muttered.

22nd November 2003, 18:14
Stupid Cupid.

But at least Lex is taking things into his own hands.

More soon please.

22nd November 2003, 19:17
oh man that&#39;s too short
come on and update more

Susie Q
22nd November 2003, 20:48
Well I, for one, am certainly glad to see you remain firmly rooted to the face of the planet. It makes it much easier for you to supply us with updates. :tongue: Speaking of which, I fully intend to hold you to your promise of frequent updates.

As for Cupid...I have this really strong urge to rap him on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. But like Kris said, at least Lex is taking matters into his own hands. :biggrin:

22nd November 2003, 21:27
:biggrin: yay&#33;&#33;&#33; at least somethings going right&#33;&#33;&#33; :chlexsign1:

but I have to wonder what lana and clark are gonna do&#33;

and cupid, well what else can I say but :dry: :hammer:

22nd November 2003, 22:43
Yay&#33; :yay2: You updated and it&#39;s excellent&#33;&#33; At least Chloe and Lex are together alone&#33;&#33; :biggrin: I think it&#39;s time Chloe and Lex fell in love without Cupids help&#33;&#33; :chlexsign1:

22nd November 2003, 23:48
Go Lex do the job yourself sense cupid is to stupid. :lol:

Hope ;)

23rd November 2003, 03:14
Originally posted by scifichick774@Nov 22 2003, 10:14 AM
Stupid Cupid.

Funny how that rhymes.

good update. Like Lex taking things in his own hands. however, this was far too short. more soon.

23rd November 2003, 06:13
*shakes head*

Cupid is an idiot and he is moving way too slow. But yay Lex&#33;&#33; Finally someone taking charge. At least they both know that their current situations are wrong and want to do something about it.

23rd November 2003, 09:51
Ooh yay, Chloe and Lex ditched their dates and left together&#33; :biggrin:

Loving this story.. please update soon&#33;

23rd November 2003, 14:41
Yay you updated&#33;&#33;&#33; :yay3: Even if it was short...at least you updated&#33; mmmm Chloe and Lex alone... :drool:

Maybe Lex should take over Cupid&#39;s role of Love God, he&#39;s much better at it&#33; Mind you, I personally think he&#39;d be better suited to Sex God&#33;

Update soon&#33;

23rd November 2003, 14:45
Okay, so the update was to short. Come back and make another one. ;)

Cupid is still very much of an idiot.

But a least there seems to be a chance, that they don&#39;t need him. Otherwise it all will end in a big chaos.

23rd November 2003, 14:51
More soon Please&#33; I am hoping this is going where I want it too. With Lex taking charge and doing what Cupid can&#39;t.


23rd November 2003, 16:06


26th November 2003, 23:40
Hehehe, this is a great story, but really; lexanna?&#33;?&#33; what were you thinking, could two people be more wrong for eachother. i am going with the thought, from your last update, that the lexanna was really a ploy so that chlex relized they were ment for eachother without the help of cupid, cause he is a real idiot, more then clark, and i thought that was imposible. btw, great story, now for some chlex.

27th November 2003, 19:02
A/N: Thanks to everyone for your encouragement. The reviews to all my fics have been extremely supportive, so as part of Thanksgiving, I&#39;d like to show my appreciation to y&#39;all by updating each one of them. Hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer in Chapter One

“Where are we going?” Chloe finally gathered enough courage to ask Lex as he sped through the streets of Smallville with ease.

Lex smirked. “Where do you think?”

“Your mansion.”

“Smart girl,” he complimented as he snuck a look at her, noticing a slight blush creeping to her face. “A penny for your thoughts, Miss Sullivan.”

“Just a penny?” she snickered, regaining her composure. “I would have thought that you could afford more. Unless of course, a penny is how much you value my thoughts.”

“Must you always be this difficult?” he inquired.

“Must you always be so evasive?” she countered. If Lex had not been driving, there would have been a stare-off, but there were about 5 minutes from their destination, and Lex aimed to get there safely and efficiently.

There was a brief silence until Chloe broke it. “I’m not that difficult,” she protested in a friendly tone. “I just like to keep people on their toes.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” he assured her.

“Well, tell that to my dad and to my friends,” she grumbled.

Lex kept his eyes on the road stoically, but he felt for the girl. “They only do so, because they care.”

“I know,” she responded weakly. She hesitated for a moment, looking at him and assessing the possibilities of his reaction, but she decided to take a chance. “Why do you humor me?”

“I don’t,” he tersely replied, slightly confused as to the emotional direction of this conversation. “I interact with you, because I like being kept on my toes.”

“Do you ever lower your guard?” she pressed.

Lex waited a second before replying. “Is this on the record?”

Hurt filled Chloe as the implication of the question hit her. Lex noted the tension and tried to retract it right away: “I’m sorry. That was rather harsh.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, it’s okay.”

“No, it’s not,” he insisted. “I don’t, but I want to.” He gripped the steering wheel tightly; incredulous that he just opened himself up to someone.

The blonde, sensing an opportunity, seized it. “Tell me something that no one else knows, Lex.”

Lex hesitated, gripping the steering wheel tighter. “When my mom died,” he finally spoke. “I couldn’t be there, because I was at boarding school.”

“My father sent me away, because he did not want me seeing my mother in such a weak state. The thing was that it wasn’t out of concern for my mental and emotional well-being. He did not want me to see that, because he thought that it would make me weak.”

Chloe was speechless. She has expected something trivial tidbit, but Lex had offered her something more. Not knowing what to do, she went with her gut instinct.

She gently covered his tight fist with hers. That small gesture was enough to flood Lex’s emotional state as he quickly pulled the car over. “He was so invested in making me strong that he failed to realize that my passion for my mother and those I love was the biggest source of my strength. It is the thing that drives me to destroy him one day.”

“You need some sort of balance for that passion, Lex,” Chloe responded. “It can’t be all channeled to the destruction of one person.”

Lex turned in his seat to face her as hope swelled in his chest. “And what do you suggest that I do, Chloe?”

Chloe licked her lips and took a deep breath. “I..” she stammered.

Taking another breath, she looked him in the eye as she covered both sides of his face with her hand and pulled him forcefully closer, slamming her lips over hers.

27th November 2003, 19:11
Yay&#33;&#33; :yay2: What an excellent chapter&#33; I love Lex opening up to Chloe&#33;&#33; But I wish the chapter hadn&#39;t ended there&#33;&#33; :biggrin: I can&#39;t wait until they get back to the mansion&#33; :chlexsign4:

28th November 2003, 00:46
awwww lex opening up to chloe is so cute and that&#39;s a wonderful clue to his feelings for her
more soon please

28th November 2003, 01:05
heh, much better, even cupid can&#39;t ruin this (have i spoken too soon?)


28th November 2003, 02:53
too short. need more. :biggrin:

28th November 2003, 02:57
WOOOT&#33; Finally&#33; Okay, now I need more though. MORE&#33;

Susie Q
28th November 2003, 03:03
This was a great update. http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/clapping.gif Yay for the Lex and Chloe bonding, and all without the “help” of our resident ‘stupid cupid.’ http://www.angelfire.com/emo2/emoticons0/images/Cupid.gif Chloe is “handling” Lex just fine thank you. :eyebrows: Looking forward to the next update.

28th November 2003, 04:12
this is good, them ditching the farm-obesessed

28th November 2003, 04:25
Yeah, Yeah, *claps hands and jumps up and down.* i just loved this update. i love it when lex is open with his feelings and i love it even more when Chloe takes action, i just loved how she kissed him. But why did you stop there? *stomps* i hate cliff hangers, i just want to know what is going to happen next so much. so hurry up with that next update. and more Chlex :chlexsign4: :yay2: :wub: :worship2:

28th November 2003, 06:02
More please.... :worship2:

Hope :worship2:

28th November 2003, 07:40
:yay: :yay: you updated&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

but why did you stop there? :tease: you have to update. please?

29th November 2003, 15:22
I love the fact that cupid is not needed in Chlex... cupid who needs him.. hehe... of course that&#39;s not to say that he doesn&#39;t provide the comic element.

29th November 2003, 16:47
Awww... Chloe and Lex know what to do even without Cupid. :wub:
Now more&#33;&#33;

29th November 2003, 17:02
Great update&#33; Finally&#33; :D
Who needs cupid anyways? heheh
Update soon&#33;

happy bunny
1st December 2003, 02:37

Love it&#33; Glad that all of cupid&#39;s mistakes didn&#39;t stop them from getting together and can&#39;t wait for more of this&#33;

Great job&#33;

1st December 2003, 20:52
Great chapter&#33; It&#39;s nice to see Lex opening up to Chloe. I love that Chloe and Lex are clearly capable of getting together on their own without Cupid. Please update soon&#33;

Kit Merlot
2nd December 2003, 18:57
I LOVE that Chloe and Lex are taking matters into their own hands. They don&#39;t need Cupid--Lex opened up to her on his own, and Chloe kissed him just because he is so freakin&#39; sexy when he&#39;s vulnerable. Actually, who am I kidding&#33; He&#39;s sexy all the time :biggrin:

Well done and keep up the great work&#33;

10th December 2003, 05:02
Yay for Chlex to be figured out WITHOUT the help of the gods...see, it&#39;s just natural for them.

Other things I like:

Clark stepped closer to the both of them. “Will you two stop it? You’re confusing me&#33;”

“You’re always confused,” the two retorted in unison.

*sighs* Ah, poor stupid farmboy.

Also, I can TOTALLY understand your agressions after the loss of the Yankees- yes, yes, I said it. I&#39;m a die hard fan and was very depressy after the loss so I can see where cupid comes off as being such an idiot.

Can&#39;t wait to read more. ;)

Kit Merlot
30th December 2003, 18:57
Okay, Toots, I NEED AN UPDATE&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

PLEASE???? :chlexsign2:

10th January 2004, 23:00

11th January 2004, 10:15
:wub: This story is real cute. But you just had to end it there, didn&#39;t you? -_-

12th January 2004, 22:40
How about an update on the story? Its been over a month :crygreen: . Please update soon&#33;&#33;

24th January 2004, 06:21
A/N: I know that it&#39;s been a while. And I&#39;m really sorry. But I took some time from the crazy RL to bring you this. It could be the final installation for this fairy tale unless Cupid and Psyche inspire some epilogue out of me. Thanks once again for your support.

Disclaimer in Chapter One

The double doors to Lex’s den swung open and slammed to the walls as he and Chloe walked in, lips practically mauling each other and hands roaming wherever they can be in contact with skin.

Without breaking away, Lex turned them around, aiming to move them forward to the leather sofa. Chloe busied herself by unbuttoning his coat with little success, to which she let a groan out in frustration. Lex smirked at her reaction as he continued to nip at her bottom lip.

“Let me,” he finally murmured as he covered his hands over Chloe to move them away from the buttons, but not away from his body. She continued to kiss him, peppering his lips, his cheeks and back to his lips with a variety of soft but assertive pecks, while he worked on his buttons.

Inspired by the brief contact with his skin when he had moved her hands, she decided to up the ante when he finally got his coat off. Stroking his chest over his crisp shirt, she looked up at him and revealed a smirk that almost rivaled his. Before he could question her motives, she inched her face closer and began sucking on his lips again as her hand firmly pressed on his front side and began to lower.

‘Whoa’ was the closest coherent thought he had, and it immediately vanished when she reached her target. A moan escaped his lips, but while it sounded so foreign to him as he had done nothing of the sort since he could remember, it sounded so natural and so right for Chloe.

Finally gaining her composure, Chloe began to take control as she slowly brought her hands up to Lex’s chest, feeling the frustration from her partner upon the loss of her touch on his weakest point. She moved her lips from his to his neck, where she continued to nip and peck, and when she had reached the top of his shirt, she unbuttoned the first, stopped and removed all contact from Lex altogether.

Making sure that he was looking at her, she smirked once again, and without warning, she pulled the shirt apart, tearing the pearl buttons away from the silk.

Lex was amazed for a second, almost not believing that she could be capable of such act. But when she resumed to touch him and finally began to lower herself to kiss his chest, the burning in him came rushing back. Before any rational thought escaped him forever, he asked, “Chloe, are you sure about this?”

She didn’t even stop. “Absolutely.”

“I am a ninja. A stealthy ninja,” Cupid uttered to himself for the twenty-second time as he prepared to enter his home. When he finally found the courage to enter, he was greeted by his wife, sitting stoically on the love seat facing him. “So much for stealth,” he muttered.

“So?” Psyche prodded.

He shrugged. “So?”

“Did you fix it?”

“Well, Clark and Lana stayed at the restaurant, and Chloe and Lex left together. If that’s what you mean,” he said with feigned innocence.

“You didn’t, did you?”

No amount of lying could save him now. In surrender, he hung his head and groaned, “No.”

Psyche’s mask went from stoic to annoyance in a beat. Carefully to place enough distance between them, Cupid plopped himself next to her on the love seat, burying his head in his hands. Incoherently muttering something about retirement, he was stopped by a few words from her.

“It’s a good thing that I placed back-up then.”

“What?” His head jolted up. “What are you talking about?”

Psyche shrugged innocently. “I just placed some love potion into the wine. I figured that Chloe and Lex would be smart enough to figure things out eventually, and if they did, the potion would be insurance that they secure the bond.”

“But honey,” he protested. “Love potions are a misnomer. Everyone in Mount Olympus knows that once people discover that they are destined to be in love, they are really..”

“Aphrodisiacs?” she interjected with a knowing grin. “They’ve been at it for two hours,” she added as she nodded to the looking glass.

The glass showed nothing, but Cupid knew what she meant. “You doubted me?” he smiled sadly.

“No,” she assured him. “Just played sidekick, that’s all.”

“So I guess you got your happy ending then?” Cupid hoped.

“Nope,” Psyche shook her head. Seeing the disappointed look on her husband’s face, she closed the distance between them and covered his lips with hers. After a long passionate kiss, she resurfaced for air and said, “Now I do.”

24th January 2004, 06:30
lol, so cute, i am glad that you finaly came back and finished this fic, it was well worth the wait, i liked it a lot. :goof: :goof:

24th January 2004, 08:46
Bravo nice ending :clap:

Hope :blinkkiss:

24th January 2004, 09:29
Thank you so much for the update&#33;&#33; Of course, you left at the really good part of the love scene. . . . :biggrin: I think this story was really great&#33;&#33; Thanks for writing&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:

24th January 2004, 16:52
:biggrin: fantastico&#33;&#33; :worship2:

24th January 2004, 16:56
Well, I can&#39;t say that I&#39;m happy to see this story go, but it was a really cute ending and at least you didn&#39;t leave us hanging. :) Nicely done.

24th January 2004, 21:07
Very nice ending as I like them, with Chlex.

Kit Merlot
26th January 2004, 19:35
This was a wonderful story--sweet and romantic and funny&#33;

WELL DONE :biggrin:

26th January 2004, 21:22
:yay: , you updated.
Loved the last chapter, which completed a wonderful story&#33; :wub:

28th January 2004, 09:21
I loved the sweet happy ending&#33;

Great job on an all around very cute and funny fic&#33; :)

7th February 2004, 21:22
A/N: You didn&#39;t think that I was just going to end it there, did ya? ;) Oh, you did? Well, this should be a happy surprise then. Forgive the fluff as I am in a fluffy mood.

Disclaimer in Chapter One

It was a nice day for a wedding, Chloe though as she turned to catch a glimpse at Lex and smiled to herself. It had been a whirlwind year with the outbreaks of fainting and hormone attacks in Smallville, especially among her friends, but it worked out eventually.

She was stealthily fidgeting with her elbow-high silk gloves, paying less attention than she should be at the wedding mass. She turned again to glance at Lex, and this time, she caught him staring back at her. Blushing, she immediately turned back. They had been together ever since that memorable escapade at the manor, but she still couldn’t help feeling the goose bumps every time he laid his eyes on her.

The shivers went up and down her spine and into her every limb, as she felt the intensity of his unwavering attention that focused on just her. She turned again with more gumption, defying him to turn away. Yet, he didn’t, and she swore that his eyes turned dark at her bold move.

From her peripheral vision, Chloe caught sight of Helen and Lionel, and all sexual appeal immediately ran away from her body. ‘Gross’, she thought as she tried to erase the knowledge about the on-and-off affair between her boyfriend’s father and his former girlfriend. While Lionel was never one for recycling his lovers, it was extremely odd for everyone aware of that fact to witness him, time after time, get back together with Dr. Bryce. Even after their huge blow-outs.

‘Love gods can be really mean,’ Chloe thought to herself. Failing her attempts to focus on the ceremony at hand, she couldn’t help but to turn to Lex again. Only this time, he was looking forward. It was Clark that was turned to her. She was almost shocked for a second, until she realized that it wasn’t her that he was focusing his attention. She moved her head the other way, looking at her cousin, Lois.

Who knew that Clark could be such a sucker for brunettes? Oh, wait.. Chloe almost had to suppress a fit of giggles.

Speaking of Lana, she was radiant. Of course, getting to married can do that to a woman, even if it meant that it was to Pete. Yes, despite his adamant protests, Pete eventually broke down and fell for Lana’s, albeit weird-phenomenon-induced, charm. After dating for a year, they finally decided to get married, and here they are in the middle of Smallville Parish, celebrating their jump into matrimonial bliss.

Finally being able to wrap her head around this wedding concept, she often wondered why Lex had not proposed to her. After all, their relationship had been thriving excellently, especially despite Lionel’s ploys of intervention.

Then the priest had pronounced two of his best friends as husband and wife. Chloe applauded like the rest of the guests as Lana and Pete sealed their new vows with a kiss.

As the rest of the wedding party had marched down the aisle, following the lovely couple, and into their respective cars to attend the reception at the Talon, Chloe lagged behind. She had a nagging feeling that she would, but she couldn’t understand why. Looking back into the chapel, she admired the wedding décor. Despite its severe level of pink, many thanks to the new Mrs. Ross, Chloe found herself wishing for something similar.

“Purple would suit us more,” a voice from behind interrupted her matrimonial reveries. She quickly turned around and gave Lex a questioning smile.

“I didn’t think that pink would be your color of choice, either,” she initially teased. Then her expression grew more serious. “But are we talking about color in general..”

“Or colors for a wedding?” he finished for her. “I was referring to the latter, but I think a more appropriate question would be in order.”

She arched an eyebrow as Lex came closer, pulling something from his pocket. “I should have asked sooner, but between thwarting my father’s diabolical plots, your journalist’s adventures and Lexcorp’s growth, I guess I would like to chalk it up to being busily distracted.”

“But that’s no excuse,” he added as he displayed a purple velvet box in the palm of his right hand. As he began to kneel, he opened the tiny container, revealing a rather hefty but classy diamond solitaire. Chloe gasped at the extravagance. “Lex..” she stammered.

He interjected by taking her left hand with his. “I shouldn’t have waited all of this time, Chloe. Because I knew that, in my heart, you were the only one. You were and always are the only one. For me.”

Tears began to gather around Chloe’s eyes as she listened to what she had to say. “You are the light of my life when I’ve been in the dark since my mom’s death. You made me whole again. For that, I can only ask you one more favor.”

Still speechless from his grand gesture, Chloe nodded for him to continue. “Chloe Sullivan, will you marry me?”

By now, the tears were free falling from her eyes as she happily nodded and yelled out, “Yes&#33; Yes, I will marry you, Alexander Luthor.”

She urged him to stand, and when he did, she threw her arms around him. As he spun them around and around, she shouted “I love you” over and over in an attempt to announce her emotions to the world.

Once they stopped, he took the ring from the box and slipped it into her finger. Chucking the box behind him, which earned a giggle from her, Lex held her face in his hands. Looking into her eyes, he said, “I love you, Chloe Sullivan” as he leaned down to cover her lips with his.

Somewhere in Mount Olympus, a couple stood in front of the looking glass, sipping on champagne and smiling at the sight of Chloe and Lex. “Finally,” Psyche said happily as she threw a sideway glance at her husband.

Smugly, Cupid twirled his arrow and grinned. “Happy anniversary, sweetheart.”


7th February 2004, 21:52
:biggrin: that was a perfect ending&#33;&#33;&#33; &#33; &#33; great, just wonderful&#33; I loved the look back to psyci and cupid at the end as well. :worship2:

7th February 2004, 23:09
:wub: :wub: :wub: awe...fluffy and mushy, what a perfect combination, i love the ending.

7th February 2004, 23:56
Definitely the perfect mushy ending. Well done. :biggrin:

8th February 2004, 00:32
:lol: that was nice and mushy. :clap:

Hope :wub:

8th February 2004, 00:48
awwww that so cute
i loved it congrats :yay2:

8th February 2004, 01:01
That&#39;s such a perfect way to end it&#33;&#33; OMG&#33; It was just so cute and fluffy- but perfect. :) I liked looking back at Cupid and Psyche, that was a nice touch too. :biggrin:

8th February 2004, 09:22
Nicely done&#33; I love how you ended with the Chlex proposal as anniversary gift&#33; Great job&#33;

8th February 2004, 10:03
Aww, that was so sweet&#33; Just perfect&#33; :wub:

8th February 2004, 18:31
What a great ending to a fun story&#33;&#33; I loved how even Lex&#39;s proposal was purple&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Thanks so much for the epilogue, it just made your story perfect&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:

9th February 2004, 02:48
Originally posted by deessedelune@Feb 7 2004, 08:22 PM
Because I knew that, in my heart, you were the only one. You were and always are the only one. For me.

Awww, wasn&#39;t that sweet?&#33; :wub: Thanks for the epiloque. Very nice&#33;

9th February 2004, 16:28
Yes, I realize I&#39;m a litte late. Better late than never right? Right.

Loved the story, ending was fantabulous, and thank you for not putting us through too much L/L. Yay Cupid for finally getting something done.


18th February 2004, 06:40
i screamed when it was chloeandclark romance but you fixed it real good like, it was a verry verry nice ending

6th March 2004, 16:25
Fantastic fic&#33; I loved Cupid and Psche in this and of course the Chlex... so cute together... :clap:

25th December 2004, 08:27
Just had to post :D I loved this story it was so cute. I believe that this is the Spuffy Cupid story that this one resembles slightly.

Clicky (http://vampires-kiss.net/fics/shotinthedark.html)

15th March 2005, 08:39
I enjoyed this story very much it is well written and interesting. Hope you write more stories.

9th June 2005, 15:27
That story was fantastic :) Loved it, how "fate", namely Psyche and Cupid, interfered.

26th June 2005, 22:48
love the mythology in this one!

great fic

7th July 2005, 07:47
This was a lovely fic.

29th August 2005, 00:25
Aww, I absolutely loved this fic! It was so sweet and yet there were so many times I wanted to strangle Cupid. Especially with the whole Lex/Lana thing. Yuck!

Anyway, great story. :)

30th August 2005, 03:21
OMG i loved this story, so cute!

5th July 2006, 08:02
Fluffy endings are perfectly fine with me. {smiles} Wonderful little Cupid piece. I don't think I've ever seen him written that densely. LOL. Very cute.

12th August 2006, 10:12
awww that was soo cute!!! I wanna cry!!! Cupid really messed it up at first hehehe but then he cleaned it prtty good too :P

it was lovely i can't wait fr your next fics dees!!!


22nd August 2006, 06:50
I finished reading this a few days ago, but totally forgot to review. Sorry!! Anyway, I absolutely loved it!! Reminds me so much of the Spuffy/Cupid stories I've read before---and having it deal with Chlex was just awesome!! Hehee!! You did a splendid job with this story!!!

22nd August 2006, 20:56
Oh that was so cute! Can't believe I haven't read this before. Fabulous!

Ami Rose
22nd October 2013, 09:57
Very cute, funny and romantic... Loved it!