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View Full Version : Summer Story Information Post and Ongoing Sign Ups

15th June 2010, 15:04
Okay, I'm closing the other post. Anyone who would like to sign up to be an author, please post here and you'll be added! :)

A big thank you to those who have signed up so far! This post will be for all the information on the process of creating the story. The story will have it's own post so that things can be discussed here without crowding up the other thread.

Here's where we're at:

Plot: I want to start with a very thin idea here so that no one is locked in to a specific direction, but we have a jumping off point. If the writers would like to make this more specific, post here and we'll hammer out some more plot points and I'll add them.

Set in season 5 - Chloe is working to break a huge story and Lex has some concerns.

Feel free to take that in whichever direction you want when it's your turn. Some questions we might want to (but don't have to) consider:

What is the story?
Why is Lex concerned?
Is Lex concerned for Chloe' sake or his own?
Is Chloe in danger?
What is the relationship like between Chloe and Lex?

Post Length: The posts are limited to between 100-800 words so that no one feels overwhelmed by having to post in such a short time.

End Date: The story ends on September 1st and should have a conclusion at that point.

Also, remember to keep it civil and a maximum of PG15 so that everyone can participate.

If anyone has anything that they want to discuss or suggest as far as current or potential plot points, please feel absolutely free to do so here. That goes for both writers and readers.

Also, if an author's turn is approaching and they're unsure of which way they want to take the story and would like some help or advice, ask here. And don't worry if you want to write something short that doesn't involve huge plot movement. There will be lots of posts, so big and little ones are both great.

As far as a title goes, suggestions are welcome - either of actual titles or of a good way of picking one. Any opinions if we should name it now or when it's finished?

Below is the order we have at this point. Let me know if anyone has a problem with their spot.

Kit Merlot

I will PM each author as their turn comes up. They have 2 days to post up their part.

It's okay if that person can't post for whatever reason. We'll just move to the next person on the list and bump the person that missed to the end so that they're still part of the RR.

If the person can't think of anything then it's absolutely okay to pass. They'll just be added back at the end of the list and can try again later on.

17th June 2010, 01:33
Right, I have just about finished the opening to the story, not got any thoughts on a title just yet, but hopefully the entrance to the story I provide wont totally suck. I don't know if I am writing something that may be a little over complicated, but hey.... we can always chuck it and start fresh! I'll post up the finished chappy tomorow when I have had a chance to propler iron it out ;D.

If anyone wants to put in some input before then, please do :)

17th June 2010, 07:24
I'm sure you're doing an awesome job, asharnanae :) It might be easier to come up with the title at the end anyway, when we know what the story has been about! lol

17th June 2010, 13:03
Right, I have just about finished the opening to the story, not got any thoughts on a title just yet, but hopefully the entrance to the story I provide wont totally suck. I don't know if I am writing something that may be a little over complicated, but hey.... we can always chuck it and start fresh! I'll post up the finished chappy tomorow when I have had a chance to propler iron it out ;D.

If anyone wants to put in some input before then, please do :)

Yay! :D

And I agree with Ultra that you'll do a bang up job. And I don't think that overly complicated is bad. Since it's the beginning of the story it can help give us some direction. I can't wait to read it. :)


17th June 2010, 23:07
well... for better or worse the chapter is up....

2nd July 2010, 01:49
We could name it splash.

5th July 2010, 09:32
Should someone have posted a new part by now?

5th July 2010, 13:44
Should someone have posted a new part by now?

Thats just what I was going to ask!

Kit Merlot
5th July 2010, 19:51
Thats just what I was going to ask!

Maybe I misread this, but I thought each writer had to wait to post the next section and then Sarah would give them the go ahead. And I think I'm up after Fouzia, so I'm trying to remain calm:grin3:

6th July 2010, 00:41
I thought that she would PM us as a reminder. Or to let us know if the person before us wanted to skip their turn.

Kit Merlot
6th July 2010, 14:07
I thought that she would PM us as a reminder. Or to let us know if the person before us wanted to skip their turn.

Oh man, now I'm confused:P

9th July 2010, 15:16
Hey guys. Computer problems and some RL issues got together and put me behind in this. I am contacting the next person on the list right now, though. :)

I wanted to take a minute and address people's concerns about writing a certain type of story, because I think we all have that concern about different genres, so I totally get the worry. I just want everyone to know that the great thing about a round robin is that it actually doesn't have to be just one kind of story. If a person doesn't feel like they want to pursue something like the mystery angle, then that's a great time to add an element that they do feel comfortable with. It won't disrupt the story, but will actually make it richer, taking it from "mystery/suspense" to "mystery/suspense/romance/humor". They layering is the best part of the multiple author scenario.

So if it's your turn and you decide that you want to use it to delve a little into the romance aspect, have some flirting, explore feelings or maybe you want to go angsty with it, have a heart to heart, an exchange of guilt ridden glances, accidentally shoot a minor character then that's great, too.

Also, remember that you're not actually confined to the very next moment of the story. Time is conveniently flexible in fiction. For instance, there's never a bad time for a flashback. That can definitely lend itself to steering away from one aspect to a story and introducing a new one. For the sake of example I'll use the ending of westwingwolf's part.

Only the room wasn’t a room so much as a large area the size of an airplane-hanger. And the scientists definitely weren’t testing new methods for creating environmentally-friendly paper-making.

“Hello Ms. Sullivan.”

Funny thing about spying is no matter how skilled or how much one could prepare; there was always one problem that couldn’t be tackled. If caught by someone who knows you by name, then you are screwed.

“Hello Lex.”

Possible continuation one:

Despite the tenseness of the situation, Chloe couldn't help but remember when things had been different between the two of them...

Insert flashback

Possible continuation two:

Chloe woke up with a massive headache. Her encounter with Lex in the Edison Street facility had been both enlightening and frustrating. She wasn't sure what to make of it and she didn't have time to really process it all as she was late for...

Insert whatever you want Chloe to do for the day

So things like that can let people fold in a new layer and then when a writer comes up that wants to go back and fill in those specifics they can. And it's all good because every part helps flesh out the story in a different way. :)

So I hope that helps some, but an ongoing dialogue about the direction of the story and all of our feelings and concerns is definitely wanted. Also, if anyone sees where the story is at and simply doesn't feel like that's a place that they want to pick up from, it's totally cool to pass. :)


Kit Merlot
9th July 2010, 15:29
This helps a great deal Sarah--thanks:grin3:

9th July 2010, 19:32
Thats very helpful, Sarah. I really hadn't looked at it in that way. Thanx :)

27th July 2010, 17:36
I am now away for the next five weeks! And with all likelihood will not see a computer at all ( I may die of withdrawal) so if and when the story continues I will have to pass my go until I am back near the end of august. sorry guys.