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3rd March 2003, 02:09
Title: Betrothed to the Enemy

Summary: The terms of Lionel's last will and testament were anything but simple. Lex Luthor will inherit a large share of the fortune only if he agrees to the terms of the contract. He must find love and marry a woman. If they are still together, in a year then Lex will gain his inheritance, if not, the money will be forfeited. He has one week to get himself a wife.

Catagory: General

Rating: R

Disclaimer: This may come as a shock to many but I *don't* own Smallville. Neither do I own The Bachelor (you know, that movie where I stole this idea from).

Chapter One: Nobody Survives an Autopsy


Late for his father's funeral, how ironic. Lex slowly entered into the church's tiny driveway amongst the many other vehicles. The traffic in Smallville usually consisted of three speeding tractors and a suicidal cow that loved to run in the opposite direction, but today the elite of Metropolis had braved the countryside to pay their respects.

Lex wore a look of complacency as he walked into the quaint church. He unbuttoned his black Armani that his father hated and proceeded to accept the not-so-heartfelt condolences. Why Lionel's last wish was to be buried in this freak show of a town evaded Lex, but nevertheless, he'd arranged for him to be laid to rest in the tainted green soil of Smallville. There were two distinct groups of people: the Smallville crowd and their Metropolis counterparts. Of course *none* of them wanted to be there.

Lex glanced over to the open coffin that was being viewed by passive mourners. Clark stood among them, warily looking into the coffin with a morbid fascination, not willing to believe that Lionel had truly perished.

"Hey Clark." Lex said, breaking the silence.

"Holy Moses!" Clark yelled, spinning around at the sound of Lex's voice. He looked visibly flustered; his performance drew several glares.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, it's just so quiet in here. Like a library... only with a dead person." Lex stated glancing at the deceased. Even in his coffin Lionel seemed smug. Well, seeing as how the interior was designed from Spanish cotton, he *should* feel smug.

"I-I'm okay..." Clark stuttered, recovering from shock and avoiding the glares he received from people who were annoyed with his outburst. "Just don't ever sneak up on me when I'm looking into a coffin,"

"Relax Clark, the man is dead." Lex said slowly.


Screw this. I have what I came for... why am I still here? It's not like I knew Lionel, I couldn't care less that the man was murdered. It was such a sloppy job too... you'd think Lionel would get killed by professionals. Chloe went to retrieve her jacket and leave this miserable situation, but paused when she overheard two women in an interesting conversation.

"...Imagine what Lex will inherit now? I heard that the reading of the will is going to take place at the mansion..."

"I don't suppose it's that simple... what will happen to the entire LuthorCorp industry? Will it be sold for a profit, or will Lex gain control of it?"

"I suppose we'll find out soon enough, I heard a reporter from the Planet will be at the reading... they won't give him *all* the information though, that's for certain..."

Chloe smirked at the news then put her jacket on and headed outside. This was it, one of those big breaks that reporters dream of for their careers... not that she'd actually started her career, but it was a push in the right direction. Who wanted to read about the coverage of the funeral when she could get access to the reading of Lionel's will? She needed to go home and try get into get hold of her contact at the Daily Planet. Maybe she could tag along with this other hotshot reporter who was attending the event. Time was of the essence.

The determined girl headed outside and her eyes fell upon her sleek red car that was blocked by a silver Porsche, displaying a non-subtle license plate.



Chloe made her way over to Lex but paused when she saw who was talking to. Clark. This was so pathetic, ever since the fall out between herself, Clark and Lana things had been strained. Sure she loved Clark... the same way you love a stupid puppy that keeps chewing on your new shoes. It wasn't going to stop her though.

"...I'm just really sorry about Lionel," Clark started, "I wish there was something I could have done. If you need anything, I'm here, I really don't know what to say except... this too shall pass."

Oh my God. Was Clark serious? Lex expected this kind of sentimental crap from everyone else, but didn't Clark know that he'd always hated his father? He was sick of everyone trying to help him through this 'difficult' period in his life.

"I'm sure Mr. Luthor can handle this situation without somebody holding his hand Clark," Chloe stated, coming up to the two of them.

Lex resisted the urge to smile. He knew her shots would be directed exclusively at Clark. It wasn't that much of a surprise considering the way they treated each other.

"I didn't mean it like that Chloe... and besides, shouldn't you be digging up dirt on someone somewhere?" Clark fired back as best he could.

Chloe sighed, arguing with Clark was about as effective as arguing with a wet sock. She turned to Lex.

"Are you doing okay?" Chloe bluntly asked the distracted man, pulling her jacket over her simple black dress and searching for her keys.

Lex let out a frustrated sigh at her question, "I'm doing well, considering the current circumstances." He really couldn't stand the way everyone was suddenly concerned about his feelings. It was driving him insane. The truth was he couldn't care less that his father was dead. Nobody understood that, they were walking on eggshells around him and acting overly concerned and-

"Good, so do you think you could move your car? That ego enhancer of yours is blocking me and I need to get home right away." She said matter-of- factly.

Lex raised an eyebrow. Reporters...

"Lex!" a shrill female voiced pierced the air. Lana made her way over to the trio and gave Clark and Chloe two steely glares before turning her attention to Lex.

"Lana, how are..." Lex paused when he felt the sudden tension in the circle. Why did he hang out with angsty teenagers again?

"I'm so sorry about your father Lex..." Lana began, clinging to his arm like a vulture, "It's truly a tragedy, he was such a great man. I can't believe someone would do such a terrible thing, how are you doing? You must feel terrible, please feel free to cry. Showing your emotions in public is the first step in the healing process, maybe we could all join hands and cry together-"

"There will be no joining of hands right now, Lana," Chloe stated, "I came over here because Lex's car is blocking mine and I need to leave."

"I do apologize Chloe, I'll have someone move it," Lex stated, using the excuse to release himself from Lana's deathly grip and the talk of the 'tragedy'.

"How can you think of yourself at a time like this?" Lana hissed at her ex- friend.

"Yes Chloe, that was pretty insensitive of you." Clark agreed.

"Don't you think there's enough sympathy going around? I mean what else can anyone do?" Chloe said slowly for their benefit.

"She does have a point," Lex commented nonchalantly.

"I don't think anyone can help my father now," Lex continued.

Chloe nodded, "Well, nobody survives an autopsy."

Chapter 2: Close Ties

The blonde girl's comment drew two gasps from Clark and Lana and a wide smirk from Lex.

"I cannot believe the way you are behaving," Lana snapped.

Chloe sighed. Things had changed dramatically during their last year of high school; they were all still caught up in the old wounds that had never quite healed. Chloe desperately wanted to leave so she turned to Lex, "Look, I really need to go so please *move* your car."

Lex paused for a second then agreed, giving Clark and Lana a nod before turning to leave with Chloe. Thank God. He was starting to feel nauseous with all the concerned glances. As he walked through the gathering various strangers expressed their swift condolences with pats on the back and forced emotions. They all passed by in a blur.

The sun pierced his eyes as he made it to the outside. Lex leaned against the cold wall and ripped off his tie, loosening his collar.

"It's hard to breath in there with all those people isn't it?" Chloe paused, glancing at the man who drew ragged breaths. There was a twinge of guilt that was growing in her but she brushed it aside.

"Not really... it's just that this tie really doesn't go well with this suit. I don't know what I was thinking." Lex muttered, lowering himself onto a step.

"He made a joke... now I know he's sane enough to move his car out of my-" Chloe paused when she saw her car was blocked in from all sides now by those of new funeral goers. She swore out loud.

Lex follwed her line of sight and shrugged, "I could go in and start asking people who owns a silver Honda? Or maybe I could work it into the eulogy?"

"Forget it." Chloe said frustrated, sitting on the stairs beside him. The two remained there in silence, each with their own thoughts. Neither wanted to go back into the church and face the false tears and black moods.

"Is there a reason why you wanted to leave so soon?" Lex asked, breaking the silence.

"What? Oh... well, yeah, there's a reason." Chloe stated evasively.

"Well? Did your home burn down? Your cat get stuck in the dishwasher?" Lex prodded.

"Firstly I don't have a cat, I'm a dog person." commented Chloe.

Lex laughed, "Figures... you like 'em big and dumb."

Chloe gave him a sideways glance, "Did I detect a hint of innuendo...?"

"Innuendo is in the ear of the listener..." he retorted.

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Well, if you must know I was in Lionel's funeral when I... overheard a conversation about some sort of a meeting about the contents of his will..."

"...and you wanted to get into contact with someone who could get you a ticket to the show?" Lex finished of her sentence with a smirk.

Chloe paused in thought, "Well, yeah, that's pretty much what I meant, except I would have used better grammar to express it." She commented lightly.

"Are you insulting my verbal skills Ms Sullivan?" Lex feigned hurt.

"I wouldn't dream of it Mr. Luthor," Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you just ask me?"

"For what?" Chloe responded, smoothing down her silky skirt thoughtfully.

"For a pass to go to the reading of Lionel's will?" Lex stated.

Chloe never thought Lex would actually agree to that, but since he brought it up...

"Will you let me attend the special event, Lex?" Chloe asked seriously.

Lex paused, as if to seriously consider the question, but in reality there was only one answer. The only news coverage allowed was the Planet's top reporter... he wasn't about to let an amateur into the picture.

"No," Lex said casually, getting up and putting his tie back on again. "I will not let you advance your career by using the death of my father a leverage." he continued with a dramatic air.

Chloe groaned, "Give me a break, you couldn't care less about your father's death. People in there may not see it, but I sure as hell can."

Lex looked across the sun baked fields with a smirk, "How would you feel if your father died?" he asked, knowing it was not the same thing.

"I love my father, Lex. Now if my mother died I doubt I'd feel much pain. There's just no way I could pretend to miss her when she was never there to begin with." Chloe said fluidly.

"Well I believe that I feel the same animosity towards my father..." Lex trailed off.

"Harsh words," commented Chloe.

"Actually I just wanted to see if you knew what animosity meant." Lex said, still trying to straighten his tie.

"I graduated from high school two weeks ago, I think I picked up a few things." Chloe shot back.

Lex's voice took on a serious tone, "I'm glad to know you learned something at farm-school."

"You're such an idiot, you know that?" she spat.

The man shook his head with a smile, still struggling with his tie. "Why must you always insult me? I have receive more insults from you during our fleeting conversations that I have from people I've known all my life."

"Well that's because they're all threatened by you, whereas I am not," Chloe said, thoroughly insulted by the way Lex shot down her hopes of getting that story.

Lex's hands stopped fidgeting with his tie and instead he turned to Chloe with folded arms. "Excuse me?"

For the first time Chloe looked directly into his vivid eyes, but refused to be mentally overpowered. "You heard me... I hate repeating myself."

"You know, I think you use this arguing thing as some sort of a barrier between you and the rest of the world." Lex analyzed.

Chloe's jaw dropped, "Who are you? Dr. Phil? I really don't think you're qualified to judge me you... you... psychologically scarred egomaniac!"

Lex raised his eyebrows, "Flattery will get you nowhere, I'm still not letting you go to the reading of my father's will, Chloe."

"You..." she said, embedding her index finger into his chest, "...can call me Ms Sullivan, and mark my words, I going find out about that will one way or the other..."

Lex took a step back, as the girl stormed back into the church. "That's some challenge..." he muttered.

Chloe stuck her head out the door one final time, "By the way your tie looks stupid."

"Nice timing Lucas," Lex commented as his half brother made an entrance into Lex's office, just before the reading of the will.

"Sorry I couldn't make it to the funeral, something came up," Lucas responded insincerely. Lex didn't blame him at all; it was human nature to retain animosity towards someone who had abandoned you then tried to kill you.

The intimate gathering of people in the office included a few members of the extended Luthor dynasty, several major share holders of LuthorCorp and the Planet's leading reporter. Lionel's lawyer began the proceedings and gradually chipped off smaller portions of the Luthor kingdom till it was down to only Lucas and Lex. The group waited in breathless anticipation, but Lex wore a look of weary as he waited for Lionels last game.

"... to Lucas, the son I never knew, I hope that in my death you will receive what I could not give you in life," The lawyer read, then handed Lucas an envelope.

"It contains the deeds to various properties across Europe, a generous number of shares in LutherCorp and of course a handsome fortune," The older man stated, adjusting his glasses.

Lucas grinned appreciatively, "Thanks dad..." he murmured to himself, then turned to Lex before heading out the door, "I'll see you around. I trust the old man left you just a big of a prize, I won't be hanging around to find out what it is." he said, disappearing through the door.

"Actually this is a concealed matter, for Lex's ears only." The lawyer stated. The group let out the breath they had been holding and shuffled their way out the door, each much wealthier that when they'd come in.

"Lex..." the lawyer said with a frown. "Your father has left you, his first born, absolutely everything. Property, the majority of the shares of LuthorCorp and his assets in Asia."

With half a smile, Lex nodded and waited for the catch, recalling his last conversation with his father...


"I really did want you to be as strong as I was before I died Lex... but you still have so much to learn..."

"I can lie and tell the truth while keeping the exact same facial expression, what else do I need to learn?"

"Desire, son. You have never desired anything in life that you weren't already addicted to. I see that now, and before you can touch any of my fortune, you will have to learn this lesson..."

*End Flashback*

"Lex? Are you listening to me?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, please continue," Lex stated, leaning forward in his chair and rubbing the back of his neck.

"...Alexander, your father left you everything, but there are terms that must be met before you receive this wealth."

Lex braced himself.

"You must find a non-family member to be your partner, someone you trust with your money..." the lawyer began.

-No problem... I happen to know the most honest down to earth farmboy to be partners with- Lex thought.

"You must then marry this person."

-Okay, scratch that idea-

"Then you two must live together, sharing all you have with each other for at least a year to prove that the relationship was genuine."

There was a pause and Lex didn't say anything so the lawyer continued.

"You must find this woman within the next week or all your assets will be forfeited and LuthorCorp will be broken off and sold piece by piece to whoever can afford it."

Lex swore, and got up from his seat. If LuthorCorp fell into someone else's hands, the fluctuation in the business world would cause LexCorp to fall too. Thousands of people would loose their jobs because of him.

"Lex? Do you understand these terms?" the lawyer asked, placing the documents in a neat pile on Lex's desk.

"I do, and I trust you will keep this confidential?" Lex asked. He knew there was no way get out of this contract, his father had made it air tight.

"It's between you, me, Lionel and the government," The man answered before heading out the door.


"Flower delivery for the Luthor's!" Chloe yelled, banging on the front door. She held the giant vase that held a few more surprises other than flowers.

A security guard let her in, "Let me take those."

"No, it's fine, I'll just go put them in Mr. Luthor's office..." Chloe said, but her path was blocked by the man.

The guard looked at her warily, "I don't think so, Mr Luthor isn't in the mood for visitors."

"Well, I need the man's signature for this delivery, so do you think you could get it for me?" Chloe pleaded with her eyes.

The security guard gave her a swift grin and took the clipboard from her. "I'll be right back."

Perfect. Once the coast was clear Chloe set the flowers on the floor and pulled out several cans from the heavy vase and shook them violently. She yanked off the pins that kept them closed and hurled them down different wings of the mansion. Billows of smoke erupted from the cans, clouding the entire are.

"FIRE!" she yelled, just before the alarms went off. She retrieved a gas mask from her white overalls and put it over her face.

Chloe smiled to herself, satisfied with the outcome. The staff members were running around like maniacs, trying to save their lives. She ducked as she saw Lex and his security guard head out of the building.

"Do you need to salvage any valuables?" the guard asked Lex.

"I've learned never to keep anything of great importance in there, and the documents can be replaced," Lex coughed as they made it outside.

"Do you see anyone who's missing?" Lex asked, his eyes scanning across his workers that were on his lawn, watching the smoke emanate through the mansion. Of all the crappy thing that could happen..

"Not that I can tell, what about your lawyer?" the guard asked.

"He left twenty minutes ago, beside nobody ever went to hell for leaving a lawyer in a burning building," Lex stated, "Anyone else?"

"I don't think so... wait! The florist!" The guard said anxiously.

"I have a florist?" Lex asked.

"No, she was here delivering flowers, I don't see her, she must still be inside," the man continued.

"Well was she a particularly evil florist that deserves to die," Lex asked bluntly.

"I. I don't know. She seemed nice enough-"

"Never mind... Look, you stay here, make sure the fire department gets here and see if anyone's injured." Lex said heading back into the building.

"Wait sir! I'll go in and get her," The guard said quickly.

"No, I will. I don't think I pay you enough to run into burning buildings for me," Lex said, disappearing into the smoking building.

He was risking his life to save a florist. He was officially insane. What were the chances of having two Luthor funerals in one weekend?

"Hey? Are you in here?" He asked, coughing and stumbling down the hallway, his eyes stinging because of the smoke.


3rd March 2003, 03:20
Great work Sugi.


3rd March 2003, 04:24
Nice start. Honestly I really enjoyed that.

3rd March 2003, 06:59
More More More.. and did I say More... :D
Love this.. bring on the Chlex.. wooohoooo :sign3:


Signature edited out. Please disable it next time. Susanne, next time I won't be so nice. It's clearly in the rules. Please read and follow the few we have.

3rd March 2003, 07:13
This is really good so far. I can't wait to see what happens. I wonder who Lex will choose... :sign2: :sign3: :sign4: :ilove:

3rd March 2003, 10:58
Please let me know what the rating is for this story, and I'll add it in for. This is important.

3rd March 2003, 18:50
I'm really liking the story so far. I only hope the regular script is up soon....


3rd March 2003, 22:29
Rating...? Umm... PG13? Yeah, that's about right. Is there any way to fix the typo I made in the topic heading??

3rd March 2003, 23:20
Thanks for the rating, and I edited the topic for ya ;) Did I get it wrong?? :huh:

4th March 2003, 06:00
This was great! Very interesting. Please continue!

Signature removed

4th March 2003, 23:46
Hey...I'm kind of new around here...Just thought I'd let you know that I love :heart: this story. It's quite good so far! Please come back with more..soon!


Signature removed

5th March 2003, 00:30
Thanks for editing the typo!

Chapter 4: Saving Private Sullivan


Chloe slid off her gas mask, stunned at the information she held in her hands.

Meanwhile, Lex was still searching the mansion. He was sure he was going to die, and for what? A florist? There were only a couple of rooms left, though he could barely see into them anyway. Lex burst into his office, he could just make out a young girl hunched over his desk. He wasn't sure whether or not she was hurt but he wasn't going to take any chances. There was a dense cloud of smoke hovering above him as he went to grab the her.

Chloe shrieked in surprise as somebody's arms wrapped their arms around her waist from behind.

'What the hell do you think you're doing?' She screeched, feeling herself being hauled away.

'I'm rescuing you!' Lex yelled, his blood racing, 'What does it look like I'm doing?'

Lex half dragged, and half carried the squirming girl out the office. He looked towards their exit and swore.

'There's too much smoke we're going to have to go out the back.' he informed, still holding onto the girl.

'Look, you really don't have to do the whole GI Joe thing, the situation isn't that...' Chloe began coughing; maybe she shouldn't have used so much of that chemical stuff. This smoke screen was so dense that they made her eyes burn.

Lex ran towards the door, slamming it open with his shoulder. The force of impact sent them both sprawling onto the damp grass outside. He caught his breath and for the first time he turned to the young woman.

"Chloe?!" he cried incredulous.

"We went through this before, it's Miss Sullivan to you..." She trailed off, lying down on her back, breathing hard. Maybe if Lex thought she was dying he wouldn't sue her.. this wasn't how the plan was supposed to go.

Lex stared at her for what seemed like an eternity before pulling himself off the ground. "You have a lot of explaining to do Miss Sullivan."

He helped her off the ground and paused, waiting for a decent explanation. If there was one thing he hated it was being lied to.

Chloe groaned inwardly. She couldn't believe she'd gotten caught.. there was no way out now except the truth. Well, most of the truth. She quickly recounted the events that had transpired, outlining the story for him

"I don't know whether to congratulate you for executing such a devious plan or to have you arrested..." Lex smirked. No damage was done but she couldn't be allowed to breath a word of this to anyone. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"False alarm. Tell everyone it's safe to go back outside and whatever you do, make sure the police and their cavalry don't set foot in the mansion," Lex said to his security guard.

"Now I must ask about this operation of yours, how exactly did you get the tools to pull it off?" he asked. He'd had no clue that the girl was so resourceful.

"Well I borrowed the gas mask from Pete's mother, she uses it when she sprays her plants with pesticides. The gas bombs were state of the art. I made them in chemistry, it's quite interesting. First you take cans of hairspray and empty them, then you mix- well, you probably don't want to hear the details," Chloe stated.

"I'm impressed Sullivan. I underestimated you, but rest assured that I will never make that mistake again." Lex smirked, "Now since my home *isn't* on fire why don't we go back inside and you can't tell me the truth about what you saw in my office?" he asked, motioning back to the door.

"Sure," Chloe said brushing past him and heading inside. "I have nothing to hide."

The two made their way back through the haze of smoke that was left. Chloe sat down while Lex opened a couple of windows. He returned to his seat and leaned over his desk, staring at the girl hard, just waiting for her to crack. She didn't.

"What? Do I have grass on my face?" Chloe asked, breaking the silence.

Lex groaned. "You have absolutely no idea how important this is, do you? Do you realize that you're the only one other than my father's lawyer who knows about this..." he trailed off, breaking the intense eye contact with her.

"It's a twisted game Lionel's playing with you." Chloe stated, "..but it can't be that bad. You have an entire week to find a bride."

"Not that bad...? How the hell can I find someone to marry me within seven days?!" he yelled.

"Lex... you're worth billions. Grab any brunette slut you can find, promise her a life of luxury for one year after which you get a divorce. Brunette slut girl is happy and you inherit your fortune." Chloe stated mildly.

Lex couldn't believe he was discussing this with Chloe, a reporter, but he didn't have anyone else. and he'd make sure she never printed anything. "It's not that simple I-"

Lex stopped as there was a sudden burst of wetness from above him. The sprinkler system.

Chloe laughed, "Well it's about time those things kicked in..." she stated.

Lex groaned as his entire office was soaked, then yelled out his door, "Will somebody please switch off the damn water! You think I pay you people enough to do that for me!" he barked.

"Breathe Lex, you're going to give yourself a heart condition." Chloe said seeing his scowl.

"Thanks for your concern," he said as his white shirt became drenched. "I risk my life for you by running into what I thought was a burning building and this is the thanks I get? You know that Italian leather on my couch will never be the same again."

Chloe diverted her gaze from the man's very visible chest and unsuccessfully shielded her hair from the water," We should get out of here." she said getting up and heading for the door.

"We're not going anywhere until you tell me exactly what you plan to do with that information." Lex said quickly stepping in her path and blocking the doorway.

"Well probably nothing seeing as how I'll die of pneumonia before I get out of this building." she snapped, refusing to be intimidated.

Chloe watched as tiny rivers of water fell down Lex's face and she released a frustrated sigh. Suddenly her cell phone began ringing and she rolled her eyes. Of course she'd go on an undercover mission and still leave her phone on.

"Chloe? Where are you?" came Gabe's concerned voice.

"I... I... " Chloe started.

"Thank God!" Lex stated as the shower of water ceased.

"Who's voice was that? Young lady you better tell me where you are right now!" he said, shifting into concerned parent mode.

Chloe covered the mouthpiece of the phone, "Thanks a lot," she hissed venomously.

"Chloe? Did I or did I not hear Lex's voice?" came Gabe's question.

"N-no dad... that wasn't Lex... it was this old lady who er... lost her cat, and- hey!" she yelled as Lex swiftly stole the phone from her. She was digging her own grave and he couldn't stand by and watch anymore.

"Gabe, I'm putting you on the speaker," Lex said, hooking Chloe's cell phone to his home phone, "Now there was a minor... accident at the mansion- "

"Oh my God, is Chloe alright?" Gabe asked with concern.

"I'm fine Dad," Chloe reassured him.

"It was all a false alarm, Gabe. The heating system malfunctioned and there was a lot of smoke." Lex lied smoothly. "Chloe mentioned earlier that she was working on a report involving Smallville economy, and I told her to stop by if she needed another opinion, that's why she was here," he continued.

"Well, I'm certain you have enough on your mind without Chloe talking your ear off." Gabe said pointedly.

Lex smiled widely at Chloe's indignant expression. He was enjoying this way too much.

"Well actually Gabe, Miss Sullivan and I never got to have that discussion. We would like to continue it... preferably over dinner." Lex ended, glancing at Chloe. He had to find out exactly what she knew about the will, and make sure she didn't breathe a word about it to anyone.

"That's a great idea. I need to submit that report with my application to Met U, so I need all the help I can get..." she replied. This was great, and exclusive interview with a Luthor and all she had to do was pretend to set his house on fire.

Lex waited for Gabe's approval, but the man was in a silent confusion. With a smirk at Chloe, Lex sat down on the edge of his desk and leaned towards the phone.

"It's not a date, Gabe. Just a discussion to help Chloe out." Lex stated looking directly at Gabe's daughter.

"Yeah dad... don't worry about it. I have my pepper spray if he tries anything." Chloe stated, matching the man's gaze.

"Well... I guess it's okay..." Gabe said slowly. "Of course it's not a date, I mean what do the two of you have in common?" he laughed.

The three way conversation continued, and Lex agreed to pick Chloe up at seven so that they had plenty of time to discuss the 'report'.

As Gabe hung up the phone he couldn't help but wonder about what he'd said about Lex and Chloe not having anything in common.

"Now that's not entirely true..."


"A report on Smallville's economy?" Chloe rolled her eyes as Lex handed her back her cell phone, "Now that has to be the shortest report ever written,"

"Yeah.. it's about as short as that report on 'Way's to make Chloe Sullivan smile,' I believe it's about three lines long," Lex smirked.

"Oh, but the list of people who would want to marry you would be the shortest."

"Don't remind me. I only have six days left."


Chapter 5: Lex the Hacker


There was a rude honk outside the house and Chloe rolled her eyes. With a fleeting goodbye to her father she grabbed her bag and headed out the door.

"Nice work Lex, do you treat all woman this way?" Chloe asked as she clambered into his Porsche. The scent of the plush leather seat almost made up for his lack of charm.

"No, not all woman. Just the ones who impersonate florists to gain access to my home, then plant smoke bombs to create a diversion in order to read my *dead* fathers last will and testament."

"Well I'm sure the rest of the female population finds you irresistible." The girl said dryly.

"We're not on a date Chloe, if we were then you'd be seeing a very different side of me. I'll go as far as to say you look nice, don't expect anything more."

Chloe looked down at her black pants and light blue sleeveless top, "Wow, Lex Luthor thinks I look nice, I can't wait to go home and write this in my diary." Chloe's voice dripped with sarcasm. She glanced at Lex's casual tan suit, but didn't bother commenting about it. No use in inflating the man's ego further.

Lex let out a sigh, "Can we be civil for an evening? Besides, I lied to Gabe for you, you owe me."

"Fine, I guess I'm sorry." She said breezily.

"I accept your heartfelt apology." Lex added.

Chloe hit him on the shoulder, releasing a laugh from the man. "Why are you so defensive?"

"Why are you so antagonizing?"

"What can I say? You bring out the worst in me Luthor. So anyway are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Ah.. a common phrase of the axe murderer,"

"I'm not going to hack you to death Chloe. I'd never be able to get the stain out of my car. Besides, I'd have nobody to have a little competitive banter with."

"Yeah, I'm not that talkative when I'm dead,"

The two continued their harmless banter as they sped out of Smallville. There was the occasional argument about radio stations, toupees and politics, but for the most part the ride went smoothly.

"We're here." Lex said, pulling off the road and parking the car.

Chloe stepped out of the vehicle, the strong scent of the countryside hitting her, and she almost fell over in surprise when she saw where they were.

Lex smirked, happy that he'd caught her off guard. "What do you think Sullivan?"

"I guess it's nice.. for a cow farmer," she added, glancing up at the pink neon lights that spelled 'Terry's Diner'. She remembered this place, it was just out of the limits of Metropolis; she and her father made a pit stop here on their drive to Smallville.

"I didn't know you judged so quickly by outer appearance..?" Lex said smoothly.

"Oh, it's not just the cheesy atmosphere, I was at this place a couple of years ago and from what I remember I had food poisoning during my first week in Smallville." Chloe groaned. She wasn't sure what Lex was trying to prove by bringing her here.

"Don't worry, this place is under new management!"

"Who? You?"

"No. Jerry's brother, Terry. Didn't you notice the new sign?"

"Well, no. My eyes tend to look away from blinding neon pink lights."

"Don't tell me you don't find this place.. quaint?"

"Of course I do, but so do serial killers. I'm sure they filmed a scene from a slasher movie in this place. An innocent and naïve young girl charmed into the car of a manipulative older man who-"

"Chloe you are not innocent. It's more like the evil young woman who lured the unsuspecting billionaire into a vicious game of blackmail and-"

"Can we go in now? It's cold."

"Fine Sullivan, I just wanted to prove a point." Lex stated, motioning for her to follow him.

"What? That you have no good taste?" she laughed as they headed for the diner

"No... that you can't predict my every move." he said arrogantly.

"Oh yeah? Well I predict that within the next ten seconds that smirk will be replaced by shock." commented Chloe.

"Really? Now what makes you think-" Lex paused as he felt a squelching sound beneath his shoe and swore loudly.

Chloe tried unsuccessfully to contain her laughter.

"Shit..." Lex stated.

"Yeah, no kidding"


"I took the liberty of ordering for you," Chloe said as Lex made his way out of the washroom.

The young man was thoroughly humiliated with the incident. He was certain that Chloe would never look at him the same way.

"Hey, did you wipe the cow crap off your shoe?!" Chloe asked in a surprisingly loud and clear voice.

"Very tactful, Chloe. If you mention this again I'll sue you and you'll spend the rest of you life sharing soap with thirty other inmates in a funny smelling cell..." Lex stated coolly, taking a seat next to her, "Chicken sandwich. Interesting."

"I know, the waiter even said it was real chicken, free range and everything," Chloe informed him.

"That's wonderful. I love it when they give my food a taste of freedom before slaughtering it, hacking it up into tiny pieces and putting it on a plate,"

"It does make you feel better about eating them, doesn't it?" Chloe asked thoughtfully.

Lex smiled then attacked his food with a fork, studying it intently.

"I think it's dead now Lex,"

"Good, I was just checking," he said before picking it up and munching on it.

"What? I'm hungry." he stated when Chloe gave him a look.

"You're not what I expected Lex Luthor," she said shaking her head.

"I'm glad. Now, I have to ask you to turn off your tape recorder in your bag before we continue this conversation further." he said, sipping his coke.

Chloe was taken by surprise and let out a frustrated grunt before taking out the tape recorder and switching it off.

Lex gave himself a smug smile, glad that his assumption had been correct.

"I know you better than you think Sullivan." Lex stated, finishing off his sandwich and ordering another one.

Chloe controlled her temper. Damn Lex and his superior attitude.

"As you said before, this isn't a date so can we stop the small talk and get down to business... I really don't want to stay here with you longer than I have to." she said icily.

"Ouch... do you want the knife back or shall I just leave it in my heart?" Lex asked, gripping his chest.

"Leave it there... maybe it'll start rusting and you'll be poisoned." Chloe said coolly. "Now who are you planning to wed?"

Lex raised an eyebrow... the girl did not believe in beating around the bush.

"I don't have a lot of options Chloe," he sighed, digging into his second sandwich.

The girl released an easy laugh, "What do you mean? You're smart, interesting to talk to, good looking-"

Chloe stopped when she saw the delighted expression on Lex's face.

"...I mean if you're into the whole bald-and-old thing." She added quickly.

"You wound me Miss Sullivan." Lex said, his eyes playing with hers.

"Yeah, pity I can't make a career out of it. You know, if you still can't find someone to marry you, you can always get one of those mail order brides." she ended.

"Hell no. How would I stand to live with one for a year? I have to find someone I can trust because while we're married she'll own half of LexCorp... that's what the contract requires."

"Well... look, let me go off the record and help you out? I doubt you want to tell anyone else about this, and since I already know..."

"I see then once I've chosen a bride you can write all about the soulless Luthor who married to preserve his fortune," Lex said bitterly, knowing that Chloe didn't realize the number of jobs that would also be lost.

"Oh no... I was going for the whole prince charming finding a bride and making her dreams come true thing. I wouldn't write negative articles on purpose," Chloe explained.

Lex was quite surprised, but didn't let it show.

"I'll make you a deal Sullivan," Lex began, "Do not tell anyone about the documents you read in my office and I... will agree not to fire your father, sue you or make certain that you never become a reporter," Lex ended.

Chloe met his eyes then leaned back in her seat. With a smirk she picked up her tape recorder and held it up to her lips.

"Thank you Mr. Luthor, I'm sure the readers of The Daily Planet will be interested in what you're little threat to the innocent young woman, "she said hitting the stop button.

Lex groaned when he realized that Chloe had hit the record button when she'd taken the recorder out of her bag. Outsmarted by an eighteen year old... how very embarrassing.

"Chloe... what's it going to take to get you to drop this story for good?"

"hmmmm... well Lex, the truth is that this story *will* seep out eventually... now do you want it written by a friend or an enemy?"

"You, Chloe Sullivan are neither my friend nor my enemy... get to the point,"

"I want full coverage of the story in a year after the two of you get divorced, and I want one exclusive interview every six moths for as long as I'm a reporter."

"Make it every two years."


"Done. You drive a hard bargain Sullivan," Lex said leaning back in his seat, happy with the arrangement.

"I do my best Luthor. I guess we should get going, it's getting late, and I need to start packing for Met U." Chloe stated, getting up and slipping her bag over her shoulder.

"Not so fast Sullivan," Lex smirked snatching the bag away from her.

"Hey!" Chloe snapped. " Give that back!"

Lex smiled and held the bag high above her head and took out the small tape. He tossed it to the floor and stepped on it.

Chloe let out a soft, high-pitched gasp at the crushing sound.

"You killed my tape..."

"Oh... did I destroy the little reporter's evidence? I'm so sorry..." Lex said in mock sympathy.

"Have I mentioned how much I hate you?" Chloe snapped.

"Several times today in fact," commented Lex, tossing the bag back to Chloe.

"Well... just in case you didn't hear me, I despise you Lex," she stated.

"I'd really like to go over our love hate relationship, but I do believe you have a bill to pay," he said glancing at the cash register.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Chloe said rolling her eyes.

"On the contrary, since you've put me through hell for the past few days, I think it's the least you can do . I'll wait for you in the car." Lex said, whistling as he walked out the door.

"Did you have a nice time young lady?" the older woman smiled as Chloe handed her some bills from her bag.

"Oh yeah.. he's a catch all right."

Chapter 6: Chloe the Arsonist


"No really, I'm a friend of his," Chloe explained for what seemed like the hundredth time.

The young girl stood outside one of the most exclusive jewelry stores in Metropolis, the brisk wind whipping her hair around her face wildly. Of course Lex would ask her to help him ring shop and then forget to tell the store's manager about her. Chloe sighed, thinking about Lex's bizarre life. The guy had finally found himself a bride, three days before the due date no less. Now all he had to do was propose to whoever it was and this whole thing would be over with. Unfortunately the man who had it all was apparently lost when it came to tasteful jewelry.

"Just go in let me in and I can show you that I really do know him," Chloe tried again.

The woman looked down at the girl's colorfully patched jacket and black streaked hair with distaste. With a frown she shook her head, her perfectly sculpted raven hair swinging side to side.

"Mr. Luthor didn't mention having company," she stated firmly.

"Yeah well Lex has a lot on his mind, so at the moment he's not the sharpest pencil in the box." Chloe sighed.

The woman let out a Lana-like gasp at Chloe's informal attitude. "I don't think I can help you... why don't you try the jewelry store at the mall?" the lady said as she began closing the door.

"Hey! I drove all the way here from Crapville. I'm not going anywhere."

Chloe maneuvered her way through the gap in the doorway, into the lavish store. Many of Metropolis's elite were wandering around, sipping their champagne and gazing at fine jewelry.

"What do you think you're doing?! Please leave before I call security!" the woman's shrill voice called, extremely agitated.

Chloe turned around, rolling her eyes, "Give me a break, you wouldn't actually-"


Chloe jumped as somebody gripped her upper arm.

"Is this girl the causing a scene miss Vivian?" a man asked. The woman nodded.

"Please do your job and get rid of her. We can't have her approaching our customers, especially Mr. Luthor." Vivian stated.

"Well, won't Lex be thrilled when he hears he's your favorite," Chloe said sarcastically, struggling against the guard.

"Come quietly and maybe there won't be any charges," a large security guard said to her.

"Let go of me you corrupt government minion!" Chloe snapped as the guard pulled her away. Her reflex reaction caused her elbow to jerk backwards directly into the man's stomach. She attempted to get away but instead, was rudely knocked to the ground.

"Suspicious character apprehended," the man said into an earpiece, holding her face down.

"This is ridiculous! I haven't done anything!" Chloe protested, pinned on the floor, the guard's arm on her back. "All I wanted to do was look at the stupid jewelry, not set fire to the building!"

The security guard's eyes widened in horror.

"Backup! I need backup! A threat has been made on the building, we need to evacuate immediately," he said, pulling out his handcuffs and securing them around Chloe's wrists with a click.

"This is absurd! You people are such idiotic hypocrites, this establishment's practices goes against everything this country-"

"Sullivan?!" came a surprised question.

Chloe's eyes that were still at ground level saw a pair of black Italian shoes facing her.

"I'd recognize those cow crap shoes anywhere. Where the hell have you been Lex Luthor? First these morons wouldn't let me in, and then they accused me of arson. Was it the jacket...? Forgive me, I never knew it screamed arsonist! I guess it makes sense though, I mean I *did* buy it when I was going through my Lana-is-my-sister phase, which was almost as bad as my let's-apologize-to-Clark-for-things-I-never-did phase not that I have issues or anything.. and will someone please do something about the large man who is trying to break my arm?"

"You moron, get off her!" Lex snapped at the guard, who immediately stepped up and backed away from Chloe.

"You know her Mr. Luthor?" Vivian gasped.

Lex didn't bother answering the woman, and lightly held onto Chloe's waist as he awkwardly helped her up.

"Are you okay?" he asked carefully.

"Yeah sure, never better." she said bluntly, trying to cover up her heated uneasiness at having Lex's hands against her, especially since her own were confined behind her back. Lex sensed this and quickly withdrew his hands with a small smile.

"Keys." Lex stated, before the guard fished out his keys and handed them to Lex.

Lex unlocked her cuffs and handed them back to the guard.

"Hey, give those back," Chloe said, snatching the cuffs back and inspecting them, "These are awesome."

"You're not keeping the cuffs Sullivan" Lex said with a smirk. "I won't dare ask what you need them for. Besides we need to sue these people, maybe even take down the company, wouldn't you like that better?" he smiled.

"Mr. Luthor I-" Vivian began, but was silenced by a glare from the man.

"Very chivalrous, Lex but quite unnecessary. I'll tell you what..." Chloe said to Vivian.

"Let me keep the cuffs and we'll call it quits?"

"That's fine with me... " the guard said as he cancelled the backup call and apologized to Chloe before making a quick exit.

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea. I'll even give you a free gift bag," Vivian smiled.

Lex looked at Chloe strangely and smiled. "I'm going to ask you about those cuffs for later, right now I think we should get you home and-"

"Relax Lex, I'm fine. We came here to find you a ring and that's what I intend to do.

Lex laughed, "Whatever you say, but we'll be going to a different store... and this time try not to get arrested Sullivan?" he asked patronizingly slow.

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Fine, I'll be at my car." she said turning to leave, still fascinated by the cuffs.

"I'll be there in a second," Lex said, watching Chloe leave. He couldn't believe she'd almost been arrested and still managed to keep a souvenir. Lex turned back to Vivian with a shake of his head.

"Miss Sullivan may be in a forgiving mood, but I assure you that I am not."


5th March 2003, 01:11
Damn, I hate it when I read a few parts of a fic but then the parts suddenly drop off into nothing! Where oh where are all the rest of them? ;)

This is great so far, I absolutely adore the banter that Lex and Chloe have going. I laughed more times than I can count - keep it up! This fic is fascinating!


5th March 2003, 02:39
I loved this part. and this line:
when I was going through my Lana-is-my-sister phase, which was almost as bad as my let's-apologize-to-Clark-for-things-I-never-did phase Absolutely wonderful. :D

5th March 2003, 03:03
More Sugi more :D :drool:


5th March 2003, 03:28
Guh! I want the next part...Soon, please...

5th March 2003, 23:46
hey gemini, I love that one but I see you're only up to chappy 6 over here, so I take this chance to make the big announcement to all others that

or did you want to keep that a secret? :devil: :hehe:

anyway, please please update soon, I can't wait to read more

6th March 2003, 22:07
Sugi, this is incredible......The banter/arguments between Lex and Chloe are absolutely priceless..... :lol:

6th March 2003, 22:52
Lol, okay fine- I'll update it all at the same time :lol:

Chapter 7: The Art of Bedroom Judo


"How about this one?" Lex asked holding the sparkling ring up to Chloe.

"Please, you can't even see the diamonds," Chloe said looking at the piece of jewelry with a tiny magnified eyepiece.

The two of them were at yet another pricey jewelry store in Metropolis. The manager had personally come out to show them the collection, but so far nothing had really appealed to Chloe's eye.

"There are hundreds of diamonds on this one," Lex retorted, they're just all really tiny. It's a French piece... eighteenth centaury."

"So you're telling me it's old?" Chloe asked.

"I'm starting to think that nothing will satisfy you Sullivan." Lex said, tossing the ring back on the counter. "What was wrong with that other one two stores ago with the giant heart shaped ruby?"

"Well sure, that would have worked... if you were proposing to a middle aged truck driver named Steve." Chloe stated.

"Ugh! Remind me never to shop with you! My feet hurt so much you might have to carry me to the car," he countered.

"Might I remind you that you were the one who dragged me here to help. If my dad knew I was here he'd freak out." Chloe said fluidly, discarding a few more rings.

"Might *I*remind you that I sent Gabe to a two week convention in Singapore so that I could enlist your help." Lex said wondering if the next piece of jewelry would please Chloe... he'd learned that very few things could satisfy her taste.

"I'm sure you know plenty of people who's advice you value more than mine." Chloe laughed gazing through the glistening display cabinets critically.

"Well that's true... but I need a woman's opinion and you're the only woman I know who I haven't slept with then never called." Lex explained slowly.

"Wow, and here I was thinking we were friends." the girl rolled her eyes.

"I don't consider us friends. I just like whatever it is we are right now," Lex explained as an employee appeared with a tray of champagne.

"Thank you..." he said taking two glasses and offering one to Chloe. He saw her hesitation and smiled.

"I won't tell if you don't Sullivan..."

"You know I have had champagne before," Chloe commented, picking up the glass and emptying the contents in a single gulp. She caught the fleeting expression of surprise on Lex's face that was quickly replaced with a smile.

Chloe had just handed the glass back to the shocked employee when her eyes fell upon the a stunning ring.

Lex almost choked on his champagne as he heard the girl release a moan unlike any other he'd ever heard.

"Lex it's perfect..." Chloe's voice faded away as she gazed at the beautiful ring behind the display case.

"I see you have an excellent eye for quality madam," the manager said with a grin, unlocking the glass display.

Lex glanced at the jewel, wishing Chloe would stop making those distracting sounds of delight.

"I'm certain this will satisfy your lady friend Mr. Luthor." the manager said, "This is in fact one of our most unique piece. We imported it from India two weeks ago. We call it the morning star, it's one of a kind. See this centerpiece? It's a diamond shaped like a star, you can tell the quality by the way it glitters in the light. The diamond is set in white gold and the remainder of the ring is yellow gold with two delicate rows of silver lining the outside," the man paused when he saw the girl's eye's transfixed on the ring.

"Would you like to try it on Miss?" the man asked, gently taking a hold of Chloe's right hand and slipping the priceless jewel onto her ring finger.

"Oh, it's not for... niiiiiice..." Chloe said, parting her lips in awe. She quickly removed it when she saw the smirk on Lex's face.

"Yeah well, I suppose it will do," she said quickly, covering up her fascination and returning the ring.

"Then we'll take it." Lex smiled, glad that the hours of searching had paid off.

"Hold on a second... how much is it?" Chloe asked warily, giving the ring back.

Lex laughed. "It hardly matters Sullivan," but he let the manager reveal the number anyway.

Chloe almost passed out when she'd heard the price.

"What the hell? Does the ring bring world peace too? Because I can't imagine what else could make it cost so much." Chloe said to the visibly flustered manager.

"The price is fine. We'll take it, it's exactly what we need and-" Lex stopped when Chloe grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and dragged him to a corner of the store.

"Sullivan, is there a problem?" Lex asked, quite amused by her behavior.

"What do you think you're doing?" Chloe hissed, "That ring costs about as much as an island in the Pacific!"

"Oh, I went through the Pacific Island phase, but Greenpeace gave me hell- wasn't worth it," he smirked.

"Lex I'm serious. Look, you're not even going to love this woman, why are you willing to spend so much on her? I mean you're a Luthor, she won't care whether the ring costs five thousand or fifty thousand dollars." Chloe said in a breath.

Lex wore a confused smile and leaned in closer to Chloe.

"This is really upsetting you, isn't it?" he asked.

"I-I don't know what you mean," Chloe stated, backing away. "You asked for my opinion so here it is: if you're going to buy something that expensive you better make *damn* sure that she's the one. Since you have only three days left I doubt you'll find her." the girl snapped, the waited for Lex's response.

"Okay." Lex said, "We'll get the French one instead."

"Wow," Chloe said after a pause, amazed that the man had taken her advice.

Lex laughed at her expression as they headed back to the manager. "You've got a point Sullivan. I haven't even proposed to her yet, for all I know she could yell at me and hurl the ring at my face. If I had a choice I would want her throwing the one with the smaller diamonds, at least then I the doctors might have a chance of saving an eye or something."

"Well do you know who you're going to ask?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Yep. It's between Mercedes, Cassidy and Sylvia." Lex said, catching the disgusted look on Chloe's face.

"Oh my God are you sure they'll take the time off their strawberry-flavored glitter lipstick commercials to marry you?" the girl asked.

"Hey, they're not models! Okay... they're not *all* models. I think Mercedes finished high school." Lex said trying hard to remember.

"Well I guess you won't have to worry about having marital disputes, because they probably couldn't hold an actual conversation anyway," Chloe said with a shake of her head.

"Good point. I don't recall doing much talking when I was with them."



"Bad mental image,"

"Of what?"

"You and three airheads together."

"Oh really? What were they wearing?"

"Hey, get your own bad mental image and let me forget mine!"

"Have you come to a decision?" asked the manager, suddenly appearing before them wearing a huge smile.

"We'll take the old French ring." Lex said, giving Chloe a smiling glance.

"Excellent choice sir. Please follow me and we can get that check signed?." the manager said smoothly.

"I'll be back in a second," Lex said to Chloe, touching her arm lightly.

"Don't forget to ask for a discount." Chloe called after him, "...and for a coupon, you know, buy one ring and get the other half price?"

"I'll be sure to do that," Lex called over his shoulder.

Chloe smiled and took a seat on the plush couch at the front of the store. She was glad that she had come. This was the first time she'd ever spent time with Lex without drilling him for information about LexCorp or his choice of coffee.

The girl glanced across the room she saw something out the corner of her eye. It was a necklace. Very unique. It had delicate threads of silver and gold intertwined and there was a beautiful teardrop shaped pendant with a gem that changed shades of green. Curiosity got the better of her and she went over to study it.

"Would you like to have a closer look young lady?" an older woman saleswoman asked, appearing in front of Chloe and picking up the necklace.

Chloe laughed and shook her head, "Oh no, I can't, I wouldn't even be able to afford the clasp I'm here with- ooooh, shiny. " Chloe grinned as the woman put it around her neck.

"You look beautiful my dear," the lady smiled, holding up a mirror for her, "Your eyes complement the color of the gem."

"I believe it's the gem that contemplates her eyes..." a low voice corrected.

Chloe whipped around and saw Lex standing there watching her with interest.

"I'll be right over here if you need any help," the older woman said, walking off with a knowing smile.

"I-I was just looking at it," Chloe said, thoroughly embarrassed that she'd been caught gazing at the piece of jewelry. She lifted her arms around the back of her neck to remove the necklace.

"Don't," Lex said. His usual smirk was gone for a change. Chloe put her hands back down and held her breath as Lex ran a finger over the outline of the piece across her neck.

"It really does look beautiful..." he continued softly. "I want you to keep it."

Chloe managed to suppress the blush that was crawling through her body and snapped out of the vivid fantasy involving Lex and her handcuffs.

"I don't think so Lex, it wasn't meant for me. It was meant for someone who goes to snazzy upscale parties and blows their noses in twenty-dollar bills. Besides, we came here for a ring, nothing else." Chloe stated removing the necklace and replacing it on the counter.

"Firstly, those 'upscale party people' are all morons. I've slept with enough of them to know that for a fact-"

"Yeah, well if they slept with you then they must be morons." Chloe said, then paused. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Lex laughed, "Yes you did. I have my faults Sullivan- I'm not going to deny it, but when it comes to bedroom judo I know my way around,"

The girl immediately broke eye contact with him and looked out the door. "Uh... I guess we should go since we have everything," she said quickly.

"Not quite. I want to get you that necklace... for helping me today," Lex stated adamantly.

"It was my pleasure, I really had a great time giving those store employees hell, you don't need to thank me," Chloe laughed.

"Sullivan, stop being so stubborn and accept the gift, it was presumed that I'd get you one anyway."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't tell me you weren't expecting something for yourself when a millionaire businessman asked you to help him ring shop for his future wife at several of Metropolis's most exclusive stores..." Lex laughed, but stopped when he saw the horrified yet angry expression on Chloe's face. He realized that he'd made a mistake.

"Of all the egotistical... arhg! Luthor I can't believe what you just said. You can't just buy my friendship whenever you need it. I was here because you have no taste in jewelry and needed some help. Never once did I *presume* you were going to get me something in return." Chloe hissed then turned to leave. All she felt for the man right now was blind rage. The nerve of him... to think she wanted some sort of payoff.

Lex watched the Chloe bomb blow up like it was in slow motion. She'd gone from hot to cold in less under five seconds. That must be some sort of a record.

"I'm sorry Chloe, I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong," she said icily.

Chloe retrieved her jacket and burst through the doors of the store, closely followed by a confused Lex.

"Will you just stop for a second and listen to me? Why are you being so stubborn? I said I was sorry, what more do you want?" he asked, holding onto her wrist and preventing her from getting into her car.

"I want you to realize that I'm not one of those intellectually challenged women you surround yourself with, who are in constant need of your monetary validation!" Chloe yelled, kicking him decisively in the ankle before escaping into her car.

"Ouch!!" Lex said, shaking away the pain, "Dammit, Sullivan, I didn't even understand that sentence!" Lex yelled as the girl sped off in her red convertible.


Chapter 8: Mercedes, Eric and Frodo


"Sullivan, this is ridiculous! Your cell phone's dead and I've left you about five hundred messages on your stupid answering machine at home but you still haven't called me back. I've apologized to you more times today than I have to *anyone* in my entire life! I actually had my secretary call your home every five minutes for the past hour. I think she's having a nervous break down. I'd drive to Smallville and yell at you, but if you weren't aware of it, I'm getting married today! Curious about who she is, aren't you...? Well if you bothered to CALL me then I might tell you. Are you mad enough to miss me pledge my eternal love to a woman who I don't even like? I contemplated inviting Clark but he's still mad at me about... uh... I can't really remember what he was mad about, he gets really defensive. If he were a woman I'd blame it on PMS, but he has no excuse. I guess I should go get prepared for the wedding...you better be there Sullivan..."

Lex hung up the phone and spun around in his chair to look out the window. For some reason it was annoying the hell out of him that he and Chloe had spoken to each other since yesterday's stupid necklace incident. Thanks to her he'd had his ego and his ankle bruised in the same day and he wasn't handling it very well. He'd never had a woman stay this mad at him for so long for trying to buy her an expensive gift...Just then the phone rang.


"No, Alex... it's Mercedes... the woman you're marrying in five hours?"

"Oh, right, sorry. I'm still trying to figure the world of caller ID."

"Who's Chloe?"

"Uh, that would be my lawyer... Chloetsky. He's Russian."

"Chloetsky? Okay... I take it you're tying up the ends of our agreement?"

"That would be accurate."

"That's great! It's not very often a millionaire proposes and then offers to throw me the wedding of my dreams."

"What can I say, I'm a nice guy. Not to mention of course that I needed to find someone I could trust with half my fortune for a year."

"Well, I'm glad you had the sense to propose to me first. You know I'd never betray you, I'm not dumb enough to want you as an enemy. Anyway, I'm e-mailing the wedding invitations because it's all very last minute. I'm sending you one so you can forward it to your guests. Try not to invite too many okay? I have a very large family; they're going to take up most of the space. Oh and do you have any personal preferences for the flowers?"


"Good. Now I was wondering how to break us up? I know we have a year to decide, but I was thinking that we could get a divorce because you cheated on me? We could stage something on the day of our anniversary, make it very grand and theatrical with lots of yelling?"


"Okay, now are you still taking care of the limousine?"


"That's great. What else? Oh yes- I had to tell you that my cat Foo-Foo will be the official ring bearer. She'll follow me down the aisle and-"

"Your cat? I... don't think that's a good idea you see I'm... allergic to cats! I could fall over and die and then where would we be?"

"Aw... okay, I'll have to break the news to Foo-Foo gently. Now let's talk about the color of your tux? I'm going with an orange theme so I was thinking-"

"Oh, Mercedes, I'm sorry to do this but I have another call coming It's very important so I'll see you at the church later, bye!"

Lex hung up the phone briskly, releasing a sigh of relief. He got up and went over to pour himself a drink. At least he could have a few moments of peace before chaining himself to that woman for a year.

"I can't believe I have to marry her," he mumbled to himself, "I have to wake up every single morning to that annoying voice... but I don't have a choice. Now I'm rhyming... and talking to myself. I'm going insane. I should write a book: how to go from billionaire to mental patient in one year."

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

Chloe skillfully balanced two shopping bags and her purse in one hand and with a grunt, unlocked her front door.

"I'm home! Where's my big boy?" she yelled, dumping the bags on the floor.

The ground vibrated slightly with the sound of running feet. Chloe saw a streak of blonde as a massive golden retriever jumped up at her.


"Frodo! How have you been? I'm sorry mommy went away for so long. Some stupid waitress couldn't get my coffee order right." Chloe said in a crooning tone that she only used with her dog while giving his long golden coat a pet. The animal looked up at her with bright brown eyes, wagging his tail around frantically.

"Did anyone call while I was away? Maybe someone with an irritatingly egotistical and arrogant voice?" Chloe asked curiously, going into the livingroom to check her messages. She wasn't *expecting* him to call, but she'd just been thinking about him for the entire day. Not that she cared if he did happen to call... nope... didn't care at all. He'd been a jerk for insulting her like that. Then again she'd been quite surprised when she read in the newspaper about how LexCorp dissolved Vivian's jewelers in one fatal sweep. In some sadistic way it had been rather sweet of him.

Chloe walked into the livingroom and stopped suddenly when she saw the sight before her.

"Bad boy Frodo!" she yelled, when saw the phone and answering machine crunched up into various pieces and scattered around the floor.

"We discussed this before. Under no circumstances are you to eat the telephone! What if it was important?! What if the world had run out of doggy kibble and we never heard about it? Then where would we be?"


"Fine, you're forgiven... so did you destroy eat laptop too or did the phone manage to fill up that colossal hunger of yours?"


"I'm glad to here it."

Chloe made her way up to her room, closely followed by Frodo and snapped open the laptop that lay on her desk. She began filtering through the junk mail.

"Save money next time you buy a ferret... Free shipping and handling for your five thousand dollar pencil sharpener... click here to win a trip to Iceland... follow the link to find your soul mate... wedding invitation from Lex... oh, that could be important."

Chloe clicked the message and a lilac pink scroll appeared on the screen with falling hearts. The girl rolled her eyes at the tacky invitation. Getting the cheaper ring for this woman was definitely the right thing to do. She scrolled down to read the message.

~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ~^ ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ~^

You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of

Alexander Luthor


Mercedes Jennifer Tyler Paris Finch

Guests are asked to arrive at the Metropolis Central Church at 5pm

<Private Message>


If you were wondering, I had nothing to do with the design and/or layout of this invitation. That, and everything else in this damn wedding I left to my fiancée. Since you haven&#39;t returned any of my calls I assume that you are still angry because I tried to buy you that ruby necklace... most women would have jumped at the chance, but I momentarily for got that you were Chloe Sullivan and are nothing like most woman. Not that I think of you as a man, because I don&#39;t. That would just be awkward and disturbing. I have a headache... I think the painkillers I took are disrupting my brain chemistry.

Please come to the wedding?


~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ~^ ~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ ~^

Chloe sighed and leaned back in her seat. Okay, so maybe she&#39;d overreacted a little yesterday at the ring store, and apparently Lex had apologized to her multiple times. It was a pity Frodo had eaten all the messages. Chloe glanced at the screen again, reading the name below Lex&#39;s.

"Mercedes Jennifer Tyler Paris Finch?" she said distastefully. "If my parents named me that I&#39;d shoot myself."

The girl stared at the invitation for a while before deciding that she needed to go. Firstly, she had to find out more about this woman to whom Lex would be giving away a year of his life. She did a quick search on the internet, but couldn&#39;t find anything concrete. Chloe plugged her dead cell phone into the charger and hit the speed dial.

"Ugh... mom, stop calling me... it&#39;s too early."

"This isn&#39;t your mother, Eric, and it&#39;s not early." Chloe stated slowly.

"Chlo&#33; It&#39;s good to hear your voice, now why don&#39;t you call me back when I&#39;m awake?"

"Wait Eric&#33; This is really, really important. It&#39;s about a woman named Mercedes Jennifer Tyler Paris Finch. I need info on her, so get off you butt and help me."

"You know, I can&#39;t wait for you to move back to Metropolis- I swear, those people in that cow town ruined you Chloe. Is this how best friends treat each other?"

"You owe me&#33; Remember that time in grade three when you tried to stick a bug up your nose? Who was there to hit you on the head and tell you it was a bad idea?"

"Fine, fine. Gimme a second."


"Do you have anything yet?"

"No, I&#39;m still trying to find my pants."

"Thanks for the mental image."

"No problem. Mercedes Finch... Okay here we are. Wow&#33; She&#39;s a looker, if I swung that way I&#39;d be turned on right now."

"Swung what way?"

"Uh, never mind. Well, it looks like she fits your standard serial killer bio. Barely graduated from high school in &#39;99... got her degree in make-up and beauty, then launched her own business line called Finch&#39;s Beauty."

"Wow, points for originality on the name."

"No kidding."

"I don&#39;t understand how she got the funding for that sort of thing?"

"Looks like she just worked her way up. I don&#39;t see anything corrupt here, Chlo... she seems like a very sincere airhead."

"Are you sure? No dark past... criminal record... a third eye on her forehead? Nothing?"

"Sorry hun, she one hundred percent- oh wait a second..."

"What? It&#39;s the third eye isn&#39;t it?"

"Finch isn&#39;t her real last name, she had it l legally changed seven years ago. She&#39;s Mercedes Guevara."

"You mean one of the Gotham Guevara&#39;s?"

"Yep... a distant cousin. She just joined the family business a few years ago; from what I remember they&#39;ve been trying to break down other industries to build up their own. Last I heard they were after LuthorCorp. Why the sudden fascination with this woman anyway?"

"She&#39;s marrying Lex Luthor in a few hours."

"Ah... I should have assumed this would be about your boy Lex."

"What&#39;s that supposed to mean? And he&#39;s not my boy&#33;"

"You sent me a 5K e-mail describing what an ass he is. It&#39;s obvious he&#39;s the only thing you can think of."

"Don&#39;t be a moron. Now help me figure out what to do&#33;"

"Well... if Miss Guevara marries a Lex then she&#39;d be entrusted with half his shares. She&#39;ll obviously use them to bring LuthorCorp down for good, maybe even go after LexCorp? Yep, Mercedes is going to screw Lex- in the bad way I mean. These business people are all lying snakes, you can&#39;t trust any of them."

"Hey, Lex isn&#39;t like that&#33;"

"Well, maybe not to *you* he isn&#39;t. Now you know I love you Chloe, but I have this thing I like to do on Saturdays. It&#39;s called sleep."

"You do that. I have to go or else I&#39;ll never be there on time."

"Where? On time for what?"

"To crash the wedding&#33;"


7th March 2003, 02:03
Already reviewed this part at ff.net - but I love it, so I&#39;m writing more. Thanks for updating it here too. Please, please write more soon. :)

7th March 2003, 02:19
i love this fic&#33;&#33;&#33; :D i can&#39;t wait to read more&#33; Oh, does Lex go back and get the other ring and give it to Chloe???? I guess i&#39;ll have to wait and see, please update soon&#33;&#33;&#33;
:love: Chlex :love:

7th March 2003, 05:24
I loved this part and I can&#39;t wait to read more. I like the banter between Lex and Chloe. How will Lex get Chloe to forgive him?

8th March 2003, 01:07
Chapter 9: What’s in a name…?


Lex groaned inwardly, the whole thing was just so wrong, from the orange colored flowers to the orange bow tie he was forced to wear. He hated weddings, especially when they were his own. Unfortunately, here he was, standing with his bride to be in front of a church filled with strangers. Of course the one person who could have made the entire thing a little more bearable wasn&#39;t there. Nope, Sullivan had probably realized that hanging around him was never a smart idea. Luthors were arrogant and skeptical, they had trust issues and family issues and hair issues, but for some reason Chloe Sullivan in her blunt and witty way had made it all different. He remembered the last time he&#39;s seen her... the way her wild hair blew around and the soft lips that snarled at him before she&#39;d driven off in fury. Surely she&#39;d forgiven him by now? His eyes were transfixed on the door, almost willing her to walk through.

"Lex&#33;" an urgent female voice hissed.

"What huh?" the man asked, snapping out of his trance.

"It&#39;s your turn." Mercedes said. Her perfectly sculpted dark brown hair was pinned up and her pastel dress billowed about her waist. She reminded Lex of a giant peach.

"Oh, right er..." he trailed off, remembering what to say.

"I do&#33;"


"We&#39;re not there yet sir," the preacher explained. "You are to express the vows that you personally wrote to Miss Finch at this time."

Lex swore mentally. He knew he&#39;d forgotten something... well it wasn&#39;t a big deal... he was of course a suave and tactful creature. He had to make it convincing though… his father’s lawyer was in the crowd somewhere, watching his every move.

"The reasons why I wanted to marry you wrote themselves," Lex began, suddenly relieved that Chloe wasn&#39;t there to hear this crap.

"I remember the exact moment I laid eyes on you... your beautiful gold- er… raven hair, your sparkling personality… your smile and of course your-” Lex paused to look at the woman’s eyes, trying to figure out what color they were. Was algae a color?

“…your emerald eyes. It was that moment when I knew that we were going to have something special. This is like a dream- I’m getting married to such a close friend. I know you better than I have ever known anyone in my entire life, I feel as if we were somehow connected since the very beginning of time… and that is why I, Lex Luthor take you-”

Crap… what was her name again&#33;? The man had it on the tip of his tongue… she was named after a car… Porscha? Mazda? Marris… Merrie… Mercedes&#33;

“…take you Mercedes to be mine.” Lex breathed a sigh of relief before realizing that Mercedes expected him to continue. He groaned inwardly- how long did vows have to be?&#33;

“There’s only one person in this room who has changed my life and has given me all the joys of the world. I know that the only person I can grow old with… that I can truly pledge my eternal love to is- Chloe&#33;?”

For a second he thought it was his imagination... but that was definitely the small blonde woman, clad in a black skirt and sleeveless red top that just burst into the church.

"Who?" Mercedes demanded confused, then followed Lex&#39;s line of sight to the girl who stood at the end of the aisle, looking a little flushed- like she&#39;d been running.

"Stop the wedding&#33;" Chloe stated. A little on the dramatic side, but she&#39;d always wanted to say that. She raised an eyebrow at the bright orange bow-tie the groom wore, but decided now wasn&#39;t the time to comment on it. The retro floral decor though was another story.

"Who threw up of the flowers?" she asked, drawing a shocked gasp from the crowd.

"Orange is in this season&#33; Now who the hell are you?" Mercedes spat, before turning to Lex for an answer. The man looked relieved more than anything else.

"I&#39;m here to tell Lex the truth about you, Miss Guevera." Chloe said snidely.

<Insert gasp from crowd>

8th March 2003, 01:43
Yay. Another update. Write. More. Soon. Please.

Also, over at fanfiction.net is there an extra chapter or did I imagine it? :blink:

8th March 2003, 02:08
wow, when I read this part I did something that I never do... I shrieked, yes me the absolutely non girly like girl shrieked like a guinea pig. It was just hilarious&#33; I mean I kinda expected some kind of last minute entrance from chloe but that was just awesome&#33; please please please update ASAP And do you think Chloe could just maybe punch mercedes in the face just on little punch*batseyelashes* that would make the whole scene just perfect&#33;

hugs Sabby

Not An Addict
8th March 2003, 02:13
Hee hee&#33; Oh dear . . . Lex in an orange bow-tie . . . *snickers* Priceless. Just priceless. Great chapter&#33; Of course, now Lex still has to get married . . . and his father&#39;s lawyer is still lurking about . . . hmmm. Can&#39;t wait to see what you come up with next. :D More soon&#33;

8th March 2003, 03:39
Er... Let&#39;s call this part B of chapter 9 :goofy:


"I don&#39;t know what you&#39;re talking about." Mercedes spat. The minister wore an expression of horror at the scene that was unfolding.

Chloe walked up the aisle to Lex, slamming a folder into his chest, "Read."

Lex wore a puzzled look that turned into frustration then anger when he glanced at through contents of the documents.

"I don&#39;t believe this&#33; Are all my private investigators morons?&#33; When I say &#39;check this person out&#39; I mean tell me if she belongs to a rival company, not what her favorite shade of pink is&#33;" Lex yelled to nobody in particular, flinging the folder to the ground.

"You little... you ruined it&#33;" the Mercedes screeched, lunging for Chloe angrily, but instead managed to trip over Lex&#39;s foot which just happened to be in the way.

The woman lay sprawled on the floor, wallowing in her overgrown peach wedding dress and displaying a colorful use of profanity, much to the minister&#39;s dismay. Lex cast her a scowl before grabbing Chloe&#39;s hand and pulling her down the aisle with him.

"I can&#39;t believe this&#33;" he snapped, his anger boiling over. He stormed his way to the white Limousine that was adorned with small read rosebuds- the only thing he&#39;d actually arranged for the wedding.

"Get in," he said, opening the door for Chloe. She complied with his abrupt request and stepped into the vehicle.

"Let&#39;s go&#33;" Lex ordered the driver, removing his jacket and tossing it to the other end of the limo.

"Where to sir?" asked the anxious driver, realizing that the groom had left the church with another woman.

"I don&#39;t care&#33; Just keep driving- stop and you&#39;re fired&#33;" he yelled, shutting the panel between himself and the diver with a rude snap. Lex glanced at the girl who had sunk into the smooth leather seat opposite him.

"You need a paper bag to breathe into or something?" Chloe asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No, but if you have a large stick lying around I&#39;d like to beat something with it." Lex muttered.

"I&#39;d look for one but I&#39;m officially worn out. I had to speed over here, then when I got to the church every parking spot had been occupied by one of those expensive German cars so I ended up parking in a handicap zone three blocks away. Then when I got out of the car this meter lady came out of *nowhere* and ambushed me. Luckily I managed to convince her I was blind in my left eye so she let me go with a warning not to leave my guide dog at home, then I ran all the way to the church-"

"I never thanked you." Lex interrupted, Chloe&#39;s monologue. "Do you realize what would have happened if you hadn&#39;t told me Mercedes was a rotten cheap Guevara? I would have married her and lost my entire fortune when she used my shares against me&#33;"

"Relax Luthor. It&#39;s over, you&#39;re not getting married to satan anymore. Oh, and I didn&#39;t do this all by myself. My friend had access to- well he can get access to anything really." Chloe said thoughtfully.

"For what it&#39;s worth, I&#39;m grateful. I won&#39;t forget this." Lex said sincerely leaning back in his seat and closing his eyes.

"Chloe… You know I&#39;m not one of those flowery happy people who talk about their *feelings* and shit, but I just can&#39;t help thinking that I&#39;m never going to get married at this rate- all I have left is two days. If I fail my father wins and if I succeed I&#39;ll be miserable with a woman I don&#39;t know for an entire year. It&#39;s a hellish situation -"

Lex stopped momentarily as he felt Chloe’s arms envelop him in a hug around his shoulders.

"...Sullivan? What are you doing?" Lex asked slowly- suddenly nervous as to how his body was about to respond.

"I&#39;m giving you a platonic hug. This is what people do for each other when one in going through a tough time." She said, her chin resting tentatively on the man’s shoulder. He had the most delicate scent of cologne about him that broke down her platonic intentions.

"Ah... well... about this *hug* you speak of. Is it supposed to cut off a person’s blood circulation?" Lex smirked, though his trouble with breathing had nothing to do with blood circulation.

"Nope, but it’s always a bonus.” The girl laughed, deciding to pull away from him before she did something stupid- like rip his shirt off or something.

Lex let out a breath he’d been holding when Chloe released him and leaned back into her seat before he could return the hug.

“Well that didn’t last very long… I think I need more comfort than that?” he replied, giving her his best hurt-Lex look.

Chloe smirked, “Sorry… I don’t fraternize with men about to get married, besides your fluorescent orange bow tie is blinding me.”

“I can’t believe that woman forced me to wear this.” He groaned, ripping the tie from his neck and tossing it aside. His white silk shirt was slightly rumpled at this point.

“Yeah, well the whole thing was a little weird. I almost expected someone to release a flock of doves or something.” Chloe muttered.

“Close… we were going to have Foo-foo her cat be the ring bearer- but that’s where I drew the line.”

“Lex, I must say that you have extremely bad taste in woman- oh&#33; What happened to the ring?”

Lex grinned, pulling out the jewel from his pocket. “I still have it with me. You were right about not getting that expensive one. It would have been such a waste on that woman… I still can’t believe that I can’t find someone who isn’t after my money.”

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out… I mean the perfect person could be right under your nose&#33;” Chloe stated.

“I doubt it Sullivan- I’m a highly observant person,” Lex stated, “I seriously cannot think of anyone at the moment.”

The pair sat in silence for a few moments, thinking about who on earth would make a fitting bride for the Luthor. The answer seemed to elude the two gifted minds.

“Oh- what about that doctor?” Chloe asked.

“Ugh, don’t remind me of the demon lady… let’s just say that I wasn’t meant for her. No man deserved to be with her. Now I have to look over my phonebook again and start proposing to woman I don’t like.”

“Get a grip Luthor. You have two days, I’m sure you’ll find someone. Now take your mind off that for a while and show around this limo of yours?” Chloe asked curiously, “I’ve only ever been in those crappy rental ones- does this thing have a good sound system?”

Lex raised his eyebrow an gave her a grin, “Oh, it can do a whole lot more…”


8th March 2003, 03:44
Thank you soooooooo much for all the nice comments. :blinkkiss:

I’m glad you liked the entrance Sabby, lol. I’ve already written the next part and posted it on ff.net, so I missed out of your suggestion to have Mercedes get punched but if anyone else wants any bodily harm to fall on Lana, or any other non-chlex character let me know I’ll work it in.

My chapters are very… screwed up at the moment. I posted chapter nine here, but my brain decided to add on a little more so now there’s a part B of chapter nine. Wow… I love how I complicate myself. Anyway, I think that the chapters on ff.net and ns.net are equal. Unless I wrote another chapter and forgot to tell myself about it- I hate it when that happens.

8th March 2003, 04:38
Another excellent chapter. I love the line about the two brilliant minds not being able to come up with anything. If these are what you call &#39;screwed up&#39; chapters, I wish there were more writers that wrote all &#39;screwy&#39;. It&#39;s highly entertaining.


8th March 2003, 05:04
Thanks Bluemoon :glow: My goodness, now I have that blue moon song stuck in my head.

<starts singing loudly>

Bluuuueee mooooon&#33; You saw me standing aloooonnee... lalala...

<stops singing when the cat gets scared and runs out of the room>

Not An Addict
8th March 2003, 05:56
Hee hee&#33; I love this list so much. :D This was a GREAT chapter. Heh . . . wench tripped over Lex&#39;s foot. Can&#39;t wait to see what&#39;s up next&#33;

8th March 2003, 06:19
<starts singing loudly>

Bluuuueee mooooon&#33; You saw me standing aloooonnee... lalala...

<stops singing when the cat gets scared and runs out of the room>

Eh, she or he doesn&#39;t know what they&#39;re missing&#33; It&#39;s ironic that you would mention the song sticking in the head thing cause I&#39;m famous for that with my friends that don&#39;t live in the computer. Weird.

Blue :eyebrows:

Queen Of Tact
8th March 2003, 06:29
Great ch... My god do I just want to go in to this story and go up to Lex and Chloe and say HELLO merry each other... U know u guys want to.. Any one can see that u guys are hott for one another..... But sadly I can&#39;t, but you can please please update again soon....


8th March 2003, 17:21
Okay, time to get bossy (like I&#39;m not that way all the time): MORE OF THIS FIC NOW&#33;&#33;&#33; NOW&#33;&#33;&#33; I&#39;m stamping my foot in a tantrum if that helps your imagery. Please, please, pretty please update this again?

8th March 2003, 22:07
That was awesome, as usual. Can&#39;t wait for the next part...

8th March 2003, 22:19
:love: I love this fic&#33; The bantering is great. LOL. Waiting patiently for the next chapter....


8th March 2003, 22:58
This fic is great, I can&#39;t wait for more.

9th March 2003, 04:35
Guh&#33; *bangs head on desk*

So I forgot to post chapter 8 here and went directly from 7 to nine&#33; :rolleyes:

Okay... so Chapter 8: Mercedes, Eric and Frodo can NOW be found on page 2 of this thread after chapter seven.

Sheesh, I hope someone understood that&#33;

Chapter 10: The Limousine Part I


Lex snatched a remote control from the small compartment behind him.

"This limo provides hours of entertainment Sullivan... there&#39;s the TV..." he stated, switching on the screen at the front of the limo. It was CNN.

**I&#39;m coming to you live and on site at the Metropolis Central Church where Lex Luthor, son of the late Lionel Luthor, was to be wed. Only moments ago this spur of the moment fairy tale wedding was shattered as an unidentified caucasian woman disrupted the proceedings. Our sources tell us that after a chaotic episode, Mr. Luthor and the unknown woman stormed out of the church and allegedly left in a white limousine. That&#39;s all for now, we&#39;ll keep you updated as information becomes available. Back to the station for sports and weath-**

"Okay, let&#39;s not watch TV..." Lex stated switching it off. "I really can&#39;t understand why people would find my social life so interesting."

"Well when one richest men in the country plan a wedding, people tend to take notice." Chloe grinned. "...and apparently I&#39;m the unidentified woman who ruined it all&#33;"

"Saved me is more like it." the man smiled, tossing the remote aside.

"Hey, you know what? Your life is kinda like that movie... The Bachelor- have you seen it? Well of course you haven&#39;t seen it, you don&#39;t exactly scream guy-who-loves-chick-flicks." she said answering her own question.

"On the contrary Sullivan, I *have* watched that movie." the man admitted with a laugh.

"Really?&#33; Well I was forced to sit through a Lana Lang pink-nail-polish-and-movie-night-sleepover. What&#39;s your excuse?"

"My jet broke down and I was forced to fly middle class. It was between the chick-flick and something about a dude and his car dubbed in Japanese."

Chloe laughed lightly which in turn released a grin from the Luthor who suddenly felt the desire to show her more.

"Let&#39;s get back to the limo tour... this would be the state of the art sound system with the bass thing and fancy audio effects that I don&#39;t know how to use." he said as a gentle, rhythmic piece of jazz started playing.

"Niiiice..." Chloe commented appreciatively.

"Then of course there&#39;s the drinks, would you like something? I have... vodka, wine and root beer."

Chloe smirked. "Root beer? That hardly seems romantic enough for newly weds?"

"Yeah, well... the alcohol was to numb my senses to the fact that I had just been married and the root beer can was in case I felt the need to smash the window open and escape." Lex explained half truthfully.

"Ah... very well planned, but I don&#39;t drink root beer and it&#39;s too early to get drunk." She replied smoothly.

"Really? Well I&#39;m sure I can find something else in here that will tempt you Sullivan...?" Lex asked raising an eyebrow with a somewhat evil smile.

"I never get tempted Luthor." she said matching his gaze.

"Careful Sullivan- you know how I like a challenge..."

"It&#39;s not challenge Lex, there&#39;s nothing you have that could possibly tempt- ooooh... what&#39;s that?&#33;" Chloe asked as she caught sight of something behind the drinks.

"Ah... could it be that I found your Achilles heel?"

"Please- I have no weak spots, now move over," she said, pushing him aside with her shoulder while crouching down to look into the small fridge.

"It is indeed a delicious sight Sullivan... what makes you so sure I&#39;m willing to share it?" Lex asked slyly.

"Who said anything about sharing?" Chloe corrected.

The pair gazed at the dessert... at the single crystal glass that held a fluffy white layer of ice cream topped of with crisp strawberries and drenched in a dark chocolate coating.

"Your right Sullivan...something that exquisite can belong to only one person."

"I couldn&#39;t agree more. That&#39;s why I think you should let me have it- women need ice-cream more than men do."

"Why is that?"

"Well we&#39;re the ones that go through childbirth and have to put up the male species’ crap. This stuff was invented for us and besides- I saw it first."

"You&#39;re failing to mention the fact that this *is* my limo... and technically it&#39;s my ice-cream."

"So it is, but you owe me Luthor. I helped stop that doomed wedding of yours."

"...and I thank you, but that doesn&#39;t mean you deserve the ice-cream."

Chloe glanced at the man before giving him a smile and leaning closer to him.

"You know on second thought... it&#39;s much more fun eating ice-cream when you&#39;re eating it with someone else..." she whispered closing in, making sure she had his attention.

"Wouldn&#39;t you rather taste it together...?"

The man mind was momentarily confuzzled by the hypnotic movement of her lips- the perfect opportunity for the woman to make her move. She reached into the mini fridge and grabbed the crystal glass.

"Ha&#33; Take that Luthor&#33;" she stated with satisfaction quickly returning to her seat with her prize.

The man snapped out of his daze, realizing what Chloe had done.

"Hey you cheated&#33;" he retorted, lounging back into his seat, "I honestly feel violated."

"I never knew there were rules," she replied innocently, savoring the moment.

"Well Sullivan you might have your womanly ways, but I also have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"...and what would they be?"

"Superior upper body strength."

Lex snatched the glass away from her with relative ease- but to his surprise, she didn&#39;t surrender. Instead she managed to lunge at him, knocking him down onto his back so he lay on the seat.

"I&#39;m not giving up that easily&#33;" Chloe snapped, pinning the man down and making a grab for the glass that was just out of her reach.

To his horror, Lex&#39;s muscles tightened under him. Chloe didn&#39;t even realize the effect she was having on his brain chemistry- the short black skirt she wore didn&#39;t help matters either.

"You know... when you jump on a man and start wriggling on him it usually sends a certain message," he said slowly. With his one free hand he reached to the side of her face and brushed aside her falling hair.

Chloe glanced down at the Luthor who she had forced down with her own body and hotly realized what he meant. Thoughts of the ice-cream promptly fled her mind.

"There&#39;s something I want to tell you Sullivan..."

The girl held her breath and her eyes widened as he trailed his hand around her neck then down her back. With a swift motion he twirled her body around and sent her flying off the seat onto the limo&#39;s floor with a shriek.

"I never loose a challenge."

Lex grinned to himself smugly before realizing that Chloe hadn&#39;t moved from her spot and her eyes were faintly closed.

"Sullivan...?" he asked, "Hahaha... now get up- nobody ever died from falling off the seat of a limo."

The young woman was motionless.

Lex knelt down beside her, "Sullivan? I&#39;m serious- get up&#33;" he said, lightly slapping her cheek. He felt a deep fear in the pit of his stomach as he reached around her shoulders to shake her back to life.

"This isn&#39;t funny... are you alright? Sullivan? Sullivan?&#33; Chloe&#33;"

The girl snorted with laughter- she couldn&#39;t take it anymore and slapped the man&#39;s hands away before snatching up the ice-cream again. That would teach him not to mess with her.

"My goodness Luthor- you think you would have learned by now?" she commented, removing the protective plastic covering and dipping the spoon into the dessert. It was then that she noticed the bewildered expression on the man&#39;s face.

"What&#39;s wrong?"

"Sullivan&#33; I thought you were concussed&#33; I swear to God if you ever do that to me again I&#39;ll kill you myself&#33;" he snapped viciously, leaning back down in the seat. This limo was too small for the both of them.

"Fine... I&#39;m sorry. I guess it would be pretty bad press for you if they found the unidentified female dead in your limo."

Lex nodded- though that hadn&#39;t been the reason for his concern.

Chloe sighed, feeling a twinge of guilt. Ugh... she hated feeling guilty. With a scoop of the spoon she held it to Lex&#39;s mouth. He raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.

"I&#39;m giving you the first taste just in case somebody poisoned it or something."

"You are so thoughtful Sullivan." the man stated with a grin.

The two leaned forward as Lex took the spoon in his mouth, running his tongue over the smooth ice cream, but keeping eye contact with the woman before him. Just then they ran over a speed bump and the spoon struck against his pearly whites.

"Ah&#33;" he yelled releasing the spoon and quickly drawing his hand up to his mouth.

"Are you trying to kill me Sullivan?&#33;"

"Oh, I&#39;m sorry," she winced, "There was a bump in the road."

"My God, I think it&#39;s bleeding," he muttered.

"Well if you bled all over the spoon I suppose we can&#39;t use it anymore."

"Hey, can I get a little sympathy over here? What if I chipped a tooth?"

"Actually I think you chipped the spoon."

"I&#39;m in pain here&#33;"

"Here let me see."

Chloe grabbed Lex&#39;s chin with one hand, forcing his mouth open and lifted up his top lip with the thumb and index finger of her other hand.

"thee thany thing?" he mumbled

"Nope. You&#39;re fine." she said releasing him and checking the spoon before dipping it back into the dessert.

Lex ran his tongue over the injured area and decided that major reconstructive surgery would not be needed. He glanced at Chloe silkily eating up the dessert and grinned.

"Hey, gimme some&#33;" he demanded.

Chloe, who was midway through a strawberry, looked like she was contemplating his request. A drop of chocolate fell just above the edge of her red top and she unconsciously scooped it up with her finger and sucked it.

If he didn&#39;t know better Lex could have sworn she&#39;d done that on purpose.

9th March 2003, 05:01
Originally posted by Gemini@Mar 8 2003, 08:35 PM
Guh&#33; *bangs head on desk*

So I forgot to post chapter 8 here and went directly from 7 to nine&#33; :rolleyes:

I am extremely happy to know that I didn&#39;t just dream that chapter up&#33;

Would have been a really good dream though... ;)

9th March 2003, 05:02
Lol, so sorry for cofuzzling anyone :lol:

9th March 2003, 05:26
gemini, I know you&#39;re still online&#33;&#33;&#33; post the next part of the chapter now&#33;&#33;&#33; and don&#39;t dare tell me you don&#39;T have it yet or that it has no chlexy smuttiness I&#39;m waiting
*rapps nails on the table* go on it&#39;s too good to wait longer

9th March 2003, 06:09
Another, awesome, awesome chapter&#33;

9th March 2003, 07:15
That had to be one of the most erotic scene I&#39;ve ever read that didn&#39;t actually involve sex.

Wow. :blush:

Not An Addict
9th March 2003, 10:16
I&#39;m going to have to agree with Sabby on this one. More, NOW&#33; *ahem* That is, please post more, oh glorious writer on high. We bow down before thee, and we shall die without your lovely words. :D

9th March 2003, 18:52
Lol, I’m trying- but I have about five hours to read ‘How To Kill a Mocking Bird’ then I have to write a report on it&#33; I really should get that done first :lol:

9th March 2003, 19:30
Originally posted by Gemini@Mar 9 2003, 05:52 PM
Lol, I’m trying- but I have about five hours to read ‘How To Kill a Mocking Bird’ then I have to write a report on it&#33; I really should get that done first :lol:
Don&#39;t wanna be bad influence but http://www.sparknotes.com :eyebrows:

It always works for me when I had to report on litworks hehe

9th March 2003, 22:04
Wow, that was amazing. You have to post more soon. Please...

9th March 2003, 23:32
Hmmm, Lex and Chloe, in the back of a limo, with ice cream, strawberries and chocolate sauce??? Please tell me there&#39;s a smut scene next :eyebrows: This is such a great fic, i love it&#33; Please post the next part soon. i&#39;ll check back in few minutes and hopefully the next part will be there :D
:love: Chlex :love:

9th March 2003, 23:55
Okay... I think I need to change the rating on this fic :lol: It&#39;s not going in the intended non-physical way I&#39;d planned&#33; Oh well... as long as no one&#39;s complaining...

10th March 2003, 00:16
Originally posted by Gemini@Mar 9 2003, 10:55 PM
Okay... I think I need to change the rating on this fic :lol: It&#39;s not going in the intended non-physical way I&#39;d planned&#33; Oh well... as long as no one&#39;s complaining...

I dobut you&#39;ll hear any complaints from any of us. Great fic. Oh, and I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll do fine with Mockingbird, it&#39;s one of my favorite books. Whenever you need a break from writing that paper, I&#39;m sure you know what to do..... :devil:


10th March 2003, 00:58
Chapter 11: The Limousine- Part II


"Sullivan... there&#39;s a certain amount of technique and finesse that accompanies the art of chocolate strawberry eating." Lex explained moving over to sit on the seat beside her.

"Oh really...? Well, please- enlighten me?" Chloe asked with a curious tone, tucking her legs beneath her so she could turn to face him. She laid the glass between them.

Lex picked off his own dripping melted chocolate strawberry with two fingers, then tilted his head back ever so slightly, sliding the treat into his mouth with a flick of his tongue. The whole scene sent Chloe into a trance.

"Now that&#39;s how you eat a strawberry..." Lex stated, licking his lips and wiping up a few stray chocolate droplets. He rested his arm along the top of the seat, awaiting the verdict.

"Mmmm... mega points for seductiveness- pity about the chocolate up your nose." Chloe murmured with a smirk, trying to cover up her blush.

"I&#39;d give it an eight."

"An eight?&#33;" Lex asked, completely insulted with his score. "The ice cream and chocolate is all melty now- I can&#39;t help it if it drips. Besides- I doubt you could do better?"

"Nice try, but I&#39;m not going to display my true strawberry eating powers in front of you." she stated, suddenly aware of the delicate contour of his chocolate covered lips.

"Oh, is Sullivan scared? Hm...? Frightened of the big bad Luthor that jump on you if he gets turned on...?"

"Please&#33; I&#39;m not at all intimidated by you&#33;" she snapped indignantly.

"Prove it." Lex demanded, tilting his head down and looking up at her defiantly. He lifted the chocolate dripping strawberry to her lips, confidant that she&#39;d back down.

Chloe glanced at the Luthor who displayed a teasing glint in his eyes. He was so damn arrogant&#33; The young woman leaned in closer to take the strawberry, but found that Lex was inching the fruit closer to himself and further from her mouth. She kept eye contact with the fruit, but paused as a large chocolate drop fell onto the base of Lex&#39;s neck. If that wasn&#39;t divine intervention she didn&#39;t know what was.

Lex&#39;s eyes widened as Chloe gripped his shoulders lightly with her hands. She wasn&#39;t looking into his eyes, but instead was leaning into him, aiming for her target. Her lips made contact with the sweet chocolate and more importantly- his warm skin.

Chloe never tasted anything so glorious in her entire life. Just as her tongue flipped out for more Lex gasped. Chloe (who hadn&#39;t expected him to start making happy-noises) jumped in fright. Unfortunately their coinciding actions had a disastrous effect as they both forgot the crystal glass of melted ice cream that lay between them. It wobbled dangerously.

"Lex grab the-&#33;"

But it was too late. A part of the ice cream had sloshed onto an incriminating part of Lex&#39;s black pants.

"Ahhh&#33; Cold&#33;&#33;" he yelled, jerking up so hard that he knocked his head against the ceiling of the vehicle.

"Ouch&#33; Shit, damn this- arg&#33;"

Chloe Sullivan was rendered helpless by the waves of laughter that were rippling through her. She couldn&#39;t stop.

"Of course you&#39;d find this funny, Sullivan&#33;" Lex snapped, grabbing a box of tissues and padding at the spot delicately. There were just way too many sensations going through him at this point for him to be able to think straight.

Chloe wasn’t listening, she was laughing too hard as tears streamed down her face, but she tried her best to stop for the sake of the Luthor&#39;s dignity.

“I’m sorry…&#33;” she began, “it’s just so funny… *breathes* okay, I’m done with the laughter.”

“Thank you- because this situation is very serious&#33; Do you realize that extreme cold in this particular region could render a man sterile?&#33;” he yelled.

His comment only spun Chloe into another fit of laughter. Many ice-creamed tissues later Lex gave up.

“I need new pants&#33;”

“Well…” Chloe began calming her laughter.
“Don’t you have your honeymoon bags packed in here somewhere? You can stop off somewhere and change.”

“Good thinking Sullivan&#33;” Lex said, pulling down the back seat to get into the trunk.

“The only problem is that we’ve been followed ever since we left the church so we can’t stop. I guess there aren’t that many white limos around today.” He said, pulling out a black bag and rummaging through its contents.

“What?&#33;” Chloe asked whipping around and noticing a large white van behind them.

“Yeah… I didn’t want to freak you out,” Lex explained pulling out a pair of tan slacks.

“I’m not freaked out- those reporters are of my kind, I understand the lengths they’ll go to get a story.” Chloe admitted.

“Yeah well… not all reporters are like you Sullivan…

Driver&#33;” Lex snapped into the intercom.

“Yes sir?” the man’s voice replied.

“Where the hell are we?”

“A few minutes out of Metropolis sir.”

“I’ll double you pay if you get us back there and loose the guys following us.”

“Yes sir&#33;”

“Okay- now that’s sorted out. Turn around Sullivan.”


“I need to take my pants off so turn the hell around&#33;”


:lol: You guys keep making me want to write more&#33; Now it&#39;s back to the Mockingbird report-I only have one more page to write, woohoo&#33;

10th March 2003, 01:06
ok, finish your report, and then post some more Chlexy goodness&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :D hmmm, Lex taking his pants off :drool: oops sorry. i wonder what Chloe will do with Lex next to her pantless :eyebrows:
:love: Chlex :love:

10th March 2003, 01:15
Ah man Sugi. That was so good. I want more now.


10th March 2003, 01:16
Not at all minding the more physical stuff. Lex with his pants off :drool: :love: you really know how to write what we want. I expect more as soon as you finish that report :eyebrows:

10th March 2003, 01:20
girl, you&#39;re making me laugh so hard, I think I&#39;m going to have a serious case of charley horse in my tummy tomorrow&#33; please please please update as soon as you&#39;re finished with the damn mocking bird&#33; I really wish i knew a way to kill him permanently&#33; (BAAAD JOKE&#33; I know)

anyways good look with your work and I hope to read some more chlex soon and yes please up the rating&#33; I&#39;m a sucker for Chlex smut (something about sexual frustration ring a bell?) :hehe:

hugs Sabby

10th March 2003, 01:58
Ahhhhh Lex taking his pants off. What a delightly naughty mental image ;)

:lol: Wow, this was great, I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve ever laughed so hard in my life. They are both so right for each other, I&#39;m surprised they haven&#39;t realised it&#33;

More, more, I demand more&#33;


10th March 2003, 03:02
Why was the rating upped to R?

10th March 2003, 03:04
Oh thats just too darn perfect. I won&#39;t be able to get the grin off my face for a week&#33;

10th March 2003, 03:14
Originally posted by Юü§îLLå@Mar 10 2003, 01:02 AM
Why was the rating upped to R?
Er... I just figured that a thirteen year old would get freaked if they read about chocolate-y, strawberry, ice-creamed pantless Lex?

Thanks for the nice comments :blush:

Hey Carm? How come I don&#39;t see any of your fics??

Not An Addict
10th March 2003, 03:37
Lex . . . pants . . . *falls out of chair* :drool:

Man, I never thought I&#39;d get so much use out of this &#39;drool&#39; icon. :hehe:

Ok, props for the chocolate-on-neck bit ("happy noises" . . . hee hee&#33;). Now perhaps just a bit more smut? Or if not smut . . . pseudo-smut? Imitation smut? You know you want to. *nudge nudge* And it&#39;s so conveniently set up&#33; After all, we now have a situation with Lex . . . without . . . pants . . . *babbles like an idiot*

::The author of this message is temporarily unavailable. She has gone to her happy place. Please try again later.::

10th March 2003, 05:01
Oh my, the only thing better than sexy chlex is chocolate but I see you have that covered&#33;&#33; Lex+no pants= :drool:

please post the next chapter soon.

Here&#39;s hoping its smuttariffic&#33;&#33;

10th March 2003, 05:20
Oh my goodness... it looks like I&#39;m going to have to beat this fic with a smut stick to keep up with everyone&#39;s expectations&#33;

*Goes off to smuttify her writing skills*

10th March 2003, 05:46
Originally posted by Gemini@Mar 10 2003, 03:20 AM
Oh my goodness... it looks like I&#39;m going to have to beat this fic with a smut stick to keep up with everyone&#39;s expectations&#33;

*Goes off to smuttify her writing skills*
YAY&#33;&#33;&#33; :love: :heart: :love:

She&#39;s giving us smut, she does love us&#33;&#33; :partyhat: :sign3:

10th March 2003, 05:46
I love this story...so funny and good. Hope to see more soon

10th March 2003, 06:09
OMG&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; This fic is sooooooooo good Gemini&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
I laughed so much with all the Limousine thing... :lol:
I&#39;m loving it, please post more soon&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


10th March 2003, 08:01
Im so in love with this story&#33; its just great, i love how u do the voices of Chloe and Lex. The bantering is amazing

ice-cream, strawberries, chocolat and Chlex? this is paradise&#33; lol

10th March 2003, 10:26
Oh Hubba Hubba... Lex is taking off his pants :eyebrows:

Wooohoooo this is getting good:D

Suzanne :goofy:

10th March 2003, 17:14
Originally posted by dsapiro+Mar 10 2003, 03:46 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dsapiro @ Mar 10 2003, 03:46 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteBegin--Gemini@Mar 10 2003, 03:20 AM
Oh my goodness... it looks like I&#39;m going to have to beat this fic with a smut stick to keep up with everyone&#39;s expectations&#33;

*Goes off to smuttify her writing skills*
YAY&#33;&#33;&#33; :love: :heart: :love:

She&#39;s giving us smut, she does love us&#33;&#33; :partyhat: :sign3:[/b][/quote]
Woo hoo&#33; I&#39;m gone for a day and a half and you post the best chapters to date. Just knowing there&#39;s smut on the horizon makes it even better. Please write more soon&#33;&#33;&#33;

11th March 2003, 03:35
:drool: I&#39;m stil trying to process after the whole no pants scene. Wow&#33; BTW, thanks for indulging us and giving us smut&#33; :blush:

11th March 2003, 15:52
Sooo, when are Lex and Cloe going to notice that they are just perfect for each other? ;)

(hint: there are only two more days left&#33;)


12th March 2003, 02:09
Okay... so extreme smutty writing isn&#39;t as easy as I thought&#33; I decided to um... save most of it for a later scene- otherwise it&#39;s going to ruin the proposal&#33; *don&#39;t hate me* :lol:

Chapter 11: The Limousine- Part II


Chloe grinned, feeling just a twinge of evil…

“Aw… is Lex afraid I might see his little boy parts?”

“Hey- there’s nothing little about my boy parts&#33;”

“Of course not- then why the sudden shyness?”

“I just don’t want you to be so incredibly turned on by my lack of clothing that you jump on me again.”

“What&#33; I didn’t jump on you&#33;”

“Whatever you say Sullivan. Try to restrain yourself please.” Lex said condescendingly as the pants flew off with a swift zipper sound.

“Why do your boxers have frills on them?” Chloe asked raising an eyebrow at the upper edge of his blue underwear. The paused at her remark, thoroughly insulted.

"Sullivan please... Calvin Klein doesn&#39;t put frills on men&#39;s boxers... these are merely for extra hold made for the charismatic man on the move who-"

"-secretly wishes he were a woman?" Chloe ended off with a laugh. "I&#39;m sorry Lex- but I lived with Lana Lang for a year, I know frills when I see &#39;em."

"They&#39;re tassels&#33;"





"Either way- it&#39;s still very gay. Is their something you&#39;re not telling me Luthor...?"

"Ah&#33; For once in your life will you just admit that I&#39;m right and you&#39;re wrong about the manly tassels?"

"Sorry Lex... I could swear I used to have a dress laced with the exact same lining when I was seven- from where I&#39;m sitting, those are still frills."

"Well then maybe you need a closer look." he said moving in front of her with a grunt so she was eye level with his boxers.


Chloe bit her lip in concentration, studying the silky blue rim.

"Okay, they- I guess they&#39;re more of a masculine frilly thing, but still not very functional." she said, her eyes trailing up his wrinkled white shirt to meet his gaze.

"My God Sullivan- you&#39;re the hardest person to convince&#33; Look, the *tassels* fit onto the inner drawstring that provides extra elasticity and support to the needed areas- see?"

Lex tugged on his boxers, "All firm and in control- I could have a hundred woman hanging onto it and it would still hold."

"Wishful thinking... I guess there&#39;s only one way to decide how functional they are Luthor..."

"Hm..." Chloe murmmerd, hooking her thumbs into the sides of his boxers and pulling them apart. Without making eye contact with Lex, she ran her fingers horizontally between his waist and the material, feeling the constrast of the smooth skin and silky boxers. She decided they were way better than briefs- then again Lex&#39;s body was built to complement any type of clothing....

"Okay... I guess they are rather functional- you win Luthor." she smirked, slowly releasing him. She&#39;d totally taken advantage of the opportunity.

"W-Well... good." he stated once his brain had began functioning again... for some reason it had taken all his self control not to sink down into her...

"Oh... is Lex feeling self conscious again?" Chloe asked, glad that she&#39;d finally caught *him* off guard.

Lex raised an eyebrow and let his eyes shamelessly trail down her body that made her break into a slight blush.

“You know if you took your skirt off we’d be on even ground.” he mentioned casually, tilting his head down further.


“Just a suggestion.”

“Well stop suggesting&#33; The strawberry game was bad enough.”

“Ah yes… but I do believe it was you who started the licking.”

“Please, you were asking for that one&#33;”

“That may be so- but you broke the rules… you never even finished.”

“That’s because you were making weird happy-noises.”

“Happy noises?”

“Yeah, like this gaspy sound- like a fish being strangled.”

“Well I guess your seductive ways bring out the strangled fish in me.”

“Hey I’ve never had any complaints before.”

“Oh, let me guess- it was that one time you let Clark get to second base?”

"Please... I&#39;ve had way more action that Clark&#33; Ugh... if you can even call it action- God it was like being fondled by a priest."

Lex burst out laughing at her comment. Then collapsed into the opposite seat, propping his socked feet up next to her and staring at her. He swore he saw something new every time he looked at her.

"...I&#39;m serious&#33; I think it ruined all future sexual experiences I&#39;ve had since then."

"Maybe you just needed the right person to come alng? Someone with more experience..." Lex stated innocently.

Chloe rolled her eyes scooped up the forgotten ice-cream glass from the floor- anything to divert her attention from rumpled yet incredibly attractive man. She glanced into the glass which contained the remnants of the ice cream... melted- but still good in a gooey sticky way.

"I don&#39;t believe you deserve that Sullivan..."

"Well tell that to your pants- it soaked up most of it." Chloe shot back, running the tip of her finger along the edge of the glass then giving it a quick lick.

"-but that&#39;s because you were licking me the wrong way which forced me to gasp wich made you jump-"

"Are we going to get back into this conversation?" Chloe groaned. "There was nothing wrong with my licking."

“Chloe...if you’re going to lick someone you really should learn to do it correctly.”

“Well when someone comes up with a definition for the &#39;correct way to lick&#39; let me know." she mumbled rolling her eyes.

“Give me the ice-cream.”


“Because you need a lesson Sullivan."

12th March 2003, 02:18
NNNOOOOOOOO&#33; :( How can you stop it there? That was like llike waving a chocolate cake with whipped cream right before my nose and then ripping it away in the last moment and going nah na nan na nah&#33; How can you do that to me? more soon please &#33; (God look at me I&#39;m begging, how pathetic *regains control, clears throat*)

I Demand MORE NOW&#33;

gotta love Chlex and Ice Cream :hehe:

hugs sabby

Not An Addict
12th March 2003, 03:05
*tries to speak*


*tries again*

*nope, still not working*

::BEEP:: We&#39;re sorry, but the commenter&#39;s vocal chords have gone on strike until this scene is finished. Their last statement was quoted as: "mahemnahen" Roughly translated, this means "Dear lord, if you don&#39;t finish this scene soon I&#39;m going to explode." Try again later. ::BEEP::

12th March 2003, 03:31
Ooh&#33; Gotta agree with Adeylan on this one. This scene needs to updated pronto&#33;&#33;&#33; *whew* Another terrific chapter. :)

12th March 2003, 03:37
Sugi man I want more&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; You can&#39;t stop there.

Hope ;)

12th March 2003, 04:08
Come on now, what are you trying to do to us?&#33;?&#33;?&#33;?

12th March 2003, 04:25
ohhh you r evil&#33; lol
im sure you&#39;re enjoying our suffering, arent u? lmao

please more soon&#33;&#33;&#33; that was greaaat

12th March 2003, 04:51
You hate us don&#39;t you :huh: i mean, that was cruel&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Lex, without pants :drool: , and Chloe did nothing????? He was right there&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Pllllllleeeeaaaaase tell me there&#39;s gonna be lots of smut in the next part. Chloe+Lex+Limo-Pants+Licking lessons ;) = SMUT&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Queen Of Tact
12th March 2003, 06:25
Gemini you evil evil little thing&#33;&#33; How could you stop like that....... You need to post more and like now... I can&#39;t wait for the next ch... Please please please....


12th March 2003, 07:43
Mwahaha :devil:

No seriously though- I didn&#39;t mean to end it *there* I usually write my chapters to about three pages long and it just happened to end at that spot. I&#39;ve written the next chapter but I can&#39;t post it because I haven&#39;t had time to check for typo&#39;s (I type pretty fast and therefore make PLENTY of typos) so I&#39;ll post that later. Oh, but I should warn you guys that I&#39;m going on a mini band tour for the day tomorrow, but I&#39;ll be writing on the bus&#33; Thank God for palm pilots:lol:

Thanks again for all the crazy comments&#33;


12th March 2003, 08:38
Wow. I&#39;ve just caught up on reading this and I must say, I&#39;ll never look at Chocolate covered Strawberries the same way again. Way to associate Chlex with them&#33; Seriously though, I am loving this story and cannot wait to read more&#33;&#33;


13th March 2003, 00:07
Ok, so let me get this straight, Lex still hasn&#39;t put on his pants and he is going to teach Chloe hoe to lick properly&#33; *eep* :drool:

13th March 2003, 00:30
Okay, now that was just cruel leaving it there&#33; Actually, maybe it is good that you stopped it there - I was laughing so hard my stomach was aching&#33;

More, more, we need more&#33;

“Well I guess your seductive ways bring out the strangled fish in me.”



mina murray
13th March 2003, 06:07
You are going to kill us, you know.
Like dsapiro said, a pantless Lex is going to teach Chloe how to lick...

Oh, yeah... :drool:

13th March 2003, 07:49
OMG Sugi my dear friend...
Are you trying to kill me??
Do you realize what kind of naughty dreams I&#39;ll be having this night???
Your fic is great. Each word better&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; And hotter&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Pretty please, post more soon???

13th March 2003, 23:28

Please write more soon&#33; Loving this fic :biggrin:

16th March 2003, 04:54
i really like this fic, i can&#39;t wait to read more :chlexsign1:

16th March 2003, 08:31
The Limousine Part... uh... 4,5 ? Arg, I don&#39;t know- I&#39;m bad with numbers.


Chloe bit a corner of her lip in effort to kill the smile that was forming.

"I don&#39;t need any sort of lesson- least of all from you..." she replied insincerely.

"Nonsense Sullivan. What if your future dark haired big-eyed dumb boyfriend and you are in this exact same position someday, and you fail to lick him correctly? Then where would you be?” Lex asked, his voice dripping with concern.

“Luthor, I’m not going to let you- what are you doing?" she snapped as Lex shifted onto the seat beside her, putting his arm on the seat rest behind her.

Lex gave her an innocent look, "Well nothing... yet."

"Might I remind you that you&#39;re going to be married to- whoever, in a couple of days?"

"I&#39;d rather you didn&#39;t..." he said, laying a hand over her stomach and firmly pushing her back against the limo&#39;s door.

"Luthor- honostly I thought you&#39;d have more self control than this." Chloe snapped, her cheeks burning with a heated fury.

“Come on Sullivan, you know that I’m doing this for purely educational reasons.” He stated as Chloe propped herself up on her elbows for leverage and looked at him annoyed.

“There&#39;s nothing educational about... oh... hm..." she mumbled as Lex started shifting both of them into a more comfort… her brain was not functioning and began a shut down procedure.

Lex’s eyes danced with teasing anticipation. He maneuvered her so that she was at more of an angle with the door.

"So the ice-cream won&#39;t run off too fast." he explained. She didn&#39;t look like she&#39;d registered what he&#39;d said. Her eyes were half closed and fixated on the area where the opening of his shirt ended.

Lex grinned and moved in so that his legs were on either side of her hips..

"Let&#39;s call this the practical part of the lesson- before the lickage begins, your guy should make sure you&#39;re comfortable. It should be his primary concern. If it isn&#39;t- then you should dump him immediately."

Chloe blinked a few times, trying to follow what he was saying and ignore the gentle pressure his body was making on her hips.

"Well that doesn&#39;t make sense. Guys are always in it for themselves, especially when it comes to- well you know."

"I&#39;m surprised a woman like you would take that lying down? Excuse the pun."

"Yeah, well we all have our weak points..."

"Well I do believe I know what yours are Sullivan," Lex smiled, gripping her hips lightly to force her into leaning her back.

“Ow, ow, ow&#33;” Chloe yelped.

“What?&#33; I haven’t even done anything yet&#33;” he stated wearing a slightly bewildered look.

Chloe pushed herself up a little, knocking lightly into his chest. She felt the area behind her and grabbed the small remote control that had been digging into her back.

“Honestly Luthor, you’re supposed to check for these things first- you could injure a woman.” she said annoyed. Her eyes tried to focus of his, but for some reason her sight kept dropping to his lips.

Lex gave her an apologetic smile and took the remote, tossing it over his shoulder.

"My mistake... maybe this isn’t such a good idea…” he sighed dramtically.

“What?&#33;” Chloe snapped, wincing at the disappointment she&#39;d let seep into her voice.

“I mean what if you fall madly in love with me and then start following me around Sullivan?”

“Ha&#33; That’s highly unlikely Luthor. As I recall this isn’t technically a sexual act anyway.”

“Good point. I mean sure you&#39;re in a limo with chocolate ice-cream strawberries and a man without pants- but that doesn’t have to add up to anything sexual. Especially not with me of all people.”

“Exactly- but if it helps your conscience I’ll pretend it’s not you.”

Lex paused for a moment.

“Then close your eyes Sullivan.”

16th March 2003, 08:32
The girl followed his instructions- a small smile playing on her lips as he laid his body gently against hers. It was a tight squeeze on the leather seats- but they were just able to fit. With his hands gripping the edges of the seat he nudged her face with his nose blowing gently across her ear. He felt a tremor beneath him and stopped.

"Sullivan...?" he asked looking down at her eyes. They were still closed but she seemed to be fighting off an expression of- amusement?

"Hm... not the reaction I was expecting." he muttered confused as she let out a smirk.

"I&#39;m sorry- it&#39;s just that I&#39;m ticklish... so stop the blowing." she ordered.

Lex grinned, "Yes ma&#39;m, Anything else you want me to do?"

"Yeah, get your knee off my spleen."

"Oh- er... sorry... if I had you in a bed this would be much more comfortable."

"Comfortable is not always exciting- and besides, I don&#39;t want to sleep with you. As you said, we&#39;re having a lesson."

"Point taken..."

"Less talk, more ice-cream Luthor," Chloe said resting her arms lightly over his shoulders. She couldn&#39;t see him, but in her minds eye she knew the man was grinning at her.

Lex complied with her request, reaching for the cup that was placed on the floor.

Chloe stirred beneath him in anticipation, pushing slightly upwards against his body. The force of her movement released an involuntary moan from Lex.

“Sheesh- try to contain yourself Luthor, we haven’t even started yet.” Chloe smirked. “Now can get a move on here? I’m not getting any younger.”

“Now that’s a good thing because then this would probably be illegal.”

“Like that would stop you… where&#39;s the ice cream?”

“Wow- not the patient type are we Sullivan?”

He saw a faint color rise to her cheeks and he smirked. He stole the opportunity to run his fingers up her soft skin as her shirt rode up her body.

“Hey&#33; Watch the hands Lex&#33;” Chloe said as her eyes snapped open and she smacked him lightly on his shoulder.


“We’re not having a groping lesson&#33;”

“Sullivan- teenage boys grope. I explore.”

“Well if you want to finish this lesson you better keep your expeditions away from regions under my top.” she stated bluntly.

The truth of the matter was that if he started doing things with his hands then she&#39;d want to reciprocate and then... well then things would go further than she wanted them to. She couldn&#39;t actually feel something for him emotionally... she&#39;d only wind up getting hurt. Call it Chloe logic.

Lex raised an eyebrow.

“You want to do this touchless?”

“Hm... now that sounds like and interesting idea."

“Fine but then you don’t get to touch either Sullivan…”

Lex pulled Chloe&#39;s hands from around his shoulders and placed them back on the seat which released and unsatisfied grunt from her.

"They were your rules Sullivan- not mine." he said softly brushing his cheek past her wild hair.

Lex studied the remaining droplets of sticky ice cream. He tipped the glas slightly, sending a smooth line of white flowing across her neck in a horizontal line.

“Gah&#33; Luthor, watch it- this was an eighty dollar shirt and I’m not going to-” she stopped when she felt a warm tongue graze the surface of her skin tenderly. With a small intake of breath she leaned back into the seat- her eyes still closed.

“Okay… never mind about the top…” she murmured, cursing the no-hands rule she made. The only thing she felt like doing was touching him- taking off that damn shirt that was in her way.

Lex smiled as he looked down on her, “See Sullivan- the trick is to go after the person when they least expect it- surprise them.”

“Surprise- got it.” she said, unconsciously rubbing her leg against his.

Lex restrained himself from persuing any sort of advancement in areas lower their waists. Chloe wasn&#39;t like other woman who would throw themselves at him- she was more likely to kick him in the groin which was even greater reason not to piss her off.

“...then you want to start gently and work your way up the three different lick-levels.” he said, wishing she&#39;d stop pushing up against him like that. It was bad enough he could sense every inch of her through her flimsy top and skirt, but the fact that he couldn&#39;t touch her was driving him insane.

“What level are we on?” she breathed into his ear.



Lex smiled at her surprise as he trailed his tongue collarbone in long smooth lines. She tasted just as sweet without the ice-cream.

“You like?”

“Hm… very nice work Luthor.” She said with an unsteady breath, tightening her grip on the leather seat.

“Just nice? We’ll have to fix that…” Lex said insulted.

He pressed his body into hers harder, forcing her further into the soft leather. He nudged her cheek with his,giving him full access to her beckoning neck. The groan that she’d held in for so long was finally released as Lex swirled his tongue around in careless circles purposefully licking up any remnants of the ice-cream. He could feel her chest firmly secured against his through the thin red material barely covering anything at this point.

“Did we just skip level two and go directly to three?” she whispered delicately into his ear, her words coming in short breaths.

Lex smiled- breaking the rules momentarily to entwine his fingers with hers. “No… this would be level three.”

The man glanced down at her neck, picking a neat spot and squeezed their fingers together before he drove in to give her a firm nip. It forced a gasp to escape from Chloe&#39;s lips and her eyes to fly wide open. She was breathless and wearing the most seductively shocked expression he’d ever seen on a woman. Lex grinned down at her, their fingers disentangled hastily. He was rewarded with a sharp smack on the back of the head.

16th March 2003, 08:33
“You bit me&#33;”

“You smacked me&#33;”

“But you bit me&#33; I might need go get a vaccination&#33;"

"I&#39;d tell you if I had rabies Sullivan&#33;"

"Well it hurt&#33;"

“But it was the good kind of hurt right…?”

Chloe didn’t answer that question as she rolled her head back to catch her breath- unknowingly giving Lex a better view of her chest.

“Ow&#33; I thought you got rid of that damn remote control?” she said annoyed, shifting uncomfortably.

“It’s by my leg now.” she complained, reaching down between their bodies.

“There isn’t-” Lex stopped when he realized Chloe wasn’t feeling the remote, but something entirely different. He shot himself off her in record time.

"O-Okay- remote&#39;s gone now...You&#39;re a good student Sullivan." he smirked, covering up any traces of embarrassment.

A small smile played on her lips as she propped herself back up, still leaning against the door with a silent sigh.

"We&#39;ll it&#39;s hard not to be with a teacher like you Lex. I&#39;m sure the next guy I fool around with will want to thank you."

Lex&#39;s brow furrowed involuntarily as he imagined Chloe playing the lick-me-game with someone else- but quickly brushed the thought out of his mind.

"Yes, well it&#39;s a very handy trick for when you eventually do it, Sullivan." he said as she adjusted her clothes.

"What do you mean eventually?"

"I mean when you get around to having sex."

You thought I was a virgin?&#33;"

Lex paused trying to formulate words under the annoyed glare he was receiving.

"Well yes. Not that I&#39;d thought about it- I mean of course I thought about it, but it wasn&#39;t... I never actually sat down and wondered if- the thought had crossed my mind a few times but I never gave it much-"

"Giving you an opportunity to stop talking now."

"Thank you."

Chloe paused wondering if it was just her imagination that made the man turn an interesting shade of red…

“Lex Luthor, did I just make you blush?&#33;”

“What? Don’t be insane- Luthors don’t blush. We&#39;re like the dead only we pretend to have emotions.” he stated, sitting in the further corner of the limo.

“If it helps I&#39;ve only done it once- and that was a huge mistake."

“Did what?”

“Have sex.”

“That’s your business Chloe… I really couldn’t care less.”



"Was it... was it with Clark?"


"Sorry&#33; I just assumed-"

"Well your assuming made me nauseous. I don&#39;t want to talk about it."

"Okay.. fine..."


“Come on Sullivan- tell me who it was?”

“Why are you so interested?”

“I think I’ve answered enough of your questions over the years to earn me this one?”

“Well If you must know It was with a friend of mine- from Metropolis. It did have a little to do with Clark though. You remember when he and I went out for about two weeks in senior year?"

"Oh yes... I warned him about you."

"How ironic... I warned him about you."

"Yeah- but Clark never wanted to date me."

"I wouldn&#39;t be so sure Luthor."

"Hahaha Sullivan."

"Well you were always hanging around him&#33;"

"Only because he was the only one in that damn town who didn&#39;t want me burned at the stake."

"I never wanted you burned at the stake, Luthor. You were one of the few fascinating people in Smallvile- besides, it would have been a fire hazard."

"But you hardly spoke to me in Smallville&#33;"

"Well that&#39;s because I was Clark-obsessed and you were still trying to *find yourself*. We were both at different places."

"I still had more in common with you than anyone else... I think that&#39;s what made me want to stay away from you. Anyway- get back to your story?"

"What story?"

"You&#39;re first-time story."

"Fine, okay... Well I&#39;d been dating Clark for a while and I -being the delusional young sixteen year old that I was- thought that Clark and I were madly in love. Then I happened to walk into Clark&#39;s room one fateful day guess which dark haired waitress he was making out with?"


"Yeah- no kidding. Now that I think about it, it was totally gross- it was like watching two toilet plungers sucking on each other- but at the time, I totally distraught. I ran out the room, got into my car and didn&#39;t stop driving till I hit Metropolis."

"Wow... I&#39;m sorry Chloe..."

16th March 2003, 08:34
"Yeah, me too, I blew a weeks worth of gas money on that trip. Anyway, so I ran into an friend of mine from my old school and-


"Eric. Then-"

"Last name?"

"Why don&#39;t I just give you his social security number?"

"Give it to me later, I don&#39;t have a pen on me. Now what did he do?"

"Nothing. I was hurt and alone and more importantly- drunk so we kinda ended up together in one of those bedrooms upstairs."

"He took advantage of you while you were drunk?&#33;"

"No, Lex… I&#39;m pretty sure that I was the instigator of the whole thing."

"...but he never bothered to stop you?"

"He was a teenage boy, what would you have done?"


"Exactly. Besides, we&#39;ve gotten over that and we&#39;re still really close friends."

"How close?"

"Well he&#39;s the only one in the world who knows how to make regular coffee exactly the way I like it."

"Wow- that&#39;s pretty close..."

Just then the car pulled to a halt outside Lex&#39;s apartment building and the driver opened the dividing window between them.

"Sir...? We&#39;re almost out of gas- but we lost those reporters"

"Oh..." Lex said somewhat disappointedly, glancing at his watch and realizing how late it was.

"Crap. I need to go propose to women now..." he grunted. "Fill up then you can give Miss Sullivan a ride back to Smallville."

"That&#39;s alright you can just drop me off on ninth street. I have my car." Chloe said to the driver.

Lex nodded and glanced at the very last strawberry at the bottom of the dish, offering it to Chloe.

"Want it?" he asked, holding the glass out to her.

"Why thank you." Chloe smiled, popping the fruit into her mouth with a smile.

"I guess we won&#39;t be having anymore lessons right Mr. Luthor? I mean the next time I see you, you&#39;ll be a married man... or do I need to check up on you before then- just in case you pick another leech for a wife?"

"You are welcome to check up on me whenever you wish Miss Sullivan. In all truth I&#39;d rather marry you than sift through the mass of dull women out there" Lex said, surprising himself with the tiny bit of timidity that seeped into his voice.

The two regarded each other for a few moment before breaking into laughter.

"Could you imagine *us* married?" Chloe grinned.

"We&#39;d drive each other insane." Lex agreed.

"Insane? We&#39;d probably end up killing each other."

"Yeah- but they would undoubtably be crimes of passion involving chocolate strawberry ice-cream."

Lex gave Chloe a small smile as she blushed a little. He really hated the fact that he had to leave her at that moment...

"What are you waiting for Luthor? I have places to be too&#33;" she hastened him, restraining herself from pulling him down beneath her to study the contents of his boxers. Mm... boxers...

Lex snapped out of his daze and climbed out of the car, slamming the door behind him before bending down to look through the open window.

"Will you miss me Sullivan?" Lex said cheekily.

"How can I miss you if you don&#39;t go away?" came the sweet response.

Lex laughed, leaning against the limo, contemplating his next sentence.

"Meet me tomorrow Sullivan. Help me plan my life out some more? You seem to be a good luck charm."

He saw Chloe ponder the question for a few seconds before coming to a conclusion.

"I can&#39;t- saving your social life has set me back a few hours. I have to pack and clear out my room tomorrow then I still have to drive all the way back to Metropolis. I&#39;m only going to get to my new dorm room at about midnight- and that&#39;s if there&#39;s no traffic."

"Well then come by afterwards? With any luck I&#39;d be getting married that day and you can be my best... woman?"

"Hmm... I don&#39;t know..."

"Oh come on, as long as nobody gives us any dessert we should be well behaved...?"

"I&#39;ll think about it."

"Does that mean you&#39;ll come?"

"No... it means *I&#39;ll think about it*. Dictionary Lex- learn to use one."

"So you won&#39;t give me an answer?"


"Does that mean you&#39;re not coming?"


"So you are coming?"





"No&#33; No."


"Ahhh&#33;&#33;&#33; Goodbye Luthor&#33;" Chloe yelled, putting up the window.

Lex smirked to himself, shaking his head. If only he could find someone like Chloe... she was funny, witty and sexy all crammed into an explosive package- everything he wanted. She&#39;d seriously messed with his brain chemistry.

Just as he saw the limo disappear around the corner it turned back around the way it had come. It stopped right in front of him and the window rolled down.

"What&#39;s wrong?" he asked with concern.

"Nothing- I just didn&#39;t want you to get chilly." Chloe stated, tossing a rolled up bundle of pants to him before the limo sped away leaving a very embarassed Luthor.


16th March 2003, 09:23
OMG Lex got out of the car without his pants&#33; I really love your story&#33;

16th March 2003, 09:30
I couldn&#39;t resist having frazzled Lex do something less than perfect ;) My goodness, that scene lasted longer than I&#39;d planned- don&#39;t worry, I&#39;ll move quicker next time&#33;


Not An Addict
16th March 2003, 09:59
"We&#39;re like the dead only we pretend to have emotions."

Hee hee hee&#33; :biggrin: Oh, that was priceless. GREAT scene&#33; And don&#39;t worry--long=good. Now, how will Lex propose . . . can&#39;t wait to find out&#33;

16th March 2003, 10:23
I love the fact that I can laugh and feel the sensuality in this story at the same time. You&#39;re descriptions are beautiful and the image of Lex without pants ... sigh. I&#39;ll have good dreams tonight&#33; Great job and can&#39;t wait to read more&#33;&#33;


Queen Of Tact
16th March 2003, 11:00
You know I have been waiting forever for u to post another ch, but it was well worth the wait... Great job.. This ch had me LMAO... I can&#39;t wait to read more... Please post again soon...


16th March 2003, 19:14
I want to sing and dance how much I adore this fic&#33;&#33;&#33; That was very funny and sexy at the same time.

I wonder how long it will take those two very smart people that the best way to go about it is for Lex to propose to her *sigh*

16th March 2003, 19:23
omgomgomgomg&#33; *squeals laughs squeals more*

This was amazing&#33; I mean how can something be tingling with erotic and be so damn funny at the same time? The "remote control" pressed against her leg *rotflmao* And Luthor blushing&#33; And the cherry on top of that ice cream chapter with whipped cream was Lex forgetting to put his pants back on, before leaving the car *roarswithfulloutlaughter*

God please post more soon&#33; I love it&#33; And them making fun of what it would be like if they where married, it will make it even funnier when he actually does propose to her :biggrin: which I hope he does soon&#33;


16th March 2003, 19:33
I am so in love with this story. It&#39;s hilarious&#33; LOL &#33; Great chapter, blushing and without pants Lex, my perfect dream...I mean fic&#33; :blush: Can&#39;t wait for what else you come up with&#33;


16th March 2003, 20:33
I was laughing so hard that I was crying. Oh god that was just great.

17th March 2003, 00:52
Oh my God Sugi. I loved this chapter. Lex got out without his pants. LOL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; I loved it. I wish he would get over with it and ask chloe already.

Hope :chlexsign2:

17th March 2003, 01:03
:lol: I can&#39;t believe he actually got out of the car without a second thought, pantless&#33; Now that would have been a sight :drool:

Though imagine the gossip if the reporters hadn&#39;t been lost&#33;

More, more, need more&#33;


17th March 2003, 01:38
Oh that was good.. now if only Lex would get it in his head to ask Chloe...hehehehe can&#39;t wait for more


17th March 2003, 01:42
ROTFLMAO&#33;&#33;&#33; That -- OMG&#33;&#33; That was great&#33; An update of what 3 or 4 chapters?&#33; And they were all perfect&#33; Loved the last bit with Chloe throwing his pants out the window at him. ;)

Please, please write more of this soon&#33;

17th March 2003, 02:15

please update soon&#33; Love this fic&#33;

17th March 2003, 03:35
That was... That was wonderful. I was laughing so hard, but at the same time it was just so :drool: . mmm, Lex without pants. Can&#39;t wait to see Lex propose to her. :chlexsign3: :chlexsign2: :chlexsign1:

mina murray
17th March 2003, 04:49
Great chapter&#33; Those licking scenes...now I know what I´ll be dreaming about tonight&#33;&#33;
That only makes us greedy, but it´s not like we don´t have reason.
More&#33; Please&#33; Pleaaaase&#33; :chlexsign3:

17th March 2003, 05:48
Wow... I will so dream about chocolate, licking and things like these...
Great chapters... I laughed so much imagining Lex without pants...

17th March 2003, 06:09
another excellent chapters&#33; OMG&#33; even I was getting impatiente untill he licked her&#33; lmao
I was like, come on Lex&#33; do it already&#33; lol

17th March 2003, 23:51
Another Chapter...


<ring, ring, ring>

"Sylvia&#33; Hi, I was wondering if you&#39;d like to-"

"Engaged...? Oh, well... does that mean you two are getting serious?"


"Are you there?"

(37 seconds layer)

Hey there Crystal, I was wondering if you&#39;d liked to go out-


"Married... ? oh... well how&#39;s that working out for you?"


“Hello? Hello…?”

(Another 37 seconds later)

"Hey, it&#39;s me, Lex. I know we kind of slept together then lost contact but-"

*insert angry female sounds*

"O-Okay, so I never called, but I want you to know I really missed you. You&#39;re the only one I’ve thought of for the past few months… I love you Andrea..."

*Louder, angrier female sounds*

"Amy&#33; That&#39;s what I said&#33; Amy&#33; Of course I didn&#39;t forget-"


(And another 37 seconds later)

"Kristin, it&#39;s Lex Luthor please don&#39;t hang up... thank you... I’m glad you’re willing to talk to me... yes we did have some good times together… well of course I missed you… there’s something I want to ask you- and I’m kind of on a deadline so feel free to say yes right away. Would you marry me?"


"Really?&#33; That’s great&#33; What do you mean there’s been a small development since we last dated? How small?”


"Sex change?&#33;"

Lex hung up the phone and crossed off the last name on his long list. He&#39;d spent the entire morning combing through names of possible brides. So far he&#39;d come up empty and time was running out.

Lex grabbed the phone; "Get me Chloe Sullivan on the line."


"Chloe... there&#39;s something I have to tell you... I&#39;ve been wanting to say this for a long time now..." Eric said, running a hand through his dark blonde hair.

Chloe and her friend sat in the Sullivan lounge, deep in conversation. The two had spent the entire day packing Chloe’s stuff into boxes to be moved to her dorm in Metropolis that evening- and now they were enjoying one last cup of coffee in the home before leaving.

"You&#39;re not going to confess your undying love for me are you?" Chloe asked suspiciously.

"Hell no&#33;"

"Thank God. Okay, well do you have some sort of life threatening disease...and more importantly, is it contagious?" Chloe asked, holding the cushion in front of her as a shield.

"No Chloe, I&#39;m fine- but thanks for the concern.” he said grabbing the cushion away from her and hitting her over the head with it.

“Ow&#33; Well will you just tell me this fascinating news already?” she asked, rolling her eyes.

“Um…there’s something that I’ve never told anyone... not even my parents…"

"Oh my God&#33; You’re really a woman&#33;"

"Can we let me tell the story?"

"Sorry- go on."

"I&#39;m gay."

"Ha&#33; I was close&#33;"

"I mean I&#39;m gay&#33; As in my fantasies “Involve naked men wrestling in the mud."

"Hm.... naked men... mud…"

"Hey pay attention&#33;"

"Sorry. So you&#39;re gay. Good for you. Yay for gay pride and whatnot"

"Well aren&#39;t you going to say anything?"

"Well what do you want? A coming out party? Seriously Eric- I knew this was coming."

"Really?” he asked, his eyes brightening up with excitement, “When exactly did my gayness shine through?"

"Hm... well how about the time you helped me pick out my very first bra- you seemed to have a natural instinct for that sort of thing. Then of course in high school when only the most popular girl asked you to that dance but you were busy staring at the guy&#39;s basketball team who&#39;d just got out of the showers. Then lets not forget the time we slept together. My goodness I seriously thought you were picturing Josh Hartnett."

"David Boreanaz actually."

"Really? Well that&#39;s not that bad then- but still freaky on a disturbingly kinky level."

"Hey, I&#39;m not the one who owns a pair of handcuffs."

"It&#39;s a souvenir&#33;"

"Ah yes... from your frolicking with Lex."

"Twelve year old girls frolic. Lex Luthor doesn&#39;t frolic..."

Chloe trailed off, remembering their fleeting time in the limo where he’d worn nothing but that wrinkled white shirt and boxers… and of course socks- but she hadn’t been looking at his socks. Nope… it was all about his eyes and the way they danced around hungrily as he’d bent down to her neck twirling his tongue around like he was everywhere at once…

"Holy crap, you&#39;re in love with him&#33;"

"What? Don&#39;t be stupid. I don’t fall in love."

"Chloe and Lex... sitting in a tree..."

"Oh, my God... forget gay you’re just immature&#33; Trust me, I like being around the man, but he&#39;s just not interested in me like that. I&#39;m not either and if I was it wouldn&#39;t matter because he&#39;s getting married."

"So what? He&#39;s not married yet... you need to grab his attention. Wear some thing short- put a little lipstick on."

"Don&#39;t be ridiculous . I-"

Their conversation was interrupted by the rude ringing of the doorbell.

"Ugh, I’ll get that- don&#39;t break anything while I&#39;m gone." She mumbled, heading out the lounge.

Eric have her a wide grin as she left, putting his legs up onto the table as the dog came into the room jumped onto his lap.

"Frodo... this was much cuter when you weighed less than the continent of Asia." Eric stated, getting up off the seat in effort to move the huge animal.

A cell phone that lay on the couch went off with a shrill ringing and Eric reached for it.

"Chloe Sullivan’s phone, how may I help you?" he asked cheerfully.

"Who is this?"

"Chloe&#39;s friend."

"Which friend?"

"The one you&#39;re talking to. Who is this?"

"Lex Luthor. Put Chloe on the line."

Eric&#39;s grin widened. This was Chloe&#39;s Luthor- the guy she didn&#39;t know she liked yet... He began to formulate a plan. As her gay best friend it was his duty to help Chloe get her man&#33; A little play on Lex’s jealous streak was all that was needed...

18th March 2003, 00:03
"Um... Chloe and I are busy." Eric stated.

"Did you tell her it was Lex?"

“You’re name is Lex? Hm… I don’t believe she’s ever mentioned you… which is weird because I know everything about Chloe since she *is* my closest friend…”

“Oh really? Who might you be?”

“Eric Chase. Maybe she’s mentioned me? I’m about six foot with green eyes, blonde hair and a pretty nice build if I do say so myself. Did I mention that Chloe and I were close?”

“Well Mr. Chase as much as I’m enjoying this conversation, I’d much rather be talking to Chloe.”

“Oh wouldn’t we all? I mean who wouldn’t want to talk to a fox like her?”

<sound of gritting teeth>

“Okay- sheesh, don’t get your panties in a twist. Gimme a second- she&#39;s in the shower, I&#39;ll go in and see if she&#39;s done." he said, running to the kitchen and turning on the taps so they made a wooshing sound into the phone.

"Wait&#33; Don&#39;t go into-"

"Chloekins&#33; Lex Luthor is- oh my goodness Chloe, shame on you... go put some clothes on&#33; Hello Lex? She can&#39;t talk right now because she&#39;d very wet and naked. I&#39;ll tell her you called. Bye&#33;"

"Wait&#33; Don&#39;t-"


Eric grinned as he returned to the lounge. Mission accomplished.

"Who was at the door Chlo?" he asked returning to the lounge at the same time as she did.

"Clark and Lana- I think they wanted some sort of reconciliation before we all headed for Met U.” she said distastefully.

“What kind of reconciliation?”

“They said they were willing to forgive me for standing in the way of their love and for being an all round bitch this past year. It was my final chance to be accepted into the Lana-clone and Clark ass-kissing associations."

"...and what did you say?"

"I told them not to let the door hit them on the way out. Then I accidentally let Frodo outside." Chloe mentioned, looking out the window.

“He bit Clark on the butt but then decided to go for Lana instead- I think he’s still chasing her around the yard.”

“And here I thought the high-pitched screaming was all in my head.” Eric stated, picking up his jacket.

“You ready to leave?" he asked.

"Uh huh. I&#39;m not going to miss this place,” she stated, picking up a few boxes and going to load the car.

"When do you start classes?"

"In a couple of days... I have my interview for that working internship at the Daily Planet tomorrow morning. How about your interview?”

“I’m probably not going to get it anyway… there are tons of better photographers that are trying to get those junior positions.”

“Give me a break- you’re the best in your generation, they’ll be lucky to have you. Remember when you took that photo of a worm in the mud and it turned out looking like a rainbow emerging from a waterfall?”

“Yes… but that was accidental. I guess we’re both going to have to do our best at those interviews Chloe. It could be fun working together. Imagine all the hot male reporters we’ll get to hit on.”

“You can have them all. I’m going there for one reason and that&#39;s to be the best damn reporter there is and nothing’s going to stand in my way.”

“Wow... go Chloe&#33; You have so much inspiration- why weren’t you my football coach? Maybe then I wouldn’t have quit.”

“You didn’t quit you were kicked off the team for inappropriate touching.”

“Ah yes… those wonderfully tight pants…Speaking of tight pants Lex Luthor called."

"WHAT&#33;? What did he say&#33;?"

"I thought you didn&#39;t care about him?"

"Eric..." the girl warned with a dangerous tone.

"Okay... he wanted to talk about something."

"Did he leave a number?"

"You spent the afternoon in car with the man and you didn&#39;t get his number&#33;"

"We were preoccupied."

"I&#39;m sure you were..."

"Shut up and get in the car."


Thanks for all the nice comments ;) You guys are sweet.

Don&#39;t worry- one of these days I&#39;ll figure out chapter numbers&#33;

Queen Of Tact
18th March 2003, 00:25
LMAO&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Oh my god I just loved this Ch...

"David Boreanaz actually
Now I know I so wouldn&#39;t mind being in bed with that man :drool:

Please Please post more soon...


18th March 2003, 00:27
oh this is great&#33; please please post more soon

Best part were the phone calls&#33;

SexChange???? :biggrin:

Oh and I adore Eric&#33;&#33;&#33; Make sure to involve him more, that guy is just sweet and evil, evilysweet so to say

update soon, please


18th March 2003, 02:21
LMAO&#33;&#33; OMG&#33;&#33; This part was just terrific. Gotta love Eric. ;) Hopefully this little jealousy plan of his doesn&#39;t backfire - although, I do love jealous Lex. Please write more soon.

18th March 2003, 02:30
I loved Eric making Lex jealous, I hope it works&#33; LOL
Write more soon please&#33;

~Tandy~ :biggrin:

18th March 2003, 03:34
Eric&#39;s the man ;) good chapter Sugi. I loved it&#33;

Hope :blinkkiss:

18th March 2003, 04:14
ooh, i&#39;m liking Eric alot&#33;&#33;&#33; I wonder what Lex&#39;ll do now :devil: maybe some posessive &#39;she&#39;s mine&#39; action? :biggrin: I hope you update soon, because i&#39;m loving it&#33;&#33;&#33;


18th March 2003, 05:39
i can&#39;t wait to find out how chole and lex get together :cool:

18th March 2003, 05:57
Totally. Adore. This&#33;

You are so making me rotfl&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

18th March 2003, 08:36
i am loving this fic... UPDATE SOON.... please??

Not An Addict
18th March 2003, 09:03

We&#39;re sorry. The reviewer you&#39;re trying to reach has died laughing. Ressurection is scheduled for twelve o&#39;clock tomorrow. Please try back then.


19th March 2003, 00:21
No, no, please don&#39;t tell me you finished it there&#33; Agghhhh&#33;&#33; I want to see the jealous fit Lex is no doubt having right now&#33;


20th March 2003, 05:09

I have to concur with the Eric rocks theory. And, I can&#39;t wait to see Lexy all jealous over Chloe. I love it when he loses his cool. And I can&#39;t wait to see how amused she&#39;ll be at it.


23rd March 2003, 06:56
Very Bad Decisions


Lex slammed the phone down, extremely pissed off. He got up and started pacing up and down the the lounge of his Metropolis appartment.

"Okay... fine she won&#39;t speak to me because she&#39;s *busy* with her *friend* Eric. Apparently their relationship extended further than I first perceived." he said to himself, staring at the ground.

"I seriously couldn&#39;t care though. Why would I be interested in Chloe&#39;s sex life? Especially since it doesn&#39;t involve me? So what if there&#39;s another man with her at this very moment...? So what if he&#39;s holding her... touching her... kissing her...? She wouldn&#39;t use ice cream on him would she...?" Lex sighed and crashed into his couch, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

The man was was too tired to think and the fact that he&#39;d been talking to himself more often during the past few days was anything but an indication of good mental health. Thoughts of Chloe and himself sprawled together in the limo re-entered his mind for what seemed like the billionth time. Maybe she&#39;d stop by later... she said she might...

"Focus Luthor- forget about her." Lex snapped to himself moodily. He didn&#39;t have time to think about Chloe... not when his entire industry was at stake.

The man reached over to the table and poured himself a drink. He... felt strangely alone. Maybe he should just give up; loose his fortune and send in his résumé to Walmart.

Lex groaned into his drink... alchohol never did anyone any good, but he was desperate. He needed anything to drown out her seductive voice that was echoing in his mind, drawing out images of her soft skin and the way she&#39;d tasted that afternoon... so much for not thinking about her.


"Oh my God Chloe- I swear if you turn into a lovesick puppy when you&#39;re hot for someone&#33;" Eric stated, rolling his eyes.

The two were unloading the last two boxes from Chloe&#39;s beatle convertable hauling them up the stairs to her dorm room.

"Do I look like a love-sick puppy that&#39;s hot for someone?" the angry girl snapped, glaring at her friend. She&#39;d been a little distracted- but she hadn&#39;t done anything to relay the fact that she was thinking about the Luthor.

"I can tell when you&#39;re hot for someone... you&#39;re hair is extra flippy and you get so forgetful that you wear two different earings. If that doesn&#39;t scream I-want-Lex-Luthor I don&#39;t know what does." he said dropping the box to the dusty floor with a thud.

"Eric you know I have issues with my hair, and as for the earings... they&#39;re a fashion statement." Chloe stated self conciously fingering the silver hoop on one ear and the diamond stud on the other.

"Yes well I&#39;m sure the cast of That 70&#39;s Show would like their fashion statement returned Chloe. Now look- we&#39;ve got all your boxes upstairs and you can unpack them after we have our interviews at the planet tomorrow morning. So get your ass over to that man&#39;s appartment and stop driving me insane with your constant zoning out." Eric said in a breath, grabbing Chloe&#39;s keys and jacket, grabbing her hand before leading her out the door.

"B-But it&#39;s already close to midnight?" she argued trying to pull away.

"Luthors don&#39;t function according to daylight hours- they buy their own time zones. Besides we know where he lives now- he&#39;s not the toughest person to track down." he explained.

"Fine... okay... I&#39;m going." Chloe smiled, "You&#39;ve convinced me."

"Good now get a move on and have fun oh- and try to keep your underwear on."




Lex Luthor was drunk. Not the tipsy-falling-over-things drunk, but full on I&#39;m-doing-a-handstand-for-the-hell-of-it-drunk... and this is how Chloe found him as she entered his appartment and looked around for him.

"Lex? Are you descent? You&#39;re oh-so-friendly-staff told me you were in your bedroom tryi-" Chloe stopped short when she saw the position he was in. Lex was doing a handstand, his back supported by the wall next to his bed. The only the thing he wore was the bottom half of his red silk pj&#39;s- a contrast to his bare chest, dimly lit by the light from the fireplace.

"Sullivan&#33; You came&#33;" Lex said with a grin, lifting his head up slightly.

"Y-yeah... maybe this isn&#39;t a good time," she said uncertainly, standing at the entrance of the room. It had a warmer quality about it and was quite different from the rest of his appartment. She&#39;d never seen Lex like this before: drunk- and more importantly missing a shirt...

"This is a perfect time. Out of all the women I could have in my room right now I&#39;m glad that it&#39;s you&#33;" Lex said loudly, adjusting his arms to get a better grip on the soft rug.

"Oh, well I&#39;m so glad you like me chest... best. I meant like me best." Chloe said quickly, covering up her slip of the tongue.

"Oh... did my naked chest turn Chloe Sullivan on?" Lex asked with false concern, ending with a small hiccup.

She glared at him, "What would you know anyway, you&#39;re drunk."

"Well I&#39;m drunk, not deaf. I do believe your verbal judo is slipping." he grinned as he flexed the lean muscles in his arms.

Chloe rolled her eyes and sat down on the rug in front of him, looking at him from an upside down angle.

"You know insults coming from a half naked drunk guy just don&#39;t have the same bite... I guess I should leave and let you get back to... er... pooling your blood to your brain." she smiled, but didn&#39;t make any effort to get up.

"Nonsense&#33; I&#39;m almost done, my arms have gone numb so it&#39;s only a matter of time before they give way and I break my back." Lex laughed, then hiccuped again.

"You&#39;re not going to break your back Luthor. I&#39;m sure that stick you have shoved up your ass provides extra support." She commented lightly.

"The lady wounds me&#33;" Lex said dramatically, "I&#39;d snap back at you, but I&#39;m afraid you&#39;ll have to settle for this..."

Lex Luthor stuck his tongue out at her.

"...and you wonder why a woman hasn&#39;t snatched you up already?" Chloe asked as she removed her denim jacket, tossing it onto his huge circular bed. She frowned.

"Luthor? Why is your bed round?"

Lex grinned, "Push the button on the side," he instructed.

Chloe punched the large red button next to her and suddenly the enormous bed began to revolve around at a slow pace.

"Niiiice..." Chloe said with a laugh.

"I thought you&#39;d appreciate that." he said, "I mean you do after all own those handcuffs of yours. I never actually got to ask you about those. I thought about them more than I should have..." he trailed off.

Chloe hit the button again to make the bed stop, letting her eyes trail up the young man&#39;s firm body. Was it her fault that her line of sight happened to coincide with an interesting part of his anatomy?

"Well if I *do* ever use them it wouldn&#39;t be with you." she smirked.

"So I’m good enough for dessert, but not for handcuffs?” Lex asked insulted, tilting his head up slightly. He was pretty certain that he had lost all feeling in his arms at this point. He couldn&#39;t say the same about other parts though...

“Correct. Now can we change the subject? We could discuss… oh, I don’t know- why the hell you’re so drunk?”

"I&#39;ve spent the last week proposing to women and none of them want me. If that doesn’t make a man want to drown his misery I don’t know what does. The fact that I kept thinking about *you* didn’t help either.” He snapped. "Ufortunately you were preoccupied at the time of my phone call..."


23rd March 2003, 07:06
OHhhh goody goody&#33; I can wait for more. I hope you post more in like 5 seconds so I can read it&#33;&#33; :>:>

23rd March 2003, 07:17
Thanks for ALL of the comments guys :biggrin: I&#39;m sorry I haven&#39;t updated in a while- I was having fun making chlex vids, lol.

23rd March 2003, 07:30
Originally posted by LexLover@Mar 23 2003, 03:06 PM
OHhhh goody goody&#33; I can wait for more. I hope you post more in like 5 seconds so I can read it&#33;&#33; :>:>
is there any chance of that?? cos that would be really. good.

23rd March 2003, 07:35
Great ch. and I&#39;m all for the posting in 5 seconds thing.

23rd March 2003, 07:43
5 seconds?? :biggrin: I&#39;m not superwoman, lol&#33; I couldn&#39;t get an entire chapter done... but here&#39;s how far I got:


"Oh right... I wanted to call back but I didn&#39;t have time to hunt down your telephone number." Chloe explained, wondering why Lex all of a sudden seemed angry with her.

"Yes well I suppose fucking your boyfriend was more important that talking to me," he mumbled irritably under his breath.

Chloe&#39;s jaw dropped slightly at his comment, and she leaned forward to the man, giving him a sharp flick on the nose with her middle finger and thumb.

"Ouch&#33;" Lex yelled, "What was that for?&#33;"

"Don&#39;t you dare talk about me like that ever again Luthor. Eric and I are just friends- not to mention the fact that he&#39;d rather sleep with YOU because he&#39;s as gay as gay could be&#33;" Chloe yelled, quite insulted.

"...well if you&#39;re into gay guys then it&#39;s no wonder you didn&#39;t want to speak with me," Lex stated. "You know what? At the rate I&#39;m going maybe you should give your friend my number. I wonder if my dad&#39;s will said anything about marrying a guy... shit. I&#39;ve officially gone off the edge."

Chloe smiled somewhat sympathetically. She glanced at the crumpled piece on the floor and picked it up to read. "Was this the lucky list of potentials?"


"You called all of them?"

"Phone bill&#39;s so high I may have to sell this appartment and move into a cardboard box."

"I have a couple left over from the move- feel free to stop by and have a look at them."


"Sure- If you hurry I&#39;ll throw in some free bubble wrap. Now let&#39;s get back to the list... what about Crystal?"





"I slept with her then never called."


"Going out out with Jenny."

"Lex&#33; Where are you going to find a woman you haven&#39;t slept with that you can trust with your money?"


"You&#39;re never going to inherit your dad&#39;s fortune at the rate you&#39;re going."

"Oh yes, you still think this is all about the money..."

"What else is there?"

"Think about it Sullivan... if I loose my fortune the company will be divided among the shareholders..."

"Oh..." Chloe said in realisation. If that happened it was likely that pieces of the corporation would be broken off and sold piece by piece. Hundreds of people -including her father- would loose there jobs.

"I-I never even thought about that." Chloe murmerred. "I need to go back to the dorm and see if I can come up with a loophole around this will of yours."

"Don&#39;t you think I&#39;ve tried Sullivan?&#33;" Lex asked frustratedly.

"Well I&#39;m not just going to stand by while my dad loses his job&#33;" Chloe snapped back at him.

"Fine... let me walk you out," Lex said, forgetting he was still in a handstand position.

"No&#33; Lex don&#39;t-"

But it was too late. The whole thing felt like it happened in slow motion. Lex&#39;s wrist twisted backwards colliding into the jagged edge of the wall forcing his legs over his head and his heel... into Chloe&#39;s eye.


23rd March 2003, 08:05
Um, yeah, I also am going to need a post ASAP. I demand instant gratification. :devil:

This chapter was so very good. I like the slip of the tongues that they&#39;ve both been having. I&#39;m sure it&#39;ll get more interesting. Especially if Chloe decides to take advantage of Lex&#39;s drunkeness to get him to confess how much he wants her.


Not An Addict
23rd March 2003, 09:22
What the . . . why am I just now seeing these chapters???? ARGH&#33;&#33; I think the Internet hates me. Great chapter, though. ;) Mmm, shirtless Lex . . . forgive me for not leaving more of a review. I&#39;ve been distracted . . .

*drifts off to happy place*

Queen Of Tact
23rd March 2003, 10:08
U so know that ur going to have to post the rest of this ch and soon....... Cause if you don&#39;t I&#39;ll.......... I&#39;ll sick Kris on you&#33; :devil:


23rd March 2003, 10:15
WHoa Gemini you really are amazing&#33;&#33; Never in a million did I actually think I would get another chapter in 5 seconds. You totally rule&#33;&#33; And if it&#39;s not out of line I&#39;d live another post....I can give you say 10 seconds this time&#33; :blinkkiss: Anyways great update&#33; Love this story.

Signature removed....

23rd March 2003, 12:42
That was totally funny&#33;&#33; I like seeing Lex like this :) hehe...

Entangled limbs now... I can&#39;t wait&#33;

23rd March 2003, 14:30
you have another five seconds

*looks at watch* 5...4...

23rd March 2003, 17:20
Why are they so dumb&#33;? May I just say Argh, please? I just hope that Lex is going to kiss Chloe&#39;s boo-boo and make it all better, and then move on to the rest of her.


23rd March 2003, 17:39
Umm... more NOW&#33;&#33;&#33; How dare you just leave it hanging like that?&#33;


Pretty please write more right now?

23rd March 2003, 18:10
@Kris I don&#39;t think there is anything hanging right now, where Lex is concerned.

Gem I loved the new chappies&#33; Halfnaked and drunk Lex great

Lex Luthor was drunk. Not the tipsy-falling-over-things drunk, but full on I&#39;m-doing-a-handstand-for-the-hell-of-it-drunk...

ROTFLMAO wait, I actually did that once when I was 16 *blushes*

more soon, please&#33;


23rd March 2003, 18:50
Oh wow Sugi :lol: that was so funny but ouch on chloes eye. More please..... :biggrin:

Hope :chlexsign2:

23rd March 2003, 18:58
argghh please update soon&#33;

Want more Chlexy goodness :)


23rd March 2003, 20:09
LOL&#33; Really funny&#33;
I can&#39;t wait for more so please update soon&#33;

Tandy :biggrin:

23rd March 2003, 23:24
Heehee, poor Chloe&#39;s eye. More soon please. You can&#39;t just leave it there.

23rd March 2003, 23:32
Well that was certainly romantic, being clobbered by a druken Lex&#33;

Still, loved Lex&#39;s jealous spit :)

As always, I need more - now&#33;


24th March 2003, 00:16
And you left us just hanging there--please, please update soon&#33;

24th March 2003, 03:46
<Insert Witty Chapter Title>


The girl released a cry as a sharp pain shot through the entire upper left half of her face. Lex rolled on top of her, his senses too numb to register the pain in his own hand.

"Luthor get the hell off me&#33;" Chloe yelled. If she didn&#39;t feel like she was going to pass out from the throbbing ache she might have been aroused by the half naked man that lay sprawled on top of her.

Drunk Lex smiled to himself. He shifted so that his face was opposite hers. "Wow... that didn&#39;t even hurt&#33;" he said excitedly.

"Well I&#39;m glad my eye broke your fall." Chloe muttered, pushing his chest up with her hands, struggling to him off her. She hated how smooth his skin felt under her finger tips, but now was not the time to ponder the sensations mustering themselves.

"Let&#39;s do it again Chloe&#33;?"

"What...? NO&#33;"

Just then, the bedroom door cracked open and the cleaning lady peeked inside.

"Mr. Luthor? Is everything alright? I heard a crash and- oh my..." she paused as she saw the sight before her.

"Well of course everything&#39;s alright Marie- everything&#39;s perfect." Lex smirked as Chloe pawed at his chest like an irate cat.

He could tell she was enraged by his actions upon her... but he knew she was feeling the exact same thing he was... even if their minds didn&#39;t agree-their bodies wanted each other desperately. Between them there was an air of desire... fury... passio-

"Ah&#33;&#33;" Lex roared as Chloe&#39;s knee drove into his stomach forcefully.

"Fuck- what was that for&#33;" he snapped, rolling off her and clutching his abdomen.

The cleaning lady jumped, her jaw dropping slightly as Chloe stumbled to her feet, trying not to blink her sensitive eye. Her whole body was throbbing with a mixture of pain and... a craving.

"Icepack... do you have an icepack?" she asked the shocked woman, who scamperred out the door to find one. Chloe glanced at Lex who was running a hand over his own stomach to check for damage- unwittingly causing Chloe to bite her lip in restraint. If she didn&#39;t hate him so much at the moment...

"I could only find the ice tray" the woman said returning with the frosty cold square ice cubes. "-but I know Mr. Luthor has a first aid kit in here somewhere."

"Thanks... you know what? Take a two week paid vacation. I think *Mr. Luthor* owes you for all the crap he makes you put up with." Chloe mumbled, taking the tray from her.

The cleaning lady gave Chloe a confused look before nodding and heading out the door- for good this time. Lex was oblivious to the situation. He stretched himself on the floor, resting his head on his arms, looking up at her. He seemed to have quickly recovered from his brush with violent Chloe.

"You have pretty ears Sullivan..."

"Don&#39;t you dare talk to me or there will be hell to pay" she snapped viciously, picking up an ice cube and gently holding it to her eye.

"How the hell am I supposed to drive home with one eye Luthor?"

"Well you should be thankful for what you have Chloe- think about all those blind people who have to drive home&#33;"

"Do you realize that it&#39;s already one am, and if I don&#39;t get any rest I&#39;ll blow my interview thereby ruining my chances of ever getting into the Daily Planet?" she complained, bouncing down on the bed moodily.

"I could drive you home?" Lex offered. "I mean my sight is a little fuzzy... but..."

"Or I could just shoot myself... it might ruin the carpet but it would save the paramedics from having to scrape me off the sidewalk. Where have the rest of your minions and drivers gone?"

"It&#39;s Saturday, they go home early. Why not stay here. Woman love staying here." Lex stated with a grin.

"I bet they do," Chloe mumbled.

"I&#39;m serious. Stay... oooooh, shiny&#33;" Lex said, picking up a quarter off the floor and studying it intensely.

Chloe rolled her one functioning eye and grunted as the cold ice numbed her fingers- yet made her eye burn like it was on fire. She couldn&#39;t believe she was stuck here with Drunk Lex. There were only a couple of hours left in the night... maybe she could just rest her eye for a a little while then drive back when she wasn&#39;t seeing stars...

"Fine." Chloe stated unwillingly, "I&#39;ll stay as long as you keep a five meter radius away from me. Where&#39;s the guest room?"

"Oh, you can take my bed he said motioning with a wave. "It&#39;s Japanese silk- you&#39;ll appreciate it."

"I&#39;d rather not. I&#39;d keep thinking about those poor children you have working in factories in foreign countries making your bed sheets for you."

"Hey, who told?"

"I have my sources," Chloe stated, noticing for the first time that Lex&#39;s hand was bruised and even a little bloody from its encounter with the wall.

"It looks like you stuck your hand in a basket of angry chickens. Where&#39;s your first aid kit Luthor?"

"On the counter behind the desk." he answered, studying his hand intensely. "Woah- look at all that blood&#33;"

Chloe got up and walked over to the location. She opened up the case and looked inside, releasing a sigh.

"This is a liquor cabinet, Lex."

"Ah... yes... ever Luthor&#39;s emergency kit."

Chloe headed for the bathroom instead- the next obvious place to find some sort of medical equipment. The bathroom was a huge, complete with one of those big jacuzzis... just big enough to comfortably hold two people... the girl snapped her thoughts away from the sudden fantasy that entered her mind and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Her eye was steadily changing shades of purple, and she winced as her finger grazed the tender spot. Definite beginnings of a black eye, but she&#39;d live- barely.

"You are so going to pay for this in the morning, Lex Luthor." Chloe mumbled to herself incoherently.

She opened the cabinet above the sink and to her relief found the little white box.

"Luthor, I found the-" Chloe stopped at she came walking out of the adjacent bathroom. Lex was trying to hook his leg behind his head- but it wasn&#39;t quite working out for him.

"Lex- please stop whatever it is you&#39;re doing so I can put some disinfectant on your hand and then maybe I can get back to ice-ing my eye." she stated in a breath.

The man gave her a somewhat sulky expression, before returning to a cross legged position on the floor.

"Hand." she ordered.

Lex stuck his arm out to her with a grin.

"Other hand, genius."

"Oh- sorry."

Chloe smiled a little, taking his larger palm into her own. Her gaze travelled up his arms to his shoulder and finally rested on his beautifully crafted chest... She saved the image in her mental eye candy folder and tried to concentrate on wiping his hand.

"Do you think you could put a shirt on?" she asked, biting her lip.

"Nah, it&#39;s too warm in here. Aren&#39;t you getting hot too?"

"Nope, I&#39;m perfectly unheated at the moment. Very cool. Not hot- can we stop talking about heat please?"

"Whatever you want Sullivan."

"Good. This is going to sting, okay?" she warned, shaking the bottle of disinfectant.

"Mmm... nurse Chloe..." Lex said trailing off in his own thoughts.

"You better not be thinking porno thoughts of me Luthor," Chloe shook her head, and quickly cleaning the area around his hand. "I liked you much better when you&#39;re sober."

"Ah, yes... but I think communication is made easier when one person is drunk."

"That&#39;s because one always ends up passing out and the other wins the argument by default... there good as new..." she said, finishing up with his hand.

"Thank you nurse Chloe..."

"My pleasure. Now shut up and go to sleep." she ordered, as her eyes fell upon a small bottle of pills in the first aid kit.

"For fast relief of headaches, fever, pain and drunk billionaires." she read the label out loud.

"Ah- you found the magic pills. Those are some serious action pain killers." he informed.

"Well at least one thing&#39;s going right," Chloe stated, popping three pills into her mouth and swallowing.

"You should take a look at the warning though." Lex mentioned, as Chloe read the fine print of the label in the dim light.

**Warning: causes extreme drowsiness, take one every five hours. Never exceed dosage.**

"Well this information would have been a little more useful seven seconds ago&#33;" Chloe snapped, tossing the bottle to the floor and crawling into the bed. Her head was starting to feel heavy, but her eye was still throbbing.

"Well what are you listening to me for? I&#39;m drunk remember?"

Chloe gritted her teeth. She would have to wake up in about five hours if she wanted to be at that interview for the internship... she could handle it. Tentatively she pulled the warm duvet over her and curled up at the end furthest away from Lex. She reached for the ice tray that still held a few cubes and she ran another over her eye, releasing a soft groan.

"What&#39;s wrong Sullivan...? Chloe...?"

"The ice is cold." she mumbled.

"Yeah- I hate it when ice gets cold." Lex said in mock anger, crawling up to the bed. He heard a soft laugh from her and smiled, pleased that he&#39;d drawn a reaction other than anger from her.


"Mph... sleep time now Luthor."


"... but I want to tell you something?"


"I don&#39;t want to marry someone I don&#39;t like."

"Suck it up Luthor, you&#39;re going to have to. I suggest you settle for anyone because I doubt any woman could keep you happy. Now sleep. "

"You could keep me happy."

"No I would probably end up driving you insane."

"Too late Chloe."





"Go to sleep Luthor&#33;"

"But it&#39;s cold."

Chloe grunted, kicking a blanket from the bed to the floor.


Lex smiled, and decided instead to crawl into the bed with her, picking up an ice cube on the way to the young woman in his bed.


Thank you sooooo much for the nice comments, you guys rock. :biggrin:

24th March 2003, 04:09
awwww, a drunk Lex and a hurt and angry Chloe :biggrin: I can&#39;t wait to read about what happens when she wakes up&#33; ;)

24th March 2003, 05:04

LOVE this fic, please please please update soon&#33;


24th March 2003, 05:07
Half naked Lex sleeping in the same bed with Chloe... This can&#39;t be bad. And Lex finnaly realized who he should marry. Can&#39;t wait for the next chapter.

24th March 2003, 06:09
:blinkkiss: who would have thought, lex and chole in the same bed together. ahhh definately can&#39;t be all bad

24th March 2003, 06:37
Irritated Chloe and Drunk Lex are really fun&#33; And in bed together--this can only lead to good things&#33;
Loving this story&#33; :biggrin:

24th March 2003, 06:40
Aww she should have totally let him finish...

Chloe, he WAS gonna propose&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; I think...

Or maybe I&#39;m all drunk too.

24th March 2003, 06:47
WHeeee&#33;&#33;&#33; yay....they are making some nice progress. Can&#39;t wait for the next part. Gemini you ROCK&#33;&#33;

24th March 2003, 06:51
Originally posted by Gemini@Mar 24 2003, 02:46 AM

"I&#39;m serious. Stay... oooooh, shiny&#33;" Lex said, picking up a quarter off the floor and studying it intensely.

*snort* This was great. I must say that I love Drunk Lex. So, don&#39;t sober him up too quickly, k? And pissed off Chloe is a good time as well. I also appreciate the insert wittty chapter title here, it&#39;s hard coming up with titles. I can&#39;t wait to see what kind of trouble Lex gets himself into next.


24th March 2003, 07:28
Originally posted by Gemini@Mar 24 2003, 11:46 AM
"You could keep me happy."

lets hope Chloe got the hint&#33;&#33; loved this chappy, update soon???

Not An Addict
24th March 2003, 09:56
Mmm, half-naked Lex . . . ice cube . . .

Hey, what&#39;s that? *points* Down there in the gutter? Oh, it&#39;s my mind.

Great chapter. :biggrin: We&#39;re definitely gonna need some good, quality Chlexy action soon. ;) And there&#39;s nooooo way Chloe&#39;s waking up in time for her interview. More soon&#33; Please&#33;

24th March 2003, 10:36
I really, really like drunk Lex. He&#39;s so cute&#33; And what a perfect combination with Irritated Chloe. This story just gets better and better and I can&#39;t wait to see where you go next&#33;


24th March 2003, 13:57
holy crap&#33; this is the funniest fic i have EVER read&#33; I mean...you...he...Lex...Chloe...sex...*passes out*

10 mins later

Oh, what? yeah...this fic, it&#39;s so good&#33; drunk lex is so funny, but an annoying kinda funny ;) poor Chloe&#33; will she make it to her daily planet thing in time? And Eric is now my favourite gay guy in thw WORLD&#33; and your my fav author, keep &#39;em coming&#33;

24th March 2003, 15:55
Sugi :lol: that was funny. You keep toping yourself every chapter. I know chloe
is going to miss that meeting. If he thought she was pissed now wait until morning.
More please.....

Hope:) :biggrin:

24th March 2003, 17:29
Oh this is great&#33; But somehow in the back of my mind I have a feeling it is going to get better, when Lex wakes up with Chloe all snuugled up to him, just a second before the bad ass hangover sets in. And of Course, Chloe will miss her meeting, feel like shit with the black eye and pain killers and I just know there will be hell to pay *big evil grin*

keep it comming Gem, gotta love your story&#33;


24th March 2003, 17:55
How can you just leave it there? You evil, evil woman&#33; Please, for the sake of my sanity (and don&#39;t give me the what sanity argument) - please post more soon.

24th March 2003, 23:44
Something tells me that Chloe is not going to make her interview - I wonder if she is going to blame Lex.

But awwwww drunk Lex&#33; He was cute.


25th March 2003, 00:31
"This is a liquor cabinet, Lex."

"Ah... yes... ever Luthor&#39;s emergency kit."


Yes, indeed.

30th March 2003, 02:13
Gemini, please don&#39;t leave us in suspense any longer....I have been checking this story everyday...actually several times a day :blush: .....Can&#39;t wait for you to post more. I loved the last chapter. Drunk Lex is so cute. Please please give us more&#33;&#33;&#33;

30th March 2003, 04:21
Originally posted by LexLover@Mar 30 2003, 12:13 AM
Gemini, please don&#39;t leave us in suspense any longer....I have been checking this story everyday...actually several times a day :blush: .....Can&#39;t wait for you to post more. I loved the last chapter. Drunk Lex is so cute. Please please give us more&#33;&#33;&#33;
I agree&#33; I check this site a couple of times a day just to see if this fic has been updated. Please, please update now - not soon - NOW&#33;

30th March 2003, 04:30
Yeah, you have me checking the site like 10 times a day&#33; Please more soon...we miss you&#33; I&#39;m having withdrawal symptoms&#33;

Tandy :blinkkiss:

30th March 2003, 05:34
Originally posted by Tandy@Mar 30 2003, 12:30 PM
Yeah, you have me checking the site like 10 times a day&#33; Please more soon...we miss you&#33; I&#39;m having withdrawal symptoms&#33;

Tandy :blinkkiss:
very true... its kinda sad when you think about it&#33;&#33;

:blinkkiss: Sway

30th March 2003, 22:31
*This is my Chapter Title*


Chloe felt the shifting of the bed as the man climbed in, maneuvering himself beneath the blankets.

"Luthor&#33;" Chloe reprimanded, "You better not be doing what I think you&#39;re do- ooooh... your feet are warm." she sighed, her face still buried in the soft pillow.

"That&#39;s what I&#39;m here for," he smiled kneeling beside her. "I brought you more ice."

"Well isn&#39;t that sweet? Lex Luthor doing something good for- ah&#33;" Chloe shrieked as Lex slid the ice cube down the back of her shirt, laughing at her as she bolted upright and put her hand up her shirt to find it.

"You are SO immature&#33;" she yelled flinging the ice cube at his chest. It bounced of him, landing on the floor in a wet pool.

"Only when I&#39;m drunk." he explained, removing the large blanket that was draped over the angry young woman.

"Lex- I&#39;m cold&#33;" Chloe mumbled, putting up a fight and gripping the blanket, "Give me back the blanky&#33;"


"What? Blanky is a socially acceptable word&#33;" Chloe snapped moodilly; trying to gain the upper hand on the blanket-rights issue.

"Sure it is... if the members of you social crowd wear diapers&#33;" Lex retorted, uncoordinatedly trying to wrench the blanket away from her.

"Just get the one I threw to you on the ground Lex&#33;"

"I want this one&#33;"

"Forget it, it&#39;s mine&#33;"

The brutal tug of war between Drunk-Lex and Sleep-Deprived-Chloe took an ugly turn when Chloe planted her bare foot on the man&#39;s bare chest and pushed on it for leverage.

Lex grunted in annoyance, "Let go and I&#39;ll buy you something&#33;"

"No&#33;" Chloe snarled, pushing her foot harder on his chest, and feeling the blanket slowly slip away from him. She was winning.

"Come on... just let go and I&#39;ll buy you... uh... I&#39;ll buy you the Daily Planet&#33;"

"What? That&#39;s insane&#33; Why don&#39;t *you* let go?"

"Well what am I going to get in return?"

"Uh... I&#39;ll perform numerous sexual favors?"

Lex raised an eyebrow, "Okay."

The man promptly released the taut blanket from his grip and Chloe, who was still pulling on it for dear life, was sent hurtling backwards onto the ground.

"Oh my God, are you alright Chloe&#33;?" Lex asked the groaning figure sprawled on the floor.

"This is turning out to be a really bad day."

Lex slid off the bed and onto the floor, crawling up to her. He turned her onto her back, leaning into her mouth.

"Luthor&#33; What the hell do you think you&#39;re doing now&#33;"


"I didn&#39;t drown- I fell off the bed."

"Oh..." Lex said almost disappointedly. "Well do I still get my sexual favors?"

"I never said I&#39;d do them on *you*"

Lex grunted in disappointment.

"Can we please go to sleep now?" Chloe sighed, studying the outline of the man&#39;s figure in the dark.

"Fine." Lex complied, crawling under the blanket with her.

Chloe was too tired to fight him, and allowed him to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her into his warm body. She wasn&#39;t the snuggling type but in this case...


"Yes?" she asked, fitting herself comfortably to the contour of his body.

"Will you marry me?"



"Because your drunk."

"Well youre high on pain killers so we make the perfect couple."

"You&#39;re not thinking straight Luthor."

"Yes I am... look, we&#39;re both lying on the floor together, arguing. I mean we&#39;re practically husband and wife already."

"If I say yes will you go to sleep?"


"Fine- then I&#39;ll marry you."


Lex buried his smile into Chloe&#39;s neck, pressing himself against her back.

"Lex..." she warned.


"Think about the hardest you&#39;ve ever been slapped."

"Uh huh."

"Now multipy that by ten and that&#39;s how much it&#39;s going to hurt if I see you make one more move on me."

Lex grinned, covering her eyes lightly with his hand before manuvering himself on top of her.

Chloe gasped feeling the sudden weight of his body shift above her. She slapped his hand away looked up at him quite annoyed...

"You walked into that one Sullivan..." Lex stated placing his legs to either side of her; his arms straightened against the floor to keep their upper bodies slightly apart.

"Purely unintentional- I assure you." she said, in short breaths. "Why don&#39;t we just call a truce and we can sleep together? I mean sleep as in sleep-sleep, not sex-sleep."

There was something deliciously intrusive about the way he had her trapped- but it wasn&#39;t him... it was a drunker, less tactful fumbling Lex Luthor who would have done the same with any woman.

"I had something else in mind..."


30th March 2003, 22:38
ahhhhhhhh&#33; Why end there? You bad. More now.


30th March 2003, 22:43
Originally posted by bluemoongirl23@Mar 30 2003, 09:38 PM
ahhhhhhhh&#33; Why end there? You bad. More now.

I completely agree&#33;

30th March 2003, 22:53
Lex buried his smile into Chloe&#39;s neck, pressing himself against her back.

Cutest. Image. Ever&#33;

30th March 2003, 22:56
Lex lowered himself down to her, running his hands up her arms before resting on her collar. He gripped them firmly, pulling her up from the ground.

"Lex, whatever you were planning to do- don&#39;t." Chloe continued, bringing her leg up and hooking it around Lex&#39;s in effort to roll him off her- only her plan backfired when she managed to forcefully dig her hips into his.

"Sullivan... if you wanted rough all you had to do was ask." Lex grinned, straddling her.

"It&#39;s not going to happen Luthor. I&#39;m probably going to pass out any second because of those stupid pills and you might just skip the nausea and go into the hangover stage." Chloe said, her voice sounding more certain than she was.

Lex sighed, drawing a line with his finger down her chest.

"Why don&#39;t you just give in to me?"

"...because you don’t really want me... not to mention the fact that you&#39;re insanely drunk." Chloe stated, gently laying her hands on his shoulders, watching the rhythmic movement of his chest as he breathed.

"Well since I’m drunk you should know I&#39;m telling the truth when I say I do want you Sullivan." Lex said frustratedly.

Chloe let out a high-pitched gasp as Lex ripped open her shirt. He pulled it off her slowly as her body responded to his movements, pushing up into him and digging her fingers into the back of his shoulders.

"Ah... I knew you were in there some where... come out and play Chloe..." Lex murmured hooking both her legs around his hips.

"Define play?" she smirked, looking into his darkened eyes.

He didn&#39;t answer her but leaned in and grinned into her neck, making her shiver involuntarily. With his own soft sigh he ran a finger across the straps of her bra looking for an opening... but there was no clasp.

"Sports bra Chloe?"

"Oh yeah- they&#39;re amazingly comfortable." she commented, tightening the hold she had in him with her legs.

"Well they&#39;re not exactly easy to get off," he smirked, Lex grazed over her breasts delicately with the tips of his fingers, extracting a hybrid grunt/groan from her.

"I know what I want- now tell me what you want Chloe...?"

"It doesn&#39;t matter- you won&#39;t remember in the morning anyway."

"Ha...&#33; so you do have feelings for me&#33;" Lex said triumphantly.

"Well of course I do dumbass- but you&#39;re too busy proposing to leeches to figure it out." she snapped. "Men disgust me- you&#39;re all a bunch of oblivious twits that-"

Chloe&#39;s complaining was abruptly stopped when Lex licked the base of her neck, slowly unbuttoning the front of the red shirt she wore. Chloe stirred but didn&#39;t push him away. The man&#39;s random kisses were distracting her from the fact that her bra seemed to have disappeared.

"Stop taking out you frustrations for men out on me. Just tell me what you want... I have to have you,” he said almost angrily.

Chloe&#39;s sense of reasoning faltered and she gave into the urges she&#39;d been suppressing. With a sigh she ran her fingers over his chest, delicately massaging his firm body. Lex released a moan, unable to understand why such a small action on her part was having such an effect on him. Chloe was far from done though- she began to lazily push her body up into his, leaving just enough space for her to grip the waistband of his pj&#39;s and force them down.

"This is what I want Lex." she stated. “I’d just like to be more than semi-conscious… and I’d like *you* to be sober.”


He knew he wouldn&#39;t be able to hold back for much longer, but he didn&#39;t wanted to take in the way she looked and tasted before he entered her. His fingers moved further south and undid the zipper of her jeans somewhat clumsily, hooking themselves in her pockets, forcing them down. Lex stroked the silky length of her body before hitting a cotton obstruction in his path. He paused, waiting for some sort of authorization for him to go further.

Chloe moaned, brushing her lips against his shoulder before feeling a strange sensation course through her. Gradually she felt her eyelids get heavier- the damn pills had perfect timing.


"Chloe?" Lex asked as her eyelids fell closed and she sunk gently back to into the floor.


Hey Sullivan...? Sullivan?" he whispered, but her deep breathing relayed the fact that she wasn&#39;t listening to him.

With an extremely frustrated grunt, the man withdrew and rolled off the sleeping girl who immediately adjusted herself so her head rested comfortably on his shoulder.

"Mph... hnnl..." Chloe mumbled in her sleep.

"What that sleeping-Chloe language for &#39;I love you&#39;?"


"Didn&#39;t think so." Lex stated. He couldn&#39;t believe how close he&#39;d been- but now he&#39;d have to calm himself down if he had any hope of getting through the night without being able to go all the way with her.

"You&#39;ll never let me have you, will you?" he asked softly, resting his lips lightly on the back of her bare shoulder.

"Hmm..." she murmured in her sleep.

"I&#39;ll take that as a maybe."


Soooooo sorry for the lack of updates, but exams have gotten the better of me :lol:

30th March 2003, 23:06
I love you&#33; I love you&#33;&#33;&#33;

*launches herself at Gemini, clings on tightly*

:biggrin: Got you&#33;&#33;&#33; Now i&#39;m never going to let you go and i&#39;ll just chain you to the computer and make you do my fan fic bidding&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Wonderful chapters Gemini&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Poor lex.

SHe&#39;s gonna marry him&#33; She&#39;s gonna marry him, She&#39;s gonna marry HIM&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;:chlexsign1:

Oh happiness tho art this fic&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin: :biggrin:

30th March 2003, 23:07
You guys are just waaaay too sweet :biggrin: I guess it comes naturally for chlex fans :lol:

30th March 2003, 23:11
LOL, greatest chapter ever&#33; I loved it&#33;
Poor Lex...how will they react when they wake up? Can&#39;t wait&#33; Good luck on the exams&#33;

Tandy :blinkkiss:

30th March 2003, 23:54
I hate you. I love you. I can&#39;t decide. You are so mean, postponing them getting together. I know, pot calling the kettle black and all, but, really, more soon.



30th March 2003, 23:58
You have no idea how happy I am that you&#39;re back. Okay, I get the real life thing, but you can&#39;t just write two delicious chapters like that and just leave it there - can you? Please say no and update again soon.
I just love this story&#33;&#33;&#33;
*dances happily*

31st March 2003, 00:08
Aw Sugi that was great :biggrin: finally you updated. I thought I was going to have to fly to Canada and force you to write another chapter. She is so going to marry him. ;) Write more please...... :blinkkiss:

Hope :chlexsign3:

31st March 2003, 00:19
Those were amazing chapters. But you can&#39;t just stop there&#33; More NOW&#33; :chlexsign2:

31st March 2003, 00:27
Gemini this is beautiful&#33;
And Lex talking to a half sleeping Chloe is just so aaawwww&#33;

Please please post more soon this is going to be great, I feel it.
But you should at least bring them back on the bed. I love this fic and I LOVE YOU HONEY, more soon pretty pretty please


31st March 2003, 01:38
More More.. I want More and let them be sober.. hehehehehe.... that was to good.. can&#39;t wait for More:)

Suzanne :chlexsign3:

31st March 2003, 02:07
oh come on&#33; You can&#39;t leave it there&#33; I need more CHLEXY goodness&#33; :biggrin:

31st March 2003, 02:24
Yay&#33; An update&#33; It seems as though I&#39;ve been waiting forever - but let me tell you, it has been worth the wait. Honestly, they are just as hopeless as one another, aren&#39;t they ;)

In any case, this part was great - but now I want another part. So post more soon please&#33;


31st March 2003, 02:37
Hooray you&#39;re back&#33; I can&#39;t wait for the morning after&#33; Please update soon&#33;

31st March 2003, 08:00
wow... yeah thats all i got - wow. they were two fantastic chapters, and oh yeah,

SHE&#39;S GONNA MARRY HIM&#33;&#33;

as long as she rememberes she agreed to it of course... please tell me she remembers??

:blinkkiss: Sway

Queen Of Tact
31st March 2003, 08:18
I&#39;m so happy you posted another ch... I just love this story.... Hehe I can&#39;t wait till the next morning... Are they goign to feel the same way.....
Please post more soon..


Not An Addict
31st March 2003, 09:21
SQUEAL&#33;&#33;&#33; You updated&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou&#33;

On the other hand . . .

you stopped it JUST AT THE GOOD PART&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Arrrrgggghhhh&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; That&#39;s ok, though, because you can make it up to me in the next chapter. :biggrin: Post more NOW&#33; Please?

31st March 2003, 10:19
&#39;Kay, need more now&#33; I love Drunk-Lex and Sleep-Deprived Chloe&#33; Please say more is forthcoming (and I mean that in SO many ways&#33;)


31st March 2003, 13:24
I know you&#39;re probably tired of hearing this, but can you give me a photo of yourself and a tuft of your hair for my shrine?...Thought not <sigh> It&#39;s Ok you haven&#39;t been updating so much, you know, there is that thing...quality over quantity but- *morphs into smallville fic obsessed monster* -ARRRGH, CANT YOU HAVE BOTH?&#33; MUST...HAVE...MORE...CHLEX&#33; *proceeds to wreak havoc etc*


P.S Oh, in case you didn&#39;t get it, this story rocks&#33;

31st March 2003, 19:34
Awww that was tooo sweet&#33; Love it. :) They&#39;re getting married... Hehe.

3rd April 2003, 00:08

Chapter X: *&^ )(@%#^&*

(If anyone can break the code and figure out the chapter title they&#39;ll win free cat food for a year)

ps. ^That was just a gimmick I use because I hate thinking up chapter titles and/or keeping track of the numbers of chapters I write. For those of you still reading this... on with the fic&#33;


The sunlight pierced through the slits in the blinds, casting a soft light onto the carpet where Lex Luthor laid- wrapped up in a blanket with a young woman. With a groan he opened a single eye, realizing that things were very airy in the southern regions of his body. He quickly felt for the bottom part of his pj&#39;s and awkwardly shuffled them up his legs.

Lex vaguely remembered the events of last evening... he had tried contacting Sullivan, but she was... occupied with her playmate Eric. Then, when he&#39;d exhausted his phone book, he&#39;d poured himself a drink... then another... and another...

Just then he heard a gentle sigh and to his surprise, realized that there was a woman wrapped up in the blankets with him.

"Hey...?" Lex asked carefully sliding further away from her body. He&#39;d been in situations like these before and they usually ended up with him getting slapped. The young woman, hidden by the soft blankets, released a full moan.

"Um... excuse me?" Lex asked, as she followed him in his retreat nudging her nose against his chest beneath the blankets.

"Mph..." the girl stated.

"Hi... I don&#39;t remember if I got your name last night-" he began, sitting up in order to find her face amongst the mass of blankets.

"...and I&#39;m really sorry for whatever it us I did, but I don&#39;t suppose you could- he stopped when he pulled the covers from her face.


Chloe&#39;s eyes snapped open at the bellowing voice to find a horrified Luthor looming over her.

"Ahhh&#33;&#33;" she shrieked, her reflex reaction forcing her to sit up and collide her forehead into Lex&#39;s nose.

"Ugh&#33;" Lex groaned at the impact, falling backwards onto his butt. He sat up with a somewhat dazed look on his face.

"Wha- huh?" the girl asked to nobody in particular. Her head throbbed as thoughts of last night flooded back in shorts spurts: moving to her dorm room... drunk Lex... her eye... the pills... Lex and her on the floor... Lex and her on the bed... then the floor again... had they...? No- he&#39;d tried, but she&#39;d fallen asleep... before anything had happened.

Lex was extremely perplexed. Chloe had just broken his nose- and it was probably with good reason. Who knows what he did to her last night? His throat went dry and a sense of nausea continued. It was partly due to the hangover from hell, but mostly due to the fear he felt. Lex was breathing hard as he scrambled to his feet and backed away from her with a slightly pained expression in his features.

Chloe mumbled incoherently, pulling herself up into a seated position on the floor, irritatedly rubbing her eyes. The blanket slipped off her chest for a second before Chloe grabbed it tightly and held it up to her neck, scowling at the fact that she&#39;d lost her bra.. *he&#39;d* lost her bra. Her mind drifted again... there was somewhere she was supposed to be right now... The interview for the internship&#33; what time was it?

Lex winced as the young woman glanced at the bedside clock and yelled the loudest profanity he&#39;d ever heard.


"Don&#39;t you even THINK of speaking to me now." she said in a deathly cold voice, gathering the blanket around her body in an effort to cover up a little more before she attempted to find her clothing.

"I- can&#39;t remember what happened... I was drunk and..."

"Don&#39;t *sorry* me&#33; Why the hell did you get drunk in the first place&#33; If you were that depressed why didn&#39;t you go beat up something cute and fluffy like normal people&#33;"


"I don&#39;t care what you have to say anymore, because if you haven&#39;t noticed I&#39;m THIRTY SEVEN minutes late for the interview of my life&#33; The same interview I&#39;ve been waiting for, for last the eighteen years of my existence&#33;"

Chloe bit back her emotions and took in a few deep breaths, trying unsuccessfully to calm down. She knew this wasn&#39;t totally his fault... but right now she needed someone to blame- and Lex was in her path.

"I need to get out of here." she said, snapping back to her senses. Maybe there was still hope of getting there.

Lex watched as she stumbled to her feet, promptly tripping over the jeans that were neatly bunched up around her ankles. He reached for her arms to steady her, but she roughly swatted his hands away.

"Get away from me, and turn the hell around." she said icily, extremely annoyed that he had such a generous view of her body.

Lex turned his back to her with a misplaced sigh. He heard the blanket fall to the floor as Chloe shuffled her jeans up her legs and pulled the shirt over her head with a grunt. Lex couldn&#39;t hold in the question any longer... though he dreaded the answer. It would be easier to do when he wasn&#39;t facing her.

"D-Did we sleep together Chloe?" he asked. The shuffling of clothes immediately stopped.

"NO&#33;" she said in a high-pitched voice that oozed with infuriation. She continued dressing, glancing around the room for her bra... she was really late, but there was no way in hell she was leaving *that* here.

"Thank God..." Lex said in relief. He wouldn&#39;t have been able to handle it if he&#39;d forced himself on her last night.

"L-Look, I know your late so just tell me what you need me to do?" he asked, his back still facing her.

"Find. My. Bra."

The man stood unmoving.

"Move it Luthor, I&#39;m not going to stand here all day&#33;" she called frustratedly, before storming off bathroom.

Lex let out a ragged breath and picked up the blanket to see if her bra was somewhere in there. He couldn&#39;t believe this was happening... after all he&#39;d done to try retain a friendship thing with Chloe he&#39;d gone and fucked it up in one night... sure, they hadn&#39;t slept together, but he must have done something bad to upset her like this. His hand ran across the area under the bed and finally his fingers latched onto the soft cotton. He dragged it out and groaned when he saw a rip in it... he&#39;d obviously done that. Bits of memories from last made cameo appearances in his fogged up mind. Most of them consisted of Chloe struggling against him, which only heightened his feelings of nausea. He wiped his forehead with back of his hand, noticing the bruises that had developed along his knuckles. Of course he had no idea where they were from.

"Bra, bra, bra, bra..." Chloe ordered. She&#39;d just assessed her reflection in the mirror and decided that wearing a paper bag over her head to the interview would be the smartest choice- especially since the size of her bruised eye may need its own area code.

"It kind of... um... there must have been an accident..." Lex said, handing up the shredded piece of clothing.

Chloe swore, "You are *so* paying for this." she muttered, heading for the table where her jacket and car keys lay.


3rd April 2003, 00:35
Woot&#33; You updated&#33;&#33;


Hung over morning after and poor Chloe is going to miss her interview because she&#39;s already late. I wonder if Lex will remember proposing to her and her accepting?...

Please write more soon.

3rd April 2003, 00:44
Ooohhh, Lex is in such trouble&#33; So...how is he going to make it up to her? ;)

This was another great part - but I need more. Please? Now?


3rd April 2003, 00:45
You&#39;ve just got to love pissed off Chloe. I can&#39;t wait to see what kind of excuse she&#39;s going to come up with for why she&#39;s late for the interview. And, if she&#39;ll remind him that they are now engaged. More now. Please?


3rd April 2003, 00:53
Oh my goodness <insert eye-roll emoticon> for some reason there&#39;s a lotta angst in this chapter... you have my apologies... but thanks for all the nice comments :biggrin:


Lex followed behind her, gently grabbing her her upper arm, "Chloe, we need to-"

The young woman spun around in surprise- slamming into him.

"Ah&#33;" she winced as his firm naked chest grazed her eye.

"Whats the matter-" he stopped abruptly when he noticed the large bruise surrounding her eye.

Lex felt his heart constrict with a mixture of fear and pain. He held the side of her face, tilting her head up and brushing away a few stray strands of her hair. With a sudden wave of panic he glanced at his bruised hand then at Chloe&#39;s black eye.

"Did I... Did I do this?"

"Well I sure as hell didn&#39;t do it genius&#33;" she snapped, slapping his hands away from her face.

"Wait Sullivan-" he said holding her by the sides of her shoulders and pinning her against the wall.

Chloe&#39;s body shuddered involunatarily in response. She forgotten how much stronger he was than her- damn him and that testosterone driven physical strength.

"I can&#39;t let you go without saying..." Lex trailed off. He clenched his jaw and looked off to the side, thinking of a way to tell her how sorry he was.

"Nothing you can say is going to change the fact that I missed that damn interview." Chloe struggled to keep her voice steady, but failed miserably. She was more upset with herself at this point than she was with him.

Lex weakened at the hurt tone that had seeped into her voice. "I can fix it for you... let me call someone and I-"

"You just don&#39;t get it- this was something I was going to do by myself, I had it all planned..." Chloe stated, trying to writhe her way out of his hold. He only closed the space between them as he buried his body deeper into hers, fixing her in one spot and hindering her breath.

"Plans change Chloe." Lex stated silently.

Chloe bit her lip in an effort to restrain the mixed emotions going through her.

"I guess I&#39;ll just wait for next year." she said, releasing a slight shudder before relaxing her body in defeat. "I doubt they&#39;ll even consider me if I show up a few hours late with a huge bruise on my face..."

Lex&#39;s eyes darkened as he drew his hand up to Chloe&#39;s cheek. She winced even before he reached the bruise.

"I never meant to do that to you," he whispered, his voice low and harsh. There was something flawed with the relationship they were in... he couldn&#39;t believe he had hit her- but it was the truth. He had the injured fist to prove it.

"I know." Chloe whispered in the same tone, finally meeting his serious stare. She wasn&#39;t mad at him... she was mad at his heel that had slammed into her eye.

Lex blinked, surprised at her response. He waited for a moment before brushing his lips with extreme care over her sensitive eyelid and spreading his hands over the base of her back. Chloe lifted up her head slightly, changing the direction of the mans kisses and setting them on course directly towards her lips...


Chloe jumped at the intrusive sound of her cell phone.

"I-I have to get that." Chloe murmered, turning her head to the side.

Lex nodded and forced himself to draw away from her, every inch of his body aching with the loss of contact.

"H-Hello?" she asked, picking up the phone.

"Chloe? Where the dickens have you been? The interviews are about to end&#33; It&#39;s really between you and the Russian exchange student- the rest of those reporters are all ditzs who have trouble spelling their own name- which is strange since they&#39;re all named Tiffany or Britney or-"

"Eric?" Chloe interupted, not noticing the sharp turn of Lex&#39;s head at the sound of that name before he left to go put some clothes on.

"What&#39;s wrong Chloe...? Why are you upset?" came the concerned response.

"There&#39;s no way I&#39;m going to get to the Planet in time. I-I didn&#39;t make it home last night after I went to- you know. So now I just lost my only hope of making a journalistic breakthrough in my first year. My entire life plans are ruined and I might have to move into a cardboard box under bridge somewhere and-"

"-Chloe, sweetheart. Take a few deep breathes for me... there you go... nice and cleansing... so how was Lex in bed? I presume you two-"

"No&#33; Of course not&#33;"

"Okay- fine, you can tell me about it later. Now get your ass down here as soon as possible."

"What&#39;s the point? I mean I look like a mess, I&#39;ll be incredibly late and-"

Look- don&#39;t worry about it just go home, change and get here. I&#39;ll stall them for you."

"Stall? How?"

"Don&#39;t worry, I have it covered. I can buy you at least an hour."

"Eric, if you pull this off I&#39;ll love you forever."

"Now why can&#39;t I get a guy to say those exact words to me?"

"Bye Eric&#33;" Chloe smirked as she hung up the phone, feeling slightly better about the whole situation... she turned to Lex who was now fully dressed in a dark suit that managed to match his mood perfectly. He seemed preoccupied in his own thoughts, standing on the other end of the room.

Chloe raised an eyebrow, wondering if Lex was going through some sort of depressive withdrawl stage of the hangover. Their eyes met but they didn&#39;t say anything, which was highly unusual for two people who prided themselves on their communication skills.

"I&#39;m going to go now." Chloe said, breaking the silence and glancing at the clock. "I see you have five hours left, so you should get moving too."

Lex frowned before realising what she was talking about. The wedding deadline. He&#39;d completely forgotten about it. If he had any sense at all he would have stopped Chloe right then and there and begged her to marry him... but he&#39;d seen what he&#39;d put her through already and the thought of hurting her more was something he wasn&#39;t willing to endure.

"Don&#39;t think about me Sullivan... go get that internship first," he said, looking down at the ground- something which he never did.

Chloe nodded before heading out the door. Don&#39;t think about him? Easier said than done.


*Gives muse a kick in the pants and tells her to move the plot along a little quicker*

3rd April 2003, 01:02
No&#33; She can&#39;t be mad at him and how the hell can he not remember asking her to marry him? Okay so, yes he was very drunk and... well... ignore me. Great part.

3rd April 2003, 01:39
That was a great part. So when is he gonna remember that she agreed to marry him? More soon&#33;

3rd April 2003, 02:15
But, but, but... they don&#39;t remember? NOOOOO&#33; You have to have one of them remember. Come on&#33; Now&#33; Update now&#33;

3rd April 2003, 02:26
Oh gem,

these chapters are so awesome, love the angst *g*.

Please post more soon and have some Eric vs Lex action could you do that? To make a fool of Lex because he still doesn&#39;t get that Eric is gay that would be soo neat

post more ASAP please


Not An Addict
3rd April 2003, 02:31
Meep&#33; Oh, dear. But . . . but . . . SO CLOSE&#33;&#33; DAMN&#33; *takes deep breath* Ok, one of them is going to have to figure out what&#39;s going on. And poor Lex, feeling so guilty for Chloe&#39;s eye&#33; Ok, I realize you just updated twice, but FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, POST MORE SOON&#33;&#33;&#33; Thank you. :biggrin:

3rd April 2003, 02:36
Dammit&#33; Stupid technology&#33; But, I do loves me the Eric for knowing what is going on. Poor, poor Lex. All with the thinking he hurt Chloe and he&#39;s gonna be poor soon and why won&#39;t she just kiss him&#33;


3rd April 2003, 02:41
Oh, great chapter&#33; They can&#39;t remember and Lex feels guilty...fix it please. Pretty please?
More soon please&#33;
Tandy :biggrin:

3rd April 2003, 03:06
He thinks he actually hit her like slapped or punched her?&#33;? Poor Lex&#33;&#33; Oh, you have to post again soon&#33; I can&#39;t wait much longer, i need more&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

3rd April 2003, 06:18
Oh I love it-- Lex thinks that he hit her&#33; :biggrin:
Wonderful chapters, loved the angst&#33;

3rd April 2003, 06:22
Oh Sugi that was really angsty what are you Carmen?
:lol: that was a great chapter update soon.

Hope ;)

3rd April 2003, 07:58
oooooh an update&#33;&#33;&#33; poor Lex...

ooooooh but she said she&#39;d marry him&#33; they cant just forget like that&#33;&#33;&#33;

please fix it reallllly soon?&#33;?

:blinkkiss: Sway

3rd April 2003, 08:07
LOL&#33; Very funny and very cute&#33;

3rd April 2003, 08:26


4th April 2003, 13:56
Poor Lex. He&#39;s feeling so guilty. But on the other hand, now he has to make it up to her, and what can be better than to meet her at the Planet and beg her to marry him?&#33;

Please update *soon*

5th April 2003, 04:22
Wow&#33; I didn&#39;t see that coming--poor Lex. My heart breaks for him. It&#39;s odd how all this angst can still make me crack a smile because of the irony, y&#39;know? I can hardly wait for the next post&#33; :biggrin:

5th April 2003, 04:36
read the whole story today...my god...it was great&#33; so darn funny. i was laughing away as i devoured the chapter...i can&#39;t wait to see them recollect what was said and done last night...


5th April 2003, 16:45
Eh, already reviewed this chapter - but I wanted to remind you to UPDATE&#33;&#33;&#33;

You have no idea how crazy I&#39;m going just waiting for you to post a new part to this story.

5th April 2003, 22:20
Hey look - two reviews in a row. ;)

I&#39;ve decided that I&#39;m not going to write anymore on AH until you update this. Just, you know, so you know. :)

Queen Of Tact
5th April 2003, 22:25
Ok here&#39;s the deal Gemini, I was talking to Kris today and she told me that she wont update AH till we get another ch of your wonderful story... Yes, I know she is very evil... So you see we have a little trouble here casue if that happends i&#39;m going to have to lock you and Kris to the computer till the stories are done, and I really don&#39;t want to have to do that.. But I will if I have too :devil:

So please please please update.....


5th April 2003, 22:46
I&#39;ve decided that I&#39;m not going to write anymore on AH until you update this. Just, you know, so you know. :)

You are SOOO mean&#33;&#33; You can&#39;t do that to me&#33; I need to read AH- this is blackmail&#33;

By the way Queen of Tact I haven&#39;t read any more of *your* writing lately...

Queen Of Tact
5th April 2003, 22:54
Fine, I will update 48 hrs tonight, but you have to update too.. or no deal


5th April 2003, 22:58
Okaaaay, I&#39;ll update as soon as I figure out where I&#39;m going with the plot- then I expect chapters from BOTH of you&#33; ;)

5th April 2003, 23:21
You don&#39;t already know where you&#39;re going with the plot? And here I had the next chapter already pictured in my mind...
Hee hee. Okay. That sounds like a fair deal.

5th April 2003, 23:37
You guys are all evil for not updating. Blackmailing eachother and whatnot. Can&#39;t we all just get along? All of you update now&#33;

6th April 2003, 01:30
You guys are all evil for not updating. Blackmailing eachother and whatnot. Can&#39;t we all just get along? All of you update now&#33;

I soooo agree with dsapiro, you two need to update your fics, like NOW&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

6th April 2003, 01:39

Please update, I need chlex and I need it now and your story is just awesome so far&#33;


6th April 2003, 01:44
I&#39;m so proud of all the blackmailing that&#39;s going on. It&#39;s just coming from a place of love. And, I agree, we all need new chaps from these wonderful stories. :blinkkiss:


6th April 2003, 02:58
:biggrin: haha it&#39;s so funny. reminding me of lex and chloe&#39;s bickering. all the "i&#39;ll do this only if you would do this"s

6th April 2003, 02:58
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair

Yes, I stole it from Shakespeare, but he’s kinda dead- so he can’t sue me <insert evil laugh>


“Well the good news is that it isn’t broken, Mr. Luthor,” the older nurse said warily, glancing at the man in the dark suit who seemed to be in a foul mood.

“Are you sure…? It hurts like hell…” Lex mumbled, fingering the horizontal white bandage secured firmly over his nose. He stood up from the couch in annoyance and began stalking up and down the lounge.

“You should be fine in a few days… you know, most of my house calls are to the elderly who are unable to move unless it involves reaching for the remote control… this was a unique stop for me.” the nurse mentioned, packing the scissors and bandages into her bag.

“Yes, well, I didn’t want to bother going all the way down to the hospital, and I thought I could score some free pain killers this way. For some reason I’m running low.”

“I won’t give you any medication Mr. Luthor, the natural healing process should fix you up just fine. Might I ask how this injury came about in the first place?” The she asked curiously.

Lex paused for a second before deciding that the older lady was not a member of some criminal underworld organization that was planning to use this information against him

“Let&#39;s just say it involved an aggressive young woman who I had made the error of rudely awaking.” He mumbled, absorbed in investigating the bandage on his nose. “She didn’t seem to appreciate the fact that she’d woken up on my bedroom floor.”

“Oh… I see,” the nurse said with a smile.

“No… I don’t think you do. She hates me.”

“Did she say she hated you?”

“Well… not in so many words… but-”

“Then how do you know she hates you Mr. Luthor?”

“This might come as a surprise, but I&#39;m not the easiest person to get along with."

“She probably realizes that already, but if she was willing to be in your company in the first place, that must mean something."

“That maybe so… but I missed the opportunity to tell her that I- well, that I cared about her.” Lex said with a frown. “It’s hard to explain, but I need to find someone to marry soon, and she was just there sitting under my injured nose the entire time…”

“Oh… that’s what everyone goes through at your age Mr. Luthor,”

“I doubt it.”

“It’s a fact of life- at some point the need for companionship with a soul mate outweighs any superficial tendencies. Do you believe that this young lady might be the one you could learn to love?”

Lex sighed and leaned against the cool wall next to his front door, crossing his arms and furrowing his brow in concentration. A range of emotions crossed over his features before he grunted in frustration.

"Even if I did want her, she has someone else in her life that wouldn&#39;t put her all the crap that I do. Maybe she&#39;d be better off with him.”

"That&#39;s not your decision to make- you need to figure out whether or not she&#39;s worth fighting for."

“Of course she&#39;s worth it&#33;" Lex said in aggravation, "Not that it matters now anyway. I made a mistake and now she’s gone. "

“Oh… what a pity… did she leave the country?”

“No… she’s still in Metropolis."

"What- you don&#39;t know how to use a phone?"

"I can&#39;t call her- she&#39;s at the Daily Planet having an-"

“Oh my goodness&#33; Why do you insist on brooding in here when the woman you want is a fifteen minute drive away?”


“Do you want to have a relationship with her or not?”

“Well- I-”

“Yes or no?”


“Well then what are you waiting for? A sign from the heavens?”

“No… I think they already have that one covered.”


6th April 2003, 03:06
glad that the blackmailing works :blinkkiss:

6th April 2003, 03:07

Don&#39;t leave it there&#33; Tell me you have another chapter up your sleeve for us soon&#33;

it&#39;s gggreat&#33; as Tony the Tiger would say by the way



6th April 2003, 03:20
Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

<Okay- so I can’t think up my own chapter titles, so I’m stealing ‘em from Shakespeare :lol:>


“Well have they posted the names yet?” Chloe asked, peering between the mass of bodies in front of her. The bronze colored pantsuit she wore did little to help her squirm her way through the front of the crowd.

Chloe and Eric had finished up their respective interviews and were now trying to get a look at the list of names of those chosen for the internships. So far neither of them had been able to catch a glimpse of the piece of paper that was neatly tacked onto the bulletin board outside the editor’s office.

“Arg&#33; This isn’t working, there are just too many people,” Eric said, shaking his blonde head, and leaning forward to Chloe. “…and I think that girl behind me touched my ass,” he whispered, apprehensively.

Chloe rolled her eyes, “I can’t take this anymore-I have to know whether my name is on that list&#33;” she stated emphatically. The determined young reporter attempted to push her way to the front, but her small frame only bounced back off the sturdy bodies before her.

“I have another idea,” Eric stated, grabbing the back of Chloe’s collar before she made another suicidal charge into the crowd.

“It’s true&#33;” Eric said loudly, “My landlord hasn’t been able to fix my plumbing problem- I haven’t showered in weeks&#33; I’m starting to get used to the smell, it’s not that bad seeing as how I&#39;ve been wearing the same pair of underwear for a while&#33;”

Immediately the crowd parted a little, appalled at what they heard, and a grinning Eric stole the opportunity to grab Chloe’s hand and maneuver them to the front of the restless mob. His high eyelevel was just enough to give him a decent view of the name list, while Chloe cursed her height.

“Well? What does it say? Are we in?” Chloe asked, tugging on Eric’s white pullover persistently.

"Yes&#33;" Eric said elated, “I made it into the photography department&#33;”

“Yeah, yeah, we all knew that would happen- now what about me?” she asked impatiently.

"Yes, you’re in…&#33; Oh wait…no- that’s Chloe Silverton…”

"Oh my God…”

“Wait&#33; Here we are&#33; Chloe Sullivan&#33; You’re in&#33;”

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief before punching Eric in the arm. He beamed at her, before they forced their way out of the crowd.

“Well… looks like things are looking up for us.” Eric commented, “Let’s celebrate, Chloe… I want to go all out this time- what do you say to a burger?”

“That’s a pretty sad definition of going all out,” Chloe laughed, still thrilled with the fact that she was on her way to becoming the most ruthless reporter in Metropolis.

“Well if you don’t like my method of celebration, maybe you should ask your toy-boy to take you someplace classy?” Eric said, his green eyes teasing playfully.

Chloe rolled her eyes, "Just because you&#39;re gay doesn&#39;t mean you have to use fruity language- and intend to stay away from him till after his wedding so I don&#39;t have to..."

"...confront you&#39;re growing feelings for him?" Eric ended for her.

"Look- the scene this morning was horrible. I totally blew up at him."

"Well Chlo, if I woke up with my bra missing then I&#39;d be a little worried to."

"There are just so many things wrong with that sentence I don&#39;t know where to start."

"Why don’t you just admit you have feelings for him...? You know Lex Luthor is going to have to buy me something big and expensive for all I do to try get the two of you together.”

“You really want me to be with the man who gave me this?” Chloe asked, pointing to her swollen area around her eye.

“Well, it is a very pretty shade of purple.” Eric stated seriously.

“Then I guess that makes up for the dull throbbing,” she said sarcastically as they approached the cafeteria of the Daily Planet. The area was fairly desolate seeing as how it was an hour before the lunch hour rush.

“Quit whining Chlo… most woman -and some men- would *pay* to have Lex Luthor whack them in the eye with his beautiful heel.” He commented, slapping down some money and ordering two burgers.

“You’re such a drama queen.” Chloe groaned, as Eric picked up the paper bag of saucy junk food and they made their way over to the table.

“Why thank you&#33;” Eric grinned. “Seriously though Chloe, I’m really glad that we’ll be getting to work together. I’ve missed you these past few years.”

“Aw… I missed you too, Eirc.” Chloe grinned as her friend scooped her up into a bone-crushing hug

“Oxygen becoming an issue here…” the girl rasped.

“I don’t care&#33; You remind me of one of those pretty dolls that my sister let me play with play with- then you hug them and they start singing a song.”

“No… you hug them, and they say ‘I love you’ -they only start singing when you tickle them,”

“Oh really?” Eric asked with an evil glint in his eyes.

Chloe shrieked in surprise as Eric began to tickle her and she punched his chest as she struggled against his hold, trying not to break down in laughter.

“Get the hell away from her&#33;”

Before the young woman could spin around, an irate billionaire had launched himself at an unsuspecting Eric. Chloe was knocked out the way as the two men were sent hurtling into another couple’s table where knives and forks were sent flying around mercilessly. A crimson pool appeared on Eric’s white jersey as the Luthor pulled his fist back in preparation for another hit.


Don’t worry&#33; Trust me, I know what I’m doing. I&#39;m all about the laughs. ;)

Ha&#33; You guys SO have to update the rest of your fics now too&#33; *mwahahaha*

...and again, thank you for all the nice comments :biggrin: It makes all the writing worth it.

6th April 2003, 03:27
:biggrin: Love it... love it more if Chloe and Lex got it on soon but I can deal ;)

Awesome, so funny


Not An Addict
6th April 2003, 03:51
YAY&#33;&#33; *tackle hug* You updated&#33; TWICE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; And now Kris&#39;ll update, and I won&#39;t have to carry through on my threat to stop writing entirely if she didn&#39;t update soon. :biggrin: These chapters were SO great. Well do I know Chloe&#39;s woes when it comes to trying to see from the back of a crowd. *grumbles* Stupid shortness . . . Anyway. Hee, Lex was all jealous and protective. :biggrin: I love it&#33; And that better be ketchup on Eric&#39;s shirt. ;) Ok, now more SOON&#33;

6th April 2003, 04:00
Originally posted by Not An Addict@Apr 6 2003, 02:51 AM
YAY&#33;&#33; *tackle hug* You updated&#33; TWICE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; And now Kris&#39;ll update, and I won&#39;t have to carry through on my threat to stop writing entirely if she didn&#39;t update soon. :biggrin: These chapters were SO great. Well do I know Chloe&#39;s woes when it comes to trying to see from the back of a crowd. *grumbles* Stupid shortness . .
I know- I really hope Kris updates soon :lol: By the way, I&#39;m pretty sure you can&#39;t be shorter than *me* I&#39;m so very, very close to being 5 foot, but I&#39;m just not there yet. Darn those short genes.

:lol: All this blackmailing going on between fanfic writers is just way too funny.

6th April 2003, 04:48
wooo, i so like the last part. is there any possiblity of an update in the next 24 hr?

i have short genes too. :biggrin:

6th April 2003, 05:36
One update &#036;30 second update &#036;40 a jealous Lex priceless :biggrin: Thanks for the updates Sugi. I love it , I love it, I love it. Please sir I want some more. :lol:

Hope :chlexsign2:

6th April 2003, 05:54
An update... :huh: Can it be... Two updates? Ok, now you&#39;re just pulling my leg. :goof:
(readingreadingreadingreading -- God bless that elderly nurse&#33; -- readingreadingreadingreading -- Fruity language? Man, I love Eric&#33; :biggrin: --readingreadingreadingreading -- Crimson pool? I hope that was ketchup.
Please update again soon. My life will have no meaning until it is so... :chlexsign1:

6th April 2003, 06:11
Thank you&#33; Thank you&#33; thank you&#33; Thank you&#33; Thank you&#33;

Glad the blackmailing worked&#33; Great chapter, although I hope the pool of blood was ketchup or sauce cuz I really love eric, and I really really love Lex&#33;

Tandy :blinkkiss:

6th April 2003, 08:44
Loved it... thats the way Lex.. fight for your woman;):D


6th April 2003, 08:51
Two new chapters, thank you. They were great. I love everyone in this fic. Update soon&#33;

6th April 2003, 18:20
So very good. Now, if only that nurse and Eric could be in the same room, they&#39;d have this all sorted out in no time. Eric is so very great. And, people, I&#39;m 5 10, so, you guys could go on my shoulders to read the list.

Loving the way that Lex talked to the nurse and Eric won&#39;t let Chloe hide the way she feels. More, like now, please. *grovel*


6th April 2003, 18:37
Yay&#33; Two chapters&#33; Hee hee. These were great. And ooh - how much do I love jealous Lex? *swoon*

And I suppose you expect me to update now, huh?


But your smut chapter will have to wait for a couple of hours. I only got one of them done yesterday.

7th April 2003, 03:06
AAAWWW those last two chappies were just awesome&#33; And I loved the nurse&#33; Oh nad Lex goin all blind protective, just cute&#33; Please post more soon&#33; That goes for all of you gal btw, k?


7th April 2003, 04:10
Gosh, I&#39;m so loving Eric, he is such a great bud&#33;

But back to the Chlex - jealous Lex, jealous Lex&#33; I looooove jealous Lex. And how he is fighting for her - awwww&#33;

More, more, more&#33;


7th April 2003, 16:36
I am enjoying this fic so much&#33;&#33; :) And lol for Lex. I can picture him flying across the room into Eric.

Golly, you&#39;ve done it again. I am always entertained with every chapter.

alternate perceptions
7th April 2003, 17:05
Hi I&#39;m new to the board and just wanted to say I&#39;am loving this fic especially drunk Lex I laughed myself of the chair and pulled numerous heavy objects with me but it was worth it i hope you update soon. Jealous lex is extremely good but I&#39;m with the majority on the save Eric campaign nothing can happen to him he is the voice of reason so i can sum this post up with two words......bloody brilliant (in my heavy Australian accent). :goof:

8th April 2003, 23:58
Why is it that you haven&#39;t posted another update?? Hmm? Don&#39;t you think three days is keeping us waiting long enough? Don&#39;t you? Update&#33;&#33;&#33;

9th April 2003, 00:00
Its deffinitely long enough.

9th April 2003, 21:52
You&#39;re going to make me resort to blackmail again, aren&#39;t you? Grrr...
I have nothing to blackmail you with because I just updated AH.
Umm - how about - I just won&#39;t work on it again, let alone post, until you update?
Hee hee.

10th April 2003, 03:05
The Negotiator


Eric winced as his back collided into the table- then there was a more pleasant feeling as Lex Luthor tumbled on top of him. His upper body lurched forwards as the enraged man grabbed him by the collar.

“Well hi there, I don’t believe we’ve been officially introduced,” Eric grinned uncertainly, trying desperately not to get killed.

Lex wore a confused expression and held back his punch momentarily, realizing that something about the situation was… strange.

"Oh my God&#33;" Chloe yelled furiously, lunging for the Lex before he killed her gay best friend. She hooked her arm around the billionaire’s neck from behind in effort to pull him off Eric. Adrenalin aided the small girl to stumble back, whilst seizing Lex&#39;s neck firmly with her forearm.

"Sullivan?&#33; What are you doing&#33;?" Lex snapped, trying to pull her off him without hurting her. He backed away from Eric and straightened up, ripping away from her death-grip.

"What am *I* doing&#33; What are *you* doing Luthor&#33;?" Chloe asked, stepping around in front of him, directly in his path. She noticed the bandage covering his once-perfect nose, and cringed inwardly remembering that morning.

"Saving you&#33;" Lex stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. His eyes narrowed past Chloe’s shoulder, focussing on Eric who was raising himself off the ground. Lex&#39;s glare grew darker, but Chloe placed two warning palms over his chest, stifling any violent impulses he was having at the moment. He tried unsuccessfully to ignore the warmth of her hands and turned his attention to the problem at hand.

"I’m alright Sulivan,” Eric stated, dusting off his jersey. He didn’t notice the glare he received from Lex for using that name, but paused abruptly when he saw the red stain on his jersey.

"Oh my God I&#39;ve been stabbed&#33;" Eric yelled.

Chloe looked over her shoulder, anxiously, forcing herself to forget how good Lex’s upper chest felt- even through his clothes.

"That&#39;s ketchup." Lex and Chloe said together.

Eric frowned and dipped his finger in the liquid on his jersey.

"It&#39;s not ketchup..." he said slowly.

"What&#33;?" Chloe yelped, tightening her grip on Lex’s shirt making the man draw in a sharp breath.

Eric put his finger in his mouth for a taste.

"Chile sauce. Either way, this jersey is ruined- do you know how many sales clerks I had to hit on in order to get a discount on this thing?" he asked in annoyance, "Anyway, do you think you two could stop the demented behavior for five seconds so we can talk?"

"TALK&#33;" Lex yelled, taking a step toward Eric, forcing Chloe to step backwards in retreat.

"Lex- what the hell is wrong with you? Eric wasn&#39;t doing anything." Chloe said more calmly than she felt, trying to control the urge to slap the unpredictable man. She held him back with her glare since the pushing wasn&#39;t helping. He wasn’t looking at her though- his murderous gaze was focused elsewhere.

"Why are you defending him?&#33; He was trying to-” Lex began.

"Tickle me." Chloe ended, raising her eyebrow.

"But… he was… tickle…? Oh," Lex said in realization, that Chloe’s life was *not* in danger.

"Aw...&#33;" Eric swooned, "The big strong rich boy was trying to defend you Chloe." he grinned sincerely, nudging his small friend with his elbow and winking at Lex.

Lex sneered at him for touching her, while Chloe glared at Eric for hitting on her billionaire.

“Sheesh, excuse me for bringing a little gaiety into the situation,” he said holding his hands up in defense.

With an annoyed mutter, Lex turned to Chloe, taking her by the shoulders and spinning her around so that her back was to the other man. She looked so different in her suit- all dominant and power-hungry… but he made himself to focus on the heartfelt words he was about to say...

"Listen to me Sullivan," Lex ordered, "Don&#39;t see him anymore."

"W-What?" Chloe stuttered, completely taken off guard.

“You heard me- I don’t want you around him anymore.”

"Did you get yourself drunk again Luhor?" she asked warily.

Lex sighed in exasperation. It was now or never.

"Sullivan, I know you&#39;d probably be better off with Eric what’s-his-name… but the truth is that I don&#39;t care. Call it selfishness, but *I* need you. Leave him and marry me. Any time within the next forty-five minutes would be good." Lex ended on a definite tone, glancing at his watch to conceal the terror he’d felt while admitting his desires to her.

Chloe&#39;s jaw dropped, wishing she *had* broken his nose.

"So suddenly when you decide that you &#39;need&#39; me you expect me to drop everything and marry you just because you can’t find anyone else? Had you finally reached the bottom of your list?"

Lex blinked in surprise. He’d practically admitted that he wanted to share his life with her and she was furious with him?

"You’re completely missing the point Sullivan, it&#39;s not just about my father’s will anymore." Lex said, gripping her by the shoulders tightly. “You’re not listening to me.”

"Oh- I heard just fine- I&#39;m supposed to dump my best friend for you just because I was your very last choice in your scramble to get hitched?"

"Hey Chloe, if you don&#39;t want him, I’ll take him?" Eric offered in hopes of lightening the mood.

"Do you mind, we having a discussion&#33;" Lex snapped at the other man- disgusted at how perfectly floppy Eric’s hair was.

"Don&#39;t yell at him." Chloe shot back. She drew a surprised look from the Luthor, who dropped his hands from the sides of her shoulders.

"If that&#39;s how you want it, then I guess I can&#39;t change your mind." he said, his voice softening. It was that moment that he made up his mind not to see her again, there as no way in hell she&#39;d ever see things his way, and there was no point in fighting for her if she wasn&#39;t willing to be fought for.

"Goodbye Sullivan."

"Good riddance, Luthor."

Taking one last look into her ferocious eyes Lex turned around, knowing that he was walking out of her life forev-

"You&#33; Come back here&#33;" Eric snapped in annoyance.

Eirc grabbed Lex by the scruff of his collar. Chloe was about to protest when he did the same to her.

"Have you ever heard the term &#39;law suit&#39;?" Lex asked, surprisingly calm, seeing as how his priceless suit was being damaged- but after what Chloe had to said to him he wasn’t in the mood for a conflict.

Chloe, on the other was trying to writhe her way out her friend&#39;s suprisingly strong grip as he dragged them down one of the deserted wings of the Daily Planet. Eric finally let the two of them go when they entered a nearby office, and he slammed the door behind them.

"Don&#39;t mess with me, Chlo." Eric stated when Chloe tried to leave, "It&#39;s amazing what seven years of figure skating will do for a man&#39;s physique. Now both of you sit. We’re going to sort out this mess of a relationship you two have gotten yourselves into."

Eric shook his head... *straight people&#33;*


There you go :lol: Pleeeaase don&#39;t resort to blackmail again// I need to read more chlex fic too&#33;

Did I mention how much I appreciate the feedback? :blinkkiss:

10th April 2003, 03:52
LOL :biggrin:
I love Eric&#33; So glad he&#39;s helping out, hopefully he&#39;ll beat some sense into Lex and Chloe&#39;s think heads&#33; More soon please&#33; Thanks scifichick for blackmailing her&#33; Sorry Gemini, but blackmailing works&#33; But, hey it works both ways, blackmail her&#33; LOL

10th April 2003, 03:53
Go Eric&#33; Under his &#39;masterful&#39; hand, heeehee, everything will be solved. :chlexsign2:

10th April 2003, 04:26
:biggrin: I always have a big grin on my face when I read this fic. I love it&#33; But I wish Chloe would get her act together already and realise they&#39;re made for each other. They seem to take one step forward then two steps back. Hopefully Eric will get them to see reason. :chlexsign3:

10th April 2003, 04:44
Go ERIC&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :lol: I love me some Eric. I am rooting for him to knock some sense into these knuckle heads. I loved this chapter to funny. :lol: More Sugi :biggrin:

Hope :blinkkiss:

10th April 2003, 04:53
Yay for Eric. Great job, you have to update soon&#33;