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View Full Version : NS Spotlight Party 2010!

1st April 2010, 15:13
Check out the blog for more information about our upcoming award show, The NS Spotlight Party 2010!


1st April 2010, 18:59
I wasn't a member when the two previous editions were held so I'm really excited.

You're right that it's us members that make the community and that it wouldn't be what it isn't without its constituent members: it's something I'm always harping on when I see so many people who don't participate but spend a lot of their time hanging out here. We need each other to survive and to give us the willingness and energy to continue contributing to everyone's fun.

I can't wait for the categories to be posted! :yeahbaby:

2nd April 2010, 11:20
Oh, and if anyone was afraid this was an April Fool's... Nope! It's real!

2nd April 2010, 18:03
I wasn't a member when the two previous editions were held so I'm really excited.

This applies to me too. Can't wait :D

15th April 2010, 17:29
And here are the categories! If you have any ideas for categories, let us know! :)

Miss/Mr. Bitch
This award goes to the person with the coolest attitude. If their friends are being attacked by single-minded teenyboppers, this person doesn't stand by. She/he attacks back! And we can tell you now, pretty words aren't used.

Miss/Mr. Sunshine
This award goes to the person who has the special ability to make everyone around them feel special. She/he manages to light up a gray day and make you feel good every time they're around.

Miss/Mr. Shrink
This award goes to the person who gives the best advice, whether it's about your health, the opposite sex or your Chlex obsession. She/he is the person you can go to about everything.

Miss/Mr. Clown
This award goes to the funniest person at Naughty Seduction. With their wacky comments or ideas they manage to make NS a very interesting place to be.

Miss/Mr. Candy bar
This award goes to the sweetest person at Naughty Seduction. She/he has a bubbly and warm personality, and is nice and a very supportive friend.

Miss/Mr. Naughty
This award goes to the most naughty guy or gal at Naughty Seduction. Whipped cream, handcuffs and chocolate cake are just few of the things that are on their mind 24/7.

Miss/Mr. Entertainer
This award goes to the person who has the ability to entertain you when you're bored or sad. All we know is that the NS experience wouldn't be the same without this person.

Miss/Mr. Innocent - Or?
This award goes to the person who on the outside is quiet and shy. However, deep down we know that they're naughty....and naughty.

Miss/Mr. Crazy
This award goes to the most hyper-active person. This energetic person always makes sure that Naughty Seduction is never quiet place to be.

Miss/Mr. Encyclopedia
This award goes to the smartest person at Naughty Seduction. With their cleverness they're out to prove that Naughty Seduction isn't just about the forbidden, but also about friendship and common interest.

Miss/Mr. Creative
This award goes to the person with the most creative ideas.

Miss/Mr. Reviewer
This award goes to the person who gives excellent feedback!

Miss/Mr. Sexy
This award goes to the person who is sexy!

Miss/Mr. NSer of the year!
This award goes to the most loveable person of NS!

1st May 2010, 16:58
Anyone missing any categories? ;) Otherwise I'm going to start implementing these ;)

1st May 2010, 19:31
How about Miss/Mr. Helpful?

1st May 2010, 21:58
The website has been launched!


Go and check out the website for the NS Spotlight Party 2010! (http://network.naughty-seduction.net/spotlight/2010/)

The artwork is done by letia84!

1st May 2010, 22:38
Miss/Mr Bitch and Miss/Mr Naughty don't appear on the checklist, Jules.

1st May 2010, 22:44
Miss/Mr Bitch and Miss/Mr Naughty don't appear on the checklist, Jules.

Eek! Thanks for the heads up, I've corrected it now :)

1st May 2010, 22:49
Eek! Thanks for the heads up, I've corrected it now

You're welcome.

The English teacher in me has noticed you've mispelt "launched" here (http://network.naughty-seduction.net/spotlight/2010/index.php). :D

1st May 2010, 22:54
The English teacher in me has noticed you've mispelt "launched" here.

Lol, thanks! Corrected :D

2nd May 2010, 18:28
If anyone wants to reserve themselves from being nominated in the Spotlight awards, just send me a PM and I will delete any nominations on you :)

6th May 2010, 06:44
The Spotlight Party 2010 website has been taken down for a security check due to the recent hackings of NS... I'll try and work on it tonight, after work, and hopefully I can have it up again soon! :)

6th May 2010, 16:57
I've re-uploaded the Spotlight Party website now, and I'll continue working on it in the background :)

So keep nominating guys! ;)

20th May 2010, 08:15
I've set the deadline for the nomination period, and it's Monday May 24th, at midnight.

So be sure to have your nominees in by then! :)

You can find the website here, NS Spotlight Party 2010 (http://network.naughty-seduction.net/spotlight/2010/?utm_source=forums&utm_medium=textlink&utm_campaign=signature). The link is also in my signature.

27th May 2010, 12:23
The nomination period has been extended by one week, so if you haven't gotten your favourites nominated yet, this will be the last chance! :)

27th May 2010, 17:28
Miss/Mr. NSer of the year! don't appear on the checklist, either Jules.

27th May 2010, 17:59
Miss/Mr. NSer of the year! don't appear on the checklist, either Jules.

I believe that one is comprised of all the nominations from the other lists.

27th May 2010, 21:38
Miss/Mr. NSer of the year! don't appear on the checklist, either Jules.

I believe that one is comprised of all the nominations from the other lists.

Rachet, westwingwolf is correct. The NSer of the year category will be filled with every nominee once all the nominees are in :)

28th May 2010, 07:45
I can't believe that I didn't friggen notice this thread until this morning. I've been head-butting the wall for about ten minutes now!

28th May 2010, 08:09
I can't believe that I didn't friggen notice this thread until this morning. I've been head-butting the wall for about ten minutes now!

Did you have a problem with something on the site?

28th May 2010, 11:11
Not at all, I was just kicking myself for NOT noticing this thread and the site until this morning. I am ever so grateful that you extended the nomination time for unobservant doofuses like myself, Julie. I just finished nominating several people for the awards :D Let's see if any of my picks end up winners.

28th May 2010, 13:03
Not at all, I was just kicking myself for NOT noticing this thread and the site until this morning. I am ever so grateful that you extended the nomination time for unobservant doofuses like myself, Julie. I just finished nominating several people for the awards :D Let's see if any of my picks end up winners.

Ahhh. You didn't even see the banner on top here? :P

I usually post these news at the NS blog and at our Twitter account as well ;)

28th May 2010, 13:30
Ahhh. You didn't even see the banner on top here?
I usually post these news at the NS blog and at our Twitter account as well

heh.... like I said, it was one of those days weeks where I was being an unobservant doofus :P

2nd June 2010, 08:28
The FINAL deadline for the NS Spotlight Party nomination period is TOMORROW guys, so last chance ;)

5th June 2010, 20:27
Alllllriiighty! It's time to VOTE people :D Defend your favourites by casting your votes! The deadline for voting is: June 12th, that's a week from now!

NS Spotlight Party 2010 (http://network.naughty-seduction.net/spotlight/2010/?utm_source=forums&utm_medium=textlink&utm_campaign=signature)

5th June 2010, 22:06
Alllllriiighty! It's time to VOTE people :D Defend your favourites by casting your votes! The deadline for voting is: June 12th, that's a week from now!

NS Spotlight Party 2010 (http://network.naughty-seduction.net/spotlight/2010/?utm_source=forums&utm_medium=textlink&utm_campaign=signature)

Done. We're suppose to vote for one in each category, right?

6th June 2010, 10:24
Done. We're suppose to vote for one in each category, right?

Yup :) Well, you don't HAVE to vote for every category, but yes :)

12th June 2010, 11:23
LAST CHANCE to vote for the top 5 in this first round!!

12 hours left to vote ;)

Voting in this round will help get your favourite to the second and final round! So vote now if you haven't already! :)


14th June 2010, 19:58
Julie, is the next round ready to go because it looks like it is set up, but I just wanted to make sure so the vote wouldn't get lost or anything.

ETA: I just realized that I don't think it is, it just looked different from when I first voted.

14th June 2010, 20:26
Julie, is the next round ready to go because it looks like it is set up, but I just wanted to make sure so the vote wouldn't get lost or anything.

ETA: I just realized that I don't think it is, it just looked different from when I first voted.

No, it should be ready to go :) I just haven't had the chance to publically announce it yet :D I'm bouncing too many balls these days, lol!

The final voting round is up!

This is the last chance to vote for your favourite, so be sure to use your voting power! :) You can vote until June 22nd midnight!

17th June 2010, 19:07
I cast my vote. Don't forget to cast yours folks! :)

21st June 2010, 11:06
Don't forget to vote guys! Deadline to vote is tomorrow! ;)

23rd June 2010, 08:50
Allllrighty! Voting deadline has passed and votes have been counted :)

I'll release the results later tonight ;)

23rd June 2010, 11:43
Just a warning. My ninjas have threatened to nuke one of the continents unless I'm declared Ms NSer of the year. They don't care that I haven't been nominated for nearly enough categories to win, OR that I would never have collected enough votes. They're being quite unreasonable about this. I'm afraid that forum has no choice but to declare me Ms. NSer of the year... with all the worship and cash prizes that the title entails.

Once again, I do apologise for my ninjas unreasonable behaviour.
tsk tsk... naughty ninjas!

23rd June 2010, 19:48
Your ninjas couldn't have told us this before the votes had been counted?! I'd say that's unreasonable, but then again they are your ninjas.

24th June 2010, 08:56
Eeek, I totally forgot about putting up the votes last night :/ I wasn't home until past midnight, and just had to get to bed!

I'll try tonight :D

Kit Merlot
24th June 2010, 14:03
Eeek, I totally forgot about putting up the votes last night :/ I wasn't home until past midnight, and just had to get to bed!

I'll try tonight :D

No problem Julie--we understand that you have an actual life outside of running NS:P

24th June 2010, 19:06
Eeek, I totally forgot about putting up the votes last night :/ I wasn't home until past midnight, and just had to get to bed!

I'll try tonight :D

I wondered if you forgot or if something came up that was more important - seems I was right on both counts and the more important thing was sleep! lol

Its cool, Julie. You get to it whenever you have time, we totally understand :D

24th June 2010, 19:24
We have to eat, sleep and live sometime.lol

I look forward to the results. I'm as curious about the outcome of this event as I am about the fanfic challenge- although I have a big hunch about the latter. ;)

24th June 2010, 22:30
*rushes in*

Sorry this is so rushed guys :/ Time ran a bit faster than I had thought it would when I first thought of doing the spotlight party :P

So here's a quick and dirty list of votes for you :)


BIG THANK you to everyone who participated!! :D I hope you had as much fun as I did ;)

Now I'm off to bed, only to get up again at 3-4am :P lol.. Have a good summer everyone, and I'll be back July 18th! If you need to contact me with critical issues, the staff and moderators have my direct contact information :) (Staff/moderators, look in the staff/moderator forum ;))

25th June 2010, 00:17
Thank you to everyone who voted, that was fun!

25th June 2010, 00:24
Congrats to my fellow winners and to each and everyone who made it to the final round and/or participated in the nomination and voting.

Two wins and a draw with The Boss and Legendary skauble! Wow! I'm overwhelmed, guys.

We're all winners somehow. Belonging to this awesome community is truly unique.

Have a great holiday, Jules!

Kit Merlot
25th June 2010, 01:21
Thank you to everyone who voted, that was fun!

I agree, it was a lot of fun, and congratulations to all of the winners: a three way tie for second place Miss Reviewer, second place Mis. Sunshine and a first place Miss Candy Bar--how awesome is that??!!:grin3:

A great big "THANKS" to everyone who voted :D

25th June 2010, 05:58
Congrats folks! Have fun, Julie!!

25th June 2010, 13:42
Congrats to the winners and many thanks to the voters :D

3rd in Miss Creative and 3rd in Miss Sunshine, and nominated for Ms Shrink too!

I even got a vote in NSer of the Year - makes me feel happy and loved here :D

25th June 2010, 20:06
I was the landslide winner for 'Ms. Crazy'. Apparently 75% of the forum believes I'm the most disturbed member on this forum.
erm.. thank you, everyone?

29th June 2010, 03:58
I was the landslide winner for 'Ms. Crazy'. Apparently 75% of the forum believes I'm the most disturbed member on this forum.
erm.. thank you, everyone?

No thanks necessary, SE! ;)

23rd August 2010, 08:33
eveyrtime i log in i find new things. i like how everything is still so active :)