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16th February 2010, 07:36
As everyone knows by now, the fanfic challenge has been going through some growing pains as we figure out the best way to do these. We appreciate everyone for hanging in there. It's what makes this community so fantastic!

We had two wonderful authors write stories for this challenge. There won't be any voting on these because Jules has decided that they're both winners! The fics are posted below - please show the authors some love because they were awesomesauce for taking the time to participate!!!


16th February 2010, 07:40
By lexie

TITLE: Yearning (NS Monthly Adult Themes Challenge- #1 January 2010 “Hunger”)


A/N: Post-Season 7 ficlet but doesn’t require any knowledge of the latest seasons to be read.

I embrace the yearning.

Want and need fill me,
obliterating in frenzy
all conscious thought.

I wait for the yearning...
And pray for it
to never end.
I yearn to be...me.

Cheryl Kaye Tardif

It’s been months since she was looked at as someone other than just a search engine or a convenient shoulder to cry on. She’s forgotten what it’s like to be touched and actually feel something other than this numbness. Her marriage was a mistake from the start, born out of desperation to be with someone who found her desirable and saw her as a sexual being. The photographer’s inexperienced caresses never stirred in her the all-consuming passion that the mere touch of His lips on hers had provoked the summer of her seventeenth birthday. A few months ago her yearning to recapture that burning sensation led her to the arms of a tortured soul very much like His, but it was short-lived and only succeeded in thickening the impenetrable armour she now craves to shake off.

Standing freshly-showered in front of the full-length mirror of her bedroom, she observes her naked body with a critical eye. Her hair’s longer than in her Torch years. She’s quite pleased with her wavy hairstyle for her blonde tresses and her haircuts have always been a symbol of her rebelliousness- one that she’s surrendered along the way and that she yearns to reassert. Her emerald eyes, deprived of make-up, stand out and distract from the slightly crooked nose. Her well-shaped mouth, which rarely smiles now, is hungry to be tasted again.

She brushes her lips with trembling fingers and closes her eyes to obliterate the world around. She can still remember the electricity when their lips came together for the first time and He teased her to open her virtually virginal mouth to the invasion of his talented tongue. She parts them now and pants a little when the memory of his advances and retreats comes rushing back. Suddenly parched, she licks them and her taste buds are overwhelmed by the flavour of vintage bourbon, a ghost from the past.

As she flutters her eyelids open, she’s surprised at the woman reflected in the mirror. Pupils dilated and dark, fuller breasts crowned by tight rosy peaks that now seem two ripe berries ready to be plucked, a slightly rounded tummy, curved and strong hips which compensate her somewhat short legs with the perfect shape that men have always equated with fertility and, then, a blond thatch at their apex guarding the core of her womanly essence- the centre of both sensual pleasure and miraculous life. Did Jimmy ever see her the way she does now? Has He ever imagined her like this?

She grabs the bath towel from the bed and starts drying her flushed but still damp skin, experiencing a tug in her long anesthetised centre when she accidentally grazes her pebbled peaks. She takes a couple of deep breaths and fetches the long tight-fitting dress she’s chosen to wear to the reception. It’s a shade of green that compliments her Irish eyes and has a low-cut back that makes it impossible to wear a bra or anything other than a provocative thong underneath. Clark’s sidekick would have never considered donning such a garment; however, Chloe Sullivan wants to reenter the world she’s alienated herself from and be noticed for herself. She yearns to leave her old insecurities behind, to stop feeling inadequate when compared to the Lana Langs of this world. It doesn’t matter she’s got the intellectual advantage over more than 99.9% of the brunettes He’s ever courted, married or bedded; not even her irony’s ever been able to disguise or bury her emotional vulnerability.

Half an hour later her ablutions are done and she climbs into the old wrought-iron lift. During the descent she tries to empty her mind, to focus all of her on this night and this step she’s taking to satisfy a hunger that’s been haunting her of late, a yearning to find her lost identity, a craving to feel alive and a woman again.

He had a couple of drinks before leaving the penthouse in his limo; he’ll never call it Dutch courage- it’d be beneath his reputation as a fearless Luthor- but that’s what it is. He’s placed his pieces on the board, started the game and is now eagerly awaiting the other player’s move. Although having that invitation sent to her was a gamble, considering how things stood between them when he disappeared in the Arctic, a lot of water has run under the bridge. And, judging by the circumstances of her widowhood and the hundreds of hours of footage he’s watched, this broken-though- in-appearance-rougher Chloe Sullivan needs someone to help her reassemble the passionate soul she once was.

He ends his third bourbon and puts the snifter away to adjust his cufflinks and the bow tie he hasn’t worn in two years. He hasn’t been this nervous since his parents entertained and Lionel dragged him away from the shelter of the nursery to have him socialise. This reception isn’t unlike any of the hundreds he’s attended in his thirty years and yet it feels altogether different because she’ll be there and her reaction to his comeback’ll show him if he’s still able to read her moods and know what she needs- an art their former best friend Clark’s never mastered. Her friendship with the farm boy’s suffered greatly in recent times and she’s swallowed the bitter pill of betrayal and disillusionment after having sacrificed so much to protect the boy’s secret- a state of affairs which gives the billionaire hope.

The reception’s in full swing when he strides in, making it effortlessly clear he’s the one who owns the room. Conversation dwindles and surprised faces turned around as he advances wearing a urbane smile- unbeknownst to them they’re enjoying his champagne and are there to provide the appropriate environment to drag Chloe out of her defensive shell. Although a business announcement will be made, the social event at The Planet could have been forgone and a press conference organised instead. It’s only the need to make her feel safe in a public setting what convinced him to dress up to the nines and return to a world he’d rather forget for its only revealed the worst in him.

He grabs a flute of Bollinger to control his restlessness, scanning the room in search of her blonde hair. The mutation of Lois Lane’s deadly glare into one of wide-eyed disbelief puts a satisfied smile on his face. He takes another sip and engages in some inane conversation with the new chairman. Chloe deserves this moment, it is hers and he’ll let her have it. The ball’s in her court now and he respects her enough to allow her to play the game by her own rules. He yearns for the minute she’ll enter his field of view to see with his own eyes that which has left Lois speechless and tinged Clark’s face beetroot. And the opportunity arrives when the head of the board excuses himself and Lex’s eyes alight on the vision in green standing a few metres away.
Chloe feels several dozen pairs of lustful masculine eyes on her as well as the novelty of being the object of other women’s jealousy and experiences the rush of being empowered by her own sensuality- one she’s denied herself for far too long. She notices Lois’ dumbfounded look and Clark’s evident discomfiture, wondering if either of them has ever really seen her. She’s spent three quarters of her life in someone else’s shadow, anonymous and still secretly craving to be someone, yearning to be seen as more than just a loyal sidekick or a keeper of secrets. For years she’s put her life on hold to protect her best friend and help him fulfil his destiny, denying herself the possibility of being happy and maybe of saving a soul in the process, only to see him entrust the secret of his Kryptonian origins and powers to a bunch of virtual strangers. It’s taken her years to come to terms with the fact Clark’s never really trusted her, and that makes her feel closer to Him .

She cocks an eyebrow at the dynamic duo as she accepts a flute from a waiter’s hand. It’s at that moment her body registers Him and his scorching gaze; this is what she’s come here for. Although they’ve been enemies for almost four years, she knows He’s the only one who’s ever known her and the one person with whom she can be the Chloe Sullivan she’s sacrificed at Clark’s altar. Clark’s been the one and only reason Lex and she started to drift apart and now that He’s discovered Clark’s secret much in the same way she once did- through a third party’s intervention- the insurmountable wall standing between them’s no longer there. She still resents Him for having experimented on her without her consent and sickly yearns for a viable explanation to justify that one morally questionable deed because then, she wouldn’t feel so guilty about dressing up for Him and about craving His touch.

The reception goes by in a blur. The newspaper property changes hands in a brief ceremony, the new CEO’s introduced, toasts are made and Chloe’s approached by the newly-appointed editor of The Daily Planet, Perry White, who offers to take her back with a higher salary and her own column. All the while she’s aware of Him in the same room and tries to focus on her interlocutor without much success. The gentle friction of the dress, which hugs her curves like a second skin, is sweet torture as she walks under his unwavering gaze; her breasts have grown heavier and she can feel the warm and creamy evidence of her arousal pooling in her centre. She then shakes hands with Perry and meets Lex’s intense blue-grey eyes for the first time. She can read hunger in them and something else she doesn’t dare give a name to since it might make her falter. She leaves her flute on a tray and takes the first decisive step towards Him.

She’s never been more aware of her womanhood than at this moment when she’s openly admired and wanted by the most powerful and attractive man in the room. The idea that she has that kind of power over Him when he’s always been the one in control exhilarates her and heightens the arousing effect the erotic movement of the tiny scrap of material she’s wearing underneath is having on her nether regions. She sees the smug look on His face and can tell He knows it. She trembles as she walks past Him on the way to the lift she’s certain they’ll ride together. He’s surprised her yet again by selling the paper and paving the way for her to get back her job. The gentlemanly gesture of making sure she doesn’t see the promotion as payment for what’s to happen between them gives her hope for the man she fell in love with as a seventeen-year-old, but also unsettles her for this is no longer about Clark and the yearning she sees in Lex’s eyes is more than just desire.

She leans against the railing of the elevator with her eyes closed and hears the doors ding close. Her feverish skin breaks out into goose pimples as the air stirs around her, and her core clenches sensing his proximity. He nuzzles her neck and draws a moan from her lips by sucking gently at her rapidly beating pulse as his hands slide down her bare back to cup her luscious bottom and bring her flush with his pulsing arousal. And then he claims her mouth in a searing kiss and drowns in her emerald eyes the minute they flutter open. They’re just Chloe and Lex now. They’re finally who they’ve ever craved to be.


16th February 2010, 07:41
By Sinecure

Distant Dark Places.

"...falling for a banana in the tailpipe."

Lex stared at her, bemused, and Chloe's lips twisted up.

"Oh, come on. Beverly Hills-- Eddie-- you are so severely lacking in the fun department."

He chuckled, glancing around what she liked to call the Relatively-Safe House. "I've had other things on my mind lately. I don't have time to--"

Rolling her eyes, she shoved the screen door open, and stepped out onto the porch with her lemonade. She actually hated the stuff, but it was cold and sweet... after adding a couple of tablespoons of sugar. "The movie is as old as I am. I think you've had time. Face it, Lex you need the time off more than I do."

His jaw clenched, brows lowering as he scoured the yard. "This isn't a vacation, Chloe. Your life is in danger."


Chloe woke up, staring at the ceiling above her bed, Lex's words echoing through her mind. He'd been right; her life had been in danger back then. Lionel Luthor had been gunning for her the entire summer.

Now, it was Lex who wanted her dead because she'd found out too much and he didn't want his precious secrets getting out.

Sitting up, she threw the covers back and went to take a shower.

"Another day, another danger."


"Chloe," Lois hissed, grabbing her arm and dragging her into a janitor's closet. "What the hell are you doing here?" She gestured toward the offices behind the closed door. "If he finds you here, you'll be erased. You're supposed to be laying low. I told you--"

"Stop." Rolling her eyes, she grabbed Lois' arms, reminding her of Lex's favorite 'I'm here for you' gesture. "He's not going to do anything in the middle of the Planet. He's full of ego, but he's not gonna go kamikaze." Besides, she had a feeling he'd want to do it personally.

He'd told her once that getting revenge against his father was when he'd felt the most alive.


She'd expected to be abducted at gunpoint or knifepoint, maybe just knocked over the head and dragged back to Smallville. She didn't expect to be trussed up in the back of a van, left to roll around, smacking into hard things, and then be dragged up to Lex's penthouse suite, all while completely conscious.

It threw her off her game a little.

Wincing as the bag was torn from her head and she was pushed onto a hard chair, she mentally calmed herself, making sure the hate and disgust she felt for him were plainly visible on her face.

Bright white light struck her eyes and she had to close them, ducking her head down to get away from the piercing illumination.

Fingers brushed her cheek, and she jerked away. "Don't touch me." Inside, her mind was whirling. What was his game? He'd only touched her like this--so softly--once before, and afterward, he'd left; stalked down the porch steps, coat flapping, hands deep in his pockets as the inky darkness swallowed him up.

Something cold and wet touched her cheek. It smelled like antiseptic and she frowned. Why was he disinfecting the cuts on her face?

"If you're going to kill me, could you wait until I can see again? I want to look you in the eyes as you do it."

"I'd like that too," he whispered in her ear, warm breath bursting over her skin. "But not while I kill you." His hands grabbed her cheeks, forcing her face forward. "Open your eyes."

She opened them just a tiny bit, squinting under her brows. Either the light wasn't as bright as before, or her eyes had adjusted. Opening them all the way, she reassessed that; Lex was kneeling in front of her, blocking the light.

"Bastard," she spat.

He chuckled, wiping her cheek with the wet cloth again. "I've often wished I was. Alas..." he shrugged, smile playing at his lips.

"Murdering bastard," she stressed, hating him more than she ever had before.


"Lex, I'm not just testifying because it's the right thing to do. Or because your father is a murdering bastard. It's--"

He darted forward, taking her by surprise, hand cupping the back of her head as he pulled her toward him. His lips pressed against hers lightly, skimming over them for a second before pressing more firmly, opening widely. She was so startled, all she could do was grab his coat in surprise.

His other hand rose, lifting to her cheek, brushing lightly against it as his lips stilled and he pulled away.

"--you," she finished in a whisper.

His eyes, bright before the kiss, were dark now, filled with a heavy weight that she couldn't decipher. He considered her for a few seconds, fingertip rubbing lightly at his lower lip. "No, it's not." Turning suddenly, he stalked down the porch steps, coat flapping, hands deep in his pockets as the inky darkness swallowed him up.


Lex darted forward, and she jerked her head back, staring at him. "What--"

He kissed her, no tenderness, no light, soft touches. His mouth moved roughly over hers, as if he were afraid he'd run out of time. Hand pressing on the back of her head, holding her still, he touched her cheek. She shook free of him, feeling disgust at herself for not doing so immediately.

She couldn't still want him, not after everything he'd done.

"--are you doing?" she finished, hopping the chair back. Wanting more space between them.

His eyes, dark in the light of the room, brightened when he shifted, catching the light in them. "Rectifying a mistake I made four years ago." Pushing to his feet, he took one last look at her, then spun on his feet and left the room, coat billowing out behind him as the light enveloped him.


She hadn't expected to leave the penthouse alive. Carried in a bag, or rolled up in a rug, whatever Lex's henchmen preferred, but not this. Her cuts were seen to, and the man who'd brought her upstairs even apologized for the rough treatment.

Lex took her arm as he led her down in the elevator, watching her with a silent vigilance.

It threw her off her game a little.

"What are you doing, Lex?" That she was still alive didn't truly surprise her. He was smarter than a fifth grader; he knew there'd be questions. But she'd expected some sort of payback.

Not this... calm silence. As if he didn't have a care in the world except to see her to the car.

Which he helped her into.


Lex's hand on her arm was disturbing for many reasons, chief among them being that she liked it, but there was also the urge to shrink from him, from what he'd become. To claw at his hand for what he'd done to--

His grip, firm, but not forceful, tightened as he drew her down the hallway to the basement office she used to work in. The Planet was the same as ever; only they had changed.

She was a freelance sidekick.

He was a murderer.

Sighing, she tried to understand his reasoning for bringing her here. "If you're going to kill me, can we hurry it up? This is getting--"


She turned at the sound of her name, jerking her head toward Jimmy. "You're--" gasping, she ran the last few yards toward her ex-boyfriend. "You were dead. Oh, god, Jimmy. We buried you." Tears burned her eyes as she hugged him, inhaling his familiar scent, changed in the past week since his death.

More expensive?

She pulled back, mystified. "How?"

A grin stole up his lips. "My man, Mr. Luthor there. Pulled me out just before the explosion." He shoved his sleeve back, showing her a white bandage on his arm. "Barely got out. But I had to lay low for a while. Got some burns, nothing I can't handle though."

She hugged him again, letting the tears fall. Her eyes lifted to Lex, keeping watch in the doorway. "Thank you," she mouthed, holding his gaze.

A small upturn of his lips was his only reply.


"What happened?" Chloe asked Lex, sitting on the arm of the couch, watching him fidget as only a Luthor could do; absolutely still, but with a sense of edginess. "You took off for weeks, and I didn't..."

His eyes darted her way briefly, and they were coldly impersonal. "I was busy. I got a lead on some artifacts that--"

"Bullshit," she muttered, crossing to the small kitchen. Tossing her cup into the sink, she leaned back against the counter, watching him.

He followed her to the kitchen, black pants, white shirt, purple tie, looking as clean and crisp as ever while she was a melting mess of sweat and nerves. "It was just a bad idea, Chloe."


"It's a bad idea, Lex."

He shook his head, pressing her back as he kissed her again, slamming her apartment door behind him. "It's the only idea I wish to entertain." His hands grasped her hips, spinning them around, then pinned her to the turquoise wall. "Do you have any idea how much I've wanted you over the years?"

Shaking her head, feeling warmth shoot through her, she gazed up at him, trying to read his face, but all she saw was hunger. For her. For them?

Pressing his hard cock into her belly, he rested his forehead on hers. "This need; it's always there for you. It's always going to be there for you."

Closing her eyes, unable to reconcile the Lex she'd grown to hate over the past few years with the one from that summer, she shook her head again. "No, it's not." Pushing away from the wall, she moved past him, feeling empty and dead inside.


Chloe woke up, staring at the ceiling above her bed, Lex's words echoing in her mind. It's always going to be there for you.

Feeling his hand snake around her thigh, she realized why she'd woken up. His fingers skated higher, slipping between her folds, teasing the flesh with small movements.

"Again?" she asked incredulously, staring down to where his head rested on her thigh.

Maybe he was sex-starved; after all, hadn't they already fucked three times in the last five hours?

"You want me dead?" she asked, smirk riding her lips as her hips rode his hand. "I think you're trying to kill me with sex."

He breathed out a laugh, breath tickling her skin. "I'm just making up for lost time. I figure five times in every twenty-four hour period for the next three years should just about cover it."

She stared at him, then burst out laughing, tossing the covers back and scooting lower, closer to his hand.

"Another day, another danger."


"I finally got you to take a vacation," Chloe whispered, rocking her hips forward slowly. "It only took four years and some change." She gasped as his fingers slid to her clit, rubbing hard. "Fuck." Her breath left her in a gust as her body finally gave in to the pleasure. Hips jerking against his, she clenched on him, feeling him thrust up.


"Fuck, Lex. I love you, I love you... I love--"


Feeling like she was breaking apart, she let out a sound that resembled his name and dug her fingers into his bare chest. His warm skin beneath hers was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and her fingers slipped. Muscles quivering, she collapsed on him, little tremors continuing to pulse through her.

Exhausted, she closed her eyes, unable to move more than that.

Lex smoothed the sticky strands from her face, leaning up to kiss her temple as he slowly moved in her. "And it didn't even take a banana in a tailpipe," he whispered, tightening his arms around her.

She huffed out a laugh and smacked his side, moving her hand behind her to where they were joined. "Close enough," she chuckled.

16th February 2010, 17:32
I'd like to thank you, Julie and Sarah, for always thinking about ways to revitalise the forums. It's been a pleasure to be able to participate every month and contribute to keeping this wonderful community alive and thriving.

I'm glad my muse decided to come up with something for this first adult-themed challenge. I doubt she'll ever be adventurous enough to go beyond the R barrier but, as long as she can spin stories inspired by your prompts, I'll be more than happy to submit an entry every month.

I wish both writers and readers continued to give their support to these challenges because they mean more fics and more fun.

Thanks a bunch for the ex-aequo award.:grin3: I understand your decision not to put the stories to the vote. As I said in another post, it'd have felt more like opting than choosing.

A special thanks to sinecure for joining in the fun. Steamy entry, darling. :P

16th February 2010, 20:36
I'd like to echo Lexie's comments. It was fun to join in the battle and write for prompts again. I think I work best that way sometimes, and NC-17 is mostly my forte, so I really hope the adult version of the battle keeps going ahead. Actually, I hope the battles keep going period. I can tame myself. ;)

Thank you for letting me be a part of this community and making me feel welcome, guys.

Lexis, great fic; rather hawt and insightful. Hope to see you in another battle in future. :)

17th February 2010, 03:52
Lexis, great fic; rather hawt and insightful. Hope to see you in another battle in future. :)

Thanks, darling. Suggestive I knew my muse could certainly handle; I just didn't know if it would feel scorching enough for the Adult Challenge. So I'm glad you think it's hawt and, at the same time, insightful. :blinkkiss

I'm sure we'll meet again if my muse keeps alert and doesn't go suddenly on strike. I'm really intrigued about the changes and looking forward to the following prompt.:yeahbaby:

17th February 2010, 17:02
Oh my goodness what have you guys done to me? Thanks to these stories I need to change my underwear. :rofl: That was HOT@!!:drool2:

17th February 2010, 19:40
By lexie
TITLE: Yearning (NS Monthly Adult Themes Challenge- #1 January 2010 “Hunger”)

This was a great ficlet, Lexie. I really liked how it started with the reader’s being introduced to Chloe’s yearning to be desired and wanted above all things... if not actually loved. It was such a shame to see her willing to settle for so little, and not even get that?! Heartbreaking... and such a waste as well!

I enjoyed the way that Chloe’s confusion about how and why she’s not the ‘most desired one of the land’ leads her to actually examining her naked body objectively and critically in a mirror. I was very pleased to see that she knew herself to be a hottie... a delicious, curvy, soft beautiful woman... who just happens to be ignored by every man that she wants. I could sense her bewilderment and frustration over this.

heee! And then we jump to Lex, and it turns out that Chloe is not quite as unwanted and undesired as she previously imagined. It was delightful fun to see Lex prepping himself up for this ‘date’ as if he was a school-boy again, trying to muster up the courage to ask the prettiest girl in school to dance with him. Only, schoolboys never try to get that extra spot of courage through bourbon, do they? Rarely! LOL!

The party itself was great. I liked the way that Chloe’s newfound sense of sensuality had strengthened her confidence... and every person in the party couldn’t help but respond to that. it was clear that, in the evening, Chloe could have had practically any man she wanted with a inviting snap of her fingers. It’s damned good to see Chloe come into her own!

The attraction between Lex and Chloe was thick enough to actually see with naked eyes. I loved the way that Chloe admitted how she and Lex had a little too much bad blood and enmity between them for her to consider him as safe, stable boyfriend material... and yet she still couldn’t help but gravitate towards him. Excellent!

I loved the way that Chloe’s sense of her own sensuality and womanhood grew heavier and deeper with Lex’s continuing gaze on her. it highlighted how Lex is the one person who can make her blood sing! The ending was a classic kiss in the moonlight that made me sizzle and melt. Great ficlet, Lexie!

By Sinecure
Distant Dark Places.

This was a fantastic ficlet, Sinecure. I had to read it about three times in order to understand the whole thing completely, but I loved it all the more for that reason. Each reading was delightful, and I love the way that I keep getting more layers of meaning and understanding with every subsequent reading.

First of all, I loved how the fic began, and how it came full circle to the ending. I didn’t recognize the ‘banana in a tailpipe’ reference that Chloe made in the beginning… but I loved that she made a completely inane, senseless and random comment... that Lex remembered YEARS later.

LOL! It really helped establish how Lex has been hanging on Chloe’s every word like Holy Writ for years, unable to forget anything no matter how hard he tried… and I’m sure he tried aplenty, LOL!

I loved how the fic kept on switching back and forth between the Chlex alliance (and budding romance) during Lionel’s trial… and the present day when Chloe believes Lex to be a hateful, murdering bastard who would sooner see her dead than allow her to inconvenience his public image or business dealings.

It was frightening seeing the casual resignation with which Chloe accepted that Lex was going to get revenge on her, destroy her and kill her… eventually. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the way that Chloe thought her abductor’s were being too nice because they grabbed her and flung her into the back of the can, without tying her up, knocking her unconscious, torturing her, maiming her and all other kinds of unpleasant things.

At a certain point, I was half-expecting Chloe to start yelling out suggestions at her captors that they’ve been remiss and slip-shod in their kidnapping methods, LOL!

I’ll admit, I was fully expecting Lex to start torturing her too when she was thrown into that brightly lit room with him. I was sure that the bright lights were a precursor to the interrogation that was just about to follow.

Instead, Lex starts disinfecting her cuts and wounds, and by all account doesn’t look like he’s about to start torturing her anytime soon. Instead of trying to intimidate her, he was being gentle and tender with her. I was seriously bewildered (as was Chloe) about what the HECK was going on.

It took only a few minutes for me to realize that Chloe’s ‘kidnapping’ was actually (probably) a result of a botched communications between Lex and his goons. He probably told his thugs that he wanted Chloe invited over to his place… and his thugs took it to mean that they were to grab Chloe, and toss her into Lex’s dungeon. *rolls eyes* this is what happens when you do most of your dealings with thugs, Lex!! There are bound to be miscommunications like these.

I’d like to imagine that Lex probably screamed himself hoarse calling his thugs a nit-wit for this misinterpretation of orders. The thug must have been verbally flayed within an inch of his life… and informed that if Chloe did not accept his heartfelt apology, then Lex was going to be literally flaying the skin right off him.

At least, that’s what I like to imagine ;)

I’m not sure about what happened between Chloe, Jimmy and Lex. It seems like Jimmy was offered some kind of ‘safehouse’ deal by Lex for some reason or another… while everyone was led to believe that Jimmy had actually been killed by Lex. What a crazy plan! I suppose Lex must have had some good reason to concoct it and execute it… but it’s still a nutso plan!

His eyes, dark in the light of the room, brightened when he shifted, catching the light in them. "Rectifying a mistake I made four years ago." Pushing to his feet, he took one last look at her, then spun on his feet and left the room, coat billowing out behind him as the light enveloped him.

I loved this bit, and how it connected to so many references strewn all ove the ficlet… making so many allusion to their past, Lex’s bitter regrets, Chloe’s yearning… and everything that made this fic such an amazing rollercoaster ride of emotional nostalgia.

Pressing his hard cock into her belly, he rested his forehead on hers. "This need; it's always there for you. It's always going to be there for you."

Closing her eyes, unable to reconcile the Lex she'd grown to hate over the past few years with the one from that summer, she shook her head again. "No, it's not." Pushing away from the wall, she moved past him, feeling empty and dead inside.

Oh ouch! That was absolutely heartbreaking, Sinecure. I loved the way that it was made clear that Lex has tried desperately hard to forget Chloe, get over her during his years away from her… but has never been able to do so. So no he finally, finally approaches her with his heart on his sleeve… only to be rejected.

Heh, but I have to admit, I felt he deserved it! You turned away from Chloe, Lex… did you really think it was going to be that easy to rectify such a huge, stupid blunder?

I thought it was heart wrenching though, how it was made clear that it was not only Lex’s heart that was breaking, but Chloe’s as well. Lex might have been rejected… but Chloe felt ‘dead inside’ for doing the rejecting too.

I’m really glad that you didn’t leave it there though, Sinecure. I love me some angst, but I like it best when horrible, devastating trauma is eventually followed up by a happy ending.

LOL! And the ending was very, VERY happy indeed. First a solid sexual marathon where Lex obviously cannot get enough of Chloe. It’s as if he’s trying to get as much of her as possible until she disappears again. I wonder how many days (months?) it took before Lex finally relaxed easy that she was probably going to stick around for a long while.

And if the sex-marathon wasn’t enough, we also got a chance to see Lex and Chloe taking a much deserved vacation holiday together. The vacation that they almost had during their time in the safehouse. It was a perfect ‘full-circle’ ending to the fic, and I loved it! Feel free to post up some more work, whenever you have the time.

18th February 2010, 04:38
Julie, I totally agree they are both winners!

Reviewing after SE is always a hard time… she really does it so well and gets all the important points….:grin3:

Lexie: Perfect! I really like the fact that she finally admitted to herself that she’s sacrificed herself for Clark all along and that almost killed the Chloe Sullivan we all admire: the witty, incisive, smart, audacious girl. She has made choices leading to it, but the choices have always been based on her loyalty to Clark (MB episode aside, of course). Lex is what we all expect: coming back in style, making sure he has his path clear. In this case, sure looks like he wants the real thing with Chloe. They make each other feel alive. I wish Lex had this clear mind in the show. If they’re ever bringing him back… ::/:

Sinecure: Thank you! I think that the time of her hiding will always be our favorite and it's perfect for basing the choices they made, and how their love was “not meant to be”, and yet, there’s always that tension, that miscommunication, their need not to be the one who “said it first”. Honestly, at first I didn’t understand the whole Jimmy thing, but as usual with Lex it has to be her choice. Of all the people in the world Lex knows she doesn’t care about what he is (rich, handsome, and other not so flattering qualities) but who he is deep inside. I think the rejection wasn’t just a payback, I believe it’s anger and mostly fear to put her feelings at risk again. Do I have to tell that I loved the happy end?

Thanks girls! It was awesome!

18th February 2010, 06:52
Reviewing after SE is always a hard time… she really does it so well and gets all the important points….:grin3:

Not to worry if you are saying the same things as SE ;) The important thing is that you share your opinions :D

19th February 2010, 08:33
Lexie: Wow!!! That title is completely spot on!!! Really love how you describe Chloe and her feelings as she dressed in front of the mirror.

Sinecure: Excellent!! I won't lie it took me a couple of reads to not be confused. But each read just kept adding more depth and I enjoyed more for it!!!

Fantastic job, ladies!!!!!!:worship::worship:

20th February 2010, 19:55
Oh my goodness what have you guys done to me? Thanks to these stories I need to change my underwear. :rofl: That was HOT@!!:drool2:

I suppose my tamer fic was just a warm-up for what Jenny delivered. :D Glad you found it sexy. Hope.

By lexie
TITLE: Yearning (NS Monthly Adult Themes Challenge- #1 January 2010 “Hunger”)

This was a great ficlet, Lexie. I really liked how it started with the reader’s being introduced to Chloe’s yearning to be desired and wanted above all things... if not actually loved. It was such a shame to see her willing to settle for so little, and not even get that?! Heartbreaking... and such a waste as well!

Aren't Chloe and Lex so similar after all? Wanting what they cannot have? Believing themselves to be undeserving out of experience? Yearning to be loved? And always settling for the scraps they can get?

I enjoyed the way that Chloe’s confusion about how and why she’s not the ‘most desired one of the land’ leads her to actually examining her naked body objectively and critically in a mirror. I was very pleased to see that she knew herself to be a hottie... a delicious, curvy, soft beautiful woman... who just happens to be ignored by every man that she wants. I could sense her bewilderment and frustration over this.

This image was the one that popped to my mind when I was thinking about what I could write for this challenge, so it's the crux of the fic- Chloe's awakening. The starting point that leads Chloe to finally "see" herself and decide she can no longer settle.

heee! And then we jump to Lex, and it turns out that Chloe is not quite as unwanted and undesired as she previously imagined. It was delightful fun to see Lex prepping himself up for this ‘date’ as if he was a school-boy again, trying to muster up the courage to ask the prettiest girl in school to dance with him. Only, schoolboys never try to get that extra spot of courage through bourbon, do they? Rarely! LOL!

For all his coolness and poise I've always imagined Lex this way when strategising to get the one woman that really means something to him. A schoolboy might have had an extra glass of spiked punch, perhaps?

The party itself was great. I liked the way that Chloe’s newfound sense of sensuality had strengthened her confidence... and every person in the party couldn’t help but respond to that. it was clear that, in the evening, Chloe could have had practically any man she wanted with a inviting snap of her fingers. It’s damned good to see Chloe come into her own!

I'm so tired of seeing Chloe being kept on the fringes on the show while the other ladies are shown as the Goddesses that all breathing men are expected to lust after. Why should she only get the attention of men who end up being murdering monsters on their first date? I simply wanted to make sure the male population of SV and Metropolis didn't come across as fools in the presence of a gorgeous and intelligent woman such as her.And why have her constantly doubt about her own sensuality and her power to get the attention of an attractive man who'll know how to treat her and make her feel like a real woman?

The attraction between Lex and Chloe was thick enough to actually see with naked eyes. I loved the way that Chloe admitted how she and Lex had a little too much bad blood and enmity between them for her to consider him as safe, stable boyfriend material... and yet she still couldn’t help but gravitate towards him. Excellent!

Well, their enmity had to be mentioned, considering it's a post-Season 7 ficlet. It would have been utterly unrealistic not to do it. And by mentioning her internal struggle and her desperation to find a justification for what she's about to do, their attraction acquires a deeper significance. There's definitely more than lust in here, don't you think?

I loved the way that Chloe’s sense of her own sensuality and womanhood grew heavier and deeper with Lex’s continuing gaze on her. it highlighted how Lex is the one person who can make her blood sing! The ending was a classic kiss in the moonlight that made me sizzle and melt. Great ficlet, Lexie!

Oh, I'm a sucker for happy endings! Or, at least, for open doors and windows that give us hope.

Thanks for your warm words, somethingeasy. I really appreciate them.

Lexie: Perfect! I really like the fact that she finally admitted to herself that she’s sacrificed herself for Clark all along and that almost killed the Chloe Sullivan we all admire: the witty, incisive, smart, audacious girl. She has made choices leading to it, but the choices have always been based on her loyalty to Clark (MB episode aside, of course). Lex is what we all expect: coming back in style, making sure he has his path clear. In this case, sure looks like he wants the real thing with Chloe. They make each other feel alive. I wish Lex had this clear mind in the show. If they’re ever bringing him back… ::/:

Oh, how I wished they gave Chloe that chance on the show! I have such a grim foreboding about her destiny on SV. I hope so much she won't end up making the ultimate sacrifice for Clark. What else is there for her to offer at his altar?

I prey they let Lex's character be- we can do much better things for him than they ever will, don't you agree?

Lexie: Wow!!! That title is completely spot on!!! Really love how you describe Chloe and her feelings as she dressed in front of the mirror.

Fantastic job, ladies!!!!!!:worship::worship:

Thanks, Rocío. "Yearning" is such a suggestive word, isn't it? It's the noun (or adjective) I've always associated with two characters as passionate and classy as Chloe and Lex.

22nd February 2010, 01:51
love it love it love it!!!!!!!

7th March 2010, 19:32
Both excellent fics, great job! Brilliant choice to not put it to vote Julie, I don't think I could choose a favourite of the two, they're both very different but equally enjoyable.

11th March 2010, 06:58
Both excellent fics, great job! Brilliant choice to not put it to vote Julie, I don't think I could choose a favourite of the two, they're both very different but equally enjoyable.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, Linda. I'm pleased you were able to enjoy both entries and appreciate them in their diversity.:grin3:

28th September 2011, 00:06
Great fics!!! Loved both of them
I'd like to thank the posts but I can't find the thanks button

28th September 2011, 08:33
Great fics!!! Loved both of them
I'd like to thank the posts but I can't find the thanks button

It should be on the left side, on the bottom of the post (where the edit post, reply, reply with quote links are on the right side). You can only give so many thanks per day, so if you've thank-ed out, you won't see it ;) Let me know if you still don't see it, and I'll take a look :)

22nd November 2014, 00:55
Both excellent fics, great job! Brilliant choice to not put it to vote Julie, I don't think I could choose a favourite of the two, they're both very different but equally enjoyable.

Ditto ;)