View Full Version : [Completed] Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 27 plus Epilogue (Aug 17, 2010)

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12th February 2010, 23:08
Oliver working with Lex? now this is interesting...

This is something that I wouldn't see happening on the show unless the Apocalypse arrived and Chloe used her very persuasive powers on Oliver for him to see the advantages of having Lex on their side :P (Check out Cypanache's "At Some Disputed Barricade" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7510)to see her take on this). Still this is my universe and I wanted to see Lex making him squirm a little and blackmail him into doing his will.

YAY! Great chapter, Lexie!! Can't wait for more! :D

I hope you'll get inspired before the fic's over because I don't think there are too many updates left. :D In any case, I'd love for you to make a banner for a fic of mine, so if it can't be this one, I'm sure there'll be another in the future. :blinkkiss

Lois' complete and utter devotion to Chloe is a beautiful thing to behold--if only the show could remember that:D

It's a real pity they forget it at times because Lois has it in her to be protective of the ones she loves.

Good for Lois for apologizing to Lex and for giving him the benefit of the doubt in regards to his relationship with Chloe and Laurie.

Someone other than Chloe should give the guy a break and, seeing how much he cares about both his girls, I thought Lois was the one most likely to relent first.

Lastly, isn't it sad that I don't actually care that Lana might be in danger from Morgan Edge??!!:P

Nothing will ever convince you to pity the brunette :D and I've got to say the Lana from Seasons 6 to 8 in particular doesn't stir my sympathy in any way. However, I'd like for the Chlex to be the better man, so to speak, this time. :grin3:

14th February 2010, 00:21
Great chapter as always. That short little paragraph at the start that illustrated the relationship between Lois and her father, for many reasons made me incredibly sad and made me very sympathetic towards Lois - something the show has never managed.

I loved Lauries reaction to Lois and her adoreable protective gestures, everything about the interaction between Lois and Lex was brilliant too, especially the apology.

I can't wait to see what comes of Lex and Oliver working together.

14th February 2010, 06:15
This is the first fic of mine that breaks the 10,000+ hit record on NS. :nsparty: I'm absolutely ecstatic. Thanks a bunch to everyone who reads, reviews and/or checks out for updates every week.:hug:

Great chapter as always. That short little paragraph at the start that illustrated the relationship between Lois and her father, for many reasons made me incredibly sad and made me very sympathetic towards Lois - something the show has never managed.

I really appreciate this. :blinkkiss Lois' difficult childhood and her having to fill in her mother's shoes when she was just a kid is one of the things which I find most interesting about her background. It's a real pity they haven't explored it better because I believe Lois has got the potential to be a warm and lovable character.

I loved Lauries reaction to Lois and her adoreable protective gestures, everything about the interaction between Lois and Lex was brilliant too, especially the apology.

Laurie's as cute as a button, isn't she? I'm so happy all of you have taken such an instant liking to her even though she's an OC. As regards the Lexois banter, it'll never be like the Chlex verbal judo but I surely enjoy writing it.:D

I can't wait to see what comes of Lex and Oliver working together.

Hopefully, the results will be seen soon. :P

14th February 2010, 13:35
update soon

15th February 2010, 05:53
Thanks for the PM letting know about the update. I've been busy lately and haven't check here and a while. Oliver and Lex working together is something I didn't think I would see but it's nice too see it.

16th February 2010, 02:04
Love the chapter!!! I just love that you have all these characters mixing it up and none feel forced or unneeded.

I don't know how you do it but whenever I read your Lois, I end up loving her and how protective she is over her baby cuz.

Laurie is so Lex's daughter!!! She is so cute glaring at Lois. :rofl:

Can't wait for more!!!

18th February 2010, 21:41
A/N: Lara, chloedreamer and Rocío, thanks for your lovely feedback.

Here's a new update for you to enjoy. I'm still writing so I can't tell you with certainty how many more are left but, since we're reaching the climax, you can assume the ending isn't too far away.

I posted a new one-shot inspired on Warrior- if you haven't read it yet, it's called Undercover Warrior and you can find it here (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=254167#post254167) . I appreciate the comments you've left me so far. In addition, Sarah`s posted the only two entries she got for the Adult-Themed Fanfic Challenge, the first of which is mine. It's a mild R fic called "Yearning" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showpost.php?p=254195&postcount=2), which I hope you'll like.

Without further ado here's the new chapter.

CHAPTER 17: Private Demons


Spending the morning with her cousin Lois and later on sharing the gourmet lunch Lex had had delivered to the hospital gave Chloe enough time to reconnect with her only family and jog her memory in search of precious moments which lay buried somewhere in her mind. And, most importantly, Lois’ supportive presence next to her shed part of the anxiety which had been burdening her ever since she set foot in Moira’s hospital room for the first time. Chloe now had someone who could help her fill in the blanks of her childhood and remember the times when Moira had been part of their lives.

“How was your morning?” asked Lex slightly breathless as he wiped the perspiration from his face with an immaculate white towel.

“Illuminating in many ways. I know you two don’t get on very well with each other but..” she replied, observing him unwrap the extra gauze with which he had prepared his hands to practise a while on the punchbag in the penthouse’s gym.

“She loves you, Chloe, and that’s more than enough to tolerate her and even like her a little in my books,” he smiled tiredly, getting closer to the blonde reporter.

“You’re sweaty,” she chuckled when he nuzzled her neck and then tugged gently at her earlobe with his teeth.

“Are you offering yourself to lather me up?” he whispered seductively into her ear.

“You’re too fit for a sponge bath,” she said, rubbing herself playfully against him and feeling the unmistakable evidence of his desire as he cupped her buttocks and brought their bodies flush for a scorching kiss which put her in a similar state of arousal.

“I... was... thinking... of... you... and... me... in... the shower,” he responded, punctuating his words with a trail of kisses that started on her shoulder and ended up in the swell of her breasts.

“That sounds enticing,” she sighed as he finished undoing her buttons and proceeded to unclasp the front fastening of her bra. “Lex,” she moaned when he took one of her tight buds in his mouth.” Lex,” she repeated as he kept teasing her nipples with his talented tongue.”We... should... stop, Lex... Laurie...” she panted, gripping his upper arms.

“I’m sorry...” he said, closing his eyes tightly and straightening up. “I got carried away. You’ve always made me lose my control.”

“We both got carried away,” she smiled as he opened his eyes.

“I’ve missed you so much,” he replied huskily, resting his forehead on hers.

Chloe felt a tightening in her chest at the hint of desperation which laced his words. He’d missed having her in his life as a lot more than just a lover, and she trembled at the thought of what might happen to him or what he might do if he were ever to lose her and Laurie again.

She pressed a soft kiss on his lips and, cupping his face, murmured, “Well, I’m here now. We’re here and we aren’t going anywhere, Lex. Why don’t you freshen up while I check out the encrypted server to see if there’s any news from Illianovich?”

“OK. Love you,” he replied, pressing a kiss on her temple and inhaling her perfumed hair before stepping back.

“Love you too,” she told him with a luminous smile, knowing how alien those words had always been to Lex and how much it cost him to make himself so vulnerable by uttering them.

Chloe booted up her laptop and ran the program Illianovich had given her to hide and change her IP, making it jump all over the map. Even though they were communicating through encrypted messages, it didn’t hurt to be extra careful. There was no news yet, only a bunch of spam e-mails and a message from Jerry letting her know how business at the coffee shop was doing and asking her if she had any plans for its future.

The wait was killing her and the fact that Lex had mysteriously disappeared from the clinic for two hours and dismissed her questions when he came back to pick her and Laurie up didn’t help matters. She had sought him out at the gym to try to find out what he was hiding from her, but seeing him all flushed and sweaty in that pair of sweatpants- which were riding down his hips- was just too much. She had got distracted by how sexy he was, by how much she loved him, by how tender he’d been the night before and had almost succumbed to his touch again. It’d been so hard to stop, so difficult to listen to the voice of reason that told her it was the middle of the afternoon and their daughter was a few rooms away watching her favourite cartoons and that she might walk on them.

Chloe could hardly recognise this young woman inhabiting her body; there was almost no trace of sex-shy Karen Fairchild left in her. Every day that went by in Lex’s company she discovered a new layer of Chloe Sullivan and her old self came back to the surface. She wondered what else she had yet to discover about herself and hoped that whatever it was wouldn’t jeopardise the life they were starting to rebuild. Lex was being really understanding, not pushing her to share with him what had scared her so much about her early childhood recollections; and there were moments when she thought she’d put that fear behind her only to see it return at the oddest of times- one of those occasions being the father-daughter farewell scene at the hospital that morning.

What would happen to Lex and their baby if she ever were...? She couldn’t even think of the word. Would he keep on loving her? Would he resign himself to having no life beyond that of loving father and provider like Gabe had before him? Would Laurie remember her? Would she grow up to be a young lady and resent the fact of having been abandoned by her Mom when she needed her the most? Chloe closed her eyes and berated herself for thinking along those lines, for marring the happiness and the love she’d found again with Lex. She’d overcome this; she was a survivor and she had too much to live for to torture herself with thoughts of something that might never come to happen anyway. She took a deep breath, cleaned her inbox, minimized the window and got up to fix something for an early dinner.

It was close to seven when Lex finished his shower and stepped back into his master bedroom wearing a pair of cream-coloured trousers, an unbuttoned light-blue dress shirt and no shoes. His mind was still going over the events of the day- wondering whether his decision to rally Oliver Queen’s aid had been the right move- when he realised he wasn’t alone in the room. Slipping his feet into a pair of Italian loafers, he observed his daughter – who was standing in deep contemplation in front of his bedside table.

There weren’t many personal touches in the penthouse apart from those in his study and not even there did he keep anything that meant that much to him as the photograph that had called Laurie’s attention. It was the only trace of sentimentality he’d allowed himself and one of the few treasures he had left of his childhood- a picture of himself, hairless, a couple of days after his discharge from hospital. It was a painful memory, a reminder of the moment when whatever chance he might have had of getting Lionel’s love slipped away. Still it wasn’t masochism what had led him to hold on to the photo; it was the fact that she was in it too with her strawberry hair and her warm presence. She had her freckled white arms wrapped around his middle, a rare smile on her face as they both posed for the picture on her family’s ranch in Montana. She and Pamela had been the only ones who had touched him after the accident in the meteor shower, the only two people who loved him and didn’t look at him like a freak.

Laurie took a couple of small steps forward and raised her childish arm to touch the scalp of the boy he’d been once before focusing on the patrician lady, who was looking straight at the camera. A couple of minutes went by while her eyes didn’t stray from the woman’s face, and Lex started feeling an odd sense of trepidation.

“Is she your Mommy?” she asked warmly, looking at him with a strange kind of intensity.

“Yes,” he responded in a slightly shaky voice, seeing the girl turn her attention back to the photo.

“She smells like apples,” she murmured, tracing Lillian’s long hair. “I’m hungry. Mommy said dinner’s ready. Are you coming?” she added, walking around the bed, innocently unaware of what four simple words had done to Lex’s world.

.................................................. .................................................. ..............................

“You were strangely quiet throughout dinner. Is everything all right?” asked Chloe while she put the dishes in the washer.

“I have a lot of things on my mind. Boring LuthorCorp stuff which we shouldn’t let ruin our night,” he replied, snaking his arms around her waist from behind and nuzzling her neck.

“Was that what took you away from the clinic in the morning?” she ventured.


“I won’t meddle in your affairs, but I reserve the right to speak my mind if there’s something I don’t like. You promised not to leave me out of the loop, Lex. If it has anything to do with Edge, I want to know what’s going on,” she cut him off.

“There are some things you don’t need to know. Some things that it’d be better for you not to be involved in,” he replied gravely.

“Let me decide what’s best for me to stay away from. I’m no longer an immature high school girl, Lex. I know what it’s like to go out and play in the world of the adults,” she said gruffly.

“Of course you do. I’m just trying to protect you, Chloe.”

“I know that, Lex, but I’m not a damsel in distress for you to save. We’re equals. We’re partners. And I’ve got a right to know about anything that might affect our family in any way,” she squirmed, trying to slip away from his embrace.

“I’m sorry,” he apologised, tightening his hold on her. “He has Lana,” he confessed, feeling her tense in his arms.

“Lana Lang?” she asked in as much a controlled voice as she could muster, considering the sudden bout of jealousy that had seized her on hearing that name.

“Yes. He’s brought more innocent people into the game. She was the key for him to get the final piece of the puzzle. Edge needed her; it was the only way he could convince Clark to help him.”

“Clark?” she frowned.

“He’s always been Lana’s personal knight in shining armour and he’d jump through hoops of fire for her. “

“But why would Edge want to use Clark... and Lana?”

“Clark’s a very special young man. You yourself said the one thing you remembered about him was that he was always at the right place at the right time. If there’s one thing you can rely on is his turning up when you think everything’s lost. I’m sorry for Lana, but her kidnapping was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. Clark will give us the backdoor we need to get Edge and his accomplices.”

“He’s the one you and Bruce are waiting for,” she stated as the truth dawned on her.

“Were. He’s already picked up the package.”

“And what will happen to him and Lana when he hands it over to Edge?”

“If everything turns out as planned, a friend will carry out an extraction and by that time Ilianovich will have activated the Trojan.”

“This friend you’re talking about... “

“He’s not my friend but Clark’s. I doubt we’ll ever be more than old acquaintances; there’s too much history between us,” he explained gravely, opening a cabinet to get her favourite coffee beans to grind.

“How do you know you can trust him, then?”

“He’s got too big of an ego not to do something, And this is Clark we’re talking about; people have a tendency to trust him and cover his back. They’d never desert him or stab him in the back. He’s not a Luthor.”

“Lex,” she murmured, rubbing his back and feeling the coiled muscles start to relax.

“That sounded too resentful, didn’t it?” he smiled bitterly.

“You have a right to feel hurt. You’re human. I don’t care what the bastard told you while growing up. I don’t want you to ever bottle up what’s going on inside here,” she told him, putting her hand on his heart.

“It goes both ways, Chloe,” he replied, covering her hand with his. “Are you nervous about tomorrow?”

“Lois has helped me a lot, filling in the blanks... not all of them... but I feel I know Mom better now,” she answered, lowering her gaze and toying with the buttons of his shirt.

“Chloe,” he said, tilting up her chin to look at her in the eyes,” do you want to talk about it?”

“You first. What were ruminating over dinner? Don’t clam up on me, Lex. It has nothing to do with business or with Edge, does it? I saw the way you studied Laurie when you thought no one was looking. “

“It was something that she said when she went to my room to let me know dinner was ready,” he said grudgingly, prepping the espresso machine.

“What did she say?” she frowned, resting her hip against the work top.

“That my mother smells like apples,” he answered after a slight pause. “She used the Present Tense, Chloe.”

“That doesn’t mean anything. You know that time is relative for children.”

“How did she know, Chloe? How did she know that was her fragrance?”

“Maybe you said something...”

“No, I didn’t. I would have remembered that,” he shook his head.”Do you think she’s seen her?”

“Seen her?”

“You must think me crazy, “ he laughed, rubbing his neck.

“You seem to have forgotten who you’re talking to. Chloe Sullivan? The Torch? Wall of Weird? “ she told him with a lopsided grin.”I’m an open-minded person, Lex.”

“Remember I told you your mother knows you’re visiting every day? That she knows everything that’s going on around her because I’ve been there myself?”

“Mm...” she nodded.

“Well, every time I was in a coma or fighting for my life I saw my mother. I talked to her. And the last time... she warned me what was going to happen if I continued down the path I’d taken. She knew and I didn’t listen. I almost lost myself, Chloe, and if it hadn’t been for my damn father and what he did...”

“It’s natural to think about our loved ones- alive or dead- when we’re faced with our own mortality,” she murmured, squeezing his shoulder.

“And what about seeing those who are dead when you’re awake?”

“That’s what you think happened to Laurie?”

“Children can sometimes see things that we adults no longer can, Chloe. I used to see my Mom before Dad sent me back to Excelsior. Talking to her was the only good thing I had left when he fired my nanny Pamela. The last couple of days... I’ve been feeling her presence again.”

“You miss her and perhaps all this affair with my Mom, her being in hospital, not knowing if she’ll come around, has brought everything back,” Chloe tried to explain, fetching two mugs and the creamer.

“Maybe, you’re right.”

“You don’t believe that. I know you Lex; you’ll keep on going over it until you get an answer that pleases you.”

“The pot calling the kettle black. Now it’s your turn, Ms Sullivan,” he said, turning suddenly sober.

“Why worry about things that might never come to happen?” she murmured, opening the fridge to get her half-eaten box of Belgian chocolates.

“It isn’t written we’ll become our parents. Isn’t that what you used to say, Chloe?” he told her quietly, covering her hand with his.

Chloe raised her bright green eyes and saw understanding reflected in his.

“It sounds like something I would say,” she smiled tiredly.

“Let’s have that cup of coffee and call it a night, shall we?” he suggested, grazing her cheek with his knuckles.

“It sounds like a plan,” she nodded, relieved to find out that they were still so attuned to each other’s feelings and worries. Sometimes it was scary to see how well they could read what the other was thinking.


The skies were overcast and the streets of Metropolis were virtually deserted when they left the penthouse for the clinic in the early morning. The wind had started blowing strongly around two o’ clock and contributed to Chloe’s insomnia-she hadn’t been able to sleep at all that night and had feigned her slumber a while after making love with Lex because the temptation to ask him to stay and hold her all night long had been too strong, and explaining to Laura how they’d ended up in the same bed was something she wasn’t sure the girl would be ready to process yet. The weather outside seemed to echo the commotion that was Chloe’s state of mind now that she was a few minutes away from facing an awakened Moira for the first time in eleven years.

“Mommy?” said Laurie, calling her mother’s attention away from the tinted windows of the silver Mercedes.

“Are you warm enough?” asked Chloe with a practised smile, adjusting the girl’s parka and rubbing her little hands. “Is it better now?”

“Are you worried?” asked Laurie, resting her head on Chloe’s side.

“A little, baby,” confessed Chloe, wrapping her arm around their daughter’s shoulders to bring her closer. `That’s the understatement of the year,’

“Grandma Lillian said not to worry,” murmured the girl innocently. “Said your Mommy’s fine.”

“Did she?” choked Chloe, locking her eyes with Lex’s and seeing a well of emotion reflected in them as he focused his attention on Laurie, who was busy putting on her mittens oblivious of the way her words- meant to comfort her mother- had reshaped her father’s world in a moment.

“Thomas, pull over here, please,” Lex told their chauffeur calmly.

Chloe looked out of the window and frowned as he descended and walked a few metres before stopping under a tree with his back to the car. A couple of minutes elapsed and he just stood out there, the wind billowing his long Armani overcoat.

“Honey, stay here with Thomas. We’ll be back in a sec, OK?” she told the girl, stepping out of the vehicle and fastening her coat tighter to protect herself against the chilling wind- it seemed winter was stubbornly resisting to leave. “Lex,” she spoke up a metre away from him, getting no verbal answer but noticing he wasn’t talking on the phone as she’d first suspected. “Lex,” she repeated softly, placing a gloved hand on his back and seeing him look away as she came to stand in front of him.

“She knows,” he murmured in a raspy voice, swallowing the big lump in his throat and feeling the treacherous tears well up in his eyes.

“This was what you were so worked up over when she mentioned your Mom, wasn’t it?” she asked quietly. “It’s the best thing that could have happened- her finding it out this way. She’s taking it naturally, Lex,“ she added, cupping his cheek and making him reluctantly turn around.

“I don’t want to add more confusion to her little world, Chloe,” he confessed, taking a deep breath.

“You’re part of her world now. She’s accepted you with open arms, Lex. She was close to Phil but... this special bond you two have built up from the very first moment... I think she’ll be all right. I think we’ll be all right,” she told him, taking his hand.”Why don’t we go back to the car before she starts wondering what’s wrong? I’m freezing my butt here,” she said her teeth chattering as she hooked her arm though his to seek his warmth.”You should wear a hat,” she added, looking up at him.

“I’d look ridiculous,” he huffed, walking towards the vehicle.

“Maybe I’ll knit you one for next Christmas,” she chuckled.

“I have much better occupations for you and I in mind to while away our winter nights in front of the fireplace than watching you knit me a stupid hat,” he replied smugly.

“I can’t wait to see what you have planned,” she told him with a conspiratorial smile as they walked around the car and he opened the right back door for her to step back inside.

“Me neither,” he said under his breath once she was comfortably sat, wishing the usually speedy farm boy wasn’t taking so long. `Damn, Clark! What the hell are you doing back on the farm?’ he hissed internally, checking out the blinking GPS tracker on his iPhone as he walked around the vehicle.


Getting in and out of Wayne Electronics had been a piece of cake for Clark and now that he had the artefact in his possession, his conscience was giving him a hard time. He sat in the breakfast nook, toying with the small piece of electronic engineering, staring at it as if it had all the answers he was looking for in the world. He wished he could give in to the powerful urge to char it with his heat vision and spit at Lionel’s childhood friend and former associate in the face, tell him he could stuff it where the sun never shines.

The man was a cold-blooded murderer- he had plotted with Lex’s father to have Lachlan and Eliza Luthor killed in a tenement fire- and Clark had had a very unsavoury experience with him during his wild escapade to Metropolis later followed by the criminal’s kidnapping of his parents and of him to get a sample of his Kryptonian blood. The man had been ready to hand him to Lionel Luthor as a guinea pig and, even though Clark was trying to block the memory of the role Edge had played in Lex’s institutionalisation and subsequent mind wipe, he was finding it really hard.

“Clark?” asked Martha relieved on entering the kitchen and finding him sitting at the table in one piece.

“Hi, Mom!” he replied, pasting a smile on his face and stashing the artefact away.

“Where have you been? I was worried sick. You left without even saying goodbye,” she chided him, leaving the laundry basket on the table and hugging him tight.

“Mom,” he whined,” I’m fine.”

“Are you? We saw Lana leaving the farm and when we got inside you were gone. You’ve been tense ever since you came back home. What’s the matter, sweetie?” she asked him, pulling out a chair to sit down.

“Chloe`s alive,” he blurted out, feeling the need to get something off his chest.

“I know,” she said softly.

“You knew?” he frowned.

“I saw the pictures. It was accidental, I was doing some house cleaning now that spring’s begun and the envelope slipped to the floor.”

“He lied to us. He looked at us straight in the eye and told us she was dead,” simmered the farm boy.

“It wasn’t like that, Clark. I was there when he got the phone call informing him about the explosion and Chloe’s death.”


“I had gone to the mansion to deliver some vegetables and he asked me to come into his study to draw me a cheque for the monthly produce. You should have been there, Clark.”

“Lex is an accomplished actor, Mom.”

“That’s your hurt talking. I know what I saw and what I felt in that room. You can’t fake feelings such as those so convincingly. He can’t have known she was alive. He broke down in front of my eyes, Clark. Lex would have never gone through that willingly. A few days ago I told you a lot of things passed unnoticed to you because you were too engrossed in your own crisis. Well, I judged what I saw then based not only on Lex’s reaction to that call but on what I’d witnessed without his knowledge a month before. He loved her, Clark, and so did she,” she confessed.

“I don’t understand. He’s kidnapped her. He’s keeping her away from her friends and family,” frowned Clark.

“Maybe you’re jumping to conclusions, Clark. There has to be an explanation. Is this connected with the photos and that note enclosed? What does that horrible man want with you again?”


“Clark, it’s too late to try to hide things from me now. There’s only one person who knew about you and had close connections to Lionel Luthor- Morgan Edge. He resurrected once so it wouldn’t be far-fetched to think about him as the person behind that envelope. Tell me what he wants. You’ve already seen him, haven’t you? That’s why you disappeared without a trace.”

“He has Lana, Mom,” he replied.

“Lana?” she echoed, cursing inwardly, kissing goodbye any possibility of talking some sense into him.”What are his demands?”

“He wants this,” he responded after a short pause, setting down the artefact on the dining table.

“Where did it come from?” she frowned, picking it up.


“That’s where you’ve been to? Gotham? I know this logo, Clark.”

“I had no choice. He threatened to hurt Lana... and you,” he confessed gruffly.

“And do you know what this is and what it does? If he sent you those pictures to make sure you had a face-off with Lex and use your recent strained history with him to lure you in, Wayne isn’t the only corporation behind this artefact.”

“I don’t know what it is. But considering Lionel Luthor and Edge were working together again, something tells me it isn’t a new system of satellite TV.”

“What are you planning to do?”

“What would Dad have done in my place?”

“He’s not here, Clark. All I know’s he would have told you to do what was right. Now... it’s up to you to decide what that is. We raised you, helped you become the young man you’re today and we... I... know that whatever decision you make I’ll stand by you. “

“There’s more than Lana’s life at stake, Mom. I just don’t know if I’m doing the right thing by handing this over to Edge. It’s the only leverage I have and as long as it’s in my possession she’ll be safe. God only knows what he’ll do when he gets it.”

“May I come in?” asked a well-known masculine voice behind the screen door.

“Oliver!” exclaimed Martha with a warm smile. “Please, do come in.”

“Good morning, Mrs Kent,” he stepped inside and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Clark,” he added, grabbing his hand and giving him a pat on the back.

“Is Lois with you?” frowned Clark.

“We have to talk, Clark. We’ve got bigger problems than Lois,” he replied grimly.


Cassandra Jean
19th February 2010, 06:40
What another wonderful chapter.

The whole thing with Laurie had me smiling. The fact that she knows that Lex is her father (I am assuming that she figured it out)-- because Grandma Lillian told her everything would be okay--it is about time. Poor Lex though, it must be really hard for him to hear Laurie talking about Lillian like she did. It is very nice to see the forming relationship between father and daughter; it is also very glad to see that Chloe and Lex are making strides in their relationship.

Waiting desperatly for the next update.

19th February 2010, 07:44
YES!! She knows finally! :D I am so glad Laurie knows that Lex is her daddy. Now all she has to do is call him that. And all will be right with the world. :p

I am glad Lex let Chloe in on some of the plan. I wish he would have told her the rest. I can't wait to see what Oliver says to Clark. It should be interesting. ;)

19th February 2010, 09:04
Great chapter!!!!

Love the little interlude between Chloe and Lex after his boxing.

Me thinks that Laurie knows that Lex is her daddy.

“Lana?” she echoed, cursing inwardly, kissing goodbye any possibility of talking some sense into him.”What are his demands?”

:rofl::rofl: *snicker* Even Martha knows it's useless to talk sense to Clark when the name Lana comes up.

Can't wait for more!!!

Kit Merlot
20th February 2010, 18:46
“Grandma Lillian said not to worry,” murmured the girl innocently. “Said your Mommy’s fine.”

The Chlex family is just breaking my heart--but in a good way:D I like how Laurie just accepts that she sees Lillian's spirit and I love how much she loves both of her parents. But now Laurie has to start thinking of Moira as her other Grandmom:grin3:

And good for Lex and Chloe for telling each other all of the fears and worries.

21st February 2010, 10:44
What another wonderful chapter.

The whole thing with Laurie had me smiling. The fact that she knows that Lex is her father (I am assuming that she figured it out)-- because Grandma Lillian told her everything would be okay--it is about time. Poor Lex though, it must be really hard for him to hear Laurie talking about Lillian like she did. It is very nice to see the forming relationship between father and daughter; it is also very glad to see that Chloe and Lex are making strides in their relationship.

Waiting desperatly for the next update.

Thanks for being the first one to review this new chapter.

You assumed correctly- by calling Lillian Grandma and asking Lex if the lady in the photo was his mother, it is crystal clear the girl's put two and two together. :D

Once again, I appreciate your enthusiasm and hope not to disappoint you with your expectations.

YES!! She knows finally! :D I am so glad Laurie knows that Lex is her daddy. Now all she has to do is call him that. And all will be right with the world. :p

I knew you'd like this new instalment, Hope. You've been asking for it for quite some time now. And...be patient, she'll end up calling him Daddy before the fic's over.:grin3:

:rofl::rofl: *snicker* Even Martha knows it's useless to talk sense to Clark when the name Lana comes up.

Can't wait for more!!!

I've always thought Martha was the smartest and most sensible of the Kent clan, and I'm convinced that Lex would have stood a better chance if sanctimonious Jonathan had left this Earth earlier and left Clark in Martha's sole care.:P

The Chlex family is just breaking my heart--but in a good way:D I like how Laurie just accepts that she sees Lillian's spirit and I love how much she loves both of her parents. But now Laurie has to start thinking of Moira as her other Grandmom:grin3:

I'm pleased you've embraced my version of the Chlex family. Now we'll have to wait and see if Laurie connects with Moira the way she did with Lillian- on the emotional level I mean.;)

21st February 2010, 18:48
Are they both seeing dead people now?

24th February 2010, 20:50
Great chapter as always. Loved all the moments with the Chlex family and Martha is always a very welcome rational voice in the twisted world of Clark!

I love that Laurie knows Lex is her father and how you threw that reveal out there :)

25th February 2010, 07:14
Are they both seeing dead people now?

Exactly. Like father like daughter- it's only fitting. ;)

Great chapter as always. Loved all the moments with the Chlex family and Martha is always a very welcome rational voice in the twisted world of Clark!

I love that Laurie knows Lex is her father and how you threw that reveal out there :)

Yes, Martha's always been the only voice of reason in that family. :D. I'm really glad you approve of the way the revelation came about- I thought it just suited a child of Lex's and it was also the least traumatic of the choices open because I could count on her innocence to take it naturally.

26th February 2010, 06:16
I've just added the beautiful artwork Esther made specially for this fic. I hope you'll find it as gorgeous as I did when she sent it to me before I went to work last night.

Check it out at the top of this thread here (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=249673#post249673).

While you wait for the next instalment, which I'm currently writing, you might want to have a look at my latest short story- Close your Eyes. (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7543)

26th February 2010, 07:15
I've just added the beautiful artwork Esther made specially for this fic. I hope you'll find it as gorgeous as I did when she sent it to me before I went to work last night.

Check it out at the top of this thread here (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=249673#post249673).

While you wait for the next instalment, which I'm currently writing, you might want to have a look at my latest short story- Close your Eyes. (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7543)

Aww I love it. Their girl is so cute!!

27th February 2010, 03:54
First of all: Great update! So glad that Laurie knows that Lex is her father. Those scenes between the two had me tearing up. They've such a beautiful bond, can't wait to see more of it.

Second: Thank you, Martha, for being sensible about Lana. UGH! At least someone else - other than Chloe - doesn't fall for Pinkie's 'charms.'

Finally: You're very welcome! I can't believe it took me so long to finally make you a banner and it makes me happy that you enjoy it. The moment I saw 'Laurie,' I knew I had found Lex & Chloe's daughter. She's absolutely adorable.

Can't wait for some more!!! :D

27th February 2010, 21:30
First of all: Great update! So glad that Laurie knows that Lex is her father. Those scenes between the two had me tearing up. They've such a beautiful bond, can't wait to see more of it.

I knew that all of you were expecting that moment and can't wait for her to say the word either. There'll be more bonding but there are really big fish to fry in between. :P

Second: Thank you, Martha, for being sensible about Lana. UGH! At least someone else - other than Chloe - doesn't fall for Pinkie's 'charms.'

Yes, isn't she wise? :grin3: Even on the show she DID know what Lana was like and that the brunette wasn't the right one for Clark.

Finally: You're very welcome! I can't believe it took me so long to finally make you a banner and it makes me happy that you enjoy it. The moment I saw 'Laurie,' I knew I had found Lex & Chloe's daughter. She's absolutely adorable.

Can't wait for some more!!! :D

I love it and so do my readers. I've got some nice feedback on my LJ, too. You picked an awesome likeness for Laurie! Thanks a bunch for putting this together in time for the last chapters.

There'll be more in a few days, God willing.;)

5th March 2010, 04:40
Finally someone is telling Clark wake up stuipd ( maybe it's me but I think not Clark is being stuipd thinking Lex kidnapped Chloe all this time) I'm glad Martha told Clark he's wrong.

Poor Lex I do for sorry for him with Lauria talking about seeing his Mother that would werid anyone out but nice touch that she called her Grandmother.

Thanks for the PM letting me know this story was updated.

6th March 2010, 01:54
A/N: Thank you all for your nice comments as usual.

If you haven't read them yet, remember to check out my three latest one-shots, which I posted one after the other :D: "Undercover Warrior" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7536), "Yearning (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showpost.php?p=254195&postcount=2) (Adult-Themed Fanfic Challenge entry)" and "Close Your Eyes" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=254339#post254339)

Last but not least, I'd like to thank Esther again for the marvellous artwork (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7151) she came up with for this fic.

Here's a new update. Enjoy!

CHAPTER 18: Let the Game Begin


All the little pieces of the puzzle that was Chloe’s life were starting to fall into place one by one, and a sixth sense told the blonde reporter that the woman who was lying in the orthopaedic bed in front of her held the key to some of her most disturbing memories, the ones that had come to her in flashbacks to haunt her waking hours.

“Chloe? Oh, my God, Chloe! “ gasped a younger Moira Sullivan.

“Are they clean now, Mom?” asked the girl, extending her hands for her mother to inspect.

“Oh, God, baby! I’m sorry, Chloe. I’m sorry,” sobbed the older woman, seeing the childish hands covered in blood.

“Mom, don’t cry. See they’re clean now,” insisted the child.

“Chloe?” a raspy voice called out from the bed.

“I promise I won’t do it again, Mom,” sobbed the blonde still lost in her childhood memory.

“Chloe,” murmured Moira, stretching out her arm to shake her daughter gently.

“Mom?” she answered coming out of her trance.

“Honey, are you OK?” grimaced the older woman, trying to sit up.

“I can't believe you're awake and you're talking. I thought I'd never get to speak to you again,” choked the blonde reporter, assisting her to straighten up the orthopaedic bed.

“Chloe, you're even more beautiful than I remember,” said Moira, cupping her offspring’s cheek.

“Why did you leave me, Mom? Why did you leave us?” she asked, her eyes rimmed with tears.

“Honey, walking out on you and your dad was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,” she told her emotionally, wiping the tears off Chloe’s face.

“Then why?”

“It was the only way I could protect you,” she confessed.

“Excuse me for the interruption, ladies, but now that you’re back with us, Mrs Sullivan, we have to check your vitals and run a few tests,” said Dr Litvack, stepping into the room after knocking on the door.

“Chloe...” said Moira in a raspy voice, squeezing her daughter’s hand gently.

“It’s OK, Mom. There’ll be enough time for us to catch up. I’ll be right outside,” smiled Chloe faintly.

“Chlo’, is everything all right?” asked Lois worried, getting up from the armchair she’d been sitting in and rushing to wrap her arms around her baby cousin.

“She’s just woken up,” she responded shakily, welcoming Lois’ warm embrace at a time when she needed all the strength and love she could get to defeat the demons that were haunting her.

Lex looked at the cousins at a distance, trying to give Chloe some space to strengthen her bonds with her close family. An hour ago he’d got a call from his trusted P.I. regarding the enquiry into Moira’s past he had asked for, and some of the answers he’d been given had put him between the devil and the deep blue sea. The past couple of years he’d intensified his not-so-legal research projects and now that this had been thrown into his lap he was torn.

“Ms Sullivan,” said doctor Litvak, coming out of the room with Moira’s chart in his hands.

“Yes?” she answered discreetly wiping her eyes.

“What’s the prognosis, Dr Litvack?” asked Lex, joining the group.

“Her vitals look fine, but I’d like to do a CAT scan and some blood tests. I’d prefer to have her under observation for a few more days,” explained the physician. “We’re prepping her now.”

“Cuz, why don’t we go to the cafeteria to grab a cup of coffee and a doughnut in the meantime?” suggested Lois.

“That’s a good idea. There’s nothing we can do but wait, Chloe,” said Lex. “I have to make a couple of phone calls. Why don’t you take Laurie with you? I’ll let you know when they’re bringing her back.”

“OK,” she complied.

“I want you to give me a few minutes alone with the patient before taking her down for her CAT scan,” he told the physician once the three girls had mounted on the elevator.

“Mr Luthor...”

“I need to have a word with her. You’re an intelligent man, Doctor. You decided not to share all the information with Ms Sullivan, but you know there’s more to Moira’s condition than a concussion.”

“I ordered a second blood test because there were traces of an unknown substance in the samples,” confessed the middle-aged physician. “She says she doesn’t remember being injected anything.”

“I have a hunch she’ll talk to me,” he told the doctor gravely.”Were the rest of the parameters all right?”


“Stall the blood test. “


“Dr Litvack, I have the patient’s best interest at heart. She’s the mother of the woman I love and the only grandmother our daughter’ll ever get to know. Give me five minutes and she’s all yours.”

Lex entered the private room as soon as the head nurse finished preparing the patient. He closed the door firmly behind him and met a pair of emerald green eyes, which were a carbon copy of the ones he got lost in every night. Although Moira Sullivan was still a young and very attractive woman, Lex knew she wasn’t just a pretty face- she had brains and had once had a very promising career in the world of journalism, which she sacrificed at the same time she disappeared.

“Mrs Sullivan, my name’s...”

“I know who you are. You’re the son,” she cut him off.

“I want to believe I’m far more than that,” he told her, trying to keep the resentment out of his voice.

“I can see there was no love lost between you two,” she replied with a quirk of her mouth.”Good. I saw the way you were around my daughter while I was lying here. Further proof that I belong in a sanitarium, isn’t it?“ she chuckled. “You love each other deeply, I can tell.”

“You aren’t crazy. You’ve never been and we both know it. That wasn’t the reason you left your husband and Chloe.”

“I’m a dangerous woman, Mr Luthor.”

“Call me Lex, Mrs Sullivan. I know Chloe’s been having flashbacks about the day they came for you. I haven’t pressured her to tell me more, but I’ve heard her talk in dreams. She’s been having nightmares lately of which she doesn’t speak during the day.”

“I wish I could have spared her that. Everything’s my fault.”

“She’s torturing herself over the thought of going insane some day. And we both know that won’t happen. When was the last time you got a shot?“


“Don’t insult me feigning ignorance. Mrs Sullivan. My father knew exactly what ailed you and Edge must have continued with the program. I’m still learning about my father’s secret projects and you took part in one of them.”

“What do you want from me?” she asked shakily.

“I’m not a monster like my father, Mrs Sullivan. I know getting his help came with a price. You were digging into his past and the shady origins of LuthorCorp. You were lucky to have such an extraordinary ability; I’m sure it was the only thing that saved you. My father was obsessed with the meteor-infected. Stumbling upon the truth about my grandparents cost Chloe and I a lot too. I want you to tell her of my father’s role in your disappearance, but the truth about your condition will remain a secret between us.”

“Lies have never been the best way to build a relationship upon.”

“She’s too fragile to deal with this too right now. Chloe’s suffered enough already. I don’t want her to start thinking of herself as some kind of freak. You won’t add to her anguish. I won’t allow it.”

“She’ll want answers for the nightmares she’s been having.”

“Leave that in my hands. I’ll procure the serum for you. I won’t let you slip into unconsciousness and desert your daughter once again.”


“Clark, I once told you that you can’t keep hiding on this farm. You’ve got to learn there’s strength in numbers and you should know when to accept a hand if it’s offered. We must work as a team now or you’ll stand no chance,” Oliver tried to convince Clark.

“Where you overhearing us while we talked in the kitchen? Is that how you learnt Edge has Lana?” frowned Clark.

“Unfortunately, no. When I got here I told you we had bigger problems than Lois... I meant Lex. He’s the one who told me about Lana. He even talked me into rescuing her and giving you a hand.”


“Yeah, that was my exact same reaction when I heard the words coming out of his mouth,” he chuckled.

“But why would he ask for your help? You’re nothing to him but a corporative enemy,” replied Clark baffled.

“Well, we’re more than just that. But... let’s say... he caught me with the hand in the cookie jar.”

“Tell me you didn’t let Lois convince you to...”

“I didn’t need much convincing once I knew Lex was involved. It wouldn’t have been the first time I broke into LuthorCorp property, and she didn’t have to know that. She just thought I’d use my resources and contacts to find out what kind of business the Luthors have with Edge. Unfortunately, I’m not superhuman and after our latest incursions Lex strengthened his security. I was put out of the game with a damn tranquiliser dart,” gritted Oliver.

“Do you mean ...?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I mean. As soon as he saw me at close range he didn’t have to rip off my hood to realise who I was. Luthor’s a man better not to underestimate, Clark, and believing you can outsmart him is foolhardy. “

“How did you get away?”

“I didn’t. He had all the cards in his hand and played them. He has all my incursions saved and hidden somewhere. It won’t matter what was going on there, Clark, the legal system would be on his side because we systematically violated and destroyed private property. I still believe the end justifies the means but I might not be the only one to have to pay the piper if I fell. He didn’t say it outright, but he suspects you’re ‘special’ and I’ve got sound reasons to believe he knows about your weakness.”

Chloe? The year of the trial she’d been investigating him. They had had a major fallout because he’d found out she’d been digging into his adoption. God only knew what she had stumbled upon while working for Lionel Luthor. Now she was supposed to be amnesiac and yet... what if she’d discovered the truth about him and ... Lex had managed to get it out of her.

“What makes you say that?” asked Clark with a clench in the gut.

“He noticed the warehouse was rigged with meteor rocks and... let’s face it, Clark, he was your friend long before we two met. He must have seen you make one of your appearance- disappearance acts more than once. His Porsche ended up open like a can of sardines. I would suspect you too,” replied Oliver ironically. “He said Edge would make sure not to leave loose ends and that you wouldn’t be able to get near Lana. The Luthors have never been my favourite people and my doing this won’t change that. However, Edge is scum too and he’s got far-reaching connections. If he falls, the rest will follow suit... just like a house of cards. “

“If Edge suspects I’ve come with back-up...” protested Clark.

“You just have to make sure he gets the device. Once his technician plugs it in and runs the program, he’ll be toast.”

“How do we know this isn’t one of Lex’s traps?”

“I’ve corroborated something he said thanks to an old childhood friend of mine. Jason’s dad owns the biggest law firm in Metropolis and his family bears a big grudge against the Luthors. He used to go to Law School with Gotham’s Assistant DA, and she confirmed her office is expecting a major breakthrough very soon, that someone powerful in Metropolis is going to make sure they get what they need to nail several big sharks from both cities.”

Could Chloe be rubbing on Lex after all? Had Martha been right about their being in love? Was Lex trying to make amends for the past or, at least, taking a few steps to do the right thing? Clark couldn’t help but remember there had been a time when the billionaire would do things for him, his family and friends without asking for anything in return. So much had happened since then that Clark could only see secret agendas behind everything that his former friend ever did. Was this time any different?

“OK,” said Clark after a long silence. “Let’s do it.”


Three hours had gone by since Moira came out of coma, and Chloe and Lex were back at the Metropolis headquarters of his corporation to make sure Edge and his partners couldn’t get away with their plans. Clark seemed to have made up his mind and played Lana’s ubiquitous knight in shining armour, delivering the package to Lionel`s former associate for Dr Ilianovitch to turn Argus fully functional- Lex’s GPS tracker had started blinking the minute Chloe stepped out of Moira’s private room.

There was no time to waste because, as soon as the Trojan finished collecting all the data concerning each and every illegal business carried out by the biggest sharks of the Gotham and Metropolis Crime Syndicates, Ilianovich would tell Edge the system was armed and hell would break loose. Not only would the bastard realise he no longer needed Clark and Lana, he’d start getting phone calls demanding he explained how Intergang`s firewall had been penetrated leaving the whole organisation vulnerable.

“How’s the download going?” asked Lex, gripping the back of Chloe’s swivel chair.

“There’s only ten per cent missing and I’ll disconnect,” said she, sitting at the state-of-.the-art computer. “Do you think Clark and the rest will manage to get away in time?” she asked, her voice laced with worry.

“Let’s hope for the best,” he replied, squeezing her shoulder gently. “Are you OK?” he added softly.

“I still have a lot to process but yes, I’m better now that I talked with her and we cleared the air between us. It’s funny that the same man who tore you and me asunder and brought us together again took my mother away from me and reunited her with me after so long , isn’t it? That damn secret has destroyed so many lives,” she said, biting her lower lip. “I’m sorry I couldn’t share all my memories with you, Lex. I was so scared. My mind was so boggled that I no longer knew what was real and what was just my fear coming to the surface. Right before Mom woke up I had a particularly disturbing flashback, involving my hands covered in blood, and it turned out I just had hurt one of them playing kickball when I was eight. I didn’t imagine those men in white taking her away, though. They worked for your father...”

“He can no longer hurt her... or us. Your mom is in the best of hands now, Chloe. Dr Litvack believes she’ll be ready to be discharged the day after tomorrow. We’ll help her look for a place in Metropolis. In the meantime, she can stay with us at the penthouse. You agreed to that but, if you’d rather we made other arrangements...”

“It’s what Mom and I want, Lex,” she smiled.”Thanks for being so understanding.”

“I just want to see you happy, Chloe,” he said softly, hoping she would be understanding if the time ever came for her to find out that he’d kept information from her concerning Moira`s meteor freak condition and the very strong chance she herself might also be one.

“Having found our way back to each other and seeing you bond with our daughter makes me happy. Getting my mum and Lois back in my life just adds to my joy. I’m still discovering who I am, but I’m happy, Lex, happy as I can’t remember being in ages,” she told him with glassy eyes, tilting up her face to meet his lips in a brief but reassuring kiss. “We’re done,” she added as a ding announced the download of the data was complete. “You can call him now.”

“Come on... come on, Wayne. Where the hell are you?” grumbled Lex on his mobile phone when his partner didn’t pick up.


Morgan Edge’s headquarters were located in one of the most exclusive residential areas on the oceanfront of Hell’s Gate. The house was an opulent mansion, which he had acquired with the illegal proceeds he’d amassed as the head of Intergang, but nobody in the neighbourhood had even seen him move in- the man had been dead to the world for three years. Clark wondered if any of the people living next door would even mind who lived in the impressive house or what was going on there, considering three-quarters of the island’s population were nouveaux- riches that had made their fortune using dubious methods.

The meeting with the Crime Lord took place in an underground bunker, which Clark realised was connected to the mainland by a series of well-hidden canals- that’s how they’d disappeared from the warehouse leaving no trace behind. On being admitted into the secluded rooms where the operation was being held the farm boy couldn’t help but admire the older man’s thoroughness; the walls and the door behind which he was sure Edge was holding Lana captive were lined with lead, making it impossible for him to use his x-ray vision to verify Lex’s assumption that the place was rigged with kryptonite. Oliver had come along and stationed nearby at the ready to intervene once Edge had ascertained the item delivered wasn’t fake. Clark hoped Lex was wrong because with his powers diminished by the meteor rocks he wouldn’t be of much help and there was only one way out- through the door. The site was a logistics nightmare and Oliver Queen was a well-trained human- human being the operative word here.

“So, Kal, let’s see what we’ve got here, shall we? Doctor, is this what you needed?” said Edge, taking the device from Clark’s hand and handing it over to Illianovich.

“It looks like it. Let me run a test before trying the codes,” replied the Russian technician, inserting the gadget into one of the USB ports.

“Your verdict?” asked Edge impatiently.

“It’s armed,” said the doctor.

“Well, now that I’ve delivered, I want you to give me what you promised when we made the deal,” butted in Clark.

“Dr Illianovich, could you excuse us, please?” Edge addressed the technician with a suave smile.

“Of course, sir. I’m done here. The programme’s already running,” responded the Russian, making his way to the door, where two of Edge’s security men were stationed.

“So, Kal...”

Oliver saw through his binoculars the door of the bunker open and the man he recognised as Lex’s mole leave the premises flanked by two bodyguards; the job must have already been done. He was itching to storm into the bunker, immobilise Edge, grab Clark and the girl and get the hell away from the place before Intergang infested the property with their blood-thirsty operatives. However, nothing would be accomplished if he rushed in before the Trojan Lex had had planted collected the information they needed to nail Lionel Luthor’s former partner and with him the biggest crime lords in the Big Apricot and Gotham.

“Interesting choice of wardrobe, Prince of Thieves,” said a grave voice to his left. “I suggest aiming that arrow at the bad guys,” he added when Oliver rolled over and tensed the bowstring in his hands.

“And who are you supposed to be? “ frowned Oliver, eying the black-caped man behind the mask.

“I’m your army of one. The information’s safe,” he told him gravely. “It’s time to get the young lady and your friend out.”

“And I’m expected to follow your lead why?” asked the archer, knitting his eyebrows.

“Because I’ve got brains and the coolest toys?” he replied with a poker-face. “You’ll need all the help you can get if you three are to leave the premises alive. The people of Gotham are as interested as you are to put these criminals behind bars and throw away the key. Intergang’s second-in-command must be dialling Edge’s number right now to inform him their firewall has been breached. The property will be flooded with thugs soon. I suggest you take down those two bodyguards with your bow and I’ll get us in and out,” he explained, stepping aside as his state-of-the- art vehicle- which he had operated with a remote- came to a stop in front of a dumbstruck Oliver Queen.

“What did you say your name was?”

“You can call me Batman, Green Tights,” responded Lex’s business partner, climbing into the batmobile.

“Arrow. Green Arrow,” Oliver corrected him.

“OK, Archer. Do your magic and step aside,” finished Gotham’s caped-crusader, sealing the door of his armoured vehicle.

“Getting orders from a flying rat,” mumbled Oliver, nocking an arrow with a tranquiliser.“I never thought I’d see the day,” he added, shooting at the bodyguard closer to the door. “Let the game begin.”


Disclaimer: Batman belongs to Bob Kane and DC Comics. No copyright infringement's intended.

6th March 2010, 03:57
geat update

6th March 2010, 11:17
thank you so much!!! hope you update soon!!!:yeahbaby:

6th March 2010, 15:53
Edge just needs to be taken out. He's ruined people long enough and we need to let the Luthors get back to being a family plus one.

Thanks for the new update!

6th March 2010, 18:02
EEK!! This is getting so exciting. Like a Batman episode. :D I can't wait to see how the rescue goes. Lex is so stupid. Chloe will have a fit when she finds out he held out on her. :P

7th March 2010, 01:35
Great chapter as always, I loved all the moments between the Chlex family :)

Bruce Wayne is always a great addition to any Chlex fic but I loved that you went a bit further and added in a Batman appearance too!

Kit Merlot
7th March 2010, 15:03
A very exciting chapter!

We had some beautiful CHlex moments, Chloe got to talk to her mom, and the beginnings of the Superfriends coming together to take down the bad guy--I love it:D

8th March 2010, 23:02
geat update

thank you so much!!! hope you update soon!!!:yeahbaby:

Thank you both, girls. I'm working on the following update. ;)

Edge just needs to be taken out. He's ruined people long enough and we need to let the Luthors get back to being a family plus one.

Thanks for the new update!

Edge should join the MB wherever he's residing now- probably with the guy wielding a pitchfork. :D

EEK!! This is getting so exciting. Like a Batman episode. :D I can't wait to see how the rescue goes. Lex is so stupid. Chloe will have a fit when she finds out he held out on her. :P

A Batman episode like the ones we used to watch on TV when we were young? Or something cooler? ROFL

Don't let Lex hear what you've called him... Cut the guy some slack. He's being his usual protective self. And yes, I'm sure Chloe will get pissed off when she finds out, and he knows it.

Great chapter as always, I loved all the moments between the Chlex family :)

Bruce Wayne is always a great addition to any Chlex fic but I loved that you went a bit further and added in a Batman appearance too!

Oh, I had to introduce a superhero I DO like and respect!

A very exciting chapter!

We had some beautiful CHlex moments, Chloe got to talk to her mom, and the beginnings of the Superfriends coming together to take down the bad guy--I love it:D

I'm glad you enjoyed the "cocktail". Hopefully things will get back on track soon for our favourite young new family.

10th March 2010, 08:41
Whew! I'm all caught up. Yay me!!!

Loving all of it so far. There is far too much for me to comment on catching up to this point, so I'll just say that I think you are doing a fabulous job and I can't wait for the next installment.

11th March 2010, 01:48
Whew! I'm all caught up. Yay me!!!

Loving all of it so far. There is far too much for me to comment on catching up to this point, so I'll just say that I think you are doing a fabulous job and I can't wait for the next installment.

Welcome back, Adele! I'm really happy to know you're enjoying this fic and appreciate that you took the time to leave me some feedback after catching up- don't worry about the length, it's enough to know you liked what you read.:blinkkiss

I'm writing Chapter 19 so, hopefully, there'll be an update soon.

Have a nice time catching up with the tons of stories you still have to read!

I'm crossing my fingers to get an update on HTC now that you're back.:grin3:

15th March 2010, 04:04
A/N: The rating of this instalment jumps to mild-R once again. Enjoy!

CHAPTER 19: The Other Side


It was eight o’clock in the evening and Lex was getting dressed for dinner when he received Bruce’s confirmation that the data had arrived safe and sound at Gotham’s DA office. It was the first time in weeks he was able to breathe relieved; just a few hours ago his contact at Metropolis PD had informed him that a van driven by the Green Arrow- holding Edge and the heads of Intergang from The Big Apricot in handcuffs- had parked in front of the central headquarters. In addition, a man known by both criminals and law-enforcers as the Batman had delivered the district attorney a message to contact his Gotham counterpart, who had all the necessary information to prosecute the Crime Lords. Edge and his band were now in custody awaiting arraignment to set bail, which the local DA hoped wouldn`t be granted.

Neither Clark nor Lana had been mentioned by the detective, but the news of their well-being came through another very vocal source- Lois Lane- who was still on her mobile phone giving the farm boy an earful after the dressing-down Oliver Queen had had to endure for having disappeared on her. Lex knew he himself would be next on the list and that he’d have to pacify her to be able to enjoy a quiet family dinner of three without going to bed with a gigantic headache. Chloe was setting the table now that his security had delivered the takeaway he’d ordered from his favourite Italian restaurant and Laurie was already in bed after having a meal earlier. He couldn’t wait for dinner to be over because, then, Lois would leave and he’d have Chloe all to himself to celebrate the removal of another hurdle on their road to happiness.

Lex was finishing buttoning up his shirt when a blood-curdling scream came from their daughter’s nursery, interrupting his musings. He barged into the girl’s room with his heart in his mouth half-expecting to find her hurt or gone- maybe kidnapped by one of Edge’s emissaries- only to find her sitting up on her bed amidst tears.

“Daddy!” she sobbed, flinging herself into his arms as he sat down.

“It’s OK, honey,” he whispered in her ear, feeling the pricking of tears behind his eyelids on being called by the name he’d been yearning to hear on her lips. “It was just a bad dream. You’re safe,” he added huskily as she clung to him. “Daddy’s here, Laurie,” he told her, brushing her long golden hair with soothing fingers as she leant her head on his shoulder.“No one’ll hurt you,” he tightened his embrace, revelling in the feel of his baby’s small frame in his arms.

Chloe stood at the door of the nursery fighting back the tears which were threatening to spill. Who could mistake this amorous father so desperate to be loved by his baby for the monster Lionel Luthor had been? If only the world could see Lex the way she did. If only they could learn to understand him and see in him the man he could be- the man he was- instead of the man they expected him to be because of the surname he bore.

“I’m afraid of the clown. What if he comes for me?” Laurie hiccupped, her voice muffled by his blue dress shirt.

“That clown won’t come to get you because he isn’t real. I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep, OK?” he comforted her.

“Chlo`” murmured Lois, who had witnessed the whole scene standing in silence behind her baby cousin.

Chloe nodded with a small smile, understanding Lois’ gentle nudge to leave father and daughter alone.

Back in the kitchen both cousins worked plating the food in an unusually companionable silence.

“He adores that kid,” said the eldest woman after a while.

“You sound surprised,” replied Chloe with a hint of accusation in her voice.

“You haven’t been around to see him these past three years, Chlo’. You wouldn`t blame me for having my reservations if you’d been there to witness some of the things he did. It was starting to get very difficult to tell him from the old bastard.”

“He’s ashamed of a lot of things he’s done. I just wish people would give him a chance. He’s a good man, Lo’,” said Chloe, taking the cutlery from the top drawer.

“I`ve got to admit that hanging out with you guys these days has let me discover a different side to Lex. You’re good for him. Maybe it was losing you what pushed him down the dark path. It must be scary... for you, I mean. I don’t know if I’d be able to handle being someone’s everything. He`s always looked so... I can’t find the word to define him... “

“Unflappable? Self-sufficient? “ suggested Chloe with a small smile.

“Yeah. He always gave me the impression of not needing anyone.”

“Smoke and mirrors. But don’t you say that to him,” chuckled the blonde cousin.

“What am I not supposed to be told?” Lex butted in, grabbing a bottle from the wine rack.

“You aren’t the only guy in the universe, Luthor,” replied Lois, filling a basket with an assortment of spice-flavoured breadsticks.

“Speak for yourself, Lois,” smirked the billionaire, shooting a meaningful glance at Chloe.

“God, he’ll get a head as big as the Sharks Stadium if you let him, cuz!” exclaimed the General’s daughter, noticing the sudden blush on Chloe’s cheeks as she feigned being busy fetching the glasses.

“For all your independence, Lois, I’m sure you’re yearning to be someone’s ‘universe’ as you put it,” said Lex, uncorking the wine.

“Speaking of which, what was that about Clark and you?” asked Chloe, munching on a breadstick and looking at Lex with amusement when he cocked an eyebrow.

“Smallville and I?” frowned the brunette. “There’s no Clark and I. I can’t stand the guy. We keep fighting all the time. He’s a real pain in the butt,” she shook her head, taking the crockery and the place mats to lay the table. “Where in heaven’s name did you get that crazy idea from?”

“Well, it must have been something you said to Queen on the phone,” shrugged the youngest cousin.

“Me thinks the lady protests too much. Don’t you agree, Chloe? Or are you afraid of the competition, Lois?” added a poker-faced Lex, taking a sip of Chardonnay.

“You shut up, Luthor!” glared Lois, coming back to the kitchen.

“Competition?” echoed Chloe, knitting her eyebrows as she feigned ignorance. “Oooh, right! Lana Lang.”

“And you, Chloe, you should know better than to eavesdrop,” she told her baby cousin.

“Eavesdrop? I’d be surprised if the man at reception didn’t hear you give Queen and Clark a dressing-down,” chuckled Chloe.

“Say, Lois, weren’t you and Queen an item?” Lex cut in.

“Luthor,” replied Lois menacingly, “if you`d like to give the apple of your eyes a little sister or brother- and I saw you, Chlo’- I suggest you stop laughing at my expense. I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to distract me so that I forget to ask you why you two took the one-sided decision not to inform me what you were planning to do about Edge. “

“Lo’, we were just trying to keep the people involved to a minimum in case something went wrong. Enough innocent people had got hurt already,” responded Chloe.

“I’m a big girl; I don’t need protecting. Besides, we were talking about my family too. You’re the closest thing I have to a sister and Aunt Moira’s the only Mom I’ve known since my mother died, Chlo’. And Smallville... well... ”

“It’s OK, Lois, you can admit you like him,” said Chloe with a smile.

“You could do much worse than Clark Kent,” added Lex as they sat down at the table.

“You knew he’d play Lana’s knight in shining armour and you used him,” Lois told him accusingly.

“He offered himself. Even if I hadn’t paved the way for him to get the device, he’d have stepped in to save the day, and deep down you know it, Lois. If you want to blame someone for putting him at risk, blame Edge and Clark`s own nature- I simply seized the opportunity. And, by the way, if I didn’t care about him, I wouldn’t have made sure he had someone to cover his back at all times,” replied the billionaire. “You seem to forget we were best friends once and- what’s more, he’s Martha’s son- and Senator Kent’s been nothing but kind to me ever since I came to Smallville. Her son and I might have our differences, but she means a lot to me... and Chloe. She was the only one that knew about us back in Smallville and never judged us. Her words and advice helped me a lot after the safe house explosion.”

“Martha’s a great woman,” agreed Lois. “He’s one lucky guy to have such a cool mom.”

“He certainly is,” said Lex. “I know you meant well when you started digging into the Edge affair, Lois. But the situation demanded a cold-headed approach to minimise the damage.”

“Afraid I was going to turn into a loose cannon? You should have told me anyway. I hate not being kept in the loop,” grumbled Lois.

“Truce?” asked Chloe, squeezing her eldest cousin’s hand.

“Only because I wouldn’t like to leave Pooh’s fan an orphan. Now how about serving me a double portion of lasagne with extra cheese to appease my hidden warrior?” replied Lois, unfolding the napkin on her lap.

Their first family dinner went quite well after the initial tension, and Chloe was happy both her cousin and Lex were doing their best to reach a compromise for her sake. Although she was just starting to reacquaint herself with Lois, Chloe felt a strong sisterly affection towards her, and the thought of having to choose between the General’s daughter and Lex was simply too painful.

Talks of Laurie virtually monopolised their conversation; the little girl once again proved to be the Heaven-sent angel who might heal the slights Lex had been submitted to by the prejudiced world that had never been able to see beyond his name. Laurie had been God’s blessing for Chloe at a time when the blonde reporter had lost everything, and the girl was now the blessing Lex needed to be the man Chloe knew he could be.

Lois was just a speck of dust in the hostile world that was Lex’s; however, seeing the brunette warming up to him gave Chloe hope and added to her joy. Even though she wouldn’t mind living with Lex and Laurie forever in their small loving cocoon, she knew the little hurt boy who inhabited behind his mask craved human affection and acceptance; he might believe Laurie`s love and hers was enough but Chloe wanted him to have a loving safe net in case something ever happened to them. Lex needed friends now more than ever after making himself vulnerable by opening his heart to let her and their baby in.

It was past midnight when Chloe closed the front door having seen Lois to the lift. Lex had finished loading the dishwasher and was sitting in his favourite armchair savouring the last dregs of bourbon from his snifter with the lights of the living room now dimmed.

“Exhausting, isn’t she?” smirked he as she kicked off her shoes and crossed the Aubosson carpet to sit on his lap with a sigh.

“It felt like defusing a bomb,“ she chuckled when he nuzzled her neck. “Thanks for being so patient.”

“Anything to make you happy and have you all to myself before sunrise,“ he smiled, sliding down the strap of her dress and pressing a kiss on her shoulder.

“Oh, Lex Luthor and his secret agendas!” she murmured, starting to undo the buttons of his dress shirt.

“I got the impression you were counting the minutes too,” he tugged at her earlobe, letting his hands slide up her thighs as he bunched up her knee-length purple dress to reveal a very sexy pair of black lace knickers. “Tell me it was your foot that played with my leg and a distinct part of my anatomy under the table and not that your cousin was hitting on me,” he nibbled at her lower lip.

“You got me,” she replied mischievously, rearranging her legs to straddle him. “Now, the question is...” she cocked an eyebrow as she untucked the shirt out of his trousers and leant forward to splay her hands over his chest and bring their mouths closer again,”... are you too tired for a little entert..”

The taunting question died on her lips as he cupped the back of her head and drew her instantly to his mouth. She opened to the passionate onslaught of his tongue and responded in fashion, meeting him stroke for stroke. Soon she found her dress had somehow ended up bunched around her hips and that Lex’s dexterous fingers had unclasped her matching strapless bra to have better access to her luscious curves.

“You were saying?” he murmured huskily, peppering kisses on her breasts and avoiding the pebbled peaks which were yearning to be suckled.

“You’re mean,” she gasped when his lips made a sudden detour and, instead of attending to her straining nipples, they brushed the underside of her heavy breasts.

“Payback for putting me in this state when you knew Lois wouldn’t leave until after dessert,” he replied as he brought the evidence of his arousal in contact with her now damp panties. “Didn’t you wonder why I didn’t do the gentlemanly thing and just remained seated when Lois got up to leave?”

“And me that thought you just wanted to piss her off,” she panted, rocking her hips gently to get some friction on her still clad bundle of nerves. “Lex,” she moaned when he slipped off her lacy lingerie and his expert hands tended to her.

“You’re beautiful like this, Chloe. Passionate and uninhibited only in my arms,” he murmured next to her lips.”Don’t be afraid to let go, baby,” he told her, hearing her laboured breathing and feeling her flutter around his fingers.

“Laurie,” she choked, trying to stave off her climax but too far gone to stop his intimate caresses.

“Let go, Chloe. I’ve got you,” he encouraged her, leaning forward to press his mouth against hers in time to swallow her powerful release.

“It’s not fair,” she said breathless a few moments afterwards as her feminine core still fluttered seeking in vain to keep him enveloped in her warmth. “Why am I the only one who’s virtually nude?”

“Logistics?” he smirked.

“You don’t need to be always the selfless one, Lex,” she told him, realising he’d kept his trousers on to delay his satisfaction and take care of hers first. “We’ll have to do something about this soon,” she smiled, brushing his crotch as she unbuckled his belt to start working on his zipper.

“We’d better move this to the bedroom,” he said huskily, stopping her hand before she could touch him more intimately and put a sudden end to what he hoped would be a celebration of their first giant step towards deliverance.

“Yes, you’re right,” she agreed, scrambling off his lap to pull up her dress and cover up her nakedness. Karen Fairchild would have never got blind by desire and be so risqué as to make love in an armchair. What would they have done if Laurie had woken up after a nightmare and sought them out?

“Chloe,” he murmured, noticing the blush on her cheeks as he stood up with the discarded blue dress shirt in his hands.

“God, I never lose my head this way,” she said shakily, raking her fingers through her hair.

“That isn’t true, Chloe. This is you. This is us. We’ll just have to remember we’re three now,” he cupped her cheek before pressing a soft kiss on her lips.

“I love you, Lex,” she told him when he closed the door of his bedroom.”Did I use to say it aloud?” she asked him when he stopped in front of her.

“We were too afraid of the farewell to say the words aloud,” he replied.

“I never told you I loved you?” she said appalled.

“I didn’t confess my feelings until our last time together either, Chloe, so don’t beat yourself about it.”

“Don’t try to make me feel better, Lex.”

“I’m not...”

“Yes, you are. “

“Chloe, there were extenuating circumst....”

“Well, to hell with them,” she snapped, putting her fingers on his lips to stop him from completing the sentence. “I’ll have to compensate you for all those times I didn’t tell you how much I love you,” she added, standing on tiptoe to brush her lips against his as she released the hold on her dress and it pooled around her feet.

“That is something I could get used to,” he smiled, deepening the kiss she initiated. “Chloe,” he said in a raspy voice as she helped him shimmy out of his trousers and boxers.

“I love you, Lex,” she repeated when he picked her up effortlessly and she wrapped her legs round his middle.

He laid her gently on the king-sized bed and let out a strangled moan as gravity pulled him a couple of centimetres into Chloe’s warm and tight glove. She looked into his stormy blue grey eyes and saw the internal struggle he was wielding to keep his darker half at bay. Every time they’d made love since their reunion he’d been nothing but tender and gentle with her, but Chloe had always noticed he fought for restraint as if he were afraid of hurting her or of scaring her away. She loved him for it and still, yearned for Lex to share all of him with her and that included embracing that part which had tormented him for years.

“This is for you, Lex. Let me love you, all of you,” she told him, lifting her hips off the mattress a little bit to bring him deeper. “Don’t hold back.”

He replied with a couple of short and tentative pushes into her clinging channel to find the angle that would give her the most pleasure. And when he did, he held her gaze to ascertain this was really what she wanted.

”Don’t be afraid to let me love you, the whole of you. I won’t break, and I have no intention of leaving your side,” she murmured, looking into his eyes as she responded with an eager rocking of her hips. “We`ve come to stay, Lex. You won’t scare me away. You asked me to let go just a few minutes ago. Now it’s your turn.”

And he did. He poured into their coming together all the love and passion he had bottled up inside not to frighten her with his overwhelming feelings and his neediness. And as he came undone and she reached the second peak of the night, he shed the final plate of his armour.

“Marry me,” he croaked reluctant to leave her warmth. “It’s OK. You don’t have to answer now,” he added when the silence dragged on. “I’m sorry, Chloe. God, did I hurt you?” he asked with panic in his voice as he saw two big tears roll down her cheeks.

“Yes,” she gasped. “Don’t...” she stopped him when he started to pull away and she noticed the look of self-loath in his expressive eyes. “You didn’t hurt me, Lex. I meant my answer to your proposal is yes,” she smiled, cupping his cheek and feeling him immediately relax.

“Are you sure? Maybe I’ve been selfish to pop the question all of a sudden. Believe me, there’s nothing in this world I want more than for us to be married- it`s what I’ve wanted ever since that summer and was the one thing I couldn`t offer you then. But I don’t want to rush you into anything, Chloe. There are people who think of me in much the same way they thought of my father and their feelings invariably end up reflected on those closest to me. I’d hate for you and Laurie to get hurt because of me. I’m not an easy person to live with and I wouldn’t like you to feel pressured to tie yourself to me out of some misguided belief you owe me anything.”

“I’m not a romantic fool. I know living in your world won’t be a bed of roses and that we’ll fight over many things. I’m sure us being married will be anything but boring,” she chuckled, drawing a smile out of him.

“I count on it. We’ll wait until this business is officially over and then we`ll make the arrangements. I’ll give you carte blanche. I’m sure your mother will like to help and you can even involve Lois if you want.”

“OK, but you have to promise me you won’t kill each other before the wedding. I need my groom and, at least, a bridesmaid to make it to the altar,” she laughed good-humouredly. “Do you think they’ll refuse them bail?” she asked, veering the conversation after he rolled them on their side not to crush her under his weight.

“The arraignment’s on Monday. The judge who’s been appointed has a reputation for being incorruptible, according to Bruce. We’re optimistic. The evidence presented is over-whelming and sending such big sharks to prison can make many people’s careers.”

“I cannot wait for this thing to be over. I’m tired of hiding. Don’t get me wrong... I’m enjoying certain perks,” she smiled seductively, sliding one of her legs along his thigh and feeling the sparks starting to ignite once again as she taunted him with a tentative pump.

“Why am I getting the feeling you’re only interested in my body?” he smirked, rolling on his back.

“We`ve got to catch up on the three years we lost. And... I enjoy being shallow from time to time, love discovering new ways to have you remove your shirt so I can see the shapely arms and abs you work so hard for at that gym of yours. I love knowing I’m the only one that gets to see them,” she purred into his ear, stretching her body on top of his and rubbing the sensitive tips of her breasts against his chest.

“And I’m the one people refer to as possessive?” he moaned, pressing a trail of warm kisses along the column of her throat and sliding both of his hands under her buttocks to encourage and guide her.

“I love possessive you. I think it’s sexy and tender when it’s triggered by your instinct to protect me and Laurie.”

“Well, I like your possessiveness too. It means no one’s managed to lure you away from me,” he murmured against her lips.

“It’s nice to be the centre of someone’s universe for a change, isn’t it?” she replied, pressing a few short kisses on his lips.

“Yes, it is,” he said, cupping the back of her head and devouring her in a hungry kiss.


15th March 2010, 06:32
Hot dayum! The latest chapter was amazing and HOT!! Love the new update and can't wait to see if Edge & his cronies go to jail. Thanks for the new chapter, Lexie!! :D

15th March 2010, 16:14
I love, love, love this chapter. :D She finally called him DADDY!! I am so happy. :D Lois is warming up to him. The world has truely ended. :rofl: The mut was :drool2: nice..... I can't wait for the wedding and Lex telling her about her powers. I am sure there will be fireworks when that happens. :P

Kit Merlot
15th March 2010, 17:20
Ah yes, a lovely little Chlex interlude:D

The family moments were just adorable and good for Lois for giving Lex a chance, and the Chlex "alone time" was rather sexy as well;)

15th March 2010, 20:27
Yay - I finally caught up on this story :)

Well, you know I love this fic, lexie, it never fails to entertain!

Love how Bruce/Batman came to back up Oliver, much to the Green Arrows surprise, and that Edge might finally be dealt with for good.

The Chlex was, of course, the very best part. You write their intimate moments very beautifully. I do not care for too much smut and graphic sex descriptions, you make it all about the love and passion - very romance novelish ;)

Can't wait to see what comes next!

15th March 2010, 23:14
Loved the new part of your fic! Enjoyed the back and forth with Lois as well as the fatherly scene. Of course, we know Chlex is always hot, but you write those scenes well. Continued good work.

16th March 2010, 03:48
Lex is just a yummy piece of chocolatey goodness. I love it!:grin3:

16th March 2010, 20:58
Hot dayum! The latest chapter was amazing and HOT!! Love the new update and can't wait to see if Edge & his cronies go to jail. Thanks for the new chapter, Lexie!! :D

Hopefully, they will get what they deserve and very soon. Our favourite couple needs some peace and quiet.

I love, love, love this chapter. :D She finally called him DADDY!! I am so happy. Lois is warming up to him. The world has truely ended. :rofl: The mut was :drool2: nice..... I can't wait for the wedding and Lex telling her about her powers. I am sure there will be fireworks when that happens. :P

I knew you would be jumping up and down with Laurie's intervention in this chapter. And I agree, Armageddon must be round the corner now that Lois is softening in her rapport with Lex.

I'm glad you liked the intimate moment at the end of the chapter. As regards the revelation of Chloe's powers, it will come eventually...

Ah yes, a lovely little Chlex interlude:D

The family moments were just adorable and good for Lois for giving Lex a chance, and the Chlex "alone time" was rather sexy as well;)

Glad you like this version of Lois and approve of her treatment of Lex. And the Chlex alone time was meant to be sexy and significant so I'm happy you felt it that way.

Yay - I finally caught up on this story.

Well, you know I love this fic, lexie, it never fails to entertain!

Love how Bruce/Batman came to back up Oliver, much to the Green Arrows surprise, and that Edge might finally be dealt with for good.

The Chlex was, of course, the very best part. You write their intimate moments very beautifully. I do not care for too much smut and graphic sex descriptions, you make it all about the love and passion - very romance novelish ;)

Can't wait to see what comes next!

It's nice to see you enjoying and commenting on one of my fics, Ultra. :D Your words about the Chlex intimate moments mean a great deal to me because I don 't usually include bedroom scenes and, when I do, I always strive to make them meaningful and organic to the development of the story. I see my intimate scenes not as smut but as love scenes so I'm pleased you could tell the difference and that you found them in good taste.

As regards the plot, it's nice to know you find both the romance and the action/adventure element entertaining.

Loved the new part of your fic! Enjoyed the back and forth with Lois as well as the fatherly scene. Of course, we know Chlex is always hot, but you write those scenes well. Continued good work.

The sparks and the passion between these two characters has always been there for everyone to see. Unfortunately, TPTB chose to ignore the explosive potential of this pairing. It doesn't take much to make them look hot together but I appreciate you saying I'm handling their intimacy so well.

Lex is just a yummy piece of chocolatey goodness. I love it!:grin3:

I'm crazy about chocolate. A shame I cannot eat it any more. Luckily, I didn't have to give up Lex too.

17th March 2010, 03:53
Aww Lex comforting his daughter and Laurie calling him Daddy was so sweet.

19th March 2010, 02:54
Aww Lex comforting his daughter and Laurie calling him Daddy was so sweet.

Thanks, darling. I'm happy you keep enjoying their bonding.

By the way, guys, I'm already working on the following chapter. I think you'll like it, Hope; it'll include something you've been waiting for, but I'm not saying what exactly. :grin3:

19th March 2010, 20:27
Great chapter, I loved that Laurie finally called him Daddy and that Chloe and Lois were there to witness the very sweet moment between father and daughter. It's great that Lois is warming up to Lex a bit, it would be great to see this fic end with him surrounded by and part of a real extended family, or at least with the potential to get there someday.

20th March 2010, 02:25
Amazing chapters!!!!!

Love the banter between Green Arrow and Batman. It was like watching an episode of JL/JLU. And you know how much I love JL/JLU!!!

Awww, Laurie called him daddy!!! Just too sweet!!!

Much love to the family dinner. Lois opening up to Lex and of course Chloe and Lex teasing Lois aobut Clark and Oliver.

I second Esther's Hot dayum!!! That was freaking hot!!! And to top it of, a proposal!!!

Can't wait for more!!

20th March 2010, 07:43
It's great that Lois is warming up to Lex a bit, it would be great to see this fic end with him surrounded by and part of a real extended family, or at least with the potential to get there someday.

Oh, well, you know me by now! I love happy endings or at least giving our beloved Lex hope. My multi-chaptered fics tend to strive towards that so you can trust I'll do my best to sow those seeds and pave the way for Chlex to have a chance at happiness in their future.

Love the banter between Green Arrow and Batman. It was like watching an episode of JL/JLU. And you know how much I love JL/JLU!!!

Oh, so do I! I love JL/JLU way more than the last seasons of this crappy show.And the bonus? We get Michael and his Flash! :D

I second Esther's Hot dayum!!! That was freaking hot!!! And to top it of, a proposal!!!

Can't wait for more!!

Next time, I'll hand out free fans to deal with it- air conditioning would be too much considering my fairly tame smut. LOL There's more fic on the way.

24th March 2010, 06:41
A/N: Here's a new chapter with Chlex, more bonding and a bit of action.

By the way, I'd like to thank Rocío aka purplemoon123 once again for the beautiful banner she came up with after reading my one-shot "Undercover Warrior" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7536). Check out the thread once again to enjoy her beautiful manip.

Now, on with the chapter.

CHAPTER 20: Trials and Miracles


After a quiet family weekend to help Moira get used to her new environment, Chloe and Lex prepared themselves for what they hoped would be the last step towards deliverance. Edge and his local accomplices appeared in court around nine o’clock on Monday morning, attracting the interest of the leading newspapers and TV stations from Metropolis and the most important cities in America. Judge Marcovich presided over the arraignment session and announced his verdict at midday, forty-five minutes after finishing hearing the DA and the Crime Lord’s lawyers. When the gavel came down sealing the magistrate’s decision to refuse bail, the tense silence which had seized the court was broken by both expletives and hurrahs while the cameras flashed snapping pictures of the defendants as they were taken into custody again before veering towards LuthorCorp’s CEO and his blonde companion to register their reaction.

Chloe’s joyful relief translated into an emotionally tearful display as she leant against Lex and let herself be wrapped in his arms under the attentive look of Clark Kent and Oliver Queen, who had witnessed the legal proceedings sitting on a bench on the other side of the courtroom. Now they only had to wait for Bruce to make his promised phone call once the arraignment of the Intergang’s leaders in Gotham was over and a date was set for the federal trial.

On their way out of the courtroom the young couple was assailed by several hotshot reporters covering the exclusive. Lex talked briefly with them saying they had no comment for the time being and that LuthorCorp’s PR department would release a statement for the press in the evening. Although Lex and his corporation had quite a lot to gain in terms of money and public image from their involvement in the arrest and prosecution of some of the most sought-after criminals in America, the young tycoon couldn’t care less at the moment. His main concern was to get his family away from the spotlight and start to make arrangements for their future together.

Clark observed his two former best friends at a distance as they walked down the front stairs of the courthouse flanked by a couple of bodyguards. He still found it difficult to get used to the idea that they were an item, that they had loved each other for so long... and that they had a child. The news that Chloe’s little girl wasn’t Fairchild’s offspring but Lex’s had come out of Lois’s mouth during their first face-to-face meeting on the farm, following their fallout over the phone. Martha had had to act as a mediator between the two when the General’s daughter arrived to deliver a research she’d done for the senator. Even though the older woman had noticed the unusual tension in their rapport immediately, she had also discovered something which made her mother’s heart warm; there was something more in the air which had always crackled with energy around them. Maybe the memory of Lana Lang and her ghost would be put to rest once and for all. What’s more, Martha’s sixth sense told her Lois knew something about Clark’s secret and yet, for once, Jonathan’s widow didn’t feel threatened by that suspicion. Maybe it was time Clark shared his gift and his burden with someone else.

“Let’s get away from this circus,” murmured Lex with his arm around Chloe’s waist, reaching the side of the limo, where Laurie and Moira were waiting for them.

“I hate admitting it, Clark, but they do look good together,” said Oliver, standing next to the farm boy and seeing Lex turn around to meet both their gazes.“And the bastard seems to love her,” he added as Lionel’s first born nodded at both superheroes in thankful acknowledgement. “A big part of me has trouble believing it but, maybe it takes the love of a good woman to redeem a man raised by a monster.”

“I just hope you aren’t wrong, Oliver. And pray nothing happens to her or their girl. Because, if he does love them as deep as he hates, we’ll be in big trouble,” replied Clark when Lex opened the back door to help Chloe get in.

“Lex!” screamed Chloe.

No sooner had the words left Clark’s mouth than a commotion broke out on the pavement in front of the courthouse. Oliver looked at the spot next to him to see Clark gone amidst the shouts and the chaos that erupted when Luthor’s bodyguards closed their ranks and, taking their automatics from their holsters, started shooting in the direction of the tall building across the street. Queen cursed the shortcomings of being a human; there was nothing he could do without his equipment. He tried to assess the situation, see if there was anyone down; however, Lex’s security men were doing a damn good job blocking the view.

“Lex,” cried Chloe, seeing the blood which was beginning to soak his white shirt.

“Get in the limo, Chloe,” he told her, pushing her into the bullet-proof vehicle and ordering his chauffeur to drive away.

“God, Lex!” sobbed the blonde reporter, unbuttoning his shirt with shaky fingers.

“Are you OK?” he asked quietly, touching her bloodied blouse.

“I’m fine but,” she replied, knowing full well she might have been the one bleeding if it hadn’t been for his quick reflexes and the way he had sheltered her with his own body,” you...” she added with trembling lips and tear-rimmed eyes while she pressed her fingers against the wound to his right flank.

“Don’t cry, Laurie. Daddy’ll be fine,” he told their daughter, who tried to scramble off her grandmother’s lap.

“Take this,” said Moira, starting to undo the buttons of her own shirt.


“Just do it, Chlo’. There isn’t much in this limo that can be used to stop the haemorrhage,” insisted Moira, putting her jacket back on. “Thomas, pull over,” she said to the chauffer through the intercom. “My granddaughter and I will travel in the front,” she ordered the chauffeur.

“What?” gasped Chloe, looking at her mother oddly and increasing the pressure on Lex’s wound.

“Tell Laurie everything will be all right, Chlo`,” whispered Moira.

“Everything will be all right, sweetheart,” Chloe found herself saying.

“Go with your grandma,” added Mrs Sullivan.

“Go with your grandma,” said Gabe’s only daughter.

“Chlo’, sweetheart, I love you,” she told her, cupping her cheek gently. “Everything will be all right, “ smiled Moira stepping out of the limo and walking around it to sit next to Thomas who, thanks to the glass partition being up, wasn’t aware of the state of affairs at the back. “Hi, Thomas. Working for your boss must be quite an adventure.”

“Grandma Moira?” sobbed Laurie. “Is daddy going to die?”

“Did any of the projectiles injure Mr Luthor?” asked the chauffeur concerned.

“Nothing serious. Your boss is a very lucky man. Daddy’ll be all right, Laurie. It was just a scratch,” said Moira calmly, kissing the crown of her head and holding her tight. “Mommy will fix him. You’ll see,” she murmured.

“Should I drive you to the mansion as planned?”

“Yes. I’m sure Mr Luthor will ask his own physician to make a house call once we get there. We’ll all need the peace and quiet of the countryside after today.”

“Lex,” whimpered Chloe. “Lex, don’t..” she said frantically when he suddenly fainted in her arms. “God, Lex,” she cried amidst tears, rocking his immobile body and throwing away her mother`s blood-soaked shirt to put direct pressure on the bullet orifices with her own hands. “Don’t you dare leave us. Not now,” she begged, pressing her lips on his forehead.

And it was amongst tears, sobs and words of love and desperation that a miracle happened in the back seat of the Luthors’ limousine.


“How dare you two keep me in the dark?” shouted Lois Lane, slamming the lift door and barging into the flat.

“Good evening, Lois,” said Oliver, raising his can of beer in salute. “Clark, why don’t you fetch her one?”

“I’d better bring another six pack, “ mumbled Clark. “It’ll be a long evening.”

“How come I had to hear the news of the shooting when I turned on the television? You were there for Christ’s sake, didn’t you think I’d be interested to know what had happened to my own freaking cousin and her family... MY family?!” exploded the General’s daughter.

“Lois,” said Clark, opening the beer and walking towards her.

“Don’t you ‘Lois’ me, Smallville. I have more right than you two to be involved in this.”

”Nobody’s hurt.”

“Chloe hasn’t been picking up my calls and Luthor’s cell has kept diverting the ones I’ve made him to his damn voicemail. How was I supposed to know they were OK if neither of you dimwits had the decency to pick up a phone and tell me?” she glared, snatching the can from the farm boy’s hand and taking a big gulp. “So, you’d better start speaking. I’ve been to every hospital and clinic in Metro, even call the damn Morgue. Where the hell are they?”

“They’re in Smallville,” Oliver butted in.

“Smallville? “ she frowned.

“Mom called,” explained Clark. “She said she got a call from the mansion asking her to deliver some produce in the morning now that the master and his family are back home.”

“Geez, I’m going to throttle cue ball. He promised he’d call as soon as the arraignment was over,” she hissed, taking her mobile out of her pocket. “Do you remember the mansion’s number, Smallville?”

“He’s changed his private number several times. I really wouldn’t know.”

“Stalkers, right? Never mind. I’ll phone your mother,” she shook her head, dialling the Kents` phone number. “Hi, Mrs K?” she smiled.

“Lois, would you join us for a pizza? Double cheese?” suggested Oliver.

“Oliver,” hissed Clark under his breath.

“Do you happen to have Lex’s phone at the mansion, Mrs K? Great!”

“Cheer up, Clark. Let Lex handle her now,” smirked Queen. “Lois, we’re going out for a pizza. I’m leaving you a spare key. Leave it in the usual place when you show yourself out.”

“OK,” she said distractedly. “Yes, Mrs K, shoot.”

“Come on, Clark.“

“What about your equipment, Oliver?” murmured the farm boy as Queen opened the front door.

“We’ll have to make a stop at my office on the way. With your speed we can make it to Smallville in no time,” smiled the billionaire smugly.


Six hours had gone by since they climbed down the steps of the courthouse and he got two bullets from a sniper positioned somewhere in the building across the street, over five hours and a half since he lost consciousness in the limo to wake up in a daze a few minutes later and find Chloe comatose and he without a scathe. Had it not been for Moira’s cold head and her finally opening up to him about Chloe’s hidden powers, he would have gone mad on the spot. He had to give it to Gabe’s widow; she’d manoeuvred the situation in the limo in a fashion worthy of a Luthor.

Having got rid of his bloodied clothes and made Chloe as comfortable as possible to wait for her reawakening, he now looked at the slightly ashen-coloured blonde lying in his four-poster and raised his eyes to meet Moira’s across the room.

“You’d better not be playing me or I swear to God, Mrs Sullivan... “ he gritted in a moment of desperation, taking Chloe’s hand in his and leaning forward to press a kiss on her forehead. “She’s cold, damn it! Give me another blanket,” she spat at the older woman.

“Here,” said Moira, helping him to tuck Chloe in. “Lex,” she added calmly, lying a hand on his arm, ”we should better step out of the room to talk.”

“I’m not leaving her. And I don’t care if she hears us talk, maybe it’s exactly what she needs to bring her back.”

“I thought...”

“She isn’t like the others... She needs to know that... “ he cut her off.

“I’ve just put Laurie to bed, Lex. She needs her daddy to tell her everything’s fine. Go. Nature’s got to follow its course and there’s nothing we can do to hasten it. You CAN step out a few minutes, my daughter knows that she’s loved and that you will come back,” said Moira in a soothing voice.

“Are you trying to use your persuasive skills on me, Mrs Sullivan?” he cocked an eyebrow.

“Are they working?” she asked with a small smile.

“OK. You’re right,” he sighed. “I’ll be back,” he murmured close to Chloe’s ear as he kissed her cheek and moved towards the door.

Walking quietly into Laura’s room, Lex found her curled up in a small tight ball in her new bed and clutching at the teddy bear he had bought for her as a present. He berated himself for having put his own selfish needs first; she was as important to him, as loved as Chloe was, and she was suffering just like him, wondering what was wrong with her mum and if she’d lose yet another person in her young life. Lex remembered all those times when he’d been kept in the dark about Lillian’s illness, when he had been either consciously or unconsciously forgotten by his own father, and experienced a sudden clench in his gut. He wanted so much for his little girl to love him and to show her how much she meant to him.

“Laurie, “ he murmured, sitting on the edge of her bed and combing her golden hair with his fingers. “Laurie, baby, will you forgive me?” he added in a slightly shaky voice when he saw her teary deep emerald eyes.”What do you need?” he asked her when she stretched out an arm and grabbed his clean shirt near his waist.

“I want to look,” she sniffled, trying to untuck it out of his trousers.

“OK,” he replied calmly, complying with her wishes and pulling up the shirt so she could see and touch.

“Does it hurt?” she asked, touching the already fading bruise just a couple of centimetres away from his spleen, the place where two bullets had pierced his flesh to exit through his back- only there were no traces of any projectiles having hit him.

“Not really,” he confessed, covering her small hand with his.

“Grandma says Mommy’s sleeping,” she went on hesitantly, and he immediately realised she was actually asking him a question.

“Mommy’s worn out, Laurie. She’s just resting to recover her energy,” he replied quietly, trying to give her as much of the truth as she could handle. “Would you like to kiss her goodnight?” he offered in an attempt to reassure her.

“It’s OK. She’s tired,” she answered, taking his word at face value. “Can I kiss her in the morning?”

“Sure, honey,” he smiled, revelling in her trust in him.”Are you ready for bed now?”

“Can you stay? Lexy Bear’s still a bit afraid,” she murmured, wiping her eyes.

“Of course I’ll stay. We have to make sure he feels safe, right?” he smirked, tucking her in and stretching out next to her.”You can both sleep tight now,” he said, kissing the girl’s brow.

“Night, daddy,” she yawned, snuggling down the sheets and closing her eyes.

Lex swallowed the big lump lodged in his throat as he looked at their baby and wondered how many more tests they’d be put through to prove they were finally ready to be together. He resisted the thought that assaulted him whenever he let his guard down, that maybe he would never be worthy enough to have these two women in his life- God couldn’t be so cruel as to snatch away from him the one chance to be happy because he’d had the misfortune of having been born a Luthor. Being Laura’s father and Chloe’s husband, the kind of parent and spouse Lionel had never been, was his last chance to prove everyone and himself that the apple could fall far from the tree.

It was seven o’clock in the evening when Lex left Laurie’s room and came across his butler in the corridor.

“Good evening, sir. I was on the way to inform you that Mr Wayne is on the line with some urgent business,” said Johnson in a hushed tone.

“Thanks. I’ll take the call in my study. Could you prepare something light for me and Mrs Sullivan? Bring two trays to the anteroom in half an hour,” he ordered the butler on the way to his den.

“Certainly, sir.”

Once in the study he walked to his glass and chrome desk and, taking a deep breath, picked up the receiver.


“Good evening, Lex. How’s everything going?”

“It seems neither God nor the Devil wants me yet,” he chuckled. “Chloe’s still in shock, but with her mom’s and our pampering I’m sure she’ll get over it soon. Johnson told me you had some urgent news to share with me.”

“Yes, it isn’t bad news. I just thought you might want to hear it as soon as possible. I’ve had lunch with Rache and her boss. They have a very strong case, Lex. Judge Reynolds refused to grant bail at today’s arraignment and the DA’s office believes the federal trial will start in a month’s time. In the meantime, the detainees have been packed off to Gotham’s high-security prison.”

“I got a call from the Metropolis Commissioner a couple of hours ago. It seems the sniper that shot us today wore a clown costume like the one Chloe saw in Star City when Edge made his first threat. The man’s boss is someone you Gotham citizens are very familiar with.”

“The Clown Prince of Crime,” sighed Bruce, pinching his nose.

“The Joker himself. It seems he’s been working for the mobster boss Salvatore Maroni. Maroni and Falcone,” explained Lex gravely, knowing the latter was responsible for the deaths of Bruce’s parents, ”were doing business with Edge and ... yes, my dad. Do you imagine what these guys could have done with the information Argus would have provided them with?”

“ I’m so sorry your young family got involved in this, Lex.”

“If there’s anyone to blame, that’d be my late father. By the way, the Metropolis DA has contacted Dent to inform him about the clown sniper.”

“I’ll phone Commissioner Gordon to see if they have already managed to arrest the Joker and his gang. For the time being, I suggest keeping a low profile and doubling your security, Lex. This psychopath at large is really dangerous.”

“Don’t worry, Bruce, I have that covered,” he smiled, knowing Boy Scout Clark and his friends would be on the alert making sure nothing happened to Chloe and by extension to her family- including their so-far enemy, Lex Luthor. “Thanks for calling. And keep me posted.”

“You’re welcome, my friend. Send your girls my regards. I hope to meet them once this ugly affair’s over. “

“I’ll pass your greetings on. Goodnight, Bruce,” finished Lex, hanging up only to get a new incoming call. “Miss Lane,” he answered, checking the caller ID.

“I thought your plan was to walk my baby cousin down the aisle, Lex,” replied the General’s daughter tersely.

“Meaning?” he asked with a poker face.

“For a wedding to happen there must be a bride and a... groom, and I’m seriously considering at least putting you in a cast, Luthor,” fumed the brunette.

“I’m sorry, Lois. I know I should have called you sooner. “

“You bet. Damn it, Lex! We aren’t exactly bosom buddies but we’ve been making an effort for Chloe and Laurie’s sake. They... and whether I like it or not... you are my family and I...” she stuttered.

“I get what you mean, Lois. There’s no need to include me in that ‘I love you’ you couldn’t utter, at least not yet,” he chuckled.

“That’ll be the day,” snorted Lois.

“Oh, you never know! You should know better than to underestimate my charms, Lane,” said Lex smugly.

“I prefer more rural charms.”

“Is that a confession, Lois? “ he cocked an eyebrow. “I thought you said we were seeing things that weren’t there.”

“I was talking generically, Luthor, You seem to forget I used to have a billionaire boyfriend.”

“Are you comparing me to Queen?”

“Oh, you’re all the same! Trying to prove who’s more macho and behaving like boys with expensive toys.”

“You might have gone out with him, but you don’t know him the way I do. It’s not all gold that glitters, Lois.”

“Nobody better than you to talk about appearances being deceptive. Oliver can be a pompous ass, I can give you that, but you’re also some piece of work, Lex. Still, I’m getting to know another side to you and I must confess... grudgingly, mind you, that I might come to ...”

“Like me?”

“Tolerate you. Let’s not exaggerate,” she huffed. “So how’s Chlo’? Can I talk to her?”

“She’s in bed, Lois. It’s been a very long and trying day for all of us.”

“I can’t imagine what she must have gone through today after everything that’s happened to her recently...”

“You have no idea,” murmured Lex, wondering what Lois’ reaction would have been if she had got her way and accompanied them to court.

“How’s Brainy?”

“Lois, my daughter happens to have a name.”

“It’s a term of endearment, Luthor. Jeez, aren’t we touchy! I love the girl, so don’t aim your gun at me.”

“I just don’t want you to refer to her as if she were some kind of freak. The fact that her IQ is higher than that of other children her age makes....”

“... your daddy’s heart burst. I know, I know. So... how is she?”

“A bit scared. She’s asleep now.”

“Poor baby... And Aunt Moira?”

“She’s been very ... motherly...”

“You’re surprised, aren’t you? After the way she abandoned her and Gabe. You know, I always knew she hadn’t wanted to leave.”

“After talking to her these last few days I’m starting to think the same.”

“Who would have thought it possible? You and I thinking the same thoughts,” laughed Lois.

“Now that would be really scary. Lois, as entertaining as this little chat’s been I still have to eat and your Aunt Moira must be waiting for me to start.”

“My stomach’s making some very funny noises, too.”

“Too much information, Lane.”

“Goodnight, Luthor. I’ll call in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Lois,” he smiled and hung up. “Well, that went quite well,” he said in a low voice, getting up from his swivel chair to head to the master bedroom, where he’d await Chloe’s awakening and what he was sure would be a very challenging session of verbal judo.


24th March 2010, 08:33
great update

Kit Merlot
24th March 2010, 17:42
A very exciting chapter!

Lex's getting shot was completely surprising, but Moira's helping Chloe to activate her meteor power was rather brilliant. And now Lex is going to get grilled by Ace Reporter Chloe SUllivan--I feel sorry for him:grin3:

24th March 2010, 22:02
Thank you for the story!!!! and for the update!!!
Hope you update soon!!!!
bye :blinkkiss

24th March 2010, 22:27
Great update!! :D So does Chloe now know she has this power? :p

25th March 2010, 03:56
Thank You!

I really love Laurie.

It was a wonderful way for Chloe to find out about her powers. But did her mother knew she was going to be able to save him?

I wonder if Lex would be able to thrust his mother-in-law enough not to call a doctor. But in the context it was an exceptional way to show how Lex has changed from the paranoid person he used to be.

The scene of Laurie wanting to touch him and telling him her bear was still scared was really something. I loved it. And I think that if he thinks Lois will be far away for a long time he’d better think again, but it’s a sweet way to show they are really trying to get along.

Smallville and Ollie will be there to find out about Chloe aren’t they?

Great job, as usual! Please update soon.

25th March 2010, 04:38
Oh, so do I! I love JL/JLU way more than the last seasons of this crappy show.And the bonus? We get Michael and his Flash!

I would happily trade this last seasons of SV for more JL/JLU!!! Especially if they would bring in Power Girl with the voice of Allison. (Yes, I admit I super squeed for B/S Public Enemies.) Mostly because Flash would so flirted with Power Girl.

Awww, sweetie you're making me blush!!!

What an exciting chapter!!!

Even though in the show I tend to hate Lois, Clark and Oliver, I loved their interaction between them. Lois just barreling on, Oliver taking it in stride and Clark caught between their personalities.

“Can you stay? Lexy Bear’s still a bit afraid,” she murmured, wiping her eyes

That is just so sweet.

I love the conversation between Lex and Lois. Their bantering was hilarious!!!

Can't wait for the verbal judo!!!

27th March 2010, 04:49
That was a very busy day for Lex and Chlex.

27th March 2010, 14:05
loved it! The fact that Chloe still has her powers is really cool.

28th March 2010, 23:17
great update

Thank you for the story!!!! and for the update!!!
Hope you update soon!!!!
bye :blinkkiss

Glad you're still enjoying it, girls.

A very exciting chapter!

Lex's getting shot was completely surprising, but Moira's helping Chloe to activate her meteor power was rather brilliant. And now Lex is going to get grilled by Ace Reporter Chloe SUllivan--I feel sorry for him:grin3:

It's very nice to know I've managed to surprise you, Kit. I don't like my plots to be that predictable. :D And yes, I thought having Moira "plot" to trigger Chloe's powers would be cool- well, maybe not trigger because she was sure of her daughter's feelings for Lex and what would happen given the circumstances. The idea of her leaving the two of them alone in the back was to protect Laurie from something she might not be able to handle at such a young age.

Great update!! :D So does Chloe now know she has this power? :p

We'll have to wait until she wakes up to see if she remembers something. ;)

Thank You!

I really love Laurie.

It was a wonderful way for Chloe to find out about her powers. But did her mother knew she was going to be able to save him?

I wonder if Lex would be able to thrust his mother-in-law enough not to call a doctor. But in the context it was an exceptional way to show how Lex has changed from the paranoid person he used to be.

I love my Laurie too. :) And yes, Moira definitely did know about her daughter's powers, she manoeuvred the whole scene to have her use them. The answer to this question will be further explored once Chloe wakes up.

It must have been difficult for Lex not to do what is in his nature. Either Moira's own powers played on his freakishness- after all he's also been affected by the meteor rocks or she gave him very goods reasons to believe in her or... We'll see.

The scene of Laurie wanting to touch him and telling him her bear was still scared was really something. I loved it. And I think that if he thinks Lois will be far away for a long time he’d better think again, but it’s a sweet way to show they are really trying to get along.

I love the conversation between Lex and Lois. Their bantering was hilarious!!!

Laurie/Lex's scene left ME a little teary-eyed and I'm having a nice time writing Lexis as usual. Lois is really fun to write; at least, my version of Lois. :D

Smallville and Ollie will be there to find out about Chloe aren’t they?

Clark and Oliver are on their way to cover the Luthors' back just in case the leaders of Intergang or the Joker try to attempt on their lives again. As to their finding out Chloe is comatose... I can't answer that one now.

Even though in the show I tend to hate Lois, Clark and Oliver, I loved their interaction between them. Lois just barreling on, Oliver taking it in stride and Clark caught between their personalities.

Clark I hardly ever include in my fics- the boy's so uninteresting when compared to Lex *yawns*. Lois is perhaps the one of the triangle I have a soft spot for, especially because I like Chloe having someone close who REALLY cares for her and is willing to do ANYTHING to protect her and see her happy. Oliver? Well, it's more than well-known what my opinion on the guy is. Still, with Lois in the room things get pretty exciting and fun to write- not that I'd ever write a Clois fic.

Can't wait for the verbal judo!!!

Neither can I, Rocío.

That was a very busy day for Lex and Chlex.

Their everyday life has always been interesting-even on the show. A lot more interesting than watching Clark baling hay in the barn. *giggles*

loved it! The fact that Chloe still has her powers is really cool.

I've always thought Chloe having some kind of meteor power is really cool and especially the one they decided to give her. Particularly when you compare it to the power Lex has- healing others as opposed to healing oneself. It was a real shame they ripped it off her. *glares*

By the way, guys, I've posted a short one-shot called "Last Time" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7568)- which you can read while you wait for a new update.:P

29th March 2010, 17:26
Great chapter. I really wasn't expecting Lex to get shot but I loved the whole outcome of it, the interaction between Moira, Chloe and Laurie in the back of the car, then Moira taking care of Laurie while Chloe used her powers on Lex and how Chloe's powers came out in that last part - the whole scene in the Limo was just brilliant.

As always, the scene between Lex and Laurie made me completely melt, those are always my favourite parts!

3rd April 2010, 18:01
Great chapter. I really wasn't expecting Lex to get shot but I loved the whole outcome of it, the interaction between Moira, Chloe and Laurie in the back of the car, then Moira taking care of Laurie while Chloe used her powers on Lex and how Chloe's powers came out in that last part - the whole scene in the Limo was just brilliant.

Well, now we know where Chloe's brilliance comes from, right? The limo scene wasn't planned by the way. I'd thought of the shooting and then realised it'd be the perfect time to drop the bomb on Chloe's lap so to speak.

As always, the scene between Lex and Laurie made me completely melt, those are always my favourite parts!

They're mine too as a writer- together with the Chlex loving, that is. :D

By the way,I'm working on the following chapter. I'm crossing my fingers to have something ready to post soon.

3rd April 2010, 19:34
I love this fic! I am so glad that Chloe was able to heal Lex, but does she know about her powers yet or did only her mother know. Lex was so cute reassuring Laurie that he is fine and her mother will be as well.
Lois was hilarious with Clark and Ollie, they should know better than to try to keep her in the dark when it comes to her family.
This was an excellent update, keep up the good work can't wait to see how this little chlex family keeps coming together.

4th April 2010, 00:47
I am so glad that Chloe was able to heal Lex, but does she know about her powers yet or did only her mother know.

This is one big question that's been bugging most of you and I promise it'll be answered in the following instalment.

Thanks for leaving me some feedback. It's truly appreciated and I'm glad to know you've enjoyed the story so far.

4th April 2010, 02:20
loving your fic, more soon please.

Cassandra Jean
4th April 2010, 07:40
Rally loved the update. Can not wait to see what happens once Chloe wakes up.

10th April 2010, 20:02
Thank you both. Sorry this update is taking me a little longer, but I'm feeling somewhat under the weather. I've got a good portion of the new chapter written though.

In the meantime, remember you can check out my latest one-shot, Last Time (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=254751#post254751).

11th April 2010, 16:35
i can't wait to read more!!!!

12th April 2010, 03:02
i love this story can't wait to you update story

13th April 2010, 02:10
A/N: Thanks for your feedback, zazou and cbrunberg; and I apologise for taking longer than usual to update.

If you haven't read it yet, don't forget to check out my latest one-shot- Last Time (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=254751#post254751).


CHAPTER 21: Resurrection


It was close to nine in the evening but the full moon was illuminating the fields like a giant lantern, a fact which made Clark and Oliver’s stakeout decisively uncomfortable because they had had to rely more on the characteristics of the terrain than their camouflage- and that meant having to lie on the muddy ground which was the only area hidden from the road. Oliver had convinced the farm boy to do without his trademark red jacket, which would have given them away since it stood out like a beacon, and was now enjoying the Kryptonian’s discomfiture.

“More pizza?” asked the Archer, eying the only piece left in the cardboard box.

“No, thanks. I don’t know how you can eat so much of that stuff now that it’s cold,” grimaced Clark.

“Well, one gets used to it. This is what a stakeout is like when you’re a regular guy trying to do something extraordinary. Not much to do except wait and drink weak coffee while eating a sandwich or something one can stash away,” Oliver explained, cleaning the tomato sauce off his fingers. “Too pedestrian for you, Clark?”

“I just think it’s silly to be waiting here when we could be closer,” fumed the farm boy.

“I know you could have slipped through the wrought-iron gates unnoticed but that would have left me outside because there’s no way in hell I would let myself be caught by Luthor men again. We’re here to watch Chloe’s back and her daughter’s, and I’m doing this for Lois.”

Clark felt the sudden urge to ask Oliver if there was still something there. Although Lois seemed to have put their affair behind, he had the impression Queen might want to rekindle the fire. The Kryptonian had to remind himself they weren’t deep in the mud to discuss their love lives and that their objective was to watch out for some whackos who wanted to punish Lex for helping break up the biggest crime syndicate in America- that meant not only the billionaire’s skin was at stake but that of Chloe and their innocent child’s.

“Why don’t you use your super vision to check out Chloe’s still in one piece? Somehow I don’t think our follicle-challenged nemesis will put a finger on her- even I can’t deny the guy’s besotted- but I can also tell you’re dying to leave my sorry ass freeze here while you break in to make sure,” sighed the Green Arrow.

“We’re here to protect their lives not to spy on them,” stated Clark grimly.

“Is that you speaking or is that something your parents would have said?” smirked the older man. “Could it be you’re afraid of what you’ll see? That the woman in there is no longer the girl you once knew and that she wants to be with him? Did she know?”

“What are you hinting at?” frowned Clark.

“Did she know your secret? I know you never shared it with Lana. Chloe sounds like a different kind of girl and, if she’s anything like Lois...”

“She’s never been as obnoxious as Lois,” he interrupted Oliver.

“I meant curious, Clark. Do you think she knows? Are you afraid she might tell him something?”

“You said he already knew.”

“I said he knew I was the Green Arrow and that he suspected you were special. I have a hunch he even knows something about your weakness. Still, I’m sure he’d love to have his suspicions corroborated- and what better way than to get the truth from the person he trusts and loves most in the world.”

“She’d never betray me,” murmured Clark.

“I got the impression you weren’t on the best of terms before she left town.”

“Don’t you think I know she might not be there if I had handled things differently? What do you suggest I do? That I barge in and kidnap her and their girl? One moment you try to stop me and the next you talk as if you wanted me to take her and the kid away.” glared Clark.

“I’m playing Devil’s Advocate, that’s all.”

“I think there’s something more than that. I don’t know what happened between you and Lex before I met you, Oliver, but I’m not planning to put Chloe and her baby in danger just so you can have your revenge. You’ll have to think of another way. You’re a businessman; play your battles with Lex in that arena. I have had my differences with him and our relationship’s suffered a great deal because of some of his decisions,” he spat, “and some of mine as well,” he added grudgingly. “However, I won’t let you bring more misery upon Chloe, Oliver. She doesn’t deserve it and God only knows what he’d do if she were snatched away from his side. There’s so much hurt a man can take and you know the kind of life he had with Lionel, Oliver. Lex is a sleeping tiger we should try never to rouse.”

“Does this mean we’ll forget about 33.1 and all those secret projects he’s been working on?” asked Oliver grimly.

“We’ll have to find out where he’s got that incriminating evidence that could send you to jail first and start thinking of alternative courses of action. I’m afraid sabotage through direct action is no longer an option now that he knows what to expect and what my vulnerability is. Let’s give him a truce until this is over- I owe him as much for having sent you to cover my back and Lana’s. We’ll see if this changed-man attitude is an act or if Chloe’s managed what we thought impossible these last few years. Now... tell me about that flying rat...”


Lex signed the last document on the rather thick pile he’d brought to the anteroom and then put down his Montblanc to stretch out a little and massage the coiled muscles of his neck and back. He took a sip of the now lukewarm coffee Moira had brought from the kitchen and he eyed his future mother-in-law as she dozed off in the armchair next to the four-poster. Had he not seen the love the older woman felt for his daughter in the way she behaved around Chloe, he wouldn’t have believed or trusted her to such an extent. This passivity of his was so unlike him that he wondered if his own freak nature hadn’t rendered him susceptible to Moira’s powers of persuasion.

He left the dossiers on the coffee table and got up from the armchair determined to make the call he’d been putting off; he couldn’t risk losing Chloe now that destiny had brought them together again. In the back of his mind there was another argument he’d put forward not to phone one of his 33.1 doctors to check Chloe over as soon as they’d arrived at the mansion; he resisted having anyone treat her as if she were a phenomenon. Lately, he had been questioning a lot of his past decisions concerning the biggest and most ambitious of his projects, and the unexpected revelation of Chloe’s own powers had brought everything closer to home. He’d have to make a decision soon concerning the future of 33.1 and its branches- the ones which had survived the infiltration performed by Queen and his gang.

“Mm,” moaned a nauseous Chloe, trying to sit up on the four-poster and falling back on the mattress.

“Chloe!” reacted Lex, rushing to the bed, relief patent in his voice.

“God, I feel as if I had fought twenty-five rounds and got pummelled by the other guy,” she mumbled. “Lex,” she added in a raspy voice, stretching out an arm to touch the left side of his abdomen,” is it really you?”

“Yes. Lie back, Chloe,” he replied softly, brushing off a couple of stray hairs and pushing her gently to lie on her back once again.

“There was... so much... blood,” she choked, feeling her eyes turn watery.”Are you sure... I’m not dreaming? How...? “ she babbled confused.

“I’m alive and well. You can see it by yourself,” he replied with a soft smile, leaning down to brush her lips with his. “Pinch me if you want,” he offered when she started to untuck his shirt in much the same way Laurie had done before her.

“Shouldn’t I be the one pinching herself?” she quipped. “How can this be possible? I... You had two bullet wounds... I tried to stop the haemorrhage with my own hands... I felt... You were bleeding to death...”

“Chloe!” interrupted Moira, leaving her armchair to sit down on the side of the bed opposite Lex. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?”

“Mom? I don’t know. I... It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she stammered with a speculative look in her eyes. “You were shot, weren’t you?” she asked Lex, frowning her brow.

“Yes, I was shot,” he confessed, swallowing the lump in his throat.“Chloe,” he murmured, taking her shaking hands in his when she looked at them with haunted eyes.

“What am I? This is the reason... you left, isn’t it? Because I’m... a freak,” she choked, turning to Moira with trembling lips.

“No, Chloe, that isn’t true,” her mother shook her head.

“You aren’t a freak, Chloe,” replied Lex passionately, cupping her face. “You’re a miracle.”

“Am I?” she sobbed, letting him wrap her in his arms.”All that blood in my hands... “ they heard her say, her quivering voice muffled by his shirt as she clung to him still feeling the need to ascertain he was really alive. “This wasn’t the first time, was it? “ she sobered, shooting a questioning glance at Moira. “I never hurt my hands playing kickball.”

“No,” said her mother faintly.

Lex saw Moira fidget under her daughter’s gaze and then met the older woman’s eyes when she looked at him as if she were asking him for help.

“What? “ asked Chloe nervously, observing the silent exchange. “Lex?” she frowned, lifting her head off his shoulder to bore her expressive deep emerald eyes into him.

“Chloe,” he said quietly, grabbing her gently and then moving his hands up and down her arms in a gesture meant to soothe her.

“You knew?” she told him with a catch in her voice. “How long?” she added grimly, squirming to free herself from his hands.

“You weren’t meant to find out this way,” he explained calmly.

“How long, Lex?” she repeated, crossing her arms in front of her chest.”Please, tell me you haven’t been hiding this from me all the while,“ she croaked, remembering the conversation they’d had soon before they made love in the penthouse for the first time. It had been such a special night and she had felt so cherished, trusted him with so many of her fears that she wished he hadn’t betrayed her that way. If he had had the answers she`d been looking for and he’d let her torture herself with the thought that maybe she was going mad, she would never be able to forgive him.

“Since the day your mother woke up,” he replied gravely, seeing her release the breath she’d been holding.

“You lied to me, Lex,” she murmured, biting her lower lip to prevent it from trembling so much. “Both of you lied to me. “

“We thought it was for the best at the time, sweetheart,” Moira butted in.

“Please, leave...” whispered Chloe in a raspy voice, grabbing the bedclothes to cover up her suddenly cold body.

“Chloe...” began Lex, feeling a desperate need to have her reassure him this wouldn’t become a new roadblock getting on the way of their happiness, that he hadn’t ruined everything by trying to protect her from the truth.

“Please, Lex, just leave.”

“Let me explain,” he continued, trying to resist her entreaty.

“Don’t. Not now. I... just can’t talk about this now,” she told him, sliding down the covers and fighting the urge to fling herself into his arms and hear him say everything would be all right, that she was the same girl he’d fallen in love with and that her wielding this God-like power was nothing to be afraid of. The urge got stronger when his hand hovered over her head. She closed her eyes tight willing him not to stroke her hair or lean forward to press a kiss on her face before leaving the room. She wasn’t a clinging, fragile damsel-in-distress; she’d never been one. She’d come to him for help once, but she’d always been his equal and she wanted to reclaim that. She was no longer Karen Fairchild. She was Chloe Sullivan and it was high time she licked her wounds and face her demons on her own to come to him whole. Only then would she be able to hear him out and make herself be heard.


It’d been a long sleepless night, which Lex chose to spend in the loneliness of his den with a bottle of his best bourbon and a stack of LuthorCorp dossiers that ended up untouched. The sun had risen a couple of hours ago and he was still wearing last night clothes, which were rather rumpled after slouching back in his favourite leather armchair wondering when Chloe would speak to him again and what she would say. He couldn’t remember feeling so impotent since the day he got the phone call informing him of Chloe and Gabe’s deaths, and he hated that feeling; he’d never been able to accept not having the control of a situation and control was something he’d never willingly given up before Chloe and only on occasion.

The struggle to keep the balance of power in their relationship had always been one of the most energising aspects of their coming together. However, these past weeks he’d relinquished his control to make her feel safe and allow her to set the pace of their rebuilding relationship. He’d only taken the control from her once in the last days and it had been without her knowledge. They’d been living in a kind of limbo and Lex was more than aware it’d come to an end the moment she sent him away the previous night. The old Chloe Sullivan- the one he’d fallen in love with- was almost ready to resurface at last; he could feel it because he knew her only too well and he couldn’t wait for it to happen.

Lex got up from his swivel chair, grabbed a bottle of Tŷ Nant from the wet bar, uncapped it and took a big gulp of cold water to clean the after taste of bourbon in his mouth. He’d ask his butler to have the decanters taken away and the bar replenished with non-alcoholic beverages and fresh fruit juice. Drinking had always been a means to numb whatever was corroding his spirit, an attempt to fill the void his life had become; however, he no longer wanted to hide behind a bottle. Luthors were fighters and he’d never been one to step down from a challenge, least of all when it was something he considered worth the effort and the anguish- and what he had with Chloe was more than worth it. For the first time in years he felt he had a chance at happiness, and he wasn’t going to sabotage it by trying to asphyxiate or manipulate Chloe the way his own father had done with Lillian.

Fresh from the shower and feeling more revived after having a mug of strong black coffee while finishing his ablutions, the young billionaire left the bathroom adjoining his study and climbed up the stairs to head to the nursery. On opening the door he found Laura was no longer in bed so he decided now was as good a moment as any to knock at Chloe’s. Getting no answer and hearing no sound coming from the room where he expected to find their small sprite kissing her mummy good morning and cuddling in bed, he turned the doorknob with a quickened pulse to find no one inside.

“Are you looking for Chlo’ and Laurie?” Moira’s voice surprised him. “They’re not in the house.”

Lex had been expecting something momentous to happen that morning; however, he’d never expected for Chloe to leave and take their daughter with her without even a goodbye. He knew she was in shock and that she resented his not sharing with her what he’d found out about her condition sooner, and yet he’d thought she’d stand up to him and not run away.

“It’s not what you’re thinking, Lex,” continued Chloe’s mother softly, noticing the coiled tension which had suddenly seized the young man. “Laurie came to the room to wake her up, and your cook fixed them something to have breakfast on the grounds.”

“They shouldn’t have left the house,” he stated, unclenching his fists a little as the realisation that they hadn’t deserted him started to sink in.”It isn’t safe yet.”

“So I told her when I came down, but it appears she knows something we don’t.”


Lex opened a lateral door and walked around the mansion to the gardens at the back. The girls weren’t picnicking on the lawn or sitting in the cosy furniture set he very rarely used, and it wasn’t until he heard Chloe’s musical laughter that he located them somewhere beyond the labyrinth. His body relaxed yet a little more; they were safe and sound and the security of the mansion hadn’t been breached by the Joker and his clowns.

Following the sound of Chloe’s voice he arrived at the bench where his father used to sit with Martha Kent during his blind spell. Ironically, the very same woman who’d graced the spot with her presence to keep company to the man who’d almost destroyed him was now chatting animatedly with the blonde whose love had helped reshape the young billionaire’s world. Martha was the only older female other than Lillian and Pamela who had treated him and loved him like a son; she was the parent he had never had in Lionel and the mother he’d lost when he was twelve. Mrs Kent was definitely someone he’d miss having in his life. Seeing her bond with the two most important people to him was an extra source of happiness, especially when his own mother would never get to be at his wedding with Chloe or see her own grandchild grow up.

The first one to notice his appearance was Laura, who scrambled to her small feet and ran to his encounter talking excitedly about the Kent farm and all the animals they had there from cows to chicken, from horses to ducks and- most importantly- a dog. Did he have a dog growing up? Was there a dog on his property? Could she have a dog if she was a good girl? Lex had never seen Laurie so excited and couldn’t help but smile at his daughter’s rosy cheeks and bright green eyes.

“Good morning, Lex,” chuckled Mrs Kent.

“Senator,” he replied warmly, coming closer to them after telling Laura they’d have to talk it over with her mum.

“Martha, Lex,” she corrected him, standing up to give him a kiss on the cheek and a short hug. He still found it hard to have people be this tactile around him; he’d never let anyone invade his personal space after Lillian’s death and no one had ever loved him enough to break down the walls he had erected around him till this red-haired mother and the two women who were back in his life. “There’s no need to stand on ceremony, honey,” she said quietly and he closed his eyes briefly savouring the faint perfume of lilacs that reminded him of his own mother.

“OK. Martha,” he smiled faintly, meeting Chloe’s suspiciously bright eyes before she picked up Laurie and sat the girl on her lap.

“I’m so happy to see you three in one piece,” Martha told him with sincere relief in her voice, looking at the young family and noticing the enigmatic glances exchanged between the couple.

“Luthors have always been survivors,” stated Chloe, holding Lex’s gaze.

“You sure have a powerful guardian angel,” Martha cocked an eyebrow.

“Maybe more than one,” he murmured.

“Considering all the times you’ve survived after being attacked or fighting for your life, you must be right,” she smiled, noticing the way he’d suddenly slipped his hands into the pockets of his trousers- a defensive gesture of his she recognised very well. Sensing some strange urgency crackle in the air between the young couple, she decided it was time to leave. “Oh! Look at what time it is! I should better be going. I still have a couple of orders to deliver,” she exclaimed, checking out her wristwatch. “Laurie, how about showing me the way to the kitchen? I have to pick up the empty crates, and maybe we can have Cook cut you a piece of that chocolate pie I brought as a house-warming present?”

“With cream?” asked the wide-eyed girl, looking at her mother, and already feeling her mouth water.

“Go,” acquiesced Chloe with a sigh.

“Love you, Mommy!” shouted Laurie on Chloe’s lap, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek.

“Wow! All this hugging and kissing since you came to wake me up! Are you sure you didn’t know about this pie when you dragged me out of bed?” laughed Chloe, pinching the girl’s nose.

“No,” she frowned.

“OK. Go with Martha,” the blonde reporter patted their daughter on the rear.

“Have a small piece, Laurie, or there won’t be your favourite ice-cream for dessert at lunch,” spoke out Lex as she sprinted away with Clark’s mum.

“Mrs Kent’s a very wise and perceptive woman,” stated Chloe, turning around on the bench to fix Lex with her deep emerald eyes. “You shouldn’t have lied to me, Lex.”

“I did it only to protect you, Chloe. You were very vulnerable; you didn’t need to have a burden of this kind on your shoulders then.”

“I’m not doubting your intentions, Lex. And believe me, I wouldn’t like to have this power changed for another if it’d meant seeing you die in that limo, but I’m still mad at you and Mom. You both knew I’d been trying to put the pieces of my life together, to discover who I was,” she replied gravely. “And this,” she added stretching out her hands in front of her,” is a very big portion of whom I am.”

“You weren’t meant to find it out the way you did.”

“Then when? “

“I hadn’t thought that far.”

“We’ve always treated each other as equals so don’t you dare be condescending, Lex. I know you better than that. Were you even going to tell me? “

“I honestly don’t know... “

“Even though you knew I was having nightmares every night?“

“I knew your bad dreams were connected with your Mom and when I found out the real reason for her leaving you and Gabe... that she’d never been insane... I knew I could help you get some peace of mind and I did something about it.”

“But you both kept a tiny detail out from your account...”

“I’ve seen what knowing can do to people, Chloe. I didn’t want you to go through that.”

“Am I the only one? Is there anyone like me in your collection at 33.1?” she asked grimly.

“No,” he replied curtly.”You’re the first one I know of whose powers are meant to heal not to hurt.”

“What was your first thought when you learned about my power and my Mum’s? “ she asked, observing him closely. “And don’t lie to me this time.”

“What is it that you want me to confess? I’d never let any harm come to you or Laurie, Chloe. I love you.”

“You’re not answering my question. Did you think of having your scientists probe us?”

“33.1 is meant to help those affected by the meteor rocks to learn to live with their powers and become useful members of our society.”

“That’s not what I asked. I want to hear you say it, Lex.”

“Say what?!” he exploded.

“You don’t have to hide from me. We’ve never been able to resist digging for answers, trying to explain the bizarre and find the why of things. I just want you to admit what I already know.”

“What good would that do? I would have never done it.”

“But for a moment you thought about it. Your saying it won’t stop me from loving you, Lex. Is that what you’re worried about? That I’d get scared and run away.”

“ I just need to know this hasn’t ruined what we’ve been rebuilding.”

“It’s changed things. I’m no longer the same woman you made love to the night we came back from the hospital. I know who I am at last and I want you to stop pretending you’re someone other than yourself. That might have worked with Lana but that’s not who you are.”

“Do you expect me to confess I’ve always been my father’s son and that this leafy hamlet’s never been wrong about me?” he glared, clenching his jaws

“Now you’re been deliberately obtuse. You’ll never be your father.”

“How do you know? I’ve been fighting against it for years, Chloe, but the darkness is there waiting to unleash itself.”

“Was this why you didn’t want to tell me about my power? Were you afraid I might torture myself just like you with the thought of when it would stop being dormant and what would happen if it were unleashed?”

“Maybe. Yes,” he conceded grudgingly.

“Well, let me tell you something, Lex, you forgot a very important variable- us. We’ve got each other and Laurie and not just that, there’s people who care and won’t let us walk down that path- Lois... don’t frown!... my Mom... Mrs Kent... Even if something horrible were to happen... Yes, Lex, you can’t control everything that goes on around the world no matter how intelligent and resourceful you are...”

“I might not be able to control the whole world out there, but a little collaboration from the players involved would help minimise the risks of something horrible ever happening. You weren’t supposed to leave the house,” he told her smoothly.

“We weren’t supposed to leave the property. We’re in the gardens, aren’t we?” she replied, making an encompassing gesture with her arms.

“This isn’t time for semantics.”

“But I’m all for semantics, Lex. I’m a writer and I seem to remember you yourself have always been very careful in your choice of words out of your vast and impressive lexicon.”

“Well, it appears long exposure to Chloe Sullivan has short-circuited that skill of mine. The Joker and his merry clowns could turn up when we least expect them, and being out in the open as if we were sitting ducks...”

“Haven’t you strengthened your security at the mansion after all those concussions and break-ins?” she cut him off with a mischievous grin.

“This is no time for jokes, Chloe. We should get inside.”

“I like it here. And, by the way, our clownish friend and his gang aren’t coming. They’re under lock and key in Gotham.“


“Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you! Bruce called. I told him you were in the shower and asked him to give me the news. We talked a little. He’s a fascinating, guy. I’m thinking about visiting his old castle once this trial is over...”

“Stop talking about Bruce and tell me more about the Joker and Intergang.”

“Jealous, Lex?”

“Of Bruce? He’s not your type,” he snapped.

“I don’t know. Let’s see: young, handsome, brooding, a billionaire, owns a large corporation, loves fast cars... Should I continue?” she chuckled.

“He’s got hair and I haven’t.”

“An insignificant detail. “

“Bald men are sexier.”

“Says who?”

“I remember someone whispering that in my ear in the throes of passion a few nights ago,” he murmured throatily, coming closer to her.

“Don’t you believe everything a woman tells you when she’s desperate to be brought to completion.”

“When were you going to tell me he’d called?”

“Eventually,” she smiled.

“Am I forgiven?” he asked, stopping in front of her.

“You’ll have to work hard for my forgiveness.”

“I’m very diligent. I can think of very pleasurable ways to earn it, ways that will satisfy us both,” he smirked, brushing his lips against the column of her neck.

“It sounds good,” she moaned as he kissed a very special spot behind her ear.

“Thought so,” he whispered in her ear.

“I’m still mad at you.”

“I know,” he replied, locking his mouth with hers in a brief and soft kiss.

“Your prowess in bed won’t get you off the hook. I want to have access to 33.1, Lex.”

Her final words didn’t take him by surprise. He knew her well enough to expect her to come back to the issue she had briefly touched on the first night she sought refuge at the penthouse. They’d chosen not to discuss LuthorCorp’s most hush-hush and questionable project because there were bigger problems to deal with at the time. Now that a solution for those urgent issues was well under way, they would have to discuss things out in the open.

Had she requested this a few weeks ago his answer would have been another. However, the recent developments had made him reevaluate the project which had absorbed most of his energy in the past four years. Chloe and a limousine ride had succeeded where Queen and his band of terrorists in costumes had failed; he was now convinced it was high time to reformulate 33.1.

“Let’s get inside. I have a proposal for you,” he replied in a businesslike voice, resting his hand on her lower back.

“Indecent?” she cocked an eyebrow.

“I think you’ll like it, and I’m being serious now,” he told her as they walked along the lawn towards the mansion.

“Does that mean you weren’t talking seriously when you promised to make a very satisfied woman out of me?” she quipped.

“Far from it. I’m determined to render you the happiest and most sated woman on earth,” he whispered huskily, bringing her closer to him.

“I’m starting to think Lois was right. I should be more careful of what I say in the throes of passion. I’m afraid your head’s actually got as big as the Sharks Stadium already.”

“What can I say? I’ve always been an overachiever.”

“We’ll talk about that tonight,” she nudged him.”Now it’s time to get serious.”

“But I was serious.”

“If you think you can distract me with your seduction techniques and make me forget about this 'proposal' you mentioned when I uttered the words 33.1, you can think again, pal. “

“You’ve always been a hard nut to crack, Chloe Sullivan.”

“Look who’s talking.”

“I thought that was one of my main allures,” he smirked, holding the door open for her to step in.

“You’re anything but boring, Lex. Now, let me check up on our little strategist in the kitchen to see if she hasn’t guilt-tripped Cook and his staff so that she can have a bigger portion of that scrumptious chocolate pie. In the meantime, you can start collecting your pen drives, dossiers and whatever you have. I’ll get back to you to discuss your proposal and let you know my conditions in ten minutes.”

“I was under the impression I was the master in this house,” he frowned, slipping his hands in the pocket of his black trousers.

“The old Chloe Sullivan’s back, Lex. You should better get used to that idea. There’s no master or subject in this relationship- we’re partners and we’re equal,” she stated categorically before turning around and leaving him standing at the double doors of his den.

Lex watched her walk purposefully along the corridor which led to the service aisle, and he couldn’t help but smile softly at the way she held her back straight and her chin high. Yes, his witty, snarky and playful verbal judo partner of the past was back.


13th April 2010, 05:09
Thank you so much for the amazing update!!!
Chloe Sullivan is back and better than ever, no more shrinking violet, its time to be the brash straightforward girl we all know and love.
The Clark/Ollie stakeout was funny, they should both be very careful now that Chloe is back to her old self.
Thanks again for the update!!!!!

13th April 2010, 05:17
What a marvelous update. I love that she learned the truth and they are working it out. I knew she would forgive him. I can't wait to see how they make a deal over this. :)

Kit Merlot
13th April 2010, 19:18
Good for Clark for not allowing Oliver to even hint at hurting Chloe and Laurie just to get at Lex--he is actually maturing:P

I have to pick up the empty crates, and maybe we can have Cook cut you a piece of that chocolate pie I brought as a house-warming present?”

Martha Kent is a born grandmother and that chocolate pie sounds yummy:grin3:

I like that Chloe and Lex talked out their problems regarding her meteor ability and 33.1 and that she refuses to be protected. And yes, Chloe Sullivan is back!

14th April 2010, 02:54
Love it. Please continue. Thank you!

14th April 2010, 04:32
Glad to see Chloe's really back now. thank you for the up date.

14th April 2010, 09:45
update soon
great chapter

14th April 2010, 21:35
I like that Chloe and Lex talked out their problems regarding her meteor ability and 33.1 and that she refuses to be protected. And yes, Chloe Sullivan is back!

Glad to see Chloe's really back now. thank you for the up date.

Thank you so much for the amazing update!!!
Chloe Sullivan is back and better than ever, no more shrinking violet, its time to be the brash straightforward girl we all know and love.

It was high time she emerged in all her glory, wasn't it? I'm happy you were able to appreciate the way her journey towards recovery and self-discovery was paced.

The Clark/Ollie stakeout was funny, they should both be very careful now that Chloe is back to her old self.
Thanks again for the update!!!!!

That's true. Chloe and Lex have always been an unbeatable team and now that she can give her 100%, they'd better watch out.

What a marvelous update. I love that she learned the truth and they are working it out. I knew she would forgive him. I can't wait to see how they make a deal over this. :)

You're really curious about that proposal, right? The business proposal, that is.*big grin*

Good for Clark for not allowing Oliver to even hint at hurting Chloe and Laurie just to get at Lex--he is actually maturing:P

This is the Clark I wish they'd shown us on the show. This version of him still has a long way to go but, at least, he doesn't provoke one to wring his neck every time he opens his mouth or does something.

Martha Kent is a born grandmother and that chocolate pie sounds yummy:grin3:

She sure is- I know she's a senator now but she's always been a housewife and Mom first and foremost and now that she's at home for a while this is the kind of thing I could imagine her doing- And that baking she used to do while she was on the farm full-time always looked yummy.

I'm feeling like having a piece of that cake myself- pity I can`t eat either gluten or chocolate. Oh, well, this is what fiction is for!

Love it. Please continue. Thank you!

update soon great chapter

Thanks for the encouragement, girls. I'll do my best not to take so long to update. Cross your fingers for my schedule and my muse to collaborate.

17th April 2010, 21:28
Chloe now knows she has special abilities and that Lex did tests on her. But everything is still alright in the world:D

17th April 2010, 21:52
Chloe now knows she has special abilities and that Lex did tests on her. But everything is still alright in the world:D

Yes, she knows she has special abilities- However, you got something wrong. You've got to remember that Chloe hasn't seen Lex since the end of Season 3 so he never did experiment on her, darling. She's just learnt he's known she is meteor-infected ever since the day Moira came around in hospital.

18th April 2010, 02:00
Glad that Lex and Chloe seem to have worked out his keeping the truth about her powers from her.

20th April 2010, 02:14
i am glad to see the old chloe back and i love that they worked it out about lex not telling her about her powers.can't wait for the next chapter

20th April 2010, 09:10
Great update!!!

I liked the Clark/oliver interaction. Thank you for giving a Clark that I don't want to tear to pieces.

Love, love the Chloe/Lex banter. Love how they went back and forth from teasing to trying to be business like.

21st April 2010, 07:02
Glad that Lex and Chloe seem to have worked out his keeping the truth about her powers from her.

i am glad to see the old chloe back and i love that they worked it out about lex not telling her about her powers.can't wait for the next chapter

I'm sure Lex will have to handle things with kid gloves in the future and try not to be over-protective (*good luck with that one, Lex*). I'm sure he'll do his best to make things work between them., but Chloe will certainly give him a run for his money. We'll see how he handles this 33.1 business now that she's demanded to be privy to the project and that he'll make her some kind of proposal.

Great update!!!

I liked the Clark/oliver interaction. Thank you for giving a Clark that I don't want to tear to pieces.

Well, I hate how Clark's written on the show so I'm trying to make him a tad more mature and a lot more likeable. Glad you liked the Clollie; it was fun to write,

Love, love the Chloe/Lex banter. Love how they went back and forth from teasing to trying to be business like.

As dramatic as the big reveal was and as tense as I was sure their discussion would be, I wanted the old Chloe to resurface in earnest and that teasing had always been part of their legendary verbal judo so it had to be part of the exchange to prove both Lex and us that she was really back. They're all about business now; however, their love and attraction is just too strong to be left out, especially when they've been so close to losing each other again by a third party intervention.

21st April 2010, 16:23
I finally read this fic, it took me three days, but I didn't waste my time. I really love it and I'm looking for the next chapter.

22nd April 2010, 04:31
Finally got caught up - I'm sorry!! - and mostly what I want to say is..."WHOA!!" Loved the new chapters and so happy that Lex & Chloe worked things out. Can't wait for some more updates, sweetie!! *And more Daddy!Lex*

23rd April 2010, 23:56
Great chapter. I love that Chloe and Lex are getting things out in the open and the old Chloe Sullivan is coming back!

The addition of Martha to the family time was a great move, she would just make the best grandmother ever.

24th April 2010, 23:11
Chapter 14: God, Clark is such an idiot always jugding Lex.

Chapter 15: I like that Bruce is helping them. And Lucius Fox, I love this character.
Loved the Chlex scene at the shower and the love scene after that ;)

I`ll try to read more later

25th April 2010, 02:57
I'm sorry about the lateness of this review but, here I go!

Thanks for updating. I'm so happy Chloe Sullivan is back with all her wittiness, courage and wow! Now we can have their verbal judo back!!!

I simply adore Laurie. I'm sure I stated that before, but if I knew I'd have a daughter so adorable I wouldn't think twice. She's sweet, tender and I'm sure she's very perceptive. She showed that before around Lex, so they'd better work things out before she gets it.

Are you bringing Bruce to Smallville? I wonder if Lex would be so self assured face to face to Mr. Wayne.

Another great chapter Lexie. Keep bringing them on.

25th April 2010, 22:58
I finally read this fic, it took me three days, but I didn't waste my time. I really love it and I'm looking for the next chapter.

Welcome to the thread, alexiel! I'm happy you felt it was time well-spent. :D I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the fic and/or my work as much.

Finally got caught up - I'm sorry!! - and mostly what I want to say is..."WHOA!!" Loved the new chapters and so happy that Lex & Chloe worked things out. Can't wait for some more updates, sweetie!! *And more Daddy!Lex*

Glad to see you back, Esther. No need to excuse yourself, RL has been pretty hectic for me lately as well.

There will be several more updates- I can't tell how many yet- and more Daddy Lex; that I can promise.

The addition of Martha to the family time was a great move, she would just make the best grandmother ever.

I'm sure she's been missing having a little one in her life and being away in Capitol City must be hard for a homebody such as Martha.

Chapter 14: God, Clark is such an idiot always jugding Lex.

Chapter 15: I like that Bruce is helping them. And Lucius Fox, I love this character.
Loved the Chlex scene at the shower and the love scene after that ;)

I`ll try to read more later

Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to continue reading this fic, Malu. Glad you enjoyed the intimacy between Chlex and the introduction of Bruce and Lucius.

I simply adore Laurie. I'm sure I stated that before, but if I knew I'd have a daughter so adorable I wouldn't think twice. She's sweet, tender and I'm sure she's very perceptive. She showed that before around Lex, so they'd better work things out before she gets it.

Yes, you said it in another comment but I won't get tired of hearing it, especially because we're talking about an OC and we all know how difficult it is to integrate them into the universe we're so familiar with.

The girl is damn perceptive- it couldn't be any other way considering who her parents are, right? Don't worry they'll work things out all right.

Are you bringing Bruce to Smallville? I wonder if Lex would be so self assured face to face to Mr. Wayne.

You haven't heard the last of Bruce.....

Another great chapter Lexie. Keep bringing them on.

I'm working on it.

27th April 2010, 22:46
Impressive Lexie! Thanks for the reminders. I haven't been my normal internet self lately. But I had to catch up on your fic! I love how the plot has come along.

Even better now that Chloe is back!!! I look forward to seeing Lex's proposal.

The Clark/Oliver stake out was great. I think they will be pleasantly surprised to see the effect Chloe has on Lex!

Laurie adorable, smart and the best of both Lex and Chloe.

The emotion you bring forth from the characters is magical. You do such a fantastic job of weaving in description, emotion and dialogue!


Keep up the great work. I look forward to the next installment :)

2nd May 2010, 00:54
more please Im loving the daddy Lex and also the idea of Chloe knowing the reality of her mother and her powers , soo u must continueee!!!

4th May 2010, 03:44
The emotion you bring forth from the characters is magical. You do such a fantastic job of weaving in description, emotion and dialogue!


Thanks for your beautiful words. They mean a lot. I'm pleased that my little fic has managed to touch you this much.

more please Im loving the daddy Lex and also the idea of Chloe knowing the reality of her mother and her powers , soo u must continueee!!!

I thank you for the encouragement, darling.

By the way, thanks to those of you who helped me win April's fanfic challenge with my fic "Sneaky" (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php/7678-NS-Fanfic-Challenge-9-April-2010-quot-Blind-date!-quot-PG-stories?p=256054&viewfull=1#post256054).

Here's a new instalment of Back from the Dead!

CHAPTER 22: Woman Power


Recently bathed and fed, after an afternoon spent roaming the rooms of the mansion, discovering new treasures and playing peek-a-boo with the youngest maid on Lex’s staff, sleepy Laura was ready for bed.

“Mommy?” she asked once Chloe had finished reading her a story.

“Yes, sweetie?” replied Chloe, closing the book and setting it down on the night table.

“Is this our home now?”

“Do you like it here?”she said quietly, combing the girl’s blonde hair with her fingers.

“Mm,” she nodded. “Can we stay?”

“We should ask Daddy,” smiled Chloe.

“What should I be asked?” Lex butted in, leaning against the doorjamb.

“Our daughter wants to know if we could make the Mansion our permanent home?”

“Do you like it that much?” Lex asked Laurie, walking into the room and taking a seat next to the bed.

“Yes, it’s fun!” she exclaimed with a luminous smile.

Lex had never thought of the castle as a particularly engaging place, especially because he had tendency to identify it with his late father. Its walls had bore witness to both business and family secrets, many of them painful. In fact, if it hadn’t been for the sentimental value he attached to his den and the master bedroom- where he’d spent most of his time with Chloe- and the rose garden Lillian had designed herself, he’d have sold it long ago. Maybe having a child run, play and laugh on the premises was the way to exorcise Lionel’s ghost out of the castle once and for all.

“And what do you think of moving in permanently?” Lex cocked an eyebrow, turning his head to look at Chloe.

“Well, the place has its allures. I guess I could be talked into settling down here. There’s an impressive library to do research for my novels, almost forty rooms to choose from as the headquarters for my new endeavour and... ” she smiled softly, shooting Lex a glance which left very little doubt as to what -or rather who exactly- she found attractive in the castle.

“And?” he smirked.

“The Master of the house isn’t all that bad,” she told him playfully.

“Is that so?” he retorted with a gleam in his eyes.

“Are we staying then?” Laurie butted in, observing her parents’ exchange with joyful eyes.

“If that’s what you two want, it might be arranged,” he replied warmly.

“OK, baby, time to say goodnight or you’ll be sleepy for tomorrow’s visit to the farm. Remember you promised Martha we’ll be there to taste her famous Kent breakfast,” Chloe tickled her before tucking her in.

“Night,” murmured the girl as her mum and then Lex kissed her goodnight, turned the lamp off and left the door to the nursery ajar.


The stakeout outside Luthor Mansion being over after receiving a call from the Batman himself announcing them the Joker and his gang had been apprehended, Clark and Oliver went back to the farm to shower and change. Martha arrived soon afterwards and pampered them with her homemade cooking and her motherly affection.

Sitting on the floor of the barn loft making a small blue rubber ball bounce on the scrubbed wooden floors, Clark smiled at the memories of the afternoon spent with Martha and Oliver. Coming back once a month or every couple of months reminded him of what it was that he’d always found so appealing about Smallville and the farm; it was the place where he felt he belonged, the one place in the world where he felt loved despite his being different. It was home; it was a concept alien to Lex until his Kansas exile and the Kents.

Thinking back to the times when Jonathan was still alive Clark replayed several scenes in his mind. Lex and he were friends then. He hated to admit this because it hurt and he felt as if he were betraying his Dad just thinking about it. However, it was a thought that had been nagging at him all day long. Might things have turned out differently if Jonathan hadn’t been so adamant about protecting his secret and so vitriolic towards Lex just because he bore the Luthor surname?

Having spied on Lex with Chloe and their child today, Clark was reminded of the friend he had made all those years ago. And yet, there was something different about him, something that had struck a chord in the farm boy, Lex belonged for the first time in his life. It had only taken Clark a few seconds to see and hear enough to know the young tycoon finally had a family and a home he could call his own. This revelation had led Jonathan’s adoptive son to think that maybe he’d been deluding himself all these years believing Lex had stabbed them in the back. The young billionaire had remained an outsider in spite of the efforts he’d made to belong because, in truth, although they’d left the doors of the Kent farm ajar, they’d never really opened the doors of their home to him.

Witnessing the scene between the young family and his own mother from afar, Clark experienced a sudden bout of guilt. He’d been so lost in his own world, so self-absorbed and worried about his own heritage and his secret that he’d abandoned two people he used to call his best friends. True, he’d tried to save Lex from Lionel and then from Gardner and Summerholt, but he’d fallen prey to his own fears and his parents’. He’d refused to listen to Lex when his older friend had tried to explain the locked room in the castle to him; the farm boy could still hear the words resonate in his ears.

“Before you jump to conclusions, Clark…”

“ You told me you stopped investigating me.”

“I did.”

“You did? Then what is this?”

“I understand how you can think all this is about you. But, in fact, it's about me. “

“More lies.”

“There's so much of my own life I can't explain. I've survived countless brushes with death, and it all started with this car crash. If I'm guilty of anything, it's that I've inherited my father's eccentric curiosity for the unexplained.”

“You've inherited his dishonesty.”

What if Lex had been telling the truth then? The billionaire’s behaviour in the last few years showed he could be as good as the old bastard at twisting the truth or lying, yet… he’d been right about something- there was a lot of the unexplained in his life. For someone who’d had been branded at birth just because his father was a Luthor, he’d been blessed with miracles from high above too many times in his young life not to become obsessed with finding answers. Maybe he’d been looking for them to explain his own nature and not just to explain Clark’s after all.

Clark had tried not to indulge his own curiosity. Although he’d tried to curve his urge lest he found out something that forced him to go against his own late father, he was also afraid of discovering more grounds to support Jonathan’s belief that Lex’d only been interested in uncovering his secret with the idea of exploiting him in some way. However, Clark’s curiosity had proven too strong and he’d finally given in. He’d chosen to continue listening to Chloe and Lex once Martha had left the gardens with Laurie, and what he heard was something he hadn’t been prepared for. Chloe was meteor-infected and Lex had been miraculously saved yet again.

Was Chloe the answer Lex had been waiting for all these years? Had he been saved time and time again for this one moment to arrive? To find love and a home at last? Clark wanted to believe it was so. He hoped all the bitterness and suffering they’d all been put through hadn’t been in vain. He wished it for everyone’s sake.


“Will you be coming with us?” asked Chloe in a raspy voice once they were in the privacy of the bedroom where Laura had been conceived almost three years ago.

“I was planning to do just that with you tonight,” quipped Lex as his arms, which were wrapped around her body from behind, tightened their hold on her and his mouth brushed her neck.

“Is there a word for male nymphomania I wonder?” she tried to slap his hands away without much success.

“Satyriasis,” he murmured, kissing her behind her ear.

“Smartass. That tickles,” she wriggled in the circle of his arms.

“I remember my vast lexicon used to be an aphrodisiac when we worked on the Daily Planet crossword puzzles together. And for the record, I don’t suffer from satyriasis.”

“Well, let’s say your thoughts have become of the one-track sort lately,” she chuckled.

“I don’t remember hearing any complaints,” he smiled, tugging at her bottom lip.

“Nobody said I was compl…” she moaned when he sealed her mouth with a knee-weakening kiss.

“You were saying?” he smirked a minute afterwards.

“You’re impossibly smug. So… are you going to answer my question?”

“I thought I had.”

“No, you just started with your damn innuendo remarks.”

“I can’t help it if you look so adorable in this new green outfit,” he said huskily, starting to untie the sash.

“Lex,” she stopped him, putting her hand over his. “A simple yes or no will do. And you know what my question referred to.”

“I won’t. I don’t want your first meeting to be awkward,” he replied, turning serious all of a sudden.

“It doesn’t have to be that way.”

“A lot has happened since you went away, Chloe. He was your friend and...”

“Yours too,” she interrupted him.

“A lifetime ago. You’ve known him longer than I. You were joined at the hip and no matter what happened that year between you two, I know he truly cares about you. “


“As much as I would love to keep you forever in my dungeon...”

“... of iniquity...”

“I’m trying to be serious here.”

“So am I. Go on, Lex.”

“There are other people out there who care about you. And, like it or not, Clark is one of them. You had a life and friends before we met.”

“You’re trying to be the bigger man, aren’t you? Are you sure you don’t mind that we visit the Kents tomorrow?”

“I trust what we have is strong enough to resist whatever arguments he might use to convince you that me... us... is a bad idea. “

“I’m not fickle like a certain brunette we both know.”

“I know. Why do you think I’m fighting my nature this one time?”

“Laurie would love for you to come along. This visit to the farm is all she’s been talking about today. I’m sure Martha would like it too.”

“Laurie? Martha? Or is it you we’re talking about? I never thought Chloe Sullivan would be afraid of a farm boy.”

“I’m not,” she glared.

“I love it when you get all irate. It makes your green eyes shine brighter,” he said huskily as he finished untying her sash.

“So... will you be coming?” she insisted, untucking his light blue dress shirt.

“I’m working on that,” he murmured smugly, unfastening the front clasp of her bra.

“You’ll have to work hard for it,” she told him, undoing the last couple of buttons of his shirt.

“I’m a very dedicated and thorough lover,” he said in a gravelly voice, bringing her half-naked body closer to him.

“And I’m a very demanding one,” she replied, pushing him gently onto the cold burgundy satin sheets which were awaiting them.

“There’s nothing I like better than a challenge,” he smirked, pulling her on top of him and rolling them over the bed.

“Are you leaving these on?” she asked him with a glint in her eyes as she went for the zip of his trousers.

“Who`s impatient now?” he nuzzled her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her. “Ouch!” he grimaced when her hands grabbed his right side to lever her body up.

“I’m sorry,” she said, biting her lower lip and touching the fainting bruise with gentle fingers. “Does it still hurt?”

“It’s a little tender yet, but I’ll survive. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you,” he confessed in a raspy voice, cupping her cheek and holding her eyes with a look full of emotion before leaning forward to capture her lips in a tortuously slow and sensual kiss.

Chloe closed her eyes and savoured the way he laid gentle claim of her mouth, running his tongue along the seam of her lips inviting her to open for him and tasting her sigh as they parted. He was worshipping her once again with his hands and his mouth in much the same way he’d done their first time together at the penthouse. Gone was the playful banter of a few minutes ago and she felt suddenly overwhelmed by what it meant to wield so much power in her hands- the power to tear down the walls Lex had erected around his heart and to yield him so vulnerable to hurt, and the God-like power to make life and death decisions which could alter the course of more than just their personal microcosm.

He moved with the fluid grace of a feline, taking off the trousers she had unzipped and holding her now open eyes with a smouldering look which filled her with quivering desire and urged her to do something before he could take complete control of the situation again.

Lex felt her sleek legs brace his thighs as she surprised him rolling them over and sitting astride him. He was lost the moment she pressed against him and her hand splayed over his yellowish bruise once again.

“Chloe,” he said in a strained voice, covering her hand with his and fighting to keep the tenuous control he still had as she tortured him with the teasing movements of her swaying hips.

“This morning you promised to render me the happiest and most sated woman on earth,” she told him slightly breathless.

“And I was... on my way... to honour my promise...” he replied as his hands resumed the exploration of her delectable curves, eliciting a moan from her when she moved to sheath him in her warmth and enveloped him in her loving energy yet again.

“... you were going... too slow...” she panted, leaning forward to press her soft curves against his shapely body.

“Chloe, tell me... what you need...”

“Shh. Don’t need... anything,” she whispered close to his lips, increasing the rocking. “Everything... I need... is right here... “

It didn’t take long for Lex to come undone after hearing those words murmured in his ear and for Chloe to follow him in a beautifully shattering climax.

“Why do I get the impression you did your best to prevent me from giving tonight?” he asked her a few minutes afterwards, turning his head on the pillow to bore his eyes into her.

“I thought you’d derived as much pleasure as I,” she replied with a small frown.

“I didn’t say the contrary. But you know exactly what I meant.”

“I panicked a little, OK?” she said grudgingly. “For a moment I felt I was no longer in control and that I was back to being Karen again.”

“Do I make you feel that way? You know I’m a damn control freak. God knows I’m trying to change that. I’m as scared as you are at times, Chloe. I wouldn’t like to asphyxiate you the way Dad did my mother, “ he confessed, grazing her cheek with his knuckles.

“We’re two basket cases, aren’t we?” she chuckled. “We are not our parents, Lex, though sometimes our fear of becoming them or following in some of their footsteps cripples us.”

“Old habits die hard. Going back to what I said at the beginning of this conversation...I wanted this night to be special... I wanted to...”

“I know. I know how difficult it is for you to give, to open up after everything you’ve been through with your Dad... with Clark... with those closest to you... However, you’ve done nothing but give ever since I came back to your life, Lex.”

“Chloe, that isn’t true...”

“It is. And you don’t know how much it means to me that you’re willing to make yourself so vulnerable for us... for our family. You made the ultimate giving gesture today when you shared your pet project with me and came up with your proposal.”

“Do you have an answer yet?” he asked, swallowing the lump in his throat.

“I’ll do it, but I’ve been thinking of putting my own spin on your idea.”

“You have?” he cocked an eyebrow. “Are you willing to share it?”

“Mm... how would you feel about being a real life Xavier?”

“Xavier?” he frowned.

“I know he isn’t Warrior Angel...” she smiled mischievously.

“You don’t mean that Xavier,” he replied suavely.

“Why? Wasn’t you who said bald men are sexier?” she smiled one of the Sullivan smiles he remembered from days of old- when she was an intrepid high school reporter filled with dreams and he was a twenty-one-year-old who still yearned to get his father’s love and approval.

“I should be careful about what comes out of my mouth now that the old and improved Chloe Sullivan’s back,” he smirked. “So will you tell me exactly what plan has been taking shape in your mind and what role you expect me to play?”

“Can’t you guess?”

“I might have an inkling, but I’d like you to elaborate, considering I was planning to start working on it tomorrow.”


“The sooner the better, don’t you agree?”

“Yes, but I was hoping that you would... you know... come with us?” she smiled, breaching the gap between them.

“You won’t give up, will you? “ he sighed, cupping her cheek and brushing her lips with his.

“No,” she replied with a wide smile.

“I might drop by... Don’t read too much into it... I’ll only pick my two girls up.”

“Thanks,” she whispered, snuggling closer and laying her head on his chest.

He’d go to hell and back to make her happy and if all it took was a touch-and-go visit to the Kent farm so be it.

“Will you answer one question though?” he murmured, brushing her hair with gentle fingers. “Why?”

“Because I know how much the Kents meant to you,” he heard her muffled voice say as she pressed a kiss on his chest just where his heart was beating.

“I don’t want you to have false expectations, Chloe. Martha has never been the whole Kent household and there’s too much of Jonathan in Clark,” he told her gravely. And I hope for your sake and for his that he won’t dare hurt you because we’re a family now.

“Never underestimate the power of a woman, Lex,” she responded with a Cheshire smile. Or a small platoon of them.


A/N: Clark's recollection was taken verbatim from the Season 3 Finale-"Covenant".

Cassandra Jean
4th May 2010, 07:23
Another wonderful chapter. Thanks for the update.

Glad to see that they are going to be an actual family and as for them living in the mansion--well I think Lex needs some good memories of that place, and them staying there as a family (with possible new siblings for Laurie...hint hint) is just perfect.

4th May 2010, 08:18
can't wait to see the women take on Clark.

5th May 2010, 07:42
Great chapter!!!

I've always said the only reason Clark was lucky being dropped off at the Kent's was because Martha was there. Because I can't even image a Clark that was just raised by Jonathan!!!

Love Chlex and their verbal judo plus sexy times!!!

5th May 2010, 17:31
Aww that was so sweet! I am glad Lex has a family now and they accept him. Clark can take a flying leap. I am glad he saw that Lex really is a changed man because of his family. :)

5th May 2010, 22:16
It was a lovelly chapter ! It make me smile so thank you !

6th May 2010, 07:40
Glad to see that they are going to be an actual family and as for them living in the mansion--well I think Lex needs some good memories of that place, and them staying there as a family (with possible new siblings for Laurie...hint hint) is just perfect.

Well, I don't think Lex would be adverse to the idea of adding a new member to the family. :D

can't wait to see the women take on Clark.

He'd better ask Oliver for sanctuary. *grins*

Great chapter!!!

I've always said the only reason Clark was lucky being dropped off at the Kent's was because Martha was there. Because I can't even image a Clark that was just raised by Jonathan!!!

You're right. Martha's always been my favourite Kent. Wish she had found Clark on her own; the story might have turned out completely different, don't you think?

Love Chlex and their verbal judo plus sexy times!!!

I had quite a good time writing those portions. :)

Aww that was so sweet! I am glad Lex has a family now and they accept him. Clark can take a flying leap. I am glad he saw that Lex really is a changed man because of his family. :)

I'm doing my best to make the farmboy more likeable and certainly more mature than on the show- it's damn time he grew up.

It was a lovelly chapter ! It make me smile so thank you !

Thanks, darling. I'm glad I was able to draw a smile on your face.

6th May 2010, 22:16
Just got caught up on your fab fic, lexie. Here are the notes I made on my way through...

Chapter 20

Moira handled the shock shooting perfectly and I love that Chloe was able to use her ability to save Lex. Heaven omly knows how she'll handle things when she realises what she is capable of!

Laurie is adorable, and Daddy!Lex is totally aaaw-worthy :)

Oh, bringing not just Bruce/Batman but also The Joker and other Gotham characters into this is very clever - I like that aspect a lot too.

Good to know Clark and Oliver are keeping an eye on Chloe, they don't know yet if Lex is trustworthy. At the same time, I'm glad they're proceeding with caution, and not just assuming Lex is evil incarnate.

Chapter 21

Aaw, very sweet. Love that Martha came to visit, and even more so that the Chlex relationship is getting patched up.

The real Chloe is back and ready to kick butt. She will take no crap from Lex and I think thats one of the things he loves most about her really, even if he pretends that it bugs him.

I was briefly worried that Chloe would be very angry for a long time, but I think deep down she does understand why both Moira and Lex kept their silence about her gift.

Interested to see what this proposal of Lex's will be, and what will happen when Chloe gets involved with 33.1.

Chapter 22

So Chloe's plan is to form kind of an X-Men thing out of the people/freaks in 33.1? Hmm, interesting...

Loved the Chlex again this chapter - I always do, you write every part so well! The verbal judo makes me chuckle - so much fun, and the love scenes make me sigh - so beautiful.

Hope things go well at the Kent Farm tomorrow :)

Next chapter soon please! I really need to make more effort to keep up with your updates, but time just gets away from me!

7th May 2010, 00:50
Great chapter as always. I don't have enough words to describe how much I adore the Chlex family and I really love the idea of them making their home in the mansion and making some good memories there.

It's nice to see Clark come to a few long overdue realisations, that moment also gave me a little reminder of how much I hated the SV version of Jonathan Kent when I watched the show, Martha really was the saving grace of that family - I'm looking forward the breakfast to get a bit more of her and her very sweet interactions with Chloe and Laura.

7th May 2010, 04:00
I absolutely loved this chapter!!
Lex, Chloe and Laurie are so cute talking about making the mansion their home, it just made me melt!!
I notice Clark is starting to come around to giving Lex a chance and I hope he doesn't change his mind and go back to being a jerk now that he has seen how good Lex is to Chloe and their daughter!!!
Thanks again for the awesome update, can't wait to read the brilliance that you have in store for us next!!!!!

Kit Merlot
7th May 2010, 16:13
This was lovely!

I like that Clark realizes that he might have been too harsh on Lex and that his having Chloe and Laurie in his life has changed him for the better.

8th May 2010, 00:47
Thank you lexie
you are my favorite author. I hope you will continue to enchante us with your writings.

9th May 2010, 21:23
Laurie is adorable, and Daddy!Lex is totally aaaw-worthy :)

This is the kind of Daddy I think Lex would make. I'm 100% he'd try to be everything that Lionel wasn't and he'd try to lavish his child with all the love he was denied. Possessive and jealous? Sure. :D I'm also certain his baby'd have him tied round her little finger.

Oh, bringing not just Bruce/Batman but also The Joker and other Gotham characters into this is very clever - I like that aspect a lot too.

Thank you, darling. I love Batman's universe too. I've never got to write a Bruce fic- I'm too much into Lex and I'm a faithful kind of girl, but I don't see any harm in introducing the capedcrusader in my fics from time to time.

So Chloe's plan is to form kind of an X-Men thing out of the people/freaks in 33.1? Hmm, interesting...

Glad you got the hint. You're the only one who's mentioned it.*grins* You'll have to wait and see how this pans out.

Loved the Chlex again this chapter - I always do, you write every part so well! The verbal judo makes me chuckle - so much fun, and the love scenes make me sigh - so beautiful.

I always do my best for the love scenes to come through as sexy and tender with a hint of playfulness so if this is what you felt while reading them, all I can say is mission accomplished. *pats her back with a wide smile*

Next chapter soon please! I really need to make more effort to keep up with your updates, but time just gets away from me!

I'm trying to get in the mood. I've been somewhat busy at work these last few days and haven't been able to concentrate on my writing that much. However, I've got an idea of what's to come so don't fear; there'll be an update- I just can't give you an exact date yet.

By the way, there's no need to apologise. Time certainly DOES fly away.

Great chapter as always. I don't have enough words to describe how much I adore the Chlex family and I really love the idea of them making their home in the mansion and making some good memories there.

I also hope Chloe and Laurie will help him start afresh and get rid of Lionel's ghost once and for all.And what better place to start than the town where Lex dreamt with a new life, the town where their paths crossed.

It's nice to see Clark come to a few long overdue realisations, that moment also gave me a little reminder of how much I hated the SV version of Jonathan Kent when I watched the show, Martha really was the saving grace of that family - I'm looking forward the breakfast to get a bit more of her and her very sweet interactions with Chloe and Laura.

I agree 100%. Martha was the one member of that family that I admired and liked. She was mostly nice to Lex and didn't let prejudice blind her to whatever was good in him simply because he was a Luthor. She's always been the voice of reason in that house. Hated Jonathan almost as much as I did the last Seasons' Lana.

I absolutely loved this chapter!!
Thanks again for the awesome update, can't wait to read the brilliance that you have in store for us next!!!!!

Oh,I hope I'll be able to live up to your expectations!

This was lovely!

I like that Clark realizes that he might have been too harsh on Lex and that his having Chloe and Laurie in his life has changed him for the better.

I wish he hadn't been so blind and so Jonathan-like stubborn on the show.This is the Clark Kent I remember from the comics and the films.

Thank you lexie
you are my favorite author. I hope you will continue to enchante us with your writings.

Thanks for your beautiful words, especially considering how many awesome authors and stories these forums house. I'm happy to know my little endeavours manage to keep you entertained during your leisure hours.

10th May 2010, 06:39
love this story. from start to finish, it has had me laughing, crying, and wishing that i knew what was to come. i cannot wait until the next chapter, 'cause i cannot wait to see where you take lex and chloe next.

11th May 2010, 02:01
i can't wait til the next chapter when the the woman gang up and clark.and when clark and lex see each other after the gang up and what it just figured out in this chapter.update soon

17th May 2010, 01:36
I am so sorry for the length of time between my reviews. I wasn’t feeling very Chlexy for a time, then I wasn’t really reading any fanfic. Anyway, I’m feeling fanficy and Chlexy today! :-D Just some brief comments….

Chapter 14
Love the Lex/Clark confrontation!

Chapter 15
I love Lex comforting Chloe. It’s so at odds with his image to be comforting in this manner. It’s wonderful to see him this way.

I can’t tell you enough how much I love the interactions between Lex and Laurie.

Chapter 17
“And this is Clark we’re talking about; people have a tendency to trust him and cover his back. They’d never desert him or stab him in the back. He’s not a Luthor.”

Isn’t that sad? Too bad he doesn’t have the same sense of protection and loyalty for the people around him as they have for him. And why is it alright for him to be this way? It always turns into the other person’s fault when he runs and turns his back on people. Something they’ve done to make them deserve it instead of the truth – he's not really the messianic hero he is made out to be, he is flawed just like everyone else. Sorry, I did mention I had serious Clark issues.

Wow! Really hard on Ollie. No argument that he was a bastard in school, but Lex made a choice. Despite the pressure, he didn’t have to choose the route that he did. In spite of Ollie’s behavior, that wasn’t his fault, that was Lex’s. That’s not to say, I absolve him of his part in what occurred, but Lex could have made a different choice.

Chapter 18
Bad idea keeping information from Chloe. I understand why he’s making the choice, but he's showing that he hasn't learned from the past. It's not fair to keep that information from Chloe and also not good for her well-being (mentally/emotonally). There will be fallout when she finally learns the truth.

I love the conversation between Batman and Green Arrow. Yay, Bruce/Batman! His inclusion in a story is always a great plus!

Chapter 20
Thank you for having Lois point out the fact that Lex shouldn’t be casting stones with regards to Ollie after his own previous behavior. I love the entire conversation between Lex and Lois. In fact, I am enjoying all of their interactions.

Chapter 21
Yeah, there’s that fallout for which I was waiting. It was relatively mild. He was very lucky.

Chapter 22
He’s going to be real life Xavier. That made me giggly. This, I can’t wait to see.

18th May 2010, 00:13
love this story. from start to finish, it has had me laughing, crying, and wishing that i knew what was to come.

Yours must be one of the biggest compliments I've ever got. Thanks, darling.

I am so sorry for the length of time between my reviews. I wasn’t feeling very Chlexy for a time, then I wasn’t really reading any fanfic.

What matter's that you're back now. So welcome back to the thread and the forums!

Chapter 14 Love the Lex/Clark confrontation!

I like those, particularly when Lex calls him on his bullsh*t.

Chapter 15
I love Lex comforting Chloe. It’s so at odds with his image to be comforting in this manner. It’s wonderful to see him this way.

Lex isn't a cold machine and we all know it. His upbringing and he's getting burnt so many times when opening up to others is a roadblock but I've always believed him to be capable of comforting someone who's been deeply hurt, both emotionally and psychologically. What Chloe's going through is something he can definitely identify with.

I'm glad you appreciated the scene so much. I consider it a very important landmark in the development of their renewed bonding and in Chloe's healing process.

I can’t tell you enough how much I love the interactions between Lex and Laurie.

Oh, they're my favourite too! Writing them always leaves me teary-eyed

Chapter 17
Isn’t that sad? Too bad he doesn’t have the same sense of protection and loyalty for the people around him as they have for him. And why is it alright for him to be this way? It always turns into the other person’s fault when he runs and turns his back on people. Something they’ve done to make them deserve it instead of the truth – he's not really the messianic hero he is made out to be, he is flawed just like everyone else. Sorry, I did mention I had serious Clark issues.

Wow! Really hard on Ollie. No argument that he was a bastard in school, but Lex made a choice. Despite the pressure, he didn’t have to choose the route that he did. In spite of Ollie’s behavior, that wasn’t his fault, that was Lex’s. That’s not to say, I absolve him of his part in what occurred, but Lex could have made a different choice.

Oh, I have some big issues with the farmboy but I also have serious issues with the Arrow! It's no secret around here that Queen has never been on my Christmas list. I've never liked the character in the comics and on the Justice League cartoons and SV's version has added an extra layer to Oliver by linking him with Lex's childhood- another reason for me to feel animosity towards him. I write and read Chlex but I'm first and foremost a Lex fan so I tend to have very little tolerance towards anyone who's been particularly mean to him. What I find most annoying about Oliver's that he can be as much of a hypocrite as Clark, ready to preach from his pulpit, questioning Lex on his moral choices when he himself isn't that clean either.

You're right that Lex could have chosen a different path back then, but we also shouldn't forget he was a physically and psychologically vulnerable boy trying to find his place in the world, desperate to belong and to be accepted by someone, including his peers. Duncan's death was an accident but both Lex AND Oliver had their part in the incident that led to it. However, this wasn't the first time Oliver bullied Lex; it seemed to me Queen had it in for Lex and that he was always picking on him being both verbally and physically aggressive.

I love the conversation between Batman and Green Arrow. Yay, Bruce/Batman! His inclusion in a story is always a great plus!

Love having Bruce bringing him down a peg or two. :D

Chapter 20
I love the entire conversation between Lex and Lois. In fact, I am enjoying all of their interactions.

Oh, I have a ball penning those scenes! My Lois is so much fun to write.

Chapter 21
Yeah, there’s that fallout for which I was waiting. It was relatively mild. He was very lucky.

Yeah, he can count himself lucky. Fortunately, Chloe was able to understand where he was coming from but he'll have to work hard to pay for keeping her in the dark. Chloe, I'm sure, we'll have some fun in the process. :D

i can't wait til the next chapter when the the woman gang up and clark.and when clark and lex see each other after the gang up and what it just figured out in this chapter.update soon

Hopefully, you'll get to see that in the following update.

Chapter 22
He’s going to be real life Xavier. That made me giggly. This, I can’t wait to see.

I can't wait for it either. I'm currently working on Chapter 23 but it's in nappies yet.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, darling. By the way, check out the ficlet I wrote after watching the beginning of Chlollie- I guarantee you'll find it interesting: Undercover Warrior (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?t=7536).

23rd May 2010, 08:48
update soon please great story

24th May 2010, 20:11
update soon please great story

Thanks for your enthusiasm. I'm as impatient to update as you are to read it. I'm still working on Chapter 23. ;)

29th May 2010, 07:14
A/N: Sorry for the delay in posting an update. ;)

By the way, if you haven't read it yet, check out my latest one-shot, Remember (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php/7724-quot-Remember-quot-%28PG-15%29-May-11th-2010?p=256721#post256721).

CHAPTER 23: Echoes


Clark had finished milking the cows and fixing a broken fence when he saw a car that he knew only too well drive up the dust path which led straight to the house. He clenched his teeth and left the paddock after feeding Martha’s mare. It seemed it was written in the stars that he wasn’t meant to have a quiet respite at home.

“Clark!” Martha chided him when he entered the kitchen letting the storm door slam.

“Sorry, Mom,” he replied, twitching his lips and looking at her apologetically when he realised he’d forgotten to wipe the mud off his boots before stepping inside.

“You should take off those boots and wash your hands,” she sighed, setting down the last batch of chocolate chip cookies on the work top.”We have guests this morning,” she added with a smile, looking towards the breakfast nook.

“Yeah, I know,” he said with a sour face.

“Wow, Clark! Is that the way you welcome someone you used to call one of your best friends?” asked a young woman’s voice with playful reproachfulness.


“Missed me?” she chuckled as she got lost in Clark’s bear hug. “Glad you seem happy to see me but, please, leave me some bone intact.”

“Sorry,” he slackened the embrace and took a step back to have a better look at her.”You look great, Chlo’,” he added softly.

“Thanks,” she answered somewhat shyly.

“It must be love, Smallville,” Lois butted in, as she and Laura climbed down the stairs.

“Lois,” he pursed his lips, “I thought I’d seen your car on the driveway.”

“Don’t pay attention to him, Laurie. He’s grouchy in the mornings,” said Chloe’s eldest cousin when they arrived at the bottom of the stairs. “His bark is worse than his bite. Right, Mrs K?”

“Where are your manners, Clark?” Martha chided him as she wiped her hands with a tea towel.

“Hello, Laura,” Clark greeted the child with that smile which used to make Chloe’s heart flutter.

“H’llo. D’you have a dog?” asked the girl, whose blue-grey eyes looked as disturbingly intense as those of Lex’s. “Daddy said you had a ‘triever.”

“A Golden Retriever,” Chloe corrected her.”What was his name? I’m afraid there are still things I can’t remember,” she added with a tired smile.

“Shelby. And I still have him,” he addressed the child, wondering what else Lex had told her about his former best friend.

“Oh, that ball of hair! I still think Clarky would have been a better name,” Lois interrupted, wrinkling her nose. “You’d better keep Laurie away from the beast, cuz. I couldn’t stop sneezing the first time we met.”

“That’s because Shelby has a sixth sense to smell a pest at first sight,” replied Clark with a fake smile.

“Clark!” exclaimed Martha reprovingly.

“Say, Clark, when are you two going out?” smirked Chloe.

“What?!” cried Lois and the farmboy simultaneously.

“Why are you looking at me that way? Have I suddenly grown two heads? I just got the impression there was something in the air, that’s all,” shrugged the blonde reporter, shooting a sideway glance at Martha, who was trying hard not to laugh.

“Well, there’s not,” stated Clark with a frown.

“You could have fooled anyone,” chuckled a voice unknown to Clark’s ears. “I’m sorry. I haven’t introduced myself. I’m Moira Sullivan- Chloe’s Mom,” she told Martha’s son, stretching out her hand to shake his as he tried to shake off the dumbfounded look on his face on finding out the woman was not only sane but was also making fun of him.” I have to agree with my daughter. We used to call that foreplay when I was younger.”

“Aunt Moira!” exclaimed Lois, rushing to cover Laura’s ears.

“Lois, since when are you such a prude?” Chloe cocked an eyebrow.

”I just don’t want to give a certain follicle-challenged individual an extra reason to keep me away from my little cousin,” she said through greeted teeth.

“As if that would stop you,” added Clark under his breath.

“You keep your trap shut, Smallville. We’re five to one this morning and I’ve got a feeling it won’t be the last, so you’d better get used to it.”

“OK, children,” Moira sighed, taking a platter from Martha’s hands. “How about burying the hatchet till breakfast’s over before these tasty warm pancakes are ruined?”


“Why are you doing this?” asked Mikhail with a speculative look in his eyes.

“As I told you the day I brought you here; if there’s one thing I’ve learnt, it’s that anything lost can be found again,” Lex told the young man from the Balkans as he presented him with the documents his team of lawyers had drafted.

“If I sign this, what guarantee do I have I won’t be held a prisoner against my will again?”

“This is just a confidentiality agreement; an insurance to protect LuthorCorp against massive lawsuits in the future. Sign it and you can walk away a free man. I’d rather you accepted my offer, though; we both know you weren’t born to be a bookie or a swindler. And... you helped save my family with your powers; that’s something I won’t ever forget. Think of it as a new chance. But first... there’s one last thing I’d like you to do for me.“

“I should have known there was a catch,” sighed the young man.

“No catch. You can turn my request down. It isn’t binding, by the way. Whether you choose to join the project or leave is up to you.”

“Excuse me if I’m sceptical.”

“I’d be in your debt. Surely you must know how much that’s worth,” Lex cocked an eyebrow.

“OK. I’m listening.”

KENT FARM- 10 a.m.

Clark lay back in the chair that used to be Jonathan’s at the head of the table and observed the five women laugh and bond over breakfast; the old, the new and the future generations sharing one big table. His father had passed away a little over a year ago and this was the first time Clark felt they were a family again. There was a person missing at the table, someone who had never been invited to sit with them while Jonathan was alive; the farmboy looked at the blonde three-year-old sitting between Chloe and Lois and wondered if she was the miracle which might make the unthinkable possible.

Chloe laughed heartily at some witty remark of Lois’ and he was transported to another time and place when they were joined at the hip, a time when she hung on every word he said and was always ready to burn the candle at both ends to help him solve some Smallville mystery or save Lana from the freak of the week. He’d missed having the blonde reporter in his life and felt the pain of guilt weighing on his shoulders at the way he’d pushed her away. Pete and Chloe had vanished from his life almost simultaneously and... then Lex. And that had left him only Lana, the person who had been the centre of his universe ever since she moved in with Nell across from the Kent farm. However, the brunette had never been able to fill in the shoes of the friends and confidants he’d lost; she’d isolated him even more- or rather, he’d built an even higher wall around him and ended up losing her too. For over a year he’d tried to blame Lex for taking yet another important woman away from his side... Bitterness had blinded Clark. Maybe it was time he looked at himself in the mirror and accepted his share of guilt.

“Let me do the dishes, Martha,” said Chloe, getting up from the table and interrupting Clark’s musings.

“You’re our guest, Chloe,” Mrs Kent shook her head.

“And you made breakfast and baked to feed at least a dozen people. It’s the least I could do,” replied the blonde reporter, starting to pile up the empty cups and used cutlery.

“Why don’t I give you a hand, Martha?” offered Moira. “Let’s leave the young people to catch up, shall we?”

“Mom, can I go see Shelby?” asked Laurie, pulling Chloe’s sleeve to call her attention.

“You know, you can see more than just Shelby...” smiled Clark.

“Don’t tell me that Clarky’s been doing the naughty,” frowned Lois.

“Lois...” said Clark under his breath.

“I’d better give Aunt Moira and Mrs K a hand drying the dishes,” she replied with a fake smile.

“Wise decision,” he told her tightly. “Shall we?” he added, opening the door for Chloe and Laurie.

“Hands,” said the girl, showing her sticky fingers.

“There’s a pump outside. Come,” he replied, giving them a gentle push and shutting the door behind them.

“Anxious to make an escape?” chuckled Chloe.

“You have no idea,” he sighed.


Chloe leant beside Clark on the fence to look at Laurie, who was running in the green fields playing throw and fetch with Shelby and three yapping puppies. The reporter took a deep breath as the soft breeze brought the perfume of the flowers in bloom across the fields. She’d forgotten what clean air smelt like after three years of living away from the small town.

“She looks like a happy child,” said Clark warmly, seeing his high school friend smile when the girl fell on her rear and one of the puppies climbed onto her and lapped her face.”I’m sorry, Chloe.”

“Why?” she frowned, turning her face to meet his gaze.

“For pushing you away. For everything that happened that year. “

“It hurt to realise the person who was supposed to be my best friend didn’t trust me and that he preferred being around the girl in whose shadow I’d spent most of my teenage years. It felt like the end of the world then, but it was I who made the mistake of underestimating Lionel Luthor. “

“You wouldn’t have become entangled with him if I’d been honest with you about me and Lana.”

“Are we still talking about Lionel Luthor?” she cocked an eyebrow.

“There’s no way we can discuss this without talking about the son too.”

“Are things that bad between you that you can’t even say his name?”

“You‘ve been away three years, Chloe. A lot of water has run under the bridge.”

“I was gone three years, but you were his best friend, Clark. Where were you at the time of the safe house explosion?”

“I wish I had been there... If I had known... I wish I could have saved you... and your Dad.”

“I wasn’t talking about me, Clark. I was talking about Lex. You pushed him away too. Why?”

“That’s not what happened, Chloe. He was obsessed with me. He’d promised he’d stop digging into my background...”

“He just wanted for you to be honest with him, Clark. He might have gone the wrong way about it, made a foolish mistake- not very different from the ones you and I’d made... Why is it that you can forgive me for going to Lionel behind your back but you couldn’t accept Lex’s apology back then? “

“It’s different.”

“Different how? Because he is a Luthor? Laurie is a Luthor by birth too. Does that mean she won’t ever be allowed to make a mistake and ask to be forgiven? Does the fact that Luthor blood runs through her veins render her instantly unworthy?” she glared.

“No, of course, not!”

“Then explain it to me.”

“She’s your daughter, Chloe.”

“She’s our daughter. Do you mean to imply if she weren’t mine too, you would look at her differently?”

“You’re putting words in my mouth, Chloe. “

“I’m sorry but I don’t understand. Does this have anything to do with your secret and his getting too close to it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t do that, Clark. Don’t you patronise me. I knew there was something special about you before I left, just as I do now. A miracle happened a few days ago and you were there, just as you used to be there whenever something extraordinary happened in the nick of time while we were in high school. I don’t know what it is and I don’t need to know, Clark. I just want you to stop lying to me. “

“Chlo’... “

“It’s OK if you’re a meteor freak, Clark. Hell, even I am one, and let me tell you, I’m scared shitless, “ she said with a nervous laugh. “Now you’re speechless.”

“Close to three-quarters of Smallville’s population is meteor-infected, and you’ve been around meteor rocks more than the average citizen...”

“Yeah, you’re right. So you see? You’re not alone. And in the last few days I’ve realised that meteor powers don’t have to be a curse. They can be a gift too when properly channelled.”

“You’re starting to sound like him.”

“I’m not talking about Lionel Luthor’s original plan for 33.1, which Lex dusted off a few months after the safe house. Don’t look surprised. I know all about it.”

“Did you discover it on your own or did Lex talk to you about it?”

“A little bit of both. Look, Clark, I know that whatever was broken between you two won’t be rebuilt overnight, but he’s really trying not to be the man he was after the explosion. You know everything Lionel put him through... I’m not making excuses for him... but... even though it goes against his upbringing and even though he’s scared witless of shedding those protective walls he had to erect to survive his Dad and everyone that ended up hurting him, he’s doing his best to open up to me and that includes sharing some of his most sensitive projects.”

“How much do you know about 33.1?”

“Everything. I’ve read every file and paper. Even seen footage... I don’t approve of the way things were handled and yet... I believe not everything that was done should be lost... “

“Chloe, all those experiments... people taken against their will... ”

“I’m not denying what happened there or the role that Lex played in it- he isn’t either. As a matter of fact, until a few days ago his plan was to shut the thing down. Then we kind of thought things over.”


“Don’t look so appalled, Clark. I thought you knew me better than that. Do you honestly think I would condone having people like you and I experimented on?”

“I’m afraid I don’t follow you. If you don’t agree with it then why didn’t you encourage him to dismantle it?”

“I’m going to ask something of you, Clark, something that you denied me in the past. I want your trust. I’m not asking you to share your secrets with me. I’m just asking you to have faith in me... and in him. Lex was raised by a cold selfish bastard, and although he can be like that on occasion, you know there’s more to him than that; he’s also capable of selfless acts. You can’t deny it, Clark, they might have happened a long time ago but you surely can’t have forgotten everything he once did for you, your family and even people he’d never set eyes on. You can’t be so petty as to put everything down to his having a secret agenda. You told me just a while ago that Laurie was different because she’s my child. Well, Lex isn’t just a Luthor either; Lillian’s blood runs through his veins too. “

“Daddy!” exclaimed Laurie with a wide smile which revealed two cute dimples as she ran followed by the dogs towards the silver Porsche parked in front of the barn.

“I’m not blind to his flaws. I know he has an obsessive and manipulative streak, but it all comes down to his insecurities. He’s a good man, Clark. He’s just been misguided... and unloved. I’m not saying he’s perfect or that he won’t make mistakes again... “

“None of us is perfect,” replied the farmboy quietly, observing Lex’s confident gait as he approached them smiling at the excited prattling of the blonde girl he held by the hand.

“Can we ask him?” they heard Laurie say as she and Lex got closer to them.

“We’ll see,” he smirked, wondering if he’ll ever be able to resist her cute pout. He was already as much in love with his daughter as with Chloe. Lionel must be turning in his grave to see how these two women had his son twisted round their little finger.”Morning,” he murmured, kissing Chloe softly on the lips and enjoying the farmboy’s discomfiture.

“Good morning. How was your flight?”

“Bumpy,” he replied enigmatically.”Clark.”


“Would you excuse me, guys? I’ve promised Martha I’d give her a hand with a petition,” Chloe added, breaking the uncomfortable silence.”I’ll be done in fifteen minutes, OK?”

“Take your time,” Lex told her as she sprinted away.

Their buffer gone and sensing the strange atmosphere between the two adults, Laurie decided to test the waters and see if she could get her wish.

“Where do the puppies sleep?” she blurted out, looking up at Clark.

“In the barn.”

“In the barn? Alone?”

“No, with Shelby.”

“But... aren’t they cold?” she frowned, leaning closer to Lex.

“Well... when it’s cold we let them sleep in the kitchen.”

“Mm... do you live with Martha?”

“No, not anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Well... I’m a grown-up now. I study at Central Kansas like Lois. We both stay at the dorms. I come back to the farm once a month or once every month.”

“You live with Lois?” she asked wide-eyed.

“No! She... lives in the girls’ dorm.”

“Oh!” she said with a pensive air. “But you like her, right?”

“I bet he does. You have to be a fool not to like the Sullivan-Lane female clan. They’re very special girls. Don’t you agree, Clark?”

“That they are. You’re quite the reporter... “ replied Clark, smiling at the tiny tot.

“I have a big house,” stated she. “With a big fire in the study.”

“I know. I used to go to your house when I was in high school and sit to talk with a friend by the fire,” explained Clark, shooting Lex a glance.

“You did? “

“Clark and Mommy used to come and visit me almost every week,” clarified Lex.

“Will you come and visit now?” Laurie asked Clark with a tilt in her voice.

“Maybe. Would you like me to come?” asked Clark, focusing all his attention on the girl.

Laurie tightened her hold on Lex’s leg and looked up to lock eyes with the billionaire before focusing her gaze on the farmboy again.

“Mommy says you’re friends. Friends share... Daddy has no dog,” she told Clark with a sad look in her blue-grey eyes. “Can he have a puppy?”she finally said, kneeling down to pick up the one which stood out from the rest because of its different colouring. It had become her favourite puppy as soon as she’d set eyes on it. It had a white patch around one eye and its brothers seemed to do their best to keep it out of their games, and still that never appeared to faze the animal. She liked it better than the other two. It seemed proud at first sight, but it loved having its back stroked. It was the perfect doggie for her daddy.

Lex felt a sudden clench in his chest on hearing the blonde sprite’s words. Although he’d known about Laurie’s eagerness to have a four-legged pet at the mansion, he’d never expected the request to have anything to do with him and his lack of a faithful companion. Now he remembered his daughter’s intelligent probing a few days ago and his surprising confession- he’d never had a dog while growing up.

“Your Mommy’s right. Friends should learn to share what they have. And this little fellow here needs a home and a family to love him. Nobody should be denied that. So... Lex? It seems your new family’ll be getting bigger.”

“So it seems,” he murmured, seeing the little beast wag its tail and lap the child’s face enthusiastically as she hugged it closer.

“Smallville!” a shout pierced the strangely quiet and warm atmosphere which had been created thanks to the infant’s mediation.

“Also your family seems to have grown since the last time I was around the farm,” smirked Lex at the farmboy’s scowl.

“God forbid,” mumbled Clark.

“Smallville! You’d better come inside the house now You have a call from The Planet.”

“The Planet?” Lex cocked an eyebrow.

“I’ll be there in a minute!” he shouted. “ Lois and I have been trying to get an internship as part of our study program,” confessed Clark. “Listen, Lex, I... just... I’m sorry about what I said in Metropolis a few weeks ago. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions... I didn’t know... I’d never suspected anything.”

“Nobody was supposed to know. Your mother was the only one who did... and she was the soul of discretion. What Chloe and I have has never been anything seedy and I hated having to hide it from the world, but it was the only way I knew of protecting her,” said Lex quietly as he observed Laurie playing with the puppy a few feet away from them. “I know what you’re going to say- that if I’d really wanted to shelter her, I should have let her be.”

“We don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t stepped in when you did, Lex. Maybe she wouldn’t have lived to enter the witness protection program. And there’s a fair chance she wouldn’t have made that deal with your Dad if I hadn’t pushed her away or if I’d at least been honest about... Lana and me.”

“I suppose we'll never know..... You’d better hurry back, Clark. You wouldn’t like for another journalism student to rob you the chance because you took too long to pick up a call... Go... ”

“OK... “

“Clark?” he called him as he made to leave.


“Thanks for the dog. It means a lot to Laurie... and to me.”

“You’re welcome. You and Chloe have a lovely daughter... I hope this is it, Lex. I hope Chloe and Laurie are what you’ve been waiting for.”

“They are.”

“Then I guess we’ll see more of each other soon.”

“So no more impromptu crusader incursions into LuthorCorp property? Come on, Clark. Let’s not start with the wrong foot again. We both know what I’m talking about. It’ll take both of us time to learn to trust each other, but let’s at least be honest in this.”

“Sending Oliver to save us was something my old friend would have done. I’m ready to give you the benefit of the doubt and our friendship another chance... if you are.”

“I am, but I’m afraid there won’t be any friendship to patch up unless you hurry up, Clark. I can see Lois’ glare from here.”

“Start thinking about how you’ll repay me for the dog, Lex. You’ll thank me when that ball of hair ends up being the only protection against a Lane siege,” Clark told him, starting to run towards the farm

“Oh, I don’t know. Lois and I are getting on pretty well... ” murmured the billionaire when the farmboy hastened his trot... “I think it’s you who’ll be sieged by a Lane when you least expect it.”

Lex slipped his hands in the pockets of his Armani overcoat and saw the new addition to their family succeed at grabbing the stick before its siblings. The dog ran with the bounty to where Laurie was kneeling and, after a few whispered words in its ear, veered towards its new master at whose feet it left the stick as an offering. Lex met the creature’s guarded look for a few seconds and, feeling a sudden empathy with the animal, stroked its head before joining in the game.

Chloe stepped onto the veranda and leant against the post to observe the usually unflappable and restrained billionaire play and bond with their daughter and the clumsy puppy.

“I still can’t believe how a father can be so unnatural as to deprive his own son of a childhood,” said Martha quietly, standing beside her.”When I think how much Jonathan and I wished to have a little one in our life before Clark ... it tears my heart to know a man was blessed with an innocent child only to end up breaking his spirit. Not a day has gone by without my praying for Lex’s soul ever since you were snatched away from his life, Chloe- even when I saw him and Clark drift further apart. I’m so glad my prayers have been answered at last. I know it won’t be easy to undo all the harm that’s been done or to get back what you were robbed....Not so long ago I wouldn’t have imagined this scene in my backyard... and the idea of a civilised conversation between Clark and him... well, let’s just say, I could barely remember what that was like. Jonathan was never a fan of anyone bearing the surname Luthor... I tried so hard the first years to get him to see what I saw of Lillian in her boy...”

“Did you know her?” asked Chloe with a hint of surprise in her voice.

“We used to frequent the same circles before I met Jonathan at MetU and she got engaged to Lionel. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out; she’d have loved to see her child find happiness at last. I wish she could have met you and you her.”

“So do I. I wish she could see him now... “

“I’m sure she can,” murmured Martha, wrapping an arm around Chloe’s shoulders.”Do you have news about the trial?”

“We’re leaving for Gotham in a fortnight. I can’t wait for it to be over... I just hope justice is served this time.”

“And then? What are your plans?” asked Clark’s mum with a conspiratorial grin.

“I’m afraid we’ve both been so badly burnt by our past experiences that we don’t like making too many plans in advance. But...”

“But?” Martha cocked an eyebrow.

“Get ready to be surprised.”


Cassandra Jean
29th May 2010, 07:32
Wonderful update. Glad to see that Clark and Lex may be reforging their friendship.

Laurie was just too cute. Loved her line of reasoning regarding the need for a puppy--can not wait to see what kind of mischief Laurie and the new dog can get into.

29th May 2010, 08:53
What a great update. I love how Laurie got her dog. She is certainly her mother's daughter. LOL! I am glad Clark let the pen out of his butt and gave Lex a chance. I can't wait to see what surprise Chloe has for Martha. :)

29th May 2010, 09:20
great chapter and update soon

29th May 2010, 10:28
This was a beautiful update, lexie! I love the simple domesticity of it all, and how Lex and Clark have been brought back to their friendship by all of the women in their lives. Laurie is such a sweetheart and I love that she has one of Shelby's puppies now. Oh, and the Clois which everyone sees except them - its so much fun! I love it all and can't wait for more :)

29th May 2010, 18:04
Glad you enjoyed the domestic interlude. We'll get back to the nasty Edge business in the following update. Let's keep our fingers crossed for everything to have a happy resolution.

Kit Merlot
30th May 2010, 03:19
This was just lovely!

The Chloe/Clark and Clark/Lex conversations were long overdue and good for Clark for realizing the mistakes he made in the past and for wanting to rebuild his friendships with both Chloe and Lex. The BDA is maturing :P

But this part:

“Say, Clark, when are you two going out?” smirked Chloe.

and this part:

“I bet he does. You have to be a fool not to like the Sullivan-Lane female clan. They’re very special girls. Don’t you agree, Clark?”

damn near killed me. The Chlex are now pimping Clois??!! Oh the humanity:grin3:

30th May 2010, 04:20
Thanks so much for the wonderful update, it made my day!!
I loved all the banter with Lois and Clark. I am glad that Clark and Lex are going to work things out and try to be friends again, maybe they can even become better friends than they were before. The scene with Clark, Lex, Laurie, and the puppy was beautiful, it made my heart melt. The last comment from Chloe to Martha (get ready to be surprised) is this a hint, could there be a wedding or perhaps a brother or sister for Laurie coming soon!!!
No matter what the surprise is I'm sure it will be wonderful, just as the rest of this story has been!
Thanks again for the update, I absolutely loved it and can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!!!!

30th May 2010, 16:24
Thank you Lexie for an amazing update. Back for the dead is by far your best story in my humble opinion.

("That’s because Shelby has a sixth sense to smell a pest at first sight,” replied Clark with a fake smile.)
It was funny. I look forward to your updates.

30th May 2010, 19:34
It was a lovely chapter !
I like the scene with the puppy !

30th May 2010, 22:18
Great chapter. I'm so glad to see that Clark is opening his eyes a little bit, it would be great to see him and Lex get back some of their friendship. The only thing more adoreable than Lex and Laurie having father/daughter moments are those same moments with the addition of a puppy - that whole scene was just too cute!

31st May 2010, 01:10
Great chappie. I was happy to see some good interaction between Lex and Clark and hope that something will come out of that. Cannot wait to see what you come up with next.

31st May 2010, 05:03
i am glad that clark and lex are going to try and mend there friendship.i am also glad that clark gave a puppy to laurie.

2nd June 2010, 02:46
love the update. i am glad that lex and clark are going to be friends again and that clark gave the a dog that was so cute.

2nd June 2010, 08:17
Lex and his daughter playing with a puppy, Chloe laying in to Clark about the way that he treated the both of them, What more could I ask for. Thank-you.

2nd June 2010, 22:48
The Chloe/Clark and Clark/Lex conversations were long overdue and good for Clark for realizing the mistakes he made in the past and for wanting to rebuild his friendships with both Chloe and Lex. The BDA is maturing :P

It was high time, wasn't it?

The Chlex are now pimping Clois??!! Oh the humanity:grin3:

Well, I can't buy Clois on the show but I've always believed in them as THE couple when it comes to the films and the comics so that's the vision I stick to whenever I write them in my fics. I don't feel inclined to penning Clois fiction though- Clark is so damn boring when compared to Lex. My Lois, on the contrary, is really fun to write.

Thanks so much for the wonderful update, it made my day!

Nice to know I was able to brighten your day with my little story. :)

I loved all the banter with Lois and Clark. I am glad that Clark and Lex are going to work things out and try to be friends again, maybe they can even become better friends than they were before. The scene with Clark, Lex, Laurie, and the puppy was beautiful, it made my heart melt.

I too have a lot of fun with the Clois banter. And I'm pleased that all of you found the doggie scene- which wrote itself into the story- so touching.

The last comment from Chloe to Martha (get ready to be surprised) is this a hint, could there be a wedding or perhaps a brother or sister for Laurie coming soon!!!
No matter what the surprise is I'm sure it will be wonderful, just as the rest of this story has been!
Thanks again for the update, I absolutely loved it and can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!!!!

Well, there was a hint as to what one of their surprises might be.

Thank you Lexie for an amazing update. Back for the dead is by far your best story in my humble opinion.

You know, I always consider my latest the best; I suppose it's got to do with growing up as a writer. There's certainly an abyss between my first fics and what I'm currently posting. This is even more evident when it comes to my recent ficlets, I think. Out of my long stories I'd say this one and The Naked Truth are my favourites at the moment. I'm sure it'll change with time.

It was a lovely chapter ! I like the scene with the puppy !

I only thing more adoreable than Lex and Laurie having father/daughter moments are those same moments with the addition of a puppy - that whole scene was just too cute!

i am glad that lex and clark are going to be friends again and that clark gave the a dog that was so cute.

Great chappie. I was happy to see some good interaction between Lex and Clark and hope that something will come out of that. Cannot wait to see what you come up with next.

i am glad that clark and lex are going to try and mend there friendship.i am also glad that clark gave a puppy to laurie.

Lex and his daughter playing with a puppy, Chloe laying in to Clark about the way that he treated the both of them, What more could I ask for. Thank-you.

Thanks, darlings. The puppy scene was definitely my own favourite.

It was high time Chloe told off Clark; he was getting off too lightly. Let's hope he doesn't revert to his Jonathanish behaviour anytime soon. If he's to become Superman he NEEDS to grow up.I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for Clark and Lex's friendship. Lex deserves to have friends in his life.

3rd June 2010, 09:34
thank you for this wonderful chapter :)
lex + laurie + puppy = very very cute.

5th June 2010, 00:46
chapter 16: Laurie is so cute, I loved that she changed her bear`s name to Lex.
I like that Oliver will work with Lex. Let`s see what they`ll do.

Chapter 17: Can Laurie see Lillian??? I`m so curious to find out. I loved that she called her grandma and that she`s ok with Lex being her dad.
I loved when Martha said all those things about Clark being wrong about Lex.

I`ll read more ASAP

7th June 2010, 17:53
chapter 16: Laurie is so cute, I loved that she changed her bear`s name to Lex.
I like that Oliver will work with Lex. Let`s see what they`ll do.

Chapter 17: Can Laurie see Lillian??? I`m so curious to find out. I loved that she called her grandma and that she`s ok with Lex being her dad.
I loved when Martha said all those things about Clark being wrong about Lex.

I`ll read more ASAP

Thank you for taking some time out of your busy Mum's schedule to keep reading this fic. Glad you're still enjoying it. :)

11th June 2010, 08:39
Lex isn't a cold machine and we all know it. His upbringing and he's getting burnt so many times when opening up to others is a roadblock but I've always believed him to be capable of comforting someone who's been deeply hurt, both emotionally and psychologically. What Chloe's going through is something he can definitely identify with.

I'm glad you appreciated the scene so much. I consider it a very important landmark in the development of their renewed bonding and in Chloe's healing process.

Again (I think I mentioned it before), I enjoy seeing him be openly tactile. His image is that of someone who would listen, be present and provide advice, but not touch, hug or kiss. Right, his background doesn't lend to him being able to show empathy and/or sympathy towards others, though, you know he is capable of exhibiting both emotions.

Oh, I have some big issues with the farmboy but I also have serious issues with the Arrow! It's no secret around here that Queen has never been on my Christmas list. I've never liked the character in the comics and on the Justice League cartoons and SV's version has added an extra layer to Oliver by linking him with Lex's childhood- another reason for me to feel animosity towards him. I write and read Chlex but I'm first and foremost a Lex fan so I tend to have very little tolerance towards anyone who's been particularly mean to him. What I find most annoying about Oliver's that he can be as much of a hypocrite as Clark, ready to preach from his pulpit, questioning Lex on his moral choices when he himself isn't that clean either.

You're right that Lex could have chosen a different path back then, but we also shouldn't forget he was a physically and psychologically vulnerable boy trying to find his place in the world, desperate to belong and to be accepted by someone, including his peers. Duncan's death was an accident but both Lex AND Oliver had their part in the incident that led to it. However, this wasn't the first time Oliver bullied Lex; it seemed to me Queen had it in for Lex and that he was always picking on him being both verbally and physically aggressive.

See, I have fewer issues with Oliver than I have with the dumb alien. I think that he recognizes and admits to the darkness inside himself as well as to his faults and mistakes. He's the SV version of Angel - seeking redemption for his past mistakes. He's the leader of the gatherings for whichever vice + anonymous group you can think of who has hit rock bottom and is trying to stop others from making the same mistakes or helping them up after they've hit rock bottom. I don’t think of him as sanctimonious, hypocritical and preachy like Clark. There are some decisions and actions perpetrated by Lex that are called into question as immoral, that despite his intent, I can’t agree with his execution, so I can’t completely disagree no matter who is calling them into question.

I understand behavior that occurs when a person is in pain, afraid, wanting love/acceptance, etc., which is why I give latitude in those situations, moreso to children and teenagers. I consider them both psychologically vulnerable given their backgrounds, which is why I am less harsh in my view of responsibility and punishment in this situation. It was an accident, precipitated by actions on both sides, that garnered guilt, remorse, anger, grudges and blame passing until Duncan returned to exact his revenge. Lex, by all accounts, was bullied often by a number of people. I understand that Oliver would become the sole face of his tormentors as he is in the limelight and is seemingly like Clark, a favored son despite his mistakes. It is because of those mistakes that he changes, makes an attempt to better himself, though.

Chapter 23
That first scene cracked me up. Even Moira joined in the teasing. Very cute.

Uh-oh, what does he want Mikhail to do?

What? He's going to take some responsibility for his actions and the situation with Lex? I almost choked when I read that. Actually, had to read it a couple of times before I believed what I was reading.

Yes, yes, yes and yes to everything Chloe said in her conversation with Clark. And do I even need to say it? I love Laurie. I love how she works her way to asking for the puppy and of course, the reason she wants the puppy. It pains me to say, but I was sort of proud of Clark and I'm glad they're going to give their friendship another go. Really liked the closing scene between Chloe and Martha. The last line was the perfect ending to the chapter.

11th June 2010, 16:40
See, I have fewer issues with Oliver than I have with the dumb alien. I think that he recognizes and admits to the darkness inside himself as well as to his faults and mistakes. He's the SV version of Angel - seeking redemption for his past mistakes. He's the leader of the gatherings for whichever vice + anonymous group you can think of who has hit rock bottom and is trying to stop others from making the same mistakes or helping them up after they've hit rock bottom. I don’t think of him as sanctimonious, hypocritical and preachy like Clark. There are some decisions and actions perpetrated by Lex that are called into question as immoral, that despite his intent, I can’t agree with his execution, so I can’t completely disagree no matter who is calling them into question.

Although I don't condone every action of Lex's- some are definitely questionable from the moral point of view, I do understand where he's coming from and find sense in them in a very warped way.

My dislike of Oliver runs deep but its foundations were laid long before Smallville. I couldn't stand his character in the comics and the cartoons and the childhood background shared with Lex they provided him with on the show simply gave me an extra reason not to warm up to him. In fact, even though I've been seeing Lex in him in the past two seasons I still don't like him or ship Chlollie. My seeing Lex in him is just a Chlexer's means to deny what's happening on the screen; a theory which has been fed by the writers and producers' themselves when they say Lex is under everyone's nose but that they simply don't appear to see him. :D

I understand that Oliver would become the sole face of his tormentors as he is in the limelight and is seemingly like Clark, a favored son despite his mistakes. It is because of those mistakes that he changes, makes an attempt to better himself, though.

You know, this is maybe the thing which irks me the most. Oliver's been given the chances to redeem himself by the very same people who have repeatedly denied them to Lex because of who he is- and Lex did try to make amends and change not only in the first seasons but even as late as the beginning of the seventh. As a Luthor he's always been regarded as the Devil's spawn and questioned every step of the way. The chances he was allegedly given by Clark weren't real chances because he was ALWAYS expected to have some secret agenda- and we all know he did a lot of things for the farmboy and for strangers without expecting anything in return. The same people that gave Oliver the possibility to pay for his past sins had always expected the moment when Lex would show his true colours because they never truly believed in give.

It's true that Lex had free will and that he could have chosen a different path. And still one cannot but understand him when he tries to do what's right, when he really tries to be a better man, only to find people continuously spitting in his face. There's so much a man can tolerate.

What? He's going to take some responsibility for his actions and the situation with Lex? I almost choked when I read that. Actually, had to read it a couple of times before I believed what I was reading.

I'm confused. Who's the "he" you're referring to?

It pains me to say, but I was sort of proud of Clark and I'm glad they're going to give their friendship another go. Really liked the closing scene between Chloe and Martha. The last line was the perfect ending to the chapter.

Well, I'm trying to write Clark the way I wish he were or. at least, the way I wish they had allowed him to mature on the show if he's to become the hero we could all look up to.

Glad you like Laurie so much. It's always nice when an OC character's embraced by one's readers because it's so difficult at times to write them in the story and make sure they don't feel like "foreigners" in this unverse.

14th June 2010, 17:01
CHAPTER 24: Closure


Two weeks had elapsed since their visit to the Kent farm and Pirate had already settled down at the mansion. Choosing a name for him had been a family affair in which even Lois had taken part- she was, of course, the one who had come up with the most outrageous ones; all of which mocked the dog’s master somehow. In the end, it was the animal’s pirate-like patch round its eye what settled the matter. Lex had suggested several names, most of which belonged to illustrious members of Her Majesty’s privateers, including Drake and Morgan... but Chloe and Laurie’s snickers and giggles on hearing such pompous names attached to the puppy had made him cave in.

The little beast alternated his time between the mansion’s gardens, where he and Laurie ran to their heart’s content, and the quiet solitude of Lex’s study, where he stretched out in front of his master’s desk and gave himself to brooding while Lex worked on his laptop and signed LuthorCorp documents.

“You’re the picture of perfect companionship,” chuckled Chloe as she plopped down in one of the upholstered armchairs near the now unlit fireplace.

“When we brought him home I was half-expecting he’d sharpen his teeth on the furniture and that I’d have to be chasing him around the rooms to snatch some LuthorCorp dossier from his mouth.”

“Oh, you man of little faith! You seem to have forgotten he was begotten by a mild-mannered farmboy’s pet.”

“Thank God he isn’t fond of plaid shirts,” he snickered, signing the last document on the pile.

“Speaking of plaid shirts and farmboys; Clark’s just brought the weekly delivery and had some exciting news to share...”

“I suppose it has nothing to do with a certain brunette pest called Lane.”

“Well, no. Although her name also came up in the conversation... You knew about their interview at The Planet to get an internship this semester, right?”

“Yes, I heard something about it when I came to pick you up at the farm,” he replied with a poker face, recapping his MontBlanc.

“Just heard? Or a little bit more?” she cocked an eyebrow with a conspiratorial grin.

“What exactly are you trying to say?” he asked her impassively, leaning back on his swivel chair.

“I don’t know... I’ve been thinking... subtle bribery, some veiled threats of having a certain editor transferred to some obscure newspaper.”

“Is your opinion of me so low?”

“Lex, we both know how you’ve always operated. I’m not expecting you to change into Mother Theresa for me. In any case, if you’ve twisted some arms on this occasion, I find it kind of cute.”

“I don’t do cute,” he huffed.

”Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me,” she said huskily, swinging around his swivel chair to sit herself on his lap. “You wouldn’t like for them to find out what you’ve done though. Clark’ll surely accuse you of trying to buy him off.”

“I’m not...” he started to object until she cut him off.

“I said that’s what he might think, being who he is. And you know, although I think using your pull to let them have their dream is something more to love you for, you should try to stop thinking about you as unworthy of Clark’s friendship or anyone’s for that matter. You’re flawed, yes, but who’s perfect? Clark isn’t exactly a candidate for the best friend award or the most honest. He’s got deep dark secrets in his closet too. “

“You think?” he smirked, brushing a few blond hairs off her face.

“He’s so transparent. I wonder who he thinks he’s fooling. He’d never fooled us.”

“No, not us. Do you think Lois suspects anything?”

“My cousin’s not as oblivious as you think. She might choose not to acknowledge some things which are going on around her. Call it self-preservation, if you will. But she’s a hell of a lot better at lying and keeping secrets than Clark ever will; especially when she cares about someone.”

“I hope for both their sakes he’ll stop mooning over Lana,” he nuzzled her neck.

“Lex, are you playing matchmaker now? Don’t tell me you twisted the editor’s arm to force Clark and my cousin to socialise on a daily basis. Wasn’t you who called Lois a nosy pest the last time she was here?”

“I still believe she’s a pest,” he whispered in her ear as he tugged at her earlobe.

“Are you turning soft-hearted?” she smiled.

“If she’s otherwise engaged, we won’t see her nosing around the mansion so much. Besides, being soft-hearted isn’t ingrained in my Luthor genes,” he replied, as she shifted on his lap.

“They aren’t your only genes. Did you know that Martha was friends with your Mom when they were single?” she asked softly, straddling him now.

“Were they?” he replied after a slight pause, feeling a small lump in his throat like every time he thought of Lillian.”She never said anything.”

“Martha said your Mom would have loved to see you now... She’d have been proud of you, Lex,” she added quietly, splaying her hands on his chest.

“I still have a lot to do to make amends, Chloe. I don’t feel like I am...”

“Don’t say deserving. I don’t want to hear that word come out of your mouth again. ,” she interrupted him, putting her fingers on his mouth.”She’d have been proud of the way you are with me and our child, and of everything you’re doing to fix things.”

“You’re doing most of the work.”

“That’s bull, Mr Luthor!” she punched his chest playfully.

“I wouldn’t have been able to convince half of the people to stay and give this project a chance.”

“Give them time, Lex.”

“I don’t think it’s a question of time, Chloe. You should be realistic. There’s a very good chance they’ll never trust me. I wouldn’t blame them.”

“I know the original idea behind 33.1. when you picked up the project from your Dad was to help these people and let them enjoy a normal life or as normal as it could be given who they are. You lost yourself along the way, but you realised it in time- that certainly counts for something. So... going back to the issue we were discussing... Did you or didn’t you convince a certain editor to put Clark and Lois’ names at the top of the list for the internships?”

“I might have said something or other about his golf club membership due for renewal and the second mortgage on his house to pay for his secret lover’s expensive tastes.”

“You’ll be so busted if Clark ever finds out.”

“I’ve just given them a little push. They’ll have to prove their worth or the owner of The Planet will sack them before hiring them once they graduate,” he smirked.


“OK. I bought the paper. I didn’t like that Linda Lake column anyway. I rescinded her contract. My first executive decision as the new owner. ”

“This is worse than I thought. They’ll start crying nepotism in the news room.”

“I hope Clark’s improved something since the day he did those menus for The Torch. I have a little more faith in your cousin. She’s been doing some research into the mayor... quite promising... “

“Nothing that might end up with her killed or hurt, right? I seem to remember your father backed that fellow’s candidacy.”

“That’s what Clark will be there for... and myself of course. I wouldn’t let anything happen to your... our ... family, Chloe. So, tell me... what does this man have to do to ensure you’ll cover his back if the plaid shirt boy ever suspects he had anything to do with these internships?” he smiled, leaning forward to brush her lips with his.

“Oh, I have some very interesting ideas?” she smiled mischievously, snaking her arm around his neck and pressing closer to him.

“Care to elaborate a little?” he asked, tightening his hold on her.

“I can just feel you’re already having some ideas of your own,” she told him in a seductive tone as she noticed the effect their playful banter was having on Lex’s anatomy.”But... I’m afraid you’ll have to take a rain check till tonight. I’d come to the study to let you know lunch was ready... and as horny as we both might be, if we dragged this on a few minutes more, I don’t feel like having Pirate in the same room,“ she added, starting to get up. “I think his master’s possessive streak has already rubbed off on him,” she cocked an eyebrow, noticing the dog had left his place in front of the desk and was yapping and looking at them speculatively.

A couple of nights ago the puppy had managed to open the door of the playroom, where he slept at night, and rushed into the master bedroom intent on saving his master from a mysterious assailant- only to find the young couple in the throes of passionate love-making. The upsetting intrusion had eventually given way to a fit of laughter when Chloe suggested hiring one of those pet psychiatrists to make sure they hadn’t scarred the animal at such a tender age or even created a canine version of Lex’s former womanising-self. The idea of having a queue of Smallville’s farmers knocking at the mansion doors asking for alimony on behalf of their pets in a few months’ time convinced Lex they needed to call the locksmith first thing in the morning.

“Would lunch get ruined if we took a short detour to the east wing?” he asked lightly, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind when he saw her smile starting to fade away.”Chloe?” he asked quietly when she closed her eyes and leant against him without replying.

“I don’t know how long I can take having to hide from the world like this. Don’t get me wrong, I love our time together as a family and as a couple but ... “

“You’re starting to feel asphyxiated. I’m sorry you both have to be cooped up here and that the Kents’ is the only place you can frequent. It’s the best way to keep you safe. I know Laurie needs to socialise with other children, feel that she has a normal life... I too want for us to be able to go out in the daylight... we had enough of hiding away before you left. I’m dying to introduce you to the world as my wife... “ he went on.

“So am I. I can’t wait for this nightmare to be over. I know that you and Bruce are powerful guys and that there are a lot of people whose careers will reach the stratosphere if they get a stiff sentence for Edge. It’s just that... I cannot help but remember what happened last time... Everyone has a price, Lex . What if he gets away or if someone buys his release? “

“It won’t happen,” he stated gravely, and Chloe felt a sudden shiver course up her spine. She hadn’t seen this side of Lex in a while but she knew it would always be part of him.”Are you having second thoughts about us?” he added when he felt her tremble a little.

“I’m not, Lex,” she told him quietly, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing it gently. His insecurity never ceased to get to her; she still had work ahead to prove to him she and Laurie weren’t going anywhere. “I love you. We love you,” she said emotionally.”I trust you,” she added in a raspy voice, standing on tiptoe to graze his lips with hers.

The playful mood of a few moments ago was gone and gave way to a brief but intimate and meaningful moment between them as their tongues mated in an unrushed kiss. It was a tender and quiet interlude of reassurance they both needed.

“I’d never do anything to jeopardise what we have found again, Chloe,” he murmured, cupping her face in his hands.

“I know,” she smiled, aware that he’d also do whatever he deemed necessary to make sure his loved ones were protected from harm and that anyone who dared put their safety at risk or hurt them in some way would pay for it dearly.

Lex could tell she suspected he had something up his sleeve and yet he didn’t experience that bitterness which had always erupted whenever someone who meant something to him pretended everything was OK or resorted to fake smiles and empty words to try to make him think he was trusted when indeed he was not. Chloe was the most outspoken and honest woman he’d ever known and when she’d told him not only that she loved him but that she trusted him, he’d taken her words at face value. Lionel’s son would have second guessed, but Lex felt he could be Lillian’s child with Chloe. She had trusted him with her life and her father’s once; no one had ever shown such faith in him. She was trusting him again implicitly, standing by whatever decision he might have made, believing he’d put their safety and their family first without losing his soul in the process.


It was Clark and Lois’ tenth day as The Planet’s newest interns and they were exhilarated by the whole shebang. Although they were in the basement, sharing a confined space amidst some old filing cabinets whose contents they were helping to transfer to the paper’s computerised database, being part of the legendary Planet in some way felt like a big achievement when they were still in nappies. Everything was the way it was supposed to be; they had to start from the bottom and prove themselves to the bosses before earning the right to share a desk with the Pulitzer winners upstairs.

The atmosphere between the two had been strained the first couple of days until the editor called them to his office and urged them to work through their differences or else Lois would find herself serving coffee and muffins- an idea which had put an ironic smile on Lex’s face- and Clark would be assigned the task of cleaning the windows from the outside wearing a harness while hanging from a rope.

The farmboy had gulped at the option presented. He’d swallow his pride and try to deal with the sexual tension and sparks which were flying between them and that he’d been trying to cover up resorting to hostility. Meanwhile, Lois’ pride and her eagerness to prove herself worthy of the chance she’d been given convinced her there were worse things in this world than fighting off that tingling sensation she got every time he brushed her accidentally while rifling through the old files- not to mention the urge she felt on occasion to slam him against the cabinet and see if she could ruffle his prim and proper appearance with a few hungry kisses. What in heaven’s name was wrong with her?! She’d never felt that way before, not even around Oliver. Chloe and Lex would never live it down if they could read what was going through her head.

“Have you finished with the middle drawer?” asked Clark with his hand on the handle of the bottom one as she sat at their shared desk with a faraway look. “Earth to Lois!” he insisted, making her jump off her seat.

“Jeez, Smalville! You almost gave me a heart attack.”

“What were you thinking of anyway? You seemed to be miles away from here. Have you dug up anything new on the mayor? You promised to keep me on the loop, Lois.”

“I’m a big girl, Clark. “

“I’m not trying to steal the story from you if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

“I wasn’t suggesting anything like that. You wouldn’t be able to look at Martha in the eye if you were...”

“Hey, Lane!” shouted a proof reader, knocking on the glass of the storage room. “You’d better hurry. The boss wants you in his office stat.”

“What have you done now?” frowned Clark.

“I’ve been on my best behaviour,” she glared at him.

“Some people are born lucky, Lane. I have a hunch you’ll get the break some people would have to kill themselves for.”


“Mr Pearson,” smiled Lois, closing the door behind her and trying to appear unfazed as she remained standing in front of the short-tempered editor-in-chief.

“Ms Lane. It appears you’ve been hiding something from me,” said the middle-aged man, lying back on his swivel chair.

“Pardon?” asked Lois, feeling her heart gallop in her chest.

“I have a small battalion of journalists working on this story. Two of my best were in that courtroom to witness this,” he explained, turning up the sound of the TV. “All of the channels are fighting to get the exclusive. All of them have been turned down and I’ve just found out thanks to James Olsen... a freaking assistant photographer... that you’re Miss Sullivan’s cousin!”

Lois had her eyes glued to the screen and wished she’d been there to celebrate with her younger cousin... and Lex. Although she’d expected the jury to find the bastard and his accomplices guilty, the outcome of the last day of the trial had been surprising to say the least.

“Unbelievable, isn’t it? That confession three years ago would have changed history, wouldn’t it?” said Mr Pearson, observing Lois’ dumbfounded look.”I want the interview no one’s been able to get. You hear me, Lane? Get me Sullivan.”

“I won’t exploit my cousin’s grief to further my career, Mr Pearson.”

“If you don’t do this, Lane, somebody else will write this story, and your cousin might not be treated so nicely.”

“I don’t appreciate being emotionally blackmailed. This isn’t the way I plan to make a name in the business. I’m here because of a dream that was born during my last year at high school. It was my cousin’s too. And let me tell you, she’s a damn good reporter and writer- better than some of the people who are part of your permanent staff. I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t awoken the calling in me. I want to feel I’m here because of my own merits and not because of my family connections,” she fumed.

“Good answer,” clapped the editor. “Congratulations, Miss Lane, you’ve just passed the test,” he smiled.


“I like you. Prove your worth writing a good juicy story- a story other than this one- and I might consider keeping you as part of the staff once you finish your studies,” replied Pearson.” Now, take the rest of the day off. I’m sure you’re dying to join the Luthors to celebrate. What are you waiting for, Lane? You’re excused,” he finished, picking up the receiver. “Yeah, Pearson here.”

“So? What happened? Are you OK, Lois? Did he give you an assignment?” Clark bombarded her with questions as she stepped out of the office.

“Have you watched the news, Clark?”

“No, I’ve come straight from the basement. Why? “ frowned the farmboy.

“Edge confessed to being an accessory to the murder of Lachlan and Eliza Luthor. He named Lionel Luthor as the mastermind behind it. Do you know what this means, Clark?”


“You know, of all the things I expected to happen at that trial this wasn’t amongst the scenarios I imagined. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic. It’s just that...”

“You don’t believe he’s grown a conscience all of a sudden. “

“Yeah, exactly. Something really odd happened in that courtroom this morning. But, you know what? I don’t care what it was. Justice will be served at last. The rat of Lionel Luthor saved his sorry ass from the chair but Edge won’t. He deserves everything he’s got coming.”

“What did Mr Pearson want?”

“That man’s a piece of work, let me tell you. Pick up your jacket. We’re done for today.”

“But... “

“This is a great day for Chloe... and Lex, Smallville. We have to be there. The damn database can wait. We’ve missed many birthdays and special occasions already. I’m not planning to waste any more. So? Are you coming or not?”

“You’re right, Lois. It’s time to celebrate the present.”


Kit Merlot
14th June 2010, 19:24
I love how everything id finally coming together and it looks like the Chlex family will finally have their happily ever after:grin3:

And this:

“I don’t appreciate being emotionally blackmailed. This isn’t the way I plan to make a name in the business. I’m here because of a dream that was born during my last year at high school. It was my cousin’s too. And let me tell you, she’s a damn good reporter and writer- better than some of the people who are part of your permanent staff. I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t awoken the calling in me. I want to feel I’m here because of my own merits and not because of my family connections,” she fumed.

is how SV Lois should have behaved--GO LOIS!! Kick that editor's butt for even hinting at her doing something unethical.

14th June 2010, 21:02
Thank you so much for this fantastic update!!!!!
I haven't had the greatest week and reading this has so made everything better.
I guess the surprise Chloe hinted to Martha about in the last chapter is that Chloe and Lex got married. I loved the process of the family naming the dog and how the dog is so protective of Lex. I am so glad Lex is finally getting his chance at having the family that he never got to have and I agree with Mrs. Kent and Chloe, Lillian would be so proud of the man Lex has become and the way he is with his family.
I absolutely cannot wait to see what is going to happen next, I am still holding out hope for a sibling for Laurie.
Thanks again for this beautiful update!!!!!

15th June 2010, 03:57
What a great update. I am so happy everything is getting together finally. I am glad Lex knows Chloe has his back and never leave him God willing. :) I love the dog.:rofl: Dogs always gravitate to people who don't want them around. :rofl:

15th June 2010, 04:17
Yay! I'm so happy you updated. Awesome update!


BTW - I don't believe he's suddenly grown a conscience either!

15th June 2010, 04:24
YAY! new chapter. awww.... Pirate for the puppy, the reasoning is sweet but i cannot help but think that he will be stealing something from Lex later on. and finally closure for the time frame that brought Lex and Chloe together, but now i wonder what will come up next for them. finally, go Lois for sticking to her moral guns and not going for the big story concerning Chloe and her family. cannot wait until the next chapter.

Cassandra Jean
15th June 2010, 06:24
Wonderful update. Glad to see that Edge is going to jail and paying for everything that he did.

I can not believe that Lex Luthor now has a puppy named Pirate!

15th June 2010, 12:16
Thank you so much for this amazing story!!
Ps: Thank you to send me a note each time you poste a new chapter!!!

15th June 2010, 19:52
Things I loved about this new chapter:
- the positive Chlex relationship which is starting to look like a happily ever after kind of a thing
- Pirate as the name for the puppy
- the fact Lex bought the Planet
- Lois telling the editor where to shove it and passing the test
- the way Lex seems to want to matchmake Lois and Clark, no matter what his reasons
- everything else as well ;)

16th June 2010, 04:06
Loved chapter 23!

Will hopefully catch up tomorrow!!!!

Great read Lexie!

Great dialogue between Clark and Lex.

Loved Laurie's motives behind wanting a puppy for Lex and how much it melted Lex's heart!

17th June 2010, 01:13
And this is how SV Lois should have behaved--GO LOIS!! Kick that editor's butt for even hinting at her doing something unethical.

I knew you'd approve of that scene at The Planet and, especially, of Lois' attitude. :D

Thank you so much for this fantastic update!!!!!
I haven't had the greatest week and reading this has so made everything better.

It's great to know I can help put a smile on someone's face after an especially difficult day.

I guess the surprise Chloe hinted to Martha about in the last chapter is that Chloe and Lex got married.

Not exactly. They aren't married yet. Lex says that he's dying to introduce her to the world as his wife in the sense that he can't wait to marry her and to face the world together as a wedded couple. After having to hide their love from the world for so long, I imagine he'd like to marry her in an intimate but not secret ceremony to share their joy with those who care about them.

I love the dog.:rofl: Dogs always gravitate to people who don't want them around. :rofl:

They can be so nosy and inopportune, can't they? ROTFL

BTW - I don't believe he's suddenly grown a conscience either!

Yeah, there's something mysterious in his confession.

YAY! new chapter. awww.... Pirate for the puppy, the reasoning is sweet but i cannot help but think that he will be stealing something from Lex.

He's as broody and possessive as his master so I'm sure he's a great strategist who can surprise you when you least expect it. :D

Glad to see that Edge is going to jail and paying for everything that he did.
I can not believe that Lex Luthor now has a puppy named Pirate!

Edge had it coming and more than deserves what it's in store for him.

You've never seen Lex as a dog person? Or you think Pirate is too mushy a name for a pet of his?

Thank you so much for this amazing story!!
Ps: Thank you to send me a note each time you poste a new chapter!!!

You're welcome, darling. Thanks for staying with this fic for so long.

Things I loved about this new chapter:
- the positive Chlex relationship which is starting to look like a happily ever after kind of a thing
- Pirate as the name for the puppy
- the fact Lex bought the Planet
- Lois telling the editor where to shove it and passing the test
- the way Lex seems to want to matchmake Lois and Clark, no matter what his reasons
- everything else as well ;)

Kind of idyllic, isn't it? Lex gets the girl and the family he's always dreamt of; he manages to rebuild his friendship with Clark and even hooks the farmboy up with the one he's been coveting in secret like in the good old times.

Knowing Chloe and Lex's nature and the way trouble always seems to follow them, I'm sure there'll be a few bumps on the road but at least they'll get the chance they've been denied time and time again on the show.

Will hopefully catch up tomorrow!!!!

Great read Lexie!

Great dialogue between Clark and Lex.

Loved Laurie's motives behind wanting a puppy for Lex and how much it melted Lex's heart!

Good to see you back!

That conversation was long overdue, wasn't it? Oh, I love my Pirate!

I look forward to your comments on the latest chapter.

17th June 2010, 05:12
Lex is definitely a dog person. I'm glad he has one. I also like that he was overruled on name choice. Pirate is too cute and already loves and tries to protect Lex!
Very tender moment between Lex and Chloe. She is so very patient with him and his insecurity. The love that shines through between them is just beautiful!
The sexual tension between Lois and Clark and her little daydream, funny and would be nice if they followed through with the feelings. They would both feel so much better! Lois rocked that test with the editor! Integrity, through and through. Exactly what Lois should be all about.
Edge definitely didn't grow a conscious and confess without a little help... Interesting, can't wait to find out more!
Love it all as usual!
You never dissapoint Lexie :)
Thanks for keeping me apprised of the new chapters!

17th June 2010, 21:57
Great chapter as always. I love the name you gave the dog, your Chloe and Lex always makes me so mushy but adding a child and a puppy on top of that - I'm just a big puddle of mush at this point too much adorable going on in one place!

18th June 2010, 03:37
i love how lois kept to her morals and would not interview chloe.i love the dog.i am happy that lex and chloe are going to get closure.but i don't think edge got a conscious.

19th June 2010, 01:51
Sorry it took me so long, but there’s been little time with the World Cup starting at four in the morning. I’m so excited that Mexico beat France 2-0. But damn, if Mexico passes to the second round in second place they are going to play Argentina.

Anyways, great updates.
Chapter 23
Got a laugh out of all the women teasing Clark.
Loved the conversation between Chloe and Clark. Also how Chloe kept pushing Clark on his bias with Lex because of his last name.
Laurie is such a sweet kid. Wanting to get a dog not for her but for her dad.
Also much love for the tidbit about Lois and Clark going to school and WORKING their way into the Daily Planet. That’s always been one of my pet peeves with the show.

Chapter 24
Chlex amazing as always!!!! Just love their bantering!!!
Pirate, I like that name. LOL at Pirate trying to safe his master from that assailant. Did they ever get the dog whisperer to make sure there was no lasting trauma????
And your Lois is made of awesome-sauce!!!!

20th June 2010, 22:18
Lex is definitely a dog person. I'm glad he has one. I also like that he was overruled on name choice. Pirate is too cute and already loves and tries to protect Lex!

Even though he moves as stealthily as a feline, I've always considered him a dog person or- at least- thought he needed the unconditional love a dog can shower his master with.

Lois rocked that test with the editor! Integrity, through and through. Exactly what Lois should be all about.

This is the image I've always had of Lois from both the films and the comics.

Edge definitely didn't grow a conscious and confess without a little help... Interesting, can't wait to find out more!

There was a little hint in Chapter 23; you'd simply have to put two and two together to imagine what might have happened in that courtroom.

Love it all as usual!
You never dissapoint Lexie :)
Thanks for keeping me apprised of the new chapters!

*blushes* You never disappoint either. RL might keep you away from NS for a while, but you always come back, read and review and for that I'm also thankful.

Great chapter as always. I love the name you gave the dog, your Chloe and Lex always makes me so mushy but adding a child and a puppy on top of that - I'm just a big puddle of mush at this point too much adorable going on in one place!

Not everything will be a bed of roses for this family, but they deserve a dose of mush after everything they've been put through.

i love how lois kept to her morals and would not interview chloe.i love the dog.i am happy that lex and chloe are going to get closure.but i don't think edge got a conscious.

Glad you approve of this Lois. Everyone seems to agree with everything you've just said. :D

Sorry it took me so long, but there’s been little time with the World Cup starting at four in the morning. I’m so excited that Mexico beat France 2-0. But damn, if Mexico passes to the second round in second place they are going to play Argentina.

Don't you worry. I'm not watching the World Cup not even when Argentina's playing. The last Cup I watched was back in 1978 when it was held in Argentina. At that time the event was used to keep my nation distracted from what was going on in the country, and now something similar's happening. Plus we're subsidising around 1,000 hooligans to travel to South Africa. Our government has invented them jobs and is paying them a salary for which they don't work so that they could get the necessary visa. These hooligans are used as shock groups here to threaten people and for political propaganda abroad. I cannot wait for my team to lose so that these parasites come back and give our government their due. Hundreds have been deported and since our Foreign Office turned its back on them when they requested its intercession to be allowed to enter South Africa again, they'll certainly stir trouble for our government when they come back. At this moment in history I'm ashamed to say I'm Argentinian. If you're a believer, pray for my country to see the light again soon.

Loved the conversation between Chloe and Clark. Also how Chloe kept pushing Clark on his bias with Lex because of his last name.

Clark is too much like Jonathan on the show in that respect. He needed to be dropped down a peg or two.

Also much love for the tidbit about Lois and Clark going to school and WORKING their way into the Daily Planet.

That had to be fixed. Things are now the way they were supposed to be.

Chlex amazing as always!!!! Just love their bantering!!!
Pirate, I like that name. LOL at Pirate trying to safe his master from that assailant. Did they ever get the dog whisperer to make sure there was no lasting trauma????

Pirate is really something, isn't he? LOL Considering Lex's life experience with shrinks, I don't think he'll allow one to get near his pet.

And your Lois is made of awesome-sauce!!!!

Oh, I love my Lois!

24th June 2010, 02:14
Although I don't condone every action of Lex's- some are definitely questionable from the moral point of view, I do understand where he's coming from and find sense in them in a very warped way.

I agree. I understand why he's made the choices that he has, performed some of the actions he has and I don't completely disagree with some of his motives/intentions. It's the actions, the manner in which he seeks to achieve his goals, that I have the most problems. The 33.1 labs are what I think about the most when thinking/speaking of his motives, choices and actions. I agree with his desire to see humans protected from aliens and the meteor-infected, but the way he seeks to ensure that protection and his seeming belief that all meteor-infected and/or all aliens are out to do harm is flawed (despite the havoc-wreaking freak/alien of the week theme to the stories), wrong, ill-conceived (the word(s) I really want to use are escaping me at the moment). I also have a problem with his desire to be seen as a hero/savior, though I understand why and from where it comes.

You know, this is maybe the thing which irks me the most. Oliver's been given the chances to redeem himself by the very same people who have repeatedly denied them to Lex because of who he is- and Lex did try to make amends and change not only in the first seasons but even as late as the beginning of the seventh. As a Luthor he's always been regarded as the Devil's spawn and questioned every step of the way. The chances he was allegedly given by Clark weren't real chances because he was ALWAYS expected to have some secret agenda- and we all know he did a lot of things for the farmboy and for strangers without expecting anything in return. The same people that gave Oliver the possibility to pay for his past sins had always expected the moment when Lex would show his true colours because they never truly believed in give.

It's true that Lex had free will and that he could have chosen a different path. And still one cannot but understand him when he tries to do what's right, when he really tries to be a better man, only to find people continuously spitting in his face. There's so much a man can tolerate.

To me, it's a study of the spectrum of response to abuse, tragedy, etc. - the similarities and differences between the billionaires (I'm including Bruce in this as well). They're all similar, then again not. I think that the reason I am so adamant in my defense of SVOliver (I am not a huge fan of what I've seen of comic/cartoon Oliver, either. I like SVOliver more and think he has more potential) is that, though, I don't believe he is a weak or unintelligent man, I think that Lex is more capable of eschewing his past, what others think or expect of him, failure(s), etc. to become a better man and maintain it. Oliver is strong and made the choice to change, but I think without constant positive reinforcement, he would fall back into the billionaire playboy persona (as we've seen). It might be unreasonable, but I think that Lex could (though he would struggle) make the decision to change and maintain that change in the face of all opposition, so while I partially blame Clark and others for the man he becomes, I can't completely forgive him - Lex - for not continuing to attempt to change. I see it as sort of a failure to live up to his potential. In my mind, he could overcome the abuse, his past, his mental instability, the letdowns, the low expectations and become a better person, but he doesn't. For me, there's no better example of that than the Duncan situation. I understand that he was fragile, but I also understand that he knew and did not consciously acknowledge the fact that whatever action he chose in that situation was not going to change their behavior towards him. He should have said damn the consequences and stuck with Duncan and enjoyed that small bit of acceptance and camaraderie he finally found. Being twelve (or however old he was) and fragile doesn't preclude him from making the correct decision. And, boy, did I go on and on about this or what! Sorry. I'll just add that I don't disagree with anything you said and move on.

I'm confused. Who's the "he" you're referring to?

That was Clark. At the point where he was contemplating the fact that he had a hand in the fallout with Lex. Seriously, almost choked. I was that surprised that he was actually going to take some responsibility. It's sad, but no matter how many times I read a slightly likable Clark, I am surprised.

Well, I'm trying to write Clark the way I wish he were or. at least, the way I wish they had allowed him to mature on the show if he's to become the hero we could all look up to.

Yes, this is the way he should be! Thank you for that!

Glad you like Laurie so much. It's always nice when an OC character's embraced by one's readers because it's so difficult at times to write them in the story and make sure they don't feel like "foreigners" in this unverse.

Come on, she is so adorable. It's difficult not to love her.

Chapter 24
Almost missed this chapter! Fortunately, I hadn't closed the tab, so I could just add this to my previous comments.

Thank goodness Lex was overruled in the naming of the dog. Though, Drake might not have been so bad. And Lois, oh Lois. It's nice that they included her. I can imagine how bad the names were that she would come up with, so glad hers weren't an option.

Aw, I love the picture of Pirate laid out in front of the desk while Lex works. Too cute. Him coming to save Lex and interrupting the sechs is hilarious.

I'm with Chloe - him exerting his influence to gain Clark and Lois their internship is terribly endearing. She's got her work cut out for her convincing him that he is accepted, trusted, loved and deserving of that love. If anyone can convince him, it's Chloe. I especially loved him correcting himself to say "our family."

Woohoo! They won! Wait, does Edge's confession have something to do with the task Lex asked Mikhail to perform? Or is that still to come?

25th June 2010, 18:18
It was a good chapter !
I like Lex with Pirate !

26th June 2010, 07:13
i like this story it is sweet and cute please keep going.

27th June 2010, 00:36
And, boy, did I go on and on about this or what! Sorry. I'll just add that I don't disagree with anything you said and move on.

I'm glad we see eye to eye in most things. By the way, I tend to ramble myself so there's no need to make excuses for stating your point of view.We'll just agree to disagree on our feelings towards Oliver- we could fill pages on this issue and still arrive at the same conclusion. :grin3:

That was Clark. At the point where he was contemplating the fact that he had a hand in the fallout with Lex. Seriously, almost choked. I was that surprised that he was actually going to take some responsibility. It's sad, but no matter how many times I read a slightly likable Clark, I am surprised.

Thanks for clarifying it. I thought this was what you'd meant but I wasn't 100% sure. Yeah, I'm trying to write a more mature and likeable Clark- I simply hate what they've done to the character I used to love in the films and the comics. He should accept his share of guilt in everything that happened with Lex and also in other circumstances which didn't involve the billionaire. Jeez, I'd have loved to hear Clark ask Lex to be forgiven sometime...

Come on, she is so adorable. It's difficult not to love her.

Thank you. I'm in love with the character myself.

Chapter 24
Almost missed this chapter! Fortunately, I hadn't closed the tab, so I could just add this to my previous comments.

I could have sworn I'd PMed you letting you know there was a new chapter up.

Thank goodness Lex was overruled in the naming of the dog. Though, Drake might not have been so bad. And Lois, oh Lois. It's nice that they included her. I can imagine how bad the names were that she would come up with, so glad hers weren't an option.

I left the choice of names Lois might have come up with to your imagination. A few must have been pretty hilarious. I wish I'd been there to see Lex's face when they juggled names.:P

Aw, I love the picture of Pirate laid out in front of the desk while Lex works. Too cute. Him coming to save Lex and interrupting the sechs is hilarious.

:grin2: I hadn't planned that; it simply popped in my head. Poor Lex, I enjoy torturing him a little bit with all that comes with domesticity. Now not only curious Laurie might walk on them if they get carried away:p

Woohoo! They won! Wait, does Edge's confession have something to do with the task Lex asked Mikhail to perform? Or is that still to come?

You'll get your answer in the following chapter.

It was a good chapter !
I like Lex with Pirate !

i like this story it is sweet and cute please keep going.

I've just finished working on a translation for a scientific magazine and am trying to get in the mood to start penning the new instalment. Wish me luck.

29th June 2010, 10:23
Don't you worry. I'm not watching the World Cup not even when Argentina's playing. The last Cup I watched was back in 1978 when it was held in Argentina. At that time the event was used to keep my nation distracted from what was going on in the country, and now something similar's happening. Plus we're subsidising around 1,000 hooligans to travel to South Africa. Our government has invented them jobs and is paying them a salary for which they don't work so that they could get the necessary visa. These hooligans are used as shock groups here to threaten people and for political propaganda abroad. I cannot wait for my team to lose so that these parasites come back and give our government their due. Hundreds have been deported and since our Foreign Office turned its back on them when they requested its intercession to be allowed to enter South Africa again, they'll certainly stir trouble for our government when they come back. At this moment in history I'm ashamed to say I'm Argentinian. If you're a believer, pray for my country to see the light again soon.

WOW, That's just beyond horrible!! And disgusting!!!
Well I hope that Germany beats them and sends them home!! And praying that light shines on your country!!

But I'm getting extremely disappointed with the WC. The referee calls have been so blatantly disgusting!! That it's hard to root for a team that benefits from their obvious bias.

Clark is too much like Jonathan on the show in that respect. He needed to be dropped down a peg or two.

Uggg hate Jonathan so much!!! How it was okay to hate on Lex because of who his father was and not based on what Lex did or failed to do. Also hate how he is referred as to be this great moral compass when if it wasn't for Martha he so would of turned over baby Clark. I keep saying Clark got lucky that Martha was stupid enough to marry Jonathan.
How about 20 or 30 pegs???

That had to be fixed. Things are now the way they were supposed to be.

TY for fixing, now can you sneak into the show????

Oh, I love my Lois!

I do too!!!!!

Next chapter, please!!!

29th June 2010, 23:08
Next chapter, please!!!

I'm currently working on Chapter 25. Hopefully. there will be news in the next few days.

3rd July 2010, 23:53
Chapter 18: It`s better each chapter. Loved that Batman is involved and laughed hard at this: “Getting orders from a flying rat”.
Really good chapter

5th July 2010, 19:27
Chapter 18: It`s better each chapter. Loved that Batman is involved and laughed hard at this: “Getting orders from a flying rat”.
Really good chapter

Oh, I love having Batman boss Oliver around! *rubs her hands and flashes a devilish grin*

My intention was to update this fic over the weekend but I couldn't finish the chapter. I've written 2,100 words; however, the chapter's far from over. Hopefully, I'll have news later this week.

In the meantime- now that the winner's been revealed- you can check out my entry for the latest fanfic challenge: "Tell me..." (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php/7765-NS-Monthly-Challenge-10-May-2010-quot-Secrets-quot?p=257622&viewfull=1#post257622)

7th July 2010, 06:19
great update

Cassandra Jean
10th July 2010, 07:30
I am so in love with this fic. I adore daddy Lex, he is so sweet with Laurie.

Any chance on an update soon?

10th July 2010, 07:37
I am so in love with this fic. I adore daddy Lex, he is so sweet with Laurie.

Any chance on an update soon?

Thanks, darling. There'll be an update later today. I've just finished writing Chapter 25 but have to go over it to check any mistakes.

10th July 2010, 18:22
A/N: OK, here's the long-awaited update! We're approaching the end of this fic- there are a couple of short chapters or a long one left- so enjoy.

CHAPTER 25: New Beginnings


Closure had arrived after three years of emotional barrenness for Lex and he tried to hide his giddiness at seeing how well his strategy at the courthouse had worked out today. Mikhail had once again delivered by using his verbal mind control on the chief of Intergang, provoking a commotion in the room rigged with cameras and reporters. Lex would never forget Edge’s face as the bailiffs dragged him away. Lionel’s teenage friend and crime accomplice had looked daggers at Lex and had to be restrained as he screamed foul play and tried to convince his legal team he’d been tricked into confessing. The expensive lawyers had looked at their client as if he had suddenly lost his mind; no firm would take a case for an appeal which was as good as lost from the onset. Not even the best shark in the business would be able to convince a jury of Edge’s innocence or get a mistrial or a dismissal due to insufficient evidence after his confession. If the middle-aged man had sat down and shut his mouth when the lead counsellor had urged him, there might have been something to salvage; but the man had given too many details and provided the DA office with too much ammunition to stop what he had coming.

“So, what does it feel like?” asked Bruce at the bottom of LuthorCorp’s plane steps.

“Like a true beginning,” replied Lex, thinking today’s proceedings must have reminded his former boarding-school friend of the day Falconi had Joe Chill murdered and deprived the Wayne heir of the privilege of avenging his parents’ death.

“Does she know?” added Gotham’s billionaire when Chloe reached the top of the steps and entered the Lear Jet.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to be clearer, Bruce.”

“Did you tell her about Mxyzptlk’s role in that courtroom?”

“I won’t ask you how you got that information. You’ve never been a fool and I won’t start treating you like one. I haven’t told her about the deal I made with him if that’s what you’re asking, but she knows.”

“Doesn’t the fact someone can read you so easily make you uncomfortable?”

“I won’t be a hypocrite and tell you it doesn’t feel scary. We both know what it’s like to build a wall around us to keep ourselves safe, Bruce. We’re damn good at it and it’s helped us survive, but I wouldn’t trade what I’ve found with her for the bottomless void I’ve been living in. There are still mornings in which I wake up wondering if I haven’t dreamed it all, if everything’s been just a cruel joke of my father’s to mess with me from his grave. The first few days I was afraid of falling asleep to find her gone in the morning. Those days are becoming few and far between. Every day I wake up and find her lying next to me... it’s a miracle in itself. And believe me, there have been too many miracles in my life to take this one for granted. God will get tired of me one of these days, so I might as well convince him all his efforts haven’t been in vain. Don’t you think?”

“She’s a jewel and you’re one lucky bastard. There aren’t many women like her. Not many would be willing to share their lives with men as screwed-up as we are. Are you planning on telling her?”

“She’s allowed me to keep this one secret.”

“Doesn’t she have a sister somewhere?”

“No sisters. Two cousins. One’s virtually taken...”

“That means my case isn’t lost yet.”

“That means if you dare come close to her, Bruce, you’d better get ready for a sharp tongue and a pissed-off reporter-in-training with a lethal punch.”

“OK. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea. What about the other cousin?”

“You’d need to change all your locks and have your art collection replaced with fake copies. That is unless you want to wake up in the morning a few millions poorer.”

“That bad?”

“Let’s say Lucy Lane’s a feminine version of us without the chequebook.”

“A pity you already have a kid and Chloe seems to truly love you. You can count yourself lucky; you’d have had a competitor.”

“And you’d have lost,” smirked Lex. “She thinks bald men are sexier,” he added, starting to climb up the stairs.

“Do you think I’d look that bad without hair?”

“I’m starting to have doubts about doing business with you, Wayne.”

“Where would you find a best man capable of putting up with your antics?”

“You’d better shut up before I consider offering Queen Industries a partnership to develop Argus with the military.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, I don’t know, Wayne! A partnership with Oliver would be the perfect opportunity to infiltrate his corporation. “

“You’re bluffing. You wouldn’t risk it now,” shouted Bruce as Lex reached the final step, turned around and shot him a mischievous smile.

“Clean your appointment book, Bruce. And don’t you dare stand me up at the altar or you’ll wish you haven’t been born.”

“Is that a proposal?” chuckled Gotham’s favourite playboy.

“You wish. That’s a threat, my friend.”


The flight from Gotham to Smallville’s airfield had been uneventful and Chloe had spent most of it dozing after the sleepless night prior to the trial. The nightmare was finally over and they would now be able to focus all their energy on their project for the meteor-infected and on making their relationship official. She was sure they’d make the front page again both on account of their plans for the now dismantled 33.1 and their impending nuptials. Being in the spotlight was part of being a Luthor and she knew she’d have to get used to it. Even though Lex had been doing everything in his power to keep the bloodhounds and paparazzi away from her and Laurie, she was aware they’d be always hanging around and that they’d make their presence felt even more when they realised that Chloe and Lex hadn’t been together in that courtroom only to get closure but that they were in love and already had a child. The yellow press would have a field day and would surely flame Lex for getting a seventeen-year-old pregnant and leaving her to her fate. Others would probably focus on the tragedy which had befallen the pair of star-crossed lovers and refer to it as an epic romance. It’d be up to them as a couple not to let the media and the rest of the world interfere with their family life. The following days would be their test of fire and she was looking forward to it.

“Tell me again why I let you talk me into doing this,” sighed Lex as she helped Chloe get out of the car.

“Because you’ve been waiting for this moment for far too long,” she smiled softly, hooking her arm through his and leaning against him.

“I still think we could have organised something at the mansion,” he huffed as they walked slowly towards the yellow-painted house, watching Laurie disengage herself from Moira’s hand to rush to Shelby’s encounter.

“Chicken,” she chuckled in a low voice.

“Who are you calling a coward? I’m just saying... “

“Jonathan Kent’s six feet under, Lex.”

“What does Jonathan Kent have to do with anything?”

‘Everything,’ thought Chloe as she saw a smiling Martha Kent on the front steps of the kitchen kiss Moira on the cheek and crouch down to accept Laurie’s hug, squeezing the little body tight. “I know you’d rather be on your own turf tonight and that you hate not being in control, but you have to get this through your thick skull: this isn’t a test. You don’t have to prove them anything. This is Martha, Lois... and Clark... wanting to share in our moment of deliverance.”

Lex couldn’t help but remember the little chat he and Bruce had had earlier. It was scary how well Chloe knew him; she could read him like an open book. He’d spent over half of his life perfecting his defence mechanism and she just needed to hear his voice over the phone or to look at his profile to know what was going through his mind. Although in the past he’d have just clammed up, now he experienced a feeling he’d thought he’d never know- that of being important enough to have someone worry about his well-being. The miracle of being finally loved and accepted for whom he was and not for what he stood for was worth any momentary feeling of inadequacy.

“Come on, sweeties, hurry inside! It’s already starting to pour,” exclaimed Martha, holding the screen door open for them to step into the house.

“Good evening, Martha,” smiled Chloe wide, kissing Clark’s mum and entering the warm kitchen, which smelt of freshly baked homemade bread and roasted lamb with organic vegetables.

“Mrs Kent,” he greeted her, accepting her warm kiss on the cheek.

“Call me, Martha, Lex,” she told him, giving him a brief hug and stepping aside to invite him in.

“It was high time you two put an appearance!” remonstrated Lois. “Mrs K even allowed me to use her oven to bake a cake for the occasion... and Smallville here gave me a hand with the icing.”

“I didn’t know the mastery of culinary science was amongst your many hidden talents, Clark,” murmured Lex with a smirk.

“You’d better stay clear away from the chocolate pie, Lex. Not even your self-healing power would help you this once,” mumbled Clark, putting on a fake smile for Lois’ benefit.

“Well, in this day and age a man should know his way around the kitchen. I’m sure Lois’ll appreciate that,” smirked Lex, shooting Clark a sideway glance.

“You too?”

“Pardon?” asked the billionaire with a poker face.

“What is it with everyone lately? There’s nothing going on between us,” said the farm boy through clenched teeth.

“Smallville, remember what we talked about this afternoon,” Lois warned him.

“I haven’t done anything wrong,” frowned Martha’s adoptive son.

“Why do you look like you’ve been sucking lemons, then? “

“You were saying, Clark?” chuckled Lex ironically.

“I’m starting to reconsider our deal to patch things up,” the farmboy glared at him.

“Kids, how about giving us a hand to bring the food to the table?” sighed Moira, holding a dish with crispy vegetables.

“Yes, you too, Lex. Uncork this bottle of wine and stop teasing Clark or you’ll sleep alone in your den tonight,” Chloe chided her daughter’s father with a playful gentle nudge as she passed by him with a bowl of salad in her hands.

“You were saying, Lex?” Clark hid a mischievous smile.

“We’re two to five. How about joining forces, Clark? I think we’d stand a better chance,” Lex told him, trying to keep a straight face when his eyes met Chloe’s mirthful ones across the room.

“Did you hear your husband-to-be, Chloe? He’s encouraging a revolt,” Lois set down a couple of bread baskets on the table as everyone approached to take their places.

“Moira, you sit here opposite Lois,” Martha butted in starting to assign the seats.

“Hey, Laurie, come sit next to Cousin Lois,” said the General’s daughter.

“I’ll sit next to daddy,” answered the girl gravely, taking Lex’s hand.

“I’ll promise you a big slice of chocolate pie after dinner,” smiled Lois.

“Mm,” Laurie shook her head.

“Wise girl,” chuckled Clark.

“Chloe, would you mind...?” sighed Martha.

“Of course not,” replied the blonde reporter, taking the seat between Lois and Clark.”Anything to prevent further bloodshed before dessert.”

“Lex, sweetheart,” added the senator when the bald billionaire looked at the only two remaining places at the table with indecisiveness, “sit at the head.”

“Mrs... Martha, I... This was Mr Kent’s place. I couldn’t... It should be Clark’s now,” he stammered.

“That seat has remained vacant for far too long,” she replied, locking her gaze with her adoptive son’s. “The head of the table’s always meant to be for the head of a family. And until Clark decides to settle down and give me a grandchild... “

“I could sit next to Clark, and Laurie could sit at the head...”

“Mom’s right, Lex,” Clark interrupted him. “This is a special occasion. It’s time we put behind our differences.”

“Jonathan could be hard-headed at times, but I know he’d be pleased to see the life and family you have with Chloe now,” added Martha with clear emotion in her voice.

Lex felt the knot in his throat grow bigger and a treacherous mist start to cloud his eyes. This was what he’d always dreamt of- having a family he could call his own and being accepted and invited to sit at the Kents’ table to share a meal and a friendly chat. He’d given up hope a long time ago. Despite what Martha’d just said and how much he appreciated her warm words, he doubted Jonathan Kent would have been thrilled to see a Luthor sitting at his table. However, Chloe was right, the insurmountable roadblock that had been the head of the Kent family was no more and Lex found in Martha a renewed ally and in Clark’s olive branch a reason to have faith in the real possibility of rebuilding the friendship which had been undermined by secrets, lies and second-guessing. This was a new chance for everyone involved and Lex appreciated that this once he wasn’t the only one making an effort to meet one another halfway. For the first time in his life, he felt alone no more.

“How about taking that seat now, Luthor?” asked Lois, cocking an eyebrow after discreetly stashing away the tissue she’d used to wipe away a stray tear. “I’m starving and Mrs K’s lamb is getting cold.”

“Careful, Lane. I’m carving,” replied Lex, seizing the knife.”What do you think, Laurie? Should we give your cousin Lois a smaller serving?”

“I vote for sending her to bed without dinner. Hey! That hurt, Lois!” exclaimed Clark, when a big breadcrumb hit him on his forehead.

“Tsk, tsk, Miss Lane. Is that behaviour fitting for a grown-up woman who’s interning for The Planet and dreams of becoming part of its permanent staff?” asked Lex gravely.

“Oh, bite me, Luthor!” replied Lois, pouring herself a glass of wine.

“You know, I was considering giving you and Clark an exclusive but now... I don’t know,” he said, passing a plate to Martha’s son. “What do you think, Chloe, should we give it to Clark alone?”

“What exclusive?!” Lois perked up. “And why are you asking Chloe for permission? Don’t tell me you two got hitched without inviting your family?”

“Of course not. After having to hide for so long, I’d have never done that to Chloe,” frowned Lex.

“Don’t worry, Lo’. Our wedding shopping spree is still up,” chuckled Chloe.

“So if it isn’t the wedding of the century, what is it?” insisted Lois.

“We’ll leave that for dessert,” smiled Chloe, locking eyes with Lex.

“Spoilsport. Can’t you give us a hint?”

“It wouldn’t be a surprise then, would it?” intervened Clark.

“You two haven’t been ... “ began Lois, shooting a glance at Laurie, “baking, right? You know... bun in the oven?” she cocked an eyebrow.

“Lois!” exclaimed Clark, blushing while Moira and Martha tried not to choke with their wine.

“Mommy bakes co’nut cookies,” piped the little girl pinching a carrot. And the whole table burst into laughter drawing a Sullivan smile on Laurie’s face, who remained oblivious to what the adults had been discussing.


Dinner at the Kents had been an unforgettable experience and Lex couldn’t help but wonder when he’d wake up to find out it’d all been a dream. Otherwise how could the friendly atmosphere and the laughs shared over meal be explained? Maybe a miracle or two called Chloe and Laurie.

“Would you mind if I joined you?” Moira asked her future son-in-law, who was watching the light rain fall standing on the veranda of the Kents’ farm house.

“Of course not, Mrs Sullivan,” he smiled softly as she closed the front door quietly, muffling the chatting voices and the laughs coming from the living room.

“There’s no need to stand on ceremony, Lex; we’re almost officially family now. Call me Moira, please.”

“OK. Moira it is.”

“Your mind seemed to be a million miles away when I stepped out. Is everything all right?”

“Have you ever felt so well that you couldn’t help but expect for someone to rain on your parade? “

“I know the feeling... “

“Tell me you didn’t use your powers on anyone in there,” replied he, swallowing the lump in his throat.

“For me to be able to do that there had to be meteor infected in the room- you and Chloe wouldn’t count. Besides, what good would I have done to both of you if I had? I want my daughter to enjoy what I had to give up, friends included. And I’ve learnt along the way that what starts with a lie is doomed to end in the worst possible way.”

“You can’t blame me for having doubts.”

“I know about your strained relationship with Clark and also about some of your unwise decisions while Chloe was away. However, I also used to know your father and suffered his deviousness on the flesh. I’m a pretty good judge of character and although I realise you’re constantly waging a war inside yourself to keep your darkness in check, I can see the man you are in your acts. You love my daughter and your baby too much to let that part of you win. I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting your mom, but Martha had and she says she was a beautiful person. You’re a lot more than Lionel Luthor’s son. God has His mysterious ways... I can understand your pain at losing Lillian when you were still a child, and I’m sure it must have hurt her to have to leave you when you needed her the most just as it hurt me to have to give up my Chloe. And yet, it’s up to us to make our losses and our pain our strength. You were lucky to have had her in your life- if only for a few years- and the fact that she’s still so present in your thoughts shows what an indelible impression she left on your soul. That is the man these people are seeing when they look at you around Chloe and my granddaughter.”

“Thanks,” he told her in a voice charged with emotion. “It means a lot to me to hear you say that after what my family’s put yours through. I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make Chloe happy.”

“I’m sure you will. My daughter’s very special, as special as yours is; they’ll be your rock, Lex. I’m so pleased to see my baby finally at peace. I want to thank you for letting me stay at the mansion to reacquaint myself with Chloe. You had more than enough grounds to keep her and Laurie all to yourself after what happened.”

“You are her mother, Moira. I would give the world to have the chance Chloe’s had to be reunited with mine.”

“I talked with a couple of realtors in Metropolis,” she said after a brief pause.

“You know you can stay with us as long as you want. I’ll give you free rein with the guesthouse.”

“You’re very generous. But you’re both about to begin your life as a married couple, a life for which you waited too long. I wouldn’t like to be a third wheel. I won’t vanish though; I’ll come to visit you and my granddaughter and... About your surprise... I’d really like to be part of it.”

“I wouldn’t like anything better. Have you talked to Chloe about it?”

“I told her this morning. I think what you’re doing is something you both should be proud of. “

“Sorry for interrupting,” coughed Clark from the threshold. “You’re wanted for the cake and the toast.”

“Then we’d better step inside,” smiled Moira, squeezing Lex’s forearm gently before walking past the farmboy.

“Would that be Lois’ chocolate pie?” asked Lex, still sitting on the veranda.

“I’m afraid so. Stick to the champagne and mom’s truffles unless you want to risk a night leaning over the toilet bowl.”

“I wouldn’t like to hurt her feelings. You should remember she’s Chloe’s maid-of-honour and God only knows what kind of revenge she might come up with. I won’t risk my wedding over a piece of chocolate pie.”

“Yeah... I know what you mean... Grab the plate then. I’ll think of something to make it disappear...” grinned Clark.

“At least I know now what to give you for a wedding present.”

“Uh?” frowned the Kryptonian.

“A crash course in cooking. When you two tie the knot you’ll appreciate it,” smirked the billionaire.

“What do I have to say to make you believe there’s nothing going on between Lois and I?”

“You’ve never been able to lie convincingly, least of all to me, Clark. That was the beginning and the crux of our breach, remember? All that cat and mouse routine between you two over dinner? It’s nothing but foreplay. You could be as lucky as I am, Clark. Don’t let what happened with Lana destroy your chances of a fulfilling love life. Lois isn’t her; she’d never toy with your feelings.”

“Why bring her up now?” Jonathan’s adoptive son asked gravely.

“Because I know you, Clark. I too let myself be seduced by that mirage; but that’s all it was. She would have ended up isolating you even more than you already are, and she’d have found ways to make you feel guilty for it. You’re better off with her in France. “

“She sent me a postcard from Provence last week,” confessed Clark quietly.

“Forget her, Clark.”

“You paid for her tickets and the villa, right?”

“Ticket. It was a small price to pay to have her out of our lives for good. Maybe she’ll find her match there,” he clarified.”Let’s join the others, shall we?” he added, straightening up and walking towards the front door.

“Lex?” Clark stopped him.


“Moira’s right. You should be proud of what you and Chloe are doing with this school project. Is there a chance I might be allowed to be part of it?”

“Wouldn’t that go against your need to preserve your identity a secret?”

“It’d be tricky, but I’m sure I can think of something.”

“A front? An alter ego?”

“You might say that,” replied Clark sheepishly.

“By the way... about that exclusive. You know I was teasing Lois, right? I wish we could make this project public, especially because of what keeping LuthorCorp stuff secret meant in the past. You do understand the need to keep this quiet, don’t you? Neither Chloe nor I want the school to become a media circus; it’d spoil the whole purpose of the project.”

“It’s a wise call,” the farmboy nodded.

“You should be honest with Lois. Chloe and I have a hunch she already suspects something. It’d be a shame to see you lose someone who really cares about you over a lie. Follow the advice of someone who’s been there: Don’t repeat the same mistakes,” finished Lex, stepping back into the Kents’ dining room.

“Oh, there you are at last!” exclaimed Lois.

Clark looked at her with a smile which wasn’t forced for once. Maybe it was time he imitated Lex and tried to put his past behind too. It was time to toast new beginnings.

“Let’s uncork the champagne, shall we?” he told Martha, who was eying him with a proud motherly look on her face.


10th July 2010, 18:52
Loved this story. Very intriguing.

10th July 2010, 21:59
enjoyed the new up date. you are tieing up any loose ends very nice.

10th July 2010, 22:46
great update!!!!!!!! everything is falling nicley into place asnd everyone should end up happy.

11th July 2010, 00:24
This update was just awww. I loved it. I love the fact that Lex can't hide anything from Chloe. She always knows. LOL! Laurie's bit about Chloe making coconut cookies. :rofl:

I am glad Lex finally feels apart of something. More please.. :grin3:

11th July 2010, 02:40
great new chapter! but boo... i dont want this story to end but i know that when it does, it will come back and re-read the story often.

11th July 2010, 10:00
great update

Kit Merlot
11th July 2010, 15:38
Everything is coming together rather nicely. The Bruce/Lex friendship is very cool--they understand and respect each other and not just in business. I like Bruce's admiration of Chloe--a very intelligent man.

The scene at the Kent farm was just lovely and truly a new beginning--Jonathan would be proud of Lex and Clark.

Lastly, this line:

“Let’s say Lucy Lane’s a feminine version of us without the chequebook.”

just about killed me! Lucy Lane, international thief:P

11th July 2010, 19:41
Wonderful Update! This is such a great story lexie and I'll be sad to see it end :-).

“That means if you dare come close to her, Bruce, you’d better get ready for a sharp tongue and a pissed-off reporter-in-training with a lethal punch.” - Bruce & Lois? Well, why not? Could anyone see that happening too?

12th July 2010, 07:33
enjoyed the new up date. you are tieing up any loose ends very nice.

great update!!!!!!!! everything is falling nicley into place asnd everyone should end up happy.

There are still a few loose ends to tie. Hopefully, I won't forget any. LOL

This update was just awww. I loved it. I love the fact that Lex can't hide anything from Chloe. She always knows. LOL! Laurie's bit about Chloe making coconut cookies. :rofl:

I am glad Lex finally feels apart of something. More please.. :grin3:

They know each other so well, don't they? That Laurie line simply wrote itself in the story- I too had a laugh when I typed it. :D Lois is really something and Laurie's got such great timing.

great new chapter! but boo... i dont want this story to end but i know that when it does, it will come back and re-read the story often.

Neither do I. I started writing it in January 2009 and sharing it almost a year ago. It's time to let it go soon because now that what brought them together's been solved there's only one step ahead. I'm so happy you find it entertaining enough to re-read. It's become one of my own favourites too.

great update

Thanks a lot, Lara. ;)

Everything is coming together rather nicely. The Bruce/Lex friendship is very cool--they understand and respect each other and not just in business. I like Bruce's admiration of Chloe--a very intelligent man.

I'm not a Chloe multishipper like most people on NS because I'm Lex-obsessed, but Bruce... well... I could see him with her if Lex weren't around.

The scene at the Kent farm was just lovely and truly a new beginning--Jonathan would be proud of Lex and Clark.

I so wished something like this had happened on the show. I almost felt the urge to shake or choke Jonathan every time he spat in Lex's face.

just about killed me! Lucy Lane, international thief:P

Lucy deserved to be included- she was as ignored as Lucas on the show; it's as if they never existed. And have you ever doubted she would make a good international thief? She might get caught, but that's another story.

Wonderful Update! This is such a great story lexie and I'll be sad to see it end :-).

“That means if you dare come close to her, Bruce, you’d better get ready for a sharp tongue and a pissed-off reporter-in-training with a lethal punch.” - Bruce & Lois? Well, why not? Could anyone see that happening too?

Thanks. So will I.Bruce and this Lois? It certainly would be interesting to watch.LOL.

12th July 2010, 08:53
ah what a good chapter. I will tell you my fav parts.
"Lex and he tried to hide his giddiness" lex is a schoolgirl, so cute. at this moment you want to give him a hug.

"Did you tell her about Mxyzptlk’s role in that courtroom" it is the imp no from another dimension.i remember him as well from another author and lana was tortured so funny. but you made him do a good action. cool.

"you two haven’t been ... “ began Lois, shooting a glance at Laurie, “baking, right? You know... bun in the oven?” she cocked an eyebrow."
ah lois and her smart sentences.fortunately laurie doesn't understand.

maybe lana bashing in the future.

you are the best.

12th July 2010, 23:13
great chapter.love how the past got wrapped up.friendships are beginning again.and that clark is thinking of learning from lex and move forward with a relationship with lois and also telling her his secret.but i do agree with that lois does suspect

13th July 2010, 01:20
Awesome update! I'm sad this story is winding down...but I can't wait to see what your next fanfiction endeavor will be *hint, hint*. :)


13th July 2010, 06:32
Love!!! The bantering between Lex and Bruce was hilarious!!! Bruce trying to rattle Lex and Lex turning the tables by saying he would go to Queen Industries.

Also loved Laurie's line about the baking coconut cookies.

Really loved seeing Lex getting asked to sit in Jonathan's place. He deserves it!!!

13th July 2010, 18:37
ah what a good chapter. I will tell you my fav parts.
"Lex and he tried to hide his giddiness" lex is a schoolgirl, so cute. at this moment you want to give him a hug.

I suppose you meant schoolboy *giggles*. I would never consider Lex anything other than manly.And you're right, he needs to be hugged so much.

"Did you tell her about Mxyzptlk’s role in that courtroom" it is the imp no from another dimension.i remember him as well from another author and lana was tortured so funny. but you made him do a good action. cool.

Well, my version of Mikhail is Smallville's and not the comic's so I thought I could play a little bit with him. I can't imagine the other doing something like this.

you are the best.

*blushes* Glad you're enjoying it. And thanks, as usual, for reading and taking the time to leave me some feedback.

but i do agree with that lois does suspect

She believes he's a meteor-freak; that much we know. When I write her I think about Margot Kidder's Lois in that sense; her version always suspected him.

Awesome update! I'm sad this story is winding down...but I can't wait to see what your next fanfiction endeavor will be *hint, hint*. :)


I have a few incomplete fics in the works. I still don't know which one I'll pick up or if a new idea will come my way.

Love!!! The bantering between Lex and Bruce was hilarious!!! Bruce trying to rattle Lex and Lex turning the tables by saying he would go to Queen Industries.

It was nice to have fun playing with the three billionaires. And you haven't seen the last of Bruce, by the way.

l so loved Laurie's line about the baking coconut cookies.

She really is something, isn't she? LOL

Really loved seeing Lex getting asked to sit in Jonathan's place. He deserves it!!!

He certainly does. I wonder if Jonathan would agree with us. He was always so hard and unfair with Lex. *sighs*

14th July 2010, 05:07
Thank you so much for the wonderful update!
I love that Lex and Clark are becoming friends again and I believe that the renewed friendship they are forging could be stronger and better than the one they had.
I loved Bruce teasing Lex about having competition for Chloe and the comment he made to Lex about how he would look bald (he so couldn't pull it off).
The part with Lois asking if Chloe and Lex had been baking and the possibility of Chloe having a bun in her oven was absolutely hilarious.
Thank you so much again for the wonderful update, I look forward to them so much and I can't wait to see what you have planned for the ending of this beautiful story!!!

17th July 2010, 16:21
Wonderful chapter. It's nice to see the that all the families are finally getting along.

17th July 2010, 18:30
I finally get my internet connection restored and I come back to a brilliant update, what a treat. The banter between Lex and Bruce was great but the dinner with the Kents was truly heartwarming, I loved the gesture behind Martha putting Lex at the head of the table and Clark backing her up was the icing on the cake. It was a very sweet, emotional chapter but the teasing between Lex and Clark about Lois was funny and a great way to throw in some breaks between all the emotional stuff. As always, I'm sad to hear that it's coming to an end soon but I can't wait to see how you wrap it all up.

18th July 2010, 16:04
Once again, it was a lovely chapter. I really like it !

19th July 2010, 05:16
Thank you so much for the wonderful update!
I love that Lex and Clark are becoming friends again and I believe that the renewed friendship they are forging could be stronger and better than the one they had.

I agree. This Clark seems to be more mature and the Kent Cabal appears to be ready to meet Lex halfway.

I loved Bruce teasing Lex about having competition for Chloe and the comment he made to Lex about how he would look bald (he so couldn't pull it off).

As charming and sexy as Bruce is, he'd be no competition in the baldness department. lol

The part with Lois asking if Chloe and Lex had been baking and the possibility of Chloe having a bun in her oven was absolutely hilarious.

Oh, I couldn't resist putting those words in Lois' mouth!

Wonderful chapter. It's nice to see the that all the families are finally getting along.

Welcome back, Mary! You've been missed.:D

That dinner table must have been a dream come true for Lex. My motherly heart can't help but grant him some loving.

The banter between Lex and Bruce was great but the dinner with the Kents was truly heartwarming, I loved the gesture behind Martha putting Lex at the head of the table and Clark backing her up was the icing on the cake. It was a very sweet, emotional chapter but the teasing between Lex and Clark about Lois was funny and a great way to throw in some breaks between all the emotional stuff.

Martha's always been my favourite Kent and her decision at the moment of assigning the seats around the table is one I believe she might have actually taken on the show given the chance.

Glad you like my Lois. You've consistently read and reviewed all my work, so you know that whenever Chloe's cousin is introduced in my fics you'll get some funny respite every now and then. She never fails to aid me when I feel the need for some comic relief after a particularly angsty or highly emotional section.

Thank you so much again for the wonderful update, I look forward to them so much and I can't wait to see what you have planned for the ending of this beautiful story!!!

As always, I'm sad to hear that it's coming to an end soon but I can't wait to see how you wrap it all up.

I've started working on the following chapter but my two weeks' holidays won't be all about winding down I'm afraid. I'm moving out and it wasn't part of my plans or my parents' so I don't know how much time I'll have left to devote to my writing in the coming weeks. :( However- as Dr Walden once said- "The end is coming!" *trembling lips and misty eyes*

Once again, it was a lovely chapter. I really like it !

Thanks, sweetheart!

19th July 2010, 05:50
Yay! Time for me to play catch up. If only there was a place holder on this site. I gotta track down where on earth I was last.

19th July 2010, 06:22
Yay! Time for me to play catch up. If only there was a place holder on this site. I gotta track down where on earth I was last.

By the way, Adele. There IS a way to find your posts on any thread where you believe you've left a message. Simply click on Search Thread at the top of any page and you'll get a drop-down menu.Then click on Find My Posts... and Voilà!

Yours was this one (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php/7151-Back-from-the-Dead-%28PG-13-R%29-CHAPTER-25-Upd-July-10th-10?p=254546&highlight=#post254546).

23rd July 2010, 20:16
This is a pretty cool story, Lexie. I haven't gotten it all caught up yet, but I wanted to let you know I was reading some of it today.

24th July 2010, 00:48
Holy crap, just finished reading this from start to the most recent update and It's been great! I enjoyed the intrigue. I kept wondering what would happen next and I enjoyed how smooth the transition for Chloe's memories to come back were. I look forward to the future updates! :) BB

24th July 2010, 01:08
I'm all caught up Lexie!!! Hooray!

I wish I could quote all of my favorite parts for you, but since I was so far behind it would have taken forever, but suffice it to say there were a lot of them.

I know you always say you feel uncomfortable writing the love scenes and such, but you have done a fabulous job in this fic.

Loving the Chlex family all together and happy and how welcoming Martha has been with Lex, even though he isn't certain how to handle it, or what to think about it all. He's always been deserving, and it is nice to see him get the credit for being something more than Jonathan ever believed him to be.

Can't wait for the next update.

24th July 2010, 21:56
This is a pretty cool story, Lexie. I haven't gotten it all caught up yet, but I wanted to let you know I was reading some of it today.

It was a nice surprise to see your comment because I know you rarely read WIPs- I'll definitely finish it in one or two updates so no worries there. In fact, as I told my readers in the introduction, I hate leaving things hanging and this has been the first fic I started sharing before having it ready on paper.

I had a hunch this would be your kind of fic so I'm glad you got hooked with the first chapters and hope you'll stay through the end. I'm looking forward to your feedback.

Holy crap, just finished reading this from start to the most recent update and It's been great! I enjoyed the intrigue. I kept wondering what would happen next and I enjoyed how smooth the transition for Chloe's memories to come back were. I look forward to the future updates! :) BB

I truly appreciate your words; especially because they belong to the person who wrote two of my favourite Chlex fics of all times. *Check out Our Blessings and The Sunflower Journal if you haven't read them yet*

There's not much left so I'll keep you posted.

I'm all caught up Lexie!!! Hooray!

I wish I could quote all of my favorite parts for you, but since I was so far behind it would have taken forever, but suffice it to say there were a lot of them.

I'm glad you now have the time to wind down and do some reading. :D Well, the fact that you couldn't quote all the passages you liked means a lot, so thanks.

I know you always say you feel uncomfortable writing the love scenes and such, but you have done a fabulous job in this fic.

It's not that I feel uncomfortable about them. It's that I want for them to feel right and to be an organic part of the story, that they're there because they're telling something. Smut for smut's sake isn't my thing.

I'm pleased to know you found them so good and relevant to the fic.

Loving the Chlex family all together and happy and how welcoming Martha has been with Lex, even though he isn't certain how to handle it, or what to think about it all. He's always been deserving, and it is nice to see him get the credit for being something more than Jonathan ever believed him to be.

Can't wait for the next update.

This is one of the good things about fanfic; one can give our favourite and our most hated characters what we believe they deserve.

26th July 2010, 21:30
It was a very nice update with Lex with Bruce and then Clark and him getting back to being friends.

27th July 2010, 01:33
It's been forever, huh, Lexie! I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to catch up. All I can truly say is WOW!! I love this story so much!! I'll be leaving little snippets because I'm catching up, so I'm warning you now, it's going to be a bit long. :D

Ch. 20: *gasp* You scared the ever-loving heck outta me by having Lex get shot! Ack! I know I shouldn't have gotten so scared, but I hate seeing him get injured. Great way to bring in Moira & Chloe's powers into the story and having Lex find out what they were. His declaration that Chloe isn't like the others & she needs to know this was amazing! That's exactly what I wanted to know, his feelings about Chloe's powers. Protective!Lex was sexy as hell, too. Daddy!Lex & Laurie are absolutely adorable, thank you for all their scenes. It brought tears to my eyes when he flashed back to his childhood and what his father put him through, and hoping he didn't do the same with Laurie. Have I mentioned that I adore them? Ooh, so the Joker's involved, too? Love that you've brought Bruce/Batman's enemies into the story, too. Heh, Lex & Lois are going to become the best of friends, even if they won't admit it.

Ch. 21: I hope that Oliver & Clark don't try & mess up the relationship that Lex has with Chloe & Laura. I'm happy to see that Clark doesn't want to interfere, but we know how well that always turns out. So, Lex is re-thinking his stance on 33.1? Good! Hope he decides to end it all for the sake of Chloe & Laura. Um, ouch, seems I spoke too soon. Knew that him keeping this secret from her would bite him in the ass. I was right. Hope that they can fix it. So glad that Lex is going to fight for their relationship and not back down. Oh, how I've missed the Verbal Judo. Love it!

Ch. 22: Love how intimate and trusting the Chlex relationship is in this chapter. Gave us just the right amount of detail into the both of them as individuals - and how much they love each other - and as a couple. Having Chloe's input on 33.1 will be very interesting and can't wait to see what she comes up with.

Ch. 23: Fabulous chapter, Lexie! I'm really intrigued with Lex's scenes, but it was the end of the chapter that I truly enjoyed. Oh, how I wish that the Lex/Clark friendship would've been mended a bit on the show, but I know it was against canon. Still, the way you've written them mending it was fantastic. Love Laurie and her asking Clark if Lex could have a puppy. She's absolutely adorable! Great, great chapter!

Ch. 24: The beginning with Chloe and Lex brought a sort of bittersweet happiness for me. Reminding us of their partnership in S3, and how she did trust him with her (& her father's) lives, got to me. I miss that Chloe & Lex so much. Ooh, really enjoyed the Clark/Lois part of this chapter. I must say, I love your Lois a hell of a lot more than the Smallville version. Having her stand up to the editor-in-chief and refusing to write a story about her family was awesome! I haven't watched SV in ages, so I don't know if ED's Lois would've done the same, but it made me like her a lot more. Thanks much for the news on the trial! :D

Ch. 25: I absolutely LOVE the friendship between Lex & Bruce. They're hilarious! The family scenes at the end were great and brought a tear to my eye. Really love this story, Lexie, and can't wait for more!

27th July 2010, 08:01
It was a very nice update with Lex with Bruce and then Clark and him getting back to being friends.

Thanks, darling. Glad to know you liked the male bonding in this chapter.

It's been forever, huh, Lexie! I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to catch up. All I can truly say is WOW!! I love this story so much!! I'll be leaving little snippets because I'm catching up, so I'm warning you now, it's going to be a bit long. :D

It's been a long time but I knew you'd come back eventually.:)

I'm really happy you're enjoying the whole interpersonal relationships in this fic- even those you don't usually appreciate on the show- it's a beautiful compliment. Thanks for the detailed review; it allowed me to see the emotions you experienced throughout the reading.By the way, love the fact Zannie's new fic and mine have helped a little in rekindling your dormant Chlexy muse. Can't wait for your new pieces. I promise I'll give you some more Back from the Dead as soon as I'm settled in my new home.

27th July 2010, 08:27
I really did mean to catch up on this fic ages ago but with one thing and another there just hasn't been much time for reading lately!

Anywho, I love how you're bringing this foc to a close. Not that I'm glad its going to be over 'cause its awesome and it'd be cool if the story went on forever, but obviously thats impossible! lol But you're tying up all the loose ends nicely and I see a happy ever after on the horizon which makes me very happy myself :)

Everyone is finally getting along, all problems dealt with, all hatchets buried and not in people's backs for a change! Clark and Lex are getting along, Lois and Clark might actually get it together before long, Lex is welcome in the Kent home, Chloe has her mother in her life, Laurie has both her loving parents, and best of all Chloe and Lex are together, happy, and going to be married. *sigh* Its all working out perfectly and I love it :D

31st July 2010, 01:14
I really did mean to catch up on this fic ages ago but with one thing and another there just hasn't been much time for reading lately!

No need to excuse yourself; I've also been really busy with this unexpected moving which has taken all of my two weeks' holidays- I so needed them and will have to wait till January to wind down. It sucks. Well, on the bright side the place is nice and we got it a few hours after we were told the owner had got divorced and needed a place to live. Our lease was due for renewal in two months, but we preferred moving out now because it'd have been bedlam once we were back at work.

Anywho, I love how you're bringing this foc to a close. Not that I'm glad its going to be over 'cause its awesome and it'd be cool if the story went on forever, but obviously thats impossible! lol But you're tying up all the loose ends nicely and I see a happy ever after on the horizon which makes me very happy myself :)

I'm sad to let it go too. However, as you said, it's got to end sometime and most loose ends are already tied.As regards the happy ending, I'm a sucker for those even though I lean towards angsty in my short fics and to a dose of it in my multi-chaptered stories. I like taking Lex to a happy place or, at least, to one where there's hope for him on the love horizon.

Everyone is finally getting along, all problems dealt with, all hatchets buried and not in people's backs for a change! Clark and Lex are getting along, Lois and Clark might actually get it together before long, Lex is welcome in the Kent home, Chloe has her mother in her life, Laurie has both her loving parents, and best of all Chloe and Lex are together, happy, and going to be married. *sigh* Its all working out perfectly and I love it :D

It's quite idyllic, isn't it? Well, Lex's certainly earned it. Let's hope no one rains on his parade in the future. I'm sure his life with Chloe won't be a bed of roses knowing who he is and that trouble seems to follow both of them. :D Let's just say their married life will be anything except boring.

5th August 2010, 01:03
A/N: OK. Here's what I believe will be the penultimate chapter of this fic. Enjoy!

CHAPTER 26: Strategist


Two weeks had gone by since their first family dinner at the Kents and Chloe was now in a whirl. When she’d insisted she didn’t want a wedding planner or a shopping trip to Paris to get Chanel or some famous couturier design her gown, she’d believed she’d be able to keep things small and quiet. Nothing could be further from the madhouse she was living in.

Lex was being more than accommodating; he’d already lived through two fairytale-weddings-turned-nightmares and he remembered going over the top with all the arrangements for both of them. He wanted their wedding to be perfect and, although he had to fight against his controlling nature, he knew that Chloe would never let him live it down if he went overboard with the whole affair. Better leave everything in her hands and wait on the fringes for her to ask him to help if she couldn’t handle something, which he doubted she’d ever do- they were both too stubborn to admit defeat when they found themselves way over-their-heads.

“So... have you made up your mind about the stationery you’d like for the invitations?” asked Lois, picking up a deep red wasp-waisted corset.

“I’m leaving that to Mom. I could no longer put up with the stench of recycled paper and that obnoxious woman trying to guilt-trip me about the deforestation of the Amazon and every rainforest on Earth so that I could have my invitations printed on paper that didn’t smell like a pair of sweaty sneakers,” she grumbled, checking out the nightgowns.

“How about this one?” said Lois, cocking an eyebrow as she lifted the corset for Chloe to see. “You can get red net stockings to go with it.”

“Lois, I’m not a ten-thousand-dollar hooker and, believe me, I don’t need to wear something like that to put him in the mood,” she snickered, going over the baby dolls.

“I so didn’t need that image in my mind.”

“Then you should have stayed in the apartment to revise for tomorrow’s partial. Choosing lingerie for one’s wedding night is supposed to be personal after all,” frowned Chloe, hanging back a pink satin baby doll.

“I just wanted to give you something as a present. Cue ball’s paying for everything I’ll be wearing to the ceremony and the reception. I won’t even pay for the hairdo and the manicure... You know I’ll never have a chance to do something like this for Lucy, Chlo’...”

“I’m sorry, Lo’. I didn’t want to brush you off. Cheer up! How about having a look at that corset in black?”

“Ah, so instead of racy you’ll go for naughty,” smiled the eldest cousin, fishing for another corset. “Here it is.”

“Well, I was actually thinking of giving it to you as a gift. I’d pay it with my own money not to make you feel uncomfortable though. I’d like to be a fly on the wall to see Clark’s face if he saw you dressed only in that. He wouldn’t know what to do,” chuckled the blonde reporter.”What?” she smiled mischievously. “Lois, is there something you aren’t telling me?”

“I’ll check out the camisoles over there,” blurted Lois, trying to make an escape to avoid her third degree.

“Tsk.Tsk, Missy,” Chloe shook her head, and pulled her by the sleeve to stop her. “Spill.”

“There’s nothing to spill,” protested Lois.

“And elephants fly,” snorted the blonde cousin. “It’s me- Chloe, investigative reporter. I might be a mom and a stressed-out bride-to-be, but my instincts and my sleuth nose have never failed me. Something’s happened between you and Clark.”

“Take this...” sighed the eldest cousin, thrusting into Chloe’s arms a long emerald satin nightgown with a seductive slit and pushing her into a changing room.

“So... “ insisted Chloe, unbuttoning her blouse. “You’re blushing.”

“I’m not! I... OK... We kissed,” she confessed, checking out the price tag on the sleepwear.

“It must have been one hell of a kiss to have you blush and stutter like that,” chuckled Chloe, stepping out of her skirt.

“Well... we kissed more than once... and then we ... He...”

“Heeee?” smirked Chloe, encouraging her to go on.

“You know what? It doesn’t matter what happened. He wasn’t himself... It was that damn lipstick I’d bought at the fair,” she replied with a suspiciously trembling voice. “You look gorgeous in this. You should take it.”

“Yeah, it looks sexy and romantic without being sluttish. Lipstick? Now, I’m more intrigued...”

“It was really strange. One minute we were arguing and the next...”


“... Oliver walked on Clark and Lois to find them half-dressed. And it seems he got the wrong impression... because he tried to separate them and got a mean uppercut. He lost two teeth and needed a few stitches,” explained Chloe as she slipped the last invitation inside an envelope and added it to the neat pile they’d have hand-delivered. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” she added with a smile when she noticed the slight tilt of Lex’s lip.

“It was high time someone punched him for meddling in other people’s business. No broken ribs?”

“I wonder what you would have wished for him if he’d tried to step between you and me instead of Clark and Lois,” she cocked an eyebrow.

“He’d have woken up to see Queen Industries’ shares plummet for starters. Now, let’s go back to the aspiring Pulitzer Prizes. Not that I’m not glad they’ve finally accepted what was in front of their eyes, but... ” asked Lex, leaning back on his swivel chair,”why am I getting the feeling their coming together was somehow worthy of your Wall of Weird?”

“What’s given you that impression?”

“That sparkle in your eyes I haven’t seen in a long while,” he smirked.

“Lois and I did some digging after we came back from Metropolis. It seems the lipstick she was wearing was made of... some concoction meant to transform men in sex slaves.”

“Pheromones?” frowned Lex, remembering Desirée Atkins.

“Dejà vu?”

“When the effect wore off, it was like waking up from a hellish nightmare.”

“Well, even you would agree Lois is nothing like the first murderous Mrs Luthor. Unfortunately, your thick-headed friend has been avoiding Lois like the plague and my cousin has convinced herself Clark feels nothing special for her and that he’d have never given her the light of day without some chemical inducement.”

“Why is it that he is my friend all of a sudden? I was under the impression he was as much my friend as yours.”

“Well, I don’t like him that much at this moment,” she said grimly.

“Does that mean I’ve also done something wrong to rouse your fury?”

“Of course not! I’m just... I’m... exhausted... I have a ton of things to do... And now I have one more thing to worry about... I... I hate seeing my cousin hurting and crying in the corners, pretending everything’s fine while Clark’s repeating his same old routine. I... “ she vented, walking up and down the Aubousson carpet in front of Lex’s desk.

“Come here,” he interrupted her as he stood up and grabbed her gently by the hand. “Breathe,” he told her, holding her gaze and smoothing his hands down her arms in a soothing motion.

“I’m breathing,” she said stubbornly trying to deny stress was catching up on her.

“Oh, yes. You’re consuming half the oxygen in the room,” replied Lex ironically.” You’re hyperventilating, Love.”

“Tell me again why we can’t elope alla Gretna Green,” sighed she.

“I have to confess Scotland does sound a lot more alluring than an express wedding in Vegas. If it’s what you want, it can be arranged. “

“Why do you have to take everything I say literally, Lex? Gretna Green, and especially flying everyone there- don’t put on that I’d-never-suggest-something-like-that face- would fall into the category of going over the top that I’ve opposed to since we started planning this wedding.”

“OK. We’ll put off Gretna Green until it’s time for us to renew our vows.”

Chloe could feel butterflies in her stomach and wondered when she’d become this sappy romantic young woman who could melt at the drop of a hat- Lex’s hat that is.

“You can count on that,” she smiled slowly as he held her by the waist to bring her closer to him.

“Have I told you lately how much you mean to me, Chloe?” he asked huskily.

“I got a hint,” she murmured, standing on tiptoe to snake her arms around his neck and open to the gentle assault of his lips and talented tongue.

“Better now?” he asked her slightly breathless, resting his forehead on hers.

“You certainly know how to treat a lady. Yes, I’m better and a little dizzy, you smug man,” she replied, pushing him playfully on the chest. “I panicked a little back there.”

“It’s understandable. I remember how stressful it was to have to deal just with the decision concerning what cake and sweets to serve at the reception, and you’ve got a lot more to tackle with. That’s why I’ve always used the services of a wedding planner. You know, it isn’t too late to hire one.”

“What? A month before the ceremony? No,” she shook her head.” I appreciate the offer and I know you mean well, but what would I tell Martha, Jerry’s fiancée and everyone who’s on board?”

“Then, let me worry about the elusive farm boy.”

“What are you going to do?” she frowned.

“Do you trust me? “

“I trust you won’t do anything that might hurt me and that means Lois by extension. Now if you need torture Clark a little bit, I’m all for it,” she smiled mischievously.

“Oh, you can bet I will! Nothing that might jeopardise our renewed friendship, but something which will make him squirm a little bit,” he smirked.


Things had been uncomfortably quiet between Clark and Lois for over a week; to be more precise, ever since their dancing around the evident attraction which existed between them gave way to a full-steam collision thanks to the red kryptonite-laced lipstick she’d bought at Smallville’s fair. Although Clark couldn’t remember exactly what they’d had done or what had been said, he had the unsettling feeling in his gut they’d taken things a little too far; he could see it in the way Lois looked at him when she thought he wasn’t watching. In fact, if it hadn’t been for Oliver’s broken teeth and swollen face which had put the billionaire on the alert as to what could have driven the mild-mannered farm boy to turn so violent and possessive all of a sudden, Martha wouldn’t have intervened and used green kryptonite on her son while Lois went all Florence Nightingale on the blond scion. Were it not for that miraculous intervention, they might have been already married and frolicking in Vegas much like he’d done with Alicia once upon a time.

Yes, Clark couldn’t recall in detail what had happened between him and the General’s daughter, but what he did remember was the rage which had consumed him when Oliver walked on them in the barn and tried to separate them. However, what scared him the most was the fact that even now, when he wasn’t under the influence, the idea of her preferring someone else aroused irrational jealousy in him. It was funny how in a matter of a few months what he’d thought was the love of his life dwarfed when compared to the feelings he was experiencing around Lois. He’d had the intention of following Lex’s advice and going for what he wanted, but not at so fast a pace. He knew he was being provincial and maybe a tad immature by dodging the issue and pretending nothing had happened. He was cowardly waiting for her to bring it up in case his feverish mind had made it all up and he ended up making a fool.

“Lane, the chief wants to see you at the board room stat,” barked one of the assistant editors.

“It must be important for him to have sent Gregory downstairs,” stated Clark as soon as the balding reporter stepped out of the office.

“I’ll see what Pearson wants and go home. My head’s exploding. Would you mind shutting down my computer on your way out?” she replied, picking up her trench coat and her bag.

“Sure. No problem. Lois?”

“Yes?” she stopped at the door.

“Nothing... Take care. See you tomorrow morning.”


Lois wondered how long it’d take for her to break down. She’d always been very good at pretending things were peachy even when her world was crumbling down around her, and there was only one person who could see through her, her cousin Chloe. The blonde had realised what was wrong with her and had tried to cheer her up, saying Clark was either scared to death because things had got too serious too soon or that he had no memory of what had happened. Lois had got burnt several times in the romantic arena and she wasn’t ready to be the one to make the first move only to find out he didn’t feel the same. Chloe seemed to believe Clark was just being stubborn and that her feelings weren’t unrequited...

“Ah, Lane! It was high time you showed your face,” exclaimed Pearson interrupting her musings.

“Good afternoon, Chief. I came as soon as Mr Gregory informed me you wanted to see me,” she replied with a barely disguised tilt in her voice which signalled her curiosity on seeing the other man present in the room.

“Well, you seem to have made quite an impression on the new management with your ongoing investigation on Metropolis’ mayor,” added the Editor-in-chief.

“How do you do, Miss Lane,” the new owner came out of the shadows to greet a suddenly speechless Lois.


“Tell Jerry and her fiancée to cancel their reservations at the inn. There are more than enough empty rooms in the mansion for them to choose from... I’m glad... I talked with Father Michaelson before coming to Metropolis this morning. The final rehearsal will be in three days,” said Lex with a tired smile as he leant back on his swivel chair.”I can’t wait either,” he added in a husky voice, getting up from the seat to pour himself a tall glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice. “Yes, we have to think of something special to give them both. A day at the most exclusive spa in Metropolis, maybe?”

Lex regretted the fact that Lillian wasn’t there to see their child grow up, and yet he thanked for having both Martha and Moira in their life; they were the best grandmothers they could have wished for Laura. And this evening they were babysitting and letting them have a night all to themselves.

“Yes, I’ll be home around six,” he told her, turning around to see Clark peeking into the office as he held one of the acid-etched glass doors ajar.“Come in, Clark,” he signalled to the farm boy, covering the receiver. “Chloe, I’ve got to hang up. There’s a matter which requires my attention now. Is there anything you might want me to do for you before I leave Metropolis? OK. Me too. Bye.”

“I’m sorry,” apologised Clark once Lex’d hung up.” Your secretary told me it was your lunch break and that you’d told her to let me in when I arrived,”

“It’s all right, Clark. I was just going over some details with Chloe,” smirked the billionaire.”So, you’re ready for the final fitting of your tux?”

“Yes,” he replied absent-mindedly while fiddling with a paper knife on Lex’s desk.

“Is everything OK, Clark? You seem somewhat distracted. What’s bothering you?”

“What can you tell me about the new owner of The Daily Planet?”

Lex, has anyone ever doubted you’re a genius?


“Yes, he is, isn’t he? I swear to you I didn’t know what he’d planned... You’d better be back in time for the wedding, Lo’... How did the final fitting go? I was half-tempted to change it for that pink meringue we saw modelled for us,” chuckled Chloe as she kicked off her pumps. “You’ll make a dashing couple... “ she smiled at Lex when she saw him cock an eyebrow and start to unbutton his shirt. “When will you be getting back? I can’t wait for you to make your grand entrance... Yes, it might be the oldest trick in a girl’s bag... not that Lex’s anything but manly but you get my drill... A girl’s got to do what she’s got to do, Lo’, especially when dealing with a thick-headed farm boy. I told you I was right... Lex said he must be getting desperate to resort to his aid instead of Oliver’s. Well, after sending him to the ER is understandable... In any case he must see Queen as the competition... Well, Clark doesn’t know the real reason behind your being there. Get tanned and enjoy the company... He’s agreed to it? Good luck with that one. I know the type... I’ve got one at home...” she laughed, seeing Lex’s puzzled look on his face out of the corner of her eye. ”He’s there too? Oh, he’s a dearie. I tried to convince Lex to bribe the man to come with us. OK... see you in five days. Of course we’ll behave,” she added with a mischievous grin as Lex wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and nuzzled her neck.

“So how’s she liking the arrangements? And what’s that about knowing the type?” murmured he in her ear as soon as she finished the call.

“The new owner of The Daily Planet?” she asked ironically.

“I thought I could kill two birds with a stone. Now nobody can accuse me of nepotism.”

“But now she knows that you pulled your strings to get them in. Aren’t you afraid she’ll tell Clark?”

“I might have helped open the doors for them. However, I also told Pearson he could either have them pour coffee and serve muffins or terminate their internship whenever he saw fit if he considered they didn’t have what it takes. I made it abundantly clear I wouldn’t bear it against him. Lois has more than proven her worth with her research on the mayor. And something tells me she won’t sell me out; not when she might need my help in the future. And, I’m sure she’ll get herself in enough scrapes to require my aid.”

“You’re one hell of a strategist. Now... I’m curious... how did you get to convince him?”

“Oh, that’s a story I’ll keep to myself for a few more days. What do you say if we get you out of these clothes, Mrs-Luthor-to-be?” he asked huskily.


It was Lex’s last day as a bachelor; a status he was sure he’d never come back to because this marriage would be forever. He couldn’t remember ever being this happy. Yes, happy; he could no longer use the word satisfied, not when the woman in his life was Chloe and he finally had the family he’d always wished for and thought he’d never be blessed with. Even though he knew it’d take time for society to change its perception of him- if that day ever arrived- he felt strong now when facing the world which had always been hostile to him no matter how hard he’d tried to make everyone see the apple could fall far from the tree. Disillusionment and pain had eventually led him to prove the world right for a while, but Chloe, Laura and the loving safe net his future wife had stubbornly and painstakingly helped him build around them had convinced him he could still be the man Lillian had tried to raise and, at the same time, be loved for his shortcomings and yes, even despite his dark side. There was no longer the ghost of Lionel and his unattainable love and acceptance; that ever-consuming angst provoked by the feeling he’d never be worthy enough.

Today he was going to close another chapter of his recent past and try to show an old enemy that there was still a Luthor who knew the meaning of honour and promises.

“Lex,” the Queen heir greeted him as the Luthorcorp assistant went back to her chores.

“Oliver. Take a seat, please,” replied Lex, resuming his position behind the glass and chrome desk.

“I have to say your assistant’s call caught me unawares,” confessed the blond scion, sitting down.

“We have some unfinished business,” Lex told him gravely, opening the top drawer and taking a big manila envelope, which he pushed across the desk.

“What’s this?” frowned his former boarding-school classmate, grabbing it.

“Go ahead and open it,” he prompted him, getting up from his swivel chair to walk to the wet bar. “Shall I pour you something? I’m afraid it’s got to be non-alcoholic. Now I only drink alcohol at dinner or on special occasions.”

“I’m fine, Lex. Thanks,” Oliver dismissed his offer, emptying the contents of the envelope on the desktop.

“Afraid I might poison you?” he asked with an ironic smirk, taking a sip of bottled spring water.

“Somehow I don’t think you’d run the risk of losing the faith in you of the one woman who seems to be equipped to put up with your insufferable self,” he told Lex with his eyes focused on the pictures and the mini-discs scattered on the desk.”Why are you giving me this now?”

“It seems you’re not only a smug busybody; you’ve got a very short memory span. I promised I’d hand you over every single frame of yours dressed in your parrot-coloured spandex.”

“What’s the catch?”

“There’s none, Oliver. Take it as proof that I’m a man of my word. Let’s leave our battles for the business arena, shall we?” suggested LuthorCorp’s CEO, stretching out an arm for a handshake.

“OK, I can live with that. I’ll be watching you though,” answered Oliver, shaking hands briefly.

“And I you,” said Lex smugly.

“So... tomorrow’s the big day.”

“Yes, it is. I’m sorry you weren’t invited. It’d be insulting to pretend your invitation got lost in the mail.”

“If I’d got one, I’d have wondered whether Armageddon hadn’t arrived.”

“Your dentist’s done a great job by the way. You were lucky you didn’t need a nose job,” smirked the bald billionaire.

“You must have enjoyed it.”

“Oh, you have no idea!” chuckled he.

“Well, I’d better not overextend my visit; that is unless there’s something else you want to discuss.”

“No, that’d be all.”

“Oh, I almost forgot! I also have something for you,” added the leaguer, taking an envelope from his inside pocket and handing it over to him.

Lex took the proffered stationery with a questioning look and proceeded to open it. Taking the enclosed item out of the envelope, he could barely disguise the emotional impact of getting a pristine #127 issue of Warrior Angel from his school nemesis; the very same issue a teenage Oliver had taken from his hands and Duncan’s at Excelsior and ripped in half while he mocked both best friends. Although Oliver’s apology came ten years too late, he had to give the guy props for the effort; for a fraction of a second Lex was tempted to stop the ball he’d set in motion.



“It’s a start,” conceded Lex, knowing Oliver would understand when the time came. They were the rules of the game. And corporative games were the only thing they’d ever have between them. Oliver was not Clark and Luthor blood still ran through Lex’s veins; and there were some things which couldn’t be as easily forgotten and wounds which weren’t as easily healed.


A/N 2: I'm sorry if there wasn't too much Chlexy loving in this chapter, but there were some loose ends which got to be tied before the Grand Finale. There's one long chapter left or a shorter one and an epilogue. We'll see what my muse thinks about it.

5th August 2010, 02:00
As usual good job. But I did miss Laurie. I loved it when she has lex wrapped around her little finger. LOL! I can't wait to see what you have next. Please more Chlex and less Lois and Clark. ;)

5th August 2010, 02:51
I loved the end part with Oliver :)

and I'm good with a long chapter! :D hopefully your muse is feeling very inspired and decides to go loooong!

5th August 2010, 03:04
wedding is almost here and all the ends are seemingly being tied into their perfect bows..... i wonder what is going to happen to sever all those ties. great chapter, cannot wait until the next update.

5th August 2010, 03:06
Thank you so much for the wonderful update!
I loved it, Lois and Chloe shopping for lingerie for Chloe and Lex's wedding night was great, but my favorite part was hearing about what happened to Oliver when he tried to get between a red k infected Clark and Lois.
I absolutely can't wait for what will happen next, but I will be so sad to see this fic end.

5th August 2010, 05:40
I'm looking forward to the big day! Also finding out what Lex said to Clark and what that set into motion. I too missed Laurie, but love the fact that she was spending some quality time with her grandmas!

Hoping for a long chapter :)

Great job Lexie!!!

Cassandra Jean
5th August 2010, 08:14
Wonderful chapter. Although I am wondering what exactly Lex has planned concerning Oliver, I am hoping that they can get past all the old bad feelings between them.

Looking forward to seeing the wedding...and maybe another baby.

5th August 2010, 19:15
As usual good job. But I did miss Laurie. I loved it when she has lex wrapped around her little finger. LOL! I can't wait to see what you have next. Please more Chlex and less Lois and Clark. ;)

I did miss her too but, as I said in my A/N, there were a couple of loose ends to tie or, at least, to advance a little more before finally tying them up in the last chapter- the Clois and Oliver, who'd vanished from the plot; blame the latter on my subconscious. *snickers* Don't you worry; I haven't turned into a full-fledged Cloiser. Lex is my obsession followed very closely by Chlex. I'm only I Cloiser in films and still, they have never prompted me to write any fanfics focused on them.lol

I loved the end part with Oliver :)

and I'm good with a long chapter! :D hopefully your muse is feeling very inspired and decides to go loooong!

I had fun writing the final scene of this chapter so I'm glad you enjoyed it as well. And I also do want my muse to come up with something long because I'm going to miss this one and want to wrap it up properly. We'll see.

wedding is almost here and all the ends are seemingly being tied into their perfect bows..... i wonder what is going to happen to sever all those ties. great chapter, cannot wait until the next update.

Hopefully, they'll manage to strengthen the bonds so that they can brave whichever storm they might encounter along the road. I want a happy future for Lex and his family.

I loved it, Lois and Chloe shopping for lingerie for Chloe and Lex's wedding night was great, but my favorite part was hearing about what happened to Oliver when he tried to get between a red k infected Clark and Lois.

Oh, yes! I loved the image of Oliver getting punched. *big grin* I'm a little sadistic, aren't I?

Also finding out what Lex said to Clark and what that set into motion.

Well, the plan set in motion with Clark has to do with bringing him and Lois together but that isn't the plan Lex was thinking about when he met with Oliver; it is in no way connected with Clark or his conversation with the farm boy. :)

Although I am wondering what exactly Lex has planned concerning Oliver, I am hoping that they can get past all the old bad feelings between them.

All we'll be revealed soon. Let's say, what Lex's planned isn't anything Oliver wouldn't have done himself.* too cryptic?*

Looking forward to seeing the wedding...and maybe another baby.

I've got a few ideas for the ending- I've had them since I started writing this story nineteen months ago.:D

Lindsay S
5th August 2010, 20:12
Thanks for the update. I can't wait for Lex and Chloe's wedding. :)

5th August 2010, 21:15
Hey, check this out, I just read your update on the actual day I found out about it! lol

Another awesome chapter, lexie, and though we are coming to the end of a story I'd prefer didn't come to a close yet, I'm still smiling at how great it is :)

There was some Chlex which is better than no Chlex at all, and I love how they have maneouvred Clark and Lois together - very cool. I also love that Lex and Oliver seem to have buried the hatchet, and it was very sweet that Ollie got that particular Warrior Angel comic for his nemesis. Of course, its not over yet and Lex has set the ball rolling on something apparently - I think the emerald archer's alter-ago should still be nervous! lol

Can't wait for the last chapter(s), lexie. You're doing such a wonderful job with this story :D

Kit Merlot
6th August 2010, 00:45
I loved that Lex is willing to make a fresh start with Clark but he still feels the need to tweak Oliver--although I did like that Oliver gave Lex the Warrior Angel comic--that was a pretty cool peace offer:grin3:

And I agree with Hope--the potential Clark/Lois romance is not nearly as interesting as the soon to be Chlex wedding:P

6th August 2010, 07:51
Thanks for the update. I can't wait for Lex and Chloe's wedding. :)

You won't have to wait too long for it. :)

Hey, check this out, I just read your update on the actual day I found out about it! lol

Another awesome chapter, lexie, and though we are coming to the end of a story I'd prefer didn't come to a close yet, I'm still smiling at how great it is :)

There was some Chlex which is better than no Chlex at all, and I love how they have maneouvred Clark and Lois together - very cool. I also love that Lex and Oliver seem to have buried the hatchet, and it was very sweet that Ollie got that particular Warrior Angel comic for his nemesis. Of course, its not over yet and Lex has set the ball rolling on something apparently - I think the emerald archer's alter-ago should still be nervous! lol

Can't wait for the last chapter(s), lexie. You're doing such a wonderful job with this story :D

I'm really happy you're enjoying this fic so much, especially because it's your first experience with one of my multi-chaptered stories- and this is actually the longest I've written thus far. :D

Chloe and Lex are two unrivalled strategists, aren't they? And yes, Oliver's gesture was nice, though Lex'll make him squirm a little bit more- I have too much fun doing that to pass it over.

And I agree with Hope--the potential Clark/Lois romance is not nearly as interesting as the soon to be Chlex wedding:P

Anything that hasn't Lex in isn't destined to be as interesting in my books. I knew you'd rather have more Chlexiness but I had to tackle with Clois because there's something I've got planned for the last chapter/s that required I introduced some elements here.

6th August 2010, 10:39

thank you, thank you for this beuatiful update. I missed you. I love when lois refers to lex as a cue ball.

"Lois, I’m not a ten-thousand-dollar hooker and, believe me, I don’t need to wear something like that to put him in the mood"
Chloe is so right , there is sooooooo much chemistry between them that over the top lingerie is not needed.

"because he tried to separate them and got a mean uppercut. He lost two teeth and needed a few stitches" I would have love to see oliver lose 2 teeth on tv. the image is funny.

I didn' t know a village in Scotland was famous for runaway weddings. you learn something new everyday. Thanks Lexie.
Lex is really a good strategist in using Oliver's help with Lois and Clark.

As usual it was an awesome update Lexie. And I hope you are having a good vacation.

6th August 2010, 10:42
ah "beautiful" sorry for the mistake. I just saw it.

6th August 2010, 18:34
Great chapter. My heart went out to Lois in this chapter. I can't believe you've made me feel sympathy for a character I hate in canon but I really like you're version of her in this fic and I could just slap Clark for making her feel so rejected, I'm looking forward to them sorting it all out. I loved Chloe referring to Clark and Lex's friend because she was annoyed with him, a very cute Chlex couple moment in amongst the Clark/Lois drama :)

7th August 2010, 05:42
I read this on LJ and had a very long reply for you, but I accidently deleted it. :/ I was so angry that I had to take a few moments to calm down before I left some feedback. Honestly, I think the deletion was a blessing because all I really want to say is that I love the update. I'm alright with little Chlex interaction because I find their relationships with others very interesting.

So interesting that I'm biting my nails, awaiting what Lex has in store for Oliver. Must tell you, Oliver giving Lex the comic made me cry. :( I just pictured that scene from the show and the tears came. Poor Lex. Great chapter, sweetie, and can't wait for the next one!! *hugs*

8th August 2010, 00:41
I didn' t know a village in Scotland was famous for runaway weddings. you learn something new everyday. Thanks Lexie.

I'm pleased to know I've contributed to your enlightenment.:) I take it you aren't a fan of Regency romances, are you? Gretna Green was all the rage in those days.

Lex is really a good strategist in using Oliver's help with Lois and Clark.

Oh, but Lex hasn't recruited Oliver to bring Lois and Clark together! He's got other plans in motion for Oliver and one in place to give Clark the nudge or the "push" he needs to stop being an ass.

And I hope you are having a good vacation.

I'm afraid my two weeks' holiday finished last Sunday and they were no vacation at all because I spent them all packing and moving house. I'll have to wait till January for my desperately needed holidays. :(

My heart went out to Lois in this chapter. I can't believe you've made me feel sympathy for a character I hate in canon but I really like you're version of her in this fic

Whenever someone says something like this about the Lois in my fics I can't help but boast since we all know how much she's disliked amongst Chloe-fans.

loved Chloe referring to Clark and Lex's friend because she was annoyed with him, a very cute Chlex couple moment in amongst the Clark/Lois drama :)

There had to be some Chlexiness after the Clois to lighten the mood and... well, this is a Lex and Chloe forum...and I'm not a Clois writer nor will I ever be.

I read this on LJ and had a very long reply for you, but I accidentally deleted it. :/ I was so angry that I had to take a few moments to calm down before I left some feedback. Honestly, I think the deletion was a blessing because all I really want to say is that I love the update.

Oh! I hate it when that happens. You know, I have a tendency to type my answers on my WordPad and then paste them because it's happened to me just too many times.

I'm alright with little Chlex interaction because I find their relationships with others very interesting.

This is very important to me. I'd hate it if my readers glossed over the parts which aren't 100% Chlex because it'd mean they aren't integrated into the fic, and I simply hate doing "irrelevant".

So interesting that I'm biting my nails, awaiting what Lex has in store for Oliver. Must tell you, Oliver giving Lex the comic made me cry. :( I just pictured that scene from the show and the tears came.

I wrote what I wished had happened on the show. Every childhood and teenage memory of Lex's makes me misty-eyed.

10th August 2010, 02:13
Im only up to chapter 9 but Im loving it! My first fanfic I have read properly and Im really enjoying it so well written and thought out honey

10th August 2010, 04:16
i can't wait for the wedding.

11th August 2010, 23:57
Im only up to chapter 9 but Im loving it! My first fanfic I have read properly and Im really enjoying it so well written and thought out honey

Glad you're enjoying your first foray into fanfic so much, Beverley. I know you'll have a ball around here because there are some great stories and writers waiting to be discovered.

12th August 2010, 23:21
I'm so excited about Chloe and Lex's wedding. It seems like things are falling into place for them. Keep up the excellent writing.

13th August 2010, 20:36
It looks like you will have all of the loose ends tied up in a bow for us all.

13th August 2010, 20:51
I just love this story, hope that you update soon.

16th August 2010, 18:15
Well, I did say that I will restrain from any comments until this story was finished. But then I went on to reread chapter 1 up to this latest update and I couldn't resist. :P:P:P
I love all the Chloe and Lex scenes but the Lex and Laurie scenes are absolutely adorable. You told me before I like fluff so you know I really dig these scenes. :drool2::drool2::drool2:

Got to say your Clark is a lot better than the Clark on the show and your coming up with Lois' "Cue ball" name for Lex is just genius.

Looking forward to your next update! :hug:

17th August 2010, 20:20
A/N: OK, we all knew this moment would arrive sooner or later I'm sad to see this one go but it had to finish sometime.

Here's the last instalment of this fic- a long one plus an epilogue for those of you who asked for it so enthusiastically :grin3:. I hope you'll find the conclusion up to your expectations.

Thanks for your continuing support of this story and for your unwavering encouragement. It's been a ball and I'm sure this one won't be the last.


CHAPTER 27: The Fates Found a Way


The Luthor castle was a flurry of activity as everything was being set for the great day. Even though Lex was a wedding-pro by now, nothing could compare to the exhilaration and the nerves he was experiencing because this wouldn’t be just another wedding. It’d be the second happiest moment of his life, right there with the overwhelming discovery he was the father of Chloe’s child. This time he knew the vows made by the bride would be heartfelt and that their love and commitment to each other and their family would be forever.

“Nervous?” asked the thunderous voice belonging to General Lane.

“General,” Lex greeted him, shaking hands in the foyer as Jerry’s fiancée, a petite brunette with the energy of a small platoon, fleeted by giving directions to the florists and orders to the assistants she’d brought along to decorate the ballroom for the reception.

“We’ll be legally family in less than twenty-four hours, Lex. And I’m the closest thing you’ll get to a father-in-law. You might as well call me Sam.”

A few months ago Lex would have turned down the man’s request in a heartbeat; the wounds would have still been too fresh and he doubted he’d have been able to see the General as anyone other than the man who had kept his two girls away from him.

“You don’t mind my being part of this, do you?” added Lois’ dad.

“I only want for Chloe to be the happiest of brides. I wish Gabe had been here to give us his blessing... so I truly appreciate your walking Chloe down the aisle in his place... I know it means a lot to her...”

“I wouldn’t have missed this for the world. She’s always been my favourite niece...”

“And your only niece,” butted in Moira. “Why don’t you come and give me a hand with the marquee brigade? I think it’s a job for which you’re cut out, Sam. Lex, I’ve just shown Clark to the conservatory. I thought he’d come to pick up Martha but he asked to see you instead.”

“Kent?” Lane frowned.

Lex saw the barely disguised animosity reflected on the General’s face and visualised himself in the man’s shoes fifteen or sixteen years from now. Lane and his eldest daughter might have some rocky history and yet the young tycoon knew that the army brat would remain the tough man’s baby girl forever. If anyone ever dared break Laurie’s heart or make her suffer he was convinced he would be as ready as the General to have the culprit’s head on a platter.

Clark could be really dense and indecisive when it came to dealing with the opposite sex, and Lex was convinced that a large portion of his hesitance had to do with his secret. The same secret he himself had been obsessed with for years and which had almost broken up their friendship forever.

“I’ve got it under control,” stated Lex with a no-nonsense tone in his voice, resting a hand on the General’s arm to stop him. “Trust me,” he smiled smugly. “I’d rather you gave me a hand with your leadership experience out there in the garden. I’ve got a zillion things to see to, and I promised Chloe there would be no conference calls and no LuthorCorp business beyond noon.”

“Come on, Sam,” urged him Moira gently.

A pregnant silence and an exchanged look between both men was all it took to settle the matter.

Well, Clark, my friend. I’ve just saved your skin today. I hope you’ll be wise and do the right thing tomorrow. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t like to have an irate General Lane for an enemy, least of all if he were to become my father-in-law.


“O...K...” murmured Martha, taking the scissors and cutting a thread as she finished taking in the body of the little dress and shortening the hem.”That’s it, sweetie. Now, give me a twirl!”

“Wait!” exclaimed the sprite, fetching a delicate wreath of baby’s breath which she put on her head with Luthorlike concentration in front of the full-length mirror.

With a full-blown Sullivan smile Laurie made a graceful twirl in her white dress, the ends of the emerald sash flowing in the wind.

“You look like a little princess,” said Clark’s mum warmly when the girl stopped spinning with a childish giggle.

“Will Daddy like it? “asked the girl in a small voice, sobering all of a sudden.

“How couldn’t he like it? It’s a beautiful dress. And even if you were wearing your muddy overalls after playing with Pirate in the garden he’d love them, because you’re his baby girl.”

“Martha,” whispered Laurie, focusing her blue-grey eyes on her shiny pair of patent leather Mary Janes.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?”

“I’m not supposed to tell... It’s a secret.....”

“Oh! You know, keeping secrets can be very hard at times. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“I promised...”

“That’s OK. Promises made to a friend or someone who’s important to you should be honoured. Can I ask you something?”

“Mm,” nodded the child.

“Is this a secret your Daddy shouldn’t know about? Are you afraid that if he learns about it he won’t love you anymore?”

Martha saw the blue-grey eyes so like Lex’s get brighter as they started to fill up with tears.

“Come here, sweetie,” said the woman warmly and saw the little girl rush to her with trembling lips.”You love your Daddy a lot, don’t you?”

“Mm,” came the girl’s muffled reply.

“Do you think you’d stop loving him if he made a mistake sometime or if you found out something about him he didn’t tell you? You wouldn’t, right? I understand how you’re feeling... but you should always remember one thing. No matter what happens... you’ll never stop being your Daddy’s special girl and he’ll always love you. Nothing and no one will fill that corner that’s yours in his heart. That’ll never change. “

Martha cuddled the small child sitting on her lap and wondered if her woman’s intuition had been right once again.


Lex closed the book as he finished reading aloud the bedtime story which had always been his daughter’s favourite. This evening she’d been unusually quiet during their special time together and he couldn’t help but wonder if in their wish to bind their lives together forever they hadn’t been selfish and rushed Laurie into something she wasn’t yet prepared for.

“Laurie baby, you know you can tell me anything, right? Are you OK with Mommy and I getting married? I know that we three talked about it, but maybe you didn’t say anything because you thought it might upset Mom. Don’t be afraid to tell me what you feel. You know you and Mommy are the most important people in the world to me and that I don’t like seeing you sad or worried. I only want you to be happy,” he explained softly as he brushed a few blonde hairs off the child’s forehead and caressed her white, porcelain cheek.

“I’ve got my dress. Martha says I look like a princess,” she whispered.

“I’m sure you do, Baby. I can’t wait to see it,” he smiled.

“Can’t show it now. It’s bad luck,” she frowned.

Lex knew she must have overheard Chloe, Moira , Jerry’s fiancée and Martha talk about the wedding gown and how he wasn’t supposed to see it before the ceremony. Laurie must have thought the tradition included the flower girl’s dress and, of course, he wasn’t about to burst her bubble when it was evident it meant a lot to her. This gave him hope that maybe he’d been wrong and that it wasn’t their marriage the reason why she seemed to be worried.

“I understand. It’s better this way. It’ll be a surprise. So... you’re excited about tomorrow?”

“Mm,” she nodded.

“We aren’t leaving you behind. You’re coming with us to Tuscany on our honeymoon, remember? I promised you, and I never break a promise.”

Even though Moira had offered to take care of the girl during their absence, neither of them had wanted their daughter to feel left out, not when her world had been so much shaken up in the recent past. They both feared she might think they were abandoning her never to come back.

“Can we take Pirate with us?”

Lex wanted to say yes. He would say yes willingly to anything the girl asked of him to see her smile, but he knew Chloe would never let him live it down and no matter how much he wanted to spoil his baby rotten, he knew it wasn’t the healthiest way to raise a child and he was committed to be the best father he could ever be.

“This has to be a family decision, so we’ll talk it over with Mommy, OK? You know that it’s a long trip and that we have to think about what’s best for Pirate too. Remember that Martha and Clark have offered to have him on the farm. Shelby’ll be there...”

“Do you think she’ll remember him?”

“Of course, she will,” he replied reassuringly. “Are you afraid she won’t care for him now?”


Chloe was finishing drying after a relaxing salt-scented bath when she heard the door of their bedroom close and Lex walk to the dresser to take out a pair of pyjamas. Through the bathroom door, which she had left ajar, she could see his back as he started to remove the cufflinks and unbutton the light blue shirt with graceful movements.

She slipped on her nightdress and, leaving the light of the bathroom on for him, she stepped back into the bedroom.

“It took her longer to fall asleep tonight,” said Chloe with a questioning tone in her voice, breaking the strangely tense silence.

Lex raised his gaze and met hers in the mirror as his mind replayed Laurie’s answer to his question Are you afraid she won’t care for him now? It had taken him by surprise and the cause of the girl’s upset had become clear all of a sudden.

“All the excitement and the nerves which have seized the mansion this last week have got to her I’m afraid. She’s sleeping peacefully now,” he replied with a poker-face. “How was your day?”

“Fine. This will be definitely the last time I get married. I still wonder how you could do it twice before. All these wedding preparations are just too stressful,” she sighed, opening the bed and feeling a momentary stab of guilt for putting such unnecessary strain on Laurie by asking her to keep a secret for her. She had every intention of sharing it soon... but...

“Good. I have no intention of seeing you married to anyone but me,” he said in a silky voice with a possessiveness which never failed to arouse her despite her independent and rebellious nature.

Chloe could feel the tell-tale signs of desire seize her body as he roamed her curves with hungry and smouldering eyes. He must be aware of the effect his words had on her; her sleepwear might not show too much bare skin but it was thin enough to leave very little to the imagination. And he was smiling that insufferable smug smile of his.

“How did your conversation with Clark go this morning?”

“You don’t want to talk about Clark right now, Chloe,” he told her huskily as he slipped his hand under her now slightly longer hair and brought their lips together in a hungry kiss.

She had expected their last night as a single couple to be a quiet one under the covers, but it seemed Lex had a different idea and so did her body. It didn’t take long for their clothes to disappear and for them to feel the cool sheets under their feverish skin.

“Chloe..” moaned Lex breathless as he sheathed himself in her welcoming warmth and locked his stormy blue-grey eyes with hers.

The rhythm of their lovemaking grew slower and still immensely passionate the minute their bodies became one. There was something different about their coupling this time. It was more than the intensity with which everything had started and the possessiveness she could still see in his eyes as he filled her. It was in the way he held her, which reminded her of the first night they’d made love at the penthouse, and yet there was something else she couldn’t identify.

“Lex,” she panted, seeking the delicious friction of his languorous pushes by lifting her hips a little more. She would have never thought going so slow could bring her to such a shattering completion so soon but it did, and his followed hers almost immediately.

“Are you OK?” murmured he, a couple of minutes afterwards as he spooned her from behind, his arm wrapped around her middle.

“Better than OK. Although I must confess, I was expecting a little cave man action... not that I’m complaining... I’m just curious...”

Lex thought about the epiphany he’d had while talking with his daughter and the clench in his heart when he’d realised what was haunting her. He had once felt that way, a long time ago... Although he was convinced his words and tender hugging had reassured Laurie, he resented Chloe a bit for letting that feeling of insecurity take root in their child. His plan had been to bring it to her attention, but the minute he raised his eyes and saw her reflected in the mirror before him, glowing and enticing, he instinctively knew why she’d done it. And the knowledge of what the secret was had filled him with possessiveness and then... with awe.



The great day was finally here and the groom had lost a good part of his characteristic composure. He checked the bow of his tie for the umpteenth time and curved his urge to pull up his cuff to confirm only two minutes had elapsed since the last time he’d looked at his Napoleon-franc watch.

“Would you please stop fidgeting, Luthor?! At least you could have a little compassion for a guy’s poor nerves, especially after said man has made you a gigantic favour and risked his physical integrity and part of his fortune for your family.”

Lex let his tie be and turned around to look at his best man with a mocking smile.

“First, you and I know there’s no more cold-blooded bastard than you, Wayne. Hell, you put my legendary Luthor impassiveness to shame. Second, you were more than willing to do me that favour. You enjoyed it. You enjoyed having someone to exchange barbs with after that string of vapid blondes, even when you knew there was no future with her beyond an interview and maybe forging a meaningful friendship with a woman who isn’t after your money. Third, don’t try to deny you got a damn generous deal from me- an extra ten percent of Argus, which makes us equal partners in a very lucrative business, the ownership of The Daily Planet for a pittance...”

“Well, I spent a small fortune on making sure Queen couldn’t get his clutches on Satsuo Electronics.”

“It’ll be more than worth it to see his face when he realises it now belongs to LuthorCorp,” smirked Lex, slipping the signed document with which Bruce had transferred him the property. “He needs it to put that pretentious futuristic aircraft in the air by the end of next year or he’ll also have to kiss Queen Jets goodbye.”

“I thought you two had finally buried the hatchet.”

“This is business, Bruce. Oliver and I are still on opposite sides when it comes to the corporative jungle.”

“There’s more to it than that.”

“Call it my final payback. I’ll let me him stew for a while and then offer him a fair deal.”

“I wonder what fair deal means when it comes to you and Queen. A hostile takeover?”

“A fair price. I just want to prove a point. I told Oliver I’m a man of my word...that I’d leave my battles with him for the business arena... He won’t have anything to fear from me if he doesn’t interfere with my affairs.”

Or break into LuthorCorp property dressed up as a peapod, added Bruce in his mind.

“Besides, wasn’t Queen the one to lure that lovely psychologist Chase Meridian away from you?” Lex cocked an eyebrow. “We both know why you did me this favour and it wasn’t just our being friends. It was your hurt ego,” he chuckled.

“Are you done making fun of me?” glared Bruce. “And why in heaven’s name did you tell Kent I was the new owner of The Planet? We’d agreed to wait till the wedding.”

“I had to give him a bone. He was growing suspicious, especially when he knows I can have access to information a lot more delicate by just snapping my fingers.”

“You’re lucky I’m half in love with those women of yours, Luthor, or I would have stood you up at the altar,” Gotham’s billionaire shook his head. “And stop looking at that goddam watch. I don’t know what Chloe sees in you, but she’s coming.”



In less than an hour Chloe would become Mrs Lex Luthor and bind her life to the man who was her equal, her other half... The man who had made a mother of her and who would stop at nothing to protect those he loved. Once she had foolishly thought that man could be Clark. How naïve she had been and what a price she had had to pay for that delusion. It had been a painful price which ended up with several people’s lives, including her own father’s; a price which had made a conformist of her for a long while and one which had almost doomed a tortured soul to a life without love. A lot of innocent people had suffered because of a silly adolescent crush, a crush which had turned into a lethal weapon in the hands of a sick man. Lionel Luthor. He hated the bastard with a vengeance for the father he’d never been and for the father he’d taken away from her.

Lois looked at her little cousin as she finished applying her make-up and saw a fleeting look of sadness cross her face.

“Damn it, Chlo’! Look at you. I was supposed to be the first one.”

“Well, something tells me, you won’t have to wait too long,” smiled the blonde softly, blinking away a couple of tears.

“We’ll see... Smallville has never been known for being Mr Speedy,” she sighed. “You miss him, don’t you?”

“Who? Clark?” asked Chloe with a puzzled frown.

“Your dad,” said the eldest cousin softly.

“Ever since I was little... I have never imagined a future without him being present. He’s missed birthdays, Christmases, Laurie’s birth and now... my wedding and...” she enumerated, before dropping her gaze to her lap.

“I know what I’m going to say might sound trite, but I’m sure wherever he is up there, he’s looking over you. He loved you too much to miss the most important moments of your life.”

“Thank you, Lo’,” sobbed Chloe, hugging her cousin.

“Come on,” said Lois after a couple of minutes. “Let’s fix that eyeliner and put some drops in your eyes. Cue ball must be making a hole in the church carpet with those obscenely expensive shoes of his, and I don’t think you’d like him to see your red eyes and think you’re walking to the scaffold instead of marrying the love of your life. “

“Girls!” shouted the General, knocking peremptorily on the door. “What in Heavens’ name is taking you so long? The ceremony will start without us.”

“Coming, Dad!” blared Lois. “Are you sure you don’t want me to look for a last-minute replacement to walk you down the aisle? I’m sure if you asked Clark...”

“That would be weird. And besides, your Dad has always been my favourite uncle.”

“Your only uncle.”

“I know you two have still got issues to sort out, but I can’t forget how important he was to me when Mom ran away and Dad couldn’t cope.”

“Yeah, well... I guess the Old Man has his redeeming qualities...”

“Talk to him, Lois. You both deserve another chance.”

“I’ll think about it. OK. Ready,” she smiled, capping the eye definer. “Let’s get you married.”



This had to be the least pretentious wedding Lex had attended in his twenty-six years. The pews had been decorated with a simple arrangement of cream-coloured roses with delicate touches of green to compliment Chloe’s wedding gown, which had been sewn by a local dressmaker who- Lex was sure- would become a household name once word got out in the gossip columns she had made it. Lex had always tried to help Smallville’s economy and, judging by Martha and the Sullivan-Lane women, this young woman had talent; he’d be more than happy to give her a hand, even make her a business proposal to open her own shop in Metropolis. Who knew? There might be a future for LuthorCorp in fashion.

“I told you she was coming,” chuckled Bruce when the first chords of Schubert’s Ave Maria were heard and Lex breathed in relief.

“I knew she was coming,” he shot him a sideway glance.

“Yes, that’s why I was tempted to ask Alfred to bring a new white shirt from the emergency stash I always keep in my limo. It’s a miracle your cuff isn’t frayed after pulling it up so many times to look at the time.”

“Shut up, Wayne,” he snarled as the doors started to open and Laurie crossed the threshold in her princess dress carrying a basket full of cream-coloured petals she proceeded to scatter on the aisle.

Lex fought against the treacherous tears and the big lump in his throat when the little girl flashed him a luminous Sullivan smile before sitting down next to Martha in the front pew. And, then, he focused his eyes back on the woman he’d been waiting for all of his life and felt suddenly breathless. Chloe had never been more stunningly beautiful and resplendent than she was at that moment, walking down the aisle towards him on her uncle’s arm.

As the last chords of the Ave Maria were heard, General Lane lifted her veil with slightly shaky fingers and with barely disguised emotion gave her a kiss on the cheek before handing her over to the groom. And everything came full circle.



Fāta viam invenērunt. Forever yours, Lex.
The fates found a way.

“Does it fit well? I can have the jeweller adjust it,” said Lex still holding Laurie in his arms after twirling with her on the dance floor inside.

“It’s perfect,” smiled Chloe, slipping the gold band back on her ring finger. “Would you like to sit for a while on my lap, sweetie?” she asked Laurie. “OK. I’ll lend you the groom for another dance,” she chuckled when the girl shook her head and cuddled closer to Lex’s chest. “I think you’d better hurry back to the dance floor. Clark’s been throwing daggers at Bruce ever since Lois is dancing with him, and I have a hunch he’s reaching boiling point.”

“Did you know Wayne got martial arts training in Tibet? I’ve never seen him in action yet,” he said with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“Lex, don’t you dare.”

“OK. Luthor to the rescue,” he sighed, leaning forward to press a lingering kiss on her mouth before leaving on his mission.

Clark was fuming. He could fill the bile rising as Wayne brought Lois even closer to whisper something in her ear which made her laugh and then press her face on his chest.

When the farm boy had learnt who the man was that had bought The Planet and swept Lois off her feet, even convinced her to dump everything and disappear for a fortnight with him, he’d felt devastated. Lois had once told him she would never be caught dating Richie Rich again, but it appeared Oliver had been just the first on the list.

It couldn’t be true. Lois would never be with a man she didn’t feel anything for... no matter how fat his chequebook might be. Clark hated the man with a vengeance.

“Excuse me for interrupting,” smirked Lex when he reached the dancing couple. “I need to have a word with you, Wayne. Lane, seize your chance now,” he said in a low voice. “He’s standing next to the ice sculpture, in case you haven’t felt his gaze boring two holes in your back.”

“I guess it’s show time,” she shrugged her shoulders. “Thanks for being such a sport, Bruce,” she added, kissing Gotham’s billionaire on the cheek.

“Have a little mercy on the man,” murmured Lex, seeing Clark tense out of the corner of his eye.

“Wish me luck, guys.”

“Go get him,” Lex encouraged her.

“Can I borrow your Princess for a while?” asked Bruce smiling at Laurie.

“Only if she doesn’t object,” replied Lex, eyeing his daughter with a questioning look.

“You’ll let Uncle Bruce carry you for a while? We can go see if Alfred’s got some candy canes stashed away in the glove compartment. How would you like that?”

“Mommy says candy’s bad for my teeth. “

“How about a bar of chocolate?” offered the brown-haired billionaire.

“Mm...” she pondered, “with nuts?”

“We can see to that.”

“OK,” she gleamed, stretching out her arms for Bruce to pick her up.

Little traitor.

“You’ve just dared bribe a Luthor and get away with it,” murmured Lex next to the man’s ear as they walked out of the ballroom. “You chicken, using a child as a human shield against a farm boy’s rage.”

“I just want to enjoy some quality time with my adoptive niece,” replied Gotham’s Golden Boy, feigning innocence.

“God, Wayne, I hope you’re better at lying than this in your extra-curricular activities.”

Clark saw Lois walk in a straight line towards the table he was hanging out at and realised this would be the perfect chance to have the talk he had been wanting to have ever since that weird week which followed their Red K-induced night of passion.

“Lois,” he greeted her, feeling suddenly warm.

“You’re flushed, Smallville. Too much punch?” she quipped, pouring herself a glass of champagne.

“I must have stayed too long in the sun. Talking about the sun, you look tanned, Lois.”

“I do, don’t I? There’s nothing like sunbathing in the nude on the sands of the Caribbean,” she took a sip, eying him over the rim of the glass and seeing him gulp.

“The C... Caribbean?” he stuttered.

“Yes, Bruce has a gorgeous property there and a private beach all to himself.”

“Bruce? As in Bruce Wayne- Lex’s best man?”


“Lois, how well do you know this... man?”


“I mean... you vanish off the face of the earth for two weeks... you don’t answer your phone calls... And now you’re saying all this time you’ve been with someone... a man... a playboy billionaire who has a different woman for dessert every night and...”

“That’s a bit of a stretch, Clark...”

“You know what I mean, Lois.”

“Wayne is a man of the world. So?”

“So? Lois...”

“Look, Smallville, I’m a grown-up woman and I really don’t see what this has to do with you.”

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“What’s wrong with a girl having a little fun? You should try it out sometime, Smallville,” she told him challenging him with her eyes. “Hey! What are you doing?! ” he exclaimed as he grabbed her hand and dragged her behind a hedge.

“Be quiet, Lois,” he beseeched her, looking around them. “I just need to talk to you.”

“Wasn’t that what we were doing?”

“In private.”

“In private? Behind a hedge with a hundred guests on the other side who have seen you drag the maid of honour away from the party?”

“Look, Lois... I don’t want you to go out with Wayne.”


“I don’t want you to go out with...”

“Yes, I heard you the first time. What I meant was ‘Why?’ The last time I checked I was a free agent. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but you said very clearly that night had been a mistake. That it wasn’t you. That it would have never happened if I hadn’t bought that lipstick. Wasn’t that what you said?”

“Yes... but... I lied. Well, I... we would have probably not... What I mean is..... Look... Do you remember what you saw at the warehouse? You know what I...”


“Well, that lipstick... The red meteor rock in it... it affects me.”

“I surmised that much. I still have to wear make-up to cover a couple of hickeys.”

“Yeah, well...” he blushed beetroot. “It affects me, but it doesn’t make me do things I don’t want to. It just... frees me from my inhibitions.”

“So... you’re saying...”


“OK. Now, would you care to explain to me why you don’t want me to date Wayne? You might have been an enthusiastic and willing participant that night, but it was pretty clear to me...”

“I lied when I said I didn’t have feelings for you. I don’t want Wayne or any other man to touch you but me,” he cut her off.

“Wow,” gasped Lois, slightly breathless once he let her lips go. “That was quite a declaration, Smallville. By the way, nothing happened between Wayne and me.”

“But I saw you two dancing and flirting on the dance floor... and the Caribbean....”

“That was just him giving me a hand to get my man,” she smiled. “I needed a place to get away... lick my wounds and... make up a plan. It was more than worth it. I got one of the most elusive American tycoons to grant me an interview too... so... I think we’ll have to negotiate that about not seeing him again because I was in the middle of my interrogation when we had to fly back for the wedding.”

“Kent! Just the man I was looking for.”

“Oh! Hi, Daddy!” exclaimed Lois, threading her arm through Clark’s. “Follow my lead,” she told the farm boy under her breath.



The moon was filtering through the open window of the room Martha and Moira had got ready for the wedding night the newly-married couple would spend in the east wing of the castle before flying to Europe the following afternoon. It was a warm summer night and only the sound of the crickets and the still somewhat breathless breathing of both occupants were heard.

“Lex,” murmured Chloe when he pressed a couple of soft kisses on her slightly damp nape and brought their naked and sated bodies closer to splay the hand which now bore the symbol of their eternal love bond on her womb.

“Mm,” he replied nuzzling her neck and inhaling the delicate perfume of lilacs on her skin.

“I know this is kind of sudden and that it wasn’t in our plans yet... “

“Chloe,” he interrupted her, turning her over gently to look into her eyes,” stop worrying. Can’t you tell this is just the thing that was missing to make my happiness even more complete? It’s a blessing to celebrate our new beginning. I can’t wait to see you grow heavy with our child and to share with you and Laurie everything I missed when you were carrying our first baby and when she was born,” he said in a voice charged with emotion, resting a protective hand on her tummy.

Chloe felt her eyes turn suddenly watery and leant forward to seal her husband’s lips with a soft and lingering kiss.

“You knew, didn’t you? Last night when you came back from tucking Laurie in? I could tell something was off when you entered the room. There was a strange coiled energy in you... You were mad, weren’t you? That I had asked Laurie to keep it a secret?”

“No, I wasn’t mad. I was a little upset... Not because you wanted to surprise me with the news tonight... It was because of the way the news had affected Laurie...”

“It was an accident that she found out the way she did. I had had a particularly ugly bout of morning sickness and Mom was helping me get changed into a clean nightdress. Laurie must have heard the movement in my bedroom and sneaked in in time to overhear what we’d been talking about. I was planning to break the news to you first and then for us to have a quiet conversation with her. I talked to her, told her it wouldn’t change the way I feel for her... I guess I did a mess of things...“

“No, you didn’t. It wasn’t you she was worried about... Maybe the fact you’ve been with her all of her life makes her more confident in your love for her.”

“Oh, Lex!” she choked.

“It took me a while to persuade her I won’t stop loving her when the baby’s born ...”

“That’s why she was a lot clingier around you than usual at the reception today,” she sniffled a little.

“Yes, that was until Bruce bribed her away with a bar of chocolate with nuts.”

“Jealous? Like father like daughter,” chuckled Chloe. “You can’t hide what’s here from me,” she added with a soft smile, touching his chest were his heart was now beating at its regular pace. “If I had had any doubts about your knowing we were pregnant, your gentle lovemaking of yesterday night dispelled them. That poker-face of yours doesn’t work on me.”

“When you told me you’d been expecting a little caveman action, I thought you were probing to see if Laurie had let the secret out. I knew I might be giving a lot away then... but you can’t blame me; I’d never made love to a pregnant woman, least of all to a woman pregnant with my child.”

“I know. But, for your information, my doctor’s said there’s no reason why we can’t keep making love during the pregnancy; even be a little more enthusiastic now and then. Within reason, of course.”

“Of course. We’ll have to wait until next year to use those handcuffs Lois gave you as a present,” smirked Lex.

“Oh, God! I thought I would die of shame when I opened that particular box in front of the guests.”

“Daddy!” screamed a sobbing voice interrupting their playful banter.

“Nightmare,” stated Chloe. “You go or I do?”

“I will,” he replied, slipping on his pyjamas bottoms.

Chloe had just got out of the bathroom and was putting on her nightdress to slip under the covers once again when Lex came back from Laurie’s room with the girl in his arms.

“Do you think you could make room for an extra lodger?” he asked, closing the door.

“Sure. Come here, Baby,” replied Chloe, drawing the covers back for Lex to lay the child in front of her. ”Bad dream?”

“Mm,” nodded Laurie, snuggling closer to her as Lex walked to his side of the bed and slipped back under the covers.

“It was the clown again,” explained Lex, spooning Chloe and wrapping an arm around both girls to include Laurie in the safe cocoon that had a new member now.

Chloe reclined a little more on his chest and gave him a sloppy kiss on the mouth before laying her head on the pillow and fingering her St Christopher medal, which still rested on her bosom.

Fāta viam invenient
The Fates have finally found the way.


Find a downloadable PDF version on my master list (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php/7631-Lexie-s-Fanfiction-List-W-PDF-%28Feb-27th-2011%29).

17th August 2010, 21:33
:clapclap: lovely way to end. Bruce is wonderfully annoying which is great~ and I'm glad to see that Lois and Clark are together as well. Their characters were relatively consistent with how they were in Smallville, save for Clark not maintaining his stupidity as long, which bodes well for my opinion of him...

And I like that it ended with the Latin verse. The language has a soft spot in my heart, even if I nearly failed the course during my university years. LOL

Thank you for a wonderful story!


17th August 2010, 22:32
that was a great way to end a lovely story! thank you so much for writing it so that the public could read it, i cannot wait to see what you will come up with next.

17th August 2010, 23:38
Bravo, lexie! That was the perfect ending for a perfect story!

I also liked the way you portrayed Bruce; witty, ironic and wonderfully annoying:grin3:. Just how we like him. It was easy to imagine the friendship between him and Lex.


18th August 2010, 00:57
A wonderful end to your fic. Thank you for another great one.

18th August 2010, 04:17
All good things must come to an end, and what an ending!!!!!
Thank you so much for the perfect ending to a wonderfully brilliant story.
I am sad that this is the end of the road for this story, but what a great way to end such a marvelous journey!!

18th August 2010, 05:27
Such a beautiful ending. Chloe and Lex finally tied the knot and have a baby on the way. I would love to see you do a sequel regarding Lex living with a pregnant Chloe.

18th August 2010, 05:30
Oh my God I going to miss this story. :( I love the Chlex family they are so cute!!! :D This story made my heart sing. I loved even Bruce. LOL! I can't wait for your next Luthor family adventure. :)

18th August 2010, 07:30
Chapter 26 -
Loved Oliver giving Lex the comic. Poor Lois and Clark...just can't seem to get it together.
....and I don't blame Chloe for wanting to do things the quick and simple way. I'd be pushing to elope as well.

18th August 2010, 10:57
hello lexie

a wonderful ending for a wonderful story.It was cool to see bruce as lex best man. I hope chloe is pregnant with a boy because laurie is a daddy's girl. It would be great to have a sequel when the baby is a toddler for example. anyway I can't wait for it or another story.
finally chlark found his backbone.

18th August 2010, 14:55
Yay!!! It's finished. That was a very fitting ending. Lex was adorable being nervous and twitchy. I like how wonderfully annoying Bruce was but was also very helpful especially when it came to Clark and Lois. Laurie's reaction to Chloe being pregnant was very touching and mature of her, as Lex said, Laurie was already secure in Chloe's love for her but she still had some insecurities when it came to her daddy.

Does this mean we get a brand new story??? Just asking...:grin3::grin3::grin3:

18th August 2010, 17:04
You did it Lexie!!! You started a WIP and finished. Not only that, you blew it away, weaving your tale with beautiful emotion and a solid plot! Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

And I have to say that the epilogue had me drooling for more, you know I love a good pregnancy fic!

18th August 2010, 19:54
:clapclap: lovely way to end. Bruce is wonderfully annoying which is great~ and I'm glad to see that Lois and Clark are together as well. Their characters were relatively consistent with how they were in Smallville, save for Clark not maintaining his stupidity as long, which bodes well for my opinion of him...

Oh, Bruce has got his own little corner in my heart- small enough not to make Lex jealous, but big enough to write him in my fics from time to time!

As I said on another occasion, I'm not a fan of Clois on the show because of the sloppy way their storyline was developed, but I've never been able to see Clark with anyone but Lois in the comics and the films. Therefore, I try to do my best to bring them together whenever I include them in my stories and to polish those things about their SV incarnations that grate on our nerves. :D

And I like that it ended with the Latin verse. The language has a soft spot in my heart, even if I nearly failed the course during my university years. LOL

I love Latin; I studied it three years at secondary school when I was a teen and has come in very handy when I studied English Philology or when I work on translating scientific papers for specialised journals.

By the way, I don't know if you've noticed this small detail, but I altered the verb tense of the Latin phrase that closes the fic and is engraved on Chloe's medal when I included it in the wedding reception scene. The original one is in the future (The Fates will Find a Way) and the one Lex had the jeweller engrave on their wedding bands is in the past (The Fates found a Way).

that was a great way to end a lovely story! thank you so much for writing it so that the public could read it, i cannot wait to see what you will come up with next.

And thank you for reading and reviewing it! If we writers didn't have our audience what would be the point of us writing? Our sharing our work and having the public react to it in the form of feedback is a necessary part of the creative cycle.

Bravo, lexie! That was the perfect ending for a perfect story!

I also liked the way you portrayed Bruce; witty, ironic and wonderfully annoying:grin3:. Just how we like him. It was easy to imagine the friendship between him and Lex.


Glad you enjoyed my Bruce and that his rapport with Lex felt real and believable.

A wonderful end to your fic. Thank you for another great one.

And thank you for finding a little time in your tight schedule to read it. I can't wait for your updates; I know I sound like an old broken record, but I miss HTC so much and, of course, your own crossover fic.

All good things must come to an end, and what an ending!!!!!
Thank you so much for the perfect ending to a wonderfully brilliant story.
I am sad that this is the end of the road for this story, but what a great way to end such a marvelous journey!!

I'm pleased to know you found the ending worthy of the story and that you enjoyed the ride so much. :)

Oh my God I going to miss this story. :( I love the Chlex family they are so cute!!! :D This story made my heart sing. I loved even Bruce. LOL! I can't wait for your next Luthor family adventure. :)

Oh, I can't tell you how much I'll miss it myself! I started to work on it a year and seven months ago and you've been following it for a little over a year.

It's wonderful that you managed to grow so fond of the young family and that their story touched you so much.

You loved even Bruce? Does that mean you don't usually like him? Or that you don't want any male to distract you from the awesomeness that is Lex? *grins*

Chapter 26 -
Loved Oliver giving Lex the comic. Poor Lois and Clark...just can't seem to get it together.
....and I don't blame Chloe for wanting to do things the quick and simple way. I'd be pushing to elope as well.

Oh, having to deal with a wedding- a Luthor wedding- Clark's thick-headedness and a whining Lois could drive the most courageous crazy!

I hope you'll enjoy the last chapter when you get to it, Adele.

I hope chloe is pregnant with a boy because laurie is a daddy's girl. It would be great to have a sequel when the baby is a toddler for example. anyway I can't wait for it or another story.
finally chlark found his backbone.

I hope so too.

You can't see this one go, can you? Plotting ways to make it go on forever. *giggles*

And yes, Clark's finally growing into the man he should have been on the show...

Such a beautiful ending. Chloe and Lex finally tied the knot and have a baby on the way. I would love to see you do a sequel regarding Lex living with a pregnant Chloe.

A follow-up with pregnant Chloe and then a sequel with a Luthor toddler. Am I seeing a conspiracy here? *laughs*

Yay!!! It's finished. That was a very fitting ending. Lex was adorable being nervous and twitchy. I like how wonderfully annoying Bruce was but was also very helpful especially when it came to Clark and Lois. Laurie's reaction to Chloe being pregnant was very touching and mature of her, as Lex said, Laurie was already secure in Chloe's love for her but she still had some insecurities when it came to her daddy.

Does this mean we get a brand new story??? Just asking...:grin3::grin3::grin3:

I love it when Lex is as cold as a cucumber in the word of business, but I have a soft spot for adorably insecure Lex around Chloe.

Thanks for your words on Laurie; It means a lot that you understand where she's coming from and that the whole affair felt natural.

Oh, you're definitely all conspiring not to see this one go!

You did it Lexie!!! You started a WIP and finished. Not only that, you blew it away, weaving your tale with beautiful emotion and a solid plot! Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

And I have to say that the epilogue had me drooling for more, you know I love a good pregnancy fic!

Yes, I did it! I was so apprehensive when I started sharing this fic without having it finished on paper. It was a real challenge and I enjoyed the ride a lot. It might happen again in the future if I find myself with a lot of material to share but get stuck and need a boost to strike my muse.

I still don't know what I'll be working on in the coming weeks. I have a few WIPs sitting on my hard drive... Maybe I'll pick up one of them and see what happens or wait for a new idea to brew.

This story has become one of my personal favourites and I'm satisfied with the way I managed to tie all loose ends. It might have turned out bad because I don't write an outline when I start a fic; I only know where it starts and how it'll end and simply let it flow as I go...

18th August 2010, 21:57
Oh, lexie, that was beautiful! Honestly, it was just wonderful! I can't tell you how much I am grinning right now at the perfect ending :D

Lois was so sneaky with her plans and Bruce was equally so, but I do love that she got her man in the end. Loves my Chlex best of all, of course, but the Clois makes me smile too, the proper Clois the way great authors like you write it, not so much like the show did/does it.

And then the wedding, and sweet little Laurie in her princess dress - it was just lovely, though I'm a little disappointed in her for being tempted away by Bruce and chocolate... not sure I can really blame her for such a thing though ;)

Gorgeous, beautiful Chlexy scenes too! I guessed Chloe was pregnant and that Lex had figured it out as well. The love-making was so special and you wrote it so well, you always do.

I can't say anymore because short of breaking out the thesaurus I just don't have enough positive words right now. Basic terms? This ending rocked, as has the entire story. You're an awesome writer, lexie, thats for sure. Thank you so much for this masterpiece :D

18th August 2010, 22:44
Ahhhh, I typed out a long feedback and my internet connection went down. *sob*
I will post again in a bit.

Kit Merlot
19th August 2010, 02:09
This was a lovely ending!

The Chlex family is together and now there is a new baby on the way:grin3:

And I do truly believe that Gabe's spirit has always been around Chloe, watching out for her and Laurie. And now he has to help keep an eye on Lex and the new baby--maybe Lillian can help:D

19th August 2010, 02:50
Love, love, love how you ended this story, Lexie. Got me all teary-eyed, especially with Laurie and Lex in the end. Beautiful story, sweetie! *hugs*

19th August 2010, 07:11
Oh, lexie, that was beautiful! Honestly, it was just wonderful! I can't tell you how much I am grinning right now at the perfect ending :D

Lois was so sneaky with her plans and Bruce was equally so, but I do love that she got her man in the end. Loves my Chlex best of all, of course, but the Clois makes me smile too, the proper Clois the way great authors like you write it, not so much like the show did/does it.

I'm really happy you enjoyed the introduction of characters other than Chlex and that you found the Clois worth-reading (I don't like the way the couple's been written on the show either).

And then the wedding, and sweet little Laurie in her princess dress - it was just lovely, though I'm a little disappointed in her for being tempted away by Bruce and chocolate... not sure I can really blame her for such a thing though ;)

Well, we've got to say the girl has very good taste on both counts. I'm sure she'll make it up to her daddy in spades though.

Gorgeous, beautiful Chlexy scenes too! I guessed Chloe was pregnant and that Lex had figured it out as well. The love-making was so special and you wrote it so well, you always do.

You know that this means a lot to me because I rarely write this kind of scenes and when I do I want them to be meaningful and in good taste. Glad they felt that way to you.

I can't say anymore because short of breaking out the thesaurus I just don't have enough positive words right now. Basic terms? This ending rocked, as has the entire story. You're an awesome writer, lexie, thats for sure. Thank you so much for this masterpiece :D

You've made me blush big time, Ultra.

Thank you so much for your time and your lovely feedback throughout the fic.; it's been very much appreciated. Now you can dig into the rest of my fics *hint* while my muse thinks of what to write next.

Ahhhh, I typed out a long feedback and my internet connection went down. *sob*
I will post again in a bit.

That sucks. I type my answers on my Wordpad first and then copy and paste them to prevnt that from happening now.

I'm really curious about that long feedback now. :D

And I do truly believe that Gabe's spirit has always been around Chloe, watching out for her and Laurie. And now he has to help keep an eye on Lex and the new baby--maybe Lillian can help:D

I too think both parents are watching over their kids; they must be ecstatic knowing their children have found happiness at last.

Love, love, love how you ended this story, Lexie. Got me all teary-eyed, especially with Laurie and Lex in the end. Beautiful story, sweetie! *hugs*

Thank you, Esther, for your enthusiasm and- of course, for the lovely banner you came up with; you gave me the Laurie I had envisioned.

Lindsay S
19th August 2010, 22:10
lexie, I really enjoyed this story. It's sad that it's finally over. But at least Lex and Chloe have a happy ending. And I'm so happy that you have that Chloe is pregnant.:)

19th August 2010, 22:15
It was a lovely end with a lovely wedding ! And the new baby ! It was just perfect

20th August 2010, 20:37
Beautiful ending. The Clark and Lois plot line had a great ending and fit perfectly for their characters, I was really happy for them sorting it all out - it still surprises me when I like either of these characters in fic but you did such a great job with both of them especially with Clark and resolving a lot of what annoys me about him in canon.

Needless to say I loved every part of Chloe and Lex's ending and poor little Laurie all worried about the new baby and her relationship with Lex - that was an excellent idea to add that plot point to the new baby storyline, it was one of the most heartwarming parts of the final chapter for me and added one more reason to my very long list of why I love DaddyLex so much!

21st August 2010, 18:54
Beautiful ending. The Clark and Lois plot line had a great ending and fit perfectly for their characters, I was really happy for them sorting it all out - it still surprises me when I like either of these characters in fic but you did such a great job with both of them especially with Clark and resolving a lot of what annoys me about him in canon.

Making Clark and Lois likeable, especially after what SV writers have done to their canonical versions is a true feat. As you must already know, I usually don't dwell that much on CK, I have a softer spot for Lois; maybe because she's great as a "tension reliever" and as Chloe's friend/accomplice- let's face it, Chloe has been given very few true friends on the show.

Another reason for my preferring her to Clark when it comes to writing is that the only male I find interesting is Lex and everyone pales in comparison. LOL.

Needless to say I loved every part of Chloe and Lex's ending and poor little Laurie all worried about the new baby and her relationship with Lex - that was an excellent idea to add that plot point to the new baby storyline, it was one of the most heartwarming parts of the final chapter for me and added one more reason to my very long list of why I love DaddyLex so much!

I couldn't end this fic without another Laurie/Lex scene, especially after a Laulex chapter. And the pregnancy provided me with the perfect scenario for their chat. Besides, she's his baby girl and has grown attached to him too much not to be afraid; I thought the fears she revealed in that exchange were to be expected so I'm glad you felt the same. It certainly was one of the parts I enjoyed the most while writing this last part so it's nice to know it was yours as a reader too.

Thanks for accompanying me on yet another journey. Hopefully, it won't be the last. :)

24th August 2010, 01:11
sad the story has ended but loved the ending

24th August 2010, 07:32
Sorry, it took me so long to read these last two chapters!!! And what amazing chapters they were!!!

Loved that even though there wasn't much Chlex in ch 26 what was there was perfect. Like how it went from Chloe and Lois talking and how it changed to Chloe telling Lex what had happened!!!

Also loved the peace offering/truce between Oliver and Lex. Very touching!!!

The bantering between Bruce and Lex was great!! Loved that Bruce was Lex's best man.

But what really broke my heart was Laurie thinking that Lex would stop loving her because of the new baby!!!!

And the closing scene of Lex, Chloe and Laurie in bed was just perfect!!!!

Amazing job, Lexie!!!!!!

27th August 2010, 10:46
great story

1st September 2010, 05:48
Chapter 19: so sweet when Laurie call Lex daddy. I`m glad Lois realized that Lex can be a good man.
Loved the love scene

5th September 2010, 02:53
Chapter 19: so sweet when Laurie call Lex daddy. I`m glad Lois realized that Lex can be a good man.
Loved the love scene

Welcome back, Malu!

I'd been missing your comments. Thanks for taking a few moments out of your mummy schedule to read and review this fic.

There'll be a lot of Lex/Laurie bonding in the chapters you've got left. *wink* I'm really pleased that you liked the love scene; I always struggle to make them meaningful and organic. :)

14th September 2010, 07:50
Lexie, I've read just about all of your first two chapters of this story and loved them both! I'd stay up longer, but I need to go to sleep! lol! Excellent beginning! :)

20th September 2010, 20:12
Lexie, I've read just about all of your first two chapters of this story and loved them both! I'd stay up longer, but I need to go to sleep! lol! Excellent beginning! :)

Glad you enjoyed them, Angie. The journey's just started for both characters and there'll be a lot of twists and turns.

I'm happy to see you back.

21st September 2010, 16:42
I LOVE this fic. They are so cute. Congrats

25th September 2010, 16:41
Read it again in one go. I saw it updated on ff.net so I thought I'd read it one more time. I love Laurie, she's absolutely adorable. Now I want to get a new puppy for myself.

27th September 2010, 01:18
Read it again in one go. I saw it updated on ff.net so I thought I'd read it one more time. I love Laurie, she's absolutely adorable. Now I want to get a new puppy for myself.

Love the fact that my readers have fallen for my OC.

Now that you've mentioned ff.net, did you see the update appear on the main page? I don't know why but whenever I check it out- no matter how many hours or days have elapsed from my update- they never show. :( It makes me wonder if that's the reason why very few or no people leave feedback. Maybe there's something not working with ff.net's software since several people who have added BFTD or me to their alert lists don't get any messages from the site letting them now the story's been updated or that there's something new of mine up.

27th September 2010, 02:20
I remember that it appeared on the front page on Sept 22 but you're right, sometimes I have to search first before I find out that a story got updated because they don't appear automatically.

27th September 2010, 08:07
Lexie, this is another great story! I've stopped at Chapter 4 because it's pretty late, but I'll read more later. :) Now there's two of your stories I'm hooked on! lol! :)

12th October 2010, 04:13
Very nice ending.

19th June 2011, 15:59
Okay... I won't comment on every single scene or every single chapter, there won't be enough time. But I will say this,

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for writing this story. It is amazing :clapclap:

I love this story in its entirety
I love Chloe and Lex in this story and how they are and how they come together
I love Laurie, Lois, Moira, Clark, Bruce, Martha, Pirate and all the characters you have included in this story, even the ones that makes me feel like killing them (the villains, lionel, and that selfish fairchild) they make this story complete.
I love all the scenes in this story. The ups and even the downs where it was so difficult to read it because I was afraid to see how it would end up
I love how you develop the charcters as the stories progress
I love the interactions between them
I love reading how everything unfolds as the story goes
I love watching the character develop rather than remaining static
I love how complex the story is without seeming to be too ambitious
I love the beginning and how it draws me in, I love the middle where I can start seeing that things might be getting better and I definitely love the ending where you managed to tie up eveything in a neat little fluffy bow without leaving anything hanging out in the air.

Basically, I absolutely love this story with all the good and the bad in it. :love2:

I don't know how you writer come up with all your ideas but they are much appreciated and much loved.

Thank you for writing it! :D

26th June 2011, 20:22
Read this story twice within a week and just adored it. The way you portray Chloe, Lex and the realistic relationship they would have is perfect and Laurie... so cute... I want one lol

3rd July 2011, 04:31
Nice story, a softer version of Lex. The parts with everyone teasing Lois and Clark were amusing.

13th February 2012, 02:27
I have just read this story and i LOVED it :)

Ami Rose
17th January 2013, 06:11
Loved this fic

18th January 2013, 10:52
I keep going back to this! One of my favorite Chlex fics of all time :)

22nd January 2013, 22:10
I consider "Back from the Dead" my swan song when it comes to Chlex. I still have two stories on hiatus I'd like to finish some day. I'm still penning stories- though not Chlex- and have to thank this fandom for helping me grow as an author.

This story and The Naked Truth have a special place in my heart and I can still read them without cringing. LOL. Oh, I wish you could read some of my latest production; I've come so far since my early days. Well, it's happened to us all, hasn't it?

I always appreciate familar and new faces leaving their feedback; taking an active role on these boards is one of the reasons this lovely community's stayed alive for so long.