View Full Version : [Completed] Lesson Learned (PG 03/24/09)

25th March 2009, 00:57
Title: Lesson Learned
Author: westwingwolf
Rating: PG
Spoiler: Everything through Season 7
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Summary: Lex believes it's time for Chloe to learn an important lesson on who she can trust.
AN: I wrote most of this prior to the premiere of Season 8. It's pretty much how I would have wished this season to have started and then gone. I'm in a short, angsty mood lately. I would also like to take this time to pimp my incredibly short story Needs (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php?p=246565#post246565), it has nothing to do with this story but I'm really nervous to see what people think of it.

He watched the monitor as she sat huddled in her corner. He missed the first few weeks of her stay and only time would tell if that was going to make or break his plans for her.

Before he left for the arctic, he made plans to have her sent to a secure location where Clark would never find her. Within a few months time, he started phase one. A copy of the Daily Planet was slipped into her cell along with her lunch meal.

Chloe didn't touch it at first, probably thinking there was some kind of trap. She'd be right but it wasn't a conventional one. She must have realized by now that this was no ordinary prison sentence.

As expected, her curiosity got the better of her. She searched the paper, looking for some clue. She wouldn't find one. Nothing of importance was in that paper. Nothing but the name on a byline.

Her reaction wasn't what he expected. She didn't ball up the paper or rip it to shreds. Instead, she carefully placed in on her floor. Then she painstakingly tore the article from it's page. He didn't know what she wanted until she held it up to the wall. The next day, along with a new paper, was a roll of masking tape.

Within months, her wall collection was filled with articles from Lois, Clark and even some from both. He knew now was the appropriate time to add some artwork to the wall.

The photos of Jimmy with his new girlfriend weren't that hard to get. The boy had moved on to a young intern shortly after Chloe had been sent away. Apparently, their 'spark' couldn't withstand Chloe being locked up in solitary confinement. If that wasn’t bad enough, the portable DVD player with a disc containing security footage of his last two meetings with the joke of a boyfriend shredded any semblance of a relationship. To think that the guy who had proposed to her was knowingly severing ties with the only person he knew could protect her.

He knew Chloe well enough to know that she valued loyalty over integrity. This whole mess had started because of her need to help Clark. It truly broke his heart to know no one considered the same for her.

Certainly, Clark had tried. But even with all his efforts Clark couldn’t find her. Lex had made sure of that. Sad irony in that the only person who could find who Clark was looking for was in fact that very same person who was lost. And in the end Clark must have convinced himself that even if he could save her, Chloe wouldn’t want him to risk exposure to do so.

Without a doubt, if the situation was reversed, Chloe would have done it anyway. And so would Lex.

However, the photos of Lois and Clark were the ones that started the reaction that he'd been waiting for. They were far more innocent then the ones Jimmy. But all the more heartbreaking. A meeting for coffee in the morning. A beer at the Ace of Clubs after work. Clark's gentlemanly need to walk Lois home.

Her entire cell was covered in photos, in article clippings, and every night he would listen to the sounds of her crying herself to sleep.

After almost a year in confinement, the final piece of the puzzle had arrived. If in the future, if Chloe ever asked how much of this he had manipulated, he could truthfully say none. Yes, he kept her from her friends and family, but she was serving time that she still would have served elsewhere without his interference. Time due to one friend who pushed her to break the law, time that could have been avoided if her boyfriend had been willing to take a risk. He was merely reaping the benefits of what others had done to her.

And he had no control over what others would do while she was away, but their behavior could be predicted as easy the sun's next rise. They were the problem. They ignored her until she was needed. They forgot her when she was gone. He was the only one who knew her potential. Knew that with just a little push she could fulfill her destiny.

When the last photo arrived, she calmly taped it in the center of her collage. He watched as she sat back against the opposite wall and just stared at the photo of her greatest crush kissing her cousin. For hours she stared at that photo. And he patiently waited for her reaction.

After hours of nothing, she suddenly stood up and ripped the papers from the walls. As quickly as a tornado, the cell was destroyed and Chloe stood in the middle. Along with the anger in her eyes, he detected a greater need. One for destruction. She was now ready to leave her cell.

He stood in front of the cell door as it opened. They stared at each other conveying everything in one vital word each.



And with that, he was no longer her captor, she acknowledged him as her teacher and now they were partners.

The End

Kit Merlot
25th March 2009, 02:46
This was a painful story because of how truthful it was.

Clark, Lois and Jimmy do ignore Chloe--until they need something from her. And I could see from all of the photos Lex gave her how heartbroken and worried they were about her.

Chloe is better off working with Lex. Within a week, they will bring Clois and bring Metropolis to their collective knees.

Chlex lives!

Great story, Mindy:D

25th March 2009, 03:13
Awesome short fic, Mindy. It reflects exactly the way people close to Chloe treated her and reveals Lex has always been the one to see and value her potential- Lionel, I believe, was the other one.

Chlex should kick Clark and his acolytes all the way to the Arctic. :D

25th March 2009, 03:13
hehe Nice.... How to bring chloe on the dark side :D

It's so true about Jimmy... With Kara he proved how a jerk he was to Chloe. Which is why I never understood him asking her in marriage after it had been shown they weren't meant for each other AND worst, that they did get through the wedding... sigh..

Nice work :)

25th March 2009, 03:22
Great story and go Chlex. :)

25th March 2009, 06:36
Oh, if only this had happened I would still be watching Smallville!! :) Excellent story!! I like how Lex knew what Clark would do, because he's so weak, without Chloe there!! Stupid Clark, how dare he stop searching for his best friend!! I would love to read a sequel where Lex and Chloe destroy Clark!! Thanks for the wonderful fanfic!! ;)

25th March 2009, 12:48
Oh, if only this had happened I would still be watching Smallville!!

Make sentiments exactly!

25th March 2009, 17:22
A bit darker than I was expecting, and all the more engaging because of it. Very awesome little ficlet! Leaves the reader with so many thoughts of possible futures. Great job!

30th March 2009, 00:39
Great work

26th February 2010, 05:01
Have you written a follow up? Will you?

Ami Rose
15th August 2012, 05:07

22nd August 2012, 01:01
I like this story better than the episodes on Smallville. It's true that Clark and Jimmy never treated Chloe fairly and Lex will definitely achieve many great things with Chloe by his side.