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View Full Version : [Completed] Christmas Arguments (PG-13) Completed

23rd December 2008, 21:43
Here you go---two days early even. Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and a Happy Holiday to us all. :)

Title: "Christmas Arguments"

Author: PMD

e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

Rating: PG-13

Category: Holiday fic, Chlex, slights Clana and Lucas/Lois, Chloe's POV, AU

Spoilers: Anything is fair game with Smallville.

Summary: Chloe remembers her first Christmas with Lex and the arguments that took place.

Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, it's characters, Christmas, Waterloo, Avril Lavigne, and the lyrics to her song, When You're Gone, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

Archive: At BAFsFF, BT2, Electricchlex, N.S. forums, and SPP for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all they have to do is ask.

Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

Author Notes: This is dedicated to my friend, Jay, who always sends out interesting e-cards to me every year. And who looked over this piece---as always, your beta skills are excellent, dude. : ) And to Esther, whom I wrangled in with my love for Chlex and just won't let go of it, anymore than I ever could. And to David, who taught me how to write Clana. And to all the great writers out there for Chlex, be it on N.S. or other sites---this one is for you too. Enjoy.

"Christmas Arguments" - by PMD

Christmas Day - Guest Bedroom - Luthor Manor

The cold is surrounding me. Not the weather outside but a coldness knowing that Lex isn't here. That he won't be here. That he won't be here on our second Christmas together.

It's not his fault, Chloe. He can do a lot of things---save somebody by being there---by being a friend. He can do charity until he's blue in the face---or is that red? And he can love with a passion that surpasses anything else I have seen in my life---and it's all for me. But he isn't in charge of the weather---not even Lionel can do anything with that.

Darn weather in England. Like the snow storm couldn't have held off a couple of days. But no---it had to snow the day before Christmas and Lex can't get back to me.

I sigh, pulling the covers over my head. I know---I should be in our bedroom. But I just can't sleep in that big bed alone. I need him to hold onto me---to share the quiet moments---to laugh----to chuckle----to say the words that make me blush and then kiss him tenderly.

God, I miss him so much.

I pull back the covers, sob, and then sigh again, remembering our first Christmas together.


Christmas Past - Christmas Arguments

I sigh---this is the third tree farm we've been to and I don't think I want to see another fir tree for the rest of my life. I hate Christmas arguments about trees but sometimes---

He stops the car and I turn to him.

"This is the last one, right?" I ask.

"Only if we find a tree."

"Lex---we've looked at hundreds of trees already."

"You're exaggerating."

"Not by much. You are just so picky."

He glares at me. "Well, I want it to be perfect for our first Christmas together."

"How about practically perfect."

He snorts, taking off his seat belt and getting out of the car.

I do the same and close my door. I walk over to where he is and place my hand on his arm.

"Lex---come on---nothing is perfect in this world. We both know that."

He sighs and smiles at me. "Okay---practically perfect---but I still have the final say."

"All right---final say, you big baby."

He shakes his head and takes my hand, leading me into another green forest of pine needle.


This Tree---No That Tree

We've been here a half an hour and still aren't to the end of the tree lines. He's just so slow picking one.

Has to feel the needles---has to look at the coloring---has to check the trunk. Has to make sure it's the right height. You think I'm exasperated with the man---the poor clerk is losing it.

"How about this Fir, sir?" he asks him.

Lex stares at the tree---quite a few inches taller then him---and sighs.

"Too tall---she'll never get the star up there."

"Lex, there is an invention called the step ladder," I quip.

He glares at me and then looks back at it. "Wrong color."

"It's green for goodness sakes!" I storm.

"Hey, who gets the final say?"

"That's it---I'm out of here."

I walk out of the tree farm and am halfway up the road when I sense him following me.

"Chloe, come back!"


I walk further down the road and about 10 minutes later, a car is following me. It stops when it's at my side and the driver’s side window rolls down.

"Get in the car, Chloe!"

I stop and glare at him. "I'll get in the car if you'll just stop looking for a perfect tree. There's no such----"

I stop talking and grin. Why didn't I think of that before? Dad doesn't use it anymore---he said I was welcome to it. And it is perfect---perfect memories and green---and the right size.

I walk around to the passenger side and get in. I put on my seat belt and then sense him looking at me. I turn to look at him.


"You gave up pretty fast---what's going on, Chloe?"

I smirk. "Just drive, will you."


"To my father's house---he has exactly what we need."

"A mediator?"

I laugh at that. "No---just drive, Lex. It's going to be a surprise."


"I know---you don't like surprises---but it'll be a happy one."

"All right---I trust you."

I lean over and whisper, "I trust you too."

Then a light kiss on the cheek and we're on our way. Lex, you have met your Waterloo and am about to be beaten, by your girlfriend. But I still love you.


The Sullivan Condo

It was light when we left the last tree farm but its dark now. Which tells me---we've been traveling a far ways today. No wonder I feel so---tired.

I get out of the car and sigh, seeing my breath in the air. I walk over to the side walk and stand there, waiting for him.

I smile up at the twinkling lights outside of my dad's condo---red, green, and white. I laugh and hear:

"What's so funny---I think it looks beautiful."

He walks over to me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes but I was remembering the first time Clark helped him put them up---he turned green when he saw the green."

He chuckles at that. "Meteor rocks?"

I snicker. "Yes. For some odd reason, they are almost the same color and clarity of them. And you do remember that Christmas when your father spiked some lights like these. I had to tell him you and I wouldn't do the same. And my father----never."

"He tripped over them, didn't he?"

I nod and then sigh.


"My father does Christmas great for me but sometimes---I miss my mother."

"I miss mine too, Chloe."

I turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry---sometimes I forget."

He moves away and takes my hand. "Come on---let's get out of the cold."

"We could snuggle."

He laughs. "Inside, where it's warmer."

"All right," I state, letting him lead me up the garden path and to the steps.

As we make our way up the steps, the door opens.

"There you two are---did you come by way of Canada?"

I lean in, whispering, "Don't encourage him."

Lex chuckles at that and we walk up the last step.

"Gabe---were you watching out the window like a child looking for Santa?"

I roll my eyes at his words.

"Yes, I was. My daughter seems to be busy with her life---I seldom see her."

"That's my fault," Lex states, moving from me to my father's arms.

They hug---I smile---and then he backs away.

"So, does your father get a hug?" my father asks me.

"As long as you don't get too humorous tonight---sure."

"I'll try."

I walk into his arms and whisper, "Did you get it out?"

"All out and set up, waiting for the ornaments."

While Lex was paying for the gas for the car, I had gotten on my cell and told my father my idea. He was happy to get rid of the tree since he had gotten a new one this year. But he wasn't sure how Lex would handle a fake tree. I told him not to worry---I would say it's an heirloom, if need be. Not to mention----4 tree farms and no takers. I would guilt him, in other words.

I back away and my father gestures we enter the condo. He then comes in and closes the door, offering to take out coats, as we take off our boots.

He then leads us into the living room---with two trees.

"Gabe---are you expecting an abundance of gifts that one tree can't handle?" Lex queries.

"Actually---no. This one is mine---that one is yours."

Lex looks at me, suspiciously. "Chloe---what's going on?"

"Surprise!" I yell out.

"This is ours?" he asks me.


He walks over to the tree and stares at it for a minute. Then he looks back at me.

"But it's fake."


"But it's not real."

"I know that Lex. What's your problem?"

"But it doesn't have that pine smell."

"So, we buy pine spray and spray it."

"So, you're saying, if you get irritated with me, you'll go out and buy a fake blow up doll of me?"

"First off---no such thing out there. Second---I might get irritated with you but then I remember how much I love you and I know I could never leave you."

"Even if I kill somebody?" he growls.

"I'll get you the best lawyer to get you off on justifiable homicide."

He snorts and then looks at the tree before him. He walks around it, as if checking out something incredible. He takes his time---touching the needles---sniffing at it---and then smiles.

"More time for us?"

"Yes---good lord---he finally gets it."

He turns to smirk at me and I smile my megawatt smile.

"So, we're taking it?" he asks.

"Only if you want to, honey."

He smirks at me again and then looks at Gabe. "We're taking it."

"Good---just make sure you do the top and she does the bottom."

"Oh?" he asks, looking at me and then back to him.

My father has this apologetic look on his face as I glare at him.


Lex turns to look at me. "So, you fell putting something on the tree?"

"Yes---but it was only a sprain."

"Well, it's settled---I'll do the top---you do the bottom."

I nod my head.

My father smiles and goes out of the room, bringing back the box for the tree. He folds it up and puts it in the box, putting string around the box to keep it closed. Then he sighs.

"Goodbye, old friend."

I walk over and hug my father. Then I back away and look at the clock nearby

"Chinese?" I ask them.

They both nod.


Decorating Argument

Well, you would think that the tree thing would be the only problem this festive season---WRONG!

Really wrong---so wrong---monumentally wrong---oh boy, was I wrong.

I sigh, looking at the expensive heirlooms of ornaments, mocking me. Saying, I was a part of Lex's life before you were even a sparkle in your mother's eyes. I saw him through his childhood---his loss of his mother---the anger of his father. I'm number one, I'm number one.

"You aren't number one!" I rage.

"Chloe---are you okay?"

I turn to look at Lex coming into the study, another taunting box of ornaments in his arms.

"No more---not another box, Lex. We can't put all these things on?"

He puts the box down and walks over to me.

"Chloe, these are important to me."

"And so are mine---we agreed to compromise---you put on some of yours and I'll put on some of mine. But this is ridiculous. I mean, you have so many here---there's no room for mine---or the popcorn strings."

"Ah---popcorn strings---Chloe, that went out with the oil lamp."

"Excuse me!" I growl.

"Back off, Hazel Fury. Okay---not oil lamp---how about grade school."

I huff and turn around.

"Well, seems like grade school wasn't too long ago for you, Ms. Sullivan."

I turn around to a smirking man. "Are you saying I'm acting childish?"

"Yes, I am."

"Okay---if you feel that way---I'm going to go spend some time with my Daddy."

I walk towards the door and he gets in my way.

"Chloe, I hate to fight like this. Come on---don't go," he smiles.

I sigh. That smile. The man can be charming when he wants to be. However----he's not getting his way this time.

"I'll stay---if you take away some of your ornaments to make room for mine---and the popcorn strings stay."

He starts to speak but I give him a stern look.

He sighs. "Okay----but Chloe?"


"Do I have to string the popcorn?"

"It's half the fun."

He smiles, pulling me into his arms.

"All right---but you'll have to teach me."

I back away. "Of course I will. And you know there is an added benefit to popcorn strings on the tree."

"And that is?"

"After Christmas you can take them off the string and throw them at your father."




Back To The Present

A knock at the door breaks me out of my musings and I let out a sob.

"Go away."

Whoever is out there knocks again and this time I get out of bed and walk over to the door.

"I said, leave me alone!"

"Honey, its Daddy."

"Daddy!" I yell, opening up the door and finding myself in his arms, scant seconds later.

"He's not here, Daddy," I sob.

"Not his fault, Honey."

I back away. "I know that but it still hurts."

He gives me a sad smile. "I know---but will I do?"

I nod and then shake my head. "Not the same, Daddy."

"Well, would Lex want you to wallow away up here in the guest bedroom?"


"Would he want you to be the host for him downstairs?"


"Honey, he'll be here as soon as he can and then you can share a Christmas just for the two of you. But for now----you have friends and family downstairs that want to celebrate with you and make it a little less sad for you. You don't want to let them down, do you?"


"Well, then, get ready and come on down to the ball room."

"Ball room?" I ask.

"Well, we do have a big group down there at the moment. What with Clark, Lana, the Kent’s, all of the staff, your cousin Lois, Lucas---I think the study is a little small for this group. So, Clark carried the tree to the ball room. And before you worry---nothing was hurt on the tree."

I smile my approval.

He gives me a quick hug and then turns towards the door. He walks and then stops, turning around.

"Oh, before I forget---Lex said he would call you at 9 our time, remember?"

"Oh my God, I forgot!"

"So, I guess you better hurry up. Oh, and that's another reason we left the study out of the equation----you want privacy, right?"

I nod, smiling.

"So, hurry up---it's just 20 minutes until the big call."

"All right," I state, turning around to head to the closet. I turn back, looking at my father.

"Thanks, Daddy."

"You're welcome, Honey."

He turns back around and goes to the door, opening it, and then exiting quickly.

Now, what to wear?


Twenty Minutes Later

I walk towards the study---my slight heels clicking as I go.

I sigh, still wishing he was here. I just feel like I'm missing a part of me. Just like the song I've been listening to since he's been gone. Avril said it best with her When You're Gone song:

"When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart,
I'm missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it ok

I miss you"

It's such a sad song but just speaks of a deep love that it's breath-takingly beautiful too.

I stop in front of the mirror, checking my make-up, my hair, and what I chose to wear; black pants and a purple silk shirt----with an amethyst pendent and earrings.

I turn away and walk the short distance to the study. I open the door and walk in.

James is on the phone, talking.

"Yes, Sir. She should be here momentarily."

I cough and he turns around.

"She's here right now. I'll just give you to her. Safe trip, Master Lex."

I walk over and he hands me the phone.

"It will be okay, Miss Chloe."

I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Tell them I'll be there soon, James."

"Yes, Miss," he states, bowing to me and then turning around.

He's out of the room and I'm back to the phone in my hand.

I put it to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hello," rings out but not from the phone---that's just a dial tone.

I drop the phone and turn towards the sound.

"Oh God---am I dreaming?" I ask, staring at the man before me.

"If this be a dream, I want neither of us to wake up."

My eyes start to water as I stare at my love, staring back at me.

"Chloe?" he asks, walking towards me.

He picks up the dangling phone and places it back on the receiver, to give me time to come to the fact---he's here, he's really here.

"Chloe?" he asks again, this time placing a hand on my cheek, caressing it, softly.

He leans in, kissing me gently and then backs away, to tears, that he sweeps away with his finger.

I sob and then he kisses me once more, deeply. He backs away and pulls me into his arms. I sigh now, my dream coming true---he's truly here---but how?

"How?" I ask, muffled by his body.

He backs away. "We do have a friend who can fly in snow storms."

"Oh, I forgot."

"You know---"

"Yes, Lex?"

"I seem to recall Clark once telling me he was afraid of heights. I wonder what stopped that."

"Saving Lana a couple of times, maybe. After all, if love doesn't get you over your fear, what would."

"True," he states.

I smile. "So, did Air Clark have room to bring your luggage with you?"

"Actually no---but then I made arrangements to have it sent back here. However---"

He backs away from me, taking my hand and leading me over to the other side of his desk. He lets go of my hand and opens the middle drawer, pulling out something that makes me gasp.

A small box---oh God, don't let it be diamond earrings.

He comes back to me and opens it---inside is a diamond but not in earrings settings---thank God.

I look at the sparkling solitaire---thankful it's not small enough to have Lois teasing me---yet not large enough to have her having a heart attack. Just the right shape, size, purity, and sparkly look to it.

I sob again and see a look I've seldom seen on his face---he's nervous.

I give him a smile of encouragement to continue, which he does.

"Chloe, will you do me the honor of being my best friend, partner, and love of my life, for the rest of our lives?"

The tears start to flow again as I look at the ring and then back at him, the look changing to a slight smile.

"Oh, wipe that grin off your face, Luthor. You know it's going to take me a half an hour to fix my make-up again. I must look like a raccoon."

He starts to chuckle. "Only you would answer a question with verbal judo, Chloe."

I smile at that and then am back to the ring, before looking at him and nodding.

"Is that a yes?"

I nod again.

"The words, please."

I take a deep breath:

"Yes, yes, yes, and YES!"

He laughs and takes my hand, placing the ring on my finger. Then I put my arms around his neck, leaning up, smiling.

"I love you, Lex."

"I hope so---I can't take another wedding where the bride is killing me after only a few hours."

"Killing you with kindness will be my life’s work," I quip, before kissing him soundly.

We back away and he smirks.


"Need help with fixing your face."

"Lex, they are waiting for us."

"All right---can't blame a guy for asking."

I smirk at him and hit him on the arm.

I laugh at the look on his face and he starts to chuckle. I smile and then walk away, going over to the mirror and noticing, just a little dab here and there, and I'll be okay.

I do my repairs and come back to him, offering my hand.

"Shall we join the others?"

"If we must," he replies, leading me out of the room.


Happy News And Merry Christmas

We both stand outside of the ball room and then turn to each other.

"So, how do you want to tell them?" he asks me.

I smile, devilishly. "How about we don't tell them."

"Chloe," he growls.

"Okay---we'll tell them---but let me take the lead."

"Okay---I bow to the ladies request."

He walks forward and I clear my throat. He stops.

"What is it now?"

"I think you forgot to tell me something back in the study?"

He turns around and comes back to me.

"Merry Christmas?"


"Happy Christmas?"


He ponders for a moment and I give him a glare. He starts to laugh.

"All right----I love you too, Chloe."

I smile my megawatt smile and hug him. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?"

He backs away. "Torture---pure torture."

I roll my eyes and turn him around. "March!"

"Yes, sir," he quips, walking ahead of me and opening the door.

"Merry Christmas, everybody!" we both shout out.

"Merry Christmas," they shout back.

We walk into the room and are surrounded by our friends and family for a few minutes. Then they move away to allow us space. First person who comes forward is my Dad.

"I really wanted to tell you, Pumpkin, but---"

I hug my father. "Its okay, Daddy. I like these kinds of surprises."

He backs away and looks down at my hand. "He did it?"

I nod, tears in my eyes.

"Are you okay with it, Daddy?"

He smiles. "Of course I am. He will make you happy after that jerk Jimmy."

I sigh. "We both had the worst luck."

"Not anymore," I hear Lex say.

He puts out his hand to my father. "Hi, Gabe."

"Oh, that's not good enough. Move back, Pumpkin---I'm going in for the kill."

I smirk, moving away and Lex is enveloped by a monster Sullivan hug.

My father finally backs away. "I hope you two are very happy---like the Kent’s are."

We look over at where they're standing---touching each other, once in a while---animated---love in their eyes.

"Well, I guess we better get over there and have a little chat with them," Lex says.

I grab his arm before he can change his mind and we walk over to the Kent’s.

Senator Kent looks at Lex as we get closer and Mrs. Kent just hits his arm.

"Senator," Lex says.

"Luthor," Jonathan Kent replies.

Mrs. Kent and I just roll our eyes.

"Hey, bury the hatchet in Lionel's back and just get on with it," I state.

They both chuckle and then:

"Lex---you take care of that girl or you might get audited."

"I will---and not for that. Because I love her."

Jonathans face softens and he smiles. "She saved you as much as Martha has me."

"Yes, she has."

"Lex, I never thought you could change but I'm pleasantly surprised to find out I was wrong. I'm so proud of you."

Lex is stunned and then smiles.

"Senator Kent---"

"Jonathan, please."

"Jonathan---Chloe helped to save me but you were my example at the beginning. I was lost for a while but found my way back and I would be honored if you---could I call you---could you be my father figure?"

Jonathan looks stunned now and then he smiles. "I would be honored---come here, Son."

Lex walks into another fatherly hug and I watch as Martha walks up to me---her eyes startled at my ring finger.


"Yes, Dear?"


He backs away from Lex and stares at where she's gesturing.

He just shrugs and smiles. "Well, it took him a bit longer then me but he did it."

Lex smirks at him. "I had to wait for her to stop arguing with me to get the words in."

I glare at Lex who gives me that smile that always melts my heart.

Before I can say another word:

"Hey, Cousin---what's going on?"

I'm hit from behind by Lois and turn around.

"Hey, watch it---I bruise easily," I quip.

I look at Lois' expression and hear an audible gasp. Then she looks at Lex, who has since turned around.

"You didn't tell me about this!"

"Lois, contrary to the fact, I do love reporters but I sometimes don't trust them to keep a secret."

I chuckle at her expression and then she smiles:

"Who's the maid of honor?"

"Well, I was thinking---Lana."

"No way---we promised each other that we would be each other's maid of honors when we got married, you---"

I place my hand on her arm. "Calm down---I'm just jerking your chain. Of course it's you."

I watch as Lana, Clark, and Lucas joins us.

"And Lana, I would love for you to be a bridesmaid."

Lex walks up to his half brother, smiling. "Think you can take on the duties of keeping Lois under control. You know, searching for hidden cameras---microphones----etc."

We hear a hmmmph from Lois, who turns her back to us.

Lucas nods to his suggestion and our gesture to go over to placate Lois.

He places his hand on her shoulder. "Wanna be my date to the wedding?"

She spins around, smiling, and he pulls her into a hug.

"I had a feeling about those two," Lex states.

"I had no feeling---I was certain," I quip.

Then we're back to Clark and Lana.

"Clark---would you---"

"Lex, I would be honored to be a part of the wedding party---if you would be my best man at mine."

"I'd be honored, Clark," he states, patting his arm.

"Well, before we are all honored out---Lana---be a bridesmaid for me?" I ask her.

"Maybe---what will you give me?"

I snort. "What do you want?"

"No pink."

Well, you could have pushed us over with a feather with that request.

"No pink?" I ask, incredulously.

She starts to laugh. "You should see the three of you---I told you I could still surprise you guys."

We all glare at her and then she smirks. "Well, I know you don't like pink, Chloe. So, purple is fine with me."

I ponder. "How about a compromise---dusty rose."

She ponders now. "Hmmmm---no arguments from me on that."

Lex groans and I look at him.

"What's wrong, sweetie?"

"She used the A word."



I put my arm around his waist and snuggle close.

"I promise there will be no Christmas arguments this year. Just peace, love, and happiness."

I sense his smile and back away.


"Besides, there's nothing left to argue about this year. The tree is set---both our ornaments are on it. The popcorn is strung and----"

I stop, watching him leave us behind and looking at the tree.

"It's in the wrong place."


The End.

24th December 2008, 07:24
That was wonderful!

Loved it too bits!! So sweet!!

29th December 2008, 06:34
That was so cute. I loved it. :)

29th December 2008, 07:18
I love non-conformist Lex and Chloe´s intelligent bargaining tactics.:yeahbaby:

It was a sweet and fluffy holiday fic. :grin3:

31st December 2008, 01:13
Aww, this was fantastic, sweetie! :) Love the banter and the sweetness with these two, but mostly loved those growls! :P Great job, Peggy!

Ami Rose
1st June 2013, 09:40
Lmao loved it