View Full Version : [WIP] NS Advent Calendar 2008 - Two Dozen and One Holiday Lies - Reviews/Feedback here!

1st December 2008, 15:58
This is for those of you who feel like leaving longer, quoted reviews of the fanfiction. You can only find the story at the Advent Calendar, so check it out ;) :)

NS Advent Calendar 2008! (http://network.naughty-seduction.net/advent/)

1st December 2008, 16:42
Yes another story for this year. Let's hope this one gets done by Christmas. LOL!! :rofl: I am on my way to read it. :blinkkiss

Kit Merlot
2nd December 2008, 00:41
A lovely beginning Sarah!

Good for Chloe for wanting Lex to have a happy holiday--she understands that with Clark and Lana as examples, he might not quite get how a true friendship works.

I wonder if Lex will jump to the conclusion that Lana left him the gift. He has to know that Lana will be expecting gifts, not actually giving any:P

Can't wait to see what happens next.

2nd December 2008, 00:57
Ho Ho Ho a Holiday fic by Sarah, I like Chloe rationalization about the whole situation. I also have every confidence that Lex will figure out his mysterious gift giver rather quickly. I'm curious as to what personal gift she gave him beside the offer of friendship. Dagney

2nd December 2008, 01:18
I was the first or one of the first to read this very early today and left feedback on the NS Advent Calendar page. When I submitted the comment a notice told me it´d be checked by the administrator and then unscreened. Should I leave my impressions here as well?

2nd December 2008, 02:50
Cute, cute, cute....Don't you just love secret Santas?

2nd December 2008, 09:10
I left a reply...thats waiting to be cleared so I just thought I would say that I am sooo excited for this years story and I hope that Lex goes beyond Chloe's expectations and doesnt automatically assume the present is from Lana...but he probably will...sigh anyway looking forward to what happens next!

2nd December 2008, 16:09
Hey Skauble,
I finally had a chance to read through your advent calender fic, and I LOVED the chapters. They were cute, adorable and funny… but also filled with enough angsty and insight to keep it interesting and mesmerizing. HAH! And you said you were going to do something ‘fluffy’! ROTFLMAO!

I really liked the adorable beginning with Chloe indulging in her Most. Favouritist. Activity. EVER! Breaking, entering and sneaking around the Luthor manor! LOL! Granted, this time she’s going it purely for happy, generous, gift-giving reasons rather than on the hunt of some Luthor destroying story. I really liked how she assured herself that her ‘honourable intentions’ made up for the illegal activities she was indulging in. LOL!

It was pretty damned sad though, that the reason why she was sneaking around was because she wanted to drop her gift off anonymously… and the reason she wanted it anonymous was because she thought Lex would reject a present from her. Poor Chloe! I can see it really hurt her when Lex-The-Stupid-Bastard dropped her friendship with absolutely no cause or explanation. Moron!

And yet, despite how he hurt her, she’s still here, dropping off a sweet Christmas present so that Lex won’t feel so isolated and alone during these holidays. He seriously does NOT deserve a friend like her in his life.

I really LOVED Chloe’s insightful, brilliant and very original observations about why Lex was probably such a sucky friend to her. Her explanation was both insightful as well as generous and caring. It makes SENSE that Lex would feel a lot more comfortable with people who expected him to ‘act out’ a certain role.

The play-acting would not only play into Lex’s self-loathing of his Luthor name, but it would ALSO give Lex a certain amount of distance, detachment and control if he’s only ‘acting out a role’ for the benefit of his ‘closest friends’ rather than being himself with the ONE friend who sees him as he really is.

Despite how Chloe had arrived at some very insightful reasons about why Lex had dropped her friendship while still keeping up with Clark and Lana’s, it still made me want to weep seeing how much she missed the moron. Lex had better do a LOT of grovelling later when he realizes what a HUGE mistake he made in throwing Chloe out of his life.

Even when she’s been rejected, Chloe’s still an amazing friend. I loved that she left the present at Lex’s desk, even thought she knew that Lana would most probably be the one reaping the credit for it. It hurt to see Chloe trying to convince herself that all Lex wanted from Lana was her ‘friendship’, and nothing more than that. it’s obvious that she’s jealous and envious, and trying to bury those feelings and just trying her best to be happy for Lex finding happiness wherever he can. What an AMAZING woman!

Chapter One:
Heee! The Lex POV chapter was even more fun and insightful (not to mention angsty! LOL!). I was ROTFL with Lex beginning the chapter contemplating the chances of his ONLY Christmas present for the year being a bomb, LOL! What a wonderful life our guy leads, huh? LOL!

Honestly though, it’s really not surprising that Lex immediately thought of the word ‘bomb’ when looking over the anonymous present that had mysteriously appeared in his study.

I loved, LOVED that his VERY first yearning thought with regard to the present was that it was from Chloe. I loved the idea that he actually seemed to be hoping and yearning for the present to be from Chloe, but also fearful of the possibility.

Heh… so the idiot is doing the whole ‘I’m pushing her away to keep her safe’ routine, huh? Moron!

I did enjoy the process of logical elimination that Lex followed about who might the present be from. One good thing about having practically no friends… it’s very easy to check them off a list under conditions like these, lol!

I smirked seeing that Lionel was immediately checked off the list the moment Lex had ascertained that it wasn’t an acid-spewing, toxic-poison scatter-bomb gift. And I was also impressed with Lex’s sharp insight that Clark’s present would have been given with ALL the trappings of Christmas, which included an invitation to Christmas dinner, trees and decorations, and perhaps Clark playing Santa too, LOL!

And I was hugely amused by Lex’s bemused observations that Lana’s present would have been wrapped up in childishly saccharine Christmas paper… with present bearing elves riding pink unicorns if Lana could have gotten paper like that.

It was however interesting that, even though Lex eliminated all the possibilities except for Chloe, he STILL clung to the idea that it was Lana who gave him this present. He had to make up slightly stretched explanations (the store wrapped it up? Lana was displaying some of the sophistication she’s picked up in Europe?). But he preferred these explanation because it meant that it’s NOT therefore a present from Chloe, and therefore Lex can rest easy knowing that she’s not coming back into his life again.

Heh… think again, Lex! I get the feeling there are troubling, complicated and confusing times ahead in the very near future :D LOL!

There were a fun couple of chapter, Skauble. I look hugely forward to upcoming postings. Good luck and best regards!

2nd December 2008, 17:10
Is Lex really that stupid? LOL! He had it right the first time. Since when does blana ever so something with out making sure someone knows about it? What an idiot. If he opened it I am sure he would figure it out it was from Chloe. Blana isn't that smart to come up with a clever gift. Great update I look forward to more.

2nd December 2008, 22:53
Oh Lex you ding dong...Lana only does things for herself or to make herself look good in front of other people. An anonymous gift would be nothing like her.

Kit Merlot
3rd December 2008, 01:15
How much do I love the phrase "faux European persona?" That describes Lana Lang perfectly and thank God Lex sees that:grin3:

I do like that Lex thought of Chloe the instant he saw the present on his desk--he should have gone with his gut on that one.

This story is adorable and I can't wait to see what happens next;)

3rd December 2008, 16:22
What an excellent and exciting chapter, Skauble! I loved it! LOL! It was definitely fun seeing Chloe going back to the more ‘traditional’ reasons of sneaking around… to uncover truth, justice… and a good, strong, juicy story! LOL!

I loved the way that one of the main reasons why Chloe was investigating this story was because it was LuthorCorp related… and not because she wanted to ‘bring Lex down’ or anything like that, but because she wanted to protect Lex from whatever was happening behind his back at one of his warehouses.

It’s truly amazing seeing the far lengths that Chloe is willing to go to to make life generally easier, better and happier for Lex… even if he IS an undeserving prat for her one-sided ‘friendship’.

I also liked the note about how Lex has been making a concentrated effort of cleaning up LuthorCorp ever since he gained control of it. It’s good to know that this Lex is genuinely trying to be a clean, decent businessman… AND that Chloe is aware of his efforts.

I do wonder why Lex decided that he was ‘no good’ for Chloe if he’s obviously trying to redeem his business practices. Doesn’t he believe that cleaning up his business dealings is the first step to making him a good man, worthy of Chloe’s friendship and love? Or is he just SO freaked out about this young girl holding so much emotional power over him, that he decided it was ‘safer’ for everyone for him to remain distanced from her?

Anyhow… whatever the case, it was fantastic and exciting seeing Chloe suddenly finding herself in the middle of what seems to be a Lionel signature conspiracy. I loved what Chloe observed about how Lionel’s current lack of power actually makes him MORE vicious and dangerous to others (especially his son)… which is why Lex needs as much of Chloe’s protection as possible ;)

I loved the details Chloe took in with her VERY experienced investigative eye. She managed to spot ALL the little clues that pointed about how these obvious ‘thugs for hire’ were up to No. Good! The firearms the were carrying, the suspiciously wary glances they were throwing all over the place… not to mention the strange activity that they were doing late this night.

If I were to guess, I would say that those boxes that these thugs were randomly placing in one of Lex’s warehouses were filled to the brim with HIGHLY illegal contents (drugs? smuggled good? illegal firearms?)… something that would get Lex into a HEAP of trouble when they were discovered by the police who were soon about to get tipped off by an ‘anonymous source’ to check the warehouse.

That BASTARD, Lionel! Framing his own son?! This is a new low for the man!

Heeee!!! Good thing Chloe is around to catch these guys!

The chapter was great with Chloe alone on this investigative night… so I nearly squealed in delight when LEX also made an appearance! :D Awesome!!!

ROTFLMAO! I loved the idea that Lex was absolutely friggen furious with Chloe for being here this evening. Obviously he’s about to indulge in a long, huge tirade about Chloe sticking her nose into dangerous affairs that could end up with her being hurt or killed.

LOL! and of COURSE he’s going to completely disregard the fact that HE’S here doing the exact same thing that she is! ROTFLMAO! I can already see Chloe is quite indignant about the ‘interruption’, so she’s really not going to have the patience for a lecture from him, LOL!

Oh, this is going to FUN to watch!! *rubs hands in glee*

Lex’s eyes narrowed as he saw the fear fade and the fire snap to life in Chloe’s eyes.

When he’d first seen a familiar form balanced precariously on a pile of rotted wood, peering in on what he was certain was some less than legal activities, he’d known instantly, with every fiber in his being, that it was Chloe. You could have the woman committed, dress her in a straightjacket and lock her in a padded cell and, within an hour, she would have uncovered an insurance fraud ring, a doctor working without a license, and suffered no less than three attempts on her life. Some

Hmmmm… it seemed to me that this section came to a slightly abrupt end over here, Skauble. If I were to guess… I’d say that you were planning on ending the chapter on Chloe’s indignation while the ‘Lex POV’ would have started in the next chapter…?

Heh… in that case, this was an absolutely delicious start to the next chapter, Skauble. Thanks for the preview, LOL! I look forward to reading the rest of it soon :D

3rd December 2008, 17:06
Part 3:

What happened after Some? You can't stop there. I want more. I loved how she is in her own way trying to protect Lex. I can't wait to see what Lex does to her in the next update. She is to noisy for her own good. :rofl:

3rd December 2008, 20:32
Hmm, I was also confused by the Some... and then no more! haha

Anywho, just got all caught up with this story and I already love it! Poor Lex, he's so suspiscious, for good reason obviously, but still... Hate that he thinks Lana left that gift for him, but I'm sure at some point he'll figure out / find out the truth. I did love his internal ramblings about Lana and Clark and more so Chloe with regards to why they might be his 'Secret Santa'.

Now Chloe is snooping where she shouldn't (again!) and has been caught by an angry Lex. I doubt he's so worried about what she's seen, probably he cares more about the fact she might have got hurt or in trouble. He cares already, though he's trying not to.

Can't wait for tomorrow for the next chapter! :)

4th December 2008, 03:10
Exciting chapter, That lex has been trying to keep her safe but also recognizes she can ferret out a story and corruption no matter what was telling. That Chloe is worried and a champion for Lex is also special. I'm waiting for the fireworks btw the two. Dagney

4th December 2008, 16:25
Chapter 3:

When he’d first seen a familiar form balanced precariously on a pile of rotted wood, peering in on what he was certain was some less than legal activities, he’d known instantly, with every fiber in his being, that it was Chloe. You could have the woman committed, dress her in a straightjacket and lock her in a padded cell and, within an hour, she would have uncovered an insurance fraud ring, a doctor working without a license, and suffered no less than three attempts on her life. Some days he just wanted to lock her up in the castle for her own safety and throw away the key. But then he remembered that many of the greatest dangers Chloe had faced in her life had been because of her connection with the Luthor family, not in spite of it.

I was howling with laughter at Lex’s irritated and exasperated observation about how Chloe can get herself into trouble in even the most PROTECTED of situations. LOL! Isn’t it lovely seeing this man doting on this woman that he can never get to just sit still where he puts her. And he adores her for that very quality :D

LOL! I was also ROTFLMAO seeing the way that Chloe was nearly bursting with the urge to tell Lex off for disrupting her investigation. I can tell she secretly enjoys telling him off , doesn’t she? LOL!

Heh… and wasn’t it funny to see how it was Lex’s own decision to drag Chloe off to safety that exposed them both to danger. LOL! I blame the knocked over boxes completely on him! Next time be a little more careful with the damsel that you’re ‘rescuing’, Lex! LOL!

Wow! And it was a very exciting and thrilling chase scene, Skauble. Lionel’s goons really meant business. They had adopted a ‘shoot first and ask questions later’ policy… which suggests that this was something VERY serious that they were mixed up in this evening.

I do wonder how Lionel would have reacted if he had found out his son had been shot dead by his own goons. Just because Lionel wasn’t to bring Lex down to heel in LuthorCorp doesn’t necessarily mean he wants his son DEAD.

As they reached the end of the alley, her move to turn left was thwarted by Lex’s momentum which was taking them in the opposite direction.

“My car-” she called.

“Is staying here.”

There was no room for debate as he pulled out a key with a small remote attached. Before they’d even reached the vehicle, the doors were unlocked and the engine started. Thrusting Chloe into the passenger’s side, Lex was behind the wheel within moments, speeding from the scene as bullets continued fly.

Squeee!!! So very, VERY exciting! And I found Lex’s adrenaline based take charge attitude to be absolutely thrilling!!!

They were both silent as they started the long trek back to Smallville in the contemplative way that often follows cheating death; no matter how many times they may have cheated him before. And yet, for all that their thoughts were the same, they were tellingly opposite.

I loved, LOVED the description on how ‘their thoughts were the same, but tellingly opposite’, What a brilliant turn of phrase to describe exactly how both their minds ran along exactly the same lines, AND how their thoughts revealed how deeply they both feel about each other.

LOL! I loved seeing both of them were absolutely furious at each other for putting themselves in danger… not at ALL noticing the hypocrisy of their thought processes. Oh yeah sure, it’s all right for YOU to go rushing into danger to protect everyone, but when it’s me then it’s unacceptable?! ROTFL! Brilliant!

“You’re not going home. You’re staying at the mansion.”

LOL! I was giggling at the way that Chloe snarked how Lex might have ‘forgotten’ about her presence in the car because she was being so ‘unobtrusive and quiet’… as if he would be anything less than obsessively aware of her every move, even when she’s sitting absolutely still and quiet beside him. And then I was squealing in delight seeing that Lex had planned to essentially ‘kidnap’ Chloe and bring her over to his mansion. And then he drops her in his bedroom? Hot smut follows?! LOL!

Chapter 4:

I loved the beginning of this chapter, with Chloe stomping ahead of Lex into the mansion, making sure that everyone knew about her supreme displeasure in this situation. LOL! I loved how she’s making a huge drama out of her temper, ROTFL! And I was in hysterics seeing Chloe giving a moment of thanks for knowing the mansion so well that she COULD put on the drama without taking a wrong, embarrassing turn somewhere.

It was also fun to see Lex irritated by Chloe’s temper drama. But he’s far too smart to expect Chloe to be grateful to him for plucking her out of her investigation… even if he DOES see it as a ‘rescue’ rather than a kidnapping. LOL! Their banter is just adorable!

He did make an excellent point about how Chloe would be VERY easy to track since the bad guys would have found her car. But I feel compelled to point out that the bad guys would not have found her car if Lex had not knocked over those boxes, and forced them both to run away from the alerted chasing thugs. *rolls eyes* I noticed that the klutzy man did NOT apologize for his blowing Chloe’s cover…? LOL!

I admired Chloe for picking up on the slip that Lex made about her being ‘home alone’ this evening. I also blinked at her question on HOW did Lex know she was alone at her house tonight. Heee! What a revealing clue Lex inadvertently dropped here. So he’s been ‘keeping an eye’ on her for all of these months? There’s no way that he’ll be able to convince Chloe after this that he ‘doesn’t care’ about her or her father’s well-being.

I had to giggle at the sneaky and vague way that Lex told Chloe that he’s been keeping a ‘discreet but non-invasive’ eye on her for all this time. Don’t you love the way that he managed to side-step the question on how extreme were his spying methods on the Sullivan family? LOL! The sneaky bastard! And I appreciated how Chloe just accepted this ‘spying’ as a part of Lex’s nature and didn’t explode at him over it. Of course, that doesn’t mean she condones it, and the moment she finds out more details, I’m sure she’s going to make sure that the spying is immediately stopped.

But for now, they have more interesting issues to discuss, LOL!

Glad to be away from the touchy subject of extending the Sullivans his indefinite protection, Lex had no problem answering her inquiries. He knew her well enough that giving her no information would simply push her into investigating matters herself. Besides, of all the people in his life whose trustworthiness was in question, Chloe’s Sullivan’s was beyond reproach.

Squeee!!! I loved the lovely matter-of-fact way that Lex had NO problem with letting Chloe know about his slightly dubious actions because he considered Chloe to be the MOST trustworthy person in his life. Heh… and yet this man still insist that he can live life easily without her friendship? Silly guy!

And that…actually made quite a bit of sense to Chloe. Of course Lionel’s first move in a power play for LuthorCorp would be to undermine Lex’s powerbase from the inside out. But every person Lionel made a move towards turning exposed him just a bit more. By not knowing who was absolutely loyal to Lex and who was up for sale, he might very well make overtures to the wrong person and reveal his machinations.

This was actually quite a brilliant strategy Lex has adopted. It’s a great counter-move to Lionel’s attempts to subvert Lex’s control from within. I liked seeing the brilliantly sneaky and subtle plan that Lex came up with, and I LOVED seeing Chloe’s admiring reaction to that plan. She’s quite impressed, and I’ll bet Lex felt really warmed (and puffed up?) seeing the appreciatively admiring look in her eyes too. LOL! After all, all any boy REALLY wants, in his deepest, inner core, is to impress the pretty girl he has a crush on. He manages that, his day is made, LOL!

It was nice seeing them both connecting while chuckling over Lex’s clever plans to thwart and frustrate Lionel… heh, just like old time, huh? LOL!

And speaking of thwarting Lionel, I was glad to see them discussing the sheer weirdness of what Chloe had witnessed down by the warehouse. It turns out that it’s a good thing Chloe was there, otherwise Lex might have missed out on the specifics on what those men were doing. He would have assumed that they were taking something out of the place rather than putting something in. Now both Chloe and Lex can devote their attentions to figuring out what the heck could Lionel have placed in random crated around Lex’s warehouse to gain an upper-hand in the Luthor power-struggle.

“I know that you’re curious; that you want to help. And I know that you’re worried that this might be the work of my father. But honestly, that’s all the more reason for you to stay out of this. Haven’t you been in enough danger because of this family?”

And suddenly the reason for all those months of pain and rejection became blindingly clear. Lex wasn’t tired of her friendship. He hadn’t simply moved on to greener, Lana-filled pastures. He was scared…for her.

And not just because of what his father had done. Lex was afraid that somehow, because he was a Luthor, he was cursed to bring her the same kind of pain that Lionel had.

Looking downward, Chloe quickly blinked back the tears that threatened at the realization that Lex did still care.

Awww, it was so nice to get this note of sweet, paranoid concern from Lex on Chloe’s behalf… and it was AWESOME to see Chloe figure out the whole picture of the situation because of what Lex revealed about his true feelings for her. LOL! Nice job, Lex! Now Chloe is never, EVER going to believe that you really want her shut out of your life. Now you won’t be able to get her to leave even if you threatened her with guns and nuclear weapons, LOL!

But seriously, I LOVED seeing Chloe figuring out the truth of the distance that Lex has imposed between them. I know she’s been feeling hurt and rejected for several months because of this moronic behavior, and it’s much better for her to know that Lex separated himself from her because he cared too much rather than cared too little.

But I’m still hoping for a huge, screaming, scolding rant from Chloe towards Lex for his cold distanced attitude for all of these months. I’m looking forward to the smack-down, LOL!

So, with a smile that was innocence personified, Chloe left the study and headed upstairs to the room that she’d sometimes used during their brain storming sessions before she’d been forced into hiding, hoping that maybe the time and distance between them had dulled Lex’s knowledge of her enough so that he bought that.

ROTFLMAO! Actually, unless Lex is half asleep right now, I can’t imagine that the quick acquiesce and the ‘innocent look’ fooled him for even an instant! No way he’s going to believe that Chloe just meekly went up to her room without putting up a fight or a tantrum fit in his face.

Heh… let’s face it, Lex. The ONLY way to make sure Chloe doesn’t make a quick getaway thourgh one of your windows tonight is to keep her in YOUR ROOM the whole night… just for her own safety… to keep an eye on her of course. … WHAT?! I certainly wasn’t entertaining pervy, smutty thoughts! *puts on an innocent look that puts Chloe’s to shame*

4th December 2008, 19:06
Part 4:

I loved the rescue and the talk they had. They are so alike it is scary. LOL! Chloe darling Lex isn't stupid he knows darn well you will keep investigating. LOL!

4th December 2008, 20:19
Lex is such a fool if he really believes that Chloe will stay out of this! haha She's right, they do work better as a team and will do again in figuring out what is going on and whether or not is has anything to do with Lionel. I love reading Chloe and Lex fighting almost as much as I love them when their loving ;) They bicker like no other couple, and I adore the way you wrote it in this chapter, skauble. Looking forward to the next chapter already! :D

4th December 2008, 20:22
I´ve already left my feedback on the Advent Calendar´s page.

Julie, the links to the chapters and all posts on the Advent Calendar page appear overlapped in the index. Is there a way to fix it? Or could it be a problem connected with my browser?

4th December 2008, 23:25
Julie, the links to the chapters and all posts on the Advent Calendar page appear overlapped in the index. Is there a way to fix it? Or could it be a problem connected with my browser?

Nope, it's a problem :) I'm trying to fix it without it looking too awkward :P It's because one of the titles are really long and I styled it to handle two lines... I'll see what I can do though ;)

Kit Merlot
5th December 2008, 03:13
I love that Lex is so concerned about Chloe's welfare, but I think he is going to need her help to stop the bad guys from ruining his business.

And the best part is that Chloe is staying at the mansion--woo hoo!!

5th December 2008, 18:12
LOL! I think I’m in danger of getting spoiled from all the daily Skauble-updates I’m getting. But I know that this is a special occasion only, and I’m going to enjoy the luxury and privilege of these daily updates for the length of the Advent Fic. I won’t start nagging for daily updates for Skauble’s other fics later… really! I won’t! Seriously, guys! Not even thinking about it!

The trouble, however, was convincing her of that without strengthening her stubborn streak. Which, honestly, was less of a streak and more of the entirety of her makeup.

LOL! I knew that Lex wouldn’t have been fooled by Chloe’s obviously very badly done pretence at submission and innocence. LOL! Did she really think that she’d be able to fool anyone who knows anything about her? I did like Lex’s half-doting, half-exasperated tone as he thought about how Chloe didn’t have just a stubborn streak, but a whole nature and personality made up of pure stone-headed obstinacy, LOL!

And, as he needed every advantage possible, he was attempting to appear busy without actually distracting himself with LuthorCorp business. In addition, he’d already had coffee and a tray of pastries sent to her room. There were few things that terrified a Luthor. But a hungry, un-caffeinated Chloe Sullivan came amazingly close.

LOL! I also loved Lex’s admission about how being terrified of Chloe when she’s in one of her temper-fit moods. ROTFL! I found the idea of Lex cringing away from Chloe, first thing in the morning, sans-coffee to be a hilarious image.

Lex’s head snapped up in time to see his father step into the room and close the door behind him. His heart lurched with panic as he realized that Chloe would be also be making an appearance at any moment. The need to protect her that was always there was twice as strong when it came to Lionel, and he knew that he had to get the man out of the mansion and on his way before he realized that Chloe was there.

I gave a delighted squeal of delight when Lionel made his appearance in the fic. AWESOME!!! I was hoping to run into his at some point, so it was great to see him relatively early in the fic. *sappy sigh* and isn’t it lovely to see how Lex’s first and most urgent thought was for Chloe’s safety? It’s nice to see he’s got his priorities straight… even if he DOES act like a moron sometimes when it comes to Chloe.

“I was hoping that we could talk,” Lionel said as sat in one of the sleek chairs on the opposite side of the desk. “You’ve been avoiding me. I know that we’ve had our problems, but we’ve been given a second chance here, Lex. Let’s not waste it in pointless recriminations and senseless power struggles.”

ROTFLMAO! Oh yeah, RIGHT, Lionel! Did you really expect Lex to fall for that?! Although… in Lionel’s defence, Lex is usually a sucker for a line like that, and falls for ‘Let’s make up an alliance, my dear heir and son’ with embarrassing ease sometimes.

Heh…. But it was good to see that Lex was NOT falling for it this time. Mostly because all of his thoughts were completely preoccupied with the thought of getting Lionel out of here ASAP before Chloe entered the room.

Heh… alas, it was not to be, LOL!

There were a million and one situations in which Chloe was comfortable arguing with Lex. This, however, was not one of them. With Lionel they were a united front. Chloe wouldn’t necessarily do what Lex said, but she wouldn’t bicker about it in front of the man and give him a chance to play them against each other.

I loved the strategically sharp way that Chloe picked up on all the angles of the situation and immediately decided on the best course of action to take… which meant showing a united front against Lionel… even if it meant swallowing her tongue and following Lex’s bossy lead this time.

Awww, wasn’t it sweet to see Lex telling Chloe to call him the moment she arrived safely home. I imagine his paranoid worry can get irritating after a while, but it’s also so sweet and heart-warming.

“Actually, I’m quite satisfied with this turn of events.” At Lex’s incredulous look, he continued, “She’s a strong woman, son, and a Luthor’s life, an the lives of those around them, is never an easy one. You certainly could…and have, done worse.”

For a moment Lex was mesmerized by the sincerity he could read in the other man’s eyes. But he quickly shook of the feeling, knowing better than anyone how adept his father was at manipulation and deceit.

LOL! That sneaky, smooth bastard. I loved the cool, smooth and amused way that he told Lex that he shouldn’t have felt the need to drive off the lady on HIS account. I can see Lionel found Lex’s over-protective attitude to be highly amusing… and perhaps satisfying too? He definitely gave the impression that he greatly approves of a Chlex relationship.

And why shouldn’t he approve? A Chlex marriage will get him the world’s most brilliant and beautiful Luthor grandchildren. I can bet anything Lionel likes the idea of adding a bit of Sullivan to the bloodline. Not to mention the obvious fact that having Chloe in his life will make Lex a stronger, more formidable and capable person and businessman on the whole. It’s an all-win situation.

OR… Lex could be right in his cynical observation that Lionel could merely be trying to get under Lex’s guard with his show of false approval?

Lex ground his teeth together to bite back the retort that was clamoring to spring forth. He knew that his father was baiting him; both with the knowledge of whom his meeting was with, and the fact that Carl Henderson was planning a major double cross.

He knew that Lionel was aware that he was already in possession of such information. If the man had thought, for one minute, that Lex was ignorant of such a plot, he would have stepped in and handled it himself, regardless of which of them had actual control of LuthorCorp.

LOL! Brilliant! I love getting some of the sneakier details of Luthors trying to out-manoeuvre, out-smart and ‘out-sneak’ each other in subtle ways. It’s always FUN to see them both circling each other… like watching rival cobras in a cage death-match… … Not that I’ve ever attended[I] any cobra death-matches *innocent look*

Maybe it was time for his ‘eye keeping’ to become the slightest bit more invasive.

LOL! Oh dear… Chloe is NOT going to be happy about this. And I wonder what Lex means by a BIT more invasive? Will he be happy merely having someone follow her around everywhere she goes… or is he going to think that installing a video camera in her shower counts as satisfactory protective measure? … 70% of accidents occur in the bathroom after all! And any person who’s seen Psycho will tell you the shower is a [I]dangerous place!

But as serious as Lex was about keeping her safe, he didn’t seem to realize that she’d fight just as hard to see him remain unharmed. No matter what form that harm took; physical or emotional.

heh… isn’t it FUN and delightful to see how Lex’s and Chloe’s thoughts mirror each other perfectly. I can bet anything that if Chloe had the resources (as well as slightly more flexible ethics), SHE would be the one hiring tails to shadow Lex 24/7.

Pushing away from the wall she’d been leaning against, she caught up with him just as his driver opened the door to his limo.

“We need to talk.”

woah! Now THAT came as a complete shocking surprise. Seriously, what the hell is Chloe hoping to accomplish here?!? I was fully expecting here to wait until Lionel had left so that she could go back to Lex’s study and have an in-depth conversation with him. Instead she was waiting for Lionel to come out to approach him for a conversation?!?

Yikes! Chloe, you’d better have a good plan in mind, as well as a solid agenda for placing yourself right in the line of sight of Daddy-Luthor.

Heh… but this is going to be GREAT! I can’t wait to check out what kind of comments Lionel has for Chloe… and whether he’s going to express his approval towards the Chlex relationship, or warn her off from Lex.

I look forward to the next chapter :D Good luck and best regards!

5th December 2008, 19:17
Yay it's another story from you and it's a holiday one! I am a huge fan of your stories and have read some of your Angel fics too. I heart them to pieces. I hope you will continue them too, it's a shame that such beautifully written stories won't be able to esee their endings. As for thes stories, I am totally hooked on your chlex too. It is such a treat that you decided to write for advent calendar this year. Another early x-mas gift from talented writer on NS.:drool2: I'm addicted and greedy I want mo'! Oh yeahhh, the two are reunited for another partnership. I am glad that Chloe was come to the realization that Lex still cares. I can't wait fo read what you have cooked up in your head with the crazy plot bunnies.

5th December 2008, 20:23
Oh, it cannot be good that Chloe is getting in that limo with Lionel, and Lex will go nuts if and when he finds out! Still, I do love Chloe for not backing down so easy. She wants to be there for Lex as much as he wants to be there for her, wants to fight with him instead of hiding behind him, and thats very cool. Can't wait to see what comes next! :)

6th December 2008, 02:13
Part 5:

Oh no Chloe why? You make it so hard for Lex to help you. LOL! Great update and I like how they are both trying to protect each other from their common enemy Lionel. Good job. :)

6th December 2008, 02:47
I also am becoming quickly Dependant on a daily Sarah fic update. You write Lionel so well. Its so nice to read about Chloe's devotion and loyalty to Lex and his well being. The show gave us this character trait and her almost masochistic devotion at times to Clark. Its so refreshing to see this characteristic exemplified with Lex. Dagney
Hoping the new years brings another chapter of WYDK.

Kit Merlot
6th December 2008, 03:30
Good for Lex for being so protective of Chloe, but you just know that would make Lionel even more determined to talk to her alone.

Can't wait to learn what the Chlionel conversation is about:grin3:

6th December 2008, 15:41
heh… it was really enjoyable to see that Chloe had approached Lionel NOT out of some deep, well thought out, skilfully strategised plan… but out of a simple, deep and instinctive desire to protect. That is really not surprising and all too ‘Chloe-like’ a thing to do *fond smile*

I liked how she only has one very plain simple statement to make to Lionel… ‘keep away from Lex’. It really cannot get more basic than that.

LOL! And I was in giggles seeing how Lionel’s offer of a ‘generous ride home in his limo’ was treated by Chloe like an offer of a drink from a bottle labelled ‘cyanide’. Her words were really cutting to the point of being cruel, but, let’s face it, Lionel deserved every word. Was Lionel really all that surprised that Chloe rejected his offer with such harsh, bitter words?

I have to admit, I felt myself softening a little bit from the ‘sincerity’ that SEEMED to be bleeding out of Lionel’s voice as he asked Chloe to give him a second chance. But I was VERY glad to see Chloe standing firm by her resolve to NOT let this man inside her defences, not even for a moment.

“The best thing you could do for Lex, is stay out of his life. If you really have changed,” she told him, “if you’re really sincere, then time and not much else will prove it.”

I think it was the best ‘advice and offer’ Chloe could have made to Lionel… to prove over a period of TIME that he really is sincere about his offer. Lionel honestly is asking for too much in the form of a ‘light switch’ form of forgiveness and trust. He needs to spend some time proving that he’s sincere in his wish for a reconciliation as well as trustworthy enough to deserve that second chance.

“I’m remarkably unmoved by your jailhouse revelations. I don’t care if you found Jesus, Waldo, and where the missing socks from the dryer go. You’re dangerous. And since the only thing that will prove that fact a lie is the absence of you and yet, here you are, I’m not disposed to reverse that opinion.”

heh… Chloe is being really harsh, cruel and cutting… but all in her uniquely snarky, funny sort of way of course. But she’s taking quite a risk being so cutting with Lionel Luthor, because there’s still a chance that he’ll respond with his usual viciousness to the ‘disrespect’ he perceives from her.

The use of her name angered Chloe; made her feel violated in a way. He had no right to that level of familiarity after what he’d done to her; to her family. But, more than that, he had no right to stand there confusing her with words and actions that were so outside what she knew of him. It infuriated her that, after all of this time, she was going to have to work out the complexities of a new facet of this man’s malevolent machinations.

It was quite a surprise to see Lionel NOT descending to making vicious, nasty statements back at Chloe to cow or threaten her down. Instead, he managed to maintain that same tone of contriteness and humbleness… which was damned freakishly disconcerting. LOL! I don’t blame Chloe for being thrown off balance by this strange response from Lionel to her comments. Not to mention damned suspicious about WHAT the heck kind of a new game was the old bastard trying out now.

It’s not NICE to see an old dog learning new tricks… especially since he had more than his fair share of them already. LOL!

She just wanted him to leave. She knew the hope of actually getting him to do so was slim to none, but she’d had to try. If there was one massive chink in Lex’s armor it was the need to be loved. And the need to be loved by his father made up a large part of that particular weakness.

squeee!! Just as Lex as acknowledged that Chloe’s biggest weaknesses includes her overwhelming recklessness when she allows herself to be blind-sided by her curiousity, Chloe ALSO seems aware of Lex’s biggest weakness… his overwhelming desire to be loved by his father, which leaves one HUGE hell of a chink in his formidable armour.

So she’ll face down Lionel to protect her beloved Lex… even if this action scares the terrifying daylights out of her.

I loved seeing how Chloe acknowledges this ‘weakness’ in Lex, and makes moves to protect Lex’s ‘weak spot’… the same way that Lex executes plans to protect CHLOE from her weaknesses as well. It’s wonderful and delightful to see how they both support each other and work together to form a perfect team… even when they’re not aware of the tag-teaming taking place.

“But,” he continued, “I have the very real fear that if I leave, if I lose this chance to heal things between Lex and I, I’ll never regain the opportunity. That the time and distance, rather than proving my good intentions, will just show my son how little he needs me.”

woah, WOAH! What?!? Did Lionel just openly admit that Lex doesn’t really need him?!? Did he just insinuate the HE needs Lex more that his son needs him? That kind of openness from Lionel is just… stunning! And shocking! I didn’t blame Chloe for being completely dumbstruck after this admission. Damned if it doesn’t sound like Lionel’s wishes for reconciliation as actually genuine!

Every instinct she had – gut feelings that had been developed and honed by a love of journalism, a curious nature, and a million and one life threatening adventures – said that the man might just be genuine. That he might actually feel whatever passes for Luthor remorse, and truly wanted to attempt to fix what he was foolish enough not to see was most likely irrevocably broken.

But every piece of her rational brain, which she had desperately been trying to listen to with greater frequency, told her that Lionel Luthor couldn’t be trusted. Not now, not ever.

I loved seeing the state of confusion Chloe is in about Lionel’s lightswitched attitude. It’s a rather ‘convincing’ act of niceness, and I can see Chloe can’t help but feel hopeful that perhaps, PERHAPS it’s not an act after all. But it COULD also be a trick, and it’s really worrying wondering about what kind of a new tricky, smooth, sneaky plan Lionel is working on that entails acting nice to Chloe and Lex…

Heh… it’s going to take Chloe and Lex and while yet before they can figure out what to make of Lionel’s new attitude. But I’m glad to see that they’re initially dealing with him with a healthy degree of scepticism, wariness and suspicion.

Glad to have the matter settled in her mind, Chloe could admit that Lionel did have one point – she had to get herself home posthaste. Because a worried Lex was…really a rather obnoxious pain.

ROTFLMAO! He IS a bit of an obnoxious bratty pain when he’s being overbearingly protective of someone. He thinks that those protective instincts give him the right to do anything he wants in order to ensure the person’s safety… even if it includes violating the person’s privacy and curtailing their freedom to go ANYWHERE without an escort.

LOL! It’s definitely going to be fun watching Chloe and Lex fighting over the issue of the ‘slightly invasive’ protective measure that Lex has in mind for her.

This was a great chapter, Skauble. I look forward to the next one. Good luck and best regards.

Kit Merlot
6th December 2008, 16:43
So, is Lionel actually genuine in wanting to make amends to Lex and Chloe for the things he has done to them?

And just as a side note Sarah, I love that you, and all of the other writers here, haven't forgotten that Chloe is a reporter to the bone, that she is curious by nature. Who the heck is this Brainiac infected shell we've been seeing in S8?

Can't wait to see what happens next:D

7th December 2008, 03:31
Well that went well. LOL! I was scared for Chloe but I am glad she remained unharmed. Like her I don't believe a word out of Lionel's mouth. She better not let her guard down with him. ;)

7th December 2008, 03:55
Sharp witty Chloe have to admire her for speaking her mind to Lionel. No matter what his real motivations he has to have some respect for Chloe knowing her to be brave, smart, loyal and in love with his son. Dagney

7th December 2008, 19:18
Part 7a & 7B:

Oh my goodness this is getting scary. I think Chloe needs to step back on this one. I don't want her getting killed. Lex might as well work with her. At least he can keep an eye on her. ;)

Kit Merlot
8th December 2008, 00:15
Sarah, I'm really liking the mystery elements you are bringing to this story, and I can't wait to see what happens next:grin3:

9th December 2008, 07:00
Part 8:

Oh my goodness that was so sweet! I am glad Chloe helped Lex out like that. It was kind of her. I can't wait to read the carriage ride. ;)

9th December 2008, 13:33
Perhaps Lex needs to invest in a plexiglass vehicle thats bullet proof. I'm glad Chloe set Lex straight. Dagney

9th December 2008, 20:41
Just caught up on the last few chapters - this story continues to be sometimes beautiful and always awesome! :) I love that both and Chloe and Lex are determined to keep each other safe, whatever it takes. Its cool that Lionel is being nice but i really can't see it lasting, if it is indeed genuine in the first place... Anywho, loved the carriage ride, and love how Chloe saved Lex from looking like a fool at the Talon. Now can't wait to see what happens next - who the hell is shooting at our favourite couple?! We need to know and everything needs to be okay, which with a little luck it will be when I read more tomorrow :) May I also add that the new artwork by letia is gorgeous! :)

9th December 2008, 21:42
Part 9:

Oh no it was going so well. EEK!! I hope he saves her in time with no gun shot wounds. He has enough of those. I am glad they were able to talk before the guns went off. I can't wait to see what happens next. :eek:

10th December 2008, 01:15
What?! Are you kidding? Getting shot at in a carriage is not exactly safe. People didn't survive them in the old west...hopefully Lex and Chloe fare better!

Kit Merlot
10th December 2008, 01:20
Sarah, I just love that you had Lex ordering the carriage for Lana just so he could get information from her and not as a way to try and win her over.

And while Clark and Lana are two of the most selfish people I have ever seen, I'm glad for their sel-absorption because we got some beautiful Chlex alone time:D

I liked that they were able to talk about their feelings, especially Chloe getting to tell Lex how hurt she felt at his rejection.

And good for Lex for grabbing Chloe and trying to protect her when that Sedan came driving up to them--YIKES!!

I hope the Chlex--and their driver--make it out of this ambush alive and well and unharmed;)

10th December 2008, 20:05
Good greif but that was a marvellous chapter, skauble! As they always are, of course, but this was just so exciting with the car/carriage chase and all. I love that Chloe was trying to protect Lex as much as he was trying to protect her. I also loved that Chloe named Lex's men after reindeer - that was just too good! :D Excited for tomorrow's chapter already! :)

10th December 2008, 22:14
Part 10:

How exciting that was like Mission Impossible! I loved it. Lex coudl be a great Bond as well. I am glad they are ok. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)

Kit Merlot
11th December 2008, 03:15
Woo-hoo, the Chlex survived that attack!

And I like that they are sharing ing their information about the warehouse and empty containers--they will only solve this mystery by working together:grin3:

11th December 2008, 12:46
I'd been so riveted with this story and in the moment events-so exciting- that I forgot all about the gift. I also love how clever and protective Chloe is- Lex needs her so much in his life. Dagney

11th December 2008, 22:01
Part 11:

Yes he figured it out. He is so smart. I loved how Lex pretty much said through thick and thin Chloe is always by his side. She is a loyal friend who doesn't deserve to have Clark and Blana as friends.

I loved this line:
Because the small box in his hands held more than just a Christmas gift, more than even an all purpose, life saving device…

It held a second chance. That made me heart go awwww!!! :)

Kit Merlot
12th December 2008, 00:57
I love that Chloe is so prepared for any and all emergencies, and that she wants to make sure Lex is too:D

And good for Lex for instantly knowing that it was Chloe who had given him the lighter. I also like that he's getting tired of having to deal with Lana and her drama queen self--if only this had happened on SV:grin3:

12th December 2008, 13:07
first time commenting on the fic! but it has been lovely thus far. i'm glad that lex recognized how much he missed chloe and how dumb his initial plan was. chloe had the right idea after all, she was still constantly in danger despite the distance between them. so yay! for second chances!! looking forward to more!!!

12th December 2008, 17:26
Part 12:

Chloe you big dummy. He was dumping Blana not dating her. UGH!! You must open that gift it is from Lex. I can't wait to see what he got her. :D

12th December 2008, 21:38
It was awesome getting so many chapters in a big, delicious clump like this, Skauble.

Chapter 7:
LOL! It was definitely fun seeing how BOTH Lex and Chloe were very pleased to have the other OUT of this investigation… LOL! As if that was going to happen. I also loved how both Chloe and Lex were grudgingly forced to admit to themselves that help from the other would have been very helpful, useful and productive… but even that practical reason wasn’t enough to get them over their protective instincts.

Hmmm, it would have been interesting to see what kind of answers they come up with if the pool their considerable and formidable resources together though. Lex has found out the oddest fact that those placed boxes in his warehouse were just EMPTY?!? That just… doesn’t make any SENSE!!!

Not only that, but Chloe also found out that this whole thing is a great deal bigger than anyone would have imagined. Apparently someone is pulling strings ALL over the underworld to get something big pulled, and it’s all centred around LuthorCorp somehow. I’d say that Chloe and Lex really need to get their act together and start working as a team before everything blows up in their faces.

LOL! But all this being said, Lex’s paranoia was especially fun to watch. I really liked seeing how he sent over an expert to check VERY thoroughly over Chloe’s car, making sure it was perfectly clean. And even after finding out her car had been untouched, Lex still attached a stalke… oops… I meant ‘a bodyguard onto Chloe’s tail, LOL!

LOL! And of COURSE Chloe was going to be furious and livid about that. I really liked how she actually panicked when she actually saw she was being tailed, and then how she skilfully managed to discover who was really behind the following car, AND finally how enraged she was when she discovered that it was one of Lex’s hired guards following her around, LOL!

Oooh, it was also great getting some of the details on Keegan! I was actually wondering about Chloe’s well-informed source who tipped her off to the LuthorCorp… ‘thing’ that was happening, so it was very satisfying getting so many details about this fellow, and the mutually benefiting working relationship that he’s established with Chloe.

Yikes! Although it was pretty unnerving seeing Keegan warning Chloe that she should consider backing off THIS assignment. I get the feeling that Keegan is not the type of person to give warnings like these lightly, which means he seriously believes there’s a lot of danger associated with this latest happening.

Hopefully Chloe will heed the warning… she won’t ‘back off’ like Keegan suggested, but perhaps she’ll be a little more careful about where she steps in this?


Heh… probably not, huh? This is all about protecting Lex Luthor after all, which means Chloe is going to jump into this head first without a moment’s thought if it means making sure Lex is kept safe.

Chapter 8:

I really loved chapter eight, and seeing how Chloe’s and Lex’s lives are continuing to mirror each other in the strangest and most compelling ways. Heh… this time it was being stood up by people who they KNOW to be unworthy of them. Chloe has become used to being disappointed by Clark’s carelessness, and Lex… lol! Lex has actually been stood up by Lana Lang?! ROTFL! Oh dear… the sheer humiliation of that!

It was even more painful (and sadistically hilarious) seeing how Lex had arranged for a ridiculously clichéd carriage ride to win over Lana this evening… and he had been stood up for that?! heh… I can only imagine the smirks and howls of laughter that would have followed Lex once that news made it’s way around town.

First the very fact that Lex actually arranged for something as trite and clichéd as a horse carriage ride… which he did ONLY because he knew it would appeal to Lana, and second being rejected despite the ridiculously humiliating extremes he went through to gain the lady’s favour. How pathetic would that have been? LOL!

Hmmm, I do wonder what the HECK kind of answers Lex needed from Lana that actually drove him to this kind of extreme?! Hmmm, not to mention pushing aside a burgeoning relationship with Chloe in order to pursue apretend relationship with Lana instead.

I loved how Lex had a moment to fully appreciate the utter humiliation (and loathsome pity) he was about to be on the receiving end of when Chloe rushed in to save him.

Chloe was really brilliant in the way she took in the whole situation in a matter of seconds, AND managed to come up with a solution to Lex’s problem quickly enough to save him the humiliation he was facing. LOL! I was delighted by her quick-thinking… and the really enjoyable acting job she put up providing Lex with his cues about the story to spin in front of the cashier.

Heh… and I was especially glad to see Lex’s profound sense of appreciative relief about having his skin saved by Chloe. This wasn’t the usual ‘threat to bodily safety’ that he usually sneers at… this was a threat to his pride, status and even emotional well-being… and he wouldn’t have been able to stand having THOSE demolished. He owes Chloe, big time… and he knows it too! LOL!

I also liked seeing Chloe noticing the look of relief and gratitude in Lex’s eyes… and being glad that she made a special effort to save him. It’s good to see that she doesn’t see this as a waste of her time and talents. Although no-one would have blamed her for leaving Lex to suffer as ‘punishment’.

I also loved seeing Lex actually saying ‘thank you’ to Chloe. I wasn’t actually expecting that! I was expecting Lex to show his gratitude through some kind of gesture… but for him to actually SAY it… that’s quite a big deal for him :D

I really liked the note about how Lex was able to say ‘thank you’ to Chloe (like he wouldn’t be able to anyone else) because he didn’t feel he needed to hide his ‘weaknesses’ from Chloe. He trusted her so completely that he wasn’t afraid to show her his weak-spots for fear of her exploiting them in the future… because he knew she just wouldn’t do that! Isn’t it wonderful seeing how these two kids trust and support each other!

LOL! I giggled hearing Chloe’s snarky comment about how now they both are trapped into taking that ridiculous, embarrassing horse carriage ride (designed for Lana’s preferences no less! LOL!). I can see she’s cringing at the thought of riding it as much as Lex was while arranging it.

So it came as a really happy, pleasant surprise to see that Lex was… in a way, looking forward to the ride because it would be a ride shared with Chloe. It might be an embarrassing, cliché… but Chloe’s company will make it all worth it.

In fact, this whole embarrassing experience was worth the hassle and humiliation because Lex has FINALLY acknowledged a simple truth he’s been hiding from for all this time… that he missed Chloe! LOL! way to go in figuring out the obvious, Lex Luthor! ROTFLAMO! You going to point out that stunning revelation to Chloe too?

Chapter Nine

I was SO glad that I was stopping to review each chapter before going on to read the next one, Skauble. I LOVED how the carriage ride took a VERY unexpected, exciting turn into a thrilling life-or-death chase scene!

It was especially fun because it started off as such a DULL trip for poor, long-suffering Chloe. I was ROTFL at Lex’s amused comment about how her face is going to freeze into a frown of displeasure over the carriage ride. LOL! It was so much fun seeing how Lana’s and Chloe’s ideas of a ‘romantic trip out’ differs so completely.

Quite honestly, I really don’t know which romantic trip would appeal to Lex more. In fact, it’s hard to say what he’d HATE more… being jostled around by crazed shoppers in the Metropolis streets on Christmas Eve, OR stuck in a boring carriage ride in freezing temperatures. But I get the feeling he wouldn’t care what kind of a trip he was on… all HE would care about was the company he was keeping… which is why I LOVED that fact that he was actually enjoying the carriage ride because he got to spend it with Chloe.

Heeee!! It was VERY satisfying seeing Lex finally getting A Talk from Chloe about how he’s basically been an idiot for cutting her out of his life. An insensitive jerk of an idiot no less, because he hurt her feelings by cutting her off so abruptly.

I ALSO loved how Lex felt a small measure of satisfaction over seeing how much Chloe had been hurt because she missed him… as well as the guilt for making her feel that pain. LOL! Trust Lex Luthor to entertain us with beautiful, complex, twisted emotions in this manner.

It was VERY nice seeing Lex experiencing feeling that lovely old ‘I’m a complete dumbass’ sense of revelation combined with a healthy dose of guilt over his asshole behaviour. Heh… you’re going to think twice before pulling a stunt like this again, Lex?

“But Lex,” she continued, keeping her voice low to avoid sharing their conversation with the driver, “even if we just took the last week of my life, I interrupted a robbery, was shot at, fled criminals in a high speed dash for the city limits, and had a confrontation with your father. All of which, although involving LuthorCorp, were due to circumstance that I initiated completely on my own. Even after you’d kicked me to the curb. So what’s your big safety plan now, huh?”

I loved Chloe’s outraged tirade against Lex. I loved how Chloe drove it home, in the most clear and indisputable way possible, how Lex’s actions were completely senseless, stupid and counter-productive. I have no doubt that Lex has ‘learned his lesson’ good and proper now, and has figured out that separating himself from Chloe in an attempt to ‘save her’ is just moronic. All he did was separate himself from the chance to offer her help and support in whatever trouble she might be getting into without him behind her.

LOL! I was howling with laughter seeing that the main point in the tirade that Lex ended up focusing on was Chloe’s mention of her ‘interaction with Lionel’. ROTFLMAO! Trust Lex to let everything else flow past him, and ONLY pick up on the words ‘a confrontation with your father’.

Awww, wasn’t it lovely to see Chloe declaring that she had basically gone toe to toe against Lionel to warn him to ‘stay away from Lex’. I get bet Lex was torn between outrage about hearing about how she endangered herself, and heart-warming sappiness hearing about how this remarkable, INSANE woman went up against the Magnificent Bastard for his sake.

It’s GOOD to see that Chloe’s tirade and her heartfelt declaration on protecting ‘her partner’ has finally convinced Lex that he needs to be with Chloe as part of a team. They’ve finally formed the alliance that they need to get out of whatever latest mess they’ve landed in this time.

And the alliance was formed JUST in the nick of time too! I loved how you arranged their rekindled partnership just a few scant seconds before the gunshots were fired, Skauble. It was thrilling, exciting and brilliant timing! I loved it! And I was practically hopping with anticipation to jump over to the next chapter.

Chapter Ten

Lex, however, was not dumb. He’d made a lifetime of profiting from the miscalculations of others and the people currently shooting at them had made more than just the one. Setting aside the fact that it was never wise to attack a Luthor, as countless others had learned to their regret, they had also been extremely foolish to assume that Lex had learned nothing from his past mistakes.

Chapter ten got off to an awesome start, and I loved how it began with an accounting of the careless, thoughtless mistakes that Lex’s enemies had made during this attempt on his life… followed immediately with Lex assessing those mistakes and taking advantage of the ‘loopholes and leeway’ that he had been granted to mount up a proper defence for himself (and for Chloe of course).

LOL! I was both amused and awed to see that Lex’s ‘carriage rider’ was actually packing heat! It seems Lex really HAS learned from his previous encounters with near-death encounters, and leaves nothing to chance anymore. That’s excellent news!

So he ordered one of his bodyguards to be the carriage driver, huh? ROTFL! I wonder just how embarrassed that poor guard must have been to play a role in such a sappy, cliché romantic evening, ROTFL! I’ll bet he must have been feeling pretty damned grateful for the interruption from his carriage responsibilities actually, LOL!

Clearly, their pursuers hadn’t planned on such an extremely rural detour. And, while the carriage was by no means deftly handling the terrain, his man’s familiarity with the area and the fact that their vehicle’s, admittedly minimal, speed wasn’t hampered by the body being so low to the ground, did much to balance out their odds in the short term.

Even the horses were doing well. Having been initially spooked by the gunshots, they’d responded well to Linder’s strong hand and, while certainly skittish, were moving at near break neck speeds without veering off course in a wild panic.

Wow! That was thrilling and exciting writing, Skauble. I loved getting the fast paced details of this scene. I can see that everything mentioned here had taken place within a matter of a few moments, but I could imagine everyone’s sense of perception being lengthened out to take in everything happening all at the same time.

I really loved how you provided details about how the situation was being managed with the carriage and horses being part of a chase. It seems like Lex still has a fighting chance of getting away despite how it’s basically a pack of horses against a fast-speeding car. Awesome!

And he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips despite their dire circumstances. Because, only Chloe would be less bothered by the prospect of dying than the prospect of doing so in their backwater town instead of on the trail of a front page story in the middle of the seamy underbelly of Metropolis.

ROTLMAO! I love how Lex took amusement in Chloe’s attitude during a moment like this. And I loved how Chloe HAD an attitude like this in this present situation. ROTFL! Lex is right! Only Chloe would feel irritated over the prospect of dying in the middle of nowhere during the middle of a horse and buggy ride.

Squeee!! Wasn’t it awesome to see how Chloe was clinging to Lex… NOT holding onto him like a fainting damsel in distress, but actually to protect him?!? I’m sure if Lex had ANY remaining doubts about them both being equal partners, this would have completely dispelled that view.

Heh… but it seems like Lex still has yet to learn how to act and behave properly on that revelation. I was as furious as Chloe seeing Lex basically locking Chloe up in a room ‘for her own protection’ while he went out and took care of ‘important, protective, manly stuff’ on the outside.

Heh… it was good to see Chloe yelling at him about leaving her alone with ‘Dancer and Dander’ watching over here (ROTLMAO! I loved Lex’s bemused feeling hearing his hired guns being given cutesy reindeer names, LOL!). Although, I think Chloe let him off the hook too easily, but I guess she’s saving the tirade, yelling sessions for a more convenient time… when they don’t have to prioritize keeping alive above all things.

Hmmm, it didn’t seem like they made much progress pooling their information together at this point in time… but at least now they’re working together as a team… which means that progress will go a lot more faster and deeper than before when they were on their own investigation paths.

“Discretion is essential. She’ll tolerate her current shadow, but any further attempts will be met with resistance and, most likely, defiance.” Lex was silent for a moment and when he spoke again his words were laced with a dark promise. “And if something were to happen to Miss Sullivan, it would be extremely unfortunate…for everyone.”

LOL! Looks like there are still some sneaky plans that Lex is going to be running behind Chloe’s back in order to keep her ‘safe and protected’. For Lex’s sake, I hope Chloe takes into account that dangerous situations tend to bring out Lex’s obsessive paranoid streak… which means she might be a little forgiving about Lex-sponsored stalking?

Of course, she not going to be willing to put up with this for too long. Lex had better not try to prolong the stalking for beyond even a SECOND beyond the time of ‘absolute necessity’, LOL!

Chapter Eleven

squeee!! This was the chapter dedicated to the opening of the Christmas present. Honestly, in all the exciting developments, I had actually forgotten about that gift lying in Lex’s desk. So it was GREAT to come back to it, and finally find out what was underneath the lovely wrapping paper, and what kind of significance it might have held between Chloe and Lex.

With both Lana and Clark, things always felt like a struggle. Even when they were supposedly on the same side. It always felt as if he was on probation, and that one small move that they considered a misstep would ruin everything between them.

But with Chloe he’d felt like they were partners. She understood the reality that life was not black and white and that not even the best people were perfect. With her he’d never experienced that feeling that he was the first piece of dead weight to be tossed overboard in a storm. With Chloe Sullivan, you sank or swam together.

That was beautiful, Skauble! I really loved hearing Lex’s comparison and contrast between his relationship with Chloe as compared to his interaction with ALL the other ‘close people’ in his life. I loved hearing about exactly why Lex feel so comfortable in Chloe’s company where he might feel stifled, judged, inferior, misunderstood or inadequate with other people. It was beautiful hearing about the specific reasons about why he needed Chloe, and how much he craved time in her company.

Inside, on a bed of blue velvet, was a silver lighter with the LuthorCorp logo engraved on it.

There was nothing remarkable about it. It was of good quality, but wasn’t ostentatious or overly expensive. In fact, it would have been seen as nothing more than a tasteful and generic holiday gift by someone who didn’t realize that he remembered every moment of their time together.

LOL! What an excellent build-up, Skauble! I had to admit that I blinked in disappointed surprise at seeing the wrapping paper torn aside to reveal… a generic LuthorCorp lighter?! The present didn’t make any SENSE to me, which is why I was astonished by Lex’s intense reaction to the lighter, and eagerly leaned forward to find out exactly what kind of meaning he attaches to this gift… AND how he figured out, at a glance, that it was from Chloe.

With her at the time they were playing, awaiting a chance to be useful, was a bobby pin in her hair, a handcuff key in the lining of her purse, and a small travel box with both Ipecac and charcoal tablets.

Lex hadn’t known whether to applaud her preparedness or drag her far away from Smallville and never let her return.

ROTFLMAO! I think this would fit quite nicely into another ‘only Chloe’ moment! Only Chloe would consider it perfectly reasonable to carry such extreme survival items around in her purse. I’m actually surprised that she didn’t have pepper-spray (or a taser) in there too.

And I was howling with laughter seeing how BADLY Lex Luthor had done in terms of ‘being prepared’ for emergencies. You would have thought that all of that imaginative, paranoid energy would have been channelled into useful pre-preparation just like Chloe… instead it seems like the dunce completely failed in paranoid pre-preparation, LOL!

“But- but,” she’d sputtered, “How would you light a signal fire? Sterilize a needle to give yourself stitches? Find your way through an air conditioning duct?!”

ROTFLMAO! I loved, LOVED Chloe’s outraged disbelief over Lex’s complete lack of forethought on these issues. She honestly cannot imagine Lex NOT having basic survival items on his person. LOL! She was probably imagining Lex carries around the latest in survival gadgets on him… like portable bug detectors, army-knives with special attachments like switchblades and poison arrow dart-throwers, UV lights, etc, etc! She must have been SO very, VERY disappointed to have Lex turn out his pockets and reveal only money and credit cards, ROTLMAO!

I loved the visual you created for us, Skauble! It was priceless! ROTLF!

Because the small box in his hands held more than just a Christmas gift, more than even an all purpose, life saving device…

It held a second chance.

Awww! What a LOVELY significance and meaning this Christmas gift has taken on between then Chlex couple, Skauble. It was the perfect moment to illustrate the beginning of a new alliance between both of them. I look forward to the next chapter to see what kind of form their alliance begins to take shape.

Ooooh, and there’s ALSO this unfurling mystery about WHO the HECK is behind these latest series of attacks on Lex and LuthorCorp?!? I can’t wait to find out!!

I think I'm STILL behind one chapter, aren't I? I just saw a review here for chapter 12? I'll go off and start reading it right now :D

Kit Merlot
13th December 2008, 02:45
Alright, I'm glad that Lex is finally backing away from Lana--finally he makes a good choice regarding that twit;)

I don't blame Chloe for wanting to leave The Talon--who would want to stick around and watch a bunch of men mooning over Lana Lang? And the fact that one of those men might be Lex makes it doubly sick!

I do like that he's left Chloe a gift, but I hope he starts trying to woo her for real. I hope we get to see Clark and Lana's stunned expressions.

Lastly, I can't wait to see what Lex has given Chloe:D

Kit Merlot
13th December 2008, 20:55
Good for Lionel for showing Lex the info that Chloe hacked into regarding the warehouse--the crooked truckers sound rather scary, and I hope Lex has a plan in mind in how to deal with them.

And I hope he won't be too hard on Chloe--it is in her nature to snoop:D

13th December 2008, 21:48
Chapter Twelve
awww, this was such a sweet and delightful chapter… LOL! and it ended on a really funny, ironic twist too… but I’m getting ahead of myself!

I really enjoyed how Lex strode into the Talon as a ‘man on a mission’. And unlike his more recent actions, THIS mission is actually a series of good and sensible decisions. *wipes away tear of joy* oh, isn’t it NICE to see Lex finally using his brain?! LOL!

I really liked how Lex finally made the decision to bring Chloe wholeheartedly into his life now. And it was delightful to see that it was Chloe’s present that inspired this decision. She’s going to be really pleased to know that a simple lighter convinced Lex to prioritize her above all things in his life… I wonder what he’d do if she gave him something bigger than a lighter next time… perhaps a sweater? LOL!

It was great to see Lex making and acting on the two-fold decision to bring Chloe INTO his life, AND ease Lana OUT. I know that Lana is a sweet person, but quite frankly, I don’t think Chloe would be as open to Lex’s wooing unless Lana was put away on a shelf for a good long while out of Lex’s life.

As Lana smiled brightly at Lex, her doe like eyes luminous; the lights glinting of the long, dark waves of her perfect hair, Chloe felt tears sting her eyes.

ouch! As I mentioned, I don’t think Chloe would be able to bear the thought of Lex and Lana together, even as ‘just friends’ until SHE felt good and secure in her place in Lex’s life. It was quite painful seeing Chloe agony while watching Lex ‘drawn in, completely enthralled with Lana’s perfection’.

*phew* good thing that I knew Lex was approaching Lana to ‘break it off’ with her rather than continue his senseless pursuit of her. It was really amusing seeing how Lex had cleverly arranged the situation so Lana thought SHE was the one to break things off with HIM. LOL!

I really liked his observation about WHY he arranged the situation like that. Because he sensed that Lana would automatically try to draw Lex back in if she sensed that he was ‘waning’ in his devotion of her. That is a pretty cruel assessment of Lana, especially knowing that she does it without even realizing what she’s doing.

But that was no longer his problem. He was only interested in one woman just then, and by no stretch of the imagination would she be mistaken for a woman endlessly in need of saving.

LOL! It’s good to see Lex recognizes ALL these new facts now. That he wants a woman who is most assuredly NOT a damsel in distress who needs constant protection, coddling and saving ALL the time… and that that woman is Chloe Sullivan. It’s awesome to see him finally getting his feelings and priorities right! Heh… but, despite having these realization, I get the feeling Lex is not going to stop the surveillance on Chloe, LOL!

Chloe scooped up the box and trudged up stairs. Entering her room, she dumped it on the cluttered desk. She really didn’t want to deal with a gift from Clark right then. All she wanted to do was get into a hot shower and wash away the disappointment of the evening.

ROTFL! That was a brilliant ending, Skauble! So the situation has come fill circle back to the giving of the anonymous present. Only this time, CHLOE is the one mistaking the identity of the sender of her present. LOL! It was fun to see her mirroring Lex’s response perfectly, right down to the feeling of equal parts appreciation and annoyance about getting this present from someone who ‘doesn’t truly understand her’.

Oooh, I can’t WAIT to see what kind of a present Lex got for her. He might have ended up getting her a complete dud which will only make her go ‘huh’… but I get the feeling it’s going to be something special, meaningful and significant… and will make a huge impact on Chloe upon opening.

I look forward to the next update. Best of luck!

14th December 2008, 01:23
Part 13:

LOL!!! Chloe is in trouble. LOL!! I am still not trusting Lionel so the verdict is still not reached yet. I can't wait to see what Lex does to our sneaky reporter. :rofl:

14th December 2008, 15:12
Sarah I adore this story so much. I think its funny that Chloe has named the security guards after reindeer. That she is so genuine and that Lex can see her and accept or try to accept her concern and affection. Speaking of which are they gonna kiss soon?


14th December 2008, 17:06
Part 14:

You see it is just futile to cut Chloe out Lex. You learn you might as well get used to it. LOL!!! I am glad he finally learned that. This was a cute update. I hope Chloe sees soon he wants her not Blana. :D

Kit Merlot
14th December 2008, 21:53
“Okay,” he gestured to the sofa. “Show me what else you found.”

Good man Lex! Chloe is a great parnter in crime and he could use all the help he can get in unraveling this warehouse mystery. And I love that he has finally accepted that Chloe wants to protect him as much as he wants to protect her--they are a perfect match:D

14th December 2008, 22:17
Chapter thirteen

I love, LOVE chapters which have the two Luthor men immersed in extended conversation. ROTFL! I really enjoyed how Lex’s opening statement was practically identical to the opening words that Chloe had used during her conversation with Lionel too… a warning to ‘stay away from my beloved!’ LOL! Isn’t it FUN to see how these two kids’ minds run along the same track?

LOL! That dear BASTARD, Lionel. I loved his cavalier, dismissive waving away of Lex’s statement about him trying to murder Chloe. Pshaw: bygones! LOL! isn’t it so cool how he can get away with that kind of arrogance?

It was seriously awesome seeing Lex practically snarling out threats at Lionel about how he would BREAK his father if he ever tried going near Chloe again.

Wow! And Lionel’s response to Lex’s snarling threats was nothing short of unprecedented and amazing… especially to Lex himself. I really liked how Lionel actually adopted a humble and contrite tone after this, and he seemed quite genuine in his comment about how much he approved of the budding Chlex relationship, and how he wanted Lex to know that he has his father’s full blessings in this regard.

I was very interested in the report that Lionel had passed down to Lex over here. I don’t fully understand the significance of the report as it pertains to their current situation, but I guess we’ll get clarification on that later, huh? MOST interesting was finding out that all THREE members of the ‘investigative team’ (Chloe, Lex and Lionel) had arrived at this information through their own separate investigation pathways.

Heh… whoever was trying to hide this information seriously needs to tighten up on their security, LOL!

“He had a Devil of a time tracking her down.” Lionel’s voice took on a slightly nostalgic quality. “She always was amazingly resourceful. I’ve often regretted losing someone of her extraordinary talent.”

“Lose?” Lex asked, incredulous and momentarily distracted from his previous anger. “You didn’t lose her. You tried to kill her!”

ROTFLMAO! I adore how Lionel is acting so paternalistically indulgent and nostalgic over this girl’s actions… practically a few scant months after ordering a hit on her life. LOL! And I loved Lex’s incredulous exasperation about how his father is acting as if Chloe was a beloved member of his investigative team instead of an unwilling, coerced ally who he tried to kill when she stopped cooperating.

And then it was actually adorable (though, perhaps only in my own eyes) to see Lionel actually impatient that Lex was continuing to harp on about ‘past issues’ when it was waaay past time for them all to grow up and move on! (Pshaw! Bygone!) ROTLFMOA! I seriously adore the arrogant way that Lionel lifts his eyebrows and expects reality to re-arrange itself according to his whims.

Lex watched his father leave and he knew the man was wrong. Oh there was a threat to Chloe, but it wasn’t shady truckers. It wasn’t even Lionel. It was him; because when he got a hold of her he was going to wring her neck.

heh… I would suggest you don’t even TRY that, Lex. Trying to warn Chloe off an investigation OR reprimanding her about her technique is tantamount to waving a blood red flag in front of a VERY irritated bull. Chloe will GORE you, Lex! LOL!

I look forward to the next chapter. Perhaps time for Chloe to open her present?! :D

15th December 2008, 21:47
Chapter Fourteen

heh… It was a lot of fun seeing the chapter opening with Chloe ALSO in a hugely pissed off mood at Lex because he went ‘excessive even by Luthor standards’ and assigned FOUR bodyguards to follow her around everywhere. LOL! Any ‘normal’ person (who didn’t have the urge to throw herself head first into dangerous investigations) would have been enraged at that… so I can’t imagine how furious CHLOE must have felt having four goons cramping and stifling her style.

LOL! So it was in an absolutely perfect mood that Lex came up to Chloe with his complaints about how she’s been acting too nosy for her own good, because she’s been itching for a fight this whole evening, LOL!

I was ROTFLMAO at the impudent way Chloe merely ‘rolled her eyes’ at Lex’s histrionics about her investigations. As if she couldn’t understand why he was getting so worked up over such little things. Indeed, from Chloe’s point of view, there IS no good reason for Lex to get angry or hysterical about this.

Heh… and then Lex HAD to go down the ‘I’m just trying to keep you safe’ road of justification. Silly man! Hasn’t he learned BETTER than this by NOW?!? I loved Chloe’s exasperation that she has to repeat herself yet again that she doesn’t want anyone to keep her safely coddled in bubble-wrap. Not only would she not stand for it, but it’s not possible even if she DID cooperate with everything.

It was a wonderful, sweet moment to see Lex’s reaction to Chloe’s ‘I want to keep YOU safe too, you unappreciated moron!’… ok, she didn’t add in the ‘unappreciative moron comment, but it was implied! LOL!

Anyhow, it was lovely to see how Lex was so touched and overwhelmed by Chloe’s earnest proclamation. He’s finally got the picture that he and Chloe are EQUAL partners in a team, and he should stop trying to take charge of the situation while leaving her out.

Chloe’s smile was bright, although she tried to screen out the sense of victory. It was never good to make a Luthor feel as if they’d just lost a battle and anyways, as far as she was concerned, they were both winners in this one.

ROTFL! Awww, just run it in his face a little bit, Chloe! Luthors practically never lose, so it’s always fun to see their losses flaunted in their faces. LOL!

“Of course not. What kind of friend would I be if I left you on your own to find out who is trying to swindle your multi-national conglomerate by leaving empty boxes in your warehouse, simply because we were shot at…”

Pausing for a moment, Chloe slowly played back, in her head, her last words.

“Our lives are weird, aren’t they?”

“Incredibly,” Lex agreed with a small twist of his lips. “I blame this town.”

ROTFLMAO! No words! Except that it’s hysterically funny because it’s all true! LOL!

However, no matter what his feelings towards Smallville, Lex knew that he would never regret, for one moment, that fate had led him there. Not when it had brought him to the woman before him. A woman who had so little to gain by letting him back into her life and so much to lose. A woman who, instead of using him for the power and prestige his money and name brought was, instead, genuinely angry that he was not allowing her to take care of him.

Awww, but wasn’t it heart-meltingly sweet to see Lex admitting to himself that, despite all the concussion and general weirdness that this town has brought into his life, he still feels grateful for coming here because it was here that he met the love of his life, Chloe! :D Isn’t Lex irresistible when he’s being (inwardly) romantic and sappy? LOL!

Heh… I’ve been waiting for the two of them to start working together as a proper team for AGES… and now it finally seems like Lex is ready to accept that Chloe is too valuable an ally to force on the sidelines… even if it IS out of concern for her own safety.

I look forward to the next chapter. Good luck and best regards!

16th December 2008, 14:59
15 -

It's wonderful to see Chloe and Lex putting the pieces together. I'm sure they will solve their mystery in time, but did you have to leave it there?!

16th December 2008, 15:59
Part 15:

No you didn't just leave it there? I am glad they put the pieces together but come on. I want more. LOL!! :rofl:

Kit Merlot
17th December 2008, 01:11
I liked seeing the Chlex mystery, but I have to admit to needing to see the Chlex kissing much more:grin3:

Can't wait to see Chloe's reaction--WOO HOO;)

17th December 2008, 18:53
Chapter Fifteen

Chloe barely managed to contain a squeal of delight at the fact that Lex was finally accepting her help; finally accepting that she wanted to keep him safe with the same determination he dedicated to her well being.

LOL! I liked seeing Chloe is as delighted as I am about FINALLY being accepted by Lex as an equal partner in this alliance of theirs. NOW they can finally get cooking on solving this mystery.

And I was very amused by the way that Lex observed Chloe’s ‘casual hacking’ into ALL of his business dealings, and happily showing all the work off to him. I like that he was more bemused and chagrined rather than angry. Although, he would have had no right to be angry considering how very useful all of this hacking was proving to be to him.

“MK trucking does a lot of the local transport for LuthorCorp. Since you have a copy of the secondary records I found buried in their system last night, you’re aware of the fact that they’ve been diverting some of their shipments and then fencing them through an organization that deals with moving corporate merchandise.

“By the way,” she briefly halted her explanation to comment, “You should probably do something about that.”

“Thank you for that savvy business advice.”

ROTFL! Don’t you LOVE the patronizing tone Chloe took over here… not to mention Lex’s sarcastic comeback, which was hiding his embarrassment about relying on Chloe to find out about these shady thefts of his business rather than uncovering them himself. This evening is going to go a LONG way to proving to Lex how he should bring Chloe on as a full-time partner and consultant on LuthorCorp activities.

“Which means,” Lex concluded, “that, rather than stealing something on their own, it appears that they’ve been hired to steal something for someone else.”

oooh, well that was an interesting twist. So they’re not using Lex as the course of merchandise… but they ARE using his transportation channels for a smuggling operation…? I really like how you’re building up the diabolical complications in this scheme against LuthorCorp, Skauble. It was very intricate, and quite easy to see how it had been MISSED for so long.

Looking down at the LuthorCorp logo marked on all the papers, Lex looked back up at Chloe. “You know, when this is all over we’re going to have a long talk about you wandering through my databases.”

“Yeah,” Chloe agreed. “I’m sure we’ll discuss it just as soon as it stops being useful to you.”

ROTFLMAO! Best. Comeback. Ever!!!

“One hundred and seven crates for the toy drive and nine empty crates. So, one hundred and sixteen in total. The empty crates weren’t meant to stay there at all.”

Lex smiled at her, remembering just how nice it felt to have a partner whose mind worked so like his own. “Which tells us that they must have changed the shipping orders that night, before we arrived, and then were unable to change them back when their plan fell through because I’ve had men investigating non-stop.”

“So,” Chloe mused aloud, “we just need to figure out where the extra crates were supposed to end up.”

omigosh! I didn’t imagine that following a paper trail could be as exciting as midnight operations at a warehouse… but it WAS exciting and thrilling seeing all the pieces finally falling into place. I loved seeing that it was only through Lex and Chloe putting their separate bits of knowledge together that they were finally able to arrive at a proper picture of what was happening.

“Henderson is on the LuthorCorp board,” he explained. “He’s been attempting to exploit the weaknesses left by my father’s displacement and my subsequent appointment as CEO. He’s been trying to make headway in takeover attempts by going after some of our subsidiaries instead of the corporation directly. I managed to forestall the attempts, which cost him millions. With my father’s release from prison, he must have assumed we’d be occupied with trying to kill one another and decided to recoup his losses and make his final move on the company.”

AWESOME! Now we finally have a clear picture of what the heck is going on!!! It was great getting all the details of this baffling mystery, and I loved, LOVED seeing how all the pieces came together right in front of me. Seriously, I never imagined that something as cold and dry as a ‘paper investigation’ could be so damned exciting!

Chloe almost laughed at the fact that this plan was going to be foiled because Lionel Luthor actually seemed to be playing nice for once in his miserable life. By not making the predictable move towards revenge against Lex, neither Luthor’s attention had been diverted from business. It seemed almost fitting that Lionel could screw someone over by attempting to be good.

ROTFLMAO! That is a perfect ironic twist to the situation. LOL! Henderson picked the wrong time to try and screw over the two Luthors. Now he’s not only ‘not’ going to get away with it, but he’s going to have both the Luthors, as well as a pissed off Sullivan allying together for the sole purpose of making him PAY for him presumptuous, opportunistic mistakes.

Heee! I’m already looking forward to seeing how our team flays this man (business wise) now that they’re onto him.

Lex shook his head. “It’s not that simple, Chloe. If he managed to get a hold of the prototypes for any one project, he could sell them for tens of millions of dollars on the weapons black market. But more importantly, it would endanger every defense contract we have. That, in conjunction with his new influx of cash could definitely mean a viable takeover attempt.”

Sneaky bastard! And he’s not even sneaky in the sexy way that Lex, Lionel and even Chloe manage to pull off being sneaky. He’s more like a weasel like form of sneaky. Ick!

“Thank you,” he said softly.

And then he kissed her.

ROTFL! Quite honestly, my first reaction was to laugh! It’s just such a deliciously VAST improvement over Lex’s expression of gratitude as compared to before. He used to just yell at Chloe to stop interfering, and assign guards to lock her into a safe room. This is a HUGE improvement over that form of ‘gratitude’, LOL!

And once I finished laughing, I started squealing in delight! He kissed her! Her kissed her!! I can’t wait to read the next update to see where it goes from here. *raises leering eyebrow* perhaps it goes to a NC-17 rating? ;)

17th December 2008, 20:27
I am now all caught up with this fic, and omg I love it still! :D Finally we have kissage, which its what we've been wating for this whole time so yay for that. Lex opening his present, remembering the game he played with Chloe, and figuring out she bought the lighter was just lovely. Such a shame he didn't get to talk to her at the Talon and all because of Lana - oh how we hate her! :P Yay for Chloe and Lex working together, and macking on each other! And also for Lionel being nice still, though I can't help but be suspiscious about that even now. Oh well, loving this fic and can't wait to read more! :)

17th December 2008, 21:18
Part 16:

Oh my goodness I think I am going to cry. I have said it from the get go they are each other's soulmate. This chapter confirmed it for me. I love how they both said home. It really hits to the heart how much they care and feel for one another. This update really touched my heart. :)

Kit Merlot
18th December 2008, 02:54
Part 16:

Oh my goodness I think I am going to cry. I have said it from the get go they are each other's soulmate. This chapter confirmed it for me. I love how they both said home. It really hits to the heart how much they care and feel for one another. This update really touched my heart. :)

Hope, I am quoting your whole post because I agree with everything you said:D

18th December 2008, 20:04
Chapter Sixteen

squeee! What an awesome chapter! I loved, LOVED how you managed to stretch out a description of a beautiful first kiss along four pages, Skauble! It was breathtaking and amazing! And a wonderful read!

But they’d been wrong. Each suggestion, every rumor had been incorrect and Chloe was so very, very glad. Not that he was clumsy or awkward. She wasn’t sure those words could ever be used in conjunction with Lex. It was just that nothing about him seemed remote or practiced. She didn’t feel played or seduced; used or cheapened. She felt…

Like she was home.

I loved how Chloe showed a great deal of wisdom beyond her years (and her peers) during the description of the disdain and scepticism she felt hearing about the ‘well practiced playboy’ when Lex first came to Smallville. I liked that she sniffed contemptuously while the other girls sighed. It shows how Chloe has a REALLY good head on her shoulders, and enough sense to know the difference between expertise from cold calculated skills and expertise inspired from real passion.

I loved, LOVED the way that Chloe felt the genuine passion in Lex through this kiss, and knew that their mutual enjoyment came from a place of real feelings rather than cleverly orchestrated and practiced ‘playboy moves’.

For the most part, Chloe had believed him, but there was always the doubt. What she’d never told her father, though, was that not all of the changes had been about her mother. There was a very small place, way down inside, that had worried that he would leave her, too.

wow! That was devastating, Skauble! But also written so well that I felt it all to be completely true. It was heartbreaking hearing about Chloe building up her drive to succeed and excel from such tragic beginnings. But it seems like she turned out a stronger and amazing person because of the heartbreaking fear she suffered in her earlier years.

Granted, there were some VERY hard times described over here… such as how Chloe’s fear of being abandoned for not being ‘good enough’ was augmented by that idiot, Clark’s rejection. That was quite painful to read. But it was ALL worth it hearing about how Chloe wasn’t broken by any of the heartbreak, and has now finally found her soul-mate.

However, her heart was so certain, so steadfast in it’s acceptance of Lex. There were so many ways in which he knew her that no one else ever had. He understood the pain she carried because he, too, had been left by those he loved. He could soothe the fears she held because, beneath his stoic exterior, he harbored them also.

I loved seeing how Chloe felt so certain, so SURE that Lex felt the same way as she did. Despite how she’s seen some tentative evidence of Lex’s stirring interesting in Lana, Chloe still manages to trust in Lex’s feelings right here and right now. I’m not sure how she’ll feel a few seconds after the kiss is finished, but it’s beautiful to see the level of connection and trust between them during these crucial, exciting, thrilling seconds.

What a BEAUTIFUL description of a first Chlex kiss, Skauble! I was awed by your writing… and that was merely from Chloe’s point of view… Lex’s was even BETTER! :D

For years Lex had been searching for love. But time and experience had been slowly teaching him that such an emotion was either a poet’s dream or for people better than him, and he’d begun to divide the women around him into two categories – those waiting to hurt him, and those waiting to leave.

But he’d been mistaken, and never in his life had he been so incredibly grateful to be wrong. No matter what she said, Chloe had found more danger and pain since the Luthors had come into her life than she had before his family, and yet she didn’t want to punish him for that fact. And, even more miraculously, she didn’t want to leave him for it either. Never once did he feel unsafe or uncared for with Chloe. In fact, he felt…

Like he was home.

Wow! WOW!!! First of all, I loved getting the short and tragic description on how Lex has ALSO suffered more heartbreak, rejection and betrayal than anyone should fairly experience. It was painful, but it also meant that Lex can now fully appreciate what he’s got right now with Chloe.

It was amazing to hear that Chloe is so FAR off in behaviour and attitude in the women from his past, that Lex can regard her as an awed miracle in his life. And I loved, LOVED that Lex’s thoughts about feeling ‘home’ was a perfect mirror of Chloe’s feelings at this moment. Perfect!

I really liked the description on how Lex has been trained to expect betrayal, deceit and self-serving dishonesty from everyone… which includes people from whom betrayal would NEVER have been expected… such as his mother, father and an adorable bumbling, dorky farmboy and his wholesome family.

He’s had some truly horrible experiences in trust and loyalty from others… and it’s really no surprise that he turned out such a paranoid wreck of a person.

Until Chloe.

Chloe, who had made her mistakes and then shown that she didn’t have to be defined by them forever; that she could make new choices, be better than before. At any time during her struggle with Lionel she could have given in. He knew that his father would have been more than pleased to welcome her back with open arms, even after she’d begun working against him.

But she’d held strong. Done what was right, instead of what was easy or safe, and it had given him back a sense of faith that he’d thought lost forever.

This was beautiful, Skauble! I loved the idea that it was seeing Chloe’s integrity working from a purely outside, objective point of view that won Lex’s undying respect and trust. It wasn’t specifically because she was useful or nice to Lex, but because she proved herself to be so strong, valiant, honourable and faithful in the face of horrible adversity. It was MUCH better hearing about how Chloe managed to sneak her way into Lex’s heart, not through an offer of friendship, but through her actions JUST prior to the beginning of that friendship.

Yet now he could see what he’d forgotten in his fear and uncertainty. Being with Chloe didn’t make her less; it made him more. The fact that she knew him on such a deep level; the fact that she understood the pain that drove him and the fears that haunted him, and wanted to be with him still - to be so completely accepted…it meant the world, and he was home.

Beautiful! I loved how Lex thoughts mirrored Chloe’s exactly in the knowledge that they both are perfect soul-mates because their past experiences with betrayal and heartbreak have shaped them to be perfect for each other. They know that the other won’t be careless with a relationship, because they both know what it feels like to be devastated after betrayal and/or callous rejection.

Heeee!!! It’s just the first kiss, and you can already see the sheer strength of this relationship. Best of all, you can see them both acknowledging it’s strength and depth; so they know this is for the long haul! Awesome!

Chapter Seventeen

ROTFL! I was amused to see that intense kiss so rudely interrupted by the ‘ringing bells’ of Lex’s phone. LOL! Oh, the frustrations of dating a CEO, LOL!

As she turned to face Lex, her expression must have conveyed her sense of urgency because he immediately wrapped up his phone call with a terse promise to call back.

heh… it’s FUN to see how Chloe cannot shut her brain off, even for the time it takes for Lex to finish up a terse phone call. I loved that she caught an important connection on the paperwork, AND that Lex was able to read her and see the moment she found something important.

Yikes! It’s almost a pity that she found it though, because it pushed a major deadline on them… which cut into their smooching time!!! Damn Henderson!!! He’d better pay BIG TIME for this!

He turned towards the door, but stopped abruptly. Swinging back to face Chloe, he reached out and caught her hand. With one swift tug she was back in his arms.

And then he was kissing her once more. It was hard and hot and they were both short of breath as they parted. Raising a hand to gently cup her cheek, Lex trailed a finger down to run across her slightly swollen lips before promising her, “We will talk about this when I get back.”

ROTFL! I’ll admit, I laughed and ALSO swooned meltingly at this part. I loved seeing how Lex abruptly turned back to give Chloe a sudden, hard, intense and needy kiss… as if making sure that she won’t run off and fall in love with someone else before he gets to return ‘home’. LOL! I could see it was pure paranoia that drove him back to Chloe’s arms and kiss her one final time to MAKE SURE that she’d still be there waiting for him. The dear, sweet, ridiculously paranoid man! LOL!

She’d called him Prancer. One of the members of Lex’s security team that she’d met the day of the carriage chase.

oh CRAP! It sounds like Chloe’s found out which of Lex’s security team members is the compromised threat. This would have been a good thing to know, if only Chloe had some damned way of telling Lex that he was in danger.

Damn, you turned the tone of this fic from swooning and melting to dangerous and exciting within a single chapter, Skauble! Awesome! I loved seeing Chloe’s mounting panic as she realized that she cannot get in touch with Lex to WARN him that one of the men closest to him RIGHT NOW is dangerous.

Heeee!!! But it’s during emergencies like this that Chloe’s brain jumps into a hyperdrive mode that surpasses even Lex’s cognitive skills. I loved seeing her listing through the option of calling the police (idea rejected) and then falling on a VERY good (and fun) plan.

One, the security detail he’d left with her would definitely be safe to trust. Lex had said that, even though he couldn’t pinpoint the traitors among his staff, he knew which of his men were absolutely trustworthy. He would never have left her safety in the hands of anyone other than those on that short list.

Can I say I love, LOVE what this paragraph says about the level of trust Chloe has in Lex… AND how well she understands the way he thinks! :D

Which left her with only one option. Grabbing her keys, she ran outside and climbed into her car. She pulled out of her driveway slowly to give her tail time to get to their own vehicles. She knew that they wouldn’t risk losing her, even if they had to reveal their presence, and so she was confident that they’d be right behind her as she hit the gas and sped down the road at a speed she was sure would turn her father’s hair white.

ROTFLMAO! I have no idea how Chloe’s going to force the security guards to ‘show themselves’ to her. Is she going to drive at a break-neck speed to a cliff, then run to edge and pretend to throw herself off? Or is she going to call Clark and order him to ‘attack her’ in order to flush out her stalkers?

LOL! Whatever scheme Chloe chooses, I’m sure it’s something that will make Lex’s teeth grit in frustration when he learns about it.

These were a fantastic couple of chapters, Skauble. I loved them both, and I look forward to seeing what happens in following updates.

On a new note, I’m also so PLEASED and IMPRESSED, Skauble to see that you’ve managed to keep up with your daily updates. It’s seriously awe-inspiring, and I applaud you for your diligence in keeping up the writing! :D

18th December 2008, 23:29
Part 17:

I was hoping for a little sex but a race to save Lex is good as well. LOL! I can't wait to see if they make it in time. :)

19th December 2008, 15:17
Part 17:

I was hoping for a little sex but a race to save Lex is good as well. LOL! I can't wait to see if they make it in time. :)

I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you hope ;) This story is supposed to be PG, to suit everyone on the board :)

19th December 2008, 17:28
I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you hope ;) This story is supposed to be PG, to suit everyone on the board :)

I know that is why I said hope. :rofl:

19th December 2008, 17:59
Part 18:

Oh no Chloe now you have done it. :eek: How is she going to get out of this one? Yo should have listened and ran. :wth:

19th December 2008, 18:19
Chapter Eighteen

This was a REALLY fun chapter, Skauble. I loved how it began with Chloe finally getting her bodyguards to show themselves to her. It was really funny that they finally revealed themselves obviously sick and tired of the ridiculous and reckless chase scene, and they got out of the car to give her an exasperated lecture about her driving, LOL!

I can VERY easily imagine these guards shaking their heads in sympathy and disbelief that their boss has fallen madly in love with this insane woman, ROTFL!

She rolled her eyes as she walked towards them.

“I didn’t want to lose you. I wanted to get you here.”

To her amazement and their credit, they had their weapons drawn almost instantly, focused on determining if they’d been led into an ambush.

ROTFLMAO! Oh dear me… I was howling with laughter over this reaction from the guards. I didn’t know whether to shake my head in disbelief about how they were so paranoid about what this adorable, cute, little blonde was capable of doing… OR commend them for acknowledging that Chloe is not ‘quite’ the harmless kitten she appears at first glance. It’s heartening and disturbing to see that they KNOW that if she had made plans to have them incapacitated, then there’s very little they can do to stop that, LOL!

There was a great deal of swearing as the paper went from one set of hands to the next and they realized who had been the Judas amongst them.

heee! I suspect there was a considerable amount of anger from these guards. Let’s hope that they are the ones to find Merrickson and make their formerly trusted colleague pay properly for this betrayal.

“I knew you wouldn’t have left Smallville while I was there,” she regained their attention as she explained her mad dash to Metropolis. “But I don’t know anyone other than you four that I can absolutely trust with Lex’s safety. After all, he trusted you with mine so I know that he has faith in you. So I got you here the only way I could. Now go do your thing and make sure that Lex is okay.”

ROTFL! Pretty bossy, isn’t she? She’s already behaving like a perfect Luthor, and ordering the employees around to do important tasks like an old pro. LOL! I was in giggled seeing her finishing off her orders with a ‘shooing’ motion too, ROTFLMAO!

I think this is a promising sign that Chloe CAN make some ‘good use’ of those annoying bodyguards hired to follow her around everywhere. The tricky part would be arranging for them to be answerable to HER first, and Lex second. Hmmm, can she manage to do that somehow…? I wonder…?

“Yes. In fact,” he informed her, “you and I are leaving the immediate vicinity. We’re going to pull back and rendezvous with the local and federal law enforcement agencies.”

heh… it seems like the bodyguards can ALSO be a bossy bunch. But it was good to see that he was giving practical advice that Chloe was willing to follow up on. Too bad they didn’t get the chance to do so.

She watched as Blitzen’s hand moved, almost imperceptibly, to the gun concealed by his jacket, before turning to face the men approaching them. But whatever tale he’d been planning to spin was destined to remain unknown as a cry of “He’s one of Luthor’s men” split the air, followed closely by the sounds of gunfire.

“Run!” He ordered her, and Chloe wasted no time questioning him as she dashed towards the street. There was nothing she could do in the middle of a gunfight other than be a target for the bad guys and a distraction for the good ones.

squeee!!! Exciting turn of events! Isn’t it GREAT to see Chloe practical, sensible side coming out in full force. She is reckless a considerable amount of the time, but she’s ALSO smart, savvy and sensible with great survival instincts… so she knows the time to stand her ground, and the time to RUN as if hell hounds were on her heels.

“We’ve been compromised. Boss wants us to go check on Luthor.”

While Chloe may have been willing to leave when everything seemed under control, there was no way that she was going to do so, knowing for certain that Lex was being held somewhere close by. Giving the men a good head start, she peaked around the corner of the crate and then silently trailed behind them.

Woah! Are you kidding? During the brief time away from Chloe, Lex managed to get himself diverted form his mission and then captured and tied up in a warehouse?? And he has the nerve to accuse Chloe of being prone to attacks and trouble? ROTFLMAO! I look forward to seeing Chloe giving Lex a good, mocking scolding about hot accusing HER of being ‘unsafe’ when he clearly can’t manage to go for any given week without being kidnapped. LOL!

Unsure of what to do next, Chloe’s musings were interrupted by what she was fairly certain was the barrel of a gun pressing into her back.

“Don’t worry, my dear,” said a smarmy and obnoxious voice, “I’d be more than happy to unlock that for you.”

ugh! That smarmy ‘my dear’ made me HATE this guy instantly. And the gun to Chloe’s back certainly didn’t help make him endearing either, LOL! But it was mostly the smarmy tone of voice.

ROTFL! Ok, so it seems like Chloe has also managed to get herself captured, huh? I guess she loses the ‘higher scores’ she had on Lex earlier. Now they BOTH are even in terms of being ‘kidnappee magnets’, LOL!

I can already imagine Lex GLARING at Chloe for being shoved into a confined warehouse with him. Who wants to bet that his first words to her will be a variation of ‘Can’t you just sit safely still just ONCE where I’ve put you?!’ ROTFLMAO!

I look forward to the next chapter. Squeee! And check it out, I’m finally caught up on the updates :D

19th December 2008, 20:36
OMG, who dares to have a gun in Chloe's back? And locking up Lex too? I hate this person already! Here's hoping they get their just desserts from Prancer, Blitzen, and the other reindeer bodygoards! ;)

Was so enjoying the Chlex snogging, but also loving Chloe's mad dash to save Lex's life! Really cannot wait to see what happens next! :D

Kit Merlot
20th December 2008, 00:50
Good for Chloe for trying to help Lex, but now it looks like she's in even bigger trouble. What's going to happen next?!

Kit Merlot
20th December 2008, 19:14
Part 19 was awesome Sarah!

Good for Lex for not only coming up with a great escape plan, but for also using the lighter that Chloe gave him:D

And the sweet Chlex kiss was also rather lovely--can't wait to see what happens next;)

20th December 2008, 19:59
Spectacular use of his gift, what a terrific moment and a kiss to boot.


21st December 2008, 09:28
Chapter Nineteen

Heh… despite the fact that Chloe was being basically shoved roughly into a room at gun point, I couldn’t help but squee at the way she landed right in Lex’s embrace within moments of stumbling into the room.

“Seems I found your little sidekick,” the man nodded at Chloe.

“Hey” she bristled. “For all you know Lex is my sidekick.”

ROTFLMAO! I also found myself bristling at the idea of calling Chloe Lex’s side-kick, and I was glad to see her state her objection to that word… even though it ended up making me bristle all the more hearing that arrogant bastard using the word ‘feisty’ in that insufferable, smug, patronizing tone. I can tell already, this is a man who doesn’t take women seriously… and probably believes that all females belong at home, cooking or birthing.

PLEASE let Chloe hurt him BADLY at some later point in this fic!

“It’s better this way, anyway. It will make my transition to CEO that much smoother.”

*gapes in shock* are you kidding me?!? This man actually thinks that THIS is the path to becoming the CEO of LuthorCorp? He really thinks that two murders is all he needs to set himself up for a ‘perfect, smooth, easy, cushy’ lifestyle? I was aghast with shock, as well as outraged hearing him have the sheer GALL to say that LEX is the one who cannot see ‘the bigger picture’. What a stupid, ignorant bastard!

Hmmm, at least he confirmed that he’s NOT working with Lionel… In fact, it was nice to hear him say that he also needed to take down Lionel after killing Lex because he knows that the father will be howling for vengeance for his son’s murder. Granted, Lex might not really believe that…?

“Is this the part where we swear this will never work,” Chloe asked Lex, tired of the blathering man who was using up their precious escape time. “I can never quite tell when it’s a break in the rambling and when it’s just blessedly over.”

LOL! It was great to see that Chloe is not the slightest but impressed by this fellow’s self-important plans. LOL! In fact, I love the way her disdain came out. Although I can imagine Lex gritting his teeth back from telling Chloe to STOP mocking the man pointing a gun at her, LOL!

Turning Chloe to face him, Lex looked her over from head to toe, taking in every detail.

“When we get out of her, remind me that I want to yell at you,” he told her as he turned and began to clear off a chair covered in boxes of printer supplies.

Awww… look at Lex anxiously checking over his beloved thoroughly for injuries. Shouldn’t you make sure that the clothed parts are not bruised either, Lex? You never know what kind of injuries she might have gotten on her breasts or something!!!

LOL! It was good to see Lex telling Chloe that while he WANTS to yell at her right now, he knows that their top priority for the moment it setting themselves free of this place. And honestly, I think once Chloe finishes her description on finding the leak AND informing her guards, then Lex won’t feel like yelling at her that loudly.

Until he hears about the measures Chloe took to draw her guards out into the open? LOL!

“There are two reasons that Lawrence Henderson could never run LuthorCorp. One, he never understood that the ‘bigger picture’ is really just made up of a thousand tiny details. And, two,” Lex reached into his pocket and pulled out the lighter Chloe had given him, “he never had anyone with whom to play ‘What would you do if’”.

Heeee! I loved Lex stating so simply and factually about how Henderson’s idea of ‘keeping your eye on the bigger picture’ is just ignorance filled rubbish. It’s wonderful to see that Lex’s INTENSE in-depth knowledge of the security and safety measures of his random warehouses is going to be the thing to save them. That, and the lighter present that Chloe gave to him :D heeeeee!!! PERFECTION!

“You knew,” Chloe gasped.

Taking her chin in his hand, Lex tilted her mouth up to his. “From the moment I saw it,” he told her before his lips caught hers in an achingly tender kiss.

*melts away into a puddle*
omigosh! That was so beautiful!!! I loved the tender loving affection captured in that moment. It was LOVELY to see Lex giving Chloe an appreciative thanks for supplying him with the means to save them both. It means that he’s giving her the credit that due to her :D

Lex opened the door carefully, checking to make sure that the hallway was clear. Seeing that it was, and knowing that this was the only chance that they were going to get, he pulled Chloe close to him and then they ran.

Heee! Exciting! It seems like Lex’s plan worked like a dream. Although it’s hard to say what’s going to happen once Lex’s captors are alerted by the fire signal and come to check up on their prisoners. Lex and Chloe’s exit was very effective, but not exactly discrete, lol!

I look forward to the next chapter. This chapter managed to encompass excitement, thrilling escapes, romance AND a bit of snarky humour too… I can’t wait to see how the next chapter goes.

21st December 2008, 16:16
That was gut wrenching reading how the two worked together and something still happened to Chloe. I hope she's ok and very happy to see that Lionel is there to help take care of them. He obviously means well now.

Kit Merlot
21st December 2008, 16:37
Part 20 was fabulous!

The Luthor clan was quite badass:grin3:

I love Lex's kicking the bad guy's ass, and how freakin' awesome was Lionel's shooting of the jackass who was stupid enough to try and hurt Chloe and Lex?!

Can't wait to see what happens next:D

21st December 2008, 18:34
Chapter Twenty

heee! Exciting start to this chapter. And I loved how, despite how they were busy running for their lives, Chloe gave some concern about Lex’s bodyguards, and whether they were safe in all this chaos.

I was glad to see Lex reassure her, AND convince her that the best thing they can do for everyone (including Lex’s bodyguards) was to get to safety.

The helicopter was a bit of a puzzle, but by the end of the chapter, I guessed that it actually signalled the arrival of Lionel Luthor on the scene rather than Henderson’s escape.

“Believe me Chloe,” Lex assured her, “even if that was Henderson, he won’t get very far. He was right about the danger of leaving a Luthor alive unintentionally.”

Chancing a glance her way, Lex was caught off guard by the satisfaction on Chloe’s face at his words. He was far too used to the sanctimonious lectures on ‘being the better man’ and ‘vengeance not being the answer’ that he often got from Clark and even Lana, that he’d forgotten how wonderful it felt to be with someone who didn’t have a negative preconception of every word that came from his mouth.

Heee! I can’t imagine ANY woman who wouldn’t find Lex’s snarled vow of vengeance like THAT to be irresistibly sexy! But I did like how Lex really appreciated this extra sign on how perfect a soul mate and partner Chloe was for him. I loved how Lex felt such tenderness for this woman who smiled in satisfaction hearing him vow to RUIN someone, LOL!

Not many people understood what it had been like for them when they had been working to bring down Lionel. Despite Lex’s money and resources, it had been an incredibly dangerous undertaking which they did, in large part, completely on their own. Being forged in that kind of fire created a kind of unspoken communication between them that most people only dreamed of developing. And so, Chloe knew – could feel – that Lex was about to make some kind of move and prepared herself accordingly.

What a gorgeous description on how well these two work together. On how they both have grown together and LEARNED to work together because of shared intense experiences. Awesome!

The momentum of the fight carried them into the street, where the foolhardy thug learned that Lex was not merely a spoiled, rich boy. With an elbow to the man’s midsection, and an uppercut to his jaw, Lex was able to send him flying backwards onto the asphalt.

*feels nerves sizzling at the hotness of watching Lex fight* ooooh boy! YUMMY! Thank you, Skauble… for this extra added treat of showing Lex flatten some goon to the ground! :D

Lex had heard the fear in Chloe’s voice as she called out his name. He’d looked up, only to find her hurtling herself at him. Unsure of what was happening, he righted himself from the impact as quickly as possible, only to watch in horror as the car that she’d obviously been trying to save him from, clipped her and sent her crashing to the ground.

oh CRAP! Even at this late moment, Henderson STILL cannot try to cut his losses and run off? The man is truly too stupid to live! But, then again, unless Chloe had managed to push Lex out of the way, Henderson might actually have succeeded in killing off Lex. Not that it would have done him much good. Does Henderson STILL believe that killing Lex will give him the CEO job?!? He STILL thinks he’ll get anything less than a murderer’s life jail sentence for this?!

For a moment, everything seemed to stop. There was no movement, no sounds, only his beautiful Chloe, lying so still on the harsh pavement. And then time snapped back into motion and, with a choked cry, Lex was on his knees beside her, calling her name, but afraid to touch her.

So trapped in his anguish, Lex didn’t hear the squeal of the tires as the car stopped. Didn’t hear the engine rev as it turned back in his direction or someone yelling his name.

That was heartbreaking, Skauble. Especially the part where you described Chloe lying so still and unresponsive on the pavement. I’ve gotten used to seeing Chloe as a fiery ball of energy at all times… so imagining her lying unnaturally still for anything… it’s pretty unnerving. And I can see Lex was seriously freaked out and anguished seeing Chloe like THAT!

But, at the same time, I somehow found it so satisfying to read how Lex completely forgot all about his surroundings, and could only focus on Chloe lying on the ground… hurt… possibly dead. Lex would have let himself be run over rather than focus on anything besides her… it wasn’t the smartest or most productive attitude, but I liked that somehow, LOL!

“Dad,” he called out. For despite their trials and tribulations, if it meant saving Chloe, Lex knew that he’d gladly deal with the devil.

Lionel had his phone out and was barking orders for an ambulance to be sent before he even made it to where Lex was kneeling next to Chloe’s still form.

Seeing the shattered look in his son’s eyes, Lionel reached out and laid his hand on Lex’s shoulder.

“Help is on its way,” he told him. “She’ll be alright, Lex. I expect nothing less from Miss Sullivan and she has yet to disappoint me.”

woah! Lionel to the rescue?!?? WOAH! LOL! What a delicious twist to the fic! Loved it! And I think there’s very little else Lionel could have done to earn himself a second chance than help Lex save Chloe’s life. Congratulations, Lionel! If Chloe lives, you might actually find yourself a place in your son’s life after all… AND in your son’s new upcoming family too! LOL!

He knew his father was speaking; could tell from the tone of his voice that the words were meant to reassure. But Lex couldn’t be bothered to focus on the actual words. All of his attention was for Chloe and his terrible fear of what a life without her would be.

heh… I suppose I should say I’m anxious. But c’mon! This is a Christmas fic, and there’s no way that Chloe’s going to die. Hopefully it will be a injury serious enough to warrant LOTS of fussing from Lex until Chloe SCREAMS at him to stop pampering and coddling her. LOL!

I look forward to the upcoming chapter.

21st December 2008, 20:45
What an exciting update, yikes, Poor Lex, Thank goodness Chloe will be ok this is a holiday fic, I love that Lionel was bale to help out. Dagney

Kit Merlot
23rd December 2008, 02:35
Part 21 ROCKED!!

Chloe and Lex admit that they love each other--WOO HOO!!:grin3:

23rd December 2008, 10:38
Chapter twenty one

Lex looked at the small hand, clutched tightly in his own. It was amazing how delicate she seemed once she was quiet and still. A state that happened so rarely that it was no wonder those words were so infrequently used in connection with Chloe Sullivan.

What a fantastic beginning to the chapter. I loved the way that Lex is staring at Chloe in sheer disbelief at seeing her so still and QUIET! He honestly HATES seeing Chloe like this. Thank heavens that she’s basically ok… a dislocated shoulder is actually nothing compared to the injuries both he and Chloe have suffered through their years in Smallville. And if he’s being so maudlin and anxiety-ridden now, I can’t imagine what his state would have been if Chloe had been seriously and critically hurt.

Of course, he knew that the fragility he sensed at that moment was merely an illusion. After all, this was the woman who, according to his security team, rushed to Metropolis at speeds nearing one hundred miles per hour. Then snuck into a facility which she knew was the site of an active robbery. She heckled their kidnapper; eluded armed thugs to escape with him; and last, but never, ever least, pushed him from the path of an oncoming car, saving him from probable death.

If there was one thing Chloe Sullivan would never be, it was fragile.
Heeee! I loved how Lex’s sheer hatred of seeing Chloe all quiet and unmoving has made him appreciate, and even dote on the times when she reveals what a dynamo of unstoppable energy she is. LOL! He’s actually wistfully thinking back to all the times when she recklessly risked her life but throwing herself head-first into dangerous situations. Granted, he’s going to start yelling at her the next time she does reckless things again… but now we know that a good portion of him will ALSO be sitting back admiringly doting on her for her bravery and energy.

Not that he’ll ever, EVER admit that to Chloe… He certainly doesn’t want to encourage that kind of recklessness, even if he does happen to love it in her, LOL!

“I’m so sorry I’ve been such a fool. I’ve wasted so much time with things that were never important compared to you; to us.”

He bowed his head and rested it on their joined hands as he confessed to her, “I love you. I love you so much, and if anything happened to you, Chloe, I’m not at all sure what I’d do.”

“You better mean that, Lex Luthor,” came the raspy reply. “Because if that’s just some kind of misplaced guilt talking then I will hunt you down and hurt you.”

Squeee! Lex had the ‘I’m a complete dumbass’ moment that I’ve been waiting for since the beginning of this fic. Awesome! And the best thing was seeing Chloe being AWAKE to properly appreciate this moment along with us :D LOL! Enjoy it fully, Chloe! Milk the moment for all that it’s worth. Heaven knows when you’ll get the next chance to see Lex knowing that he behaved like a moron! LOL!

Although he’d never tell her that. Chloe was, above all else, unbelievably loyal. She’d never let anyone disparage him. Not even himself.

Lex smiled at that thought. Being taken care of, protected…he could get used to that.

Yayyy! They finally said they love each other. LOL! And this was only after they shared two kisses! Chloe should have jumped him a LOOONG time ago and seen what she got from that!

I loved seeing how Lex has finally ‘got it’ about their relationship and how it works. It’s lovely seeing the complete trust he has in Chloe now… that she not only loves him, but that she will do anything in her power to keep him feeling safe, warm, protected and cherished. I think he’s finally getting how the two-sided love-relationship is suppose to work. Granted, Chloe had to practically clobber him on the head to accept that a relationship is supposed to work with love and care flowing BOTH ways, but he’s finally got it! LOL!

For as much as she genuinely believed in herself and her worth as a person, it seemed as if she was never anyone’s first choice. To know that Lex was choosing her; that he loved her with the deep intensity that she’d seen in her eyes, it was everything to her.

Her hand moved to the back of Lex’s head and she gently ran her fingertips over the taught skin, delighted to feel him shudder in response. She pulled him closer, wanting - needing to feel more of him.

Lex groaned as he felt Chloe pull him to her. He’d tired to hold back, not wanting to hurt her when she’d just woken up, but feeling her deepen the kiss, he couldn’t help but reciprocate with an ever growing fervor.
It seems like Chloe also had a few lessons to learn too… such as knowing how it feels to be top-choice and top-priortity in someone’s life. What a perfect ending for both of them! And WHAT a perfect, hot, intense kiss, Skauble :D!

Oooh, and look… Chloe is in bed already… let’s take things to the next level, shall we? TEAR off her clothes, LEX!!!!

However, their moment of passion was destined to die an untimely death as a loud cough sounded from the doorway. Pulling apart, Lex saw Chloe glance over his shoulder at the intruder and let out an endearing little squeak. But all thoughts of her unquestionable cuteness were wiped away at the single word she uttered.

LOL! I was NOT expecting that. Honestly, I had completely forgotten about Gabe Sullivan, but of COURSE the man is going to make an appearance at the hospital after hearing that his baby-girl had been admitted with injuries… again! I wonder whether he’s become a little numbed to seeing Chloe lying in a hospital bed at this point? Or does he suffer as acutely as possible during each encounter… never getting used to it.

Heh… And I thought Lionel might have been a problem. Gabe is NOT going to be happy hearing that Chloe sustained these injuries in yet another Luthor-related incident… and he’s going to be furious when he hears that she’s chosen to tie herself in with a Luthor despite how hazardous it’s proven itself to be. Chloe is going to have to give the whole ‘I get into trouble even without being involved with Lex’ speech to her dad now, huh?
I look forward to seeing how the next chapter develops!

Kit Merlot
24th December 2008, 02:54
Part 22: Gabe is so awesome--of course he approves of the Chlex romance:D

24th December 2008, 08:43
Wow, that was wonderfully exciting and perfectly sweet all in one! I just read the latest four chapters and the only word I have is wow! Skauble, this is such a wonderful story, I am sad to realise it is almost over :( Still, all good things must come to an end, and in the meantime I must make comment on all that I've read! :)

Chloe's supposed rescue mission may not have gone entirely according to plan, but between her, Lex, and the present she bought him, it all worked out perfectly. I knew that lighter would come in handy eventually ;)

And now we're pretty much at the happily ever after, and even Gabe approves of the Chlexy romance - excellent, wonderful, lovely! :D

24th December 2008, 10:21
chapter twenty two

LOL! It was really amusing seeing Lex choosing to duck out at that awkward moment. Granted, he knew it was a time for father and daughter to bond… but I ALSO think he was hugely relieved that Chloe would be the one stuck with explaining the situation to Gabe and ‘smoothing things over’ before Gabe and Lex have their inevitable discussion.

Poor Chloe was really nervous about the upcoming conversation with her dad… mostly because she desperately wanted her father’s approval. She wouldn’t stop seeing Lex if Gabe told her ‘no’, but it WOULD hurt her deeply if Gabe told her that he was disappointed in her choice.

Awww… so it was NICE to see that Gabe was really very cool about the whole thing. Honestly, he was exhibiting SAINT-LIKE levels of patience, understanding and coolness about the whole situation… especially taking into consideration the fact that Chloe told him the WHOLE story about how her injuries are pretty much a result of her many days worth of protecting Lex Luthor. Right up to the end where she threw herself in front of a CAR to keep him safe!

Seriously, if I was Chloe’s parent, I would be throwing a hysterical fit at my daughter’s choices these past few weeks, ROTFL!
Which is why I was hugely impressed with Gabe, and how he accepted so calmly and lovingly that Chloe and Lex were in love with each other in a newly committed relationship.

“But Lex is a good man,” he told her. “I know that some people have problems with him because he’s a Luthor. But it’s like I’ve always told you, Chloe. There’s a difference between good fortune and good character.

I loved this statement, and how it revealed WHY Gabe was being so cool about the situation. I finally understood that Gabe will not simply ‘begrudgingly accept Lex as Chloe’s choice’, but Gabe honestly admires Lex… believes him to be a good, kind, decent man. I loved what he said about how Lex has proved himself to be above and beyond a good person because of the way he’s maintained a decent nature despite all of Lionel’s attempts to twist and subvert it into something evil and ugly. And he’s actually glad that this ‘good man’ returns his daughter’s love.
I think Gabe is genuinely HAPPY to have Lex as a future son-in-law (he knows a wedding is coming soon! LOL!).

Squeezing her hand, he smiled slightly. “I mean, sure, you’re in the hospital. But this is probably the most minor of all your hospitalizations. Frankly, I’ve given up on safe for you,” he told her in a weary tone. “There’s only risk management where you’re concerned.”

ROTFL! Looks like Chloe didn’t have to give the whole hair-raising ‘I attract trouble no matter how you try to keep me safe’ argument to Gabe. He was painfully aware of it already. He was very casual and candid about it right now, but I can’t imagine that a good part of him doesn’t feel pain and despair about how close his baby girl has come to death over the years.

Awww… and Chloe GOT that! She understood how very difficult it must be for a parent to have a child that places herself in consistent danger all the time… and she actually tried to apologise for being that kind of a person. That was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I was so GLAD to see Gabe brush aside her starting apology with an impatient brusque ‘I wouldn’t have you change for anything in the world’.
Squeee!!! Now THAT is every girl’s dream about how her father should respond to her :D

And despite his feeling that no one was good enough for his little girl, and regardless of his concerns about the trouble that was part and parcel of the Luthor name, he was almost glad that Chloe and Lex were truly committed to their relationship. Because, after all of the years of doing it on his own, Gabe Sullivan thought that it might be nice to finally have someone to share the considerable worry that loving Chloe brought.

And at least Lex’s hair wouldn’t turn gray.

ROTFL! Ok, here’s yet another reason that I didn’t see on why Gabe would REALLY like having Lex in a committed relationship with his daughter. Not only because he knows that Lex is a kind, decent guy madly in love with Chloe… but ALSO because he knows that Lex is a powerful, stubborn, paranoid and over-protective bastard who will most definitely come in useful when it comes to ‘protecting Chloe from herself’, ROTFLMAO!

I can’t WAIT to check out the Gabe/Lex conversation that’s coming up. Is Gabe going to give the pre-requisite ‘if you hurt my baby, I’ll kill you’ speech? Or is he going to jump straight into planning out bodyguard plans and strategies to making sure that ‘risk management’ around Chloe is handled properly? LOL!

Heeee!!! I wonder whether the ‘daddy in laws’ are going to have ANY kind of a talk with each other too. Somehow, I can’t imagine Gabe and Lionel having anything to say to each other… but it would be interesting to see them trying a conversation… for the purpose of being civil at least? LOL!

Kit Merlot
24th December 2008, 22:23
Part 23--I loved the father/son conversation, and that Lex is going to give his dad a chance to prove himself a better person.

So, both of the dads approve the Chlex--excellent news:D

24th December 2008, 23:03
chapter 23

I loved the beginning with Lex listing out all the reasons why he HATED being ‘forcibly separated’ from Chloe’s side. LOL! Lex is usually clingy even during the best and most secure of times… but when his beloved is recovering in a hospital and facing up with a concerned father who might be telling her to leave Luthor… I’m quite impressed that Lex isn’t clinging to Chloe’s hospital hallway, with his ear stuck against the door, LOL!

I was so HAPPY to see a Lionel/Lex centric chapter. I’ve been waiting for them both to have a conversation since Lionel helped Lex rescue Chloe. I was wondering how the situation had changed between them, and it was delightful to finally get a report on that.

Lex knew he shouldn’t be surprised at either the fact that his father had managed to get information on Chloe’s condition or that he openly shared that fact, and yet he was. Sometimes he wondered if Lionel had any idea how the whole ‘redeeming oneself’ thing actually worked.

ROTFL! And I’m SURE that Lionel would only look at Lex in polite bafflement if Lex tried to explain why it was ‘wrong’ for Lionel to go traipsing through Chloe’s private and confidential medical files, LOL!

“There is nothing else,” he continued, “that you could have done to ever make me question that decision…except this.”

heee! I suspected this might have been the case. I really believe Lex’s assessment that there is NO other way Lionel could have earned that second chance except through helping Chloe in some essential manner. I love that Lex made it clear that Lionel’s chance at atonement has ONLY come about because of Chloe.

I really liked how Lex was honestly so confused, and even a little ‘frightened’ about what kind of a new relationship was forming up between himself and his father. The old loathsome, hatred-filled relationship wasn’t fun, but at least it was something Lex knew and could predict to some degree… this is something completely out of the blue, and he’s going to have to gently feel his way forward an inch at a time.

I also loved how Lionel seemed to be feeling the same way. But he was far too determined to NOT end up dying alone, hated and isolated to let this confusion and anxiety deter him from this ‘new way’ of dealing with his son.

“Lex…” Lionel began but then trailed off. He seemed to search for the right words before starting again. “Son, I won’t try to convince you I’m a different person than the man that you’ve always known. You wouldn’t believe it and, frankly, I’m not sure that it would be true.”

heh… I really admired Lionel’s honesty here. Very impressive!

It actually made a strange kind of sense to Lex. His father had not just been imprisoned, he also had thought that he was going to die. Those two things, separately, we’re enough to change one’s perspective. But combined? Yes, he could see how that might have made even Lionel long for the connection that family brought; pushed him into thinking about the continuation of the Luthor line.

And Lionel was the kind of man who would do whatever it took to succeed. If he truly believed that he had to play nice to be let back in, even in a probationary manner, then he’d do so if it was the only way he could achieve his goal.

Wow! That was brilliant! I loved the idea that Lex somehow was able to take reference from the calculated, ruthless part of Lionel’s nature to reinforce this new ‘nice routine’. I LOVED that Lex was able to reconcile Lionel’s essential nature to this new behaviour he’s (currently) exhibiting. It was brilliant and insightful, Skauble!

Which didn’t mean Lex trusted him. Didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be watching all the time in case Lionel’s ‘goals’ suddenly changed. But it did mean that there was a very minuscule amount of something that had previously been foreign to the Luthor family – hope.

*happy sigh* what a beautiful, AWESOME ending. I loved how the chapter ended with Lex expressing that he’s HIGHLY sceptical of Lionel’s change in behaviour… and he’s fully prepared for Lionel to ‘snap back’ to old form again… but there’s ALSO a beautiful note of hope in Lex. Oh dear, PLEASE don’t let Lionel crush that bit of hope. It’s only a tiny spark of hope, but even losing THAT would devastate Lex… I know it would!

I look forward to the next chapter. It seems like the chapter is wrapping up quite nicely now. Only Chloe’s present left to open, and then we’re done? ;)

Kit Merlot
26th December 2008, 05:16
Part 24--I love how easily the Chlex outmaneuvered the Clana:grin3:

And if Chloe hadn't talked to Lana first, the Lang would have had it in her brain that Lex was only with Chloe because he couldn't have her. Chloe played to Lana's vanity and it worked: she truly believes that she was a Chlex supporter from way back--nicely played:D

26th December 2008, 06:35
I got really behind on reading, and just caught up on, like, twenty chapters two days ago. But, I've been reading along since then, and it's been amazing.

I absolutely adore this fic. It's been the perfect Christmas present; sweet, in character, and well-paced. I loved Lionel and Chloe's interaction, and that Lionel was trying to change.

The way Lex and Chloe's relationship evolved, was really well written. It was obvious that there had been feelings there before hand, and that it was tough for both of them to break their connection. But I really liked how they worked through it, and ended up together.

Both of the presents were so sweet. I love Chloe's game; it's so in character and cute. And I love that she made Lex play it. Somehow I doubt that many other people could get away with that.

And, of course, I love that Gabe was fine with their relationship, and how it went down when Clana was informed. Clever Chloe, tricking Lana...

Thank you for such a fantastic Christmas present...I can't wait for the epilogue!


26th December 2008, 07:54
Wonderful fic from start to finish...I loved the little gifts that all had meaning and the game they played up until the end. So glad they had a wonderful Christmas and sounds like they will have many more.

26th December 2008, 19:45
So, Lionel is (mostly) good, Gabe supports the Chlex, Clark and Lana were easily played, and everyone had a Merry Christmas ;) haha I loved this story from excellent start to wonderful end, with all the awesomeness in between! Always good to have a happy ending especially at Christmas and especially with Chlex :D Yay for the proposal and acceptance of the same in the Epilogue, that was an extra-specially nice way to end. Just beautiful, Sarah - thanx so much for a whole month of wonderful ficcage :)

26th December 2008, 22:42
Chapter 24

After much discussion they’d decided to meet at The Talon. Although neither of them felt the need to let the general populace know of their new relationship, they did have a very public history together, so there was little harm in them being seen engaging in such innocent activities. Besides, they didn’t want their relationship, when it did come out, to be so shocking as to become a hot bed of gossip. Best to let everyone see them together as friends, make nothing of it, and then pretend, later, that they’d known about it all along.

I loved how the Chlex couple are planning out their relationship in carefully strategised steps :D It’s damned FUN to see them both taking such sneaky (but very practical) approaches to bringing their relationship out into the public an increment step at a time.

And Lex had been almost ridiculously happy at the acceptance that threat implied.

Chloe glanced sideways at Lex and wondered what thoughts prompted the slightly goofy smile trying to creep onto his face.

LOL! I wonder what kind of face Chloe would make if she knew that the ‘goofy smile’ on Lex’s face was inspired by thoughts of her dad! LOL! but I was pleased to see that the conversation between Gabe and Lex went so very well that Lex can smile so happily about it now. The guy deserves a break, and he’s finally getting the turn in luck that is due to him!

Lionel had tossed one assurance after another at Chloe – he’d changed, he wanted a second chance, he finally understood what was important in life. Frankly, Chloe couldn’t have cared less. If Lionel died miserable and alone then it was no more than he deserved, in her opinion, and he only had himself to blame.

Her only concern was Lex and so, thankfully, their conversation had been brief and to the point – hurt his son and she’d kill him.

Heeee! Even more fun and fascinating than the Gabe/Lex conversation was the Lionel/Chloe talk! I liked imagining Lex basically going into his meeting grovelling for Gabe’s approval… and I LOVED imagining Lionel approaching CHLOE with the same servile and deferential manners. Lionel was actually even MORE desperate for Chloe to agree to ‘tolerate him’ than Lex was for Gabe’s approval… which is exactly how it should be! LOL!

“It was hard for Lex and I while we were apart, loving the other but not sure if we could be together. Lex needed a friend, and you didn’t turn your back on him. And that means a lot to me.”

And with that she turned and pulled Lana into a tight embrace and, strangely, felt no guilt at what she’d just done. It wasn’t that Chloe had necessarily wanted to manipulate her friend. But the fact was that Lana would misread the situation no matter what. So the choice was either to let her misread it as Lex being an evil fiend who was settling for poor Chloe because he couldn’t have his true choice, or have her misread it as her being a truly intuitive individual who understood that her friends were hurting and did everything she could to help.

I was wondering how Lex and Chloe were going to handle revealing their relationship to the Clana couple, without making Clark or Lana believe that Chloe needed ‘saving’ from the fiendish, despicable Luthor! Heeee!!! But it figures that Lex and Chloe managed to figure out a solution for this waaay in advance, and executed that plan perfectly! What sneakily wonderful writing, Skauble! LOL!

I really enjoyed the charming and skilful manner with which Chloe managed to manipulate Lana’s emotions and mind-set like a violin… and convinced the girl to believe a completely fictitious version of past events. LOL! It was amazing and incredible manoeuvring from Chloe, and I hugely enjoyed reading it!

I also appreciated the note where Chloe accepted that while Lana has some REALLY annoying behaviour and perceptual habits, she’s really a very sweet, accommodating and kind-hearted person who is worth having as a friend. I rather like fics where Chloe can acknowledge the nicer qualities in Lana as well as the annoying, bad ones.

And Chloe could see that she honestly was and so, while she had just lied through her teeth, she felt it was more of the “there is a Santa Claus” kind of lie as opposed to the “could you take this ‘innocent’ package across the border and give it to my ‘brother” kind of lie.

ROTFLMAO! What a delicious compare and contract visual, Skauble! ROTFL!

“Clark,” Lex frowned and feigned a small amount of hurt. “I know that you and I haven’t been seeing eye to eye on everything, lately, but do you really think that I’d do that to you?”

Okay, Chloe might not have known he was going to go quite that far with the guilt, Lex thought. But he was tired of always being the one who was supposed to carry all the blame for the deterioration of their friendship. Yes, he had his secrets, but Clark Kent was truly the last person on Earth who should start chucking stones out of glass houses.

“No. I mean,” Clark stopped. Pulled his thoughts together and then shot Lex a small, lopsided smile. “Chloe, huh?”

ROTFL! Even better and more awe-inspiring than Chloe’s manipulation of Lana was Lex’s playing with Clark’s perception of the situation, ROTFLMAO! It was such GREAT fun to see Lex actually playing Clark so he felt guilty about ‘suspecting’ that Lex was expressing interest in Lana.

LOL! And just so easily… the Chlex couple have completely re-written history in their favour! ROTFL!

And Lex couldn’t help but smile back. Didn’t even want to try to resist. Clark had been one of the first real friends he’d ever had, and if there was any way that they could come to a place where they could respect the fact that they were both bald faced liars, well, they couldn’t be the friends they’d once dreamt of, but they could be something.

He didn’t know if it could work, but for both his own sake, and Chloe’s, he was going to try. And so he invited Clark over for a game of pool the next day and changed the subject as he saw the women making their way back towards the table.

I highly approved that Clark and Lex ALSO made up (sort of) the friendship that was previously strained between them. It wasn’t exactly a friendship… but at least there was some form of acceptance and a truce between them now, which is VERY honestly the best thing that they both can hope for right now.

And who knows… they might end up forming a real friendship again after all!

Which left her even more confused until, “Oh! That was from you?”

Lex scowled down at her in the dim porch light. “Yes that was from me. Who did you think would give you such a thing? Clark?”

Squeee!!! I was so, SO happy to see that The Present was finally being brought up in this final chapter. I was dying to know what was wrapped up in that damned wrapping paper!!

LOL! And I shared Chloe’s ‘wild curiosity’ about what the gift could be after Lex seemed so indignant and offended at the idea of HIS gift being credited to Clark. LOL! It was obviously something special and meaningful!!! Hurry and OPEN IT, Chloe!

And now Chloe’s curiosity was afire. Lex seemed truly upset that she would attribute his gift to Clark, which left her dying to know just what was in that package resting, still wrapped, on her desk.

At her questioning look, Lex took the keychain from her hands. Placing the small, rectangular piece of steel on his palm, he flicked the bottom of it open to reveal a small button.

“It’s a GPS beacon,” he told her. “When you push that button, wherever you are, I’ll know”

Lex hesitated a minute. Looked at the small device in his hand, then back up at the woman he loved. Told her, “Everyone gets lost sometimes. And it’s good to know that there’s always one person you can count on to find you.”

Oh my HEAVENS! *swoon* what a perfect present!!! It’s not only something very practical that Chloe can use to save herself from about 80% of her ‘what if…’ situations, but it’s also a wonderful token of appreciation and value from the man who loves her. I LOVED his implied comment that, anytime she presses that button, he’ll drop EVEYRTHING and come tearing after her… wherever she might be.

Like she’d found him. The words were unspoken, but she heard them clear as day. And as their lips met, she knew that despite the pain and the obstacles, the misunderstandings and miscommunications, what they’d found…was each other.

*happy sigh* what a beautiful, gorgeous sentiment to end this chapter on. I loved how Chloe’s present DID end up holding a ‘far beyond’ special meaning for both of them. Yet another reason on why these two were always perfectly matched together.

Chapter 25. Epilogue

I really appreciated how this chapter began with a quick explanation about how the situation currently stands now after the passage of all these years. It was NICE to hear about how everyone has grown and progressed… what happened with Clark, Lana AND Pete… not to mention the quick details of the development of the Chlex relationship over the past three years.

Although he’d never thought it would happen, both he and Chloe had had Christmas Eve dinner in Metropolis, with Lionel, the night before. Despite innumerable underhanded business deals and questionable ethical choices, the man had kept true to his word of not hurting them and Chloe had adopted a mostly ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy unless his actions were truly egregious.

heee!!! :D I especially appreciated getting the detail on the Lionel/Chloe truce. It’s good to know that Lionel has still got his ‘evil bastard edge’ in the business world, although it’s wonderful hearing about how he’s STOPPED applying those ‘evil bastard’ manners and techniques on his son.

Heh… and it sounds like Lionel has been making a sincere effort to win over Chloe’s approval… still. Excellent!

“And you think that I’d give allow you access to anything that would heighten the likelihood of you finding danger? Not likely,” he told her, shaking his head.

“Yeah,” she easily dismissed. “Like you’d be the Luthor I asked.”

Ignoring Lex’s scowl, Chloe began to speculate on possible scenarios for their game.

ROTFLMAO! Oh this was priceless!! I’ve got a firm picture in my head about how Lionel is STILL desperate for Chloe’s good opinion, hence he’s completely wrapped around her finger… and will do anything she asks in order to get that much coveted ‘look of approval’ that he needs from her, LOL!

“What would I do if – there was a zombie outbreak that affected two thirds of Metropolis? If I was dropped into a pit of venomous snakes with nothing but a letter opener and a block of Velveeta Cheese? I came to Smallville to visit Lana to find it wasn’t really her, but that she’d been cloned?”

“Wait, what?” Lex asked, his mind sticking on one thing in the midst of her many, utterly ridiculous scenarios. “Why would anyone want to clone Lana?”

Chloe shrugged, “I don’t know. That’s what makes it a good ‘What if’.”

ROTFLMAO! I had actually guessed from the VERY beginning that Lex was actually trying to pop the proposal question with his ‘what if…’ opening. Hence I was ROTF howling with laughter hearing Chloe rushing over Lex’s words and throwing the most ridiculous tangent in his direction. LOL! Poor Lex… it’s hard enough for the poor guy to bring up this topic without Chloe getting distracted by other shiny things. LOL!

And as she threw herself into his arms, and he crushed her to him, Lex knew that wherever they were, be it mansion in Smallville, penthouse in Metropolis, or anywhere in between; as long as they were together, they were…home.

What an absolutely perfect ending! I was really not surprised hearing Chloe’s answer… because there’s NO other response she could have given him in this fic, LOL! But it still warmed by heart to hear her answer… even if it WAS the obvious one! LOL!

Wow, Skauble! End of the fic! And you managed to finish off the Christmas fic without missing one single day of updating! I am seriously awed and impressed!!! You actually managed to write faster than I review… which I LOVED!!!

Thanks for the GREAT fic, Skauble. I loved the entire month of waking up every morning to be greeted by a new chapter of this fic. It was a wonderful time, and I’m rather sorry that it had to end. Thanks again… best regards!

Kit Merlot
27th December 2008, 04:14
The epilogue was sweetly adorable and quite funny!

Excellent work on this fic, Sarah:D

27th December 2008, 05:07
YAY skooble! You survived writing the advent calendar fic! That puts you in rare company with Zannie, and I guess any other advent calendar writers in the future. It's so exciting!

At least I assume you have survived? skooble?

Hmmm . . . . anyway, enjoy a nice rest and maybe I'll see you in the chat sometime. I hope your plot bunny has his feet up and his little brain entirely blank with zen-like satisfaction.

Figure 1:

27th December 2008, 16:25
What a wonderful adventure wrapped in a romantic tale with a dollop of MB added for zest. Thanks for a terrific holiday treat. Dagney

28th December 2008, 05:47
Oh my goodness that was so romantical. I loved it. What a beautiful story and the proposal was great. I will miss this story. Great job girl. :)

30th October 2012, 23:15
Such a wonderful story. It's terrible but I'm already feeling so festive this year and this was the perfect read to get me feeling even more festive :)

I loved obviously all the Clexy goodness and the rebuilding of their relationship along with the explanation for it's end in the first place. I laughed so hard at the ending with Chloe's manipulation of Lana, that whole passage just hit the nail on the head of Lana's character!

27th February 2018, 07:54
I just discovered this site due to a youtube video that someone made based on this story or because they were inspired by this story (can't really remember). I searched for this story on your ff.net account but couldn't find it and saw a link to this site on your author page. I was out of Chlex stories to read and your page introduced me to this site and I was so excited. I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved this story. It was honestly one of the best written stories I have read for this ship and definitely in the top 5 for the whole Smallville fandom. I can't wait to go read the other stories you have posted on this site.