View Full Version : [Completed] Time Warp (R-NC17)

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12th June 2009, 07:54
This story was awesome. I laugh, cried, got angry, cried some more, laughed, and jumped for joy. You did a wonderful job. It's a must read Chlex story. I wish you would have written more. A pregnant Chloe would be great. An daddy Lex would be awesome. I really enjoyed reading it. Thanks for posting.

29th July 2009, 03:49
Before I comment on the story, a little something about myself. I only watched the first couple of seasons of Smallville when it premiered. During that time I stumbled across some Chlex fanfic on fanfiction.net. The show didn't hold my attention, but every once in awhile I go back and read some stories.
I started reading this story all those years ago on ff.net. And now, finally, I have read the ending after joining this forum.

I really enjoyed it (considering I remember it from so long ago, that should be obvious). I like the premise, a little different, back in time instead of the future. For me the highlight was definitely Lex and Chloe's time at Hampton Prep.

1st May 2010, 20:41
Just reread this. (I *think* the first time I read it was on FF.N, cannot remember, 2005 was sooo long ago.) So worth the reread! Will probably read it again in a few years.


18th May 2010, 01:08
I've been re-reading this fic and I just wanted to say that I loved it the first time and I continue to heart it mightily.

28th May 2010, 18:38
This is my third or so rereading of this story and I still love it. Thank you.

29th May 2010, 00:36
I've lost tract how many times I've read it. It's that fantastic. If you're still out there reading this, thank you.

13th July 2010, 15:00
"It makes me wonder what’s going to happen. Where will Wendy go? Where will Corinne go? Where will Jules go? What on Earth could isolate him like that?"

I wonder if Chloe has ever considered the possibility that the thing that changes Lex so drastically between 1997 and 2002 is "losing" her when she gets pulled through time again. Granted, this raises all sorts of complications considering the fact that in the present (2002) before the time warp occurred her relationship with Lex in the past (1997) hadn't happened yet. Unless you work the time theory that the past, present, and future all exist at once but on separate parallel planes, if that makes any sense. But I haven't yet finished reading this wonderfully original fic so I don't know yet how the time travel thing is going to be resolved. And will Chloe's presence in 1997 have altered or made any kind of impact on the 2002 she eventually returns to? I look forward to finding out :).

18th July 2010, 05:19
Just love this story. Chlex all the way.

19th July 2010, 04:16
I read this on FFnet, years ago and again here, but this is the first time I read the epilogue. I enjoyed it everytime!

25th July 2010, 10:14
so good to re-visit the classics! this was one of my faves, and the advantage of reading it again is
I don't have to wait for a new chapter!

Ami Rose
27th July 2010, 07:59
Loved the ending! LOVED the story!

13th August 2010, 08:42
*sigh* I am still in love with this fic. When everyone is dying....I just can't help but shed a tear! Great ending to a great fic! ...even though I never wanted it to end!

6th September 2010, 05:19
I have to openly admit that I don't think I've ever cried so much in the course of one story. Even the epilogue made me cry simply because the story was over. To be honest, I didn't really expect to like a chlex fic based around time travel but I could not have possibly loved it more. And while it was sadly written so very long ago, that meant I could read the whole thing all the way through without anxiously waiting for new chapters. I wish I could accurately explain to you how beautiful a story Time Warp was and how much I absolutely loved it. Thank you so much for making something so wonderful! :D <3


23rd October 2011, 05:52

Okay. That's out of my system.

I FINALLY got to finish this after what feels like years and it. was. amazing. Thank you so much for this awesome story. Seriously. Thank you.

14th February 2013, 06:18
Reread it... I still love it
Cried and laughed all over again

14th July 2014, 01:20
So, I haven't really been on these boards in years...but a recent conversation with a friend stirred up my interest in SV again (at least the first 4 seasons because I could never get past the 4th). Of course, if it's SV, for me it's Chlex as that's the ship that really set sail for me first out of almost any fandom. And when I think about Chlex? THIS is one of the stories that brings it all home for me. It's one of my favorite tales I've ever read in this pairing and, even after all of these years, it holds up. You have an incredible gift for writing and you can do something specific that many fanfic writers cannot- create new characters who fit effortlessly into the 'verse and the the readers end up caring about. I reread this story last night and you still had me crying over Jules and Corinne. Still.

Thank you again, all these years later, R, for this gift to all of us!

27th January 2015, 01:26
Bumping this awesome fic- a classic in the Chlex fandom- for our new members to discover.