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View Full Version : [Completed] Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 6 08/29/2019

15th June 2008, 21:29
Title: Remembering Chloe Sullivan
Author: Letia84
Rating: R/NC-17 Adult language, Sexual content, and Some Violence
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Own by DC, Warner Brothers and The CW
Summary: Chloe awakens after saving Lois’ life but she has no idea what she’s done or where she is. Waiting at her bed side is a bald headed stranger. He’s her only link to remembering Chloe Sullivan.

Notes: I can’t hold it in anymore. I know I have three fics going but one of them is almost done so I can start another one. One of the best ideas DeKnight has ever had and I’m stealing it.

That’s right Chloe is losing her memory and Lex is going to help her remember who she really is. Chloe doesn’t wake up in the morgue that’s silly. She wakes up with Lex that’s good.

For this to work I’m fixing some stuff. Lex wasn’t saved by Kara because I don’t want to write about her so that means no Bizarro and no ruined dam. Lana didn’t die in the fake explosion or marry Lex! As with many a fic there is some smutty Chlex history. On with chapter.

Chapter 1 Chloe Sullivan’s Awakening

When you wake up there is a moment where you don’t know anything; who you are, where you are or if you’re in a safe place. The moment is fleeting and passes in an instant.

But it wasn’t passing for Chloe Sullivan.

She woke up into a world that may have been familiar at one time but now she only felt panic.

“Chloe?” A concerned voice called out to her left and it most certainly wasn’t a familiar one.

Lex was pleased with the outcome of Chloe’s awaking. The sedative she was given had finally worn off and she came to in a state of panic. There was no telling the side effects of using her ability but if he wasn’t mistaken it looked like she had no idea who he was once she laid eyes on him.

Chloe’s body was found with a frantic Lois inside the dam. After viewing the footage Lois had gotten in way over her head. She was stabbed and rightful Lex consider for trespassing on his property. He was thankful Lois called Chloe.

It was hard to watch but Lex wouldn’t have to worry about explaining Lois Lane’s death to anyone thanks to Chloe. While he watched the scene Lex got to see how much Chloe cared for her cousin. Even if Lois was rude, overbearing and slowly trying to weasel her way into Chloe’s profession she was her family.

Seeing her bring her lifeless body back let him see the lengths to which Chloe would go to save someone she loved. It looked as if she didn’t know she was doing it but the thought had to make it happen.

Chloe had Lois wrapped in her arms and suddenly the camera was blinded by white light. When the scene had returned Lois was no longer in peril but Chloe was.

Since learning Chloe was infected he knew something was going to happen. He told his staff to watch her and if anything happened to her then she should be brought in for observation. For once his staff did as they were told.

The facility was now comprised and had to be moved but Lex had something in return. His staff intervened as if they were the police and Smallville pandemics. Lois was taken in one car to Smallville Medical Center while Chloe was taken to another facility of his own in Metropolis.

“I’m Chloe?” Once she spoke her hand rubbed over vocal chords. She sounded so helpless and the idea didn’t sit well with her.

“Yes your Chloe.” Lex was hesitant to get any closer to her seeing her squirm in the bed trying to get away from him.

“That makes you?” She questioned him hoping he was the person with all the answers because she had none.

“I’m someone you trust…” Lex started. This was amnesia and anything he said right now was going to make this worth his wild or be a big mistake. “I’m someone that knows you very well.” He added for good measure.

The fear in her eyes settled a little as she surveyed her surrounding. She had a name and now she needed to know the place she was in. “Where are we?”

“You’re in Metropolis, Kansas.” Lex started moving towards the window to show off the city. “Come and have a look.” He pulled back the blinds and waited for her to respond.

Chloe took his hint to come closer and shoved back the covers from the bed. When she looked down at her self she was in a hospital gown. It made little since because they clearly were not in a hospital. For some reason she knew a hospital well. The place she was in didn’t smell like any hospital and it didn’t have the ultra soft bed she was lying in.

Hospitals certainly didn’t have the view she saw when her eyes settled out the window. The sky was clear and they were up very high. She assumed they were at the top of a building and down below was a busy city.

She looked at the man that seemed to have the answers and he was calm. His eyes were fixed on her looking just as concerned as his voice. “Who are you?” She asked looking away from the window right into his eye ready to catch any signs of a lie.

“I’m Alexander Luthor but you refer to me as Lex.” These questions were easy it was the why she was there with him that would be hard to explain.

When his staff told him Chloe was dead he didn’t believe them. He had to know why and order her body be examined at once to find out what happen but as soon as his order went out a miracle happen. A weak pulse appeared and she was coming back. This was Lex’s chance so he seized it.

Chloe was to be drugged and taken to the penthouse. He needed to isolate her. He had no intentions of putting her in with the rest of population of meteor infected. Chloe’s power was so unique it had to be hidden for now.

He needed to make her see that he was the one with the answers to keeping her alive. Bringing her into his home was suppose show her he trusted her and she could trust him.

What was happening now wasn’t what he expected. Lex thought she would awake and remember that she hated him. He thought she would know his people kidnapped her and ran experiments on her. He thought she would know about the tracking device that was placed inside her body that was some how found then removed.

Worst of all he thought she would remember what he had done to her mother Moria. Lex only wanted Moria’s help. His plan was always was to reunite them.

Last year was all a blur of bad choices with his father, business and of course with Lana Lang. This year was not going to be the same. Lex was going to get back the things that matter to him.

He was going to help the meteor infected. He was going to expand Luthor Corp instead of watching it flap in the wind by first buying the Daily Plant. He was going to rid him self of his father.

He was going to find out Clark’s secret and he didn’t need Lana Lang for that. All last year he learned he didn’t need Lana for that. Lex was thankful he learned this truth. Lana’s ultimatum over her or the box remnants from his alien visitor was and easy choice.

Lex chose the box.

He was going to get back what he lost all those years ago. Chloe was in his penthouse to convince her he could help with her powers and in doing so earning her trust again then maybe something more he lost long ago.

Right now as she stared at him looking for more information. Everything could come from him and she would believe him. He could make it as if their separation never happened.

“Is that all?” Chloe asked him thinking he would say more. He was watching over her. They were in some sort of penthouse apartment alone together and he kept looking at her with longing eyes. For some reason she felt like there was more for him to say.

“I’m someone that cares for you.” Lex started thinking of the right way to put the rest of the lie. It wasn’t a lie that he cared for but to what extent he couldn’t give away just yet.

At one time being with Chloe was very clear to him then something happen four years ago. When Chloe returned to her life in Smallville after being away for a summer she didn’t want him part of it. She knew no one would understand and instead of fighting for what they both wanted she walked away.

It wasn’t rejection it was fear.

Over the years things got worse and soon they weren’t even acquaintances. Lex moved on with his plans and that left Chloe behind. Now it was time to bring her back to where she belonged. Chloe had to know it too but at the moment she knew nothing.

“You care for me?” She questioned. “Like a brother?” Her eyes looked to him searching for any signs of family but she didn’t know what she looked like so her search halted. It was the strangest thing to know what a brother was but not know if the person standing in front you was your brother.

“No, not like a brother.” Lex moved in on her just a little. She didn’t back away but keep studying him. “We are…” For a second Lex wasn’t going to say it.

This lie would have to be followed by so many others. He could tell Chloe how she once felt about him but to explain why there were apart now would be lies.

He studied her for a moment before making his choice. Since the last time they were close she had changed so much. Chloe wasn’t seventeen any more. She had become an accomplished woman. The only thing keeping him from not being able to separate her now from her then was the look in her eyes.

Clark could say he knew a lot of things about Chloe but he didn’t know it all. He didn’t know that Lex could tell every emotion she had just by looking into her eyes. If Clark knew he didn’t appreciate the calming effect Chloe’s eyes had.

Lex was certain Clark didn’t know what Chloe’s eyes looked like while she came like a fountain during sex. He knew he had that one over the wonder boy.

“What were going to say?” Chloe wanted to shake the answer out of him. She was standing there without any memories and he seemed to be daydreaming while looking into her eyes. “If you haven’t noticed I don’t know who I am and if you care about me so much then tell me what you know.”

This was the Chloe he knew putting him in his place but she didn’t even know it. It took her biting wit and humor to make his choice.

He placed his hands on her shoulders for comfort as he spoke. “We are in love.” Lex was going to start with a lie then wait for it to become the truth.

Chloe couldn’t see her face but she felt her jaw drop. She loved this man and had no clue why but if he loved her then he’d have to help her. “Okay. I have a name, a location and someone that loves me.” She started getting her bearings by sitting back on the bed. “The next thing is a doctor.”

There were so many things she knew but nothing was concrete. Being in love certainly wasn’t something she remembered. A doctor would have to help sort out the messing links because who ever Lex Luthor was he was easy on the eyes to be in love with.

Lex need to know the extent of her amnesia from his doctors just as much as she did. “I have one on call. I’ll get him right away.”

He moved for the door to leave but looked back one last time to check on her. She buried her face in her hands. This wasn’t going to be easy for either of them.

As she heard the door close Chloe was on the verge of tears. Some how she had to remember who she was and for now Lex was the only help she had.


Chloe realized quickly she hated doctors. The doctor speaking to her kept asking her questions she had no answers to. He said that the question would help him sort out what type of amnesia she had.

She could really care less what type it was. It was more important that she learn how to remember who she was.

The man she was now calling Lex as he stood by watching her squirm. After Lex went to get the doctor Chloe snooped about the room she was in. It was pretty empty and appeared to be a guest room. Once she realized it was a guest room the weirdness set in then the questions came.

The reason she was in a hospital gown, alone with Lex Luthor and in a guest room in his penthouse apartment had to be answered.

“Okay Ms. Sullivan one last question.” The doctor checked off something on a notepad before going on. “Do you remember the last place you were in before waking up here?”

Of course she didn’t know the answer to that but Chloe thought about it anyway. The best way it seemed to connect her past was to look at her present. She was in love with a rich and handsome man. She was possibly in a coma and he watched over her until she woke up.

She mulled it over then something hit her. “I was in hiding in a little house.” Chloe answered.

The interview was going fine until Lex heard Chloe’s last answer. The doctor asked a series of questions and she knew none of the answer until now. She connected her past with her present that at the moment only included him.

“What kind of house did you say it was Chloe?” Lex wanted to see were this could go and moved in next to the doctor. If her memories started out in the safe house then that put him in good favor with her.

The safe house was where she let him in. It was the place he let him self love her. The isolation of the place allowed them to both let ago and enjoy each other for a few fleeting weeks.

Chloe closed her eyes and tried to see what Lex asked. If there was some scrap of it in her mind she had to see it. “It was small and well hidden. “ She closed her eyes tighter trying to see it but nothing was coming.

Lex could see she was straining her self and moved to sit next to her. “Its alright you don’t have to force it.” He placed his hand over hers. When she opened her eyes he read the disappointment.

When he touched her hand it reminded her of something. “You use to see me while I was in the house.” It came to her when he touched her hand that this wasn’t the first time. She looked at him and saw the memory she thought was lost.

“I was hiding from someone and you knew about it. You kept me hidden in the little house. We would spend time together talking, watching movies and just enjoying each others company.”

As Chloe spoke Lex knew his plan was going to work. She was going remember him first and that would lead to her trust lying solely with him. “That’s right.” Lex looked to the doctor now for the diagnoses. “So this means she will remember everything?”

The doctor nodded once before going on. “Ms. Sullivan you have dissociative amnesia.”

“What does that mean?” Chloe questioned letting her other hand move on top of Lex’s. For some reason she felt safer the closer she was to him at the moment. It let her know she wasn’t alone.

“Memories about your life have been repressed due to trauma. As time goes on and the more contact you have with your life your mind will work it all out.”

“It’s possible she will remember everything.” This was something Lex didn’t want. If he could pick and choose Chloe would never remember some of things that happen the past few years.

“Yes, Mr. Luthor it will all come back.” The doctor confirmed his fear.

Lex knew now it was all about spin. If she would remember then he would have to make it all seem as if it was meant for the greater good of them both. He turned to look at her to see some sort of relief but all he saw was fear.

“Thank you doctor.” When she replied her voice was a little shaky. The way to get to know her self was to live a life she didn’t remember. It was life that Lex knew and she looked to him for help. “Can you help?” The question was simple but it scared her. She was putting all her faith into someone she didn’t know.

He grinned slightly as he answered. “Of course I’m going to help you.” He thought the grin would comfort her some.

She nodded once and returned his smile. “Its time for me to remember Chloe Sullivan.”


Chapter 2 Chloe Sullivan’s Past

Notes: So you want more? Let me know.

15th June 2008, 22:43
Excellent start letia...definitely want more.

15th June 2008, 22:48
I love the idea of Chloe remembering nothing from season 4 and on. I want to hear more about her history with Lex during the time in the safe house. I also like that Lex chose the box over Lana, smart choice. So this means it might take a while for Chloe to remember about Clark's powers, and by the sound of it Lex doesn't want her to remember, so this is more about his second chance with Chloe then trying to figure out Clark's secret. I wonder what everyone else thinks happened to Chloe and if they will ever see her again. Damn Smallville for not letting Season 7 happen like this, that storyline was so wasted on Kara.

15th June 2008, 23:59
Fantastic beginning! Chloe with amnesia is a great plot, and was totally wasted on Kara on SV. Stupid AlMiles!

I love that Chloe didn't remember anything in the beginning after waking up, but then the first thing she remembers is Lex and their time together in the safe house... Awesome. I wonder how fast she will start to remember, and of what? Also what really happened between them in the safe house? I need more info...

I loved that Lex never married Lana, and picked the alien box instead of her... Why didn't that happen on the show? *whines*

I look forward to reading the next chapter!!

16th June 2008, 02:49
I adore your Chlex fics and am jumping for joy you've started another. I'm hooked already. Dagney

16th June 2008, 02:53
More Please! Can't wait to see how Lex is going to spin it in his favor. Hope Clark doesn't get in the way. Post More Soon!

16th June 2008, 04:18
Great start. This is a very interesting twist in Smallville world. I love the tidbit that Chloe and Lex had a past relationship while she was in hiding. I can't wait to see what Lex does with Chloe in her current state. Can't wait for the next update.

16th June 2008, 05:26
That was a great beginning! I hope you continue this story and update soon. I am super interested in this plot line.

16th June 2008, 06:30
Please continue I want more.... :)

16th June 2008, 06:39
In total agreement that this how season 7 should of happened and that the amnesia storyline was completly wasted on Kara.

What does everyone else think happened to Chloe??? What else will Chloe remember??? And how will Lex deal with it???

And yes I want more!!!!!


16th June 2008, 07:06
Great start. I am going to just repeat what the others said. This is SO how it all should have happened anyway.

Hopefully when Chloe starts to remember more it doesn't put Lex's fears about telling her they are in love into motinos. Maybe she'll just realize she really is in love with him *sigh* Somehow, I don't think it's going to be that easy ;)

16th June 2008, 10:41
Great idea for a story. Love to hear more.

16th June 2008, 15:42
Excellent beginning.
And of course I want more!!

Kit Merlot
16th June 2008, 21:35
An awesome beginning, and I can't wait for this to be continued:D

4th July 2008, 16:54
I can't wait for more!!!!!!1

7th August 2008, 01:38
This story sounds awesome!! And it's only been one chapter.
I hope for more soon!

27th August 2008, 06:56
Notes: Sorry took longer then I thought to update this. Thanks for the feedback. I'll be jumping around what I see as important for season six. I didn't watch most of it so what I thought should have happened anyway to lead into season seven is what will be in here.

Chapter 2 Chloe Sullivan’s Past

As Chloe woke up for the second time in the penthouse she wasn’t as jarred as she was the first time. The bed was still comfortable making it hard to get up. She had to get up. There was so much out there for her to learn and none of that would get done lying in bed.

She wasn’t the only one stirring because there was a knock at the door. “Come in.” Chloe announced loud enough for the person to hear. She pulled the covers back and straightened out her oversized pajamas. There were no complaints about the size because the material was extra soft against her skin. She had learned Lex had excellent taste in beds and pajamas.

When the door opened Lex Luthor entered with several shopping bags in his hands. “Good you’re awake.” He spoke moving closer to her placing the bags on the bed next to her.

Today was the first day of Lex’s plans to play out. It was obvious to him Chloe still had no memory of who he was because she was still in his house. After the doctor left them Chloe had all sorts of questions for him.

She wanted to know about her parents, how old she was, where she lived, who else knew her and, then the most important question; what happen to her. Lex couldn’t tell her everything. Too much too soon could put her into shock. It could also send her running away from him.

The doctor made one final suggestion that she should be admitted to a hospital and through therapy she could get her memories back. After being assured that things would come back the more she was exposed to her life Lex wasn't about to lock her way when he could have her with him before she remembered she hated him.

“What’s in the bags?” Chloe looked him over and he seemed to have been up for a while.

He was fully dressed and wide awake. There was a slight nervousness about him. Chloe noticed it last night as he spoke. As he told her things she didn’t know she could see he was concerned about what he saying.

There were moments she tried see if that nervousness was because he was lying but she couldn’t catch him in a lie. For some reason she felt like she read people rather well. Her reading of Lex was that he was being honest. What he said the day before about caring for her was real on some level she didn’t understand yet.

Throughout their talk Chloe notice something else about Lex. She felt like she knew him. As she searched for lies in the way he spoke, the gestures he made and the way his eyes stayed on her all seemed familiar.

“They’re for you.” Lex answered her. He wanted to sit next to her but he was close enough to her already without worrying her. Last night he pushed things a little too far reaching for her hand. She didn’t move it away but she did look at him with a hint of anxiousness. “You need something to wear so here are a few things.”

The morning was busy for him. While Chloe slept he finalized the deal for the Daily Planet take over. He looked over the security options for the new 33.1 facilities. Lex ended the early hours of the morning by ordering someone to pick up clothes for Chloe.

He could have easily gotten someone to go into her apartment in Smallville but that left the door open to Lois. She was released from Smallville Medical Center the same time Chloe was awakening yesterday. He was sure she was looking for her. It was wrong that he was keeping her away from her friends for so long but he would be dealing with them soon enough.

Lex needed Chloe to trust him first. When it came time for her to face Clark, Lois and Lana he was sure they would do everything all wrong and push Chloe right to him.

“Thank you.” Chloe pulled one of the bags to her searching for what he brought her.

It was becoming very apparent to her that Lex was more than rich. She had a tour of the penthouse before going to bed and the place was massive. He had staff moving about and everything was polished to the point of shiny. Now she was looking over what seemed to be a brand new wardrobe. There was no sense in telling him she didn’t want the things. She only needed to wear one thing to get to her own clothes.

While they were talking that night he handed over her cell phone full of numbers to people she didn’t know as well as a set of keys to an apartment she didn’t remember. She didn’t go through her phone right away that night. Pumping Lex for answers was what she wanted to do first.

There was this itch inside Lex to touch her. The itch had been bothering him since they were alone the night before. Feeling the warmth of her hand for a few minutes wasn’t enough of a reminder of what was years ago.

It had been a long while since he was near her without the hostility. They had come custom to an endless sparring match. She would say something and he would bite back then suddenly it would all escalate into him saying too much. It would end with him being harsher then he needed to be.

At first it was to get back at her. Chloe made him feel something so strongly then she ripped it away from him. As time passed it was just the way things were. It was the same with his father. It was a tug of war in which both parties ended up with mud on their faces. It was place he never wanted to be with Chloe yet there he was.

Lex had brought it on himself. Now he had his second chance. All she had to do was remember them being together. Right now he just wanted to push back the strands of blonde hair covering her face as she looked into the shopping bags. Instead he went with a question. “What do you want to do today?”

Chloe didn’t know enough about anything to know what she wanted to do. She had already made up her mind that she didn’t want to contact her father. There was no reason to make him worry about her too soon. After a few days her memory could come back completely. Lex told her that Gabe had moved to Star City months ago for a job. It had to be hard enough for him to leave her and she didn’t want to add to any possible guilt.

Taking a moment to think it over Chloe knew where she wanted to start because she couldn’t stop thinking of it all night. “I dreamed about the safe house last night.”

Lex didn’t want to sound too eager about what she was saying. Things were still playing out in his favor. “Do you want to go there?”

“Yes if that’s possible.” Chloe settled on a top that was in one of the bags. There were at least ten choices for her. Lex had over done it because when she moved to the next bag she noticed there were several sets of bras and matching panties.

She cleared her throat ignoring the fact that the items all seemed to be perfectly sized for her. How could he possibly know her this well? “The dreams seemed real. I want to start there and see if anything makes sense.”

“Chloe I told you last night that was a long time ago. Are you sure you don’t want to start with the way your life is now. We could visit your apartment in Smallville or your job. There are your friends I told you about as well that may be worried about you.” Lex had to play this right. Making all the choices for her wasn’t the way. It had to be her choice where to start to open up her memories.

Of course she knew that was the past but it was the only thing that was clear to her right now. “I know it’s the past but that’s where I want to start.” Chloe stopped searching through the bags to look at him. “Maybe I need to go back to the start in order to understand the way things are now.”

He smiled slightly then nodded. “Okay then. You can get ready and meet me in the study.” Lex stood to leave but turned towards her just before he opened the door. “Do you want anything else?”

Chloe looked around her trying to think of what she could want right now other than her memories back. She had clean clothes in front her. A bathroom stocked with anything she could ever want. At the moment not knowing a thing she felt safe. Now there was a billionaire that was in love with her offering her even more.

Fighting to clear her head of sleep to answer him it became clear. “I need coffee.”

This was the Chloe he knew requiring a caffeine fix before starting the day. “Of course.” Lex replied opening the door.

“What do you mean of course? Do I like coffee?” Chloe questioned him with her eyes slanted trying to think of the taste, the smell and the heat of coffee. Again it became frustrating to know little things about the world but not being able to remember the important parts of it.

“You might say that.” Lex moved out of the room to let her get ready.

Chloe smiled to herself looking into the next bag for what to wear. “I like coffee.” She said to herself happy to know a new piece of information.


Chloe’s current surroundings were slowly becoming familiar. ?It was hard to believe she was a key witness in a murder trial. It seemed to make sense with what Lex said her chosen profession was. Being a reporter must have made that sort of thing common. Only when he said she was only seventeen at the time it floored her. Without telling her anymore Lex said it would all make sense soon enough.

When she moved into the living room she realized something. What the place really was had nothing to do with comfort.

“I was safe here?” Chloe questioned knowing Lex was lingering behind her. He had been doing that since they moved into the place. He was waiting in the wings to answer anything she needed help with.

“Yes...” He paused knowing she wasn’t as safe as intended. “…for a time.”

They had been at the safe house for about an hour. The house had been locked away for some time now. It was covered in dust and there was stale smell to it. Chloe’s mind started racing about the empty place searching for something that would trigger her memory. Her eyes settled on the far wall of the living room and it all came flooding back to her.

“I use to place articles here.” Chloe moved to the wall placing her hand against the worn paint. “I put things here I thought were weird or interesting. Things I would have wanted to investigate.”

“That’s right.” Lex wanted to add more to what she was saying but he couldn’t do it. This was for her to see.

She ran her fingers down the dusty wall seeing hundreds of pieces of paper covering it. “It was what I did to pass the time until the trial.” While she stood there everything from her dream the night before hit.

“There used to be a TV in this room.” Chloe closed her eyes letting it wash over what she knew. “We would watch TV here.” She turned around pointing to the empty space the couch was in.

Chloe moved towards the kitchen. “You helped me cook smoke salmon one night.” She moved away from the kitchen down the hall. “This is the bathroom.” The said passing the first door. “This was my dad’s room.” She spoke as they passed the second door.

“This was my room.” Chloe spoke pushing the door open.

“You’re right about everything.” Lex replied following her into the room. The place held so many memories that he wanted her to have again. There were things he could never forget.

As Chloe moved into the room there were so many images of Lex running through her mind. “This is where you held me when I was scared.” Chloe pointed to the where the bed was placed. Closing her eyes Chloe could still smell him against her. “I was afraid that I wouldn’t make it and you would tell me he can’t hurt me here. Your father Lionel can’t get to me here.”

Lex’s eyes widened. He never told Chloe his father’s name but there she was saying it. It seemed like her memoires would come back faster then he thought. “That’s what I said. I promised to protect you.”

When she turned to look at him the spot he was in now brought back a heart stopping memory. “That’s where you kissed me the first time.” Chloe pointed out at him.

Then she thought of her age. She was only seventeen years old at the time. How someone that powerful was interested in her had her little shaken. Then she was reminded of how it was possible when she looked at him. He was concerned but it was like he was worried about a little kid. Lex was concerned for her as some being victim to his father’s wrath. Some just like him.

He couldn’t be more pleased with the change in topic. “That’s right.” He knew the kiss well enough.

“I was standing here and my hands were shaking because I knew it was coming.” Chloe moved until she was in front of him. “I couldn’t look at you because I knew something was going to happen.” She looked away feeling as she was back that day then suddenly her hands started to shake.

“I held your hands.” Lex spoke doing the action again. He let his hand reach for one of hers then the other and they were indeed shaking.

The touch made her look up at him. When she met his eyes the feelings she felt were all around her. She was nervous and excited all at once. “Then they stopped shaking.” Chloe licked her lips thinking of the first touch of his lips against hers.

In that house Lex protected. When she needed someone Lex was there for her. He let her into his life in that house and Chloe let him into hers. They would laugh together, fight over silly things and when she was scared he would hold her. The strongest memory was understanding. Somehow he understood her and she understood him.

Chloe knew he loved her because he said so. Today standing in the safe house looking him in the eye she was starting to believe his words were the true.

“Do you remember what I told you?” Lex spoke watching her think it over. He moved closer to her letting go of one of her hands to place into around the curves of her face.

Chloe breathed out hard because the slow and steady feeling of his hand on her skin. His words started to come out her as if she had never forgotten them. “You said that you knew the circumstances weren’t perfect but you were glad that you could spend this time with me.”

“I’m happy to have you in my life and I hope you can be apart of it for a long time.” Lex finished smiling at her smiling back at him.

As she relived the memory Chloe knew what came next but Lex pulled away from her. “You’re not going to kiss me?” She moved back to him as he tried to back away.

“No.” Lex moved away from her out of the room. There was no way he could let this happen. She didn’t know everything yet. If she was going to come back to him then she would have to know everything first. This was only the start she had to know the end of it as well.

She chased after him running out of the house into to the fresh air of the afternoon. “Wait.” Chloe reached out to grab him and he stopped once she had a good grasp on him. He turned to face her and she could see he was upset. “I thought you said you loved me.”

“I do.” He answered her wanting to reach for her again and be as close to her as he was in the room but he couldn’t. That was a memory of the past. In the present the real Chloe would never let him get as close as he was just now.

“Then why would you shy away from me like that. I remember you. I remember the kiss. I remember a lot of kisses in that room.” Chloe was trying to understand if someone loved her wouldn’t they want to kiss her.

“I told you Chloe this is the past.” Lex didn’t want to tell but she would have to understand. “When you were here I knew you wanted me but now...” He paused for fear of giving away too much.

“What do you mean?” Chloe wasn’t going to get over her confusion on her own.

“Before the trial someone did get to you.” Lex felt the chill run down his spine when he went to see her that day only to find that she was taken.

Chloe wasn’t certain but she had an idea of what he meant. “His hands were made of metal.” The thought made her shake her head. “That sounds crazy. Who could have hands made of metal?”

Lex didn’t want her to think she was crazy but he didn’t want to open the door to the meteor infected just yet. “I never saw the person that took you but if that’s what you remember it must be true.”

Shaking off the thought Chloe still didn’t understand how she could remember feelings so strongly and not feel that way now. “What happened when I came home?”

“When you came home you told me that you couldn’t be with me because…” Lex paused trying not to get choked up by the memory.

Waiting for him to finish allowed Chloe to remember what she said. “Because I didn’t think I could be with a Luthor.” He nodded silently at her answer.

“Why would I do that?” Chloe looked back at the house behind them and she could feel all the memories of him in that place. “I know that I wanted you. I wanted you just now remembering what happened.”

“Chloe you were afraid and had every right to be.” He paused reaching for her, to turn her around and look at him, keeping his hands on her shoulders to comfort her. “My life isn’t the easiest to be a part of.”

“It’s not right that I don’t remember you.” Chloe was thinking how hard this was for her but looking at Lex she could see how hard it was for him to. Being in this place and remembering them this way was hard for him because he still loved her and they weren’t together anymore.

“You’re working on remembering me.” Lex answered pulling his hands away before he did something he shouldn’t.

“If we aren’t together then why did I wake up in your house? Why would you tell me we are in love?” Chloe didn’t question why she was with Lex. The first thing he admitted to her was that he cared for her so it made sense that he would want to take care of her when she was ill. Now that she was learning about Chloe Sullivan’s past it didn’t make sense for her to be with him now.

This moment had been coming all day. Lex knew sooner or later Chloe would ask the right questions he couldn’t answer with the truth. He had to be honest. Any sign that he wasn’t would send her away.

“I said what I did to reassure you that you were safe with me. When you got hurt the circumstance were so complex that I couldn’t leave you in a hospital.” Lex did his best to answer but he could see her working through it.

“That still doesn’t explain anything.” Chloe moved toward him looking for any signs that he was lying. His eyes only seemed to plead with her to forgive him.

Lex took in a deep breath. If he didn’t answer her then he’d lose her. When he hesitated her face grew stern and her eyes slanted at him. He knew this face and it wasn’t one he liked. The only thing he could do was tell her the truth but how to put it was the problem.

“You died.” Lex said it plainly letting it sink in.

The words came out of him in a rush. Chloe took a step back trying to find the meaning in what he said. Her mouth went dry when she tried to speak. “I died.” Chloe could feel herself falling over. She didn’t know why but she knew what he said was true.

It played out slowly in front of him until she was nearly toppling over. Lex made it to her in time to keep her from falling. She was heavy in his arms and the tears started coming hard and fast.

“But you came back. I don’t know how but you came back.” Lex told her sheltering her into his body. They stood there for moment playing out a scene he knew and she just recalled. It took a moment but her arms went around him.

“How did I die?” Chloe questioned him looking up from the shelter of his firm embrace.

“It’s easier if I show you.” Lex answered loosening his grip to let her go but she didn’t move right away.

There was a silent nod as Chloe pulled away. Being in his arms again only strengthened the memory she had in the safe house. “Let’s go.” After pushing back the wetness from her face Chloe moved quickly for the car. The feeling of death she had was strong just now and she needed to know where it came from.

Lex didn’t waste any time following after her to the Aston Martin to take his place in the driver’s seat. As he put the key into the ignition there was the sound of a phone ringing. It wasn’t his because he had set his cell and blackberry to vibrate.

“I think that’s you.” He replied to Chloe has she tightened her seat belt.

“Oh.” Chloe thought the sound was coming from Lex. She forgot that she placed the cell phone Lex gave her the night before in her new jacket pocket. Once the phone was in her hand it indicated she missed the call then shortly after it told her there were several missed calls along with some unheard messages.

“Who was it?” Lex knew the darn thing had rung all night but he hadn’t thought to tell her. When he gave her the phone the night before she could have looked at it herself to see but it was obvious now she hadn’t.

Chloe had given little thought to the phone when Lex gave it to her. People she didn’t know were calling her. This time she took note of the number of messages that were waiting for her. It seemed second nature when she found the missed calls section of the phone. Her hands did the work and she hoped they would remember more then just how to use her cell phone.

“The last call was from Lois.” Chloe answered then she saw the last ten calls were from Lois and the next few after that were from Clark. “I also have a lot of calls from Clark.”

Lex looked ahead of him at the safe house. The truth about what happened there wasn’t known by anyone but the people in his car right now. After Chloe returned home he wondered if she ever told Clark but, if she did, he was sure Clark would come knocking on his door for the truth. Lex hadn’t told her enough about her life for her to go back to Lois and Clark yet.

He started to wonder about one person that hadn’t called. Lana wasn’t necessarily worried about anyone but herself so it was no shock Chloe had no calls from her. The fact that Jimmy Olsen hadn’t called once was a bit of shock. The last he checked Jimmy was away but that didn’t mean he and Chloe weren’t together.

It was beside the point now; Lois and Clark were the matter at hand. “Do you want to call them?” He didn’t want to ask but he couldn’t make it seem as if he was keeping her from them.

Lois and Clark were only known to her right now as Lex described them the night before. Lois was her roommate and cousin while Clark had the role of close friend. How they fit into her life or how she fit into theirs was a mystery. Right now their messages and their calls weren’t leading to finding out how she died. Chloe shrugged off the call placing her phone back into her pocket.

“Show me how I died.” She answered Lex turning to look at him as he was already staring at her. This time he was silent and pulled the car away from the abandon house.

As he drove away Chloe took her last look at the place she understood that part of her life now. It was the place that saved her. It was a sanctuary she shared with Lex. It was the place where he held her and kissed her. It place she let him have her completely.

When they pulled out on to the highway Chloe watched Lex shift the gears and saw something different about him. As he griped the gear shift she saw her breast breathe his palm. When her focus went to the other hand she felt it wrapping around her neck pulling her closer to his lips.

Looking at his chest falling and rising she felt it against her own when he held her close. Once her eyes traveled to his face she saw it very differently. His brow was covered in sweat and his eyes weren’t focused on the road but on her. Then she heard the choked cry of her name escape his lips. The memory took over and Chloe started to feel very uneasy in her seat.

She was remembering them being lovers. The thoughts were overwhelming and she took in a harsh breathe of air looking away from him.

The gasp coming from his side almost made him stop the car to check on her. When Lex glanced at Chloe she had her hand pressed against her chest as if she was trying to catch her breathes.

“Are you alright?” He questioned slowing the car, pulling over to the shoulder seeing the state she was in.

She heard the concern in his voice and answered quickly. “I’m fine.” Chloe looked at him and the car had stopped completely now. The feeling of him surrounding her was stronger now that he was looking at her.

“What is it?” Lex turned to her waiting for her to say she remembered he was a monster. That she knew how she died. That she knew he had probed and prodded searching for the source of her infection. He was waiting for her to jump out of the car to get as far away from him as possible.

But Lex forgot that Chloe Sullivan wasn’t remembering her present. Her mind was stuck in the past and in the past he wasn’t any of those things to her.

“I was remembering us.” Chloe answered slowly looking at him and not seeing him now but seeing him then. “We were lovers?”

Lex smiled slightly at her question. “Yes.” He answered then the bitter truth came. “But only in the safe house.”

“I can feel it.” Chloe looked at him thinking that he could feel it too. He said he loved her and he must want what she was feeling back. He was all over her in her memories.

“Those are good memories for both of us.” His hand casually stroked her hair once and he watched her close her eyes to get the full effect. When she opened them again Lex wanted to kiss. At the safe house he was close to it and for the same reason then he couldn’t do it now.

As he pulled away Chloe knew why now. No matter how much she remembered she didn’t know him now. She could see that thought hurt but it was hurting her to now. “We should go.” Chloe looked away from him trying to regain her focus.

“Right.” Lex let the car roll back out on the road and he let another moment to have her again pass him by.

There was no need to rush. Chloe Sullivan’s life lay before them but right now he had to explain her death.

It was time to explore Chloe Sullivan’s secrets.


Chapter 3 Chloe Sullivan’s Secrets

27th August 2008, 10:04
I am totally digging this plot. I love that Lex is current, but working to go back to his good self. I also really love that Chloe automatically went to their summer; it obviously means a lot to her. It's also a good sign that it's where she went to, because she needed to repress everything after.

Love it. Update very soon, please!


27th August 2008, 13:04
I'm liking how Lex is being as 'honest' as he can. He is giving her control which is very empowering and when she maybe sees things from a different angle this time her choices may be different. Fab fic. Dagney

27th August 2008, 22:25
Wow, I'm really surprised of how fast Chloe's memories are coming back... but I love it. I also love that her first set of memories were of her time in the safe house with Lex and that she decided to go there an investigate her past.

I wonder what will happen when she finally sees or hears from Clark and Lois, will she start remembering her past with them too? If so, Lex better keep her away from them for awhile if he wants her all to him self.

This second chapter was excellent! I can't wait to read more in the future!!

28th August 2008, 00:02
Really great chapter, love the whole storyline. More please.

28th August 2008, 02:39
What a powerful update. I loved it. I can't wait to see what happens next. I feel bad for Lex because the moment she regains her memories she will be mad. :P

28th August 2008, 05:31
Great chapter. I love that Lex for the most part came clean with Chloe. I love that Lex and Chloe were lovers in the past. I'm hoping for some hot flashbacks and future scenes.

28th August 2008, 22:50
I love that Lex isn't trying to push anything on her. It honestly feels like he wants to protect her and comfort her while she gets her memories back. He, of course, wants to have this alone time with her without Lois and Clark taking over, but he also seems to be accepting of the fact that Chloe will remember everything and she'll eventually leave him. I think he knows this is his only chance, even if she can't reconcile the things he did in the past with how wonderfully he's trying to take care of her now, he'll at least have these new moments with her. I like that he wants her to remember and choose him that way, and not force anything on her because not only would it not be fair, it would also leave to a hollow relationship.

Kit Merlot
29th August 2008, 02:37
A wonderful update!

I like that Chloe's memories are tied to her feelings for Lex, and I like that he's helping her as much as he can--Good man:D

3rd September 2008, 06:59
What a great update!!!

I'm loving that Lex isn't lying to Chloe about her memories and is letting her choose what she wants to discover about herself.

16th December 2008, 20:08
Notes: Sorry that I let this one get so far away from me. Keep in mind. That all those wonderful things that happened in season 7 with Clark and Kara coming into to play are not going to happen in this story. The only thing I’m keeping is Chloe dying after healing Lois.

Chapter 3 Chloe Sullivan’s Secrets Part 1

Lex watched Chloe stare at the footage of herself. He could see her mind racing as she remembered what happened that day in the dam. The thought of seeing yourself do something you had no recollection of must be making her feel as if she had gone mad.

“Go back.” Chloe spoke not quite hearing what she said to Lois.

Lex did as she asked and she heard the faint whisper of her voice. She said that Lois was the strongest person she knew and a few other words about not wanting to lose her. Then there was the blur of light. She watched herself stumble way from Lois, then it all caught up to her like things did when she saw the safe house earlier that day.

“I felt so weak.” She watched Lois frantic now that they had switched places. “I tried to move but I remember slumping down and feeling cold.”

“They tried to save you.” Lex spoke next to her. “But…”

“I died.” She finished for him. Without any build up Chloe started to cry. It wasn’t because she saved her cousin or died doing it. She started crying because she had no idea what she was.

Lex reached for her as she buried her face into her hands. His fingers trailed up her shoulder then around to the other side. It was sign that he was there for her and Chloe took it moving her desk chair towards him.

It was like he remembered from so long ago. When she needed comfort he was there for her. It was a good feeling to be that person again. It was horrible feeling knowing that she had died and may have never come back. “You came back.” Lex spoke softly to her.

She nodded once knowing that wasn’t the reason for her tears. “What am I Lex?” It was muffled but he had to hear her because she felt him go stiff against her. Chloe waited for him to answer burying herself into chest. The scent of him filled her and her arms tightened around him trying to force an answer out of him.

Lex had to see her face to understand her question. He nudged her back reluctantly now that he had her in his arms. “What do you mean what are you?” He questioned.

“How can someone do that. Am I human?” Chloe looked at the laptop screen resting on Lex’s desk. Seeing her death and now knowing it made the tears come down harder. Back on the screen her lifeless body was being pulled by Lois trying to get her some help. “Am I some kind of freak?”

With her face between his hands he tried to reassure her. “You’re not a freak. You are the most giving human being I know. Didn’t you just see yourself give your life for someone you love?”

“Why I’m I like this?” she wanted answers. Chloe had a feeling that this was a secret. She thought being with Lex was one secret and now there was another. She didn’t know how many would follow.

Lex released her from his hold and thought over how to say that she was infected by meteor rocks from an unknown planet. He wondered how he could say that he was infected too and have it make her feel better about all of this. None of it made much sense when it was spoken out loud but if she could watch herself die and come back then she could take this. Anyone hearing the truth would go running. Chloe wasn’t just anyone but without her memories Lex had no way of telling how she would react to the truth.

“Chloe…” He started watching her wipe away her tears to find her focus. “We are different.”

“We?” Chloe mumbled getting her bearings back. She let go of Lex so they both could sit back in their chairs. It looked as if this was uncomfortable for him to talk about as well.

They arrived at Lex’s manor late into the afternoon. Chloe could smell the cured wood of the study and she remembered being in it with Lex before going to safe house. Her memories of the place were all from what Lex would call the past. It was becoming harder to walk around in a world where half of her new something was real and the other didn’t know anything at all.

“Something changed us.” Lex went on. He needed to connect with her on this and he knew including him self was the way to do it. “We are both infected with something that we can’t get rid of.”

“You heal people and die too?” She questioned more confused then ever. It was becoming a horrid trend.

Lex knew his so called gift wasn’t as selfless as Chloe’s. “No. I have never been sick a day after I was infected.”

“You heal yourself?” Chloe looked at him trying to think of what she knew of him. The thoughts of him and her in the car from earlier were fresh in her mind. She could see his naked body and hers together. In her faint memories there was no sign of scars she could remember.

“I can get hurt but my body heals faster then any human my scientists have tested.”

“How do you know this? What infected us? I don’t understand…” The questions started and Chloe couldn’t stop.

Lex had to place his hands on her shoulders to break her reaction. “I can tell you what I know but there is someone else that understands this better then me.”

“Who?” As she waited for her answer Chloe let her mind go through the short list of names she knew. There was her cousin Lois that she healed on the tape. Then her best friend Clark. There was her father. If any of them knew the truth they had to tell her. They were people she assumed she could trust. They were people she assumed she loved and who loved her.

Just thinking of them her phone rang again. It was still resting in her pocket. She pulled it out before Lex could go on and it was Lois. “It’s her.”

“Maybe you should answer it. They are worried about you.” Lex didn’t want to let her go back to them but he would have to soon.

It was why they were in Smallville at the manor. All he had to do was drive to the Talon and let her go back to her life. He knew as soon as she did it would all come flooding back to her. In the safe house it was so easy. There was no telling what she would remember now.

He could only hope that the foundation was laid. Chloe would go to them and they wouldn’t know what to do with her. Clark would do what he had done to him. Clark would lie. Chloe, with or without her memory, wouldn’t stand for it.

Chloe ignored the phone. She pushed back her tears and tried to gain control over herself. What she just saw was more pressing; the people calling she didn’t remember. She would get around to them soon enough. “No, tell me what you know.”

“You have to know I would never lie to you. What I’m about to tell you may sound like the coming attraction to a movie but it’s our lives.” Lex knew laying it all out would be a lot even if she had already lived it.

Chloe swallowed over her tears and looked at him. She trusted him so fully in her mind from the safe house. There was no reason for her to stop now. It was all she had. “Tell me.”

“Well…” Lex started moving from his seat behind the desk to bar. He retrieved a glass of water and few tissues for Chloe as he started. “Smallville is known as the meteor capitol of the world. We have had two devastating meteor showers that are about fifteen years apart.”

“Meteor showers?” Chloe questioned him. She followed him as he moved about the room. She took the tissue from him to blot her face dry. As he spoke he led them to the leather sofa in the room. He placed the water in front of her. She knew this side of him from the safe house. This was her memory about him holding her when she was scared. Lex liked to take care of her. In that place she need it and he did to. Chloe just realize that when they were alone huddle inside one another it was how she comforted him.

“Yes. When people come in contact with the meteor rocks they are changed.” Lex thought of research his father started and now he was seeing over. Level 33.1 held all the answers Chloe was looking for right now. He was hoping she wouldn’t remember being inside of it. “My research has shown me that everyone changes differently. The change depends on how you came in contact with the meteor rocks.”

Chloe looked at him trying to explain. This was harder for him somehow but at least she was getting some answers. “How did you come in contact with them?”

“During the first meteor shower I was nearly killed when I was nine. The blast tossed me several yards in a cornfield. The meteor radiation changed my blood. I have more white blood cells then I should.”

When he said the words Chloe’s mind triggered something. “I know this.” She forced out the memory digging through the layers of confusion.

“I’m sure you do.” Lex recalled Chloe’s data base she kept on the Smallville Torch computers he stole once. It seemed so long ago but he was still pleased her mind was in the past. “You started researching me before coming to me for help against my father.”

“I had to know if I could trust you.” Chloe remember medical files. She could feel the thrill of sneaking into Smallville Medical center. He said she was a journalist. It must be something she was used to.

“Well that’s how I never get sick and I can heal so quickly.” Lex knew that the conversation would get tricky.

“What about me? How was I infected?” She waited and saw him turn away from her. “Is there something wrong?”

Lex nodded once knowing what he had to tell her now. He knew the source of her infection thanks to his testing. The test he ran when his people kidnapped her. He would have to tell her the truth or lose her all over again. If it came from someone else there would be no chance for him to explain.

“This is was why I couldn’t leave you with doctors in a hospital.” Lex tried to focus on the truth. It would be better in the end he reminded himself. He would have her back if he told the truth. “Chloe there is a strong concentration of meteor rock radiation in your heart and it runs throughout your bloodstream.”

Chloe look at herself thinking how she could be alive with a foreign thing from space running through her body. “How? When did it happen?”

“I don’t know. I assume it was when you were about three or four during the first meteor shower.” Lex had to wonder how Moria picked that day, of all days, to visit Smallville.

This was a relief knowing Chloe wasn’t the only one. How Lex knew so much was another question. He said they were no longer close. It made no sense for him to know so much. “How do you know all this about me?”

“This is what I can’t tell you.” Lex didn’t look back to her. His eyes stayed on the empty fireplace. The Chloe he knew could return the moment he spoke. It was the one that didn’t want to be near him. “My people tested you. Don’t try to remember because you won’t.”

“Why wouldn’t I remember?” Chloe had seen him nervous but now he wouldn’t even look at her. Lex kept telling her earlier that day he didn’t know what she felt. He must be afraid those feelings were about to come back the more he told her.

“Chloe we are a big exception to what happens when you become infected.” Lex let his mind go through the long list of every infected person that went crazy or went on some kind of killing spree. He knew why. He understood. Power could easily corrupt the sanest of people. “Most of them hurt people and I have spent a long time trying to stop that.”

Chloe’s mind was following him as he spoke. The infection was something clouded in her mind. When he finally turned to look at her it was just like before her mind caught up to what he was trying to tell her. “You have a facility? You hold people there?” She watched his eyes widen as she went on. “You were going to do that to me?”

“No.” Lex reached for her hand resting in her lap. This was what he had to get right if she was going to stay. “I would never do that to you. It’s only the people that pose a threat. I try to help the others. When they took you they didn’t know who you were. My people just knew you were infected.”

She felt him squeeze her fingers to reassure her. The memory of what he spoke of came to her and she pulled her hand away. “You did it to my mother.” She stood up stepping away from him. Her mother was locked in the facility. The reason she knew this was because she was there with her. “You forced her to use her powers for you.”

“I was trying to help her.” The look in her eyes was what he didn’t want to see. It was what he was trying to avoid. This secret would send her running away from him. “She was in a catatonic state for years Chloe. I have a serum that can help her. That’s why she was in the facility. I was going to reunite you with her. A dangerous man got loose and I asked for her help because of the nature of her powers but she refused.”

It sounded like he had her best interest at heart but it wasn’t what Chloe felt. She felt like he was trying to use her and her mother for something more. “How do I believe you? I want to but how when I feel like this. You took her and me to that place.”

He felt his hopes crumbling. Lex slowly moved next to her. With his hands on each of her shoulders he tried to make her see his version of what happened. “Chloe, you were angry but you never let me explain it all. You tried to publish information about the project but I couldn’t let you do that. I couldn’t jeopardize it all. I wanted to help your mother but you wouldn’t hear me out so I did what we do.”

“We fought about it.” The headline flashed into her mind. Chloe was going to bring him down for her mother. She knew what happened next between them. Just as the doctor said as she lived her life the more it came back. “I don’t trust you anymore.”

Taking his hands away Lex nodded. “I haven’t gone about things the right way the day you told me you couldn’t be with me.”

“No you haven’t but I didn’t give you a reason to.” Chloe walked around him to sit back down. She felt like she had something strong with him in the safe house but gave it away. Now everything seemed to be affected by the choice.

There was no telling what she was thinking but Lex had to know. He sat with her waiting for her to speak but nothing came. “I made mistakes but I never once did anything to hurt you. No matter what you remember please know that.”

When she looked at him the sincerity in his face was there. The Lex she knew from the safe house and what she was remembering now didn’t make sense in the same person. “I don’t want to know anymore of this.”

“This is the truth.” Lex knew no matter how hard she deserved the truth.

“I need to see my friends.” Chloe had to have more than just Lex in her mind. Her friends had to have some insight. It was not to go back to them.

“I can take you home.” His mind went to Clark telling every horrid thing he had done. Spinning all the things he tried to do right in to a evil plot was what she about to hear. It was all for a higher purpose to find the truth. Chloe would see that and understand or she would see it and know why she decided not to be with him.

“That would be best.” Chloe’s mind was swimming with new information. She had some kind of power lurking inside of her. “I’ll call Lois back.”

Watching her walk over to the desk for her phone was like seeing his future. Lex was about to lose her and he had to leave his future in the hands of her friends and family.

Before letting her go he explained what she would be walking into. He told her what each person looked like and a short list of their mannerisms so she would know who they were.

The most important thing he told her was that all her answers about their powers would be with Clark Kent. If there was anything he was sure of it was what was locked inside Chloe’s mind. After months of waiting to hear it from Lana he knew Chloe was the only one left that had the secret that had eluded him for years.


In front of her home Chloe didn’t see anything she knew. The flowers for sale in front of the Talon didn’t look like something she had seen before. The brick of the building and the billboard displaying the movie showing for the weekend weren’t ringing any bells in her head either.

“Lois is waiting upstairs for you.” Lex spoke from the driver’s side.

They called Lois and Chloe told her to meet her at her home. Lois had more questions than Chloe did on the phone but she said that she would explain once she saw her. Chloe hoped seeing Lois would solidify some of her doubts.

Lex was acting as if he believed she hated him. The memory from the safe house was the freshest to her. None of those feeling had hatred around them. “Thank you.” Chloe replied to him.

As she went for the door Lex had to say one more thing. “Wait Chloe.” He waited for her to turn and look at him. “If this doesn’t work out I want you to know you have options.”

“Options?” Her brow furrowed trying to understand what he was saying.

“If your memories don’t come back or you don’t feel comfortable staying here you can come back and stay with me. I’ll be at the manor for a few days. You can call me if you need help.” It was a genuine response. He could only hope she would see that.

Chloe could see him trying to gain her trust. He was the only thing she remembered and she was glad that door would be open for her. It felt like she needed to hug him so she did. Slowly her body moved in the car to wrap her arms around him.

Lex hugged back thankful for the gesture. Then she was gone. He could only hope she would come back.

When Chloe walked into the Talon it was even less familiar than the outside of it. Her eyes spotted the stairs and she made her way to them. The smell of coffee filled her and people around her looked happy to be there. It seemed like a nice place to live. It was a place she needed to remember.

At her front door she had a handful of keys with no idea which one opened her door. A few raps on the door and it was flying open. A tall women with brown hair gushed over her.

“You are really alright. I was so scared when I couldn’t find you.” Lois squeezed her cousin for dear life. The pass few days were like hell. Not knowing if she was alive or dead had her constantly searching.

Not really knowing what to do Chloe hugged her back. From Lex’s tape she knew this was Lois Lane. This was the woman she gave her life for.

Pushing her into the place Lois called out to everyone waiting. “She’s alive.”

The next person she saw was Clark. When he came into view from the sofa in the room the only thing Chloe could think was how large he was. He towered over her and embraced her in his big arms. “Thank God you’re alright.”

It was a good feeling having Chloe back. Clark didn’t know what he would do if she disappeared but here she was now safe in his arms. When he let her go Lana was standing behind him.

“We are so happy you’re back.” Lana gave her a hug as well. It wasn’t nearly as warm as the first two but it was just as long.

“Where have you been?” Lois started right in on her. It was eating away at her and she had bad feeling about her whereabouts. She went to the dam to find answer. It lead her to what she thought was her death but here she was alive. How that happened to either of them she knew Luthor would have something to do with it.

Chloe didn’t know if she should lie or tell the truth but these were the links to her life. She had to start with the truth. “I was with Lex Luthor.”

When she spoke the words Lana gasped. Looking at Clark she saw his body stiffen. Then Lois said what they all seemed to be thinking.

“That son of a bitch.” Lois spoke and Chloe wasn’t expecting the profanity.

“Chloe are you serious?” Lana didn’t want to think of the things he could have told her while she was with him. It was a scary time for her living in his house. Chloe must have felt the same way.

Clark’s relief over seeing Chloe was short lived. The entire time she was missing she was with the worse person possible. “Are you sure you don’t remember any of us?” Clark reached for his friend placing his hand on her shoulder. Some things were best forgotten but she had to remember what Lex really was.

“The doctor said that…” Chloe started and she was interrupted.

“The doctor?” Lois eyed her sternly. “Luthor took you to a doctor but didn’t think to call your family.”

“I didn’t know who to call.” Chloe really didn’t have a good answer for this. Once she was aware of her family it was her choice not to call. Lex’s reasoning she never asked or questioned.

“This is how he works.” Lana spoke knowing how Lex could manipulate a person.

Clark let go of her stepping back to think this through but Lois was in a frenzy now making it impossible.

“That asshole knew who to contact. Me! Your father! Even Smallville over here would do.” Lois turned on her heels she was about to head out the door.

“Where are you going?” Chloe grabbed her arm before she could get away.

“To ask Luthor what the hell he was doing with you all this time and not telling us.” She turned to leave again until Chloe answered.

“He was trying to help me.” Chloe answered and they looked at her as if she’d spoken the biggest lie of the century.

“He would never do that Chloe unless he had an agenda.” Clark knew what Lex was after. If he had Chloe then Lex had his secret.

Chloe knew this was coming. Lex told her they didn’t trust him and she was included in that party. Yet she didn’t know why. “None of that matters. I’m home now.” They need to focus on the matter at hand.

“Chloe what did he tell you?” Clark spoke up this time before Lois.

“He told me the truth.” She was staring at her friends hoping they would hear her plea. “I don’t really want to talk about Lex I want to talk about me. I’m the one with the amnesia.”

“You’re right. We can deal with him later.” Lois answered trying to get herself under control. “What were you going to say about doctors?”

With one person on her side Chloe breathed out deep before answering. She explained what type of amnesia she had and what success she had so far in remember things. Clark flinched at the word safe house. It must have been a hard time for him thinking she was dead back then. She wonder what he would think of her most recent brush with death.

Chloe did leave out the fact that she was infected. She didn’t know who she shared that secret with. She had just gotten them all back and couldn’t scare them away with knowing she had some kind of meteor powers. The only person she wanted to tell was Clark. Lex said he would have more answers then he could ever give her.

“This is a good sign.” Lana answered. “You’ll know everything soon.”

“Well let’s get started.” Lois nudged Chloe into the bedroom area of the place. “You should remember about people that love you not about the horrible things the Luthors put you through.”

The more Chloe saw the more she was confused. Lex said she lived there with her cousin. Only the place seemed to have one room. How could they share the space and still get along so well? They worked together and lived together. Chloe was starting to think it was too much together.

Lois knew just were to start. Chloe had tons of photos that would trigger her memory. She nudged her down on to the bed and went for the albums in her desk. When she returned she tossed down the four books on the bed. “This one first.” She handed her the red album. Lucky for them the second meteor shower left these memories in tack for Chloe to remember.

Chloe smiled at the thought of seeing more of her life. This was what she hopped for so she started in on the album Lois was giving her. The first sets of pictures were of a chubby bald baby in the arms of a woman with dark hair. Lois must have seen the curiosity in her eyes as she eyed the pictures in front of her.

“That’s you and your mom.” Lois told her seeing her unable to place the picture. It was hard to imagine what she was going through at this moment. It appeared it would all be up to her to help Chloe if she didn’t get some help. “Get over here and help.” Lois spoke back to Clark and Lana standing over them watching.

“I’m going to speak to Lex.” Clark had to know if he lied to her. If he tricked Chloe in to thinking anything Clark would have to find out sooner or later. Chloe was safe with Lois and Lana for now.

Lana thought it was a perfect idea as well. “I’ll go with you.” She left Lex with the box and it seemed like he still wasn’t done trying to hurt her or the people around her. Now he was using Chloe.

“No.” Clark didn’t need more reminders of Lana and Lex. It still pained him to look at her at times thinking of her with him for so long. “Help Chloe. I can handle Lex.”

Lana knew what she had to do. She had made things with Clark this way. He saw her kissing Lex and even though they were back together he wasn’t over it yet. She nodded and took a seat with the girls on the bed.

“I’ll be back soon.” Clark said his good byes and sought out Lex to see what secrets he may have gained from Chloe Sullivan.


Chapter 3 Chloe Sullivan’s Secrets Part2

16th December 2008, 21:46
I forgot about this story. I am glad it is back. EEK!! I am glad he told her the truth but he is taking a big risk. Clark won't let him get near Chloe again. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)

16th December 2008, 21:54
Yeah an update!! I really liked this story when it was first posted, its getting good now. I'm really glad how u decided to write Lex. Your Lex is not trying to control or lie to Chloe. I want to see what happens next. Great job:)

17th December 2008, 09:27
Ok, let me see if I got this right so I know the background. Lana did date Lex but she left him when she gave him the choice of her or the box and he chose the box (right choice!). Therefore the only stuff that happened after that in season 6 were things that were unaffected by the pregnancy/wedding so the phantoms, Chloe's meteor infection and her saving Lois.

Lex made the right choice in knowing that if he wasn't honest with Chloe in the beginning, he would never get her back in the end. Hopefully Clark, Lana, and Lois will annoy her so much with saying bad things about Lex that she'll go to him to at least hear his side of the story. I believe his reasons for what happened with Chloe and her mother. After all, he could have hurt them a lot worse if he wanted to and he didn't. And it just proves how crappy Clark is that he'd rather confront Lex than try to help Chloe get her memory back. He can make himself believe that he's trying to protect Chloe, but he really wants to make sure she wouldn't slip up and give something away about him. Clark might even hide everything he knows hoping that with Chloe not knowing she'll be better off. If that happens, then I bet Chloe will recognize something is off and go to Lex for answers, thus doing exactly what Clark doesn't want and he'll deserve it.

Also hopefully with this new 'blank' prospective on life, she'll finally be able to see all the problems with her so called friends and not feel the need to easily ignore their wrongs or forgive them out of loyalty.

17th December 2008, 17:27
Not and update. I just wanted to make it clear what I'm leaving out and taking from season 6 so I'll as www question.

Ok, let me see if I got this right so I know the background. Lana did date Lex but she left him when she gave him the choice of her or the box and he chose the box (right choice!). Therefore the only stuff that happened after that in season 6 were things that were unaffected by the pregnancy/wedding so the phantoms, Chloe's meteor infection and her saving Lois.

You are right on. No wedding and no baby. No Kara/supergirl. Yes to phantoms but they will be put on the back burner for this. Yes to Lois' spark in journalism but I'll make more sense of it other then a door falling on her head. Think we can all say those choices were crappy.

I think Chloe being infected has no bearing what so ever on Lana's story in season 6. She didn't have one. In all honesty Lana just slept around between Clark and Lex in season six.

This was the original spoiler at the end of season six. Chloe would lose her memories and Lex would brain washer into working for him. No on said I couldn't make her love Lex or him love her.

For me SV problem has always been to put the attention away from their cast. They have these wonderful characters to work with but they rather focus on guest stars (Green Arrow, Supergirl, Justice League, and the list goes on and on). Work with what you got first before you expand in an half assed way to new things.

Hope that clears some stuff up.

Kit Merlot
20th December 2008, 01:13
I am so glad that you are continuing this fic:D

The Chlex conversation about the meteor rocks was great, and I'm proud of Lex for trusting Chloe so much.

As usual, Lana is filled with her own self-importance to a ridiculous level, and I'm just thrilled that Lex chose the box:D

13th January 2009, 07:40
Somehow I totally missed this last update! Shit. *shakes head* Anyways, this chapter was fantastic. I love that Lex choose not to lie to Chloe and to tell her the truth about his meteor people experiments. It's definitely a risky move, but a one smart too.

The scene with Clark, Lois and Lana was so annoying. Lana and Clark only really thought about themself's... As usual. And Lois wasn't so bad, except she was so pushy and well.. annoying. (LoL) I have a feeling Chloe's going to be running back to Lex in no time.

I look forward to reading more!!

13th February 2009, 05:21
What a wonderful take on this premise. Very interesting, modulated and well written.

Thank you

19th March 2009, 02:34
Chapter 3 Chloe Sullivan’s Secrets Part 2

If there was anything Lex was sure of it was Clark’s timing. It was always when he didn’t want it and it was always when he was trying to get something done. The new entries into level 33.1 had to be reviewed. An array of powers and possibilities were painted all over Lex’s laptop. He was just reading about a girl’s ability to control electric currents when Clark came storming into the study.

“Always sticking your nose in where it doesn’t be long Lex.” Clark had to restrain himself when he opened the study door in the manor. He wanted to push through it with all the force he could muster but he had to keep some semblance of control.

Lex sighed as he closed his laptop. When he met Clark’s gaze the farm boy was right on top of him from the other side of the desk. For a second he considered calling security to have him removed but this was part of plan. The moment Chloe told them where she had been Lex knew one of them would come running to him.

Clark and his misplaced emotion was his first mistake. His desire to protect Chloe as if she was his and his alone always puzzled him. Clark had wasted so much time on Lana when he had a true prize working at his side never made sense.

“Did you hear what I said?” Clark let his frustration seethe off him in waves as he stared down Lex. His silence was making this harder than it should be. He should just tell him what he was doing with Chloe all that time.

“I heard you.” Lex answered leaning back slightly in his desk chair enjoying Clark’s frustration.

He wasn’t here because of his concern for Chloe. Clark was here to see if his secret had finally been leaked. All this time Lex knew Chloe was the key but opening her up was always the problem. It was easy enough to use Lana for the truth because she was just using him as well. It became clear quickly that Lana Lang knew nothing. The same rules that applied to Lana didn’t apply to Chloe.

“Then tell me what you did to her.” Clark breathed through his nose forcing his eyes not to shoot balls of fire at Lex’s smug face.

“She was hurt on my property. I took care of her.” Lex didn’t know how much of Chloe’s powers Clark understood so he wasn’t about to mention that she used them and died doing so.

“I know you took her because Lois told me but what happen to her memory?” Clark let his fists rest on the desk ready to shatter the thing.

Lex could see that this would only go around in circles so he played along. The longer Clark was away the more suspicious Chloe would be. “Your guess is as good as mine Clark.”

Clark gave himself a small outlet and let his fist pound on the glass top desk just enough so it didn’t break. “Don’t lie to me. You know more. After everything that happened with Chloe’s mother I know you know more.”

“I know she needed help and I was there to give it to her like I have done before.” Lex rocked back in his seat waiting for the real question Clark had come to ask.

Clark ran through his memories of how Lex helped people and he knew what he meant by helping Chloe specifically. It was a long time ago. Lex hadn’t helped anyone but himself since then. Maybe that was truth long before those days as well.

“You know that she’s…” Clark paused thinking how much he should say. His best friend was infected because of him and Lex was using her for it. “You know and you’re going to tell me.”

Lex was realizing that Clark wasn’t going to ask so he would have to plant the seeds of doubt. “Shouldn’t you be with Chloe right now? Making sure I haven’t filled her head with lies.” Lex pressed his fingers tips together in front of him watching Clark think over what he was getting at.

“Coming here when she needs you may make her think you have something to hide. You’re either terrified that I told Chloe something or...” For dramatic effect he paused letting his head lean to the right. “…or she told me something you don’t want me to know.”

Chloe finding out his secret at first wasn’t what Clark wanted but now that she knew it was comforting to have someone to talk to since Pete was gone. Clark felt his chest tighten at the thought of Lex knowing. He was collecting meteor freaks and there was no telling what he’d do to him.

“There is nothing she could have told you about me.” There was no telling what Chloe remembered about him. If she did know then she wouldn’t let something that huge slip. It was something she promised him and he hoped apart of that Chloe was still there.

“Yet here you stand.” Lex let his hand wave in front of him in Clark’s direction.

“If you did anything to hurt her…” Clark started but was quickly stopped.

“Save your threats for someone that deserves them.” Lex stood up from his seat. This conversation was over. Clark had been gone long enough to make Chloe question his intentions. It was comforting to know that at least Clark was walking right into his plan. “If you’re so concerned for Chloe shouldn’t you be with her?”

Clark breathed in sharply. It was hard to admit but Lex was right. He wasn’t getting anywhere with him. Chloe was the one that was important. He turned on his heels to leave and when he was clear of the manor cameras his body broke out in super speed with all the anger he was containing in front of Lex.


Chloe had exhausted the photo albums. The memories were coming back clearly with each flip of the page. At best she was still in the past as Lex put it. Anything current Lois said was on Chloe’s computer which was a dead end because it was locked. A password she didn’t remember could be the key to a lot of memories in the present.

Lana and Lois were little help in figuring out the code they both sat staring at her stroking key after key of the wrong thing. “This is impossible.” Chloe grunted under her breathe.

“Maybe you should take a break.” Lois placed her hands on Chloe’s frantic fingers clicking the keys trying to force the password out of her clouded mind.

“There are things on here I need to know.” Chloe lifted her fingers from hers as gently as she could trying not to show them her frustration. Lois seemed to mean well but Lana looked at her as if she were in a world of her own ever since Clark left.

“Why don’t you take a break to eat something?” Lois spoke trying another suggestion. There was no telling what Chloe was going through unable to do things she had done so naturally a week ago.

Chloe saw the resolve in her cousin’s face. Lois didn’t want her to push herself anymore. It appeared she may be right because forcing the password wasn’t getting her anywhere. Giving in Chloe signed and nodded a yes. “Food would be good.”

“I’ll pick something up.” Lois lifted herself from the table to go for her jacket. She needed some air to clear her head on what to do next. The memories were there and Lois saw how easy it was looking at the pictures. They would get there. At the door Lois turned for one last look. She had to make sure that this was real and the lifeless version of Chloe she saw last no longer existed. “You’ll be here when I get back?”

Memories of Lois were started to get stronger for Chloe. The childhood pictures Chloe saw helped her. Her cousin was loud, stubborn and loyal to a fault. Chloe understood now why she was willing to give her life to Lois. They were more like sisters and with so little family there was no way she could lose that connection.

“I’ll be here.” Chloe moved from her seat to give Lois the hug she was looking for earlier that day when she didn’t really know her at all.

When she was gone Chloe turned to find Lana staring off avoiding her at all cost. “You’re hiding something.” Chloe spoke straight at Lana. There was no sense in beating around the bush.

“No I’m not.” Lana answered smiling weakly after. “I’m just worried about Clark.”

“Why? You think Lex would do something to him?” Chloe didn’t know where her feelings were coming from. Lex never mentioned any ill feelings toward Clark. The only thing she had was the fact that Clark could somehow explain her powers that left in the state she was in now.

“I know you’re mixed up right now but you don’t know Lex like I do.” Lana stood in front of Chloe. For a time she thought she was finding comfort in Lex but the truth was she hoped he could help unlock Clark’s secrets. When he dismissed her Lana was pleased. The only way she would learn the truth about Clark was by her own means.

“Then tell me Lana. What is it about Lex I don’t know?” Chloe folded her arms in front of her waiting for the answer that was never going to come.

The door was opening and Clark appeared. Lana’s focus was lost and she was running for Clark. As Chloe watched them hug she felt a twinge of anger. There was no telling were it came from but it was there. It wasn’t the affection they shared but something else about seeing the two them made her angry.

“Lex was useless.” Clark answered after releasing Lana from his embrace. Before returning Clark took sometime to breathe. He let his legs take him out of Kansas then back again before returning.

“We have been okay. Lois just went for food but Chloe has remembered a lot about the past.” Lana replied.

“Some things I’d like to forget.” Chloe answered. Her father being black listed thanks to her need to play with the fire that was Lionel Luthor was one thing she could lose. Then there was her poor mother sitting helpless in a home that could also fade away. The only family worth remembering was out now getting her food.

Clark’s jaw tightened at her words and then a certain resolve came over him. “Lana can you leave us alone?”

“Sure. There are more pictures at the farm that I can get since they seem to be helping.” Lana excused herself with a silent good bye. There was no protest on her part making Chloe think even more she was hiding something.

“Chloe there are things about you that Lana and Lois don’t know about. “ Clark started as soon as he thought Lana was clear of the loft.

This was what Lex had told her before she left him. There were things only Clark could explain and Chloe hoped he was about to. “What things?”

Swallowing hard Clark pushed down his anger from earlier. He couldn’t blame Chloe for trusting Lex. If she only remembered him from the past then his own trust would be with Lex as well. “We should sit.”

It only took Clark a few steps to reach the trendy sofa in the room. Chloe took the place next to him waiting for an answer. “Did Lex tell you what happened to you?”

“He showed me.” Chloe started thinking back to the horrible recording of her death.

“You know what happened with you and Lois then?” Clark didn’t want to tell her if he didn’t have to. This was something she should be able to forget. Lois’ description of Chloe appearing dead was enough to make him believe she should forget the truth.

“Clark if you know already then why don’t you tell me?” For some reason this felt like a trick to her. He should just get to the point.

Looking ahead Clark didn’t want to see her face if this was the first she was hearing of the truth. “Lois said you died but when we couldn’t find your body at the hospital we had hope that you somehow survived.”

“So you know I saved Lois?” She questioned him again hoping for more then a short answer.

“Yes but she doesn’t know.” Clark had to lead her to it. Telling her if she didn’t know wasn’t right. “You know you’re infected?”

Before leaving Lex mentioned Clark held the answers about the meteor shower. Right now he had nothing but questions. “Lex said you would know more about it.”

“He did?” This was what Clark was afraid of. Lex had filled her head with something he had to get rid of.

“He also said you would be able to explain how it happened too.” It was easy to see that Clark was waiting for something. He was trying to see what she knew. Chloe saw quickly he wasn’t going to be forth coming with information.

“What do you mean explain?” Lex had given Chloe the right trigger. Clark saw her trying to force him to give her the truth about him. It was just as he feared. Lex said he had stopped but he was still digging.

“There has been more than one meteor shower right?” Chloe gave a leading question of her own. She was journalist and she could get something out of him.

“Yes.” That wasn’t a hard one to figure out. Chloe would see that just being in town about the meteor showers.

He was honest once so Chloe gave him another chance. “I’m not the only person this infection has happened to?”

“If you unlocked your computer you would see that is true. You made a database of it all.” This was something else he couldn’t avoid. Sooner or later the words would be in front of her.

“Great, you know all these things. Tell me how I got infected? Tell me about the meteors? What’s so special about them? Lex said you would be able to tell me. I’m like this because of something you know so please tell me.” Chloe didn’t mean to but her thoughts got the best of her. She felt like she was begging but she didn’t know if Clark would under her desperation. He would have to put himself in her place. Not knowing your own life had to be the worse feeling anyone could have.

“I don’t know anything.” Clark paused. The anger from before was rising “This is why you can’t trust Lex. He’s searching for something that doesn’t exist.” Before he could stop himself he had said something he shouldn’t.

“Searching for what? He told me about the meteors and the infected. He even told me about his own powers and the people like me here in Smallville. There is a cause for my powers and others so don’t say we don’t exist.”

“It’s not what I meant.” Clark tried to reach for her but she leaned away from him.

“Then what did you mean Clark?” Chloe waited for his answer. The seconds ticked by and whatever he let slip was clouding his thoughts. “You’re hiding something.” Just like Lana he withdrew from her.

“No.” Clark spoke firmly. She couldn’t start doubting him. “I’m your friend.”

“Good. Tell me the truth.” As she waited Chloe saw what Lex meant about Clark. The look in his eyes made the answer clear. He wasn’t willing to share with her. “Clark if the truth is something I already know then start telling me. With Lex I usually remembered before he could even finish.”

Clark had stepped into a hole now. If he went on then Chloe would know his secret again. She already knew her own. That would have to be enough for now. He’d let the memory come back if it ever did. It was nice having her know but it was safer if she never did.

“I wanted to talk about what happened with you and Lois. There is nothing more.” Clark spoke trying to convince her but with his voice, his eyes and comforting hand on her shoulder but failed.

“If you’re not going to be honest I think you should leave.” Chloe stood from her seat.

“Chloe…” He started but was quickly stopped.

“No, spare me. I can’t trust you. Lex told me things that were hard for him but he did it. If there is so much trust between us then tell me the truth. If you can’t do that then that means you’re not helping and right now I need help.” Chloe moved back to her laptop at the desk. She didn’t exchange another word with Clark. Yet he sat there staring at her for a few moments before getting up to leave.

Right now she would be angry. Soon Clark hoped she would see all those secrets were better left forgotten. The truth about the meteor showers and his very presence on earth were no longer things he’d share with Chloe Sullivan.


When Lex got the phone call he was shocked. He was sure all of Chloe’s memories were back by now and that meant he was out. Yet there he was getting the phone call that she was asking to be let into the manor. At last a plan had worked in his favor.

He stood a few feet from the study door wanting to see her face. The door opened to the study and his staff member moved to the side to let Chloe in. She had changed her clothes since last seeing him and she was in something of her own. His eyes moved down and he saw a rolling suit case behind her and a computer bag slung over her shoulder.

Leaving Lois was hard. Chloe wanted to get to know more but Lois was surrounding herself with people Chloe was finding she couldn’t trust. They were people that didn’t trust her.

After Clark finally left Chloe snooped through the apartment. Lois appeared as she was just getting to the dresser and they had a quick bite. Afterwards things became clear. Chloe couldn’t stay in her supposed home. Lex promised her options so she was taking him up on them.

Lois protested but she couldn’t keep her prisoner in their tiny loft. Chloe was sure Lois went running to Clark and Lana. She would deal with it later. Right now she needed to feel secure in her surroundings. Since waking the only person that did that was Lex Luthor.

Chloe knew what his answer would be but it was polite to ask any way. “Can I stay with you?”

Lex smiled softly. It was wonderful thing when plans worked smoothly. “Of course you can.” He instructed the waiting staff to take her things then lead her into the room.

It was just like he hoped. Her friends had failed her. It was the mistake that would bring her back. His second chance could play out now like it should.

Chloe Sullivan was about to change her life.


Chapter 3 Chloe Sullivan’s Change

19th March 2009, 03:54
I hope this plan doesn't back fire because if it does Lex will be in trouble. ;)

19th March 2009, 06:10
This was an awesome update, Letia. My, Clark is at his mind-wiping-it´s-better-you-don´t-know-my-secret best (or should I say worst?)! The boy is oblivious as usual. If he fears so much what Lex might do to her and how he could use her to get to the truth, why doesn´t he confide in her like he did once? It´s so like SV!Clark to act this way.

Amnesiac Chloe staying at Lex´s manor is exactly what the producers- or rather, StevenDeKnight- had had in mind before KK signed for another season at the last minute. Oh, well, that´s what we´ve got letia for! You´ll give us what these damn writers didn´t have the guts to give us.:grin3:

This is getting more interesting with each passing chapter.:yeahbaby:

19th March 2009, 06:15
I just found your story and am really enjoying reading it!! Even though Lex's plan is to find out about Clark, I still think he has treated Chloe better than anyone but Lois!! Clark was just a jerk, how dare he not trust Chloe after everything she has done for him!! Lana is only concerned about herself, but then again that's nothing new!! Thank you for the update!! Post more soon please!! I can't wait to find out how Chloe enjoys staying at Lex's house!!

19th March 2009, 08:50
I'm glad Clark cares only about himself. If he thought for a moment he'd probably realize that Chloe would do exactly as she has done before and keep his secret. Yay for Clark for pushing Chloe further into Lex's arms. I hope it all works out for Lex and Chloe.

1st October 2009, 03:32
Chapter 4 Chloe Sullivan’s Change Part1

When Lex turned to his night stand the clock said it was 3 am. He wasn’t sure why someone was knocking on his door but he’d make sure they paid dearly for waking him up.

Rolling out of bed slowly there was another rapping at the door. With his teeth grinding together ready to strike Lex yanked the door open. As soon as he as he saw the reason someone was waking him in the middle of night his demeanor calmed.

“Is everything alright?” Lex spoke to Chloe standing in the hall with the guard he placed at her door. The guard was placed there in case Chloe needed anything. He didn’t think she would need him but there she was looking a bit frantic at his door.

“I’m sorry to wake you sir but the lady said she had to see you.” When Eric knocked on the door he wasn’t sure if his boss would be waiting with a gun.

It was common knowledge in the Luthor home not to disturb the master of the house if he was sleeping. Working for the Luthor’s wasn’t by any means the safest job in the world but it paid to well to pass up. When the young lady asked to see Mr. Luthor his orders were clear and her presents seem to soften him.

“I couldn’t sleep.” Chloe felt the words come out but wasn’t sure if she was a wake or sleeping. All day it had been like floating and now was no different. Her memories were swimming around her while she slept. It was keeping her body from truly relaxing and now here she was at Lex’s door hoping to make sense of a few things.

“Come in.” Lex waved Chloe into his room then nodded for the guard to leave.

Taking the gesture Chloe moved into the room slowly. “I was having some strange dreams.” She stood looking the room over trying to remember it but there was nothing coming to her.

“What were they about?” Lex leaded her in to the room to sit on the side of the bed.

Chloe just wanted to understand why she turned away when she was happy. “I dreamt of you mostly.”

“Me?” Lex’s eyebrows rose at the omission. Really?” After being with her friends all day he thought her memories of them would be coming back. Instead it was more of him which could be bad or good.

“Yes.” Chloe sat on his oversized bed still trying to think if she had been there before but not seeing it in her mind. “We were in a cave.”

After a heavy sigh Lex knew this memory wasn’t going to win him any points. “That’s not the best memory for us.”

“Really?” The memory she spoke of must not have been real because it seemed rather nice to her. “It seemed nice to me.”

“Tell me what happen.” Lex replied waiting for what good could come from any time he and Chloe were in the Kawatche caves together.

“Well we were fighting at first. It was so loud that our shouting was like a whisper. You were so angry with me and I knew how to fix it.” Chloe saw the picture of her actions clear in her mind so it had to be real. “I kissed you and it stopped. The noise, the yelling and all the pent up tension went away.”

Lex waited a moment before telling her the truth. What she remember was far better then what really happened. “Chloe that’s not what happened. You were taken away from me that day.”

“How?” Chloe had no idea what he was talking about.

“Why don’t I take you there in the morning and you can remember yourself.” Lex didn’t want to tell her he dragged her there against her will and she rightfully pushed him into the cave wall to get away.

“Thank you.” Chloe reached for his hand resting between them to hold. As soon as she touched him Lex pulled away from her. It wasn’t the reaction she wanted. All night she tossed and turned only seeing him in her mind.

Giving her a small smile Lex stood up. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

Chloe didn’t follow. She didn’t want to be alone again. What she was dreaming of was right in front of her. “That wasn’t the only part of my dream.”

Turning to look at her Lex could see she had no intentions of leaving his room anytime soon. “What else was there?”

“The safe house.” Chloe could see Lex so clearly in that place. In that place when she touched his hand he didn’t pull away.

“Chloe…” Lex started taking his seat again next to her on the bed.

“Don’t say that’s the past.” Chloe cut him off before he could go on. “It’s the only thing that is real to me right now.”

Lex nodded once. It was where he wanted her mind to be. If she was seeing him as he was then he had a chance. “What happen?”
“We were kissing and…” Chloe was going to describe the position of their bodies, the feel of Lex’s hand on her and the wonderful feel she got remembering it but she didn’t know how. “It’s easier if I show you.”

When she started Lex knew what she was remembering. It was what he had obsessed over himself. At the safe house a few days ago he was so close to reliving at least one of those moments again. It still wasn’t time to try and relive them now. “Chloe I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

His reluctance had to stop now. Chloe needed to feel firsthand what she remembered. There was an emotion locked inside she couldn’t pinpoint and it was tied to this. “Lex you said you love me.”

“Yes, I do.” Now that she knew Lex wish she didn’t. It was clouding her vision. She had to see she loved him as well. Telling her was a mistake he couldn’t take back now.

“Then show me.” Chloe slid closer to him reaching for his hand again. “Let me see for myself.”

With hooded eyes Lex was losing his fight to keep his plan clear. The look she was giving him had him at lost. He was going to lose her if he didn’t do this. So instead of denying himself again he did as she asked.

It was just as he remembered when his lips touched hers. For Chloe this would be the first time but Lex knew the feeling well. He let his hand slide around her neck to bring her closer to him. Her lips parted and he was able to glide his tongue into the warmth of her mouth.

At first it was an odd feeling when Lex’s lips touched Chloe. She felt herself reluctant at first because he was sort of a stranger to her. A few glimpse and bits and pieces were all she had of him. But within seconds of kissing him Chloe started to feel something a little strange. There was a longing for his lips and the softness of his touch. The emotion Chloe couldn’t pinpoint she was feeling now.

He kept telling her that they weren’t together anymore. Lex said he had no idea how Chloe felt about him. In his arms at moment Chloe was starting to understand what the strange feeling was.

Lex slowly pulled away from her. Looking at her he saw her eyes wide with surprise. “Is everything alright?” He questioned her hoping that what she was remembering now wasn’t something horrid.

“I miss you.” Chloe said plainly. It was a surprise to her because her family and friend’s spoke of Lex as if he was the worse man alive but she missed him that horrid man. “I have missed you but have been too scared to tell you.”

Not letting the moment pass him by Lex pulled her to him again for another kiss. This time his kiss was with more urgency and passion in responds to her confession. It was what he had hoped for.

Chloe felt him become more urgent in his kiss and it was welcomed. This time she wrapped her arms his neck and moved nearly onto his lap. It was that motion that made him stop. “What’s wrong?”

“We should stop.” Lex said it but didn’t mean it. There were so many reasons to keep going but the nagging feeling that he was taking advantage of Chloe kept him from going on.

“But I want to kiss you. I have wanted it for so long. There is this aching feeling that I have.” Chloe hadn’t moved from where she was. Her arms were still around him and face was so close to her. “This is making that feeling go away.” To test his limits she placed a soft kiss on his bottom lip followed by another. Suddenly he was pushing into her.

It was so quick that Chloe’s head was spinning a bit. Lex had them lying on the bed. His body hovered above her as his hand slid down the side of her body. His lips kissed down her chin skillfully to her neck which he nibbled to her great delight. All of this what she saw in her dream and was finally getting to feel first hand.

There had been a bit of a void for Lex when it came to sex. He couldn’t remember the last time he was like this with a woman. The reason for not getting any he blamed on not being with right woman. Anything else seemed like second best to this. People would say he loved and lost so move on. This wasn’t over yet. It would have been giving up not moving on. Being a Luthor only made him fight harder instead of giving up.

When Chloe started to hum he knew the sound well. He remembered well enough that she enjoyed foreplay like this. The feel of her body beneath him was so good but he had to stop. He forced himself off of her.

“We should stop.” Lex repeated feeling foolish for not doing it the first time. He couldn’t help himself when she teased him.

After breathing out a harsh breath Chloe answered him. “You said that already.”

“I meant it this time.” Lex turned to look at her and it was almost his undoing. She breathing heavy and her face had become flush. It like so many years ago when she wanted him. Shaking his head for moment he tried to remember that Chloe wasn’t his just yet. She had to come to him and he couldn’t push so much so quickly. “I think you know what you wanted to know now.”

Chloe did ask him to kiss her to see how much he loved her. Lex’s feelings were pretty clear because he was fighting to do the right thing for her now. She could clearly see how hard it was for him to pull himself away from her. Remembering him in only one way had her rushing into something Chloe wasn’t really ready for. They need to get to know each other. She knew she missed him and wanted him physically but he was still only bits and pieces.

“I know.” She spoke sitting up slowly in the bed. “We can stop. It is too soon.”

Lex breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t want to reject her anymore. “We should get you back to bed.”

“Can I stay here?” Even if it was too soon for sex, it wasn’t too soon for her to experience her memories of cuddling up next to him.

As soon as he was finally in control of himself again she was pushing his buttons all over again. She was looking at him with a smile grin hoping he’d say yes to her request. “That is a safer memory for you to experience.”

“Can you just say yes?” A simple answer was all she need but often with Lex was so proper and complicated.

“I could but then I wouldn’t be able to annoy you.” Lex flirted back with her the way they use to. It should be easy for her to catch on to it.

“What’s that suppose to mean? You get a kick out of annoying me?” Chloe looked at him with slanted eyes starting too get angry and aroused again over their silly banter.

“I just love it when you try to make a mean face. It amuses me.” Lex let out a small chuckle.

“It’s not funny. I’m angry” Chloe nudged his shoulder before going on. Then he started to laugh at her harder and suddenly Chloe knew what this really was now. She started to laugh too. “We fight all the time don’t we?”

Lex smiled more than he had in months as she slowly started to understand their relationship. “Yes and we both enjoy it.”

Chloe moved closer to his side of bed to lay her head against his chest. “I do like it.”

“Let’s save more of it for the morning.” Lex let his hand brush through her short blonde hair.

“That sounds great.” Chloe felt the sleep wash over as she settled on to his chest.

Just like that they both drifted off into a much need rest. Tomorrow held so much more.

Chloe Sullivan was slowly changing.

Chapter 4 Chloe Sullivan’s Change Part1

Notes: Sorry its short but I’ll be back sooner rather than later with the next few chapters I hope.

1st October 2009, 04:00
Very nice chapter, letia! I was really missing reading something of yours.

I loved the way Chloe went about trying to test his feelings for her and virtually fell in her own trap with gusto.:D I truly admire Lex´s restraint. I´m crossing my fingers for them to be able to rebuild what´s been broken before she remembers it all. Hopefully, this time Lex won´t repeat the same mistakes of the past.:P

I´m eagerly awaiting an update.

1st October 2009, 05:30
Great update I can't wait until more. I missed this story. :)

1st October 2009, 06:24
I was a little surprised that Lex reigned himself in as much as he did. I keep wondering what Lex's big picture plan is if he's not willing to take advantage of Chloe's memory loss to imply that things happened when they didn't such as at the caves. He's being pretty honest in this situation so I'm eager to know if that will work in his favor.

4th October 2009, 07:48
Liking this one so far. Glad to get back to reading some.

Kit Merlot
4th October 2009, 14:10
I'm liking the restraind passion that Lex is showing towards Chloe because he doesn't want to push for too much too soon and scare her away.

I can't wait to see what happens next:D

4th October 2009, 21:45
Thanks i just read the whole story and really like it.
I hope you update soon!!!

5th October 2009, 20:29
What an interesting story! I love how Lex is being so careful with Chloe, which is exactly what she needs. Clark, Lana and even Lois are only doing what's best for themselves. While Lex also has an agenda, he is taking care of Chloe at the same time. Thank you so much for the update! I can't wait to see what happens when Chloe remembers her real memories of the cave. Post more soon please!

25th February 2010, 07:04
Notes: Sorry for the delay for those that are still reading but here we go.

Chapter 4 Chloe Sullivan’s Change Part2

A few weeks of living like a queen was easy to get use to. Someone to take care of every little detail was allowing Chloe to forget all about making meals or doing laundry. The only thing she had to worry about was remembering who she was.

After a few hours of convincing Chloe had finally made Lois think that the manor was a safe place for her to stay. In the end she only agreed to it because Chloe promised to check in at least once a week.

Lex wasn’t taking advantage of anything much to Chloe’s dismay after a few failed attempts to persuade him.

Now that Lex had been away for the past five days Chloe was sleeping alone in her over-sized bed. At any moment Lex was suppose to arrive and she had herself placed on the second tier of the study. The study seemed to be his go to spot in the manor and today proved no different after his trip.

After another failed attempt at closing the ARES project Lex was thrilled to be home. Another person was killed and if they didn’t find something soon there was no telling how many more would die. Now as he strode through the halls of the manor he tried to put the thought aside.

Lex was glad to come home for once and not be the only one there that wasn’t getting paid to do a job. The ghostly creature he was hunting for 33.1 was the least of his worries now.

Lex moved swiftly into the study to check the security videos to find Chloe. As soon as he got the systems open a voice was calling out to him from the second tier of the study.

“Looking for me?” Chloe signaled Lex to her presence just as he was bringing up the security feed. He showed her the system a few nights after she moved in. It came in handy and with a place of this size she understood why it was necessary to have.

Turning in the direction of her voice Lex watched as she descended from the stairs towards him. He wanted to run to her but kept his position firm while she approached. “As a matter of fact I was going to look for you but here you are.”

“So did your trip go well?” Chloe questioned him with a smile once she was she in front of him.

“No.” Lex answered honestly. He hadn’t told her what the business trip was for because she wasn’t ready yet. There were so many secrets coming out that Lex wanted to give her time to process some of them.

Chloe studied him a moment and she could see he was a bit disappointed. “Are you glad to be back in Smallville then?”

Leaning back slightly Lex let his body rest against his desk while he pondered how to answer. “Oh, yes. I missed so many things about this place.”

There was a little game starting. Chloe remembered them and was getting use to them. She was ready to play but didn’t understand yet how one could win. It was starting to become clear that the challenge of the conversation was the prize.

“Like what?” Chloe answered him tilting her head slightly.

A small grin crossed Lex’s lips as he answered and thought of all the things that he loathed about Smallville. “I missed the cows.” He watched her eyes slant at his first answer. “The corn fields too.” He paused for moment watching her become more confused. “The simple town folk as well.”

“Is that really all you missed?” Taking a step closer Chloe was hoping he was going to do something soon. She hadn’t seen him in days and it seemed longer. The feeling had to be mutual because his first words to her were about loving her.

“Maybe.” Lex answered and took her movements as an invitation to move towards her. The rules for touching Chloe weren’t clear yet. Whenever it had happened in the past few weeks she asked him to. “There is something I really missed.”

“What would that be?” Chloe stood her ground. She wasn’t going to lunge at him. If Lex really loved her then he would have to start showing it without her asking him too all the time.

He could see she wasn’t going to initiate things and he had to. “How about I show you?” If this was a test Lex was going to pass it.

“I like the sound of that.” Nibbling on her lower lip Chloe tried to wait patiently but just as he was moving for her she was moving towards him faster.

Their bodies collide just as their lips did. The smoothness of his fingers brushed along her right cheek then slid around her neck to pull her closer to him. There was no need to think hard when it came to a moment like this. Chloe's mind knew this had happened many times before but her body knew even better as it made itself a part of Lex’s while his tongue glided into her mouth.

There were few things in life Clark was certain of. One of those things use to be Chloe but now he didn’t know. At this moment watching her in the arms of a man he had grown to mistrust more than anyone all of his sure feelings about Chloe melted away.

He was sneaking into the manor to watch over her from time to time. Her refusal to see him forced him to do it. This was the first time he had ever seen them like this. It was plain to see that they were getting closer but Clark had no idea how close until this moment.

The kiss was lasting so long he assumed because Lex had been gone a few days. Clark had already been though this. He saw Lex kissing Lana but something about this was different. Lana said that she never felt anything when they kissed but the way Lex was holding Chloe was burning into Clark’s brain. He was holding on to her for dear life as if he was afraid to lose her. It was something he didn’t see with Lana.

They weren’t stopping and Clark tried to get away by super speeding out of the manor before anyone could see him but the image was still in his mind.

Pulling back Chloe let out a soft sigh. “I missed you too.” She answered looking into his eyes flood with desire. There was no clear answer as to how that desire got there but she enjoyed anyway.

“Good to know.” Lex replied loosening his grip on her waist just a little but not letting her go. He didn’t realize how tightly he was holding on to her but it was just another sign that he truly did miss her.

“I did fair better then you did I’m sorry to say when it comes to work.” Chloe now satisfied for the moment had a revelation to reveal.

“Is that right?” Lex didn’t know what she meant but no matter what she was still here in his home so it couldn’t be all bad.

“Can we sit and talk?” There was plenty to say and standing didn’t seem to be for the best.

Taking the hit Lex let her go only to grab her hand to lead them to the leather sofa. “What do you want to tell me?”

Taking the seat next to him Chloe twined her fingers with his making sure he couldn’t let go but he didn't try. “Well my computer has proven helpful at last.”

Lex nodded waiting for her to go on.

“I was dipping into to so many things for the Daily Planet that I’m not sure how I was even passing my classes at Met U.” According to her unofficial transcripts on her computer Chloe was managing a decent GPA. “Looking at it all has given me a real sense of what I was trying to do. I wanted to help people. Finding the truth and getting it out there was my way of trying to help people.”

“Yes that’s true.” Lex saw the twinkle in her eye and assumed she was ready to get back to work. There was no telling what Luthor Corp project was on her computer but right now it didn’t seem to be a problem for them. “Does that mean you want to get back to work?”

“No.” Chloe shook her head resolved on this for days now. “I don’t need to be a journalist to help people. I have these powers inside of me now that can do that.”

“Chloe we have no idea what you can really do. Those powers are dangerous. Your empathy for Lois killed you.” He had no idea what she was suggesting but Lex wasn’t about to let her heal anyone else if that meant he could lose her again.

“Yes they are dangerous because we don’t understand them.” Chloe swallowed hard as she prepared to say the next part. “That’s why I have decided to figure out how to use them by going into 33.1.”

Lex released her hand not understanding not sure if this conversation should go any further. “No! I’m not locking you away. I told you I wasn’t going to keep you or your mother there.”

“Lex I don’t want you to lock me up. You said you help people so I want you to let the scientist figure out what it is I can really do so I can control it.”

“Then what?” He lowered his eyes not seeing the point of her using her powers that killed her ever again.

“Then I can help you.” Chloe knew more than Lex had told her about his trip. The caves opened up a lot in her mind. She told Lex she didn’t know anything. It was a lie she was ready to be rid of.

Taking her hand back Lex was hoping her mind had been jogged about what really happened to them in the Kawatche caves. “Help me with what?”

“Help you understand more then what’s written on those cave walls you showed me a few weeks ago. I know this trip had something to do with the meteor showers, the strange artifacts you keep losing and with what I saw in the caves that day.”

“So you do remember what happened?” Lex’s eyes widen. It felt like he was finally going to hear the truth.

She could see him dying to know what she knew. Chloe still wasn’t sure what she saw it. The memories were mulled together and there was no way to explain it to Lex.

She wouldn't disappoint. When the truth was clear she would tell him. “I want to be sure first before I tell you.” Chloe saw this wide eyed expression fade away. She had to do something to reassure him. “I just don’t see it clearly yet. I will tell you in time but right now I need you to help me with my problems then I can help you with yours.”

Lex let the thought of truly knowing what Chloe could do sink in. If her powers extend more to just what she did to Lois then maybe she could help. The ARES project could use some one like her if they were ever going to catch the ghostly creature.

They were going to be partners again. It was how she fell in love him and it would insure that she would stay with him in her new state awhile longer. “Alright, when do you want to start?”

“Let's start next week.” Chloe answered overjoyed that he had agreed to her terms without much of a fight.

He nodded once at her and she flew into his arms. “Thank you.” Pulling back from him Chloe didn’t want to leave but if she was going to start soon there were a few things she had to take care of first.

“I have to go out for a little while but when I get back we can talk about what’s going to happen to me.”

“Are you sure you want to do this.” Still holding on to her Lex was afraid to let her go. She could help him but it could also be the death of her.

“Since waking up I haven’t been sure about anything but I’m sure about this.” If Chloe had survived death there was no telling what she could. She had to know.

Her mind was made up. Lex knew there was no changing it.


Chloe called Lois before she left the manor. Walking into the Talon she found her cousin cleaning the counter top. It was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Chloe used her powers to save Lois and now she was serving coffee and cleaning up after people. Muddled memories or not Chloe knew she didn’t save Lois to spend her days in a coffee shop.

The role of coffee shop worker didn’t seem to fit Lois but from Chloe had learned Lois had made some foolish mistakes. Now she seemed to be paying for them. Chloe had given her life and this time she was going to give Lois something to do with that life.
“Working hard?” Chloe spoke getting her attention off the coffee shop counter.

Her eyes widen with joy at the site of her. Lois was relieved every time Chloe called or came to see her. It was proof Lex hadn’t locked her up in his house for good. She looked better than ever wearing a blouse and jeans she had never seen before. Staying in the Luthor manor was doing wonders for her.

“Hardly working is more like it.” Lois walked around to meet her cousin with a hug.

“Can you take a break?” Chloe looked around and the Talon wasn’t really brimming with customers.

“Of course. For you I’d close the place down.” Lois steered them over to a nearby sofa to talk. “So what’s been going on?” Lois eyed the package Chloe was carrying under her arm.

“Well I have a proposition for you.” Chloe saw her eyeballing the files she was carrying hoping Lois would hear her out.

“What is it?” Lois had no idea what she could possible want to propose to her.

“What the hell are you doing in this coffee shop?” Chloe started out with the harsh truth. “You’re wasting away in here.”

Lois was taken aback by Chloe's bluntness. All this time she was slowly starting to remember her but now it seemed she knew more than Lois had let on. She was wasting away in a coffee shop. The only thrill she had in weeks was looking for the truth about what Lex was doing to soldiers. Now that seemed like ages ago.

“You know things haven’t really been going well for me.” Lois started to explain herself but was quickly interrupted.

“No they haven’t.” Chloe eyed her intently. She didn’t come to hear her excuses. “You have given up for some reason. I remember you getting kicked out of school. I understand you feel like that wasn't the place for you.”

“Well it’s not. I was bored to death.” Lois remembered well enough getting so drunk she couldn’t walk straight just too draw out the boredom of college.

Chloe nodded in agreement. “Lois I know you’re not cut out for the classroom that’s why I think you should go ahead and start your career.”

“My career?” Raising an eyebrow Lois waited for the punch line. “My career doing what?”

“Being a journalist.” Chloe handed the files over to her eagerly. “This is all the work I have going on my computer. It will get you started. My job at the Daily Planet hasn’t been filled and you can apply with one of the unfinished stories in these files.”

Lois paused for a long moment opening the files to look. There was a story about the Metropolis mob ring using dry cleaners as a front for drugs. Some local Smallville framers were involved in an illegal dog fighting ring. Those were just the first of unfinished work Lois skimmed. Included in the papers were a hand full of computer discs.

“I can’t take this. This has been your dream since you were a kid. You’re the writer not me.” Lois tried to hand the files back but Chloe pushed them back on her.

“Lois when I disappeared during Lionel’s trial you knew I wasn’t dead and you proved it when no one else could. You even hunted down what Lex was doing without him even knowing. For some reason you have a knack for this. You should be doing that detective work for a living instead of just sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

“So you know what Lex was doing to those soldiers and you’re still staying with him.” Lois wasn’t going to let Chloe weasel her way out of another real talk about Lex Luthor.

“Yes I do. He was trying to help them.” This hate Lex Luthor campaign was starting to drive Chloe insane. It was the reason she hadn’t spoken to Clark in weeks. Everything they had a problem with was a misunderstanding because they wanted to see him as evil.

Breathing out hard Lois had to make her see Lex for what he was. “That’s what he told you.”

“No, he didn’t tell me anything. I have the soldier project in my files. The super solider program was supposed to enhance a soldier’s senses, strength and many other attributes they would need in a war. Some of them reacted to the serum poorly and others took to it. They all volunteered for the project and knew the risks. Your friend was suffering from the side effects. Lex could have helped him but he chose to run.”

“You’re lying!” Lois over did it because the remaining patrons in the Talon were staring at her.

“Why would I lie to you?” You’re my family, I love you and if Lex was doing something wrong I would tell you.” Chloe reached for her but she shifted away from her. Whatever the solider meant to her she didn’t seem to be letting him go.

“I don’t believe that.” Something had to change her back to the Chloe who wouldn’t agree with Lex Luthor. “I just can’t shake this feeling that Lex is after something other than helping you.”

“You have the files look into it yourself.” The lines were drawn and Chloe waited for Lois to cross over. She could see the reluctance in her eyes. “Don’t worry about Lex. I can handle myself with him. If you find something else that puts Lex and Luthor Corp at fault I’ll leave him.”

Smiling wide Lois liked the sound of this challenge. She could bring down Lex and get her cousin back with one story. “I hope you weren’t looking to hang out longer because I have to go quit and get to work on my career.” Serving one more cup of coffee was going to make Lois insane.

Returning the smile Chloe knew she would take the bait. Her memories were always sneaking up on her. Lois hated losing. “Can I get some coffee before I go?”

“Didn’t you hear me say I was quitting.” They both chuckled lightly. Lois sprang from her seat with the files in hand to embrace her cousin following after her. Quitting before she had the job at the Daily Planet seemed premature but her sanity was on the line.

The embrace lasted a short while then Chloe was off after promising she would come back again soon. With her good deed done for the day Chloe couldn’t’ wait to get back to the manor. Just as she was getting into her car it looked like that would have to wait.

“You remember how to drive?” Clark spoke just next to Chloe in front of the Talon. There was no telling how much she did or didn’t remember anymore. What he saw today made him think she didn’t know the truth about who Chloe Sullivan really was.

Looking next to her Chloe saw Clark and he didn’t look to be in the best of moods. “Lex got my car for me and helped me remember how to drive.” Her answer only seemed to make him more upset. His body became ridged with tension at the sound of Lex’s name.

“Chloe I really need to talk to you.” This matter couldn’t wait. Chloe had been avoiding him for weeks. She would sneak around and see Lois but no one else. It was becoming clear that Lex was doing something to change her.

“Clark I can’t really talk right now. I just came to see Lois.” Chloe tried to use her keys on the door but Clark placed his hand on hers.

He couldn’t just let her leave and run back into Lex’s arms. He had to force down the image from that morning again just hearing her say his name. “Please. It’s very important.”

Pulling her hand away Chloe breathed out long and hard. “What is it?”

“Why are you avoiding me?” His eyes were pleading for an answer.

It was something Chloe had been avoiding since going to the Kawatche caves. All of her memories of Clark were cloaked in confusion. At one moment he was her best friend and the next he was doing things no one could ever do. After seeing herself heal Lois it was proof that the things she remembered about Clark were possible but there was another truth keeping her from him.

“I’m not sure I want to remember anymore about you.” Answering as honestly as she could Chloe tried to explain. “Whenever I see you it just hurts me.”

“Remembering me hurts you?” Lowering his eyes Clark knew this was possible. Chloe hiding from him meant she knew who he really was and it was only hurting her.

Nodding gently Chloe didn’t want to saw it aloud but now was a good time as any. “You’re not human? Are you?” Her reasons for asking were all unlocked on her computer. The files were telling her Clark was meteor infected just like she was but deep down hidden in her thoughts there was something more.

Frozen in place Clark could let this be the moment he freed Chloe from secrets. Selfishly he wanted her to know. Lana’s paranoia proved she could never understand. Lex would only abuse what he knew just like he was doing with 33.1. Chloe was the only person outside of his parents to take him for what he was.

If she really thought memories of him only hurt her Clark would let the memories stay buried. “No. I’m as human as you.”

The only clear memory of Clark came to Chloe once she was in the caves. Anyone stranded in the freezing cold of the Arctic would never forget. Freezing cold to the bones would always be with her. She remembered Clark standing unaffected by the cold listening to a voice not in room with them.

He was lying to her and the faint memories Chloe had were of Clark lying all the time. It was hard to be there for Clark when he didn’t trust her. “That answer is why I don’t talk to you. It’s what hurts me when I think of you?” Chloe went for her car door again. “You don’t trust me.”

It was like going in circles. Of course Clark trusted her but he could free her from his secret it was the right thing to do. Reaching for her again Clark had to stop her from leaving. “You don’t trust me either.” For now this couldn’t be about him. There was no telling what she remembered but she had to know Lex couldn’t be trusted.

Straining her eyes at him confused Chloe tried to reply. “Why should I trust you?”

Breathing out Clark weighed telling her what he saw. “Because I could tell you getting involved with Lex will only hurt you more than I ever could.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Lex has been nothing but honest. What are you referring to?” The only other person being brutally honest was Lois and Clark wasn’t trying to single her out. There was something about Lex he wasn’t telling or just couldn’t get over.

“I saw you with him.” Clark answered her looking into the eyes of his friend that didn’t know him at all.

Chloe almost dropped her keys at the shock of what he was saying. “You saw me? How? I have been held up in the manor for weeks so you have to be more specific.”

If she wanted honest Clark had to start somewhere. “I have been looking in on you from time to time.”

“No you have been spying on me?” Chloe nudged him as hard as she could but got nowhere.

“It wasn’t spying it was concern for my best friend that won’t talk to me.” Clark replied to her trying to hold back his anger.

“How did you get in? What did you see?” There was no telling what Clark saw. When the time was right Chloe was going to explain it all to Lois but now he was going to ruin it.

“You were kissing him today.” Swallowing over the words Clark tried not to look pained but he was. Lana had run to Lex and now Chloe was doing it to.

Chloe had no idea she was being watched but it was disgusting to think about. Her confusion about Clark was just thrust in to full blown anger. “Clark unlike you I’m going to trust you with some information. Lex hasn’t brain washed me. We were kissing because I have missed him for years. Do you understand that?”

“This didn’t just start?” Letting his mind go back to then Clark knew when it started. “You were together when you were in hiding.”

“A little before that but yes.” There was no need to hide it anymore; Clark had ruined that plan.

“You stopped seeing him for a reason.” The Chloe he knew wouldn’t be saying this. It was all part of Lex’s lie. She wasn’t remembering Lex that way.

“Yes a reason that I see was wrong and can take back.” Chloe tried to make her point but Clark wasn’t hearing her.

“He’s going to hurt you.” Clark grabbed her arm trying to force her to see the truth.

Shaking her head in disbelief Chloe wasn’t being hurt by Lex. The only thing hurting her was Clark holding onto her. “No, Clark that’s your job.”

“He did it to Lana and he’ll do it you.” It was something Clark was sure she didn’t know. Lex had hurt Lana. There was no telling what Lex would do to Chloe.

Chloe knew well enough now what happen with Lana. “Lana is obsessed with the meteor showers because of her parents. She is lying to you more than Lex ever has to me.”

His eyes widened and Chloe could see he didn’t want to hear the truth so she didn’t go on. Lex told her enough to help her remember. Lana had done everything she could to ruin herself. Taking drugs to induce death, stealing, and lying was all part of Lana’s life style that Chloe would rather stay away from.

There were enough people around that he couldn’t hold on to her but he tried anyway. His hand seemed like a vise clamped down on her. “Let me go.” She spoke through clenched teeth trying not to make a scene.

“No, Lex used Lana.” Clark didn’t want to hurt her but he couldn’t let her go back to the manor.

“The meteor showers have affected all of us. Lana and Lex had the same goal in mind and mistook that for feelings for one another. They were just using each other.” She struggled to get her arm away but her words made him squeeze harder.

Chloe’s physical strength wasn’t going to get Clark away from her. A tiny light was forming just wear Clark was holding her. The source of it was coming from her but Chloe had no idea she was doing it.

It was part of her powers Chloe didn’t understand.

Something started to pull at Clark through Chloe’s skin. At first it was nothing but in seconds he felt the life being drained out of him. He gasped for air he normally didn’t need and pulled away falling to ground in pain.

Neither of them knew what just happened but it was just the beginning to Chloe Sullivan’s change.


Chapter 5 Chloe Sullivan’s New Life

25th February 2010, 16:11
Oh that was so good. Clark needs to get the F out. I can't stand him. I am so glad her powers got him to let go. He so deserves it. I am loving Chloe and Lex working as partners. I can't wait to see what happens next. Welcome back. :)

25th February 2010, 18:12
Seeing an update was a wonderful surprise. I saw it the minute you posted it but couldn't leave you feedback till now because I felt the need to re-read the whole thing. And, by the time I reached the penultimate chapter, it was past three in the morning and I had to wake up at eight!

I love what you're doing with this premise- if only they had stuck with Steven De Knight's idea of an amnesiac Chloe living with Lex at the beginning of Season 7! Why, oh why did KK have to renew her contract at the last minute and ruin everything? But, it doesn't matter now because we have you to fix it and- I'm sure- you won't end up messing things the way they would have.

Clark's attitude is exactly the way I thought it would be- damn obnoxious, always worried about his secret and believing he's the centre of the universe. It's true Lex wants to learn the truth about him and now he knows Chloe's the key, but she's more to Lex than a tool to be used. I'm glad they're being as honest with each other as their circumstances allow and that they're handling the most difficult moments of their past relationship with such maturity.

By the way, I love what you did with Lex's welcome at the manor- turning the Lexana "I missed the cows"'s scene around was awesome.

Now I'm really intrigued about this new development regarding Chloe's power.

Say you've started writing the follow-up, girl. Don't leave us hanging for too long.:beg:

26th February 2010, 06:56
Hey this is a really good story. Just saw it and read it and am waiting for more

26th February 2010, 11:02
Thank you for the update!! this story is awesome!!!:grin3:

Kit Merlot
26th February 2010, 18:19
I am so glad that you are continuing this lovely fic!

WHy am I not surprised that Clark's acting like a jackass to Chloe and that he has somehow blamed Lex for everything related to Lana?

Can't wait to learn more about Chloe's "changing."

25th April 2010, 04:12
I liked this fic I wonder if the author will update this soon.

20th May 2010, 07:30
i am loving this story

20th May 2010, 19:22
OMG!!!!!! this story is so cool! I love how the set up has chloe freed from all the shit that seems to pull her back to clark all the time! YAY! GO CHLOE GO!


23rd May 2010, 14:07
This is very interesting, and I love that Lex is being honest with Chloe and winning her back! What wonderful wish fulfillment....CleanSlateChloe seeing Clark and the others more clearly, freed from emotional baggage/memories and changing her loyalties. :) And I will never get tired of fics that springboard off the Safe House storyline. So much wasted potential on the actual show. I hope you update soon!

31st May 2010, 22:55
Chapter 5 Chloe Sullivan’s New Life

Please note this chapter’s shift into NC-17 content.

The eye scan to lead Lex into the 33.1 testing room didn’t seem to be enough security to him but he was doing the best he could. After Lois found 33.1 the new location had to be fortified. Lois was on her way to being a reporter thanks to Chloe’s nudging and there had to be no way she would find 33.1 again.

Chloe’s past two months were spent going in and out of 33.1 and they proved to be fruitful times inside the facility. Her empathy was just the start of her powers and his science staff was thrilled to learn what she could really do.

“Hello Mr. Luthor.” The head of Chloe’s case greeted him with an excited tone. The past hour had been the most amazing case Dr. Toran had since starting to work at 33.1. “We are doing one last test.”

“Good.” Lex replied with a smirk. He hadn’t seen much of what Chloe could do yet. She insisted he not know anything until they were done assessing her. He was informed that he would just get in the way of progress if he felt like she was in danger.

If anything looked out of place Lex would have stepped in. All the worrying aside Lex was assured she was doing well and if he showed up a little early no one was going to kick him out.

After Chloe’s run in with Clark it was clear that empathy was just the beginning. When Clark Kent falls to the ground just by touching Chloe Sullivan it would make anyone that knew the boy take notice.

“Ms. Sullivan we are ready when you are.” The doctor spoke into the microphone instructing Chloe to demonstrate her powers again.

“Okay.” Chloe responded shifting her body in her blue scrubs making sure not to disturb the wires attached to you her body. What she was about to do required a great deal of focus. Closing her eyes Chloe felt the air expand around her as a gleaming white light spread from her body. A sphere of the light started to form and she opened her eyes to look ahead at her target.

A terrified member of the science staff was standing across from her with a torch gun. “Hit me.” Her voice called out to him and what happen next was not intended for Lex to see just yet.

Lex watched has his staff member fire up the gun. “No, stop this now!” He yelled but it was too late. The fire was coming at Chloe fast but it wasn’t touching her.

The bright white shield didn’t let anything through. Chloe could feel the heat rushing into her. It was becoming clear that the light coming from her was some sort of energy she could make positive or negative. One version let her save Lois’ life and the other side let her suck the energy right out of the fire.

Taking the heat into her Chloe was ready to send it back. “Move!” Chloe instructed the man out of the way to release a pulse of white light out in front of her. It shattered the wall on the other side of the room. It was third room she had broken in a month.

Lex could only stand still with his mouth open in awe. The doctor was repeating his name over and over again to get his attention. “Mr. Luthor I said isn’t she amazing?” It was the first time Lex Luthor had been shocked in front of him. The doctor hoped his shocked reaction was a good one.

“Get her in here now.” Lex answered at last but he didn’t take his eyes off Chloe. The white light had retreated and the angelic glow surrounding her was gone. Dr. Toran instructed that she was done for the day.

When Chloe entered the extend room on the other side of the glass someone was there she told not to be there. “What are you doing here?”

“Hello to you to.” Lex answered. “You let them throw fire at you?”

“It didn’t burn me.” She quipped back at him with a smirk.

“How did you know that it wouldn’t?” Lex wanted to know just when his staff thought it was a good idea to throw fire at the love of his life.

“We went small first then we stepped things up.” Chloe moved in on him to calm him down touching his idle hand. It was what she was trying to avoid with him in the first place. “This was the last big test. There is a full report on me now. Right Doctor Toran?” Chloe addressed the doctor handling her case looking over to him.

“Yes, a full report for Mr. Luthor will be in his hands first thing tomorrow morning.” Nodding frantically Dr. Toran was relived the subject was keeping Mr. Luthor from taking this out on him.

“Fine.” Lex spoke through gritted teeth. Any other subject he wouldn’t have filched. An organized risk was necessary to see what some of the subjects could do but Chloe wasn’t just any subject to him. “Let’s go.”

Smiling warmly at him Chloe turned on her heels with Lex’s hand still in hers. It took a lot of energy to control her powers. It was getting easier and she assumed it would be as easy as breathing with time. Healing people was always going to hurt her. For some reason when she healed their pain became her pain. She wasn’t going to tell Lex that now but he would learn soon enough in the report.

Tonight Chloe had more to worry about then her powers. Lex was going to stop pushing her away tonight.


Breathing gently Chloe waited for Lex growing more impatient by the second. He said there was some last minute work he had to do before going to bed. It gave Chloe time to prepare herself for him. Two months was long enough for him to realize memories or no memories she wasn’t going anywhere.

It seemed like a silly idea but for some reason it seemed fitting to put on one of his dress shirts with nothing else to wait for him. There was a slight chill in the room but Chloe hoped it wouldn’t last because Lex would be keeping her warm.

Just when she thought she would have to leave his room to head to study to get him herself Lex was opening the door. Perched on the edge of the bed Chloe tossed her hair to make sure it was just right when he saw her.

Opening the door to his bedroom Lex assumed Chloe would be sound asleep and his kiss good night would be missed. The ARES project had a new lead he had to check before coming to bed.

The first thing Lex saw was the new expensive royal purple shirt she was wearing. Several of the top buttons were undone and the shirt didn’t do a very good job of covering her legs.

“What are you doing?” Lex questioned her closing the door quickly behind him.

Chloe made slow steps toward him making sure he could see every inch of her. “Well I was waiting up for you.” Reaching him Chloe pushed her body against him hoping her plan was working on him.

Lex reacted by wrapping his arms around her frame. “I can see that but why are you dressed like this.”

Chloe leaned up to look at him. “I was hoping we weren’t going to go to sleep right away.”

It was something Lex was avoiding. Nothing had changed about his attraction to her but she didn’t have to dress up in outfits for him. The truth was he knew nothing had changed about her memories of why she rejected him.

Letting go of her Lex pushed away temptation. “Chloe you don’t have to dress up for me.”

It seemed silly to her as well but there she was in his shirt thinking it would be sexy. Nothing else had worked so far and this seemed like the last straw. “What else could I do? You keep telling me no.”

“There is a reason for that.” Lex spoke with her behind him. When he turned to look at her the disappointment was easy to see. “I don’t want to say no to you.”

“What’s the reason?” Chloe folded her arms in front of her starting to get angry.

Lex had to say something now to calm her. The truth had gotten him this far. “Chloe I’m already pretty deep into this. Moving on to what you want now will only make this worse for me if you get all your memories back and leave.”

“Is there something you haven’t told me that would make me leave?” Chloe eyed him moving closer to make sure he couldn’t weasel his way out of this serious talk again.

Lex had gone over this with her so many times. The past few months he hoped that she would remember but she still hadn’t said a word. “It’s not what I have to say. It’s what you have to say that worries me.”

Chloe knew what he was getting at. “I told you I was scared.”

“Yes you said that but you never said what you were scared of.” Once again he was starting the circular argument in which Chloe’s mind hadn’t remembered a way out.

It was something that had plagued Chloe as well. It was a memory that came to her not long ago and one she didn’t care to share. If things were going to move forward then she would have to be honest as well. “I remember what I was scared of.”

“What?” Placing his hand on arm Lex wanted to squeeze the answer out he had been waiting for months to hear.

“Well, I had just gone through so much with the trial and your father. Then suddenly you were in love with me and I didn’t know what to do with that.” Chloe could still feel the nervousness boiling in her gut. The look Lex was giving her now was one she remembered. There was so much love in his eyes for her.

Looking at her intently Lex replied. “You could have let me love you.”

“I know. I wanted to but I was too afraid of what that meant.” Breathing out Chloe tried to go on. “I was a seventeen year old kid. I was a powerless nobody. What could I possibly offer you? You were taking over one of the most influential and powerful corporations in the world. You could have anyone you wanted.”

Furrowing his brow Lex searched for her meaning. “You didn’t think you had anything to offer me?”

“Well yes but now that’s different.” Nodding through her answer Chloe’s new life had so much to offer him.

“Different how?” Lex looked at her stepping in on him. The basics of Chloe Sullivan were still there before him even without all her memories. At the core Chloe was still the person he fell in love with.

It was easier to show him what she meant and Chloe stepped back placing her hands inches from each other. Starting the flow energy was getting easier and the white light between her hands brighten the room.

“Chloe stop.” Lex reached for her hands drawing her focus off her powers. “I was in love with you before I knew anything about your powers.” There was no need for a show in tell. Lex had his fill of seeing Chloe use powers that could hurt her.

“Yes but it helps me feel like there is something I can offer you now.” It didn’t seem like this was making sense to Lex but it was making perfect sense to her.

“I wish you would have told me this before. Because I could have told you that you have so much to offer me just being yourself.” Lex took her face into his hands to kiss her. When her body pressed against him Lex knew that she wasn’t wearing anything under his shirt.

Lex leaned away from her lips and her eyes were still closed as she spoke. “Do you want to feel my powers?”

Lex kissed the right side of her neck. “How?” After he answered he moved to place a kiss on the other side of her neck.

When his attention was back on her Chloe opened her eyes trying to focus her answer. “The scientists have a theory about your ability to heal yourself. It may be something I can tap into.”

Pulling her closer to him Lex was still seeing visions of Chloe getting fire thrown at her. “Is that going to be in the report explaining to me why you thought it was a good idea to shoot fire at yourself?” He cocked his head to the side waiting for her snarky answer.

Rolling her eyes Chloe replied. “I didn’t get hurt so stop worrying about it.” He wasn’t going to let that go. “Now answer my question.”

Lex kissed her lightly again before answering. “What do I have to do?”

“Give me your hands.” Chloe didn’t want to but she let him go to reach for his hands. One of Lex’s hands was placed against her cheek and the other she held on to putting it at the middle of her chest. Closing her eyes Chloe breathed in deeply.

The energy from Lex moved though Chloe’s body and back to Lex forming a white light around them. Opening her eyes Chloe watched Lex looking around them. If he was anyone else what she was doing might kill the person according to the research.

“How are you doing this?” Lex finally spoke. He never felt stronger then at that moment. Whatever Chloe was doing was making him feel invincible. It was also bringing them closer together according to her.

“We are doing this. It’s what I’m trying to tell you. I was afraid because I felt like loving you made me powerless. Now I see that we can share the power. Our powers working together are a testament to that. We shared our power already when we took down Lionel but I didn’t see it that way then.” Chloe breathed keeping her focus on taking through Lex’s hand on her chest and giving it back to his other hand at her cheek.

“Does that mean you didn’t stop loving me?” This was the last thing Lex need to hear. Chloe said she missed him and that it was linger in her thoughts. She said she was still attracted to him and wanted express her linger thoughts of desire for him. Looking at her smiling warmly at him Lex had to know if she still loved him.

The past few months it was what Chloe was figuring out. All her memories pointed to one answer. “Yes, I love you.”

Lex’s lips descended towards Chloe slowly and in a blur of white he didn’t stop himself this time.

When their bodies hit the bed the light had dispersed. Any focus Chloe had was now on the feel of Lex's lips on her mouth and the business of his hands on her body. The shirt seemed like a bad choice a moment ago but now it was the best idea ever. The buttons were already undone and Lex was slipping fingers on to her bare skin.

Opening her eyes to look she watched his attention move to getting the folds of the shirt open to expose her pale skin hidden inside the royal purple. Once she was free of the silly shirt his hand danced between the middle of her breasts and down the past her belly button. With her eyes attuned to him Chloe followed his hand moving between the folds of hidden flesh. The touch of his hand was hotter than the fire that came rushing at her earlier that day.

The first touch between Chloe legs Lex didn’t see the reaction but he heard the intake of air. When his finger flicked against her flesh he turned to see her eyes close. “Don’t you want to see?” Lex forced himself to stop until she responded by opening her eyes while giving him a cunning smile.

It had been so long since he touched her Lex didn’t want to rush but he couldn't stop himself now that he started. His mouth closed over the nipple closest to him as his fingers felt the wetness forming between her legs.

Chloe's eyes tried to stay open but the sensation was becoming too much for her. In the darkness behind her lids she felt each tingle of Lex's fingers at the tiny bundle of nerves that had been ignored for far too long. The memory wasn’t clear but it seemed like what she knew was orgasm had been met without the help of anyone but her owns hands for a long while.

Lex’s tongue was painting a provocative picture against her nipples then against her neck and back finally to her mouth. In all her focus on him Chloe didn’t realize what she was doing but certainly he had to. Her hands were clawing at him trying to get his body but he was still covered up. The only bare skin she had was his smooth bald head which she took advantage of. Her hands did find its way to the front of his pants for a second and the feel of his hardness pushed her into coming.

Lex thought she was close and was rewarded when Chloe tore her mouth away from him to whimper through her orgasm. He slowed his work to watching her come down off her high. His need was starting to nag at him.

“So you’re going to let me touch you now?” Chloe questioned. When Lex moved away Chloe wasn’t pleased that she lost his closeness but she did enjoy watching him strip for her. He undid his clothing quickly then moved to the dresser behind him to dress his penis in a condom before returning to her.

“Is this better?” Lex spoke as he posed himself between Chloe’s legs. After she nodded in response his hardness thrust home. They both need a moment to adjust to the new but familiar feeling.

To get him going again Chloe had squeeze his butt cheeks. The slow smooth thrusting was just right for both of them. Lex wanted to jack hammer his way to release but slow and steady was going to win this race and let him enjoy her for longer.

Pleased at last Chloe’s hands groped the muscles and lines of Lex’s body. She felt her leg lift up at the knee against him sending him deeper into her body. It was better then she remembered as her hips match his motion.

Lex couldn’t do much more when his head fell back and his eyes closed. “Don’t you want to see?” He heard her breathless voice below him urging him to look. When he did her lips were parted and her eyes were open wide.

It made him tighten his grip on her lifted leg. Lex buried his face into her hair not waiting to show her how vulnerable he really was as he came. The weight of his body had to be unbearable for her after a few moments and Lex rolled away to one side of the bed.

Resting next to him Chloe spoke. “I like this new life.” She rolled over to look at him catching his breath.

“I like it too.” Lex answered her just before she rushed at him for another kiss.


Chloe rubbed her feet together trying to find warmth. Her toes had somehow popped out the bottom of the covers and she assumed it was because she was on the sofa that week while Lois had the bed. Shifting slightly Chloe thought the sofa had become more comfortable since the last time she slept on it.

Fluttering her eyes open Chloe didn’t see the Talon apartment. It looked like she was in an expensive hotel but the lettering on the window said she could only be in one place.

Looking to her left Chloe saw Lex Luthor sleeping peacefully beside her. The confusion flooded through her. She thought she was dreaming all this but there he was. Looking down at herself Chloe saw that she was naked under the covers. Glancing over to Lex he was in the same state.

It had been years since this had happened but there she was in what seemed like the present. “Lex?” Chloe called to him trying to wake him up. It all seemed like a dream but there she was naked with Lex in reality.

In his sleepy state Lex heard Chloe call his name. For once he could sleep in and he was going to. “Come here.” He reached his hand out to her wrapping his arm around her waist to place her next to him. “We can sleep in.” He muttered keeping his eyes closed for fear of never getting them closed again if they were to open.

Chloe did as he wanted lying there growing more confused by the second. “Lex, why I am I here?” She questioned not knowing what to do. It was nice to be close to him. After all this time Chloe hadn’t forgotten how warm he was but they weren't close anymore. Not after she forced him away for a foolish reason.

“Huh?” Lex answered still half asleep. Then suddenly she was ripping herself away from him. When he opened his eyes to look Chloe’s face was frantic.

“Wake up and talk to me.” Chloe took the top covers with her to stand up and cover herself. “Tell me what I’m doing here.”

“You don’t remember?” Lex asked her shaking the sleep off to tend to her. Last night she couldn’t wait to be nude for him and now she was covering herself up.

Something had changed.

Shaking her head Chloe felt like a ton of bricks hit her at once. The memories came rushing at her and it was all too much. Her knees buckled, her body tumbled to the ground and her eyes fused shut.

When she opened her eyes again Chloe Sullivan’s memories had returned.


Chapter 6 Chloe Sullivan’s Return

31st May 2010, 23:44
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! chloe could you pick a worse moment!

Loved the description of chloes powers!

great chappy :)

1st June 2010, 05:07
I just knew Chloe and Lex's reunion was too good to be true and too smooth. Of course, Chloe would get her memories back after yummy Lex sex. I can't wait to see how Lex solves this problem. GREAT chapter!!!

1st June 2010, 16:06
Oh no it was so good. Why did she have to remember now? UGH!! :wth:

2nd June 2010, 17:27
Of course her memory would return now!!
I hope she won't shut down and push Lex away. I hope she sees that he was there for her and told her the truth even when he knew it could cost him any chance he had with her.
Thanks for the update, can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!

22nd September 2010, 19:26
Any chance you might update this one in the near future, Letia?

21st October 2010, 06:55
Notes: Oh no, my fic is in the graveyard.

Chapter 6 Chloe Sullivan’s Return

Please note this chapter’s shift into NC-17 content.

The doctor approached Lex in the hall. The first time he examined the woman in question he was forced to give Mr. Luthor some bad news. This time he didn’t have that task ahead of him. A pleased Luthor was better by far.

“Sir.” The good doctor spoke to get Lex’s attention.

“How is she?” Lex knew the answer to his question already. Chloe was fine physically. She was better then she had been in months because all her memories were back now.

“Her memories appear to be intact again. Pending her coming in for a scan I would say the damage has been repaired.”

“How did this happen?” It wasn’t something Lex wanted answered because he already knew that answer as well.

“Well you said that you shared your powers. I can only assume that your ability to heal was transferred to her and it repaired the damage.”

Chloe had finally seen him the way he wanted. Lex had given in to his desires and let himself sink back into this with no sign of coming back. Now that all her memories were mixed together there was no telling what she thought.

He excused the doctor to prepare to go into his bedroom. Opening the door slowly Chloe was waiting now dressed in her clothes from the day before at the window. “Chloe.”

Chloe felt her body tense when Lex spoke. All her memories were seizing hold of her. She couldn’t turn to look at him yet. The Lex she knew now and the Lex she remembered where fighting in her head. She felt him coming closer and she had to do something to stop him.

The bright light coming from Chloe stopped Lex in his tracks. He was going to touch her but now it seemed he would never do that again. “You don’t need to do that around me.”

He sounded concerned but she didn’t let her shield down. When Chloe closed her eyes she felt the tears start to roll down her cheeks. What she was doing was what Lex was afraid of but she couldn’t bring herself to let her guard down just yet.

Lex clinched his hands into a hard fist so he could speak. “Please look at me.”

“What happen to me?” Chloe answered but didn’t turn to look. Just looking at him would make her break. She wouldn’t be able to see if it was lie in his eyes because she wanted it to be the truth.

“The doctor thinks our experiment last night did this.” Lex replied forcing his feet to stay in place. If he pushed she would run.

Chloe didn’t think about that effect last night. Testing their powers was to prove a point. “I suppose I should say thank you.”

Lex could hear the sarcasm in her voice. There was no telling which way things could go now but it wasn’t going to go the wrong way without a fight. “I just want you to look at me.”

Leaving her shield in place Chloe did as he asked. Turning towards him it looked like he was on the verge of tears. It made no sense because Lex Luthor didn’t cry or didn’t let anyone know about it at least.

“Did you lie to me?” Chloe spoke plainly. Clark had lied to her. The memories of Clark were simmering at the surface but now they were boiling over. Once again Clark didn’t trust her enough to tell her the truth. Lana had lied as well. She kept claiming Lex was to blame for all her problems but she had a hand in it as well. The only person Chloe trusted was Lois after what happened.

The shield’s white light was still glowing and this time Lex was on the wrong side of it. Last night he was safe inside it with Chloe. Now he was back where he started.

“Everything I said was the truth. There is nothing I can do to prove that to you other than showing you.” Lex took his chances and took slow steps towards her until he was inches away from the shield.

“Let me touch you.” He waited patiently. This pathetic showing of feelings his father would say was a weakness, but it was the gasp of a desperate man to keep his new world intact.

“You love me?” Chloe didn’t flinch in her concentration. If he touched the shield she remembered well enough what happened to the poor guy at 33.1.

“Yes, I love you.” He answered still waiting for his chance to strike.

Chloe closed her eyes running over the events of the past few months. It all seemed like the truth. Last night Lex’s body couldn’t lie to her. When her eyes opened again the shield was down and Lex’s lips were rushing at her.

The second the shield was gone Lex was like a mad man. He was going to touch her before she could block him away again. The press of his lips against her started soft but grew more intense when felt her respond to him.

She was going to stop him but the memory of last night was something Chloe didn’t want to have as her last. It meant she did trust him. All her memories gone and Lex was the person she trusted and he took her in with open arms. When she said she missed seeing him it was the truth. In her altered state her mind went were it wanted for so long.

A slight tilt of her head and it was over. Lex was folding her into his arms while he kissed her. His tongue did the sweet dance that had to come from years of practice that he seemed to only want to share with her now.

Chloe was lifting the black t-shirt up Lex's body forcing him to take it off and leave her lips for a matter of second. The next move seemed risky but she did it anyway leaping up for Lex to catch her and let her warp her legs around him.

This was only going to be a kiss but Chloe seemed to want more. When she jumped Lex caught her quickly. He licked her lower lip moving down her chin to the soft flesh of her neck.

“Bed.” She mumbled breathlessly in his ear. He happily obliged carrying Chloe to their destination.

Laying her down gently Lex wasn’t sure if this was going to last but Chloe fumbled with the zipper of her jeans. Not to be out done Lex did the same kick off his shoes. The sense of urgency made Lex nearly forget to get a condom. He went for the night stand to retrieve one and slide it on before going to back to the bed.

Chloe didn’t over think this time. Running away from Lex the first time she over thought everything. She lay still while he was away growing cold without him. “Lex.” She called him hoping he was hurrying with what he was doing.

The sound of his name made Lex quicken is pace back to the bed. He placed himself carefully over her waiting before moving forward. “Are you sure?” When she nodded yes a sharp intake of breathe followed Lex gliding himself into her body. She buried her face into his chest and squeezed at his shoulders for release.

There was so much to see and Lex wasn’t going to miss it. He lifted himself then extended his arms keeping a steady thrust of his hips. Both with open eyes looking at one another Lex let himself go and the loud cries from them both was just another sign of how hard they were both fighting to keep each other.

Overwhelmed at last Chloe rolled her eyes back then closed them waiting for his release to come even welling it with some movements of her own. Taking the bait she felt the pulse of his member and the sudden weight of his body on top of her.

They both were spent and for a moment enjoyed the closeness. Lex rolled off reluctantly trying catch his breath not wanting to look at her just yet because it may be the last time.

“Can we take a bath together?” Chloe remembered they did what she asked once. When she came home from hiding Lex scrubbed her back with care and she remembered how good it felt.

It was a memory Lex liked as much as she did. Getting her memories back may be a good thing. “Does that mean your staying?” He looked over and she was still looking up.

Chloe turned her body towards him extending herself towards him to place a soft kiss on his lips. “I may have been running on only half of my memories but I made the right choice last night. I meant what I said.”

“About your fears?” Lex questioned. “About having nothing to offer me?”

“Yes. I meant what I said about loving you still.” Chloe popped up from the bed pulling Lex’s arm with her. “Let’s take that bath.” She tried to move them along but Lex pulled her towards him catching her face in his hand.

“You’re not leaving?” He wanted to hear for sure. When he walked in the room she wouldn’t look at him and had her shield up.

“Outside of Lois you have been the only person in my life that has told me the truth. You told me things you knew I would get angry about.” Chloe reached up on her tippy toes too push her exposed flesh towards his. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Lex could tell she was teasing him. To one up her Lex pulled her toward him for a strong kiss. “Let’s get in the bath.” He finally agreed.


The hot water washed away the doubts Chloe had earlier. Last night she had made an informed choice. Lex was soothing away anymore doubt with a loofah against her back and it was better then she re-remembered.

If things were on solid ground again Lex need to know what was next. “Your file should be here soon.”

Chloe groaned loudly. “I don’t want to fight about the fire anymore. I’m fine.”

“We can talk more about that after I review the file. Right now I want to know what you want to do. You gave all your Daily Planet files to Lois. Now what?” He stopped what he was doing waiting for signs of an answer.

Taking note that Lex had stopped his work she turned in the over sized tube to face him then reached her hand to touch his exposed chest above the still water. “I guess you know that I wouldn’t just quit the Daily Planet without a plan.”

“Of course you wouldn’t do that. I’m sure you know that I own the Planet and if you want your job back you can have it. I have already had to let go of a handful of lackluster reporters. We could use your skills.”

“I don’t want my job back.” Chloe moved her body to open her legs under the water and warped them around his waist.

The bath was nice and warm but the closer she got to the Lex the hotter it became. “Okay, no Daily Planet. What is your plan?”

“I want you to help me with something that also helps you.”

“I’m listening.” Lex reluctantly gave her his attention. If what she was going to say but her harm’s way it wasn’t something Lex wanted to hear.

“I can’t just tell you. I want to make a formal proposal.”

“Why?” With a raised eye brow Lex wasn’t sure were this was going.

This idea had started forming a long time ago when Chloe learned that she was infected. It was something she didn’t feel she could do until now. “This proposal requires money. I think we should do it the right way. I need something written up for you and your people to look at. Then we need contracts and…”

“Chloe!” Lex had to stop to her because she was getting too carried away. “Just tell me what you want to do.”

Swallowing hard Chloe wasn’t sure how to explain it. For now she had to tell him something. “I want to start a foundation for people like us. People who were changed in the meteor showers.”

Lex let the idea sink in for a moment before it hit him. “I think we can do that.” He answered her with a soft kiss on her lips. This could help him a great deal.


“Miss we are done with the sign.”

Chloe’s attention attuned to the work extending a clip board in her direction. It hadn’t taken long thanks to Luthor Corp funds to get the foundation open. Signing off on the last thing Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. It was all coming to together at last.

“Thank you.” She replied after handing back the last piece of paper work before the grand opening next month.

“Miss I would like to say you are doing a good thing. Those people in Smallville could really use a place like this.”

Chloe smiled warmly hoping the press would think she had done a good thing as well. “Thank you.” Alone in the office Chloe went to look at the finished work on the logo for the foundation’s title.

“The Phoenix Foundation.” Lex’s silky voice from the entrance caught her attention.

She turned to look at him dressed in his business best. “I thought you didn’t like the name.”

“I never said that.” Lex turned to look at the sign. It had been a long day but never long enough to have a verbal sparring match with Chloe. “I just wanted you to be sure that Isis wasn’t better.”

“I’m sure this is right.” Chloe nodded at her logic and felt Lex’s hand curve around her neck. “The people that come here are going to rise from the ashes.”

Lex looked as she closed her eyes waiting for the next part. Leaning in slowly he placed a gentle kiss to Chloe’s lips before pulling away. “Is the other room also ready?”

Chloe smiled opening her eyes to see the wonder in his eyes. The idea behind this place was to help anyone that was hurt by meteor shower. Some people hadn’t recovered from losing their homes or loved ones. The foundation was supposed to give them aid.

The room Lex spoke of was the second function of the foundation. It was a place for infected people to come to. If their powers were out of control 33.1 could help them. Those that posed a threat to society could also be helped by 33.1.

“Yes it’s ready.” Chloe answered taking his hand to lead him back.

Her office was modest but well stocked. The book shelf in front of her wasn’t just there for books. Letting go of Lex’s hand Chloe pulled at the book spine with no title. The shelf slid away with easy to reveal another door. The security monitor scanned her body and the heavy armored door opened and would only open for her.

“I love new toys.” Lex spoke stepping in ahead of Chloe. The monitors were already doing their job flashing images of suspected people. This place was going to help him a great deal.

Thus far his work at 33.1 had only been about containment. People with powers were all crazed and power hungry. He was finding ways to curb their desires with drugs. There was still an untapped source out there he hadn’t got to yet. Those people were going to protect earth if the time came for it. The box remnants from the last alien visitors he nearly lost thanks to Lana was proof there would be more of them.

“Nothing of interest yet but I will be looking.” Chloe answered while he floated from screen to screen.

Once he reached the end of his once over of the place Chloe was standing in front of him. “Don’t I get a thank you?” Lex questioned.

Chloe rolled her eyes at his not to subtle comment. “I think you deserve more than a thank you.” Rushing into his arms she thought they were going to do something in her new office that no one could ever know about. Only something rather someone was going to stop them.

Lex pressed her to him as close as he could slipping his tongue into her mouth while skillfully nudging them out of the secret room towards Chloe’s new desk. It such a wonderful thing to kiss her freely without the worry of taking advantage because she had so few memories.

“Chloe! Are you here!”

The sound of Clark's voice made them both stop in their tracks. He was bargaining in on a very good moment. “What does he want?” Lex groaned still holding on to Chloe hoping he would just go away if they didn’t come out of her office.

He wouldn’t be so lucky tonight. Clark had lost when he lied to Chloe. Lex had won against him for once.

Clark could hear breathing behind the door adjoining the office space he entered. Lois had sent him running the moment she told him the piece she was writing about the place. Lois had been so engrossed in trying to be a journalist Clark rarely got to hear how Chloe was.

She had been out of his life for months and he had no idea what she was up to. It appeared Lex had convinced her to collect more meteor infected people under the guise of a foundation. Chloe should know better than this. After what happened with her mother she would never do this unless Lex got to her.

When Clark heard Chloe’s memories returned he knew she would come home but she never did. He didn’t know if she told Lex his secret but he knew not telling her the day of their last encounter would hurt him now.

“Chloe?” Clark called out again. There was more than one person back there and he was sure it was Lex.

Chloe unlocked herself from Lex’s arms. “I don’t know what he wants but I have to go out there or he will never leave.” She knew Clark better than Lex ever could and she knew he could hear them breathing. He could even hear their heart beats.

Opening the door to the waiting area Chloe saw Clark in his traditional red and blue outfit. “Why are you here?”

“I need to talk to you…” Clark started and saw what he dreaded coming behind Chloe from the other room. Lex adjusted his suit jacket and Clark didn’t have to wonder what they were doing back there. “…alone please.”

“The last time we talked things didn’t go so well so I don’t think we should be alone.” The surge of power Chloe felt last time wasn’t intended to hurt Clark. Now that she knew how to control it, if she hurt him it would be on purpose.

Swallowing hard Clark couldn’t do this with Lex whispering in her ear. “I can’t talk about this in front of him.”

“Why is that Clark? I’m sure what you’re about to say concerns me.” Lex took this chance to rub it in that Clark wasn’t the one Chloe trusted anymore. Instead of keeping his distance he stood right behind side her and took her hand into his.

Boys always had to show they were dominant. Clark wanted Chloe to send Lex away to show his dominance while Lex probably wanted to have sex right in front of Clark to show his. For now she let him hold her hand but wouldn’t let Lex take it too far.

Chloe had to exert her own dominance. “Just tell me what you want to say.”

This conversation had to happen so Clark was forced to go on with Lex holding his best friend’s hand. “Lois said your memories were back.”

“Yes my memories are back so I remember very well what happen the last time we met.” Chloe squeezed Lex’s hand in hers. “Do you remember?”

“I…” Clark started but didn’t know how to answer. “You can’t hold that against me. I was trying to protect you.”

“That’s not the problem is it Clark?” Chloe waited for him to just admit something for once but he wasn’t going to.

Standing silent Lex waited for Chloe to just kick Clark out of the room. What she remembered about him she still hadn’t told him. It was something she wasn’t ready to give up yet. It was unfortunate that he would have to come to the truth about Clark on his own but it mattered more to let Chloe decide what she wanted to do.

“I just want you to think about what you’re doing with him?” Clark looked to Lex smirking at his pleas.

“I’m not going to go there with you Clark. You lied to me it’s your own fault. I remember everything I have ever done for you and when I needed you the most you lied to me. You don’t trust me Clark. Maybe you never have.”

“I did it for a good reason. I was trying to spare you.” Clark approached her slowly still weary of what happened last time. “What Lex has convinced you to do now is far worse.”

“If you’re talking about the foundation this wasn’t my idea.” Lex wasn’t about to take credit for this idea. He would benefit from it but it wasn’t his.

“When her memories were gone you did something to her.” Clark protested. He knew very well Luthor Corp did work on playing with minds. Once upon a time Clark tried to stop Lex from having his own memories restored. There was no telling what they could do now.

“Stop saying that. I need a change so I did it.” Chloe let go of Lex’s hand to close the gap between her and Clark. “I told you already. Lex told me the truth. You lied.”

This wasn’t her Clark firmly believed. “The Chloe Sullivan I know wouldn’t start a place to put innocence people in prison.”

“That’s not what this place is for. I want to help people Clark. You know what the meteors can do to people; what it did to me. Those people need real help and acting as a reporter behind a desk at the Daily Planet wasn’t going to get the job done anymore.” She had to say something to him without really staying it. “We can’t wait for a hero to fly in and save us because he just can’t be bothered right now.

Clark knew what he was meant to do but right now he had to make sure he and Lana were intact. “You won’t help them like this. Not with Lex calling the shots.”

“I have had enough of you…” Lex was going to defend himself but he didn’t have to. The white light coming from Chloe had already started to fill the room.

“I want you to leave.” Letting up the shield was as easy as breathing these days. Another circular argument wasn’t supposed to end Chloe’s day.

“What? How?” Clark didn’t see it before but this was the energy that knocked him over last time.

“You know how this happen to me. How it has happen to so many people. They need a place to go to be safe to understand just like I did. People need help and you’re not going to help.” Lana was the only thing Clark could think about. After everything Jonathan Kent had done Clark was too busy playing house to be the hero he could be.

“I’m trying to help them.” Clark stepped back not wanting to get to close to the light surrounding Chloe. Lex hadn’t spoken a word and didn’t seem to know what they were talking about. He was letting Chloe do all the talking. Whatever brainwashing he had done worked to well. “You don’t believe it now but I do trust you Chloe. I trust you know I did what I did to spare you.”

“If you trusted me then you would have told me when I asked you months ago.” Looking back at Lex she knew he wanted to know what happen in the caves during the meteor shower but out of a last piece of dying loyalty to Clark she didn’t tell him.

The answer Lex was looking for was right in front of him. His real reason for letting 33.1 remain a high priority project was the answer he was looking for. Placing her attentions back to Clark, Chloe was going to make him leave.

“I asked you to go.” It was small because she was using her own energy to do but it was enough to push Clark clear across the room.

Coming to his senses Clark was on top of a coffee table. Now that he knew what her powers were he would never be able to get near her. His plan of attack would have to be different. He ran out of the room knowing he needed a new plan of attack.

When he was gone Chloe let the shield sink back into her body. “Are you alright?” Lex was shocked by what he saw but it made sense to him. After years of trying to be his friend and to be honest with him Clark’s lies in return sometimes made him want to toss the boy across the room.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Stunned at what she had done Chloe tried to get a grip on her emotions.

What she had done was proof that Chloe Sullivan had changed.


Chapter 6 Chloe Sullivan’s Return Part 2

The next part is the end. I’ll try to post it sooner than five months apart.

21st October 2010, 07:13
I'm glad to see this one out of the graveyard and ready to be wrapped-up. I can't wait to find out how everything will turn out in the end.

24th October 2010, 22:35
love the story.great that chloe has all her memories and she know she can trust lois and lex.glad they both admitted they loved each other.can't wait to see the next chapter.

18th November 2010, 05:19
Waiting for the next chapter.

11th February 2011, 05:51
Please, Letia, tell us the final chapter isn't long coming. This fic is wonderful and I'd hate to see it end in the graveyard once again.

11th February 2011, 22:39
That was so good. I didn't know you update. LOL! I can't wait to see how this ends. :)

19th February 2011, 18:51
I will try to update this next month.

20th February 2011, 02:57
interesting start..i feel i am going to get hooked when i read more!

24th April 2011, 06:13
Knock, knock… Anyone out there?

Chapter 5 Chloe Sullivan’s Return Part 2

If Chloe’s mother never took her on a trip to Smallville she would never be where she was now. Losing one’s memories might seem like a bad thing, but getting rid of the baggage allowed Chloe to understand herself.

“Are you ready?” Lex questioned Chloe while slipping his hand across her stomach to pull her against him. She was watching the monitor as the crowd seated themselves waiting patiently for someone to show.

One of the biggest pieces of Chloe’s new life was trying to tease her before she went out to announce him. “I’ll do just fine but no funny business before I have to go out there.” Tilting her head back to look up at Lex, she could see he was not going to listen.

When his lips hit Chloe turned in his arms feeling his hands move to brace around her neck as he savored each passionate press of her lips against his. “Your right, no funny business right now.” He whispered softly when they parted.

They both shared a smile and knew that now was not the time for this type of exchange.

With a nod, Chloe backed away from him to leave the surveillance area for meeting room. Entering into the room, she was greeted with silence. The crowd was a mix of twenty men and women ready for answers. Taking her place at the podium Chloe cleared her throat to speak.

“I know you are nervous, unsure, and scared of what you’re about to undertake. I was just where you are and it’s the reason I started the foundation.” Pausing for moment Chloe savored the words. She was not timid about her ability anymore. “You all came to the Phoenix Foundation looking for help and today is the start of that help.”

Silently hidden Clark tuned his ears to Chloe’s voice. She was sounding like a 33.1 advertisement. He knew the room was full of meteor infected people. None that had caused any trouble yet, but they had all gathered here after visiting Chloe’s foundation. It was becoming clear to Clark how Lex was going to taint Chloe’s charity.

“The person that’s going to lead all of us into our new lives is just like us. His powers may not be as volatile, but he was changed just like you. I would like you to welcome the man bringing us into the future, Lex Luthor.” Chloe finished her speech clapping and tuning to watch Lex enter the room. There were a few gasps as he did but it was to be expected. No one knew what happen to Lex during the first meteor shower thanks to Lionel.

“Thank you Ms. Mercy for the kind words.” Lex nodded to Chloe as she stepped aside. Her alias was very fitting considering what she could do. “I’m sure some of you are wondering how the world could not know what the meteor shower did to me? The answer is easy.”

Lex paused before making his point. “Money. As you, all know my family has a great deal of it and has used its influence to keep my secret. It’s something I want to extend to you all as a bond of trust. I don’t plan on telling anyone your secrets and you can give me the same courtesy.” Pausing for a moment Lex let his words sink into them.

“The future Ms. Mercy spoke of is right in front of us. You have all been looking for a reason why you were changed.” Taking the remote from his pocket, Lex clicked on a projector displaying a slide presentation on the wall behind him. “This ship is nothing the Earth has ever seen.” The black ship that once held all the answers was gone now, but if there was one, there had to be others.

Clark’s eyes widen as images of the spacecraft flickered across the screen. It had been a year since he had seen it. The intake of breath from the crowd rang in his ears. There was no telling Lex’s reason for showing anyone this, but spreading panic to a room full of people with untold abilities terrified Clark.

Chloe had already heard Lex’s speech and she was watching the crowd silently making sure everything was in control. Training at 33.1 did not stop at learning how to use her powers. As Lex was explaining how meteor powers were a gift to protect them from the unexplained, a man in the third row was stirring.

“Your abilities are a weapon against the things that game during the meteor shower…”

If Chloe was not mistaken the eyes of the man in the third row were burning bright red. He was changing before them and fire was coming right at Lex. Before he could move out of the way Chloe’s shield was up absorbing the blast. Later that night Lex would finally thank Chloe for testing her powers with a flamethrower.

“Are you okay?” Chloe spoke to Lex grasping his hand to place him inside her inside shield.

“Yes, take care of him.” He replied then went through the mental list in his head of who had this power and what motive they had for this attack

“He’ll lock you up.” The man ranted sending another fireball at the woman he met a few days before. He didn’t want to hurt her but she was in his way. “Luthor did it to my brother and he’ll do it to you.”

Everyone had scattered out of the way making it safe for Chloe to send the energy back at him. It was not as strong as it could have been, but it put him down on his back. She stepped off the stage to approach him leaving Lex unshielded once the man was down.

Chloe focused the light to her right hand and touched the man before speaking. “If you think we locked your brother away. What do you think we are going to do to you?” Draining him slowly she had to make sure not to take too much.

“Mercy.” Lex called to Chloe and he watched her release him. The light surrounding her faded away as he moved towards them. “Are you alright?” He wanted to make sure she was okay before addressing the rest of them.

“I’m fine.” Chloe nodded then looked around them. “I guess the cats out of the bag.” Moving her gaze to the crowd around the room, everyone was staring at her in state of shock. “You all know why you’re here now. You’re all as powerful as me if not more.”

“She’s right.” Lex cut in. “Your gifts can be something that helps people or like our friend here it can hurt them. Decide where you stand.” Lex was disappointed that he didn’t get to go over the finer points of a possible alien invasion, but saying more now wouldn’t change their minds if they were scared.

The staff had already made their way into the meeting room to retrieve the man now unconscious. Chloe knew he would be that way until she woke him up with her powers. Who he was or who is brother was she would have to find out. The Luthor the man spoke of could not be Lex. Dealing with the crowd would be harder than finding out who the fire thrower was.

“When you’re ready come back to the foundation.” Chloe looked to Lex for reassurance that this was a good plan. He nodded in agreement. “Whatever you decide remember there has to a balance.”


There were no words for a long while. The day hadn’t gone as planned and now back at the penthouse in Metropolis Lex was waiting to figure out why.

“I got him.” Chloe walked into the study with a quickened pace. It appeared Lex had been drinking and thinking since she left him to research their attacker. The man nearly ruined the introduction, but six out of the twenty already agreed to come into 33.1 for testing.

“Who is he?” Lex spoke placing his glass down on the table at his side.

Chloe handed him the file she was carrying detailing the fire thrower’s true identity. “Well he has the same story as everyone, but I failed to link him to his brother because he’s dead.”

“What do you mean?” Lex flipped through the files. “He died when my father was in charge.”

“Yes, his files were pretty well hidden. It looks like your father had him terminated for trying to escape. He never did anything wrong that I can find, but Lionel captured him anyway.” Chloe watched him think the information over.

Closing the file and handing it back Lex knew his father had done things like this. “I don’t want 33.1 to be like that anymore.”

“I know.” Chloe sat with him placing her hand on his leg. “We are going to change it.”

He smiled at her. It had been a long time since they did something together. The time was long over do for them to work together again. It made her fall in love with him once and it would bring them together again. Lex placed his hand over hers leaning in to press his lips to hers.

Chloe kissed him again parting her lips to feel his tongue slip into her mouth. The kiss was getting good but she had more to tell him. Reluctantly pulling away, Chloe had more bad news. “Something else happened today.” Chloe handed the file back to him. “Look at the last few pages.”

Lex did not want to but he did as she suggested. The pictures of Clark just outside the building today only added to how poor things had gone. “How did he know?”

“I don’t know what he knows but he must still be following me.” Chloe tried to think of the worst thing that could happen. Clark had lied for the last time and using her powers on him didn’t make him get that he should stay away. “I am going to talk to him again.”

“What will that do?” Sighing harshly, Lex knew that words went into one of Clark’s ear and out the other.

“He’s worried that I told you something.” Apparently, Clark was determined to find out if Lex knew is secret. Even after everything, she was not going to tell him. It was not her secret to tell, but after all his entanglements Lex should already know.

Lex didn’t like to talk about this. “You haven’t told me anything.” When he learned Lana had no clue what Clark’s secret was Chloe was the next logical choice for the truth. Pushing her for the information was the wrong thing to do if he wanted to keep her in his life.

They had a long talk after their last run in with Clark. Chloe went over with him the evidence he had. All the bits and pieces of information added up to more questions. For some reason Lex just didn’t see it and Chloe didn’t understood why he didn’t.

“You already know what it is but you don’t want to see it.” Chloe replied. “You’re looking for a logical answer but the truth isn’t logical. It’s beyond reason and you have to look deeper.”

Lex had been thinking about everything within reason, but the things Clark could do did not connect to any answers. “I’ll look again.”

Chloe could see talking about Clark was making them both uneasy. “Can I change the subject?”

“Of course.” Lex welcomed thinking of something other than Clark Kent.

“I know things have been rather busy and we haven’t talked but I have been staying here without talking about it with you.”

Lex didn’t let go of her hand and gripped at it gently. “What is there to talk about?”

Chloe braced herself to reply. “I have been so focused on getting a handle on my powers and training to be your bodyguard that we haven’t talked about living together.”

Swiping his free hand over his smooth head Lex didn’t want to ask what Chloe was getting at. “Do you want to move back in with Lois?”

It wasn’t the most appealing thought. She and Lois were horrid roommates. It could have been because there place was so small, but Chloe was not looking to find out. “No, I want to be here in Metropolis and I want to be here with you.”

He didn’t say anything and Chloe waited as he over thought the situation. If he wasn’t going to say something Chloe had to. “It may be sudden considering how long it’s been since we haven’t spoken, but I have missed so much time with you that I don’t think we should miss anymore. However, I want make the right choices for me. Losing my memories, then getting them back...”

“Chloe why are you second guessing yourself?” Lex had to interrupt her before she talked her way out of his apartment. “You said you want to be here with me.”

“I am not exactly the same person.” There was something they would need to address. Not telling Lex the truth before kept them apart. “Did I scare you today?”

“Scare me how?” Raising an eyebrow Lex wasn’t sure where she was going with this. If anyone should be afraid, it should Chloe being afraid of him. He dragged her through the city when fiery rocks were cashing down around them. Keeping control would always be a struggle for him.

“I could have killed that man. He attacked you and I just jumped on him. The only thing I could feel was the energy.” Chloe pulled her hand away from him trying to admit the truth to herself. “I scared myself today.”

Lex reached for her pressing his lip to hers, sliding his tongue into her mouth, and kissing her the way he had missed for far too long. When he pulled away, her eyes were still closed.

“You could never scare me.” Lex waited until he could see her green orbs staring at him. “I know you can control yourself. I was not worried for a second that you would have killed that man. I was worried about the group seeing too much too soon.”

Chloe wanted to believe him and for now, she would have to take him at his word. There was no way she would allow herself to be turned into one of the crazy meteor freaks. “I will move the rest of my things in.”

“Good.” Lex ready himself for another kiss but Chloe was getting up to leave. “Where are you going?”

“I told you I was going to talk to Clark.” Clark would just keep spying until she did something about it.

“Now?” After everything that had happened Lex wanted nothing more than to enjoy an evening with Chloe.

“The sooner I do this the better.” Chloe made the long drive back to Smallville to face her friend for what could be the last time.


Clark wanted to be sure of what he would say when Chloe arrived. There talk on the phone minutes ago was not pleasant. “Clark.” Chloe’s voice sounded in his ears as she rounded the stairs in the barn loft.

“Chloe?” Clark’s questioning tone just told Chloe of his guilt. He was still spying on her and today he saw something that scared him.

She found Clark sitting on the old sofa in the barn loft and he was trying to play dumb. “We don’t have to pretend here Clark.” Tossing the photos of him down Chloe watched him look them over.

There was no denying it. She had actual pictures of him. Clark groaned knowing he needed to get better at sneaking around. “I can explain.”

“I don’t want explanations. I want you to stop following me.” Trying to stand her ground Chloe hated this. At one time, she thought she loved Clark but there she was so far from him with no sign of coming back.

“I’m trying to make sure you are OK.” Clark placed the images down looking at his longtime friend for any sign that she still trusted him.

“If you haven’t noticed I’m fine.” Chloe waved her arms down the length of body. She was still dressed in her suit from the foundation meeting.

She did look fine to him. It may have been the strongest Clark had seen her, yet he knew that it wouldn’t last. “You will never be fine being with Lex.”

Tossing her hands into the air Chloe breathed out nearly shouting. “Stop it Clark. I won’t talk about this again.”

“But we have never talked about it.” Clark shot up from his seat not understanding why this conversation was so difficult to have. Lex was a tyrant pushing 33.1 to the same place Lionel had.

“What is there to say?” Shaking her head at her next thought Chloe replied. “Is it so hard for you to allow someone to love me?”

Clark’s eyes widen in disbelief. “Of course I want someone to love you, but it should be someone that is worthy of you. He’s changing you into someone I don’t recognize.”

“I changed my self. It had nothing to do with Lex.” Chloe looked him in the eye trying to find her friend. “But at the core I am the same person.”

It seemed like they were both trying to find something that was not there anymore. “You’re not the same person.”

Looking away, Chloe didn’t want to be back to this place. “So we are back to you not trusting me.”

“Its Lex I don’t trust.” Part of him wanted to say it wasn’t the truth but Clark couldn’t bring himself to tell her.

“I haven’t told him.” There was no reason to tell him. Lex had the answer on his own he just didn’t want to believe it. “I think we both know it’s me you don’t trust. It’s the reason you lied to me.” Clark looked away yet Chloe wasn’t going to let him take this away from her. She was going to stand up for herself and he was going to deal with it.

“Look at me.”

“I was trying to protect you.” The list of people hurt by his secret was becoming too long and number one on the list was his father forfeiting his life. “Keeping this secret hurts people and I don’t want it to hurt you too.”

“I can protect myself.” Clark had to remember getting pushed by Chloe’s powers. “I think you would know by now I can protect myself.”

The pain had gone away but Clark would never forget Chloe’s powers. “The Luthors don’t let you see things clearly. Lex will twist what you’re trying to do at the foundation.”

“The foundation is the start of something. I am trying to help people and give them a purpose. It’s the same thing Lex wants.” There was only one way they would survive this change and Clark would have to accept it. “You could do this with me. Its time you start using your powers instead of hiding out on this farm.”

“I know your intentions are well meaning, but Lex just wants those people’s powers for himself.”

“Look at me Clark.” She wanted and until he was really looking at before going on. “Think about how many times I could have betrayed you and I didn’t. Why would I start now?”

“I just want to make sure that you…” He looked away. Clark could only see her draining that poor man today. It wasn’t the Chloe he knew. “You are changing and if it’s not Lex then it’s your powers changing you.”

“You think I’m a meteor freak.” Chloe wanted to explode the room but she kept in.

“No, I don’t think that.” Clark shook his head firmly reaching for his friend. “I don’t want you to turn into one. I promised you that I would protect you from that.”

Before he could reach her, Chloe backed away. “Thank you for your concern Clark, but I am in control of my powers.” As she turned to leave, Chloe wasn’t planning on ever coming back. “Stay away from me Clark.”

“Wait, Chloe.” Clark called to her but she kept going.

Clark tried to remember his friend crying on his shoulder begging for her powers to go away. That person was walking away from him had embraced being kryptonite-infected. The Chloe Sullivan he knew didn’t even exist anymore. Lex referred to as Mercy and he had no idea why.


One more part to this. Thanks for hanging in there.

24th April 2011, 17:16
Thanks for taking this great fic out of the graveyard once again, Letia! Glad Chloe told Clark what's what.

Looking forward to the following chapter.

25th April 2011, 03:45
Wow, can't believe you updated. Can't wait to read more.

25th April 2011, 14:49
Wow that was a great update. It is too bad Clark can't see that Chloe is in control and not Lex. More please. :)

26th April 2011, 04:28
Awesome update!! Yay for Chloe standing up to Clark and not apologizing for doing so!
Can't wait to read more!

1st May 2011, 01:47
loved the chapter.clark does not want to see she is in control and not lex.also that she does not need clark and he does not want to see that and since she has changed a part of clark does not trust her.

29th August 2019, 22:09
Chapter 7 Chloe Sullivan is Tess Mercy

Running around Star City wasn’t Chloe’s idea of good evening. Yet now it was an occupational norm. Chasing down dangerous meteor infected criminals was just as satisfying as seeing her name in print. Catching them felt even better.

The current person eluding her turned the corner down an ally. He stopped suddenly and put up his hands in defense. “Wait!” Chloe called out to him. If he thought he was going to use his powers on her he was wrong. “How many times are you going to do the same thing without success?”

“Until it works.” Louis Lindsay wanted to let her have everything he had but he wasn’t feeling very strong. It was hard to keep up with the woman chasing him. Whoever this woman was she wasn’t giving up easily.

Before he could move his hands to direct the electric current a white light came crashing into him. Before she had knocked him down and he could still get up but this time his body gave in as he collapsed to the ground.

Chloe reached for the phone in her pocket to alert the waiting troops she had her man. When the call was complete she needed some insurance that Louis was down so she approached him ready to drain him just enough to put him to sleep.

Doing her work she was suddenly stopped by the sight of two arrows landing at her feet. She wasn’t in any danger in getting hit by them, but she put her shield up anyway to scan the area.

“No need for that.” Green Arrow made his way down. If Clark Kent was right he’d have to keep an eye on the blonde before him. “That was pretty amazing.”

“Who are you?” Chloe didn’t take down her shield. The man in green had shot arrows at her then wanted to compliment her.

“People call me Green Arrow and I’m here to make you an offer.”

“I don’t want any offer.” Whoever he was Chloe wanted to know how he knew she was there.

“But you haven’t heard the offer.” Ollie smiled warmly at her and it didn’t have the effect it normally did on women. Then again he was in his costume and it was hard to see his winning good looks.

Chloe paused preparing the blast she was going to send his way. “I don’t need to hear it.” The light flashed towards the masked man.

Chloe didn’t see him dodge out of the way but Oliver thanked his trainer silently for all the extra dive rolls that week. During the process he grabbed a special arrow to stun her if he could get a good shot off. When he was standing again the white light from before was surrounding her. Whatever power she had over energy was going to come at him again if he didn’t get to the point.

“Before you take my head off just hear me out.”

Chloe saw the arrow. Her shield was up and even though she went a few rounds with Louis, she could still fire if she had to. “You shot arrows at me. Seems like you came here to fight.”

“I just wanted to get your attention.” Ollie placed his hands up with the bow in his right hand while dropping the arrow he was holding in his left to his side. He would have to take a different approach. “Let’s face it; my arrows don’t stand a chance against you so why don’t we just talk.”

“Talk.” Chloe waited for him to speak with her shield still intact.

“I want to make you an offer to join my team.” Ollie started to lower his hands now that she was willing to listen.

Raising and eyebrow Chloe didn’t see Lex or herself joining with this guy. “What team would I want to join in which the leader is dressed like a green Batman?”

“First off I’m nothing like the caped psycho in Gotham.” He took offense to the comparison. There were similar methods, but that was the end of it. “Second I’m not really the leader. We all have a say in what we do.”

“You still haven’t told me who this we is.” Lifting her fingers in quotes Chloe was starting to reach her limit. She’d have to get rid of this guy.

“We are the Justice League.” He watched her eyes roll. “Don’t knock the name. It’s something I think you want to be a part of or at least that’s what our mutual friend tells me. Everyone in the League has special gifts and we seek justice for those that can’t find it for themselves.”

“Let’s drop the pretense and just say his name.” Chloe let down her shield. She needed to reserve it while she heard him out. Special gifts could mean danger. A friend could only be one person. Clark was sending people after her now.

“Alright then.” Oliver paused and waited. She didn’t say anything. It seemed as if she was going to hear him out then he would have to show some of his hand first. “Clark Kent sent me.”

Chloe wanted to explode this green arrow person with the energy she had taken from Louis but she would focus her anger at Clark. He just couldn’t leave her alone no matter how many times she asked. “Clark told you about me and now you want me to join your group?”

“Yes Clark thinks you would be better off with us then your current employer.” Oliver could see she wanted to drop the façade but he wasn’t ready to bring Luthor into this. He hadn’t dealt with him since they were children.

Chloe shook her head. Clark was trying to ploy her away from Lex with the promise of superhero friends. “I’m happy with my employer.”

“You may be now, but things could change.” He replied.

Not seeing his eyes made it impossible for Chloe to read this guy in dark glasses and a green hood. Whatever Clark had told him it wasn’t good where Lex was concerned. She’d have to use other means to figure out who the Justice League was.

“I have heard your offer and my answer is no, thank you.” Turning on her heels Chloe didn’t think twice about turning her back on him because it was clear he was no real threat.

“What’s going to happen to Lindsay?”

Chloe stopped to think if she had been followed while in Star City. Her team assured her their work was secure but someone had seen what they were doing. “He will be taken care of.”

“So you’re taking him to Level 33.1.” Oliver had to keep her there and mentioning the project Clark spoke of did the trick.

Turning her head to look at him Chloe answered. “Whatever you think you know about 33.1 you don’t know. I wouldn’t try finding out if you enjoy shooting arrows and fighting for justice.” The words sounded clear for him to stay away. Chloe needed to get back and warn Lex.

He not only knew who she was thanks to Clark, but Clark had told him about Level 33.1. If anyone could mess up their operations it would be Clark Kent and apparently now he had a whole League to help him do it.


Metropolis could be a lonely place but Lex wasn’t going to be alone in the penthouse for long. He was informed of Chloe’s success and she was flying back. At that moment he was waiting for her arrival with a nightcap in hand. Checking his watch Lex didn’t see the doors open to the living room. When Chloe appeared she was dressed in black head to toe.

She moved into the room making her way to him. “Very good work Ms. Mercy.” He was smirking a little thinking how much fun he was going to have getting her out of all that black.

“It's just us. You can call me Chloe.” She pulled him into an embrace whispering in his ear. “I can make you beg for mercy later.”

He squeezed her a little tighter. The motion was out of relief that she was alright. “Why wait?” His reply was going to be followed with a kiss, but Chloe was pulling away from him.

It was cruel to start something, but Chloe knew they had much more pressing matters. “We have a serious problem.”

Lex wanted to frown. There was always something. For once he wanted his only problem to be having too much alone time with Chloe. Yet this was what he signed up for. Working with Chloe on Project Phoenix would have interruptions.

“What is it? I received the call that things went smoothly.” Mr. Lindsay was being processed to the Phoenix sight as they spoke. He had short circuited his last bank vault.

Chloe took her seat in the penthouse study waiting for Lex to join her. “Well we have another player or maybe players.” She went on with the night's events explaining to Lex what happened after she captured Lindsay.

They had no intel of a hooded man in green but how he knew about them had Lex puzzled. “Who sent this person after you?”

“You know the answer to that already.” Chloe didn’t want to do this. She had made a promise to Clark. For some reason Clark just keep pushing. It was like he wanted Lex to know his secret.

The list of people that knew about 33.1 and the Phoenix Foundation was short. The people coming in to get help controlling their abilities were not speaking to anyone. Anyone working for them knew better than to talk to anyone after seeing what Chloe could do. Those that were locked away weren’t going to speak to anyone anytime soon.

The one person in the middle of all the strange things Lex had experienced since moving back to Smallville had to be at the center of this. “Clark fucking Kent.” He said harshly downing the scotch he was enjoying.

“Ding-ding we have a winner.” She answered him moving to look out the oversized windows overlooking the city.

“Why is he always at the center of everything?” The question was something Lex had pushed aside when dealing with Chloe. Losing her memories meant he had a second chance with her. Talking about Clark couldn’t be the focus. All this time Chloe had been loyal to Clark. She never budged an inch that she knew something more.

When she told him to take a second look he had. His theories had reached the same conclusion. Maybe this time she would confirm what he thought he knew.

She heard the frustration in his voice. Lex had waited so long for the truth. Chloe had felt that feeling herself for a long time. Clark should have trusted her. Things with Lex and the meteor infected wasn’t an evil plot.

“I told you to look deeper at your research.” It was sound advice Chloe gave him. She was so busy it wasn’t mentioned again.

“I did as you asked.” Lex looked out the window as well. Metropolis was a city of endless possibility. It was the first time he was looking with someone to share those possibilities with. What they were about share could ruin that, but it was time for the truth. “He isn’t human is he?”

The question made Chloe turn to look at him. She knew he would figure it out. “What do you think?” All this time and Chloe was still protecting Clark. Lex just needed to say a bit more before she finally stopped.

“The legend on the cave walls is about him. He’s the reason for all of this. The reason we are infected.” Lex didn’t look away from the city. His response was measured, yet he wanted to scream the answer from the rooftops. “Clark Kent is Naman the hero.” He paused to look at her. “But he’s no hero.”

Chloe shook her head yes in response. “He thinks he is.” She told Lex, Clark wasn’t the reason for everything that had happened since the meteor shower. None of it was really Clark’s fault. He was just along for the ride. Clark’s gifts however should have made him an active member in what they were doing

“Why doesn’t he help us? The meteors changed people, doesn’t he care about that?” Lex had his confirmation and it made him furious. “We are trying to help people.”

“Clark doesn’t think he needs help.” Chloe didn’t want to tell Lex that the last time she spoke to Clark he really said he specifically didn’t want Lex’s help.

“Then why has he joined up with this Justice League.” The name didn’t exactly roll off the tongue. How many of them were out there Lex wished he knew.

“I don’t know why, but Green Arrow knows about 33.1. We have to be ready for them.” Chloe let Lex think over everything. The secret was out, but there was no time to go over the minor details. “I should go into my bubble do some research.”

She started to get up to leave and Lex had to grab her. “You have to go right now?”

“Sooner is better. We don’t know what they are planning. I already started the servers remotely at the Foundation before I boarded the plane in Star City.”

He didn’t want to fight with her. If Clark was an alien and he had a league of people joining him any number of powers could be coming their way. “I suppose you're right. I should head to 33.1 and check on security measures and make sure things are going smoothly. The new site already has our aggressive subjects but the labs are still being closed out.”

“Then I’ll meet you in Smallville at the manor in let’s say twenty-four hours. The trail will go cold by then.” Before she left Chloe reached her arms around him for another embrace.

“Are you sure you're alright?” Lex spoke leaning into her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Clark.” The secret wasn’t something Chloe wanted between them. Now it was finally free.

Lex looked into her eyes trying to find a reason to be upset with her. Things were different now. They both had stopped lying and he wasn’t going to be upset with her when his anger should be directed at Clark.

He pulled her chin to him and brushed his lips against hers. Chloe deepen the kiss pressing herself to him as much as she could.

“I would never blame you.” Lex spoke against her mouth then he watched her walk away.


Chloe couldn’t get out of the Phoenix Foundation fast enough. The 33.1 signals were going off on her phone. Behind the wheel wasn’t the best time to make a call, but working with Luthor Corp had its perks.

“Call Lex’s cell.” She spoke to the automated voice in the dashboard and the phone in the car was ringing. After three rings it was clear something was wrong. Lex would never let a call from her go for that long.

“End call.” Chloe swerved the car speaking again. “Call three on three.” The secret line to 33.1 was the deafening sound of a disconnected phone. It was no matter because Chloe was pulling into the Luthor corp parking garage turning off the engine to sprint towards the roof.

Her access card passed her to the highest point of the building. “I need to get to Smallville now.” Chloe spoke to the pilot of the helicopter. He nodded knowing who she was and where she wanted to go.

The helicopter ride felt like and it took forever, but it was better than taking the three hour drive. As they approached the hidden site in the woods she could see smoke rising.

The pilot said he could only get so close to site. There was no fighting with the man. He landed as close as possible and once the all clear was given Chloe went running.

She was surprised at how fast this had happened. The computers were trying to match the shape of Green Arrows face to any of those publicly posted in Star City. The data was going to take a while to make a match, but Chloe was looking through news reports for anything out of the ordinary. She had a few already tagged linking to what she thought were meteor infected people. It could be the Justice League.

They could be the reason she was running in the woods now. It would be hard to find if not for the smoke pointing her in the right direction.

The remaining science staff and guards were at a safe distance from the building waiting for backup to put out the blaze. Chloe was amazed by the chaos. She didn’t notice the head of security until he was speaking to her.

“Ms. Mercy.”

She turned to look at him and he looked scared. With the mess that was before them he should be afraid of her. “What happened?”

“We got an evacuation signal and everyone moved out then the explosion happened. Everyone is accounted for, but...”

“But who?” Chloe wanted to drain the answer out of him, but she kept her powers at bay for now.

“Ms. Mercy there was someone in the building.” The guard looked down at his feet. He knew what Chloe could do. He’d seen it himself during some of her test.

“Who?” She spoke almost at a whisper.

“Doc Toran and…”

She already knew the answer but grabbed his arm anyway starting to pull his life from him. “Speak already!”

“Mr. Luthor went in to get him.” He was kneeling at her feet unable to get away.

“Why didn’t you go with him?” All her anger was being pointed at this man. It was misplaced. The person she was really mad at must have been long gone by now.

“The place is on fire.” The man replied with a yelp.

Letting him go Chloe spoke as she walked away. “You better hope Mr. Luthor is still alive.”

She turned and started to make her way for the building. She could handle fire. Getting Lex and Dr. Toran out of the building would be easy once the fire was gone. She started to take in the flames making a white light bigger than she ever had. Everyone was watching, but she didn’t notice. Her focus was getting Lex out of there.

Before Chloe could go through the smoky entrance there they were. Lex and Dr. Toran were being carried by Clark. “I didn’t intend for this.” He started.

There were so many things Chloe wanted to say but she just looked at Lex. He was lifeless. The thought that he was gone was only fueling her anger.

“Chloe please.” Clark spoke again. And placed the men down on the ground. He could see she was upset. The plan was to release anyone trapped inside then destroy the place. When they found that there wasn’t anyone there the second part of the plan went into motion. No one was to get hurt like this.

Dr. Toran was wearing a mask for oxygen. She knew Lex had given it to him. There were so many questions and Dr. Toran had so many answers. It made perfect sense that Lex would save him.

The useless staff approached pulling the mask away from Toran. The good doctor started coughing showing signs of life.

There were things to be done. Chloe was in charge at the moment and she pushed her anger down. “Make sure Toran is okay.” A quick reply followed from a guard who went to work.

Someone else was checking Lex’s pulse and the answer was clear. “Just take Mr. Luthor to the manor. I’ll take care of him there.” Another nod from the man in front of her followed then he sprang into action.

“Are you going to heal him? “ Clark spoke up just standing there useless.

“What do you think?” Chloe moved passed him into the building. She needed to put the rest of the fire out. As easy as breathing she took the flames in little by little until the fire was out.

When she exited the burnt remains of 33.1 the second team made its way in. Clark was long gone. After giving everyone their marching orders Chloe wanted a car to get her to manor.

When she arrived she was directed to where Lex was being kept. Entering his bedroom Chloe knew they wouldn’t be alone. Clark was standing there. Hovering over his crime.

“I can explain everything.” Clark started again. The last time she saw him Clark’s shirt was badly burned. Yet there he was all clean now. “We thought everyone was out of the building.”

Chloe didn’t pay attention to Clark and moved to the side of the bed next Lex. She brushed her hand over his cheek and found it lifeless. Of all the things that had happened since getting her memories back this was something she wanted to forget.

“He wouldn’t let our best doctor die.” Chloe spoke letting a finger trail around the shape of Lex’s lips. “He sacrificed himself because he knew I could fix it.”

“But your memories Chloe. The last time you healed someone...” The thought trailed off with Clark’s voice. If she would forget this time Clark vowed to just tell her the truth. Not telling had led her to where they were now.

Chloe remembered very well what happened and the only person willing to tell her the truth about herself was dead now. “I wouldn’t worry about that Clark.” Turning to look at him he was so close to her now.

“Then what are you going to do?” His big eyes were pleading for an answer.

Breathing out softly Chloe turned to Lex. Leaning in close she whispered in his ear. “I love you.”

Without warning she turned as quickly as she could. Clark was so fast she would have to be faster in that moment. The fire she took in earlier was simmer inside her and she knew just where to put it. Her hand pressed into his chest and the flames moved in to him.

Clark wasn’t expecting it. It almost seemed like her shock at recent events was going to make Chloe hug him. Clark could only feel Chloe’s powers now. His body took in the flames but the force made his knees buckle. When she stopped he was trying to catch his breath. It was something that never happened.

Once he was slowed down Chloe took Clark’s hand. She would need his strength to heal Lex and to keep herself in intact. There were no words to describe the power she was feeling now. Clark’s energy was the purest high she ever had since she gained control over her powers.

When he was down and fast asleep Chloe stopped. She had no intention of killing Clark. There was so much good he could do in this world, but he needed some fine tuning in order to do it.

The good doctor would need a live specimen to work with.

Chloe took Lex’s lifeless hand and let Clark’s energy flow to him.

“Agh…” Lex gasped for air as he came back to life. Looking around him he wasn't in the last place he had been. The doctor wanted to stay behind and make sure some files were transferred. They were trapped in the explosion. In the thick smoke Lex could only find one mask. Dr. Toran would be safe. Lex knew Chloe would take care of him.

“Go slow.” Chloe tried to make Lex lay back down but he was springing to his feet.

“What happened?” He flexed his fingers. Something was inside of him. He had felt Chloe’s power before, but this feeling was something new.

“He happened.” She answered looking in Clark’s direction.

Chloe watched Lex processing his feelings. It was like he wasn’t comfortable in his own skin. The rush she felt taking Clark’s powers must now be inside him. Chloe started to wonder if he had some of Clark’s abilities.

“Pick up the bed.” She pointed towards the deluxe king bed.

“What do you mean pick it up?” Lex was feeling strong, but not that strong. “Are you alright. Your memories?”

“I’m fine. Why do you think he’s on the floor and I remember everything?” Chloe moved closer to him taking his hand. “You feel different?” She watched him nod yes. “You know Clark ripped the roof off your car.”

Watching him closely Lex was figuring it all out. His gaze went to Clark and he remembered all the times the impossible happened when Clark was there. “He ripped the roof of my car.” He repeated after her and turned to the bed letting go of Chloe’s hand.

He braced the strong wood and started lift until the entire thing was over his head. “I knew it.” Lex spoke feeling no pain at lifting then lowering the bed to the ground I again. “How long will this last?” He questioned Chloe looking at him with wide eyes.

“I don’t know? The doctor should look at you.” This moment was amazing, but there was more to think about. “Also, what do you want to do with him?”

“Study him of course.” Lex answered wondering if he could keep someone with this strength.

“If we are going to keep him we need green meteor rock.” Chloe had not taken the time to explain this part to Lex.

“I have some in the vault.” Lex wanted to go fast and he did. Clark’s home world must had affected him and Chloe. It made sense it would affect Clark too. Lex returned as quickly as he went with what Chloe asked for.

The green rock being in the same room as Clark made him wince in pain.

“Not too close. We want him alive.” She answered as he moved in on Clark watching the effects.

Lex took a step back letting up on his new experiment. “Chloe your right. This is amazing.”

“No more Chloe.” She answered.

Lex was so busy gauging Clark’s reaction he didn’t notice the shift in Chloe. “But you said when we are alone.” Earlier he called her Mercy and she said not to. The look in her eyes now was something he had never seen before.

From healing Lois until now Chloe had been through so much. The person she was didn’t seem to be who she was now. Clark had made his choice. It was time to make hers.

She looked at Lex full of life and knew they had so much work to do. Rushing at him she linked her arms around his neck pressing her lips to his. Lex wasn’t sure what she was saying, but her mouth was welcomed.

Her tiny frame pressed into his and he took care not squeeze her waist to tight.

Leaning away from him Chloe spoke. “This Justice League thinks Chloe Sullivan is a joke. They blew up our place. They killed you.” Chloe paused to look at him alive thanks to her powers. She couldn’t deny anymore who she had become.

“It’s just Mercy now.” She finished.

Chloe had fallen in love with Lex, Tess Mercy had embraced him for who he truly was. “As I was saying your right Ms. Mercy.” He kissed her again for good measure making sure she was the same person that ran away from scared of him. She didn’t seem scared now pressing her body against him while letting her fingernails dragging down his skulls bring him closer to her. His new found strength would have to be trained to handle Chloe without hurting her.

Before they could go on to more Lex leaned away from her to speak. “We have work to do.”

Smiling at him Chloe went in for one quick kiss then stepped away from him. “I’ll get the team here to transport him. You kept an eye on him.” Chloe started to make her way out.

“Tell them to hurry. I need to thank your properly.” Lex winked in her direction to make sure she understood.

As she moved out the door Chloe didn’t notice Clark curling up in pain thanks to the meteor rock in the room. Her focus was the man she loved.

“Right away Mr. Luthor.” Tess Mercy replied.

The End

2nd November 2019, 06:15

Moved to the Completed General subforum.

Glad to see this one finished, Letia!

Ami Rose
17th March 2021, 06:36
Love the ending! Great story! Thank you!