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View Full Version : [Completed] Lucky Charm (NC-17)

4th August 2003, 22:30
MODERATOR'S NOTE: Several pages and posts of this thread were compromised or deleted by a hacker's attack, so here's a link to read the full story on a different server


Title: Lucky Charm
Author: scifichick774
Rating: NC-17
Category: Romance/Humor/Drama
Spoilers: Anything that I’ve heard about the third season is fair game.
Summary: Future fic. Chloe’s plans for her upcoming twenty-first birthday fall through, and she finds herself assigned to cover a conference that she can’t get out of. Chloe/Lex
Disclaimer: Not mine, no infringement intended, please don’t sue.
Feedback: YES!! REVIEW!!
Archival: Sure – just let me know where.
Author’s Note: Please don’t kill me. Please, please don’t kill me. I can think of no other way to put this than my muse needed smut. And since none of my other fics are at the point where that’s a viable option… Okay, you get the point. This won’t be a long one (less than ten chapters if it works out how I’ve planned it) and the smut should come fairly quickly. So, you know, don’t throw rocks at me or anything for starting a new fic.


“You could always come home, you know,” Lana pointed out on the other end of the line.

“Lana, my dad’s not even going to be in town. What would be the point of going to Smallville for my twenty-first birthday if he’s not even going to be there?” Chloe argued, balancing the phone between her head and shoulder as she spoke.

“I could bake a cake or something.”

Chloe let out a somewhat sour chuckle and started shuffling through the papers on her desk.

“Well, as…dangerous…as that sounds, I think I’ll pass.”

“You’re sure? I mean, doing *something* in Smallville is better than doing nothing at all.”

‘I so don’t need your pity,’ she thought to herself.

Of course, the nagging little voice in the back of her head told her that she did indeed need Lana’s pity, or at least wanted it. Why else would she have tortured herself by calling Lana and admitting that her former plans for her twenty-first birthday went down the drain when she decided the guy she had seen for the last three weekends wasn’t worth a fourth? Or he was and she was just getting pickier about who she went out with.

“I’m sure I can come up with something,” Chloe said. ‘Like going to the liquor store and getting drunk while I make fun of whatever’s on TV that night…God, I’m pathetic.’

“I could come to Metropolis. We could have a girl’s night out,” Lana suggested sweetly.

“No, no, that’s okay. Pete would kill me if I exposed you to big city life,” Chloe responded with a smile. Lana giggled.

“You’re probably right,” she admitted. “I’d suggest that you give Clark a call, but ---”

“Yeah,” Chloe agreed without Lana go into the specifics of the fallout of her friendship with Clark. There was no need to drudge up painful memories, especially when both the girls had moved on and the last time she had seen Clark he was still has inconsiderate toward her feelings as he had ever been.

“Will you at least call and tell me what you ended up doing?”

“You sure you want to know?” Chloe teased. ‘Hey, I’m a writer; I can come up with a decent lie to make Lana blush.’

“I’m sure,” Lana said. “Even if it means you getting drunk and hooking up with some random guy – I want to know.”

Chloe let out a laugh and brought her hand to the phone.

“Okay, but you were warned. Listen, my boss is signaling me. I’ll have to talk to you later, okay?”

“Okay. Byeee.”

Chloe cringed ever so slightly as Lana’s chipper voice lilted through the phone. Sure, her friends on the internet would use cute little greetings like ‘byeee’ when they were instant messaging her, but Lana was the only person she knew who actually did it in person. It was a little frightening.


Chloe snapped out of her thoughts and patted down her skirt to soothe it as she walked briskly to Perry White’s office. At first, graduating early and working for the planet right out of college had seemed like a dream come true, but the stories she had been assigned to for the last year had been nothing even close to as good as the ones she had written for the Metropolis University Oracle, or even for the Torch for that matter.

She had seemed to get all the special interest stories, the ones with no substance, and no real need for a reporter at all. Chloe knew it was part of working her way up through the ranks, but that didn’t mean she had to like it.

“Sullivan, I have an assignment for you,” Perry White, her editor at The Daily Planet started as she walked into his office.

“Okay,” she said. “But you do realize that I’m off for the weekend, right? Natalie in personnel already approved the days ---”

“You’re a reporter, you go to the news, it doesn’t come to you,” White said. “It’s not like you can choose when it happens.”

‘If this is another story about some old lady and the number of cats she owns, I’m going to shoot myself,’ Chloe thought, only half-kidding.

“Now, I need you to cover a convention.”

“A convention,” Chloe repeated in a dry, unexcited voice. ‘Like I didn’t have to go to enough of those when I was living with my dad.’

“Not just any convention, Sullivan,” White continued with an extraordinary amount of enthusiasm considering that he was talking to someone he considered to be a rookie. “They’re having meetings too.”

‘Woop-dee-doo,’ Chloe thought sarcastically. White stopped right in front of her and folded his arms across his chest as he gave her a scolding look.

“This is the first really big thing I’ve given you and you look like your dog just died,” he commented. Chloe arched an eyebrow back at him.

“No offense, sir, but a convention – even if it does include meetings – doesn’t sound like something ---”

“There’s talk of some high-level mergers that might go down there, young lady.”

Chloe furrowed her brow as she tried to think of what he could be talking about; her eyes suddenly widening with the realization of what was being said.

“You’re sending me to Las Vegas?!”

“You’ll need to leave first thing in the morning,” White said with a cocky smile and grabbed a piece of paper off the desk. “Take this down to personnel and they’ll give you your itinerary and all the reservation stuff they’ve set up for you.” Without another word, he turned his back on her and circled his desk to sit down. When he looked back up and saw her still standing there, he gave her a pointed glare. “Well? Go on,” he said, making a shooing motion with his hand.

“Sir, I ---”

“Look, I know you had a nice long weekend planned - probably were going to spend some time with your sweetheart - but we all make sacrifices in this business, Sullivan, and ---”

Chloe held up her hand to stop him from saying anything else, and then proceeded to turn on her heel and leave the office.

Her first ‘big assignment’ and it wouldn’t even require real investigative work. It was disappointing, but Chloe had to admit that the prospect of spending her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas was a hell of a lot better than what she had been considering doing – even if she did risk running into her dad.

‘Las Vegas has a lot of people,’ she told herself as she boarded the elevator to go down to the personnel office. ‘There’s no way I’ll run into him --- except that he’s *going* to the same conference that I’ve been assigned to cover.’ Chloe sighed and leaned back against the railing after she pushed the button for the floor she wanted.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened to let someone else on board. Ian Connor, a reporter a few years her senior and the man she had cancelled her former birthday plans with, walked on and went to stand next to her even though there was plenty of room in the elevator car.

“Sullivan,” he greeted with a cocky smirk.

“Connor,” she retorted with a tiny grin.

“So – change your mind about Saturday? No sense in spending your birthday alone,” he said, leaning a little closer to her. Chloe arched an eyebrow at him.

“I never said I was going to spend it alone,” she pointed out in a mocking tone accompanied with a fake smile. Ian grabbed at his heart.

“Ouch,” he said lightheartedly. “So, who’s the lucky guy?”

Chloe turned to face the front of the elevator again and gave a light shrug of her shoulders.

“Don’t know yet,” she said. “Perry’s sending me to Vegas to cover the convention.” She barely resisted laughing when she saw Ian’s jaw drop out of the corner of her eye.

“Whoa. How’d you get that gig?”

“It’s not like it’s going to take any real skill, Ian. All I have to do is report what happens. Now if I got to investigate ---”

“No, I mean, every reporter for the planet has been clamoring for that piece. Free travel, free room and board, possible story of the year. How’d *you* get it?”

Chloe narrowed her eyes at his accusatory tone.

“I have no idea,” she admitted carefully. “I told Perry that I already requested this weekend off, but he was adamant about it.”

“Okay, that seals it. You must be sleeping with somebody pretty big to ---”

“Like I said, I have no idea why he wanted me for the assignment,” Chloe said, cutting him off. “If you want to know so badly, then maybe you should ask him.” The elevator doors opened and she strolled off, trying not to let his insinuation that she was sleeping with a higher-up get to her. “Email me and let me know what you find out.”

4th August 2003, 22:31
The man behind the desk smiled courteously at Chloe as she stepped up to the counter.

“Can I help you?”

“Yeah. Chloe Sullivan – my paper should have made reservations for me,” Chloe answered absently as she set her rolling bag down beside her.

The clerk typed a few things into his computer and his eyes widened a little when he saw the notes on file under her name. He glanced up at Chloe and was thankful that she seemed too preoccupied with digging through her purse to notice his slip-up.

“Of course,” he said and printed out a sheet for her to sign. “Just need your signature by the ‘x’.”

Chloe nodded and jotted her name down on the line where she was told to place it without reading over the paperwork first. She figured it was just a standard hotel agreement, so why bother spending more time at the front counter than she needed to?

The man handed her a keycard stuffed into an envelope and smiled nervously at her as he gave her the room number she would be staying in and the directions on how to get there.

“I hope you have a nice stay with us and if there’s anything I – we – can do to assist you, just let us know.”

Chloe grinned and nodded, too tired from having to take a five a.m. flight too notice the clerk’s odd demeanor. The man watched her walk down the hall and onto the elevators he had pointed out before lifting up the phone and calling the number that was listed in the notes.


“This is Paul down at the front desk. She just checked in.”

“Thank you.”

The phone line clicked off and Paul hung up the phone, smiling again at the next person who came up to the desk to check in.

Chloe sighed and slid her keycard through the slot, waiting until the light turned green to turn the handle and enter her room. She raised her eyebrows in pleasant surprise when she saw that the paper had actually put her up in a nice room. It was a newer hotel, so she should have expected as much, but it was still a nice change from the dinky motel chains she had been stuck in for her last few location assignments.

She started to put her clothes away, eyeballing which ones hadn’t withstood the trip well and might need to be ironed, when a knock came at the door. A delicate crease took over her brow, but she moved to answer the door anyway, her face contorting in stunned confusion when she saw who was on the other side.

“Mr. Luthor?”

“Lex,” he corrected with a light smirk. “I thought we’d already covered that – back when you were in high school if I’m not mistaken.”

“Old habits die hard,” she half-apologized with a smile. “What are you doing here?”

“Same thing as you I’d imagine; gotta love conferences and merger meetings.”

Chloe let out a derisive snort.

“Depends on who you are, I guess,” she said. “But what I actually meant was, what are you doing *here*, standing in the hallway in front of my room?”

“Your dad mentioned you were coming,” he answered smoothly, glossing over how he may have obtained her room number since she had just arrived and hadn’t had time to tell anyone where she was located yet. “And I thought it might be nice to see a friendly face.” He tilted his head to the side as he looked at her. “Though, you don’t look that friendly. Bad coffee on the flight over?”

Chloe couldn’t help but laugh and shake her head lightly.

“Bad coffee, bad flight, bad assignment, bad timing for the bad assignment,” she grumbled. “The only good thing to come out of this is the room.” She made a sweeping motion with her arm and Lex glanced inside before nodding once.

“It’s…cozy,” he said, causing Chloe to snicker. He moved a little closer to her, waiting for the silent invitation to come into her room that never came. “Why bad timing for the assignment?”

“*Bad* timing for the *bad* assignment,” she corrected. “And it’s nothing important.” If her dad hadn’t seen it necessary to inform Lex that it was her birthday the next day then she didn’t feel the need to either.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re lying to me?”

“Allow me to rephrase,” she said. “It’s nothing important to *you*.”

“How do you know that if ---”

“Lex,” Chloe said in a somewhat exasperated tone. “What are you really doing here?”

“What are you doing for lunch?” he countered, ignoring her question.

“I have no idea,” she answered. “Buffet probably; maybe meet up with my dad.” Lex nodded once.

“I have reservations at the Italian place downstairs,” he said.

“Of course you do,” Chloe replied with a smile.

“Meet me there at one.”

Chloe arched an eyebrow at him. For someone who supposedly shunned the public, she had run into Lex several times in the last couple of years, even had coffee with him a few times under the guise of catching up on old times, but despite the fact that she had accidentally met up with him on a startling number of occasions, she never questioned any ulterior motives he might have.

She was Chloe Sullivan, his plant manager’s daughter, and that was it. He was being polite, she was being polite, and their so-called relationship as friendly acquaintances was basically just an excuse to banter with someone intelligent – at least that’s how *she* saw it.

“That sounded remarkably *nothing* like a request,” she pointed out. Lex chuckled and gave her a genuine smile.

“Glad we’re on the same page.”


The lunch had gone well.

They had talked about everything to nothing at all, and as always, it seemed amazingly comfortable. Chloe supposed part of that was the fact that she had never treated him as anything other than a normal person, that she didn’t fawn over him because of his money, that she was more impressed by his intellect than she was by his bank account.

She shook her head lightly as she entered the casino. If anyone had told her back when she was in Smallville that chance meetings would lead to a friendly acquaintanceship with Lex Luthor, she’d have told them they were out of their minds.

It bothered her that she was still thinking about the conversation they had over lunch. Lex was his usual witty self, but he seemed different…flirtatious; even more so than the other times that she ran into him. A sour chuckle released in her mind. Maybe Lana hadn’t had such a bad idea when she jokingly suggested that she get drunk and hook up with some random guy; God knew she probably needed it if she even entertained the idea that Lex had been flirting with her.

Chloe rolled her eyes when she saw Lex standing at the end of a craps table with a few other wealthy men, all of them surrounded by the types of women that Lex usually dated – beautiful, but clearly only interested in his money, and probably vapid to boot.

‘Or at least *used* to date,’ Chloe thought to herself when she saw him become irritated that one of the women dared to touch his shoulder. It wasn’t like Lex to turn down female companionship unless he was already in a relationship, and since she hadn’t seen his name linked with anyone else’s, not even in a passing fling capacity, for a while; Chloe surmised that he must be involved with someone secretly.

‘Well, good for him,’ she thought. ‘If she’s willing to be out of the spotlight then she’s obviously not using him. I’ll have to congratulate him the next time I see him.’ Her eyes went back over to where the scantily clad models were turning their attentions to the other wealthy men at the table. ‘But not right now. No use in subjecting my self-esteem to that kind of torture.’

She began to walk toward the slot machines, the cut of her dress moving with her to accentuate every curve she had. It was modest compared to the strips of fabric that the women around Lex’s table were wearing, but then again, how much skin did she really need to be showing to attract some random guy?

‘Especially if I’m drunk,’ she thought to herself and then glanced at the delicate watch on her bracelet. ‘Though I guess they won’t be able to legally serve me any alcohol for the next ten minutes…’


The ringing of several machines drowned out the sound of Lex calling to her and he frowned when she didn’t turn around. He motioned to one of his guards and the rather burly man nodded once before following in Chloe’s tracks to retrieve her.

“Miss?” he asked as he grabbed her arm from behind. Chloe spun around and gently, but firmly tugged her arm out of his grasp.

“Yes?” she asked, stopping herself before she went into the ‘I have I.D.’ speech when she realized that he didn’t have any tags or badges on him to indicate that he was working for the casino. The man began to reach out to grab her elbow again and she narrowed her eyes, instinctively taking a step back away from him.

“Mr. Luthor wants to see you,” he informed her, the tone of his voice leaving little room for argument.

No sooner did the words come out of his mouth than Chloe saw Lex approaching them, only another bodyguard as an entourage. Chloe smiled at the all too familiar smirk that graced his lips.

“You didn’t come by to say hello. I think I’m offended,” he said as he finally reached her.

“I didn’t want to break up the party,” Chloe retorted, motioning to the table he had just been seated at. “Besides, I was going to go play slots.” Lex’s smirk only seemed to grow.

“You realize you can’t do that *legally* for another…” he stalled as he glanced at the expensive watch on his wrist, “…four minutes.”

Chloe’s look of surprise forced Lex to break out a genuine smile and he held his hand out to her.

“Come on, you can be my lucky charm until then.”


4th August 2003, 23:02
:worship2: fantastic stuff as always!! mmm, chloe and lex in las vegas!! yummy!! you write so much, but I love this one allready! :biggrin:

4th August 2003, 23:42
Okay just when I was about to start throwing ice cream at the computer scream, I saw the word smut, so as such.....you are forgiven. :biggrin: (Not that it really took a lot I mean, amazing writer, great story, the only drawback is that the other ones won't be updated as often, but you won't neglect them too long right? right? )


5th August 2003, 00:02
uhhuh, and just how 'lucky' his her 'charm' ;) :biggrin: Ok, i know, bad joke, but i couldn't resist!
I'm loving this, and can't wait to read the next chapter!

5th August 2003, 00:24
Okay chloe get a clue here miss.reporter. Love lex in this! so update soon.

Also its not fair that you come up with all these great ideas for fics im still trying to find a plot that will keep my intrest for my frist chlex fanfic.

Love it update soon

5th August 2003, 01:02
Kris, you already know my love for this fic...but I had to profess it again. Now *points to keyboard* isn't there something that you should be doing right now?


5th August 2003, 01:14
*Sigh*...Ok, it's obvious that Lex is into Chloe. Keeping tabs on her? Knowing her birthday, etc... Clue IN Chloe! Now go and be that Lucky Charm he so desperately needs.

5th August 2003, 01:57
Ok, why would we be mad at you for starting another fic? especially a smut fic? It bogles the mind! Update soon!

5th August 2003, 02:03
Are you kidding, this is great! We all LOVE smut! Why would we mad at you? Update soon Please!

Tandy :cool:

5th August 2003, 02:51
Wow, a great start and I can't wait to read the rest. Infact I'll be sitting here. Just waiting.

Now get that muse working, I'll even bribe her/him with ice cream and whatever else she wants. I want smut... Probably best to insert a please here. Please


5th August 2003, 03:00
oOo another great start of a story! heheh can't wait for more! :biggrin: :chlexsign3:

5th August 2003, 03:20
Yes another amazing Kris Fic. I :wub: it. More please..

Hope :chlexsign2:

5th August 2003, 04:14
LOL! I wanna be his lucky charm! I love your Chlex stuff everso much! Any chance I could get a cameo? Oh, get a portrait done of them and I could be the painter! I'm an artist myself ;) Not that you'd be particularly interested in that. But if you do take my suggestion maybe even have a charicature of them done by a street vendor in Vegas, the name's Andrea :chlexsign4: :worship2: . ;)

5th August 2003, 04:53
Can we say that Lex has been harbouring a crush on CHloe for a Loooonnnnng time? hehe keeping tags on her , and 'accidentally' meeting her....now finally making his move..say this won't involve a quickie marriage ln Vegas won't it? :blinkkiss:

5th August 2003, 06:07
Originally posted by drina@Aug 5 2003, 04:53 AM
Can we say that Lex has been harbouring a crush on CHloe for a Loooonnnnng time? hehe keeping tags on her , and 'accidentally' meeting her....now finally making his move..say this won't involve a quickie marriage ln Vegas won't it? :blinkkiss:
:ohmy: Didn't think of that! I like! Will there be a quickie marriage? It's blatant that he likes her...

5th August 2003, 06:09
ooooh, a quickie marriage in vegas, love the idea.

and kris...*beams a smile* soooooooo good. *strokes the ego*

i hate it when you need to need smut but dont have anywhere to put it.


5th August 2003, 07:09
hhmmm, No I don't see a quickie wedding. I see Lex already having it all planned out. He just needs to manuevre Chloe to the right place at the right time.

Oh and Kris...there is no way we can be mad about getting another story from you. Especially a smutty one.

5th August 2003, 08:17
Sigh... a great story, and set in my home away from home. Lovely to read a Chlexy story, with great potential for smut, and giving me new things to picture when I finally make it back to Vegas to visit.

Oh, and just a note... you can get away with A LOT in some of those Vegas casinos... <eg>

Sara (who blushes as she admits she knows this because of experience... although wouldn&#39;t mind trying it with Lex&#33;)

5th August 2003, 09:03
I love it already&#33; I can&#39;t wait for the real B-day celebration :smut: Lex is being soo... sweet. By the way, of course no one would be mad if you started a new fic, we all love you & your stories, the more the better&#33; :worship2: Please update this one soon&#33;

5th August 2003, 10:50
I like it. And I agree, a marriage in Vegas is a must. But what we need right now is an update. Pleeease :worship2:

5th August 2003, 15:42
:biggrin: :chlexsign3:

This is fab. Love the Las Vegas Idea.

Please update soon

5th August 2003, 16:07
Hmmm... I love the fact that Lex probably had everything planned out and that Chloe has no idea what is going on&#33; Please continue quick&#33; :biggrin:

5th August 2003, 16:48
Wow&#33; I just love this&#33;
Your writing just seems to get more and more fantastic with each story, and I&#39;m so happy with all of it&#33;

This particular one -- fabulous&#33; I love that Lex obviously has serious plans where Chloe is concerned, and I love that Chloe has no clue. ;p I wonder what he said to Perry to get her assigned to the conference. Love love love this story, just the MCAT study break I need. Thank you so much for writing it, and write more soon&#33; Rotation be damned&#33;

5th August 2003, 16:51
Soon after Lex drug Chloe back over to his group, his friends and business associates decided to move onto poker, which wasn’t anywhere near as fun for Chloe to watch since she wasn’t involved in any way.

She had a drink from her glass and then another, her eyes grazing over the room to find any possible prospects to fulfill what she and Lana had been talking about the last time they spoke; frowning when she realized most of the men gracing the casino with their presence at that hour of the morning were there for the convention.

Leaning her free hand on the back of Lex’s chair as she watched him play poker with his friends and business associates. Despite the company, and the fact that Lex’s ‘lucky charm’ comment had turned out to be true, she was bored, she was on her third drink, and she was rapidly on her way to becoming inebriated.

‘There’s no way I’m going to snag some guy if Lex keeps me at this table all night,’ she thought to herself. ‘At least the convention stuff doesn’t start up again until noon tomorrow. I can always sleep in.’

A waitress came by and smiled at Chloe, taking the glass that Chloe hadn’t even realized was almost empty from her and promptly replacing it with a full one. Chloe gave the girl a bemused grin, figuring that the staff probably kept a better eye on when the people with money, and the people who were with them, needed refills than anyone else.

To her surprise, one of the players at the table, a man she recognized from the society pages as being Oliver Queen, motioned to the waitress and gave her a substantial tip for bringing Chloe her drink. Chloe raised an eyebrow at him, but he just grinned scampishly up at her in return.

‘Nice,’ Chloe thought sarcastically and was unable to resist the urge to glare at him even though he had turned his attention back to his cards. ‘Not only does Lex make me spend the last…’ she paused and checked her watch, frowning when the clock hands looked blurry, ‘…let’s say hour,’ she thought. ‘But because of it, his stupid rich friends probably think I’m a paid escort like all the other bimbos at this table probably are. God. I really need to get out of here.’

Just as she was about to say goodnight to Lex and snidely thank him for making her waste the last hour of her life, she felt a small hand on her shoulder. Twisting her head ever so slightly to see who it was, she furrowed her brow in confusion when she saw one of the women who had been hanging all over Bruce Wayne right next to her.

‘This should be interesting,’ she thought sarcastically.

“Don’t blow it, honey,” the bleach blonde, at least five years older than her by Chloe’s half-drunken estimate, whispered near her ear. “That guy is worth a lot of money – they all are.”

“You don’t say,” Chloe retorted, her words coming out somewhat slurred and more sarcastic than with the venom she intended. ‘Okay, that settles it. When I start getting ‘dating’ advice from gold-diggers, it’s time to leave.’

Lex’s body shook with a snicker at her comment, but he kept his eyes on his hand, where his good luck was holding with four kings.

Chloe took a few more sips out of the drink she had been given and then placed it down on the table in front of her. Lex turned his head and looked up at her questioningly. Chloe placed a large fake smile on her lips and patted his smooth head almost condescendingly as she leaned down to speak into his ear, actions she dared not have done if she was sober.

Rather than give him a lengthy explanation, she found herself kissing him on the cheek a little longer than necessary, pushing down the feeling of how good his skin felt against her lips, and saying a barely audible “g’night” before walking away from the table.

Lex tossed his cards down on the table and bolted up from his chair to chase after her.

“Hey&#33; Does that mean you’re out?&#33;” Oliver yelled.

Bruce chuckled and then smirked at him.

“I’m fairly certain smoothing things over with his fiancée is a little more important than the game, Queen,” he said. Oliver’s eyes grew large.

“*That* was his fiancée?” he and the woman who had briefly talked to Chloe asked at the same time.

“She wasn’t wearing a ring,” the woman protested. Oliver nodded and pointed at her.

“Yeah. What she said.”

Bruce gave an absent one-shouldered shrug.

“Don’t know what to tell you,” he said. “But the invitation I got said that the wedding’s at three.”

“Tonight?” Oliver asked in disbelief. “Who the hell plans a wedding for three o’clock in the morning?”

“Well, you know Lex,” Bruce said dismissively.

“Yeah, but --- that’s only a couple hours away,” Oliver argued. “Shouldn’t she have been up in the room getting ready or something?”

“She *did* leave,” the woman pointed out, only to quickly shut up and nervously step back behind Bruce when Oliver glared at her.

His eyes darted over to where the couple now stood and he slid uncomfortably down in his chair as if he were subconsciously trying to hide from the man.

“Shit. I can’t believe I almost hit on his fiancée. I’m going to be in so much trouble.”

Bruce glanced down at his cards and then flashed the man a smug grin.

“Oh, I’d say that’s a given.”


“Queen can be a jerk, just ignore him,” Lex said. Chloe shook her head obstinately and rested her hand on his chest to balance herself when the action made her dizzy. Lex grinned down at the contact and then back up at her. “Come on, Chloe. The night is young.”

“Nooo,” she strung out, overemphasizing the vowel sound, “the *morning* is young.” Her correction caused Lex’s lips to slide into a small smile, but Chloe didn’t notice it as she ignored him and let a small pout take over her face. “And I haven’t even found a guy yet; although I guess I *technically* still have the rest of the day…”

Lex’s eyes narrowed into a displeased scowl.

“What are you talking about?”

“Lana,” Chloe said dismissively, as if that explained everything.

“Lana,” Lex repeated, the look on his face clearly asking for a more detailed explanation.

Chloe let out a small sigh, grumbling something under her breath when she still didn’t see anyone she’d want to sleep with from her new vantage point – well, no *random* guy anyway. And despite how friendly Lex was being, she sincerely doubted that he’d indulge in a one-night stand with her, especially since he was in a relationship with some mystery woman.

“Oh yeah,” Chloe said more to herself than to Lex. “I forgot to tell you congratulations.”

“For?” Lex asked in a suspicious voice. ‘Please, please don’t let her have already talked to Gabe. No - he couldn’t have told her, she wouldn’t still be in Vegas if he had.’

“For your girlfriend – for finally being in a normal rela---” she paused, her mind too clouded with alcohol for her to continue the word, “for finally being with someone normal.”

‘Shit. She must have figured out that she hasn’t seen me with anyone in a while,’ he thought. ‘So just tell her,’ a second little voice in his head said. ‘Good idea,’ he mentally argued with himself. ‘Because it’s not like she’ll slap me or never speak to me again if I tell her the truth.’

“And hey&#33;” Chloe continued, oblivious to Lex’s inner conflict. “I’m not even going to ask you who she is. I’m getting better, see? No personal questions.”

Lex nodded a couple of times with a small fake grin to try and appease her.

‘Change the topic&#33;’ he yelled at himself.

“What was that you were saying about Lana?” he asked. Chloe rolled her eyes aloofly and flicked her hand to brush off the comment.

“She said she wanted all the details of what I ended up doing on my birthday – even if it meant getting drunk and hooking up with some random guy.”

Lex squared his jaw and made a mental note to block Lana’s number from all of Chloe’s phones after they got back to Metropolis.

“It’s earlier than I had planned, but a few calls and that can be changed,” he said to himself as he glanced at his watch.

Chloe blinked a couple of times before she decided that it wasn’t even worth her effort to ask what he was babbling about. Normally, her inquisitive nature would have taken over, but tonight she was officially twenty-one, very near being drunk, and horny as hell from having to spend the last hour or so surrounded by gorgeous, wealthy men.

“Hey look, I gotta go, but I’ll see you around at the convention stuff later, ‘kay?” Chloe said and started to move away from him. Lex caught her arm before she could get away and she looked at him quizzically. “What?”

“Sorry to disrupt your plans, Chloe, but we’ve got a previous engagement.”


Lex crawled toward her on the bed, and something in Chloe’s mind flashed to the many outdated films she had been forced to watch in school about a predator stalking its prey.

Any lingering coherent thoughts disappeared however, as she saw him dip his head and trail a line of soft kisses all the way her stomach until he reached her damp blonde curls. Chloe’s eyes grew wide and she released a whimpered moan when she felt his tongue dart out to taste her.

“Oh, God.”

Her head fell back as her eyes closed, her body flooding with an incredible heat as Lex enshrouded his face against her nether-lips and lapped greedily at the juices that were pouring from her. Angling his tongue so he hit her clitoris every time, he slid a hand between her legs to part them further than they were already.

Lex lifted his head and slowly drug himself over her body, positioning himself between his legs as he bent his head down for a long, languid kiss.

In one sharp stroke, he entered her, reveling in the pleasured gasp of his name that tore from Chloe’s throat.

Chloe’s eyes jolted open, a slick, thin layer of sweat covering her skin. The sheets on the unfamiliar bed were twisted around her body and she had to force herself to take a few deep breaths as she came to the conclusion that it had just been a dream.

‘Never…drinking…again…’ she thought to herself as she tried to settle her sore head back against the pillow, frowning when she couldn’t get comfortable again. She sighed and sat up slowly, creasing her brow when she realized that the hotel room she was in wasn’t hers. The ache between her legs that seemed to radiate through her body made her grin. ‘Go me – of course, I can’t remember anything, so I’ll still have to make something up. Damn.’

She turned her head at the sound of the shower running in the bathroom, frowning again when she took in how much larger and more expensive looking this hotel room was.

‘Please, please don’t let me have slept with Oliver Queen,’ she silently begged, clutching one of the sheets to her bosom as she desperately started looking for her clothes so she could get out of there as soon as possible.

Her eyes widened when she didn’t see any of her clothes, but did find a white silk dress slung over a chair.

“Oh, no. No, no, no,” she muttered as she looked back at the closed bathroom door. Chloe held her hands out in front of her as if to protest and noticed the large shiny diamonds that now graced her left hand’s ring finger. “Oh, shit.”

Her head swung around as a loud knock came at the front door and the shower turned off at the same time.

“Um…just a minute,” she called out to whoever was behind the front door, now scrambling to search for where her other dress might be. “Come on, come on,” she told herself in a anic. “Fuck it.”

She dropped the sheet and grabbed the white dress off of the back of the chair, hurriedly throwing it on so she could answer the door and possibly make her escape.

She rushed to the door, not bothering to look for shoes, and opened it; blinking with surprise when she saw a young man pushing a room service cart and two security guards on either side of the door. The young man smiled and started to push the cart in as Chloe absently stepped to the side.

“Okay,” he said, stopping and lifting up a piece of paper off the tray. “I just need your signature right here, Mrs. Luthor.”

Chloe’s eyes grew almost comically wide and she was unable to keep her jaw from dropping open ever so slightly.

“I ---”

“Oh, good, breakfast is here.”

Chloe turned to see Lex coming out of the steamy bathroom dressed in only a robe and she felt her mouth go dry. Lex smiled at her and pressed his hand against the small of her back as he leaned down to give her a small kiss.

She watched in a daze as he signed the room service slip and thanked the boy who had delivered it before sending him on his way. The door closed and Chloe stared up at Lex, her mind still trying to process what was going on.


Lex grinned goofily over at her and swiftly covered the space between them so he could kiss her again. Chloe’s eyes fluttered closed as she felt his teasing lips on hers and his warm tongue slide into her mouth.

His hand drifted up her side and he moved it to cup her breast through the small layer of fabric separating them. Chloe hummed into his mouth, but quickly pushed him away before she lost control.

“Lex – could you please tell me what the hell is going on?”


5th August 2003, 17:29
.....hunguhftp?&#33;&#33;&#33;....he...they...and...drunk...di dnt know...she...then...he...and...

no words...I have. no words....


Ok after several deep breaths, I&#39;m slightly more coherant. But only slightly. I can&#39;t believe he did that&#33;&#33;&#33; And what was that about Gabe knowing?&#33;&#33;&#33; What the hell is going on? How could he marry her and take her when she was legless....she doesn&#39;t even remeber&#33;&#33;&#33; OOhhh you&#39;d better update this soon or I&#39;m coming after you&#33;&#33;&#33; HOw could you leave it there?


5th August 2003, 17:35
:drool: :drool: That&#39;s.... amazing&#33; :yay: Can we have more? The quickie Vegas marriage rocked. Who else but Lex would have a three am marriage. hehe. Write more please.


5th August 2003, 17:39
:huh: how can you stop there...you are evil...

I loved it and I need an update soon...very soon...that was so great&#33;&#33;

5th August 2003, 17:57
aghhh??? what??? er? come on you cant leave it there&#33;&#33; :huh:

5th August 2003, 18:34
Well, yeah, what the hell is going on? Does Gabe know? And why didn&#39;t we get a wedding?&#33;&#33;&#33; Update soon

5th August 2003, 18:36
One word, or perhaps a ramble of them.

Smut, smut, smut, wonderful smut not to mention that this has taken an entiraly diffrent angle then I had pictured it.

Wonderful read, as always.

Now where&#39;s the next update. Now, now or now? Darn guess I&#39;ll just have to wait...

But please...

Cliffhangers sucks. Big time.

5th August 2003, 19:32
I have to join in with those above me...Gabe knows about this? Please don&#39;t tell me he married her just to save his fortune or something? I guess Lex genuinely liking Chloe (for a few years from what I have gathered) is out of the question. So give...is there an alterative motive here? And how does Gabe work in? Yes, please update.

5th August 2003, 20:25
umm yeah. ditto to the above. especially the wanting more.

5th August 2003, 20:48
More&#33; :devil: that was an evil cliffy&#33; Please update soon I&#39;m confuzzled&#33; Great job&#33;


5th August 2003, 21:00
Errr yeah, I&#39;d very much like to know what the hell is going on there too&#33; Uhm great chapter, and I&#39;m confused now *tries interpretation of Clark&#39;s constipated look but fails* *settles for a frown* Update soon please&#33;


5th August 2003, 23:23
ok, um, huh? More soon please&#33;

5th August 2003, 23:49
:yay: wonderful storY&#33; Can&#39;t wait to hear lana&#39;s reaction when she hears this... please update soon. :yay:

6th August 2003, 01:38
oOo i want to find out what&#39;s going on too&#33;&#33;&#33; great story&#33; :yay: update as soon as possible&#33; heheh :chlexsign3:

Queen Of Tact
6th August 2003, 02:04
Kris I wont kill you for starting another story as long as you get back here ASAP and post another ch.... This story is just 2 darn funny I can&#39;t wait to read more......


6th August 2003, 03:23
Kris get back here right now. Please explain, Lex I cant believe he did that. :huh:

Hope :ohmy:

6th August 2003, 04:36
I love it&#33; Please, please, please tell me that you&#39;re going to fill in the blank spaces--- and soon&#33;
By the way it is a great cliffhanger&#33;


6th August 2003, 05:17
You do realize that you are going to have to fill in the blanks. I don&#39;t think that Chloe will settle for less, either. And how long did Lex have this planned out for anyway?


happy bunny
6th August 2003, 07:02
So confused, so very confused. What the hell? I can&#39;t believe he would take advantage of her like that. What the hell is going on? And Gabe is in on it? So confused....
Please update soon and help clear up this mess. Please?

6th August 2003, 07:16

NEED MORE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;1
Lily M. :sunny:

6th August 2003, 07:48
:biggrin: I LOVE IT&#33;&#33;&#33; That was so.. great with the getting married & the smut, I have to have more, FAST&#33; I can&#39;t believe Gabe knew, But who cares, Chlex are married&#33;&#33;&#33; Please you have to give me an update, quick, to feed my new addiction&#33; I :worship2: You soo... much&#33;

6th August 2003, 17:43
MMMMMOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :devil: :yay: :yay2: :ohmy: :goof:

6th August 2003, 17:46
Let me guess, Lex realized that Chloe is the love of his life, he told Gabe and the two of them decided that making Chloe marry Lex in a drunk state was the best course of action. Right?&#33;? I would say that it was a less than brilliant plan, but it worked *this* far, so.....I&#39;ll just wait and see where you take it. Update&#33;

7th August 2003, 10:32
Oh no still no update... sigh... am suffering from withdrawal already... please continue quickly&#33;&#33;&#33; :crygreen:

8th August 2003, 03:20
:biggrin: i love it......i wanna know how is gonna react chloe when she knows that she married drunk&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;.....(not the best plan but.... :chlexsign3: )

update soon...

8th August 2003, 04:33
Originally posted by crazygirl@Aug 7 2003, 12:46 AM
Let me guess, Lex realized that Chloe is the love of his life, he told Gabe and the two of them decided that making Chloe marry Lex in a drunk state was the best course of action. Right?&#33;? I would say that it was a less than brilliant plan, but it worked *this* far, so.....I&#39;ll just wait and see where you take it. Update&#33;

Lex is going to be up to his neck in shit heaven for this manipulative action.

8th August 2003, 14:41
“And here I thought that was pretty obvious,” Lex replied, the corners of his mouth lifting into an amused smirk.

“Not funny,” Chloe said, waving her arms a little in exasperation. “Now, would you like to tell me why I woke up in your hotel room and the hotel staff is addressing me as *Mrs. Luthor*?”

Lex nodded once, a mock-thoughtful look on his face that he was sure came across as teasing.

“A bit presumptuous on their part, especially these days. What would you prefer? Sullivan-Luthor?”

“Allow me to rephrase my question,” Chloe said as she plastered a fake sweet smile to her lips. “Did we get married last night?”

“You don’t remember?”

“Would I be asking you if I remembered?&#33;” she snapped, her face falling apologetically in regret after the words sprung from her mouth. “You know what? This is just a dream and I’m going back to bed so I can wake up for real.”

“There are a few ways I could comment on that, but I think I’ll settle with: do you usually dream about being married to me?”

“Sometimes,” Chloe muttered under breath, shuffling back over toward the bed. Seeing the pleasantly surprised look on Lex’s face, she realized that she had made the comment aloud and quickly added, “I mean – no, of course not.”

Lex smirked and held up his left hand and the platinum on his ring finger glistened under the light.

‘Shit. Okay, so I obviously got much drunker than I remember and told him that I think he’s cute – and smart – and…’ Chloe’s thoughts trailed off and she furrowed her brow in confusion when she saw him open the entertainment cabinet and pick up a remote. “What are you doing?”

“It sounds like you need a refresher.”

A couple of buttons were pushed and images started to come to life on the screen.

Chloe watched in a daze as her father escorted her down the aisle, the back of her gown trailing on the floor as she walked. She mused that she didn’t look drunk at all; she wasn’t stumbling or wavering, she just had a bright, goofy looking smile on her face as she strolled slowly up to meet Lex.

‘What the fuck? How is it possible that I don’t remember *any* of this? I didn’t have *that* much to drink.’

Lex kept his eyes keenly fixed on Chloe’s expressions as she watched the DVD that had been put together so quickly. It was remarkable the things large amounts of money could accomplish.

“…I do…”

“Then by the power vested in me by the great state of Nevada, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Lex cupped one side of Chloe’s face, gently moving his hand around to the back of her head as their mouths connected in a sweet embrace. The few guests attending the wedding started applauding Chloe smiled at her dad as she saw him wipe a tear off his cheek.

Chloe stared at the screen in disbelief. It had happened. She had actually married Lex. And from the guests that were at the wedding and the large banner above the door that said ‘Congratulations Chloe and Lex’, she guessed that it hadn’t been thrown together at the last minute. She turned her face away from the screen and Lex felt as if her questioning gaze was boring into his soul.

“So, let me get this straight,” Chloe started. “You *planned* this?”


“You planned a wedding in Las Vegas, invited my dad, and --- how did you know I would be here?”

Lex coughed into his hand and gave her the best bashful look he could pull off, hoping that since it always seemed to work on her with Clark in high school then it might work for him too.

It didn’t.

“You made sure my editor sent *me* to the convention,” Chloe said, stating her comment in monotoned incredulity.


“Lex – have you lost your mind?”

“Excuse me?”

“Or is this some weird business deal thing that I don’t know about? Promote the family image by getting married or maybe a clause in a will…”

“You’re joking, right?”

“Well, I don’t know. It’s not like you’ve ever shown any interest in me – certainly never enough to justify marrying me.”

“Of course I have,” Lex argued, half-surprised that Chloe hadn’t ever put two and two together and seen his feelings for her. “You didn’t really think that I stopped for coffee at the shop in the *Daily Planet* building, did you?”

Chloe’s mouth opened to speak, but quickly snapped shut.

“That did seem a little strange,” she admitted.

“Are you telling me that you, an investigative reporter, never even suspected that ---”

“Well, I’ve been on shlup cases for the last year. It’s kind of dulled my inquiring senses a little,” Chloe said in her defense. Lex grinned and she shook her head lightly. “Did it ever occur to you to just ask me out? You know, have a relationship before getting married?”

“It did,” Lex said with a curt nod, “but if you’ll remember, that didn’t work out too well for me the last time.”

“It’s not working out too well for you *this time* either,” Chloe retorted.

“You’re not trying to kill me,” Lex pointed out.


“You’re mad.”

“You’re observant,” Chloe shot back. “How could you just take advantage of me like that?”

“You seemed quite willing at the time,” Lex said, motioning with a tiny smirk toward the television screen where the DVD showed them kissing as they swayed back and forth to some music in the background.

Chloe padded a little closer to the set as she strained to hear the song that was playing. When she recognized it, she tilted her head to the side and looked at him with surprise.

“How did you ---?”

“I told your dad that I wanted to surprise you. He was…helpful.”

Chloe pouted.

“I can’t believe my dad was in on this,” she said, too concentrated on the TV in front of her to realize that Lex had moved directly behind her.

“Well, to be fair to him…” Lex started, wrapping his arms around her and leaning his head down so his lips brushed against her ear. Chloe closed her eyes and unwittingly sank back into him, her breath coming in quicker pants as Lex’s warm words caressed her ear. “…I may have given him the impression that we’ve been seeing each other on and off for a while.”

Chloe cracked open an eye and turned her head a little to try and look at him.

“How long is a little while?”

“About a year,” Lex replied, peppering kisses down to her neck.

“A year,” she repeated in disbelief, unable to successfully push down the shiver of delight that ran through her with Lex’s touch. Her next words came out weaker and with less conviction. “And the guys I told him about that I *actually* saw?”

“That’s where the ‘on and off’ part comes in,” Lex murmured huskily against her neck, pleased to see that her body was reacting just as well to him now that she didn’t have any alcohol in her. He slid his fingers up her arm to push down one of the dress straps and then kissed the bare skin on her shoulder.

“You thought of everything, didn’t you?”

“It was fairly easy to convince him of your fear of commitment issues, given that you never went out with anyone more that three times.”

“That’s not true,” Chloe argued, swiveling around to face him. “There was…damn. How did you know that?” Lex opened his mouth to speak, but Chloe held up a hand to cut him off. “Never mind; I don’t want to know. And what do you mean ‘fear of commitment issues’?”

“Are you going to stay married to me?” Lex countered, already suspecting that the comment would rile her feathers enough to bring about the answer he wanted.

Chloe opened and closed her mouth in disbelief as she searched for a rebuttal. How dare he set all that up without even asking her? And then he had the nerve to suggest that she had commitment issues just because…Chloe clenched her hands into tiny fists.

“You know, I *should*&#33; Just to prove you wrong.”

In a split second, Lex grabbed her arms and roughly pulled her toward him, slamming his mouth down against hers with an animalistic passion that Chloe had never experienced before. Chloe literally felt her knees go weak and leaned harder against him as she whimpered and began to reciprocate the kiss, opening her lips to his and rocking her tongue into his waiting mouth.

When they finally pulled apart, panting for breath and using each other’s weight to remain standing; Lex managed a small smirk.

“Just the answer I was looking for.”


8th August 2003, 14:52
Hee now this was good. And it explained a few things *g* now let&#39;s see how this marriage is going to work out. I don&#39;t give them long until they have the first real fight *g* Still loving it, now where&#39;s the smut?


8th August 2003, 15:24
COOL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;MORE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;SMUT :devil: :yay: SMUT :devil: :yay: SMUT :yay: :devil: .IT &#39;s perfect :goof: :pclol: .Pleas update :crydevil: :worship2:

8th August 2003, 15:27

I still maintain that she just shut up and give in. Heh&#33; Lex likes Chloe&#33; And for a long time too&#33;
...if only it were to be true on the show.

“Lex – have you lost your mind?”

“Excuse me?”

“Or is this some weird business deal thing that I don’t know about? Promote the family image by getting married or maybe a clause in a will…”

Good to see it&#39;s not true. *Sighs* Wonder what the gang back in Smallville will have to say?
:ohmy: ...guess that means Lucas is her brother-inlaw...

8th August 2003, 15:59
hmmmmm *taps finger on her bottom lip*

I&#39;m not comfortable with this, I don&#39;t know why I&#39;m looking deeper into it than I should but something seems off. And it isn&#39;t in the angst forum so I&#39;ll just ignore my rambling thoughts, sit back and enjoy.

*waits patiently with her hands folded in her lap for the smut fairy to sprinkle some on*

it&#39;s really a shame she doesn&#39;t remember the doing lex part. So when&#39;s he going to refresh her memory?


8th August 2003, 17:20
More please :blinkkiss:

Hope :cool:

8th August 2003, 18:15
more, more more more pleeeeeeeeeassssseeeeeeeeeee

great story.
update soon.
:yay: :chlexsign4: :worship2: :yay2:

8th August 2003, 18:26
:huh: I´m not imagining things....this is yet another amazing story of yours.
How do you do that? One story after the other? And they´re always so great.
Excellent work. I love this fic idea. Can´t wait to see how things are going to work out with Chloe´s job, their living arrangements, etc.
Please update soon. :chlexsign3:

8th August 2003, 20:44
:huh: hmmm this is a bizarre one girl&#33;&#33;&#33; I don&#39;t know how you come up with such original plots.

Lex wanting her for so long was really sweet...but well...it&#39;s just so bizarre&#33;&#33;&#33; I really wanna see where you go with this one&#33; :unsure:

8th August 2003, 21:09
:blinkkiss: Just like Chloe to never back down for a challenge...not that she needed much incentive&#33; Loving this&#33;


8th August 2003, 21:42
Heehee. And now for some smut... And when I say now, I mean update soon&#33;

8th August 2003, 22:53
Heehee. And now for some smut... And when I say now, I mean update soon&#33;
I second that&#33; :biggrin: Now go write some nice smut for us :biggrin:

8th August 2003, 23:13
oh my how devious of lex. bahaha.. but if it gets them together&#33; :chlexsign3:

8th August 2003, 23:58
Hmmmm....I still don&#39;t see why she doesn&#39;t remember it if she wasn&#39;t drunk.....I&#39;m coming up with all sorts of weird scenarios in my head. Look what you did&#33; You made me think, dammit&#33; I love how Chloe&#39;s body knows what she wants, even if she won&#39;t admit it right now.


happy bunny
9th August 2003, 05:12
Thanks so much for the update. It cleared up most of my questions. Now the only one I have left is "Will you please continue very soon?" What can I say? I&#39;m hooked.

9th August 2003, 15:02
:dry: Where is update? :popdevil:

9th August 2003, 16:32
:goof: hmmm, now that my message boards are working, may I just say: what the fuck??&#33;?&#33; oops, sorry. How the f*ck did she get married withour her knowing? how did she not look drunk on the video? how is it that she&#39;s taking it so calmly? why did lex want to marry her? do they even know each other? how could lex take advantage of her while she&#39;s drunk? why is she taking it so calmly??&#33;? why Why WHY WHY?&#33;?&#33;? What the hell is going on?&#33; :goof: :crygreen: :goof: :crygreen:

Hugs, Michelle.

9th August 2003, 17:33
Have to agree with other readers, the plot is somewhat
bizarre / disturbing. Can&#39;t wait to read how you will
explain the situation. But after all, wasn&#39;t this supposed
to be (almost) PWP ? Where&#39;s the, you know, smut ?

9th August 2003, 19:06
hell what a story I&#39;m very confused but now I insist on smut please soon :yay: :yay: :yay:

10th August 2003, 07:33
:wub: I LOVE IT&#33;&#33;&#33; I was wondering how you&#39;d explain Gabe knowing. ;) I wonder how it will be after the honeymoon, when they get back to their normal lives, I can&#39;t wait&#33; Hope the next chapter is filled with smut&#33; :worship2:

11th August 2003, 02:30
A/N: Sorry that there’s still confusion abounding. Hope this helps clear some things up. Oh – and I apologize for totally screwing up canon here with OQ’s character, but I needed it for the story.


“You *seriously* don’t remember?” Lex asked in a skeptical voice. Chloe threw up her hands in exasperation.

“I *seriously* don’t remember,” she said. “I don’t know why you think I would pretend to forget getting married to you – or anything that may have happened after that,” she mumbled uncomfortably, “but I *don’t remember*.”

Lex shook his head slightly.

“I thought you were trying to get out of it and get an annulment,” he said more to himself than to her.

“I still could, you know,” she said with a wry look that Lex ignored, too wrapped up in his own thoughts about what she was telling him.

She said she didn’t remember getting married and that she didn’t remember anything on the tape or anything that happened afterward. He frowned as he looked at her. He could tell that she wasn’t lying, but there was no other explanation.

“You didn’t have that much to drink,” Lex argued. “You were a little tipsy, but not ---”

“Well, I don’t know how to explain it either. The last thing I remember about last night was thinking what a slime your friend was for tipping the waitress and then leering at me. Then, the next thing I know, I’m here,” she said, conveniently leaving out the part about having a rather heated dream about the two of them before waking up. ‘I wonder if it *was* a dream. Damn. If not, then I’ll never be able to leave him. That tongue ---”


“Hmm? Oh – sorry. Guess I spaced out for a second there while I was trying to see if I could remember anything else.”

It wasn’t the most cleverly concocted lie, but it would do for the time being --- as long as he didn’t notice the blush that had risen to her cheeks. He raised an eyebrow at her and let a tiny smirk cross his lips, but he didn’t call her on it.

“What were you saying?” Chloe asked, steering the topic away from her moment of embarrassment.

“I was asking if you saw Queen talking to the waitress before she delivered your drink.”

“I…guess so. I mean, wasn’t she talking to everybody to get their drink orders?”

“After the first round, did you see him talk to her for a longer period of time?”

Chloe frowned and tried to remember.

“I don’t know,” she said with a frustrated shake of her head. “Why?”

“Just a feeling,” Lex said, though the scowl that crept across his face contradicted his statement. Chloe narrowed her eyes.

“What *kind* of feeling?”

“The bad kind.”

“You think he had her put something in my drink.” It was a statement, not a question. Lex pursed his lips.

“That would be my guess,” he admitted. Chloe didn’t look convinced.

“Do you know how much money his family has? And he’s not a bad looking guy; he could probably get most women just by ---”

“But not you,” Lex interrupted.

“Well, no, but --- it just doesn’t add up. Besides the unanswered ‘why’ there’s still the ‘what’. The only drug I know that erases a person’s memory like that is Rohypnol and it just knocks the person out.” She stopped and motioned to the now empty television screen. “And maybe it’s me, but I *looked* conscious.”

“His father owns labs that have been known to do…less than legal experimentation, so he would definitely have the means.”

“You think he was trying out a new drug on me?” Chloe asked incredulously and then creased her brow. “I thought he was supposed to be the good guy out of your group.”

“You don’t think *I’m* a good guy?” he half-joked.

“You planned a surprise wedding when we weren’t even dating,” Chloe pointed out.

“Only because I didn’t think you’d say yes,” Lex said in a manner that sloughed off what Chloe had said. “And actually, I think Wayne would probably be considered the cleanest out of everyone at the table.” Chloe let out a rather unladylike snort.

“Apparently you don’t keep up on the news in Gotham,” she said cryptically. “And you’re probably right, but that’s not the point.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Caped crusader, dark knight ---” she trailed off when she saw the blank look on Lex’s face. “Never mind. So, you think Oliver had something to do with my mysterious memory loss?”

“*Oliver*?” Lex asked, his eyebrows arched with a hint of accusing jealousy, concentrating on Chloe’s change of topic rather than delving into the fact that she had just admitted that she wouldn’t have said yes if he had gone through with a proposal the old-fashioned way. The fact was that they were married now and he needed to focus on keeping it that way. “I didn’t realize you were on a first name basis with him.”

“I’m not. But, he’s not here, so I would feel kind of stupid saying ‘Mr. Queen’ – which really doesn’t sound right anyway. And, unlike you, I haven’t taken to calling people by their last names.”

“You call me ‘Luthor’ all the time,” Lex said with a crack of a grin curling at his lips.

“That’s different. I like you,” Chloe said aloofly, but quickly slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized what she said. A full, sparkling smile lit up Lex’s face.

“Do you?” he asked in a teasing tone.

“That didn’t come out how I meant it,” she protested.

Lex stepped closer to her, his smile unhampered by Chloe trying to pretend her slip of the tongue ever happened. He grabbed her hips and pulled her to him, his grip only growing tighter when she tried to squirm away.

“Lex&#33; --- mmph ---”

Lex closed his mouth down over her already parted lips, sweeping his tongue into her mouth before she had a chance to push him away. A hum came from the back of her throat as she began to reciprocate the kiss, her hands clutching at the robe covering his chest until they climbed around the back of his neck and head to keep him where he was putting what Chloe now deemed to be a very skilled tongue to good use.

She pulled away slightly and both of them panted for breath as their lips continued to brush lightly against each other, Lex taking the opportunity to slowly back her toward the bed. She felt the mattress bump the back of her legs and for some reason, the reality of the situation chose that exact moment to hit her hard and fast. Her heart started thumping in her chest in panic.

True, they had *technically* done this the night before, but this felt like the first time she had been with him and she was nervous to the point of panic.

“Don’t you want to see if Oliver really did have something put in my drink last night?” she blurted out. Lex smirked and leaned her down so her back was on the bed and he was hovering over her. His face went to her cheek, his mouth peppering the blushing skin with kisses until he reached her ear.

“Don’t you want to have a memory of what your wedding night was like?” he murmured huskily, his warm breath sweeping a shudder of pleasure through her body.

For once in her life, Chloe Sullivan was at a loss for words.

Lex kissed along the vein in her neck, relishing the fast pulse under his lips.

“Chloe,” he whispered tauntingly, taking the area he had been kissing and grazing his teeth along it. After some light nibbling, his tongue followed suit to soothe her skin, causing Chloe to moan and lift a knee so she could get more of his body’s pressure where she needed it.

“Lex,” she breathed, the whimper of his name coming out before she had a chance to think about what she was saying. His lips moved to hers with a renewed fury and she could feel his hard length start to rub against her through the thick layer of terrycloth and the thin silk of her dress. “Unh,” she said unintelligibly, forcing herself to pull her mouth away from his.

He furrowed his brow, a mixture of surprise and frustration on his face, soon to be replaced by a smirk of understanding when she raised her hands and tugged at the knot that held his robe closed.

The garment was shed to the floor and Chloe kneeled up on the bed so she could quickly remove what little clothing she was wearing as well.

Lex practically tackled her, sending Chloe right back onto her back and Chloe went into a fit of giggles as she smiled up at him and raised her legs to wrap around his. His head bent down to brush his nose against hers.

“Stay married to me,” he said quietly against her lips. The sincerity with which he made the request seemed to make Chloe’s heart melt and she closed the space between them to kiss him.

He kissed his way down her body, teasing her nipples with his tongue and teeth, rolling them with his fingers until they stood in painfully erect peaks and Chloe was rubbing herself rhythmically against him. He smoothly glided his fingers over her skin until he reached her curls, darting down to her silken lips to see if she was ready for him and groaning when he felt her wet heat try to suck him in.

A silent exchange of expressions took place and Lex pushed his throbbing cock into her. Chloe gasped and closed her eyes. The physical chemistry between them was almost electric as he started to pound into her and she met his hips thrust for thrust, matching every grunt and moan that tore from his throat with one of her own.

She was so close.

Her inner walls began to twitch with anticipation and the sound of Lex’s ragged breathing was just enough to throw her over the edge. A loud scream ripped from deep inside of her, her orgasm crashing over her with an intensity that she had never felt before.

Lex’s mouth dropped open with a prolonged pleasured cry, the pressure of Chloe’s body milking his own climax out of him and a look of complete ecstasy flitting onto his face before he crashed on top of her.

A few minutes passed and Chloe and Lex lay with their bodies entwined, her fingers absently stroking the back of his head to release the purring sound that was coming from his throat.

“So, when did this happen?” she finally asked.


“You know - *this* - you and me.”

He nuzzled his face against the crook of her neck.

“Seems like forever,” he mused off-handedly.

Chloe silently lay there looking at the ceiling. She woke up that morning feeling outrage for what he had done, but not being able to push down the attraction she felt for him. She had never been able to push past anger for anyone before and her thoughts drifted to images of when they had first met to the present day; the bantering, the coy flirting, the feeling of being equals; and then to the question of why she hadn’t realized it before.

“Yeah. It does.”


11th August 2003, 03:10
:yay: :worship2: :yay: YES&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
Ok, BAD BAD Queen&#33;&#33; Now Lex and Chloe have to take time away from their honeymoon, to go investigating........hmmmm, that could lead to some &#39;interesting&#39; situations ;)
Can&#39;t wait to read more&#33;

11th August 2003, 03:37
I think another weding is in order&#33; One that chloe will remember, and the a quick trip to the gun shop to get a baszooka to blow up that stuipd twit Queen. Oh, this is just too good&#33; :biggrin:

11th August 2003, 03:50
*Applauds* Nice work. You manage plot, smut, humor and just general awwwwness in one chapter. Loved it&#33; I can almost see Lex whupping Queen&#39;s ass, or actually Chloe, and then thanking the bloody mess that was the man.


11th August 2003, 03:50
Ok, so I&#39;m reading the story, feeling all fine and happy that Kris updated...that is, until I got to this part:

“Stay married to me,” he said quietly against her lips. The sincerity with which he made the request seemed to make Chloe’s heart melt and she closed the space between them to kiss him.

That had me swooning&#33; Dang it&#33; Is it sane to be jealous of two fictional characters? Hmph&#33;

Brilliant chapter&#33; :biggrin:

I simply love this line

The physical chemistry between them was almost electric

11th August 2003, 05:07
:wub: Simply beautiful&#33;


11th August 2003, 05:32
Yeah :yay2: my questions have been answered more please... :clap:

Hope ;)

Queen Of Tact
11th August 2003, 06:07
Ok that was a great chlexy ch, but u better get ur cute butt back her and post more... I&#39;m loving this story.....


11th August 2003, 06:34
:biggrin: I loved it&#33;&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t wait for more and that smut was great&#33; Please update, I can&#39;t wait too much longer&#33; :worship2: :chlexsign1: :worship2:

11th August 2003, 06:41
I did think it was some kind of a drug that was in Chloe&#39;s drink. But I&#39;m glad you&#39;ve confirmed my suspicion. Great job :chlexsign2: &#33; Luving this fic. Please update and soon?&#33; :biggrin:

11th August 2003, 07:53
That was really great&#33; :chlexsign1:
I hope that you update soon&#33;


11th August 2003, 08:43
That was a great chapter Kris. I want more&#33;

11th August 2003, 08:59
aw chloe realized they belong together&#33; that was sweet&#33; heheh :wub:

11th August 2003, 22:01


12th August 2003, 19:22
thanks for the smut your story is very sweet and Chlexy

:yay: :yay:

13th August 2003, 15:15
oooh&#33; So Lex didn&#39;t know that she didn&#39;t know what was happening&#33;&#33;&#33; That changes everything&#33;&#33;&#33;

Wonderful&#33; Wonderful&#33; Wonderful&#33;
The smut was to die for...I loved Lex&#39;s "Stay married to me" That was gorgeous.

*rubs hands together* Now to get Queenie&#33;&#33;&#33;

13th August 2003, 23:10
No update? I know it&#39;s only been a couple of days...but I&#39;m begging :blinkkiss: &#33; PLEASE&#33;&#33; :wub:

happy bunny
14th August 2003, 02:25
Okay, so Lex wasn&#39;t behind why she didn&#39;t remember. That makes me feel better.
This chappy was so cute. I absolutely loved Lex saying "Stay married to me." It was adorable. And I also loved how she realized that they were perfect for each other. :yay:
Still wondering how Lex thought the whole surprise wedding thing was gonna work out though...
Oh, and one more thing. UPDATE SOON&#33;

15th August 2003, 17:29
I&#39;ve been away for a few dys and yah I had 3 updates of this amazing story to rad when I got back. But it is not enough, I want more. Update pleeeeease. :worship2:

16th August 2003, 05:42
Awwwwww, Queen is just plain evil, yuck to him, but soo many awwww&#39;s to the Luthors, hehehe Update soon. Please


16th August 2003, 06:13
wow...that was good...evil Queen...messing up their wedding...::sniffles::

Lily M. :sunny:

19th August 2003, 20:25
Originally posted by scifichick774@Aug 5 2003, 04:51 PM
“Shit.* I can’t believe I almost hit on his fiancée.* I’m going to be in so much trouble.”

Awww. Queenie really is a smart guy. He knew he´d be in trouble even before we did. ;) And as much as I admire a smart man, he has to suffer for what he did. No one messes with Mr. and Mrs Luthor and get´s away with it. http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-073.gif

The last chapter was abolutely fantastic. :worship2: Loved the smut http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung/aktion/action-smiley-033.gif and the sweet Chlex interaction, too.

But how are Chloe´s friends and colleagues going to react to the news of her marriage? Especially that last guy she used to date? I mean after all, he did make comments about whom Chloe has slpet with to get the Vegas story...
Are you even going to adress that? :goof: Well, don´t mind me.

Update soo. I really, really need an update. I need it badly.

happy bunny
19th August 2003, 22:38
:sad: No update?? How could you not update?? Are you trying to kill me?? Because if you are, it&#39;s working. I love this fic and really, really want an update. So update. Okay?

Oh, and Scorpio, where&#39;d you get the little whippy dude? He&#39;s sooo cute&#33; (I know, I&#39;m twisted)

21st August 2003, 01:42
A/N: Many thanks to Blue for helping my muse along on this chapter.


Chloe waited impatiently for someone from the hotel staff to bring her bag up from her room.

“You couldn’t have had them do this *before* we got married?” she asked, earning her a humored chuckle from the depths of Lex’s throat.

“I was fairly certain you were going to turn me down,” he answered, smirking at her as he looped one piece of the silk tie slung around his neck through another. “If I had your things brought to my room and we hadn’t gotten married, you would have called me presumptuous and never spoken to me again.”

Chloe appeared contemplative as she sat down and rested her chin against her propped up fist, causing Lex to still his motions and frown.

“You’re not still thinking about divorcing me, are you?”

“I was wondering what kind of drug he used. I mean, that’s gotta be some pretty powerful stuff if ---”

“If it made you marry me?” Lex supplied for her. Chloe shot him a lopsided smile.

“If it makes a person completely suggestible *and* erases their memory for a specific period of time.”


“Imagine all the people that would want to get their hands on something like that,” Chloe said worriedly.

“Endless military applications,” Lex said thoughtfully, curling up one corner of his mouth when his new wife shot him a warning look. “Just thinking out loud.”

“Uh-huh,” Chloe said disbelievingly. “So, after my clothes finally get here, should I take a detour on my way to the convention to ask Queen about it?”

Lex smirked and began to walk toward her.

“You called him by his last name.”

“You’re a bad influence,” she retorted. “And you didn’t answer my question.”

“No,” he said, bending down to kiss her on the forehead almost condescendingly.

“No, you didn’t answer my question – which I already knew, or no to cornering Queen?”

“No to Queen.”

Chloe gave him a forced grin.

“I used to be a damn good investigative reporter, you know?”

“I know.”

“So, what makes you think I couldn’t handle ---”

“As much faith as I have in your abilities to bring a man down with verbal sparring alone, I don’t want you anywhere near him if he has any more of that drug on hand,” Lex said in a placating tone. Chloe frowned.

“So I just won’t drink anything.”


“Lex ---”

“No,” he repeated. “You’re lucky I’m letting you do your job by going down and covering the convention.”

“*Letting* me?” Chloe asked, her hands placed on her hips in a defensive stance.

Lex sighed and ran a hand over his smooth head. He had actually intended to have this conversation later, but…

Chloe’s mouth dropped open in understanding.

“You want me to quit my job?&#33;”

“It’s not like you’d be giving up a lot,” Lex reasoned, flinching after the words tumbled out of his mouth. “You said yourself that you’ve been getting poor assignments for the last year.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed on him.

“I don’t suppose you had anything to do with that, did you?”

Lex opened his mouth to speak, but a knock came at the door, cutting off whatever he had been about to say, and Chloe could have sworn she heard him let out a breath of relief before smiling at her.

She pointed a finger at him before going to answer the door.

“This isn’t over.”


“There’s my girl&#33;”

Chloe whipped her head around to the side and smiled when she saw her father approaching.

“Hey, Dad.”

They gave each other a quick hug and then Gabe pulled back, observing her with a twinge of confusion.

“What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like? I’m covering the convention for the Planet.”

“But you just got married last night – or early this morning – whatever. Shouldn’t you and Lex be ---?” he trailed off and coughed into his hand when Chloe raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m just surprised that Lex is letting you work is all.”

Chloe grit her teeth with her dad’s phrasing and had to draw in a deep breath to calm herself before speaking.

“Well, he had some business to take care of too,” she answered.

“Of course,” Gabe said, letting out a breath as he nodded. Chloe crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow at him.

“You look relieved.”

Gabe let out a nervous chuckle and ran a hand around the back of his neck.

“Listen, honey, I know he kind of sprung this wedding thing on you ---”

“Yes he did,” Chloe said shortly.

“But ---”

“Dad ---”

She was about to launch into a protest of even talking about Lex when her father cut her off.

“And I know that you probably only went through with it because I was there and you felt pressured into doing it.”

“Dad ---”

“But he really does love you, sweetheart. I can tell. Every time you’d go out break up and go out with someone else, he would get really moody and withdrawn. Do you have any idea how hard it was to work with him?”

Chloe’s hardened demeanor cracked a little with his words. She was so livid with Lex for implying that he was now in charge of her career, for practically insinuating that he had been responsible for all of the easy assignments that had been dumped on her; that she had forgotten how right it felt just being in his arms a few hours before. She let out a small sigh and gave her dad a pleading look.

“Dad ---”

“Just…think about it, okay? *Really* think about it,” Gabe urged. “Think about giving your marriage a real chance.”

Chloe sucked in some air and then breathed it out with a soft smile.

“Dad, if you’d let me get a word in edgewise ---”

“Sorry. Go ahead.”

“Thanks,” Chloe said with humored sarcasm. “I was going to say that I’ve already decided to give the marriage a real chance.”

She had been having serious second thoughts about it ever since she left the room and caught one of Lex’s bodyguards tailing her, but the mini lecture her dad just gave her was enough to make her rethink it. At the very least, she owed it to herself to try and resolve her issues with Lex before she jumped into a rash decision.

“You have?” Gabe asked in surprise.

“Yeah,” Chloe answered thoughtfully. “I have.”



Oliver glanced out of the corner of his eye, groaning to himself when he confirmed the owner of the voice that had just bellowed at him.

“I believe you and I have something to discuss,” Lex said coolly.

“Uh, yeah. Listen…about the other night ---”

Lex balled his hand up into a fist and clocked Oliver square in the jaw before the man even had a chance to see it coming. Oliver stumbled backward and cradled the side of his face with his hand.

Lex smirked at him and gave him a curt nod of his head.



Queen Of Tact
21st August 2003, 01:50
U know your just going to have to get back here and post another ch right.... I mean i know you weren&#39;t going to end this ch here, it was just some computer error right?
Cause you know I can&#39;t wait to read more right, and I always like reading the stories i love and don&#39;t like to wait long....


21st August 2003, 02:09
Come on, don&#39;t tell me Lex actually had something to do with Chloe getting poor assingments :sad: cuz if he did Chloe will kill him. Love this fic :love:


S.Ann Smith
21st August 2003, 02:49
yay an update&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


21st August 2003, 03:02
Yay another chapter, but, uh, I want more, like now. Did Lex cause her to get bad assignments, cause that wouldn&#39;t be nice.

21st August 2003, 03:18
:biggrin: That was so good. This is one of my fav fics, thanks for the update, how about another&#33; Please hurry, I need another fix&#33;&#33;&#33; Love the last part w/Lex and Queen, Lex is so hot when he gets all macho&#33; :mad:
I :worship2: U &#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

21st August 2003, 03:26
I loved this chapter and lex needs to be hit with a :hammer: Who does he think he is? Chloe is an independent woman. He needs to get out of the dark age and know that chloe is her own woman.


21st August 2003, 04:02
And just when it was getting good....how could u?&#33;

21st August 2003, 04:41
I&#39;m curious about Lex&#39;s motivations. Hopefully, he is sincerely in love with Chloe, which is what I think is true. :biggrin:

However, if he&#39;s hurting Chloe, she must kick his ass in heels. :devil:

21st August 2003, 05:12
That&#39;s it?&#33;?&#33;?&#33;?&#33;? (looks at screen in disbelief).

While I&#39;m grateful for the update, you just can&#39;t end it there&#33; Now get your butt back here and write some more&#33;

stamps foot in a huff and sits at womputer waiting for next update)

21st August 2003, 07:52
Heee, now that was just too cute *g* Loved the Gabe lecture, and of course the whole banter between Chloe and Lex. *Shakes head* Why do boys always get into physical fights? And Lex should really give more time to his training. Queen didn&#39;t even fall flat on his ass&#33; That was not very convincing. Now let me see the rest of the fight, kay? Please&#33;


21st August 2003, 18:44
great chappy&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; but i wanna know if lex really had something to do with Chloe&#39;s job...

I love Gabe he is so sweet they should give him a bigger storyline on the show

22nd August 2003, 17:46
I can&#39;t believe I have missed this story until today&#33;&#33;&#33; This is great&#33;&#33;&#33; :worship2: I love that he planned their wedding without telling her. And i hope that Oliver Queen gets more than just a sore jaw for what he did to Chloe. Update again soon, please.


22nd August 2003, 21:28
Hey&#33; Queenie got away too lightly. A little tap on the chin is all he gets? Come on, he drugged Chloe and was going to have his wicked ways with her. I say more violence. I say we should run him over with a car, again and again and again and... You get the picture. :evil:

22nd August 2003, 23:34
:huh: I´m sorry but that was a poor excuse for a punch. ;)What does Lex think he´s doing? Tststs. That´s not a proper way to defend you wife, mister. Hmm.

Ok, I need more. I need it soon. :biggrin: And if you want to let this get violent, I can take that too. As long as Queen goes down. :cool:

23rd August 2003, 10:37
update update update, I want some serious Queen kicking :yay: :yay: :yay:

23rd August 2003, 17:18
in this forum we all want an update
so you know what to do

happy bunny
25th August 2003, 04:06
I&#39;ll join everyone else and say "UPDATE&#33;&#33;" And, what the hey, I&#39;ll add an "UPDATE SOON&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;" in for free.

I loved Lex&#39;s "thanks" after he punched Queen, it was cute. However, I must also agree with the masses on this one; Queen needs more pain than that.

And if Chloe finds out Lex was behind all those crappy assignments, I have a feeling he&#39;ll be the next one to receive a tap on the jaw.

So post more soon, I absolutely love this&#33; :yay:

25th August 2003, 18:59
Queen rubbed at his sore jaw and looked at Lex with bemused surprise.

“Gotta say, I was expecting worse than that.”

“You still should,” Lex retorted, a smirk crawling across his lips. “I promised Chloe she could have a go at you later.”

Queen frowned, but seemed relatively unfazed.

“She’s not that big. How much damage could she possibly inflict?”

“Given her choice of profession, I’d say a great deal,” Lex replied smugly. Queen raised his eyebrows questioningly and Lex smirked again. “Investigative reporter.”

The color drained from Queen’s face and Lex smiled to himself as he left Queen to sit across from Bruce at the conference table.

“Should I even ask?”

“You have ears like a bat, I’m sure you caught everything,” Lex commented, earning a curt nod from Bruce.

“I did,” he confirmed. “But as I recall, you were rather possessive when *I* read an article of hers a year or so ago and inquired about her. What was it you said? Oh, yes. I quote, ‘Stay the hell away from her Wayne, she’s mine.’”

Lex leaned back in his chair and grinned.

“That still goes by the way.”

“I gathered,” Bruce said dryly. “But my question is this: why do you expect me to believe that you’re going to let Queen in the same room with her when you wouldn’t even let me call her?”

“I don’t. I expect *him* to believe it.”

A small grin curled up the corners of Bruce’s mouth.

“Ah. Quite the rouse you have going. I don’t suppose Chloe knows anything about it though, does she?”

“You think I’d keep something from my wife?” Lex asked with feigned hurt lining his voice.

“You kept the wedding from her,” Bruce pointed out. Lex’s face fell into a serious expression.

“May I ask how you found out about that?”

“I sat next to her father at the nuptials,” Bruce answered with an egotistic and teasing smirk.

‘Damn. If he tells Chloe about Queen, she really *will* want the interview,’ Lex thought. ‘I can’t let that happen.’

Bruce snickered. He could tell that he was right about Lex not telling Chloe about the scam he was playing to scare the living hell out of Queen just by the expression on Lex’s face. It would certainly make their merger discussion more interesting.

“What do you want?” Lex finally asked, his tone hushed, but harsh.

“Your subsidiary, Plymouth Labs,” Bruce answered. “From the information I’ve gotten, it sounds like they’re working on something similar to what one of my research companies is working on. If you allow it to merge with them, we can get results faster and ---”

“Profits faster,” Lex finished for him. He pretended to look thoughtful, but the truth was that he had been thinking the same thing going into the meeting, and if that was all Bruce wanted in return for his silence, then it was a definitely a deal in his favor. “Is that it?” Bruce nodded. “Even division of stocks and no cutbacks.”


Lex nodded once in agreement.



“Sullivan,” Chloe said into her cell phone, half surprised that her phone was even getting service there. A loud chuckle boomed through the receiver.

“Not used to the new last name yet, huh kid?”

Chloe grit her teeth. The only person who ever had the nerve to call her ‘kid’ was her boss, Perry White, and that was only because he called everyone ‘kid’.

“Why am I not surprised that you knew about that?”

“Are you kidding? It’s the only reason I let you go,” Perry said.

Chloe clenched her jaw and pumped her free hand in and out of a fist.

“Yeah. While we’re on that topic, I was wondering – my *loving* husband wouldn’t have had anything to do with the fact that I’ve been assigned to a bunch of shlup stories since I started working there, would he?”

“Not unless he’s got ties to Superman,” Perry answered offhandedly. “Ooh – does he? Cuz’ that would make for a great headline – especially since Superman has been hassling a lot of his companies and ---”

“What about Superman?” Chloe asked, cutting Perry off and avoiding his question about a connection between Lex and Superman. She was already seething at what she suspected the answer would be to what she just asked.

“It’s nothin’ really,” Perry said dismissively. “Just asked me to make sure you didn’t go getting in dangerous situations or anything.”

‘Clark&#33;’ she inwardly fumed. ‘Ugh&#33; I’ll kill him&#33;’

“He gave that interview to Lane in exchange,” Perry continued. “You remember that? I still wonder if she skipped over the really tough questions cuz’ she has a crush on the guy though. Oh, well. Guess it doesn’t matter. Still sold every copy of a *triple release* and the story got picked up by ---”

“Was there a reason you called?” Chloe interrupted angrily, silently promising herself that she would deal with Clark Kent in the worst way she could think of once she got back to Metropolis.

“Oh, yeah. Hey, listen. I was thinking about you covering the convention and snooping around the merger talks.”

“Uh-huh,” Chloe said, already not liking where this was going.

“And well, I was thinking that once people saw your wedding picture in the paper – well, we don’t want them to think there’s a conflict of interest or anything.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“You’re off the case. I assigned someone else to the story.”

“What?&#33; But I’m already here&#33;” Chloe protested.

“So are Lane and Kent,” Perry said. “Not surprised you haven’t run into them though, seeing as how you’ve been *occupied*.”

“Damn it,” Chloe uttered under her breath. “Perry – Mr. White – I’ve already taken notes, I’ve ---”

“Well, track down Lane and Kent and give them to them then,” he said. “From this moment on, you’re only there on your honeymoon – got it?”

Chloe was about to speak again when she heard the phone click off from Perry’s side of the line.

“Unbelievable,” she growled, shoving her cell phone into her oversized purse, and whipping around when she felt a tap on her shoulder. “What?&#33;” she snapped, only to let her face relax somewhat apologetically at the bodyguard Lex had hired to follow her around. “Sorry. Did you need something?”

“I’ve been told to inform you that your husband’s meetings are going faster than he expected and he wondered if there was a possibility that you might be able to leave work early and meet him at the conference room in about an hour,” he said, rambling with a surprisingly nervous voice.

Chloe arched an eyebrow, surmising that apparently the walls weren’t as thick as the hotel would have people believe and he had gotten an earful when she and Lex fought earlier. Though, why a large man like him would be scared of anything but a verbal lashing from her was beyond her comprehension.

“Draw the short end of the straw?” she asked. ‘He’s actually blushing,’ she thought, a smile spreading across her lips. “Don’t worry; I don’t lose my temper like that all the time. This last week has just been ---” she trailed off and shook her head. The man didn’t seem entirely convinced, but he did seem to relax, which Chloe took as a good sign.

“So --- Mr. Luthor?”

Chloe nodded.

“An hour should be fine. I just have to tie up some loose ends,” she said. ‘Like hunting down Clark and making him suffer.’


25th August 2003, 19:20
Originally posted by scifichick774@Aug 25 2003, 06:59 PM
Queen frowned, but seemed relatively unfazed.

“She’s not that big. How much damage could she possibly inflict?”

Not very smart are you Queenie?

“It’s nothin’ really,” Perry said dismissively. “Just asked me to make sure you didn’t go getting in dangerous situations or anything.”

‘Clark&#33;’ she inwardly fumed. ‘Ugh&#33; I’ll kill him&#33;’

And why am I not surprised that Clark is the idiot behind her stupid assignments.

I just loved the update. I can&#39;t wait to see Chloe kick some ass.

25th August 2003, 19:31
Throw Clark and Loser whoops i mean Lois into the mix, and what do we get? A HUGE BLOWOUT&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t wait&#33; :yay: :yay:

25th August 2003, 22:34
CAn&#39;t wait to see her yell at Clark :devil: Update soon&#33;

25th August 2003, 22:52

Clark looked over from where he was asking a company representative some questions, flinching ever so slightly when he saw the angry blonde headed in his direction. He didn’t know why she was in Las Vegas or why she was so angry with him, but he had a bad feeling he was about to find out.

“Hey Chloe. What are you doing here?”

“I was assigned to cover the convention.”

Clark blinked and a constipated, befuddled look spread over his face.

“But Lois and I were ---”

“Yeah - *after* Perry thought twice about assigning me because he thought it would be a conflict of interest if I did the story,” Chloe cut in.

“Oh. I didn’t know --- wait. Why would it be a conflict of interest?”

Chloe arched an eyebrow at him. Was it really possible that he hadn’t heard?

‘Of course it’s possible, it’s *Clark*,’ she thought to herself. ‘Well, this should be interesting.’

Instead of saying a word, she held up her left hand, palm-side in so he could see the large diamond matching wedding band set that now graced her ring finger. Clark’s eyes grew comically large and he opened and closed his mouth several times, gaping like a fish.

“You – you ---”

“Got married.”


“Yes, I did.”

“But,” Clark started, stirring uncomfortably where he stood. “You weren’t seeing anybody – well, not serious – well, nobody I knew of anyway. I mean, who --- who’s the lucky guy?” he asked with a clearly fake half-smile.


Clark paled and fought to keep from acting on the sudden wave of nausea that encompassed him. If there was anything he had learned since developing his alter-ego, it was that Lex Luthor wasn’t a man he wanted Chloe to be anywhere around, let alone married to.

“Lex? Chloe ---”

“And you’re right. I wasn’t seeing him.”

“But you married him?” Clark asked for clarification. Chloe let out a sigh and ran a hand through her hair.

“It’s a long story, Clark. And stop trying to steer me away from why I’m mad at you.”

“Why *are* you mad at me?”

“Hello?&#33; Did you or did you not hear me mention Perry’s name in conjunction with you being here? To most people that would imply that I had a conversation with him. God, Clark, you’re supposed to be a reporter. You need to start paying attention.”

“O-kay. So, why ---”

“Because I found out that *you’re* the reason I’ve been put on human interest stories for the last year,” Chloe said.

Clark shook his head.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Of course not,” Chloe said sarcastically. “Because it’s not like you’re ‘friends’ with Superman,” she said, using her fingers to make air quotes when she said ‘friends’ and giving him a knowing, pointed look.

“Ooh, yeah. Speaking of that, do you think you could hook up another interview for me?” Lois asked with her mouth full, seemingly appearing out of nowhere with a half-eaten hot dog. Clark frowned at her.

“We’re in Las Vegas. Where did you find a hot dog vendor?” he asked, clearly displeased with his partner’s eating habits. Lois rolled her eyes at him.

“Grow up, Smallville,” she said, taking another bite and then grinning at Chloe. “Hey&#33; I heard you and Lex Luthor finally got married. Congrats.”


Clark’s frown deepened.

“What do you mean *finally*? They weren’t even ---”

“Geez, Clark. Get with the program. They’ve been going out off and on for over a year now.”

Clark’s eyes shot to Chloe, but she ignored him. There was no point in trying to explain the truth to him, especially when she knew he would end up taking Lois’s misinformed words over hers in the end anyway.

“So, I guess you’re probably gonna give up the whole reporting thing, huh? No real reason to keep working on the bad stories the chief has been giving you if you don’t have to, right?” Lois asked.

“You know, Clark and I were just talking about that,” Chloe said with an evil smile.

Clark ran his hand around the back of his neck nervously.

“I’m sure Lois doesn’t want ---”

“You were?” Lois interrupted. “I thought you were talking about Superman.”

“We were,” Chloe said, keeping the now fake smile on her lips. “Apparently your *boyfriend* told Perry to not give me any assignments that would entail me getting into trouble or getting hurt in any way.”

Lois’s eyes grew wide in shocked disbelief.

“You’re joking&#33;” she exclaimed excitedly.

Chloe shook her head.

“It sounds like he was just trying to look out for you,” Clark said, earning glares from both of the women.

“It *sounds* like he was trying to steal her away from Lex Luthor,” Lois said, looking at Clark like he was an idiot and then shaking her head somewhat absently. “Bummer. I can’t believe he goes for blondes – not that I should be surprised.”

“I’m sure it wasn’t like that,” Clark said. “Maybe he ---”

“*Of course* it was like that, Clark,” Lois said. “If he was just concerned about the safety and well-being of the female reporters, then I would have gotten yanked off all the good stories too.”

“Yes, well, we couldn’t have *that*,” Chloe said, her voice tweaked with a sour anger as she glared at Clark. Lois missed her tone and shook her head.

“Well, I’m not gonna lie and say I’m sorry you chose Luthor over Superman,” she said, flashing a smile at Chloe. “Gives the rest of us girls some hope because Superman’s still single. You know?”

Chloe faked another smile at the brunette woman and then drew a breath.

“I should get going. I’m supposed to meet Lex in a few minutes.”

“Ooh&#33; Can you give me the inside scoop on the meeting?” Lois asked.

“No,” Chloe replied chipperly. An evil grin once again slid across her mouth. “But I do know someone who can.”


The second Chloe saw Lex; she walked toward him and flopped her head against his chest.

Lex arched an eyebrow and almost hesitantly moved his arms around her back to embrace her.

“Does this mean I’m forgiven?” he asked, unable to keep the small teasing quality out of his voice.

“This means that Clark is an asshole and I’m sorry I accused you of something he did,” she replied.

Lex’s body stiffened against her when he heard her mention Clark’s name, but after he heard the rest of the sentence, he started stroking her back soothingly with one of his hands.

“What did he do?”

Chloe sighed and pulled back a little, raising her head to look at him.

“He’s the one who told Perry to give me all those bad assignments,” she said. “To ‘protect’ me from being in danger.”

“I’m surprised that White would listen to him. He doesn’t have any more seniority than you do.”

Chloe gave him a pointed look and Lex’s mouth opened and closed with a tight grin in understanding.

“I take it he asked for the favor donned in that spandex suit he seems so fond of?”

“Yes --- jerk,” Chloe said.

“So, what are you going to do?”

“Already did it,” she answered. Lex raised a questioning eyebrow at her and she shrugged. “Perry assigned him and Lois to the convention after he re-thought my being here.”

“I see. And you ran into them?”

“I told him off and inadvertently threatened to expose him to Lois,” she said, causing Lex to snicker. “By the way, I sort of sicked her on Queen – told her which room he was staying in.”

Both of Lex’s eyebrows rose.

“Should I even ask how you knew that?”

Chloe sighed.

“I was going to confront him, but after the ‘run-in’ with Clark and Lois, I figured it would just be easier to let her hassle him for an interview.”

“I’m surprised that you didn’t want to save the interview for yourself,” Lex said.

“I’m surprised you even considered that as an option after that little discussion we had this morning,” Chloe countered.

Lex let out a breath and looked at her apologetically.

“About that ---”

Chloe held up a hand.

“It’s okay.”


“From the way Clark reacted when he found out I married you, I’m guessing that you just didn’t want me to be in the same office with him every day. Right?”

“Something like that,” Lex said, not stupid enough to admit that he actually agreed with Clark about not sending Chloe out on dangerous assignments. Besides, they were married now, and if she got a job with a different paper then he could just send along a bodyguard to make sure she didn’t get in any trouble.

Chloe grinned at him and let her hands slide up around the back of his neck.

“I’m sorry I overreacted and yelled at you. I think some of your bodyguards are scared of me now.”

Lex didn’t reply. He started to close his eyes and lean his head down, gently brushing his lips against Chloe’s before applying more pressure and darting his tongue out to taste her. Chloe moaned low in her throat, her fingers dancing on the back of his bare skull as she pressed her body flush against his.

They pulled apart for a second to breathe, and though Lex was quick to try and kiss her again, Chloe simply smiled at him.

“So, does this mean I’m forgiven?”


25th August 2003, 22:56
“You have ears like a bat, I’m sure you caught everything,” Lex commented, earning a curt nod from Bruce.

:lol: I simply love that line&#33;

I can not tell you enough about how much I am in love with this story. All of your stories&#33;

25th August 2003, 23:05
cute *sighs* And I still think some serious ass kicking is in order. Or they could just ignore the plague and have a happy smut filled honeymoon...Ok forget the asskicking, bring the smut *G*


25th August 2003, 23:07
holy smacks&#33; two updates&#33; Whoo ha&#33; Girl, you are something else&#33; This story amazes me... I :love: it

25th August 2003, 23:11
I love love love this story. :clap: more please..

Hope :blinkkiss:

26th August 2003, 00:30
I really love this fic and I can&#39;t beleive we got two updates.

You know, I was never into the whole Lois Lane/Clark Kent ship but after reading this, I have to say they both deserve each other. Idiots&#33;&#33;

S.Ann Smith
26th August 2003, 00:46
i was looking around the site for more to read(that I haven&#39;t read) and i went, oh lets see if there is an update, and lo and behold.. i found two&#33;... lets just say that made my day

26th August 2003, 02:19
:wub: wow :wub:
its very great
i want more
please give me more :yay: :yay:

26th August 2003, 02:32
Two great chapters... I definately love you&#33; :wub: This is really great, I hope he really is forgiven and that Clark swallows a clump of kryptonite&#33; :D


26th August 2003, 02:58
This fic is SO great&#33;&#33; And 2 chapters&#33; :yay:
Is Chloe going evilish? :devil: Well she is teamed up with Lex so...

26th August 2003, 06:14
:devil: I hate that damn Lois and Clark they suck&#33; But I loved the sweet Chlex moment at the end&#33;&#33; Loved the updates, can&#39;t wait for more&#33; :worship2:

26th August 2003, 09:29
Yay, another chapter, and so soon&#33; Me likey. And Chloe and Lex are getting along well now, that is very good. More soon&#33;

26th August 2003, 17:01
Yay, I like this so much, can we have another chappie yet. Please, pretty please, w/ a cherry on top


27th August 2003, 06:10
OOooh I love this ficcy&#33;&#33;&#33; So much great stuff going on I don&#39;t know what to comment on&#33;

I luv how Chloe sicced Lois onto Queenie - that was just pure evil genius&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Sucked in Queenie&#33; Can I put in a request for Clark to die? I just.... :hammer: ...grrr :die: Luv how Chloe and Lex are getting along - It&#39;s very sweet&#33; :wub:

Can&#39;t wait for more&#33;

27th August 2003, 07:07
:yay: Two updates at once&#33;&#33;&#33; That was great. I love that Chloe and Lex both know Clark&#39;s secret. And i would&#39;ve been pretty steamed at Clark if i were her too.


29th August 2003, 14:48
two updates and great ones I might add you are so kind to us I love your story :yay: :yay: :yay:

29th August 2003, 18:52
:crygreen: :crygreen: pleeaassseee, I want an updattteeeee :crygreen: :crygreen:

29th August 2003, 19:52
please an update
life is unbearable without update please
give me one or two or three or four or five.....

31st August 2003, 19:56
Can&#39;t wait till Q sees the wrath of Chloe. Nothing compared to Lex&#39;s fistsandwich. He will rue the day. And dumbass Clark...*sigh*


happy bunny
5th September 2003, 03:45
Clark is such a dumbass, like Chloe would have never figured it out.

Love to see some ass-whuppin&#39;, I mean how could you deprive us? Queen and Clark so obviously have it coming...

Although if you gave us some smut instead, I&#39;m sure no one would complain.

5th September 2003, 16:35
hmm... love the way it&#39;s developing... please contiune to update&#33; :biggrin:

5th September 2003, 17:19
what happens next :blush:

12th September 2003, 23:39
“Mr. Queen?”

Queen turned his head and arched an eyebrow at the pretty brunette woman coming at him at full speed and the tall man behind her who looked mortified to even be there.

“Yes? Do I know you?” he asked, his eyes running over her body once before meeting her eyes.

“Lois Lane, Daily Planet,” she said quickly, forgoing any obsequious greeting of shaking the man’s hand – though she was half-tempted to slap him across the face for leering at her. She grabbed a tape recorder out of her bag and held it up so she could catch anything that Queen might say. “I’d like to ask you a few questions.”

Queen frowned and Clark shot him an apologetic look.


“What can you tell us about the merger talks?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Queen lied. Lois had to give him credit; he did it with a completely straight face even though he was relatively new to the game.

“Really? That’s not what I heard,” Lois said, her eyebrow arched high on her forehead.

“What did you hear?”

“I heard, from a *very* reliable source, that you took your dear old dad’s place in those meetings.”

“Who did you hear that from?”

“A little birdie told me,” Lois quipped.

“Yeah, that *does* sound reliable,” Queen retorted sarcastically. “I don’t suppose the little birdie has a name?”

“Polly?” Lois snidely shot back. “Come on, Mr. Queen, you can’t honestly expect me to reveal a source?” she asked indignantly.

At Queen’s pointed look, Clark decided to step in.

“Chloe Sullivan,” he said, causing Lois to whip her head to the side to glare at him.


“What? He would have found out eventually,” Clark argued.

Queen’s brow furrowed as he tried to place the name that the young man had given him.

“Chloe…Chloe,” he murmured to himself, his eyes growing wide and his face falling into a scared expression with the realization of who they were probably referring to. He held up his hands defensively. “It’s not my fault&#33;”

Lois and Clark exchanged a look and then turned their attention back to Queen.

“*What’s* not your fault?” Clark asked.

“Look, I know she sent you to hassle me about the meetings to get back at me because she found out about the drug, but it’s not my fault – I swear. I was just doing what he told me to do and the rest of it was an act.”

“Who?” Lois asked, unwilling to admit that she didn’t know what he was talking about and lose a lead on a bigger story.

Queen frowned and then squirmed uncomfortably where he stood.

“I can’t tell you. He’d kill me.”

“It’s him or her,” Lois said with a bluffing shrug of her shoulder. “Trust me. I know Chloe Sullivan ---”

“Luthor,” Queen interrupted, causing Lois to roll her eyes.

“Yeah, cuz’ she’s really gonna change her name,” she said sarcastically. “Anyway, like I said, I *know* her. She will make your life a living hell until she finds out who put you up to it, and that’s a fate worse than death.”


Lex growled and pulled her to him once again, driving his tongue into her mouth to sweep against her own. A few steps and Chloe found her back pressed hard against the wall and her new husband’s hands grabbing her ass to urge her to wrap her legs around his waist.

One quick jump and she felt his erection pressing against her through their clothing. Chloe groaned and Lex moved his mouth to the spot on her neck that he now knew drove her crazy.

“Lex,” she breathed, overwhelmed with lust, but not to the point that she forgot where they were. “Unh --- we can’t do this here.”

Lex raked his teeth across the soft skin he had just been kissing and a shudder of intense pleasure shook Chloe’s body. He started sucking on her neck, the whimpers and moans tearing from her throat only serving to spur him on.

“Lex --- oh, God.”

Chloe’s head fell forward and she started rocking her hips against him, rising up and down just enough to cause the friction needed between her legs. Lex growled again and steadied her against the wall as he reached down to undo the zipper on his slacks.

She barely heard a ripping sound when he pushed his hand under her skirt and tore the thin scrap of lace she called panties from her body, but the gasp she made when he slipped a finger inside of her and started mimicking what was to come echoed through the otherwise empty hallway – the bodyguards having the common sense to turn their faces away the second Chloe and Lex had started kissing.

Chloe fought to speak through the jolt of pleasure that shot through her body.

“Lex --- we can’t --- cameras --- oh God&#33;” she cried out as Lex replaced his finger with his throbbing cock.

He began to thrust slowly, his eyes open and intent on her as he watched the gluttonous desire play upon her face. Moving his left hand press against the small of her back and his right hand to brace himself against the wall, he started thrusting inside of her with a faster, more deliberate pace.

The change in position angled him so he hit her clit harder every time and Lex almost went over the edge at the sound of her constant sounds of pleasure.

His eyes closed and he began to breathe in panted breaths through his mouth as he moved in her, grunting against her ear as she pushed down in rhythm to his thrusts.

Each stroke brought Chloe closer and closer to orgasm and as her pumping on top of him became erratic, Lex completely took over.

He could feel her inner walls start to quiver around him and his head lolled forward, so close to reaching his own climax.

Strangled screams and moans of each other’s names combined together and Chloe closed her eyes, breathing against the top of Lex’s head as she tried to regain her composure.

“Who the hell do you think you are?&#33;”

The female voice snapped Lex and Chloe out of their post-coital moment and Chloe weakly slid off of Lex to stare down the hall to where the noise was originating, most likely from the elevators around the corner.

“I *need* to see her&#33; What part of *need* do you not understand exactly?&#33;”

Chloe glanced at Lex and he frowned.

“I’m sure whoever it is can wait,” he said, running the backs of his fingers along the nape of her neck.

Chloe shook her head.

“It sounds like Lois.”


“Lane. She’s a reporter for The Daily Planet.”

“Clark’s partner,” Lex said knowingly, causing Chloe to give an absent nod of her head.

“It sounds important. I’d better go see what has her so riled up.”

“I don’t think that’s ---” Lex trailed off into an incoherent grumble when the cell phone in his inner jacket pocket started to ring.

“Go ahead,” Chloe said, motioning with her head to the phone. “I’ll go see what Lois wants.”

Lex sulked, but nodded and watched Chloe as she turned her back on him to walk toward the commotion.


“You’ve got a problem.”

“I’ve got lots of problems. I don’t suppose you’d like to be more specific?”

“The drug you had me give Chloe to make her more inclined to marry you – a couple of reporters know you were the one behind it.”

“What?” Lex hissed into the phone. “How ---”

“Hey, it was you or me, man,” Queen interrupted. “We’re friends, but that Lois chick said she thought ---”

‘Lois? Shit&#33;’ Lex thought, not bothering with the pleasantries of saying goodbye before clicking off his phone and running toward the end of the hall.

He got there in time to see Chloe arching her eyebrow at something that Lois and Clark had just told her and then her turning to look at him.

‘Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit&#33; She’s going to leave me,’ he thought. Quickly followed by another little voice in his head that added, ‘And it’s your own fault. Way to go, Luthor.’

Chloe excused herself from Lois and Clark, telling them that they should leave and that this was personal. Clark opened his mouth to protest, but Chloe cut him off with an angry warning glare and he and Lois left on the elevator.

She took in a deep breath and then released it slowly to calm herself down before turning to look at Lex again. She walked to him, but stopped a good few feet away, knowing that she would be likelier to lose her willpower if she was too close to him.

“I assume you know what that was about,” she said. It wasn’t a question.

“Chloe – let me explain,” he said, stepping toward her with an outstretched arm only to have her take a step back.

“Save it,” she said. “I just want to know one thing.” Lex’s expression fell into a petulant frown and he nodded once for her to continue. “Was the drug tested before you used it on me?”

Lex blinked. When she said that she only had one question, the last thing he had been expecting her to ask was something about the drug.

“Of course. My company has been supplying it to government…agencies…for almost two years now,” he answered before the realization of what she was really asking him dawned on him. “Chloe – God – you weren’t some guinea pig. I love you.”

Chloe folded her arms across her chest and arched an eyebrow.

“You’re telling me that you lied to my dad, planned a wedding even though we had never gone out on a date, had your friend *drug* me because you thought I’d turn you down, and then *lied* to me about it because you *love* me?” She stopped and shook her head. “That’s seriously twisted.”

Lex didn’t know what to say. When she laid it all out for him like that, it really did make him sound like the monster that Clark and Lois always claimed him to be in their articles.

“Chloe ---”

“Although,” Chloe interrupted, a humored grin starting to twitch at the corners of her lips, “I’ve gotta say – the look on Clark’s face was totally worth it.”

Lex was in shock, but pushed it aside to allow a hopeful expression to flit over his features.

“Worth it?” he asked. “Meaning…?”

Chloe gave him a tight smile.

“Meaning, if you do really love me, then you’re just going to have to make everything up to me somehow.”

Lex nodded emphatically and took a step toward her, pleased when she didn’t move away from him.

“I can do that,” he said. “Where would you like to go shopping first?”

Chloe tight smile turned devilish and she closed the space between them, running her fingers down the length of his tie.

“Shopping wasn’t really what I had in mind.”

Lex’s eyebrows rose and then he smirked.


Chloe stood on her tiptoes and Lex started to lean down to kiss her, only to have the moment ruined by the sudden sound of a ringing cell phone and someone clearing their throat.

Chloe pulled away from Lex and looked at the bodyguard questioningly. He held out the oversized purse that she had left in the other part of the hallway and Lex glowered at him.

“I thought it might be important,” the bodyguard explained, clearly more afraid of how Chloe would react if she had missed an important call than Lex’s reaction for interrupting time with his wife.

“Thanks,” Chloe said and smiled at the man as she took the purse, immediately fishing through it for the ringing cell phone.

“Yeah, thanks,” Lex said with dry sarcasm.

“Sullivan,” Chloe greeted, earning her a sharp look from her now-husband. She rolled her eyes. “Luthor,” she said into the phone. “Sullivan-Luthor --- no&#33; That’s *way* too long,” she argued to Lex, but was still speaking with the phone up to the side of her face.

“So just take my last name,” he suggested. Chloe rolled her eyes again and Lex smirked.


Chloe blinked as she was startled back to paying attention to the person on the other end of the phone.


“Uh-huh,” chirped the other girl. “And for the record, I think you should just make it Chloe Luthor. It kind of has a ring to it.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Chloe said shortly. “Hey, wait a second. Why aren’t you flipping out?”

“About what?”

“About the fact that I’m married --- to *Lex*,” Chloe responded. She heard Lana giggle and she let out a resigned sigh. “You knew?”

“Of course I knew. I only wish I could have been there.”

“Yeah, me too,” Chloe lied. “Look, I’m kind of busy. I’ll call you back, okay?” She hung up the phone and hit the button to shut the power off completely. “Oh, yeah, you’re making it up to me *big time*.”

Lex smirked at her again before pulling her flush against his body.

“I think that can be arranged, *Mrs. Luthor*.”

Chloe laughed and then rose to her tiptoes again to kiss him. Just after brushing her lips against his, she smiled.

“Don’t push your luck.”

The End

*If you made it this far, please take the time to review. Thanks*

13th September 2003, 00:00
Ooh look at you ending the fic all fabulously like that&#33; lol. Thoroughly enjoyable hun. Great job.

beautiful N' Bruised
13th September 2003, 00:03
:heart: Ah, romantic ending for our intrepid reporter Chloe, and the twisted bastard, I mean and smooth and svaue (yeah right) Lex.

But seriously, I hadn&#39;t guessed that Lex was behind the drug, I believed the lie as much as she did. Well, he&#39;ll be making it up ;) and seriously what sane girl could stay mad at him after that corridor smut?

:applause: Bravo my dear, fab as always :clap:

13th September 2003, 00:05
Kris that was great :clap: but there is sequel of some kind. That can&#39;t be the end? NOOOOO&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :ohmy: You are kidding me right? There has to be more..


13th September 2003, 00:18
: :biggrin:

that was so cute. I love a devious lex&#33; Oh, way to go like always scifichick&#33; :yay:

13th September 2003, 00:44
:wub: :worship2: :yay: Fantastic&#33;&#33;&#33; I love the way chloe syas it was worth it just to see clarks face&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; heheheeh this has been one of the most fun storys I ever read, you are a master of the twists and turns, and we love ya for it&#33;&#33; Loved the smut as well&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


13th September 2003, 02:08
You are a wonderful writer&#33;&#33; I know i would have to forgive lex to..i mean how long could really stay mad at a sexy guy like that???? :worship2:

13th September 2003, 03:27
The end? THE END? Noooooooo :&#39;(
I loved this fic&#33; Yet another awesome one Kris&#33; Great&#33; :biggrin:

13th September 2003, 05:12
That was just fabulous. You are the master of twists and turns. Keep it up. :blinkkiss:

13th September 2003, 05:16
Awww. So cute. I&#39;m glad Chloe forgave Lex (though, really, how long could she resist The Sexy). :party:

13th September 2003, 06:47
So Lex did drug her...what an evil, evil man... :devil: heehee

anyway, it can&#39;t be over&#33; Lex hasn&#39;t got his punishment yet&#33; ;)

13th September 2003, 07:54
I thought for sure we were going to get some angst when Queen fessed up to it being Lex that drugged her. But I&#39;m glad that she realised how much Lex did love her and forgave him, making for a simple happy ever after ending. Thanks for a fantastic read, as always. :biggrin:

13th September 2003, 08:01
i love the story, just one thought: why chloe didn&#39;t get mad at Lex?????, i mean i wish they stay together but make him suffer a little bit doesn&#39;t hurt anyone right?

13th September 2003, 13:18
And once again Kris does it...... :biggrin: Wonderful fic as always, and I personally think, that you ended it just perfectly (Fiona ducks flying objects coming from others who want more :biggrin: )

Well done,

Fiona :chlexsign4:

13th September 2003, 14:52
Wow&#33; I never saw that coming&#33;&#33;&#33; I luv it when I get shocked and you&#39;ve been doing that quite a bit lately&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

I actualy really liked the fact that Chloe accepted it straightaway and didn&#39;t get mad - that&#39;s what we&#39;d expect her to do, that&#39;s what&#39;s usually written, I really like that she was fine &#39;coz he loved her&#33; awww&#33; :wub: I actually agree with Fi, I think you ended it in the perfect spot (guards Fi from the flying objects *ouch&#33;*)

I always hate seeing one of your fic end but looking on the bright side - I guess now you&#39;ll have more time to update your other fics more frequently&#33; *(not so subtle) hint, hint*

13th September 2003, 18:19
Another great fic by one of the masters. Very cute and romantic ending :wub:


13th September 2003, 18:39
Sequel, sequel, I want a sequel *chants* Great job&#33; :worship2:

13th September 2003, 19:16
omg...this is sooo good...can&#39;t wait for more....

Lily M. :sunny:

Czech Angel
13th September 2003, 19:30
Great ending&#33; :biggrin:
For a second there I thought she was going to leave him.But I&#39;m glad things worked out at the end. :chlexsign3:

13th September 2003, 19:50
OWH&#33; you´re so good&#33;
I totally love it&#33;
:biggrin: :wub: :biggrin:


happy bunny
14th September 2003, 05:22
That was cute. An adorable end to a wonderful story. Now update your other ones. Please?

14th September 2003, 07:21
:ohmy: Why did you end it, couldn&#39;t you just make it go on forever? Please? If not maybe a sequel could be arranged, it&#39;s too good to end&#33; Loved it lots as usual, thanks bunches for all the entertainment&#33; :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

14th September 2003, 13:04
Heh. :biggrin: Great ending. Although I´m quite sad to see it´s over. You know I´d love to read an epilogue or even a sequel to this. :)
Anyway, you did a wonderful job here. I´m glad you decided to share it with us. :yay2:

14th September 2003, 14:11
*sigh* perfect ending :wub:

14th September 2003, 16:05
*snickers* One down, twelve to go...or was it thirteen? Anyway. You know I loved this little story, and that Lex was behind it all *shakes head* the man needs to be spanked&#33; Yes, Chloe should definitely spank the evil right out of him. *G*


14th September 2003, 22:15
lex...spanking....*sigh*... but um yeah anyway ... lol must do a sequel.... be kinda interesting to see how the marriage works out

S.Ann Smith
17th September 2003, 01:05
Beautiful&#33;... Sequel&#33;... thats about it... :D ... oh yeah and I LOVED IT&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

17th September 2003, 13:46
oh yay very great brillant wonderful :yay: :yay:
i want a sequel too
please give the fan a sequel

gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

17th September 2003, 19:10
Sequel&#33; Sequel&#33; Sequel&#33;

Owh&#33; This was funny :biggrin:


17th September 2003, 19:42
No sequels right? I&#39;m thinking it&#39;s perfect the way it ended and I absolutely love that the last chapter included smut, because there&#39;s no better way than to end it on an orgasmic note.

Loved this, kris, but I&#39;m sure you already knew that.


18th September 2003, 01:45
:yay2: That was a GREAT ending&#33; :worship2: I absolutely loved this fic :wub: and, as I said the ending was great, but I&#39;m selfish and I want more&#33; MORE I tell you MORE&#33;&#33; MUST. POST. SEQUEL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :blush: Please? Pretty pretty please with Lex on top covered in whipped cream?

19th September 2003, 22:00
The End??????? How can that be the end???????? That came way too fast. I need an epilogue of just how exactly Lex makes it up to Chloe.


20th September 2003, 03:20
Great job&#33; But you can&#39;t end it there&#33; There wasnt nearly enough smut to make me happy&#33; I think I see a sequel in the making&#33;&#33;&#33;

20th September 2003, 19:55
come on a tiny little itsy bitsy epilogue won&#39;t kill you :devil:

4th October 2003, 19:25
holy sh*t...I&#39;m so stupid...I didn&#39;t see the words "The End" now I&#39;m sad...I wanted more...

Lily M.

4th October 2003, 23:26
can we have a sequel please

Lady Candy
19th October 2003, 02:58
“Of course I knew. I only wish I could have been there.”
All knew instead her, poor Chloe ;)
Anyways Lex loves her :D
Good one :devil:

19th October 2003, 08:03
This was a GREAT story&#33; And I totally agree, a sequel is in order. Lex is such a little punkass for being behind everything. Am I weird for thinking that&#39;s sexy? Probably, anyhoo, awesome job&#33;

Columbia :wacko:

4th December 2004, 18:53
Really liked it Great job&#33;&#33;

6th December 2004, 02:14
that was :biggrin: and :drool: and :wub: &#33;&#33;


2nd April 2005, 03:42
that was just great this is one of my favorit stories. lex was bad and good at the same time and i just love it. i am glad chloe is staying with lex to try and work things out. the smut was perfect.

3rd July 2005, 09:23
Loved it. Lex was so cute in his desperate ways to get her to marry him, you just have to love him. Brilliant :)

3rd July 2005, 17:14
Such a good story and I totally loved the happy amazing ending for this story!

4th July 2005, 00:48
Aww, this was sweet! Interesting idea that Lex would plan their wedding without Chloe even being in a relationship with him. The drugging thing was pretty bad though, I hope Chloe really makes him pay for that. Hot smut too!

6th July 2005, 01:49
This is a good fic.

3rd August 2005, 06:29
Even though the ending came on pretty quick it was a nice little fic. Good job.

5th August 2005, 18:56
Great loved it :grin3: Especially the idea that Lex wanted her so badly that he would plan the wedding without her knowing about it :wub:
Giving Chloe a drug to make her more likely to say yes was bad but then he wanted her so much ;)
The :hankpank: was really hot

7th August 2005, 16:35
Didn't really like how Lex went about getting Chloe to marry him, but overall I really enjoyed the fic!


1st November 2005, 21:38
Hey there. You wrote this story really well.

But I'm sorry, everything in me rebels at Chloe's actions. She was powerless in all major decision regarding her own life. She was always reacting, never initiating. And just because you have great sex with someone doesn't mean that you don't want to be given the chance to ACTUALLY GET TO KNOW THEM before marrying them. Also, that Lex expected her to quit work because he forced a marraige against her consent raised a big red flag for me. He loved her so he did what he wanted to no matter what. He didn't care about her wishes, dreams, or desires. He didn't care about what kind of wedding she have dreamed of. And he didn't care that she might want to actually remember her wedding. Lex gave no thought to Chloe's feelings. He did what he needed to get what he wanted. And Chloe was fine with that?

I really feel Chloe should have told Lex that she would be more than willing to date him. But they absolutely needed to anull the marraige. If, after spending time together, in a real relationship that consisted of more than getting coffee every few months, they reached marriage, then fine. But you don't start off a relationship with a wedding! You just don't!

I'm sorry. Usually I love your stories. Love them. And I kept reading this because I was hoping Chloe would snap out of it and stand up for herself. But when she didn't, it really really really bothered me. Sorry.

Honestly, I wouldn't have reviewed except that there has been a call for more reviews no matter what. But again the writing was excellent. The plot just wasn't for me. :(

13th December 2005, 02:55
This was another one that made me laugh. I did have a small problem with how quickly Chloe accepted the situation. I loved Lex being all sneaky and arranging the entire marriage without her knowing, but I have to say that I thought she would have put up some token resistance just because she is so stubborn, but for a light, fluffy read this really hits the spot.

Thanks for writing.


14th December 2005, 14:55
I really did love this story. Great writing and smut was drool worthy:drool2:

14th December 2005, 21:15
that was lovely....awesome ending, but i was sure she would have fought him when she found out he was the one who order the frug..i guess i had chlo figured out wrong..but it was still and awesome fic...is there a possibility fir a sequel................please

10th March 2006, 07:02
Great fic!! Had me on my toes with the mystery and I loved every moment!!


spaceboi's pixie
10th March 2006, 16:08
Fantastic story , sad to see the end of it anyway great work

14th March 2006, 22:23
Cute fic hun!

22nd March 2006, 00:46
Good fic. I loved how much Lex cared for Chloe and she had no clue. Very surprising twist with the drugging by Lex's initiation. Didn't see that coming. I am so glad that she didn't give up on him at the end, in spite of how he plotted to get them together. The end came surprisingly quick. Hopefully Chloe makes Lex suffer sufficiently for his behavior and Lex realizes that he's not always going to get away with being so controlling, even if his heart or intent is in the right place.

7th June 2006, 02:08
Another funny one. I like how you tie everything in too between Bruce, Lex, Clark, Superman, Batman, etc. {Smiles} You blend them all together so well.

29th June 2006, 19:52
i love this story.

7th October 2006, 09:10
nice job...though i feel that its kinda rush but still love it..

15th January 2007, 22:21
that was a very good story and i love it
c'est une merveilleuse histoire
keep going

16th January 2007, 06:27
Loved it!

16th January 2007, 07:35
:biggrin: I love this. This was funny.

14th March 2007, 07:54
i agree it seemed kinda rushed
but still worth the read

6th May 2007, 13:14
OK...it may have been an abrupt ending...but still a good one...Great work

9th June 2008, 17:02
Ok, you made me divided in my opinion.

On the one side CHLEX: WOOHOO!

On the other side Lex took all the decisions away from Chloe and everyone (except for Lois&Clark) seem fine with it, even Chloe after a little rant. Personally I thought that she gave in way too fast. If had had been her I would have booted Lex out of the hotelroom for at least a night! I miss her stubbornness and her backbone in this story.
Not so good!

But still I kind of really like the story, I'm just heavily divided in my opinion!

29th May 2010, 22:55
I enjoyed reading this fic but it was absolutely BIZARRE!!! And it was Chloe's behaviour that I found the most bizarre, off-the-wall thing in this. It niggled at me that Chloe was so damn submissive even with Lex so blatantly manipulating her. I'm not saying I wanted her to deliver a slap to his face and walk away from him, but she should have been harder on him and let him know in no uncertain terms that there is no way, no matter how much he loves her (and I really believe he does), that what he did is ok. Nor should he ever pull anything like that on her again. I'm comforted a little by the fact that Lex showed a fraction of remorse at the end here when Chloe laid out what he'd done, word by highly unethical, morally dubious word.

It also would have been nice to see a little bit of that fiery, tenacious, vivacity which is one of the reasons why we all love Chloe. And no doubt, an aspect of Chloe that Lex loves too ;). After all, he's a man who likes to be challenged. He doesn't want a push-over.

On a lighter note, in spite of all that, I can appreciate the fact that this fic doesn't need to be taken too seriously. And as I said at the start, I enjoy it for the highly bizarre, highly entertaining, slice of well-written fluff that it is. :)

4th June 2010, 23:21
this was a great story i read it ages ago (might have even commented on it) and loved it. even better second time around. it was funny and cute and very hot in places.

10th June 2010, 06:28
Love This Story!!!
Wish it would have been a little longer but that's mostly because I'm a sucker for a long fic -- Thanks for your great writing!!

31st July 2010, 19:01
lex is evil, but so delicious! this is great! keep on keepin on. :D

25th August 2010, 01:54
Hey there. You wrote this story really well.

But I'm sorry, everything in me rebels at Chloe's actions. She was powerless in all major decision regarding her own life. She was always reacting, never initiating. And just because you have great sex with someone doesn't mean that you don't want to be given the chance to ACTUALLY GET TO KNOW THEM before marrying them. Also, that Lex expected her to quit work because he forced a marraige against her consent raised a big red flag for me. He loved her so he did what he wanted to no matter what. He didn't care about her wishes, dreams, or desires. He didn't care about what kind of wedding she have dreamed of. And he didn't care that she might want to actually remember her wedding. Lex gave no thought to Chloe's feelings. He did what he needed to get what he wanted. And Chloe was fine with that?

I really feel Chloe should have told Lex that she would be more than willing to date him. But they absolutely needed to anull the marraige. If, after spending time together, in a real relationship that consisted of more than getting coffee every few months, they reached marriage, then fine. But you don't start off a relationship with a wedding! You just don't!

I'm sorry. Usually I love your stories. Love them. And I kept reading this because I was hoping Chloe would snap out of it and stand up for herself. But when she didn't, it really really really bothered me. Sorry.

Honestly, I wouldn't have reviewed except that there has been a call for more reviews no matter what. But again the writing was excellent. The plot just wasn't for me. :(

this is all so true

25th August 2010, 02:07
I love this fic. I could read it over and over again and never get tired of it.

5th October 2010, 18:46
Great story! Too bad it ended there.

20th February 2012, 12:28
Just re- read this and still love it! You are amazing!


20th February 2012, 17:50
awww, that was a really cute story! liked it very much! loved the ending!

23rd February 2012, 00:47
So funny. I love the relationship between Chloe and Lex

3rd March 2012, 18:25
Every time I start reading this fic I can't stop! Great job!

7th July 2012, 03:52
i love this story. the smut is grat and the interaction between all the charters is great. eventhough i like oliver i loved that lex hit him than thanked him it was very funny.

8th July 2012, 05:14
Wow, I just read this story again for the second time and I have to admit I love it better the second time around. I love it that Lex loves Chloe so much and he planned the whole wedding without her knowledge and Chloe is willing to stay with him. They made an awesome couple together because they are both very intellectually compatiple.

13th October 2012, 20:25
It was very refreshing. I wouldn't have thought Chloe to be so forgiving, but when you know it's meant to be, it's meant to be! I enjoyed it. Thanks.

Ami Rose
2nd April 2018, 14:20
That was awesome! I laughed so hard at the end!