View Full Version : [Completed] The Undoing of Lex Luthor (R) Completed 7/11/08

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15th July 2008, 19:01
This story was great!

Lana getting killed by a Hippo was incredibly funny, I wish it really happened on the show. I loved Lex's made up world with no Lana Lang and with him and Chloe married. Chloe's hate/loathing/fear of Lex in the beginning was intense, and sometimes even hard to read, but I loved how she slowly fell in love with the 'new' Lex while pretending to be his wife. I also loved how she even seperated the two Lex's in her mind... the old 'monster' Lex, the one who hurt her terribly and the new Lex, 'her' Lex. Fantastic!

I really loved, that even from the beginning Chloe didn't trust Lionel (unlike Clark) and found out his real plan, with Clark's help, regarding her, Lex and Clark before it was to late. And even Clark finally stepped up at the end and finally became a the hero for once. Woo-Hoo!

The ending was perfect. I really liked that Lex got his memories back but also that he remembered his time with Chloe as his wife. I loved that he asked for forgiveness for everything he did, and that he said he loved her. Aww! And them together blowing up the secret lab was just awesome! Great Story!!

16th July 2008, 19:33
What a great fic! I loved it and I'm kind of sad that it's over but the ending was so beautiful. Thank you for this beautiful story.
I loved how Clark was not a dumb jerk, how Lex was still himself in the end and yet changed. And of course I loved Chloe, she was so vibrant, so real. This fic is definitely in my top ten. :clapclap:

6th August 2008, 22:59
THIS WAS SUCH A GREAT STORY!! Your ending was cute, your beginning was a HUGE ride and it was filled with so much anticipation. I loved it :D

9th August 2008, 07:30
Wow! A new favorite! This was so original, I loved it!

3rd September 2008, 02:51
Ahhhh just finished reading this. Wow. the ending was great. glad to see hints of early seasons lex. Loved how you wrote Chloe's hatred of lex. She waas so torn. This was a great story super! great writing. ;)

1st February 2009, 09:44
This was awesomely suspenseful. Really enjoyed the read


6th July 2009, 11:43
that was a really great story!

10th July 2009, 21:23
Wonderful fic. Great plot.

15th May 2010, 22:20
This is such a great story, I have to say that this is my fav Lana death ever. Love the way that you ended it with the blending of the two parts of Lex to make a beter whole.

7th July 2010, 05:52
Wow, this story just totally sucked me in. Great job!

28th September 2010, 09:01
Wow, what a ride!! Such a beautiful story.

I was hooked as soon as I read Lana was killed by a hippo. That was genius.

16th October 2010, 01:08
Fantastic story! I really enjoyed all the twists and turns. It also didn't hurt that Lana was mauled by a Hippo! Pure magnetism between Chloe and Lex even during all the hurt and lies. That's why they are the BEST couple ever!

23rd December 2010, 01:42
What a beatiful fic. Great job!


10th March 2011, 21:04
awesome story...i loved reading this...there are such good writers on this forum it continually astounds me.....thank you so much for writing

14th November 2011, 11:07
I really enjoyed the story, the concept was different and really intriguing, I was continually thinking how she could forgive him after everything he has done but I liked the progression. In another fandom I enjoy there was a story where the main guy treated the girl bad but it's cause he was in love with her and I think this has somewhat of this element when even the experiments happened he couldnt stop touching her. I have to agree in that I loved your more inteligent Clark helping. It was a little hard to imagine her forgaving Lex for what he had done to her parents (more than what he did to her) but then people do so much when they're in love. FAB!

27th January 2013, 21:43
This fic is perfect!!! Loved it!!!
I'm really happy Lex can be his old self in some ways but without being the monster he was.

28th January 2013, 21:46
That was great! I never trusted Lionel. I love the new Lex, I always knew that he had feelings for Chloe!

2nd March 2014, 06:40
I hoped but didn't really expect such a positive, HEALTHY outcome for all concerned, so I'm pleasantly surprised, shocked, and delighted by this denouement! Never has Lex getting slapped in the face been cuter or sweeter or more promising for future happiness and/or hotness. :)

Ami Rose
8th February 2020, 11:20
Amazing! Loved it!