View Full Version : Forced Alliances (Lex/Chloe) PG-13

26th December 2007, 06:48
Forced Alliances
By, Angie
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!
Chapter One
A/N: Chloe’s mom is not in a coma and never was in one. She is very close to Chloe and is protective of her. Instead of Lana thinking she was pregnant with Lex’s child, she is actually pregnant with Clark’s! Chloe can’t stand Lex – she has bad memories of when they were kids (yep, they knew each other as kids). Lex had been popular and had put Chloe down because she was a nerd with bad acne and she wore glasses. Every time she sees him all she remembers is him laughing at her and treating her like crap. She wants nothing to do with him, but is forced by circumstances to spend the holidays with him.
A/N#2: This was originally written for Lexie's site, but I wanted to share it here as well...:) Happy Holidays!

Chapter One – Deck the Halls

Nothing was simple when it came to the life of Chloe Sullivan. For 30 years, all she had were painful memories of being a nerdy girl who wore clothes that were outdated, glasses that were enormous, and acne that showed up every time she looked in a mirror. Of course this was when she was a teenager and now she was a full time reporter who solved cases and wrote about them in her newspaper, however back then she was full of pain and resentment, particularly because of Lex Luthor. He was one of the popular guys in school who had hurt her the most by treating her like crap. Chloe had faced all of the ridicule, the loneliness of sitting at home in her room or watching TV along with others that were never called or treated fairly. She was the loner, the girl who was seen as ugly, not good enough or pretty enough to date. So in that realm of misery, Chloe’s mom, Moira had become her best friend. To this day, she was still her best friend and she had been the one who had supported her when she went to college to become a journalist for the paper.

When Chloe’s family moved to Smallville in high school, she had met Clark Kent and they had become good friends, despite the fact that he was madly in love with Lana Lang. Once again, Chloe became the nerdy friend again, the girl who watched as a guy she loved grew interested in and dated someone else. What hurt the most from Clark was his indecision. He pretended to be interested in her for awhile and Chloe being gullible and stupid smiled and felt he had made her whole day by showing that interest. Yeah that had been a great few seconds of her life, only to have them destroyed when superhero Clark had gone after Lana, his precious commodity. Chloe lost and immediately went into a depression that lasted two years, equaling many nights of sitting on the couch eating and watching TV. She’d gained quite a bit of weight and had the horrid pictures as snapshots of those miserable days.

Since high school and later college, Chloe had gotten older, become a reporter, and was semi happy in her life. Those days in her past were chapters she refused to let herself think about much, they were also the reason she never did an autobiography, nor let anyone ask her about her childhood. Her ex-boyfriend, Jimmy Olsen, also another reporter at The Planet was a nice guy that she had met in college and dated for a number of years. He was okay, but not the right guy for her – if there was a right guy and at this point she really and truly wondered if there was a right guy for her, but all Jimmy was was a good friend. She broke it off last weekend and was very thankful that he too saw them as good friends and wanted to continue their friendship. Living full time in Metropolis now, Chloe rarely saw Clark and she never saw Lex. Lex she heard lived in Smallville, but as far as she was concerned it didn’t matter. He was a 32 year old pompous jerk who lived in a fancy dancy millionaire style mansion like a royal King who had servants – literally she might add – to wait on him as he treated himself to another drink or whatever he liked to do. Chloe wouldn’t know what he liked to do, despite the fact that she did research and had read articles, she refused to accept that she gave a damn. Closing up shop, she went home for the day.

Her cell phone rang as she walked behind The Planet’s parking lot. Answering it she saw it was her mom. Smiling, Chloe said, “Hi, mom. What’s up?”

Moira said with much worry in her voice, “It’s awful, Chloe!”

Chloe worried herself now as she said, “What is? Mom, what happened?”

Moira put her hand on her forehead and said, “It’s Lionel Luthor…he’s come back to Smallville.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and said, “Yeah…so what?”

Moira said firmer, “Chloe he’s taken over Lexcorp, stolen back the mansion and disinherited Lex from everything. He has nothing, Chloe. Nothing.”

Chloe forced herself not to think about that fourteen-year-old boy who put her down years ago and instead said, “I’m sorry that Lex has been ousted mom, but I’m sure he will make it. He’s smart and he knows how to get back at his dad…I know I’ve done research. I know about what he did when he moved to Smallville, how he took his dad’s company from him.”

Moira took a deep breath and said, “Well his dad decided to get even. Martha Kent told me about it and at first I remembered what he did to you and I wasn’t very nice in what I said to her, but when she told me he was living in her barn, I decided to be a little more considerate. Martha is having a Christmas dinner, Chloe and she’s invited us, but that means that you will be spending the holidays with Lex.”

Chloe felt her head ache and said, “Mother you have to be kidding. I don’t have anything good to say to him! How am I supposed to spend holidays around him?”

Moira shook her head and plopped on her couch saying, “You treat him like you would anyone who has been kicked out of their home and disinherited from everything. I’m sorry, Chloe, I know this has got to be a hard thing to do, but my suggestion is that you chuck it up to being the past Chloe. Think about Scrooge. All those years he treated people badly, but his family and friends forgave him when he changed…(shrugging she added) so can we.”

Rolling her eyes upward, Chloe said with a smile, “Scrooge was a fictional guy, mom, not real.”

Moira said, “Maybe not, Chloe. Maybe this year, he’s Lex Luthor and we’re people who have the chance to forgive him. I think we should try.”

Chloe let out a deep breath and said, “I hope I can, mom…I hope I can.”

Christmas was two weeks from now and she was leaving from work on Wednesday. Great. Another holiday spent in Smallville…deck the halls!


Forced Alliances
By, Angie
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!
Chapter Two – New Arrangements
A/N: I’m having this story play on the idea of Lex and Lana being ex boyfriend and girlfriend, instead of ex’s through marriage.

Lex could hear the Christmas music playing in the house from the barn. He smiled, enjoying the songs and how festive they were, despite his current situation. He was staying at the Kent’s and had been since his dad kicked him out, disinheriting him from everything. He was bitter over that, but worst of all was watching as Clark his ex-best friend dated Lana Lang, his ex-girlfriend. Some holiday season, Lex thought to himself as he made his bed in the barn and walked out through snow and ice toward the farm. His head downward, feeling lower in spirit than he’d ever felt in his life, feeling orphaned and literally ousted from his own family, Lex trudged toward the steps. Martha came outside originally planning on inviting Lex inside early, and when she saw him, she felt piteous for him. Putting on a Christmas smile, she encouraged Lex up the steps saying, “Lex, I’m glad you made it to the steps. I kind of figured Clark would have salted the walk for you, but I guess he must have forgotten.” Clark stepped outside into the frigid cold and leveling his blue eyes on Lex’s he said evenly, “Oh did you have to walk in the snow and ice, Lex? I’m sorry…I feel just awful that you had to suffer such a terrible thing as that. It has to be damned awful to walk around in wintry conditions without a butler or hired maid to salt your paths for you. Here on the farm, we salt our own paths and walk on our own, if you get the drift.”

Lex glared at Clark and said, “I get it just fine, Clark, thanks.”

Shocked beyond belief, Martha said to Lex, “I’m sorry, Lex. Clark has no right to be so cold-hearted. From now on I’ll…”

Clark stopped his mother saying, “Lex wouldn’t let you do that, would you Lex?” Clark’s eyes were ice cold just like the weather.

Lex smiled at Martha and said, “No, Martha, I wouldn’t expect you to salt the ground for me or shovel snow outside the barn. You have enough to do around the farm. Since Clark is too busy with whatever he’s doing I’ll be more than happy to help out and take care of that for you, along with shoveling the snow by the car. Thank you for being so thoughtful as to think of me.”

Lex kissed Martha on the cheek and walked inside the house.

Martha turned to Clark and said with heat in her voice, “You had better start being civil to him, Clark or you will find yourself living in the barn and Lex in your bedroom!”

Clark hated the fact that Lex was here and didn’t want to be neighborly, despite it being the Christmas Season. He wanted Lex to leave. He’d be glad when the holidays were over…

While Lana freaked out with an EPT test in her hand, Chloe parked her car in her mom and dad’s driveway. She was home for the holidays, like it or not. Run Run Rudolph was playing on her stereo. She had to let it finish before turning the car officially off. Chloe loved Christmas! She enjoyed the songs of Christmas and normally decorating, spending time with family and hanging out with friends. Somehow she was going to have to come to terms with spending them with Lex Luthor. Right then she had no idea how on earth she was going to do that. Buttoning her white jacket, Chloe grabbed her red purse and put it on her right shoulder. She grabbed her purple dufflebag and walked across a semi snowy driveway, past her mother’s green jeep. It was Christmastime and Chloe was looking forward to a few weeks with mom and dad. Just as she thought this, her mom opened the front door and walked out, a pair of blue jeans and a Santa sweatshirt on, her hair prettily pulled back in a scrunchy. She looked beautiful, Chloe thought. Dad walked back across the street with Max, their beagle dog on a leash. Loving Max since she was a little girl, Chloe ran over to him and said, “Maxer!” Putting her arms around him, on her knees in the snow, Chloe hugged him affectionately, then stood and said, “Dad!” Hugging her dad, Chloe cried and walked inside with her Dad’s strong brave arm around her waist.

Mom had fixed a pot roast, had Christmas Chipmunk music on the stereo. The candles were out and lit, the presents wrapped prettily underneath the elaborate tree in the living room. Mom had A Charlie Brown Christmas’s DVD on the table in front of the TV along with A Christmas Carol. She’d been enjoying the seasonal movies before Chloe got there. Chloe hugged her mom and together they took her dufflebag into her bedroom and began to talk about what was going on at the paper, things going on in the big city of Metropolis, what had been going on in Smallville. Chloe sat with her mom and dad at their round mahogany table dressed in her Rudolph sweats and matching socks. Smiling and visiting with them, forcing herself not to think about Lex, Chloe enjoyed a nice dinner while David Seville and The Chipmunks sang their classic songs…


26th December 2007, 06:50
Forced Alliances
By, Angie
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!
Chapter Three

Smallville was very much traditional in its way of celebrating the holidays. Every year they had a square dance in Miles Oberlynn’s barn, as his was the biggest barn in town. Well unbeknownst to a certain Lex Luthor, Clark Kent had decided to go behind his back and get everyone together for a private meeting – his mission, to publicly humiliate him by having everyone get together and state their dislike to him being there. Sure it may not be very festive or nice, but damn it, Clark was tired of having to put up with him at the farm. Lex was making it hard to see Lana! She was too considerate of Lex’s feelings and he was sick of having to walk on frigging glass around him so that Lana would be satisfied. This would be the best way to handle it, Clark thought. Have them all show up at the square dance and then let him know full well that he didn’t’ want him there anymore – that nobody did. He was an outsider, he didn’t belong in a small farm town. He wasn’t wanted, period.

The square dance was this Friday. The Christmas dinner party was Saturday and though there weren’t many days till then since today was Tuesday, Clark was certain that this would work. There was no way in hell he was carving turkey for that man! Let him order it or better yet go into some Denny’s and eat there…go online, whatever he needed to do. Clark could care less.

The town showed up at around 7:00 that Friday night for the square dance. Chloe was there in a pair of jeans and a Redneck Woman T-shirt, her mom and dad were there as well. Clark smiled at them along with Lana in their snooty sort of way. Chloe smiled and just blew it off, figuring he was just peeved because of having to share the barn with Lex. Oh well. The more Chloe thought about it the more she thought his attitude was ridiculous. It was Christmas! He could at least be a little understanding. Lionel and Martha stood together, arriving as a couple, which definitely had the town watching. It was none of their business, as far as Chloe saw it. They looked good together. Chloe walked over and spoke with them for a few minutes.

The dance and evening were going well. Chloe tripped over several guys while dancing, she laughed with many in the room and enjoyed punch and homemade food. It was just as fun as she thought it would be.

Then Clark got up to the mic. Chloe smiled, expecting a toast to his dad. Jonathan was a great guy.

The toast didn’t’ come. Instead what happened was a cruel joke that mentioned a rich aloof jackass who didn’t belong in a small-town because he didn’t know a plow from a weed eater or something mean like that. Everyone in the room laughed heartily, except him. He sat in his chair and turned red with humiliation. He showed shame at having to be in the town period, Chloe figured. She suddenly felt embarrassment and pity for him. Standing up, she said, “Excuse me, Clark, but while you are on your role, I’d like to know where a spoiled pompous and very selfish jerk who doesn’t consider anyone’s feelings but his own would be. There has to be a joke or two from that description, isn’t there everyone?” Chloe turned to the room and got laughter and “ooh’s” from the crowd. Clark flared red in the face and said, “Chloe!”

Chloe said, “You bastard, just because Lex Luthor grew up in a large city and not this place doesn’t mean he can’t fit in, nor does it mean that we can’t be hospitable especially on the holidays and think of someone else besides ourselves!”

Clark’s face got even hotter and eventually he left the mic. Chloe walked over to Lex and sitting next to him she said, “He had no right to say that about you.”

Lex looked at Chloe and said, “Yes he did. I don’t fit in here, Chloe. I wanted to when I first came here, but I don’t. I’m a suit and tie kind of guy, I deal with businessmen and businesswomen. I don’t harvest the ground, I don’t farm.”

Chloe said with her hands in the air, “So what? I don’t do either of those things either. That doesn’t mean I can’t visit at Christmas and it doesn’t mean you can’t stay with me and my mom during the holidays.”

Lex showed utter gasping shock as he said, “What?”

Chloe smiled and took his hand saying, “If Clark is going to be a number one jerk, then you can just pack up your stuff and move in with us. We have plenty of room.”

Lex said plainly, “Chloe I put you down when we were kids…I was hateful and cruel myself. How can you welcome me into your house after that?”

Chloe took in a warm breath and let it out as she said, “It’s Christmas. If Scrooge can be given a second chance, then I think Lex Luthor can too.”

Smiling largely, Lex said, “Thank you, Chloe.”

Chloe reached out and hugged Lex, and felt as Lex hugged her back. She spoke with Martha, explaining what was happening and that it wasn’t her. She spoke with her mother and her dad and got the official Okay. Then as a last dance of the night, she square danced with Lex Luthor and had a wonderful time!

That evening, Lex moved into the spare room at the Sullivan’s. He joined in with the singing and felt part of the family. Maybe being away from dad wasn’t going to be so bad after all…



26th December 2007, 07:22
I´m glad to see you´ve decided to post this here as well. You´re very good at writing AU fics.

I´ve already posted my review at my forums but here it is just the same: Well, Clark´s definitely the jackass here! This is a very interesting AU, Angie. I´m looking forward to seeing how Lex and Chloe´s relationship will develop. So far you´ve done a very nice job. :D

PS: Remember to check the rating. It shouldn´t be M at NS.

26th December 2007, 16:16

We have not moved over to the rating that ff.net uses, so please modify the rating to the appropriate category.


26th December 2007, 17:17
More, more, more please

26th December 2007, 17:28
Interesting AU, I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes and how Chloe and Lex get on from here. Clark is such a jerk in this fic too, I love it. Looking forward to more.

Kit Merlot
26th December 2007, 17:28
This is quite an interesting fic! Martha and Lionel are together--what does he think of Martha taking his son in? And Lana is once again the center of Lex and Clark's feud, with Clark acting like a bigger jackass then usual.

At least Chloe showed Lex some kindness and Christmas spirit.

26th December 2007, 20:14
This is brilliant, i'm looking forward to more.

26th December 2007, 22:25
Thank you guys! Wow! I'm glad that you all like this so much! :) I've not gotten into what Lionel thinks about Martha's welcoming Lex in, but I will need to - thank you for pointing that out...:)

I hope to have another chapter up soon - once again, thank you all! :)

P.S. I edited the story so it has the PG-13 rating, thank you Lexie and Tigerbaby for letting me know! :)

30th December 2007, 03:22
i love and can't wait for next chapter

31st December 2007, 18:42
So where is the rest? I want more please... :beg:

3rd January 2008, 11:28
Hey hfce! :) Thank you and everyone for your feedback!

Here is Chapter 4! :)

Forced Alliances
By, Angie
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING! I own none of the characters or the ideas from Smallville – they belong to the DC Comics, the TV show writers of Smallville and the CW’s. I also do not own Frost’s The Road Not Taken, but it is one of my favorites.
Chapter Four

It felt good to Chloe to stand up to Clark like she did earlier that evening. Standing up for what was right then singing with Lex in the living room was uplifting and made her feel truly proud to be who she was and to have Lex Luthor in her mom and dad’s house. She walked to the spare bedroom later that night and saw that Lex was sitting on the bed reading a book by Robert Frost. Smiling, she said, “Which poem are you reading?”

Lex looked up and shook himself back to Chloe and said, “Birches and The Road Not Taken.”

Chloe walked into the room and sat on the bed, next to Lex. Smiling largely she said, “I love The Road Not Taken! It is so inspiring. May I look at it?”

Lex nodded and handed the book over to Chloe.

Chloe read some of the lines and felt the encouraging warmth and vigor within her soul as she always felt every time she read the poem. She smiled and said, “He has two choices he can make in his life, he can either go one way or he can go another. He can do what its popularly done or he can forge down a path that is his own that isn’t what everyone else chooses, but in the long run will get him the farthest in his life and will be the most rewarding. It’s like a personal choice, does he choose to be like every other guy on the planet or does he choose to be his own guy? In my case, I saw girls around me who chose to be like everyone else and I wanted to be like that, but eventually I saw that I wanted to succeed more in school, so I worked hard. I chose my path, a path that I hope will eventually leave me feeling as Frost did in the end. I’m not perfect, Lex, nor am I like Frost, but I really want to get out there and make a difference in my life. I want to help people. I want to feel that the path I chose was the right one for me.”

Lex scooted closer to Chloe and touching her face with his hand he said, “I don’t think you have to worry about that, Chloe. Just looking at who you are and what you did tonight tells me that it was.”

Chloe smiled larger still at Lex and moving closer to his face she said, “Thank you, Lex. Well I should probably go on and let you rest some. It is after midnight.”

Lex looked intently into Chloe’s blue eyes and smiled saying, “Okay. Have a good night, Chloe.”

Chloe smiled as she stood in her blue pajamas and said, “You too, Lex.”

Lex pulled his blankets over himself and Chloe watched him, wondering what it would be like to lay next to him in his bed. Some things she’d forced herself not to experience were ones she now regretted, especially when Lex Luthor was sexily laying in a bed not too dang far from the one she was about to go into herself!

The next morning…

Chloe walked out of her bedroom, half asleep and needing to pee. Lex opened the bathroom door and was wet from head to foot, though he wore a darkened towel around his waist. Chloe looked over him and then back into his eyes. She woke up right then and there! She said, “Sorry! I’ll get out of your way.”

Lex smiled and said, “You’re fine, Chloe. Go ahead.”

Chloe watched him go into the spare bedroom, looking at his butt as he moved with a dark brown towel wrapped around his waist. His butt was sexy! She saw his back and his broad shoulders as well and wanted to follow him right into the spare bedroom for awhile! That wouldn’t be too bad, would it?

Hurrying over to him because her lust was with her and she had to go, Chloe met Lex before he got to the door. She said, “Lex, I need to tell you something.”

Lex turned around, very surprised, as he said, “What is it?”

Chloe looked him over, at how well the water looked on his chest, how sexy and somewhat tanned he looked. Then looking into his eyes again she said, “I’ve let myself go for 30 years not really taking a chance with any guy…I’ve stupidly chosen to be single for far too long because I was afraid of getting with a guy that would hurt me. All that’s done is get me here without any guy, alone, 30 years old with no experience at all with a guy except for a bad date once.” Before Lex could reply, Chloe held up her hand and said, “I was wondering if you would go to Christmas Dinner with me?”

Lex smiled genuinely and said, “I’d be happy to, Chloe.”

Chloe smiled largely again and said, “Thank you.” Letting it out, Chloe added quickly, “One more thing than I’ll go.”

Lex chuckled and said, “What is it, Chloe?”

Chloe nervously walked into the room and shut the door behind her. Looking at Lex she said, “I’ve never been with anyone, Lex…I was afraid to in high school because I didn’t want to get pregnant before graduating…then in college I wanted to graduate and get that degree to work at the Planet. But now I have both those things and I’m alone…and the fact is I’ve gone over those decisions in my life and wondered if maybe I was wrong in choosing to stay to myself and not let other guys have a shot at all.”

Lex walked to Chloe and said, “Because you didn’t follow the path that everyone else chose? Chloe I thought you said you liked following your own path.”

Chloe looked up at Lex and touching his shoulder with her hand she said, “I do like following my own path, Lex. That’s why my life is the way it is. But I want to find out what it is like to be in a romantic relationship. I’ve waited my life to find that out. I’m not looking at you like some stud or something, Lex, so if you don’t want to that’s fine. I just wanted to talk more than anything…I’ll see you later.”

Lex said aloud “So, you’re for a romantic relationship that includes dating and having fun together?”

Nodding, Chloe said, “Yes. Including chocolate candy on Valentine’s day, Lex. Every year I’ve bought it for myself and I want a box of candy from a guy for a change.”

Lex smiled and said, “I’ll get you a box of candy, Chloe, and flowers as well.”

Smiling, Chloe said, “Okay. Well I’ll go out and see you downstairs…”

Lex turned Chloe and pulling her to him in a seductive and romantic way, Lex kissed her on the lips.

Chloe wrapped her arms around his wet waist and kissed him back.

Chloe showed Lex where the cereal was and together they ate a bowl of Count Chocula Cereal and had some toast as well!

The End.

3rd January 2008, 15:18
That was a cute update. I am glad Chloe took a chance. :)

3rd January 2008, 16:15
I´ve already reviewed this chapter at Lillian´s Child, but I´ll post it here as well.

This was a short but very nice update, Angie. I like the way Chloe asks for what she wants. Despite her bad experiences in the romantic field both at high school and as a young adult, she hasn´t closed herself up.

I´m eager to find out what their first ¨date¨will be like. Good job!:blinkkiss

Kit Merlot
3rd January 2008, 16:54
Good for Chloe for letting Lex know that she wants to go out with him. I wonder, will Clark and Lana make a scene when they find out? I ask this because I think Lex really needs to tell Clark and Lana off, and they both need to realize that the world doesn't revolve around them.

Can't wait for the Chlex dinner:grin3:

4th January 2008, 20:22
I wasn't expecting things to turn romantic so quickly, I like that Chloe just went ahead and asked for what she wanted.

It'll be interesting to see what happens on the date and if Clark and Lana will throw a hissy fit about it, like Kit Merlot said, I'd love to see Lex tell them off. Looking forward to more.

11th January 2008, 06:37
Hey guys! I hate to do this, but I am ending Forced Alliances where I have it. Don't hate me, I've just lost my muse for writing writing fan fiction. I am going to pursue original fiction writing for awhile and see where that takes me! :) I want to thank all of you for reading and replying as kindly as you have!! :) You've encouraged me to write! I just need to take a break and pursue another avenue of writing. Thank you! :)


11th January 2008, 07:29
I´ve read your posting and it was quite unexpected, I have to say. ::/: Still, I understand your need to try out something new. Writing original fiction is a pretty good idea- particularly because you were so good at writing AU. Have you thought of starting a Livejournal and also maybe posting at wordpress.net?

I´m happy to know you won´t desert us though. :) Writing your own stuff won´t prevent you from enjoying other writers´ work. And perhaps with time your muse will inspire you again to pen a fanfic on occasion. :yeahbaby:

11th January 2008, 08:23
Aww I will miss you writing but good luck. :)

Kit Merlot
11th January 2008, 18:43
Hey guys! I hate to do this, but I am ending Forced Alliances where I have it. Don't hate me, I've just lost my muse for writing writing fan fiction. I am going to pursue original fiction writing for awhile and see where that takes me! :) I want to thank all of you for reading and replying as kindly as you have!! :) You've encouraged me to write! I just need to take a break and pursue another avenue of writing. Thank you! :)


I will miss this story, but I do wish you the best of luck with your original works:grin3:

22nd February 2008, 07:07
that' ok but i will miss your work good luck with your orginal writting.