View Full Version : To Have a Temperature Isn’t So Bad After All (PG)

11th August 2007, 21:36
Title: “To Have a Temperature Isn’t So Bad After All” (PG)

Author: Lillian

e-mail: lillianluthor@hotmail.com

Rating: PG

Category: Chlex (of course)

Summary: Lily has a temperature and her father is worry for her.

AN: I’m Spanish and my English isn’t the best on the world. So be patient with me and enjoy the story.

"To Have A Temperature Isn't So Bad After All" by Lillian

It was very late at night when Lex Luthor went back to his penthouse in Metropolis. He knew that his wife and daughter of four years old would be sleeping already, so didn’t switch on the light and tried make the minimum possible noise. Groping about in the dark, Lex dropped his briefcase on a chair and then walked for the corridor. He stopped in front of the door of his daughter’s bedroom and opened it but the little child wasn’t there.

‘That’s strange’, he thought.

Lex went towards his bedroom and when came in he saw his daughter sleeping in his bed next to her mother.

‘Something is wrong’, he said to himself. Lex knew that Chloe never allowed to Lily sleep with them, not even when the child had nightmares, in those occasions Chloe stayed with her in her bedroom for a while and allowed her sleep with the light on, but never took her to their bed.

Lex was tempted to turn on the light bur didn’t it, he didn’t want wake up them. He brought ever the bed and, thank to the moon light that came in through the balcony, could see Lily soaked in sweat.

Lex frowned and decided at last turn on the light. He stretched behind and switched on the lamp of the nightstand.

And exactly, the little girl was soaked in sweat and her skin was red. Lex frowned even more.

“Mmm, what’s happening?”, a sleepy Chloe asked while put a hand in front of her eyes for protect herself to the lamp’s light.

“That is what a want to know”, answered Lex. “What is Lily doing here? And what’s she sweating so much?”

Chloe looked at the child that was sleeping placidly between her arms, then looked Lex again. “She has a temperature. She started to fell ill this afternoon, I called the doctor and asked him came the penthouse to examine her. The doctor said me that Lily is fine. She has only a little cold, although she has a temperature for a few days. She’s sweating so much a cause of the antibiotics the doctors administered her. And that she’s sweating is a good sign, that’s mean the temperature is downing”. Chloe made a pause and touched with her lips her daughter’s forehead, checking off the temperature already gone down. Then she added, “I’ve put her to the bed with me so I can check her temperature from time to time”

Lex nodded, stretched forward and put one of his big hands on Lily’s forehead. “Why didn’t you call me?”, he asking looking sadly to his daughter.

Chloe shrugged her shoulders and took the other Lex’s hand. “It’s only a cold. And that meeting was very important for the LexCorp’s future. If she had something serious, I would have called you immediately”

Lex looked away from Lily and looked his wife. She smiled him soothingly.

“She’ll be fine in a few days”, she said him gripping his hand gently.

Lex smiled her, then looked again to his daughter and kissed her on her forehead. “I go to the bathroom”, he said Chloe while released his hand, so he could gone to the bathroom.

“Don’t be long”, she answered him.

Few minutes later Lex went out the bathroom, he’s only wearing his boxers. He crossed the room and lied down to the bed behind his wife, putting one arm around her waist and embracing the little Lily too.

“Don’t worry, Lex”, Chloe whispered him. “It’s only a cold”

“I know it”, he answered. “It’s just… think that something bad would to both of you frightens me so much”, he added while leant is chin against his wife’s shoulder.

Chloe turn a little her head for can look his face. “Lex, nothing is going happened to us”, she smiles him before kissed him gently in his lips. “Besides, look us. In what place of the world we’ll be safer than between Lex Luthor’s arms?”

Lex smiled while his lips joined to hers again, and just then a soft whimper interrupted them.

“Daddy”, Lily groaned weakly while lifted her head to look her father.

“Hey, sweetheart”, Lex answered while touched lightly her hair.

The child crawled for the bed until lied down between her parents. Chloe turned around, so now she was looking Lex and their daughter.

“I’ve got a cold”, Lily started while stared her father with her beautiful blue eyes. “I had a temperature but mommy called the doctor and he came immediately. Then he heard my heart with a strange instrument and then made me cough…”, she made a pause to breathe before continue with her story, and her parents smiles lightly. “… and then he gave me an injection and the injection hurt me so much but I didn’t cry, did I mommy?”, said Lily turning a little her head to look her mother.

“Yeah, you didn’t cry, honey. You were a very brave girl”, her mother answered her with a warm smile.

Then Lily turned again to her father and he smiled her too while stretched his arms inviting to his daughter make herself comfortable between them, and the little girl did it delighted.

“You know, Lily?”, said Lex.

“What, daddy?”, asked the child looking to her father’s eyes.

“When you recover from your cold, you, mommy and I will take a holiday in Disneyland. What do you think about it?”

“Yippee, yippee, yippee!”, Lily exclaimed while put her little arms around her father neck, then turned to her mother. “Have you listened, mommy? We will go Disneyland!”

Chloe laughed. “That’s great sweetie but now it’s time to sleep again. It’s very late and you need rest. The doctor will come tomorrow to give you another injection”, she said to her daughter.

“Ok mommy”, Lily said while nestle again between Lex’s arms.

“Good night sweetheart”, said Chloe kissing her daughter’s reddish hair.

“Night mommy, night daddy”, said Lily.

“Good night sweetie”, Lex answered her before gave her a kiss in her forehead while pull of his wife to bring near him. And Chloe put her arm around Lex’s waist, catching Lily in the middle.

“You know a thing daddy?”, Lily said a few minutes later.

“What, sweetheart?”, asked a sleepy Lex.

“To have a temperature isn’t so bad. Mommy has said me that as long as I’ve got a cold, I can sleep here. And I like sleep here. Do you know why, daddy?”

“Why?”, Lex asked with curiosity.

“Because I feel safe here”, Lily answered stretching up to give a noisy kiss to her father in his cheek, then hid her head in his chest again.

Lex was in silent for a minute and he noticed that his daughter’s breathing started to be more regular, unmistakable sign that se was sleeping. Then Lex looked up and saw Chloe looking him with a smile in her face.

“I told you so”, she whispered him, “There isn’t a safer place on the world than your arms”

Lex smiled and closed his eyes. He slowly started dozed off while thought that he was so lucky. Her daughter had done something that he never did: trust in her father.

The End

13th August 2007, 00:53
Please edit in a rating in the topic title and please visit the forum rules here (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/forumdisplay.php?f=32) to familiarize yourself with the forum. Once a rating has been added, I will move this back to the active forum.


13th August 2007, 06:46
awww, this was a very sweet fic. I really enjoyed seeing Lex getting all riled up about his precious daughter having a fever. It was actually ALSO fun seeing Chloe acting all scared and anxiety-ridden too. She's usually the one who keeps Lex from over-reacting, and it's rather satisfying to see her getting upset and flustered every so often. It was a very sweet bit of fluff, and I look forward to more stories from you in the future.

13th August 2007, 16:26
Sorry, I forgot the Rate. I'm new in this. Sorry so much.

13th August 2007, 21:03
That was very nice. Great job.

13th August 2007, 21:53
That was very sweet. I love seeing Chloe and Lex handling parental situations.

19th August 2007, 02:15
That was so sweet. I wish there were more Chloe and Lex parent fics. :)

11th September 2007, 16:09

29th September 2007, 06:14
so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6th October 2007, 03:37
Great story.

12th October 2007, 14:08
Aww, that's such a sweet story.

Ami Rose
14th March 2018, 10:29
Very sweet! I loved it!