View Full Version : [Completed] Keep 'em Coming (complete) NC17

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17th March 2005, 23:20
This was just great I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The smut was good keep up the good work for your next story.

3rd April 2005, 08:05
This was just great I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. The smut was good keep up the good work for your next story.

which one? lol

and thanks to everyone who has since read and reviewed this! wow, it was so long ago and yet people are still digging it back up.

And thanks to lurker Dev who said it's her fave fic to reread.

Little things like that make sticking with writing fic all that much better.

26th May 2005, 06:29
so sweet and perfect i loved every minuet of it.

26th May 2005, 07:37
I loved it too.

5th June 2005, 08:39
I really really enjoyed reading it ^^

5th June 2005, 19:39
great story love the pretense of Chloe & Lana actually liked lana in this fic which says a lot loved all of it. great job!

23rd July 2005, 00:16
That was such a lovely fic, loved Lex's proposal. :nsparty: Loved that their was humor in it as well with Lana and Chloe faking it!!! :grin: Oh and you actually made me like Lana for once!!! :omg:


10th August 2005, 06:36
Just sizzling hott.

13th September 2005, 23:29
This story is so funnie. and the smut. mmmmmmm...very very god. *smile*


21st September 2005, 01:19
OMG i loved it!!! definitely a fic to remember. does Lana get to be the maid of honor?

22nd September 2005, 07:09
I love this fic. The end with the proposal was absolutely beautiful. I don't know nay woman that could have turned that down. I know I sure as hell wouldn't have. Great fic! :)

22nd September 2005, 22:57
i loved this one because of hw Lex reacted when he thought chloe and lana were together lol and how chloe had make Lex on fire just by 'teasing' him about her and Lana lol (Lana is cool in ...this fic lol)

24th September 2005, 00:27
Great fic! I loved it! Ending was perfect !

24th September 2005, 03:51
i'm glad everyone still loves this one. i have this problem that i write so many fics, sometimes i feel like i'm not the one writing them, and that it's one of my other personalities, so when i go back and read stuff i've written i'm like, "oh god, what was i thinking/doing?"

this one i am proud of. it's one that i got really into and well, i love smut, so i hope everyone else who reads the smut sections like it as well.

thanks for all the feedback and i'm glad that there is at least ONE fic out there that Lana is likable in.

10th October 2005, 21:39
heh heh heh. Funny story. Loved the quick wit, and heck the whole concept of Chloe and Lana messing with Lex like that was freakin' hilarious!!! :rofl:

Only thing, aaahhh, she's in high school. And they were together for a week. And hadn't even dated, just had amazing sex. And they are going to be married? ok.

11th October 2005, 03:44
hey! it's fic! not real!

glad you had a good time reading it :)

11th October 2005, 21:18
Sorry, didn't realize it sounded so mean. :(

No, I really really like it! And as a girl who was proposed to after highschool graduation, I understand where it comes from. :D I knew enough to say no, though ;)

13th October 2005, 05:56
I knew enough to say no, though ;)

unfortunately...i didn't! :P

and no, it didn't sound mean. but if there's one thing you'll learn fast around here is that while everyone likes to keep lex in character and write "realistic" stuff...i don't. i like my lex OC sometimes, plus i'm not all smart n stuff with his huge ass vocabulary, and i write about chloe getting impregnated by a spaceship...realistic events hardly ever apply. :grin3:

13th October 2005, 15:19
i like my lex OC sometimes, plus i'm not all smart n stuff with his huge ass vocabulary, and i write about chloe getting impregnated by a spaceship...realistic events hardly ever apply. :grin3:

:rofl: You go! Step outside that box and frolick. :D

So - impregnated by a spaceship, hm? Well, I'm reading about vamps, time to go check out artificial insemination via UFO ;)

20th June 2006, 09:07
:rofl: Love poor Lex thinking he was competing with Lana. I laughed through out the story. Amazing Job.

21st July 2006, 05:39
:rofl: Loved Lana in this fic and loved the smut, as always.

Queen Of Tact
12th May 2007, 14:00
oh sweet Juses can you please tell me how i could have not left any fb for this story before now..... I think i came really close to wetting myself reading this at work last night...


18th May 2007, 06:54
hehe he was competing against lana.. for no reason :p

18th May 2007, 12:26
I loved it from the beginning to the end...absolute georgous and sweet and perfect and just CHLEX

18th May 2007, 17:37
Great fic. I found this in SEDUCE AND DESTROY and love it. It is hilarious. I love it. I have read quite a few times, but everytime I read it I love it a little bit more.


12th August 2008, 23:48
Really great story!
Funny, smutty, simply great!

3rd October 2009, 20:30
Oh my gosh, Blaire ... I was cracking up BIG time on this chapter. LOL I did love the end of the story too. {Grins}


"We were just having some fun dad." Chloe smiled and tilted her head back to the wall. "Just like them."

"And who's them?" His arms crossed over his chest as Chloe got up and laughed a little.

"Lex and his little fuck bunny."

It took a second for his brain to materialize what she had said and his eyes returned to the wall as the headboard on the other side slapped incoherently with it. Gabe's face turned a bright red as the woman on the receiving end screamed his boss' name.

Chloe slapped her dad on the shoulders as she passed him. "Sweet dreams." Lana hurriedly followed Chloe out of the room and made their way to their own room a few doors down the hall.


6th February 2011, 20:30
Oh my god! :rofl:
I would love to have been a fly on Lex' wall when he stopped :grin3:

7th March 2011, 17:54
I can't believe I'm writing this, but Lana was my favorite character in this story. The apocalypse is upon us.
This story was great. From the fake lesbian tryst, to a truly corny proposal (which I loved, by the way). The whole thing, everything, perfect!

18th February 2013, 09:03
Great hot funny fic :)

6th May 2013, 10:19
lmao at the visual of lex's face when he heard them

14th June 2014, 21:40
Another brilliant fic. I loved the fact that Lana was actually likeable in this fic - there is a first time for everything - without being completely out of character. Gabe was lovely too. Chloe, as always, was brilliant and I love Lex. That was so much fun. :D Sorry that about a decade ago - when this story was written - that you got into a car accident. I hope something nasty happened to the nasty man.

16th June 2014, 03:24
I had forgotten how good this story is