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View Full Version : [Completed] The Accidental Voyeur NC-17 6/18/07

18th June 2007, 13:30
The Accidental Voyeur
Pairing: Chloe/Lex
Category: PWP
Spoilers: None, really. Season 2 to be safe.
Disclaimer: Nothing and no one connected with Smallville or DC comics belongs to me. No infringement intended.
Summary: Lex is doing the snooping for a change, and happens upon something that he did not intend to see.

A/N: This is my first attempt at Chlex and my first completed fanfiction. Any feedback would be much appreciated. I'm not totally convinced this is "enough" for NC-17, so to speak, so just let me know if I should move to the short story forum.

Lex pushed the stack of papers he’d been reviewing to the side with one hand, the other pinching the nerve between his eyebrows as he fought off another killer headache. Why did he insist on putting himself through the due diligence on another merger with Wayne Enterprises, when he knew Bruce would pull out at the last minute like he always did? Sadistic bastard.

He briefly considered pressing the intercom button and asking his assistant to find him some aspirin, but decided against it. He could wait until he got back to the mansion to indulge in a glass of Scotch. Or ten. At least he would avoid the concerned and pitying look in her eye.

Leaning back in his chair, Lex caught a glimpse of a certain icon on his computer screen. Another failure in progress, he frowned to himself. Still, maybe this time …

Lex clicked on the link and waited for it to load. Soon, video was streaming directly to his computer from inside the Sullivan household. Directly from Miss Sullivan’s bedroom, in fact.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, casting a glance at the closed office door and thinking of Maureen sitting at her desk just outside. It wasn’t as if he were doing anything … untoward. He wasn’t some dirty old man, peeping on the sexual exploits of a teenaged girl. No, this was a project of great importance.

He’d tried surveillance on Clark. But every time his men had found a place on the farm to plant their equipment, it had been destroyed. They’d even returned one of the cameras looking suspiciously like it had melted. If he didn’t know better, he’d think the Kents could see through walls.

So he’d weighed his options. Who was closest to Clark? Who was most likely to be trusted by Clark, but at the same time be driven by a desire to find his secret? The answer was obvious. And with Lana staying at the Sullivans’, it only made sense to have the device placed in Chloe’s bedroom. It seemed the most likely place for she and Clark to have a private discussion.

Three weeks now, Lex had been recording inside Chloe’s room with no results. Clark had only stopped by twice, and both times the only topics of conversation were Lana and The Torch.

Lex was going to have to give up, he realized. He couldn’t go on invading her privacy indefinitely. Although he had been a perfect gentleman. He never watched while she changed her clothes. And if he had spent a few moments watching her sleep that time, it was only because she had looked so unlike herself – so peaceful and still.

Then there was the time that Gabe had gotten home from work late after an emergency at the plant. He’d sat on the edge of her bed and stroked her hair as he asked her about her day. That scene had forced an uncomfortably tight feeling into Lex’s chest. He’d waited two days before checking the feed again.

So, yes, maybe it was time to admit defeat in this endeavor as well. Lex grimaced, imagining what his father would say if he could hear his thoughts. He was so caught up in the invented diatribe that it took him a moment to realize that Chloe had returned to her room, slamming the door behind her and falling flat on her back onto the bed.

She lay there for a few minutes, seemingly muttering something under her breath, but even Lex’s equipment wasn’t sophisticated enough to pick it up. He thought he heard the word “tense” in there somewhere.

Suddenly, she rolled to her side and started rifling through the drawer of her nightstand. Her hand emerged with the desired object and Chloe returned to her back, eyes closed, her breathing deepening.

Lex squinted at the object she held in her hands. Was that what he thought it was?

The sudden buzzing noise confirmed his suspicion. Chloe Sullivan was lying on her bed holding a six-inch purple vibrator in her hands. Purple. Lex couldn’t help the smirk that lifted a corner of his mouth.

He should really turn this off. He really shouldn’t be watching … as she moved the vibrator over a nipple through the light fabric of her cotton T-shirt. Her back arched and her mouth fell open on a tiny gasp. His head tilted to the side as he watched her move to tease the other nipple.

Maureen’s chair scraped outside the door, and Lex sat up straight. He heard her heels clicking away, and his posture eased. He adjusted the volume lower and turned his attention back to the screen.

While he’d been distracted Chloe had pulled her flowy, bohemian skirt up to her hips and was moving the vibrator between her legs. Lex swallowed hard at the sight of her silky white panties, the vibrator moving against them as she stimulated her clit.

She made little whining noises as she moved the vibrator in slow circles, and Lex’s eyes moved up her body to center on her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her breath coming in short, fast pants. She looked almost as though she were in pain. Suddenly, he heard the first words pass from her lips since she’d pulled out her toy.

“Clark!” she whined softly.

Lex’s body went cold. Suddenly, the straining of his cock against his pants was quite uncomfortable. He moved to shut down the video feed, but his hand stopped before it reached the mouse.

Chloe had turned off the vibrator and dropped it on the bed next to her. She was staring blankly at the ceiling, clearly frustrated.


Lex raised an eyebrow in surprise. He had not expected her to stop before she … finished, and the tone of defeat was completely foreign coming from her. Although, he had to admit that he liked the way her lips looked around that particular word.

“Why does it never work with him?” she asked the empty room, petulance painted across her lovely face.

Before Lex could even begin to guess what she meant by that, she was lifting her legs, sliding her panties down to her feet and kicking them onto the floor. She pulled her shirt over her head, her plain white bra doing a poor job of concealing her tightened nipples.

Lex groaned before he realized what he was doing, and sent another glance at the door, wondering if Maureen was back and whether she could have heard him. The silence was encouraging. Either he was undiscovered or her discretion really was as legendary as her references had implied.

Back on the screen, the vibrator was buzzing to life once more. Chloe was cupping her breast with her left hand, twirling the nipple between her fingers before running her hand over her stomach. Her right hand held the vibrator, positioned at her entrance. Lex’s breath caught in his throat as she plunged the toy inside her with a long moan.

Her other hand moved down over her now damp curls to rub against her clit as she pumped the toy in and out. Lex’s hand found its way into his lap, rubbing against his own hardened arousal while her hips bucked in an increasingly jerky rhythm, the only sounds ringing in his ears the grunts and pants from the computer screen.

Chloe’s head was thrown back, her pale neck arched against the pillow, her wrist working the toy frantically inside her. The sounds coming from her throat started to take shape, becoming more than just animalistic cries as words began to form.

“Oh, god, oh, fuck, yes, yes…”

Lex knew she was close. He leaned closer to the screen, wanting to see her face in the instant that she came, no longer even pretending that he wouldn’t be using the image in his own fantasies for at least the next month.

He saw her start to shake, saw the intense relief and pleasure that washed across her features as her mouth formed a circle and she groaned out one final time.

“Oh, god, Lex!”

Lex froze. He could see Chloe on the screen, turning off her toy and stretching like a very satisfied cat. He could feel the chair against his back, the desk beneath his left hand, his still-straining cock beneath his right. But the only thing he could hear was the sound of Chloe’s climax, of his own name erupting from those full red lips. Over and over again.

He was only broken out of his reverie by the sound of one word being spoken aloud in the silence of his office. It took him a moment to realize that it had to have come from him.


Lex shut the window on the video feed and stood up swiftly. He took a few deep breaths before sitting down again and shuffling through the papers on his desk, ignoring any complaints from body parts below the waist. He pulled out the last document he’d been reviewing and settled back into corporate drudgery.

After a few minutes, he leaned over and hit the intercom button.

“Yes, Mr. Luthor?” Maureen’s brisk voice responded.

“Put down a reminder on my calendar for tomorrow afternoon, Maureen. I need to stop by the Talon.”

“Should I note an appointment with someone in particular, Mr. Luthor?”

“No.” Lex smiled. “Let’s just say I’m hoping to run into someone.”

20th June 2007, 01:50
This fic was delightful:grin3: , Nice plot device. A follow up at the Talon or perhaps Chloe realizes Lex is peeping ans she gives him another show. lovin this Dagney

20th June 2007, 02:36
Somehow I still love the perv. I demand that you write a follow up. I think Chloe deserves a chance to witness the same event from Lex. And then they need to try out their luck together. I think she may have known about that camera all along and wanted Lex to know she was thinking about him.

20th June 2007, 02:56
wonderful!!! :drool2:

20th June 2007, 03:19
thats the end??? but???

sequel!! please.. i mean, poor chloes all out there with
her frustrations.. and lex too...

needs resvolving..

also what caused chloe to get all frustrated???

29th June 2007, 08:07
This story just demands a sequel. Please write more.

2nd July 2007, 06:41
I just spotted this story and this can't be the end.

2nd July 2007, 07:40
What a wonderful fic
Hot hot hot
Please make a sequel
Please please pretty please!!!

2nd July 2007, 08:11
I can't believe I missed this. Excellent, loved it. Definitely needs a sequel, I want to know what happpens @ the Talon.

17th September 2007, 20:43
YES!!! Who needs a plot????

18th September 2007, 05:49

19th September 2007, 01:17
Hot! You can't possibly leave it there? This fic is desperately calling out for a sequel!

19th September 2007, 06:15
great work, but tell me there is a sequel in the making here???

2nd October 2007, 06:07
i just read this again and it really is hot. so why is there no sequel? please tell me you are planning to write one!:)

6th October 2007, 01:46
Come on, you can't leave it there. Tease!!!!

): )

7th October 2007, 06:01
please write a sequel i really want more.

3rd January 2013, 08:30
This fic so need a sequel
Great job

19th September 2016, 10:22
Is it bad that I wouldn't even be mad? Like invasion of my blah blah blah take your expensive clothes off Lex

3rd November 2016, 07:49
So good! :)

Ami Rose
2nd May 2017, 11:03

4th July 2018, 19:58
This is great! Is there a sequel?

7th July 2018, 09:47
this was a great fic be even better if there was a sequel

17th July 2018, 19:23
Love it. It just needs a sequel.