View Full Version : [Completed] Dance, dance extreme (PG-13) Complete

20th February 2007, 03:34
Dance, dance, extreme
Summary: Chloe & Lex meet at an arcade, and play the game dance, dance revolution extreme. They go head to head with Lois & Clark in a competition.
Rated: PG-13
Feedback: Yes please!
Comments: This idea hit me as we were at the arcade today. I immediately thought of chlex. How Lex would get turned on by watching Chloe’s legs move…read on!


The sound of music caught the mall goers as a young girl stomped away, on the newest version of “Dance, dance, revolution extreme”. Her feet kept on beat as the arrows on the screen went up. Sometimes two maybe five taps were heard. The game made people stop and stare. She was competing with someone she hardly knew. A red headed kid did his best to try and keep up with the blonde, but he was no match for her. The blonde ended up beating him to the floor. With a huff she stepped off and took a swig of her water bottle.

“Who wants to play winner?” She said as she tighten the lid on her bottle.
“I’ll take that challenge.” A male stepped forward and took off his suit jacket.

“Well if it isn’t Mr. Luthor himself.” Lex smiled as he put his quarters in. The blonde did the same.
“You’ll be surprised.” He said as he chose the song.

“Ready?” He smiled evilly. The blonde just scoffed and when the rhythm took off she lost her beat. Lex kept on pounding away as the blonde tried so desperately to keep up.

The song was something she wasn’t prepared for. Unfortunately Lex didn’t know her style in music. He picked a song he was good at and ended up beating her. The audience clapped, but only to humor him.

“Next time, try and keep up.” He said as he grabbed his coat and started walking off. The blonde ran after him.

“Lex! Wait!”
“Yes? Chloe?”

“You know who I am?”
“Who doesn’t know the one and only reporter?” He smiled. She grinned at him.

“I’d like to challenge you.”
“I don’t play video games much Ms. Sullivan.”

“Oh come on Lex! You just beat me back there! There’s a competition in the next few weeks.” Lex didn’t have time for silly little games, but he was interested only in beating her again.

“I need a partner by Friday..” She fessed up. He turned around surprised but hid it well.
“Ms. Sullivan, I’m not a teenager.” He began but she stopped him.

“Please Lex. I.. well I would like you to be my dance partner.”
“Do people really enter these?” Chloe nodded.

“Alright sign me up.”
“Great! We start practice tomorrow!” Chloe started to walk off but Lex went after her.

“I’m a very busy man Chloe.”
“I know Lex, but we need to train. I really wanna beat these guys SO bad!” Lex looked at her with curiosity.

“Who are they?”
“Lois & Clark.”

20th February 2007, 05:17
haha no way! This is going to be awesome!

20th February 2007, 06:31
I love it and can't wait for next chapter

20th February 2007, 07:39
That was a great start. :D

20th February 2007, 07:44
I love it and can't wait for next chapter

20th February 2007, 17:21
Yay, this should be fun :-) great start!

20th February 2007, 20:00
More please!
This going to be good:D

20th February 2007, 22:55
Great start
It'll be fun

21st February 2007, 18:02
completely original idea! love it already lol

21st February 2007, 21:57
OH yes they must beat lois and clark!!!!!!!!

22nd February 2007, 05:14
Thanks for the replies guys! I didn't think I'd get that many! Thank you! Sorry if my writing sucks these days. I feel like I have a lazy and creative imagination. Well enjoy it anyway. Read on!


Tap, tap, tap. Chloe’s foot tapped to the beat at the mall. She was supposed to head over to Lex’s but she wanted to warm up. Her heart began racing as she went faster, and faster. Tap, tap..

“Shit!” Chloe messed up and the game ended. The other players were getting impatient with her. They wanted a turn, but Chloe has been hogging it for an hour straight. She was sweaty, thirsty, and even though she didn’t want to admit it,… tired. Her legs were sore, and she had to be at Lex’s mansion. She was tempted to put another dollar in the machine, but the looks of the teenagers glaring at her, told her no. So she grabbed her things and left for Lex’s mansion.


Lex Luthor looked at his watch. He sighed heavily as he rolled his eyes. She was late. She was a half hour late. He was about ready to call it quits, but she came barging in apologizing over and over.

“Lex, I’m so sorry!” She said as she threw her coat on the couch. She was still breathing heavy. Lex noticed her sweaty bangs. He looked at her quizzicaly.

“Where we you?” He asked. Chloe thought he would yell at her, but he stayed calm. Just like he always does.
“I was…at the mall.” Chloe hung her head down in shame like a little girl, that did a bad thing.

“Nevermind, let’s get started.”
“How? You don’t have one of those. We have to go back to the mall.” Lex smiled and thought of telling her he had one, but then he changed his mind.

“Alright, you lead the way.” Chloe smiled and they drove back to the mall.


“Not you again.” A teenager frowned at the site of Chloe. He backed away because he recognized Mr. Luthor behind her.

“Scatter!” Lex somehow managed to clear the machine out. Chloe laughed as she looked her purse for a dollar.

“Sorry I’m all out of money.”
“My treat.” He put a dollar in the machine, and selected a song. When it began he grabbed the bars to balance, and let his feet do the work. Lots of taps, fast taps, in different beats were heard. Chloe couldn’t help but stare at his legs move. She was amazed that Lex Luthor could play this game, even beat her. It baffled her that Lex liked video games. The song ended and Lex won. He had the option of choosing another, but he didn’t.

“What do you say? Wanna give it a shot?” He said while breathing heavily.
“Umm…” Lex went ahead and chose a song. He selected two player, and Chloe hopped on. The song started and they both began tapping to the arrows. She couldn’t consintrate because she was too focused on Lex’s legs.

“Hey Chloe!” Lois shouted as Chloe looked over her shoulder and saw her cousin. She messed up and her side ended. Lex kept going on.

“Lois! You made me mess up!” Chloe complained.
“Haha. Trying out for that competition eh? You know you’re gonna loose.”

“Yeah right cuz! I’m on to you! I got my dance partner!” Lois looked at Lex’s move. She was impressed.
“Yeah so Lex can dance. What’s new? Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”

“Why don’t I take you on right now?” Chloe challenged her. Lex’s game stopped as he stared at the two bickering children.

“You’re gonna regret those words Chlo.” Lex got off the machine and went to get a bottle of water. Lois put in her dollar and they began to play. Chloe did her best to move her feet as fast as she could. Lois was just too good for her. She was faster then her. She must’ve got training from Clark. Lois ended up beating her.

“Let’s just say that was a preview of me beating your ass, at the competition. See ya.” Lois said as she walked off. Chloe was so angry that she didn’t notice Lex with her bottle.

“Damn it!” Chloe snatched the bottle from Lex, and walked outside. Lex of course went after her.

“Chloe! We’re not done yet.”
“I am.” Chloe said as she walked towards Lex’s car.

“I’m not taking you home until you can play that song.”
“What song?”

“The one she beat you too. Don’t you remember? That’s the one I,” She cut him off.
“I know! I’m just not good at that song!”

23rd February 2007, 05:57
OH no Chloe, you cant let Lois beat you.... work on that song now!!! and UPdate soon!

23rd February 2007, 19:32
OK, you got me WHAT SONG IT IS?????
Well, I hope Lex will help Chloe with it:yeahbaby:
Chloe can't be defeat by Lois, it's just unacceptable!
Nice chappy, I'll be waiting for more:D

25th February 2007, 12:33
OOOOOO Sandy I love that game!!!! ... and I really like this fic so far :D I'm so glad I got to finally read it... please more soon!

1st March 2007, 05:29
Dear Readers,
Here is the next update. I was up in New York, visiting the school I will be attending this fall. That is why there hasn't been an update. So I come baring gifts. Here is the next chapter. I hope you like it! Sorry if my writing sucks. I'm not feeling that much inspiration for this story. But I do my best. As for your question on what "song" it is, I just say song. I don't really know what song it is. Use your imagination. Chloe just can't get through it.


“Chloe, I believe you can do it. Do you believe you can do it?” Lex looked at her with so much encouragement, she broke down crying right on the game floor.

Hours went by as they practiced the song over & over, until Chloe was blue in the face. It was a half hour till closing time. Lex put in another dollar.

“No Lex. I can’t. Too… tired.” Chloe said while huffing and puffing.

“You have to get this Chloe. You’ve almost got it. Just those two moves, and you’re there.” Chloe groaned as she got up off the floor.

“Fine. Let me at it.”
“There’s that attitude I like to see. Don’t you want to beat your cousins ass?” Chloe giggled as the last word slipped out of Lex’s mouth.

“I never heard you say ass before.”

They stared at each other for a brief moment, as if they were gonna kiss. But Lex hit the same song, and it started to play. They played together. When it got to the part she couldn’t do, she was scared, but she kept going. It went by so fast, that she thought she was gonna trip. But she made it! She beat the song! She breathed heavily as it ended. Lex was impressed and stared at her. He was so happy that he didn’t realize that his lips were pressing against hers. Chloe was startled at first, but she got lost in the kiss. When they broke apart…

“Oh! Sorry Chloe, I…”
“No it’s ok..” They stared at each other in an embarrassed silence, then decided to go home.

“My father’s gonna kill me.” Chloe frowned.
“He says I spend all my time at the mall, at that game, and less on school work.” Chloe rolled her eyes as she stare out the window.

“We all do things our parents don’t like.” Lex said as if he was doing something his father, didn’t like.
“Oh? You too?”

“Yeah. My father doesn’t like some of my workers, but I feel like they are good workers. So they stay around.”
“But your job is way more important then that dance game.”

“I’m just comparing my job, with your habits.” Chloe frowned and continued to stare out the window.
“I know I have an addiction, but I feel like I have to beat my cousin!”

“Why?” Lex asked.
“I just do!”

“But why?” He kept asking. He wanted to get the real reason behind it.
“Because I wanna beat her, for beating me today!”

“And you will. If you believe you will. Do you believe you will?” He asked.

“Great! Then there’s nothing to worry about.”

They drove in silence for a while, as they pulled up to Chloe’s driveway. Chloe didn’t feel like getting out, so she stayed a while with Lex. Her head slowly fell asleep on the door, and Lex found himself staring at her sleeping. He watched her for about an hour. He watched her chest go up and down. He felt peaceful while watching her. He wished they were in his bed, doing naughty things. He knew she was in High School, and her father would frown upon that.

“Chloe?” He heard a moan and heard her say
“Just five more minutes dad.” Lex smirked as he looked at her.

“Chloe.” Lex gently tapped her shoulder and she woke up.
“Huh? Oh! I guess I fell asleep.” She stared out her window, but she just didn’t want to go home.

“I guess I have to go now.”
“Here’s my number if you wanna come over sometime.” He got out one of his business cards, and wrote down his cell number. Chloe smiled as he handed it to her. They touched hands, and couldn’t let go of each other.

“I guess we both have a problem.” Lex said. Chloe could feel her cheeks getting red.
“Yeah. Well I should really get in there.” Chloe finally was able to get out of the car, and watched Lex drive off.


She open the door to her house, and her father was waiting for her on the couch.

“Do you have any idea what time it is?” Gabe yelled.
“Dad! I didn’t know you’d be up!” Gabe sounded furious like he was about ready to hit her.

“I was worried sick about you! I thought you said you’d be home, when the mall closes?”
“I was… I was with Lex..”

“What! You were what!?” Gabe yelled. Chloe was frighten of her father. She could see the anger in his eyes.
“Have you been drinking again?” She could smell the alcohol on his breath.

“Rough day with Mr. Luthor.” He grumbled.
“Really dad, alcohol doesn’t solve all of your problems!”

“Don’t tell me about problems! You’re grounded!” Chloe’s mouth dropped open.
“WHAT! That’s not fair! I finally am able to beat Lois, and you say I’m grounded? Just because I missed curfew?

“You go to school, you come home! No more Dance Extreme, and you’re not going to that compition!”
“THIS DANCE MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME! YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” Chloe yelled at the top of her lungs.

“I’m your father, that is my right. Until you are 18, you are mine!” Chloe ran out of the house, as she grabbed her phone, and dialed for Lex.

“Lex?” Chloe said between tears.

“Chloe? What’s wrong?”
“Can you come get me?”

“Sure, what’s wrong?”
“I’ll tell ya on the way to your house.”

6th March 2007, 03:50
But Gabe, you should know already that forbidding and ordering isn't the right way of dealing with Chloe, besides she has a knight in shinning Porsche coming for the rescue:rofl: :rofl:
SO, what willll happen next????

16th April 2007, 19:40
Lex pulled up the drive way. He was still pulling up when Chloe rushed into the side door. "Just drive!" She said between tears. He continued to drive but he was concerned for her. He wanted to cradle her in his arms, stroke her hair, and just rock her to sleep like a little girl. "What happen?" Chloe let the tears fall. She promised to tell him what happen, but she had no words, just emotions.

"My dad is the biggest prick in the world." She confessed. Sometimes Gabe could be head strong, and demanding. "Chloe, I'm sure your father isn't," she cut him off. "Did your father ever tell you, you couldn't go to a dance?" Lex thought for a bit. "No, but," "Well then." She folded her arms across her chest and pouted the rest of the way to the mansion.

"Lex, I'm sorry." Chloe said as they entered his study. "Sorry for what?" He asked. "For my behavior." She frowned. "There's no need to be sorry." He held her in his arms. They moved to the couch, and they just held each other. She gentley kissed him on the lips, and they started to make out. "Lex," She moaned. "What?" "Is this right?" She questioned. He stopped kissing her, and looked her in the eyes. "If you don't want to, we don't have to." A small smile spread on her lips. "Thank you." She kissed him passionately.

After awhile they went to bed in their separate rooms. A few hours later Chloe found herself next to Lex in his bed. He woke up and saw her next to him. "Shhh. Go back to sleep." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around her, and they fell asleep together.

The week passed by and it was the weekend. The night of the competition was on a high. Chloe's never been this nervous her entire life. But with Lex on her team, she knew she'd beat the crap out of Lois, and especially Clark. They entered the mall and in the middle of the mall, they had a few dance machines. There was a pretty huge crowd. Chloe spotted Lois and grinned. "Well looky who it is." Lois snapped as she came over to her cousin. "You're going to down Lois." Chloe said. "Yeah right." "I still want my rematch." Chloe demanded. "How about we make it interesting. If I win, there is no rematch, if you loose, we have a rematch." Chloe grit her teeth. Loose? Who was this girl thinking. "What if I win, shouldn't you," Lex cut her off. "You have to clean Chloe's bathroom." Lex smiled. "Thank you Lex. Yeah, you have to get on your hands and knees, and scrub my bathroom with a tooth brush!" Lois grit her teeth. "You're on." Chloe high fived Lex. "Good one. Now let's kick her ass."

It was there turn. There was no need for money as this was a free competition. Lois picked the song. The beat started and Chloe gasped as the steps came up on the screen. "I didn't prepare for this one!" She panicked. "You can do it." They kept up with the steps on the screen. Chloe kept thinking she was gonna slip up, she knew Lois was smiling evilly at her. The song suddenly changed beats and almost through Chloe off track. Lex panicked as well. She felt like her feet had a mind of their own. They kept in time with the beat and danced just as well as Lois did. The song ended and it was Chloe's turn. This time by herself. Lex whispered in her ear what song to pick. She picked that song. Another hard one! The steps on the screen came up so fast, she wasn't sure if she could keep up. Lex looked at Lois then back at Chloe. She was doing it! I guess all that training over the week, really helped her. The song ended and Chloe defeated the challenge. It was Lois' turn and she picked the same song. But she lost her beat, and failed.

"Yes!" It was clear who the winner was. The announcer gave Chloe a trophy for passing.

"I'll be seeing you tomorrow morning!" Chloe said to Lois then ran into her dad. "Dad!" She gasped. "That was really something Chloe." He said. "Listen, I'm sorry for last week." "That's ok dad." Gabe smiled and hugged his daughter. "So what's this I hear about Lois coming over?" Chloe smiled. "We made a bet, and she's going to be cleaning the bathroom." She said proudly. Lex & Chloe walked out and went out to celebrate.

The End.


"Stupid tooth brush." Lois grumbled as she scrubbed the crevice of the bathtub. "I don't hear scrubbing!" Chloe yelled. Lois groaned and continued to clean the bathroom, till it was spotless. "I'll get you next time Chloe. Then you'll have to clean my bathroom!"